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KUKOLEV, G.V.; NEMETS, I.I. Increasing the thermal stability of grog refracto,.:*ies 'by the introduction of a burning-out organic fluid and mLneral additives. Ogneupory 29 no. 51214-221 164. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Kharlkovskiy pol-itakhnicheskiy institut imeni Lenina. KULIK, A. I.; li'UKOLEV) G.V.; IEIIEETS; 1. i. 1,~mufactura and testing in aervica of him'Lly heat-ra., JL3*-=t w~cel- pouring stoppers. 06,noupory 29 n0-90" 391 "&'.. (';-f!-RSi 17:10) 1. Chasov-Yarskiy kombinat cfgieupornykJi izdaliy (.-or Kulik). 2. lUlartkovskly politelchnicheskiy inst,itut im,. V.I. Lanina ffor lralkolav, Nemet S. KUK,'- I 'G. V. 11,f- of ~7- -fr!cc actlve Pard 1. 1, MIRA 18-5) T4,MDPcvp N.A.; AVGUSTINIK, A.I.; KUKOLEV, G.V.1 YCHEDLOV-PETROS'YAN.O.P. - Futr Fetrovich Budnikov, 1885-. Zhur., prikl,,khbi. 38 no.103 2153-2156 0 1,65, (MIRA 18:13) KUKOLEV, G.V.; LIVSON, Z.A.; KOZLOVA, Ye.l.; LISOTHIA, lo.D.; SHOIMOVA, E.M,. f4fiking, use of 'the waste olay extracted from the refractory clay of the Chasov Yar deposit. Stroi. mat., det. i ii;d. no. 2:4-12t 165 (MIRA 19 r1) 1. Kharlkovvkly jx)IitPkbnIaheskIy -InsLitut imoni 11.1. Lenina. I;ij~~A,:"J, G.V.i 4.N.. the p-roceooel-3 of mkAding knoltri Pr.-A h -i,;, h-alumina press p6wders In the orr-~;eaue .~f ourfa:~e-actllve mibntwice. Ogneupory 30 nc.12,.3?--U 16:5. 041 Rk 18 -. I-) I . K h a r f kov -='- J y IJ ci h n s z U a T r, ri 14. n~-_ . ~9L.EV, G.T.; KU"ll-ICHIENKO, "'.x. Ralal-ag the tu~mtwmr oil refr8rtori cuprly in tht: Ir'--l-jifa.-talre of irwulttrxs. .1-mr. .ryi-,. izolhelb. w.-7, ; 1 8 no.M22-524 165. 1. "varIkovsk-2y p:~.Lltekhnivheskly Lwtitu't kafedra- keramlkl. I. cgne-uporc-T. KIJKOLEV2 G.V.; 121ETS, I.I. Theory of the thermal shock in dissimi'Lar refra--,tory materials. OgneuPou 30 no.8:23-30 165. (MA 18:8) 1. Kharikovskiy p6liteklmicheskly institut Im. V.-T.Lenim. BUDNIKOV, Petr Petrovich, zasl. deyatell nauki i tekhniki RSFsR i Ukrainskoy SSR, prof.., doktor takhn. nauk; MATV-rYt-V,M.A. prof. otv. red.; DULAVIN, I.A.j prof., red.; BUTT, YU.M., prof,, red.; KESHISHYAN, T.N., prof., red.; KUK01EV, G.V., prof., red.; ROYAK, S.M., prof., red, (Chemistry and technology of building materials and coramicq) Khimiia i t khnologiia stroitellnykh materialov -L keramiki. Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1965. 6(Y7 p. (14IRA 18:12) KUKOLI,;V, I.I., dotsent Autotransplantation of splenic tissue as a method for increasing the body's antiblAstic pmperti6s in canoer. Trudy, 11015-221 160. (MM 15:8) 1. Iz kafedry gistologii i embriologii Kuybyshe-7skogi) gosudarstven- nogo meditsinsko o instituta (zav. kafedroy doti3ent I.I.Kukolev). ICANCER) (SPLEEN-TRANSPLANTATION) I.A.; GOLIDSHIIIDT, B.IM., O'lU1,11%, MI.; MKOM, L.G.; HlIKIINDY N.D.; SEDKOTOVA, B.G. Fxoportle8 of the dust of rotary Itilnu and ways of using it. Trudy lfthgiprotsementa no.4:40--54 ;63. (MIRA 17- 11) 1. if, and - Z=VOVA~j Ya. 2. USSR (600) 4, Flowing 7. Beepering the plow layer of chernozem soils in grassland crop rotation. Sov.agron. - 10 No, - 3.1 p 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Febimary -1953. Unclassified. nMLBV, N-L. kandidat sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk. Agrzicultural soience in the struggle yo inorease thov production of oilseed plariti. Kaal.-uhir.prom. 18 no.10:5-6 '53. (MLBA 6.11) 1. Vseooyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiv institut maslictmykh kulitur. (Oilsoed plants) Wood Corltz-01 -_0 587 Ti'~ .'01'71 .4!- f, I I" ul 9,5 KukoleV, N.I.; Kaydash, A#S- in Kuban Sunflower Weeds 4 ,iTLE Methods c)f ror-troling 1 -140 j,jjj.: Vestn. s.-kh. nauki, 1958 NO - 5, 137 An e4'f,,ICtiVe Meanq of destroying malicious weoc,j contagui_natioyi of the aiinflower by Canada thistle has been deep PlOWirLC4, although this alone d&ea not guarantee the complete e'imination of the thintle. The boat result is gotten from triple stubble plosr.4,Lng, followed by plowing in to a depth of 32-35 cm- At Nuban' additl.onal surface plowing with p1t)wshare implements can be employed under, any coriditious in fall with opportune first -.forking over the with aL disk Plow liar-row. Addit:Lonal surfaCe p.10wing is alsO of considerable valug: in destroying annua.1 weeds. Additional ,Wur- i f'~kce Plowincr with Plownhare implements :Ln combination with deep Plowing mak-islt ponsibl~ to boost. the YieldB Of suliflower aTid winter : Wheat Beads. The average Incr-eaHe 'per hawas 2-2-5 contner8 Of sunflower see&3 ft:-rid A.8-2.1 Of villtgr wheat. The greatest Yield boost wab 90ften from semifallow, F .,ton,:)v C 2/2 011, Maya, No 5 , 20587 KUKOLEV, P.A. Propagation of essential-oil roses by th~'m_ethod of cDnple';,e vegetative regeneration. Masl,zhir. prom. 29 no.10:23.- 26 0 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Krymskiy filial Vaesoymogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta maslichnykh i efiromaeliabnykh kul'-~ur. Kux=t P. A. Roses Biological characteristics of roses grown form root cuttings. Agrobiolog-lia, No. 4, 1952. Monthl List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, November 1952,, Unclassified. . .. . .- - 1. .... ... ... ''. CHKIYADIN-OVk, A.T.~ Blologi.Aal basis fcr -Oia Lrma4;k rc&sA uid.-Y. Im-rd-nod autt:!jjga,, M-,!ska7okiy M.V. Mi a I Vs a a ay-uzro-c ova ts A 7 ,~R~~gkr Ir-3t.'L tu 't a n2inilchrqkh i TERES11CMIKO, I.P.; 1110SKIIIII, 0.1.; DARAGAN 1/1 V.[Darahano M V AITISIMOV V.P,- YMMOLMSKIY, Mji,(L~nolynalkyi, BULGAKOV: P.S.(Bulhakov, P.S.]; KUTS, V.K.; KASHP13d, A.V.; VASILENKO, G.K.[Vasylenko, 11.K.)j KUKOLEV 11 D-JEukoliev, V.D.]; SIGOV, S.G.[Sihovj S.11.,deceas,~_d~,- ~NAGIRNYAK P.A. [Nahirniak, P.A.]; VETCHINOV, I.A.[Vietchynov, I.A.1; ZADOROZfMYY, V.K.; DROSOVSKAYA, L.L[Drosov3lka, :'Li.I.); SHKITRIA, M.I.; PROSHCHAKOV, 0 M.- MOKIYENKO, B.F. [Mokiienko) D.P.]; GOLOVACH, A:V.[11olovach, A.V.1; IVANITSKIY, I-V-LIvanytslkyi, I.V.],- KOZAK, V.Ye.; BORYAKII-11, V.14., red.izd-va; VESTERMTKO, 0.0., glav. red.; DAKENO, Yu.B., tekhn. red. (National income of the Ukrainian S.S.R. during the period of the large-scale building of communism] Natsionallnyl dokhod Ukrainslkoi RSR v period rozhornutoho budi-rnytstva kor,umnizmu. Red.kol.: O.O.Nesterenko ta inshi. Kyiv, Vyd- vo All URSR, 1963. 333 P. (IMLk 16: 12) 1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiev. Instytut ekonomiky. (Ukraine--Income) KUKMXV, V*- G. Chemical Abst. m1fro st b U Vol./48 No. q MMY 109 1954 . . a Od General and Phydnal Chemietry P Ta 4ev Mur. ff I him, w t ortraft and Summary of Sete if I.-Obituary' - h r A e n ".-C J t aud the sukates. G. M. IC03012po BEREZANSKAYA, Ye.S.: WREVICH, G.B.; DITSMAN, A.P. (Moskva); BUDMTSET, P.A. (Orenburg); KUKOLZV, V 1); LTAPIN, S. Yo. (Lent ngrad); PRINTSEV, R.A. (Xv - Discussion of the new mathematics curricula. Mat. v shkole no.2:5-20 Mr-Ap '59. (-KIR& '12:6) (Hathematics-Study and teaching) 0 FAM,LI, Ya.V.; KUKOLEV, V.L., starshiy inzh. Precast reinforced concrete at the Moscow Exhibition of New Building Technology. Bet. i zhel.-Let. no.1:43..47 Ja 162. (KRA 15:4) 1. NachallnAik -13entrallnogo, byuro tekhnicheskoy informatsii Glavmospromstroy-inaterialov (for Farfell). (Moscow-Exhibitions) (Building-Exhildtiorts) KUKOIU V. V- Devel~ping heating procenees in hardening tool oarbon steel with current. [IsdanHaj WNITOUSH nf).30.,320-)36 152. (KM 8:1.) 1. . (Tool steel-Hardening) ' K U, K 0 U, I 0 ,revn Pnrl Zakglkii Tn3trumiintn 1,,,, ,45 Vybor Fezhirw Kysokochastotnog Naa Instnmentnllikylch Stnley Rnzlichnyk-'!t Marok. Pod-red. A. P. Gulysyrwn. M., 73~3'713 1954. 401. 3 Ill; -)l sm. (1-1-vo Stankt)sti61t . TInstrtm. Prom-sti S3SF. Vsesoyuz. Naluch.-?.vt. Pasrabotri Ukazan "r r)b- _~.-ate Tti. 6.--(5/,-5439n) P 6'1.735-~'45 SO: Knizhnaya, Letopis, Vol. 1, 1955; MALININA, K.A.; SHMINIKOV, Te.A.; BUYNTOV, A.]?.; BADREVA, A.A.; LMMVA, Z.B.; KUKOLET, Y.T.; MOLOVSKATA, LXMIrZVA,, Te.A.; UVAR-07A. Afro, [Technological operations in the manufacture of metal-cutting tools; instructions] Tekhnologiia izgotovleniia metall.orezbIL- shchikh inatrumentov; rukovodiashchle naterialy. Hnsln-a, Goo. na,mchao-takha.W-vo aashinostroit.lit-.ry. lqo.7. Ulee,t treatment] Termiohaakaim obrabotka. 1!?60. 127 p. (mnu 13:6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'sidy instruwritallrLyy insti- tut. 2. Tormichookays-laboratoriya Vaosoyuznogo nauchm,o-issle- dovatellskogo instrumatallnogo inStitILt& (for, all, except Uva:rova). (MGtal-OUtting tools) (Matals-Heat tzratuent) 'La. V. Trpatment of. inflAgmatory processes of the internal gmdta3. organs br tM me Vv d of lntra-cutansous stimulation, Akmhe gin. no.3:3-5 Mar-11'ane 1951. (CLML 21: 1) 1. P3~ofessor. 2. Of the Department, of Obstetrics axd 0yuscology 'iFead Prof. Ta,o V, lukolev), Llv-ov Medical Institute* V"'OLEV, Yak-ov Vasillyev b., prof.; SY.RXIN,, M.M., red.; POTOTSKAYA red. (Genitourinary fisimilae) Genitallnye sviahchi Xievy Gos. mad. izd-vo USSR. 1.961~ 14-4 P. iMIRA 15:2) (GENERATM ORGANS, FWAM-DISEASES) k/. Subject USSR/Engineeving AID P - 56oo Card 1/1 Pub. 107-a - 1.2/12 Author -Kukolev, Ye._N., Chief Welding Eng. of the "Ural Blast -1-urnace and (Fp-en Hearth Repair Trust" ("Uraldomnaremont") Title Clamping dev!.ce for cable of welding apparatus Periodical Svar. proizv,J, 11, 33, N 1956 Abstract The author describes a device for clamping cable to the welding apparatus, designed by K. S. Chazov, (an electrician of the Serov Construction Section of the Trust) and claimed to b.-a more efficient than any presently used elsewhere. One drawing. Institution : As above Submitted : No date 1. KUKOLEVA. A.I.~ ZUBRILINO A.A. PROF., ErEV, ME., DROMMKO, N.P. 2. USSR (600) 4. Rumination 7- Physiological role of the rumm. in the proceas of digesting the c-allulooe in coarse feed. Sov.iootekh. 7, no. 12,,1952 91 MonthlyLi-st of Russian Accessim) Library of Congress, February 1953.Unela-ssified V ZAKHAROVA, F.V., kiLndidat bio3ogicheskikh nauk; Knoum, A.I. [deceased] New data on the i mpor tance of co1oiot;7",n*`r,:rm_ Wkves. Trudy VNIIIC 3:243-245 '56. (10M 10: 4) (Calves--Yeeding azd feeding stuffs) (Colostrim) Cytochemical changes in the leucocytes in the blc-od of' schizophrenics. Trady Gos.nauch.-issl.inst.psikh. 27:248-254 161. 041RA 15:10) 1. Kuybyshevskiy me-litsinskly institut. Dir. - kand.ined.nauk D.A.Voronov. Kafedri psikhiatrii. Nauclinyy rukovoditell - dotsent prof. L.L.Rokhlin. Aafedra gistologii. Zaveduyushchi, I.LKukolev. (SCHIZOPHRENIA) (LEUCOCYTES) (INSULIN SHOCK THERAPY) KUKOLEVA, G. V. - OVCILUENKO; F. - D. 4 ANMOV -KARJNTAYL"V)- 1. VI.,, VOrJUIOVI(M M. P.; - I I I SHIMUASHVILIy M. Ye.; BERESTTOrA, Z. Ya.; DEITISOV~ N. Ya.; SIMB-ZIMMA., N. N.; ICCRZHUYEV; A. S.; NICHIPaRENKO, S. P.; "Structure formation in the colloidal chemistry of clays and pmt." repwt preg=W at Qw.F*wft MAblaa Oodlwmie an G*M)ljfAl WwWlstry., ThILIBI., OGwgIM am., j246 Way =8 Q[!Na zbW 20j,5j, j?.6j7-!?q 158,0 TMtbmnt A.B) .-I &U Ir. 1. (Kuybyshev (obl.), u1- Chkalova, 60, kv.2) low modification of azur-oosin staining of the blood in association vith the mier'oehemicalzeactiot to peroxidaso. Ark-h.ans.t.gist.1 embr.' 37 no.1001-93 0 159. OlIRA 13:4) 1. Kafedra gistolGgii i embriologii (savedmyushaUy - doteent I.I. lukolev) ruAyshevskogo maditainakogo inatituta. (LW=YTIPS anat. & histol.) (STAINS AND STAINING) (OXIDASES) KUKOLEVA, I.M. [Zlatoust, Chelyabinakaya oblast, ul. Skvort-lova, 9, kv.10) Primary plastic surgery in the treatment of skin cancer. Vop. onk. 9 no.9185-88 163. (MIRA 17:19) 1. Iz kbirurgichookogo otdoleniya (zav.- khirurgIcheBkIm otdolaniyam - M.I. Kukoleva, glavnyy vrach - P.D. Mirkovskaya). AP4039020 S/0072/64/000 )5/0035/0037 AGOESSION NR /04 AUTHORS: Sankovat L.1.;-Xukolav&v,Lj. Gorobinskaya, 'T.D. TITLE: Rapid atalysis of sodium carbonate batch coatakaing a datolitei, concentrate SOURCE: Steklo I keramilca., no- 5, 1964t 35-37 TOPIC TAGS: industrial aralysis, sodium carbonate, barium oxide, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, datolite,'coucentrate ABSTRACT: Tests have shova that a datolite concentrate Is irell soluble in hot H01. lonei of borio acid, calcium and magneoium are completely soluble, whilo siliclo aoid is partially solubla (50%). These, however, do not IxMrfero with the determiuation of borong calcium and magnesium.. Clonsequontly, the factory laborat03.7 developed a method of chemical anr-.3.ysis ol the charge oontaluing, sand, dolomite,, pegmitite,,sulfate, Fjodlum carbonate and datolite concentrate for Its coutent of Na 00 B, 0 Oa('103 and MgCO Thcr &aratiou of analy-'- sis according to Uii'melihh is'2 _ 2.5 ho~?9*. The sample ot the batch is quartered, dried to constant weight and gTound In a porcelain ] irtar. Two Vam samples are titrated with 0-5 N H01 to detimine Ford j./2 AGOESSION XR: AP4039020 the amount of Na 00 The titrated solution'is treated with 6 M1 of Hol to eligiuatO 002 and to deoompose 'the dolomite and the datolite concentrate. The solution Is brought to 250 Ill In 86 volumetric flask and 100 :nl are removed for daterminat'Lon of 13 0 and 50 ml for deterMiUatlDn Of C-a00 B20 Is determined by,113t a. 3;res tion of boric acid with NOR in the Me' of gl;rcerlLn. 08-00 Z3 2 N solution) In is determined by titrat.4aa with trilon B (0., alkaline solution. CaGO + MgG0 Is also determined by titration with trilon B In an ammolla buff;r. Orig. art. hal3t 2 tableat ind 5 equations ASSOMATION: Saratovskly zavod tekhniahoskogo stekla (11aratolp Technical GL%ss Plant) 'SUBMITTFM: 00 DA-TE AGQ: l0Jun64 E10Lt 00 'SUB 00DE: NR REP SOV: 000 OTM;t 000 2/2 Card MOLEVA, L.I. Dermatomycoiis in Wants. Vest.ven. i dom, 30 no,.5:22--23 8-0 156. ("RIRA 9:12) 1. Iz Moskovskogo mUtologichoskogo dispansera (glairnyy irrach V.11. Pantkovskaya, konstaLltant - prof. A.M.Ariyevich) (MGUS DISEWES, in Inf. and child sin, clift, aepectu) ARIYXVICH, A.M.. professor; KUKOLIVA, L.I. 47ungous intertrigs la a child following external application of synthomycin. PediatrLia 39 no.3:53-54 My-Je 156. (KLBA 9:9) 1. Is I Moskovskogomikologicheskogo dispantiera Qlavnn, vrach V.N.Pentkovskaya, ko,asulltant - prof. A.K.Ariyevich) (ANTIBIOTICS,iinjarious off.) (CHLCBAXPHMiGOL, inj. eff. intertrig'inoum fwigue infect. of skin in child after external application) (INTIRTRIGO, e-tiol. an(I pathogen. fungus infect. caused by external use of' chloramphenicol) (FUNGUS DISM'SRS, etiol. and pathogen. intertrigLnous, caused by external uae of chl.oramphanicol) KUKOLEVA L. I. Aalmudator7 therapy of patiante with mycoses of th,? scalp with epilin p3aster. Vest. dern. i ven. 34 no.1:78-80 Ja 160. (MIRk 14:12) 1. Iz Moskovskogo ulkologicheakogo dispansera, (glavMy vrach V. N. Pentkovolmye,, konsulltant - prof. A. M. Ari-evidh). .7 (FUNGICIDES) (SCALP-DISEASES) KIJKOI;F,VAO NoT-P ~, ~--- I i I J-,- Fhotocolpo3copy in tt,e ,.. -''of a gynecolcgloal center. Pku-~b. I I gin. 40 no.lil29-11.1 164. (MIR.4 !7:8) 1. Rodillnyy dom Ko.4 (gla-vfiyy :,rw~h N.Z. Strokova, nauclanyy rukovoditell - prof. V.A. Verc-meth. POGORJMKO, P.A.; KUKOLZVA, T.V., red.; SVESHNIKOV, A.A.. (New type of long-distance commmications in the meter ';jandsl Novyi vid dallnei eviazi na metrovykh volmkh~ Moskva, lzd-vo *Sovetskoe radio," 1959. 84 p. "VIRA 13:1) (Radio--Tranamittern and transmission) IRODOV, Igor' Yevgenlyevich; RUKHTAROV, Ch.K., dotsent, nattchnyy red.; KUKQLEVA, AMMYINKO, Z.D., red.; VIVISCIVA, F.A., ` (Collected problems in atomic physical Sbornlk zadach po atomnol fizike. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry v obleati stomnoi natki i tekhniki, 1960. 238 p. (Min 14:2) (Nuclear physics) ORNVANTSEV, B.V,j LITKINAj, V,S*j redej KUKOIZVAp T~Voj, red.1 SVESMIKOVp A.Asp tekhn. red. - [ultra.-bigh frequency parametric amplifiers; a bri;f review of works published in the foreign press from 1957 to August 19601 Paramstricheakis ualiliteli SVChj kratkii obzor rabot) opublikaran- iqkh v zarubsobnoi pechati za period a 1957 po avgust 1960 g. Plod red. V,-$.Ztkina, Hookup lad-vb "Sovetakoe radio," 1961. 151 P. (Parametric amp'. lifiers) (Microwaves) (MIRA 14111) WLOVSKIY, Ya4L., KHALF111, A,M.; KHAZOV, L.D.; LIVAIRIE, G.D.; KRUSSER, B.V.,- SHCHKI.OVAITOV, L.N.; TARZTSOV, A.V., red.; KUKOIEVAj T,-V.j red.'j; S,111ROV, Jb.V., tekhn. red. (Theoretical princip:!Les of electrical tranumission of inages,- televiDion and photo-l-,elograpby]Teoretiches)-ic c)c-ncvy alektri- choskoi peredachi izobrazhanli; tolevidonie i fototelagxafiia. [By] E.L.Orlovskii i dr. Pod obshchei red. A,V.Taxant.~ova. Moskva Sovetskoe rmlio. Vols. 1 - 2. 1962. (11D,~ 15: 10) (Television) (PliototoleGraphy) BA14DAS, A.M.; SAVDIGVSKIY, Yu,,A,; KUKOIEVA, T.V., red.; SVESMUKOVy A.A.., I tekhn. red. [Radio-equipment filtw.- chokes] Drosseli fil'trov radioapparatury. Moskva, Sovetskoe radio, 1962. 191 P. (MDU 15.6) 1 (Radio filters) (Electric filters) TYAGUNOV) G.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; BMOIAM-, red.)*' VLASOVA, N.A.) tekhn. red. (Accelerators] Uskoriteli; sborm-ik statei. Pod red. G.A.T!La- gunuva. Moskva,Gojatoraizdat. No.3. 1962. 21:5 p. (11MIA 15:4) 1. Moscow. Inzheneirno-fizicheakiy institut. (Particle accelerators) KUKOIEVA,.T.V., red.; POT,CVj*,, tekhn. red. [Theory and design of linear acceleratorslTeoriia, I raschet lineirykh uskoritelei; sbomik statei. Moskva, Gosatom- -- !;:a-^t. .; 1962. 347 p. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Akademiya nauk IIRSIt, Kiev. FIziko-tukhnJcbny-L instytut. (Particle accelerators) IISENTCV, Yu.V.; GOLIDIN, A.A.; DZWONIYA, V.Ye.; DUSHKFVIC11, N.I.; YERGANZ-HRIYEW, NeA=� H-PIMI114, V.I.; LIPAY, I.N.; Mjlc'ENKO, Yu.G..; ODNOLIKO, V.V.; PEREVEZENTSEV, L.T.; TARATTUS, D.A.; SFIMOV, P,V., prof.; KUKOLEVA, T.V., red.; BEIYAMA, M., teklin. red. (Theory and practici.) of color television]Teoriia i prak-tika tsvetnogo televidenLia. Moskva, Sovetskoe radio, 1962. 661 p. (miRA 16:1) (Color television) sRETEVSKIY, V.P.; _K=IZ,'A,.-,- T.V. , red.; GUTCHIIIA, II.Ya., red.; BUYAMIA, V.V., takhn. rod. (Principles of the use of electronic superhitth frequency devices; characteristics, study methods and evaluatic!n of the correctness of the -U:5e of su-par'l-ligh frequency dev.-Lices] Osnovy primoneniia elektrowiykh priborov svoi,,-kh-%-jSo)dkh chastot; svoistva, motody issledovaniia i ot:3enI:rL pravill- nosti primeneniia priborov SVCh. Moskva, So-vetz-koe 3-adio, 1963. 416 P. kjjRI 1~,::L2) (Microwaves) KLYINKOP E.I.; KITOV, A.L., red.; MOLEVA,.I.V., red..-, OTCHDIA, N.Ya., red.; DIMAYEVA, V,V.., tak)2n. red. [Network and tent control in automatic diEitaicomFutersl Skbemr7i i testovyi kontroll avtomaticheakikh tsifrovykh vy- chiL)litellriykh maahin. Mookva, "Sovotskoe radio," 1963. 191 p. (MIRA 16: 12) (Electronic digital computers) I VALITOVI R.A. Prinimali uchastivat 1EYKIfI, A.Ya.; SIDORENKO, B.G.; KUKOLEVA, T.V., red.; BELYAYEVA, V.V., tekhn. red. rfladlo-envinearInEr mAtt-QtirLms%n+~,ql-Rlt'dioteklinicheakle iz- mereniia. Moskva~ Sovaluskoe radio, 1963. 631 P. (Radio measurembnts) (MIRk 16:8) M - - OSIPOVY K.D.; PASINKOVO V.V.; MIEZ, G.A., red.; GOLOVAIIOVA., L.V., red.; KOCffETKOVA, N.A., red., KUKOIZVA, T.V., red. [Reference book on radio measuring devices] Spravoclmf-c pc. radioizmeriteltnym priboram. Pod red. G.A.Remeza. Moskva3 Sovetskoe radio. Pt-5, [Supplement] Dopoinitel.InaiE.. 1964. 397 p. (MIRIA 17-.6) KUK011VSKAYA, Ye. V. "Importance of the Oscillographic Method of Investigation in the Stud), of the Peripheral Circulatory Apparatua of Athletes. " Cand Med Sci, State Central Order of Lenin Inst of Physical Culture imeni. I. V. Stalin, Moscow, 1954. (KL, No 5) Jan 55) Surve7 of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556j 24 Jun 55 KUKOIJi.,Vjl(A'fA,,.,*r. v ,-- - - I- - ---:. -~; Importance of the oscillographic method of investippition in the study of the peripheral circulatory oystem of athletes,. Probl.vrach.kontr. no.3:223-241 '55. O(M :L;!::g) GVTHLETAS) (OSCILLOC110,M) (BLOOD--C IRG MATION-) XUXOLIVSKAYA. X4. V. Oscillographic =eth-od, of studying the peripheral circulmilon in athletes. Teor. i prak. fit. kult., i6 no.10t781-787 155. (Eft 9:1) 1. TSentralfzWy nauchno-Lesledovatel'skiy institut fizichankay kulltury (ATHISM. ,blood eire...oscillograpbic registration) (BLOCD CIRCULATIC9, in athletesi oscillographic registration) I VILKOVYSKIY, A.L.; KUKOLk%VBKAY.A, Ye.V. . , , [Medical supervision of basketball playmroj Yrachabmve nabliadeniia nad baeketboliatami. Hookwa, Pitkulltura i sport. 1956. ~62 -p. I (BASKETBALL) OLTth 10:2) USSR/Human and Animal Physiology- Nervous System. K-12 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 1957 71121 Author : L.I. Il'ina and IM. Kukolevnkaya Inst Title Electroencephalographic Determination of the Dywunics of Cortical Processes in Athletes. Orig Pub Teoriya i praktika fiz. kultury, 1957, 20, No 2, 127-3-34 -Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 - 88 - IIEHOVA, -re.Ye-,,kIJKOLBVSK&YA, Ye.V.; KVZ'IIIIIAP V.11 ..-7 - -~ Study of the training level of short-distance runners be-tied on medical a-mmijaa-ulons. Probl,vrach.kon-br. no.4:)8-54 Ili8., (HIRA . 12- 9) (RUNITHIG-HYGUNITIC ASMACTS) 4TAKWAAA.VSKIL-Ui, Ye.V.: IMMOVA, Ye.Ye. "-~- Study of the training level of basketball playera "Inmed on mndtcal exAminations. Frobl.vrach.kontr. no.4:71--,56 '58. (VTRA 12: P) (BkSnYMKLL--HYGP41;Ir, ASY&CTS) ILOINA, L.I.; MOLEVSKAYA, Ye.V.; KUZIMINA. V-11. Comparison of the reaulto of a study of athletes made by* the electroancephalograph1c, chronaximetric, and general clinical methods. Probl.vrach.kontr. jio.4:238-255 '58. (HIRA 12:9) 1. Institut terapii MI SSSR (for Illina). ,CTR07J&jCM1HALOGWHY) (]fERV'()TJS STSTE14) (ATHOTHS) (MLV z KUKOLEVSKUAv TO.V. Medical observations made over a period of years on the training of:phort distance runnera. Probl. vrach kontr. vo-5,s4A,-59 (HIU 14:3) (SPRINTING) MF~ KUKOiSTSKAYAq Yo.V,; NEMOVA9 le.ypd Planning the tranottional peariod in a eyotem for thD yw--round training of a sprinter. Probl. vraoh kontr.-no,,5395-103 160, (MIFLA 140) (SPRINTING) LMIAGiM-VS.XAuj Ye.F.; KUKOLEVSKAUt YD.V. Madical observations on track athleteis trained fmr rumrLng short- , and-middle distances and for the high jump. Probl. vraoh kontr. no. 5: 104,-n6 160, (TRACK ATWTICS) (KCRIL l4t3) IMINAt L.:L; KY9 Analpis of changen in the electrical activity of the brain under variable'physical exertion. Probl. vrach kwitr. no.5.*332-343 160. (HIRA 14.' 3) lo Irotitut ~erapii.AMN SSSR. (E~=RgENCEPHAUGROHY) (EXERCISE) _ YAy -Lcgter:ljia Va3il Vaa IL'INA, Lydbov' Ivanovna; '~~UK014~a" -e I Y!!- LANDAU-TYLKINA, S.P.~ red.; BELICHIKOVA, Yu.S., [Electroen~ephalography of athlet,ao,lEleltroontsefa:Lografiia sportamenov, Moskva, Medoz, 1962. 127 p. (MIRA 16%4) (ELECTROENCEPULOGRAPHY) (SPORTS MEDICINE) -I P 3. pe .1 Order to Dev.--Jon- ll~rtstirtmrentl Scales." "L-a "Madeli.n.- Str,)ars j., Higher Edncation US'~,R. Khar'lcov Construction Engineering In:3t. C. Khar'kolr, 1955 (Di!-sertati-on for the degree of Candi,.Iate in Techntcal Sciences) SO: KnizhnAva letonis' No. 27, 2 J"Iy 195~ 3(15), 30(11/ AUTHOR: TITLEs PERIODICAL: SOV/98-69-8-14/33 Kukolevskiy, B.P., Ca.ndidato of Technical Sciences The Modeling of River-Bed Currents on a Distorted Scale Gidroteli:hnichoskoye stroitellst-vo, 1959, Nr 1-3, pp 50-51 (USSR) A13STRACT This is a criticism of an article by A.I. Br.?dis entitled "Working With Distorted Models," which proposed that the formula for the scaled coefficient of speed v used for the modeling of rIver-bed currents on a diatohed scale, be replaced by Profesaor S.V. lzbash's formula . - , Sn 8h , which is claimed to be more n m S - f,~ m Vol accurate. This theory is based on the ftsaumptiori that the coeffi- cients S n and S m are equal, which is possible, excording to Pro- fessor I.A. Sabaneyev, when used for a non-distorted model. The au- thor of the criticism then cites dat(t tftlcon front vast research on the subject to prove that the original formula is more suitable; the tests on which his conclusions were based vore of two typess. 1) projected models of straight sections of trapezoid canals; and Card 1/3 2) hard river-bed models of sections of rivers 1,000 m in length. SOV/98-59-8-14/33 The Modeling of River_~~3ed Currents on a Distorted Scale The former experiments were carried out in wooden trapezoid trays, of which the one used for the undistortod model -Nas of the follow- ing dimensions# bottom widtli b - Aml longth 1 -- 6.5m coefficient of deposit of the slopes t - 3, inclination Df the bottom i - .00035. The same scale was taken for the other t-No trays as for the first (6, - 1), while the vertical scales were taken to be 4 and 100 times larger respectively; the second tray had a coeffi- cient of deposit of the slopes (t) of 3/4., and a bottom inclina- tion (i) of .0014, -while in the third t -, 3/10 and I = .0035. The experiments on hard river-bed models wern carried.out without dis- tortion of the scales and with distortions of 250%, 400% and 1,000%. The-undistorted model was set up on the scale of 100 (length - 33m, average brea&t7h. -5m). The same horizontal scale =100) was used for the 2 other models, and -the vertical scal- es were taken as being Sh = 40,6h = 25 and dh "' 1.0. The results of these tests are given in tables I and 2, and a comparison of the speeds indicated in columns 3, 9 and 10 of tablet 1 and in columns Card 2/3 5, 6 and 7 of table 2 shows that the forrmla SOV/'98-50-8-14/33 The Modeling of Rivor-Bed Currents on a Distorted Scale vn 23 v - is justified as being accurate enoul,,;h for its purpose. m Lf'h The author rejects the proposed new formula ou t1w. grounds that, as distortion increases, speeds decrease on conve),,sion to actual size according to it (see columns 3111 and 12 of table I and col- umns 8,9 and 10 of table 2), which Is quit.) LmposiAiible. The reason for this is that the formula S n 1, propo;3ed by'Bredis, is incor- M rect, the right one being L)0"5. Columns 13 and 14 of ta- h ble 1, based on thvi~ proposed fo.-_Uia, give speeds i!or models of 10-fold distortion$ which show that deviation is as much as 26% for both the speed and the coefficient C. The author concludes by reaffirming his faith in the accuracy of the former formula Vn = Vm Veh for the calculation of real-life speeds from models. Card 3/3 There are 2 tables. rUKOLXVSKrY, G. r*) - '_1-1 -- ~_ "-: .'-- (Medical check-up and physiotherapy; transactions of the All-Union Scientific-Practical Conference. called by the Scientific Council ef the Ministry of Health of the U.S.S.R.) Vrexhobnyl kentroll i ischobnaia fisMiltura; trudy Vsesoiuznei nauchaii-proli-tichaskei koaferentsil, nowazzoi uchanym sovatem Minie'teratya ndravookhra- ueniis SSSR. Moskva, Medgiz, 1955. i:i4mA 9:4) (DIAGNOSIS) ( SMOISE THERAPY) KUKOLIVSKIT, G.M. The organizatton and problems of medical control. 19 no.4; 87-91 AP '55- (MLRA 8:6) 1. Iz Komlteta po fizicheakoy kullture i sportu prL Swvn~te Mini- strov SSSR. (PHMIGAL BDUCATION AND TRAINING, mecl. control & exam. in Russia) VASILITEVA,V.V.; KUK-OLEVSKIT, G.M. L14adicine in sports] Sportivnaia meditsina. llosk-ra, Kodgis, 1957. 374 p. (MIRA 11:1) (lTHMRS--DISEA6HS AND HYGEI',NE) A.M., red.; 0ABIMM, KUKOMS4Yt 0 I-- kol.,, (Doctor's advice to the athlete] Sovety vracha zTortamanu. Koskva, Goo.izd-,ro med,lit-ry, 1958. 188 P. (MIRA 13:4) (PMUICAL EWCATICH AND TRAINING-FrGWIC AIMCTS) nKOIZVSIKII- G.M, "M Ori- of exercise therapy in hoapitals" by A.F. Ilurliakova, gaTi zat on V.L. Derlabina. Reviewed by G.M. Kukolevsk. Sov,,zdrav 17 no,5:61-62 my 158 (AIRA 11.5) (EIMG IIM THERAPY) (KURIIAKOVA, A.F.) (DERIABINA, V.L.) KRIACHKO, I.A., dots., otv. red.; PRIOROV, N.N.p Prof., rvd.; MOSHKOV, V.N., prof., red.;LETUNOV, S.P., prof., rod.; SOKOLOV, A-A., vrach, zaal. manter sporta, red.; IEVANDWSM, L.I., rad.,IUMIEVSK red.; GOTOVTSXV, P.I.p red.; XELINIKOV, la,,A., red.; FILIPFOVA, L.I.p kand. mod. nauk., red.,- BELIGHIKOVA, Yu.S., tekhn.~red. (Sports medicine; transactions of the Tweli'th Intornational Congress on Sporta Medicine] Sportiirmia meditsina; trudy Mozhdunarodnogo kon- gressa sportivnoi meditsiny, 12th, Moscow, 1958. MoAva, Goa. izd-vo med. lit-ry, 1959.' 646 P. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Mezhdunarodnyy kongress sportivnoy medit;ArW., 12th, Moscow. 1958. 2. Zamestitall predsedatelya Organizatsionnogo homiteta i chlen is- polnitellnogo komiteta Mezhdunarodnoy federatsil. sportivnoy Meditsi- ny (for Kryachko). 3. Deystvitellwjy chlon 11,111 'SS511 J. TSentralinyy inatitut travmatologii i ortopedii tfor Pricirov). Ghlen- korrespondent AM SSM i TSentralInyy institut usovarahenstvovaniya vrachey i TSent-ral?W institut kurortologii. (for Moshkov). 5. TSen- tralInyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut fizicheakoy kulltury (for Letunov). 6. Sektsiya futbola SSSR Vsesoyumogo trexie:rskogo soveta (for Sokolov). 7. institut fizicheskoy kuIttury im. I.V.Stalina (for Kuko- lovskiy). Vrachebno-fi7Acultturnyy diapanser no.2., Moslcva (for Filippova). (SPORTS YEDICRIE-CONGRESSES) VASILIYEVA, V-V. - KUKOIZVSKIY , Georgiy Mikbaylovich, rcd. [Sports madi?ine) Sportivnala mealtsina. Izd*2., 1wer, i dop, By V.V.Vasil ova i dra, Moskva, MedgJz, 1961. W, p. ('MIRA 14:11) (MRTS MEDICINE) MKOLEVSKU, G.M. - "Proceedings of the 12th Intornational Anniversary Congress of Sports Medicine." Reviewed by G.M.Kukolevskii. Sav.zdrav, 20 no.1:88-91 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Zaveduyushchiy nauchno-issledovatellskoy laboratariyey Gosudar- sivennogo teentrallnogo,ordena Lenina institiAa fizicheskoylulltury imeni. I.V.Stalina. (SPORTS!-PHYSIOLOGICAL &SPECTS) IIEZ.MIGV, AlekBandr Yakovlevich; D141TRIYEV , Yovgeniy Ivenovieb K'UKOIZVSKIY, G.M., red.; PETROVA, N.K., Wkhn. red. (Provision for nedicail aid at sports competitiow; the problems of organization]Meditsinskoe ob~tspecheinie sporti-v- nykh sorevnovanii) voprosy organizatsii. Moskvi I Yedgiz 1962. 172 p. (VIIIA 15:101 ISFORTS MEDICM) ~Hl ~l KUKOLEVSKIY. GeoEpriy Mikhaylovich; DOBROV, A.A., red.; FEKLISOVA, G.F., tekhn. red. (Sportsman's hygiene)Gigienicheakii rezh:Lm spoiAswna. Moskval Fizkulltura, 1963. 77 p. (MIRA 16:2) (SPORTS MEDICINE) ASEYEV, Georgiy Mikhaylovich; ZOTOV, Veniamin Alekseyevich; KUKOLEVSKIY, G.M., red.;.RCMANOVA, Z.A., tekhr.. reel. (Medical control of the physical el%cation of students] Vrachebnyi kontroll za fizichaskim vospitanlem studentov. Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 193 p. (mRA 16:7) (SPORTS MEDICNE) (COLLEGE SDC-'i;m";) KRYACHKO, I.A., dots., otv. red.; MOSHKOV, V.N., prof., md.; LETUNOV, S.P., prof., red.; IONINA, A.V., dots.,, red.; MOTYLYANSKAYA, R.Ye., kand. med. nauk, :red.; KUKOLEaKIY, G.M., red.; XHITRIK, I.I., kand. ined.nauk, U.; P4)ADAUv-'-K-.-A.' kand. med.nauk, red.; LYUDKOVSI~AYA, N.I., tekhn. red. [Physical culture and health] Fizicheskais kul"tura i zdorovIe; trudy. Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 375 p. I (KRII 1-, 7) 1. Vsesoyuznaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferewl-.siya po vmchebnomu kontrolyu i lechebnoy fisichaskoy kid, ture. Moscowl 1961. 2. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatel'sIdy institut fizicheskoy kulltury (for Letunov, Mot~jvlyam*aya). 3. Labomtoriya meditsinskogo kontrolya Gosudartityezutogo tsentrallnogo ordena Lenina instituta f1sichesk-.7 kul.1- tury (for Kuknolevskiy). 4. Chlen-korreop)ndent AMN S.SSR i TSentrallnyy institut uvovershenstvovani3ra vrachey Unr 14oshkov).. 5. TSentralln37 institut Icuror-tologii I fli-i-a- terapii (for Khitrik). (SPORTS WVICINE--CONGRWSFS) -KUPLEVSKIY, Georgiy:-?AikhayIovI;h; IOFFEj L.A., rod, [Medical supervision in physical culture] VracIxibnyi kontroll v fizicheskoi ImIlture. Moskva, Meditvina, 1965. 310 p. (MIRA 18:7) KUKOIZWBKA, J. Cytological and chemical changes in the cerebrospinalL J!Juid during streptonWain therapy of tuberculous mening1tia, Fediat. polska 27 no.12:1381-1396 Dec 1952. WLMI 2,412) 1. Qf the Pediatric Glinia (HeoLd-Acting Prof. V. Klepmckl, K.D. ) of lublin Medical AcadexV and of Irablin Central Leborao,iory (Head -J. Krawczynski, K.D. )., CZWHOWSKA-SOBCZYNSKA, Zofiaj KALINSKA, Jadwiget; WKOLEWSKA- 14ACHUICKAp -Tadwiga Results of the treatment of malignant granuloma vith rcentgen rays. Pol. przegl. radiol. 27 no.4.*339-345 163. 1. 72 Oddzialu Hematologicznego Kierownik., prof. dr med. W. T,awkovicz i z Oddzialu Wownetr7,nego YierownJ-k: doe. dr med. S. Nwelski, Z Instytutu Hematologii. Dyrektor.- doe. dr ~ned. A. Trojanowski i z Zakladu Radiologii AM w Warszawie KLerownik: prof. dr nauk med. W. Zawadoweld. JEODGKINIS DISEASE) (NEOPLASM RADIOTHERM) KUKOLEWSL4-MACHNICKA, Tadwiga Malignant grtnuloma simulating a solitary tumor of the mediaetinum, Polski przeg:.L. radiol. 25 no.21147-151 161. I 1. Z Zakladu',Radiologii Lek. AM v Warszawie Kierownik: prof. dr nauk med. W. Zava0awski. (HODGKIN'S DISEASE radiog) (MIMSTINUM neopl) C*KUO~J";-FOLAKq Lj. Substances acting on the central nervous system. I.-Dbrivatives of N-Acyl-2-phenylbutyramide. Croat chem acta 32 no.,1:23--30 160. 1. Research Department, "Pliva" Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia. (NRRVOUS SYSTEM) , (ACYL (PRENYLBUTrRAMIM) (IMU 9:12) Pharmaceutical ard Chemical Works, GROUPS) POLAXp Lj. -1 KMOIJA, S. Substances acting on the central nervous system. H. Darivatives of N-(A&-bromoacyl)-2-phenylbutyramide. In Inglish., Croat cbea act~ 32,.,vio.3:151-155, 160. (Em 10 1,7) 10 Pesearch Department, OP31va" Pharmaceutical and Chemical Workep Zagrebt Groatiap Yugoslavia. (Nervous system) (Bromophanylbutyramide) (Acyl groups) KUKOLJA, S.; GRGURIC, D.; LOPINA, L. .Substances acting on the central nervous system. IIL Synthesis of the racemic and optically active 2-athyl-2-pheMriglulArimide. Croat 6hem acta 33 no.1:41-44 161. 1. Research Department, "Pliva" Pharmaceutical and Chemical Works, Zagreb, Croatia. Yugoslavia. 2.Edi-torial Board, 'Croatica chemica acta", Member (kor Kukolja). (Nervous system) (F-thylphanylglutarimi4le) S/081/62/000/'021/019/069 B156/B101 AUTHORS s Kukolja, S Polak, Li Krnjovi6, 11. , Videk, M. TITLE i Substances acting on the central norvous system. W. 1-10 r i vatives of 2-ethyl-2-phenyl butyramide PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal_ Khimiya, no. 21, 1962, 157, abstract 211'11125 (C-roat. chem. acta, v. 53, no. 3, 1961p 121' - 126 iEng.i;,t aummary in Serb.-Cront.)) E 'X' Research to find substances acting on the central nervous eystem has involved the synthesis of a numberc."dertaliveit.oCO Jj.C(C:jj')-COO11)'(ncid I)- 6 2 5 C CO.- ) CONER (II), C H C(C H ) CON11COR (1-11) ana 4-RC H C(C H )Coaf 6 5 5 2 6 5 2 5 2 6 11 5 (IV). To 0.1 mole 1 in 200 ml absolute C6116 40 ml SOC12are addEd; the w~iule is boiled for 2 hra, ana the volat-iles distill,-a3 off; -4ithout any L "urther purification, the acid chloride is dissolved in 50 ml C6 i H~ 0~- lico"I(CH 3)27 0.05 mole of anhydrous Na2CO5and 0.1 mole of the aDpropriate Rmide added, and the mixture heated for 2 hrfj at i 1ODoC arid left for C"Ard 1/5 S/106 1/62/000/02 1 /01, 9/06~:, Substances acting on the ceritral... B156/B101 12 hra at -, 20OC; the residuo is wa3hed in 10 ml G R and I'L oeparatua . 6 6' -Prorz the combined filtrates the grona forml in, the yi(!l(j in c"t and mel~inS point in OC rrom alcohol) Ar* given) s C9111i 0 C 14 It 21 Ito,, go, 10-"' Gli N(C"ti 0 H CIIN 0 (hy drochl.u ride), 60, - '16~ (I'rom 5 51 (froin ben-Me i aL,;ohol ether); CIL CIL 0ii, C H No,, 61, 66 67.5 2 2 1111 21 C- !"utro I eurr, ether 4112cif 2-9 C2u 11 61~ 21 60, )07 W) (f torm ben7u 3 14"0 n v + petrole-am ether) ; C H C H INO, 89, 85 - 86.5; CH )C ff C H 6 51 18 21 '- 6 5? 19 251;0' 851 120 - 122; 5-propYl merca-pto thiadiazole-1,3,4-yl-2, G' F, 11 OS i7 23"5 09 - 91; 5-isopropyl mercapto thiadiazolyl-1,3,4-yl-21 C 17H23N 3050' 61, 911 - 95; 2-phunyl-pyrazoly!-3, C 21 11 23 it 30, 70, 126 - 128. 0.02 mule of C!~ C H H (V) and 0.02 mole NaNfl, are boilcid in 15 ml of allhYdrot'.9 6) 5 25)2COXH2 C -"- f or 2 hro; after coolin(j, 0.025 :uole of RCOCI arv add,~d and thv 6-6 1 - mixture is boiled for 2 hra; after -, 12 hrs, at,-;20c)C, 10 ml of water artz added, and III is separated from t1w organic layer M1, the gross 1'oraqula. 2" S/081/62/000/021/019/069 Substances acting on the central ... B150 B101 the percentage yield, and the melting point'in OC (from alcohol) are givenji CH 3, C14 H19NO 29 18, 89 - 92; C2H 5' C15H2 1N021 .15, 100 - 102; C6H5P C19H21 NO 2' 12, 123 - 125; CHBrCH (CH~)2'C 17H24 BrNO 2' 10, 114 - 116. During 20 min, 4 ml of fuming HNO 3 are added-under cooling to 10 g I in 40 ml of concentrated H 2s0 4 Pand the-mixture is held at 0 - 100C.for 30 mini it is poured onto ice, and 46 % of IV (R - No 2, RI - OHi~' (Mi), C12H15 NO 40 m.p. 144 - 1460C (from benzene) are separated by recrystallization. 2.4 g IVa and 0.5 g anhydrous Na 2CO3 in 15 ml water are hydrogenated over 0-05 g of Pd/C at N200C and 760 mm; the filtrate is neutralized -xith HC1, and '10 % of IV (R a NH2 , RI - OH) (M), Q 12H*17 NO 21 M.11. 166 - 1670C (from alcohol),are separated., 1 g IVb in 10 ml (CH 3CO) 2.0 is boiled for 2 hra, the excess of anhydride evaporated, and the resie~ue dissolved in 10 ~u' Na2CO,; acidifying the alkaline solution provides 4.1.51,- or IV (R - CH3CONH, R, - 0H) (ivc), C 14H19 NOV m-P- 197 - 1980C (from aqueous Cara 3/5 S/081/62/OCO/02'1/019/069 Substanoes acting on the central ... B156/B101 alcohol). Another substance produced from IVa is IV (R - N(GU 3)2' R, - 011) (Ivd), CH 14N21 NO 21 yield 83 %, m.p. 145 -- 1460C (from dilute alcohol). 0-5 g 1Vd are methylated with CH 2N,.produced from 1 g nitroso-methyl carbamide, and the methyl eater of IVd IJI - N(CH 3)21 Rf - OCH 31 , C15 H23 N021 is obtained; yield 90 %, m-p. 79 800C. The methyl eater (E: - CH 3Con, R' - OCH 3), C15 H21NO 39 (yield 90 m.p. 143 14400 is synthesized in an analogous manner from 0.6 g of IVc. 10 g IV R - H, R' - XH2) (Ive) are cooled with ice and added to 50 ml of concentrated H2 so 4:1 and during 20 min at 0 - 100C 4 ml of fuming RHO 3 are added drop by drop; the mixture is held in ice for 30 min, and poured out onto ice; the resultant product is 54 A of IV (R - N02' R' - HH2) (Ivf), ClA0203P M-P- 1,27 - 1280C. To I g IV& in 10 ml C6H6 2 ml of SOC12 are addedl the mixture is boiled for 2 hrs, the volatile substances evaporated, the residue dissolved in 10 ml C H, and saturated with NN gaol the product is 40 of IVf. By nitrating 6 U 3 %lard 4/5 S/081/62/000,1021/019/069 Substances acting on the central ... B156/B101 10 g C6H5C(C2R5)2CN (VII) in a manner-analogous with the production of !Var 47.5 % of 4-HO C H C(C H ) CH (VIII), C H N G 'P' 81 - 830C 2 6 4 2 5 2 . 12 14 2 21 m, (from benzene) are synthesized. 3 g VIII in 10 mi 96 % H 2S0 are heated 1 4 for 8 hrs at 70oC and poured onto ice; 67 % IVf are extractedwith C6H6- IV is correspondingly produced in a manner analogous with that d6scribed above for the synthesis of IVd and IVe (R, R"t the gross-'I'ormula, the initial substance, the perdentage yield, and the melting point in OC, are given): N(CH3)29 NH~j C14 H20201 IVfP 791 119 - 120; KH21 NH H1020' Ic 2' C12 IVf, 53t 142 - 143- 85 g VII 250 ml concentrited H2 so 4' and 25 ml water are heated at -1000C for four hrs, and then after cooling poured onto ice, C6H6 being used for extracting 81 % of nonpurified IVe, m.p6 49 - 510C- 77 g of nonpurified IVe are treated by the method"described earlier (see .N. Sperber et al, J. Amero Chem* Boo., Y- 709 1948, 3091), with C H ONO in 4 9 CH3COOH,.and 90 ~ I, m.p. of 90 - 910C, is produced. For communication III, see RZhKhim, 1962, BZM34- [Abstracter's notes Complete translation] Card 5/5 HAIRI I V. (Zagreb); KUKQLJA I S. (Zagreb) Studies'on /+-pyrones and 4-pyridones. I. The prepexation of I-aryl-3-hydro3U%.,4-pyridones and related compounds. Croat chem acta 33 no.3:137-1" 161. 1. Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of' Technology, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia. 2. Member of the Editorial Board, "Croatica cPemics acta) Arhiv za kemijull (for Kuk-olja). KUKOLJTA, S.; HAHN, V. Studies on 4-pyrones and 4-pyridones. II. Tho preparation and rearrangement of 3-allyloxy~-4-pyrone. Croat chem acts. 33 no.4: 229-233 161. 1. Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Technology, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia. 2. Clan Redakcionog odbora, "Croatica chwdca acta" (for Kulolja). KUOLJA,_~-~.Zagreb); FOIAK, Lj. (Zagreb); MWEVIC, H. (ZaE-:reb); IDEK) M. (Zagreb) Substances acting on the central nervous system. Croat chem acta 33 no.3tl2l-126 161. 1. Research Department.. OF.Uva" Pharmaceutical and Chemical Works, Zagreb, Croatiay Yugoslavia. 2. Member of tba Editorial Board., "Croatica chemica acta, Arhiv za kemiju" (for Kukolja)* -RUKOLJAt CVETNIC, Z. Two alternate routes for the preparation of V-(2.,6--