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KRIVSHKNKO. G.I., Speed reGulator for hydroturbines of medium carmacity. Xekh.trud.rab. 7 no.5:49 My 153. (MLRA 6:3) (Turbines) At titln: "loproEy Pirti-,,X~-o "froif~'P~4,vnt. IRIVSHIN, Aleksandr Favlovich, kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; PSEEDIMUM. U'eMZfry'Tv'auovIch, inshener; VOSIRMMSKIT, X.I., redaktor; MOGAN, F*L., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. (Repairing motor road rollers] Resout motornykh katkow. Xoskya. Nauchno-tekhn. Izd-vo avtotransp. lit-r7, 1955. 49 p. (Road rollers) KRIVSIUN Alakeand Paxlay,4a~A kmadidat takhnichookikh neuk; SKOYRONEX, - , " .." -, "I I., an iiovich, inzheaer,- KAUNKIN, N.Y.. redaktor; KALIKOVA. N.Y., takhaicheskiy redaktor [Repair of the D-15U asphalt distributor) Remont asfal'to- ukladchika D-150A. Moskva. Nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo avtotransp. lit-ry, 1957. 82 P, (MIRA 10:7) (Road machinery) BMOLYAR, Samuil Noisayovich; LRITSM. A.P., kand.takhn.nauk, reteentent; SNOPKOV, M.A., insh., red.; SAMI M, Yeja.. red.izd-va; GORDMU, L.P., (Repairing road rollers] Remont doroshnykh katkov. Moskva, Goso nauchno-takhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 99 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Road rollers) LEVIB, Metvay Pavlovich; KRIVSHIN, A.P., red.; STZPANOV, T.H., red.izd-va; N IKOLATIVA. L. N. -tSXWr.-&t;- (Road rollers; operator's wnuall Hotornye katki; posobie mashi- nistu. Moskva, Vauchno-tekhn.izd-vo H-va avtomobillnogo transp. i mhosseinykh dorog. 1960. 215 p. (KIRA 13:12) (Rollers (larthwork)) --- - - I~INSIIIN, V-- Aleksandr Pavlovichp kand. tekhn. nauk; MIKHAYLOV, Aleksey '---Nlko-la-y-e-vrc-hs-Yn-Ei.-;'-YAMIAUIGIOVs V.14., retsenzent; GIJIYUSMi, A.I., red.; GALAKTIOIIOVA~ Ye.N.., tekhn. red. [Repairing motor graders) Remont avtoereiderov. Moskvap Nauchno- tekhn.izd-vo 1-1-va avtottobillnogo trunsp. i shosseirifth dorog. RSFSR) 1961. 132 p. (MIRA l5s2) (Graders (Earth-moving machinery))-Maintenance and repair) KOLYSHEV, Viktor Ivanovichj KRIVSJIDI, A.P., red.; DQISKAYAp G.D.p tekhn. red. - [Automation of asphalt-concrete plants] Aytomatizataiia aefal'tobetoMkh zavodov. Hookvap ]Nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo avtomobill.nogo transp. i ahoosair7kh dorog WSRp 1961. 141 p. (MIIU 150) (Anphalt concrete) (Automation) RAZYGREEVO Aleksandr Matvoyeviobi PIVOIIIN,1J., kand. tekhn. nauk, retoonzentl AYZENBMG, B.I., inzh., retaenzent; CHUDAKCV, X.P., kand. tekhn. nauky,- PORDEYEV, P.A., red. izd-va,- OSENKOI LsMe, tekbne red@ (Repair of building maohinery and equipment] Remont stroitellrWkh maohin i oborudovaniia. MosWa, Goo. izd-vo lit-rj po stroit..v arkhit. i stroit, materialam, 1961. 295 P. (MMA 14:11) (Building machinery-44aintenance and repair) ZELENKOV, Georgiy Ivenovichp kand,takhn,nauki dotaentj PIMI11.2 A.leksar4r-YAYIovir.hf,-IcaW*tekbnonaukp doteent; FWENOVp -Pa-ie-l Semenovich, kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsentj DEMEMINSM, Lev VIAdimiroilch, kand.tekbnenauk, dotsentj VOSERESENSKIr, N,N*t red,j SMANGV# V,M., red,; DONSKRA, G.D,,, (Principles of designing repair Bhops and repair of road machinery] Remont dorozlmqkh mashin i osuovy proektiroyaniia remontrqkh pred- priiatii. Hoakyap Naucbno-tekbn.izd-vo H-va avtomobillDogo transp. i shosaoirqkh dorog RSMt 1961. 500 PS (MIRA 1436Y (RW machinery-Repairing) KRIVSHIN. Aleksandr Pavlovich kand. :4 red. ; DOD tekhn. nauk; STEPA-NOV, (Use of motorized graders) Skepluatataiia avtogreiderov. Moskva, Avtotransizdat, 1963. 99 P. (MRA 16t6) (Graders (Earthmoving machiner7)) kanI.1ekhn.nauk Field tests of motor graders. Xekh. stroi. 20 nb.4sl2-14 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:3) (Graders (Earthmoving machinery)-Testing) 0 RAZYGRATEV . 11okcanur ,,,atvoyovich; nziu~, retrienzent; VIEWL61J, Inzh., UTE1111A, L.Cl., red. (Technology and organization of the repair of buildini-, plichinery and cquiMentl Toklmolorlia 1 ori-mil zat-ti Ili rer,ionta otrultoltnykh uiohin i MRA -"7:0 [-.oskvv., Strolizdat., 1964. 38.11 p. 0.1 'IMNIN, N 1 r,.(-),;y icRIVSHO, Alfik-,aro-lr Ftiv~cvi'--h; TEC- A. ., ; , , . . . . - I -1----X~" lf~.14.~,,~Votosn - olit; 1'.N., roId . [itepairing bulldozers by the unit metho-Al lRemont, bill'- dozerov agreigatnym metodom, Yoqkvip Trnropor~, LqOt,, 168 p. (Z'q!T`A 116:3) I Ilikol"iy4wich; A,I;.p red. scraper ol.cratorl Transport, 1965. Climate of Ondrejov for ast-ono IcnJ needs. r. 133. I Ito. 5, Oct. 11)511. X~fiki,,UWGIUE ZF11L,AVY. Vol. 6, ' SUVRCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL), Lr,, Vol. 5, No. 3. N%rch 11?16 v TIT-M. M-1 P ITTI-4.7 7 7 T ~ 7, 11 p., Ts 12 TM ~ 14 ~t :>I-14 e~ i4s ~W 211 YQ 9MTM w nrn LMIWI=M&-ICq9 K h. I VA.", Y', I, i Ln we r ( ,'rfta~!eous sedlrvon~!: In ' l..' t.ri itis,09. 'I'ra: ! Y V,.; ~, 1, - I ~ . ~ 163. (IJAP, KRIVSKAYA, T.Yu. Significance of structural characteristics of murl and chalk rocks for tho btratigraphy of upper Cretadoous sedimento in White Russia. Iaform.sbor. VSEGSI no.13:71-78 161. (MIRA 14:12) (White Rmnda--Geologyj Stratigraphic) .(Resbag Sedimentary) 1, 22M-�� aw ------- T636510j8 ACC NRe Ap6ol2739 SOURCE CODE- UR/0033/66/0143/002 AUTHOR! Gnevyshev, M. N., Krivski, L. ORG! Mountain Astronomical .-Station, Main Astronomical Observatory, Acadew_q~___ Scicnc~i_'~~ffF rnaya antronomicheskaya Btantsiya Glavnoy astronomichebkoy observatoriM, AqtrqpgMUja,_jDjtjtutC. ~zechoslov.* Academy of Scie L ke--aC-%- -t" (Astronomicheskiy in-t Czechoolovatskoy Akademii Nauk, Observatoriya Ondrzheyova) TITLE; Correlation of Protonic flares with the corona in the 11-year cycle Ire I SOURCE: Astronomicheakiy zhurnal, v. 43, no. 2, 1966, 385-389 TOPIC TAGS: proton flare, hard x radiation, chromospheric flare, subcosmic rV, sol cosmic ray ABSTRACT: Proton flares are the most active solar processes associated with intense hard X-radiation and emission of high-energy particles. Proton flares differ from chromospheric flares by their division into two bands which are initially separate and subsequently join, forming a Y shape. During this Y phase of activity, the radio emission on centimeter and decimeter waves attains the maximum. Observaticn data obtained by satellites ahd rockets measuring cosmic and subcosmic rays revealed that these flares consisted of protons; therefore they were so named. The energy of solar cosmic rays is from 108 to 1011ev before decorpoGition into secondary rays. A table is given in the original article which contains the numbers of cosmic and sub- Card 112 MC: 921.74 22v"2-66 ACC NRi AP6012739 cosmic flares which occurred in each year from 1954 to 1964. This table shown flare maxima in 1957 and 1960. These maxima are Wisociated with maxima of solar coronal promiperce, and sunspot activitY. An isopleth of the intensity of the green coron;l 5303 A line at heliographic latitudes from +35' to -35* in drawn. The intensity of tl)eline on the solar -disk coincides with coronal activity. Another table in the original article contains the number of chromospheric flares occurring during one hour of observation in the same years. The maxima coincide in both tables. Orig. art. has: I figure and 3 tables. (E0] SUB CODE. 03/ SUBM DATE: 27Nov65/ ORIG MF: 005/ OTH FEF: 005/ ATD PRESS: Z;5 7 Card 2/2,. ~4IYSKJI, AlokgAndr_-Samqonqyich; LAGUTINA, Ye.V., red.; FRONINA, N.D., tekhn. red. (Viruses ngainst microbes; bacteriophagy]Virusy protiv mikrobov; bakerlofaglia. Moskva, Medgiz, 1962. 89 p. (MIRA 16:1) (BACTERIOPHAGE) L~ L#0 ACCESSION' NIR: A?3000525 3/00 20/63/150/02/0.3 M/04,02 A UT i 10:1 : K-riviskiy. A. 3.1 Zavillgellakiy, G. B.; Ivanov, V. I.; Ly*senko, A. X. TITLE: Kinotios of the mutappnic action of VV rays on axtracallular 3 sub D bacti!riopheges of Sschericbia coll ,SoL,j,LE: Ail S3SR. Doklady, v. 150, no. 2p 1963j, 399-402- TOPIC TAGSs kinetics, mitationp UV'irradiation, Escherichia coli, S sub D b&cterlophage ABSTRACT : The authors studied the frequincy of --th~--phn~g4m-Ar,d-thcr-doaa-Or W_iir_~"Ition In vitro- Broth containing S sub D phage vas diluted with 0.351-, NnCl to a concentration of less then 5 x 10 siap 7 phaLles/nl. In't Vicne concentratlona the screening affect was negligible. Phage was firit, ndsorbnd cii bacteria or directly inoculated into Petri dishoB by the tvo-layer nithod with E, coli, strain SK, and Incubated 16-20 1-.ours in the dark. Phage wes txpossd to IN radiation at room temperature with continuous rocking. A BITI-15 larp, onittine about 80% zonochroratic light with Lm-ibda = 2537 nng3trom3 wen, used rin tho! sourc-3. Tha intensity was about 1 ore prel, rz sup, 2 x s5c. Doses wart anlx-cd with a IN dosimeter. After irradiation the nz:--ber of sterilt p1qu^.s and nuttnt ster1lot plaques were counted. To explain the decretso in the ptrcentage C'Jrd 1/2 L 131+09-63, ACCESSION NR: AP30W525 .,of mutations obtained with large doses of UV radiation, the authors advance the work'Lng hypothtsis that the structure of DNA in phage particles is ctAinged to a more radiation-resistant form, both vith respect to the lethal and mutaganic oction of UV rays. These results indicate that the characteristic, non-linear r~lationnhip between the mutation produaad and the done or VV radiation is tha root,lt of some primary mechanism of the reaction of DNA to V1 radiation Ond is not related to an indirect effect of radiation on th5 cellular components and .rictabolism. Orig. art. hasi ) figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Institut radiatsionnoy i fiziko-khimicheakoy bioloeii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Radiation and Thyalco-Chemical Biology , Academy of Sciences# SUBMITTED: 06Dec62 DATE ACQi 12Jun63 EWL. 00 SUB C OIE 00 OTHM: 017 tcrd 2/2 KRIVSKIY, I.Yu. (Kryvsklkyi,, I.N.] A sTecific generalization of quantum mechanics. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 9 no.W13-826 Ag 164. (RIM 17tll) 1. Uzhgorodskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet. 3/0111/57/000/001/006/013 Ao66/A 126 AUTHORS: Shkoda-Ull-yanov, V. A., Lend'yel, V. I., KrIvskly, L 1u. TITLE% Determination of the total cross sections of n-reactions for medium and light elements with the aid ofthe avalanche theory SOURCE, Uzhgorod. Univernitot. Nokotoryyo problemy sovremonnoy fiziki yadra i elementarnykh chaBtits; abornik otateyt no. lo 1957, 60 - 72 TEXTt It han been shown earlier (V. 1. Golldanakiy and V. A. Shkoda- -Ullyanov. ZhETF, 20, 623 (1935)) that the total cross sections of ~vn-reactions for heavy elements can be calculated precisely enough by using the equilibrium spectrum obtained with the help of the avalanche theory, i.e., the photon spectrum integrated over the entire length of the spectrum. This method is now applied to light and medium nuclei, and the reaulting spectrun, iu used to calculate the totalf n-reaction crous uection for iron which ia in good agreement with experimental Card 1/2 SAUI/57/000/U01/006/015 Determination of the total cross ..... A066/AI26 ilat!k of' several authors. Yhus, 0-1 , , 50 blev - b, the oxperimontal value being, 0.43 Mev - b (cf. L. in,atz-wid R. G. Baker. 11hys. Rev., 62, 271 (1951); 1'. 1. i-atz Lind ~. U. Cameron. Cn. Journ. Ph o.f 29, 510 (1951))- For ulumonts heavier than iron it is shown that7 can be t detormined from the photoneutron yield of it lump 10 cm thicR?t There are 4 tables and 2 figuron. .Mi'lITTED: October 15, 1956 2// 2 3/881/57/000/001/009/013 A 0(,()/ A 126 AV.rHOW-,: KrivsUX4_1.1~ Lend'yel, V.I. TITLE,z The equilibrium spectrum of photons near the Initial energy SOURM Uzhgorod. Universitet. Nekotoryye p~oblemy sovremennoy fIzIk1 yadra 'I elementarnyidi chastitai abornik statey, no. 1, 1957, 86 - TEM A comparlson was made between S.Z. Belenlkiyls (Lavinnyye protsessy v kosmicheskikh luchakh - Avalanche processes in cosmic rays r, GWI, 1948) ap- proximate equilibrium spectrum Cs .1 dx- 1 [1-e - --T + f (0)3 (5) pas Nr to and the spectrum obtained by Lend'yel et al. (Nauchnyye zapiski Uzhgorodskogo gonudaestvennogo univorsiteta, v. 18, 1957): , 46 1 "-')] 4 rrr (F.O. E) -e-( f '0) 8'(t. - t) (t., t) e -?(t~, a), (11,~ Card 1/2 -5 /881,/57/000/00L/0W0L3 The equilibrium apectrLz of photons near the .... Ao66/A126 where 2 (8-1 1)1+ 1a r+1 E f (0), &~-(O), f (0) - 2,29,,. - 0,773. I-Ei Here, Eo is the energy of the primary photon producing the avalanche, E the pho- ton energy, and, P the critical energy of the medium. The number of photon" given by Bolen' iy's spectrum for the energy range near the initial energy is shown to be -too small by 20%. There is 1 table. SUBMITTED: October 1, 1956 Card 2/2 67181 SOV/58-59-7-14826 'F/ 0 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 7, p 36 (USSR) AUTNORS: Krivskiy, I.Yu., Lehdlyel, V.I., L-0-M13-a-dze-, YU.M. T=:: On a Possible Explanation of N-P 3catterIng19 PERIODICAL: Dokl. I soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. un-t. 1958, Nr 2, pp 11 - 14 ABSTRACT: It is suggested that an ordinary p /I Lon beamcontains, in addition to the usual pseudo-scalar pions, an admixture of scalar pions that form -an isotopic sextet together with the former. Using the Hamiltonian of interaction H(x) - ig T -V 5 Iti + 9 TV Tvi the neutron-proton scattering process (the nucleons not being polarized) is then calculated by the usual method of perturbations. In the case of the constants g = 7.6 and g' - 0.96, It Is possible to achieve sufficient- ly satisfactory agreement between the magnitudes of the differential, as well as total effective cross sections and the experiments in a wide energy range from - 100 to - 600 mev. If It can be admitted that the principle of the independence of nuclear forces is violated while re- Card 112 taining their symmetry at high energies, and If one assumes that ~03 On a Possible Fxplanation of N-P Scattering 67181 sav/~8-59-7-14826 -V- - 2 To (in contrast to the usual LP, - YO), it then becomes possible to achieve just as satisfactory an agreement between theory and experiment in the case of p-p and n-n scattering as well. Such violation of the charge independence of nuclear forces at high energies (at 10 Mev amounting to less than 1% and at 40 Mev amounting to less than 10%):apparently does not contradict experimental data available, Yu.K. Lomsadze K C,ird 2/2 WE _30V/58-59- 1-14890 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizlka, 1959, Nr 7, p 46 (USSR) AUTHORS- 1,Krivskiy . I.Yu., Lomsadze, Yu.M. TITLS;. On Beta Interaction tween the Electron and the Proton. I. PERIODICAL: Dokl. I soobahch. Uzhgorodsk. un-ta, 1958, Nr 2, pp 31 - 33 ABSTRAM The auth ors suggest that a study of the e + p -* n + v process may provide an answer to the question as to which of the 20 admissible variants of beta decay theory are acLually realized In nature. The authors cite the results of calculating the above-mentioned process for a number of variants of beta decay theory. Yu.M. Lomsadze Card 1/1 12 t/ . .6510 SOV/58-59-7-i4827 07 L/, 9 5-00 Translation from: Reforativnyy Zhurnal F1z1ka, 1959, Nr 7, p 36 (USSR) AUTHORS: Krivskly, I.Yu., Lendlyel, V.I , Lomsadze, Yu.M, TITLE- JT, -P Scattering in the Light of the Pionloublet Hypothesiu PERIODICAL: Dokl. I soobahch. Uzhgorodsk, un-t, 1958, Nr 2, Pp 39 - 42 ABSTRACT: The process of V +-p scattering Is examined on the basis of the hypothesis contained in the authors' -preceding study (abs. 14826) but with a substitution of the PS(FS) variant for the PS(PV) variant without affecting the results of that study. It is shown that it Is possible to achieve agreement between theory and experiment up to energies of ^J 200 mev in the framework of the usual method of perturbations if it be assumed that the scalar pions in the beam account for approximately 1 or 2% of the total. In this case the coupling constant in the PS(FV) variant corresponds exactly to the constant obtained for the PS(PS) variant In the authors' preceding study on the basis of examining nucleon-nucleon scatterings (with allowance for the equivalence theorem). Card 1/1 Yu.M. Lomsadze 67 1 82 6 900 SOVI/58-59-7-14828 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 7, P 36 - 37 (USSR) AUTHORS- Krivskiy. I.Yu., Lend'yel, V.I.. Lomsadze, Yu.M. TITLE: Some Considerations Concerning Pion ParityO PERIODICAL: Dokl. i soobahch.-Uzhgorodak, un-t. 1958, Nr 2, pp 43 - 46 ABSTRACT: Since the hypothesis of the parity pion doublet (abs. 14826, 14827) leads to satisfactory agreement between theory and experiment (mainly in connection with nucleon-nucleon scattering), the authors proceed to an analysis of the basic experlmental and theoretical data available at the present time. These data lead the authors to conclude that pions have a pseudo-scalar character, The authors examine data con- cerning neutral pion decay into two gamma quanta, negative pion capture by the deuteron, 7( --p scattering entailing charge-exchange, and the photoproduction of plons; they conclude that these data in principle do not contradict the hypothesis of the parity pion doublet. The authors suggest a number of experiments for the direct verification of the existence of a slight admixture of scalar mesons in the pion beam. Card 1/1 Yu.M. Lomsadze ~n IT t A;34 ta 11 Au O~.. .60. 1 1 A JIH t~ 9 1 a a F - E14 I J" Ism ';'J 5. c . : i '. " i ~ I -J. 0 - 11 ID CL NOO -Sot I "i I 06 g;5v * q~ 4!' 0 Ir 0 A II I I I S/058/6i/Ooo/oio/0o5/1OO ~~1/AlOl AUTHORS: Lomsadze, Yu. M., Landlyal, V. I., Krivskiy, I. Yu. TIT12. On the problem of nuoleon-nucleon scattering at high energies PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no. 10, 1961, 24-25, abstract 10A256 (V ab. "Probl. sevrem. teorii elementarn. ohastits", no. 2, Uzh- gorod, 1959, 195-210, Engl. mimmary) TEXT: The consequences of the hypothesis on existence of a scalar Ic-meson triplet in addition to pseudoscalar-mesons, are-studied in detail. It is shown that an assumption 'of the 'presence in a 1-meson beam of 1-2% admixture of soalar T-mesons does not contradict available experimental data; moreover, it is possible, even in the framework of the perturbation method, to obtain charac- teristios of a number of processes concordant with experiments. In ps~rtloular, the followiiig results are obtained on the',~asis of this hypothesier 1) correct ratio of cross sections for processes of &-meson scattering on deutrons, 2) good value for the Panovskyratio, 3) correct ratio of cross sections for photoproduction processes, ato. Experiments are proposed for detecting scalar V-mesons. Considerations are presented on violation of charge independence of Card 1/2 S/058/61/OW/010/005/100 On the problem of nucleon-nucleon soatterIng ... AOOI/AIOl nuclear forces at high energies. Total and differential oroaa sections of NN- scattering (calculated to the first approximation of the perturbation theory) agree well with experiments in the 100 - 600 Mev range. V. Lend'yel (Abstructerla notei Complete translation] Card 2/2 3/058/61/000/010/006/100 A0011AI01 AUTHORS: Lomsadze, Yu. M., Lend0yel, V. I.,- Kriv3kiy, I. Yu., Fushchich, V.I., Khiiaich, L V., Lukin, L. P., ErnsV,_B_._M_._- TITLE: On applying modified perturbation method to interpretation of nuclacn scattering PERIODICAL: Referativrqy zhurnal. Fizika, no. 10, 1961, 25, abstraot IOA257 (V ab. "Probl. sovrem. teorii elementarn. chastits", no. 2, Uzh- gorod, 1959, 211-216, Engl. summary) TEM Differential effective cross sections for all types of NN-scatter- Ing have been determined in the first non-vanishing Apprbximation of th., modified perturbation method (consiati in a special summation over all simplest barion loops inserted Into internal 1-meson lines of the Peynman 2nd-order graphs); assumptions are made on existence of scalar T-meson3 and violation of charge -oo' independence of nuclear forces at high energies. The cross sections calculated for the range 100 - 600 Mev agree sufficiently well with experimental data. Thereby the results of the preceding study (abstract 10A256) are additionally substantiated. An interesting possibility is discussed that at sufficiently Card 1/2 On applying modified perturbation ... S/058/61/000/010/006/100 A001/A101 great coupling oonstant, the soattisring cross section may be completely In- dependent of its value. (Abstracter's notet Complete translation] .0-V Card 212 LOMSADZI, Tu.M.; LMTDIY3L, V.I.; KRIVSKIT, I.Tu. - . ..... -vroblem of the scattering of nucleons on nucleons at high energies. Izve v7se uchebe zav.; fis. no.4:123-129 159. WRA 13:3) 1.Uzhgorodskly gosunivernitst. Ouclsons-Soattering) IOMSADA, Tu.M.; IZRDIYZL, V-1- LLandlial, V,,I.J; KRIVSKIT, I.Tu. LKry,ve'kyi,,I.IU.j Scattering of a neutron on a proton from the point of view of a Ir -mason pair doublet. Ukr. fis. zhur. 4 no.1:123-125 Ja-7 '59. (min 1216) 1.Uzhgorodskiy gosudarstvannyy universitat. (Neutrons--ScAttering) (Protons) (Masons) .KRIYSKIY#j.__Xu. (Kryvslkyi, 1. 1U.); L04BADZE9 Yu.M.; FUSHCHICH, V.I.; KHMICHJ JOVO Problem of theradiative decay of a 11~-meson. Mr. fis zhur. 5 no.6;777-780 N-D 160. (ORA 140) I@ Uzbgorodakiy gosudarstv nnyy universitet. (Meson:--Decay) o S/058/62/000/004/014/160 A058/AlOl AUMORS: Krivskiy, I. Yu., Lomsadze, Yu. M., Kh1mich, I. V. TITLE: Concerning the correspondence principle in the theory of the quantized "probability-amplitude field" PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 4, 1962, 37, abstract 4A294 ("Dokl. i soobahch. Uzhgorodsk. un-t. Ser. fiz.-matem. n.", 1961 no. 4, 15 - 18) TrAT: The authors prove a theorem of equivalence between the conventional quantum-field theory and the special case of their proposed theory in which the probability-amplitude field is being quantized (RZhFiz, 1961, WA 215).. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 .qq 0 5/058/6Z/000/004/015/160 A q A058/A101 AUTHORS: Xhimich, I. V., Lomsadze, YU. M., Krivskiy, 1. Yu. TITLE: U(x)-uN(k) representations in quantum-field theory PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 4, 1962, 37, abstract 4A295 ("Dokl. i s6obshch. Uzhgorodsk. un-t. Ser. fiz.-matcm. n.". 1961, no. 4, 25 - 27) T M The authors establish a connection between functionals in different representations of the now strong-coupling method proposed earlier by one of the authors (Rzhpiz, 1961, 11A247). [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 S/058/62/00,0/005/015/119 A001/A101 AUTHORS: Lomsadze, Yu. M., Krivskly, I. Yu., Kh1mich, I. V. TITLE: Some aspects of method of "strong" coupling in the theory of quantized fields PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no, 5, 1962, 34, abstract 5A315 ("Dokl. I soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. un-t. Ser. fiz.-matem. n.", 1961, no. 4, 28-32) TEYT: The method of strong coupling suggasted earlier by one of the authors (RZhFiz. 1961, 11A247) is discussed. The possibility is considered of a consequent calculation, within the framework of this method, of Green's functions, in particular. Green's function of a single particle. ~Abstracterls note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 KRIVSKIT, I.Yu. Close connection between the matrix elements in the quantum field theory of probability wq)litudes and the ordinary quantum field theory. Dokl. I noob, UzhGU. Ser, fiz,-mat. i iBt. nauk no.50-8 162. (KRA 17t9) KLTSHTAN, V.I.; RRIVSKIY, I.Yu.; DERFI, S.M. Analyticity of a modified -nucleonic Green function. Dokl. i soob. UthGU. Ser. fiz.-mat. i ist. nauk no.5&16-20 162. (MIRA 17:9) LOMADZE, Yu.14.; LFMIYEL, V.:.; YjuvqKIY2 I.Yu, [KrYvBIkYi, I.Iu.] YMMICHY I'VI Third A,11.-Union Conference on the Theory of Elementary Particles. Ukr.fiz.zhur. 7 no.4s448-454 IP 162. (MP4 150) (Particles (Nuclear physics)) - - _~F - ~ - S/10.5/62/007/009/002/006 ~)'J' Y YOO D234/D308 AUTNORS: Khimich? 1.V., Lomsadze, Yu.11. and Kryvs'R',.Y','1.;-Y4, -- Z___ T 17L Some physical consequences of the theory of quantized field of the probability amplitude .PERIODlCAL: Uhrayinslhyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 7, no. 9, 1962, 967-973 TEXT: The authors refer to their prcvious papers ~.hcre the above theory was formulated (Doklady i soobshcheniya ljzligorod- sko-o universitc-ta, scriya fiz.-mat. nauk, no. 4, 15, 1961; Yu.M. L? Lom-adze, as abovc, no. 3, 11, 1960, no. 4', 9, 1961, Uucl. Phys. 36, 1962) and derive an expression connecting the probability of transi- tion from the initial to the final state, diefined by this theory, uith the ci:perinentally observcd probability. It is stated that the siatri;: element in the new theory can be obtainnO %rith any al3proxina- tion in closcd form according to* the perturbation method dcvclol)cd in the papers quoted above. The new constant I can have any value. Th-_ authors quote the expressions for the matrix element in the caso Gard 1/2 0/105/62/007/009/002/ooG SOM PIIYBical- consequences ... D2-34/003 0~? I = 2, in the firSt Ind second ap-proximat ion. They conclude that rcnomiaji,~__tion in the nAw theory Ims no additional difficultic.-. -:, comparison with the usual P . quantized field theory. if the errors in determining the initial momcnta of the particles are sufficiently t.7 k. sMall, thc cfq-cctive cross section given by the rew theory for any process is the sa,:,,c ar. in the umiaI theory, up to the sccond apprml.- imation (f or I w 2). it is found that for fincin,f I si)ccial ex-,cri- uc,its am ncccrSary, in which the initial. stage Of the sYGteT.I Would contain suZI-iciontly distant morici-ita. The bacic ideas forning the basis o.,- thc new theory arc discusoc(l. An csGe.,,tial. _17caturc of the now thcci-y is staj:cd to be the fact that it allowz a*ny degrce of accurac- in measurinc, the complete set of physical quantities but I Ij no abrolutcly exact ticasurcment. The authors ex-preas their grati- tude to Ya.,'j,. Siiorodynshyy, B.L. Yoffe, !!.I. Podhoretsllcyy and K.D. Tolstoy for discussion. AssGCIATIO11: Uzhhorodalkyy der.-,Iiunivcrr;ytet (Uz-hhorod State Uni- versity) SWLITTLD; January 20, 1962 Card 2/2 LOMAPZE, fu.14,., dotsent; KRIVSKIY, I.N.; K111MICII, I.V. ExperJuental verification of certain implications of the quantum field theory of probability amplitudes. Dokl. i soob. UzhGU. Ser. fiz.-mat. i lot. nauk no.5:8-13 162. NTRA 170) 1, Otvatetvennyy radaktor zhurnala "Doklady I soobahchenlya Ushgorodakago gosudarstvennogo unlveralteta; serlya, flalko- matematicheakikh i istoricheakikh nauk" (for Lomeadze). LCHOADZE, Yu.?I.; rdiIVSKI-Y,,-I.Yu.; KHMICII, I.V. General principles of developing a theory of the quantized field of the probability amplitude. Izv. vys. uchob. zav.; fiz. no.4: 26-33 163. OIM~A 16:9) 1. Uzligorodskiy gosudarotvannyy universitat. (Quantum field thoory) LOLMSADZE, Yu.M.; Y,!,'IVSKIYO I.Yu.;MI:'ICII, I-V- Physical nature of the theory of the quaiftizod ability amplitude. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; fiz. field of the prob- no.4:113-119 163. (11-aRA 16:9) 1. Uzhgorodskiy gosudarstvonn univervitat. (Quantwa field theoryF(Probabilitios) LOMSADZE, Yu.M,; KRIVSKIY, 1,Yus; KHIMICII, I.V* Fourth All-Union Conference on the Theory of Elementary Particles, Izv.vys.uohob.zav.; fiz. no.3:190-191 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Uzhgorodskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitete Al L 17178-63 V4T(1)/~0)(M)/VC(;(W)/WS AFFTOIASD s/0185/63/008/005/0601/0605 ,AGCFZSION NR: AP3000242 AUTHOR: Lomsadze, Yu. M.0, KrZ*Va'k&, I. Yu.: 1~~ich, I. V. TITLE: Fourth All-Union Conierence on the Theorv in Uzhgorod grom 26 to 29 Noveaber 19627 ;SOURCE: Ukrayinalkyy fLxychnyy shurnal, v. 8, no. 5. 1963, 601-605 TOPIC TAGS: elementary particle, Regge pole, quantum electrodynamics, quantum field theory, unified theory of relativity, photonuclear reaction, gravitation theory ~ABSTRACT: The authors describe the proceedings of the Fourth All-Union Conference ;on the Theory of Elementary Particles, hold in Uzhgorod on 26 to 29 November 1962, ~,apd preceded by a four-day (21 to 24 November) seminar of theoretical physicists. ~ . I' in the field of elementary particle3. At the seminar eminent special- .BPFC2.a lata i4ts lectured on recent developments in the field of strong interaction, higb.- errgy quantum alectrodynamics, problems of the spatial-temporal description in ti relativistic quantum theory, pgeudo-Euclidean space-time at small distances, Card 1/2 L 17176-63 .'.ACCESSION NR: AP3000242 :-!the unified theory of relativity. The discussion during the conference proper :Vas Concerned with such topics as Rggga pole tj_trong interactions~ weak and elec- tromagnetic interactions gravitatLo theory, the group approach- systemati- to and '17.ation of elementary particles, and new ideas and generalizations of the quantized,: jfteld theory. The conference also included a section on p.~otonuclear reactions,0 la seminar to commemorate the eminent Danish physicist Niels Bohr, and a seminar ;on the philosophical problems of the contemporary theory of elementary particles. ~Ihe proceedings of the conference are being prepared for publication. ASSOCIATION: None 1SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 18 Jun 63 ENCL! .00 ~~UB CODE: NS, PH HO RKF SOV! 000 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NRi AP4010405 S/0186/8V008/012/130411312 AUTHORs Lomsadie, Yu. 9.1 KWvg'", I* Ymoi.Romankop Go Do TITLEs On the possibility of a specific interaction between the 3-states in the quantized probability amplitude field theory . SOURM Ukrayinalky*y fix@ sburnal# vo S. no* 12, 1963# 1303-1312 TOPIC TAGSt quantized field, probability ampl itude, quantum mechanics, quantum theory, quantun, E-state, G-state, B-matrix, B-operator, wave function, Interaction Hamiltonian# Hamiltonian ABSTRACTs This article is a continuation of work by the authors in developing the quantized amplitude probability field theory, It is shown that two types of interaction Hamiltonlans exist in the framework of that theory* Those of the first type, corresponding to absence of interaction among the R-states entering into G-states, with any arbitrary degree I u 1, 2, 3,..*. of the internal chaotic state, for charsoteriation of processes usually obsorved experimentally, lead to the same results at conventional quantized field theory and therefore cannot determine the value of the universal oonstant I realized in naturse Those of the second type# which have no analogy in quantized field theory and which correspond to the Card 2/Z ACCESSION NRs AP4010405 occurrence or a speoif io interaction among the I-~tatan belonging to one 0-state, in addition to interaction of the first type, lead to physical of roots which depend an the degree I of the internal chaotic state of the partialeal that degree as= in principle be experimentally determined* Sinoo the effects are small, they can be observed only after a substantial increase In experimental precision* It probably will be easiest to detect then to processes of particle decays The authors are cordially grateful to Professor Ve L. Donoh-Bruyevysoh lor valued stimulating remarks and also to Yo9 Ve Ky*rysohuk and She She Kazinsts' for aid in making certain caloulationse Orige arte bass 21 formulaeo ASSOCIATIM Uthgorodsky*y dershuniveray*tet (Uzhgorod State University) SUM[ITTEDs OM(W3 DATE ACQt 2OJand4 ENCLs 00 SUB CODRI I's 10 REV SOVt 008 OTMMs 003 Ca,d P/P. LOMSADZ~, Yu.M. [Lamandze, IU.M.];.KRIVSKIY 1.Yu.jKryvs'kyi, I.IU.J; K ROMANKO, G.D. rRomanko, ff. L Possibility of specific interaction between 9 -states in the quantum field theory of the probability amplitude. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 9 no.12:1311-1312 D 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Uzhgorodskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. ACCESSION NRi AP4020305 AWHORS: Krivskiyj 19 Yue; Lomsadze, Yu, M, TITLEi Problem of diaerate stationary states'in the.theory of a quantized field of' a;plitude of probability SOURCE: IVUZ. Fizika, no, 1, 1964s llb-121 11! TOPIC TAGS: discrete stationary eta-."o, quantized field, amplitude of probability# wave function, harmonic oscillator, ]Vdro,,en atom,~ener&7 spectrum, universal constant, discrete energy state ABWRACT; In the framework of the recently constructed new quantum theoiry--the theory of a quantized field of amplitude of probability and the theory of quantized field of a wave function--the authors study the.treatment of discrete stationary states in examples of a harmonia. oscillator and-a hydrogen atom (and hydroeen-like, atons). They show that the results of the now quantum theox-_ with respect to the enerey spectrumlof a hydrogen atom (and hydroeen-like atoms), for any value ofthe universal constant I m 1.,20a ... . involved in this theory, are identical to ths results of the hshal. quantum theoij. They also show that the scheme of fillina ca _S..2dL/2 ACCLSSION NH: AP4020305 :olectronic shens of atom coming from the now quantum theory with any I coincides procisely with*tho scheme comir* from the usual'quantum theoz7, They indicate the ,theoretical possibility of determining the value which is realizable in nature of the ncw universal constant I on"th6 basis of special experiments with atomio electrons. They Oiscuss certain ditails relative to the treatment of discrete' energy states in general in ths'new quantum theory* Orige art, haso 18 formlaa. A=IATION: Uzhkorodakly gonJarAitvannywy universitat (*Wbgorod State University)' .SUKaTTLD: o4sep62 DATE AGQs 3lKar64 INCLs 00 SUB CODE: PH ND F42 SOVI 021 OTHERs 007 Card 2/2 -,TvA lit'-Zli morhani, s, wave -,~nt i nun '- i -,r 7 7 TTT 1 (-)n the spf-cific generalization of quanturn mechanic r a V i k fizv-',c-hnv*v 7.hurnri~ H 2 6 f] I' Int I I rn mr, ha n I c '4 w~lvr' f'', F~w wavi, function of an F-nl~r-ilizatif)n (1- Sh~i~(, T' FT C F r)jn riiffc,rc-n(-pR from th(, r"F-ilt~ .4- 1!,(, A P4 0 4 -4 16 4 r)f c-)-Perim(-nlq :-,P T-11:1 11" ho A, ~f, dn, ky~r lerzhun; versy te Z -.10) -)V NO REF S( Ol 6 IT I i I-, I Karel, inz. Possibility df Aractical. use of vernalization and some de- velopment devis.eibns in celer7 plants of Apium grawolens L. var. rapacaum.(Mille) DCs Rost*vyroba 9 no.9t935-956 S 163. 1. Slechtitelsky a semenarsky podnik, Chocen, slechtitelska stanice Miretice. w"W a doWabood6ddid wift v Pam 9 lob* IW Z;~wWdft&t,cvl 'cp~dplt~WimPmawi.1941sW , fOrAry.40-075.1"L St..2tabim5mb. DWS-Cormktim an dow (w 1$17 sod 104& BM tm. Sbbkd Umd4W: L Sdw saws Imphke boved wwmkg CoadodwsobbL-M.A. (Srok Atd. /all. of (,'=-44fL-WFkl9, yfulf 11tw"T'heric r ."kti4Q 10 Abe- A HTHY *( ('10 114M. K.I. 0.0,4.s I ll.r AOY*40A~fbj. 1031. 4fig, III.C the"All"-tA shliwif S-3 ~,n vy,N4 .])'I roo~f % numbcf ci, "W% witb %no,mit-, I~ult* r,rn in a pall ot Futot~- lle-J~-Cr 1. Prc~:Pfatho varte- goal So tffVCtL-A.A. j G I - RZ4 d ~ SIM" 9t~ 14 41 "L- (1co4w.~11V ~1. Fam. "", 4d"ielf, fitudia, JQ)tls-j*. March it, 1"l. f4., I tifAcs, I (do, DEC-A rWittkal ItUdy JhQWiqf th4l. 00 In ATMV, PW;MAt~-,4 1~ MANS tV'!'ty thltd t0 6OV0111h ttAv After Ov 4ppc*r2nro of a i~gnificiml throa"pt~ir flArr by an snwvni ut Owqd T(~% (t6W for the t,- day 246 mm, for Ibc foufth Olay 470 mm vulum). The IMAI number d d4ya ith 'JAnffkAnt N" w" M. Sm" 1604*11: 1. R4(Al (AflUtUtt 1, Precl 641 .-.i,A. ~ ~ " - i -. ~ , -~ i , .17 ~, - -.1- .1 - 4 , M. 7.4 du iv AlrulwAll Wile. 4. fol4tion Graig of On th in ,r.., In irt,curren, min" ,,.L'Urf t l!"C). is, Ac r I)LC-- I Sol 'I ic,", r ""yWr 114IR at I& Cr"_' af., "U"".. m h. (f 11 is 11-hil h r rent., c ala"i. Ind IF Itf L 'y, Y.~. 0101L.-Af R~ 'pip 2EL- - ~- . --- ---- --- --- -- -- -- -- Climate of Ondrejov for astronomical needs. r.133. Y&,TFLitOLCGICKh ZFHAVY. Vol. 6, No. 5, Oct. 1953. East European Accessions List (EEAL), LC, Vol, 5. No. 3, Varch 1g-,6 1!m 411- . - ~ I- . Classicalt complexo and dYnOmiO climatology* p. 127o Pragueo METIOROLOGICKE ZPRAVY. Vol. 7# no. 5. Nov. 1954. SOURCEt East European Accessions List (EEAL), LC, Vol* 5,, no. 39 March 1956. Z7177~7 1 -: j V! - . - :4-21 -i~ ~i7F`. I i~,i II 151".., till P MO~l ) Ij 4 KRIVSKY, L. Long-range changes of the Atlantic-European frontal zone in relation to climate. pe IU, Vol. 9, no. 5/6, Dec. 1956. YMEOHOLOGICKH ZPRAVT. Prahaj Czechoslovakia. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Vol. 6, No. h-Aprill 957 I- - - 111. -- E 1111vo,;:Y, 111" Atrio3pheric precipitation in Pr-ague-Ummentin= durin,-, the period fmm 1804-1956. -Ln Geman. p. 182 (Studia Geophysica Et Geodaetical Vol 1 no 1 1957. Praha, Czechoslovakia. SO- ',.'Onthly index of -East European Accessions (E-SAI) IC, Vol 7, no 1 Jan 1953 1 N - ,h- ClJjrztic changes in our cauntr7 and climtological forecasting; for tl-:e next ft-w decades. P. 71 (11'eteorologicko Zpravy) Vol. 10, no. 3, Juno 1957. Praha, Czechoslovakia. SO: 'Monthly Tndnx of Fast Europaan Accessions Mkl) 1,C, Vol. 7, no. 1, Jan. 1958 P. . T %-, 3- i~-f I T, . The importance of artificial satellites for metecrolog_y. P. 12. (KRIDLA VLAbTI.) (Praha, Czfchoslovak:ka) No. 1, Jan. 1956 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession (EEAI) LC. VOL 7, No. 5, 1958 I,RIVSKY, L.; L~TFUSJ, V. Relation between singularities of precipitation and meteoric showers. In ~~nrjish. p. 100. BULLETRI OF THE A -'~T'RuNQIIIII CAL INSTITMS OF CZ.XHUSIOVAKIA. (CesVoslovenska akademie ved. Astronanicky ustav) Praha, Czeclioslovakia, Vol. 10, no. 3, May 1959 Monthly List of East Luropean Accessions (&~AI), LC, Vol. C, no. 11, Nov. 1959 Uncl. 3,1730 S/035/62/000/004/018/056 AOOl/AlOl AUT11ORS: Ki~lvso, L., Tlamicha, A. TITLE: Emission of the 1960 May 13 flare and absorption of cosmic noise PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodezlya, no. 4, 1962, 59, abstract 4A474 ("Byul. astron. in-tov Chekhoslovakli", 1960, v. 11, no. 6, 238-241, English, Russian summary) TEXT: A conmic noise receiver was put Into operation at the observatory In Ondrjeyova for recording at a frequency of 30.70 MC cosmic radio emission from the region around the North Star. The receiver makes it possible to study indirectly corpuscular emission from the flares, sinca the latter affects the ionosphere state and causes absorption of cosmic noise emission. On May 13, 1960, an intense flare was observed in lick light; simultaneously were registered radio emission on meter and decimeter waves, atmospherics and cosmic noise level. The records were compared of the following phenomena: width of lia line In emisslon, intensity of solar radio emission at waves of 37-56 and 130 cm, the curve of the course of sudden atmospheric disturbances at a frequency of 27 kc, Card 1/2 S/035/62/oco/004/018/056 Emission of the 1960 May 13 flare A001/A101 and the curve of the course of cosmic noise absorption (30.70 Me); this IX characterizes their close c=elation and characteristic temporal regularities of this correlation. V. YOSIPOV [Abstracter's note: Complete translatlon] Card 2/2 SIG 35/62/000/003/015/053 AOOI/AlOl ALMOR- KRvBkk, L. TII'I,C-.* Sporadic X-ray emission of the Sun and ionuaphere PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya I Geodeziya, no. 3, 1962, 59, abstract 3A427 ("Aige hv6zd", 1960, v. 41, no. 9, 161-167, Czech) TEXr: Chromospheric flares of back prominence type with Intensely emitting nuclei over the disk's edge are sources of sporadic X-ray emission with k- 10 A; they cause disturbances of the lonsophere D-layer, as this takes place at flares on the disk. If the flare proper is located beyond the disk's edge but near to It, It also causes radiation whose source is located in the upper part of the chromosphere or in the adjacent part of the corona, over the flare. Recording graphs of atmospherics at a frequency of 27 kc are presented. Flares cause, as a rule, rapid enhancement of atmospherics, radio emission on decimeter wavelengths (recording was carried out on the wavelength 56 em), and disturbanecs In the lower parts of the ionosphere D-layer. As was revealed by rocket measurements, X-rays following a flare penetrate to an altitude of 60 km. rAbstracter's note: Complete translation3 V. Bronshten Card 1/1 /T~ 4) AUTHORS: TITLEs PERIODICAL: 22360 Z/02 61/000/001/006/006 A207ykl 26 Oivsky', Ladislav, and Letfus, Vojt~ch Some terrestrial effects of flares and surge-type filaments Studia Geophysics, et Geodaetica, no. 1, 1961, 92 'TEXT: On May 5, 1958, a detailed study was made of the active region on the sun and the data obtained were used for investigating the effects of the wave emission of flares and rapidly developing filaments in the terres- trial atmosphere (in the lower parts of the D-region). The data revealed a close physical connection between the surge filament and the evolution of the flare in the center of activity. During the occurrance of the surge, the anomalous ionizing emission increases. This anomalous ionizing short- wave emission is found to occur also during the formation of surge-type protuberances on the solar disk limb. Most of the cases investigated indi- cated that a "continuous" radio emission or emission of the type III exists in a wide spectral range. It could be shown that an ionizing emission so- compan7ing a flare and surge-type filament most probably occurs in the part of the corona, which takes part in the complex flare process. There are Card 1/2 22360 Some terrestrial effects of flares and... 4 referencest 2 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. most recent English-language publication reads Letfus: The Active Region on the Sun on May 5, Czech., ii, 1960, 53- Z/02 61/000/001/006/006 A207YA126 The reference to the as follows: L. Klivoky, V 1958. Bull. Astr. Inst. ASSOCIATIONt Astronomical Institute, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Ondfejov SUBMITTEDt September 26, 1960 Card 2/2 40001 S/035./62/000/008/035/090 AOO1/AlOl AUTHORS: *ivsk~, L., Mokd, P., Hlad*, J. TI'1TE- Cosmic radiation and the disturbance of the lower ionospheric layer during the flare of October 6, 1959 PERIODICALi Reforativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya. i Oeodeziya, no. 8, 1962, 69, abstract 8A458 ("Byul. astron. in-tov Chekhoslovakii'l.0 1961, v. 12, no. 3, 93 - 97,'English; Russian summary) TEXT: A class 1+ chromospheric flare was observed at the astronomical observatory of AS CzechSSR at Ondrjeova on October 6, 1959, at 14hO9m - 1045M UT (30?5 N, 630 E). The flare was accompanied by an active return ejection and in- tensification of the solar radio emission on wavelengths 56 and 130 cm. Simul- taneous observations of atmospherics at the 27-kc frequency have shown first, their ordinary intensification due to the disturbance of region D and second, at 19120M - 15h5OM UT a marked drop of the level due, in the authors'-opinion, to the disturbance of the ionosphere by cosmic radiation. Increase of intensity, which lasted 25 min, was detected in all components of c6smio radiation observed Card 1/2 Cosmic radiation and the... S/035/62/0W/OW035/090 A001/A101 at observatories Lomnitskiy Shchit (2,634 m) and Praga-Karlov (228 m) equipped with standard neutron monitors and counter telescopes. This intensity increase, which occurred 50 - 70 min after brightness maximum of the flare field and the largest ejection loop, was greater than statistic fluctuations and occurred &1- to~ most simultaneously in all components. It amounted to 2.51P.7% on the neutron monitor at the Lomnitskiy Shchit and 2.8+1.6% at Praga. The intensity increaze of cosmic radiation in the diffusion regTon of the drop was extremely great in relation to the class of the flare. It can be supposed that there exists a rela- tion between the origination of radiation and rapid changes of filaments (under the action of changes in magnetic field during the flare development). This case was analyzed, as well as the intensification of cosmic readiation related to the rapid development of the loop-like prominence of May 4, 1960 (RZhAstr, 1961, 3A3310. The conclusion has been drawn that the axis of spatial angles of ejec-- tion of cosmic rays towards the Earth passes within the loop, i.e., coincides with the orientation of the intensity electric vector. Enoounter of cosmic rays with the UArth io posoible, it the loop axis is directed towards the Earth, &M the general magnetic field will force the particles to move'to the Earth. There are 18 referaices. From authors' summary (Abstracter's notel Complete translation) Card P_/2 S/035/62/OW/C,06/028/064 A0011AI01 lli~nbfk. F., Kvf6ala, J.. XMvskk, L., Olmr, J. observations of flares at the Ond~ejov Observatory In the year 1960 Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 6, 1962, 59-6o abstract 6AW16 ("Byul. astron. In-tov Chekho3lovakii", 1961, v. 12, no. 5, 169-184, English; Russian summary) T=-: This is the regular report on observations of flarez at Ond~ejov (Czechoslovakia). Data are presented on 309 flares and related bursts of solar radio ernission at frequencies 808. 536 and 231'Mc, as well as on atmospherics at a frequency of 27 kc. Figures are given which show the curves x)f time variations of HcK line width. There are 18 references. rAbntracterls note: Complete translation] BOUSHKA, Yan (Bouska, Jan); KOCHI ', Alois (Koci,A.I,kand.fiz-mat.nauk,inzh.; MRAZEK, Irzhi [Mrszek, Ari); SHUBRT, Yaroslav (Subrt', JaroslAv); RUPREKHTOVA, Libuohe(Ruprechtova, Libuse), inzh., retoenzent; KRZHIVSKI LaVislav Krivsky, Ladislavj,-retbenzenT~ if [Behounek, Rudolf), prof., nauchnyy red.1 TRZHISKOVA, Lyudmila(Triskova, Ludmila], inzh., nauchnyy red. (Results of geomagnetic, telluric, and ionospheric observa- Aons conducted at the observatories of Pruhonice, Budkov, aLd Penske Ves in 1959] Rezul'taty geomagnitnykh, telluri- cheBklkh i ionoofernykh ismerenii, provedennykh v observa- toriiakh Prugoniteet Budkov I Panaka Ves v techenie 1959 goda. Pzjgue, Izd-vo Chekhoslo4atakoi Akad. nauk, 1962. 742 P. r (MIRA 16:7) 1. Nachallnik,kollektiva Geomagnitnoy observatorii Prugonitse (Pruhonice] u Pragi (for Kochi). 2. Nachallnik ionoafernogo otdela G6omagnitnoy observatorii Prugonitse [Pruhonice] u Pragi (for Mrazek). (dz'echoBlovakia--GeophyBica--Observations) L ].2 270:~53 AUTHOR: TITIX: PERIODICAL: g6,T (1) IFCA(w) /Br6/FFrm2/M(v) AFFM/ESD-3) PO-Wq-4 s/169/63/000/004/001/017 Hrebik., IE., KyAcala J.,, v Observations of flares la"t.the Ondr~Qov 6-s-e,rvatory in 1961 Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 4, 1963, abstract 4A71 (Biol. ostron. in-tov Chekhoslovakii, v. 13, no. 5, 1962, 199-208; English, summary in Russian) =E: Data are presented on 157 flares and radio bursts associated vith them at frequencies of 9400, 808, 536, and 231 megacycles, also date on atmospherics at 27 kilocycles recorded in 1961; also there are curves of changes in the width of the JJ~C lice plotted vs. time. Author's summary. ZA-bstracter's note: Complete tratislation-.7 Card 1/1 AUTHORt KAvakk, L. TITLE. Flare maximum D-region 43 168 8/16 62/000/009/117/120 D228YD307 and "sluggishness" of the ionospheric PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 9, 1962, 30, ab7- stra:ct 9G217 (Byuls'astron. in'-tov Chekhoalovakii, 139 no. 2, 1962, 59-62 (Eng.;- aummary in Rua.)) TEXT: The value of the.multiple recombination and electron density factor for the D region in the ionosphere,.~AN)D, and the magnitude of the multiple average excess of N in a.flare ban be calculated from the difference in time between a solar flare's maximum and the maximum of the SEA effect (E.J. Appleton's (1953) and M. i.'Elli eon's (1953) sudden enhancement of atmospherics). The value of th; ,SEA maximum's lag relative to the maximum of the flare, L5tj has been determined by Ellison in several of his works; it comprises At 9 6- 7 min. The mean value At = 2.4 min is derived on the --grounds of many data for the recording of SEA effects and for flare Card'1/2 IS/169/62/000/009/117/120 Flare maximum and ... D226/D307 measurements at the Ondrzheyov Observatory, as weil as on the basis of other estimates; the value found most often for At is 1.0 min. These values approximate to thooe for the lag of the geomagnetic crochet maximum. When At = 2.4, the magnitude of (O(N) D comprises 3.47 x 10-3 sec-1 and N increases by 9- to 12-fold; if At = 1.0, we have 8.33 x 10-3 sec- 1 and N increases by 22- to 30-fold. The reason for the discrepancy of the At value, determined by the new method, with Ellison's data is shown in examples. Z-Abstracterle note: Complete translation,,7 Card 2/:) KRIVSKY, L.; SALAVA, T.; SNEJDAREK, I. Recording the ionizing emission of flares and eruptive prominences by the receiver of atmospherics at the Ondrejov OVfervatory. Biulleten astron. inst 14 163. 1. Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academ.V of Sciences, Ondrejov (for Krivsky). 2. Institute for Research and Development of Electroaccustics, Prague (for Salava and Snejdarek). L 1277 .62 -"JES(v) AFFTC/MD-3 Pa-4/F -4 Gid EWT(J)jFGG(v)/BDS/ESC , q s/16g/63/000/004/001/017 AUTHOR: Hreblk, E,, K,~~LcAla s.~yj "1~) J! TITLE: ObGervations of flaros\'~t -the -0nd-rej )cerv tor in 1961 MIODICAL: '~Peferativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 4, 1963, abstract 4Q1 (Biol. astron. in-tov Chekhoslovakii, v. 13, no. 5, 1962, 199-208; English, summary in Russian) TEXT: Data are presented on 157 flares and radio bursts asaociated with them at frequencies of 9400, 808, 536, and 231 meencYclea, also data on atmooph2rics at 27 kilocycles recorded in 1961; also there are curves of changes In the width of the J~X line plotted vs. time. Author's summary. fA-bstracter's note: Complete translation-7 Card 1/1 I-- - - - -- - - - - - - - --- - - --- -- - -- KRIVSXT L Y-shaped stage of comic ray flares as a development phase of conditioning ejection. Biul astr Ca 14 no.307-83 1631, 1, Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak AcademW of Sciences, Ondrejov. KRIVSKYp L.1- WIDr., CSc.j RhRCAL, R., NUDr. Mortality of population and the extreme changes of atmospheric pressure. Hateor zpravy 16 no.3A:76-77 Ag 163, 1. Aatronomicky ustav, Ceskoolovenska akademic ved, Ondrejov u Prahyj 1nter!-I klinika lekarske fakulty, 112-en. Hpj-1BIKJ F.; KVICAU, J.; KRIVSKY, L.; OJURp J. Observations of flares at the Ondrejov Observator7 in the year 1962. Biul aatr Ca 14 no.6:245-250 163. 1. Abtronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Ondrejov. I T, 10,~Ie)-65 W015U0 - n-4/Pw_4/Fk_4,N_4/' BCCY EXPLOITATION Po-"/PQ-5/iq-4/Pac_4/Yr_4 * IJP(G)* ' AST/TT.PJU/DD/Ml/G'.I/BC/'rA "' -': _. :~-~ * Zarvir, I-Uronlmv, (Fnrineer)'; I~ncn, Konrad, (1~,ofccror, Doctor); Pauoka -_(Doct,or); MI" Ll' Ivo, ((;radu-m-Ee-M-=Yosophy); Cc 'Lech. ~7 7.,Ienc~71~fwi "~ a GrT.I. R Iltynical and 1'_Lthcr-_Ltlcal Sciences); Codr, ItIlmn, wrl; i..A7czml, (Doctor); Crioral, Antonin (Candidate o t:cdic Scic =Cc); Enora'A, anper, pft~_Vil Gisth, Vl~,Llmtr (Cand.1dat'. of Ycdical Sciences, Docent, DOC 1:,.rk p Z~omeltp ,r of the (Doctor or jby~ical and Ilithe=tIcal Sciences, CorrcapondIni'F Vc::~It Czechoulovidc Acaflerq of Sciences, Profeiror, Doctor); ilor-rod--ir. 3 -an. Doctor of rhysical and luth-uatical Sciences, Doctor); XlCCrek,.Jonlp,' (Doctar); Klest. . __r__AL (Candidate of rayDieml arA Mmthcmatical sciences); Kolodemn1mr. tul"'; K('r".17 Vlr4lrdr (Doctor); (Candidate of Lcaal Sciences); KrivrshXg T.1%di-r-lay, (Cardidate of nvzical and Iththc=tical Sciences),; Kviz Zdenek (Can- didate of Phyzical and Mthc=tical Sciences); Ledvina, 0 alntr, (Doctor): nees uxazekt Morayck. Mm, (Candidate o _(Cazdidate of Jaronlw,r, (CandidalEa _of~tcdical Sciences; ZaGincer); Araulc Jlri Sciences),- xcuzil, Ludck, (Doctor) b rovotny, zoicack-ki, (&!Mte of 24 -k-, Yhynical and lblhczatical Sciences); 11-t"' (DoctoA- -Candidate of Physical and HathcZatical 21,encee; FC!2~ ax~. j Doctor, Enzincer)i Pilnl, Hiloalav~ (Doctor of NIctnical Sciences, Gazz IgpcgAlaw uember, of the czadboalmux Acadmw of Bolowes); My", MirOILUy. (Domtov)j 0 t r-okorny, Zdczek-p (CandiaAto of rhysioal au& 3latbm&M4" SGlU4eS# DOOMts Lmvw); Cara I/A L 415ig-65 Ruml Vla4imir (Candidate of Hadical Science t, Doctor); �.:!1M Jonef (Doctor of- sioloi;1-Y1 ~Iioi'O~clra Sciences)) ILthIlD. gaiav: stye Zdcnck (Doctor); 'A=, isroulAvo -Owtdiduto of Physical and YathQ&= sciences, Mew; TY91., Voml , (Docent, Engineer); MaUm. Ivan. (Candidate of Tech-4 &I Sciences, Professor, Docto j Mnieek, toria, '(Candidate of Physical wd Hathe- =tical Sciences, Dootor)j V oak Vlndlmi-, (Candidate of ravical wd Who. matical Sciences# nt, Doctor ; Vlasak 1,10,rian (CwAidAto of Physi"I wA MathemUcal Scien=7 Doator)l Yoda, 31av, r-d or) Principles of astronautics (ZaXL&4,y koomomsutlk.y) I~Te, Orbis, l9&. 123=60 blb3lo. 5000 copies priAted.. MIFIC TAGS: coomommutlas, rocket, "toulto, apace f14 , missile -PURP= AND COVERAGEt This publi"tion is a popular scientific rafereweboo~ for people vorking :in comonautles. Ze book Wroseats a xuTW of commmtlag sn& space nUbt up to I %%w 19630' TA= OF C121;ETIM I Yard 2/8