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MIVOSHFJYKIN I-- Petr Ivanovich; SUMINA, X.M., rodat-tor; RAKOV, S.I., temnIchasny redalctor [At the furnaces of the sulphuric acid plantl U pechei sernaki- slatnoeo tsakha. [Hoakral Izd-vo VTeM Profizdat, 1934. 46 p. (HLBA 817) 1, MAstar pachnogo otdalaniya Vookmeanskogo khimicheskogo kombinata iment V V.Kuybysheva. iSulfuric acid industry) ~~mateur portabl,~ tape rocorder. P. 37. Vol. 4, no. 9, 1955 PADio Sof iya, Bulgaria So: -Lastern European Accession Vol. 5, i-pril 155,-' -1 KRIVOSHILT, O.N. Interventr cuiar septum perforation In zvocardial Infarct. Suvren, med.g Soft& 7 no.10:104-106 1956. 1. Is Gradskats, bolnitas, - Loveeb (01. lekar: Iv. Krustev), (MMCARDIAL INYARCT, compl. tnt~rventrlcular suptum perf.) (CARDIAC SIPTUR. perf. Interventric., in qrocardial Infarct) 10 KRIVOSHIPOV, I., Furmv, A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Horse Breeding 7- Concerning the article of Pe Yu. Berlin about breeding for milk production. Konevodstvo., 22,, No,3-lP 1952 1 9. Month3y List 2L Russian Acensione, Library of Congress, February 1953. Unclassified JLY", 3. YA., KRIVOSHLYK, B. YA., At,riculture & "llant, & Animal Industry Production of feeding stuffs. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo selkhoz lit-ry, 1951. Monthly Li3t of Russian Accessions Library of Coniyess, April 1952. UNCLAS31FIED. collective animl hun 85 p. (Sibliotechka Vul I turnoproovetitel (54-2hfJ39) GROMOV, Hikolay Uenriknovioli: YJIIVObli],YK, H.U., rod.; GORIKOVA, Z.D., [Chrimpignonal Shampinlony. Moskva, OoR.i.7(i--,,o selikhozolit-ill 1957. 167 P- (Mln 13: (Hushrooms) L:SIK, Bnris Vanillyevicb. knnd.snl'f;knkhG2.nRUk; SOMMA.; ZOMBA, Z.P., Dethods for IncreaRing the quality of bast fiber; hemp, ambar7 bnmp, and Juts] PrlecT p*vyshenita Icachestva lubianogo volokna; konoplia, konaf t dshut. Moskva, Gas. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry 195n. 230 P. (KRA 12M (Bast) 1rRTVMjR.TK "J" kand. tekbn. nauk; RUDNIK, H.I.1 lnzh.; IKORKUNOV, ()~S*, inzhs Seleotion of an erftciezrt obarge design in the Veavolodo- Villva open-pit mine, Vzryv, delo no,51/89159-169 163. (MIRA l6z6) 1. Pbrmakiy politekbnicbeskiy institut. (Visevolodo-Villva region-Blasting) -ICRIVOSHLYK, I.R., dotsent, kand. tekhn. nauk; KORKUNOV, G.S., gornyy inzh,; RUDNIKI M.I., gomyy lnzh. Efficiency of using divided charges with air spaces at the Voevolodo-Villva limestone quarry. Vzryv. delo no.54/lls 328-330 '64. (KRA 17:9) 1. Permskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. ACC NRi AP7005681 INVENTOR: i ORG: none SOURCE CODEn. ukio~WWooofti/db~~/oM Babkin, M. Ye.; Krivoahlykovaj,.T,. S. TITLE: Closed, hollow, sealing profile for the pressurization of aircraft hatches and doors. Class 62, No. 190782. SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztey, tovarnyye znaki, no. 2. 1967, 155 TOPIC TAGS: aircraft fuselage, sealing device aircraft pressurization fijA?f',QjJMe 000111-70A.'Feor, H42A1i7)CrY0. ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a closed,' hollow, sealing profile for the pressurization of aircraft hatches and doors, operates on "pressure" (ice Fig. 1). To improve'its reliability and decrease unnecessary pressurization stresses, its upper part along the axis of symmetry is made with a cylindrical bulge extending outside as' well as inside, and at the bottom is a bulging bass with a spherical groove on the outaidesi Or [WHI ig. art. has% 1 figure. Card 1/2 UDC: 629.135/.138 FACC NRI AP7005681 Jig. 1. Aircraft hatch and door seal ;l - Cylindrical bulge; 2 - flexible ;portion; 3 base; 4 spherical 'groove. SUB CODE: 01, 13/ SUBM DATES none/ ATD PRESS: 5115 C _4 ?1_2 KRIVOSIJOYjj,O_,,otudent V kurea; POTAPOV, M.G.., kand.tekhn.nauk Choosing a practical transportation system for the Kedrovka deposit. Nauch. rab. stud. GNSO HGI no.7:93-107 1959o (MIRA 14:~) (Kedrovka region(Kamerovo Province)--Mining haulage) PVT!0vp V. I-XIII-VOISHTA Y-F. and MIC"IMN, PA. 1940. Opyty po lzuchonlyL yavleniy immuniteta pri mmiyumtoza ovota. tam zhe, V. B. yt- Yr. -T~d , - "Use of -.'riporizatlarl III su~j.-ery proceiers under bnttle-field lr~ fyWp.,;8iu:jt Nauch-prakt. rnboty voyen-vet. sluzliby, Moscow, 191,8, p. 11-14 -1 SO: U-1850, 16 June 53, (Letapin tZhurnal lnykh Statey, No. 5. 19:9)- KRIVOSHTA, Ye. Yo. Pukhov, V. I., Velichkin, P. A., and Uivoahta, Ye. Ya. "A study of methods of radical prophylaxis in delafondioniev alifortiosis,, and trichinoneratositt of horses kept in herds"t (Report 2)9 Sbornik rabot po, gollmintologii (Vsesoyuz. in-t gellr.intologii im. akad. Skryabina)p Moscow) 1948,p. 185-88. SO: U-3042~ 11 March 53, (LetopisInykh Statey, ho. 10, 1949). Ye.Ye. "Effectiveners of the Dehelptinthization of Foals and Fucklings with AnoplocephalosiB," Ye. Yo. KRIVOSHTA, Candidate of Veterinary Fcience,, Rostov Oblast Veterinary Ex-perimental, Station..3-Pp. Discusses record of treatment applied to 435 foals. Hoot extract of mal-~) feim with normal filicine content dissolved in turpentine or carbon tctra--~- chloride with vegetable oil added is almost 100,41 effective in----. (FDB;74T81) rO:Veterinariya;No&4jApr 1948 Unel deg 2,3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *A RFSHEETNYAK, V. Z., PUKHOV, V. 1. and KFIVOSHrA, TE. YE. Materialy K Poxnaniyu Immunologicheskoy Diagnostiki pri Diktiokaulese Ovets, "Works on Helminthology" on the 75th Birthday of K. 1. Skryabin, Izdat, Akad, Nauk, SSSR, 1953, p. 572 Stavropol' Sci. Res. Veterinary Experiment Station ~)f by ..,;3 Jour it-,f Lhur Diol., Nj lrj 1~158; Ho VZV) l.."'t "'hVoclij rlz,%s 3!,. Inztitut~.~ DicrocAf-xi.,; Th-, r-.-,)y in Pub Tv. I o ~)ctjhlm. -,"A. 1 11_4. 10, .b.;t~,:.ct Dicrocolicc;is (,.-i n.1wi) h ill 0 al-Ach v,,rs wit, (U crkw, 1j. i- i Dicr,"2041itz: C.-t (,-,%Y~Aolo- ,.Ic!,.,! oolutiol)) of enion ic P, in th,.! ,)f -.-. izuu.,~iazi fl:o.-: tho pul.? r;f tl~'sQ ".11c1 of C()-zl':,.('C'I,'O 4-i,. tlll fom, 10 pjrcjut ..11 prov,:-A ll:a~foctivo. 24 KRIVIASHro, M.A. and morbiA.Ly dynaml:!,; of in infnnt.-l in Llmm.,!Att. Zdrav. Kazakh. 23 no.'+-56-58 163. OMIRA 176) I . 1, z ic. rA f o! d ry i,, o 9 p i t. f t 1. 1 n -, y F -e ~ I " "I t r I I ( . % v 1"i 1A.rl.,3 b C. ~ I t y - I r a f . A . I . Aw-nirova) O.-m-ttinskogo lristlLut-a. 1 It- - BAILDIS, K. I. VORC)141h, A, YlLML1~4KO 2. USSR (600) 4. Bee Gulture - Equipment and Supplies 7. Bee flights during wintering. Pchelovodstvo 30 no. 1. 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - --- -- -M KRIVOSUDSKY, Jozef NEconomyo organization, and planni of cellulose and paper production" by Z.V. Ucastkina [Uchaotkinal MI., G.B. Gasparov. Reviewed by Jozef Krtvosudsky. Papir a polulosa 18 no.3s7l-72 Mr 163. 1. Vychodos~ovenske celulozky a I?apieme, flencovce. I KRIV "Meetron microscopy of collulose* by 01,UoUmaw-Or (Usmanor, Kh.U], G.V.Wikonovic [Vikonovich, G.V-], Revieved by Jozef Krivosudsky. Papir a celulosa 18 no.llt233 N163. 1. VychodoBlovenske celulozky a paplerne, Hencovce. - NEandbook for enginem in the paper Industry". Vol.3. Reviewed by Jo2mf Krivosudskyo Papir a celulosa 18 noolls 233 N163. 1. Tychodoolovenske celulozky a papierne, Hencovce. YOR.7103MISM~', Jnzef 1 -1.1 .... ronference on the tvc,-5tage S.-'elum-calcium bc!.,~zig I of pulp. .'-apir a celulona 19 no.1`0293 N 164. KRIVOTOROVI A.F. Experimental study of the distribution of normal preesures vhere a stamp contacts a sand-foufdation. Oan., fund. I, mekh grun. 5 no.2: 8-12 163, (miu 1613) - (Soil mechanics) r:i F.' C11,1-UL', :;~,G Ili. i". 115 n -1 ystemaf,ic-, -3,3o,,,raj:hy, and ih-, -1o,geny of the St cci-s Le, c.,.,-a (Griseb.) KrIv. of th,-. Gonu.5 Festuca L-" Cand Diol Sci, Irst of Botany, Acad Sci USSR, Lenin-rwl, 195.3. (RZhBiol, No 1, 'lie - ~4) j SO: Suri 432, Z) 1'jir 55 Now fescue species. Bot.mat.Garb. 17.170-85 '55. (XLRA 9:5) (fescue) IVOTULINKO, U.7. ---- -- - - - - - - --I Now sections of the genus jeotuca, L, Bot,mat.Garb. 20:48-67 l6o. OUR& 1337) Oresoue, grass) KRIV(YTULENNOP UGFO Two- and thrao-callular hairs in Siberian sheep's fescues. Trudy Vost.-Sib.biol.inst.SO AN SSSR no.lsl42-143 162. (Siberia, F4mtern-Fescue) (KMA 161l) Kilivom'.Ov, V. A. 1--Roi Toole, Cutting metals - Cutting "fte Works of Soviet Scientists In the Field o metal Cutting," Prof V. A. Krivaukhov, Dr Tech Sol, 3; pp "Otankl I Instrument" No 3 Briefly lists some of xwe Inortant vorks published by Russian and Soviet scientists during 1918-1948 in the toobnology'of cutting metals. 76T-30- 1Vc-,.,.T~-' . ~ I- . V. it I I cuttim, of metalo with IMcK. tools", by V. A. Yriv~iijhhov, I- Zi. V. YcLmrov, and D. N. Kozlov, Ve-ntnI4 1 141', '!l)- 12, 1!. 317-42. S?O: 12 Feb. 5J) Mntoplol Zhurwd Itiftli Stat~--y, r0. I", M. A* 18. The Work of Native (Russian) Scientists in the Field of metal-cutting. V. A. Kri!Sukhm(stanki i Instrument, 194o, 19, (3), 9-12).-(1n Russian). Tile firi~ experiments in the cutting of metals were carried out in 1848. A list of Russian scientists w4 investigators Is given covering the period 1870-1948.--W. J. K. DITACHY.IIKO,P.Ye., laureat Stalinskoy premii, doktor tekhalchookikh nauk; YAKOBSOX.M.O.. kandidat tekhnicheskM nauk; KRIVOEJKHOVY.A.. pro- fesaor. doktor takhnichookikh nmik. retsenzen-r;-Mft-w-.'"-.. kan- didat takhnichookikh nauk, dotsent, rateensent; LARIN,K.N.. laureat Stalinskoy premii, professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; BOBR(NA,Te.N.. takhnicheakiy redaktor [Surface quality in actal-cutting] Kachestvo poverkhnosti pri ob- rabotke metallov rezaniem. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashl- nostroltallnoi lit-ry, 1951. 207 P. (MIRA 9:1) (Metal cutting) -Y,H-.T~M ~.,-V. _A.; W.TKOVI-A-I.- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- "Bonding of Minerals- Ceramic and Carbide Tool Bits with Heat Resistant Glue," Stanki i Instrument, Vol 6, June 1952 PP 35-36. Analysis B-85830, 26 May 55 V. A.; :10KOV, A. 1. KRIVOUKHOV, V. A.; M.MOV, A. I. Fusion Fasten1w, of minoral-ceramic and hard- alloyrd )lutes with heat-resistant oante. Stan. I instr. 23 no. 35, 1952. i-TontYLly List of Russian Accession3p Library of iovember 1952. V,;CLAS31FIED + 7-U GRANOVSXIT# 0.1.: GRUDOT. P.?.; XRIjjUmhmU&; LARIN, M.N.; KLMY, A.Ta., TIKHDIIOV, A.TA*v twUnIchaskV redalctor Netal cutting] Resanis metallov. Pod red. V.A.Krivoukhava. Kookm, Goa. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo mashinostrott. lit-ry, 1954. 472 p. (metal cutting) (MIBA 8t4) QY'4"h, doktor tekhnichigskikh nauk; VORCISOY, Aron Usarevich, i Rekhnicheekikh nauk; MMHTM. MO.. kandidat tekhnicheekikh nank. redaktor; MITSXATA, A.K.,rsdaktor- LIBEWA. L.A,. takhnicheekly redaktor, LHigh-frequency vibrations of the auttilig tool duPidg metal cutttn4l Tyackochastotnys vibrpktsii restea pri toebenil. Xoskva, Gos.isd-vo obor.promyshl.. 1956. 75 P. (Hoscow. Aviatelonnyi institut. Trudy, no. 67) (Kim 9210) (Outting tools-Vibration) (Ketal cutting) -V- A - Y r kfij~ - - - - xivi-BEL 80V~ 1. "Determination of Cutting Force from the Physical Characteristics of Machined Metals" p. 132-138, in the book Research in the Physical Solids, Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1957. 277 p. Ed. Bolshanina, M. A., Tomsk Universit6t, Siberskiy fiziko- tekhnicheskiy Institut. Personalities: Zvorykin, K. A.; Usachev, Ya. G.; Kuznetsov, V. D.; Krivoukhov, V. A.; Rozenberg, A. M., and Bol'shanina, M. A. There are 5 figures and 6 references, all Soviet. This collection of articles is meant for metallurgical physicists and for engineers of the metal-working Industry. This book contains results of research in the field of K failure and plastic deformation of materials, mainly of metals. Problems of cutting, abrasion, friction, and vear of solid materials (metals) are discussed. S/123/59/000/008/021/043 A004/AO02 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyenlye, 1959, No. 8, pp. 74-75, # 29122 AUTHORS: Krivoukhov, V. A., Belousov, A. I. TITLEi Determining the Cutting Forces on the Basis of the Physical Characteristics of the Metals to be Machined PERIODICAL- V sb.t Issled. po fiz. tverdogo tela. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1957, pp. 132-138 TECT: Formulae are presented to determine the cutting forces, suggested by V--D.--Kuzneteov, V. A. Krivoukhov and A, M, Rozenberg, which treat the cutting process like a process of plastic compression. It is pointed out, that the coefficients of chip shrinkage and friction, contained in the formulae, render their practical use difficult. The total cutting power is composed of the power of primary, metal deformation in the cutting zone, the power of secondary deformation, developed by the friction force at the front edge of the cutting tool, power of secondary deformation, developed by the normal force at Card 1/2 S/123/59/000/008/021/043 Aoo4/AO02 Determining the Cutting Forces on the Basis of the Physical Characteristics of the Metals to be Machined the front edge of the tool, and the friction power at the back edge, As a result of calculations and of an analysis of the temperature field, the authors suggest a now formula for the determination of the cutting force Pz* based on the physical properties of the metals to be machined (specific gravity, specific heat, melting point, temperature conductivity, coefficient of friction between metal and tool), cutting elements (depth, feed), blank diameter, and tool angles in the plane. Experimental and calculated graphs of the cutting force P - f(V 3) are presented. The divergence between experimental and calculation dada does not exceed 6%. There are 5 figures and 6 references. B. I. L. Translator's note: This Is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 25(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1301 Krivoukhov Vasiliy Aleksandrovich, Boris Yefimovich Brushteyn, Grigorlyevich Chervyakov, Nikolay Alekseyevich Chelobov (Deceased), Mikhail Antonovich Mya- kishev, Vladimir Georglyevich Bovin, Petr Grigorlyevich Petrukha, and Petr Dmitriyevich Bespakhotnyy Obrabotka metallov rezanlyem (Metal Cutting) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1958. 627 p. 20,000 copies printed. Reviewer: Klushin, M.I.; Ed. (Title page): Krivoukhov, V.A.; Ed. (Inside book): Arshinov, V.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent; Ed. of Publishing House: Suvorova, I.A.; Tech. Ed.: Rozhin, V.P.; Managing Ed.: Sokolov, A.I., Engineer. PURPOSE: This textbook is for aeronautical vuzes giving a course on metal cutting. COVERAGE: The book discusses In a concise form the physical funda- mentals of metal-cutting processes using various types of tools and emphasizing the special features required for the aviation in- dustry. A description and the basic designs of standard metal-cut- Card 1A5 Metal Cutting ting tools are presented automation are examined. tigations carried out in chine-building Industry There are 66 references, ed. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction SOV/1301 and their construction, mechanisms and In compiling the book results of inveo- scientific research institutes of the ma- and data from foreign literature were used. all Soviet. No personalities are mention- 3 SECTION I. METAL CUTTING Ch. I. Basic Concepts of Elements and Geometry or Turning Cutting (Single-Point] Tools 5 1. Elements of the turning cutting tool 5 2. Surfaces and planes of coordinates for detemining the angles of a cutting tool 7 3. Angles of' the cutting tool 8 4. Purpose of tool angles 9 Card 2/ 15 - KRI v-,V'i,*;-doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; BESPAKHom-M, P.D.p aspirant Investigating deformations caused b7 metal cutting. Izv. v7s. zav.; mehinostr. no.1:94-105 '58. (MIRA 11:6) 1*Moskovski7 aviatsionn7y institut. (Metal cutting) (Deformations (Mechanics)) KRIVOITKHOV, V.A.; MARKDV, A.I. .w - lftkwmwti~, rAvom"W~ Investigating the characteristics of high-pressure cooling system in cutting heat-resistant alloys. Stan.i instr. 29 no.6;14-15 Je 158. OGRA l1'-7) (Metal cutting--cooling) -p ~-I- X-TJ _I-- T HOLUTC1, A.T.; DRITRITEV, A.1,; GORBATMO, A.I.; SMOTAN-SARINGULTAN, Go?.; MALA OT.P.Te.; JERITOUXHOV V.A., doktor takhn.nauki red.; I I., pra-.,-47.~.Fr- iinin..k. red.; TRETITAXOTp GRANOVSKIT, G I.P., prof.# daktor tokhn.naukq red.; ALAKSIM. S,Ae, doteent, red.; KALOV, A.N.. doteent. kand.takhn.nauk. red.: MIA rAMOV. M.X., doteent, red.; YCLISKIT, V.S., red.; GALITSOV, A.D.. red.; KABANOT. N.Ts., red.; IMCHIMOV, T.T.. red.; JEARITONOT, A.B., redo; XHISIN, R.I,, red.; SHOR. X.I., redo; SIMOVA& K.K., red. lid-va; SIXIND. V.D.. [Tim norms in general machinery manufacturing for applying costs of lacquer; large, sodium, and small scale production] Obshcha=shincstroitellnyo normativy vtomeni no lakokrasochnye pokrytils; krapnomeriinoo, sarlinoe i solkoseriinoo prois- ,vodstvo. Moskva. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.i&d-vo mashiAostroit. lit-ryo 1959. 83 P. (MIRA'12:6) 1. Moscow. Nsuohno-iseledovatellskiy institut trade. TSentrall- noye byaro prcmyshleanykh normativov po tradu. 2. Rabotniki otdols trudovykh normativoy Nauchno-iseledovatel I skogo institute traktors- salikhosmasha (for Kolotok. Dmitriyov. Gorbatenko, Sharoyan-Sarin- gulyan. Kolakhov). (Painting. Industrial) (Kachinery industry) 24(8) SOV/170-59-5-3/18 AUTHORSt Irivoukhov, T.A.0 Belousov, A.I., Buyanova, T.L. TITLEs Propqrties of Liq4ids (Okhlazhdayushchiye evoystva Cooling , zhidkostey) PERIODICALt Inshonerno-fisichookiy zhurnal, 1959, Nr 5,-PP 15-19 (USSR) ABSTRAM The cooling properties of liquids are estimated by the &verags rate of cooling of a specimen immersed in the liquid. The cooling rate dopsnds also on the shoke, dimensions and temperature conductivity of the specimen and on the conditions of the flow of tbe,llqpid around the slqoimen. The present investigation was undertaken to find a standard method of testing the acalla liquids and to study their cooling properties. The computation of the cooling of a solid body placed into a gaseous or liquid medium was carried out on the basis of G.M. Kondratlyevts theory of regular processes. The.experimental pooling rate is ~determined by the tangent of the angle of slope of the function Card 1/2 ln 0 -f (T) I .- 1" T Cooling Properties of Liquids SOV/170-59-5-3/18 The authors studied the effect of the nature and temperature of liquids, and of the flow velocity# on the rate of cooling. 32 different liquids were tested and the results are presented in-I~Me 1. To increase the rate of cooling, a liquid must be ohb"n with maximum beat oobductivity and minimum kinematic viscosity. The rate of dooling increases sharply with a decrease in the temperature of.the cooling liquid. The effect of the flow veXooity on the rate of cooling can be expressed by the following experimental formulae a =0.12 + 0.00024 w, where w is the ve loci- ty-- of -the frs~ly falling stream of liquid defined as follows$ w M wo r _2g_H where wo in the velocity of liquid flow from a tank, and H is the height of'the falling of the stream. There are 3 graphs, 1 diagram and 1 table Card 2/2 --KRIVOUKHOV, V.A.,prof., duktor telchn.Tmuk Atlas of industrial electrosechanleal equIpment. Part 1. 1 Alectria.driyes and transmission dayiess. 111ektricheetyo no.71 95-96 J1 160. (MIRA 130) (Nmohinery-Deeign) ....'~Vobhhovl V.11. laipid dotum-inttion of -,- i-1.6 IVOCO n ms acr~ordlng to cuttin,-, con.Llitionn. -tar. . o~ 4 34, ic 160. cu;3 'C' ", 1-'J*.!;"! 2 L, 1 1 :--r. 31 no. -:, - (. 14:2~i (,..Ot"-l ClAtirg) 11o 11,19, SOV 157 8 8 SE I BOOV, F,%P 1. Njarkov, Chubarov -Brushtey'n, p, D - Ve 13elousov, and S V. 'Yegorovs 13.- * A ' I. . (machinability N.. i3esPalchot"Y' Uldvo D. ItanovIld' splavo 243 P. iKr!VO Chervlaltov' I' haroProchnylth I t Maj~hgiz, 1961. sti re-zaniyern , paloys) MOSCOW I 0 ritaniu,70 printed. candidate of ObrabatYvalern, tant and ' oples Karatygins Fd- - s 01 1jeat-IjeS serted- 4500 C jewer: A. Ni. -Irech. and in 11 eV 14. X, Ivan0val j jAetaIS -ErrSta 6"P oUUhOvj Uodset ~ IdWorUing 0 eA ). V. A. KrVv, publishing e on CO iTitle Page * ,V. 0 Iiteratur F F" d - I scienceS* Fd for ,gineer* the e Ca anaging R%hqLVjnskIY, 30 T% chni m ncerned'w'th 13varova'p IV Inel Co Is ot higher N. F. rrool Making' persOl at schoo Njachine, tednnical students OZ intended for be useful to Pu POSF,.. This boOir- is it roal 1160 R of Tnetals, nachinIng education. L Ih4 190 .4c VOtt. Q,20f 71i Q,2Q card Ili ~2- ,~q Aro 01, eQF tQj7jIj,?)7 Oye 110 36 S / 12 1/6 2, C I D 10,11 C / D -I A U P 11 051L 3 Krivoukhov V Vef~orov, S.V., lldnov. T 'N"Iyo of inpl,oving tile of loct of coolan" PERIODICAL: Stanki i instrument, no. 1. 11,62, 7;0-')5 TEXT: ,'c-thoils of improving the effect of coolants on ca,-i'n~: -.ri ~~usoi~d. As stated in investigations conducted by V"17. an2 31"her Or.,-an1-::,.- 61uns, "ho effect of the application of cuttirc, coulants ""I, t,-C- fc,.I: -,L--. 4 j j -1 (hr frillinfr int- hivh- and low-nressure. and -d i ' f- -,, S 1121 /6 2, 31-;/C 2/ improvir-~, the hicher at 1-20C than at 20 0 C; this contradicts th(., ;cncl,~:cions dr:.17,n B~:,-;tor. anl Gj,bc~rt thut the beot ~.,ffect iL; a i. o j '3: Influence of Apply-InE; ~Ontti.,q-- F 1 l i 1 wjjt2ij Tijrn-mc 'teel, "Tran.,mc'io!,.- of tho ASI'~"' 71 -,ould not. yet bia decio-d -.f 1 1117-224) c u *L in,- flui.ds cooled ao low as -10 to -200C, of fl,li -tt thio te::,,per-.Aure, is toc high and humidity from. the ir and pror3ucezj -corrosion. It is roco:nn-,,?nlc..d -j'ature betv,-,,~n -.2 and 200C or use a emuls lon wi ,h r. z; a b ai refri n , ,,;!-e of 10-12'3C. A spec gerator uni-t ~----z;acnedl by V11711 and uoini~ one AK-~f qby 60/50 (AK-!'.F-7l'6c,/'Z) d f r t i jt 1) vi e f I y d c c c r A ii c*---.:.~o Conclusions (1) In --Ofrl-.;;tnr'; 11 c' j r o:~ tinail. u3i3d in the investi'-ationsl thu 1w and hich-pres3urc- coo'lin,.- -.r ma -Lr.C ndl t!-, A j. 2 , ~: t, in , w 1 t h s ha 3. 1 ow c u t , a. the deeper) ; (2) The Tesults oll the invejtlcati-= lt!e f ~d - r ,.:I -Z tl,---. f,. ro, t towards de tc, rmin ine I he Card 2/3 D /.D nn r ~q. ui r r., d (2 (1 T I rJ07 Inf luonce uf A-1 0 2 1 '7 Card 3/3 ..rMVOUXHOV,_V..A.j YEGOROV.. S.V.; RUDNEV,, A.V.; SUYJWIOVA, M.A. Increasing the effectiveness of cooling of metal-cutting tools. Stan.i instr. 33 no.1:30-33 Ja 162. (KMA .15:2) (Metal-cutting tools--Cooling) (Ketalworking lubricants) a a 4 0 G 4 a C, g 'W LN a ri-4 79 x -it n P -i.zpt A. 0 0 A, A, u a A, a r to I AA 10 C. X If A A LA '*t "Oda- carboulniks. A A. Kriv go ; V. Kw-,Nov, Rim, Nil. WLM. ww Oc eel *0 I R AV IA, M.I 4 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 & 0 0 0 a a : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 o Zo 0 a o 0 o 0 0 * 0 o & 0 0 0 0 o 0 T4 roe .00 .00 0o .,of '00 09 6X. a & 6 A*Wma* Abwr*f T*AW fw '0u AmOsic N. A. Orumidpvt oind A, A. Kdv4mmv. (genuWaym Lat-Awir. Im. No. 1. 113-114). (In HUMAMI. to lite 414maratun 6'r i snalysio dmirtibod, Cho rapid absorplion ofgmm by 11FIM1.10 V.1 by rapid rimilaUun with a mArmul Imnip wul M pulvotizatim. The snechod Im be*ft mwv"dWly imni for Cho of hydrWO in roke-0%,en g" U.1 is slm~ oWtable for the 4etimmustum o( carbon nvwx,xi&.- a. m, T, 7 11,i A U r")."indry, I'roc Cooos Aur 51 IlUn Uic 1heory of Gas lnjection 111mugh a Conical Sprue," :1. h. I;jatov, V. A. Krivousov, i~njyineers, Chelya,Ansk Metallurrical Plant IlLitey Proiz" 116 8, ~pp 16-v In the process of pouring, con-giderable vacmuri may be created in sprue, causiN, injacLioa 0. aIr and i-ason throu:,?h f1s.-piros or ooros in the walls of norue. Analytical soln of this nroblem iB unsatisfactnry: hydraulic loss due to fricti.oll never was accounted for and law for rresrure di:-tribution along height -of si)rue wan n )t F.~stahlishcd. Ate.,~ipts hydraulic ana.),ysis, Ist oxeluding pressure loss of m,)lt(!n mettlaryj Wan taking luds loss into account. PA 197T73 BOV/68-59-9-4/22 AUTHORS: Dondet M,V*0 Kagasov$ V.M. ana_jLrjyousQy',_ A.A.. ,TITLE; Blending of Coals on a Coal Stock Yard PERIODICAL: Koks i khimiya, 1959, Nr 9, pp 10 - 12 (US'~71R) A BSTAACT An outlinu of the mechanised coal stockyard at the Chel- yabinsk Metallurgical Works (Figure 1) and the re sults of its operation as a blending pl-ant are given. The stock- yard is in two symmetrically situated parts 200 m by ?6 m, ouch with a travelling bridge crane. The delivered coal is -tipped and pasi;ad into bunkers from which it is trans- ferred into the trench running along the yard. From -uhe trench coal is spread in thin layers by the controlled opening of the travelling grab, forming regular piles (Figure 2). The recovery of the blended coal is done by removing with the grab either the whole cross-section or a part of the crosL-section of the pile, depending on the width of piles. Special investijations were carried out in order to determine the degree of blending obtained. Properties of the individual coal types comprising the blend - Table 1; variability of the propeitles of coals during stocking and recovered from the stock - Table 2. Caid 1/2 The results, obtained indicated that a high degree of SOV/03-5"-9-4/24 Blending of Coals on a Coal Stock Yard blending was obtained e.g., standava deviaLion for ash was reduced from 1.0 to 0-50 - 0,36, for volatile content from 1.02 to 0.36 and for Lwellin,-, , index from 32.6 to 21.6s. It is concluded that the operation of the stock yaid as a blending medium is satisfactory. - Then are 2 figures, 2 tables and 5 Soviet references* ASSOUATION: Chelyabinskiy metalluigicheskiy zavod (Chelyabini3k Metallurgical Works Card 2/2 IVATOVp IT.Kj PwWe Wldm, ilauk; ITTVOUSOV V.A.0 .Itwyl* tekime rauk I- prosmav distribution alona tho beicht of a cylindrical foundry OPnws Lite Prollivs no*II4O-,U A 1660 Y. ~, G (I L CIV I V . I . ( iMv Ll k-%,a , ; t , , '. - - Y'k. - ('J.r~vylj ,1;, 1 4, ~ L. : .. ~ .. - ;~ I ;; ~ c. y tj ~~ r c g 1 0 D o v c,!j t. r c bov a n 41 pi I , rlf (E KI ~, 1; , A . F . ; 11 - . L'-~ ~.~ , I" - -- ~,%I,I r 1. - ~ I I I , i I V.D, Healing off-rac-Itures n ArcL47 rrg-*cr;~~, Cr~cV.,. tram. 14 pr:Aez. 26 no.? :29-31 Mr 165. "MIRA 18:7) VAISILIKOAl V .; I L I C)_".""A ini (-j X-ray attAy cf the mutual' joji;j~jlil tornar- y systems KC1- SaCl - CrCj~ a:, 4 Vest. LGU 20 no.16t126-152 165.' '(Mrl-.A 181g) KRIVOUSOVA, I.V.; VASILIM"11A, I.V.; SUS-'R*-71, "".*-'. Thennographic study of the ny-stem 'CI 3 - Na( L - El Zhur. r-.r-'kl. khim. 37 no.llt2348-2353 11 164 (Pmu 18:1) J . '. 1; 1 1. 1 r~ U%i AV Coricentl-LlLion ~f~ions o" ternar:i ~rl the oystern 3VC'6, Zhur. prikI. Ni 37 no. 10:210'~-2203 0 ~,4. (',1ILRA 27:11) iauk; KRIVOT, A., transportation at O-D 157. ice. Khol. (KUU 11:1) Use of flexible shells in the design of thin retaining walls. Mor. flot 20 no.10:38-40 0 160. (MIRt 13:10) 1. Zamestitell nachalfntka otdel-- gidrotekhniki Leamorproyakta. (Retaining walls) (Polymers) KRIVOV, A.A.; GAPONWO, I.M.; USENKO, S.F., uchitell; KULIXAN, A.G., prof. Editor's mail, Dim, v shkole 17 no.3:8243 My~-Je 162. (MDU 15:6) 1. Podagogichookiy inatitut, g, Daugavpilat Latviyakiya SSR (for Krivov). 2. Besedinakaya orednyaya shkola, Kurskaya oblast' (for Usanko). (Chomi5try) KODULASHVILI, Sh.N.; ROTENBERG, A.G.; I'MANOV, M.N.; A.G.; KAPLUN, M.S.p red.; YIEDRISH, D.M.,, (New apparatus for quick freezing) Novye skoromorozill- rWe apparaty; nauchnoe soobshchenie. Moskva.. Gostorgizdat, 1963. 65 P. (MIRA 17:1) GURYUNOV, B.F., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk; GUDAMSTS, N.A., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; ZIATOVIMBOYNIKOV, L.P., imadidat takhnicheakikh naukl KAGAN. Ya.1h., kandidat takhnichaskikh naukL~~~ inshener; XUROOHKIN. S.N., inzhener; LTAKHNITSKIT, or - takhatcheakikh nauk, professorl NOVIKOV. A.F., kandidat tokhnichaskikh naukl ROMASHOV, D.G., inchener; SHTINTSILI, V.I.. kandidat takhni- cheskikh mauk; KUZIMIN, T.P., redaktor; ZAYTSEV, N.N., redaktor; NILIDOVA, B.S., redaktor isdatellstva; TIKHONOVA, Te.A., tekhnicheakiy redaktor [Port hydrotechnical Installations; construction and disigal Portovya gidrotakhnichookle sooruzhenila; konstruirovania i raschets Kooky&* ltd-vo *Xorskoi transporW 1956. 537 P. MRA 9:11) (Harbors) IMIKOV, Tu.H.; CHIXIN, V.Y.; ANISIMOV, N.I.; BARSKOV, I.M.; VINOGRADOT, Tu.V.; GAVRILOV. A.N.; GAUKHMAN, L.A.; OOLOV, A,,P,; GOLIDW, L.Sel ORIMNIXOV, G.I.: Y&FIROV, A.N.; ZAIQTSKIY, H.S.; ZAYTSVA, 1.1.; OI7RMj A.I.: NANDARITSKIY, Yes#; XAPRANOV, I.A.; KOVALIT, N.I.; KOVALIVSKIY, K.A.; KOLOSOV. A.P.; XRIVOV, A.�,L. KRYWY, R.N.; LNVITAS. A.G.-, MALTOIN, M.A~-, MORAMICH, Yu.A.; MOTIM, A.S,; XMIROV, M.V,; NIKOLISKIT. A.V.; OHLOVv G*Kq; OBLOVp Taelio; PAMMSXIT, V.X..; POLUKOV, A.S.; RUBIN. V.I.; SVANIDZ39, X.N.; STRIGIN. I.A.; TAKOYLT, X.Y.; TEUBNIKOV, S.V.; CHEWSHEVA, L.1,; CMWOXOV, N.Te.; 6HWnG, V.M.; WHUMILIN, S.G., akademik, red.; ANTOSWKOVA, L., red.; KIXAnTAN, Nei red.; MMIN, Tue. tekbinered, [Dictionary of the seven-year plan from A to 21 Slovarl semiletki ot A do IA. Moskva, Goe.izd-vo polit.lit-ry, 1960. 397 P. (MIRA 13:7) (Russia--Xconomic policy) Ot FRIVOT, D.A.._,,,polkovnjjcp voyennyy letchik 1-go klassa nights in a closed cabin. Vest. protivovozd. obore no.6: 40 je.'61. (MIRA 14%8) (Ifistrument tlying-Study and teaching) XRI my, I. A forgotten decision. Prom, koopozo*2:34-35 P 156. (KWU 9:7) (Serpukhey-CooperatiTa iociaties) USSR/ Physicet - Dielectrics card t ILA Authors I Vorbyev, A. A., Vodopyanov, K. A. and Krivov, M. A. Title Dielectric losses and rupture of alKali-halido salt crystals Periodical Doll. AN 935H, 96t Ed. 6, 1135 - 11360 June 1954 Abstract Investigations confirmed that dielectric losses are an ionic phenomenon. The magnitude of dielectric losses in alkali-halide salt crystals and their electrical strength are connected with the energy of the crystall- ine lattice. An increase in tho energy of the lattice and in activation energy Is followed by an increase in electrical stability of the struc- ture. Such a change Is also followed by a reduction of dielectric losses in the crystals. A minimum value of electric strength corresponds to the maximum angle of dieleettic losses. Four references. Gray-he. In3titUtiOll 3iberian Physico-Technical Scient. Research Institute and the S. M. Kirov Polytechnicum, Tomsk Presented by Academician A. F. Iolfre, March 15, 1954 USSR/Physics, Conferences Card 1/1 Pub. 153-23/28 Authors : Gutin S. S. and Krivov M. A. Title t Scientific conference of the Sibirian Physicotechnical Institute Periodical : Zhur. Tekh. Fiz.p 25P No 7, 1332-1334, 1955 Abstract : A conference was held in Tomsk at the end of January as celebration of 25 years of existence of the Sibirian Physicotechnical Institute. The director of the Institute, corresponding member of the Acad. Sci. USSRp V. D. Kuznet- sov opened the session. The topics discussed were: Solid state physics, theoretical physics, electric insulation, optics and spectroscopy, electric and magnetic controls. A brief report is given of all presented papers. Institution: Submitted : USSR/Physical Chemistry - Crystals, B-5 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimlya, No 19, 1956, "-27 Author: Vodoplyanov, K. A., Voroblyev, A. A., Krivzw, M. A. Institution: None Titles Dielectric Losses, Electric Strength of Crystals of Alakli Halide Salts and Iattice Energy Original Periodical: Izv. Tomskogo politekhn.*-,.in-ta, 1956, 83, 22--26 Abstract: From graph plotted on the basis of literaLuxe and personal data the following conclusions are derived: oD increase of energy of conductivity activation, lattice energy, heat of formation of solid compound and temy_erature of fusion in the series of alkali halide salts with different anions or cathl,,)3s thare is observed increase of electric strength E and decrease of the angle-of dt electric losses tg8. In the system KBr-K! -ximum of curve tg 'a f (composition) and minimum of curve E arn at 50% K1. In the same system t9l. increases with increase in t-tmperatire more sharply than Card 1/2 USSR/Physical Chemistry - Cx7stals, B-5 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956.,,6092? Abstract: with pure XBr or KI. For a NaCl crystal beginning of rapid rise of tgS and raped drop of E coincide (;2250); both effects are at- tributed to rapid weak6laing of bonds tetveen ions beginning at above stated temperatures. The conclusion is reached that. di- electric losses and spark-over are determIned by strength 6f bond between particles in crystal. Card 2/2 VIE r10 r I t3 -1 r0 I Lit & F-ft I jet K-;:. I~41 I X 9, A13 0 0 (3 2. o.3 / 3 0 O-V) 3 7) 10 - W3 -1,- 21513 S/139/61/000/002/008/018 9032/9414 AUTHORS: KrIvoX- M-A., Malisova, Ye.V., Presnov, V.A. and Sy-norov, V,F, TITLEt A Study of Some Physical Properti*s of Polycrystalline GaAm PERIODICALs Izvestiya vysshikh uchobnykh zavedeniy, Fizika, 1961, No.2, pp.66-70 TEXTt This paper was first reported at the Third Conference of Schools of Higher Education on Semiconductors and Dielectrics, Leningrad, 1960. The resistivity, thermoelectric power and the Hall coefficient of polycrystalline specimens of gallium arsenide were measured. The original material was synthesized directly from arsenic and gallium and was zone refined six times (this will be described in a separate paper). The final specimens were rectangular in form and their dimensions were 2 x 2 x 7 mm3. The resistivity and the Hall coefficient were measured with the aid of ohmic tin contacts fused into the specimens in a vacuum at temperatures of the order of 6oo to 700*C- Before measurements were begun, the specimens Card 1/6 S/139/61/000/002/008/018 9032/E414 were immersed in a solution containing 20 ml of NaOH and 4 ml of 30% H202 (G.S.Avorkiyova, O.V,Yemel'yananko, Rof.1) After this treatment they were washed in boiling distilled water. Fig.1 shown the temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity and carrier concentration calculated from the Hall measurements under the assumption that the hole concentration was negligible. It in estimated from the slope of the curve representing concentration as a function of temperature that the activation energy of the donor impurities was 0.12 ev. Fig.2 shows the thermoelectric power as a function of temperature for tw gallium arsenide specimens at different average temperatures, Using the Pisarenko formula (Ref.2) the magnitude of the effective mass of the carriers was estimated to be of the ordbr of 0.27 m0. The experimentally determined temperature dependbnce of the concentration was compared with its theoretical value computed from the formula A Study of Some Physical S/139/Al/000/002/008/018 E032/E414 K + 4K (N.-N. 0-68 A A 2 all + (K,-FN.)' I K, - (2ffmxk 7/h2)1,2 e- 3 tA]k T where NA and Na are the donor and acceptor impurity concentrations, mx, is the effective electron mass, and 14cA Is the donor activation energy. It Waa fgund that NA = 1.18 x jol8cm-3 and Na =-1.10 x 101 cm-3. in addition, the contact potential difference of gallium arsenide sI)ecimens'relative to a standard platinum electrode was measured. The measurements wero'carried out on polished and etched specimens in air and in vacuum at various temperatures in the range 20 to 850C. Fig.4 shows the temperature dependence of the contact potential difference of germanium and gallium arsenide in air. The continuous and dashed curves refer to etched and polished specimens respectively. Fig.5 shows the contact potential difference as a function of air pressure after etching. Fig.6 shows the variation Card 316 3/i39/6i/ooo/cO2/oo8/0l8 A Study of Some Physical ... E032/E414 in the contact potential difference on henting in vacuum. A quantitative analysis of these results ir. not given since the specimens were polycrystalline and t1t,3 results are therefore said to be "not entirely reliablon. The general conclusion is that changes in the surface properties of gallium arsenide ore associated with the properties of surface compounds formed during the etching process and subsequent adsorption of componentm from the surrounding medium. Students I.A.Vinitskaya and L.Ye.Smirnova took part in the measurements. Acknowledgments are expressed to the Senior Scientist of SFTI, Candidate of Physical Mathematical Sciences A.P.Izergin and Engineer V.A.Zgayevskif og the Technical Division for taking part in discussions of the results. There are 6 figures and 6 referoncess 3 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut pri Tomskom gosuniversitete imeni V.V.Kuybysheva. (Siberian Physicotechnical Institute at the Tomsk State University imeni V.V.Kuybyagev) SUBMITTEDz October 17, 1960 Card 4/6 3/137/62/000/002/(',59/1', ACO~/AlOl AWHORS. Presnov, V. A, Izergin A. P rivov M,_A, Vyatkin, A. P., Stroltelev, S. A., Mellchen N., Malisova, Ye. V., Selivanov, V. A., Grigorlyeva, A. G. r LE; Investigation of gallium arsenide PERTODICAL: R(,,feratJ-vnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 2, 1962, 40, abstract M304 (V sb, "Vopr. netallurgii I fiz. poluprovodnikov", Moscow, IN 1JSSR, 1961, 70 - 75) TUT The authors studied electrophysical and rectifying properties of GaAs crystals. Specimens were obtained by alloying in ampoules and were purified by zonal melting. Single-crystal or coarse-domain moldingswere cut out of the specimens. It was found that the specific resistance of specimens produced by alloying in ampoules was lower by 20 times than that of specimens prepared by synthesizing during zonal melting. The anomalous course of resistance changesin a magnetic field was established. The effective electron mass was estimated to be m* - 0.027. Activation energies of admixtures AEacc ' 0,25 ev an~ AEdo3 = = 0.12 ev were found. For the n-type, higher rectifying factors (10 - 10 and Card 1/2 V 1 "7/ '2/COO/002/059/144 Investigation of gallium arsenide r1CO-;A!O1 more, and for the p-type 102), counter voltages, and voltage breakdown resi3tance were obtained. The height of the rectifying barrier was found to be equal to O's ev~ 11~ B, Golovin [Abstracter's note: Complete translation) Card 212 3 7721) S/139/62/000/002/ol6/028 4, r2 7 6 o E039/E435 AUTHIORS: Nrivoy, M-A-, Malisova, ye.V., Prosnov, V.A., Chernova, N.V. TITLE: The properties of germanium alloyed with titanium P'-?RICDIC,%L: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavodeniy. Fizika. no.2, 1962, 1o8-113 TZXT: The Ge-Ti alloy was formed by the diffusion of a thin film of Ti deposited on germanium in a vacuum and then heated to 800*C for 8 hours. The samples were subsequently annealed at 4500C for 7 hours and then cooled slowly. Under those conditions the concentration of Ti changes exponentially with depth in the sample. In order to obtain data for a more uniform distribution, t:-.casurements were made on the face of the samnle which was initially coated with Ti and then ground after alloying, The cloctrical conductivity and Hall effect in alloyed and control Ilu OK. sai;zplos were t-.ioasurod for tot-ziperaturos in the ran,,'o 100 to no The temperature dependence o'f those parameters for the alloyed samples had the same general form as for Go. Typical values for the concentration of donors and acceptors in n-type samples are Card 1/2 s/139/62/oco/owol6/028 The properties of germanium ... E039/E435 -3; Na -3 '%D = 4.79 x lol5cm 4.71 x lol5cm and in p-type = ,.4 x 1015cm-3 and N. = 2.58 x jol5om-3. It is shown 'that atoms of Ti have a large diffusion coefficient in Go (D = 5.5 x 10-7cm2/see). In the germanium lattice titanium produces acceptor levels with LIS = 0.2 eV. The adsorption of atoms of Ti on the surface of Ge is accompanied by a lowering of the nogative surface charge. It is possible -co form an inversion n-'Ly:ic layer on the surface of p-type germaniu,i owing to the forn-.:ttion of a positive surface charge with th( absorption of a lar-e quantity of Ti atoms. The diffusion of atoms of Ti into germanium from a film is accompanied by the formation of electron- hole transitions; hence it can be used in the preparation of dio6es and triod05, There are 5 figures. ,';,SSOCIATION: Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnichoskiy institut pri Tomskom oosuniversitate itioni V.V.Kuybyshava (Siberian Physlcotechn�cal Institute at Tomsk State University imeni V.V.Kuybyahav) SU"IMITTZD: August 5, 1961 Card 2/2 Investigation of the kinetic characteristics of highly doped antimonide. V. A. Kokoshkin (10 minutes). Synthesis, dopin.9, and preparation of single crystals of gallium arsenide. A. P. Izergin, A. G. Grizorlyeva, V. N. Chernigovskaya, G. M. Ikonnikova. Crystallization of gallium arsenide under different pressures of arsehic vapor. S. S. Khlubkov, V. A. Cclivanova, G. M. Ikonnikova. I Influence of Impurities on the electrical properties of gallium arsenide. M. A-_,.KCj,_yqy,._YO- V. Malisova, C. V. Malyanov. (P-r-iiented by M. A. Krivov--)~ minutes). IF Rapo.--%, prosented at tl~e 3rd National Conforvnco on So,-"-' conductor Comnounds, ;'. A lr,!_~nov, 16-21 Sopt 1963 AZ=1011 ra: AP3000933 a/ 0139/63/000/002/ollh/oUS AUMOR: Krivov, M. A,; Kalls*vz Ye. V.; Kalywm,, S. V. Tr=: Effect of Gw-A Irradiation an some propertles of gallium arsenide SMCE: Izv. VUZ;' Pitas,', no. 2. 1963,F 114-nB TOPIC TAGs: irradiation of semiconductors, gallium areenide, Ga=a Irradiation,' irreAistion,, roamiconductore ABSTRACT: The *effect of Wme Irradiation on the alectroconductlvity ead H&LU offect of n- and p-tygs g&Ui= arsenide monocrystalo has been Investigated. Rectemgaar 10 x 2 x 2-m spealmets with a currdtit-carrier concentration of 1014-1017/=3 vere used. Keesurements were made by the compensation metho,1. C060 with an energy of 1.25 May served as the ga=& source. It vas found that ge=r4 irradiation decreases conductAvity in both a- end p-type specimcas. Ir- re4lation at room texqerature reduces the Hall coeffiolent an4 carrier mobility, while it inoteases awrier canc6atration in both typen of anacimens. Irradiation cau-ses st-able radiative accep-~o-r and donor levels. The cona=tratjou of holes in the s"cimens is higher after IrraxUationo- The 1nare"s to current-~wrler density over the entire tem- crra%ure reap ftce.,150 to 4T3X Is tbe result of IonirAtion of Octeptor levels,, d 1/2 ACCESSION IM t - AP 933 vbLich appears due'to Irradiation, Acceptor ionization energy ~raa found to be 0,051 ev. Orig. &-,t. heat 6 figures and I ~~le. ASSOCIATION: Sibirokiy fitiko-takhaitheakly. institut pri Tomakcxa gosuniveraitete imeni V V vy*4ava (Siberian Pbysicotechnical Institute at, the Tomsk State University; SUMMITED: lCMar62 DM ACQ: IlTua6' ENCL: 00 SO CODE: ILS 90 FOW SOV: 001 a=R: oo4 Card 2/2 - - -- - -= - ~ - rv -. '.. ll! ~.. ~N, ~ 'f~i; i R~; ~ I Im Eb, zL~I~Ll I- - - I C. ~ - ~ - I -, - - -. - - - - - I ~ I 171= -7 - 1 1-1.1 - - . . . 1 1. . , . - -, , . , - -.1 . 9- . - ---, ~,, .. FF , .1, ;;;; 1~ ;11 ., ~ - i l~ - . n.,, - - I I .. I I ;, -I ~ I - . . Z: k-~~. Im. - Z ~E- I E - VA-51 -~ I 'j, r', and the p f Fr-r .%y u c mo o ti c tti re P o r a h v r r- rf Tilt -of Ea Ellia - , . t UK 1 t JIB ~-f:nnlt fit CL 00 L 2716-66 Eyri-(m)ITIEiyp(t)lEvip(b)l~ziiA(c) ijp(c) T:-)/.;c- ACCESSION NHi AP5017185 Wol3g/65/000/003/0148/0150 AUTHOR: Krivov,, .14. A.; Malinoval Ye. V.; Shlahkova., G. S. properties of gold- TITLE: Eie 4oped gallium arsenide SOURCE: rM Fizilta.. no- 3, 1148-15o TOPIC TAGSs g&Wum arsenidep gold containing alloyp ionizationL. impurity level ABSTRACT: This investigation was undertaken because gold is used for contacts in gallixmv-arsenide devices, but there are no published data on the electric activity of the gold In gallium arsenide. The tested crystals were doped with gol-I either by introducing the gold in the melt or by diffusion from a gold film deposited on the crystal surface. The doped crystals bad n-type conductivity, with the number of electrons in the crystal decreasing with increasing gold content. The ioniza,- tion energy of the gold levels could not be determined, probably because of the high donor density and the limited solubility of the gold. Comparison of the surface-diffusion sample with a stanclard undoped sample shows that the introduction of the gold should give rise to two nev acceptor levels in the gallium arsenide. One of the levels is at 0.046 ev., but the identification of the second level is difficult* It is most 3_tkAay that the gold replaces a gallium atom at the lattice pointp and forms together with the interstitial copper present in that original Card 1/2 u; !Z~ L 2716-66 ACCESSION NR: APWIT185 material a complex with ionization energy 06046 eve Wge arta hAst 3 figures, ASSOCIATION: Sibirskly fiziko-takhnichaskiy institut imeni V. Do Kuzueteove, SUBMITUMt 2BMA ENCLi 00 CUB CODE: 881 NR REF SOV: 000 OTHERt 003 .Card 2/2 L 1445-66 _14P(c) NAT ACCESSION NRi AP5021384 MV0139/65/000/004/0156/0165 AUMOM., KrivGVj M, A#; VhlyanoVp So V. TITLE: Effect of x-raya on the electrophysical properties of gerMarAium and of gar- manium p-n Junctions. 1. Electropbysical properties of fijrmLLLdum exposed to soft x- rays 11 TOPIC TAGS: germaniump p n junction, x irradiation, radiation damages. Hall effect, electric conductivity, relaiation, recombination rfidiation ABSTRACT.- The purpose of the work vas an investigation of the change in the elec- tric conductivity of irradiated germanium samples having different types of ann- ductilrlty and various values of resistivityp to determine the mechanism whereby the non-equilibrium carrier concentration relaxes, and to determine the effect of vexi- atiozi of the properties of the mattrial on the changes in the parameters of germazi-, um P-n junctions. Borth n- and p-type germanium samples were used,, diyided into two resistivity groups (fte and -39 obm-cm). The apparatus was such that the conductivi-1, ty and the Hall effect of the sample could be measured during the x-irradiation. lhe~ effective energy of the incident x-ray photon was 18.5kev'. Irradiation of low- Cc rd - 3/2 L lhh5-66 ACCESSION IqR: AM1184 resistivity samples did not affect the carrier density noticeablys a fact attributed to the very high carrier density in the conduction band. Ir. the case of high- resistivity samples, the carrier density increases strongly with irradiaticny and saturation sets in even after relatively small absorbed doses. This in attributed to the onset of noticeable recombination. The relaxation of the excess carrier den- sity following impact recombination is analyzedp and it is shown that at low excita- tion levels the impact relaxation exhibits e. linear characteA!. It is shown WI&I.Yt- ically that the dominating effect in x-irradiated germanium is impact recoobinetionp and that irradiation of germanium with soft x-rays (effective wavelength 0.67 A) re- cults in a very large absorption coefficient and produces a large carrier-density gradient in the x-ray propagation direction, with a maximum on the surface. The ex- perimentaLly measured gradient agreed well with the theoretical calculation. "The authors thauk Docent Y.- I. Gaman. g,valuable advice and diploma candidate R. A.-i.l.%- _Ycpo for help with the work." Orfg-0 'art. hast 8 figures) 30 formdlaap and-T'W)1e- ASSOCIATIOM Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institiat imeni V. D. Natneteava (021 (Siberian nZaicatechnical Institute) 0 SMaTM t 05roba EMCL% 00 NO-REF SM. OOB OTHERs 005 Card 2/2 SUB:Cmzt SS)9M ATD PRESS: Z/-//