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SLUM, $- Audio frequencY generator. Radio go.11,5o-31 1 156. (10 (Oscillators, Ilectron-tubs) KRUMOV, lie Universal multimeter. 7 pox. radioliub. noo4:%-62 '57. (MIRA llt2) (Radio wasurements) Y\ R U /_ H Y~ USW/ Electronics Measurement card A Pub. 89 - 29/30 Authors I Kruzhkov, N. Title I Simple oecillator Pcricldic4l _!__kdio 1, 59 - 600 Jan 56 __AUstraet_-_=j_-- GAeohnical= pool, ions - -as ___Th fleat,, oni- -anCjn-SVt1-jCt -fox fori-an oacill OgraP -Containing an-amp 6ZH4 tube, an amplifier of horizontal deviation and roCtifier-on- a- 6USS tube, a generator of saw-tooth voltage on a 6N8S tube and a LOw247 electronic beam tube. It is intended that the oscillograph be built by rad-to amateurs of average qualifications. Illustrations; circuit diagram. Institution 00.0# &ibmif.ted *.*40 05390 8(2)t 9(4) SOV/107-59-8-10/49 AUTHOR: Kruzhkov, N. TITLE: A Transistorized Avometer PERIODICAL: Radio, 1959, Nr .8, pp, 12 - 13, P 15 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes an avometer for measuring dirdct arid alternating voltages up to 1000 volts with an input Impedance of 100 kiloohm per volt, direct find alternating currents up to 1 amp and resistances up to 10 wegohms. The author recommends using bridge circuits, similar to those shown in Figure 1 a-c. He based his avometer on the bridge circuit shown in -,ure 1e. Here, the current to be measured is fed Fif , simultaneously to the bases of two transistors. One of the transistor resistances increases while the other is reduced. The complete circuit diagram of the avo- meter is shown in Figure 2. The sensitivity of the Card 112 bridge circuit used is about 5-8 microamps when using KRUZHKOV, Mik. Their names are not forgotten. Komm. Vooruzh. Sil 46 no.6186-88 Mr 165. (MIRA 18i11) Sid!- KRUZHY.GV S. i: Hero of socialist labor. Za Wzo#odvlzh. 6 no.8si-3 Ag 163, (HIM 161g) KRUZIMNI SAO Kethoda for deriving generalized nolutionn to the Cauchy problem for a quani-linoar equation of the first order. Usp. mt. nauk 20 no.6-.112-118 N-D 165. (MIRA M12) 1. Submitted Feb. 23, 1965. A-Z 07 020/006/0112/0118 SOURCE CODE. 1,6 AUTHOR: Kruzhkmu--s. N.. ORO i none TITIZj Methods for tho construction of generalized solutions to CaUchy'spro blen for a first-ordor quasilinoar equation SOURCE: Uspekhi wLtomatichaskikh nauk, ve 20, no. 6. 1965, 112-118 TOPIC TAGSt CaucIV problem$ function, viscosity, approximation ABSTILACT: It is knom that approximate solutions to,Cauchy's problem the large for the equation A + 4 (M) of as -0, q"(.)>o can be constructcd by the moth6d-of-finito differoncou and the method of 11VC-adshing viscooityo 11 The question of the converganco of the apro-ro;dmate 'solutions was considered in articles by 0. A. Oloyaik, uhUo an ax.*,,iclo :bY K- S. Bakhvalov establiched an evaluation for the arror of a solution constructed by the method of finite differences. The prwent article suZ- 968ts A cOmParativelY simple p2wf of convergence which makes it possible at the saw timOtO Obtain An eValuation of the error In an approximate sol ution, To evaluate the nom of the differ'ence'of two approxinito solutiow, tho Puthor usc3 the technique of smoothing by moarm of mean functions and tho mothod of optimal (in a nse) choice ot a smoothing paranotors 0iige art. ha3; 17 fon;-.ulas- 12P.1v GIM OnnVo 171AITRm nAT'F1?1?;~hA';/ORIG REF:065 -NRi- AP6032935- ---.--SDURCE-CODgi-UlVO208/66/006/00k/OBU/OM AUTHOR: KruzhkoVo 0 N (Ko8ww) ORG: none TITLE: Applying the finite-difference method to a nonlinear first-order equation with many variables SOURCE: Zhurnal vychialitellnoy matematikil matematichookoy fa'ziki. v. 6, no. 6, 10669 884-894 TOPId TAGS: nonlinear differential equation, function analysis, mathemaUc analysis, finite difference, difference method A13STRACT: This wo;k is closely related to the author's previous investigations (S. N. Kruzhkov. DAN BSBR, 19640 155, no. 4, 743-746; 1966, 1679 no. 2, 286-289; Mem. ab. , 1966, 70 (112), no.. 3, 394-415), with the difference that It deals with the substantiation of the finite-difference method of solution of the nonlinear equation U1 X. U, Ur) I= 0, 8a Ou-), X X= (Xi -Ut Z= I ux h- a M ACC NR, AP6032935 with the initial conditions U, I t.0 UO (X) (2) by means of a generalized version of Lax's niethod and estimates the error of the approximate solution. For simplicity of expooltion,'attontion is confined to the equation Z(u)=uj+j(u.)-O; (3), where the function f(u), U is (Uj~_!_~ is twice continuously differentiable In the EuclWem space E n(u) and convext if ff (U) 9/ (U) dul, h) (U) - MAU) Outauji, then . . . .......... /Ii (u) IIIj0 (4) for any. real u and - With respect to the Wual Ametift vew it is 0. Usumed that' J*vq,),~- uo(y) 14 Kils - YJ m Ks[ (zi - YWI + 4-- TZ-a -'A &W W Ax) 2no(z) + as(z - Az) 0, (2) 1 b (8, z, a, p) I < Ka (t, z, u, p) (pl + 1). (3) The function u(t,x) is continuous In Q and satisfies equation (1). A priori estimates Iij I,L7 AP60~28~5 A ACC NRI are made for the modulus of the derivative ux and its Hoelder constants, which depend only on M, ao, a,, m, and X, Leto without any assumptions as to the continuousness of the coefficients of (1). The results are applied to the study of boundary value prob- lems and the Cauchy problem for (1) and for a nonlinear parabolic equation cf form U1 - a (9, X1 Ut UX# UXx) - The proofs of the estimates are based on the fact that with the introduction of an additional space variable, the pr*blem of finding the inner estimate is reduced to a study of the solution of a new quasilinear parabolic equation near the boundary of a three-dimensional region where the solution vanishes. Orig. art. has: 19 formulas. SUB ODDE: 12/ SUBM DATE: l6Dec65/ ORIG FXF: 007/ OTH Fzr: 002 16's6-00 80041 8/02o/6o/i32/01/08/064 AUTHORt Ka~hkov, S.N. TITLEs Cauch-Z-, Trobi-emlrn the Large for Some Nonlinear First Order Differential Equations \\D PERIODICALi Doklady Akadsmii nauk SSSR11960,'Vol. 132, No. 1, pp. 36-39 TEXTt In t >,O the author considers the problem (1) U.t+ 'f (ux) - 0 Lf"(Y):>a>O y(0) - y'(0) - 0 (2) U(O,X) - U (X) where u 0W is arbitrarily bounded. The author defines the generalized solution of (1), (2) and proven its existenoe and uniqueness an well as the continuous dependence on the initial conditions. The properties of the generalized solutions are investigatedi in t>,O they are continuous for all initial conditions. The results are used in order to investigate the Cauchy problem for (3) Vt + (Y(V))x W 0 tf"(Y)>'a>O I'M . 0 with initial conditions given by a functional. There are 3 definitions, Card 1/2 80041 Cauchy Problem in the large for Some 3/020/60/i32/01/08/064 Nonlinear First Order Differential Equations 3 lemmata and 9 theorems. The author thanks Professor O.A. Oleynik for the theme. There are 5 referencest 4 Soviet and 1 American. ASSOCIATIONt Mookovskiy.goeudaretvennyy univeraitet imeni V.V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonoso-0 PRESENTEDs December 28, 1959f by I%Q& Petrovsk-iyo Academician SUBMITTEDt Decemb*r 24, 1959 Card 2/2 2)~30 8/0 4 2/61/016/00 5/00 2/00 5 ~~Q a C1 1 1/C444 AUTHORSt 01eynik, 0, A,, Kruzhkov, S. H, TITLEs quasilinear pa olic equations of second order with several indepondant variables PERIODICALt Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk, v.. 16, no. 5, 1961, 115 - 155 TEXT: One considers the existence of solutions for Cauchy problems and for boundary value problems for quasilinear parabolic equations of second order with several ind*pendant variables. Consi- dered are solutions "in the large", 1, 9. solutions for an arbitrary previously given t-interval, In the introduction it is stated first of all that for an arbitrary parabolic equation U - a (t9 xf u1 u )U X, U, u t ij X xix X with sufficiently smooth a ij and f, there always exists a "local" so- lution of the considered problems, i.*. for a sufficiently small t-in- t*rval For the existence of solutions "in the large" it proves to be necessary that the growth of the a Ij and of f satisfies oartain r*- strictions Card 1/16 2 ),"; 3 () S/042/61/016/005/002/005 quasilinear parabolic equations.- C1111C444 �2 contains apriori estimations of the solutions of linear parabolic equations There are mentioned results of the following referencest (Ref 511 I.Nash, Continuity of solutions of,~arabolic and elliptic equations, Amer Journ, Math. 60, no, 4095 , 931 - 9541Ref 81 A, Friedman, On quasi-linear para~_bolic equations of the second order 11, Journ Math, and Mach 2, no, 40960), 539 - 556;Ref 26t A. Friedman, Boundary estimates for second order parabolic equations and their app- lications, Journ. Math. and ldech~ 1, no. 50958), 771 - 791IRef 341 A, Friedman, Interior estimates for parabolic systems of partial diffe- rential equations, Journ. Math, and Mach, .1, no. 3.0956), 393 - 417) as well as the following genoralisation of the theorem of J. Nasht Lot -ilbe a domain of Rn, fl,~bo the largest subdomain of f). its distance r If . (.04X (0 ~ from the boundary of 11 being 6,>O, Let Q T)J~ q - jDx(0,T)j-, lot T be the lower base and S the face of qi in Q one considers bound- ded solutions of th# parabolic equation n (11 u u xj ) + b, ( t, '~u - + f ( t, x) (2-3) i-(ajj(t,x) 7)- Card 2/16 29")0 SIOA916110161005100.,l,, j5 Q~ui!:i i inear par-abolic equationn. . . c I I ;7C444 t~,,! (;OCj'fj(;jCjjtg being SUffietently smooth, a (t, X) a i(t, Xj a ( t, X) C: lv,2 20 0 k .'..4) i j 2 b r,'~ B i n. f N. (2-5) being catiefied. Th,,, i I Tlw,orem 21 Lot u(t z) LL a nolution of (2-3) ip q; I u(t, 4 M- TI,,!n for (t O