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URCIRTA, Ye.S., kand. mod.nauk; YEKIM-GVA, A.L.,, kand. med. nauk.; MIFITIA, R.M., prof.; MIUNOVSMA b red.; STEPARVA, 14, takhn. red. - -- ~& , ~,, I [Congenital dislocation of the hip and its t-atmontl Vrozh- deruV!i vyvikh bedra i ego lechenie. Minak, Gosizdat BSSR, 1963. 118 p. WIPA 16:12) .(HIP JOIR-DrISLOCATIOII) :i/661/6 1 /000,/J06,/044/031 D 2 4 402 AUTHOR: S-,avitskiy , I. AN'uY.--iar 1',$ '13.U o'.-ava, Z. '4.1 a,.-d Jhur:.,.ayuva, 11. T I TLE Inve3tigationu in the field of prepariz,,6 po."I.J-dimet"hylsi- loxane rubber SOURCE: Xhiniya i prakticheskoye primcneniye '1-.rc7-ncorganicheski'.'.h uoycdinen4y; trudy,konferentsii. no. 6: Doklady, diskus- aii, reoheniye. II Voca. konfer. I)o khimii i prakt. prim. kremneorg. soyed., Lon. 1958. LaninGrad, 1--d-vo All SS3R, 1961, 203-205 TEXT: This is a discussion in which K. A. Andrianov (1,7oscow) and A. L. Klebanskiy (VIIIISK, Lenin-rad) took part. The authors disclo- sed that the fornation of polydimethylsiloxane rubber is an ionic process. Concentrated sulfuric acid increased tho molecular weight of the polymer to about 100,000. To obtain molecular welghts of the order of 500,000 it was necessary to remove some of the acid. When the acid was diluted to about 70',4, the molecular weight increased Card 112 S/'61/61/000/006/0.44/Oal Invest-igations in the field D244/D302 to 500 - 600 thousand. The acid polysiloxaneo are split under the influence of Al (SO 4)60at 1000C, and a polynei, is formed with a molecular weii;h~ of 1 000. Subsequently, the growth of f.-he poly- mer continued for 40 - 48 hours at room temperature and the molecu- lar weij;hto reached 400-500 thouuand. It was sufficient to have 21,", wt. concentrated sulfuric acid to obtain the polymer with a mole- cular weight of 400,000. The polymer obtained induotrially contains about 9 - 10, of the monomer. So far no catalyat was found that. an 90c . The cata- 'j would increaoe the yield of the polymer to more th, 0 lysts tried so far were PeCl 31 Al 2(S0 4)39H2so4 and KOH. ASSJCIAT10k: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinte- ticheskogo kauchuka, Leningrad (All-Union icientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber, Leni'-.Grad) Card 2/2 . - --- -- jj, -- " ~: 0"1 4 1. : --;. i: 1. ~ ~. , "V I - I I '. - ; ~ 4 ~ ", : - .. . .~-- r - I (jv/i -z-.-V ------- XRYUKOVA Z.V. *On the mechanism of tile haemorrnage in Id 1506:11TT-d--renwith typhoid fever (Russian text) PEDIATRIJA rqr~, 1954, 5 71-74) Tables 2 .q,t A total of 46 Aildren with typhoid fever was studied and in ? cases clinical sym- to ptoms of increased bleeding tendency were observed, namely a haemorrhagic rash L, epigtaxis, haernaturia and also bleeding from the bowel. It Is considered that bt y1jamin C deficiency and thrombopenia may be associated with the condition. The aministration of ascorbic acid and of preparations stimulating thrombocyto- I poillis to recommended. Idt I AM gateln - Galveston. Tex. (XX. 7) It 7- K;. K I JL Z.V. (Stallno) Henorrhagic manifestations in patients with poidemic hepatitis in connection with "prothrombinemia, the mmber of throm- bocytes and of blood coaolability. Klin.mod. 33 no.5:86-87 MY 155. (KLRA 8:9) 1. Is kliniki infoktatour7kh bolesney ey.,Ot. Drobinskly Aaltnakogo meditainskogo Inatituta (HMPATITIS, INYBCTIOUS, compl. hemorrh.diathesim) (IDMRRHAaIC DIATHESIS, etiol. and pathogen. hepatitis, Infect.) USSR/microbioloey - Microorgonisme Patho6onic to Humans and F-4 Animals. Abs Jour : Hof Zhur - Molt) No 10, 1958, 43344 Author : Druzhinin, 16D,O Kohdratenko, GePe. Yxyukova, Z,V, Inst Title : Sienificance of Agglutination Reaction of Virus- ar[;cd Bacteria (AVB) in TAboratory Diagnosis of Scarlet Fever, Orig Pub : M. mikrobiols) epideniolo i in==biolorii, 1956 (1557), 23-24. Abstract : The dia0aostic significance of AVB reaction by the Wain- bera and Tokar method in scarlet fever was studied. Ali stock culture of typhoid favor bacteria #4277, killed by heating for 1 hour at 560, was charged with zmcar3 from ]~iarynxos of scarlet fever patients. As antibodies a blood sm-im of scarlet fever convaloscents was used, taken on the 20-40th day of sicknesso A mixture of sera from 6-8 convalescents was first exhausted by a thick suspension Card 1/3 r USSB/MicrobiuloLy - Microorganisms Pathoeenic to Humans F-4 and Animalse Abs Jiur Ref Zhur - Biol., No 10, 1958, 43344 of typhoid fever bacteria in order to eliminate the acui- vity of typhoid fever aGLlutinina which mig1it be contained in the convaleacentlo blood, Smears from pharynxes of 332 patients were examined once) and 4-6 times in 18 patients for a period of 4-6 weeks# In 63.3% of patientathe smeare were taken on the 2.6th day of disease, in 36,4% at later periLkla, 36 vuears were taken from patients with atypical form and 314 from patiento with typical forma of scarlot favor of different severity. Of the 319 reactions studied 240 positive results and 43 doubtful were obtained, The average limitina aClutination titer was 1:72, Thus, with a single test of smears from the pharynx a diagnosis of scarlet favor was confirrAod with the aid of AVB in 240 patients$ i.e. in 64. Rapeate(I examinations of 18 pa- tients showed that the antlGen d1sappears between the l8th and 39th day of disease, card 2/3 41 USSR/microbiolo(Z - Microorganisms PathoL;cnic to Humns and F.4 Animle., Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol,, 1;.,) 10, 1958, 43344 Control examinations of 45 vell persons and 7 children vith masles produced 50 neLative and 2 doubtful (patients with mcnales with a titer of 1:20) results. The authors consider that use of depleted and mixed sera from scarlet fever convaleacents., which simplifies the reaction and increases the percentnao of positive reactions, makes utilization of this method possible for dingaosinG atypi- cal cases of scarlet fever. Card 3/3 nYUKOVA, Z.T., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk (Stallno) - Case of sarte brucallosts combined vith infectious hepatitis, Trach. delo no.11:1903-1205 1 456. (MM 100) I* Ilinike InfektsionzWkh bol*suoy (savedayushchly --? S.L.Irss) oblastnoy klinichaskoy bollnitay in. Toroshilova. 1. (HILPATITIS, IMOTTOUS) (Baualawis) DRUZHIHIN, I.D.; K W RAT M 0, G.P.; XRTUKOVA, Z.V. Role of the agglutination of virus-coated bacteria in the laboratory diagnosis of scarlet fever. Zhur.mikrobiol.spid. i immun. su lement for 1956:23-24 05? (kmvll#3) 1. Is kafedry mikrobiologii i Infektsionnoy kliniki Stalinskogo maditoluskogo Instituta. (AGGIMINATION) (SCARIST FEM) lf4 Y Vf l(,4 YA 128-58-6-10/17 liss Lupyrev, I.I., Candidate of Technical Sciencen, Engineer, Stavitskiy, I.K., 'Engineer, Karlin A.V., Engineer, __~nryukovakaya, I.-m- , Engineer TITLE'i 'zieparating Lubrivanta for Shell ?..olds (Razdelitelinyye smazki dlya obolochkovykh form) CLA10DICALS Liteynoyo Proizvodatvo, 191.)b, 11�r 6, P 2 J 27 (U~ it) ,'.Bj eRACT i Thia article contains Information on 115K7-2" and "SKT-3" lu- bricants for chell moldi. Thi,se lubricanta are baned on mothyloilicon vat residues, and fare 10 to I--' times cheaper than the ethylsilicon liquid No. 5 (TU MKhP 2416-5-~)O which previously was enteneively used for shell molds. The new lu- bricants are aleo more otable at hij;h tomicratures and cause no scale on the surface of mold boardn. They were developed by the authors. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Lubricants-Applications 2. Synthetic lubricants-Applications TRAYBIGHO B.I.,; KRYMOVA, Z.V., land.ned.nauk Co"rison of the clinical couxse of typhoid and paratyphoid diseases in patients treated and not treated with synthocycin. Traah.dolo no,101 1063-1064 0 059. (KM 13:2) 1. Klinika infektalonafth bolezuey (saveduyushchly - dotsent S.L. Pros) Stalinskogo wditsinskogo lustituta na base bol lultsy isent X.I. ralitina. (TYPHOID YJV ) (PARATYPHOID MM) (OWROXMITIN) ZRBZ, S.L., dotsent; "YUYIOVAi, Z-V-, Atypical pneumonia caused by the ornithosis virus. Vrach. delo, no.6t 88-90 Je 161. (M"A 1511) 1. Klinika infektsionnykh bolezney (zaveduyushchiy - dotsent S.L. Eros) Stalinskogv maditoinakogo inatituta na base Oblastnoy klinicheakoy bolinitay. (PNEUMONIA) (ORNIGHOSIS) KRYUKOYA, Z.V.; KRU-INEVA, Z.Ya. Causes for the appearance of rglapoes and thoir preventive treatmont in brucelloois. Zhur. mikrobiol, opid. i immin. 32 no.6t66-70 Je 161. (MIRA 150) 1. Is kliniki infektsionnykh boloznay Stalinskogo moditainakogo instituta. na base kUnichaskoy bollnitay imani, Kalinina. (BRUCE=SIS) IMUKOVA) Z. V., doteent Meningeal oyndrme in spomdic exanthematous typhua. Vrach. delo no.3:11,&149 Mr 162. OU RA 15 t 7) 1. Klinika infektaiannykh bolezney (zav. - dotaent S. L. Erez) Donetakogo maditainakogo inBtituta, (TrPHUS FEM) (MENINGES-DISUSES) .tip* r~lno oo-vn 94 I . 'I aj,2~!--t kjy f il ia*- I Liz skt--fo otcplf J i GLISHEVSKAYA, Ollga. losifovnao kand. mad. nauk; VINOGRADOV, ?4l.V.v prof., red.IKRYUKOVSKAYA, B., red. ~ - 1, 1~;.~ T; iv".. _ ~'v -IV L - [mental diseassaj pop~uiair-461e_nice essays) Psikhicheskie zab,loyanlial nauchno-populiarmye ochorki. Minsk, lzd-vo "belarus"s 1964. u8 P. (MIRA l7t6) ADENSKIY, Andrey Dmitriyevich, prof. Prinlimla uchastiye KALINZA, I.F.; KRYUKOVSKAYA, 13.,, red. [Therapeutist's guide] Sputnik terapavta. Vinsk, lzd- vo IlBelarusl,m 1964. 694 P. (~IIFA 18:5) M:RKCJV7 Daxii~l .... 3.9 . ~ , ~ r,.IYA y red . [Fundamentals of the putliogfmettr thirap-, .,:* diseases of the nervoun gynteml Ounovy pat-ogorii-tichwd, .., ~.erapli za- bolovanii nerv-nui slaterq. Wrisk, 1964. 470 P, (:T~A 181l) 1. Akadamlya nauk Beloruesk)y ~;.-R (for Xark~,-. ;' . :::O: Lr, IL ~t -w-w w v w it A it 17 is v 0 A 11 f. JL X-1- 1, 2 A 1 11 t 'L so IX ILL . A or so .00 00 00 A M!dlQdA of paw dtam,"m Coactatratirt ffem Sulfur II ("nit" Anil %I IIIIALOW1,411 lrd-ctqft,w /W,- to 1-00 00 24 $(fitftll . (%;'oo, 1140. 1. ~,Xltl ' ' Lh-m-il: 0.0 rk="w k cm 16, w Son, 16% 1 a lic I so 00 mN rpm-Alik fil "l-T I hir S - m. it it-tit I 1 1 1, 11 1 0 . I.. it 41 lllq'~ .60 so 00 00 00 COO to M to 0 of 01 a a It oooo*:Oeooooooooooooo :000-00iO69600000090600 Co.* .600 so* ties .so '1.00 I so 9 a RO 10000, 000,000*000000*0000 0 OA 000000000000000000 IWMFOVSKIY I N. N. PA 12/49T33 tt!~~ OW-WWW;W;;;;;;ww:www-w I ILA, toA 'x""* 0 .. so **A 00 1,reatment of Compamte for tbo Xwmf"tum of Thickly Coated Ara-WOUbs -00 -' :91*4rodes. H. XCi_iLkorfskii. (*Ytogsmo* "slop 1948, Nu- 11, pp. 6-B)o tion 1P** to R ;1 g. for the various stages in the pre sot . , IDn Rusaim pars -06 to A. Z' ~fof the follwing comr4nents of olIeetrods costbjs am describeds Titaniferous .00 ," ooncontratol mangeness orej foldoWl forramangmss*, fsrroallconp ferrotitnaiuN .## 1:'i7mA ferrowlyWenual narblol noomparl kaolinj forge cindorj quarts; wW starch, 00 004 !:; dextrins wA flour.~-4, K. goo 004 Goo *0 Is doll 00- go* froo 0 0 goo 0 0 0 1*0 di'T 0 U"841604 CLAUIFKATM 11 2 too U -r- To 7'a, Jr. viazol an Gov 00 d Ad0 a I ~d- .10 . o o -0 -0 to, 06 0 9 0' 0 0 0 00 0000 0, 0004 0 o o 0 0 0 o 0 0 o a 0 Is000 41 0 0900000*000000 01 00 4, 00 00 *'aI 00 0 00 00 00 00000 1 0 "o 041 e*:* d si t o 1 l A 11-J -A-4 -J. A F- 44 Vo 0 ""-Joe "*lot ...... off '1 -00 0* 9 0 .00 Aro* 004 ,t NIZ41- U.. K 200 , (weldins). Ault. AV190ONNAlf kli k M , avo wrlds in Otgoj ftaJAp Data, an protwirti'm t;ives artailJO of bulatord. WN and their evoluna- of the rUctrud" f 8*0 TZ: 400 MOO fliAll 4140 #b# All U I A, Is An a 1 9 1w a It I I Is n 0 IN 0 #1 0 0 0 o 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 a 0 0 0 so 0 & 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 rU'7rr-f'~"-RTTt HICIII "It F11=1 Al Or 147 I'llala v'lc'-C--.,.ic 1 [lo 1947, :Tov -.a 75 -in - UW~Gan 41, 3 t-- aL I !I I; ni. 0 f..! /'F -.Ycl 21, Zky r Acial un a 'xj:'hod tr Oimtlar to thoso =,mxij~f tj.-.v'~ uozrcu ollpp~ut Mar 49 Welding Bleotrodes welding, Ilectrio INV...04 Electrodes for Veldir-g Lov-Carboa Steel," N. N. Kryukovskiy, Engr., 2.1. pp "Aytogennoye Delo" No 3 MM-04 slootrodes, designed In Moeoov Metallic Zleotrode Plant) are Intended for welding low- oafton stools In anyposition using AC. Details ooastruotIon and performanoe of eleotrodas. /Zagineering - Welding, Equipment MW 51 *Trestment of Ferromangane8e for Electrode Coat- IngsJ." R. N. Kryukovskiy, Engr OATtogen Delo" No 3, PP 15-17 Rxpts establisbed that upon grinding ferromanganese In b&U -ills, powders of. various fractions are obtained without relationship to tine Of crushing. M3ux, conditions for grinding ferromanganese must bo'established experimentally in every case in ardor to obtain max of needed fraction per time unit; passivatIon of law-carbon ferromanganese by 18MO_ - PI Al ~ /Engineering - Welding, Equipment Mar 51 (Contd) Vetting or beating is not obligatory, since ferro- Mnpnese, after prolonged aging, does not react Vith alk costing, plastic properties of Vhich are InWroved upon introduction of ferromanganese aged few 10 days. PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 521 1 BOOK Call No.: TY,7725.K7 Author: KRYUKOVSKIY, N. N. Full Titii7_MANUFAVTMT1NG_0F ELECTRODES FOR ARC WELDING Tran8literated Titlei Proizvodstvo elektrodov dlya dugovoy svarki PUBLISHING DATA Originating Agency: None Publishing House: State Scientific and Technical Publishing House of Machine-Building Literature (mashgiz) Date: 1953 No. pp.: 180 No. of copies: 61000 Editorial Staff Editor: Kozhevnikov, M. D., Eng. Appraiser: Lapidus, V. A., Eng, PURPOSE: The book is intended for engineers and technicians, specialists in the field of electrode manufacturing. TEXT DATA Coverage: This is an account of Soviet experience in the manufaoturing of electrodes for welding operations. According to the author, it Is the first attempt to present all the achievements of Soviet plants and research organizations in this field in the form of summarized reference data. The book contains a classification of the types of electrodes acoording to All-Union State Standards (GOST) and of their trademarks..'with descriptions of their basic uses. It discusses 1/2 Proizvodstvo elektrodov dlya dugovoy svarki AID 521 - I manufacturing technique, the preparation of electrode coatings and wires, and the treatment of steel wires for are welding. It de- scribes the required qualities of raw materials and their testing to ensure conformity to standards. It deals also with the organi- zation of control in the electrode industry. Thebook contains detailed descriptions of various equipment with illustrations, tables and-diagram . No. of References: 19 Russian, 1938-1951 Facilities: Central Scientific Research Institute of Technology and Machine Building (TsNIITMASH); Trust for Rationalization of Pro- duction in the Machine-Building and Metalworking Industries (Orgametall) Leningrad Plant im. Kotlyakov; Tbilisi Agricultural Machinery Plant; Moscow Electrode Plant, and others. 2/2 KRYLOV., N. N. Teoreticheskie oanovy radlotekhniki LrTheoretical principies of radio engineering_/. Rd. 2. Moskva, Morskoi transport, 195J. 552 p. SO: Monthly List of Russlgo,Acces8iopa, Vol. 6 No. 8 November 1953 IRTUXOVPIIIA. ovich; PMOT, Ye.A.. inshener, redaktor; GAUSHIRIt "i.. '! rodaktor isdatel'stva; SHOLIZINA, S.L. takhaichookly rodaktor; UTAROTA, A.F., takhnichookly rodaktor [Production of electrodes for are welding) Proizvodstvo slaktrodoy dlia dugovol svarkis lid, 2-ose Moskva, Goo. asuchno-takhn. Isd-vo mashincetroit. lit-r7, 1956. 275 P- (KLRA 9:7) Vilectrodes) (Blectric weldins) 1 -* -, ;' - -i-Li'-- ~ -- T - - L, __/ i,~- il,- ____ - - - - LAPIDUS. Vl;di~ A kadlyevichg IRYUK91artre M-9- Inzhaner, retsenzent; ir ~ ~,M, ZVZGIIITSXVA, K.Y., Whaner. rodkktor; GIWSHXVSXATAo 0.?L, Izdatellskly redaktor; KODAL', B-1s, tekhatchaskiy redaktor [Bleetrodes for built-up welding] 11laktrody dlia naplavki. Xoskva, Gog. nouchno-takha. izd-vo mehinostrolt Itt-r7, 1957. 231 P;trodes) iKLFA 10:6) (Ale S/193/60/000/008/015/018 A004/AOOl AUTHORS; r K I_qkoYzki"_V,_Dmitriyev, A. N. TITLE: Introducing the Gang Machining of Parts at the Plants of the Lenin- grad Sovnarkhoz PERIODICAL: Byulleten' takhniko-ekonomichaskoy informatsii, 1960, No. 8, pp.70-71 TEXT: The,authors report on the results of introducing gang machintng of- various the plants of the Leningrad Sovnarkhoz and point out that this new,production method Increased the labor productivity by 25 - 40% on th* average. At one of the Leningrad mechanical engineering plants more than 11,000 machine parts, or 70% of the total number of parts, are machined by this method, which resulted In savings of 4 million rubles per year. Gang machining could be Intro- duced after an extensive unification and standardization of machine parts and units of basic production. Special classification indices and cards of technologi cal processes of gang machining are being used,while special gang equipmenf has been developed reducing preparatory operations by 45-60% and cutting the time of preparatory production by half. The authors present some data on the economic efficiency of individual gang processes. The labor productivity of turret lathes Increased by 47% while the number of oparators was reduced by 50%, which resulted Card 1/3 S/193/60/000/008/015/018 AOO4/AOO1 Introducing the,Gang Machining of Parts at the Plants of the Leningrad Sovnarkhoz in savings of more than 25,000 rubles for one turret lathe operating in two shifts, The labor productivity of lathes Increased by 37%, while costs for special equip- ment decreased by 80%, which resUlted in savings of 8 - 12,000 rubles per year for one lathe, The labor productivity of milling machines and capstan lathes Increased by 36 and 47%, respectively. More than 100 plants of the Leningrad Sovnarkhoz produce 224,700 Items of parts, among them 62,340 parts on turret lathes, 42,660 parts on lathes, 21,220 on automatIc-lathes, 30,200 parts on milling machines, 29,580 parts by cold stamping; 6,000 parts by hot and liquid pressing, 5,000 parts by pressure casting and 2,700 parts by other methods. Considering the different industries,,126,548 parts are gang-machined in mechanical engineering plants, 39,561 parts in the radiotechnical industry, 23,700 parts in the ship- building industry, 24,730 parts In the Instrumentation Industry and 11,061 parts are gang-machined in the electrical engineering Industry. In 1959, 30 million rubles were saved by the Leningrad Sovnarkhoz plants by Introducing the gang machining of parts, compared to 10 million rubles in 1958. One of the advanced engineering plants of the Sovnarkhoz held seminars on gang machining for the representatives of 124 plants of 68 Sovnarkhozes of the RSFSR. 217 people were Card 21". -3/193/60/000/008/015/018 A004/AOOI introducing the Oang Machining of Parts at the Plants of the Leningrad Sovnarkhoz trained in these seminars. As a result of this training quite a number of Sov- narkhozes Introduced the gang machining of parts by 1960. Thus, e. g., 4,468 items are gang machined at the Vladimir Sovnarkhoz, 4,944 Items at the Gor'kiy Sovnarkhoz, 2,500 items at the Kaliningrad Sovnarkhoz,* 3,200 items at the Kalinin Sovnarkhoz and 2,900 Items at the Kurgan Sovnarkhoz. Cavd 3/3 VORNOVITSKIT, I.N.; VAGAMV, I.M.j_Ey ,S~KOj,Aj.,_,inzb., retsenzent; STEPANCHENKO, N.S., red,izd-va; TSAFiEVA, T.N., tekhn. red, (High-duty electrodes for arc welding] Vyaokoproizvodi- telInye elektrody dlia dugovoi avarki. Mo skva, Maahgiz, 1963. 102 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Electric welding-Equipment and supplies) 124-57-1-1014 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 1, p 14Z (USSR) AUTHOR: Kryukovskiy, S. S. TITLE: Anchoring Towers in the Soil (Prismatic Foundations) Zakrepleniye opor v grunte (prizmaticheskiye fundamenty) PERIODICAL: Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta, 1955, Nr 17, pp 54-84 ABSTRACT: The calculation of massive prismatic foundations is set forth relative to the design of high-voltage line towers, The founda- tion block is assumed to be absolutely rigid. The soil is con- sidered as an elastic-plastic body, hence the relationship be- tween loads and deformations follows Prandtl's diagram. The soil reaction is assumed to be proportional to the displacements, where the coefficient of proportionality varies linearly with the depth. The calculation is carried out up to the limit stage, that is, failure. The displacement of the foundation at the mo- ment of failure is treated as a rotation about some point and vertical settling whereas no consideration is given to the hori- zontal shear. Criteria are established for the applicability of the calculation formulas-, a comparison of the results of Card I& theoretical calculations with experimental data are set forth. 124-57-1-1014 Anchoring Towers in the Soil (Prismatic Foundations) (cont. ) 4. The paper appears to be a further development of the method of S.M. Kurdin [ Ustoychivost' opor v gruntakh, Ch. 1. (The Stability of Towers in the Soil. Part 1). Gosenergizdat, 1936). 1. Transmission line towers--Design--Foundation factors P. 1. Klubin 2. Transmission line towers--Foundation--Stability 3. Trans- mission line towers--Foundations--MathematicaI analysis 17 Card 2/2 BOLOTIN, T.T., prof.; DARKOT, A.T., prof.; KRYUXOVEXIY, S.S., prof.; SMOLOT, G.K., prof. [Program for the course in strength of materials for students not"speoislising in mechanics in higher technical schools] Programme kursa soprotivlaniia toterialoy dlia nomekhanichookikh spetsiallnostal vtusov. Moskva, GosAzd-vo QSovetskaia nauka,* 1959. 14 p. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Kinistarstvo vyaehepo i sradnego spetsiallnogo obrasovaniia. (Strength of materials-Study and teaching) FONOMAREV, S.D., prof.1 TIOWUM, YetNey prof*; "TiIINSEN; 5,V., prof.j MAIIIIIII, N,N,., prof.j POPOVp A.Aep prof*; IM COKOLOV,S.N.,prof. profe, (Program of the course OStrength of materialaw for departments of mechaniced engineering in technical institutes) Prograrma kursa "Soprotivlenie materialov* dlia mashinostroiteltrwkh i melchanicho- AM spetsialluostei vysshikh tekhnicheskikh uchebrykh zavedenii. Moskva, Izd-vo "Vyshaia shkola," 1959. 15 p. (KEU 15:3.) l..Rusela (1923- U.S.S.R.) MinlBteratvo vysebego i orednego spe- tsiallnogo obrazovaniya. (Strength of materials-Study and teaching) 0130DOUKTY, Boris Arnolldovich; KIWIlb, Solomon Yeflr-,-ovich; Prin1malt vchaotlye ORZHEKIIOVSKAYA, O.P.j IT'JUVICH, G.M.; DARKOV, A.V., prof., doktor tekhn, nnuk. ret9enzent)19Qur-w=j,_~5v5*0 profs, retuenzent ~Cdaceaaed)j KRYTOV, G.M.p doi-ta.,, retsenzent; RAKIVIIIIIKO, V.N at. prepod.v retsenzent; VINOKUROV, A.T., otv. red.; VAY;1'3LRG, D.A., red. (Strengrth of vaterials In eximples and problemol 5oprotiv- lenie materialov v primerakh .1 vidachakh. Khargkov, Izd- vo Kharlkovokogo gos. univ., 1965. 31J. P. (MM4 18:5) TAKOYLEV. U.N.. professor, QUA2291h" ~SA- rodaktor: SATTANIDI. L.D., takhnichaskiy redaktor CWh&t happens in the athlete's body during physical exercise] Chto proiskhodit Y organisms sportsmen& pri vypolnenii fisicheskikh uprashuenit. Moskva, Go*. Isd-vo 07iskulltura i sport,$ 1951. 99 p, [Microfilm) (MLIA 9:8) (Rxn 131) .pYUMvALISj-AjKriukelis,B 1; CHYtMAS,A.[Ciuras,A.]; LURIYE, U., red.; f,bKOSMICIIYUS,St.iIALkonevicius,St.], tekbn. red. (Production of forage on conective and state farms of the Lithuania S.S.Ro] Proizvodetvo kormov v kolkhozakh i sovkho- zakh Litovskoi SSR. Villnius, GoB.Izd-vo polit.i nauchnoi lit-ry,, 1960. 34 P. (Lithuania.-Forage) (MIRA 11,12) KRTUNAS, T., tnkhnoruk _____-_~The`yare~vrogressing all the tine, Prom. koop. 12 nc.10:4 0 158. ()GFA 11310) 1. Artell "Stakhanovets, g. VIlInyus. (Vllnius--Plpsttcs ;ndustry) (Vilnius--Aluminum Industry) TBVDOKIMOV,1.5.; TI;VSTIONEYIV,f).P.;_MPSHI~,1.#._- DROZDOV,B.M.. redaktor: TRFMTATSKIT,N.N., retsensentf SOKULUVTT-.T.-, tekhnIcheekly redaktor; (Calculating machines] Schetno-telfrovye mashiny; uchabnoe posobia dlia tekhnikumov, Hooky&, GoorAuchno-tekhn.isd-vo mashinoBtrottell nol I sudoetroitallnol lit-ry, 1953. 326 p. (HLRA 9:1) (Oalculnting machines) -- - -- --YZVDOKIMCVP Ivan- Semenovichs- TIVSTIOXgy,V.- Nrman - T. N. .0e ..... ',- -- [Calculating machines] SchstzWe mashiny. ltd. 2. 2., parer. I dopol. Kookys, Go@. osuoho-tokhn, lid-vo mashinostroitelinot lit-ry, 1955, P, 387, (MIRA 11:10) (calculating machines) TUBES ei THMIONICS "Effect of Dielectric on the Phase Constants of Spatial flanwnics of a Helix." by V. P. Kryushin, Radiotekhnika i Electronika, No 70, July 1957, pp 901-:7 =. A dispersion equation is derived for a helix surrounded by a diel- ectric cylinder of finite thickness, using certain approximations. Good agreement is obtained in the comparison of the calculated values of the effect of the dielectric for the first backward harmonic with the measurements made of a double-wound helix made of round wire, se- cured by means of quartz tubes. Refers to "Traveling 'gave Tube Helix Impedance," by P. K. Tien (Proceedings IRE, 1953p 41, lip 1617-1623), Electromagnetic 'Nave Propagation on Helical Structuresn by S. Sensiper (Proceedings IRE, 1955, 43, 2, 149-161), and "The Helix as a Backward 'gave Circuit Structure, " by Watkins and Ash (Journal of Applied Phy- sics, 195hp 25p 6, 782-790). Card 1/1 57 - ComFarative technical and econo,-idc evaluation of apartz~ent h-,uses having different numbers of storieO,,,Vrjskvaj Goo. izd-VO lit-ri po stroitel'otvu i arklatekture, 1954. 68 p. -41128 AKADR:11A arlhitektury SSSRP 1-10scOw- Nauchnoissledovatellskil. Institlilt arkbitekturY zhilishcha. SravnitelInaia tekhniko ... 1954 (card 2, 55-41128) TIU20. A4 1, Apartment houses- Russia, I.. Krjushkov N.V.,ed. 11. Akademdia arkhitektury SSSR,111oscow. Nauchno-issledovatel'skii institut gradostroitellstva. Kryuchkov, V. G.: of the econorde utilization of the Volgadelta rogion." Msco-,w Order of Le-dr, un.1 Order of Labor Red Banner Stnto U ived % V. Lomanosov. ~bucowj 1956. WiscertatiQn Vor the Degree of Candidate in Geographical Science) SO$ Yadzhnaya letopis'. No 27p 1956. MoBcow. Fages 94-109;111. KRTUTCH.121KI) V.K. inzb.; LISOUTS, Ye.l., inzh. Expediency of the use of hydraulic. carriages with front or tall arrangement of tool holders In relation to lathe axis. Mashinostroenle n0-5,.53-55 !:--0 164 (MIRA 18i2) JEWASHEIN. U.S. Apparatus for coUgcting crumb poet. takh. nav. no.31.30-JW 058. (Peat machinery) Vestal, AN BSSR Ser. fiz.- OaRk 11:10) 1. KRYVDAj S. A. 2. USSR (600) 4, Forests and Forestry 0 7. Shelterbelt forestry* Ias* khozo 5s no. 10p 1952e 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January, .1953. Unclassified. =iR / Forestry. Forort Cultures. Abs Jour Rof Zhur -Biologiya, So 18, 1958, No. 82236 Author Kryvda, S. A. Inst Title Forest Cultivation in Southern Yorgoni Orig Pub t Leon. kh-vo, 1958, No 3, 76-W Abstract No abstract Sivon Card 1/1 #1471 END 36 S.A. Practices In-linting oak in clusters In the southern part of the Yergeni Hills, (Kalnyk A.S.S.R.). Agirobiologila no.314l2-418 -Je 162. (MIRA 15tlO 1. Kalnytakaya naucbno-iaBledovatellskaya lesnaya opytneya stantsiya g. Elista. (YERGENI HILIZ--OAK) -e ---- Z7. , , :I --I n~- -,-:1 : -' - 1 denii-n offlon of n plant upon wide!, 7our (ir.err; (-.onferrrl. 9. T ' o 12, 1AS. YRTVELYP71 1. A. 0 c;cKierzharill ponyatiya rellgil." mport submItte-A for 7th Intl Cong., Anthropolojij~--ul Pe. Oclences, Moocow, 3-10 Mg T?- KPYVENI P. V. Ukraine Economic Conditions For the Marxist-Lenist working out of the histroy of the people's state andtie development or the working class of the Ukraine. ("Development of capitalist industry and the formation of an industrial proletariat in the Ukraine at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centurim" 0, 0# Nesterenko. Reviewed by P. V. Kryven'.) Vianyk AN URSR 2.4, No. 2. 1953. Month]Z List of Russian Accgogio , Library of Congress, jLUM 1953. Unclassified. FACC NRs 0-9,0-6-9 SOURCE CODE: UR/0185/66/011/0011/0286/02921 AUTHOR: Bilyyj M. U.; Kryvenko, P. Y.; Krivenko,,P. I. ORG:._ St,rAte University im. T. G. Shevchenko. Kiev,(Kiyivskiy Derzhuniversitet) TITLE: Luminescence of solutions and alkaline-halide salts containing gold SOURCE: Ukrayinelkyy ftzychnyy zhurnal, v. 11, no. 3, 1966, 286-292 TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, gold, halide, radiation spectrum ABSTRACT: A laboratory study was performed in vhich a luminescent solution LiCl(HCl) + AuCl was prepared. Since gold chloride in aqueous solvents decomposes at room temp- erature almost instantaneously, a cold RM was used as solvent. The solution manifest - ed bright red luminescence on excitation by the light of a mercury lamp after freezing in liquid air. Pressed transparent disks of AuCl + KC1 and AuCl salt also proved to be luninescent. The absorption spectrum of the pressed disks was measured. The meas- ured radiation and excitation spectra coincide, within the limits of error, for solu- tions, pressed disks, and AuCl salt. With a drop in temperature the radiation spectra of the solutions and tha AuCl salt exhibit a shift toward the long waves. The spec-. tral characteristics obtained did not agree with the spectral characteristics of the crystallophosphor KC1 - Au and the system of energy levels of the free Au++ion. A preliminary conclusion Is drawn that the luminescence is caused by the AuCl molecule Orig. art.bas: 3 figures, and 5 formulas. [Based on authors' abstract) (jKPj SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DAM 2AMsy65/ CRIG REP i M9/ OTH REY 1 004 Card 1/2.J,6~ LyuchrAla AlekseYevria; "11MMArN.A., 1.'.ar[,ar:ta "'ikolayewnst; -V . . YVI dvktor fil. nauk, otv. red.; M Ij G., red. (Culture and 11ving conditionp of the collective farmers of Kahnin Provincel Kulstura I. byt koMomikov Kalininskol oblatiti. Mmkva, lul-vo I'Nnuka," W.A. 351 p. (MIRA 17:7) U 1 ;2 / 040 ACC 1-2--Ai, 0 2 7 5 9.11 0 U R C E C 0 D'El 1-'u J AUTHOR: Kryvova, A. A. Krivova, A. A. ORG: Chair or industrial Hygiene, Khn~kov Medical Institute (Kafedrn gigiyen; pratai Fharkivskogo medychnogo 'nr.L U TITLE: Effect of multiple Irradiation by an intermittent current of ultraviolet radiation on the higher nervous activity of white rate SOURCE: Fiziolohichnyy zhurnal, v. 12, no. 4, 1966, 447-451 TOPIC TAGS: conditioned reflex, animal physiology, radiation biologic effect, ultraviolet radiation a, ABSTRACT: The effect of cyclic, intermittent UV irradiation in biological doses of 0.1 and 1.0 (mercury quartz lamp) was studied on 24 male rats aged 2-3 mos. Conditioned-reflex activity was studied using the Kotlyarevskiy method (motor-food reflexes). It was found that the degree and nature of changes in higher nervous activity depended on the radiation dose and regimen. Intermittent irradiation ibiological dose of 0.1) caused a greater shift in conditioned-reflex activity than continuous irradiation. A O.T510-75 (durationlinterval, sec) regimen caused a depressed excitatory process to inZensify. A 1/1 and 5/15 regimen caused an opposite effect.,~'After the third L_Scrd ACC NR& AP6027591 exposure to UV, conditioned-reflex activity deterioratedf as reflected.~ in a disrupted interplay between neural procensee char-acterized by decreased excitability and increased lethargy. A 30/30 regimen had the same effect as a continuous regimen in evoking changes in higher nervous activity, Intermittent irradiation (biological dose of 1.0) had the same effect as a 10.0 biological dose of continuous irradiatiaa~.' Orig. art. has: 1 figure. JCDJ SUB CODE: o6/ SUBM DATE: 120ct64/ ORIG REF: 009/ OTH REF: 002 ATD PRESS:5P6--I/__ 2/2 KMOWNICKI, Stanislaw; MAZURp Miecsyalawl KRYWCZYX, Danuta Fbarmacotmaxio properties of some organic zinc compounds. (I. Zinc formats)# Roun, poms akad. mad. Swiercsowskio 7t237-244 161o 1. Z Zakladu Farmakologil Pomorskisj Akademii Medycznej Kierowniki doe. dr Miaosyslaw Mazur i z Zakladu Toobnologii Brodkow laczniezych Wydsialu Chemiesnego Politachniki w Szesecinia Kierowniki doe. mgr ins. Stanislaw Karbownicki. (FORKATES pharmacol) (ZINC pbarmacol) fWWMZTKI ,Danuta; MAZUR, MieczysIAv Effect of some mineral waters and of their components on the smooth muscle of isolated strips of large intestine in the guinea pig. Roczn. pcm. akad. mad. Swisrozewski 9:115-121 163. 1. Z Zakladu Parmakologii Pomorskiej Akademii Hadycznaj Kierownik: doe. dr Mieezyslaw Mazur. (MUSCLE, SMOOTH) (MINEIM WATERS) (INTESTINE, IARGE) (PHARMKOLOGr) MAIRCKA-DYNNICKA, Stanislawa; KHYWKO, Alina 1~ Case of paroxysmal tachycardia in an 8 year old boy. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no.3:130-3.32 19 Jan 59. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Dxisciecych A.)L v Gdansku; kierownik; prof. dr sod. K. Mracinski. (UOHYURDUo PAROXTSMA4 In inf. & child case report (Poi)) HEJKA, Zuzanna; JAVIKOWSKI, Tadeuss; K#!gq,.,,Ajiu&j,,TYLICKA, Teresa; WDOWIAX, Wanda; WOZNICZXO# Jerzy. Inoldence of neurologic symptoms in the newborne in relation to causative faotars. Ginek. Pol. 36 no. 1211379-1386 D 1 65 1. Z KlInikl Neurologicznoj AM w Gdansku (Kierovnikt prof. dr. mod. Z. Majowska); z I KlIniki PolowIctwo. i Chorob Koblecych AM v Gdanaku (Kierownikt prof. dr. mod. S. Metlar) i z 11 KlInIki Polotnictwa i Chorob Koblecych AM w CAannku (KIerwniki prof. dr. mad. W. Gromadzkl). :"o PAT Ot. DZIEDZIIJSZKO, Anna; KRWO, Jaina Endemic occurenoe of purulent menlngitis in a necriatal ward. Pediat. Pol. 40 no*3t273-278 Kr 165 1. -Z I Kliniki Polomnictwa I, Chorob Kabiecych Akademii Fledycz- nej w Gdanaku (KicrounAt prof. dr. zed. S. Mmtler.). Fast inethofin of det-rinining the con~en! c,' n' trogen aubstances In planto. R.2. Rost vyroba 1.1 ao.3:3.17-32() Mr 165. I . Chemical Depqrtment of tho Central Reoeari~,,h lnstlt,it,l of Plant Prcd,ir!ticr., Prag-le-Rrizyre 51)7. Snbmitfr-d T),~Crmbor !;), !'~~4. -int methrAr, of dotnrnininR the contlont Of nitl-OgeT. Ir. p1fini,:i. P 1-, Ro9t vyroba 11 no.3:337-'i4fj Rr 1. .h~~mLvtl 'Department ot' the Central Restearch lnatl*;.""~ f..;' i'lant Production, Pragim-Ruzyni 11107 (for Kryzrin#,~.k, Chatr of Riochemifitry L)"' Uvi Friculty of Nat.-tral of Lho DoiriAn Univer-3 Lty, Pragim "', Alb,)rtov 201", r,,r .,'Iracck) . Da,~embnr 1,), 1%,,4. ACCMSICN NR: AT4040384 z/2503/63/000/009/0199/022T AUMCT~-. xj~snq~,y JE~ (Kerftmok, Vladimir) TITLE: Lai-go analog computer with digital control and numerical print-out SOMME: Ce3koolovenska akademie ved. Vyzkumny ustav matematielvch stroju. Stroje na zpracovani informaci, no* 9. 1963# 199-227 TOPIC =: analog computer, ANAIMCK computer ABSTPACT: The article reports results of full-scale operation of the Al-Arx0a ccmputer at the Rechenzentrun der Flugtoc1inicheschen Versuchsanstalt (computing' Center of the Flight Engineering Test Station) at Letnany. In achieving, high precision and lmr computation time, the following measures were considered of the greatest Importance: 1) central location of parts of the digital amplifier circuits with feedback in an area with precise temperature control; 2) employment of helical potentiometers with windings strictly following a certain lav; 3) Sor- Ycimechanical. installation of potentiometers utilizing a keyboard or perforate& tape; 4) attachment of a digital voltmeter, a bigh-speed printer, and precision Cord 1/2 AccEssiai im: AT4040384 timer; 5) use of changeable progra=ing panels; and 6) inclusion of circuits for hiGh-specd regulation of switching and of time and amplitude values. These features are treated in detail, and appropriate circuit diagrms are given. Orige art. has: 23 figurese ASSOCIATIM Forschunpiastitut fuer mathematische Maochinen, Prag (Research Institute fcw 1~hthematical WwJAnes, Prague) sumjTnz; 03Sep62 DATE ACQ: 18jun64 MOL: 00 SM CCDE: DPP EE NO MW SOV: 000 cam: 000 Card 2/2 7=mrMoo6l6o (A) 19/0019 cz/oo78/65 AUTHOR: Hron, jayoalav (Prague)s Yaiment, JJri (Prague); AZZWWk- i(Engineer, Prape); Mirtea _Bobumil (Engineer, Prague)j Yyti A 11 oo i as n ORG: none an electrical r c TITLE: indicato Ircuitj CZ Pat. No. PV 5792-63 SOURCE: Vynalezy, no. 10, 196% 19 TOPIC TAGS: 14 1 -1 0 - an* computer, .,6:.v,j4j an. plifier stage e co&)r--e1A. ABSTRACT: An electrical indicator circuit Is described which serves on the one hand for the successive individual indication that the level of an electrical signal has been exceeded at a number of controll. ed electrical outputs, and on the other as an indicator that the level has been exceeded of the electrical signal of all the controlled elec- trical outputs t 'o one point in parallel, for example, as an overload Indicator for computing amplifiers, in particular transistorized computing amplifiers. In this device the electrical outputs of the individual controlled points are connected on the one hand directly to the contacts of one level of a multiple position switch,, and through Card L 29319-66 ACC NRsAPE e12 its branch to the input of the indicating device with the overload indicatorjand on the other through resiatore to a common conductor which Is connected through a branch to the necond level of the switch, SUB COM 09/ SUBM DATEt 220ct63 -ee Crd- 2/2 KRYZLNOVSKIY, O.L. OA eurvey of ground beetles of the tribe Trechini occurring in the Caucasus* by R.Jeannel. PAviewed by a.L.Kryzh&ncvBkii. Ent. obos. 1+0 noels250-251 161, OIRA 14s4) (Caucasus-Ground beetles) Peannelp H.) MIMOWSKA, Halina *Genetics* by Edmundf Winawxk4. RaTiowad by Ralina Krzanow6a. I Wasechavlat no.317i-42 Mr'641 r Kilux., .4. On the resolution of the Czechoslovakian Covernment of Septeeber 9, 1959, No* 758, 80n certain measures against silicostew. Pra- covni lek.11 no,9:441-442 9 159, (SMIGOSIS prev.& control) KRrZ&y Brankov promovany lekar "Risk* allowances and health protection at vork. Fram azda 9 no.10: 437-439 0 161. (Industrial safety) (Industrial hygiene) (Wages) Now law on occupational health safety and protection. Praoovni lak, 13 no.7:321-322 S 161. (INDUSTRIAL MIDIOINI legislation) &MEj_ B. On the problem of hygienic standards for vibrations. Pracovni lek. 14 no.4sl89-194 My 162. (VIBRATIONS) The role and place of techniciana and hygienic and anti-epidemlo serviceas Fraos Isk, 14 no,7015-316 S 062. (COMMICAMS DISMI CONTROL) (UrGIENE) KRYZE, Branko minioterstvo fdravotnietvi Current problems related to shortening the vork day. Zdrav. aktuality 152:7-14 163. (INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE) (PSYCHOLOGY, INDUSTRIAL) I - I --,B r~i Y,-,L- If), W. Iliecka 98) Czeclionlovakian Red Crona and Industrial --wdlcino. Prac. lek. 17 no.6;233-234 Ag 165. CZJKA, Milan; JIRIK, Vladimirl KRTZZ, Branko I Ourrent status of the productien and use of petrole= products. Prao. lek. 7 no.8%366-370 0 1 65. 1. Bensina, nopej Prahal Ustay hygiony, Prahal Kinisterstyo sdravotniatvit Praha. 1 11 a -OIL$ 22. A NOVE16 LINICNA MQUIVAL =QjffMFN0N- IMZAR KLIEURM AND WMIC APigmCf., ff6RF_1AA1& SlAbOPrOudt Obwr, Vol. 19, No. 7, 407-71 (1064). lo-es-0-cy.- It Is "fumed thst, over 4 carton tinge, the ewactarlslic Of a nonlinear alsmorl. can be 64prosivastod by the o"tion of + Zj a U where U and I at& the voltage and current In the e4moot, while Us end Zg are the voltage and the Internal impedance of a fictitious Talent source. V It to assumed Oat Lit and U are out 0l phsjo~ the equation gives a Woo-point approximation by insans of an oUtpacal c1practorlstic. This type al equivalent circuit is Particularly useful to the analysts of Saturated reactors, since it Permits the use d mtsadard vector diagrams. Operation of a lorrorosonont nip-flop Is -rA explained by ease .9 the circuit &M design of a ISMI'MrAM VOIW90 StAbilitOr 19 CAITIOd Out, T_ m I-. ~jl I- - . . I - . . I ~ I I ~I - I - -1. , ~ -1 L-13 ,I , I I %KRYZE, Jiri,inz.okandidat tachnin.1cych ved Conference on Machines for Procesising Itiformation bi Pnrla. 7elitnik 68 no*5:655-656 159. L 00106-66 EED_2/OdP~1) IJP(c) BB/OG ArCES="R-. APSUL286 CZ /0088/65/000/002/Ot44/0179 AIMIOR: Kryza, AW(Engineerl, Candidate of sciences) TITLE: Methods for storage and processing of analog datn, used in MUSA-6 SOURCE: Kybernotika, no. 2, 1965, 144-t79 TOPIC TAGS: computer theory, analog computer, data storage, date processing, computer technology J~U.,v\ ABSTRACT: The paper, after a brief description of the MUSA- analog r c0m2ute and its functions, discusses the following: The analog algorithms used for the storage and erocessing of analog data. The sampling method a's used in the MUSA-6 computer; Aec-moan value sampling circuit with a correction filter (the transfer function of the sampling circuit; the formula for the absolute value of its response cliaracteristic,,iand the formula for phase shift are derived). Enco ing for the conversion of-eqd1distani sampled signals into pulse-duration modul ted (PDM) signals is discussed and cbmpared with the triangular qoding wavefor The influence of'waveform distortion is discussed as an %xadple of a generalized ''exponentially distorted triangular waveform. The influence of.omitted sampling and the coding of nonsampled waveforms are also discussed. Rec6rding of data C099 magr1sic tapes, the affect of random error in the position of the recorded L 00106-66 ACCESSION NR: AP50128671 pulses, the two basic methods of reading and writing PUM signals used In MUSA-6 computer (one not requiring erasing and the other requiring erasing) are dis- cusued. Multiplication by combining PDH and AM; multiplicator output for saw- tooth coding; generalized interpolation circuit and the derivation of the general expression for the m-th order parabolic interpolation law; response of the circuit transfer function to a unit step function; the inherent delay of a symmetric Interpolation; forming the interpolation output waveform in the i-th sampling interval for symmetric cubic interpolation and asymmetric quadratic interpolati(n; the quadratic nonsymmetrical interpolation circuit used in MUSA-6; 3-rd order symmetric cubic interpolation circuit; the quality of interpolation; and interpolation and resampling transfer functions are also considered. Inte- gration in the MUSA system (zero and first order interpolation circuits for integralevaluation as used in the MUSA system) Is discussed. Synchronization (simplest algorithm for the restoration of PDM signals; the effect of a sinuaoidal disturbance of tape velocity an the synchronization algorithm; synclironization-algorithm for the suppression of noise due to changes of tape velocity and the error due to this effect; the advantages of using triangular coding waveform) is also covered. The basic circuit used in the MUSA system Card 2/3 L o=6-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5012867 for the generation of triangular coding waveform (the circuit diagram is shown as well as the waveforms at some of its points) is also discussed. Orig. art. has: 124 formulas and 16 figures. ASSOCIATIONt Ustav teorie informace a automatLzace CSAV, Prague Institute of information theoU and automation CS ---SM CODE-s- DP--- 110 REP SOV: 003 -OMMRt 012 ACC NN, 060,25533 SOURCE CODEt CZ/OM4/65/000/012/0469/IJ47u AUTHOR: Kryze# Jiri (Engineer; Candidate ol sciences); Mertlp Vladindr (Faigineer ORGs none TITIE1 Equipment for recording the volt-ampere characteristics of tunnel diodes SOURCE: Sdelovaci technikat no. 12, 1965, 469-470 TOPIC TAGS: recording equipment,, tunnel diodep volt ampere characteristic ABSTRACT: The PaLicle describes equipment for recording the volt-ampere characteris- tics of tunnel diodes. The principle of the device is explained and diagrams are presented. Bettcr than 1% accuracy is obtained. Orig. art. has: 4 figures- [JPRS: 34,6911 SUB CODE: 14v 09 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 001 / SOV REF: 001 OTH REF: 002 0 SLZPIIUKRA, I.M., Imnd.zed.nauko, IRTZRABOYA, T.G., nauchr" got ease of foreign body In the Infra-lobar bronchus of the right lung, PkLt,,klln,I terap,tub, no,8s38&389 158. (MMA 1317) 1. Is 1-go kh1rurgichookogo otdalaniya (rukoyoditall - starobly nauchnyy motradulk G.G. Gorovenko) I pato-worfologichookoy laba- ratorli (rukovoditell - starably nanchn" sotrudnik T.Y. Tarl.yeva) Ukrainskogo nauchno-lealedovatellskogo instituta tubarkulaza In. akad. 1r.G, Tanovskogo, (BILONCHI--YORBION BODUS) MYZFATCVAP V. G.: Maffter Mod Sel (dirs) -- I*ne durnt!on of retontion of the grippt) vints in the lung tismics after tho doett-h of fintnAls (-rxperlmOntnl pnthol- at?,leal-amtmical and virologicnI investifption)". Odenrnp ITD?. 1P Trp (Odnam Stati Wd Inmt Im 'All. T. Plroilov), 200 noplf?n (KL.. Im 1.9p 1015?, 1-7111 ITS KRYZIIAPOVA, V. 0. 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