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SLABIHOUM, Y.. Prof.. MUDr.; KUCMMVA, T., MUDr.; KIMLAN, J., KJDr. Certain results of field prevention of tuberculosis. Cook. 2dravot. 4 no.11:656-664 Nov 56. 1. Z Ustavu organisace zdravotnictvi lekarske fakulty PU v - . and. prof. dr. F. Slablhoudek. (TUBIRCULOSTS, prmvontion and control, In Czech. (Cz)) MCBROVA, Vlasta Studies on tratum in the Olomouc regions Geeks sdraTots 5 U0.10: 544-348 Oct 57- 1, Z Ustayu or~Lnisace sdravotniatyi I*kLroke fakulty FU prednosta prof. Ifrantisek SlAbihoudek. (WOUNDS AND INJUINS, statistics, in Czech. (Cs)) KUCIROVA, T.; NJCKIAN, J. Myocardial infarot vith special reference to social aspects; sTal'UAtiOn of proceeding condition. Cook. sdravot. 3 no.12s703-709 Doc 57. 1. Ustav organimaos sdravotniotvi lek, fakulty PU v Momouci (predmosta Prof. 7e Slabihoudek). (MYOGMUL 11FARCT, Soo. aspects (as)) HATSK, T.; XUCIRA. A.; IWAROVA, V.; )GNAHIKj L. Role of the spleen in interocoptIve conditioned blood picture changes in rabbit. Cook. fyolol. 7 no.3029~430 Sept 58. 1, Pysiologick;r ustav u Ustav organisace sdrvaotniotvi lek. fak. PU, Olo- mouc, (BLOOD GELISO count, off. of splenectom7 on conditioned ebanges in rabbits (015)) (Iwiax, CONDITIOMO conditioned blood count changes in splenectonized rabbite(Cs)) (SPLEM. off. of excia. on conditioned blood count changes in rabbits (Cs)) RATEK, F.; KUCERA, A#; KWEROVA, V.; MIWIK, L. Bffeat of ardenalectonq on the course of Interoceptive white and red blood ,picture changes in rabbits. Cask. fyaiol. 7 no.5-.431-432 Sept 58, 1. 7yetologicky ustav a Ustav organience sdravotniotvi IA. fak. PU, Olo~ mouce (LIWCYU CMT, off. of adrenalectosW on interoceptive chmuM,,es in rabbits (Cs)) (ERYTHROOTMO counto off. of adrenaleotomy on interoceptive changes in rabbits (Cs)) (AMNAIXGTOKT, off. on interoceptive erythrocyte & leukocyte coimt in rabbits (Cs)) KUCIPA, A.;RATZK, Ir.;MIKLRIK# L.;KUGJIROVA, V. On the effect of penta-m-ethoi-k-i on ~he course interoceptive changes of whits and red blood pictures in rabbits. Cook. fysiol. 8 no.53 418-419 5 159 1. PysiologloiW ustav a Umtav organisaos sdravotnictyl JAk. fak. PU' Olomouc. (KMOSIUM COMPOUNM pharmacol.) (XEITTEMYTA COUNT pharmacol.) (IMOGM COUNT, pharmcol. ) XMIRA, A,;BATXK# 7,;MINARIK# L.;KUGIROU, V, Affect of the pitnitary on the dynamics of changes In white blood picture. Cook, fYsiol. 8 no.5:419-420 S 159 1. J~siologioky ustay a Ustay organisace sdravotuistyi lak, fak,, Pu, Olomouc. UMOGM COUNT) HYPOPHISJCTOKY off.) ~ PUZA, Vladimir; LEJSEK, Narell techn, collaborationt ADAHCOVA,V. and KUCMWVA,V. Some cytologic changes after irradiation In tumour cells, Sborr. ved.prac.lek.fak.Karlor.,Vniv. (Hrad.KraLle) 6 no,l: 161-16). t63. 1. Department of General Biology (head:doc.dr.Bohumil Hluchosky)j Department of Medical Chemistry (heads Ivo Ruis,, M.D.) Charles University., Faculty of Medicine at Hradec Kralove. d Wr W,th teaching publ i,, I "1 9D 1 64. F.Aodra zdravotri-atvi a do,lln lekaratv, ;-alackeho Un1w,-reity, (,'Icm"i(-. CZECHDSLOVARIA / Farm Animals, The Honeybee, Abs Jouri Ref Zhur -Blot*,, No 5, 1959j .21326, Author t Kucera, Vaclavj Kucerovao Zors. Inst i,Not givens Title i The Preparation of Bob Colonies for Using Acacia and Other Early Collection Plants. Orig Pub:'Vcelarstvi, 1958,' llg No 4g 50-51, Abstractl After several years of observation,, the authors drew the conclusion that under the -ondLtlons of Czechoslovakia.the omployment nf two,.colony, two. body beehives prove* more efficient than when the usual one-queen beehives are used. in a two-colony beehive, colony A Is arranged at the top of the beehive structure, colony 8 at the bottom. A sheet of foil 13 placed between the chambers In order to separate the odors of each colony. Usuallycolony Card 1/Z KUCEROTSKrjq Zdanek Method for photoelectric, measurement of wall preesuren. Chem prum 12 no&SWJ-446 As 162. Is VYWcumy ustay ukrmolakdaimi chemis, Bmo. NUCEROVSKY Zdanek %intenance and repair of electric separating devicesm by B. Klobouk. Reviewed by Zdansk Kucerovsky. Chem prm 12 no.12.-680 D 162. 1. V~Ikumny ustay mda-omolskuUrni chemia. Z/009/63/000/002/001/004 2112/E353 AUTHORS: SalabAn, Lubo; and Xu' e1r-Q-VS1Ci'.Z-40n;1' TITLE: Application of the radiospectromoter SPR-2 in the study of radicals formed during the oxidation of antioxidant.9 PERIODICALt Chemicky' pramyel, no. 2, 1963, 74 - 77 TEXT: Many antioxidants form stable free radicals on oxidation and it is suggested that the effectiveness of such compounds may depend on the stability and structure of the resulting tree radicals. Electron magnetic resonance spectra are reported for radicals formed by oxidation with lead dioxide of the following substituted pheno13 in, a cyclohexane or benzene riedium: 2,6-di-tort.butyl-4-mdthylphonol , M thio-bis-0-riethYl-~5-tert.- butylphonol),- (II), phanyl-bis-(3-tert.butyl-6-inothyl phenyloxy)- methane, (III), and othylone-bis-(2-metl2Yl-5-tort.butyll))-icnol), (IV). The spectra were obtdined at room temp.erature using 0 -.Iicro- wave frequency of 9750 Mc/s. The phenol and solvent were contained in a 5-mm diameter tube, the solvent being frozen by means of liquid nitrvgen to which the oxidizing agent was added. The tube -.,ras Card 1/3 z/oog/63/ooo/oWooi/oO Application of E112/E353 evacuated and inserted into the resonator when, the solvent having melted, the formation of the radicals began. Rcf;ultsappenred in the conventional way as derivatives of the absorption curves, Th e oxidation of (1) p.--oceeds in-two stages and the spectra and identities of the primary and secondary radicals nre shown. -Tho- riunrtet splitting, soon in the spectra, is associated with the three hydrogens of the mathyl group in the p-position. The hyper- fine triplet splitting of each line- must be associated with the interaction of the unpairod electron iritlk the mata ring hydrogon atom.s. A study of the second phase of oxidation revealed the dis- appearance of the basic quartet and replacement by a narrow triplet. Results suggest. that the p-methyl group is being oxidized to a COH or COOH-group. The oxidation of (II) showed abstraction of tile phenolic hydrogen -atorn and interaction of.thc impaired electron with the hyclro-ens of the methyl groups and of the benzene ring. Tile spectrum did not show hyperfine structure. Oxidation of (III) 'gave spectra vr_Jth symmetrical singlets and hypcrf~ne structure. The spectra of tile free radicals from (IV) gave a symmetrical sin.-let. There are 4 figures. Card 2/3 z/oog/63/000/002/001/004, Application of .... E112/E353 ASSOCIATION: V~zl~umny' U'sta*v mAkromolekulfirni chemie, Brno (Macromolecular Chemistry Research Institute, Brno) SUBMITTED: August 18,1962 Card 3/3 Z/037/63/000/002/003/004 E140/9135 AUTHOR: Kucerovsky, Zdene' TITLE: Reduc the dead time of Geiger-MUller quenching circuits PERIODICAL: Ceskoslovenskj Zasopia pro fysiku. no.2, 1963, IA-126 .=T: The author proposes the use of the well-known three- tube monostable multivibrator to reduce the dead time of Geiger- IkMller quenching circuits. He obtains 10 wicrosee quenching impulses with 12 microsecond dead time. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATIONi Vizkumny' xistav,makromolekulairni chemia, Brno (Research Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Brno) SUBMITTED: April 13v 196,2 Card 1/1 KUCEROVSKYp Zden&., ZAUXIDIK, Petr Device for level indication of loose materials In storage bine. Chem prum 13 no.81408-411, Agt63. 1. Vyzkumny ustav makromolekularni chemie, Brnoo L 122~-66 EWP JD 3"t)2r- IJP(P) cz/0008/65/059/005/0604/0607 AUTHOR: Kucerovsky, Zdenek; Pribyl, Miloalaw; ~~i, Hiroalav TITLE: Stabilized source for constant current coulometry SOURCE: Chemicke listy, ve 599 noo 51 1965, 604-607, and insert facing P. W WPIC TAGS: titr:Lmetry# chemical laboratory apparatus, microchemical analyB~G Abstract: Coulometrio titriation at constant current are used -in anaiysis oonduoted on large numbers of samples. Thore aro however very few sources for the supply of suitable apparatuse.- The authors describe an apparatus of their own design; it has a range of 0,2 to 40 mA and It is suitable for analysis where a limited amount of the analyzed substance is available, or for' microanalysiso It is suitable for concentrations of OaO5 to 3 mioroaquiv/ml,in iodometric determination of small amounts of E23 (2 to 50.miorograms),, and in titanometrio dotormination,of iron. (0,00~%) in Ti.ealts.- - orig. art.* has 3 figures and 2 graphso ASSOCIATMN: Vyzkummy untav makromolskularni ehemie, Brno (Institute for Macro- molecular Chemistry) -Card 1/2 0 L 1223-66 ACCESSIONNRI suBH=t 18Apr64 ENCL: 00 NO REF SOVt 001 OTHM: 003 -11~- AIMIOR: Kucheruk, V. V.; Pchelkina, A. A. ORG. Department of Naturally Focal Diseases, Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Academy of liedical Sciences$ SSS 11A(Otdel prirodnoochagovykh bolezney Instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii im. NT"Pold-1 i AM SSSR) TITLE: Viremia and dynamics of complement-fixing antibodies in hedgehogs infected vith tick-borne encephalitis viru4 I SOURCE: Voprosy virusologii, no. 3, 1966, 352-357 TOPIC TAGS: virology, viral antigens, tissue culture, tick borne encephalitis virus, Omsk fever, Povassan virus, louping ill virus, Langat virus, virus purifica- 1ion method,, f.4e,6AM9417'1,j ) r'1403 .01JSA-5?_ , fiAM0,600cl ABSTRACT: Hedgehogs are highly.sunceptible to very small subcutaneous doses of tick- :borne encephalitis virus. Stibcutaneme'dooes of 0.1 IDSO produce severe and prolonged viremia. The disease has Wo peaks, one an the 4th-'6th day--4Lfter infection, and the second on the Ift-45th day. Complement-fixing Antibodies appeared in the blood on the tenth day after infection, reached .tbe~ k~ghest titer on. the_ thirtieth daW and verie nearly absent by the Card 1 um 616.988.25-092.9-07:[616.157:57.6.858.25+6i6.9t825.o97.32]-07 Ap6o2l581. 86th.-224th daW. Um-neutializing antibodies yore in the blood of my~oulr infected anim&U. Orig. art. baq.:... 2.figures MA. 50j CBS No, 10] SUB CODEs 061 BUBM DATSt ol2jau651 osiq Ras 004/ OTH Wi OOV, f Car4 --12/2 KUCFIR,, J)wiuta A cane of actinomycovio localized in the region of the hyoid bone, Czao# Btomat, 18 no.10;1215-1219 0 165. 1, Z Kliniki Chirurgii Stomatologicznej Slaskiej AM w Zabrzu (Kierownikt prof, dr. 14. Jankowski). KUCIIA, -I Peorganization of poBtal emmmication under new ccrditlans. Veat. avia3i 23 no-5:2.9 MY 163. (WIRA 17:4) 1. Ndchallnik pochtovogo ctdela Mtnisterstva ev-aai Moldavskoy M. ?.11C11AP Ya.A. - Organization of the delivery of newspapers, magazines, anl postal dispatches in the Moldavian S.S.R. Vest. sviazi 24 no.4115-16 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Chlen kollegil Hinistaretva mvynzi 'Moldavukoy SSR. BOMA, A,G.; GFZHEVA) R.L*j TAPTIKOVA)S.D.; KRASIU'IKOV,11.A. On some characteristics of actinomycetes frm the pink-colored group* Izv. microbiolo inst. 1509-62 "63 r 41 KUCHAEVA, A. G.; KWILINIKOV,, N. A.; TAFTIKOVA, S. D.; GESHEVA, R. L. On the classification of aetinomyestes from the lavendulne group. Izv. mlftrobiol. inst. (Sofia) 13:103-124 161. (STRMvMUCES) i XUCHAEVA GESHEVA;RL.; TAPMOVA, S.D. h-G-) I Biology of the pink-colored group of actinomycetes. 1. The Fradiae group. Izv. microbiol. inst. 15,19-32 163 GOLIKI AOZ.; KLASSEN, I.F.; _KUCUK, Speed of propagation of ultrasonic waves in certain zinc and cadmium amalgams. Akustoshur, 7 noo2s258-260 161, (MIRA l4t7) :I 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat. (Ultrasonic waves-Speed) (Zinc amalgam) (Cadmium amalgam) ,ACCESSION NR: A94040377 S/0185/64/009/004/0428/0440,1 ;AUTAOR: Romanovat A. Vo; Kuchak, Go H. iTITLE: X-ray investigation of molten intermotallic compounds of the 'indium-bLsmuth system /Nixth Conforms an the nVoLas of Idquid State of Matter hold in Kiev in 196ff SOURCE% Ukrayino'ky*y fizy*chny*y zhurnal, vo 9. no, 4. l"9640 j428-440 1 a 0 TOPIC TAGSs indLum bismuth system, indium bismuth alloy structure, ,molten alloy structure, molten compound structurep molten In sub 2 Di, molten InBi, InBi structure, 'In sub 2 Bi structure iABSTRACTi Tito structure of molten InDi and InOi intormatallic com- ipounds (malting temperatures are 110 and 91C, respectively) ivacuum-melted from 99@99Z pure In and Di has been investigated at I ;120, 220, and 320C by means of x-ray diffraction method. It was Ifound that at temperatures IOC higher than the melting temperature Ino correlation exists in InBi between the atom distribution in the iliquid and in the crystal lattice* The structure of InBi alloy is mainly determined by a "quasi-autactic" aiom distribution in micro- Iregions whose structure is similar to that of the molten IC&rd 1/3 NP 'ACCESS 10' - NRI AP-4046 ------ - N 377 predominantly pure components. The structure remains unchanged up to 320C, above which the In microregions begin to enrich with Bi atoms in an amount exceeding their solubility In the In lattice, i.ego. 12.5 at%, It appears possible that at 120C about 20% of the atoms in the liquid InDi form groups with the atom distribution correspon- ding to that in the crystal lattice. A similar'pattern we s'observed in liquid In2Bi at 120C except that a greater amount of atoms (about 30-40%), participate in the formation of groups with atom distri- bution similar to that in the crystal lattice. At 220C, the regions with the structure resembling that of the crystalline lattice and the "quaoi-eutectLc" structure break up, while the number of regions with a close-packed structure (coordination number - 11) increases. Tile atom interaction in liquid InBi at 120-320C is determined mainly by groups of atoms of one kind# whereas in the crystal lattice atoms of bith kinds are at the least interatomic distances (349, 3.54, 4,06A)4 In liquid In.Bi at 120C the atom* interaction is determined partly by preserving the bond of the @&me nature as in the crystal and partly by grouping atoms of the same kind# In an ordered crystal IAttica there &To atoms oLdifferant kinds at the least distaucaso Origo art, hass 9 figureig I tablej and 5 formulas* Card 2/3 ACCESS I ASSOCIATION# none SUBNITTED,l, 00 DATE ACQI 13Nay64 ENCLI 00 SUB CODEI AA NO ILIF SOVi 014 OTHERI 000 Card 3/3 11 f, ~~ , --", 1', ; . , . I ,,, I I . I I * I'll .I ,I : , ! 17n , , ~-, , , I , '. i . Av Pa r e n I I Y. , ~, - - I ~ ~ -, . - : .~ 0- f , I. ~.. , , . . . 1 .1. . I e Figure 1. Intensity ourve-for-an-4n, ---5n melt aL 1Q. I co'd , 1, DRLBKIKL. R.0.; KUGHAK, To. 1. liffect of stimulation of the noryous system on the course of la- amological ro"tions in experimental tubercniosis, Probl. tubork., Mookva no. 6236-42 Nov-Doe 1932. (CLKL 2335) 1. Professor for Drobkina. 2. Of the Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Tuberculosis (Director - A. S. Hawlat), Kiev. USSR / General Problems of Pathology, Immunity. U Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 22, 1958, 102394. Author : Kuchak Inst : Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Tuber- culosis. Title ! On the Influence of Bromide on Immunity Reactions. Orig Pub: Materialy po obmenu nauchn. inform, Ukr, n,-i, in- ta tuberkuleza, 1955, vYP. 3, 21-23, Abstract: No abstract, Card 1/1 BELONOMIKO, G.A. (Bilonozhkot H.O.h IUCHAK, Yu.A. Ballistocardlographic and electrocardlographlo Invootigations during acute radiation sickness. Flzlol. zhur. [Ukr.) 9 no.4t547-550 Jl-Ag t63. (MIRA l7lJO) 1. Laboratorlya shtamiv i modelyuvanlya pukhlin institutu eksperimentallnoi i klinichnoi ankologii Hinlaterstva okhoroni zdorovlya URSRp Kliv. 0 2 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/GG/167/006/1335A337 AUTHOR: Kuchanov, S. I.; PI-almen, L. M. ORG: none TITLE: Local beating at the contact points of solid particles in a granular layer SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 167, no. 6, 1966, 1335-1337 TOPIC TAGS: grain structure, granule formation, solid mechanics, catalytic heat transfer ABSTRACT: The purpose of this Invcstigation was to calculate the heating In the vicinity of the contact points of solid particles. It Is proposed that this process occurs in the ga_s phasel namely that in this case the danger of the occurrence of overheating is the highest. Since the molecular heat conductivity of gascs Is Incomparably less than that of a solid particle, the authors consider that heat transfer from the point of contact is accomplished only through the solid phase. It Is proposed that the reaction proceeds on the outside surface of the parti- cles. The limiting diffusion flow on the surface of the catalys4in the stagnant zone Is deter- mined and appropriate formulas are given. By knowing the flow of the substance on the sur- face of the catalyst the authors solved the problem of the distribution of temperature In a Card 1/2 UDC: 66.097.13 L 3893o.-A-6 ACC NRs AP6013902 grain close to the point of contact, disregarding the curvature of the particle and considering It flat since the dimension of the stagnant zone Is appreciably smaller than the radius of the particle. It was found that heating Increases with a rise of pressure as a consequence of the Increase of the gas density, and that In diluted gas mixtures or when the reaction occurs on monolithic metal catalysts, heating Is negligible at the point of contact. The paper was pre- sented by Academician A. N. Frumkin 28 July 65. The authors thank V. G. Levich for his interest in the work and his valuable advice. Orig. art. has: I figure and 18 formulas. SUB CODE: ZQ/ SUBM DATE: 21Jul65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REY: 001 2/2 KUCHANSKATA, O.F., XITRUTUA, N.X. Now minerals In ores of thr Dzheskaugan depoe it. Izv. AN Kazakh. M. Ser. geol. Tioo2l)44-31'~60. (XIRA 1318) (p,shaskasgan'~~region--Ninerals) ~ " ~ All ?' i!': i ~ ~~ 'k Y.'t Y;, , f:, C'. ; ! ~: ~ I!- i, , : . . v 7, V .. , I ~' 6'. ; , . j . , ~ . . , I , . ar.A Ti;,m--r : 't *KvIvao.. 1(,', no." 35-41, ~'! ~ I (; 3. 1 J'f; ... . '~.' - 'I " Iff; v -, Q., 14.M.; 1,.V.; KUl,'.l~,'--';_-VA','A O.F.; . ---, . N i; I . P*j (~( 'f~ IT2,"'ay, S. N. ; 1-CYIPU11710 VID, 1~ehavlor of iron lqdroxidt In an alkali iwdlum dwing autoclave troattromt. Trudy Inst. r6mt. i obog. AN FAzakh, SSR 2219-15 165# (MIRA 18:10) GREYSUKHP M.A., inzh.; KAPLAN, D.A., kand.tekhn.nauk-, KUCHANSKIYIG-S-# kand.tekhn.nauk; MESSERHAN, G.T., kand.tekhn.7aw '=- -1 . Impuloo strength of oil-saturated paper insulation of apparatus. Elektrotekhnika 35 no.4133-35 Ap 164. (MIRA 17W KHOXHLOY, Prokofty Stepanovich; XUCHLPI-N ajAr Ypoillea h, redaktor; ,Ajoki - '-M. I%& PXRKINOV, S.V,. VeduffhChfrTg-Maktor; MUADIMI",~ N. takhnichookiy redaktor [Tectonics and history of the formation of the Xerenek-Chembor and Sursk-Mokshinak dislocation zone] Taktonika i istoriia formirovaniia zony Kerensko-Chembarskikh I Sursko-Xokshinskikh dialokstaii. Leningrad, Gov. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo neftianoi t gorno-toplivnot lit-ry. Leningradekoe otd-nis, 1955. 116 p. (KIJtA 10:1) (Russian Platform-Geology, Structural) KUCHAPIN, A.V. Oil and gas potentials of western Iran. Geol. nef ti i gaza 7 no.lOs56-59 0 163. (MMA l7tlO) HCHAPIN, A.V. Basic.features of geological structure and oil-bearing provinces in southwestern Asia. Trudy VNIGNI no.42tl6-48 164. Petroleum industry and the prospects for finding gas and oil In southwestern Asia. Ibid.:49-93 Basic features of the geological structure and oil and gas potential of Indonesia* Ibid.:177-203 (MIRA 18:3) MHAYLOVSKIY, H.K.j_PgJILEIRL~-~ GITTENBERGER, Yu.P.; DERGUNOV, P.V. Programming the development of the Di layer of the Shkapovo field. Nauch.-tekh. abor. po dob. nefti no.1:65-70 158. (MIRA 1519) 1. VsesoyuzW neftegasovyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut. (Shkapovo region-Oil fields-Production methods) PRAVEDNIKOV, N.K., inzh.1 HCHAPINA, M.I., inzh.; ZLOTNIMOVA, R.B., inzh. Calculating the degree of water encroachment of multi-pay oil pools. Nauch. zap. Ukrniiproekta no.9:91-96 162. (.KRA 1617) (Oil field flor-ding) BYROV, N.Ye.; MCHAPINA M.I.; WAKOVA, Me.; BOW,'VLESA, T.P.; ALF210, V.V.; BOYSERHAN, A.A.; OPJfjV, V.S. De1ineation of production areas In the fields cf the cis- Carpathian region@ Naucho-tekhe abor, po dob. nefti no.19: 6-12 163. (MIRA 1718) 1. Vsesoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauctrc-isal,!dovatel'skly institut. Sirmitanomi davoloixulit of Bovo.-fLI with eqdoitation tulder varying conditions. Nauch.-tollh. abor. io lob. no."t'l rio.24:1.5-16 '64. 1. Vacaoyuznyy noftegazo-tyy C. Wk itjk o: I L!~ri, r" .I (,:I'D r n with variol:-, o:1 In U-1-alfin. NU110 "J,- ,k 41' 1- 14 1 64 r*p~011.~s1,17,11.)~( n"ftCj7,fA7;('Vy-j UJ t KUCHAR, Frantisek, inz. Density of survey operations in the Ostrava-Ka"ins coal-field in relation to the classification of reserves. Geal pruzkum 7 no.3185-86 Mr 165. 1. UhebW pruakum National Enterprise, Oatrava. MILBAUER, Milos, inz., CSo.; JAVORNICKY, Jan, inz., CSc.; KUCHAR, Gustay .inz. - Experimental solution Of aBY=etric arches with cantilevers. Ins stavby 11 no-7:274-277 n 163, CHAR, Josef; DEDKOVA, Annq BINOVA, Tatana, inz.; PROKOP, Ivo Information on standardization abroad. Normalizace n no.lo 17-22 Ja '63. KUC7ULA~4 T Nuchar, J. Experience with repairs and preparation of machines for spring work, P, 74, Assembling the piston unit and breaking in the engine of the 8-80 tractor. p. 75. MECHANISACE ZEYEDELSTVI. Praha. Vol. 5,, no* 4 Febe 1955. SOt Monthly List of the Ust European Accession, (EEAL), W. Vole h, no. 10, Oct* 1955o Uncl. P ~' Washing apparatus for b4iling machine parts. p. 95. Advice for repair workers of machine-tractor stations. p. (3) of cover, So much depencIB on repair workI p, (4) ofcover. YECHANISACE ZEMEDEISTVI. Vol. 5s No. 5., Mar. 1955 SO: Monthly EastEuropean Accession, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4,, No. 9., Sept. 1955 Uncl. Problems of combine harvesting. p.294- (Mechanisace Zemodelatvij Vol. 7j No. 13t JUIY 1957) Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessiors (ErAL) LC. Vol. ~, No. 9, Sept. 1957 Uncl. XUCHARY J. Through examinati.)ns torward a higher efficiency on state fam, a. P. 490 (W-CHANDACE ZEMFDELSTVI) Vol. 7j no. 21, Nov. 1957, Praha., Czechoslovakia 301 Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) 1,C, Vol. 7, No. 3,, March 1958 IT KUMR, Jozef, inz. Calculation of exditing forces of eleatromappeta of apparatua for measuring internal damping Jn metals. Stroj can 15 no.2t 189-197 164 KUCHAR Karell ROUBIK, Ondrej; LUKNIS, M.;'KORCAK, J.1 TICHY, Otakar; Mario i Present state of the Czechoslovak geography. Sbor zem 68 no.1:2-9 .163. KUCHAR, Karel -.-- -- --- -1---- The first military mapping 'in Czech Lando and Slovakia. Sbor zem 68 no.1:131-134 163. . KWHAR, K. Oh the Rainich gemetrization of scalar meson fields. Chekhoal fis shurnal 13 no.gs551-557 163& 1. Katedra teoratinks fysikyo Matematicko-fyzikalni fakulta Karlovy university, Praha. KUCHAR, K. *Geographical writinjag bi Roberto Alwgia. Reviewed by X.Nuchar. Sbor xem 68 no.3:271-Z72 163. Cowzzication ~dth Prague accoMing to the isochronous map. of Czechoslovakia* Sbor zem 68 no.2sl79-180 163* - KUCHAR, K.; UNGER, J. --F On energy transfer by gravitational waves. Chekhoml fiz zhurnal 13 no.4:233-W 163. I* Katedra tooretioke fysiky., matematicko-fyzikalni falmilta Karlovy university,, Praha, KUCHAR, Karel "The theory of relativity" by J.I.Sokolovskij (Sokolovskiy, Yu.I.]. Reviewed by Karel Kuehar. Pbkroky mat fyz astr 8 no.4t251 163. XUCHAR, Karel mW^ftVAFm *Dialogue on two aystema of the univerme* by Galileo Galilei. Reviewed by Karel Kuchar. Pokroky mat fyz astr 8 no.4t251-253 163. I KUCHAR, Karel The first military and economic mapping in SlovaJda. Geogr eas SAV 15 no.1:5747 163. KUCHAR' K. Report on the plenary meeting of the Co=iooion for National Atlases. of the International Geographioal Union In Budapest, September ?-12, 1962. Geogr cas SAV 15 no.ls75-76 163. mAtlax of 'the Ukrainian Soviet Sooialiat Republic aW the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic.* Reviewed by K. Kuchar. Sbor sam 68 no.2&199 163. JWCHMJ 1. *VoiTodeship mapo 1t 3008,000o0 Revieved by 1, Nuchar, Sbor zem 68 no.2il" 163. ".rtpi of Bohe,,Ua in ~bwt-erls cosmoirraphies. p. P,7. VTCY*f P q --7 LED. (Ceskoslovenska akad!!--mie ver]. Ira- in~t, Pro knrtof~rafii) Prahq. Vol. 8, no. 3, Sept. 1954. `h;it 'Daropean Acces-dons List,, Vol. 5, no. ), S,~ptem~;t~r 1956 -iv -7~ - -h -- Fi Kuchar, k. iiacont ankleuvor to det,3rmlne orr)-'rupil~; miltis In 1). 591. Kl'T0,lL-'l^,4Y M1211LED. YT0-a. Tl. 1), no. 2, Jun-,- 1'145. , -1 SO: Monthly List of Ust Rwopean Accessions, LC, Vol. 4, jilo. 11, Nov. 1955, Uncl. KIJCHARp K. Determination of m-utual visibility between remote points. p. 101 Vol. 91 no 3j Sept* 1955 KARTCGRAFICKY PMLED Praha, Czechoolovakia So: Eastern Etiropenn Accession Vol. 5 No. 4, April 1956 KUCHAR, K. 'Steinhaus' longimeter." p. 51 (Kartograficky Prehled) Vol. 10, no. 2, June 1956 Prague, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 KUCHAR W --mmmomm" -. "An internaticnal check list of astrolab6s." p. 119 (Kartograficky Prehled) Vol. 10, no. 3, Sept. 1956 Prague, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 KUCHARI K. 'The map collection of Paul Bernard Moll." P. 107 (Kartograficky Prehled) Vol. 10, no. 3t Sept. 1956 Prague, C26choslofakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) W. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 KU m, X. Zalterito copy of Claudianual map of Bohemia. P.112 (Karto graficky Prehled. Vol. 11 140, 3 1957, Praha, Czcholovakia) Monthly Index of Fjst European Accessions (FFAI) LC. Vol. 7, No. 2,, Februray 1958 K "fresent work and problems of our cartoeXaphy; a report presented to the 7th Congress of Czechoslovak Ueographers in Brno, 1958." P. lh5 (Department of Cartography, Czechoslovak Academy of tociences) Vol. 31., no,4,, 1957 SO: Monthly Index of Last European Accession (EF-AI) LC, Vol. 7, no. 5, May 1958 IM11AFY, K. Lazar's map, the earliest map picturinr Slovakia. p.U. (Casonis Pro Mineralopli A Goolopit, Vol. 62, No. 2, 199, Praha, C7echoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of Zait European Accessions (EKAL) I.C. Vol. (, No. 9, Sent. 191~7- Uncl. KUCRAR.9 K. Jsmes Cleric 14axwell. and tbe concept of field in classical physicao po 501 FOKFM MATEMATIKY., FTSXr A ASTRDNOMIL (Jadnota caskoslovensicych watenatiku a fysiku) Praha,, Czechoslovakia, Vol. h, no* h. 1959o MonUay List of &wt European Accessions (EUI), W, Vol. 8., No. 10, Oct* 1959 Uncl. iKh3mm Im -WIT, Din trs 4mx(g) Tho Abommy *us in US "Ydam. a "traTimism J. Plyl. 9. --IU author aumts that - elwWandnewome k due to recomblastion of clearons from the surk" With activator centen In the Vol. W the crystal (ZAhm, Tkiis, Unir, Aawterdam 1956). A %t theoretkal modd b developed which is empared w" the expil. results of otheir authors wM respeci W vo]Upl'fm- p2ency, and temp. dependenoe. A. Kremhelkr A~_ ,_jE!L "Early maps of the British Isleu, A.D. 1000-A.D. 157911 by G.R. Crone. Reviewed by K. Kuchar. Sbor zem 68 no.4:349 163. KUCHAR, K. "Bibliography of the members of the Geographical Research Grcnip of tho HungarD.Ln Academy of Scienoon." Reviewed by K.Xuahar. Googr can SAV 15 no.3:238-239 163. KUCHAR, L *Geographic atlas of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic for Schools, N Rayiev6d by Xjuahar. Georg cas SAV 15 no-42311- 312 163. Vaclaw Valkowski". Reviewed by K.Kuchar. 312-313. ICUCH"#Leo -- Screening of the gonads during radiography of the hip joints In children by means of an antidifusing tube with dryptographic diaphragms Ceskorentg. 14 no*51324-328 0 160. lo Ortopedicka klinika, FN v Erne, prednosta prof. dr. B.Frejlm, doktor laks ved, (RADIATION PROTECTION In infancy & childhood) (HIP radiography) KUCHAR, Lao Problems in positioning small children in skiagraphy of the hip joint. Cook. rontgon. 17 no.ls6l-64 Ja 163. 1. Ortopedioka k1 .Inika lokaroke fakulty UJEvP v Brno, prodnosta prof. dr. M. Janoook. (HIP) (RADIOGUPHY) KUCHAR, Lumir, inz., C.Sc,j BLAHOZ, Otakar, ins.; JAXOB, Hiloslav, ins. Corrosion of materials in the barite furnace. Sbornik skol ban 8 no.3s313-319 162, 1. Odborni, anistenti katedry nauky o kovech, Vyooka skola banaka, Ostrava. I XUCHAR,,-j&u4rj insep C.Sc.1 JAKOBy Miloslav, in4 practical use of mathematical curve analysis of aluminum &1107 metallographio diagram. Sbor VSB Ostrava 8 41o.5045-558 162. 1, Katedra nauky o koveoh, Vysoka skola banska. i " KWHARP 0 inso cosce Segregation coefficients in almdmn,, Hut listy 17 no.9:639-648 8 VZ 1, Katedra nauky o kovech, Vymoka skola banakil Ostrava* "llimir, inz. i*,~J*c. Irwluctlon of hlRh-purity sluminLyr. Ify zone Sbor VSB Ostrava 9 no.3047-1163 163. . 1. Katedra nauky o kovach, Vysoks skola bnn:%ka, Ostrava. TFINDLP J., prof* Inz, DrSoc.; KUCHAR...,L._,-.Inz. Mc.; JAM, M., Inz. Causes of enamel chIpping in cast--Iron costingn. Sbor VSB Ostrava 9 no.3:453-466 163. 1. Katedrd nauky o kovech a tepelneho zpracavanI, Vysoka skola banska, Ostran, 2. Clen korespondent Ceflkoslovenake akademie ved (for Teindl), Ei4, t, bc KUCHAR, Lumir, inz. CSc. Relation between the distribution coafficiPnts of admixtures in aluminum zone melting and metallographic diagrams. Sbor VSB Ostrava 10 no.3:371-384 164. 1. Chair of Metal Soience of the Higher Sahool of Mining, Ostrava. Submittad June 21, 1963. .c e ~ I- :n - 1. t. m- ., 1: !-'. .,. 'i 1 ; ~ . 1. 1,.; 1. 1~ , , I-. ~ " , , 4 ~ ~ r r t -- . r. A~ ! , , - .),~ !-) iI. . - I ~ i f ;~ ~ i 1_ '; IC 1) ~- , "3 1 (, # I..-I . f .: -10 1. . - rf' I.; I r. J f.(' r)!1 ! I-, " . ~ fl r. " . , . , , W,3 ~Z!,;!:Y. , o . XUCHAR, MAI=, inz. Mofotherm, a now heat-Imulating material. Drevo 17 no.6:177-180 Je 162. 1* Frumstav, narodai podnik., Pardubice. NUCHAR., Mlanp. ins* with FWAc latex coatings and sprays. Drsirc 18 ncjslO-188 My' 163, 1# Prumstavp nopop Pardubice, KUCHAH, Milan, inz. ..... Foamed polystyrene. Drevo 18 no.9023-326 S 163. 1. Prumstavo n.p., Pardubice*