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POLAND/Theoretical Physics Abs Jour Referat Zhur Fizika, No 5, 1957, No 10882 Author Krolikowaki Wojciech Inst 0 Title Difficulties inQuantum Field Theory. Orig Pub Postepy fiz., 1956, 7, No 5, 419-437 Abstract Survey article. Bibliography, approximately 6o titles. B-6 Card 1/1 TOLAND/Theoratical Physics - Quantum Electrodynamics R-5 )Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Mika) No 61 1958, No 12374 Author : 44KrQliko"M w- _t*Rzewuski J. Inst : *Institate of Physics,# Polish Academy of Sciences., Warsaw) **Institute of Physics) Polish Academy of Sciences.. Wroalaw., Poland. Title : Relativistic Two-Body Problem in One-Time Formulation Se- paration of Angular Variables in the Case of One-Quantua In- teraction in Electrodynamice Orig Pub Acta phys, polon., 1956, 15) No 5o 321-341 Abstract The authors consider simultaneous quantum relativistic equation for two fermions, obtained by them previously (Ref- erat Zhur Mika, 1956, No 81 21836; No 12, 33783). To se- parate the angle variables., use is made of the explicit form of the equation in the morienttm space. The equation is in- tegro-differential. Only those terms) that describe the one- quantum interaction are retained in the expansion for the in- tegral kornal. Me eigenfunctione of the operator of total Card 1/2 6 u, W _T POLAND/Theoretical Physics qtmtum Field Theory B-6 Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Fizlkap No 2p 1958y No 2729 Author Krolikowski...W.-_ Inst Instit~~ie of Physicap Polish Academy of Sciences$ Poland Title The Representation Leading to Isobars of the Nucleon in the Fixed Source Theory. Orig Pub : Bull. Aced. polon. scl.# 1957, Cl- 3, 51 No 1, 55-58 Abstract : The article contains further considerations concerning the problem of isobars of the nucleon in the fixed-source theory (Pauli W.y Dancoff S.M., Physical Review, 1942, 62, 86). it is shown in the work that if the approximate method is ap- plicable in the symmetrical -j-,__meaon theory with slowly moving source representing the nucleon then there exists four Isobars of the physical nucleon. The method proposed differs from the method of strong-coupling approximation and employs the separation of the Hamiltonian of the interaction into two parts the first of which gives four "potentials" leading to grpup states containing by way of ground states the ground states of the four stable isobars of the physical nucleon; the second part of the Hamiltonian of inter- action if it be small causes transitions between these four Card 1/1 groups of states. POLAND/Theoretical Physics - Quantum Field Theory B-6 Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Fizikap No 2,, 1958p No 2730 Author _KK0_jUQW -4,1 W. Inst Not Given Title 713e Separation of Non-Interacting Pion Degrees of Freedom in the Fixed-Source Theory. Orig Pub Bull. Aced. polon. sci-, 1957, Cl- 3P 5o No 1i 59-63 Abstract The work contains a separation of the system of all the os- cillators of the Pion field into the following three types: those "directly-interacting with a certain extended source (representing the nucleon), those "Indirectly" interacting., and those non-interacting. There are nine types of oscil- latora interacting directly v1th the nucleon. According to the derivations in the preceding work their interaction is dur to the second part of the interaction Hamiltonian. The system of these nine oscillators together with the source is considered as an approximate model of four isobars of the Physical nucleon. The transitions between these states with the same isobar are due to the interaction operator obtained Card 1/2 Abs Jour : Ref zhur - Fizikap No 2j, 1958) No 2731 Author : Krolikowsax-Y. Inst : Ndt- -di -V-Sn, Title : Approximation for the Physical Nucleon in the Fixed-Source Theory orig Pub : Bull. Acad. polon. sci-P 1957, Cl. 31 5s No 3, 263-208, XXIII Abstract : The author gives an approximate method for treating the model of the physical nucleon in the symmetrical pseudo-scalar theory with fixed source -- a theory proposed in the author's preceding work. Card 1/1 POLVID/lbeoretica Physics - Quantum Field Theory B-6 Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1958, 110 2732 Author :.Krolikowaki, W. Inst : Not Given Title : An Estim&t6 Of MS8868 of Isobars Of the Nucleon in the Fixed- Source Theory. Orig Pub : Bull. Acad. polon. 8ci-, 1957, C1. 3P 5P No 3, 269-272, XXIII Ab8trect : It in shown in the w9rk that the Masses of the four isobars in the symmetrical Pseu&-scalar fixed-source theory (which are considered in earlier works) turn out to be equal to the Masses Of the four known types of baryona (N, A ,c , --) for sensible values Of the coupling constant and the radius of the mason cloud of the physical nucleon. Card 1/3. POLAND/Theoretical Physics - Quaiitun Theory of Fields. B --Mov jour Ref Zhur Fizika, N, 11, 1959, 24225 Author Krolikowski, W. Inst Warsaw University; Listitute of Nuclear Research, Polish Academy of Sciences Title Oil the Isobars of the Nuclcaa in the Fixed-Sourco Theory Orig Pub Bull. Acad, polon. scil Sor. sci. imth., astroat et ~PhYs-, 1958, 6, No 6, 413-416, xxiii Abstract Tho author considers the aytiwtrical -It-nesan theory 'with fixed source. Expanding the < -meson operators in a complete system of radial and angular (spherical func- tions) and assuming that the distribution of the source is spherically-symmetrical ( rr (x) - 9 (r)) the author alirAnates from the Hamiltonian '3f the system all tho Cnrd 1/2 POWID/Nuclear Physics - Elementary Particles. C Abs Jour Ref Mur Fizika, No 11, 1959, 2444l Auth.)r Krolikowski, W. Inst Warsaw University; Institute of Nuclear Research, Poliah Acadervy of Sciences. Title On the Weak Interactioa of Elerantary Particles, Orig Pub Bull. Acad. polon. sci. Ser. sci. nath., astron. et phys.) 1958, 6, No 6, 417-421 Abstract It is neamed that the booons with integral isotopic spin in strong interactions chanse theIr isotopic proper- ties upon transition to weak interactions, acquiring a half-intogral isotopic spin and a corresponding strango- ness. To expand thsi principle to include -,, mesons it is necessary to introduce a second -ri meson, which is an isotopic singlet in strong interactions. The remiaing Card 1/2 - 20 - POLAND/Nuclear Mycics - Elencntary Particles. C Abs Jour Ref Zhur.Fizika, No 11, 1959, 24441 systmis or particles retain their is.)topic spin and strangm.ess t-.poz. goirg :)ver to weak interactions. Uidar these assuzaptioits, via selection rule of Gell- Kwui for weak interactions I & 5 1 ~. 1 or a r. I z = 1/2 is replaced by the conservation law a m. 0 or b T3 = 0. Lagrangians are constructed for weak inter- actions, so as to satisfS, thic conservation lawi It is sh-ov,j that the proposed theory of weak interactions leads to the observed processes of decay of elementary particles and explains the absence of other decay mmaoda which have hitherto not been ,jbscrved. -- V.A. Filimnov Card 2/2 11OUdID/fRIcloar Physics - Installatigns and Tnstnuuneits. of Ve,-.;nrcncnt and Lesearch Ref Zhur Fizika, No 12, 1959, 26802 C Kralikowski. Vt. University of Warsald; Institute of Iluclear Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, On the Classification of Elementary Fermions Bull. Acad. palon sci. Ser. sci. math., astron et phys.) 1953, 6) 11,j 8, 523-527, XLII The alithor proposes a variant .~f the classification -if elementary fermictis, jUjifyi1jr- bary:)ns and leptons in four-dimensional isotopic-spin space. At certain supplementary assumptions, the table if the fermions, allowed in this version includes all the fermions known at the present time. -- V.D. Kukin "On the Elementary Particles and Their Strong Interactions." by W. KROLIKU43KI, Institute of Theoretical Physics,, Universitv of Warsaw and Institute of Nuclear Research, Polish itcademy of Sciences., Warsaw, Nuclear Physics, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1958 (Amsterdam)~ PP, 461-68. Received 25 Jul 58. POTIM/Thoorctical Physics - Quantwn 9boor-I of IFields B-6 Abs Jour : &,f Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1959, NO 2567 Author -Krolikowski Wojciech Inst :"- - , - - .- - Title :Comparison of Meson Iheory with Experimcnt Orig Pub :Postapy fiz., 1958, 9., NO 2., 151-158 Abstract :No abstract Card : 1/1 POLAND/Nuclear MysiCS - IIIStallati~ng al,.d Instmments- C V.-Aliods ~)f Y2a-o.L-cncnt awl Research Abu Jour Ref Zhur Fizika., No 12, 1959, 26735 Auth.)r Krolikows Inst Title Conference m HiCb EnerLV Mysics Held in Geneva 30 JW10 -- 5 JulY 1958- OriG Pub PostePY fiz., 1958, 9, No 6, 697-699 Abstract N3 abstract, Card 1/1 Distri 483A93d its lmd thsit stmg fateactlasis pp. k thmy a IL~Cutlt'ry partkica is posed. Blemealmy puticks are ~na&td e3 pirticular u1nd states related to ordinary bound Cates In such a M way 43 !p1aniall PoAi(;Ic$ to (Ndiavy.fulators, 714 an- aloly Is expktO; orAnto" Of char" and "DI'mess mt to 41PtI. ltptms giTen. Fermaknu predicted corm"ded and buyans. Gentrallutim to X and v rntvjrs is gifru skad, a math. form of dexxiption of mrial intrru&yns is discu%W.! POLAIM/Nuclear Physics - installations and Instriz.,Pnts. C Mathodc of Fa:jurmient onft Fese&rch Abs Jjur : Ref Mur Fizika, Vo 12, 1959, 26765 Author : Krolikowski, W. Inst Title Or the Second Neutral pion Orig Pub Bull. Acad. polon. sci. Ser. Sci. math., astron at phys., 1959, 7, No 2, 911-98 Abstract See Abstract No 26764. Card 1/1 POLAND/Nuclear Physics - Elementary Particles C Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Fizika, No 4, 1960, 8000 Author : Krolikovski, W. Tnet Warsaw University; Institute of Nuclear Research, Polish Academy of Sciences Title A Fixed-source Approach to Scattering of Kaons Orig Pub Bull. Acad. polon. sci. Ser. sci. Math., astron. et PhYs- 1959, 7, No 4, 237-244 Abstract The Chev-Lov formalism has been modified as applied to the problem of scattering of K mesons by the nucleon N and by A , f__ , and _-5 hyperons, which are considered as bound states of the K meson and baryon. The baryon is represented in the form of a fixed source having in- ternal degrees of freedom (spin, isotopic spin, stran- geness). On the basis of the formalism of strong Card 1/2 POLAND/Nuclear Physics - Elementary Particles. C Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, No 4, 1960, 8000 interactions, the low equations are derived for the problem under consideration. Dispersion relations are obtained for the scattering amplitudes, corresponding to the S and P waves. The effective-radius approxima- tion is considered. For the scattering N -t K -*N + K(K mesons with isotopic spin T 0 and 1) In the state P3/2, a resonance is observed in the region of high energies (approximately 1 to 4 m.). -- V.A. Astaflyev Card 2/2 - 21 - (~uz,~t%ttuii Theory of jlclAs. Abs Jo-,a- : Ref Zhur Vizika, No 4, 1960, 7771 Author : Kralikowski, W. Inst : Warcw, Uitivernity, lnrtlfut-~. of Nuclear Research, Polish Academy of Science,~. Title ; On Isobars of the Micleon Caused by the Mon Field in A Fixed-Sourc~~ ThL-ory. Orig Pub : BWl. Ackti. Jr.'- Ser. rwth., ~kstron. et PhYs., 1959, 7, i.;o 4) 245--,",-J:~ AbGtract : method of considering utrong Interacttoiis, proposed by the Luthor in one of hire preceding papers (Reecrat Zhur Fiz~?,a 1,059, No 11, 24225) iG to include Investigatic.r ~lf them interrict'..on b-!tween a baryori, rc;)re- sented ao a fixt.1 snurce, with thf., I-L,Jd of K meson-z- The author's foraalisr. is employed jAbstract 60-30), Card 1/3 3 POIAND/Thcoretical Physics - quantum Theory of Fields. B Abs jour Ref Zhur Fiz-.%a, !.,,) 4, io6o, 7771 which makes it possible to describe the nucleon N and the byperons 'A.0/ 1~ , and --:- as states of a singlc particle -- the baryon B. From the part HK + HBK' of the total Hamiltonian, by transforantion and elimination of the riaolitudes of the K mesons with orbital momenta _P I 0 and 1, an coperator is separated, idertified with Hamil- tonian of the K-meson cloud, intert~zting with the core of the baryon. The internal degrees of freedom of the physical baryon are separated .1A, th!3 arproximation into the followinj degre" of frcedim-, 1) of the baryan core; 2) of the pion cliue., and 3) of the K-meson cloud (the canonical and crnju.-r-ate momenta of the S ;ind P waves of the K mesons~. II%e total Hamiltonian of the phyci,~nl %'irvon is accGrdingiy writt:in out. The e1t~,3=,tp.tef- -)f thin `-:11entified wkth the stntes of the phynical baryon, are classified in accor- dance with the eigenvuluQb of the -total rpin, the total Ca-,d 2/3 POLAND/Theoretical Physics - Q~:antum Theory of Fields. B 0 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Fizika, No 4, ig6o, 7771 isotopic spin, and the tot,,.l rtr"ngencss. I.-Lbe possibility i.i prcdicted of the existence of high energy excited sta- tes of the nucleon (of the isobar type), due to the In- teraction of the baryon and the K meson. -- V.A. Astaflev Card 3/3 . 4 . KROLIKOWIt W. A. fixed-source approach to scattering of kaons; supplement. Bul Ac Pol mat 7 no.11:691-693 t59. (EW 9: 10) 1. Institute of Thoorotical Phyelos, Warsaw Univeraltyl rnstituto for Nuclear Research, Polish AcadeiV of Sciences. Presented by W.Rubinmdcz. (mesons) KROLIKOWSKI, W. Effective range approximtion for scattering of kaons with scalar couplin Bul Ac Pol mat 7 no.1l.-695..697 139- (ELU 9:10) IM69sons) KROLIKOWSKI, W. ft On the vector bosons. Bul Ac Pol mat 7 no.12t?29-731 '59. (EM 9:10) . z. 1. Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Warsaw and Institute for Nuclear Research, Polish Academy of Sciences. Presented by W.Rubinowicz. (Masons) (Bosons) SoccadneutrM pjol. w ki V. WOWSAW). 10, 216A.-T&A144 vr (U.9 jrj~~ Up Ty-*T-tU-t ,,,. rp hypothetkal 2ad neutrid pion is and a ibillty c~ ef Obknce of strong ititencOmts for ibis wtkle is pointm m tk so Fe atecoctim. raZljT.,14,ll.-Tm-,71 forrvdimn V413Wed previtiu-4 (C-A. 53, iPM) (or rh~mrn. 11(y p~irtivjrj wjj u;ed fj) ripre4l tht, irtteracti,tn te. KRQUKOWSHO W. Scattering of kaons with Mrrcoupling in the fixed-source theoz7. Bul Ac Pol %at 8 noolt63-66 160. (EUI 9tll) 1. Institute of 71,aoretical Physics, Warsaw Univeraitye Institute for Nuclear Researchq Polish Academy of Sciences. Presented by W.Rubinovics. (Neaona) KROLIKOWSKIp W. A possible mechanism of the high snergy.mmxima in pion-nualson-cross sootione. Bul Ac Pol mat 8 no.4s229-231 160. 1. Institute of Theoretical AWsiaso University,, Wareav and Institute for Nuclear Research, Polish AcadwW of Sciences. Presented by W. Rubbovics. (mesons) (Nuclear physics) m f m 9- . ----- -- - -- - --- -- - J W. (ir, Caim) ;GIVCa Ne."A. j Acadcmic DegreL-5: Not stated institute of Theoretical Pl,.,,,-sics, Warsaw University (Instytut Arfiliation: Fizy1ci Teoretycznej, Uniwersytet Vlarszawslci) and- Institute of Nuclear Research (Xnstytut Badad JZdrowych), Polish Academy of Sciences. (Polska Akademja Nauk) "Pionic Gauce. pp 105-106, 3/058/62/000/005/017/119 ACoOl/A101 ,'-,U'fHOR: Krolikowski, W. ----------- '"M AILILE: possible mechanlam-of the D,/_, T - 112 resonance in pion-nucleon scattering 31d P:MIGDTCAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika. no. 5. 1962, 39, abstract 5A345 ("Bull. Acad. polon. sci. Ser. sci. math;, astron. et phys.", 1961, v. 9, no. 4, 303, English; Russian surrjrar-f) TE XT It is demonstrated that the existence of the D3/2, T - 1/2 resonance (when any other D-resonances are absent) does not contradict the mechanism of nucleon excitation proposed earlier by the author (RZhFiz, 1961, 2A302, 5A364). ~Absiracterls note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 -KROLIWdSKIJ-.W. ---I Note on unitary symmetry and leptonio hyperon decayno Bul AQ Pol mat 10 no-04.595-599 162. 1. Institute for Nuclear Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, and Institute of Theoretical Phyaias., University# Warsaw. Preoented by V, Rubinowicz, KROLIKMKII-W, Universal Fermi interaction &nd rotational ay=etry, Acts, phyaica Pol 22&SUPP1*:51-57 162. 1. Institute for Nuclear Research, Polioh Academy of Scienoesp Warsaw,, and Institute of Theoretical Physicep University., Vareaws ~f-.mur~-n on 3,11 -1 L, : u RJ n.: A 3 2- Ll of IN !i i and Tha,)-e 1.4,~r j ily% ~T,).4.nn~fia by KROLIKOWSKIF W. Hypercharge and the U2 group. Bul Ao Pol "th 12 no.9j 573-575 164. 1. Institute for Nuolear Research of the Polish Acadew of Soiences, Warsaw and the Institute of Theoretical Physics of tho University, Warsaw. Presented by W. RubinMiC2. KROLIKFA.'SKI, W. I Unitary symmetry and &I W . rulA, 'Icta pnysl'.-~,j !-,)! 26 no.6s 1163-1168 t64. 2 1. Institute for Nuclear Research of tbe Polish AcadeV. of Sciences, Warsaw, and Institute of Thooretica. Yhysllcs rf Warsaw University. Submitted May 21, 196.1., MWLIKOWSKI, W. On B,jorken-Ifellesen tranaftirmation. Bul Ac Pol matth 13 no.1:77-78 165. 1. Institute for Nuclear Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, and Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Warsaw University. Submitted November 16, 1964. - KROLDMISKI) W. Unitary sy=etry and 4 1-- i rule. Acta physica rol 27 no.2: 355-357 F 165. 4 1. Intitituto rer 4utilear Hosonroh of the Pollvii Aotid,)MY of Scloncos, Warsau, and Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Warsaw University. Submitted September 26, 1964. p 0 L f. 1k Add t 011 1af, i t 'It, of ~tArrjrlw I Wj,tyw i. ". . , j i y t ~Y; V~m ny i W C, 2 ;,p , I fl." I tAl A AA J; YV j 15,Aj 'It ItW 141" t C;f I;z wl th'i tlzt-, 1: v. 1~jfl'lrtc iiikl~ do 1~,l ati;Irl'-ve I!,,, .i~ , hicfw v kv,palg (ju dify if, I c 6~ld ut. w--1 (,~Jy f,~;, ja-;,k~, 11 1 oi I conion.~~ j Atr (nily a ~,-% i, j, :rt turo ptouxidative (it 'a 0 1 11, t VVI lt~)UrC thL qUAlity 4J tilt j4r~+~j I p 0 1, Cr,.ni Orr,? vii it,* Compofiflon of 0!e fal lklixtur k(innystrocil ;:mr4iiyi,y ;)A Obvlu , n,~wy (PraCo 01, Inst. Prion. Rolm I SpoL Nj ~j, ti,54, vvr, it rp, 14 ilgii, U Eulw_ - - - - ScvLvil methods of exarnininj the consistency of fats Were studied znA it was f-11and that, for PrAictIcul ;urpCits, penetTometric rneviode Are the m4st sultel;W, A nwnber 01 la!jorotary mixturfm of lau, Inardij. tine and niorprine base, buttu iind bultor Nid were examined Ly ru3ni of a n1chardann-Hold* peneticric-ter. It was noted that the can. slitency of mixtures was lieliter for Ire.-ilcr content of highly fusible visnponents. Marprine baco containinj coconut oil w;s softer end more Me bulter Lit confil4tency than was tho ciaeo wilh mirg~.rlne base with- out coLonut oil, bull tw"iting up to Solls l1quId f it, Tite uzo In mar. 't'rIne g)"oduction of 3(r(e Vq1tid fat&, c;sullr3g a reauction ct the rntItInS tvinpcrature of the baul by 4 fff-rS no J;fft;!4j1t1o*, 'rho ccnz!s. torwy (d marg.,tr1no uppoittis 14) 1,~- In dlri~ct pruidmik~n (4) Ow ccnx1;kncy it ILI r i'no, In -6%t' i t pa Its: L=I` " - ---:,. ,I . .- m- - - ' - ~ , , ~! , - - - L ~~ ~-- # - arom I ; ~ :1 1,-. 1 ~~ I i ~ Z I I ; RLI.~- L-:~- L-iaf m Distrt 4Vc(j) P"PerU69 Of gf&ss~fiber-relmf e4 emer I&M&Atu. W r, or Ift V.-.-QO X-V rwdri5i- fll~a- W'y rues of lallfim, os* dislZand the '.:Ime, MlInPact. and shou" 'tre fivers. Theeirtet"Iscuw.1tern I on Pffxlucts tests fl~stcr" Is descihed. nlAdc from Own 3/031/62/000/008/047/057 B166/B16i Kr6likowaki, 1 T L'--' on tl%e aurnloility an,-, fat4_gue strength e_f ~'Ianz-reinforced pluotics based on polyesti~r r~2sinc PERIODICAL: RcferutivnL-y zhurnal. KIAmiya, no. 0, V)LS2, 553, abstract 8P39 (Tworzywa zielkocza3leczkowe, v. 6, no,,;. 7 - 8, 1961, 212 - 218) T-'-;'.T :.-,..-,vi evi. 7,,'ork on t,?Dt3 for duralbility, ere.-,) !;,.,! fatiL-.Ile proper- tics of Elaas-reilnforcad plastics bise~ on uns,ituratcd polyester and car'ain other resins in examined. 8 reforencos. [Abstracter's note; Co.mpleta translation.) cn~ r -, 1 / 1. XROLIKOWSK10 Waclaw (Gdynia) Poland's production of boats made of glass reinforced polyester. Tworzywa wielkoozaat 6 no.11:367-371 N '61. I- KROLINOWSKI. Waclaw (Gdynia) Production of boats from glaso reinforced polyester laminates In Poland. Pt. 2. Folimery 6 no.12:396-399 161. KIMOWMI, Z.; KROLIKOWSKI, W. Polyester resins and their processing. A conference in Berlin, September 26-309 1961. Folimery tworzywa wieloczast 7 no.2s56-58 F 162 ---MOIJKOWSKI; W-acIa--wUGd-j7A-a)j. DUISXI,, Loozek (Gdynis) A national Polish conference on the production and properties of glaao reinforced polyester laminates. Polimery twors wielk 7 no.6:296-199 Jo 162. V- -KROLUNSKI, Waclaw (Gdynia); WDZINSKA, Stanialawa (Gdynia) Glass fiber reinforced polyester laminates with increased styrene content and tale an filler. Polimery twors wie* 7 no.10073-376 0 162, 1 11 ,Y.,53 G/004/621C09/002/002/004 D029/D109 AUTHOR: Krolikowski, W., Magister - Engineer (Sopot - Poland) TITLE: Some properties of macroscopically inhomogeneous glass-fiber-rein- forced plastics PERIODICAL: Pla3te und Kautschuk, vol. 9, no. 2, 1962, 61 - 65 TEXT: The author defines "macroscopically inhomogeneous" material as glass-fiber- reinforced plastics where the glass-fiber reinforcement exists in tissue or mat form. Such material is composed of various layers which have very differing pro- perties. Examinations concerning mechanical poperties were carried out on ten test plates madi of polyester resin "Polyleit 800111, roving tissue 19-S-4 (satin binding 400 g1m and glass silk mat "Stratimat" (450 g/m2). The glass contents amounted to 44 48 weight percent. Mechanical testing showed the following re- sults: 1) Short-time tensile strength of mixed reinforced laminates does not follow a linear law. The calculated values, however, lie on a straight line. Re- sulting differences are small so that the stated computation method-may be con- sidered as a sufficient approximation. 2) Short-time bending resistance changes Card 113 G/004/62/009/002/002/004 D029/D109 Some properties of in jumps. This results from the differing position of the reinforcing material mat and tissue towards each other and to the neutral fiber. Optimum strength re- sults from equal parts of tissues and mats in the mixed reinforced laminate. Stratified material reinforced only with tissues tend to delamination and, there- fore, have a lower bending resistance. 3) Tissue-reinforced laminates have a lower impact strength. Optimum values result in the case of mixed reinforcements with a ratio tissue/mat = 3:1. 4) The elongation of laminates with mixed rein- forcements is lower than that of laminates reinforced only with mat or tissue. 5) In the case of laminates reinforced with mat and tissue at a ratio 1:1, two elasticity moduls are observed. Elongation tests carried out on laminates rein- forced with glass silk mats, tissues, and mixtures (mat/tissue = 5:4) showed the following results: 1) All laminates tested have load-deformation diagrams which represent two rectilinear sections, from which there result two different elastic- ity moduls. 2) Breaking elongation of laminates reinforced with glass silk mats, tissues or mixtures are nearly equal. The experiments showed 2.0 - 2.2%. 3) The first rectilinear section of the elongation diagram which determines the elas- ticity modul El is equal for all three kinds of reinforcements (with equal glass Card 2/3 G/004/62/009/002/002/004 D029/DI09 Some properties of P....... contents). 4) The second rectilinear section of the elongation diagram which de- termines the elasticity modul E2 has a different tilt for each of the three kinds of reinforcements, That means that the second elasticity modul differs according to the reinforcements. 5) lAminates reinforced with tissue have the highest elas- ticity modul; mat-reinforced stratified material has the lowest values. 6) The fint proportionality limit is the highest for tissue-reinforced laminates and the lowest for mat-reinforced stratified material. 7) The second proportionality limit is the lowest for tissue-reinforced laminates; optimum values result for mat reinforcements. 8) There is a possibility that the tilt angle of the first rectilinear section is determined by the properties of 'the resin. Further in- vestigation concerning this point ia going on in Poland. There are 5 figures and 4 tables. SUBHITTED: June 21, 1961 Card 3/3 3 9~12 7 G 6i/009/008/001/003 h1j, D029/DI09 AUMM: KrJlikow3ki) W., Magister Engineer (Gdynia, Poland) TITL^,-. The stress/deformation diagram of glass-fiber-reinforced polyester resins ly"IOMCAL: Plaste und Kautschuk,vol 9, no. 8, 1962, 389 - 391 Tk=: Zxperiments were carried out with Polimal 109 resin, produeld by the Polish "Sarynall plant, and glass silk mat Stratimat P-3 H 1 600 9/100, produced by the French Socicltd du Vorre Textile, to Close a gap In literature concerning stress and deformation values of composed laminates. Tho deformation charac- teristic is itidependent of the type of glass reinforcement: An increase of the. glass content increases both 9-moduls, the proportionality limits, and the ten- sile strength. This effect is importwit for axially reinforced laminates where all glass fibers are subject to stress. A glass content of over 60% and pa- rallel position of all glass fibers cause ' the characteristic to be a straight line. Both proportionality limits disappt~ar. If the glass content is reduced by 25%, the characteristic becomes similar to that of pure resin. The values Card 1/2 G/004/62/009/008/001/003 The stress/deformation diagram ..... D029/D109 of the second proportionality limit of laminates with varying-glass contents are approximately constant at 82 - 87% of the tensile strength. The values of the first proportionality limit vary between 30 and 49%. Deforinations corresponding to the first proportionality limit are independent of the type and quantity of the reinforcement, and amount to approximately 0.45 - 0.65%. The breaking strength increases with an increasing glass content'Up to a certainI value. Itincreases insignificantly with an increased content of elastic resin) and decreases if the content of resin surpasses 20~. Tensile strength and L-modul values increase with an increasing-glass content and decrease with an increased resin content. The &-modul values are constant at a resin content of a little over 35~. Conclusions: The deformation diagram depends on the glass content and on the type of resin. The propoitionality limits disappear if the 1,lass content is very high or very low, and if the elasticity of the resin is 4 very high. In each of these Cases the properties of one of the components of the laminate prevail. There are 6 figures and 3 tables. SUM11TUD, December 29, 1961 Card 2/2 (;/004/62/009/010/003/003 D029/,0109 AUMOA: -iirplikowski, '14. , Magister-Engincer, (sopot) Poland rlTLZ: int'luence of water on the strcss/defortiation diagriwi of glass- fibre-reimorced polyuiter reuitis PZRIODICAL: Plaste und Kautachult, v. 9, no..10p 1962, 495 - 496 L~x r ; Due to want of publication of adequate i=itinationA, the author exa- jAjied the iniluci-me of water on gla3s-fiber-reinforccd polyester resins in order to determitiC Lite safcty coefficient for laminates used in boat building. Test bodies coi.:iibtcd oA' bar:; (WO x 15 x 7 vua) made frau a plate of Polyleit 8001, produced by I(CI AcicUold Chemie AG, Hamburg, reinforced either wirh glass silk Scratij--,at, produced by Socikitr du Verre Textile, Chaj,iber, or with glass ALk toxture 19--j-4, protluced Uy Sociihe' du Verre Ti3se, Paris. A 100 day stora .C in water and jubsequent. wet testit~_,, 31iowed a tenjile 3trenoth of 1272 kp/cmf if Stratimat was used, and 1965 skp/ci112 if 19-S-4 was used. Tests after drying showed 14.35 %p/cjR2(Stratimat) and Z423 kp/cn2 (1,)-S-4). Stress/defor.Aation diagrams in all three test varieties (dry, wet and subsequently dried, and wet) Card 1/2 G/004/62/009/010/M/003 lalluence of waLer oi, the :,tre:;.;/('1efon--tation .... D029/D109 of the glass silk nat lx-dvates do not ihow any differej,cei. 'file 100-day water .;Wra&c wa.i without iij.'Iucnc.- ar. the ela~iticity moduls. After drying, the ori- -inal 6treizth wai reached again-No, structurai charigus vf tile lai-vinAte o,:curred. The low tensile sLreji,,'Lh 04" the wet tc:;t:i is probably due to the temporary re- dUCLiOlt Of the 11ais-re:iIii bouts caused by the "lubricating" effect of wa--er Ifto- lecules. Tijsue-reiii forced Aadnate-i ihowed a stronger influence oi water. 'the s,re,;s/deformatlan diagram shm; three 6ifferent curves for tile three test groups. Apart t'rout the tet,sili: strength, the elasticity mo-Juls are lowered, too. It must be aiswied that the waier has a "pla;tifying" effect. 'dell made aild hardened la-aii,ates ,;how atmj%t no pemia ent chatiges under water influence. It is po:,-iib.le khat ta.wit,ates which a.-c ~itxes:;ed over and above the original first proportio..alit), l1miL have a lower water reiistai,ce. This would be of decisive ijapurta.,:ce for the doLemination of the salety coefficietit ij,, boaL building. Exa,,ii,ativns wil, 6c ~;ontinued. There are two figures and two tables. SWPUMD: February 15, 1962 Card 2/2 I - - ____ - _. . I-.-.-,--- ____ - ___ - __ ____ - __ -- ____ - - ____ - - - WLIKOWSKI, Waclaw; DZINSKA, Stanislava; KOZLOWSKI, Jerzy (Gdynia,) Polyuster resin dock coverings for -open 4sloks made of hydronalium Bud okretowe Warszawa 8 no.lsl6-18 Ja f63. 12ZOLINUZU W Third Internatioral Hoinforced Plfintic3 Conferonce, London, Havembor 28-30,1 1962. FollMor I tworz wielk 8 no.5:211-213 My 163. KROLIKOWSK1, Waclaw (Gdynia) Properties of laminates preF4red from Pollmal 109, the Polish polyester realn. Polimery tworz wialk 9 no. 1: 11-14 Ja 164. ITIOLIKU43U, Waclaw, rCr inz.; Tadcuz;z ....... Glued joints of j-,olyester ,,lass laninat,~.,). bud 'Jarrjznt,~?' 10 nol:liE'P-l',-) Ju 165. 1. Navy ShiVyard, Gdynia. "Por,ziblities of seeding tuber:; on wastelands.* Nowe "'Olnietwc, Warauw, Vol 3, No 7, July 10,54, p. 127 SO: ;."catern European Accessions List, Vol 3, No 10, Oct 1~~54, Lib. of Congress KROLINKO.ZKA., E.; 01,PINSKA-'WARZECHO-.'A, K. Polish bibliography on oceanography for the yeam 1945-1960 (supplement 11) Przegl goofiz 6 no.3:217-218 161 1. Zaklad Geofizyki, Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszawa. ZSIPWOV, N. 1. [Zhirnov, 11. 1. ] p a muazuki tudorAnyok k&ndidatusa; ,-NRMJp L.B. (Krol'IL.B.] a muszki tudomanyok kandidatusa; LIMIC, E.M. (Libehita,E.M.], mernok; FAMIN, Ju.I. (RabkIn, lu.i.]# mornok Role ofpoak load boilers in distance heating. Energia as ~/,O atom 16 no.6s253-257 Je. 163. 11 KROLL awVav- (Tartu) :Z-~ Treatment of lumbosacral radiculitio. Klin. irwd- 37 uo.5.'136-139 MV '59. ()CM& 12:8 ) 1. Iz sanatoriya *Taevaskoda". (mmus. spn(AL, die. radiculitis, lunboaneral, thar.. massage 'per rectum (Rua)) (MUSAOI, ther. use radiculitis, lumbosacral. massage per rectum (Rus)) KRILL, Jozef Toomaz Drobnlkp m.d., 1838-1901. Polski przegl. chir. 31. no.2s 159-170 162. 1. Z III Kliniki ChirtLrgicznoj A14 w Poznanlu Kierownik: prof. dr A. Fiskorz. (BIOGiiAPHIES) RAJEWSKI, Czeslaw; KROLL, Jozef; FRZYBTL, Lemei: A cane of chronic "reticuloendothellosis". Pat. Pol. 15 no.4t 553-560 O-D 164 1. Z Zakladu Anatomil Patologiamej Szp1tala Miejsklegn imeni J. Strasia v Poznanlu (Kierownik:dr. med. Cz. Majew:3kl) ; z III Klinild Chirurgiaznej Akademil Medycznej w Pomiani-a (Kie- rownikt prof, dr, meC A, Plakorz) i z III Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych Akademil Modycznej w Poznaniu (Kierowrilks doc. dr. med. K. W~sooki). restoration of respiratory Y Polish literature. Pol. , circulatory functions lek. 19 no.50:1944-194'6 1. Z KlJnik1 Chirurgicznej i ?ak-ladu Anestezjologil przy IT' Katedrze Chirargii. Akademii Yedycznel w Poznanlu (K.1arc,mik Katedz7: prof. dr. med. Adnm Piskorz). Witold; KHO __.Jozttg.,,, - - yl~(ll iTr) of. zhign1tv --l., I- .--, NJ!~t Treatmont of ant-mias in surgical patirritri. FeA, chir. 36 no.8:975-982 Ag 164. 1, Z III Kllnlkl Chirr lic.n.3j Akademll Vt,dycznaj a Fcznanlu (KacrowO~t Prof. dr A. Hskorz). (.( (% - ;,h,-7'A ; ~;,i 1, ~.! , - V.,,il; ~ ~~A frtOll~m I It , '~ , Ktomr, mill V,(.- l 1116~~ (A' flulf I III -A J. Al'lz~;- 71!-f iv " 'L Y"WI p!l~lvyf I,tv :t- ff fW. w lt!o'! (1:. ./odect al city mblo fats" the trktyine I ct~ I-..! ~f _JKA-~' -,A-" Tt'T ~frvcl, C4 va';'wi~ -lay -rAs tttird by -_Rl; Ote L4crxt" of fivm ;,!!rnjI jq1;13ppNw Py wol;j l.,..r;n R';'j ("q dry si-d (I-rum. V.Tc-n) wag mm-d W;,!) 2.". Cc. a F312k awl glIt'!. 11) V'11:1. ~10 C~' di-ji4;zn g !;Inlyl l"'w'- rhate.01,% ow.a v Aftcf O-hm O~ctib_twn uc ft4A wi Ai hr.,~ and filte:eA. Ey cak-C. lamrrat,d frI;- fITC PhOlf arA deq. irl-mt. plw~phfal:: directif with Mo %uLtitc. finf-It it oppeirril tbat thc P,()4 diectly dttd. As a pcr-.nt (4 t"It otal P'O' caltd. f[IMI PhOll dC3 &CMMA ill All cpwli s~'. Arply tq~jn tdcLa. to the v)113 CA up to Wt-" mmt. alorill.aite Or LL'ifinitt. The unit. of PhOll fi.~ind dJ n,,t '1:'. -1,J. 15 f,t vary With the Add, (34 mg. Ili clay. 17 (~K Kx lilam) gal only 'l-mrmt- fm tilt O'd lix PgO. 41-upp.-I With -!ay fi~xzn L! w 11 Lr_- L'.4J zc~ f- Z4 -And fom 10 to 4, fA I mn from 4 to 2 up.~o ALIJ!l ,I (If VO)i t~y (he wwrIlLinitt of kat-'iblitc uwxl the ch-o:ce in F,c- V~- aaI (;~"tUj ( C-1 46. "Clk J'y whkil P'O~ fjoric. '"IT to'd to &t phw'.!:4t~n~ ~rtlvdy give's obvkmsty dilt'lurd v4luel' V~Lu d-1 ff~'~vtn 0) V,,!- tvcKnicaLy vurt., no.24:105-127 j . , i 1. N. p " r, "t, I. t #,a ri . r4f., , L. , ..- " . " - ; ! ~ . 1, ,, t . I- . , , , [- . . , 1 - . I - I ~ i f, -, . ~.XfArl, .I'll () -Ti' ~,; -,; " 1 1 ;ti : :-: !- I ~ I I . I - - 1 .1 N~ IS t volker-arl k1 no .1-44 -- 133 -1 1 - 1~--) SWVARSKIp Antoni; KROLL, Zygfryd The binding mechanism of bydrogen sulphide by pure Ion oxides and bydroxides. Pt. 1. Chemia stosow 5 no.31383-394 161. 1, Katedra Chemii Nisorganiesnejo Uniwersytet in. Mikolaja Kopernika, Torun. F R 51, 1, ,Zygl'ryd; SWPIARSKI, Antuni ;4.!( of' reartion between hydrrgen sillfide and pure oxides and ferric hydroxidea. Pt. 4. Chemin stosow 8 no. 21209-222 164. 1. Departivint of Inorgnnic Chemistry, Nicholas Univernity, Torun. KROLL, Zygfryd; SWINARSKI, Antoni %k~- Mechanism of hydrogen sulfide binding bypure ferric III oxides and hydroxides. ft. 3. Chemia stosow 7 no. 2:209-222 ,63. 1. Katedra Chemii Nieorganicznej, 'Uniwesytet im. M. Kopernika., Torun. KROLL, Zygfryd; SWINARSKI, Antoni .Mechanism of hydrogen sulfide bindl g by fazTic oxides and bydrcmides. Pt. 2. Chemia stonow 6 no.3;409-423 162. 1. Katedra Chemli Nieorganicznej,, Univeraytet im. M. Kopernika, Torkxn. i - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - ---- - - -- IJlGiP, Wlrylzir~iorz, mrr,iriz, Irimi-lity measurements with the applicetiot, of ths, v, resi.qLAi.~ce serjnln,,, rlevice.Pt,l, Przor.,l papler Y Jn li"', . c ~ 1. Cf-ntrmlne Puro Technicznn Przemy3lll L-,.I-. a=, indrzejj KROIDPPj W1,odzimierz -mgr.inz. Humidity measurements with the application of the variable reaietance-sensing devioe.,Pte2o Przegl papier 18 no.307- 82 Mr 162, 1. Centralne Biuro Techniozne Przemyslu, Papierniczego, Lodz. KRUM'j" ?V1.10dZimierz, mgr, W. The Z 15 type regulator and its application to temperature, level, ccneentration, and pressure control. I'rzegl papier 20 no. 4:102-106 Ap f64. 1. Central Engineering Bureau of the Paper Industry, Lodz. KROLOPP, Wlodsimiarz, mgr, ins,I GROTT, Andrzej Methods and measuring devices vith capacity detectors for measurements of the relative humidity. Przogl papier 18 no.7:222-225 J1 162, 1. Centralne Biuro Techniczne Przemyslu Papierniczego, Lodz. KROLOPP, Wlodzimierz,, mgr ins. Methods of measuring the surface temperature of the cylinders of paper machines. Przegl papier 21 no.1s12-16 Ja 165. 1, Central Engineering Office of Paper Industry, Lodz, : 7 1 1-~~.":~;,~IF-'-L~,11,~;!'-~'-'Z,~~i-I w~ -: '~ :. , ~--: ',Oc-d-zlno-orz, ugr Inz. Mnasu.ement3 if pH valU03 by the now Dynarap pll-mter with A,G, ampliflnr, Przegl papier 21 no.3:72-75 mr,165. 1. Central Enginooring Office of the Paper Indu.-Ary, Lodr.. KROLOVETSKIYO M.11. , gornyy inzho Blasting operations with the use of air spaces. Vzry-v. delo no.54/111318-322 164. (MIRA 17s9) 1. Baskunakanakiy k&rlyer izvestnyaka, Kemerovskaya oblast'. I LILIE-SZTSZKNICZ, L; WINNICKA, W.; HOWER, M.; KROLOWNA, Z. Cytochemical studies on the leukocytic system in cases of In- fections hepatitis In ebildren. Pediat. polska 34 n0-76911-918 July 159. 1. Z Pracowni. Immunologiesnej Kisrownik: prof. dr.sed. 1. Lille- Ssyszkowics I s Oddstalu, Obserwacyjnego Kierowniki dr zed. W. Win- nicka Instytutu. Hatki I Dsiecka v Warshawie Dyraktor Instytutu prof. dr. zed. 7. Groer. (MATITIS INFBCTIOEJS, blood) (IMUKOCrMS) KROLUI PM1 RO Development of new technology in the brewing and malt industries. P. 60, (Sbitko Vynalezu) Val* 6, no, 3. Mar. 1957, Prahap Uschoelovakia SO: YAnthly Index of Eaot E=pean Aceselons (E-'-,Al) Vol. 6, No. 11 November 1957 ; !, I . 11 Itrv-* lu, , K . A . , 0-r-m-M-3 . T&-l' 1 - ~ic .11 - ~' RUDGAUKOV jo N - V - -- - I " -I . ~ -~P 1. . , Ij r , -- - - - - r KROLYA, L. B., Cand. Tech. Sci.; PAMMMO, M. D., Cand Wch. Sci. "Schaffung, Entwicklung und U Ste rouchung einer mit tiberkritischem Druck (300 ata) to bei einer Dampf-temperatur von 600 C arbeitenden ZvwWurchlaufkassel-Versuchan,nlftza, List of General Reports and Papers presented &*A& Fifth World Paver Conferenc , enna, 10 Januar7 1956, pg. 28. 1 E-2298 KROLTUNITSX&TA T.L.; UXAROVA. X.M.; A.A., KHRUSHCUTA, T~*A, A- Vitamin B12 therapy of lateral &Wotrophic sclerosis. Zhur.nevr. I psikh. 56 no.4-.319-322 0569 Wn 9:7) 1e Institut noyrolo It (dire-prof X*V.Xoaovalov) ANN SSSR i Institut khirargil falir,-prof. AlVishnevskly) AM SSSII,.Xoskva (AKTOTROPHIG LATBUL SGJAROSIS, therapy. vitamin B12 (Bus)) (VITAMIN S12, therapeutic use, amyotrophlo lateral sclerosis (Rue KROLTUITBrATA, T.L. Treatment of patients with lateral =Wotrophic sclerosis with Titamin 312. Zhur.nerv.1 psikh, 59 to.12tl447-1450 159. (XMA 13 M 1. Institut usyrologii (dir. - prof. N.Y. ZonovaloT) ANN SSSI# Xoskra, (AXYMOPSIO LATUAL SCLMSIS t bar.) (VITAMU 212 ther.) MOMP . N.J. and GW~J;'1i(1VJ, ,"I -i- L. A. "Diffraction Image Dependence on the Value of zluctuations in the Incident i(ave 0 it paper presented at the 4th All-Union Conf. on Acoustics, Moscow, 26 May Jur 58 AU-00fis z Krom, M.N. and Chernov, L.A. ~O'ilqt .4-4-7/20 TITLE Effect of Fluctuationo in an Inc4d6nt Wave on the 13istribution of Mean Intensity ffear the Forui of a Lenn (Vliyaniya flyuktuatsiy v padayushchey volne na rasprodelonlye sredney intensivnosti vblizi foitusa lin&y) P&RIOL)ICALs Alcustichesidy Zhurnal, 1958, Vol 4, Nr 4, pp 341-347 (USSRj ABSIMACT: In acoustical and astronomical observations the presence of amplitude and phase fluctuations in the incident wave affects the diffraction image of a focusing system. it is found that the diffraction Intensities fluctuate and 'the diffraction image Iteelf depends strongly on the magnitude of fluctuations In the incident wave. 1he relationship between the quality of the diffraction image and the ataospheric turbulence is given In the form of an empirical table In Rof 1. Theoretical Investigation of dependence of the moan distribution of intensities near the focus of an objective on the fluctuations in the Incident wave was first discussed in a paper by Chernov tRef 2). Chernov dealt with the case when fluctuations in the incioent wave are due to passing of this wAve through a medium with large-scale Card 1/Z statistical variationa of the refractive index. The lens In question SOV/46-4-4-7/20 Effoct of Fluctuations in an Incident MIve on the vistribution of Mean Intensity Ilear the Focus of a Long wan taken to be an aborrationless objective which transforms a plans wave into a convergent spherical wave. it is assumed that this objoctive does not Introduce any changes in the distribution of fluctuations along the wave-front. Mathematical difficultios otinountered by Chernov in dealing with this problem forced him to limit himself to the cases of very small and very large fluctuations in the incidont wave. In practice the moat comtnon case in that of fluctuations ,xhich are neither very wall nor rery large. The present paper is a continuation of Chernovfs work (Rof 2) and it given, in the form of a series . the distrOxftion of the mean intensity near the focu3 of the objective described above for fluctuations of arbitrary amplitude In the Incident wave. At the focus dependence of the mean intensity on fluctuations is found In the closed form. The results are shovn grsphlcall]~. There are 4 figures and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCL,,TION. Yarvilavmkly gosudarstvonnyy podagogicheskiy inetitut im. K.D.Ushinakogo (Yaronlavl, Stite Pedagogical lastitute imeni K.D. Vshinnicip SUBUTTED; October 27, 1957 Ca rd 2/ 2 4 t I It'll F . fit tv lf~y I 1 2 it as jr :-0 'crI AUTHOR i Lrom, M.N. TITLE- Field Fluctuations Near the Focus of a Lens tFlyuktuateit polya vblizi foimea linzy) V,&RIODICALs Akustichesiciy Zhurnal, 1969, Vol 5, Nr 1, pp 45-50 (USSR) ABSTRACTs A diffraction image, produced by a focusing system, pulsates, if there are fluctuations of amplitude or phase in the incident Wave. Such disturbances in the diffraction image of a star, due to atmospheric turbulence,were reported by Danzhon and Kude (Ref 1). Field fluctuatioax near or at the focus of a lens ware dealt with by Kraoillaikov and Tatarskiy kRef 2), assuming that fluctuations in the incident wave are small. Chernov (Ref 3) found the spatial distribution or field fluctuations near the focus of a paraxial lens for arbitrary amplitude and phase of fluctuations in the incident wave. Because of mathematical difficulties, Chernov discussed conditions at the focus itself only in the cases of large and small fluctuations in the incident wave. In. ,,a A 1/2 Field Fluctuations Near tno Focus of a Lens S O-i/.i ti - 5 -1 - 7/24 practice sucn fluctuations are usually neither email nor large. The present papor continues Cnernovts woric and raports calculations of th, distribution or field pulsations near the focus of a large lens when the incident wave has fluctuations of arbitrary magnitude. The author also studied the dependence of the relative pulsations at the focus on the dimensions of the objective. The paper is entirely theoretical. Acknawledpants are made vo L.A. Chernov who directed this worle. There are 4 figures and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION.- Yaroolavoiciy goeudaretvennyy pedagogicneskiy institut im. K.D. Ushinskogo (Yaroslavlo Pedagogical Institute imeni K.D. Ushinstly) SUMITTED s January 31, 1958 r.ard 2/2 Y'. A., T,~,Ort ouhrittt-d fcr the- 101t JW I- C, Crq-vhru~in, Am in-irk, -23 k. ;-, .1 '. '. Acountlecki lwit. or tir! or ",i. I -- - --- - -I- -..K4QH.-AL 9- Dissertntion lefenlel for the iegrte of CAnij-3--te of ?hysicorathemUcal - Sciences nt the Acoustic Institute in 19062. "Effert of Fluctuntion In Incoming Waves on the Diffruction Ima;,-e of a Focuning, System.' Vest. Aknd. Neuk SSR. No. 4. Moscow, 1963, pni:es 119-145 MR!, "I"-''11:111, r. T". I:11ic. I - .." ) iTI.CI'A-CIrLNFIO, G. YE., Em. Electric EnCinecring From the work of the 'ITST-Eb" of the trust Central ACI-ninistration of Electric Installations. Prom. ener,,-. o no. 9, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, !01-ill-i9ji, Uncl. NICHAYBVA, Z.P.; KROMLPMO, G.N., lmud.mad.nauk; ZPMTN, G.Ta., prof.; KURIID, 'Jr.A-.-,rffrxMv*KO, A.; MUHNNINA, Ts.P., Reports on meetings of societies of traumatologlets and ortho- pedists. Ortop,traym.1 protes. 20 no.4:85-91 Akp 159. (ORTHOPEDIC SOCMIMS) (MM 13t4) CZECHOSLOWEVi/Cultivated Pl=ts - Medicinal. Essential Oils. 111-8 Toxins a Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Diol., No 7, 19A 30109 Authir : Kronar, J. Inst Title : Medicinal Plants of Slovania4 OriG Pub : Farme. vest., 1956, 7, No 5-6, 73-77 (Sloven.) Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 - 54 - KROMAR, Janez (Ljubljana) Some pecaliaritieu In relation to the cultivation of certain medicinal plantB in Slovenia. Farmacout g] Zagreb Supplement (10 no.5:26 162 K. '. ' 7 1 * -1 R ~ 1- r. i 4 fi , rr,-. ; K R " ' M ', R J2 L 11 P - G1 v . -, i T' J (' ~ ~ , , ": . . - -" ? * , Y " m 1 " 5, , Is ~ -?~ . I . ! . ; . . , I 11 ' bF W,, , P'l". ; V ARBA , fill, T'%s ; NM pa I/!!, p Tr-'- . B,,-,c.k Fariw;pvt vp-:lt ". 1j, - _. .' , )3.