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12- 3/185/63/008/002/00t/d' D:!34/D308 AUTHOR s Krivoglaz, M. A. TITLE: Theory of the scattering of x rayu and neutrons by ordered alloye P:l,,R !ODIGAL sUkrayin0kyy fizychtLyy zhurnav,,- v. ~3, no. 2, 1963, 9 4 U A A rcvi~w of literature on the oubjecto I rgely of papers by Llic auLhor himself (10 in all Thore are 25 references: 17 11 1 ;Jovic'U-bloc and 8 zion-Soviet-bloc. -1 Lj OC- 'I T t) Inutitut,metallofioiki AN USBR (Institute of-Metal hyijica of the AS UkrSSH)f Kiev Gard 1/1 _,_A.A,.; TIKHOSOVA, Ys.A. I Theory of the Debye thermal factor in solid solutions* Ukr, fi2a shur, 8 no.2oWA-~51 F 163. (KIRA 1632) 1. Institut mstallofisiki AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. (Alloys.-Thermal proparties) 5/126/63/ol5/ool/002/029 EJ32/Rl35 AUTHORS t rivoklazi MsA*j and 11yaboxhapka, K.P. '_K TlTLE s The theory of the scattering of X-rays by crystals containing dislocations. The case of random distribution through the crystal of screw and edge dislocations PMUOUICALz Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v-15, no.1, 1963, 18-31 TEXT: An analysis is made of the scattering of X-rays by crystals which contain straight screw and edge dislocations. It is assumed that there is no correlation between the dislocations and that they run in directions which are characteristic for the given crystal structure. Displacements at a given point may be due not only to the nearest dislocations, but to all other dislocationm. The came in which the mean distance between dislocations is much less than the dimensionn of the crystal is studied. It is found that dislocations lead to a Gaussian widening of the X-ray lines. The line width in powder photographs in proportional to tan 0 where 2 0 is the angle through which the Card 1/3 The theory of the scattering of ... 5/126/63/015/001/00Z/029 E132/E135 rays are scattered and depends not only on the length 'but also on the direction of the corresponding diffraction vector. The influence of correlations between dislocations is discussed. Other authors have described In detail the scattering from a crystal with a single dislocation in a cylindrical block. These results are not directly applicable to a crystal with many dislocation", as all dislocations affect the displacement at a given point in the crystal. The number of dislocations in assumed to be.twa-ch less than the number of lattice points. A cubic crystal with one atom per cell is first examined. Eshelby's results are used to describ* the displacement field around a screw dislocation in au isotropic continuum.. An expression for parallel dislocations is obtained and this is extended to the case where there are several Buerger's vectors in a series of different special directions. 'if all the dislocations are parallel the spots in reciprocal space become discs with a Gaussian density distribution;. a b.c.c. crystal in which the Buerger vectors of the screw dislocations are parallel to the