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IMUGLYAKOVA. G.1.; YASISSUIA, A.A. -welt Magnetic susceptibility of zinc blendes as a function of the displacement of zinc in them by iron. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.geofiz: no-3:225-227 Hy-Je '53. (RUA 6:6) 1. Akademiya uauk Ukrainskoy SSR. Institut geologii -nolexn7kh lskopayemykh. (Magnetism) (Sphalerite) Clarifies the relationship of magnetic susceptibility to chemical compn. Investigate magnetic susceptibility, using A.G.Kalashnikov's system torsion b2lance. Establish that magnetic susceptibility of zinc blendes can be represented as a linear function of the per cent of substitution of zinc by iron. 258TBh ,,UUGLTAKOVA, G. I. Affect of accessory minerals on the formation of reverse polarity rock maselfso IsvoAN 38M. Berogeofise no*2:214-217 7 135. Oa" 9:7) l.Akademiya nauk USM. Institut geologii polesnykh lekopayezykh, (Xagnation, Torrential) Pe SOV/169-59-6-,5678 TTanslation fromi Referativnyy zhurnal, Oeofizika, 1959, Nr 6, pp 36 - 37 (USSR) AUTHORt Kruglyakova, 0. 1. TITLE- Using the Value of the Residual Magnetization Vector for the Oeologlcal Interpretation of Geomagnetic Data PERIODICAL% Novosti neft. tekhn. Geologiya, 1958, Nr 5, pp 29 - 33 ABSTRACT., The author rVorts, that it is expedient for an exhaustive inter- pretation of I Tnagnetic survey data to determine not only the vector of the inductive magnetization 11 depending on the maatetlo susceptibility of rocks, but also,the vector of the residual magnetization Ir' Becal2ne the rocks a *re demagnetized in the course of time, the ratio Ir/I is inversely proportional to the time passed since the moment of the rock's orlglnatlon, Hence, -this relation may be utilized for determining the stratigraphic and, partly, also the absolute age of magma formations charac- terizing the structure of the basis and, sometimes, also of the Card 1/2 sedimental rocks. The curve of the dependence of the ratio 1,/1i SOV/169-59-6-5678 Using the Value of the Residual Magnetization Vector for the Geological Interpretation of Geomagnetio Data on the age of rooks is given;thid ratio I./I. is approximately zero for the Arshean era, but for younger formations the ratio increases with an In- or4asing rate and attains a value of 40 a;id more for rook3 of the Tertiary period. The considerable Importance of investigating the vector of residual magnetization for -the studv of the paleomagnetism is emphasized. M.V. Sokol'skly Card 2/2 N 240) - AUTHORt Kruglyakoy,,,-G,-.-1,-.. BOY/20-123-3-17/54 TITLE: The Dependence of the Magnetic Susceptibility of Salts on the Content of Water in Them (Zavisimoot, magnitnoy vospriimchivooti soloy ot soderzhaniya v nikh vody) PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 123, Ur 3, PP 443-445 (USM) ABSTUCT: The antatio magnetometer of S. Sh. Dolginov is very often used for the determination of the magnetic susceptibility of rocks. It is advantageous to graduate this apparatus according to the relative methodq using paramagnetic salts. Various salts( which can be anhydrous or hydrated) are used for the graduation ofthis astatic magnetometer by field- and atationary magnetic laboratoriess Anhydrous salts: CoCl 2' COS049 Niso 41 N'Cl2t W047 MnCl 21 POS04(NH4)2SO4 0 Crystal hydratest CoOl 2* 6H209 COSO 407H2 Ot Niso 4*7H20, Nici 2* 6n 20, MASO4-5112 0, MnCl 2*4H 20, FeSO 4 (NH 4)2SO 4* 6H 20 . The dependence of the magnetic susceptibility of a salt on ito water content is not described Card 1/3 by a straight line between the maximum value of the magnetic The Dependence of the Magnetic Susceptibility of SOV/20-123-3-17/54 Salts on the Content of Water in Them susceptibility of the anhydrous salt and the zero value of the magnetic susceptibility which corresponds to 10% of distilled water. The author in short describes the investigations carried out in order to find the dependence of the magnetic suaceptibilitr of the salt on the water content. This dependence tan be characterized by a broken line. The higher the magnetic susceptibility of an anhydrous salt, the sharper the breaks of the lines. In some cases (of low magnetic suaceptibility)t the breaks are hardly noticeable. The first part of the curve connects the magnetic susceptibility of the anhydrous salt with the magnetic susceptibility of its crystal hydrate, it characterizes their mechanical two-phase mixtures of various percentages of the 2 phases. If the added water increases in quantity, more and more molocules of the anhydrous salts are hydrated and magnetic susceptibility decreases to the value of the magnetic susceptibility of the fully hydrated crystal hydrate. The second part of the curve characterizes the two-phaeg mixture of the crystal hydrate with the saturated solution of the salt. It connects the magnetic susceptibilities Card 2/3 of the crystal hydrate and of the saturated solution of the The Dependence of the Magnotic,Suooeptibility of SOV/20-123-3-17/54 Salts on the Content of Water in Them given salt, characterizing their mechanical mixture. The third part connects the magnetic susceptibilities of the saturated solution and of distilled water. According to these consideratiaasp the concentration of the salt in the solution may be deduced from the magnetic susceptibility of the solution. There are I figure and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONt Institut geologii poleznykh iskopayemykh Akademii nauk USSR (Institute of the Geology of Useful Minerals of the Academy of Sciences, UkrSSR) PRESENTEDs JunelO, 1958, by Ve N,-Belov, Academician SUBMITTED: June 10, 1958 Card 3/3 SUBBOTIN, S.I.; WNDARE14KO,, A.P.; KRUGLYAKOVA G I (Kruhliakova, H.I.]; KLUSHIN V.I.1 G. I (FetkoVeh H.I.] f F Progress in geophysical studies of veatern regions of the Ukrainian S.S.R. during the Soviet regime. Pratei Inst. geol kor;kop. AN URSR ItI18-148 159. (MIRA 14:6) tUkraine--Prospecting--.Geophynical dattO S/049/60/000/01/022/027 E201/9191 AUTHORS: Kruglyakovaq G.I., and Kruglyakov, V.V. TITLEs ---Thvl~ee = Meature of Lava Flow on Remanent %vXagnotization in Rocks PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geofizicheskaya, 1960, No 1, pp 158-160 TEXT: The experiments:were carried out on basalt deposits in Berestovets and Yanova Dolina in Volyn (Ukrainian SSR). The lava streams were between 12 and 14 m, thick. It was found (Table on p 160) that the vector of remanent magnetization In basalt refleots the geomagnetic field existing during the period of formation of the rock only in the portion where lava flow was laminar. If lava solidified below 675 OC the direction of the vector of remanent magnetization could differ greatly from the direction of the geomagnetic field of the given period even in portions where the flow was laminar. The edges of lava streams, where turbulent motion occurred, had random magnitudes and directions of remanent magnetization which were not necessarily related to the magnitude and direction of the geomagnetic field of the given geological Period. It follows therefore that in paleomagnetic investigation",/ Card 1/2 8/049/60/000/01/022/027 320LE191 The Effect of the Nature of Lava Flow on Remanent Magnetization irk Ro cks one should use samples near lava craters, and then only the central portions of lava streams. There are 1 table and 4 references, 3 Soviet and 1 Eng'-ish. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya.nauk USSR, Institut geologii poleznykh iskopayemykh (Institute of Geology of Useful Minerals, Academy of So-l-ences I u1craMan 30) SUBMITTED: January 81 1959 Card 2/2 7A AF-' KRUGLTMVAP G.L.- Relationship between magnetic anomalies and therelief of the terrain. Truft NIZHIR no.16139-51 W. (MM 34:3) (YApatio anaWliee) s/169/62/000/008/004/ogo E202/E192 AUTHOR: Kruglyakoval G*I* TITLE: The possibilit`y-o-f-Wtu~dying age relationships of rocks adcording to their state of magnetisation PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no.8, 1962, 9, abstract 8 A 44. (In the Symposium: 'Sostoyaniye i perspektivy razvit'iya geofip. metodov pGiskov i razvedki polezn. iskopayemykh' (tThe present state and perspectives of developing geophysical methods of locating and prospecting for useful minerals$), Gostoptekhizdat, 1961, 509-512). TEXT: Periodic changes in the polarity of Earth were established on the basis of palcomagnetic studies. Once the changes in the polarity are known in sufficient detail they may be used to develop a geochronological scale which is useful in studies of sedimentary barren beds. In the case of eruptive rocks the relation between the magnitude of the residual magnetisation vector and the magnitude of induction has also to be considered. Card 1/2 The possibility of studying age ... s/169/62/000/008/004/09() E202/EI92 This ratio will be close to zero in the case of more archaic, and will approach maximum in the came of recent formations. On these bases, having determined the quantity of the above relation for the samples of various ages, it is possible to use this parameter in determining the age of crystalline rocks. Certain massifs of the Ukrainian shield were studied, for which the relation between the magnetisation and age was established. ~Abstractorls note; Complete translation.-'~ Card 2/2 KRUGLY'll-XiVA, G.J. Reuults 0 paloomagnetic studica of tho Ukrainian crystalliro mausif and adjacent region. Izv. A14 SSSR. Ser. geofiz. to. 2:23"1- 24J, F 161. (IMU 14:2) 1. Institut geologii poleznykh ishopayerrIkh AN Mraine-Rocki3.."Magne tic proportics) - KRUGLYAKOVA, C.I. Results of paleomagnetic research in tYe Ukraine. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.lltl674-1678 N 161. (YJRA 14:11) 1. Akedemiya nauk USSR, Institut geologil poleznykh 15kopayemykh. (Ukraine-Rocks-Magnetic properties) BORISGVt A.A.; KRUGLYAKOVA, G.I. Deep-seated structure of the earth's care at Transcarpathia. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. goofis. no.llsl497-1501 N 162.(MIM 15:3-1) 1. L'yovskiy filial Instituts. geofisiki AN UkrSSR. (Transcarpathia-Sartli,-Interna1 structure) KRUGL740VA, G.I. (Soviet Union) Interpretation of magnetic anomallea and the dAp tectonic structure in Transcarpathia. Geofix kozl 13 no.2tl75-200 164. J4 -Z'lIFt.9neF.IZM I &errmcmiya, v. 3 . I I -Rog I nm -ul-emloula MRg et-le f - tie anmmnly, magnetic sur~Vaying.! Lia -q 1 Lr Y!a;, -ng ACC NR: AI'7008912 SOURCE CODE: UR/0215/66/000/OLI/0068/0077 AMCEOR: 1:niglyakov, V. V.; Kruglyakova G W,G: Leninprad Division, nst tuto or arrostrial Magnetism, the lonospher anid F~idio Wave Propagation (Instltut Zomnogo inagnatizma, lonoafery I rasprostranenlyn radiovoln, Leningrildskoye otdoleniyo) TITL;: Importance of epetrogenic, curves for interpreting the apatial distribution of tile geomgnotic field SOURCZ: Sovetsknya goologlyap no. 11, 1966, 68-77 TOrIC TAGS: geonagnatic field, geophysics SU3 COX,; 08 a jUS TRACT: 1ho paper begins with a discussion of the imporLancu of a I=wl- edge of tho distribution of the geomagnotic field for dotoiv:in - tl In, io presence of mineralization and a description of the gwma,;-notic fielf! of the 5outhern Urals at different hni&t. Fig. 1 saows ZIT, anctaalio3 at a height of 6 kr.; Fig. 2 is the same for J hoigbt of .30 ka; Fig. 3 is a diagram of the block structuro of t1io Souti-iorn Urala. The Southern Urals have a block structure and the blocks aro separatod by a notwork of doop faults of different ago. The now data which can be obt."Win4 from, the uzo of opoirogonic curves (supplementing other mothods-) is the main part of the articla, It is zhown that their use in analyzing the thicknossos and rates of accumulation of aodlments within this area (from the Precambrian to the Upper Paloozoic) gives important informa- tion on the characteristics of development of those blocks and the L,-ar4 1/2 UDC: 550.38 ACC NR, A117008912 hizitory of dovolopment or tho region as a whole. Specifically. by' corparizon of the geophysical fields of the blocks and the character or sedizientation it Is possible to establish for each block: whether the ,oophysical riold of the region is caused only by the influence of the pct,.,oZ;raph1c composition of the roctc3 forming tio basemont or if t-ho gootoctAjiv~c charactoftitics of the area al.-o play a role. Comparison of t2ho pattern of spatial distribution of the ma;-,netic field and ttlio cliaractor of twdii4ontation nake3 it possible to datoct deep faults ,,=ng tho 3urface faults ', the ti;rao thoy vore formod and the poriods. of tac~,r raxi;~~tu activity. The deep faults in the Southern Urals dotectod by 'L~ils zo.hod aro of importance in ovaluating tho motallogom/ of t~lo arc.a --' tho condItiona or or* formation. Arolysia or the opelrogonio CUr;es can be usod for correlation of faultn In relation to an ovaluation of their role In mineral formation. Origo art. hass 4 figures. SJ;IRS., 39,719 2 KRUGLYAKOVA, I.F. Comparative evaluation of the depressive action of some drugs on the retinal vessels. Vestn. oftal. 76 no,4134-38 Jl-Ag'63 (KIRA 1721) 1. Kafedra glaznyk-h bolozney (zav. - prof., O.I.Shershevskaya) Novokuznetskogo iLstituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. I Che USSR/ mistry - Peroxides Jun 4,- "Is There a Higher Peroxide of Hydrogen!" Prof N. Emanuel', K. Ye. Kruglyakova, Inst of Chem Phys, Acad Sci USSR vrirodal, vol 41, No 6, PP 103-105 Assitzr-s that the peroxide kG4 exiats in aq solns of H2%, because (1) reaction kinetics show that the nwaber of active centers producing deconpn of R,O_ (HO2 radicals that combine to form'9204) is ie undiminished after chilling and reheating of the soln; (2) the amt of oxygen evolved is less than that which corresDonds to the amt of hydrogen peroxide decomposed; (3) this discrepancy becozr-s smaller when the soln has been aged fc.- 1 mo at room tenLp; (4) evolution of oxygen is delayed after acidulation of CaO4 with di-I acid. - --- -IRMLYAKOVIL, Y-.--Ye -6 ;%J'jjj!dj + ju .16 12 + Ing 1-4-1 + ell Ifl, I I.I, A lei 1 6 Is lilt "(5 Al AUTHORS: Kruglyakova, K. Ye., and Emantiell., N. M. 62-1-2/21 TMZt Kinetic Characteristics of the Reaction of Propane Oxidation with Oxygen with Chlorine Admixtures in Quartz Crystal Vessels (Kinet- icheskiye kharakteriBtiki reaktaii, okisleniya propana kislorodom, B dobavkami khlora v kwartBevykh soaudakh) PERIODICAL% Izvestiya Akademii, Nauk SM,, Otdoleniya KhiAcheskikh Nauk,, 1957, No. 1, pp. 18-28 (U.S.S .R.) ABSTRACTt Investigations were conducted to determine the effect of chlorine admixtures in oxygen used for the oxidation of propane at various atmospheric presamvB and temperatures ranging from 250 to 3550. It was found that wall additions of Cl accelerate the propane oxidation process and increase the yield of oxygen-containing compounds, An increase in temperature from 250 to 3550 is followed by a noticeable increase in the amount of peroxides in the oxidation products and the time needed for maximum concentration of the peroxides Card 113 62.~ 4;gI2 Kinetic Characteristics of the Reaction of BMpane Oxidat on th Oxygen with Chlorine Admixtures in Quartz Crystal Vessels decreases. The introduction of larger Cl-additionB was found to be impractical because it does not increase the yield of valuable oxygenous products and the deep-burning processes are stimulated. The total amount of carbonyl. compounds uas determined by the ordinary bydroxylamine method and it is shown that the error in determining the carb;jnyl compounds, due to the presence of peroxides which also zeact with the hydrochloride of the hydroxylamine,, was no higher than 3 - 5% of their total content, The content of acetaldehyde,, formaldehyde., organic acids and peroxides reaches its mmcLmum within 1 min, The peroxide, being an intermediate miDlecular product, is being slowly, whereas the acetaldehyde, formaldehyde and organic acids remain unchanged during the continuing oxidation process. The gaseous reaction products includes 002,, Co,, and unsaturated hydrocarbons. The nature of the peroxides forming during Cl- catalyzed oxidation of pro- pane is described as a mixture of hydrogen peroxide of isopropyl and hydrogen peroxide. Card 2/3 Graphs, drawing. There are 9 references, of which 7 am Slavic. 6P-1-2/23. Kinetic Characteristica of the Reaction of Propane Oxidation with Oxygen with Chlorine Admixtures in Quartz Crystal Vessels ASSOCIATION: Academy of Sciences USSR, Institute of Chemical Physics PUMNTED Bri SUBX=t June 8, 1956 AVAIUBZZ i IdbraT of CauMes Card 3/3 5(4), AUTHORS: Kruglyakova, K. Ye., Emanuel', IN. V. SOV/62-59-3-6/37 TITLE: Some Particular Features in the Behavior of Intermediate Molecular Substances Durin,f,, Propane Oxidation (Onobennosti povedeniya molckulyarnykh promozhutochnykh veahchestv pri oki3lonii propana) PERIODICAL: Izvestiyh Akademii nauk son1l. Otdclonlyo khimicheakikh nauk, 1959, Nr 3, pp 417--424 (USSR) ABSTRACT- In the present paper the attempt was made to explain the role of some oxidation products - acetaldehyde, methyl alcohol, acetic acid - during the development of the reaction by kinetic methods. Besides, the problem of the nature of the maximum yield of one of those products (acetaldehyde) was experimentally investigated. In figure 1 the kinetic curves of the formation of intermediate products are presented. Under given experimental conditions it could be seen that propane is consumed durinC the formation of acetaldehyde, formaldehyde, and methyl alcohol in practically equal quantities. The effect exerted by acetaldehyde additions (1.78P 4-3v 5-5 %) on the formation kinetics of the intermediate products is given Card 113 in fij7ure 2. It was proved that these additions increase the Some Particular Features in the Behavior of Inter- SOV/62-59-3-6/37 modiste Volocular Sitbutancon DurJnl-, Propane Oxidation oxidation rate of propane, whereby acetaldehyde, formaldehyde, and apparently methyl alcohol are formed. The maximum concen- trationa of the oxidation products remain the same as in experiments withatit additions. The addition of acetic acid (0.20 r1t) and methyl alcohol (2-7 1"')) does not affect their yield (Table). BI means of tagged stoma it was proved that the maximum concentration of acetaldehyde represents a special case of the dynamic equilibrium. Apparently in the moment of the maximum concentration both the formation and consumption of this product are retarded,, This might be due to an inter- action of the intermediate products with the radicals of the chain, wherein less active centers are formed which guirantee the retarding effect. The lacking activity in dimedone, derivatives of formaldehyde confirms the assumption that the latter in not formed from acetaldehyde but indepcndantly of-it. The value of the specific activity of carbon monoxide a 125 impulses per minute. mg and C02 (132 impulses per minute mg) indicates that CO and C02 are not only formed from Card 2/3 Some Particular Featureu in the Behavior of Inter- -0V/62-59-3-6/37 mediate .11olecular Substances During Propane Oxidation acetaldehyde but also in another way. There are 4 figuresp 1 table, and 18 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: May 30, 1957 Card 3/3 .v-, sov/62-59-6-8/36 Emanuel't 5M y KruglyakOvat AUTHOR51 iation Of Propane Induced by Chlorine in TITLE$ Kinetics Of the Oxil erent SN (Kinetike, v Gosudakh a nasadkOY p"ks& Vessels at 1Xff okieleniya propane, iatsiirovannogo khlOrOm pri raznykh S/V). naut 653h- otdeleniye khimioheskikn nauki PERIODICAL, Izvestiya Akademii _ 1010 (USSR) 1959, Nr 6, pp 1o05 sibilitiss of observing f introduction the different POO process mentioned in ABSTRAM By way 0 etion which 000ure witn the I d be ob- the chain rea with in brief ~Hefe -17)- It coul e are dealt m.raised upon the the titl iderabl* influence is is to sayl by their served that a Con end of the vessel, that vestigation process by the wa e made Ofe For the i shape and the material they ar el.was used made Of reported on'in the present Paper a vess sisting of gle,ss which was equipped with an insert con tore sodium type Out with difrerent dia.39 glass balls Of the same investigated with a mixture of (5950.7 ma). Oxidation was of 346 1 at first in a vessel 03a8 10 2Jti at-a temperature the reaction kineticein figure Card 1/3 without-aft insert.( .curves of Kinetics Packed Ve Of ths Oxidation of Propane Induced bY Chlorine in :;0T162-59-6-8136 addle at Different SIV Card 213 ln this case already no agreement with the data Given in reference 18 could be found. (These data were obtained by using a quartz vessel f6r the reaction). When using the ball shaped inserts the reaction was considerably accelerated (mostly if the balls had a diameter of 1.7 mm), but on the other hand the yield In aldehydes decreased. It is because of this accelera- tion that the reaction may also be carried out in the presence of chlorine without inflammation of the mixture (Fig 2). in this Cade the chlorine (0-5%) despite of its accelerating the proceed also secured a high yield In aldehydes. The kinetic curves which all (witho and without addition of chlorine that only influenced the yield In aldehyde.) exhibit an S-shape may easily berepresented by the autooatalytic function of the first order, if only not the Initial but the final concentration of the product is taken as standard for the reaction intensity. Thus the reaction is self-accel rating and the Insert only influenced the ramification of Ohs chains as with this ball t shaped Insert a reaction surface is formed which takes part in the process of ramification. The peroxide which otherwise Kinetion of the Oxidation of Pronane Ii.duced by Chlorine 3OV/62-59-6-8/36 in Packed Vessels at Differant S/V as intermediate product disturbs the reaction may without any difficultiea be decomposed on the burning surface. There are 8 figures and 18 references, 13 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Inatitut khimioheskoy fiziki Akudemii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBVITTED3 August 23, 1957 Card 3/3 5 Wo 5 (4) AUTHORSs Kruglyakovaj K. Te.0 Emanuel', 11. M. SOV/62-59-7-9/38 TITLEt Aotivation of the Container Surface by the Reacting Mixture C3H8 + 02 in the Presence of Chlorine (Aktivataiya poverkhnosti sosuda reagirayushchey ameyslyu C 3Ha + 02 v prisutatvii khlora) PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii nauk'S33R. Otdeleniye khimicheakikh nauk, 1959, Iqr 7# pp 1211-1215 (USSR) ABSTRACTs By way of an introduction there is a brief reference to own papers and to papers of Sergeyev and Shtern (Ref 2), Kalineako and Voyevodskiy (Ref 3) being in connection with the problem under review. This paper reportn on the discovered activation effect as it in called in the title. The existence of the effect was concluded from the initiating effect of the surface of the container on the oxidation in the abnence of chlorine followinir exnerimento with chloroinitiated oxidation of propane. The apparatus on which the experiments were carried out is described in paper reference 5. The reaction kinetic curves with and without Ae addition of chlorine at 3350 are plotted in figure i. The chlorine influences strongly the yield Card 1/2 of acetaldehyde. This influence of the chlorine could only be 04 - H Activation of the Container Surface by the Reacting SOV/62--59-7-9/38 Mixture C3H8 + 02 in the Presence of Chlorine ASSOCIATION: SUBBITTED: Card 212 noticed in quartz containers with a glass splinter filling. In containers made of other material also the formation of formaldehyde wns influenced. There are accordingly two ways independent of one another to produce both aldeby, den. A production scheme of both aldehydes in -iven (for the formaldelvda according to the schomo of Somenov and Shtern (',Iefe 41 6)). Furthermore, the yield of fonialdehyde -jid acotaldehyde in investigated in dependence on the reaction temperature and addition of chlorine. In fiGure 3 alco the secondary effect of chlorine in to be aeon (decrease of the yield of aldohydea at high temperatures). There are 4 figuren and 6 S,,viot references. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SS3R (Institute of Chemical Physics of the Acade.V of Sciences, USSR) October 24, 1957 ti IX0 AUTHORS- TITLE: PERIODICAL: 82689 S1062 60/000/008/002/012 B004YB054 Kruglyakova, K. Ye. and Emanuel', N. I. Macroscopic-------- nelOxidation in stages ifi the Reaction of Props. the Presence of Chlorine Izventiya Akademii nauk S"MR. Otdeleniye khimichenkikh nauk, 1960, No. 8, pp. 1342.-1347 TEXT: Various investigations (Rofij. 1-4), --in scoll an pa!)vrn by V. T, Urjzko and M. V. Polyakov (110f. 5), 1% ';. Yeniko~opov iml '% ~'on;iruva (Ref. 6), studied the kinetics of oxotheruic Chitin hi measuring the development of heat in tho ronction inixture. The exintence of two time- separated macroscopic stages was obsorved. The authors npplied -this method to study the course Of propane oxidrition. Fip. 1 slkovks the cvivves of heat development rind prounure0variation foi- the stoichiomotric mixture C3He + 02 at 340 and 35B C and 244 torr. The heat development shows a maxi- mum. The linear course of the function log Ap - f(t) corresponds to Semenov's law on the initial stage of branched chain reactions. With addition of 2% by volume of chlorine, the character of heat development changes. Fig. 2 Card 1/5 82689 Macroscopic Stagen -in the Renction of Propane S106 601000100810021012 Oxidation in Lhe ilreonace of Chlorine B004YB054 shows the course of reaction at 3270C. There are two maxima. the first after 25 sec, the second after 600 sea. Figs. 3-5 sho" the courre of re- action with di9ferent chlorine additions (3-5~, 8%) and temperatures (340, 358, 372 C). The existence of two maxima is explained by the course of two degenerate branched chain reactions. The authors give the following reaction diagram- B + R -10- C + R (1); C -4 2R ~2); A + R1 -10 D + Q1 (5); D + C --b- 2R1 (4); R --.Yo loss (5); R' --b- lose (6 , where B is the initiating admixture, A the initial substance, R and C the free radical Lnd the end product of the first reaction, R1 and D the free radical and the end product of the second reaction. The linear breaking-off of the reactions (5) and (6) is caused by the loss of radicals on the walls of the vennel. The authors write down the differential equations for tho reaction substituto th,~ experimental data for concentration, as well an the conntants, and obtain the kinetic curves Fig. 6 for B, C, and D by means of niimerical integration. The equution AT 1A a k(Q1W1 + Q2W 2) is written down for the tic-tit develctpmentj where Q1, Q2 denote the thermal ort,ect of the firat Lint] aecotH stfAge_ re- 2/d~. (It _ spectively, W -dB/dt; W - dD/dt; k - R f t il, I I 2 1 vessel, 4 mean heat conductivity of' thc i'viic-iiie, Card 2/3 -7 82689 Macroscopic Stages in the Reaotion of Propane S/062/60/000/008/002/012 Oxidation in the Presence of Chlorine B004/BO54 14ciL thi., OqU~tlon exhiliito of raiscLift ;irrOngolin to the experimont1j, do ~ mi 0in j.,ji L I o,,0(', L.,1/11 1? . Vhe wiLhora thrwk 0. G. Knorre for the discau~i,jll. There urd f (1,dre" und 7 Soviet reforencea. ASSOCIATION: Institut khinioheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physion of the Acadomy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: January 28, 1959 Card 3/3 KRUGLYAKOVA, K. 1W, and NIKOLAYVA, 11. V. (USSR) "Inhibition of the Radiation Depolymeriz;;.tion of DUA by I-Ohibitors of Radical-Chain Processes." Report presented at the 5th Int~-.rnational Biochemistry Congress. Moscow, 10-16 Aug 1961 71.71 _1717 7777" KRUGLYAKOVA, K. Ye. Cand Chem Soi -- netios and chamism of A chlorine- initiated reaotion of Us oxidation of propane." Moe, 1961 (Hoe Order of Lenin and order of lAbor Red Banner State Univ im M. V. Lomonosov. Chem Faculty). (KL, 4-61, 187) -70- 34759 S/020/62/142/003/027/027 B144/BIOI AUTHORS: Nikolayeva, N. Baynahteyn, B. Member AS USSR V., KruC1y&kava,_1. Yp,._Kivelev, N. A., K., and Emanuel', N. M., corresponding TITLE: Reduction of radiation damage of DNA molecules in the presence of propyl gallate (PG) PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 142, no. 3, 1962, 713-715 TEXT: The present study concerns the protective effect of PG on 0.007% D111A solutions which were prepared from the spleen of rats and diluted in 0.1 M ammonium acetate, p1l 6.2, to 0.0015%. The.intr~'nsic viscosity[ of 25 dl/g corresponds to a molecular weight of-,,3-10 , the coefficieni of molar extinction 6 (r)260 mg ' 6450. Doses of 66,000, 168,000, and 336,000 r were applied with a D-2 (BF-2) short focus x-ray teat apparatus (8 ma, 75 kv, Mo anode, without filter), dose intensity 135,000 r/min. One-stage carbon replicas were examined in an IEM-5G electron microscope, accelerating tension 80 kv, magnification la-25,000 times, The damage Card 1/3 4 Reduction of radiation damage... q 3/020/62/142/003/027/027 D140101 percentage increases from 50 through 75 to 100% after irraliation doses in the above-mentioned sequence. In all cases addition of PG guarantees a 40 - 50';v' protection of DNA molecules (Fie. 1~. The size of the DNA molecule fragments is greater with PG addition than without. Further studios are needed to decide whether these fragments are incompletely decomposed molecules of the 'initial DNA or a result of croas-linking facilitated by PG. PG addition after irradiation and testing of DNA and PG as to their biological activities may solve this problem. There are 2 figures and 19 references: a Soviet and 11 non-Soviet. The four most recent references to Englieh-language publications read as follows: A. R. Peacocke, B. N. Preston, Proc. Roy. Soc., Ser. B, 153, No- 950, 90 (1)60); R. La-.arjet, H. Ephrussi-Taylor, N. Rebeyrotte, Radiation Res., Suppl. 1, 417 (1959); F. M. Defilippes, W. R. Guild, Radiation Res., 11, 389 (1959); P. Alexander, K. A. Stacey, IV Internat. Congress of Biochemistry, Vienna, 1 - 6 Sept., Symp. IX, 1958, SUBMITTED: September 30, 1961 Card 2/3 S/020J62/142/003/027/027 Reduction of radiation damage ... B144/B101 Fig. 1. Change in intrinsic viscosity of DNA solutions before and after x-ray irradiation. Leigend: (1) control (before irradiation)l (2) irradiation with PG additionj (3) irradiation without PGt (a) hours; (b) dl/g. Card 3/3 LMITS, D.V.; MUGLYAKOVA, K.Yc.; PMTNIKGVA,, H.S.; MOULLI, N.M. Suppression of the development of vegetable tumors (potato eaWwr) by inhibitors of radical processes. DoklAN SWR 145 no.1:212-zu n 162. (ML 15:7) 1. Vaesoyuznayaimcbno-iseledovatellskaya stantsiya po ralm kartofelya Voesoyuznogo institute. zashchity rasteniy i Institut khimichaskoy fizW JW SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SWR (for Vmmiel'), (Potato wart) (Gallic acid) ACCESSION ZIR: AP300010 S/0O62/63/0O0/W5/0789/0M AUTHOR; Sholinas So Iq Bogo2pbAdys Vo Aq !n!~, ~-At TITIZ: Antioxidative effectiveness of some hydroqiainone derivatives .SGURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdoleniye khWicheskikh nauk, no.' 5# 1963,, 799-793' ~TOPIG TAGS: antioxidantso hydroq4none derivatives# Mannich reaction ABSTRACT: The authors describe the synthesis of the following compounds by smino- 'mothylation using the Hannich reaction: (1) 2,5-bis-(dimethylaminomethyl) hydro- ,quinone; (2) 2,3-bis-(dimethylamirxnathyl)-5-isopmpylhydr*quinono; (3) 205-bis- -(diethylamin=ethyl)hydroqd.none; and (4) 2-diethylamir=othyl-4-cathoxvphenol. Compounds M-M proved to be wore effective antioxidante than hydroquinone and propylgallate when tested under standard conditions with methyl oleate at 90C and alli 0 sub 2 pressure of 300 mg Hg for 20 minutes. .13ubstitution of mixed alkyl and aminomethyl groups (compound 1) increased the antioxidative effectiveness to 5 times that of hydroquinone. Subutitution of a secondary aminomethyl group in the .0-position in the monoothyl other of hydroquinone (compound 4) had no effect on the antioxidative properties. "The authors express their gratitude to No M. Emanuel'- for his continued interest in their work." Origo art. has: 2 figures, .1 formulap and 1 4bles .Card Yi, J, ACCESSIO14 NR: AP3000120 A=IATIOM: Instiiut khimicheskoy JUild Akademij nauk sssR (Institute of Chemical Physics, Acadow of Sciences SSSR) samnum: 22jun62 DATE ACQ: 12 Jun63 ENCI: 00 1SUB CODE: CH NO REF SOVt 003 OTHM: 004 ,Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: A4000127 810062 163/000/00/OM/OM K. He AUTHOR: Smiraov,, Lo Do; Molina# So Iq q Dyumayw, TITLE: Space restricted 3-a3qpyr1d1nae* Report 29 4nthesis &W the study of the antioxidizing properties of mme 2#6-4i&lJq1-3-ca7pyrid1nas and 2*6-diallql-4- (diaLkylamino)iaothyl-3-oxypp,idlnoo SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdoleniye khimichaddkh naukp no. 5, 1963,F 890-893 TOPIC TAGS: s7nthcais of 2-&Ik;yl-3-ax7~-"athylpyridinam, antioxidants, 2-athyl- 6-met1iyl-3-oxypyridine A3STRACT: Me present work is devoted to the synthesis &W study of the properties of antioxidants 2,6-dialkyl-3-Qm7pyridines and 2,6-dialkyl-4-(dialkyladno)mathyl- 3-oVpyridines, whose stru.,tures are closely related to vitamin B6. The synthesis of a minber of 2-alkvl-3-oxy-6-~methylpyridines by reaction of 2-acyl-5-asthyll^urans with =monia has been realit6do The antioxidative effect of a=e 2#6-di&lJq1-%1+- diaL'-.71=inomothyl-3-*:qpyridinea has bm studied in the oxidation r-Action of methyloleate. Me =at effective antioxidant was found to be 2--athyl-6.Mathyl-3- oxypyridine. The introduction of direthyladnmethyl, mathylpiperidine and methyl- raorpholine groups into the 4th position of 2,6--di&1Vq1-3-ozypyridine* practically Card ACCESSION NR: AP3OOaW eliminates the antioxidative properties of these materials. "The authors wqwess their gratitude to N. H. Emanuall for his continued interest in this work.".. Orig. art. has: 1 table,.~l graph,:'=4 I equation. ASSOCIATION: Inatitvt khimichaskoy finiki Ak&ladi nauk SM (Institute of Chemi- cal Physics,, Acadwq of Sciences SM) sumiTTED: 29jun62' OATS AOQ: 12Jun63 ENCLx 00 ,SUB %OODE: CH NO MW SOT: 002 OTIM: 010 Cord 212 L 12717-63 W (j)/EPF(c)/EWT(l)/EWT(m)jBDS A.FFTC /ASD rc-4/Pr-4 lrd/RT4/JFW ACCESSION M AP3002301 S/0062/63/000/00'6/1143/1143" AUTHOR: Emanuel', N. M.; Kruglyakova, K. Yo.t Vichutinakiy, A. A.; Vasil' R. F. .ijiluminescence of solutions of dasoxyribonucloic ac TITLEi Che idj(DRNA) after irradiatiorPUlth x-rays SOURM AN SSSR, Izvo Otdeleniye khWcheakikh nauk, no. 6t 1963, 1143 TOPIC TAGSs chemilumine sconce, dosoxyribonucloic acid (DRKA), x-rays, irradiation, peroxides, recombination of radicals Y,.'--RACTi A low intensity thsailuminescence has been discovered following irradia- +-~cn of DRNA solution. Thu intensity falls exponentially with time. It was shown chemically that the peroxideE arising from irradiation of DRKA decompose according to the same law at approximately the same rate. The c-hemil=inesconce may arise from recombination of radicals formed froa peroxides produced in the irradiation. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut khimichlkoy fiziki Akademli nauk SSSR (Institute of Che=i- cal Physics, Academy of Sciences SSSR) SUBMITTED: 25 Feb 63 DATE ACQ: 16 Jul 63 ENCL% 00 SUB CODE : 00 NO REF SOV: 004 OTHERt 000 Card 1/1 SAMOKHVALOV G.I.; BUDAGYANTS, M.I.; SHAKHOVA, M.K.: SHOLINA, S.I.; KR~dLYAKOVA,,,K.Ye.; NIKOLAYEV, R.P.; ROMANO'JA, A.F. 7-Alkyl derivatives of quercetin and their antioxidizing effectiveness. Izv. AN SSM. Ser.khim. no.9:1617-1621 S 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR i Vsesoyuznyy nauchno- issledovatellskiy vitaminnyy institut. (QuareetiR) (Antioxidants) W7 ',"aa RM llc-,xj~ctiain rear- i n- i i- th- Inhihition of the LarA I r ci mu zu T77~-,- ICEM ~-WA ZHIZHINA, G.P.; ZYBIIIA, D.L.; KRUGLYAKUIA, K.Ye.; EMANUEL', N.F. Kinetic characteristics of the degradation of peroxide compounds in irradiated DRA solutions. Dokl. All SSSR 158 no.4:935-938 0 164. (HIRA 17:11) 1. Inbtitut khImIcheakoy fIzikI All SSSR. 2. Chlon-korresFondent AN SSSR (for Emanuel'). MAMLIP N.M.; KRUGLYAKOWA, Y.Yn.; 1"HIMINA, G.F.; ViCHUTIN5UY, A.A.; VASILITFVP R.F. Chemiluminesconca of DNA solutionn rollowine X-ray Irradiation. Trudy MOV. Otd. blol. 21019-M '65. (MRA IP40 KRUGLYAKOVA, K.Ye.; ULANOV, R.P.j ZYBINA, D.L.; EXANUELI, N.Y. Kinetic characterlatlc3 of the effect, of chemleal mitagens (et'hyl- enimine derivativen) on DNA. Dokl. AN SSSR 11S1 no.3:718-720 Mr '65- (MIRA 18:3) 1. Chlen-korreapondent AN SSSR (for Entnuell). wit- -c 3 upo f Id. Dc,1.3 . AN S I 1~,3 hhlm'~;helll-r f.z**K,- All All SL~R ( f-or !~,irv L ZHILITSOVA, V.M.; KRUGLYAKOVA,,.K.Ye.; ULANOV, B.P.; GINIIN, L.G. Kinetics of DNA denaturation following ultraviolet Irradiation, Dokl. AN SSSR 164 no.1;198-200 3 165. (MA 180) 1. Voesoyuznyy zaochnyy politekhnicheskiy Institut I. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. Submitted March 25, 1965. i 177 ~! :"~; ~ - --- - S A PR I I IpA.N.; FJ,()(,IIKO, E.V.; YRUGLYAKUVA, K.Yo.; r:fl! !I.! J Effnct of tho inhibitors of radiral reactionn on the kinetics of the change In free radical content In the orl,,nnr of mice in exForimental leukem.1a. Dokl. All SSSR 166 no.3:71.6-748 Ja '66, (MIR], 19:1) 1. InstItut khIm,cheskoy fizlki All SSSR. 2. Chl,.n-korrevlondent All SSSR (for Flumnuell). Submittad kigwst 27, 191'6. ACC NRi SOURCE CODEs UR/0216/66/000/0D2/0W183/011 6. AUTHOR., Faianm2lty N. X.; Burlakova Ye. B.; Kruglyakova K, Te.t Sapezhinski I I j_ ~ t - 79 0_ a ORG: In-atitute of Physical Chemistry, AN SSSRp Moscow (Institut khimicheskoy fisiki ,&-e AN SSSR) TITIE: Studies on free-radical reactions following irradiation of model system 99 the role of radicals in radiation inj= --Iq SOURCE: AN SSSR* Izvestiya. Seriya biologicheakaya, no. 2, 19661 183-196 TOPIC TAGSi free radical, irradiation effect, radiation injury, recombination reaction, protein, free radical stabilization# electron spin resonance, exchange reaction, D91dative recombination of the radicals of irradiated proteins tBSTRACT1 s a two-stage procass: peroxide radical formation and disproportionation i .(during which chomoludnesconce arises). Analysis of electron spin resonance and o)Wgon absorption by irradiated proteins reveals that the 4 ,reaction procoods through a transfer of free valence. The authors concluded - from the results of the electron spin resonance studies and chmoluminescence 'that an exchange reaction is possible between the radicals of irradiated proteins and the inhibitors of free-radical reactions. Free-radical reactions play an important part in rediation-induc ENA ed FA 04 'degradation. Study of the action of vartow Inhibitors showed that gall a .acid, pherfloWlamine, and o dim derival h e i0ye r d1f "Tekeg .60 effect or rragirat a a on animals ~n'vtfca"terdksth it- te5gr 6f protection is eat y relhted to the antiradical activity of the inhibitors d fre8graj6cal re tign.A. %ig. art hash %6iWss AM 2 ta~jesf WPHS] W ~B DA : llDe ~5 ),E: Olr- ACC NRi AP6030025 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/169/005/1203/1205 AUTHOR: Nikolayevat N. V.; Semenova, L. P.; Kruglyakova, K. Ye. ORG: none TITLE: Fractionation of irradiated and protected DNA with propylgallate on a cellulose anionexchange column SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 169, no. 5, 1966, 1203-1205 TOPIC TAGS: DNA, DNA fraction, column chromatography , radiation damage,, ion exchanSc chromatography ABSTRACT., It in known that propylgallate, an Inhibitor of free radical reaction, protects DNA from radiation damage. DNA extracts from living cells are heterogeneous in molecular weight and ion exchange chromatography I with propylgallate has been found an effective means of separating DNA fractions and distinguishing native and irradiated.DNAs. T~e ion exchange chromatography system is described and some experimental re- sults presented. IWA-50; CBE No. 11J.. SUB CODE: 06/ SUM DATE: 29May65/ ORIG RM 003/ OTH REF: Oll/ Card 7.1047.9 -4, AUTHOIiL3 Z C-7- 77 - ~7 -5 -712--, Broydo, I.I. ; Kruglyakova, L . V ~he Relation of the Regolutio-E-7f S,Pll Details in the 1.11ultiple Copying to t~o Nature of the Openutive Light Beam (zn'!iqimoDtI rRzrPshorAya molkikh dettiley 1~ri Ot khPV9Vt'II'ft E"I I C D I CA L r rin 1 rinu chnoy 4 1~ r I k la dnny f o t oCrif t r 4 4, 195FI, Vol 3 lir PP 'J59-361' (USSR) , ABSTRA"T: The object of the study to determine how the tion of small details at various stages of the du,,;Iicati,ir, procegs was effected by replacirie, the -.-jhite li,73ht sour-p by ultra-violet ard usine a parallel CCry4n;- b-am in~-~tf,,H (if --I diffuzed one. For the experiment, A, louln.1,1- nc~C;a~ive A and positive IMZ photo,~,rapi-.1c mate-rials used. The resolution of the various raterialo b~r th~ n. I them contact method, p oiectin6 a special line pattein to 'ind latt?r measurin& the dluit-oe of wai; carrIP-3 out in both white and ulti,a-vjolat 11glit. .;'ho .rig pruceE33 went thrrugh five .tageo, yieldint; 2 -rtermediate t,.,io dupli,,ateo and oric final 1:oo,tivc. The re U - t i on of the pat tern I iries -wa!3 de t n h case C, L d 2 -Nan f ound that tie re3olv. t ion (,;f I d eta` I f-al'.:~ S07-77-3-5-7/21 The Relation of the Resolution of Small Details in the Multip'le Copying the Nature of the Operative Light Beam during copying, particularly in the first stages. The resolution can be considerably im~rcved by ultra-violet light instead of white and a parallel coT~ying beam instead of a diffuse form. Further experiments showed that alter- ing the development conditions had little effect on resolu- tion and that the use of an ultra-violet parallel copying beam is a more effective means of improving the resolution of small details in multiple-oopyinE than the use of special films with a high resolving power. There are 3 tables, I graph and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONs Loningradnkiy institut kinoinzhonerov (Lenin6rad Institute of NDtion Pictdre Engineers) SUBMITTEDi January 12, 1957 1. Photographic films--Processing 2. Photographic film-Test results Card ~/2 .4 OSHZYSKIY. LA.; DANCHICH, V.Y.; AVDIYEIIKO, T.G.; ARKHlXGXL'SKlY, A.Y.; OAK, A.M.; MIYANTSZV, Yu.P.; ZILIBSKIY. V.9.; IVAROV, P.'S.; ITASHCHWO, P.R.; XALININA, M.D.; KRAVCHZNKO, A.G.; KOTLYAROVA, A.V.-, KRUGLYAKOVAL- M.D.; LEVIKOV. 1.I.; LIBKIND, R.I.; NIKOLAYEVA, N.A.; NAUKWO, T.Y.; -TRINOW, I.B.; PRISTAZHNIKOV. V.8.; PUBEDINSKAYA, L.P.; PCKALYUKOV, S.N.; POPOV, A.A.; SCLOKWSZV, M.N.; TARASOV, I.V.; PILOHMMO. A.3.; SHISHOV, Te.Le; SEMIMAN, L.I.; TAXUSHIN, M.P.; ZVORYKINA. L.K.. red. lzd-va; LOKILINA, L.N., (Horisohtal mining In foreign countries] Provedenie gorizontallnykh vyrabotok za rubashom. Moskva, Ugletakhtsdat, 1958. 342 p. (91RA 12:4) 1. Xharkov. Yeasoyusnyy nauchno-iseledovatelltikiy Institut organizateii I makhanizateli ahakhtnogo strottelletva. (Mining engineering) f DUMNIN, N.N., iwnd.tokhn.nauk; DOROSKMO, G.N., kand.takhn.nouk; -KOTLTAROVA, A.V.. lnzh.; IRMIAKOVA, 14*De, inzh.; TCLOYICH, CHMOVSKATA, T.P., red.izd-va; SMYAR, S.Ta.. (Shaft sinking in the U.S.S.R. and in foreign countries] Opyt prokhodki stvolov shakht v SSSR i za rubashom. Xoskya, Goo. nauchno-tokhn.isd-vo lit-ry po, gornomu dalu. 1960. 257 p. (KIRA '13:11) 1. Kharkov, Ukrainskiy nauchno-iseledovatell6kiy institut organizatsii i mokhanizateil shakhtnogo stroitalletva. (Shaft sinking) RZZNIK, I.D.; YOURNSENSKIT, P.I.; KRUGLYAKOYA, M.S. Moisture of flue gases du ation of oxidized nickel ores, TSTots mote 31 no. 7151-55 JI '58- (MLRA 1118) 1. Gintey6teat* (litakel-Motallurgy) I.D., KRUGLYAKOVA, M.S. Sulfatization of oxides of cob-Ilt, nickel, copper and lead in Tilicate melts. Sbor. nauch. trud. GINT3V--A'IBT no.15:138-163 59. NPA 14:4) (Nonferroua metals-,Motallurgi) REZNIK, I.D.; KIUJGLYAK(IVA, M.S. Laboratory investigation of the behavior of Vpsum in the presence of slag as applicable to shaft furnace sm6lting of oxidized niokel ores. TSvet.*met. 33 no.6183-84 Jo% IAO. (M:[Rk 14:4) (Nickel-Metallurgy) REZNIKY I.D..; FUGLYAKOVA, H.S. Mechanism of sulfuration in the shaft smelting of oxidized nickel ores with calcium sulfate. Zhur. prikl. khim. 33 no.n.-2449-2458 N 160. (MIRA .14:4) (Sulfuration) (Nickel--Metallurg7) RKZNIK; I.D.1 KRUGLYAKOVA. M*S. laboratory investigation of gypsum behavior in the presence of slag as used in the shaft Awmoo smelting of oxidized nickel ores. Sbor. much. trud. Gintsvetmeta no.18:275- 299 161 X'MIRA 16:7) (Nichel-449ta-11urgy) (Gyps=) REMIX, I.D.; KRUGLYAKOVA, M.S. Sulfuration of iron ailicatee and magnetite by aulAw vapor arid sulfur dioxide, Sbor* nbucho trude Gintsvetmeta. no*18: 300-306 161. (KM 16:7) (Sulturation) (Nickel industry-By--products) S/136/62/000/006/004/005 E071/E435 AUTHORS: Roznik, I.D., Kruglyakova, M.S. TITLE: On the cause of irregularity in the composition of matte on shaft smeltinj of oxidized nickel ores with gypsum PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye metally, no.6, 1962, 80-83 TEXT: It was found difficult to control the composition of matte on smelting oxidized nickel ores with gypsum in shart furnaces. According to previous investigations the presence or molten slag loads to a rapid docomposition of gypsum even in a reducing atmosphere, while without slag, gypsum is fully 'transformed into calcium sulphide. In the present work the velocity of the interaction of calcium sulphate with metallic iron in the presence of slag (25,1% Fe, 31.%4' S1021 16.6% CaO, 0.1% MgO, 0.2% A1203 and < 0.150' S) in the temperature range 900 to 10009C was investigated. The procedure consisted of heating amixture of finely ground components in corundum crucibles in a stream of nitrogen; the S02 evolved was absorbed and the residue in the Card 1/2 S/136/62/000/006/004/005 On the cause of irregularity E071/E435 crucible analysed for sulphide and sulphate sulphur. In the absence of slag, sulphate sulphur rapidly reduced to sulphide; the prosenco of slag slowed down the reaction but the removal of sulphur with gas was insignificant. The proportion of metallic iron present in the mixture had a decisive influence on the transfw of sulphur into the sulphide form. In the presence of slag and an insufficient proportion of iron, UP to 47% of sulphur is removed as the 9A5 S02. If there was an excess of iron (in respect of equation: CaS04 + 4Fe = CaS + 4FeO) All sulphur transformed into sulphide. The following mechanism of sulphidization is postulated: gypsum mainly decomposes with the evolution Of S02 which, together with elementary sulphur, is absorbed by iron, reduced to metallic and ferrous forms. On the basis of this mechanism a number of features of shaft smelting of oxidized nickel ores with gypsum are explained. There are 2 figures. Card 2/2 REZNIK, I.D.; KRUGLYAKOVA, H.S. Interaction of gypsum with metallic iron in the presence of slag as applied to shaft furnace smelting of oxidized nickel ores. Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 no.6tl237-1242 Je 162. (KIRA l5s7) (Nickel ores) (Gypsum) (Iron) REZNIKp I.D.; KOVALEV, D.Ya.,; XUDRIN, AA.; TIJMASGV, V.F.; GRITSKOVA, V.T.; KRUGLYAKOVA, M.S. Depletion of waste slags from shaft furnace smelting of oxidized nickel ores In electric crucibles. TSvet. mot. 36 no.9t22-28 S 163. (MIRA 16tlO) ALIMOV, Aleksey Petrovichj GCL 11, INSKrY. Leonid Voynovich; KIIUGLYAKOVA,, Mariye DAitriyovnal SKOROBOGATYY, G.I.p r~tseinienAj YATMIKU.- V.D'.-,-'rbtsenzent; GRABILIN, Yu.N., Otv. red. (Mechanization of auxiliary proceoses in the building of coal mines] Makhanizatsila vopor:ogatellrykh protsessov v shakhtnom stroitallstvb. Moskva, Nedra, 1965. 178 v. (VIIRA l8t9) HFZN1K, I.D., kand. tekhn. nauk; LYUMKIS, 1.',.Ye.j KOVALYS, D.Yn.; TUMASOV, VJ.- KPUGLYAKOVA,.~.S.; CRII-)KOVA, V.T. F -- . ...-- Perlodle process of depletJnF waste slags from the shaft- furnace smelting of oxidized n1ckel ores with the help of an electric hearth. Sbor. nauch. trud. GIntsvetmeta no.23tl5l-163 165. (MIRA 18M) J (j ~ 1,4 ~'o -A 15-57-7-9454 Translation from: Rererativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1967, Nr 7, p 105 (USSR) 1UTHORS: Fridman, N. G. TITLE: The Use of Phase fins fnalysis for Studying the Processes of Dehydration of Hydrated Minerals (Primenonlye fazo- vogo gazovolyumeti-icheakogo analiza dlya izuehenlys protsessov obezvozhivaniya gidratirovannykh mineralov) PERIODICAL: Tr, Kazanqk. fil. AN SSSR, sor. kh1m. n., 1956, Nr 3, pp 83-87. t-BS TR tC T: The authors have studied the dehydration of minerals (gypsum,th5drous borates, hydroboracite, carnallite, and polyhal e in order to explain the kinetics of the dehydration process. They used the nonautomatic burette of Berg, 1.5 m long with a volume of 7 mm to 8 mm. Calcium hydride served as the reagent. The investigations were made at various temperatures. The maximum temperatures of dehydration, obtained from the Card 1/2 thermal curves of Kurnakov, were taken as a basis. 15-57-7 -9454 The Use or Phase Gas Analysla for Studying (Cont.) Subsequent; determinations were carried on at lower temperatures. After 2.5 to 5 minutes, depending on the rate of dehydration, a detectable quantity of water was given off, equivalent to the volume of H obtained in the gas burette. The method permits .rapid and accurate acquisition of dnts on the dehydration of minerals in small samples. Card 2,/2 Ye. S. Kabanova ACC ARi -AT7001042 SOURCE CODG-i UR/2733/63/000/004/OJij/0138 ALTHOR: Kruglyakova, V, 1, ' =I IN Mal O,1G: nono %,# "HotAtIon Sholl with Small Central Opening Under the Influonoo of Symmetrical and Inversely Symmotrical load" 14ningrad, Isslodovaniya po, Uprugostl i Plastichnouti, Ho 4, 65, pp 123-158. Abstracti A pronentation of a unified method for do.tormina.tion- of. e,tressax near the small tontral oponing in rotap4on Gholla under the influence of symmotrical and invorsoly,symmRtrical loadstl"Tho solution is in a form, convenient for practical use. In contiii'Ct~~- most proyioua works on the subject, the method suggostod has a simplification which involvon m1mmotrical doformation only in :the coafficients of -the equation. In the atross and disp)Lacemont oxproaBlons, the trigonometric factora are retainede 'Origo art* has: 13 figuros, 10 forniliwp and 1 table ;* rJPRS , 35,9!ff ' - * TOPIC TAGSt shell structure dynamics# shell deformation SUB CODEs 20 SUBM DAM s 3J+Apr64 ORIG REFs 014 / OT11 RFM 021 -77 GOLOVAIT, A.T., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof. (Hos".a); XRUGLYANSKIY, inzh. (Hookva) Circuits for the excitation of asynchronous variable-frequency generators. Xlektrichostvo no.5:31-36 Yy 160. (HIRA 13:9) Meotric generators) SOURCE CODE t AUTHOR: Dobrow love I. L; Tverdin, L. Me; KruglYanskiyo L He ORG: none TITLE: Scientific and technical seminar on seinioonductor power converters and their application in modern automated industry SOURCE: Elektrichestvo, no- % 19652 91-93 TOPIC TAGS:* e1 ectric engineering conference, electric power engineering, industrial automation, semiconductor device, automation equipment, rotary electric power converter A13SMACT: IM-e article 'riep"orits on the proceedinza at the seminar hold on 1-3 .October 1964 at the Ma"Kh SSSR (Exposition of the Achievement of the 11ational. Fconony USSR). Wonty-five reports were made by representatives of over ten ,scientific and industrial organizations in the electric power field. The remarks dealt with the proere3s and status of semiconductor techniques in power system applications and the prospects for the future. 7he next sub- ject was the errect, of physical phenomena accomparqin-, various semiconductor r.anufacturo tochniquos on the parameters of the circuit componenta (rectiftor*)e 7hero followed sevoral papers on power oonversiont ffto one frequency to anothert ,from single-phase to three-phase or to D.C., motor-Sonorator Sy3taM3, and rec- tifiors. A few papers wore devoted to the application of thyristor3 to electric to electric drive systems for speed control of D.C. and A.C. asynchronous (in- d.uction) motors. Statio converters and inverters were considered next and some ~i ACC NRs AP6004793r papers wore presented on varioU3 industrial applications of power conversion systens, e.,,. in tlo chemical and motanurgical industry, in machine tool operation; and also on the application of pulse-time and pulse-width control zet-hods. . Aile the seminar vias bein,, conducted, the participants had an op2or'VwAty to see a special exhibition prepared by the VDM. A resolution recoi--nending further development In Vie-fiold. of semiconduotora for power drives was adopted at the conclusion of the seminar. Zj_PR_S7 SUB CODE: 09j, 13 SUEM DATE: none Q~ Ciud 2/2 61 I '); i . -!", 1, ~ '-.- "," 1 4Y.'. I . . , . .". " 1- , - , ; .. '. .,i1 - "nsr-ritifle ond .- .7-', 11, ". .,:' find Oe!r une irl i ;-Ci:. - fl . I - I ~ . . - c ~.~ r Elnk':-10.,~.~tvo ", -0 (MIEA 18:6) KRUGLYANSKIY, M.R.;, CHUPRUNOV, D.I., red.; PAIIISHINA, L.N., red.izd-va; _9-1)._~iekhno red* f:r (Handbook admission to specialized schools of the U.S.S.R.] Spravochnik dlia postupaiushchikh v srednie spetsial'nye uohebaye savedeniia SSSR (tokhnikuny, uohiliehcha, shkoly) v 1959 g. Moskva. Goe.izd-vo OSovetskain nauka," 195 370 P. &IRA 12:8) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hinisteretvo v sehago obrazovaniya. (Technical edi KRUGLTAIISKIT, H.R.1 KISEM, M-M-9 red.; aRIGCHCHUN, L.I., [Handbook for students entering special secondary schools of the U.S.S.R. (technical schools) in 19601 Bpravochnik Me postunniushchikh v erednis spot ialInva uchabnya savedentin SM t-takhnikumy, uchillshchat :hkoly) v 1960 g. Hoskva, Oov, Isd-vo "Tymohnia shkoln,O 1960. 358 p. (HIRA 1315) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministeretvo vyeshego i arednego spetsiallnogo obrasovanita, (Technical education) ;Al LRVQLWjXM Mikhail.Ssmavlovich; BESSONOV, L.A., doktor tekhn. neuk, prof., retsenzontl STRAM, A.G.tzed. [Hapdbook of electrical onginearigglglektrotekhrAcheakii spra- voohnik. Belgorod, Belgorodakos Imisfinoe iad-yo, 1962.' 4741 p. (KIRA 16:2) (Electric enginesring~Hsndbooksj manuals, etc.) KRUGLYASHOVP V.H. Experimental v ork of rural- school students. Blol.v shkole no.64&42 " 162. (KMA 16%2) 1. Tambovskiy podagogichaskiy inatitut* (Tasibov Provinoe--Agriculture--Sxperipentation) UGRYLVOV, V.M. - KRUGLYI N.M.; VDIARSWA, Ye.N.; KCCHKOV, A.A., red. (Therapeutic gy=Astics in injuries to the spine and spinal cord) Lechabnaia giranastika pri povrezhdeniiaLkh pozvonocb- nika i spinnogo mozga. Moskva; Medtisinap 1964, 182 p. (MIRA 17:5) SOV/126-7-6-10/24 .AUTHORS: Amonenko, V. M., Kru o-A-wArr-and Tikhinskiy, G.F. t!E11YAU TITLE: vacuum Distillation of Chromium PERIODICAL: Fizika metnilov J metallovetialliye, 1959, Nr 6, pp 8611-8711 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Impurities in chromium make it brittle and difficult to deform at high temperatures and decrease its usefulness an a heat-resisting alloy base. Much work (Refs 1-10) has been done on its purificati n. This included vacuum distillation* (Ref 1) at 10-9 mm Hg and 14000C with condensation on a surface at unspecified temperature, which, as shown in Table 1, failed to effect any improvement. The authors describe their own work at a laboratory of the FTI of the Ac.Sc., UkrSSR on chromium distillation in a high vacuum onto a heated surface. The method has been rei)orted (Ref 11). The temperatures of distillation and condensation can, assuming the applicability of RAo%L1t1s law, 'be calculated for the particular purification required. Fig 1 shows a general view of the installation, provided with a high- vacuum and backing pumps. Evaporation was effected from Card 1/3 alumina or beryllium-oxide cruclioles heated by tungsten Vacuum Distillation of Chromium 30V/126-7-6-10/24 or molybdenum wire spirals, and condensation in a ceramic column internally coated with tantalum sheet (Fig 2). Temperatures were measured with a type OPPIR-09 optical pyrometer and all experiments were at 10`1 mm fig. Chromium samples produced by the alumino-thermic and the electrolytic methods were distilled: the initial and final compositions are shown in Tables 2 alld 3 respectively. Distillation was effected at 1250-15000C, the condensing- column temperature being 950-12000C. The chromium was deposited (Fig 3) in the lower and middle zones. No purification from iron or aluminium resulted for the alumino-thermic material and these elements, together with carbon and silicon, were also the most difficult to eliminate from electrolytic chromium. It was found$ however, that by passing the chrunitim vapour through a filter of chromium-oxide 1)owder, the aluminium present in the chromium is oxidized and its content in the refined metal falls to 0.001-0-003 but that of oxygen rises to 0.03%. By passing the vapour through zirconium turnings, Card 2/3 the silicon content could be reduced to 0.001%. .Vacuum Distillation of Chromium SOV/126-7-6-.10/24 Simultaneous purification to 0-003, 0.001 and 0-005% Al, Si and C, respectively, was obtained by fusion in air of either form of chromium with 5% tungsten before distillation The micro-hardness of chromium distilled at 10- 1 to 1;_7 mm, HS was determined with a type PHT-3 machine, the resulte (Table 4) showing that the softest material is that distilled at the lowest pressure. Freshly-distilled chromium had considerable plasticity, but on storage in air this decreased due to the absorption of nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen (Table 5). There are 4 figures, 5 tables and 13 references, 2 of which are Soviet, 10 English and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR (Physico- technical Institute, Ac.Sc., Ukrainian SSR) SUBMITTED: February 25, 1958 Card 3/3 9 0 9 1E 1 1) 1 AUTHORS: Krugly'~d,, A.A a lov V.'S Lt ri (I Ti: is!,: j.GF TITLE: Recrys tall i z-a ticm T"of BexZL1~:iy-, PERIODICAL: metallo% i '1,:l ~)j hr 1. pp 148-1~-l ('U'3SR) ABSTRACT: Higb-pur-111-y N37yllium high *'r-svmm' wa5 u~!ed in this work to This boryMimi containad tho io--3,,-,~ qu; jo-3;,6* Fe; lo-3,-.' All; M!1; 10"11, NI; 2 x 10 C a 31. 03, jc.* N'51 The speciraerl~; werti mado in ~hi,~ form of r.-,.utos, 0.8 r-M by condensation of boryllinm vapnue-1, in h-19h va-cuuin (approximately 10-6 mm Hgr~ on a ba-c~-.Ing at" a temperature of 250 OG. i n c) -,C1 e :n to c r. s i) an i f o-.:-iri structure, the plattis were subj~~ctad f.~) de-frxiaat-lon by 301,-v' alonc, the width by iop,~zited -ollLin- -at room, temperature in air (the reduc.-tion in area in ea~-11 r:)Iling v-as approximatoly 0.3,1,',), follo,,:,id b7 ann3aifr.6 at 700 OC fr,-. Card 15 hours. In order to sLu(J,, the 1/2 speoimens w,)re again def,)r~med by 25;'j the --,,idth by rolling under the same con,-Utioiis in two diructicnz- at Recrys tall iza tion of Beryllium right-anglos to each of tlle specimens after these I.-: in Figs and Fig 2,a. Fig shf-)ws t!,,c-~ Jopend-Ince ',`io duratior of the recrys tall i zat, ion proceos -,r, tao f3mperaturo of, ,jfU-jT- ijj~) fjp~aj &,' isot'llermal arAlwaling , -114 F.Ig 4 -,)i(,)ws tl,e del) orden,.-c oji, t1l') a-Ver;iji;c. gra.111 liazmpta- oil the time of lsothe-,-mal annoilinic In coordin; too . Or., tho basis of t`o ractivation oriox~gy of li-.Atioyl -~f 11.13"If doformo~l by"' alon- tts wid 1, e~t,.~ tc, 11)(~ In 21 Xcq!/ at,~m. Tj--o , vrowtn in finely C arO 2/2 tcm. Thc,re aro ~' f".11gui-es -n,, of w`-,; Soviet and 2 Engliz!i, ASSOCIATICN: 10)ar-liovskly i ko -e I..,Ii!"Lc:v USSR U;,,.r . .1; SU BM I TT ED: 1-5, 1959 85043 IZIS' 210901~ S/126/6o/olO/004/012/023 ,2 6,,~-W ~ 0 E021/E4o6 AUTHORS: Ivanov, V.Ye., Amonenko, V.M., Tikhinskiy, GeFe and KruglyRh,-X-.A. % - . TITLE: Refining Beryllium by Vacuum Distillation PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye. 1960, Vol.10, No.4, PP-581-585 TEXT: Previous work (Refs.11 to 14) had shown the possibility of purifying beryllium from certain elements despite similar volatilities of these elements and beryllium. The present work was carried out using a diffusion pump giving residual pressures of 10-5 to 10-6 mm Hg. A beryllium oxide crucible was used for evaporating the beryllium, heated by molybdenum spirals. The condensing column, placed over the crucible, is shown in Fig.l. Condensation took place on the molybdenum plate on the inside of the column. The condensation surface was heated to 900 to 1100 C (measured by a pyrometer and by thermocouples) and the optimum temperature was determined. Fig.2 shown the ratio of the impurity content in the original material (q2) to the impurity in the condensate (ql) plotted against the temperature of evaporation (I - iron, 2 nickel, 3 copper, 4 Rillcon). Fis-3 allows Card 1/3 85043 S/126/6o/olO/004/012/023 Eon/Oo6 Refining Beryllium by Vacuum Distillation the change in manganese content with increasing column temperature. A similar change occurs with aluminium. Fig.4 shows that 85 to 90% of the original material can be distilled before the impurity concentrations increase to any extent. Fig-5 shows a column with baffles which has been used very successfully. The table gives the chemical composition of the initial beryllium (second column) and the beryllium after distillation (third column using a simple condensing column, and the fourth column using baffles). The purest beryllium is obtained in the middle zone and is 99.99% apart from oxygen (0.6%) and carbon (0.02%). The carbon originates from oil vapours from the diffusion pump, and the oxygen from sublimation of the crucible material (BeO) and reactions between beryllium and the crucible material to form Be20- The microhardriess of the distilled beryllium (99.98%) decreased to 130 kg/mm2 for monocrystals and the hardness of the cast metal was 100 Hb - a decrease by a factor of 1.5 to 2. The low plasticity of the beryllium is explained by the considerable quantities of carbon and oxygen still present. There are 5 figures, 1 table and 16 references% 8 Soviet and 8 English. Card 2/3 85043 5/126/6o/010/004/012/023 E021/E4o6 Refining Beryllium by Vacuum Distillation ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR (Physics and Engineering Institute, AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: April 12, 196o Card 3/3 S/032/60/026/05/47/063 00 B010/B0O8 AUTHORS% Amonenko, V. M., Kru#j-lykh, A. A., PaYlov,_V, S., Tikhinskiy, G. ?i TITLEt Manufacture of a BLrz.-.-lium Foiiy~ PERIODICALs Zavodskaya laboratori3:a, 1960, Vol, 26, No. 5, pp. 625-620 TEXTi Beryllium foils of a thickne;is of 20-300 AA are used for the manufacture of X-ray counter tube wIndows. With the existing methoda for the manufacture of such foils there is the difficulty of obtaining foils which are sufficiently plastin at room temperature. A method according to which 'beryllium is depisited by vaporization on a polished molybdenum lamella in vacuum (appro:-. 10-6 mm Hg) is described. The beryllium is deposited by vaporizat:,on on the preheated molybdenum lamella from a BeO-.cruoible at 1300--15500C in vacuum and then treated thermally (in vacuum). The dependenie of the plasticity of the finished beryllium foil on its thickness (Fil,. 1), on the temperature of condensation (Fig. 2) and the lengti- of the thermal aftertreatment (Fig. 3) was investigated. Vacuum tight and nlastic foils are obtained Card 1/2 Manufacture of a Beryllium ?oil S1032 ,/60/026/05/47/06.3 BO1O/BOO8 if the molybdenum underlayer has 50-1000C at the beginning of the deposition by vaporization, and the temperature is thereafter quickly increased. It was determined that the grain of the foil gets coarser with the increase of the temperature and prolongation of the duration of the beryllium condensation. A corresponding duration is to be applied for each temperature of the thermal aftertreatmant. It is recommended to aftertreat thermally for 6 and 3 hours at 700 and 6000C. Foils of a thickness of 40-70,oA. are vacuum tight, if the underlayer was not heated above 3000C~ There are 3 figures and 2 references, 1 of which is Soviet. Card 2/2