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HYAGKOV. K.N., inthener; SVJCTLOV, S.I., Inshaner; POCIITARKV, F.X., inzhener; TURKIN, V.S., kandidat takhatchaskikh nauk; KAKARICHEV, Y.V.. kandidat tokhnichaskikh nauk; USISR, P.A.; KRIVITSXIY, M.Ya., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk. --Imawmda large-p&nel apartment houses built with honeycombed concrete. Stroi.prom.32 no.2:6-13 1 '54- (KLRA 7:2) 1. Glavuralpromstroy (for Myngkov, Svetlov and Fochtarev). 2. TSentrallnyy nauchno-lasladovatel'okly institut promysh- lanaykh soorusheniy (for Turkin, Kararichav, Tesler and Krivitskiy). (Apartment houses) (Concrete constraction) KTAGKOV,K.N., Inzhener; XOMIN,G.V.. Inzhoner; BMOV,A.T., Inzhener; POCHTAM,7.1r., Inshener; MffOY.X.Y., Inshener; XRTSHMIO,T.A., inshener; KADIYCM,V.V., kandidat takhnichookikh usuk; KUMYASHOV. P.T., kandidat tokhnichaskikh nauk; XRIVI?SKIT,X.Ya , kandidat takhnicheakfth PAuk; WSIMSIM.R.r.. Eandidat ftenicheskikh nauk TISLIR,P.A.. kandidat tokhnichookikh nauk large reinforced fosm concrete panels for heated boaxleas floors of industrial buildings developed by the Central Scientific Re- search Institute of Construction and the Northern Urals Heavy Construction Trust. Rate. i Isobr. predl. v stroi. no.81:18-19 154. (MA 8:6) 1. Glayuralpromstroy (for WyagkoT, Xoskvin, Brukov) 2. Semral- tyashatroy (for Pochtarev, Pashkov, Kryshdevich) 3. ?Sentrallrqy wmchuo-Issledovatel'skly Institut. promyshlenzykh soorushaniy (for Xakaryohev, Kudryashov, Vivitskly, Xateelinakly. Tesler) Moors, Concrete) POCRTARIV, F.I.. inshenerl MiLNZHM. F.I. ~ XFU LWUj,,#A4,. kandidat takhatchookikh n&uk. N - - Cellular concrete building element plant. Strol.prom. 34 no.l: 8-11 Ja 156. (K6U 9 15) 1. Trost Sayuraltyashetray (for Pochtarev. Xanzhura); 2. TSentral'- nyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut promyshlennykh soorushoniy. (Beresniki-Procast concrete) .. ELIVITSKIY, X-Ts., kandi"t takhnichookikh nauk. Chrinkage of celluUr concrete. Stroi.prom. 34 no.2:39 Y 156. (MA 9:5) 1. Tsentralln" nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut protqshlonnylch soorushsuiy. (Concrete) Tii 130-9-8/5-1 AUTHORS:Krivitskiy, Kiye-sDubrovin, G.A. (Engineers) .TITLE: Steel-pouring LaWles of Lightened Construction. (Stalerazlivochnyye kovshi oblegahennoy konstruktsii) PERIODICAL- Metallurgv 19579 Hr 9t pp.18-20 (USSR). ABSTRACT: In standard Soviet teemi ladles the weight of the un- lined ladle amounts to 24-251 of the weight of liquid motal. At the "Zaporozhstall" works the authors, together with K.P.Gulyanitskiy and R.I.Vorodimovt have developed a type where the proportion is reduced to 15 -K the capacity being 220 tons. The reduction has been effected by correct stress distribution in the elements of the steel-work. By adopting an all-welded construction a further reduction to 11.4% with a capacity increase to 230 tons has been achievedt enabling steel production rates to be raised by 1?-13%. Details of the ladles are given in this article. There are 2 figures. A830CIATION: "Zaporozhstall" works. (Zavod "ZaporoahBtall") AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 1/1 KRIYITSKff, Mikhail Yakowlevich, kand.tekhn.nouk; VOLOSOV, Usum Somenovich, IfEIMSOV, K.D.. doktor tekhn.nauk, nauchnyy red.; KRUGLOT. S.A., red.; GILEMOU, P.G., tekhn,red. [Plant manufacture of elements from foam cement and foam silicate] Eavodskoe isgotaylenie 12dolit is penobatone i penosilikats. Koskvn. Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po otrott,, arkhit. i atroit. materialam, 1958. 158 p. (MIRA 11:5) (Precast concrete) KRIVITS11Y. M.Ya.. land. tekbn. naulc Technological principles of planning, porous concrete plants. Trudy ZIZHB no.8:20-26 159. OaRk 13:4) 1. Mmuchno-Issledovatel'skiy institut betona i shelesobetona Akadeall strqitellstva I arkhItaktury SSSR. (Concrete plants) FIENGYABSXLU, M.N., kand. tekhn. nauk-#KRIVITSKIT. X.Ya. Waterproofing of foamd concrete and silicate using silicon orgitnic GIZh-q4 admixtures, Trudy NIjZHB no.9:41-32 159 (XIU 13:3) (Waterproofing) (Lightweight conorete) MIRONOVg S. A. p doktor teklW. nauk p pror. ; XRIYILUIL-_H - Ya. Ljand a tekbn, nauk; SCHASTNYYp A.N.p insbol pri uchastiis DUBOLAZOV# N.M.p inzh,j SHCHMN, A.Ta.g inzh.1 IFTIRAO G.A. r*d4i izd-va; BOROBTV, N.I.t tekhn. red: (Inatructions for mmufacturing large air-entrained concrete hrtioleal Ukazaniia po izgotovlsniiu krupnora=emykh gazobstonnykh izdelii. Moskva# Gos.isd-vo lit-ry po strolt., arkhit. i strolt. materialamp 1960. 30 P. (HnU 14s6) 1. Akademiya stroitelletva i arkbitektury SSSR. Inistitut betona, I zbe- lesobetona, Peravo. 2. Chlon-korreapandent Akademii atroitellstra :L ar- khitaktury SWR (for Mironcv). Maboratoriya yacheisty)Lbg legkikh i us] nogo, tyerdeniya betorov Fauchno-isoledovatellakogo, instituta betom i zbelazobatona Akademli stroitell8tva i arkhitektury SSSR (for SchiwtMy, Krivitekiy) (Continued on next card) MIMNOV, S.A., - (continued) Card 2. 4. Letboratoriya strioitelinykb materialov Zapa&jo-Slblroko o fillaU X Akademli stroitallatn i arkhitektury SUR (for Dubolazovl,5. TSer- tral'naya nauabno-issledovatellskaya laboratoriya Wovosibirskogo sovnarkhoza (for.Shohedrin) (Idgbtwolght concrete) KRIVITSKIT, X.Ta., starshiy nmuchyy motrudnik; X&TYSEX. G.T. Kastering the production of aerated concrete panels in Novosibirsk, Bet. i shel.-bot. no.2:55-58 r 160. (XIU 13:6) 1. Institut batons I shelasobstona Almdemit strattelistya t arkhttaktury Krivitakly). 2. Glavnyy inzhener Upravlenlys Proms troyeaterialov Novosibirskogo sovnarkhoza (for Matysek). (Novosibirsk--Concrete slabs) K~I~Kjj,--X,Yao,starshly nauchnyy sotrudnik; LEYRIM, A.A.; XETELKIII,, L.). Plant producing aJx-entrained concrete articles in Novosibirsk. Stroi.mat. 7 no'o5t23-27 Vj 161o (KaU UM I* Nachno-isaledovateltakiy institut betona i shelewbetona, kkademii otroitelletva I arkhitektury SWR (for Krivitakiy), 2o Glavnyy inahener upravleniya promyshlennoati stroitellny" materialov Novosibirskogo oovnarkhoza (for.IAyrikh). 3. Glavnyy tekhnolog Novosibirskog4 otdeleniya proyektnogo instituta KO,2 (for Metelkin). (Novosibirsk--Concrete plants) (Air-entrained concrete) MIRONOV) S.A.., prof.; KRIVITSKIY, H.Ta., kand.tekhn.nauk Air-entrained concrete with a cement-lime binder for large elements, Bet.i zhel.-bet. no.8s361-364 Ag 161. (KM 11':8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii stroitelistva i arkhitektury SS&I. (Air-entrained concret6) M~IVIrSKIY, ILYA., kand.tekhn.naukj 3CHAO'TNY_', inzh. Swelling and otability or an air-entrained concrete mix. Bet. I zhel.-bet. 8 no.51222-224 My 162. (MIRA 3-5:6) (Air-entrained concrete-Testing) KRIVITSKIY M Ya. kand. takhn. :nauk; NEXPASOV, K.D., prof., TIUTYUNIK, M.S.t red.izd-va; GC)LIPZRG, T.M., red;n takhn. red. (Factory manufacture of products made of air-entrained concrete] Zavodskoe isgotavlente izdelii is gasobstona. Mo- skva, Goestroitsdat, 1963. 126 p. (MIRA 1616) (Air-entrained concrete) KRIVITSKIY, M.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk; SCHASTRY, A.H., inzh. Some problems In the technology of gam concrete during the manufacture of large-sized products. Trudy NIIZHB no.12:218- 227 163, (MIRA 17:1) KRIV.ITSK1,Y, M.N., kand. takhn. naukl SCHASTRY, A.N., Insh. Line deformations and moisture in gas concrete. Stroi. mat. 10 no.6:40-page 3 of cover Js 164. (MIRA M10) I - - ---- --- -- - - ---- - --- --- - - -- - - - - - -- - KPIVTTSKIY, M. Ya.j MAKAROV, P.A.; SCHASMYY, A.',,'. Device for determining the change in moirture content of materials in the process of autoclave treatment. Zav. lab. 30 no.1121417-Wg 164 OMNA 18:1) lo l,auchno-iosledovatellskiy Institut betona 1 -.holezobetona Goestroya SSSR, .1~ !. I--/,::-'I-Y-,-----' 1 -4 -~~ /, ) 7~ I- - -- DUMWVIN, G.A.; IMITITSKIT, X.Ta. Lie-ht-wofght steel-teenzIng laddles. Ditil. TSNITOPY no.15s42-43 157. (min n:,r) 1. ZaToA OZaporozhoWl," (Metallurgical pl=to-XqnIpx,-z;t qrtd supplies) SOV/133-58-10-15/31 AUTHORS: K e. Dubrovin, G.A., Sysoyev, A.V. and Sapko, A.I. TITIZ: Modernisation of the Slabbing Mill at the Zaporozhatall Works (Rokonstruktsiya slabinga zavoda "Zaporozhstial") PERIODICAL: Stall, 1958, Nr 10, pp 910-916+ 1 plate (USSR) ABSTRACT: The second stage of modernisation of the above slabbing mill is described and illustrated. Main points: replacement of the top roll positioning and balancing arrangements and the drive of vertical rolls by a more rational mechanism operated by a 50 atm, hydraulic system. As a result of thia.modernisation the output of the mill increased approximate4 by 25%. There are 8 figuras. ASSOCIATIONS: Zavod "Z4orozhstallff ("Zaporozhstall" Works) and Dnepxogpetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut (Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgieal Institute) Card 1/1 YLNGWIOVB U.M.; -~ilvlpfly.L H.Z. Mechanization of the painting of tranuformer radiatora. Lakokrau. mat i ikh prim. no.2.-67-69 162. (HUM 15 2 iftinting, Industrial-Fxluipment and oupplies) Prinimal uchastiye IUSYUR&P P.N. fdoceased) Standardization of pattern;Akijag., Lit. proizv. no. 8:13-13 A,g l6o. (KERA 14:2) (Pattermaing-Ztandards) AIIDPXYF,V, Georgiy Dorisovich, inzh.; VOLOBUYEV, Vi~or--Mikhnylovb~- inzh.; GORIMIOV, Boris Fedorovich, dok4.or '.ekJn,.nauk,p.-of.,- SHIMOV, Nikolay Andreyevich, kand.tekhn.nauk; SUCLEV, Georgiy Aloknandroviohj, inzh.1 Prinimali uchastiye: IJIMKOV, Ye.11.j inzh.; ZIATOVERKMIIKOVI L.F., kand.tokhr..nauki KORCIIAGINA, A.Ya., inzh.; RUNANTMV, A.N.9 inzh.; LAPINA, Z.D., ir-eif.-j MOSILCOVA, T.P.,, red.; T11010110VA9 Ye.A.0 tekhn. red. [TechnicnI operation of bydraulic engineering structures in harbors)Tekhnicheakaia ekspluatataiia portovykh gidrotekhni- chookikh cooruzhenit, [By] G.B.Andreev i dr. Ilo3kvn, Izd-vo "Morskoi transport," 1962. 375 P. WIRA 15:8) (Hydraulic structures) (Harbors) f,O-RBARFNhO,, P.O., inz.h.; 511KIP, A.D., inz~.-, ERIV175MY, S.M., 11101. 5emiautomatic machine based on the horizontal milling machine for bevel Fear teeth. Mashinostroenie no.2:16-20 xr-iv 162. (MIRA 15:0 1. Khar'kovskiy stankozavod. (Gear-cutting machines) PRMM '~.,-klmsnsts parrogo klassa: FILIW41. I.L. karAidat tekhni- cheskikh nauk, doteent, kousulltaAtg KRITr=rT, T.I., lushoner, konsulltantl POSPSW, T., r#dAktor; JWWA~...~-Ichsmkly redaktor [In the forge shop of a tractor factory] T kunitse traktornogo zavoda. [Koskval Is&-Yo V?sVS Profisdat, 1953. 33 P. (MM 7:10) 1. Traktormy sarod In. Ordshoulkidse (for Prokhoranko) (Tractor Industry) (Forging) KANSUROV, A.M.; AIUSTOV, T.M., kandidat takhnichaskM unuk, retsensent; ZRIVITSKIT, V.I., Inshener, redaktor; PMWA, S.M., takhnicheskiy rwffvCnw.w^ww'w"l (Automation of forging] Avtonatisatelia v kusnechnom proisvodstvs. Noskra. Gos. nwichno-tekhn. lsd-To mashinostrott. lit-ry, 1956. 158 p. (MIRA 9:4) (Automation) (Torging machinery) DUIA, I.Ta. inshener Ctraw2ator];,JQ~Tgrs ATX- uz honer, redaktor; SKORUWUU, I.Not redaktor; Of i---3-.1., tekhnicheshy redaktor 1~ [production of steel parts by means of cold extrusion] Prolsiodstvc, stalOn.vkh deta2el kholodays vyday2lTunism. (Kookya ] lzd-,Vo TTsSP3 Profisdat. 1956. 110 p. (MUU 9110) (lixtrusion (Ketals)) AFFTCIASD #4W/JW/JD 60 Li 52 11~1,t !ACCESSION NRs AP3002124 S/0185/63/008/006/0690/0693 AUTHOR i Karaliny*k S, H,, ~g*vy*ts1jQr!X V. pt. TITLEs StAidgr of the characteristic X-absorption of X-rays at the 14,TAA oxyg,)n itemperature. SOURCEi Ukrainslkyy FizyohMy thurnal, v. 8, no. 6, 1963, 69o-693. JVPI C TAGS: K-absorption edge, X-ray absorption, K-odgo, transition motals, tomperature dependence, oryostat, fermi level. ABSTRACTs The K-edgo absorption of X-rVs was studied a number of elownts from vanadl= to gormanium. .... though on3,y studies of Axon, manganese and copper were reportod. The sturly was made in a epociaLV construotood cryostat, at a tempers.- ture of minus 180C and at room temperature. No changes in 'the energy position 6f the X-edge absorption were observed within tho temperature range studied. The results obtained differ from those of other investigators, but the authora emphasized the great accuracy of their m3awarements. B. A, Mellnik took part ',.n the measurements. "We take the opportunity to express our TMEM-W coworkers of the experimental laboratory of the faculty of physics tovarishchas Grochanivs)dv LCord 1/z r-L -11~2~6-63 [ACCESSION NRt AP3002124 band Tuneev for making the aryostat.0 Orig. art. h&3 s I for=LU, I ftpre and tab ASSOCIATIONs Ky*yivsl)" Der-thunivervy0tat im. T. 0, Shevohanka, (Kiev State University im. T. 0. Shavehenko) SMaTTEDs 12 Deo 62 DATE ACQs 12 JU 63 RMS 00 SUB COM PH No REF sovs oo6 OTHM 3 004 card 2/2 ()- 't I ; , ! " . .1 , 7 . _ . ~ [~ I I I I 1 11 ~ I '. v T )Xjy ~, GUILYWEN, D.B. ,!,] h,~ s if, n properties of silicate bonded Bands and their ellmir.ation. Lit. proizv. no.lls28-31 N 164. (MIRA 18:8) SM111.11OV, Bergey Sergeyevicbj KAIVITSM, V.V.p red.; SOKOLOVA, H.Ta.,, tekhn, red* [k trip to Cuba] Poezdka na Kubu. Moskva, Sovetskii pisatell, 1962. 246 p. (Cuba-Description and travel) (HIM 15W XRIVITSKIr,,V. :1 -. . . 1 1. ~~ Investigating some characteristics of fluid scintillation counters. Prib. L tekh. eksP, no-1135-38 Jl-Ag '36. (MLRA 10Q) 1. Institut yadernykh problem kkademit nwk SSSR. (Scintillation counters) M`N' VV 1-yjtp-- V_ V V. SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1751 AUTHOR IGNATENKO,A.E., XMLU0IJV.V., MUCHIN,A.I., PONTEKORVO,B., REUT,A.A., TARAMOVOK.I. TITLE The Leading-Out of Bundles of Energy-Rich Particles through the Pole Shoes of the Electromagnet of a Phasotron~. PERIODICAL Atomnaja Energija, 1, faac.5, 5-8 (1956) Issued: I / 1957 The present paper describes the method for the production of collimate& pion bundles which was developed in the surrmer of 1953. On this occasion the pole shoes of the electromagnet serve as the main protection against the direct radi- ation of the accelerator. Apart from the economic advantage offered, the appli- cation of pole shoes as protection against radiation permits a considerable in- crease of the operation surface for investigations. In the 6 m phasotron of the Institute for Nuclear Problems of the Academy of Science in the USSR the proper- ties of mesons are investigated on bundles which are led out not only through and between the pole shoes# but also through a specially built "principal con- crete protection" of the phasotron. However, this concrete protection is compar- atively far away from the chamber of the accelerator, and therefore the meson bundles led through the pole shoes are more intense than the bundles led out throuGh the principal concrete protection. The leading out of monoonergetio pion bundles through the Role shoes of the 2haso tron magnet is discussed on the basis of a drawin. The mesons produced by the bombardment of the target (arranged in the accelerator chamber) with 680 MeV Atomnaja Energija, L, fasc-5, 5-8 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1751 protons were analyzed according to energies and impinged upon one of the three holes bored into the poleahoea of the electromagnet. After passing through the collimator established in the channel, the mecons fell into the place contain- ing the experimental devices ("Meson Laboratory"). Here the piono were deflected by 300 by means of an additional magnet, after which they impinged uport the measuring apparatus. The deflecting eleetromaenet can be adjusted to tLe axis of one of the three collimators by means of a special mechanism. Choosing the direction of the collimators is of particular importance. In the collimator holes magnetic field strength must be an effective manner. In the course of special tests various magnetic screens were examined. On the basis of the results obtained on this occasion the collimators were produced in form of multilayer-oylindrical magnetic screens of steel and brass. A more than thousand- fold attenuation of magnetic field strength was attained. 'The pion bundles: The intensity of the pions was measured in the "Meson Labora- tory" by means of a telescope consisting of three scintillation counters con- neoted for coincidence. The energy of the pions -was determined from their range in copper. The intensities of the bundles of pions with different energies are shown in a table. In conclusion scattered radiation is di 11 cusied. It was found that a concrete protection of 1 m thickness (density 2,4 9/cm ), which comple- tely surround the detector, attenuates scattered radiation down to - 1/40- INSTITUTION: I I , - I AUTHOR: KRIVICKIJ,V.V., REUT,A.A. PA 2095 TITLE: The Production of Positive Plons by Negative 308 MeV Ploas in Carbon. PERIODICAL: Doklady kkademii Nauk 833R, 1957, Vol 112, Nr 2, pp 232-235 (U.S.S.R.) Received: 3 / 1957 Reviewed; 4 / 1957 ABSTRACT: The order in which the experiment was carried out is shown by a drawing. A bundle of negative mesons with 308 + 12 NeV was deflected by the magnetic field of a synchrooycl;tron whereupon it impinged upon a collimator. After passing through the colli- mator the negative mesons impinged upon th* target (graphite cylinder), in which the positive pions were then produced. This bundle of negative pions was then deflected by means of an auxiliary magnet and was then controlled by means of a monitor consisting of two scintillation counters. The energy of the nega- tive pions was controlled in a m W stio field on the basis of their ranges in copper as well as by means of a filament through which a current passed. The intensity of the bundle of regative pious was determined by means of elootron-sensitive photoplates. The positive pious were recorded by means of photoplatem having a layer of 280 e& thickness. The amount of positive pioris brought to a standstill in the emulsion was determined from the Card 1/3 number of (z -e, ) acts of decay. The efficiency of the record- PA - 2095 The Produotion of Positive Pione by Negative 308 MOV Pions in Carbon. Ing of the (x - decay acts by the photoplates used here amounted to 0,25. The plates were investigited under a microscope with 300-fold magnification. On 300 am photoemulsion 16 decay acts were found. Results are shown in form of a diagram. Mosl of the acts of decay observed correspond to an ene:rgy of from 30 to 50 Hey of the produced positive pious. This tesult is essentially based on experimental conditions: Mesons with less than 30 Mev are brought to a standstill in the target It- self or in the wedges. Mesons with more than 50 MeV wer* registered In small numbers only because of the geometrLa con- ditions of the experiment. The formula for the computation of the differential cross section of the production of mesons by mesons in explicitly given. The cross section computed in this manner (for aa energy of 40 Key and for an angle of 900 in the direction of the bundle of negative pious) amounts to d2a/dE d W - ( 2, 6+1, 3) -10730 022 sterad-1 XeV_1. Integration Card 2/3 over the spectrum-furnishes the following value for the cross ?A - 2095 The Production of Positive Piano by Negative 308 MeV Plans in Carbon. section of the production of positive piano by negative pious under an angle of 900 : (dd/d4))qOo - (2,1 +1,1).10-28 am2aterad- 1. If the angular distribution of the positive pions is isotropic, the total cross section of the production of mesons by mcsous on carbon nuclei is 6C - (2,6+1,3)-10- 27 OM2. The results; ob- tained here permit the conclusion to be drawn that, on the occasion of the experiments carried out concerniug the elastic oattering of negative piano by hydrogen, nonelastic processes : ust be taken into account already at 300 NOV. ASSOCIATION: Institute for Nuclear Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR PRESENTED BY: SUMITTED: AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 S/12o/61/000/001/025/o62 E032/E114 AUTHORS; Arivitakiy,,_V.V.t and Leksin, G.A. TITLE: Transmission of Scintillations Through Plastic Scintillators and Light Guides PERIODICAL: Pribory i takhnika eksperimenta, 1961, No.1, PP-79-81 TEXT: The effect of the shape and coating of light guides and scintillators on the transmission of light (scintillations) through them has been investigated experimentally and the results obtained are now reported. The measurements were carried out with an apparatus consisting of a scintillation counter, a stabilised voltage source and a pen-recorder. Plastic scintillators (p-terphonyl + POPOP in polystyrene) were employed. Hollow and solid perspex light guides were inve3tigated. The inner surfaces of the hollow light guides were coated with aluminium or silver films. Fig.2 shows some of the shape effects obtained, Here, the scintillator was in the form of a sector (a = 450, R = 180 mm) and was used with various light guides, i.e. a cylindrical light guide (a), a conical light guide with a cylindrical attachment (~) and a conical jight guide (B). The numbers marked on the figure Card 1/4 S/120/61/000/001/025/062 LP032/Ell/i Transmission of Scintillations Through Plastic Scintillators and Light Guides indicate values of the photomultiplier anode currents. The dimensions of the light guides were as follows: rig-2a, diameter 40 mm, length 15 mm; Fig.-26, length of the cylindrical part 50 mm; Fig.2B, length of cone 125 mm. Fig-3 illustrates the results obtained with a scintillator in the form of a sector and the light guide in the form of a hollow conical pipe 125 mm long with the inner surface coated with silver. There are 3 figures, I table and 6 references: 2 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. SUBMITTED: February 24, 1960 Card 2/4 BALATS, M.Ya.; KRIVITSKIY, V.V.; LEKSIN, G.A.; THEBUKHOVSKly, Yu.V. Shaping plastic scintillatore by pressure. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 6 no.2:171 Kr-Ap 161. (KIRA 14:9) ' (Scintillation counters) KRIVIT5KIY. Ta, LE. 1 23682. MIKROSKOPIChESKAYA DIAGNOSTIKA RAKA SHMI MATKI NEDKRASHENNYKH FREPARAMV I 'VAGINALINYKH MDZOV. No. 49 a. 21-24. PUTEM ISSIEDOVANIYA NATIVNTKH AKUSRE-R-STVO I GYhT.KOL()rIYA, 19,49, SO: LETOPIS' NO. 31p 1949 JMIVITSILY,. Ya kandidat maditainakikh nauk; UZBXZOVA, T.N. (g.Yorgann, ul.K.Gor1kogo. d.48) Iate results of suturing cervical tears during labor [with summary in Ingl ish) Vop.onk. 2 no-3:351-353 156. (MLRA 9:10) 19 Is rodilinogo doma galergany (glarnyy Yrach - zasl. vrach Us.80t G.S.Makhay) (IABOR, compl, cervical lacerations, repair, follow up) (CIRTLI, UTZRINN rupture in labor. repair. follow up) KRIVITAIT, YR.Ye., dotsent 1;1 -1--, entment of functional metrorrhaglas vith cortIcosterone. Imsemodeshitre Ito no,1:56-58 J&,-F '59. (MM 12:10) 1, In kmfedry akusheretya i ginskologli (sav. - prof.H.V,Dubnov) Oronburgskogo meditsinskogo Instituta. (KNORRHAGA, UTHRINH) (CORTICOSTFAROUN) .MIVITSKrT, j!,.Ad_ZAVWHIIMI[ATAp LoIs Diagnosis wA treatment of primary ovarian tumore in obildren and adolescents. Irop,onk. 6 no.1863-6f 160. (KM 13310) (OVARIES.-TUMOM) j----xriIvlTsKIYj-Ya-.Yo-. ClWcal aapects and treatment of coDApso in late toxemlas of prognancy, Sov. mod. 24 no. 7:43-45n 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1, Iz Wedry akusheretva i ginekologii (ispoln. obyazan. zav. - dotsent la.le. KrivitBkiy) Oronturgskogo moditainskogo inBtituta (dir, - dotsent S.S. Mikhayloy), (PPZGNANCY, COMPLICATIONS OF) (SHOCK) MLIVITSKIYP Ya.Ye.p ~dotsont F Use of ACTH in obstetrics and gynecology* Kaz. mod. zhur. no.4:49-50 JI-Ag 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Kafedra. akushorstva, i ginekologii, (ispobiyayushchiy obyazannosti zaveduyushchogo - doteent Ta.YoArivitskiy) Orenburgskogo meditainskogo instituta. (ACTH) (OBSTETRICS) (GYNECOLOGY) KRIVIITSKI.T,,, dotsent; ZAVMSHL.SKAYA, L.I., assitent. Formation of an artificial vagina from amniotic membranes. no.3s8lp-82 Yq-Je'63. (MTjtA 16:9) 1. Kafedra akusherstva i ginskologii (zav. - dotsent Ya.Ye. Krivitskiy) Orenburgskogo meditsinskoEo instituta) (ISTAL HEMWW) (VAGIM-SURGERY) r 11* _Rj I Pr I..... .f, IfC .TI ~" TH9 OR/0181/65/007/010/297B/: hi,~P~02 5375 '/V 5 AVrHOR.- DjrjL_G. 1#!j Bo omolov, V. NKrIvItskLX& Y~. GulyA~ t~s~a -Ye. .g_ T. ORG: SSSR) ~7 I In4jjjR~Le~~conductors AN SSSRJL_LeninF.!~4_ (Institut poluprovodnikov AH TITLE: Piezoresistance of partiaUy reduced rutile at temperatures of 78-SOOOK SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo telaq Y. 7, no. 10, 1965, 2970-2989 TOPIC TAGSt titanium dioxide, pressure effect, piezoelectric effect, electric c)n- ductivity, semiconductor research, semiconductor theory V I " 'J'.1 Fl 17- ABSTRACT: Piezoresistance tensors of rutile are measured from 78 to 500*K for various concentrations of current carriers. The experimental equipment and procedure ani the shape of the specimens are described In detail. A phenomonological description is given for the effect of piezoresistance in ristile. The piezortsistance tensor is de scribed by seven independent constants. Temperature relationships are derived for all components of the plazortsistance tensor. Data on conductance anisotropy ani the elastic constants of rutile are used as a banis for calculating the seven coefficiento of elastoconductivit,- in rutLle as functions of tem rature. The affect of hydro- static pressure on the electrical conductivity of rutile at room temperature is in- vestigated. Data on hydmtstic stress agree well with measurements of uniaxial de- Card 1/2 L 7b-~~Uu A7eC NRi- formation. The values and temperature behavior of the coefficients of elastoconduc- tivity show that the minimum of the conduction band in this material Is on the k J: axis and also indicate that the band Is not degenerate. High volumetric coeffici.ents of piezoresistance and the anomalous behavior of these coefficients with respect to temperature are characteristic features of piezoresistance effects In rutile. The volumetric coefficients of elastoconductivity increase approximately as f I in the high temperature region, reaching a maximum of very close to 80 at a temperature of very nearly 100OX. These coefficients decrease slowly with a further reduction An temperature. Two models are proposed for explaining these high volumetric coetf[- cients of piezoresistance; the first is bast!d on the assumption that there are -two conduction bands and that the donor Impurities are completely ionized, while the se- cond assumes an incompletely ionized Impurity. Bath of these models agree pardilly with the experimental data available for rutile,, but neither of them gives a satis- factory explanation of all phenomena in itself. It Is possible that a two-band -nodel combined with incomplete impurity ionization may give a better appro:dmation. The authors take this opportunity to -thank V. P. -Zhuze for the support he gave to this work and for all his consultation durini-fiti- completion. As in our provious papers, we used rutile single crystals produced in A....S..Beboukls laboratc.-y and oriented by._T,_B.. Zhukava. and A. L Zaslavskiy to Wi&o we als extend our gratitude. Orig. art.\ha3: 6 figures, 1 9 ./41 SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATEt 26Apr65/ ORIG Mr: 006/ OTH REN 014 cl~ ITIN, L.M., Inzh.j ZHURENKOVA, N.P., inzh.; KRIVII-SKIY, Z.M., inzh. Uas of clay mliera for the preparatlon of pulp at a keramzit plant. Strol. mat. no.11:12-11. N 065. WIRA 18:12) STRIGIN, V.S., oty, red,j LuchKlv,m., tekhn, red, I [Smiet Transearpathia in figuros; statistical collection) Ra- dianalke Zakarpattia v toifrakhj otatyotychrqi zbirnyk, U%hho- rodp Zakarpats'k*.kr7zbkovo-gazntne vyd-vo, 1960. 167 p. (MM 14:9) 1. Zakarpatakays oblast'. Statistichookoye upravlonlye. ,(Transcorpathia-Statististics) KRIVXIL, J!r, (Stodulky u. Praha ce 267) ---~~Xlr-ray diagnosis of intraoranial aneurysm. Cask. rentg. 13 no.1:19-24 lob 59. 1. Rtg oddeleni Ustredni voj, namocnice, prednosta prim. dr. 7. flykora. (CIMPJUL ANEURMN, diag. angiogmpby (cs)) CUGIOGRAPHY, CWOWAL, in various die. cerebral aneurysm (Ca)) KRIVKA, J. "Grand PrJ?,e of Sweden*" P. 522. Sm moToRij. (SVAZ PRO SPOLUPRACI S ARMAMU). Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 9j no. 17, Aur. 1955. 'Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI)j LC, Vol. 8, 4o. 9, September 1959. Uncl. XRrVKINA. N.P. Carbohydrate metabolism in cotton fiber in relation to certain cultivntion practices. IsY.Otd.est.nauk AN Tadsh.SSR U9.11: 59-84 155. (KLRA 9S10) I.Otdal khlopkoy*dstva Akademil nsLuk Tadshiksk*y SSR. (Cotton) (Carbenhydrate metabolism) U$SR/Cmltivated Plants. Comercial. Oil-Bearing. Wgars- Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol-s No 5$ 1958j 20384. Author :-K,2.-Krivki ,__ Arixx_nA Inst :Not given. Title :The Biochemical PrQce3ses in Cotton Bolls in Relation to the Pinching Out Periods. (Biokbimiches3ciye prctsfasizy v korobochkalth khlopebatnika v zavisimati ot sr3kov chek- anki). Orig Pub! Izv. Otd. yesteetv. unuk AN Tadzb SISR, 1956, No 17, 23-35. Abstract: To determine the physiological and biochemical bases for the various periods,of pinching out cotton in the Gissar Valley from 1951 to 1953, a study was made of carbohydrate metabolism In cotton bolls. The investi- gation of the rates of synthesis nad, hydrolysis cf the carbohydratza In the cotton seeds and fibers was linked Card 1/3 4 . 1-seriring- 3u6FLrs- M USCIISR/Cultivated Plants. Conmercial. 01 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol-p No 5# 1958., 20384. ten days )f july rither th=- a#,; the ~begin_,Ing iuf JulY or the beginning Of August- Cnrd : 3/3 KRITKINA9 N.P. , - Studying the offeat of precipitation conditions on carb6hydre" metabolism In cotton fibers. 1zv, Otd, ext. nauk AN Tadsh.80: no.19169-74 157. (MM 11t8) (Cotton) (Carbohydrate metabolism) WWp V.S.I,XRIVKID# A.I#; LAZARIVp B.G.j LAZAMA, L.S.; HATSAKOVAI A.A..; OVCNAMWO, 0.110 ---- Constitutional diagram of the system Kh - Sn. Fiz.met.i metalloved. 15 no.lt243-145 Ja 163. ' (MIRA 16:2) 1. Iharlkovakiy fiaiko-tekbnichaskiy inatitut AN UkrSSR. (Diffusion coatings) (Niobium-tin alloys) (MmOe rule and equilibrium) KOGAN, V.S., KRIVKO A.I.; LAZAREV, B.G. ~ LA7AV-,VA, L.S. L, 9 Methodology of graphite tin plating. Zav.lab. 30 no.3:317 ,64. (MIRA 17:4) L 385406-66 EWT(M)/EWP(w-)/T/-EW-P--(-t )/E'r IIJP(_c) JDIJ D ACC NR. AT6014753 SOURCE CODE: UR/C)OOO/65/000/000/OCf76/0082 AbTHORSi_jqSanj V. S.; Krivko, A. I.1 Laza 0v, B. G.; Lazarova, L. S.; Matsakovap A. A.; Oveharenko, ORG: none TITLE: The phase diagram of the niobium-tin system SOURCE: SoveshchaniTp__po-ag~allgyodonlyg i metallofizike sverkhprovodnikov 1st 1964. Metallovadeniyo i metallofizika sverkhprovodnikov (Motallography and ibygitca or" metals in suporconductors)j trudy soveahchaniya. Moscow, Izd-vo flauka,, 1965,, 76-82 tOPIC TAGS:. suporconductivity, suporconducting alloy, tin base alloy, niobium alloy x,ray analysis, spectrographio analysis, critical magnetic field, intormetallic compound, alloy phase diagram t A~'STRACT: This paper is a continuation of an earlier work by V. S. Kogan,, A. I. Krivko, B. G. Lazarov, L, S, Lazarova, A, A, Hatoakova, and 0, N. Ovcharonko (FM4, 1963p 15, 143) in which it was found that spocimods producod by holding niobium in molten tin 9& temperatures above and below 850C diffored in their suporcond.ating propertios.\XThe suporconductivity transition tomporature for specimens produced at 990C and 1250C is 18.OK and 18.1K, :respectively (coo Fig. 1). For diffusior. layers formed at below 850C. the superconductivity transition temperature is reduccd; the lower Tk, the lower the temperature of formation of the layer. For opecimern 0 Car 1/3 L 38546-66 ACC NRs AT6014753 Fig. I* Critical magnetic field H k an a function of temperature for diffuaion 3,ayers of 11b 3~n obtained at temperatures of 800-1250G, 5 14 Is IS 17 to obtained at above 850GO Tk agrees with the known value for Nb 3Sn. X-ray stutlissr."M confirmed that only the compound Nb3Sn is formod when specimens are prepared at over 850C. For temperatures below 850G. the diffraction pattern shows that %S"3 is formed. It was concluded that in specimens prepared at temperatures below 850C there is present a very thin intorlayer beneath the new phase. The formula IiWn is ascribed to-the now compound. The superconductivity transition temperature of iho NbSn was found to be 2,,7K. In other papers the now compound has boon given -.he 2/3 ACC NR, AT6014753 formula NbSn2 or Nb2Snj. The authors thank Lo 11. Mosova for conducting the quali- tative apoctral analysis. Orig, art, hass 5 graphs, 1 tablep and 1 photograph. SUB CODEs l1,:20/ SUBM DAM 23Dec65/ ORIG REF: 002/ 0111 REFi 018 Card ACCESSION NR: AP4009135 S/0056/63/045/006/2068/2069 AUTHOR: Lazarev, B. G.; Khorenko, V, K.; Korniyenko, L. A.; Krivko, A. I.. Matsakova, A. A.j Ovaharenko',-O. N.- TITLE; onthe layered and filamentlike structure or the supercon- ducting alloys Nb-Zr and Nb-Ti SOURCE: Zhurnal eksper. i teoret.,fiziki., v. 45., no. 6, 1963, 2068- 2o6g TOPIC TAGS: superconducting alloy, niobium zirconium alloy, nioblum titanium afloy, layered structure, filament structure, electron mi-. croscopic investigation, plastic deformation, critical magnetic ri-~ld, solid solution,, saturated solid solution, critical current density ABSTRACT: Data are presentea on olectron-microseopic 'Observations of thin films and filamentary*systeme or tracks in alloys of Nb wi-.h 25 at. % Zr and of Nb with 66 at. % Ti. Samples of t~p original alloy were compared with samples reduced in thickness by rolling from 2-5 mm to 0.05-0.5 mm at room temperature. When*observed by C,,d 1/2 J ACCESSION NR: AP4009135 cathode etching, only a few - undeformd, samples showed a thin rila- mentlike precipitate structure, but the deformed samples showed the presence of a developed system of layers even at a magnification of' 450. Undes the electron microscope, sections cut at a very small angle (S 3 for Nb-Zr) showed more and more fine elements with in- creasing magnification. The alloy contains a whole set of layer . thicknesses from several times ten Angstrom up, which are not unifor- mly distributed but come In packets. The conductivity drops to ite; initial value after annealing at 1000C. This demonstrates experi- mentally that the increase in the current densitv of the supercon- ducting current (from 100-1000 to 20000-40000 A/ in the cri-- tical magnetic field is due to the developed system of precipitated. layers and filaments, ASSOCIATION: piziko.-tekhnicheakiy Institut AN UkrSSR (Physicotechni.- cal Institute, AN UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: 27Aug63 SUB CODE: PH,, MA Cafd 2/2 DATE ACq: O2Feb64 NO REP SOV: 007 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 003 IOTLYAREVSKIT, G.P., Inshoser; ZRITKO, A.L., Insheser; ROYM, I.S. Toughening the ead-pleas, of wireArspo drums by surface cold hardening. Yest.nash.35 ne.11:36-59 N 155. (KLRA 9:2) (TInchos) (Notals-Cold working) XFUTKOj AAMS wwowpvww- Natural differentiation in the vernal generation of Oestrus ovis L. In the Alu"ta Province. Dok-LAN SM 111 no.1:248-249 N-'D 156. (XLRk 10:2) 1. Institut veterinarit, lazakhekogo filial& Vassoyamoy akadenti sellskokhosy"stvannykh nauk ineni M.Lenina. (Alm,-At& Province-Horseflies) (Parasites-Dozestic animals) G Cf,TJ, ~OFIY t Zrjoparasltolog-y. Aeltrids and Insects as Voctors of Dlioa3e.' Inacets Aii~;, jouR. : TC,4,hBi-.I,) 110, 4 1759) Ho. !55054 AMHOR z hrlvlco, V*5-~'. : 1MtttutG of Veter-Inary Medicine, Kazakh kffi-* ITITI, On tho Mnr,-,)hology and Biolorg of florso Botflios in Southeant Kazakhstan T LJO. Ns. Tr. ln-ta vot. Kaza)disk. fil. VASKhNn, 1957, 8,9 26v-276 A SZ TV,', r,*T In tho Irivact.1gated oblast, the number and tine of development of Pffilrioostrus purpuroun and Rh latif'ronj are approximately the same. The faMngl out of. larvao takes place from the scoond half of April. until. September. The pupae devolop du- * Itato of All-Union Acadezy of Agricultu.-al Sciences imeni Lenin CPM,1 112 33 CATEGOPY APS. JOUR. RZhPiOlop 130. 1, 1559) No. 15~qh TITLE C)Pjc,. run. !It obsorvd fron the of tho , pa; L, A. v ,11f 0,, ,,,tjj 00~, cont d 1, A :)n v.-Ic viuco:3a col-11)Jeto t~jrjir devolonnont tifiro-ugh the jlrir~vyny. and 1(,ftv0 thoir 1,=,t dlg,cltt~Q Lract. larvae of tln,~ _-~:cozld 3t:290 b~,tjj arc doicrlbod iri (I A!iil Rnd 111- 0runin _2 / 2 iCPTG. P'IB. IAPZV7ACT I COD: V IL. L. z,,f),.,a.- no j. tu ju car I. ab,-I Tnie,,: t,,j as vectors (A' IN-iwom.' inunctii :L9;")9, IM. 1505-1 T no t. 1 111-u te oVe 1,; -3 r 1 na i-j ne -,i ic ine , 'Su z r,,,:h Af f i - Murpholor'-r find BiOIUF-; of the Sheop Botfly (Oeo- tru,3 ovin L. ) In Southariat Yalztrkh3ten Tr. ln-tun vot. M. VASY)D'IL, 1957 27 9 - 30 () 13 r;x-ortriental jrjf4,'CtiOjj all,(I rjjjltjrj.C "~'latOpajoS Y r - of it vas eatablishad ',,Iuit two goneratims of thc, botfly r!eveloped d'uring a your, and like- wLnu th.,j phonology of the ~Jevjlo,)tivrihal :,tar.?,ea of the two gonorationa was clarified. Thacoupli-na 4~11ato of All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences imoni Lunin 112 3 2 CATJ'A-4)T(Y T-" R'.IJJ~3joj. 140. V,) J 4 19~59t Y.). 15053; .A [- AUTHOR TITLE ORIG, rU2. I APSTRACT cont'd CA P J) i of the butfl-lus begjri~ in tlie, uir. The Ifir"o -Involop from of,,,3 ~ftor 16-20 days in the bellY of tile fortiliz,)d ferialo. Tho~ flight of the .1"Irst goneration begins from the second half of May and onda in August; ths flight of the ~onoratlori starts in August and torminaten bY tho zuIddle o' I Octobor. The phasno of dovelop- Mont of tho botfly are describod and illustrated. Anong larvae of the firat atage, four individuala v-0re found which d:Xrorod b7 tho nrrWenont on th(, soomont.3.- K. Ya. Grunin 2/2 USSR / Discases Of F!%ZTi ;aiimls. .,-ch:io-DAo..,.o3cs. R .'.bs Jour Mf Zhur - Biol. Illo 22, 1958, Ilo 1013~M A.&Utlior Inst Institute of Votoriani-I Yedicine of the .'Sfiliatc of thu M-Union .*.c~tU-~m,-,,- of A,3ricultaml ;cicn-,.::s LL4ni IA,min. Titlo~ lb-sting Mitt InzoeticiCk", Fr,,pftm. tionr, in thQ Fi ;ht ngainst Botfly Larvae in rjhcc-,~. OriC; Ftfj Tr. In-tv. vat. fil. VASWIXIL, 195-(, 6, 311-315- .bstract No abstract. Card 1/1 USSR / Disoasos of Farm Animals. Arachno-Entomoso0-6 Abe Jour i Rof Zhur - Biologiya, No 2o 1959) We- 7483 Author : Choroshnov, N. A.;-Xrivko. A. m. Inst : Institute of Veterinary 6ro-f5-nco, Kazakh Affiliate of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences imoni IAnin Orig Pub : Tro In-ta voto Kazakhak. fil- VASKhNIL) 1957) Oj 316-326 Abstract : It is rocomendod to troat the anizftls from the middle of October until January diming which time the larvae of tho I stage wtich are sensitive to insocti- cides are localized in the nasal cavity accessible to the effect of aorosoloss We shall only apply the mechanical mothod of preparing aorosolt as compared to the thormamochanical, method,, this method produces aorosolos without admixture of exhaust gasoa and thermal Card 1/2 31 USSOR / Diseases of Farm AUM18*- Arachno--Zntomnou. Atn Jour Rof ZhAW - Biologiya, No 2,, 1959, No. 7483 decay 1produots of the Ivoyealations. in use. most effective are aerosols prepared from solutions of hoxa- chlorocyclohozane (HOhCH) and DDT in aolaric oil, turpentine and lysol, In order to avoid poisoning of the animals) oils admixed with kerosene or benzine and carbon tetrachloride should not be used* The indoor aerosol treatment of fam animals kills both the octoparasiton which am carried by the ani la them- solvos and the ones contained on the premises. Animals with various respiratory and infectious diseases may be treated with aerosols mechanically obtained from corrosporAing 1proparatione. -- A. P. Adrianov Card 2/2 i 7,- , , , I 1-1 - 9- LT A-T -7 Abe t M-t lkw - K410". Jft 9. No- 7kO Alibm T"Usbcbm, L. M61 WJpb~"4kwWUW, A. I.j Lmn z"aft Immune v6po-w": T~ Itta-m- "* 3wr"t of zwnus&A&l Amewl" is UJI Tom at samn Ulm me ofvAin et sk"P Pub I 2r. 904WAsk. S.-S. get. w". IM, 9, YA-3f% Abow%% s 1b obw*ftt $Ives s of F"I'l , ...I I,. Abi; J(jur 1~.,f Iliur - Uol.., No 2',!, IWJ) No ,',uti'i,)r KrLivkoo, ;., HA- lal't KazakL Soiantific Ra6fvi--cli Vetjriniry Instltut,3. 'A--nting of cKlorocyclohexrm~- 'Without th'i Usc of ', in th,~ Fom of Snloh,3 to I-jt ri,.rv-.ic )f thn, Cminu a)tf4 (Ocatrun oviu L. ). Ori.- Pal) Tr. K-,~vikhah. n.-i. -icut. Iri-ta, 12)7., 9, 552-55' 4',bstract. lb abstract given. ~111W.of A. ~-!. .. Bot (gastric and cavity) Flies in Farm Animals in Yazakhstan," report submitted at Fourth International Regional Conference of Asian Countrieti on Parasitic Diseases In Animals, 31 May to 7 June 1956, Alma Ata, Ka7akh SSR. Kazakh Fee. Veterinar.T Lwt., Alm-At& MT11KO, A. M., Comnd Vet Sci (dIss) -- "M-iterial on the nod-dar sheep fly tr. v YazaRhstan". Alma-Ata, 1959. 114 pp (CommIttee on 71~bpr anti Int-r Spec Fi,ic of the Co,incIl of Ministera Kazakh SSR, Alma-Ata Zoovet Inst), 150 coPles (KT,, No 10, Iq,(-O, 135) KA,XiiAGINA, Yc.A.; STALLETS, 11.14 SIII&OL.if F.A GAI-L,Y.,;,VA Z.S. JQUVKO, A.11 XOTENKOp KI.; AGIIAYa'Ap It V.; GAYVQi;OIZJKAfA,, II.M. Effectiveness qf the compound treat-icnt of chronic dystrophic polyarthritis in miners at Sochi-Matsesta Health Resort at various snasons of the year. Vop. kur., fizioter. i loch. fiz. k-u.11t. 24 no.6003-506 11-D 159. (JILA 15:1) 1. Iz sanatoriya imoni S. Ordzhonididzo v Sochi (dir. D.A.Bershad.3kiy) nauchnyy rukovoditell - Prof. M.M.Shikhov). kknWUTIS) (MINM-DISWiZ AIII) HYGlj"E) KDSZVICH, V.M.; SOLDATOVp V.P.; Prinimali uchaatiye: MORM, N.G., student; KRIVKOp A.P.p student, 'Experimental etching of zinc single crystals. Kristallogr&fii& 6 no,3.439-442 My-Je 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Khartkovskiy politekhnichookiy institut imeni V.I. Leninse (Zinc crystals) TOLXACHEV, O.N.j PROKHOROV, A.B.1 VOROMIN, V.G,; KRMO, L,N.j-, FRLOERAZWSKIY, N.Al Synthetic studios of aurare alkaloids. Part 7t Synthesis of 2,-mothozy-4,-(Il-aoylami~ootbyl)-21-alkoxy-51-carbalklxymtbyldiph',I eatera, Zlnw.ob,khix. 31 no,,5sl540-1545 My 163.o (MIRA V. o~ I* Moskovskiy institut tonkoy kbi-Jobaskoy tekhnologii imeni N.Y. IAWnOaOVZo (Alkokloids) (Acetic acid) , aspIrant , N. 0 Zine sulfate and the rosotte disense of applA. Zashch. rast. ot vred. I bol. 10 na.603-54 165. (MIRA 1817) 1. Donikoy mellsko~hozyny,;fmennyy institut, atantslya PersianaTka, Rostovikoy oblRnti. 112-57-7-15741D Translation from; Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotakhnika, 1957, Nr 7, p 273 (USSR) AUTHOR: Krivko, N. 1. TITLE: IEv_ei_tf9_~iion of F'er-romagnetic Resonance in sorne Ferrites at Low Temperature (Issledovaniye ferromagnitnogo rezonansa v nekotorykh ferritakh pri nizkikh temperaturakh) .1 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Physico -Mathematical Sciences, presented to the Fiz. -tekhn. in-t AN SSSR (Physics -and -Engineering Institute, AS USSR), Leningrad, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Fiz. -tekhn. in-t AN SSSR (Physics -and -Engineering Institute, AS USSR) Card 1/1 AUTHOR KOMAR A.P.,Member of the Academy of Science of the 20-i-i6/64 Ukrainian SSR, and N.I.KRIVKO _ TITLE . The Temperature Depin-fe-nosof'the g-l?aotor and of th4 Relaxation Time In the Ferromaguetio Resonance for Some Forrites, (Tomperaturnays, zavisimoot' g-faktora I vremeni relaksataii pri ferro magnitnom rezonanse dlya nekotorykh forritoy-Russian) PERIODICAL Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR,1957,Vol l14,Nr 1,pp 64-66 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT First of all the paper under review refers to some relevant ppivious- ly published papers.Then the authors compute the factor of the spec- trosoopio decomposition g and the relaxation time T with the aAd of known formula* which were adapted to the londitions prevailing in the experiment described id the paper under reviem.g and T are de- termined in this paper for two groups of technological forriten with ' the compositions NiO.W.Fo 0 and "20 ZnO, V0203; Those ferrites GA i aine were produced by roasting they con d,at he boundarion of their grains,resto-of ox1dos.Ths measurements were conducted &,,. tem- poratures of 29c, and 4o201 and at a frequency of 9.4-199 hertz,Ths authors of this paper determined the magnetization curves and -.he sa- turation magnetization for all ferrit*s Investigated by themoThe sa- turation magnotisation was achieved at relatively low field intensi. ties (H