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6 e I 11 1 I . ii I A( -, - . 11 it 1-, 0 .1 a Is ;" 11 li. A~_ _A_ -A A. a - it It 11,11T A at a al a C-*-- A I A 4 -jk j WO 00 09-4 litoommork brawtormitalifte At "CO64"Y "d tot' I's - 1110 Sliattlav"I wittull A Ifts Iniw it -hijbi "it TWI-full-sim so* 1W "k. U 0 garyliamosaftima. Joe a 1* 404119114.111 A's I m44-,, I a."lliagiarlsk yr ill, IV 00 kiivp V. Ink's lis.l. lial-41. mr.1, (kill*. forams. M. 111,011 W4)11). 4110.1alkill lit law mitre (U.SS.k.) 14. u7j_4i(lqj4)._ &I Islas, temp. with gave Is),, I a Kiptis. with I am I" b. 11 .00 41P:mY=1:lDW and Its Us effort The iligumquillsim it c4likill. f~f in 111011 low pnvlm t t4 0 his Into olipherviyUrvulinalre in ill, *04 I by aar' "a go" too"Allot 3 -t&4"- SGUMVIIICUPW V* (ft"m lKwIll. The NIC ethirl Ill 4liphitaill-2-futVi- -60 00 in I.Vilt Alki.11 V -:1- (Aphen raw. I bigir"011.11hy. 11,41st A's cArtil".111 (0 2 6.) in 0A I,- A'rl) miss, 11"41.1 with it 1401 1111114111 by 14.1144t.44e chant, 1~, 11 1 1 Ilk'a j4 MrOll~ It. .410 lW,4"W V6401 4W1 1,144 OP404ol-st-Assm'. M. 132 .1 V ."vem% 00 Awl dn*lir by hirthWilviv lot ill.. -00 ", 11.1-11phr"Iturvullak Sell. 1-11161 fit x lbr twOws, U'ra.0 go- : Pliftel was Irs-stint with fit$ kv~ WX as 1 11 '1 4 111 see (4 101 PVc_ 0 oil Willy di'lls, 1.6 lit) low Is" ollbs. 04. 11,41. 1 ll~ I IA&d Prot ft. Soo 1 ~1 ;: I.".11TIA A 9 M Isvillistowaft In 211 tv. Mr Ill. 11, A1111 G, I" :m5lif lost- sumussur .4 A I. go If I#$#gg . Isnt lfrdl#41 *lob oil . Alli-F borom .14.1to '.1 110 im age, 41 1---"" frnsp . glvr flow ft "his h, .00 ImAt 400 00 43 1 ho vellm rrhlur an gligaitil I0 give 9.2 to Jo ind, IOVV esiff. 'l J_djkvlj,%UIjjjhr 'riss, Soj$11 1). Goo W-0.11I (Irsigg" pelt. rth"). r4rummo %verr p"pil. "onw"114"Imilly thrillsit OW Cal ore 0 go I- pect-orm"I with ;Vlr; AA)l( low ir,.l no I ftog;~Iwn- tww "Mil.l., I-C, I.I. %,I,; 004 Wo"Ill Inwhr., .61 0% slomr, is a pink still.f. whitch. AVr; m"ol's I j%.`41.,(,, 1 600 "N"Alt'174111611 I rh IM101011ting, its, A1,41, brigmer. too. (A."VOIAW.: 211 2, (it.." ICICIAV). And Is ill* lig-Auct .4 1',' OWN. fil. 1 fill I.L. A I In Ire 0 Isstivinmn 2 ttwtt.. &4 the C&Ibinsioi. 1 J3 ). 3A mo. MCI. IV, MeOll gsnigo. 1) 25 A. Ilk'I IL. 1-0 41 I-Agn f".1. 1.w 4*0 AULJI isgut 1.3 a. KOlt IwAltsl -sto a Stram Itath Ex 2 6 W". K%vV brv. ofavt 11.3". Ill the .110 #Awv. It, 1.4; 1#', go, law MIP P140, [I,. 1poil-r. av 1AZU1. I tm*tA with ILIC- O%: 1A.W. 41." (l.Wt2: WMItACIV. the (."~Sttgj rt&l~ so ICI Awl he'll"I fm a 61.16tto With (41r.1 hlr$. ing orree pirml.; fj &VAlsor -( 1U. Is I.'A 1, 2 % Is 1: 1.450 IV. -C- 0 tv I Nt*f I.. %Ili with Foils. dt1.Fr1=.1s0`r("I1W 401AS111; IQ OAM "I VAW-r filowkwA444. 1, Ilia 41'. Qt. Ol Ill.." to Itia", wlti.h **I sgslsl~l glib IAVC% '11, of MI"; Ay 0411-rr .4 0-.r.,Pr1 01ILMI, ~rj *Ili- .4 It, I_ ale. NA(Ill 1" ViLl 6, J'~rtr`"vilvvk"Oft -611. In. 1M-4- Is. IM 7W, it%: 4. *0 "fort tfrost~t wilk,161filit. 7.11 %*.*W I 4.M5.W.*4IMItm1 I I.- Vt Ilut .4 *00,01L 4 at I &Ltknit lit 00 .64. el-11. 40 S.. too u 0 0 0 1111 0 0 0 0 Ills 0 1111 1111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 10 00 0 9 #10 0 9 0 11111 00 0 of 0 0 0 1 Is 11111 0 All-4111 0 0-0 41111 0 0 0 -ft 46 0- 00 Wei; 4111, 0 0 i l 49 11 " " A O ___f -A' " I V U 61 'S 1" V 1 Y,--IL I I AA IS 4A W ff . r 'o of A[ " I i A _j 400 go 4 -40 --waaassawo l1advadves of the Cholesterol Met of ,00 carbnk odd V V, Yuchrror arul R. A. Karfirshilm - : ik W r".. cim ill 16. 1137 -42, 1 %1,1111 in Ru-",,) a C1114MMA (11) 4.) in 1111 4r. Et,41 11&4 11-1011 It, 41~4 1 h COC1 i 1 i w t w in f fatly f,vviwt i-vt - -,nt wk mi.- 6 until t solo. The 9&k. IrMs allIftMf 1.1 Ill. 4MI f1,. -I to , 57-m m4sn merco). iiss, io g.) it, ,AP it.. -it" i.,,, Wei Ir"Inj Wilk 2.7 It. IIINIIO It) vir KI 2'~ v! tfw di 0 4 , 414 mir, So. Iff'"o Irskloo lls IC , ' Jfi It A 41111"Opyticlim ssvr the ,I. ~ d C 111 l O d f ) j ,.- rons klk ecomps'. 1w #4vv . . . Jbi ( w Qhp~p Ef 1110 NINCO); SUINIIIIAIS4161t fill l"101-NIV,01) g*Vl Ill, roe 0 0 ( 10 ison fir ns. 219..Io ~1"t m JA -4 V Id, m 0 0 conspa.; frtmu C.11.); =14 Ifrom pyridim-Metco). IN .2dadlixt a-valot Ill. ZY06 ;,I, Joe (from pylictine-P.11C.CO). C, M. K.-IJAI.Ill 1 ~00 j he 000 tie 0 !bee a U At W3 4 - , - 1r j , 7 t 1 A 1 " m :9 it ft is 0 do A 0 W a 3 1 4 1 . 0 a a K a is , t : : : : Ole 000 0 0 0 00 9 0 0 00 *1* goo Os 0 0 0 0 so* 0 Os 0 s o 4 r! o , * 16 0 * 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 If '1 9 0 ei* 9-0- flf~o 0 * 0 0 S 0 o o 0 0 0 o o o' 0,, Its I To I a ap --r-6--maps" r4m 213 low XR411 0 so a 0 .K. M A I A-A A _16 11 _P- A M I I r. coo 0 A 1-* St a-_ - 1. - _ 11T...7 rooc4sms 0-0 1`11C.1411.41 -046 Cor. wateir. and Sim I hr.; (Lt ppi. WAS ~vd." ;m4;r"Ib Antim degiveds," M the hoteretrydie Arl -00 taim derivatives Sat N. P. Kerfiev"a 1"; IICI and 1110. purification of the rvmkiM 00 -Sti tit-A K. A. Kortsenhhow. J. Geo. C&tvC_ (11-349.) is, was mr- I-.tit -3~). -Tbkxwm (12AWT1.4 mospended in 4() m. romr4jobed by Sale. of 23.4 1. in 27.4 g. 71%, Now. 1*0 11,0 wa,& trevittif am 0.5 hit. t 20 C. 2-hromomMlo- triestrornt with 0.3 If. c1sturmal &old 04 C. NaStSoCiS. tw- "so mlw h-fimt to bolifing 2 lin. and thisinif 1.5 hn.. filiert", aml aMitylog with 13 te. NO L - *00 47t I., hNII Z101 ~`c J, .4 a o I a o .4, S,*. r 4&*d A joAN &- twA So - s -n mM" : yk&l M%. gn. 200-711". Twk (is Jr.) An 43 g. wltr at of " with IU`o IN Mit and 11-4 11. ~Srtivmted charrood mW 0.4 g. Not- ~IVIM fig()); Ite'st"I" v! vo et at 30-40 ". fallavred bYA0. woss miltmed 0.3 ht., cooled. Mcmd. treated with rt"Init. gave of the "04111 00 0 Itsm (1). in. 87-8* (from Mcc-cv"Sed. 1110.1ben Of ho Water the" It IJII.V 8.) was Irmicd with 0.4 C. the rmte 00 At Noon. heated "it 0-4 At-P in 11, 9 cc. A at We% allim"I in Stand overoldho; **A purifISA by mvin. in 31 see 00 diter Suitt". of 141 tv. I IS.- prmfwrt wall 11firml and mr. r%nrrmJ am! D 3 e. NS*%(% to kmAing 0.3 for .. Mirvoid, If_ I ec. 1l: WASIMI With water, I to."j-104 3 a T-&*Nkydvokmol~ cooled and Irmed with 10 1. COMA. IICI sea a. Ittl to 00 0 Ikiesak, M. I *-I " I (0.M j.) in A cc. nmYJ Ulams reaction; y1seld, ".2%. Sm. U"* (d. see L'_J. it dil. Pilo waa added to Ls. chdfttmjd gUareformak (13) in Steam ISM Klookow. C.A. 1111. 214,11; 111mmoo wid DW Sled 00 111 ce. rip And The 16121. WAS A for 2 hn. Oaptmi, C.A. A 7a*). U. N -00 tvit 41.5% ekokshp)f 4 Stamm" Of 11-1190-3,40M 1161" vidde- ISO "'Mytidlim vita d (I it merco) 111440. N. F. KINCISCIM. '. F. Korhovow am X. A. 940 WILD Kwhorshkov. Ilial. I-A~141 goo treated with 6 ' 0 to J10(le-dil E,10 18 gtwW dim commiessists with 01001hoct), 11) to lom! crefic dir. 0 &At to, 542% CAMEZ,41 d 4 . v0 4A4mAt-rivs. (Chkitibabin, C.A. 19. W). to-a-awAr-o- At. ex-E I 4-2-31allak pridim and i1ad to react 109 rvirl"No Xmin C411s). 411 r_ (3.3 0.1 111 X10 ce, ssco we% trivated H do 30 cc. RI and allowed to otaniti for 3 4atrz9b. tram with farnaliton of nomerlic to wj At. 06,kiter LbImro-3-arnAwSpytithne J Iii If.) aiki 3 C. 1 4 1 Lt., '214"10 (fmm CAN-M 1 (13 to libU.) I hr. to 170'. with Slow thatu. of the Pmhmg 1-40H, C4IIpN was tivatedl vrith 20.3 g. jl-AcNH in 24 cc the hosting wall continued 0.6 hr. at Iva' Lmd the pr"vert, 'A'CI over I tw- at below 33", dtcf Will& the ledlt- Was errid. by coWing. rep"waiftl 24 M~X0 111,011-70' 4 bro., cooled to 40% tMied with 30 re, powdet. idirmitilleti an too a.. 0 IV sea 105TL-X- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SO 0 010 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 :10 0 * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1* 0 0 0 0 0 a 6 0 dmi& a UG-71 (item lvtolf-CAN): UK aftahel julum Am A ula. stoll pvv a Fjv (S- - 1. A*4* (fram I*tf. ether). skmasirly, 14 g. W-bro-'i-2-stainapyticilm mul 00 20 a. I give after 2.6 bft. at 193' 34 g. 00 m. 238-9* (hom I,yTkiiae. cu s 3 U w 00 lo 8. a. ft ). ' m. IW7* Omw fill. UOXO); W047-ar"loo Pyd. U *0 . dine And I a. (?) I gavv after 2A 1931 1.4 C. at ' W$4WlO wid i 4 l d ~m )mw rq m .244-6 (from FIOJI- j ) = 00 4.3 - 4ki N-15-wol-ppuf )MdJddftdk . 117-196 6roma (W. h 4 4 146-11 1. b4ado-24muipawkilm wm heated to W-Mu* 0.6 br. tiverv woo obtammd 83.8% of tbo gvrnipamlims diem". 1U IW malonasmag J;&Uwljr hewrl wlib a. 00 00 *0 bru=&4 ka rwhw pvt 92%, of the "b8litutca z: r 00 00 awlamu t (I X-) amd OA.S. 6-bnwA*4 bfttg4 45 rain. -ft'n"- 00 to 190-3m Jki-fid 76 ;j Q 1-t =VWV" 00 5 mat* amal 17 "'m ' - 0 0O.Oss-(4L.. tyr -N-- T j v X ) ~ : 63 r 4r j 00" F 9* *0 WSAMW&, M. 2we 4 iff k % t o~l - c-. nter j4N) (; 00 wodwt Is oksimed Abu by the latetaction of a-chlore-2. 00 *0 amminoprddim with the cam Br4absticuted a N h 00 0. .2 -0-c t r0 OYM, )UNLID"Mate (4 I.) In 17 cc. c4d cowd. 110 td to mand 2 da MW After d1b. with caW, NI. twumaind with 3T N.611 v 2 7 s s d of 00 . . e . ! M. JU-3 Omw 21.011) *hie owe Co on beatin 00 . o g Abu" tb* ra.p. to yW I M. - 1710 f S Oll 00 rm t ( similarly thm wm prtW. % 3- ) 0 (If= X. 00 Off-melco) (70214 S-br~-do"Now ine M. - dc" mi Iwo ttfom Mesco) (W.570). 5.w4(#.:. 0 "ddxidOYFMiw M. M-P (ham EIOH). G. M. K. 91 - V. F.- -- -- pltri~vrp WO/C9 =K 9T Vewmns OPTXOXEM Runpodu8=00 m jo ",SW=oj M aq tm vto"Tq%*z=Ktzo-a o4 ow -a-7[tT*,xxniq*;,o-,tuoqoldvozom To uO'rp.VVTxo ;0 d~nv 4nvTVmzw4ttT, wU **To%vMo=sqfto-a *&19 Vl;*u vfflr (wiU00) nOzvTqzc=w a; ZOaS Xq =T On Tnorv !PVTZO 9nanv Itzia 'P= wo, - ago gQT02vmc"lk*zdvajqm ;0 4M -=a xTaq~ oj;~ ftTZTPTXIO ;0 TMM TvAQ=9 eq,:~ oeqTzaaga ij 019 To,& urra qmpqo miM, dd ,- VQK -TO UrM 'XdvxQT4G= 0 TV-.U=Tjodxg jo qwl :.d 'ATa UTM g&O-TgqDUX 'I 'A mcgOT-10S 0,102VTIDO% -UQS QRI~ ;0 OOPTJIUS TwxQL9S ;0 =jtpVTxO cUm C4 AMIM110 i1strivelivitis 44 Ill~ 1100110r)WIt lialitnt, III of anunsithistole. V. F. k&Khrr0v. 11411-17, Clkni.) if C-3. 41, CAU., "I". 40,1U, A 15 to 5.8 MjN)" In tits 1:1v lirt) at IWIO 1-Iling %luld a ClOrat An, am, 4-I.Ailig. ill .,tW if tholls 1110) ykhf, she Ne Mq, In. 1:10 W irrudri, its, 144) 1* (flown (ill, %1,0111. -tAti-iiiis --mmillit with AeM.AtIllf virlif"I thr ox-doo fit. 4NN W IfIt"n **troll,. S11114 lilt 1!;%js1-A- nt NO 7WI114t, . Ir N it,, ., , A.-I. ~,Vj 11 ,'"1. 111 ptljjpjr). littiling 1.35 it ami Ch s. ;) -br,"ok-4 Atro u- 1 -1.3.4 -its rahyds0- plietmililirclic On dry Ntroll 5 hirs. save 80.3r; 2-amso. decomp. 3104' ItIAO)*. tFMtnltHt With 21)'~ %*&Oil, drYinff the ppid. re.,let fite bait it% N. strul allowing this to stanil overnight ill AW-AtOll state the :-Ortaw4a eadk. sit. iffour Ili]. NletCO). IV. Syndmisiss of alkyl deriv;tivtso(J.hydrozypyTidazWo. Ibid. IW24(IMI).7 Atidn. it( 21.6 X. %emicarinsside-liCt LM 18.5 g. '%**OAc in 130 Inc. &I"i Meoll to 32 is. 4-kelm'.64x,w A,Sd in W Inc. Scroll gave after N ht*. of fcwm letup. 1411!7~ of she 'd4diteme. On. 157 W (.1evOwns.o.; lit.mi, 1?1011); lilt$ Pyrnilysell at DO lk)* all,) Pit 11 1. with %fCVCO gave III-I. (NIM)MIde. in. N!, It', still 71 1,; MA, J-hydrezy-6.1"171. U.-NOWlerl'.j. Sm"U. 1:41 1114tim"t.11% 14 Of 11,0).' 7-1,10hyi w1m.1.1tv I'll the SOOM1.416.41kMe. III. 141-J' (JIM-41111IS ; ft-,nt 11,11-1 'Alik-11 state ..,.I 'I". Ake 61; j 414"111 1, Ott. Al V III-I HP. 1441wit W K 414101,14.641-11f 4141; ~', 4 it I'll % I I N 11, 41. 1i4 Pit " Will dif-I nill .Its; 11W dic I,- o-d g." %J, rAwwj . in. A 7' litt'"I H(PIP, Wltk)J 11C4114 bit w g4sr 76-, 1., IW,'- 7, t't SSV* the III, hi .1'"l1 save 71'. 14,4TVIF.W. 41' 1.. 1%1 4' I. Isomeric tranderinatlaii of cubiffide of the far" Notice IV. SYS669116 of abohmis. Need supbalk-Wissafilic -P 00 idds. %', F, Kucbetov. Zkor. ObtAwk! Khiav. (I. (kn. 0 ~Ihtm.) 20. cf. C.A. 40. 71FAI.--The syn- IfiClit 41( 'WACIOMMS iS OtAined by an allylk reannirmcn, nt 411YINWIFICAftAnOll. Prapirisesiddri.o(IMS-fuffuril I. :1111i ml. E1,0 Its 1101gOr (fixim Mi g. Xfg and AN) x- Ilultri with ctxgini (utility 10% bitifin 4 3 bro.. I %ith im, treating t Is uq. tAycir with ISk AcOll. "Ash- ifig the Conildneil Off'. IAY1`15 With 1110, KICO~. Arid KA- 11SO., Cive -N% InAlrel 3 hr*. with 10 ml. SIOJI cmig. 2.8 S. dry JICJ gave 111.2 Jr. M.S%) Aj 44400~104k. h, 90 W. *~, IXYLS, it." 11,9578. whirb boiled with JbIrOll-NO11 I hr. nr.1 iculifi.vil SA%-c the fire arid, in, 71) 1 ' if he mil.twir, i~-IlullgFlr rAve 77% ij*6177- MI 2% it%,' 1.41M, (III O.Will, lirbling .. r. , ~-, ." IA% Es WAyl-4-kete.4tonsiak, fit 91 2% x1j 1.4.111) W- OVS1111 Per '111d. in. fol 2' (II(An 1*11. ether). gave &wtkjl-2-jstykwlnIW, his IM IW. ywNling 4 b# 166 8'. wV 1.4975, W., IJ495. free acid$ tn. Tfs-g* (from petf. ether). Butyl- 11-fitrykAthinig (45.1, 2(111 ml. *tn. ViOll, miul 1.2 nil. Uh-. [[Cf (u.29 g. IIA pir, .1.) dw 6 6ys at r(xim temp. XiVV 90% FJ bWYl-:-1%tY44?b4J1y1 fib". Ill 4-9 M', EV I.4r0f. it.* Wgrln, whichwith KUftO, in itif. %jr,CO its th~ Mid Kiv" 3111*0 116 CIPOM 0,1111. bift :Crj 4'. N, 12.5 7 *. xj" 14W21 if"O"L X.Ave Fj IVAN.W:4LfAdlifff~j riker (MV7.), Ift iS 7'. xjr 1.44#11. if.. all-lizell to .12% hir-fix Clit OM ClJi,11. Lp ib 4 ", 1, 41 it ', . JP 1. 4270. if,' I (11.9W. G. it. K, KUCHIROV* V.7 '; VOLODWi;'Z4Y6 - - lyo~'. Amino derivatives of the heterocyclic series. V. Condensation products of 5-halogeno-2-aminopyridines with acetoacetic enter. J. gen. Chas. USSR, '50, 20, 1890-1897 (U.S. tranel., 1937-19641, (HLRA 3:9) (BA - A II A 153:83) V. F. a o.- a-ar-O-,,.o acid dorl~latlvon. 1. 'N, -belvolw, ani --o lyr V. F. Kacherm-a-0 A. 1. 1-.,ancr;,. ( . r 113 9 SO; JoUMal -SZf Gengral Cheru,-tr,-- (Zhurmal Obrlichel Khl,--Li) voiu:-4 21, ,*,o. c bow to -,,, zI f 7-Z J6 14 1. 00 'Ilk Nil= 1 a d~mlglli .49 r. rd V. c A Synthow of iffrilmoves of .1 Own* adds. I %*. potomytowleelf dodwouvol 0( L~ "d it IYONO %, #I Kudmov *)*,I A, L Ivanov 1, Gem Cirm, VA N R. 11, I JL9 V4 M51)(Flial Sv CA 46. 1111414 1.61)(PIA Ilia MInts It. R ct Amino 4wiv"v*s of tb* bsWwydk G*dOC VI Dertiatim *I 34mUl-pyridealatint. %. F. hwhertiv I GCOf ('Alw C.S.S-R. 21, 121V-.A(1V31XPn&l. tfAftda- fiem k. - -.Sm C. I - 46. 30 Wlj~ H. R. ,4 - Myna-M -of * d4linsives of O.&MI" sows, 11, Nov of ormhower of an"" do a saw$ MA& W. _Mawd M. 1. thorAbovs. /has. MAcArl She., -al. w21.3, IfL-A ;n, (K"x Tra"tim); rf. lk-ggaeana NMI 16. '072; la"*disd sholt. -A-Alk0-2~Wl- tit I'ttl"I Irmo .4 - I ptculs with KI.; tow IMINIucl. with SIII y6rul 4"AfIts. of I.-.4miwim-ids 11W f'stbreting jet*v al ev- 14W14t Wide WTfV 1-11`1411 C41114:~ta"1411Y Irma 10%, inuviet of POIC"MCOU in alk. Doi" at d 3': UL-1106110'(1) 73 3% W. 73 a' (from We. relief). UL-Owwost IW71 (from CCI,ptu etberl: lit.-Arseriaw IM: M W. ve.-OW&AW let (IV 1 .4 %, in, Ila ", (Irmo CCL. lertf. etb,r; To 0 s, I in dry jtO was ipie"I al -a in if, ji,j g totent PCII. &red Offer nsf%t itmvf 13 t"iss, at 01 Anti I hr 41 U" , fillerni. felect 4 VOM I to memo with #Alw of Pelt. 'Etberr. yielling 101,70 der"wrip. IN) I , (linen NW, 1; (of 'unfliers In sit Ow far bralin If $We" Ct), noo lownre a high-whi pertf, !%milady. It Y"ll JP. UP.. dw V 1, =k"11111311 I :*.,,Sn~ 4130' 4heal p tr. 91 1 't , uh It 4,~'-Xs-os4kg to 4 If vvv KA .. I % 3.110 dote". DL..%'.((wbolw J)pbell. ylnku*w OW I" in dry EW at 0" pir:8;2 DF~N tWaik. iwbbd by d . *jib tartu etbw M u%v cow; redulifis in also I be. YM& J- Oh"Inip W-6, (Ir-ree clich). A44n. with ver4ing cfF 3.5 s V let all reel. Will wal. isith __ - _r - Y al all o4 1%1L-W4IdP#-WY 4 h6 h. 1"" tv"I M I'M, "a '11, werlolvirt lideerserwo. in III W .41114,411 %Tfp Ili A%, M. I., pl..*mko,jodansk. in, jan,04 ~041 cil.-korie"WiOlF IV in. IM A syleaseils so Owslirt-Y4. amide, 13, J&W~ 1491 4. F temim re the 404 lows 4- via 4~.. WIAV IW &,jh,d fee p.We 11 ell The "i" Anered that smism ifubuilutM few -,ph if, few Y-rti~vn. -tit, fiber exat"IMM" Tb,.. add". to .1-401 nnitt 44 tht ann"r i'l '" Woll at at"It W rel Itw flAkfeevil by thr 41116W 4AI~ "I tier be, .1 o)*. Ortif nep #v.%l,n 'a toe... ell, ,I th, fecowl. -Skw. ht . view thr Law I he in N4,011. fhrt, -11-441 I..Ijml I w Nw virld. Skwb a Well* tit of 110 (3 3 It ) Need 21 X,* I hp Md, .%'I/, "Al cel be- L feel :pl v P. Ofi-lor. e-Wn hiA k kk4l k3% N-1:11.4101 slarforyllp low (Im"t-jolief- isomeskmamfor). be 110', MV IAT12. d-,- 119"1 stmiltier'. Ow Xpr onshog of I tow Iub-the lanalas ;i I carr 16; 2'rNs, "Ar of mwimp)- jV-*weAy1imwd"w4k. dewmp. W-104% wbk-b O-Aver 54% b. 1311, NJ? 1.40MI. d" 0 9M). "We 2-11% 4MI66 011 94V* 11110" OL,-, awtowN. "y1enjortmenoW. tne I;Wl*. nil I.44,-A I-- 11110174. whk-b on IwoArAll"I olvendi" . Tow I - fw"8TI sm"Altod #-1 1 pso !A% 0- he IM ', IUW-193tillOt "Jill 4111- lArlY. is*-Ame4IIl j&tV Ofth line COr""PAStIlliff tlL4daI"lWV W)%. t4 IRPI". NJ? @0w$, %V IMAM, dl- Millelf. I'kClfvcj($Nl(t IM%. Is. llkj~ OI.Wh, d", I fam: it4we emorodo Oukt, M%. be rA .01 mv IA A10 MI). lm W2 3*). lint) fsj~.P- eavide, camallig. 112%. be c"g. tin cotAins. .:7" C., M. KIWAAAPOR Chemical Abst. Vol. 48 No. 9 May 101 1954 Organic Chemistry ,im"ji-aL POITcyclict"'pounds retated ts duatLs xi tereochemistry of cydk campos4ds. 1. -IW!Lof hj%jWjyIth titracanic and moucauk uM -CAUSJO~ Cis-trans Of I I d s"V'th. 11.11. Ad. if' %" 1-7(Enst. trauslatim). CA. Mw XIL Condensation of vick vft vjhyt Roma and the trunstomarion 1. N-wasuff V-d I - Zaviv(toy. Ibid. --M C.A. 47, MW H. L: H. XX ~ ~' cetylene derivatives. M. c0 do related to ste2do. l4151=eSvIf2pOOIIycyc:jcI cycl c ketones with a-me"wlcyclopenta WO TWE. 1. N asAw". VI F- K12 L. 11 .. jackbOYL, Bun., A.d. M. U.S.S.R., I Ir".i. .5cs. 19U, 427-3,XEngl.: tMns at . C. .47. &M&* CXXVII. Synthesis of - :olycyCHC com do related to steroids. Is, Structure; f roducts a Condonsad of 2-inathory-1.3-butadiens Ann I d m#thyl mothacrylate. 1. N. v and [bid. 043-T.-Sce; C.A. 47. 1051U. vclk chemical Abate 2'. Action of primary auto c MWOO M 119M[noohlr ridine on vWjl allyl ketones. 5 thells of aryl subalituted Vol. 46 NO- 9 1 d6od-40-6 and May 10p 1954 -pr!4 N-. IN- rov t . n. and V. A. nirn Yka See C.A. 41~-~- cjmm7yqv~-C m~nM' Organio GhemieUT 24. TfandwasolIew of done. [Mi. 933-7.--8ft C.A.-48, j3V4. 1 USSE/Cnemistry - Acetylene May/Jun 52 Derivatives "Acetylene Derivatives. Report No 126. Synthesis of Polycyclic Compounds Related to Sterotda. XITV. Syntbesis of Tetracyclic Ketones With a Yethylcyclopentane B-Ring," I. N. Nazarov, V. F. Eucherov., L. N.-Terekhr-va, Inst of Org Chem, Acad Sci USSR "Iz Ak Nauk, Otdel Xhim Nauk" No 3, pp 442-452 The followirg reactions were carried out in the course of this investigation: Conden- sation of 2-methoxy-1, 3-butadiene with 1, 3-dimethYl-41-cyclopentenone, hydrolysis of ~_(l) 211 5-metboxY-3, 8-dimthyl-A5-hydrindene-1-91; condensation of 5-methoxY-3, 8-dinethyl-W- hydrindene-l-one with acetylene;condenzation of 1-vinYl-3,8-dimethYl-5-keto-Al_ hydrindene with 1-mPthYl-Al-cyclopentenone, with 1-methyl-41- cyclohexenone, and with benzoquinone; selective hydrogenation of l-ethyl-3,8-dimetbyi-6-ketohy- drindane-l-ol; dehydrogenation of 1-vinyl-3,8- dimetbyl-6-ketohydrindane-l-ol; cordensation of I-vinyl-3,5-dimethyl-6-keto-Al-hydrindene with maleic anhydride; hydrogenation of 5- met:aoxY-3,8-dim~~hyl-A5-hydrindene-l-one; ccnden- sation of 5-methoxi-3,8-dimethyl-hydrindane-l- one with acetylene; hydrogenation of 1-ethinyl- 3,0-dimethyl-5-mathoxy-hydrindane-l-ol; (2) P-;),OT8 L 10 dehydrcgenation of I-vinyl-3,8-dimthyl-5- metboxyhydrindan-2-1-ol; condensation of I- vinYl-3,8-dimethyl-5-methoxy-ib~-hydrindene with maleic acid-, condensation of 1-vinyl-3, 8-dimethyl-5-mettioxy-41-hydrindene with P- benzoquinone; and with 1 1 -methyl-A -cyclohexa- now. ITO i.~oitwuc tratmfornmt!ons of c1101 nju-pr the fvudt~ iiartiff1i Lit rcm)m irta,, ater A hii,,r ji;i~~ I v Tromfewumtinns of dIcyclo OxNvy tiry1carfAiii-L V. P i It 1011, vil"Ll.: :. $:I ? 1 IM'It. 0 1, " t it~ e C, , 71CrJ'C1J`.C14(:w~I, wlil h h,- iii,A~ir,,I !!It 10 I I I t"""h"Cht"OA, I OIL,* A* i;;IW 0; (.f .!rv IICI inio Zit g. I :I ~i'- I t. A, 1): 1, i it 1, 1 t Vm %,Mid tlovly 711 K. Et PYt(WkIIcJt1' OUd the by lictti 9 th. -M -7- `i~ 1" -.' 1 V'111 ("0 '.'1 hrire., ywl,liti~. aftrx trk~.ilr-iit hilti ppt., m. 114 -51 ws-t t,it mi+:1. 2.3 I~A,A, Y-,; di,.-vtf (1), tit recrysti frinn 11, i:,kv'2 if 1,4: 1 it. I %fif Mfill wil 11. J%,S.~age of (try i (C I into I '- 7, T~C TrjXZ, nil-ITYrd -01f.wei by J, d(1)3 -At mum tmmT. ~,- 1 "T, :1 (1 Malf:11T I i;~ull . . .- , 6t "'W J daj.,i, yiOdit,F (), 0 1 Ll 4-t I lir- .5 g. 11, ni, WX-2'. which wgis decatittid fr in pptd. M.0, -od. tvit! It CIO, I 'I Actlif I I ha 130- at 60'.00. I'll Into 11,C). ..III wj,thrd WEITI In. 157 ~'); the 111011wr 114tsor Jog 9 X. ilrb, nV I.,AJW5, X.,Iu c -1,, Ai- !,: ow,~d 3.5 g. pr(Atict, tit. furthi-ti whi1n. o' vf thi, with CIO, In AwIr ing .1 1(41 III, I Iwl allu, , thr to rr!i It fisr.. 1,mittro .17) :J. i.kitt I. 'try 110 1 "liti. it to 19 t. If. hr. an a .itcam bath aid ev:ipll- rif the vil-miti r.;,6c li~ 9. DI, When ery IlC1 was pawd 3 min. Into 2151 C. I In c(CS1111h MI. MCICO and the milt. Wds refluxed & It:$. them v i's It-hied 92 1. 111 guld 13% (Cj1,AC11COC111CYsCLMI; It 33-71 yield lot this 9,-m wu ch-mlim'd WI= I_rfA3 rdi; HCI 8 ha.; a Onall qiOld d T 1.1 sq. CICO with cot, 'I vm also Obtahwd. K:wAappIT till) St*t%Kbcnd%try of fd.c compa=ds'.' Ut. cis- raa ON-mar 1. N. NA~.v &"-I v A p V-. Afad. Sri. 49. b321JO. L. Cstf., "Wmvq~Al-.- 11t m- v4d ind tttL' f-,Irs, -------- -- -- 40 famoiddiml-A. if N,4tqrL-V ATA V. i~. Kwhtr" (IN. D., ff- --CL-C- 15 C~ di-stit =t With --- -- ----- --h, vv'- --g-. dz~ gz M - & A- with Lw IV tAiwti da I.M4, ell it the kbsir~uo. m. R&A~ If rom vtir. ahtr pre rAtn. of th't viter WiLEt frovev Pd k (tie of KOW riac tu fivr (11), (C-cm, di' wivd~, tht =td. eocc the emcipGadial satif. 04milied (Us),&comp. 2M-20 , sho obtiicwd by txydro,- ge"onn of th~ urmad. acid,OVC4 Pd. R* luxing ?.& I - It with 9-1 mt. AtCl 2 lim %ase 4A g. 11 cpkWpidi. m. IS&-O' (cf. AWcr mout lkh%maclwr, CA. 44, wbkh by-,fro- ON-45104 ~rtrratt~dintot thf Qwd(d.-,wi4 with AC! A* -Abr.Ne. tho. wEdOomt. abs- 1" tit WA rZ, t/ McGH gKv- Z-kl-. 11 tileoij-He elkil, St. M WIA il hrir0- 4-pw, aik- - -t-4- G.WAM m 32, --l" b-ilril .5 R!3KI I trwo sad R~jlf x-Ifuslat.. id C. C45.Al - 12k. Efs(f-oku. %W1, on bTdTQr-,~m0= P'0'4 tke MU. ;Aej;~C, Pa. idmtkpj ww kwo xvtt4 OPEOL-aes (d C2 -r.WT ' '-' T,.t..t ; -:i.-- Vh"ct VIA Nkv~k 21, 4M6). with CU'll. Cave tfe iri- 13 1. ".. !1miltily was rA, (W). IN %'S 1.44DO~ vkkt Mw (otw a" hT&OKration of tht wirAtd. nUr am Pd. Re0=1ne : III wkk 7.5 g. XrA tM 180 MI. UtOH lfk bM PV4t &S ~.Y-u dttr CYSPSI. ,,, nA. ifc2tint i And"ificaaw. ivemoortypycM.Al anhydrkk 2 bre. at W gAve 90 cif4wxv" at. hmat" 4 (dkr*,cd t I n asob"t esta (2 C.), kt dry CjfI~ trrated with 2 tW. (C00)& S kri. at irme temp. cave 119, C. H mopo4ff ukr Mhwide, ba IM-2.5., "I 1.4rio (hy"Yw wkk 10% PIAKUI im 10 W~A. PIT t9); tnatutm k tha told w" MMG k StA VA-tt t1 p"f-Mf. frw wsowA4ik. to =41 (frew dit. M eW 1, simitu'l', U4 mcaAfe "ter gmrr cmvcs;7arAj-jt asw- 41,~? ckLw~&. 4: t14 !-t. ', nV L4750. #xA t1tv qtc%u-kfr awaft"ids. M. H64-5'. To I g. c*4U totma-V* .L-Arr izL CKf WaA wwd I rid. (cM14 &*d tk, Slim kqi I cruiedfatk-culd wkb iPMI*. yielding abrmt 76%. 44iwim ltwkm4f, am, 132-4~- simaw(y was cbuda:(l 11Z tb, t he torres;Awrl f-iexj(ksiA. tn. I I Time- 'mczt at Cil-RIL 1%:oaO4 c esur witit (COCI), tmvlr tk cog- - Uwufo. dt hquid. wfL;c!L rdImA--I 6 wt Ith 5% NsOU-ovi, cii-na, m. 191-2"; tb~t titer Cab 113-14', OS 1.4740, hat the ptoc-' br iv=eimtkv. " an Lydrolrli~ it- Trv_-tmeuto(tbqdigtdchlmIdc: 'With IMI't aia~;ufy rare thr tuxi-anifide- Ift: nkr ird [Six-phearUzaw- Stalikuty r4-m "aw-jcr sizer pvc the iftteT 410,~ 0.1ch to 61-11; d1ift. of R 'thtchl"Oride, bf 11, -W, n't' 14A04. pvt at piqAuct wbkh pt~ a mixt cd z!-c trsxi-432~Le a lit *Ad it. -ilc lit I\' U C- 14 L- V, 1-. NAZAROY. 1.N.; XUCHMV, Y.F. Synthesis of polycyclic compounds related to steroids. Report no.22: Research in the field of stereochemistry of polycyclic compounds. Part 2: Samiesters of cis- and trans-l-mothyloyclohexane- (andj~l - cyclohexans)-1,2-dioarboxylic acids and their conversions. Izv.AN SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no.1:63-79 Ja-Ir 154. (XLRA 7:4) 1. Institut organichaskoy khimii Akademii nauk BSSR. (Isters) US,5R/Chemistry - Cyclic compounda Card 1/2 Pub. 40 - 11/27 Authors I Nazaroy,, L N.; Kuoherara V, F.; and Andreyr,, V. H. Title I The stereochomistry of cyalin coVounds. Part 4. Condensation of 1-vinyl- I -oyclohaxene with citraconic anhydride Periodical i Isys AN SSM. Otdo khin, nauk 1; 73-M, Jan-Fab 1955 Abstract I A study of the diene condensatLan of 1-yinyl- -cyclohuqno with citraconic anhydrW showed that the condensation products are normal ortho- and meta-adducts. The products obtained through saponification of cis-anl-qdrides are listed'* Unsaturated de-anhydrides and their cl"cids were bydrogenate easily over Pt-catalyste into Institution s Acad. of Sc.p USSR, The R. D. Zelinskiy Inst. of Org. Chem* Submitted t April 6$ 1954 4AWd 2/2 Pub. 40 - U/27 AN DAUk 1 7a48 Jan-reb 19 5 5 lbstract t homologous saturated compounds which is zonnected with the screening effect of the cis-substitutes an the-double-bond.-The-reaUte-obtainod- #a lbad, - MOT-611 --referend" i- -8 USM gulf 3 USA (1948-1953). USSR/ chemistry Cyclic compounds C^rd 1/2 Pub. 40 - 12/27 luthore I V* No Andr*Mf Title The stereochemistry of cyclic compounds. Part 5e Condensation of I-Tivyl- I -oyclohuene with dizathyl aster of mesaconic acid Periodical t I%v. AN 55M. Otd. Wm. nauk lp 89-97o Jan-Fab 1955 Abstract The characteristics of three isomeric trans-methyl - 4-octalinAj2- dicarboxylic acids obtained from the condensation of 1-vinyl- 14_j~clohsx- ene'with dimethyl ester of meBaconic acid, are described. It was establish- ed that the trans-acids have an ortho-structure and are distinguished from each other only by the orientation of the hydrogen atom. Institution : Acad. of Sc.p USSR# The N. D. Zelinakly Inat. of Org. Chem. Submitted 3 April 6. 1954 .69FAWWWREMN IF Card 212 Pub. 40 - 12-27 Periodical 1xv. AN 33SH, Otd. khta. nauk 1p 89-97j, Jan-Feb 1955 Abetract I Hydrogemtloa of the trans-wid and its anhydride witi PtO rearlts In the formation of Individual compounds the properties of which are listed. Five referencest 4 USA and 1 USSR (1943-1955). USSR/ Chemistry - Biochemistry Card 1/1 Pub. 40 - 13/26 Authors INazarovp 1. N.; Kucherov,, V. F.1 and Andreyevp V. H. Title I The stareacherAstry of cyclic compounds. Part 6. Lactonization of cis-and trans- A4-octalin-11,2-dicarboVlio acids ,Pariodical I Izv. AN-SSSR. Otd. khim. nauk 2, 289 - 297, Mar-Apr 1955 Abstract vInvestigations were conducted to determine the laotonization of cis-methyl- A4-oatalin-1,2-dicarbox7lic acid and to obtain data regexding the atructure, of the cis-lac'%*Io acids which are formed during the lattenization process. It was found that of &U the epimeric trans-acids only a certain group of trans-acide is capable of lactonization. Trans-acids of eber groups haviing double bonds botween the cycles are not lactonicable. Exparimental facts regarding steric hindrances observed during the lactonization are explained. Seven referencest 2 USSRO 1 Germ=# 1 Swiss, 2 USA and 1 French (1932-1955). Institution t Acad. of So., USSR, The N. D. Zelinskiy Inst. of Organ. Chem. Submitted t April 6, 1954 C) V) V. USW Ghemistry General chamiatry Card - 1/1 Pub, 40 - 14/26- Authors INazarov, I. N. , and Nuoherov, V, F. Title IThe stereochemistry of cyclic cempounds. Part 7. Geometrical isomerism of 4,methylayclchexana-1;2-dicarbox.vllc acid Periodical IIzv. AN SSSR. Otd. khim. nauk 2, 298 - 307, Mar-Apr 1955 Pbstract IThe stereochemistry of tri-subatituted cyclohexans derivatives - 4-metbyl- cyclohe-lane-1,2-dicarboxylio acid - was investigated for the purpoej of establishing the absolute geomtrical configuration of these cyclic compourdr. The derivation of all four theoretically possible isomers of 4-methylhexa- 1-ydrophthalic acid through hydrogenation of cis- and trans-4-methyl-4-1, -cyclo. he,-,One-li2-dicarbo.-4lic acid and its anhydrides is discussed. The effect of heating and isomorizIng redia on the mutual storacnerical convereinne of the four isomers ic wirained. Ten references: 2 USS'.R) 6 U."-'A" 1 Scandi- navian and 1 Gorman (1929-1954). Institution Aaad,-of Sc.9 The N. D. Zelinalziy Inst. of OrErn. Chem. Submitted i April 6, 1c,,54 IVI% ILUROF.I.N.; JrUCMOF,T.F.; VJUTOFA,G.P. Research in the field of the steroochealstry of cyclic coupounds Report no.B. Condensation of cIs-l-vInyl-6.9-4Umetbyl-&& - -eyolohexanol with citracouic anhydride. IzvAI SSSR, Otd.khIm nauk noJi487-5nO W-Je '55. (KM 8:9) 1. InstItut orgimichaskoy Wait im. N.D.Zellaskogo Akadsmii nank SSSR. (Cycloboxanal) (CitraccrAc anhydride) U&CR/Chemistry - Organic chemistry Card 1/1 Pub, 22 - 26/53 Authors! I "%zarov, I. N.9 Acad.; Kucherov, V. F.; and Andreyev, V. M. WORM PREWWWWWW" i- Title The stereochemistry of diene condensation of l-vinyl- A cyclohexene with nh-rdr1:ds---a-hd-_1 *---- MIC-AW-1 acid Periodical, i Dok. tal SSW 102/4j, ~_751-7% Jun- 1,, 1933 Abetract I Interesting experiments. 1 data are presented regarding the diene condensa- tion Of I-vinyl-A 1-cycloherxene wi *th valuic anhydride. It was foutid that the condensation-is followed by the formtion of two possible steric iso- mare the conversion of which makes it possible to obtain all four possible geometrical isom4r's of --- A4-octalin-1.2-dicarboxylic acid.-.A study of the- herma",nveruion"f-t-hoo"cl-da--showed-t,hat-t,ho-is=or-with-"ti-eit~ ra 8--is-the 'a iost stable and easily fomin ome tion g Is ric -acid- -Eleven 11937 - - __ - )___ referenceet 6 USAs 1 German and 4 USSR 1955 Institution Acad. of Sc., USMO The N. D. Zelinakiy Inst. of Org. Chem. Submitted March 29, 1955 t'4"64ittric Isomers of dec&hTdtW&9b4 -rMr-d(car di-Iferster,a liquid), Wil ift acid and their ftaxisfarma, '. L-- Thist.xtis peculiar to the Imari-dernhydronapht"k-nt COO. V. P . I'Mr, 0v and V. hf. Amireev Qi. I % !;T U S S R b1 Makta 1 cd figuration at the I itfOR carbons. 76 " -dro " 230' l t dride cf the d c n k ke . . . . ., Y d. Nau S- - - - Of. 195F. 52: precteing al c , i . o care a ncw a g i 5 jr- . dru'r, in. 60% which probably has ti~.e cii-cwi-fill conficurs- tr.-Condensatio (;f I'vinylcyckhexerle with m4leic ticin; its the cvrresrx-,nding 1 d C AnhydrMe rLnve 2 1 iniers 0 in. M4 , Which with HO,, gave i-Afe titer. liquid, Thean. Clirboxylic anhy1ridti (1), m. 54" and a liquid, which hydtci- zl rts to the &C4WfQ a6dS M dt l d d h d -hydritic with MrOll Cave the e%,j::701c (:!~r "ith 64-anti4is ct)(16 "T 93" tit"I "tttifird t 2 tNi f i hi h . o e an p.. genatt , , y y 1 112', all(] sn. 153% tvhk-h ate the cis-iyr-cis and trant-anti. . -ca a a ant tu. x) c 4 , w with &W)Na gave thcfree azid, tn. 26,3', ivliilr convratioual cii &-ructure-.%. Stollo-He etUrs of I were subjected to isom- hatiexic of chain knzth at the 1-carty,)xyj ray,: -,he c(%rlt. trization by, heating "Ith MCONa. Thus the xylt-cif spindilig d~ij-' in, i=cr gave Jyn-cit ester esterified at the 2-carboxyl, while IAV, which echydroen-lifed '111,1 icc;al'~'% L . Ylat""I if) I- impt.-dric3tion of tho syn-cis df-He ester with KOH Kave Mec~llj. ls(nneritatinn G1 the (noru-Mr. t-,ttr (in. 91') -wainly the sylt-cis mono-Aie ester estcrified at I-Cartwxyl; with MtONU ri:tve th! ptcvk."%ly &-skril-ij cis-witi-t-.atio the former tster, in. 139% the Litter. tn. 120'. flyategZaa- dic:i-Ay.)xylk Acid, fra. 2103'. If)-drol),ii "t tile di-XIe ester tion Xzve the ifewhydra analdes, in. jkt*, and 1'21% resp. ON' d the s t i M ter ( i h M with I mote KOH give flit "wco-Ke. ell, P at the lc-Lrtxijyl * . ' n d i i d ti i 9W a t ( ze . snautt a t ta. a e Trratment wit yielding 144'~ 76") di-Aft ter m d h d xe lar er c' 110 1e m in. ) ail 's wl. M. i . s p Ile (twiliet, 60infrifM With MCON13, jpvc the knowu t '18' s c6d i di 4 hi t ti I i . ri es . e, m, , ; bmy,k acid, in. 218 (an y 1 I I i ith M d s- ys-srams 1C c car o [ le le somer - . w c t1' -'tat t i h ClI St t N i i ) sorner somet ze e ester w , Tile other tnono- 0 McONa and hydrolysted gave jAakae-1,:-dkarbox 184 acid in 203' (4jtAjdride, w. 1381; . rra c nt w s t-ditl mono- " e es et Cave M c o j Itaxi di-He titer, as. W. Artidt-Eistert tn&hod foe chain itirs-rase gave, from this mono-ester. J-cv~rjv.v .di-Ma ester, M. 4V). SQ;irly were treated the mono. o ffi- e ciff ( li id ( Th t i acid, M. log'. which dehy,hogtoatel 2 M d l d t b C ap e s m r on, iffurat qu esterls of wdi-tis cou an dcrxr Atc to t iv. Thus of 8 W--,zh~ j%o- xy w Cis) with Meolf gave the fto"o-Art ester, m. 137* (citterified d trersof dec:ihydri~naphrh~ene-1,2-dicuboxylic acid, 6 were ' to the traxi- mainly at 2-positicts), which hytImCautte isolated and ldtntificd; 4 are of the ci s " L-1 ari 2 of trans (wid w4ra-Ma wit$. I'lure (A the Cis (sotners lie3ted to 2W* ue nearly ester, tn. 95 , isonatrized with Aft.1DINa to the trans-asfti- quarstitAtivOy coarerted In I hr. to scries; tl:e 2 fro as itomer o( the frlie 1~; ~di-.Ve ester, in. 55% ~ ird'u-391i acid )iclds acid (as anhylittile). -Me ester froull the ly;1 amh~dride, M. 115, 1 . Y 'Mus the most stable is tile anti conaritaticm at c tcaus I liquid anhydride I with I mole KOH Cave a asixo-Me timp, and 9 with cis Waricuration pf the lushydr;dc 6.,C (5 atomicl. illiquid; t.y=ttockof this gave the corr"Pon4l tra tlFxM`- which failed to er- dro stsda e h th d Th utikaawn 6omers cf the trwij seeks (feGxjy%-(raSz d t r l tl th b ) e lt e a l, y rans-syli-c an i a e spiweri y ril es Imita le, (Cf. G. M, K. -7 F.- - r7 nut C'Iev, at, A- po - -5--1 InI7- 1-4 104- 'Re, bit 9, T ft " hr- ,!c 1; Lttlt: f' 7;"- off _0,44: MW al I; a, ME ~14 pl, r0l TI-C I-thIT I J :Ir I! ;.M, rrf-. f4 fl 4 tq:. Nnric: KUCHEROVp Viktor Fodorovich DisnortfitJon: Research In the field of nterc-o- chomistry of n1loyclic cnrboxylic acida Dogrec: Doc Chem Sci Affilltition: Zn-ot indicateg Defense Date, Plece: 29 mar 56, Council of Inst of Organic Chomistry im,:)ni Zelinskiy, Acad Sci * US IS R Certification Date: 26 May 56 Sourco; BMIVO 4/57 ~Si give ter I!V RI.- yw,-r-wv 3L 710JI, ME -10 r. syn-61-7-kelolle Me e1 B wilb VW4, -;t th 117-~V t1rum Ut 0. ~ On "m-k jormc4 o--.hcaIL-9 Ilm MC2 hall 1~9 laaime and ftomcr of U. ai. /re iy~--,*: lhat C-TAY Lhe C10,11 :r. m. 127-8~ th~ acio ,q), t- Md esiff'. u2. 0-N NIFJDII ga-t 71 aL I vQPl. Of t'll vp tWn. pvc. ~-m aeidtfi=tian m,r acha. M. lft,-tilical With uld, m Vn "In4ai -A-kU ("fit 4,tr, :Tll"ZLI~g -th Ilf 11-.- I jAve 'add. 14entW with M Th-' lltvldl W~inf- d I~a Ilantl-mei, rJono-Mee-Wheat-1411MUrly vrithAcOli IICI fav;! an un- aystallimble cl-oomf. moduct; mIlmille 1 ~-2 "A,tcriml -ith ,A70 VC011 I.nd fl~f~!jying kave a Iovf yk~t 0! 11-frAdr-Ir tbt fiPlAnktis d;Wmxyj;: QcM Ith Aeo-q-1fC1 (is abovC g2ve W.2Laly uIldlang"I hi-in, 1-1 (Grim frgm I j~i~ X0 J-Ei. V, V. 41. Q1 Rrl-up arl-I t hq-~ i,--" "."t i-m., I,-.- J :,i - jxfAf flit-At vQM-W It- fqt!Pqw~m~fl tit d-u .1lew- coil ~Jgum, tfo:l . An'! the of Ill-, V4MITMIll. ~y T~- TITU-t XT~l F rmcr Ia d 1. 1-.. 1 W 141%. W101 MrO.Nil-MoOli give i!tvwuv, 211- I-vi In.-I'M wifli A-z('l O N 1 rd2h fa v iylj /I 4re) (e, m. n15-181. This v~jlb CjfjINI,F:%v* dt-NOe tAter "f it ry-q. 'Irqlf~l' n- ~21 WIM zimun. pzu I- Tcf, ",ifiz lwv7hll.l .9 I Illb -7-1011 f-11 tj-,l EV, *A--V U!7 HhCr' T-zltiliCf,l He 4 off '-N, , I of tr;t xy PI, ~f No t'~! -,r I.Al, 1:~i, A FII Ja X tf- I 4L C. _4 k a4 OAS 4 +0 MNT c1; vrill, uj 1;v 4L~ -ZIL 'r,~ ta f 1 tuv&i ~U 3 1-1, Ki ""i T,11.YT I.,. l` PPY '.V IZ ILIllul Q Inq P.1", -ml ;k1 pp- 'I K(J. '""l1 rppl? ~!JEwKj JQ)rpu, . w la .11 (-) 'j - I- ti if ft i- , .~j p q~nj it ' (jw$W i w3 taw i j Mij Ax-rur.,j Y~) J_m") anv4ezu aq.]. In"JI '2;~qp i1.." HIly- jj~ktl_l IA-14 ~1114 ;WI' '1111;101- IS': 4-ilm wl-L p, rt.~ i~ f';-, AAV:~ 6 m S 11.1"Wr .11U. V,_ pl- IL"t;j) v dw ~j I!,pliq al I -at U"ITI Wil T) '-ftlp"'t ;-11, j I N. ~i ~ki i :b( I t~7 ti- -1 t",-) 'Jul pfir All p j-z., -v PPI I ~T l _ IWO "pt, 1.~ drlI ml t t , .1 ,,;, I I . tlVi i~, :L,. , v . a -,j, : - ~:, - ! 'j . I - i :- . i- " ~ .. IAZAROV, I.N.; KUCHEWT, Y.Y.; SAGA 1, G.M. , `-i Research in the stereoc hemiatry of cyclic compounds. Part 9. Condensation of 1-vinyl-4a -cyclohexene with methyl acrylate. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.khim. nauk no.5:559-568 Mir 156. (MIRA 9:9) 1.1natitut organicheskoy khtmii Imeni N.D.Zolinakogo Akademli nauk SSER. Orclohexezw) (Acrylic acid) 14AZAROV, I.H. -, KUCIIEROV, V.F.; ANDREW, V.H. - W-- Research in the field of stereochanistry of cyclic compounds. Part 10 Steraschmmistry of the dieve condensation of 1-vin7l- &-cycishexene with maleic anhydride. Izv.AN SSSR OtdAhim.itauk n9.6:715-722 Ja 156. (MIaA gtg) l.Inatitut organichasksy khimii imani. N.D.Zelinskogs AkRdenii xAuk SSM. (Cyclehexane) (Waic ashydr!da) (Stereachanistry) -HAZAROV I,N,-;-XU-HBROV,-T.F.;-ANDR9W, V.-N. FQ Ressarnh In the steriochowistry of cyclic compounds. Part 11. Stersechouletry of A -ectalla-1,2-dicarboxylic acids. Izv. AN SSSR Otd.khlm.nank no-71817-826 J1 156. %RA 9:10) 1.1natitut organicheakey khinii imeni N.D.ZellnskW AkAdauti nauk SM. (Acids, latty) (Stersochoulatry) IIAZAROV, I.N.;KUGHEROV, V.Y.:ANDREYZV, V.M. ~-`- 1~ 717.-*710f.~- Research in the stersochemistry of cyclic compounds. Part 13. Synthesis and stereochemistry of isomeric dacalin-1.2-dicarbozylio aoidso Isy. I AN SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no*9:1091-1101 3 '56. (KLRk 9:11) 1. Institut orgunicheskoy khimii iment. N.D.Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR. (Naphthalenedicarboxylio acid) AS USSR "Orientation sterique et structurale dans les condendationz dieniqws de vinyleyelenes et stereochimie des produits de ces reactions," paper submitted at 16th International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Paris, 18-24 JU1Y 1957 11 _--v- ~: 1 1- , I ~ : t Si ~ If I I . ~ . , ~ .- - 11 I . - - , f e~ I : ~ '10 , '' - & - , ~ " - 'o I - -1-1. 1 -Ji, ~ - -L ~~ hie- J.-M 62-1-13/23. AUTHORS: Nazarov., L IT.; Kucherov, V- F.; Bukharov, V. 0. TITIZ: Investigation into the Field of Stereochomistr7 of Cyclic Compounds. Part 16. Stereocbemistry of Diene Condensation of Cyclopentadiene with Citraconic Anhydride and Steric Conversions of Endo- and Exo-additives (Issledovaniye v oblasti atereokhiwii tsiklicneskikh soyedinsniy, Soobishtheniye 16, Stereokkdrdyapiyenovoy kondensatsii tsiklopqntadiyena 11 taitrakonovym angidridom i prostranstven" prevrashchaniya endo- i ekzoadduktov) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Khimicheskikh Nauk, 1957., No. 1. pp. 91-99 (U,S,S,R.) ABSTRACT% In order to study the stereochendstry of the diene synthesis, the authors investigaged the condensation of cyclopentadiene with citraconic anhydride ~Lt a temperature of 190 - 1950. It was fours that the condensation goes in both possible steric directions and leads to the formation of a mixture of stereoisomeric endo- and exo-anhydridea,, from which a 30% yield of exo-acid was separated arter saponifintion. It was alro ostablished that the.condensation Csxd 1/3 at increased temperatures violates the principle of "accumLlation of 4 '7 I !,~ ~' / , / 62-3-4~3/23, Investigation into the Field of Stereochemistry of Cyclic Compounds. Part 16 Nonsaturizabilityll with the formation of an exo-additive. The configuration of the stereoisomeric anhydrides Was confirmed by studying the lactonization and mutual steric, conversions of the homologous acids. Experimnts showed that the lartonization of the endo-acid, regardless of the endo-position of both carboxyl groups, follows only the -tertiary, carboxyl and that the gamma-lacto acid with trans-orientation of the rethyl and carboxyl groups is more stable. Saturated exo-cis-anhydride obtained through hydrogenation of another exo-cis-anhydride (31) after saponification gives a saturated exo-cis- acid which together with diazomethans, forms exo-cis-diester. Card 2/3 There are 12 references, of which 2 are Slavic. 62-1-13/21 Investigation into the Field of Store ocho Irdatr-f of Cyclic Corpounds. Part 16 A~SOCIATIOM Acadenq of Sciences of the USSR, Instibite of Organic Chemistry imni. N. D. Zelinskiy PRESENMD BY: SUBIMM) i December 2,, 1955 AVAIIABLE: Libr&-y of CfV.6-"L4I,4 Card 3/3 ' ''4 !% yUGOSTAVIA/Orgmae chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. Abe Jour: Ref Zhur-M-4ya) No 22., 73969- Author I.N. Nazarovp V.P. Micherov, V.M. Andreyev., G-14. Segall Inst Title Upon the Spatial Directivity of Diane condensations and Stereochemistry of Cyclic Carboxylic Acids. Orig Pub: Croat. cbem. actap 1957, 29s No 3-4, 369-392. Abstract: Trans-1,2-dimethylbutadiene-l,,3 (I) was prepared by the dehydration of methylethylvinylcarbinol at 300 to 310 5 o~oMgSOI, yield - 50 to 60ep, boil. p. 76.5 to T8Q,, n D - 1.4515. Boillng (4 hours) 51.5 g of I vith 56 of mal in anhydride in CIH#reeul~led in anhydride fin) ofecis-018-3p4-dImethyl- cyclohexonedicarboxylic-1,2 acid (IV)p yield 56.5 g, Card 1/14 YUGOSIAVIA/Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Mmlya., No 22, 73969. malt. p. - 67 to 680 (from ether - petroleum ether), 17.3 9 of IV, melt. p. 172 to 1730 (dissociates, from water) was obtained from the mother liquor by saponi- fication after separation (if III. The boll. p. of dimethyl estel of IV (V) is 122 to 1230/5 mm, n~OD - 1.4750p dt 0 a 1.0987. The thermal isomerization of 111 (210 to 2150, 4 hours, NZ flow) in the pre- sence of diethylaniline led to a mixture of substances, boil. p. - 186 to 1WO/35 mms n"D - 1.4950, from which cis-trans-3 4-dizetbyl-_/_Nf -cyclohexanedicar- boxylic-1,2 acid NI) was separated after saponifica- (from water); tion, yield - 60%, melt. p. - 160 to 161 C anhydride of vi (vii), melt. p. - 46 to 47 (from petroleum other); dimstV1 eater of VI (V~I), boil. P. 116 to 1176/5 mm, a, D - 1-4730P d 1.0921. Card 2/ 14 YUGOSIAVIA/Orgenic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. Abe Jour: Ref Zhur-Xhimiya, No 22o 73969. 2-monomethyl eater of IV (IX)o yield 3-1 g,, melt. p. 114 to 1150 (from etber + petroleum ether, 1 : 1) end 2-monomethyl ester of VI (X), yield 1.05 9, melt. P. 112 to 1130 (from 5*ual CHAOH) were pro- duced by partial saponiftcation of 4.4 g of V and 1.9 g of VLT1 correspondingly with 1 mole KOH solution. Trans-trans-3,4-dimetbyl- /\ 4* -cyclohexene-dicarboxy- lic -1,2 acid (XI), yield 0.9 g, melt. p. 149 to 1500P and Its trans-cle-icomer (XII)o yield 0.4 g, melt. p. 184 to 1850 (from water) were synthatized by the iso- merization of 1.2 g of Ix and o.6 g of X correspond- ingly by boiling with CHsONa and absolute CH30H and following saponification. The Melti poin a of XI and X11 anhydrides were 100 to 1010 from other petroleum other) and 100 to 10V (from ligroin) Card 3/14 YUGOSIAVI:A/Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. G A~% Jour: Ref Zhur-Nhimlyap No 22, 73969. correspondingly. Cie-cis-1.4-lacto-3,4-dimethy16 cyclobexanecarboxylic-2 &aid (XIII) was obtained by beating 5 g of IV (i hour, 6og) in glacial CH~-COOH saturated with B01 (gss)p yield 3.4 g, malt. p. 186 to 1870 (water), the melt. p. of the metbyl ester thereof was 109 to 110 0 (from 70%-Ual CHSOH) - Under these conditiobs, XII (0,9 S) undergoes a preliminary cycle cdaversion producing trans-cls-1,4-lacto-3,4-di- metbylcy*lohwuwe-carbcvwlic-2 a,aid (XIV) in the re- oult of a following lactanization, yield 0.55 9, melt - P. 154 to 155 0 (from x~-usl squsous acetone) - Methyl eater of XIV, melt. p. 57 to 58 0 (from Petro- leum ether + ether) produced XIII by isomerization with CH 3Oft and follming saponification. Similarly, Card 4/14 YUGMAVTA/Orpac Cbemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. G Abe Jour., Ref Zhur-Rblmiya, No 22, 73969. 2.5 g of VT an lactonized into a mixture., from vhich 1#1 g of cle-trans-,2,4-lacto-3,4-ametbyi- cyclohexanecutoxylic-1 abid (XV), melt. p. 199 to 201 (from 15%-Ual aquems acetone) was separated. After the separation of XV) the mother liquor was treated with CHIN4 and 0.75 g of aster, melting p. 63 to 650., vas,6btalnadj that eater, after saponi- ficationj, produced cia-trans-1,4-lacto-3p4-dimetbyi- cyclobwcanecarboxylic-2 acid, yield 0.6 gs melt. p. 161 to 169 0 (from vater). Under the same condi- time, Xx (2.f g) produced only 0.7 g trans-3,4- dimethyl- a -cyclohexenedicarbwylic-1,2 acid of melt. p! 161 to 1621 (from vater). It we established that the catalytic hydrojg=ation of 2-15 9 of IV on Pt in CH9H proceeds spati&Uv Card 5A4 YUGOWAVIA/Orpnic Chwdstry# Synthetic Orgenic Chenistry. Abe Jour: Ref Zhur-Edmiya., Ito 22, 73969- selectively from the side opposite to CWH groups wA led to cisacle-de-3 4-amethyloyclohmned1- c&rbwq1ic-1f2 acid (XVI$, yield 2 g, mait, p. 187 to 1880 (dissociates, from 50%-U&1 acetme). 10 g of III vas, converted into 9.6 g of anhvde of XVI (4VII)j boll. p. 145 to 146c /5 =1 n D . 1.4835, d ~-Zv a 1.1435 In a similar vay (but in CkHl,). Boiling of 5.9 g of XVII-in absolute CH30H led to 1-monoweth 4.25 relt - P - ,,yl ester of XVII yield 110 to in (from &)~~ CHSOH) L5 g of Vhich yielded 1.2 g of trans-cle-cia-3,4-dimethylcyclo- hexanedicarbMlic-1,2 acid (XV111t) melt, p. 183 to 184' (from vater) by Isobarization vith CRjONa and foll.oving suponificationj w*7dride of XV111, melting caxd 6/14 YuGoarAm/orsanic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. Abe Jouri ser a=-Khimiya, No 22, 73969. acid (XXXIV)p melt. p. 183" (frcm acetone) was precipitated by the dissolution of 3-5 9 of XXXII in a eous N&OH and VAlowIng acidification wl J2 HCI racid)j while 1.5 g of XXXIII produced ebloro- bydrin under these conditiocaj eblorobydrin con- verts at 1300 into 1.1 g of cis-ois-trane-cis-214- la'ato-3,4-dimetbyl-5-chlor,o-,cyelohexwiadicarbMlic- 1-soldp melt. p. 173 to 174* (from.w%-ual acetone). The corresponding 5-:keto acid (XXXV), yield 1.2 g-, melt. p. 1139 to 3909 (from othylacetate) vas synthe- tized by the oxidation of 2.8 g of M=V with CrO 7 in MWORI metbyl ester ot XXXV, melt. p. 92 to 936. The reduction of 2 g of WV according to Klemommen prddueed a mixture, from which 0.25 g of card 13/14 YUGOMAVTA/Orginic Chemistry. aynthatic Organic Chemistry. Abe Jours Ref Mur-Xhimiyas No 22., 73969 cio-clo-trans-3#4-di=tbyl-cycloboxanedleaztoxylic 1j 2 acid, molt. p. IM to 1670 (from. 2V,*-u&1 sce- yl enter (=rVI)P tons) vas procipitatadj dimeth boil. p. 119 to 120/6 m, n4 " D -a 1 -45W - XXXVI produced MaI by Isomerization with CHJON& and fol- lowing saponification. The oxidation of anhydride of syn-cis- 6A -octalindicarboxylic-1,2 aced .ICOOOR tn ClIC13 at 0' also (12 g) with 9*ual CH re ulted in a mixture of oxides, from which 6.6 Of I -oadde, melt. p. 161 to 162 0 (from benzenell and 3*7 6 of A, -odds, nelting p. 82 to 83 2 (from other + benzene) were separated. A review of works of Nataroff and coworkers concerning the study of diene condensat~.on of vinylayclones published earlier is presented. caxdq 14/A AZITHORSt Kucherov, V. F., Berazin, 1. V., Wazarov, 1. 17. 62-2-9128 TITLEt Investigations in the Field of tht 3tereochemistry of Cyclic Compounds (Iosiedovaniyo v oblasti stereol-.himii tsiklicheskikh aoyedineniy). Report 191 Infrared 3pectra of Cyclic Lactonos (Soobahcheniyo 19. Infrakrasnvy,.- t;i)n1:try tsiklicheakikh laktonov). PERIODICAL: Izvootiya All SSSR Otdeler1yeKhimic~ieskikh ffauk, 1950, Nr 2, pp. 106-191 (USSR). ABSTRACTs As was already shown in a paper pt *7jllshed earlier the method of infrared spectro8copy can oucc~.isfully be employed for proving the struoture of lactone- For the purpose of the systematic investiCation of the d(:)endence of the infraree- spectra on the structure of diver:-i polycyclia lactone3 the authors examined the spertra of tl;) carboxyl-frequencies. They determined some structural reL:ulailties of the carboxyl-fre- quencies of this typa of . On the basis of the ana- lysis of the infrarod opectra of .~aatones-l and 2-methy1docal- ine-1, 2-dicarboxylic acids their confiCuraticn was deternined and from it the conclU3iC-3 Or, th, stereo-.hemistry of the diene Card 1/2 condensation of l-viny!-2j-oyr1o1;-zane with citracoa anhydride InvestiCationD in the Field of the of Cyclic 62-2-9126 Compounds. were drawn. There are 4 tableo and 10 refferences, 6 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATIONt State University imeai M.V. Lom6nos.7)v, Moscow (1:03kovskiy &osudarstvennyy imeni Lomonosova) and Institute for Oreanic Chtmistry AN USSR imeni N..D. Zelinskogo (Institut orraniches'-uy khimP'. Imeni N.D. Zelinakogo Akadfjmii naulk SSSR). SUBMITTEDt September 7, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Stereoehemistry-Cycl-le compounde 26. Lactones-Structural analysis 3. Cyclic compounds-Structural analysis Card 2/2 F A11THORS: Nazarov. I. F. 2 - 2 - 10,121, ;try of Cyc ir, TITLE.- Inve3t-ationm i.,l tho F-l'uld oli Compounds v OIA.a,J!. I,oiklich~~ ki4h 1P a oy,-- d i n e n iy Ile,,. o 2 (j "1, 3,, G:cidi% licn f ~xcnp- by Peracetic Aot4 o -2,3-Dicarboxylic Acld,,i and D(, iye 20. Stereokhirt 01. - alc%i ',jLjc,,o-. izzo~-, myth 1 4 - a nd om e t i 1 e r._~ - t o i! - 1 r) L: e'. ,l c:,, - Z 'L'.z a r'.-. o.~c %-.7h 13 1 o t i !.' kh proi%vodnykh). FERIODICALt I2,-reotiya Ali SJS.,q Otdeli-.~A3re .".i 195C , 71. 2, pp. 1.92-199 (USOR). ABSTRACT A3 was already slicivin r--~,a-tj-)rs of -;,~ zdllit :on comi,ound of the dci;ble .--f 1.2,2)- ,~, 11 - ~ L - - 7 ',. 1~ ~~ ~ r, ., 1, t! -e al i z -heptanp are --:y e d f r om t h 0 5 i 13 f t 1 -., For tile r "lip it vimi of intemsl , t :~j , - - !" , n of tho Cho- o r, Oxj.datio -2, by a-il. Espeoially i.,. t.,; e~ c ni, i--I r~t i c of the Oxid-ition cyr-.Ie r--ati 1)e f i ,ard 1/3 Investit;actions in the Field of thQ 52-2-10/26 Co-,.,.I.ounds. Report 20t Th-? by Peracetio Acid of lso,%,eric -2,3-Dicarboxylic Acids anl Theil- mac+,44 on-, of '-w--tor ~~o and Thereforr-- t1he a73ove-,:ientioned LK7,IL LL I ii, of th~, o X i d (I _q f o 1, 1.11* 17~ It wa.1 shown that tht! 07-idulic-n r~f --Ac- acids (referen,:iej ar! ts of free -anda- -car'-) oxyll.-Group S tla%-2-3 ;,,,LnL-- the formation Of OXY-Pla~,to-acidA 5 nlid 9). Dy :.,ea:-.s ~,f layd:~o- Eenation of the oxide.,; !'I %:-.i 20) u:lder pressure the hydroxyc3tuzo ~-oi-r,~!!-, on4.~r.Z 22) were prcduced with a hiL). 0-i o:~.l,!_~tic,n of thum by -.hrom- iu--- anhydride the ccrrr-.,:. fcrm (references 23 and 24). By m~!an5 ~f C"her it was pro-,ad that tho cxidattor. uf isc:112ric I.A.-cuLdomethyl- ene -cyclchexana-l derivativ- , 3 es t ' es pla:~e fr.~m to ox-:.-Jes with mr, exter- nal po3ition of tti~, arc, !I referen~-es, I of whirli i3 Slavic.. ASSOCIATIONt Institute for AN U~1'32 Card 2/3 Inveutif,ationB in the Field of t%e Stereoche:aistry of Cyclic 62-2-10128 Co,-.ipounds. Re~-,ort 201 The Stereocheniatry of the 9xidation by Peracetic Acid of Isomeric 1,4-Endouethylone-&-Cyclohexone- -2,3-Dicarboxylic Acids and Their Derivativan. (In3titut ori;aniohezl-.o;r lchimii imani '.1.D. Zclina%ogo Akaderdi nauk SSSR). SUBIUTTEDt September 7, 1956 AVAILABLE-i Library of ConCress 1. Stersochamistry-Cyc3le compounds 2. Cye]Ac compounds-Structural analysis Card 3/3 62-58-3-12130 AUTHORSs Nazarovj I. N. , Kuc Bukharov, V. 6. TITLEs Inveatigation in the Field of the Stereochemistry of Cyclic Compounds (Issledovaniye v oblasti stereolchimii tziklicheski'J. soyedineniy) Communicatiop 21. Oxides of the Isomeric 1,4- . -Endometbylene-2-Methyl- A~-Cyclohexone-2t3-Dicarbox;~lic Acids and Their Reactions (509bahcheni-e 21. Okisi izomern~rkh 1,4- -endometilen-2-motil- A~~-tsil-lot;eksen-2,3-dikarbonovykh kislot i ikh prevras~,Jheniya) PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR,Otdelentm !Mimicheskikh flauk, 1956, fir 3, PP. 320 - 334 (USSR) ABSTRACTs As it was ahown it, previous reports, the oxidation of the isomeric dicarboxylic acids of the bicYc1o-(1t2,2)-heptane series leads through peracida to relaxing oxidations and to the oxo-configuration of the oxidation cycle. For the purpose of a further investigation of the ntereochemistry and the direction of the above-mentioned reactions the authors investigated the conversions of the oxides in the Card 1/2 example of the isomeric 10-endo-nethyleno-2-methyl _45- 62-58-3-12/30 Investigation in the Field of the itereochemistrj of Cyciic Compounds., Communication 21. Oxides of the Isomeric I 4-Endome thy lone- 2-Me thyl- zN:)_ -Cyclohexene-2,3-Dicarboxylic Acids and '10heir Reaction3 -dicarboxylic acids jind their derivatives. It was shorn that in the oxidation of the endo.anhydride by acetic pe!.,-- acid in chloroform only an exo-oxide can be obtained with good yields. The authors proved the structure of the iso- meric oxy-^(-lactic acids. They further showed that the inner-molecular lactonization over the oxide ring mainly takes place over the tertiary carboxyl-Group. There are 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOC TA TION iInstitut organicheskoy khimii im. 11. D. Zelinakogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy) AS USSR) SUBMITTEDt September 7, 1956 Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Kuch,;irov, V. F., Segall, G. M., 62-58-3-22/30 _9_az_a_r0_v, ' r-_797' TITLE: The Stereochemistry of the Oxidation of the A 4_ 44- Octaline-Carboxylic Acids (Stereokhimiya okinleniya oktalinkarbonovykh kislot) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Otdoleniye Khimicheskikh Nauk, 1950, Nr 3. PP. 367-36; (usn) ABSTRACT: It was of interest to the authors to investigate the stereochemiatry of thu oxidation of the above mentioned (and of similar) acids by means of acetic acid and osmium anhydride. The investigations carried out showed that sin- ELnd anti-I& 1-octaline-i-earboxylic acids produce individual a-oxides with good yields in the oxidation with peracetic acid. Their configurations coriaspond to the disposition of the oxycycle which is opposite to that of carboxylic acid groups. Such a configuration of the a-oxides was proved by a number of stereospecific reactions. They made at the same time possible the 3ynthesis of stereo- Card 1/2 isomeric 4-ketodekaline-carboxylic acids. See formulae 1-13. The Stereochemistry of the Oxidation Pf the 4 4_ 62-58-3-22130 Octaline-Carboxylic Acids Different from this the oxidation of the sin-cis-6 4_ octaline-1,2-dicarboxyli^ acid takes place in both possible stereo directions with simultaneous formition of isomeric a- and P-oxides (see formulae 14-18, 19-25 and 26-30). There are 5 references, 4 of which are Slavic- A3SUCIATION: Institut or,-anichoskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Oreanic Chemistry imeni 11. D. Zelinsk iy I AS USSR) SUBMITTED: October 16, 1957 Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Shidlovskaya, A. N., Syrkin, Ya. K., Correaponflng 20-118-5-33/59 Member of the AS USSR, Nazarov, I. N., Member of the AS USSR, (Deccased),_~!~ ~herov~_V. F. TITLE: Dipole Moments of Ethers of the Isomeric Cyclohexane-1,2-Di- carboxylio Acids (Dipollnyye momenty efirov izomernykh taiklogeksan-1,2-dikarbonovykh kislot) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol- 118, Nr 5, PP- 967-969 (U5.9R) ABSTRACT: Usually it in proceeded from the fact that the fauteuil-like configuration with a maximum number of equatorial subetituants is the most stable. This assumption was chiefly confirmed by the investigation of different cyclic compounds which have methyl and hydroxyl groups as substituents. In this context the investigation of such compounds is interesting which have more strongly polar substituents (references 1,2). In the series of the 1,2-substituted cyclohexanes 3 isomers are possible: a cis-isomer with an equatorial-axial position of the substituents (a - a), or a trans-isomer in a diequatorial Card 1/4 form (all - 9) or in a diaxial form (a - a). Dipole moments of Dipole Moments of Ethers of the Isomeric Cyclohexane-1,2-Di- 2)-118-5!-33159 carboxylic Acids lo substances, derivatee of cyclohexane and cyclohexene, were measUred. The tables 1 and 2 show: structural formulae, temperature constants, complexe poarizations P,,, electronic polarizations PE,, orientation polarizations POr , and dipole moments. The comparison of the latter of the isomers of the cyclohexane and cyclohexene derivates showed that the double linkage causes only slight changes of the moment for the cis- -form an well as for the trana-form. The dipole momenta cf the isomers of the monomethylether of the cyclohexane-1,2- -dicabonic acid are 'decreased as compared to dimethylether. Parhape this can be explained by the formation of an intra- molecular hydrogen linkage between the oxygen of the carbony'. group and the hydrogen of the O-H group. It is interestinr to compare the dipole moments of the isomers of the methyl- ethers of the cyclohexanedicarbonic acid with those of the ethers of unsaturated dicarbonic acids (for example the di- ethyl other of maleio and fumaric acid). The difference in the radicals of the ether group is said to have no noticeable influence on the value of the moments. As is ahown in Card 2/4 publications (reference 3) the dipole moment of the other of Dipole Moments of Ethers of the Isomeric Cyclohexane-1,2-Di- 20-118-5-33159 carboxylic Acids maloic acid is greater than of that of fumaric acid. This Is moreover confirmed by the cis-configuration of the compound number 3 (table 1). Table 2 shows moments of molecules which differ from those treated above by having an additional methyl group at C . As could be expected for the isomers 1 and 2 equal valuei of the moments were obtained, as the moment of the CH3-group in equal to that of the C-H group. The isomers 3 and 4 have somewhat greater moments. Isomer 4 is also the most stable. All other isomers are finally truns- formed into isomer 4. Contradictory to the formula (references 4-6) the authors maintain that for substituents of the type of ethers of the cyclohexane-1,2-dicarbonic acids whica con- tain irregular groups the moment of the diaxial isomer (a-a) may not be set equal to zero. In order to determine the con- figuration of the Isomers of the dimethylethers of cyclo- hexane-1,2-diccrbonic acid the dipole moments were computed by aesiming a free rotation of the COOCH groups taking into consideration their direction as irregular group1s in relation to the cycloh,,xane nucleus. The moment of the isomer a-a was Card 3/4 determined an 2,3o D. The experi2ental value of the moment Dipole Moments of Ethers of the Isomeric Cyclohexane-1,2-Di- ZC~-118-5-33/59 carboxylic Acids of the cis-isomer lies between the computed values 2,51 - - 2,30 D. The experimental moment of the trans-isomer (-2y14) does not correspond to the computed value of the moment of the isomer &-d" if a free rotation is assumed. There are 2 tables and 9 references, 2 of which are Soviet, ASSOCIATION: Mookovskiy inatitut tonkoy khimicheakoy tekhnologii i=. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow Institute for Refined Chemical Technology imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: October 1, 1957 Card 4/4 J)'"HOh J: --ov, 2( - i j -e- Naztt. 1. N., Member, Anademy 01' (Doconn-A), klicho-rov, V. Fit Andreycv, V. M. , 'o,tRal'. S I, VY (It' i ne D iene. Con den .9,%LJ on ot 1-u- At:etoxyvinyl- &-Cyclohexenr- With Malt-ic AId(ihv(If (Starc-Achlinlya dipln--~ves:f v-114-nvatst; * c~~,c-~. 0- S,mloinovym szgid Al-txllklaq PUNODICINL: Dokla(4v hkadf-r-, ~ Nwik, vf~l IQ, 117. R in flip ti 49 1 n k t) f. voh-se 'A It, -!Il .o on f'r indivilylial ' &-jid !i. its !WP" xv- &3-r70 a, int.- 2-4%,c-a~-Uoxy lie .'cul I Acurvair'n 4-19 . Vn the nas) s -i' the dato. nht"! nad VOOkS ~ --jVII Lhrt. the ati-%-e-ri,-nLintien ~,f!. 8.-A rd. t .-,:I Y4- :utll* ig,o mt A o) F%fkl i 11 q t V otte. ~.cinft gurat J i,n 1 3 und-r tht-pe uQn-ij t-' Ln,. Ott th"? wh-, ! r, , - (. n I. ! , s- ru lo C f the p,:c jMU,. i:, L t w, ) r 1,ut t.,int. 3... o, ~,,, thw pr.,~,p(j thij C ttle ttqIU.: t I -e ;nniviwitil sind tnat: I t ~c-.onllfitns h ama, .1 quantity -of trip fliav-~-Condenratiort of ;?~I- Witti WA)ote- Aldphyrj., i romt, vi v ivti-cis-d-%I,,Att-xv-fLnhydride V irqf 2). 11 he fin F, evidevit. ~hnt in fir. RI.Ad 3AP061, t'i cation of Lhe or vsiaIII--,- mixture remnJnlrag atter lic-tration nf 'wetely SoAd 11 (4 it its Poubible t...3 ,-btT4,. 1! Isuirterin tvarn.PVII-r:If-4-koto acid VI ( Mwi tt rig C(,-kf!f I'lis, in tit; A d t t: ' he r V11 - Tho, vim" be! idirplated WjO. St !(j- yield f.r.)m th,~- Tirt-diint" it,' n,-,-'d egrcnifji"~I(~n t)f 1-h P indivirivia! 17i. Trile waft .ind in,.Ii q'el th4l. iWt,Ak wftL% nc-I ,j., e inliviiVift, ur th-it II-to sap,.,njI'icaf.j.)n fjC tho ipn,:vtjtIv group ix The I-tLkpr otu-ild ip-~ P--*rQCU.e (ref ~;;E-a-kefo rcin 'I.' ~iethvv Lheir ty tne proe,*' I t~i,lr EngliMt to..ti -s (-#~T T s m , it r- F,-,r thi % vurptse ayr.-c,. e--~nty-t; is- xj was i,!i,i; -A I-v .(,vinhirr hq aftor the de- .rt, Ca r-i Of fri- oomp,.:,~ an:, #0'!er ine treritvent -f ?h, Trie Htqrq,)obemistry of drie Diene-Condensation of Pvvipyl-Al -eyii1ohoxfne With MAinin Aldehyde prod-act with diazometneup, cjS-gjycoj-Xj-eth*~r vus isolatc-1. The oc)nfigurntir~n ol* the latter curreapon4s *,i t-110 liddition nf otimium IijIN from the aide cpr.O!,_,te tj tPe oarbOYY'L grOlipR 'j'j;rtjjye To the %xial coaiticn it t.hP tortiory hydroxvI vv,,,,v itom be capable 4 dO.V01.4..11)n 'on '.6il"IlIg I'-fl, slid yt-aidpol I'llf. As "%r Pit Lw;jt!h ii -;Yr-f-rj~O i-n -7'. !r..,rvMa#AIy it t ii -1 f q r. Y'?v a t' it C 7 q 4 1 t1, n n f t it - -y mumt -tie sttittj -.hht the vot- ether produced .- inl,r n ,4% i,h., mF,-;Fi prc.ditet real ''v r( Fen4 rP r r,- p_vv - ~: ! ,,- c :,n rxi ! i i IfttIt-r in nutf! ~-i -nt)'viin q,,ie :,,cnf 1 vinn! Icn (I the -P ar.1 ~ ,A Ai -!tht-r VYI .(.rVigu2 _itn f,f -. F, u -j: rp. An -:v vt -,Lri-:nt,i t r~%;- 9 the u f!'Ja I fin U. fj~ firt 0!, wit: ch stre .,.-hr-mi at ry of the A Cetuvvv I tIY I- nticke- Vi I It, A Ile hvlq ~--N!IAT),-M: Instilut ortegnI.-hplio c y 14 Ak4domli nbuk S511' III:' t to for OrRsn- rhp(ui!-v~, to N, P. Z*llTskiy A,~ -1TPM---7PED- Dc..,ember 21. 19W li.(q - I KUCHEROV, V. F. fz~ G. M. Segall and V. F. Kucherovs "Stereochomiatry of the Oxidat'on o 4- Octaline Carboxylic Acids." report presented at the Symposium on Concepts of Conformation in Organic Chemistry which took place in Hoacow at the IOKh AN SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry, AS USSR) from September 30 to October 2, 1958. Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR) Otdeleniye khimicheskikh, 1959j No. 3, 561-564. KUCHMOV, V. F. V. M. Andreyev and V. F. Kucher V., "Synthesis and Configuration of All Poseible Isomers of 3,4-Dimethyl-,69 -Octaline Carboxylic Acids." report presented at the Symposium on Concepts of Conformation in Organic Chemistry which took place in Moscow at the IOKh AN SSSR (Institute of Oreanic Chenistry, AS USSR) from September 30 to October 21 1958. Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSRj Otdeleniyo Wmicheskikh nauk,, 1959p No. 3p 561-564. IWILER~Q'I V. F. (ICKh AS USSR, Moscow) V. F. Kucherov and N. Ya. Grigorlyeva; 11 Application of the Principles of Conformational Analysis for Proving the ConfigurAtion of Isomers of 3-Acetov Cyclohexane-1,2,-dicarboxylic Acids." report presented at the Symposium on Concepts of Conformation in Orranic Chemistry which took place in Moscow at the I0Kh AN SSSH, (Institute of OrEanic Chemistry, AS USSR) from September 30 to October 2j 1958, Isvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1959, No. 3, 561-564. 50) AUTHORS: Kucherov, V. F., Segall, G. SOV/62-59-4-17/42 ' ra-Z -ar-o TITLE: Investigation in the Field of Storeochemi3try of the Cyclic Compounds (Issledovaniye v oblasti stereokhimii toikliches)-ikh so,yedinaniy). Communication 22. Stereochemistry of the 0xida- tion of Syn- A4-Octalono-l-Carboxylic Acid and the Configu::a- tion of the Products Thus Obtained (Soobahcheniye 22. Ster~io- khimiya okisleniya sin-,64-oktalin-l-karbonovoy kisloty i k3n- figuratsiya poluchennykh pri etom produktov) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdcleniye khi~.iicheskjkh 19599 fir 4, pp 673-681 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present work the previously dezycribed ('10r 1) syll-e- octaleno-l-carboxylic acid fT" was inve3tliEated. It vaj found that the oxidation of thi3 aell aB wzll ar, its catalyzed iydro- genation are sterically selective funl that orl,,,r a sinCle crystalline oxide (11) is quantitati,/~A;( forned by the action of peracetic acid in chlorofor7. This oxide gives with diisr,- methane a liquid ester (III). The u-oxiae shows a strong tend- Card 1/3 ency to lactonize. When subjoctell to the action of Investigation in the Field of Stereoc~emistry o-.* thu, Cyclic Compounds. Communication 22. StAreachumintry of the O.-.1-idation of Syn-,d4-Octaleno-l-Carboxylic Acid and the Configuration of the Prodnnt5 Thus Obtained hydrogen chloride in ether or mhen boiled in nethan,)] df.vps the hydroxy-l-lactone (TV) in -. hiji jield. The latt~-,- loo formed when the oxydole enter (Ili~ is bollad ir -`ox-ne in the presence of sulphuric to-id. The conf~idernticon o-,' a model of epimeric hydroxy-y-lactones nhows that '.-he cxif.1 hydroxyl group in hydroxy-y-lactonc (IV) is leap sbields,-d than the equatorial group in hydroxy-y-l-actone (IX), in whict, the lactone nucleus can exercis2 itz steric action. As in ap,,,,~-zunt from the configuration of gyn-44-octaleno-1-carboxylic acid M, ito oxidation vith osmic aciO anhydride and with peracrv!~,, acid can take place only fron the aide opro5ite to tht; o',~ilclded axial carboxyl group. Owing to the ciB-hydroxylation, cia- glycol of the cis-decalin series (XIV) is formed in this .-ase and the eater (XV) of this compound is formed in a similar manner by the oxidation of the syn-ester (XVI). The dehydration of the cia-glycol (XIV) with p-tolueneoulphonic acid gives Card 2/3 syn-c".s-4-ketodecali P-1-carboxylic acid (XVII), the este-r of Investigation in the Field of Stereochemistry of the SOV/62-59-4-17/4','- Cyclic Compounds. Communication 22. 3tereochomictry of the Oxidation of Syn- 64-Octaleno-l-Carboxylic Acid and the Configuration of the Products Thus Obtained which is also formed by the dehydration of cis-glycol ester (XV). The stereochemiatry of the oxidation of eyn- A4_ octaleno-1-carboxylic acid (1) with peracetic acid and osmic acid anhydride can be demonstrated by molecular models Page 676). The configuration and conformation of the a-ox-Lde II) of the cis-glycol (XIV) and all their conversion producto ~ have been confirmed by infrared apectra, stercospecific rp.- actiona and molecular modoln. There are 11 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut organichenkoy khimii in. V. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Or,-anic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zolinskiy of the Academy of Scioncen, USSR) SUBMITTED: July 10, 1957 Card 3/3 5(3) AUTHORS: Kucherov, V. F., Ser, al G. SOV/62-59-4-16/42 a ~za r o v TITLE: Inventigation in the Field of the Stereochemistry of the Cyclic Compounds (Issledovaniye v oblasti Btercokhimii tziklic%e9kikh noyedineniy). Communication 23. ';tereochemistry of the Oxldn- tion of Anti- A4_oc talano-l-Carboxylic Acid (Soob9hch,!niy(, 23. Stereokhimiya okinleniya anti-,A4_ oktalin-l-karbonovoy ki.31oty) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk Otdeleniye khic-iicheakikh n,tok, 1959, TIr 4, pp 682-689 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present work the oxidation of anti- 44__Oc tal eno- oxylic acid (IV), in which tbe shioldint, action of the equato- rial carboxyl ieads only to the trani-decalin syntem, win investigated. In spite of a more widely opened double boid in (IV) its oxidation is also 3terictlly selective Rnd forns a single, individual a-oxide (V) in a yield of 30 %. When treated with diazomethane this oxide rives a liquid oxide ester (VI). owing to the preeence of the equatorial carbox~,.L a-cxid,2 cannot form lactones ani t.,hen boiled in aqueous dioxane in the Card 1/4 presence of sulphuric acid gives the trann-Glycol (VII), Investigation in the Field of the Stereochemistry of SOVI/62-59-4-18/42 the Cyclic Compounds. Communication 23. Stereochemistry of the Oxidation of Anti-.A4_octaleno-l-Carboxylic Acid The reaction has a similar course in the case of the oxidn eater (VI), under formation of trans-glycol ester (VIII). This is also obtained by treating (VII) with a diazomethane eater solution. To prove the configuration of (VII) the de- hydration of its eater (VIII) with p-toluene sulphonic acid was investigated. It was found thatthis does not cause lactonization wherean the previously described (Ref 4) etter of trano-anti-4-ketodecalin-l-carboxylic acid (IX) is formed in a good yield. This fact proves that the transglycol (vii) contains a trans-decalin system with a diaxial distribut'-on of the hydroxyl groups at C 4 and C, 0 and the carboxyl at C in an equatorial position. This configuration confirms a' , 80 the a-configuration of the oxide cycle in the initial oxide M. This configuration results from the addition of the oxygen from the direction opposite to the equatorial carboxyl group. From the same direction the hydroxylation of_(IV) with comic acid anhydrideis effected. The resulting cis glycol (XII) wat Card 2/4 found unable to lactonize. Its esterl also formed when the Investigation in the Field of the Stereochemistry of sov/62-59-4-16/42 the Cyolic Compounds. Communication 23- Stereochemistry of the Oxidation of Anti-,A4-octaleno-l-Carboxylic Acid eater of anti-,44-octaleno-l-carboxylic acid (XIV) is reamated with comic acid anhydride, formed upon dehydration th.7? c%tt,-r of trano-anti-ketonic acid (IX). The cin-adduct (XYI) -w-te ob- tained by condensing trans-1,2-dimethylbutadianc with mc'ha- crylate at room temperature. Accordinj,, to the genoral Fl(,-,ic laws applicable to diene synthesis, (XXI) must contain t!.ii carboxyl group in axial position. For this reason the cia-2,3-dimethyl-,63-cyclohexane-l-carboxylic acid (XXI*I'j formed by the saponification of (XXI) forms easily the I-lactone. A similar course has the oxidation of (1XIT) vkith peracetic acid. The fact that the redultin a xide (XXI'i) can easily form the hydroxy-y-lactone (XXV5 p;Zves clearly the cie-configuration Pf the initial acid XXII) having the carboxyl at C1 in axial position and the a-configuratior. of the oxide (XXIV). There are 8 references, 6 of whi- are Soviet, Card 3/4 Investigation in the Field of the Stereochemistry of SOV/62-59-4-18/42 the Cyclic Compounds. Communication 23- Stereochomintry of the Oxidation of Anti-,A4-Octaleno-l-Carboxylic Acid ASSOCIATIOIT: Inatitut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akadenii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemiatry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: July 101 1957 Card 4/4 .10V i i c In r, r ovv Gri, or'yovf, "n. F T IT L" - Tnvt~ntlgp-tlon.; in the Fie-I, tli- of Cyclic Comrwindrq (1391edovani,ve v t.; ik I! ch e a k soyo,~ i n,2ni.,, C,-r i ,.,.ni ion Di imu, DiTio thy I Fvm a ratc. nn-' Con If ;i~ rritic-1 ',i:cts Obta I nod ;oobohcheniye 24. Di,?enovvy,i s maleinovyn angifiridom it llr,,~tilfu virato,~., polychonnykh niduktov) Akwlexiii n-,vil.- ;-hiTA--iiiokjAh nauk, ':r 5, pp In Oilo work thu t1lione cnn~on3aticn of 1-acetox.,butadienn. zlth anhydrHo riml limethl,rl N;-,ar~tte and the config-J.-ition nn!! uatil)l trnw)fornntion of the pi-o3ijeti formed' ware f:-,Iv-,.n thuritiqli inveitig-Airii. 1-Acofyj~,itrvlicne 7-mn'synthlsi2nd to the Flaig fv~thwl. conlr3risf-Aion with -.'aloic nznh.-Mride shoyied !3olectlvity with for.-IfIticri of the .::i3-r,JS-Tlro hict (11 The confir-aratirn -.T,~s ~)roved by Card 1/1" ijyliragena'tion awl lrtctoniz,~ticm. vVitn cond,?n'a,,!tion of fmpps t Ir-. 1, ion:-, J.n t'-- of' co:-11r)"In"Is. Field of the Sternochemintr.,t -SOV/62-59-5-14PO Acom-willir.- lion 2,1. Diena Condr-nnationi of I-Acetoxy- -nd nnil Config-aration of tcc:r ')-o tfid i (.,n~ -rith fl-icth'-1 both i!3omars ~,r,~rc obtrinetIz trrmn-tr-ni -id tvinn-cia (XI" ind X7), tw~ configlirtition of whic~i %,ri. nrovod b-., lth~'-ir C;talytic !~y~,Ivo,,Ponrition, apponification, -nl thn observrtion of .,,Olrculrr mod,)Is. The derivn~ivei of the cis-ci3 order and tritria-cis orlor with nn FixiAl rtrrpn.~c-vmt of the acetoxy ','~ro,-Ip have P low stpbility. Tht,.v vi.)r,nr.-.te rxf)tic acid with cntp.lytic hy4rogenfltion, !%lk!,Iin- ;-Irmifin-J ion, ~nd hentin,,! -;hjIr., various ncitic nra lormod. 7he iaomeric coripounJ7 Of UIC crdcr rith. the ;~fpirtorlr.lly irranged -,re wfflcinntly ritablo -3o V-T. 3o-ic of thni--.- Nbtnin.'. r a :~ (I Tit n Pri oo-jll' be (011t of four thooroticall'- ~"C- nynt!),ii7,~1 I,y !Tionni of dio-m r og, ';Ii-)Y! -nd ;, thorov~'trli iao- ,Ha trpnn-~-ox, -j-~Iicrrbox- lie c Mic Field Of the Cyc"c Co"nc Auctox~r- d in,.~ '7 L t ri D im 9 t tho Pro !.1!- 7, 'Aan I T T Uard V; 5 (3) MIMS: Kucherov, V. F,, Andreyev, V. X., SOV/62-59-6-17/36 TITLE: Investigations in the Field of Stereochemistry of Cyclic Com- pounds (Inaledoyaniya v oblasti zterookhimii taiklicheskikh soyedineniy). Communication 25. The Condensation of Trans-192- dimethylbutadione With Naleic Anhydride Synthesis and Configu- ration of Your Isomers of the 3,4-dimet~yl-64-cyclohex&ne-ip2- dicarbmViio Acid (Soobehoheniye 25- londensatsiya trana-lt2- dimetilbutadiyana a maleinovym angidridom, Sintez i konfigura- taiya chetyrekh izomerov 3,4-dimetil-A4-taikl'ogeksen-1,2-di- karbonovoy kisloty) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1959, Nr 6, PP 1058 - 1067 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The synthesis of the diene condensation (see title) which with stereochemical selection forma the cis-cia-configuration (is') was investigated. Up to now only the oia-cia-configuration could be obtained. By further heating and in the presence of' diethylaniline (IV) may be transformed into the isomeric cia- Card 1/4 -trans-anhydride (VII). By means of saponification (VII) may ,Investigations in the Field of Stereochemistry of -BOV/62-59-6-17/36 Cyclic Compounds. Communication 25. The Condensation of Trans-1,2-dimethylbutadione With Maleic Anhydride. Synthesis and Confiju- ration of Four Isomers of the 3,4-dimethyl-,A4_cyclohexane-192-dicarbmaL, Acid be transformed into the diaxially arranged carboxylic acid (Vill'. The epimeric acid (V) corresponds to (VIII)l %he two latter ones form the corresponding diesters (VI and IX). In aqueous methanol (VI) could be transformed into a cis-cis- diester which by the action of sodium methylate isomerizes to the trans-tTan8-3,4-dimethyl-A4 rbzQM! axid -cyclo-hexane-1,2-dica & (XI). The last possible spatial isomer, the trans-cis-3,4-d-~- methyl-A4-cyclohexane-I 9 2-dicarbAOIZ acid (XIV), is formed in an analogous way. Thus, all four spatial isomers which are pos- sible were obtaineds M -Cooii~e~ (Vill) :COOH~e~ (XI)_QCOOH'e~ COOH a COOH~e ~CH;?H CH;Q COOH a CH 3 CH 3(e) 3(a) 3(e) Card 2/4 melting point 173 0 melting point 161 0 melting point 150c) Investigations in the Field of Stereochemistry of BOV/62-59-6-IT/36 Cyclic Compounds. Communication 25. The Condensation of Tran8-1,2-dimethylbutadiene With Maleic Anhydride. Synthesis and Confij-,u- ration of ?our Isomers of the 3,4-dimethyl-,64 -cyclohexane-1 2-dicarbagmc loid (XIV) COOH(e) CH () -COOH(e) 3 'C11 3(a) melting point 1050 The existing configuration was determined by means of lacteni- zation of the different compounds. When studying the spatiil orientation of the lactonization it could be observed that with the isomeric cis-trans- and trans-cis-aoids (VII) and (XIV' also conversion forms take part, which are caused by repeaiad isomerization of the cyclohexane ring. COOH(a) H CH 3 LH (e)HOOC- 6 1 1 ' 'I .A (e)CH3 ~4 H- -COOH(q) H _(a V. Card 3/4 C3(a) XIV 001i(a) XIV(a)