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LRYLOY, O.Y., kandidat biologichookikh nauk. Iet's preserve and Increase the forest wealth of Siberia. Priroda 46 no.30-10 Mr 1579 KRA 10:3) 1. Zapadno-Sibirskty filial Akadeall nauk SSSR (Novosibirsk). (Siberia, Westemb.-Forests and forestry) ORR* M "N KRYIDV. G.V.; LAYIN, L.A. /"' ", Second conference on scientific and practical problems in the Improvement of the Siberian forest management. Izv. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.1:150-152 '58. (MIRA 11:8) (Siberia--Forest management) AUTHOR: :i Krylov, G.V, 26-5`-7-35/0 T114.Ei Scientific Explorations in SIberia (Nauchn~rja issledovaniya v Sibiri) PERIODICALt Pr1roda., 1958, Nr 7, pp 114-115 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The XIIth Session of the Zapadno-5ibirakiy filial AN SSSR (West-Ijiberian Branch of the AS USSR) took place in Novo- sibirek from 17 to 20 I'larch 1958. Delegates from other im- portant Soviet scientific centers attended the session. A total of 190 papers were delivered, of which over 50 served practical purposes. Professor T.F. Gorbachev, President of the Presidium of the West-Sibirian Branch of the AS USSR and Vioe-President of the Organization Committee of the Siberian Department of the AN USSR, evaluated the research results of the over 800 scientific workers of the institute, outlined the 1959 to 1965 plan assignments to the institute arid commented on the establishment of the new large scien- tific center in the east of 'the country, the Sibirskoye otdeleniye AN SSSH (Siberian Department of the AS USSR). In the section for complex explorations of the water re- servoir of the Novosibirskaya GES (Novosibirsk Hydroelectric Card 1/2 Station), S.G. Beyrom arid V.M. Samochkin spoke on the na- Scientific Explorations in 3iberia 26-56-7-35/48 tural factors of the changes of the reservoir's banks. L.A. Lamin sketched the scientific bases of bank-preserving forest plantations. Px-:)fessor V.V. Reverdatto discussed relics of the flora of Central Siberia from the Glacial period. A.V. Kuminova. commented on the ecological composition of the flora of the Altay. M.F. Yelizarlyeva, Dotsent of the Krasnoyar- skiy pedagogicheskiy inetitut (Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical In- stitute), spoke on plant life in the east border region of the West Siberian depression. Professor B.A. Tikhomirov discussed the basic problems and objects of study of the plant world and plant resources of the northern-most regions of Siberia. ASSOCIATION: Biologicheakiy inatitut ZaDadno-Sibirskogo filiala AN SSSR - Novosibirsk ~Biolodical Institute of the West Siberian Branch of AS USSR - Novosibirsk) 1. Scientific research--USSR Card 212 AUTHOR: Krylov, G.V. 3;~V-26-5A-110-V',i 51L TITLEi The Forents of the Altay (Losa Altaya) PEM I OP I CAL iPriroda, 1950, Pr 10, pp 02-n5 ABSTRACT; The author discusien the composition and varietion of trees and shrubs fou-id in the Altay foronts, which ociupy a terri- tory of 350 km by 500 kr. on the ilopes of the Altay ','ountitn3 to the South of Biysk. There are 6 photos. ASSOOTATION: Zapadno-Sibirskiy filial, Zibirskopo otdeloniya Akademii na,ik ISSR - Novosibirsk (The West Siberian 3rannh of the Ziberian Department of the USSR Academy of _)CieIICA3 - Novosibirsk) 1. Forestry--USSR Card 1/1 KRYWY, G.V. Research In Siberia. Priroda 47 no. 71114-115 J1 158. (XIRA 1118) 1. Biologichaskiy institut Zapadno-Sibirskogo filials AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. (Siberia--Romearcb) U-1 KRUOV, Oeor L Yesillyevich- MINISHIKOT, P.N., red.; UJKHNO. O.M.e ta=,red, [Hidden treasures of forests] Lesnye klady. Novosibirsk. Novosibirskoe knishnoe isd-vo. 1939. 36 p. (KMA 14:4) (Siberia--Natural resources) (Forest products) KRTIMP G.V. 1- - --. Forest-type zones of Siberia, Izv. Tomak. Otd. VBO 4:115--149 159. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Otdol lose, Biologichookogo instituta. Sibirskogo otdeleniya. AN SSSR. (Siberia-Forests and forestry) G.V..-, KHWIIOV, Yu.P- Conference on the general utilization and reproduction of Siberian pine forests. Isy.Sib.otd.AN SSSR no.11:105-107 159. (MIRA, 13:10 (Siberia-Fine) NEKRASOVA, Tamara Petrovna; KRYIAN, G.V., red. [Methoda for evaluating and Predloting yioldo from Siberian pine oeedc] Metody otoenki i prognoza urozhaev iierian kedra sibirskogo. Pod red. G.V.Kr7lova. Novisibiresk, Izd-vo Si- birskogo otdeleniia AN SSSRp 1960. 33 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Pine) ,. nauk; YJJIATIN, S.A., red .4_V"jj!y"Uh, doktor blolop MMIAYEVAp A.S., red, izd-va; ~(.:fKNSHINA, A.S., tekbn. red, [Foreots of Siberia and the Far East] less Sibiri i Dallnego Vosto%a, ikh lasorastitellnoo raionirovanie. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1960. 155 P. (Siberia,.-Forests and forestry) (HIU 14tl2) IRTLOV, G.V., doktor biologicheskikh nauk; Study of trace elements in Siberia. 120-121 5 160. (Trace eltments) VILLIR, G.Te. Yest.AY SSSR 30 no.g: (min 13:9) ll~ KABANOV, N.Ye.,, prof., doktor biolog. tekhn. red. , V.F., red. izd-va; KASHINA, P.S., .[Forests of Western Siberia; history of studios, forest types, zoning,, ways of use, and improvements) Lesa Zapadnoi Sibiri; istoriin izuebaniiap tipy lesov., raionirovanio, puti iBpo3.1- sovaniia i uluchshaniia. Moskva,, Izd-vo Akad.nauk'SM 1961. 253 P. (Siberia, Western-Forests and forestry) (a 15:3.) KRYIZV, G. V. M.V. Lomom,---.,r ao the founder of Russian science; on the 2!Oth annivorear.- f his birth. Izv. Sib. otd. All SSSR no.11: 3-11 161. (MIRA 15:1) F.~cmonosov, Mikhail Vasillevich, 1711-1765) LAMIN, L.A.; KRYLOV, GA, doktor biol.nauk, oty. red.; BUSffMVA, V.M.; red,; OVCHI#NIWVA, T.K., takhn. red. (Shelterbelt afforestation in the Kulunda Steppe) Polezashchitnye leanye polosy Y Kulunde, Otv* red. G.V.Krylov. Novosibirsk,, Izd-vo Sibirskogo otd-niia AN SSSR, 1962. 105 p. (MIRA l6t6) (KuluafttOteppe-Windbreake, sholterbelts,atc.) (Kulunda Steppe-Foreat influences) - KRTLOVO Georgiy Vasillyevichl SOBOLEVSKATA, X.A., doktor blo. nauk, prol-., ot4-.rwr--j-mERINv G.N.t red.; SHMAKOVA, Ye.G.,, tekhm, red. [Forest resources and forest-type zones of Siberia and the Far East]Lesnys resurmy i leoorastitellnoo raionirovanis Sibirl i Dallnego Vostok&. Otv. red. K.l.Sob*lsv4Wm4 Novosibirsk, Izd-vo Sibirskogo otd-niia AN SSSR2 1964 239 P. (MIRA 160) (Siberia-Forests and forestry) KRYLOV, G.V. Present state and problems in the U.S.S.R. anti countries. Izv. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.2t67-80 1. Otdol leaa i lesomeliorat9it Blologlcheskog3 otdeleniya AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. In foreign 162. (MIRA 1640) instituta Sibirskogo j, Conem:-iritinn In anel tnu objectivea of sclentlfl-- Inatit,utiar4b. (4hr. pr'-r. ~'At_ I Dall. Vast. ro.l-.?.-,15 '62, V.V. Ff--verdatto, botani3t anl st-adpnt rX natim~., -)f :~4' Je. ber did., 22-1-2213 A nepled ty)-,Aler, on force,. rpmr--p.,i j)f thitj U.- ind t,h,,j storld. Ibid. 1249-251 10,5AWFINY B.G. G.E. loganzen (1866-1930), f-he oldest student of lonal, geography and zoology of 31ber!a. Okhr. pr1r. Sib. i rav. Vost. no.1t205-208 162. (MIFA It.,A, 21 W. KRYLOVO G.V. Monograph on the vegetation and foreatrl of tk.c loeari pruvince of North China. Izv. Sib. otd. Ali 3-A no.12zl5l-152 162. (~9RA 17:8) ABRANWICH, David lojifovich, (joktor, googr. nauk, prof.; =W;,. Georgly,VaiAl ''yovich, doktor biol. nauk, prof.; HKOLAYET, Vladimir Aleksandrovich, kand. geol.-miner. nauk; TECOVSKIY, Dmitriy Vladimirovich.. kand. hiol. wriuk; STRIGIN, VX., red.; POLOMMITSEVA, T.S., mlad. red.; MLICHEVSKIY, G.11., red.kart; VIL113KAYA, -"-'.N., Neot, Siberian Plain; a study of Its natural history) Zapadno- Sibirskaya niw..ennost'; ocherk prirody. [By] D.I.Abrrmovich I dr. ?.',o,,3kva, Geoprafgiz, 1963. 261 p. (VIRA 16: 12)) (West Siberian Plnin--flatural hi,,Aury) .KRYLOV, G.V., prof., otv. red.j TOLIVIN, G.F.p red.; YELIMATOVA, Te.M., tekhn. red. [Conservation problems of 'Siberia and the Far East) Problemy okhrany prirody Sibiri i Dallnego Vostoka; trudy. Otv. red. G.V.Krylov. Novosibirsk, Izd-vo Si- birskogo otd-nila AN SSSR, 1963. 241 p. (MIRA 17:2) 1. VseBoyuznoye soveshchaniye po okhrane prirody. 4th, Novosibirsk, 1961. KRnOV, G.V.; SOBOIZVSKAYA, K.A. A-,Union Congress of Botanists. Izv. 30 AN SSSR no.12. Ser. blol.-med. nauk no.3tl52-153 163. (MRA 17W V4 -, ~ ~, -lir;:~ ~-, KRYLOV I G.V... (1%-,kt.)r b1ol. nauk; GRADOEYM17i, L.P.; Yi"A", F.-`.; I -TA-MANOVP II.Ye. Rev-low and bibliogrraphy. Izv. SO AN SS~:' n( q gers nauk no.21150-154 164 (IIIIRA -18.-1 ) KRYLC,V, G.V., etv. red. [Foreats In the Gorno-Altal I lzoa Gornogo Altala. V,.o!~cva, Naukat 1965. 222 p. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Andortya nnuk SSSR. O'Iblrnkoye otdolonlyo. Plolof,iche- skiy Inotitut. Eel= RIVERPITTO, V.V.; KRYLOV, G.V. Some problems of principle and discussion In studying the vegetation or Siberia and the Far East. Izv. 90 AN &qSR no.121 Ser. b1ol.-med. nauk no.30-13 164. (MA l8t6) 1. Diologiohankly institut Sibirskogo otdalaniya AN SSSR, Novosibirek i Tomskoye otdelenlye Vsesoyuznogo botaricheskogo obshchestva. "j A P. -,V 51~ KILONOV, Yu.Y.; UYLOV~ G.V.p doktor biol, r4auk, prof.0 otv. red. (Unden ary] linden forests In Western Siberia; distribu- tionI silvicultura; properties~ foreat typeop artificial plantatiorml I.iuv I l1pn1aki Zapadnoi Sibirip- rasprostra- nonle, Rsovodstvennye ovoistva, tipy lesov, lskusstven- nye posadRA. Novosibirsk, Red.-izd. otdcl Sibirskogo otd- ni.1a M, SS6Rp 1965. 153 p. (MIRA 18:8) PANARIN, Ivan Ivanovichj KiiYLDV,--G-V.# otv. red, (Types of larch forests IZ Chita Province] Tipy listyeri.- nicbnykh Issoy Cbitinakoi oblasti. Moskva# Nauka I Izd-vo 1965. 102 p. (MIRA 1911) CYLOY, :;. V., Doc (it' Agric Sjc~i "I,orphobwy oi' ownat and -aebaceous ands of the skIn and thoir connnotion tho apprai6al of farm and e0ding qualities oC ontmals." toncow, 1957, 31 Pin Agricultural ademy irn K. A. Timlryazev), 110 coplon (KL, 37-57, 103) USSR/ Farm miimals. Cattle. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 12, 1958, 54714. Author : Krylov, Go V. Inst :-Nat ;tvmr.- Title The Morphological Structure of the Cutaneous Glands and the Estimation of Cattle. Orig Pub: Vestn. a.-kh. nauki, 1957, No 4, 83-97. Abstract: The cutaneous glands (sweat and sebaceous g.) of 163 cows of the Kholmogory brood and 70 cows of the Black-Spotted Oka cattle (of dif- ferentiagos) were investigated. An interde- pendanoe was established between the develop- ment of the sweat glands and thu type of con- stitution and the productiveness, which permits to make a preliminary evaluation of the cattle. In cows which yield a higher fat content in the milk, the sebaceous glands are larger and the Card 1/2 'U'S"SR t Yarm ~,%,n "n Is-* Cat-tie. Sour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 12, 1958, 54714. Abstract: secretory function3 are comparatively more marked, The evaluation of a group of producers of the Kholmogory cattle, which was carried out in relation to the offspring, both as re- gards the productiveness of daughters and the degree of development of the 3weat glands in their skint -confirmed the interdependence of the productiveness and the interior Indexes, Card 2/2 13 Farm Animals- Cattle. USSR Farm Animals' Cattloi Q- 2 19581 54713. Abs jour: Abstract*- Ref Zhur-Biolot lio 120 1e first struct- 70 am.) possessed ti iharacterized bY cheat dopth ' the 81000t giandso c ular tubules 140 ural type Oflons (width Of gland nce of large dimens id having an appoars /t I length 850 /1 ) ar 3 ramified tubuless In longo sometime, with a miik yield Of broad, is (height at m0djum-produoing 00* ight of 450kg- and I've we 5 am*) 4 500 kg. Sverse length 1-5 dular of the gion Ithers 127 am,,) tran W the width The tubules chest depth 68 Ome), th 820 1 100 leng The tubules waE A usually ramified* 5 000 ere wide, coiledg Bn .yield of '- Wow-producing COWS with a milk Of 450 k9 . theight 10 3,5oo kg. and l1vc weight length 151 cmet t 120 am. transverse by the at withers t, 66 OM.i were characterized Chest deptIctural type of sweat glands (narrowt third stru stly ramified tubulest eo wide and Coiled, MO card Z/3 313 '114102.9. zhtjz.- L;'j tQ QOL, -'( 1012 IVO 88 otint ~) 19.5 the a 81, the t xt J's Oat 0 2 PLIC t POO UC O'n to 042 PMMO Q-a IJ7,g Z-Y tMCI Pe Oct to C, 'Z0 th Y bzeea a 4, or th toko I Nr the e aweat 12t0 P.ropep'08 time t, ela4cl t1e, .3 9 Or 04 0 C , 7,; ~.7, ABS. JOUR. t RZhBIol-, No* 1959, No. AUTHOR 1145T. T T' 1,:-; ORIG. PUB. AB3TRACT author's opinionj a sire produces poor progeny, if the intervals between his matings are long, whereaB for short intervals the reverse holds true* -- K. M. Lyutikov Card: 2/2 ABRAMOVICH~ D.I.9 prof., otv. red.; KOWBKOV, M.N., red.; XULEV, A,M. red.; POPOLZIN, A.G., red. [Water resources of Western Siberia I VudrVa resursy Zapndro I Sibiri. Novosibirskj Zapadw.-Sibirokoe knizhnoe iza-vo, 96 p. (MIFO, 1. Geografieheskaye obahchestvo SUR. Novastbirskiy otdel. k,-Rylov, G.V. Reviows and bibilography. %v. SO A3 jSZ,*R n,-.4 no.Itl50-153 Q5. (ULTRA 18!8) k2,y UN f;.V. ; EA'd, !K JV f;. ReVICJW3 and bitliokraily. lzv. All; nauk no.2:175 165. WIRA 18:9) ACCESSION NIt AP3024173 UR/0290/65/000/6~i/011110119 633.88.03+615.32 AUTHOR: Zotovs, M. I.; KrylovC. V.; Saratikov, A. S* TITLE: Golden root - a new stimiulasit and adeptogenic drug :30URCE; M SSSR. Sibirskoye otdolonlys. Investlys. So r1ya b1ologo-imedi tainskIM n4uk, 110. 20 1965, 111-119 TOPIC TAGS: plant growth, phanocolmosy, nVat:1mmotal. avlaal,. nervous getavi d drug effect,, bodily fatigue, psychophysiology. Sleuths rococcus , Rhodlols rages Ithodlole roses (golden root) to described In detail and its pharse- -cological effects are compared with those of Elautherococcus. Literature dat on the effects of r1hodiola roses are contradictory, largely because of diffw;entI drying and extraction methods. to the present -study, Idiodiola rose& roots gathered In the Altai region were dried at 60" and extracted by a repercolation method uslai- 'i the folloving as solventat 0,5% aqueous chloroforu. 20' ethyl alcohols 40* ethyl alcohol, and 70' ethyl alcohol* The stimdant effect of the extract was daternized.' by changes in the lengths of time white aice were able to cling to a vert*cdl rod before and after adainistratiou of the extract. Findings show that all the root Oxtrocts reduce body fatigues but to','differeat degrees: -the 40's -alcohol- extrixt 2-t 1937alM ACCZSSION NR: AP5024175 '350Z# the 20* alcohol 99Z, the aqueous chloroform extract by 95Z, WW-~ the 70* alcohol extract by 51%. The antihypnotic effect of Rhodiola rosea. 7 extract was investigated in white mice by injecting It subcutaneously I hr before administering medinal (0.15 mg/g dose). Rhodiola roses extract did not change the time elapsed before the animal fell asleep, but did reduce the duration of Aleep considerably. The sleep period was reduced by 64 min by the 40' ' alcohol extract, and by 21 to 28 sin by the other extract&. in testing the adaptogenic effects of Modiols roses, the extract was found comparable to Eleutherococcum and other adiptogena in inhibiting the development of certain pathological hesatololtical reactions. Cioualdering the similarity of the stimulant and adapto- genic effects of Rhodiola roses and Elautherococcus. and the abundance of Rhodiola roses In the USSR (Altaie, Urals, Irkutsk, Zabaykal, Primorskiy Kray, Kamchatka, and Chukhotsk Peninsula), Rhodiola ruses liquid extract in recommend* for widespread clinical testing. Orig. art. bass 5 figures and 3 tarbes. 1106]~ ASSOCIATION: Tomskiy meditsinskly institut (Topok Medical Institute), Biologlche4kjy-~ institut SO M SSSIL& Novosibirsk (Biolo&Lcal InstitutelSO AN SSSR) SUBMTTED*..- OlMat64 -ENCLI -00-'-- SUB ODMI ILS Yo. 60vt 0 OTHERS 000 AID PRISS L Cardl Y2 L-11i KRYLOV, G.V. Prealsion wid reliability in wmlyzing the samples of prospectilig. 1%v. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. geol. 21 no.4sS4,-90 Jl-Ag 164. (MIRA 17:1-1) 1. Ministeretvo geologii i okhrany nedr KazSSH, Alma-Ata. KRTTaV,-CttMn_ygey2lodayieb,-_KHVOSTOVA, D.M., red.; ANDREYEVA, L.S.p [The furious ones are not forgotten) Nolstovykh no zabyvaiut. Moskva, Profisdat, 1963, 78 p, (MIPA 16t6) (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Petroleum workers) Tt P KRTLOY, I. dotsent; DULOV. A., keadidat ywidichaskikh nauk. DoI.Mandeleev's share in investigating the self-ignition of yarn and silk* Posh.delo 3 no.V8-9 A 157o (KLRA 10:4) (Mendeleev, Dwitrii Ivanovich, 1834-1907) tv USSR/MeLlicine Health rervice F' - 1923 Let.~LcV 1,A- Card 1 Pub 102-4/12 Author *Krylov, 1. A. Title Practical organization of therapeutic service in an oblast (kray) Periodical Sov. zdrav., 1, 20-24, Jan-Feb, 1955 Abstract The author of this article stated that therapeutic service ir. many oblasts (krays) are not organized in a very practical way; various branches of therapeutic service are not well integrated. Oblast (kray) departments of health receive very little guiding material from the Ministry of Fealth USSR, such as instructions, regulations, statiatics, and reports. The author recommends creation of a practical methodical commission within the medical councils of those oblast (kray) health departments which do not have an oblast (kray) hospital. Work loads o.'L' general practitioners in cities and villages must be reduced if the entire structure of therapeutic and preventive aid to the population is to remain effective. Institution: (*Chief Therapeutist) Tomskaya Oblast Health Department Submitted , September 28, 1954 KRYLOV, I.A. (Wskva)j CHERNOUSIKO, F.L. (Wskva) Method of successive approximations for the solution of probleaq of optimum conirolo Zhurevych,mat,i mat.fiz, 2 no.6:1132-1139 N-D 162. (141RA 15:11) (Automatic control) (Approximate computation) KRASILIMKOV, A.P.; IUAITELI, N.A.; KRYLOV,, I.A.- KLYAVZUIIIK, N.Yu. Reaction of passive hemagglutination in the diagnosis of acleroma. Lab. delo no*9:537-539 '64. (MIRA 17tl2) 1. Kafedra mikrobiologil (zaveduyushchiy - doteent A.P. Krasillnikov) Minskogo moditainakogo Instituta. ACC NR: AP6011354 SOURCE CODE: UR/0208/66/006/00ii6203/02D AUMOR: Krylov, I. A. (Hoscow); Chernoualko, F. L. (Moscow) - 26 ............... OFG: none 6 TITLE: Solution of optimal control problems by the method of local variations SOURCE: Zhurnal vychislitellnoy matematiki I matematicheskoy fiziki, Y. 6, no. 2, 1966, 203-217 TOPIC TAGS: optimal control, machine language ABSTRACT: An algorithm is described for the numerical solution of problems of optimal control by the method of local variations (cf. article by co-author Chernous1ko in Zh. vychial. matem. i mcrtem. fix. 9 196S, S. No. 4, 749-754)o The results of the numerical solution of a nmber of variation problems are introduced to show the effectiveness of the method. A computer algorithm of the method of local variations is given in ALGOL- '-60 language. The control process is described by the equation i - t(t, X, U). (1.1) wbere t is an independent variable (time), x is the phase coordinate vector, u is the control function vector, and f is a vector function. The time of the process is con- UDC: 5l8t5l:62-50 Card 1/2 ACC NR1 AP6011354 aidered fixed; the beginning is designated as t2O, the end as txT. A pbase trajectory is sought, along with the corresponding control, to satisfy (1.1), to meet the condi- tions u (1) e3 U#, x) (0 < I < 71. here G and V are variable closed regions of n- and m-dimensional spaces, respectively; and to minimize the functional x, u) dl. Orig. art. has: 8 figures, 2 tables. SUB CODE: 12/ SUBM DATE: lOJun65I ORIG REr: 004 SURMELI, D.D., karxi.tekhn.nauk; MAR, Ch.D-.-o inth.; LEVCHENKOp G.I., inzh.; KRYLOV, I.F., lnzh.; LESNYI-H, M.V., inzh. "Po-ro-ii-o-1-11is, a material for/packing joints. Strol. mit. 7 no.9- 31-32 S 661. (MIRA 14:11) //tubber, Syntbotic) IMTLOV, IJ.: WWV, A.T. Participation of D*I* Neudelsey to the publication of a manual on legal ohemistryl on the one hudred tvanty-fifth anul-wersaty of his birth. Sud.-sed.skspert. 2 uo.3t36-40 JI-8 159. (KMA 13t4) 1. Loningradekly gosudaretyamM unlyersitst Imeni A.A. Zhdanova I Selorusekly Cosudaretvnnyy universitet imoul V.I. Lenin&. (MMXMVo MUTRII ITANOTICH, 1834-1907) KUROVAIIIIYY, '.u.G.,gvqrdil kanitnn taed.sluzhby; XRY10Y. 1.F. gvprdli knuitson =ad, slushby Prevention of soidemic parotitle. Voen.-ced.shur. no.11:78 N 157. (KIRA 11:4) -~T*~-.4 jaywy, 1. 1. __ ~GantrT ranes or crane-loaders. Mokh.trud.rab. 9 no.10:33-34 0 155. c (Cranes, derricks, etco) (KLRA 9:1) KULOV, 1. 1. V, amw, .,,rm,OP 40 Autmatic production line for the amfaoture of windows &zA doors. Sbor. mate o nov. takh. v stroi. 17 no.5t29-32 155* (KLRA 8:6) (Doors) Ofindows) KRYWV, 1. 1. OrgAnise contralived sawmills for supplying Moscow. Gor. khos. Nook. 31 no. 3:17-18 Mr 157, (KW lot4) (sawmills) (Lumber--Transportation) 'J ...... j_ LGlavVy makhaulk Alma-Atinskogo kirpichnogo tavods NO,3- (Brickmaking) IRTLOV, I.N. Zlectric pusher used In tunnel kilns. Rate. I izobr. predl. v strol. no*5:41-43 158. (MIU 11:6) l.GlavVy makhanik Alma-Atinskogo kirpichnogo zavoda No.3. (rilne) 10- 5/12 AUTHORS: Keller, Krylov, I.';. and Ye.V- TITLE: Pnlpozoic Formations of the 7"esterr. Part of the Balkhash Region near the Village of 114ynaral (i~alnczzcy :,ap,'Idnogo i~ricalkhashlya v rayone P03elka Vynarala) PERIC'DICAL: 'zvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geoloeicheskaya, 1958, Nr 10, PP 56 - 71 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The strata of Paleozoic formations cbservod in the western part of the Balkhas;.Rc,','Lon contain nure-.ou2 fossils of paleolithic fauna and flora which exactly determine the age of the different layers and their relaticn to various epochs of -the Paleozoic era. Study of the cross section showed that after the initial sagging of Archeian gneisseq and granites and the formation of a Proterozoic-Cambriar; series of sand-schist rocks, a general elevation of the region occurred, and it was subjected to an important pre- Ordovician arosicn. In the Ordovician system, deposits of Llanvirnian, Llandoilo and Caradoc stages were identifiqd by foisilized fauna. In the same way deposits of the Si- lurian system vere identified a2 belonging to Liandoverian, 7ionlock and Ludlow stages. In some parts of the region, Taranonnian shales were also found. In general, the Si- Card 1,13 lurian sytem is represented by volcanogenous-fragmental and 'R RN, RE AfYN251, AN PE 057-` -5$3-10-5/12 I - Palleozolc FormatIons of th#~ We,-'-t~-rr ParT -rhl~ ,Ja1kha-3- Mglsn roar thr. Villagn of 11,ynaral reef facies. The Devonian voicanogencus system of the re- gion is represented by throe lenticular rock formations, belonging respectively to the Lcwer, and Upper De- vonian system. The following Carboniferous system is re- presented by layers.of conglomerates ani tuffe, identified as usual by fossilized fauna. These layers are covered by layers of sandstones and aleurolites, Intrusive bodies of various age found in the Mynarala region belong mainly to three groupr7 Archeian granites and gneisses, Caledonian tonalites and early-Ifertsynian granites, The following geologist and paleontologists are mentioned for their re- search in this field, Yakovlev, D.I. fFef. g, A.M. Be- lyayev A.Ye. Repkina, V.N. Veber ~F_eO 2-7- 0.1. Nikifo- o,ta 'rflef. 67; P. Stepanov /Ref r L.B. Rukhin fRef.27; Card 2/3 V.S. Koptev-Dvornikov; L.7. Dmitriyev, A,V Kozlov, Ye.V. MK Paleozoic Formati,nq of the ',iastern Part of ttie ReEior, nl,-ar the Village of Illynaral Negrey; V.A. Pavlov; 0.1'. Kovale,.rskiy; V.A. Sytov; Y-N. chugayev; B.1", Keller Z1_0~, f ; A.14. Obut; T.B. Rukavishnikova; V.A. Ehakhlov /Ref ~ 27; G..P. 31.iishkina. SUBMITTEDz ASSOCIATION: June 21, 1957 Geologicheakly Institut At! SSSR, t,.oskva (The Institute of Geology of the AS USSR, Moscow) 1. Geology--USSR 2. Paleoeco&ogy--.kna1y.-.;1v 3. Geological time --Determination Card 3/3 3 (5) AUTHOR; &ryl91_, 1. N. $07/20-126-6-46/67 TITLE: On the Stromatolithe of the Riffian of the Urals (0 stromato- litakh Urallskogo rifeya) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akadsaii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 6. PP 1312 - 1315 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In recent ye4rop a number of Soviet and foreign papers has been published on the stratigraphical importance of the stro- matolithe (Refs 1,4,6p8#9ji4)- From the analysis of these pa- pers it may be concluded that the latter may be utilized as guide fossils at least at regional stratigraphical inveotiga- tions. There is justifiable hope of its being used also for more far-reaching correlations. In 1939 V. P. Maslov succeed- ed in proving by means of the Ural stromatolithe that their complexes from different horizons differ from one another, and furthermore, that those In the Urals are similar to those of the Cambrian and Precambrian of Siberia and China. The au- thor collected in the years 1956 - 57 stromatolithe from the following ground sections of the Riffians of the Urals; I)the lowest Burzyanskaya series, II) the middle Yurmatinskaya, and Card 1/3 111) the topmost Karatavskaya series. Special attention was On the Stromatolithe of tholliffian of the Urals SOV/20..126-6-46/67 paid to the origin of the samples of individual series and there is no doubt about their belonging to this or that suite* Only the shape of the stromatoltths could be lnvestigate4 be- cause the nhalk and the dolomite of which they consiat were considerably rec--yetallized. The stratigraphy of the Riffian sediments is genarally known. The Ashinskaya seriea is added to the 3 already mentioned series (Refs 2,3,5). The stromatolithe are bound to the carbonate horizon of the uppe~r par'. of the first 3 series- Within the said aeries stromatolitha are de- s:,ribed and illustrated (Fig 1) according tn suites (I. Sat- kinakayal Bakallskaya with: Lower Bakallskiy, middle Bakal'- skiyq upper Bakallskiy and Bulandikhinskiy horizonel II. Avzyanskaya, suite and Ill. Minlyarskays, suite). Each of the 3 series is characterized by its own cortain slromatolith com- plex. A similar distribution of stromatoliths in the oross sec- tion of the Riffian sediments can be noticed also In other re- gions (Refs 2,4,11-13,15)- Consequently 'the stromatoliths have a stratigraphical importance for the Riffian sediments of the eastern and northern edge of the Rusakaya (Russian) platform. The collections of M. Yo. Raaben from Timan and that of Be Me Card 2/3 Keller from Killdin of the upper Precambrian horizon are re- On the Stromatoliths of the Riffian of the Urala BOV/20.-126-6-46/67 presented by species which can be compared to the stromato- lithe of the Karatavskaya series in the Ur&13. There are 1 figure and 15 references, 8 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Geologicheakiy inatitut Akademii nauk SSSR (Geological Insti- tute of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: January 16, 1959, by N. S. Shatskiy, Academician SUBMITTED: January 10, 1959 Card 3/3 3 (5), 17 (4) AUTTIOR, Krylov, 1. 11. U0'1/20-127-4-46/60 TITLEi Rephean Stromatolites of the Killdin Island PERIODICAL: Deklady Akademii naak SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 4, PP 888-891 (USSR) IL13STRACT: Towards the end of 1958 atromatolite samples collected by D. M. Keller on the Killdin Island (north Murman oblasV) were investigated at the institute mentioned in -the Association. Keller and B. S. Sokolov single out a Killdinskaya series consisting of quartz and glauconite sandstones with subordinate' packages of dark slate and interlayers of bluishgrey dolomites. The series is limited on top by red phylliten and alearolites. "Ptrc-matolites form loaf-nhaped biohermes (diameter; 5-7 m, heigbt: 2 m) in the dolomite strata. The properties and distribution of the 8tromatolites of the type Collenia ' j tonsive (Reft 1. 4, 7-101 12, 13) are described. T1 1eir ex distribution and their connection with tertaln levels should cause the aclentinta to give them a closer examination in order to explain their stratigriAphio importance more preclsely. Unfortunately: the rocks stromatolites.consiot of are usually ooneldorably recrystallized so that no rell structures remain. Card 1/3 Therefore the shape of the stromatolite structure has to be CIO Rolibear, SL;,i,,mat~-liten of the Killdin la)and 0 V/20-127-4-46/60 contjidered in the first place. Since -,ccasional cuts as well as longitudinal anct trar.Everae sections of etromatoliteu ronder the entiro nhapo of the atz-Acture inaucurately and a-zhomatically the method of the numeroua parallel serra+e cuts is applied ELt prenen+,. Th;-o method ohowed that th%~ii3mati--, shape of ,ritripn vory ara,:h (Fl.%,r . Fignire ' chma the varietime i U~&z. 11-~*-'; thil varJ ety "a doocribod. Table 1 the fuoulto of a carbonate analyruis carried out by E. S. Zalmajizon; she anaYyzed prisms and interlyini; rocks separately. Teirigenous material (insollable residue) to prominent in the iYAPrIging rocks as Compared with the prisms. 'a.0 prisms obviously rose above the tottom of the viater and were not buried ty clactic material. The ramif~catior, ca different levels was not tho rosult of ohanged oonditions irt tho water but was a critorion of the algous complex which formed the stromatolites. In ronclusion, the v a r i a b 1 1 i i y is discussed, a c m p a r i a o n made with related forms (Ref 13)~ and the ~' n a 1 1 t y and the a g e discussed (see title), There w~-L~ 2 figures, 'I table, and 13 references., 9 of which are Stoviet. Card 2/3 Rephean Stromatolites of tile Killdin Island ejov/20-127-4-46/60 ASSOCIATIONt Geologichoskiy inatitut Akademii nauk SSSR (Geological Institute of the Academy of Scienceat USSR) I I R -I S E'N TED iApril 4, 1959, by 11. S. Shatakiy, Academician SUBIMITTED: April 4, 1959 Card 3/3 XRTIOV, 1. 11. Development of branching columnar strozatolites in the Riphaean of the 8outhern Urals. Bokl.AN SSSR no.4:895-~98 Je 16o. (KnA 13:5) I* Geologichask4y institut Akademil nauk SSSR. Predstayleno akademikom N.S.Shatskim. (Ural Mountains--Alga*, Fossil) KRTWV9 I.H. Granitolds in the Sayan complex of the Gutar-Agall area (11astern Sayan Mountain region). Trudy Iab. geol. doksm. no.11:78-92 160, (MIRA 14i1) (Sayan Mountain region-Grinits) JrRYLOV, 1.11. Garnets from upper ]Proteroxoio granites in the western part of the lastern Sayan Mountains. Vast. 14U 15 no,6:88-92 160. (MIRA 1W) (Sa"n Mountains--Garnet) Kur LOY, I. N. Structurnl jouttion and internal structure of massifs of baslo rocks In Gutar-Agul region (Raotern Sayan Mountains). Vest.1X 15 no.12:146-149 160. (MM l3t6) (Sayan Mountains--Geology) R. B.Xo; KAZJKOV, G-A&I XRU4W, I.N.; JIUZHNGV. S-V.; SXKIXRLTOY, IGAS 1-- -.- ---, Now stratigraphlo data on the Rlphaeus group (upper Protoroxolo). 1xv, AN BSSRs Bar* geole 25 nool2t26-41 D 160. (MIRA 13tll) 1. GeologIchaskly Institut AN SSSR. Noakfa. (Ural Momntaim-4*dlogy, Straitigraphio) KO~"-"LIOVICH, A.V.;__"IJ,.'YLfj-V, I.'!. Solution 3t-acture:i in Do.'U. AN 135 no-31686- 689 il 160. (MRA 13112) 1, Goolo-johoskiy institut Akmdamii nau!c 3jj3F. Prcdstavleno akad. Stra!~Iiovjm. (Ural Mountains-4tylolites) YMLOVS I.W. Principles of the classification of Riphean stromatoliteso Biul, MOIF.Otd.geolo 36 no.6jll8 N-D 161. VIRA 15s7) (Algae., Yonsil) KOROIEVP V.G.; KRYWV, 1.111. Stratigraphy of the Upper Pre-Cambrian of northern Tien Shan. Dokl..AII SSSR. W, no.6tl334,1336 Je 162. (NIRA 15:6) 1. Institut geologii Akademiiwuk Kirgizakoy SSR i Geologicheakiy inatitut Akdemhii nauk SSSR. Predatavlano akade A.L.Y&nshlnym. (Tien Shan--Geology,, Stratigraphic) KRYWV9 Igor' HikolayevIch, WRN, M.Ye.; KOTLYARMKATA, P.s., red.izd- ~va; WLUD19 S.P., lColum e#omatolito 11 A Riphean sediments of the .3"outhe'"rn ra Mqnlains afid the sighificance for the Upper Pro-Cambrian stratioraphy,] Stolbehatye vetviashchiesia stro- matolity rifeiskikh otlozhenii lUzhnogo Urala i ikh znachenie dlia stratigrafii verkhnego dokembriia. Moskva, 1963. 132 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Geologicheakii Inatitut, Trudy,, no.69). (MIRA 17:2) KH-LoV, 1. N. Dissertation defended for the degree of Candidate uf Geologo-iineralugical 3ciences at the Joint Academic.Council on Geologo-:ineralogic-1, Geopk7sical, and Geographical 3ciences; Siberian Branch "Columnar Branching -Aromatoliths of the Ledge frifeyakiy:e7 Deposits of the jouthern Urals and Their Importance for the jtraLij;,raphy of the Upper Precambrian. " Vestnik Akad. Nauk, No. 4.. 1963, PP 119-145 V. Y') !-,I 'Unp F~rjatprn 164 Firrit All-Union Colloqj,,,~Lm or, pr~_~amk ,r!;l r _jq. a."! CAt-agraphs. Izv - ARJ ,SSR. Ser. geol. _0 r.' "43 142 ( 1.11 ';.~ 3 '1., 1 , " Find,14 or northern r ,aznkh-stane. 21 '7 (Ilf?nkiy r. n 1, 1 r j n a SMIKOLYUKU1, Yu.A.; KRYLOV, 1.1j.; TOISTIRUM, 1.1j.; I- WCHINNIFCVA, G.V. Trackn Of the fission fragronts Of the tirnnium in muscovite. Gookbindla no.33291-301 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1 Laboratory of Geology of the PrecambrDirip Academy of Sciences o; the U.S.S,R.,, Leningrad. KELLER, B.M.; KOROLEV, V,G,j KRYLOV, I.N. Division of the Upper Proterozoic of the Tien Sian. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser,Geol. 30 no,41101-115 Ap 165. (MI RA :L-834) 1. Geologicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Moskva. EWT m 94 ),fE-WP(Q/ET1 IJP(c),, 4P. 4P6032460 SOURCE CODE UR/0056/66/051/003/0740/0745 AUTHOR!* Krylov, 1. P. Gantmakher, V. F. 461 ORO: Institute of Physical Problems, Academy of Sciences SSSR (Institut fizicheski0i problem Akademli nau SSSR); Institute of Solid State Physics, Academy of Sciences SSSR.(Instltut fiztki tverdogo tela Akaaemii nauk SSSRY- TITLE: Radio-frequency size effect at the limiting point In indium .1 SOURCE: Zhurnal ekspertmentallnoy I teoreticheakoy fiziki, v. 51, no. 3, 1966, 740-745 TOPIC TAGS.- Indium, magnetic field, frequency size effect, Fermi surface curvature, electron model, almost free electron, electron mean free path ABSTRACT: The curvature of the Fermi surface of indium near the [111] direc- tion was measured by means of the radio frequency size effect at the limiting point In an Inclined magnetic field. The experimental value of the curvature to Identical with that yielded by the almost-free electron model. A study of amplitude depend- ence of the size effect lines showed the electron mean free path to be a function -Acc'NRI A P-6032469' of temperature. The thickness of the skin layer was determined on the basis of size effect line width, and on Its dependence upon the frequency. The authors thank Academician P. L. Kapitea for making their work possible, and Yu. V. Sharvin for dtocussiRg result their research. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, and 2 formulas. (Based on authors' abstract) SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 23MarOO/ ORIG REF-. 009/ OTH REF: 0031 Card- 1212 KRYLOV, I.P. Relation between the real and imaginary parts of surface impedance due to the size effect. Pis'. v red. Zhur. skeper. i teoret. fis. I no.4t24-29 My 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Institut fizicheskikh problem AN SSSR. Sutmitted April 14, 1965. XRTLOVo-loVv~-'LODWNAt ImY#9inshe Modernization of silk throidng machines, Taket,pron. 19 nov2:77 7 159. (NM 32:5) lo Glaynyy mekhanik Ust'laskoy sholkokrutillnoy fabrW (for (Spinning machinery) i n inaium o.-, e6 c Zhurn&~- exsperimenta--noi i tcor#tj-n,,.j,)y ABSTRACT: The size efrect at radio frequoncies waR Obscrved in I-14'vh-pl-L-it- n L th t."' c Cy-pl C' 7- &amiples w-th -."le sp-Itti-ng of the Cwo -.12 tVr~; NR AP5001835 fic-ld i., incjire_,j evcra~ aegreer to tj-,e b 'neing to ti, ir;.~t4nw e gur.-Lj, np, t~, :nstitut riziches),tikh 62 _31 72 "A Ma q or r~ r TI 711 5 103 KR: AP5014225 3 i e c '_-~j p m L 8872-66 -EVT(m)/FdP(b)/EWP(t) IJ P(i7. J D ACC NRj AP50265914 SOURCE CODE: UR/00 AUTHOR: Gantmakher, V. F.; Krylov, I. P. ORG: Institute of Solid State P Academy or Sciences SSS hysico A tverdogo tela Akademli nauk BSSR); Lnst~tutt~_ OLP~Ys I Cal Probl SSSR (Institut fizicheskikh problem Akademli nauk'SSSR) 1/65/049/004/1054 Y 7 13 (Institut fiziki &Aq~Aemy_of Sci TITLE: Radio-frequency size effect in indium SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy I teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 49, no. 4, 1965, 1054-lo67 TOPIC TAGSi semiconductor, Fermi surface, indium, free electron model, ~~A.&4M' ABSTRACT: &e-Ferml surface in In is investigated by the radio frequency size effect technique at a frequency of 3 Mc/s. Identification of the experimental cross sec- tions was made using the dependence of the size effect lines on the inclinaVion of the magnetie field relative to the sample's surface. The complex shape of the isoen- ergetic surface In the second band resulted in the appearance of a number of size effect lines due to the presence.of breaks in the electron trajectories in a magnetic field. These lines are not related to the electromagnetic field bursts, within the metal but to less notable features of the field distribution between the bursts. The set of lines associated with the Fermi surface of thelsecond band confirms the fact that this surface is very similar to that predicted by the almost free electron model. L 8875-66 ACC NRi AP5029594 No linen have been observed which would indicate that the Fermi surface may be open. It also follows from the experimental data that the Fermi surface in the third energy band consists of tubes connected into rings, the axes of the tubes being oriented along (110). The shApe.of the central cross section of the tube produced hy inter-. section with a plane perpendicular to the cube axis was determined by using several samples with different directions of the normals. No lines have been observed which would indicate the existence of tubes with axes parallel to (101). Orig. art. has: 14 figures. (CS) 81M CODE: AO/ SUM DATE#. 9lMAy65/ ORIG REFt Oll/ OTH REF: 006/ ATD PRESS: KOLESHICHINKOP D.A.; MMDDY. D.A.; IRTWV, I.S. bm~" ~ ~ 4'.. L -, " Practical use of textelito fillers in the repair of worm-out machine compauents. Stansi instr. 26 se.12:14-17 D 155. (machine tools) (KLRA 9:2) Using telephotometers In measuring contrasts of landmarks from airplanes. Opt.-makh.proso (251 no*3:9-12 Mr '58. (MIR& 11:9) (Aerial photogrammetry) 77-- K*Ci,LOII) 1. V. "Autorn,itfe for Locomotilrev, and Hallway F-ublications, Voscow 52. , 19" D 711(,911 0 ---KRYW-V-.-T.-Vo - - - I-- - .Wawdw~--- Replies to readorml qusations. Gsod.i kart. no.6:75-77 Ag 156. (xLRA 9:n) (Surveying-Instruments) "Igo ft-m- 0 Olt lit .1 :uu .7, --vj- I I A 1;71 1 it Z. j 018.1 VIM U. Zi a i:; lit I - - . . 3 . 40 a- L'. A a I --I ajvp f--. I IV -AF! ji.'Pill -ge KRY1,0VY 1. V. "Analytlotil Metliod for the Detei-m-Inat Loci or Positlon- nn,i Altltuklu Ti,nwei*at% stlitlom)". report presented at a Conference of the Chief Ergineers and Diractora of '"12a Techtical Control of Acrial Surveyiag Enterpr1ses, Moscov Central Bureau of Surveying sna Cartography, Min. of Interior USSR. (Geo4eziya I kartografiyu, 1958.. no. 6, 77-78) Xbr. of -the ataff of: GWK J. I doc. - BU TO RAC, Mi !a r', t-nrin I, I -1 tr) - I The cosmic Columbus Is contem!-,orRri. svemir no,1:9-11 163, V 37011-66 ACC NR, AP6623652---- SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Auleytnere Julian - Auleytner, Yu; Psoda, Marek: Szarras. Stan Lalaw-Sharra a, S. P0/0046/66/011/006/0393/0398! I Janusz -Krylov, Ya., Krylo-w, ORG: (Auleytner, Krylow) Institute of Physics.-Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw; (Psoda) institute of ExpAK~v!_ental Physics. Warsaj~_j University, Warsaw,_ (Szarras) DepaTt-ii-eWC-of Nuclear Physics, Institute of Nuclear Research. Svierk TITLE: X-ray studies of neutron bombardment1fluence on the real structure of germanium I SOURCE: Nukleonika, v. 11, no. 6, 1966, 393-398 TOPIC TAGS: germanium, germanium single crystal, crystal structure analysis, neutron irradiation, irradiation 6f f ect , neutron bombardment, crystal dislocation, plastic deformation ABSTRACT: An investigation was made of the dislocation distribution and density in undeformed and plastically deformed germanium single crystals before and after irradiation with a fast neutron done of about 2 x 1019 neutrons/c=2. Four Cc single crystal speci=ens were used, The specimens vere mechanically cut along the (111) plane, polished, and etched* The initial dislocation density In specimens 2 L 37011-66 ACC NRs AP6023632 Ge-l and Ge-2 was about 103/CM2:. Specimens Ge-3 and Ge-4 were plastically deformed by bending at 600C. Ge-4 was then flattened at 600C. A microfocus x-ray tube and a camera with oscillating crystal and film were used. For each specimen a set of photographs was taken before irradiation and after irradiation. No changes in dis- location density were observed In undeformed Ge-1 and Ge-2 specimens. This was probably due to the fact that the method used made it possible to determine the dislocation density only above 104 to 105 dislocations CM20 In specimens Ge-3 and Ge-4 the mean disorientation of surface elements and the mean size of the blocks appearing during plastic de- formation were not changed (they were 30 to 40 see of arc and about 56*~, respectively). The dialoc stion density within the biggest blo cks increased slightly, Both increases and decreases were observed In the disorientation anile between blocks after neutron irradiation. 11ow- ever, the mean va us of changes shows a small increase in disorienti- tion. The changes observed in the disorientation angle are attrib- uted to the introduction of Brinkmante displacement spikes in the or - manium single crystals during Irradiations These spikes are deserlbed as regions with a lattice configuration differing from that of the surrounding material. It %possible that the vacancies created during irradiation migrate to the ock boundaries and that a change of dis- orientation between neighbouring blocks occurs in the annihilation process. The authors t &nk Profegdor,,B. Buras for his valuable remarks, Dr. TA-te-dyneka for discussiones Stolanowski for technical arts hasi 3 formula@@ 3 figures" and I tables (JAI 8 suBm Dass' l3jan66/ onla But OW oTH RErt 0031 ATD PRZW: C.'T 4-.--nTI-DV..X-,.;.,XARHAMVA, L.; MMOSoll, 11. Liquide for w"hixg airpla"g. Grashd.av.13 no-7:22 A 156. (RLvA 9:9) (Airplames--malutemmce and repair) IRTLOT, I,, inshener; 6HUXELISHSKIY. K., inahener. BJ*otor-type refrigerating machine for general use. Ihol.tekh. 31 no.3:16-22 J1-8 134. ()a.BA 7: 9 (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) KRYLOV, K.A 893 MZRTSA1OV, VLADIMIR SERG,;,'YSVlrff LTTDTN, 1. sledovant.ri Problem Paikhologicheskoy Voyny (Concerning the Problem of Psynhological rafare, by) Sbornlk Statey. V. S. Martsalov. K. KU121 1 L, LuAta. Njunkhmn, t Istkult, 1955. 132 p. Sumarles In Xngllsh, French and German. At Head of Title: Institut Po Isuchentyu Istorii 1 Kul'Tury SSSR.