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-~" ;. .7 ;;A-,,,. ~'- 1 4 1 "A little formula of the great baler. or light mathematical and technical inquiries", P. 543 (Horysonty Tochalki. Vale 6. no. 12. Dec. 1933. Varssawa) Tol- 3, Noe 3 SO: Kon&hly Ust gL JWd Aur9RjH Acgessions Ubrary 9f Congress. March 1954. Mel. rR 7- POLMID / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and H Their Applicati-~n3. '-'ocd Industry. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Ahimlya, 1951.-', 1;0 10 13593. Author Bednerczyk, Wladyslaw; Lewandowska, 31andyna; Krzyzanovs4a, Maria. Inst I'lot-given. Title Determining Lactnse in Technical Lactose and Wh~kv a~; Well as Determining Lactoze and Saccharo3e In Condeascd ?!'Ilk with -Su!j.-.,r. Orig Pub-. Prece Inst. przern. mIc,.,zars!c,, 1958., 5, No 1, 9-35. Ik'-)s t rtic t :DcteriAnations were marle of lactose In whey and technical lactose, and In condensed milk With sugar, by the Bertrand, colorim,Aric with picric acid, colorimetric with enthrcne, znd polaramr-tric mcthods. By statistical treatment of the results, It vns established thr.t the i3ertrsnd rethod crn be Card 1/2 i-U,hillo / Ch.--rical T,.chri, I-)fjy. C-1i;~m!c.;1 !-rodw~t!l ard vicir Applications. Food 1.tidlu:~.try. t,b3 Jaur: ~ef Zhur-KhImiya, IC59, I:o 4p 1359V, Ab7~tracts. rcpl;~ced only by the pol "rometric mcthnd, vilich lift-, 3 k j sn.'-Iciertly nccurate rc-ults which do jiot unprcclably differ. The colorliretric -,(.,thod vith J)Icrlc acid can be used for determInation of lac- to,;c in products with a small concentrvtIon of it (whicy), ;-s well as In condensed milk with suq*r, In view of the possibility of parallel deternination o f s,;;.:: c h -7 r o s e .The co:orimetric mc~thod with anth- rone is unsuitzbie for ti~;,3 in the ILboratorics of thc milk industry, -- )-r(,r- th-, atithorst resume. Card 212 125 SOLTTS, Jan; LIBISZOWSIA-STAIIIUL, Hart&; XRMANOV3XA, Helena Adjuvant therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis with novocalne perfustons. Gruzlica 25 no.1:43-50 Jan 57. 1. Z Kliniki Ftysjatrycinej Akademli Kedycznoj v Gdanskm Kierownik: Prof. Dr. M. Telatyckt. Adros: Gdansk-Wrzeszcx, Jaskowa Dolina 46a/11. (TUBIRCUWSIS, PULMDNART, their. adjuvant with procatne perfusions (Pol)) (PMCAINIC, tber. use perfusions in adjuvant ther. of pulm. tuberc. (Poi)) KUYZANOWSKA, Helena; LIBIMNSKA-STANIUL, Muria ~, - I of inolated abdominal fom of awlignant lymphograrrulomatools. Polski tygod. lek. 13 no.49:1985-1987 8 Dec 58. 1. (Z Kliniki Ftyzjatrycsnej 03%demil Keocznej w Gdansku; kisrownik: nrof. dr T. Kielanowski), Adres: GdAnsk, Ilin. Ytyzjatryczna A. M, (HODOKINIS DISFASE. case reports inolated abdom, forn (Pol)) I r 'I; ~A =i ~ ~~ '-n - T" .1 - -KN K-~ 1'4 "' VV,) I-,! Lit -,- :1 WRZOLKOWA 0 Torsoa; TEIICZYIISKI, Leon I _KRZ7ZAllaWSlrA, Olga Wagener's ayndrome. Pat. Pol. 15 no-41451-46~ O-D 164 1. Z Zakladu Anatomii Patologlaznej Akademll Madycznej w Wanoku (Klerovniki prof. dre mad. V. Czarnocki [d~:;eaBedj) I z 11 Kliniki Chorob Vownetnnych Akademll Medycznej v Gdanaku (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. J. Penson). ZELAWSKA-BODAKIEWICZ, Darbam .).,KRZYZAJIOU5IrA, Olgaj MUSZKOWSKA-PEISON, Joanna Acute renal failure in lato pregnancy toxemia. Pol. arch. med. wewnet. 34 no.lltl493-1497 164 1. Z I KlIniki, Polozniotwa i Morob KobJvoych Akademii Medycz- nej v Gdansku (Kisrovniks prof. dr. med. S. Metler) I. z 11 Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych Akademli Med:mznej w Gdansku (Kierowniks prof. dr. med. T. Panscn). ZXRA,Bdmutd; XRZ1ZAWOWTA,Xq&jn& d7metric peripheral Can one coasecutivo to parezymmal ventricular tachyeardia. POlski tygod lek 15 n0-11:392-395 14 mr '60. 1. % XaklAft Urdiologit-Otudlun - Dookona Ion I& lokarsy A.M. w Waroso,wis; ki6rftnik: prof;,dr nod. Adowd.Zera. MUMMA to, ZERA, Edm=d; HOFFW, Marial JANIX, Zofia; IIMMYNSKA,, Krystyna; KRMANOWSKA, Regina Rehabilitation of nVocardial infarction patients under senatorial conditions. Pbl. ty-g. lek. 18 no,340264-1267 19 Ag 163. L Z Kardiologicznego Oerodka Rehatdlitacji Foazpitalnoj w Sinatorium w Naleezowie i z Kliniki Kardiologii Studium Dookonalenia Lekarzy w AM w Warazavie; kisrownik: prof. dr mod. Edmund Zera, (MrOCARDIAL INFARCT) (REMILITATION) .1 OKI, A, Jww? P,,- V A, Re dbn a; RAbZ I FjF',"rT , M21 The -.-our-je of prepAncy, Inb--r and puerper5un .1m it,vn-n wlt'~ heart defects. Ginek. rvl. 35 no.f3'*.P07-314' N-*~ '~,4 1. '.' YlJniki "Vo3mmictua I Clorc)b Fobietq,--h 41nqtyt,i*,.l VatM. I Pz!eAs w *Aareaau~la (Xlerumlkz prcf., dr. meds jalealln.9VI) I z Ylinikl Xl~rdlulogic=ej 'nj*.ytu-~-j I'rsknnalanla Leka:-n-f przy A'kadem.1 Med 'n v Varazaw!#~ i1-., pirrf. fir. I.-A. ra) 4W* r%71 We (Katowics? Prace 016w. Inst. 02M MIGIOW, To and X 04rn. (Proc. Chief. last. lfrw-la 191 1. Immiko 91, 7pp*)~ The chemical composItIonar are Civen of ash, finet falling t1wough Crate, and slags for four Upper Motion coal*, and the relation betweat ash fusion temper- *lure Pzd the ratt Of 810 + A1001 t$ T4203 In asho M*&A% tried for raising charActeriLic towleratuisi ottained In Punwhump-Peorink appar- *tug weroi (a) admIxture of foreign subitances to the coal, (b) elininr-tion of cartairi frtetions end certain sizes, (c) extraction of some of tLe mineral wSter, and (d) blending of different types of coal. (L). CATEOGRY t ABS. JOUR. amixop Ifoo 51960j Was 19367 (- -.-P. 17. " Krzv7AnOxS.Ka' V. an-i Perkowfska, V. r -i i I. " i~ r g L "V f~ C 14CCOMPCnif.Lor ~h"f lk.-~ Ind'IX of n Cro_~Ir' u". S a . Fffrf-I ~~,f t!io MIG, Ars, Pr&re G'Alown in.5t Gorn. B, ii~j LU5 ( _' '? *,),7) 1 IA331MCT Datu on prosentr~ei cn tha Chv=jeAl C'IfICOVILICt; Of thf~ es~, ~-CA) ini2lll swinIts fA, fron !Jie Gliwi-cX1 Dirtrict (Prlissh P,,3!lres Repubi1c), t.,iken from tr,ree 1-.tvflis. On the m-,in ~,)f ar. of tt.AF.? data, the ro~_Sibilj.ty of t".t~ .1tilization of the CA au a lniex i'or of crial vseamz in whicl~ diffvr:!rt fe,~_-.2,ntation condi- tionf! prevnilt-ti, i*Ei Indicatpd. The effect of the CA on the coking prOF91'tie3 a;' the coni i,, also ditscussed, !Ln.I the increared thickness of the V tion on the Coking Propertier5 of tt,.e Coal. ej aw- Y A IM -J'-M. i~ AUI 11OR TT TLX RMAX.0 1931 1 G. Pus. A 12 IIIA C TI Plastic layer -Y' to ard laa,:red vincos.;,y ir. t_~Ie So,,tF_yj!" _e of pyrite S Zunterilt art rxplEjj~,ed 45 . Bonvech zlij Y120 i 9 MYZANCVSKI, Andrzojp T. The waall Hiff and big "i0. Polfigrafika 13 no.9:10-14 S 161. -KRZrZANOWSK10 A, .- The three lwps+, flights of bate in the varld. Wssochaviat no.206 7 163. I YRZYZAINOWSKI, A. Cost accounting. P. 399. (PRZEGLAT) Kc,,LEjrwy, Vol. 5. No. 10, Oct. 1953, W.irszlwn, Polnnd) SO. Monthly lAst of Eirt Europenn Accessions. (EP.AL), Lf-, Vml. 3, 1?, Dec. 1954, UnCl.