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69-20-1-9120 investigation of the Nature of the Adhesion Bond in the Cementing of two High-Molecular Compounds The reaction of the substrata plays an important role. It is highest in a neutral medium (Fig. 3) and is lowered when acid or alkali solutioroare applied. This phenomenon is explained by a reduction of the surface density of electrification. There are 3 figures, 4 tables, and 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet, 1 English. ASSOCIATIONs Institut fizicheakoy khimii AN SSSR Moskva (institute of Physical Chemistry of the AS USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTEDs December 18, 1956 AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 3/3 fl. RO; The influence of LLn electrical field an the dispersion of a liquld." ro2ort pMcentad at tba 76va-ft A1.1-Wca Ocaaro=a on Colloldal Cbemlfift7j. ThU104 Goargim sa, 12-16 Udy 108 (MDU mbur. 20.,5,, p.677-9, 158, T=bman, A.B) - - - - - - rl n 6 1 :~L T?~, ~-, ; F A - - "TA ; 1, . -- 1~. "Adhus-lunal Connection aiul the Metilods c)f, ~fr I , IfivertigUtIon." report Presented at the Section on Colloid Chemistry, VIII M~'ud~ General and Applied Chemistry, Moscow leyev 0 IQ (KOll. Zhur. V- 21, No. 4 1 16-23 March 1959. C n' Mnce of , PP- 509-511) 5W AUTHORSt Krotovaj-N, A@# Morozovat ~,o Ps. S07/20-127-1-38/65 TITLEs Investigation of Diffusion Processes in the Adhesion of Polymers by Means of the Luminescence Method (Issledovaniye diffuzionnvkh protsessoy v adgezii polimerov lyuminesteentnym matodom) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademil nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Vr 11 PP 141-144 (USSR) ABSTRACT3 In a previous paper (Ref 1) the authors pointed out that the adhesion bond between polymara may take place by two different processes% (i) by the formation of an electric double layer at the boundaries of both polymeral and (2) by diffusion processes, in which case the boundary between the polymers is blurred to an extent as to be aptly designated as contact zone* There occurs not only a diffusion of chain segments and maoro- molecule chains# but also a passage of whole structural complexes.into the other molecule. Now experiments shoved that also in this case an electric double layer is generated first., This was determined by means of a measuring device (Fig 1), A metal plate was soldered onto the grid of a radio tubes Then Card 1/3 approaching an electrically charged polymer to this plate, Investigation of Diffusion Processes in the SOY/20-127-1-38/65 Adhesion of Polymers by Means of the Luminencence Method the changed grid potential caused a neon lamp inserted in the circuit to extinguish. If both polymer surfaces are glued to each other, the elootric double layer may be maintained in some systems for an arbitrarily long time, whereas it vanishes gradually in other systems owing to diffujion. The blurring of the contact zone waa microscopically investigated at different temperatures in the system gutta-percha - paraffin (Table 1). Moreover, the diffusion process was investigated by marking the one polymer with a luminophore (tropaeolin). The micro- soopic preparations were photogra h d in the ultraviolet light. The following was investigated:(1 geelatin - polyvinyl alcohol, ~2~ perchloro vinyl - gutta-porchap (3) gutta-percha - paraffin, 4 natural rubber - natural rubber (smoked shoots). The photographs taken reveal that in some systems the boundary is maintained (System I - Fig 2), whereas in other systems diffusion occurs in the contact zone (system 3 - Fig 3P System 4 - Fie 4). The authors thank T, At Krotoya and Card 2/3 Investigation of Diffusion Processes in the BOV/20-127-1-3e/65 Adhesion of Polymer@ by Means of the Luminescence Method M. Ya. Voltpert for assistance and B. Ve Deryagin I Corresponding Member of AS USSR for valuable advice* There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 7 references, 6 of rhioh are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, 'USSR) PRESLMTEDs December 12, 1958, by F. A. Rebinder, Academician SUBMITTED: December 9t 1958 Card 3/3 15(8) SOV/20-127-2-19/70 AUTHORSt Krotov rozova, L.P., Sokolina, r,. A. TITLEs The Mechanical Properties of the Adhesion of Polymers PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 29 PP 302-305 (USSR ABSTRACT% In the introduction it is stated that the methods used hitherto for investigating polymer adhesion are deficient. A now "adhosiometor" is described which enables the determination of the separating work of two bodies by means of an adjustable velooityt and permits recording of voltage-oscillations during separation* A scheme of this instrument is given in figure 1. An electric resistance tensiometer is used for the determination of voltage fluctuations. After a g9neral discussion of the "adhesiometer" the experimental results are given. First, the osoillograms shown in f1gure 3 of the systems gutta peroha - steel# and other of cellulose plus bentyl alcohol - steel are discussed. Subsequently, experiments are described which were made in order to investigate the separation of tra telescoped cylinders connected by a layer of polymers 200 - 300.At-thioks Card 1/2 In these experiments the separation was recorded by means of a The Mechanical Properties of the Adhesion of Polymers SOV120-127-2-19AO cinematic camera, The change In voltage and in the distance between the two cylinders is shown in two diagrams (Fig 4). From results obtained in this manner the authors assume that a separating stress may be d6terminal simultaneously with the separating work. Tu. Me Kirillova, N. Ye. Golynakaya and Be A* Fadeyev assisted in the JnvPst!.gatJczi. The authors thank Be V. Deryagin for his advl~~e. There are 4 figures, I table, and ',? references, 6 of whic~h are Siviat. ASSOCIATIONs In8titut fiticheskoy khll.mli Akadem1i nwik 533R (Institute of Physical Ch6mistry of the Academy ~f Sciences, 'USSR) PRESFOTEDs March 28, 1959t by Pe A. Rebinder, Academician SUBMITTED% March 259 1959 Card 2/2 15-. //00 66494 ~;OV/20-129-1-41/64 AUTFOR6: j4rotova, N. A. , 111orozova, L. P. , ;j,~-ryagin, B. Y, , Corresponding Member, AS USSR TITLE: An Investigation of the Adhesion of a Polymer to Modified Glass Surfaces in Connection With the Reversal of Its Charge Sign in Tearing off PERIODICALz Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 129, Nr 1, pp 149-152 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In reference i the authors observed that polymers severed from glass surfaces in the course of changes in the reaction surface reverse the sign of their charge. The present paper investigates the relationship between the mechanical and electrical values of adhesion to bases the chemioal character of which had been modi- fied. The base employed consisted of glass the ourfsoe of which wao first oleaned by means of it glow discharge and then treated with organosilicio compounds of the series (CH Sicl ) 4-A n 3 (n - 1, 2, 3, 4). The following polymers were applied to the our- facet nitrocellulose, benzyl- und alkyl oellulose, polyvinyl Card 1/3 alcohol, gutta-percha, perchlorovinyl- and carboxyl-contai 1 9 TZ, 66494 BOV/20-129-1-41/64 An Investigation of the Adhesion of a Polymer to Modified Glass Surfacesin Connection With the Roverual of Its Charge Sign in Tearing off rubber, oopolymeriestes of synthetic styrene rubber with metbacrylic acid. Adhesion was determined by measuring the tear- ing off energy at a tearing off rate of 1 om/seo. The sign of the charge of the torn off film was tested with a tube electro- meter. The experimental results uhown in table 1 and figures 1-3 led the authors to the following conclusions: The reversal of charge signs depends on the chemical composition of the surface. Minimum adhesion is found-near the point of reversal of the charge aign, Thus there is a direct relation between the mechan- ioal and electrical adhesion values. The stated influence of a chemical modification of the surface indicatea the importance of the chemical factor in the formation of the oleotric double layer. Since, according to the electrical theory of adhesion, the charges of the surfaces torn asunder must be considered as residual charges of the electric double layer, the reversal of the charge sign of these separated Durfaces must be caused by an equivalent revereal*in Wo cha*rge signs of the double layer. The untreated glaeo surface, an electron donor, is transformed Card 2/3 into an electron acceptor by modification when the ratio b t en LT" 66494 SOY/20-129-1-41/64 An Investigation of the Adhesion of a Polymer to 'Modified Glas6 Surfacesin Connection With the heyersal of Its Charge Sign in Tearing off methyl and hydroxyl groups on the aurface reachea a certain value. The authors thank A. Ya. Korolev in whoue laboratory the modification of the glass surfaces was carried out. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONt Inatitut fizicheskoy khimii 1kademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED% July 2, 1959 11K Card 3/3 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5364 Krotova, Nataliya Aleksandrovna 0 skleivanii i prilipanii (On Cementing and Adhesion) Moscows Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1960. 167 p. (Seriest Akademiya nauk SSSR. Nauohno-populyarneya seriya) lOpOOO copies printed. Sponsoring Agenoys Akadsmiya nauk SSSR. Inatitut fizicheskoy khImii. Rasp. Eda V.I. Likhtman; Ed* of Publishing House: A.P. Purmall I Tech. Ed. t T.V, Polyakava. PURPOSEs This boolt is intended primarily for students in schools of higher and secondary education. COVERAGE j Part I contains a brief historical review of the development of tech. nological processes of cementing, varnishing, adheaionste.., in various appli- cations. Part II of the book attempts to clarify the mechanism of these pro- basses, and is based on existing literature and on investigations carried out at the laboratory of the Institut fiziobaskoy khimii (Institute of Physical Oft Cementing and Adhesion SOV/5364 Chemistry) under the direction of B.V. Deryaginl Corresponding Member, AS USSR. In the Foreword the author speaks of the electrical theory of adhesion evolved by her and B.V. Deryagin and based on the concept of the double electrical layer formed in a aloes contact of two surfaces and of the forces of elsotro- static attraction botween theme According to the author this attraction would be the main cause of adhesion phonomena,while the forces of molecular inter- aotiontheretofore oonsiderod the cause of these phenomenal would in reality play only a secondary role. The author thanks the following persons for their advices B,-V. Deryagins V.I. Likhtman, V.V. Karasevp A.Ya. Korolev, F.F. Voll- kenshtayup V.A. Dukoval NX. Serb-Sextina, M.F. Serebryanaya, i.L. Zaydes, and S.S. Voyutskiy. Part I is accampained by 49 referenceal all Soviet (including 2 translaxions); Part II by 18f all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTSt Foreword Introduction 5 Card-4/5- 6B7U6 -:54 '57111100 S/069/60/022/01/014/025 D034/DO03 AUTHORS: Serebryanaya,_ M.F., Krotova, N.A. TITLE- The Deformation and At-omiz-ation of C9112Li msl in -System the Vicinity of a Charged Surface PERIODICAL; Kolloidnyy zhurnalv 1960, Vol XXII, Nr 1, pp 82-89 (US'3R) ABST11ACT: The present paper, which was delivered as a report at the IV Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya po kolloidnoy khimii (IV All-Union Conference of Colloidal Chemistr~) in Tbilisi (1958), gives the results of a study of the behavior of some oleophilic colloidal system near the surface of a dielectric charged by friction, Objects of the investigation were carbon-black suspensions in vaseline oil and suspensions of printing inks and color- ing dyes in machine oil. The investigation revealed two basic processes in carbon-black suspensionssubject- ed to the effect of the charged dielectric surface: Card 1/4 68706 S/069/60/022/01/014/025 D034/DO03 The Deformation and Atomization of Colloid Systems in the Vicinity of a Charged Surface 1) abrupt separating of large drops, which during their movement assume a spherical form; diameter of the drops 3-6 mm; 2) abrupt separating of small drops, quickly following one another (at a medium rate of 100 drops per sec?nd); the size of the drops varies from 0.1 mm to 10- mm. Very often the forma- tion of small drops (atomization) can be observed immediately after.the fall of a large drop. Both pro- cesses can alternate. Adding of a stabilizer (oleic, acid) to the suspension does not affect its behavior in the electric field. The deformation of small vo- lumes of carbon-black suspension in vaseline oil (and also of printing inks) under the effect of a uniformly charged dielectric surface is explained by migration of the charged particles of the disperse phase to the Card 2/4 o006 B/069/60/022/01/014/025 D034/DO03 The Deformation and Atomization of Colloid Systems in the Vicinity of a Charged Surface surface, the particles entraining in their motion the dispersion medium. In the absence of the disperse phase the solvent (under the conditions of the experiment) does not react to the approach of the charged surface. When a sufficient number of charged particles has accumulated at the droplet surface, it atomizes, owing to repulsion of particles of the same sign and fall in the surface tension. With the aid of high-speed photo- graphy the authors measured the magnitudes of defor- mation as function of the distance from the charged surface, as well as the sizes and shapes of the atomi- zing particles and the rate of atomization. The ob- served phenomena may be utilized for contactless prin- ting and electrostatic aerography. The authors mention the scientist N.N. Serb-Serbina, who with the Veyler- Card 3/4 68706 S/069/60/022/01/014/025 D034/DOO3 The Deformation and Atomization of Colloid Systems in the Vicinity of a Charged Surface -Rebinder device investigated the characteristics of age' dyes. They express their gratitude to the Asso- ciate Member of the AS USSR B.V. Dervagin for useful advice, and also to N.Ye. Golynskaya and B.A. Fadeyev for their participation in the experimental part of 'the work. There are 5 photographs, a set of photo- graphs, 3 graphs and 9 references, 4 of which are Soviet, 4 English and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR, Moskva (In- stitute of Physical Chemistry of the AS USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTED: November 24, 1958 Card 4/4 31896 S/643/61/000/000/001/007 oo E040/E485 AUTHORS: Kroto a, Morozova, L.P. ._y_ _J~t*. , TITLE: Investigation of adhesion of polymers by means of luminescent technique SOURCE- Konferentsiya po poverkhnostnym silam. Moscow, 1960. Issledovaniya v oblasti poverkhnostnykn sil; sbornik dokladov na konferentaii, Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1961. At head of title: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut fizicheskoy khimii. 48-54 + 1 plate TEXT: In the present paper the authors give a detailed analysis of previous studies on the bond formed by adhesion between surfaces of various polymers and their critical evaluation is followed by an account of the investigations, carried out at the Institute of Physical Chemistry AS USSR. The study was made by means of luminescence techniques because this method offers a number of advantages in comparison with the more usual X-ray techniques. Preliminary tests involved the introduction of a luminophor (tropolin) into the solvent of one of the polymers in the concentration of 1:20000. k film of the polymer with luminophor was then formed on the surface of another polymer deposited on Card 1/4 31896 S/643/61/000/000/001/007 Investigation of adhesion E040/E485 the sub-base of hydrophobic glass. After the removal of the solvent, the double layer of polymers was cut into a number of small specimens for microscopic examination in UV light. The tests showed that gelatine-gutta-percha polymers separation boundary is clearly discernible and little diffusion occurs of one polymer into the other. Data obtained in bond strength tests showed that electric charges of opposite signs are present at the separation boundary in the above system and that gelatine behaves as an electron donor with respect to polyvinyl alcohol. Vinyl perchloride behaves similarly with respect to gutta-percha. Investigation of this production of electric charges on the surface of polymer pairs during their separation showed that an electrical double layer develops in all cases (including self-diffusion) in the initial period of boundary separation. In some polymer systems this double-laycr Is preserved indefinitely and, in others it disappears in consequence of diffusion. Further studies were made on an extended range of polymers including natural and synthetic rubbers, paraffin and other materials. Full details are also given of tests conducted with Belf-luminescent polymers. In some cases, the separation boundaries of polymer pairs were heat- Card 2/4 31"6 S/643/61/000/000/001/007 Investigation of adhesion ... E040/E48_5 cured before testing. The diffusion of the luminophor was found to depend on the chemical nature of the polymers. The contact boundary between identical polymers is very diffuse and indicates self-adhesion. Self-adhesion occurs also in heat-cured boundaries in the paraffin -gutta-percha system. Gelatine-vinyl perchloride and other systems with polar groups have a sharp separation boundary. In systems in which paraffin is one of the components, the separation boundary is very sharp (0.061L) in comparison with the diffusion range in other systems: 0.119 to 0.165 mm for the heat-cured gutta-percha- paraffin boundary. Natural rubber- gutta-percha and similar systems have a wide separation boundary characteristic of non-polar polymer pairs with similar chemical structure and of other systems involving low molecular weight paraffins. Systems with components with a clear difference in their chemical structure (polar and non-polar), but with characteristic polar groups present in one of the components, gave a very narrow separation zone (micron and below). The vinyl perchloride - C.Kra (SKB) system gave a sharp separation boundary irrespective of the method of its preparation and the type of thermal curing. It is suggested that the luminescence technique Card 3/4 31896 S/643/61/000/000/001/007 Investigation of adhesion E040/E485 is suitable for investigations of local stresses in microvolumes, e.g. in the process of film formation, shrinkage and tearing. In all these cases, bright luminescence is discernible. The results of the investigation led the author to the conclusion that the diffusion and electrostatic theories of adhesion are compatible. Acknowledgments are expressed to A.L.Zaydes, T.A.Krotova and. G.R.Vol'pert for assistance. B.V.Deryagin, S.K.Zherebkov, A.M.Medvedeva, L.A.Berlin, S.S.Voyutskiy and V.L.Vakula are mentioned in the article for their contributions in this field. There are 4 figures, 1 table and 9 references: 5 Soviet-bloc, 1 Russian translation from non-Soviet-bloc publication and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The two references to English language publications read as follows: Ref.2: D.Josfowitz, H.Mark, Ind. Rub. World, 1949, v.33, 106; Ref.4: McLaren, Mod. Plast., v.31,, no.11, 1954, 114, 116, 181. ASSOCIATION- Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry AS USEM/ Card 4/4 L) 31899 B/643/61/000/000/004/007 B040/E485 AUTHORS; Krotova,___4.A., Morozova, L.P. TITLE: Application-of infrared spectroscopic techniques in the study of adhesive-base interactions (polymer- glass) SOURCE: Konferentsiya po poverkhnostnym.silam. Moscow, 1960. Issledovaniya v oblasti poverkhaostnyxh ail; abornik dokladov na konferentaii, Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1961. At head of title: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut fizicheskoy khimii. 83-88 TEXT: Infrared spectroscopy was used for examining the interaction with glass surfaces of two types of polymers: with inter- and intramolecular hydrogen bonds, the investigation being based on an experimentally determined linear relationship between the infrared absorption maxima and the distance between the proton donors and acceptor atoms (Ref.3: K.Nakamoto, M.Margoshes, R.E.Rundell, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1955, 77, 6430). The glass surfaces were specially prepared in or er to improve the adhesive effect (pores varying from 40 to 1000 V Preliminary investigations showed that the hydroxyl grOUPB on the glass surface behave as adsorption centres for organic molecules Card 1/3 31899 S/643/61/000/000/004/007 Application of infrared E040/E485 (metacrylic acid monomer). A comparative study was made of the spectra of glass control specimens, previously dehydrogenated by heating in vacuum, with those obtained for identical glass specimens with a layer of adsorbed monomers which were subsequently polymerized by heating. The polymers studied were~ para-carboethoxyphenylmetac,rylamide and ortho.-car-boethoxyphenyl- metacrylamide. Adsorption of the monomers from the gaseous phase gave spectra indicating hydrogen bonding between the hydroxyl groups of the glass and the COOH groups of metacrylic acid. A deeper chemical change occurs after prolonged contact of glass surface with liquid monomer and leads to the disappearance of the hydroxyl groups. Adhesive interaction of the para monomer with hydroxyl groups gives a greater displacement of the OH absorption band toward longer wavelengths than that observed in an analogous interaction of the ortho compound. This points to a difference in the distance between the 0 ... 0 atoms in the hydrogen bond formed in these compounds. Differences in the width of absorption bands of the ortho -and meta polymers indicate a greater increase in the 0 ... 0 distance in the ortho polymers with intramolef~ular h7drogen bonds. There are 6 figures and Card 2/3 M~" 31899 S/643/61/000/000/004/007 Application of infrared E040/E485 7 references; 4 Soviet-bloc, 1 Russian translation from non-Soviet- bloc publication and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The two references to English language publications read as follows; Ref.2: A.A.Ketelaar. Chem. Constitution. Amsterdam, 1957, p.404; Ref-3: K.Nakamoto, M.Margoshes, R.E.Rundell. J. Am, Chem. Soc.. 1955, 77, 6430- ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry AS USSR) Card 3/3 DERTAGIN, B.T.,; ZAKILATATBYA, B.H.. red.; red.; KUSAKOT, N.M., red.; RWIN, S.T., red.; PROINOROT, P.S., red.; TALATNT, M.T., red.; PUS, G.L. red.: BANKTITSER. A.L., -red.isd-va; RYLINA, Tu.T., [Investigations In the field of surface forces; collection of reports made at the Conference on Surface rorces, April 19601 Issledovanile v oblasti poverkhnostnykh all; abornik dokladov na konferentall po poverkhnostnym ailam, aprell 1960 g. Moskva, 1961. 231 p. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Akodemlyn nauk SSSR. Institut fizichaskoy khImil. 2, Chlen- korrespondent AN SM (for Deryagin). (Surface chemistry) 25687 4 - -ZLI 00 S/IBV61/003/007/009/023 11 DD B102/B214 AUTRORSi Xrotovat N, Asp Morosoval L. P.# and Sokolina, 0. A. TITLM Investigation of adhesive binding of solid bodies PERIODICALt lisike, tvardogo telap v. 3, no. 79 1961, 1999-2009 TZXTs In an earlier paper., the,authors investigated the electrical nature of adhesion phenomena which are based on the formation of an electric double layer. The mechanism of formation of this double layer is different for different systems. The authors now investigate the character of adhesive binding for semiconductors, dielectrics, and metals, and determineL the adhesion oharaoteriatios"of them@ solids by means of mechanical and optical methods. The measurementewors made by a universal adhosiometer of the t7P#AJC.1 (AZO-1), oonetruoted in the authors' laboratory. is usual, adhesion is characterized by the rupture energy. The now instrument permits the determination of the rupture energy, the specific rupture 9tresso an well as the michanioal properties of the Joined materials. The instrument is schematically shown in Fig. 1. On the stand (1) there is an element (2) moving up and down ind connected with the lower clamp which Is I Card 1/5 25687 6/181J61/003/007/009/023 Investigation of adhesive binding of ... B102/3214 joined to the sample. The rupture with the given rate of 0.5 ma/sIc is brought about by a magnetic mechanism. 'The fluctuations in tension are recorded by electric resistance tonsiometers We The spectroscopic invastigations of the samples were carried out with a spectrograph of the typ*kfCK-14 (ISK-14) for which a special vacuum chamber was constructed. Luminescence was also ihvoatigat*d. The adhesive binding of the following systems was studiedl semiconductor - metal, polymer - &*mioonduotor, polymer - glasep and polymer - polymer* The investigations showodg inter aliag that the adhesion between indium and germanium substantially increases if the surface of the latter has previously boon subjected to a Clow discharge, The inoreass'of adhesion may be explained as being due to the ppearanas of a large number of adhesion-active recombination conterst : hioh in indicated by the decrease of the carrier lifetime experimentally observed. Theme results are in agreement with those of V. P. Smilga and, B. V. Deryagin (DAN SSSR, 122,v. 6, 1049, 1958) who.'have shown that the field at the junction of Geo'somioonductor and the metal increases rapidly with an increase in the number of ionized centers at the surface of 2the nomiconductor (before contact)* The adh*9 *ive power is given by FaZ /871. The surface recombination which depends essentially on adhesion, is Card 2/5 25687 8/181/61/003/007/009/023 Investigation of adhesive binding of ... B102/3214 directly proportional to the number of surface states which, in their turn, are related to the number of ionised centers on the free surface of the semiconductor. In the oases invostigatedl the establishment of an adhesive binding between polymer and glass is due to the appearance of a hydrogen bond between the hydroxyls of the glass &ad the functional groups of the polymer. On breaking the contact the glass surface is found to be protonized while'the polymer surface emits electrons. Prom this, it may be concluded that the total statistical effect that accompanies the destruction of the hydrogen bonds acting in the inter- facial plane gives rise predominantly to positive charges on the glass-, oauved by protons of the broken bonds. The establishment of an adhesive binding between two polymers is introduced by electrostatic processes. Thereupon, diffusion processes take place on the interface, as was shown by luminescence studies. The interface is blurred, and on separating the two polymers no further electrical phenomena appear. T. A. Sokolova and L. A. Oveyannikova are mentioned. There are 5 figures, 4 tables,and 15 referenooso 12 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATIONt Institut fizich*skoy khizii AN SSSR Kooky& (Institute of Card 3/5 Physical Chemistry, AS USSR# Moscow) VOLINA) L.M.; KROTUVA, N.A. Motion picture method of investigating the ippregnation of chips. Bumeprom. 37 no*3:11-14 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Mookovskiy filial Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-inaledovatellskogo instituta bumashnoy promyshlennosti (for Volina). 2. Institut finichoskoy khimii AN SSSR (for Krotova). (Woodpalp) U5L-6 8/020J62/147/006/031/034 B144/B186 AUTHORSi Sokolinag G. A-,.Krotova.,__~~. A., Khrustalov, Yu. A. TITLEt Study of the properties of a polymer-semiconductor interface PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v- '147, no. 6, 1962, 1409 -1412 TEXTs The adsorption proevas occurring at polymer-somiconduotok--fnter- faces was investigated by measuring the surface conductivity in the "field effe,at". The sample used was n-type germanium with a resistivity of 40 ohm:cm and a diffusion length of 2-5 mm etched in a H202-alkali mixture and coated with films of linear vinyl-type polymers or methylmethacrylate- methacrylic acid copolymers. The field applied had a strength of 106 V/Qm. First, the surface conductivit.T was measured-in a sample of uncoated 091 here the Ad-versus-time curve showed a sharp rise when the field,was appliedi followed quickly by-the minimum and returning then to the initial value. On Go, two surface states were observedt the "fast" states at the Go oxide - Ge interface and the "slow" states at the exterial-face of the oxide or in the oxide. These slow surface states characterizing the'ad- sorption and adhesion processes were studied by applying a constant Card 1/2 S/02 62/147/006/031/034 Study of the properties of-a .. B144YB186 voltage. Control studies of the semiconductor-air interface revealed the positive charge of the ourfice'. 'The effect of the polymer films on the surface conduc 'tivity dependid'on the nature and concentration of the functional groups. An incr6ase in the concentration of the CODH groups, which are electron-donora, 6hinged the amount and the sign of the bending of the bands and also the qyahtity and the sign of the charge resulting from the adhesion bond between semiconductor and polymer. The experimental data were compared with thoa~e'calculated from known theories. The impor- tance of these investigations 'for the coating of simicoinductors is stressed, There are 4 figures# ASSOCIATION-3 Institut fizioheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED3 July 191 1962g by P. A. Rebinder, Academician SUBMITTEDi July 16, 1962 Card 2/2 .... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .v, POLYAKOVI A.M.; KROTGVAp N*Ae "Machanoolectron" emission intensity during the break-off am deformation of polymer films. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.lsl3o-133 J1 163. (KRA 160) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SM. Predstavleno akademikon A.N.Frumkinym. (Polymers) (Electrons-Emission) =-TD-J-V-at Rar~' ya R T-A IWC M f. n al r I "Electrical phenomena In adhesion." report to be presented at the 4th Intl Cong on Surface Active Substances, Brussels, Belgium, 7-12 Sep 64. R ACCESSION NR: AP4023500 S/0069/64/026/oO2/0207/0214 AUTHORS: Kr QtaY&"_0A.j; Morozoval L.P.; Polyakov, A.M.; Sokolinal 6-.A.; Stefanovich, N,N, i-TITLE: Investigation of various types of adhesion bonds SOURCE: Kolloidny*y zhurnal, v. 26, ho. 2, 1964, 207-214 TOPIC TAGS: adhesion mechanism, adhesion bond, interface erosion, chemosorption, donor acceptor interaction, functional groupl electron emission, semiconductor surface conductivity, surface modifi-* j, cation, higli speed semiconductori germanium- ABSTRACT: In order to determine the mechanism'of adhesion, several i' phenomena at the polymer-solid substrate interface were investigatedc Adhesive bonds resulting from diffusion processos in which the in- terface is eroded, from the formation of a new phase on the sub- strate by the polymerization of organometallic compounds, and from chemosorption on the interface leading to the formation of a double electric layer are discussed. By IR spectroscopy it has been established that adhesion of polymers is largely due to chemical L 1/7 ,Card ACCESSION NR: AP4023500 donor-acceptor interactions. The adhesion can therefore be control-' led by rational selection of the function groups of the adhesive and substrate on the basis of their donor-acceptor properties. A number of functional polymer groups were arranged in series accor I ing to their ability to impart a positive charge to the surface on tearing the film from the substrate (i.e., decrease in their donor properties). A method was worked out for determining the effect of the functional groups of the polymer by measuring the intensi-w of electron emission formed by the breakdown of the adhesion bond between the polymer and the glass substrate (figs. 1 and 2)'. There are changes in the characteristics of a semiconductor upon formation of adhesion bonds between it and the polymer; the part played by the functional groups of the polymer responsible for the degree of charge of the surface was investigated. The surface conductivity in the field effect of germanium crystals modified with alkyl- chlor'osilanes (fif, 3) was determined in an apparatus shown in tig.4.' Modification sign icantly changes.(roduces) the high speed propert-', i6s of the semiconductor surface. Orig. art. has: 7 *f igums Lrd- V7 ACCESSION NR: AP4023500 ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskov khimii'AN SSSRj Moooow(Inatituto of Physical Chemistryq AN SSSR) 04 SUBMITTED: 03Aug6! DATE ACQ1 .15Aj;64 UNCL% J SUB CODE: oc, so '.0TH31tswool NO REY SOVI 009 ATD PR=t 3o44 3/7 Card ENCLOSURE 01 ACCzsSj0N NRI AP402.3500 He impbec i F-igs 1, -Diagr&u Of A recording ission of electrons With N~" ac after-am rcha film toVn AWAY-frOu guttamps -sop ------- J-T- I sadn ~C 4/7 ACUSSION NRS AP4021500 ENCLOSUREt 02 N "Lmr/ftc YLS9 2, Curves of the relationship. of the-LntenaLty of after-cuLseLon to time for diffe'rent polymers after. removing from glass I Nitrile rubber, 2 sutta-perchai *3 carbaxlyate r ubber T Card 5/7 ACCESSION NRt AP4023500 ZNCLOSU~zj 03 jet sll~ Pigs 3s Surface conductivity in the field effect for sample of gar- manium, modified with alkylehloro- silane. The dark (1) and light (2) curves were obtained by the method of static photoconductivity. Picture taken.from oscillograph screen 6/7 IR ACCESSION NRI AP4023500 ENCLOSURES 04 1. Fig. 4, Mock diagram ofappara~uo for measuring surface conductivity in the field affect by the fixed conductLvi ty method 2 - vol tmiter, 3 :EIT sample, 4 - electrodes. 5 - poten- tLometer, 6 - amplLfLer, 7 - condo n ser, 8 - oseLlIatoro 9 - r&dLodia- 0 phase scanner. gramo I Card* 17/7 f -nd with a POIV-Cr v oh I r I I 'K konf.,rent-,jif 1JOSC-OW, 1ZO-VO L4UIUKfit, L7-, f BS TRA,7T - Tile 8ppLICdLiCm uL v r r t ar r Fric o ~Tijhi Ps us i- ene t h and the change I r, a r; 4 u z C ~-~r- 7111 L t (I can aJhPSI';C -1 by C"PCtr('- chemicil methods. These experiments proved tile pogsit)i1ity ot measuring tile race f -jr '~i( I, recombination anal changes in surface c niid~ic tviiv :~f a serniconductor 17g 1 1 m -1r- I I ed t r q I I I ufj P t: CIL, n21 OT11FR 013 2 -C E~ Ewa',F IEPI r Ft-10 ACCESSION NR! AT50W-411 VOW 164 IN"WO 'A 1 1 '3 'A""11 101 1 11- 1 V~l I I f V j ~ A. ALULHOR: ~ojyS!S2v., A. M.; KFotova N. A TITLE- Investigation of the electrical properties of a froshly fomed surface with respect to the emission of fast electr.-)ns S 0 ~TRCE Konferenti;iva po poverkhnnatn%rin silarn, ?c' 114ii? I a'd-.~j V4 V phl"q4ti C , -K - J ;)~-nner interface, palymor elpcrrical !"n. -I YM-~'7 ABSTRACT: The em sion of mechanoelectrons durit,& the separation and, de format ionr -ta's investigated using the camplel~"'--- AK-1 a,Jhc---jnm were deternincd timi,' it Prit'lometer. it waB eAtAb" "5rel! "1.A' S 7 CN NR: ATS000411 ~,onaratior orocerts c;in -azr i t -;dv c, t t n Em r-, ir-, the .3 yq t guttaperchn- it Wa3 ~lnt tle M, Irsi". C, e v o f a u 'o c~ P T j7 aw N a A. : I , , . 4- : ~4 ~ 1. 1 1 . - ". I . F. N . -, k- r .-, ~- " ;u 1 5 0-1 HE R : LJCJ 3 C.,d 3/3 E vr GO A P P (c) /b~ Pc-4/pr-4 Ril/w A S/ni qjjowL, Intin AF-4046902. Vr ov, Yu. P., Parfnnovich, R. 11, otcv fl, A. 7bpor A CT T-lin ronatructl0a Of the APO testing machine c,~n~njy imed fcrr tc:-vELag " ~ 1 F~A ,N L-, - ~, ~ 14C) 2 ndit tons, w~llcl~ Iq -t Rrei, - ~ .' . : I . I I -~ , t 4 , . Thr :--. iv T i "-~A'n ! C ';/' 4 .1 1 " '. q ~ I - r~ , .1, . 4 , I . ;~ 1 ' 1, 012 -66 IJP(c)/APL 31577-17W.- ~ACCESSION NR: ATS020453 -- UR/0000/64/000/000/0087/0104 IAUTHOR: Krotova$ N. A# Sokolina G. A.; Khrustalev, Yu. A.; Agranenkc, N.' P. 0 jLomova, ii. r.;,Khomutov A. M. 14.5" !TITLE: Change in the surface state of Aqjjm~ani mduring the formation of an adhesioi ibond.with a polymer !SOURCE:V rgvod-- I vkhnostnyye nilcov (12ove i kontaktnyye yavleniva). Tom~~ 0overkhnostnYye i :kontaktnyye yavleniya v poluprovodnikakh contact phenomena in semicon- iductors). Tomsk, Izd-vo Tomskogo univ., 1964, 87-104 i q11 /ii4/61/000/004/001/006 E194/E435 parameter such as moment of inertia, and the programme of blade calculation. Zone IV includes the main programme Of calcollation f (a) . p(s) st 217 Variation of a over a wide range was considered so as to analyse the function fst(s) in order to obtain information about the ;imits of variation of a in practical calculations. Calculations were made on three discs: one of constant thickness, another with a body of conical profile and a third with a body of two sections, the inner conical and the outer of constant thickness (Fig.2). The results plotted for different values of m, the number of node diameters, show that the curves of fst(s) have not more than two minima or inflection points. It was found that the shape of the disc body has a considerable influence on the shape of these curves and for a conical disc the influence of the hub is not so great as for a disc of constant thickness, In order to study the formation of these inflection points on the curve, for one of the discs values were plotted proportional to the potential Card 7/10 U' ~&4 U, S/n4/61/ooo/oo4/ool/006 The Application of ... E194/E435 energies of the hub, the disc body and the rim and it was found that the shapes of the potential energy curves of the hub and body have the most influence. The point in illustrated in Fig.3 which shows the formation of minima on the curves of a for a flat- conical disc where curve (1) corresponds to oscillation of the body and curve (2) to the hub. The formation of two inflection points, by super-position of the curves. is clearly seen. Certain procedures are recommended for simplifying the calculations. It is concluded that if a universal programme in available for the digital computer "Ural". it in beat to calculate the natural frequencies on the digital computer. The use of an analogue computer is both less accurate and requires more preparatory work for calculation of each fresh variant. Using A.V.Levin's method of calculation requires 4 to 5 working days of manual labour while the "Ural" computer can do the work in 30 to 60 minutes.. With manual calculation the minimum on the curve in determined from 3 to 4 points and on the computer from 20 to 25 points. There are 3 figures and 2 Soviet references., Card 8/10 ZHDANOY, S., kand.tekhn.nauk; MAKAROY, V., Inzh.; KROTOVA, 0., Inzh. Device capable of seeing the Invisible. Pozh.dolo 9 no.7t22-23 Jl 163, ()URA 16tlO) --.JMQTQTL,-QA4..kLudidat sell skokhO2Ia76tvennykh nauk. Sakhalin in growing its own potatoes, Nauka I paradeop. v sallkhose na.12ill-13 D 036, (MLRA 10i1) (Sakhalin Provinoe--Potatoes) USS R/Cult LvI-,,J - !lotntovn, Abs Jour : ILA LI--ur - Biol., 11-) 10, 1958, 441c)4 Autlior : Od'. Inst ;!.i9c,.)w Title )f Sccds wiCi JO Orig, I'lub SaC. i .)Gorod) 1957, No 9, 28-29- !,bstract A',ccU,-,xation of (;cr,-iiin'LJ,,)n ane. incrcascd ~iclds w-i-t- ib- tninQcl at tl,.c Vcg,--,tabl.. Station ",r~scow Agricultitral AcadQ-,,iy 'by tl,.c 3;:LOO cul- Ow,.;s with ultra -'J g,. - occdo of tli,~ Jax .rar4.L.- ty rx'Us:i, Bosson onioa, n:~,.! o-gtVla:-,t wL:r-- In~ra-:-JlLcular ii, particlcs La-'-.- plac.; an(I oxidizhi6 --r,.: intc-isifi(A ,1-~ct of the ultra- 3 -jU71(-, Carkl 1'i A -. KROTOVA. 0.A., kand.sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk Cold can help too. M. nat. no.3:38 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:3) (Seedo) (Fertilizera and manuers) KROTOVAt 0,, kand,oel'skokhozyayotvennykh rabot Do it for your colleotive farm. rUn.nat. no.3s36-37 Mr 162, (KEM 15 t4) (fertilizers and manures) (Vegotable gardening) ALEKSETEVAI M.V., doktor sellkhot. nauk, prof, re teen zent; -IMMYA,. 0.A kand. sellkhos. nauk, reteenzent; SHEVIYEV, Ye.T.-,7TPo- -Mm, retaenzent; LEZHANSKINA, Z.S., kand. sellkhoz. nauk, red.; VISHNYAKOVA, Ye., red.; GAYEV,% IT, A., red.; POKHLEBKINA, M.0 tekhn. red. (Coopers4ion of science and production; experience in joint work of the vegetable growers on the M.Gorkii State Farm and the scientists of the Research Institute of Vegetable Gardening) So- dimzhestTo nauki i proizvodstya; opyt sovmeatnoi raboty oTo- shcheTodov soTkhoza im. M.Gor1kogo i uchanykb Nauchno-issledOTa- tellskogo Institute ovoshchnogo khosialstya. MoakTa, Mosk. ra- bochii, 1963. 133 ~6gstable gardening) (MIRA 16:6) KROTOVA, 011ga Alekseyevna; kand, se2lkhox. nauki IZONOVA, T.S.0 '--redrr-RA*Nl*;-hlf~o,-i-takhne red, [Seed pellets) Somena-drazho. Moskvav Izd-vo m7maniess 1964,. 30 p. kNovoe v zhizui, nauke,tekhnike. V Seriial Sel'skoe khoziaistvot no.3) (MIRA 17:3) KROTOVA9 PPG~ J-~A - -. Integration of Izv. Sib. otd. t I I - equations for the motion AN SSSR no-7:75-86 158. of an asymmetrical gyroscope. (Min 11-.9) C', P tion of equationn ~O C!,,,-.d Phyto-L!Ah -ci m of T-.oti,,-lI of all ~Irjl-)etrir, heavy cope." :u--, 4 P,-,, r., State 13 ii", L,.V. LOVioll0rov KM TOVA, R. ; 80 IDATOTA, V. We support the start made in Rostov. Jrln.SSSR 21 no.4:72 Ap '6o. (KIR& 13:4) 1. Predeedatell mentkown Zhdannvskogo rayfinotdola Moskry (for Krotova). 2. Predsedatell meatkoma Kalininokogo rayfinotdola Moskvy (for Soldatova). (Iducation, Cooperative) Ofinancr,-Study and teaching) Oll M"? W IRMOVA9 R.G. (Vladimir) Scientific and atheistic eveing-vith the use of physical experiments. Fiz.v shkole 22 no.6t65-68 N-D 162. (KMA l6s2) (Atheism,-Study and teaching) (4sics-Experiments) tu, NAM; 5e, 41, -,J~~-i& VIS11MSKIYp N.A.; ABDULLArl-VA, V.M.1 IVANOVA; Ye.A.; KOTOVA, U.S.; KROTGVA, S.I.; STIKSOVA, V.N. Critical evaluation of the significance of "initial signal of radiation cataract. Mod. rad. 5 no.lls77-81 N 160. (MIRA 13:12) (RADIATION SICUM) (CATARACT) I I I A, I f 9 IF 11 1) 0 to of to it At a It a a j0 a is v a )0 so 11 vAd 4-10-1) 9 jv-Av--Ar-1 a,* Q 4 S I V YJ A-1-1-1 AA mcclou4s 1 k A 00 00 to -00 09 istestled udeeritt mw tb* emeftsi. 0. N"- Ow i-** Ktoutees.- MASWA010 lure"o 1140 1935. ;M31- 0 Austesk cassubmats in margarim. ion-Wiling; obr tip" mmerWas avid o0wri. can for nuntfsAl"I to wetw vaterat, by 06 cbuWs in Nit town. almd scabli. A HWY was sho m&Jc -00 -00 00 "1 11P Ice tompationgecdc argent-- moo a ll, :0 0 : AID Go so* Go 60 64 A, tie "I we tkattwx At 1C. boo u 61 %a so A rm t of 100 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 a 0 0 ST a Ogg **,to 0 of 00 00 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Goo 11, fl- - ".- T U A T USW Eedicine - Nicrobiology Medicine - Acidophilous Flora, Action "Normal Acidophilous Flora of the Intestines, Which Ferment Starch," 0. K. Palladina., T. A. Krotova,, V. A. Yazyukevicho A. A. knoskinap Leningrad Inste of Blood Transfusion, 10 pp ItUkrobiologiya" Vol XVII, No Refers to many unsatiafactory studies of subject. Discloses own studies on possiblity of pro-totinE acid formation by intestinal microflora, in which weak fementative activity was ebserved. In process of transformation of various culturcs, determined that a trans- formation of lactic acid bacteriat series frequently produced a positive accunulation of acidity in starch culture media. However, these intestinal lcctobacillus S or R-acidop- hilus, or Bacterigg Bulgarium from milk, prduced identical. results. Gives four tables of experimental results. Submitted 30 June PA U/49T71 FE-WOVA, T. A. "Directed Variation in the Characteristics of kysenteric Bacteria, H Zhur Mikrobiol, Epidemiol i Irmunobiol, 1951, No. 2 Mikroblologiya, Vol XX, No. 5p 1951 MIF-W-21,635. KRDTOVA, T.A. Rational methods for the sterilization of and the removal of dust from the air during blood giving. Akt.vop.perel.krovi no,4:78-84 '55. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Baktariologicheakaya laboratortya i todel kouservateli krovi Lenin- gradskogo instituts perelivaniya krovi. (AIR-PURUICATION) (BrwD-comacTION AND MXSIMVATION) JGWTOVA, 2.A.; mmu, H.A. On the possibility of using coliMrain In blood preservatim Antibiotiki 4 no*4.*117-121 Jl-Ag 159. (HIRL 12:11) 1. Baktariologichaskaya laboratoriya (zav. T.A.Xrotova) I laboratoriya sukhikh preparatov (sav. - prof.L.G.Bogonolovs) Leningradekogo nauchno-lonledovatel'skogo Instituta perellvaniyn krovi. (BLOOD PIMSMATION) (ANTIBIOTICS) ALZKSBYZVA, A.T., nauchuyy sotrudnik,- ARTONOVA, Yej., starshiy na=bu" not rudul doktor bioloe.nauk Study of the Influence of ionizing radiation on some imanobiological and physicoohemical properties of preserved blood. Alct.vop.perel.krovi no.7:137-145 159. (MM 13:1) 1. Otdol sagotoftl krovi, baktariologiche okays, I serologichoskays, laboratorii Leningradskogo Institute. perelivaniye, krovi. (X RAYS--PHTSIOLOGICAL IMOT) (BLOCID) KROTOVAT-T-.A-rl, starshiy nauchVy ootrudnik; YALINA, V.M. nauchnyy satrudnik Possibility of the sterilizing effect of ultrasound on plasma and blood plasma substitutene Akt.vop.paral.krovi no.7:220-222 159. (MM 1311) 1. Uningradskiy institut parelivantya krovi. (UTP,BASONIC WAVES--PHTSIOU)GICAL IFFICT) (EWOD PLASM-STIRILIZATION) AKKFJMII V.V., doktor med*n&ukj IVAITOVAI N.M.; KLIYO'IA, KX.; IIROTLOVAp T*Aop prof.; HLLSISHCHEVA, N.V. Changeo in natural im=ity and the content of vitamin B12 in leukemia in relation to treatmont, Problogematsi. parelokrovi no*7:3-11 162, (MIRA 15:9) 1. Iz-leningradekogo nauchno-isoledovatel'skogo instituta peroli- vaniya krovi (nauchn" rukovoditall - Chlen4orrespordont, ANN SSSR prof. A.W. Filatov, dir. - dotsent A.D. Belyakov). (LwxoaA) (newmr) Oywcowmnx) rw NK R ,j 0 ~ . RESHETNIKOV, N.S., dotfi.; IEVANOVAO R.V.p inzb.; ASHKOVSKAYAO A.S.,, inzh.; A14TONOVA, G.P.# tekhnik; ANIKIMIKO, O.M., tekbnik; KORESHKOVA, V.I. tekbnJ ; LWlOVA,-T.N.,. takhnik; BIRYUKOVA, V.N., tekhnik; PAVLYUY.OVI, Sellep tskhrdlC,-.---FARAM14A, IT.L., teklm. red. [Album of working drawings of parts and units of the TDT-60 trwtor] Allbom rabochikh chertezbei detalei i uzlov traktora TDT-60. Moskva,, Gosleabumizdat. Pt.2. [Xcept the rotor] Krome dvigatelia. 1959. 388 P. (MIRA 14:22) 1. Kh1mki. tsentralIM7 naucbno-iBeledavatellskiy institut makhaniza- tsii i energetiki lesnoy prorWahlemosti. 2. Laboratoriya tipovoy takhnologii remonta lasozagotovitallnogo oborudavaniya i organizatsii remontrWkh predpriyatiy TSentrallnogo uauchno-issledovatel skogo in- stituta, mekhanizataii i energetiki leonoy promyshlennosti ~for all except Levanova Parakhina). tTraetors-Design and construction) RESI[ETNIKOVV H.S., dots6utl LEVANOVAp R.V.t lnzh.1 RASHKOVSKAYAI, A.N.p inzhej KUWVp I,Iev inzbej ANTONOVA# G,P,, takhnikj ANIKITIMp O.M., tel-hnik; KDRESHKOVA, V.I., tek"j KRq~MJLLT.Hj tokbmikj BIRYUKOVAq V.Y.p tekbW 9- GOROKHOVt M.Ge~t-r-e-J-eizd-va; PARAMINA, N*L.p takhn,rods [Album of working drawings of parts and units of MAZ-200 and MAE-501 trucks] Allbom rabochikh chertezbei detalei i uslay avtomobilei MAZ-200 i MAZ--501- Moskyap Goolesbumizdate Pts*2-3e 1960. 319 P. (KMA 14M 1. Moscow. TSentrallzqy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy imstitu't makhani- zataii i energetiki lesnoy pronqshlemnosti, 2* Nachallnik laborap- torii tipavoy tekbnologii remonta mashin i organizataii remontMkb predpriyat4y TSentrallnogo naucbno-issledovatellskogo instituts. mal-banizataii i onergetiki lesnoy promVehlennoati (for Reahetnikov)* (Notortrucks-49quipment and supplies) um/~Ieftcins Ic Agents Oct 49 "A Sour Milk Product 'Xhrung, I" L. To . Khundanov, V. A. Krotova *Priroda" No 10, pp 59-61 Natives in the eastern part of Asiatic USSR -dri:nk & beverage produced from sour -411r. The formation Of this product is made possible by the symbiotic interrelationship of Bact. casei (82$), Bact. lactis acidi (7$) and the lactic fungus Torula cur=ga (11%). Chen and phys studies have revealed that because of the basic c' qw, of this drink it is a good medical remedy in case of loss of vt, loss of appetite, thinz, as of blood, various chronic afflictions of the respiratory passages and some intesti-I disorders. v, !%-_ !~ -, " - XROTOVA, V.A.; NWKOYA. L.1. - -,-Wmmw~* Method of treating agar with a bhdrochloric acid colution. 1xv. Irk. gos. protivochum. inst. 12089-294 t54. (MIRA 10:12) (AGAR) (HYDROCHLORIC ACID) 4- -1 1 % - : -- -- r - -li -. /P"Wor." `-, - 0 r. Amino acid composition of v&riants of the plague bacillus grown under different conditions. To%. i dokl.konf. Irk.goe.nauch.-ioal.protivo- chum.inst. no.2131 157. (HIBA 110) (AHINO ACIDS) (PASTRURNIIA FASTIS) TROFn=O, N-Z.; VASILMITA, Z.I.1 KROTOTA, V.A. Change In the &zinc &old composition of the nutrient medium in deep culturing of the Plagus microbe. Report 16.1. Isy.Irk. goa*nauob.-iseloprotivoohun.inst. 18r117-123 '58. (MIU 1397) (AMINO ACIII MWOLISH) (PASTWRnU PBSTIS) Ti W-MARADSKIY, I.V.; KHUNDANOVp L. Ye.; KAIXYKOVA, A.P.; SHXURKO, Ye.D.; KROTOVA, V.A.; TOXARPAp A.A, , Study of the characteristics of serums obtained by the I=- nization of rabbits with plague bacillus fractions. Biul. eksp biol i med* 54, no*l2t75-q9 D162. (MIRA 166) Is Iz Irkutokogo nauchno-ioBledovatellskogo protivuebumnogo institute, Sibiri i Dallnego Vostoko, (dir. - prof. I.V. Domaradskiy)& Predstavlene deystvJteL'nym chlenom AMP SSSR N.N.Zhukovym-Verezhnikovym. (PASTEURELIA) (SERUM) r 7 1 - --) if - - .-I -, I - ~--4 - ..- ~ - - .I., ~ 1.-- KROTOVA, V.A. The role of the gypsum-anhydrits Xangurian etratum in forming the chemical composition of underground water and preserving petroleum deposits of the Second Baku. Geol.9bor. no.3:240- 244 '35. (MIYA 8:6) (Second Baku-Petroleum geology) (Second Baku-Water, Underground)