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Mutagenlo tv~.tlon of ultravic,let rays on the extra,.!elluli- ba--
teriophage. Mlkrobiologila 32 rjc.6.-lOOf-lC,2-2 r.-D '63
. (MIRA 18i1)
1. InstlLut radiatalomioy i f lziko-kh~lm-'-.~b,-nkoy bini-cgl 1 A14
SSSR i Institut mArobiolog'! AN SSG?.
Kinetico of the mutagonic action or ultraviolet rayo on the
extraceUular bacteriopliage Cd of.BsLcilluo coli. Dokl. AN SSSR
150 no*A-'399-402 Itr 163, (MIRA 16-5)
lo Institut radiatoionnoy .1 fiziko-kh4valchaskoy biologii AN SssRs
Predstavleno akademikom V.A.Engell gardtom.
Hatagenic action of nitrous acid on extracellWar betnterfophage.
Mikrobiologila 33 no.lt64-72 JTa-F 164. (MIRA 1'7,-9)
1. Inetitut radintsionnoy I fiaiko-khimicheakoy biolog!J AN ~IISSR.
---- -- - - ------ --- -- - - - - ----
Viruses and their place in nature. Priroda 53 no.lOt23-37 164.
(MIRA 117111)
1, Institut radiatsionnoy i fisiko-khimichookoy biologii
I AN SSSR, Moskva.
action no-di.ol. Jn.jury ,%e -',0'-(3richia coli
1:1 igea t,y ultmv!.olftt, rnye. rm. 1: '1,- -118 165-
(MIRA 18:3)
rilit, 11 raA j a t ") i -~rilloy I f 1 zi ko-k h i v-! 7 hook r),r biologilp Moskva.
- --- --- - --- -- - -- - - -- - - - - ---- -0--- -- "I kvl if --T~ - ~- - -- - -- - --- - ---- -- - --- - - - - --- - -- -- --
G.B. ; Ki', TV!3?,!Y, A o.- , 7 Al-U IV *1 . I .
1 -.1
Inactivating and mutager-ic effect of ultrAv!alr-t -rys on tho
extracellular bactoriaphago. ~-zv. AN Ser. b'ol. nr).51
700-713 S-0 165. (MMIA 180)
1, Institut radistalonnoy J fi.,Iko-kh4irdchc-ikAy blologli AN SSSR.
OMLEM916 H.Vol MlVn=p AsSo
PsyloW mind o ldkrabdLologM 34 noq3o563-%6
963* ouRA ison)
jologenegio of Bocherichin coill 600 and SK ztraiw, b&cteriAl
hosto for Sd phap, KlkrobiOlogiia 34 no.5020--S27 S-0 165.
(MIRA 18:10)
1. inotitut molokulyarnoy biollogii AN SSSR*
- I - A t
. . I -C , I A v ; -, .. - . . A
. . .- . A . . B C., 3 1 n _;3 , .
11 1~ - . ~ . I ly , v . 1 6 1-1 1 " ~, . I . 4
I . .
r-3,1 i ats ionn-~y f i z
mutagerac errect nf Avnizing radiations on intracellular bacteric-
phage. Dukl. All SSSR 161 no.):707-710 Mr 165. (MIRA 18-4)
1, InAltut rudiatuionnoy i rlzlkc,-kWml~-,hi3Bkuy blologil AN S,(Z(R.
Sulaitted June 18, 1964.
F*-'IVISKIY, A.."I.; PH'Vel-'o" P.A.- iHiNIK. T.F
ComparqtAye study of the mut-hponic ~-ffcrt of ultravlclet redintlor,
on Bari] luo subtills rolls and trnyj~iformlt~g DNA. Geretika no.5-
53-60 N 165. 041EA 19: a)
1. InatItut YpokomoIekiQynrviykh u,)yctd-.nvniy AN SSSP, Leningrad I
inut,itut molekidyarnoy bluloo,!i AN Moskva. Submitted Febmary
5, .1965.
f - -, - ,
Mutagenic effect of ultraviolet Irradiation on the temperate
phage 2. Genetika no# 6t16-23 D 165 (MM 19ti)
1, Inotitut b1ologIcheakoy fl.zlki AN SSSR i Inotitut radintsion-
noy i fiziko-khimicheskoy biologii AN SSSR, Moskyao
All 11R' AP5024152 SOURCZ CODE;: UR/0216/651000/005/0700/0713
AUTHOR:- 11,aylllzellskly, G. B.". KrivilikiX, A. S.; Ivanov. V.
ORG: In-stltutg of Radiation. lind PhysiO&LeMical 1110122Y AN SSSR (Institut
I radiatsionnoy I fiziko-khimicheakoy b1ologif AN SSSR)
TITI_X: Inactivating and mutagenic action of UV rays on extracellular bact-?rio-
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestlya. Seriya biologicheskaya, no. 5, 1965, 700-713
TOPIC TAGS: UV ray, bactertophage, InEXIM, mutagentc effect, phage inactivation
ABSTRACT: Effect nf UV irradiation 254 mm) were tested on the ex1racel-' A
lular bacteriUhagu sd L'scherichia colf SK. Kinetics of phage inactivation follow JI/
monopulsive law only up to doses which correspond to survival value of 2 x 10-3.
For larger doses, the survival curve diminishes. Frequency of j=LjLWrj cue to
'UV radiation follows monopulsive kinetics only up to doses corresponding to sur-
vival value of 2 X,10-3. At larger dosen, mutation frequency drops to whe;7e it
is only 8 times as great as spontaneous background, after which it begins to in-
crease slowly. The increase In UV stability at high doses could not be explained
ACC NR1 AP5024152
by shading or protection from TJV lrradiatlon,'multiple reactivation, reactivation
by the host, or by genetic or phenotype heterogeneity of population. The otserved
decrease in mutation frequency is not related to increased sensitivity of tntitants,
reversions, or suppressor mutations, Possible explanations of the observi"d
phenomena are based on the following: phage DNA has noncritical areas, the pos-
sibility of energy migration between bases of two-spiral DNA, and disruption of
energy migration by UV-quanta which denature DNA locally and cause nonhereditary
damage In the phage. IBM)
SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: 160ct6-1/ SOV REF: 010/ OTH REF: 034
-1 2 6K
T. ;)1122-66 EWT(I)/T jX
A(~L_ NKI _75026336 SOURCE CODE: UR/0220A5/034/005/0820/0927
AUTHOR: Belykh, R. A.r Kriviskil, A.-S.
ORG: institute of M61soular Bloj=,_AN SSSR .(Institut molakyl-yarnoy
TITLE: Lysogenicity of the strains Eacberiobis coli 600 and SK as host
bacteria for the phage ad
SOURCE: Mikrobiologiya, V. 34# no* 5. 19659 820-827
TOPIC TAGS: bacteriopbage, bacteria, experiment animal, strain
ABSTRACT: The lysogenio state of tha tw strains and the conlitio
under which they eliminate temperate well as the cberacteria-
tics of this highly specific pbege itself were studied, A culture of
E. coli(OC served as indicator for the temperate pbege; the bacteria
were grown by 2-layer seeding on varlous media. An electron mioroscope
was used in the tests, Results showed small negative pbege colonies on
the E. ooli C seeded with 18 room cultures of 600 and SK; almost no
lysogenio strains were obtained, The amount of pbages was higher with
600 than with SK; it was highest during the bacterial log-phase and
decreased slightly during the stationary period. The yield was depress
Card IZ2 UDC: ~76.8-095-38
L 23122-66
ACC NRt AP50?6336
under UV ligbt, It was concluded that strains 600 and SK, bacterial
hosts for this pbage, are lysogenic and spontaneously produce temperate
phages, named X1600 and Y/SK. These phages differ sharply in a number
of signs sueb as filterability,,Penetig4l tability,, cultural properties#
and rate of propagation in the phagosensitive cells* The pbeges are not
induced by UV light and are In some respects similar to defect phagese I
The temperate phages are characterized by low burst size as well as by
low total yields Both pbages produce virulont mutants, The genesis of
the mutations by possible hybridization between the ad phage and the
temperate X/600 and Y/SK phages is discussed@ Sharper differentiation
tbrougb accurate analysis between the ad pbage and its components Is
indicated* Orig. art, bast 2 tables and 9 figures*
SUB CODE: o6 SUBM DATEt 233op64/ SOV REFt 010/ OTH REF1 006
2/2 /~ " .'I
L-2562LU-66 EW-T( I )/'T
ACC NR, AP6016069
SOURCE CODEs 1JR/0020/65/161/00310707/07
AUTHOR., KrIllskly. A# So
ORG: Institute of Radiation jWd PhYsIcS)ghemical 1312joey. AN 83811 (Institut
radintstonnoy i Miko-khtmicheskoy biologii AN S53R)
TITIE: Mutagenic offeet of ionizing radiations on extraceUular bacteriophage
SOURCE: AN SS511. Doklady,, v, 161l no- 3, 1965t 707-710
,rom TAGS: bricterlophage, Ionizing radiation, DNA, genetics, virology,,-UV-
Irradlation, X Irrarliationt gamma irradiationt rndlation biologle effeett bl.010gle
AP:;TUCT- The investigations of tile author were deaimied to reveal the
juanUt,ritive pr3neiples of induced mtapenagislujoer colviihiolij itbor of
dlrt-t or nf prbqnrtly indirect action of Ionizing radintion,& rin
epOd (a virulent fonn parasitizing ~~sch~j-' '"r~ atyJ
to IetL
Iriflne Jts oiLlttbility an a model for radl-i'
ln the utudy of Uo direct nctlon of x-rK,,.* i~,rn.,:;
!--r-~,Ilabnd Jn n tit or of 5'109/ml- in tvidiluted m,3at-popt
1030 to '500 1(r. The dose curve of phage Inactivation, ~:j I-,- the
1,1111W.) of motagenegiv, roUowod strictly ninglo-hIt kinetir, -!1'.rjjjb
tO 1"OvIVIO atudiou with ultraviolot irradiation 4iare an I .11"T.01110 III Lila
rMioresistallUO Rld sharp drop in mutation rato war* observed Ill dono3
correeponding'to survival of 100 and lower., in the case of the ~Urocb
Card .113,
L :!it)-1-66
ACC NR, AMi6669-*
action of x-rays) this does not occur evan at vrn-y strong (10.11ol, giving
'~a survival of only The author and associnton jwopoje that the
Increaved radioreslatanco nM drop in mutation rate uridor otrip,, (10303 Of
ii1traY3.olot :Lrradiation are due to a decrease In the racticoms tivity of tho
Lnrget, caiined by a cnasatton of the migration of energy chrciigh tho nenv- ,
lethally Injured portions of DNAA) The absence of nonlethal nongenotic in-
Juries In the phage DNA under the direction action of IonlMjigy radiation,
as well as of reparative proces3es related to poetradiation tintabolism are
rouponalble for the con-espondonce of the kinetics of Inactivation wii
mutnUrnenis to tho targot theory. In a atlidy of the mutar,(7ilc effect under
tho indirect action of ionizing radiation# the phage was wibJected to gamna
irrndlAtion In an1t voliitlovi or phoaphat-3 buffer in rolatively wqak dcaeg
(up Lo 30-50 kr)p which caused practicaUy no mutagenesin in the case of
irr-wUntion in broth. The surival rate curvo was typical of the effect of
indirect actioni the lethal effect wan intannified ae the free radicals of
water aM peroxide3 accumiahtods ExtracallulAr PhagO Od was thuo found to
be capnble of mutational changes under the influence of ionizing radlation9j,
unclur conditions both of direct and of priinarily indirect action. The
corre.apondence of the kinetics of its inactiYattion and mutagenesis to the
target theory under conditions of direct action# mid the possibility of a
separate invvetigation of the two effecto of ionising radiation on mutagenssies
L 25626-66
ACC MR. A ty-,~I
make the 14inge an e6pecially cawanient speamen for studying tfr~
of genetic changes in rooting DNA induced by radiationo Crx,1P-OLIdrI that pro--
tect phage Od from the lethal effects under the indirect action of gan-ma rays
aloo provide protoction, from the mutagenic effect,, which yormits tty) uivi of
thn pharge model not only too study the quantitative principlas of radiaLlon
mutagenesis at the molecular level but also to invogtigato the influence of
protectIve nobqLances and antimutneena urder conditions of total exclusion Ct
processes of poetra(Itation metabolism) which frequently greatly oumplicate
thn interpretation of the data obtained. This paper was presented by *
Academician V. A. tngeligardt on 18 June 1964# Origo art* has: 2 figures End
2 tables. (JPRSJ
SUB COM 06# 20 SUBH DATEI 08MAY64 / ORIG REFI ol2 / ant Rat Co7
I- i . - r-, , T j" i I , F-I a. ; ~:-T - - , --- . -, . i - 11-V I - , U . I i . . ~ -,- , I , , ~ - -
- - 11 1 -- - I - L I
, L . " -
FLANBEI%I~--G.- . - V . ,
Komplekti Dorozhnih MAshin (Sets of Road Machinery), K-scow, 1948.
- I I -L- r - -1 1 -i. -Il.
"Vozvedenie Zemlyanogo Polotna Avtomobll*nykh Dorog," (Erection of Ground
Foundation or Highways), 168 p., Highway Publ. House, Moscow, 1948.
XRIYjLUjL.&JL6.-kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk. KORSURSXIT, M.B., kandidat
"00~--tekhnlcheskikh naukS MOTTLICY. ru.L., kandidat takhnicheskikh wwk.
Causes of deformations of flexible pavements. Avt.dor. 20 no.3:6-8
Mr 157. (MLRA 10:5)
CIT. A.M., kand.takhn.nauk.
wwwjpwpow&~ U.-
ftisory and practice In constructing pavements. Avt.dor. 20
2o.11(i8i):6-8 N 137. (MIRA 10:12)
Testing road Moment* In construction yards in tho United
States. Avt.dor. 22 no.12:25-28 D 139.
(IMA 13:4)
(United States-Favements-Testing)
._,_=YISSKIT. Alsksandr Kikhaylovich, kanci. takhn. nauk; BABKOT, Y.F..
red.-, red.
[Now systems for designing flexible road surfaces] Noyye skhe-
my dlia rasobeta neshestkikh doroohnykh odeshd. Moskva, Nauchno-
takha. izd-vo X-va avtomobillnogo transp. i shossoinykh dorog
RSrBR. 1961- 73 P- (MIRA 14:5)
KRIVISSKIY, A.M., starshiy nsuabnn actrudnik; PUZAKOV, N.A.9 star-
Wbhfi~y ootrudnik; TULAYEV, A.Ya., otarshiy nauchnyy
notrudnik; IVAN070 N.F.9 prof.9 red.; BABKOV, V-7-t prof.p
red.; IVAKOVt Mop red.; GALAKTIONOVA, Ye.N.,p tekhn. red.
[Instructions concerning the designation of flexible road surface
designs QSN-46-60 of the Minist:ry of Transportation Construction
of the U.S.S.Re) Instruktaila po nawachenliu konstruktsii doroth-
nykh odezhd n6zhestkogo tips. OSN-4~,-60, Mintranestroi SWR).
Moskva, Nauabno-takhm. isd--vo M-va avt=ibltnogo transports i
shosseinykh dorog RSFSR, 1961. 76 p. (HIM 140)
1. Russia(1923- U.S.S.Re) Mlniptorstvo tranBportnogo stroitell-
at-ras 2. Goeudaretyamyy Yeasoyuznyy dorozhnyy nauobno-issledova-
tallskiy institut (for Krivisokiy, Puzakov, Tulayev)
KRIVISSKII,_Aekaa,nd;~,KkbayloVich,-kand. tekhn. nauk; TELYAYEV, P.I.,
nauchnyy sotr.; YZLINIKOVA, M.G., nauchnyy sotr.; DEBERDETEV,
B.S., red.; BODANOVA, I.P., tel:hn. red.
(Design and analysp of flexible pavements for local limiting
equilibrium] Koneftairovanie i raschet nezheatkikh dorozhnykh
odezhd po mestnoma prodellnonu ravnovesiiu. Hoskva, Avto-
transizdat, 1963. 75 p* (Pavements) (MIRA 160)
CuiTe-t concepts on the nature of viruroi. VOP. Viriu-, 9
no.6t643-651 N--D 164, (HIRA 28; 11)
1. IriBtltut radiatnionnoy i fiziko-khimichaskoy biologli
AN SSSR, Moskva.
tnducl,lon of mutationa by ultravlolet Irradiatima and nitrous
acid in the extracellular phage Fn74. Ganetiks no.2:39-46
Ag 165. (MIRA 18:10)
1. Inatitute of Radiation and Phystoo-Chemioal Biologyp
Academy of Sciences of the U.S.3,R,, Moscow,
~:AYA N.D. ",,I' ".,L I:;, l.'. ii U ~V
G. ~N I I ho , K. 11
L ~:AITI 0 V.A.0 ~1'1,-Hdoiik,
red.; 11,11,':A, T.5. , red.
aryj va:11,1161on of
va, Kar,.cneva-,
1-iklforov, :.okolova, .2. "'eix-tik,
ningradokogo unive,%I'LoOt ~'for 7~ikl,arov,
ingo-Vu,oh,tomov, E'vi tko) 3. 1 LuL :-'c)lillf,y i fin," !~r_
biclofii (for ). 4. rALki-o-
~-Iolocll AN 6.Z., (for Karro:,vitch).
Mygiene of the general technical training of pupilso bY A.,IA,,Gut)cin.
Reviewed by IA,M,Bogualavokii$, D,A,Zillbers &.I.Krivitakaia. Gig.
i san. 25 no.80-15-117 A 060* % (MIRA 1311.1)
KUNIN, S.K., dotsenti KRIVITSKAYA, EaL.-dotaent
Phyoiological and hygienic e"luation of variouo formo of artifici&I
illumirst4on in classrooms. Gig. i man. 26 no.4:32-36 Ap 161.
(MIRA 1591)
1. Iz kafedry teorii i metodiki fisichaskogo vospitaniya i shkollnoy
gigiyany Leningradskogo podagogicheakogo Instituta imeni A.I.Gertdam .
(Know how to woric "r krj,-.w how to rest] Umel tm~dltlsia
umei otdykJ,vit.! Moak-Ia. Meditsipa, 1965. 47 P.
(EIRA 19:10)
Bacillin-3 treatmnt fcrr patients with various forms of
syphilis, Vest.derm. I van. 34 no.11:51-54 N 060.
(MIRA 13:12)
1. Is Icafedry koshny" I venericheakikh bolezney Kuybyehavakogo
meditsinskogo Institute (direktor - dotsent D.A.Voronov).
(51PHILIS ther.)
L 1885--66 E'rYT(I)/FS(V)-3 DD
~riyitskaya. Gelin Nikolayevna
Fffect of intense noise~'on the brain; experimental research (Deystviye villnogo
%vuka na mozg;, ikii-eHmentallnoye Issledovaniya) Moscow, Izd-vo "Medittins",
-64- 0157 p- illus., biblio. (At head of title: Akademiya meditainsklkh
nauk SSR) 4,000 copies printed.
MPIC TAGS: zoology, central nervous system, nervous system disease,, neurc-
physiology, nerve fiber, neuron, experiment udmal, mouse, otolaryngology,
wdmal disease therapeutics, reflex activity, audition noise analyzer,
biologic vibration effect
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: IMs book covers the problem of change in morphological
structures (nerve cellso fibers# synapses, glia and vessels) in the neuron
systems using different analysers for the affect of noise stimulants such as an
electric bell with a strength of 80-130 decibels of mixed A-equency used from
one to 44 times. Ihe material in divided into three parts. Ihe first part
describes the harmful effect of souni irritants an living organisms. 7he
second deals with experimental data (producing convulsive attacks in a rat in
reaponae to sound irritants). In both chapters further references are cited.
Card 112,
L 1885-66
In the third chapter reaults of studies are compared with data from reftrences
7hia book is recommended for nemvpathologiate, otolaryngologists, thempau-
tiets and pathomorphologists.
UBLE OF COMM: (abridged)
Foreword 3
Harmful effects of sounds and noises on. the organism
Producing attacks caused by sound - 70
Horphological principles of functional changes in the central nervme oyotqn
caused by sound - 112
Bibllography - 238
.NO RV SOW: 274
Card 2/2
OTHKR t 109
Determining toxicity of sewage. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 8 no.2:19-20
158o (MM 11:2)
Causes of the decrease of water-soluble phosphates in
municiMI sewage. Vod. i san. takh. no,12:9-10 D 162,
(MIRA 15:12)
(Phosphates) (sewage)
Construction of a mill for continuous pipe rolling in Pervourallsk.
Na stroi.Ros., no.1239-10 D 161. (KMA 161l)
(Pervourallsk-Pipe -411s) (Precast concrete constmation)
Cases of humn being's in Pendzhikent Dietrict Btung by the Chad
gunda"q a mud wasp. Zdravi Tadth. 8 no,l12l mur
-25 161. (MIRA 11,::3)
1. Iz kafedry prope4evtfti vnutreivdkh bolexney i kafedry biologii
i meditainakoy parazitologii Stalinabadskogo meditainakogo inatituta
imeni Abuali ibui Sino.
,3jYJi!N"N, P.L.j I'l.-ITURYKAYA,
Ye. k.
Hormone therapy of bronchlal nathm. Trudy Inat. Im. N,V.
Sk)-,4f* 5 nos2slZ4-129 1620, (FIFA 18s6)
7RATTaSOII, V.A.; KRIVITSKAYA, Te.F. -~ ~, -'-
Nutrient conditions W their IRprovement in Charnossim soils
brm4oit rooently urAor cultivution. Zem1w1ollo 7 no.6128- -
J5 ja '59. (MM 12:8)
1. Yeasoyusnyy nauchno-Issledovatellskiy Institut udobreniy I
(Siberia. Western-Cbernozen soils)
(Uvakh*taz~--Chsrnov~x soils)
Result of application of hearing aide In various for=
of hearing disorders. Toot. aterinolar., XoskvA 3,5 no.6.-
13-17 WOV-0*06' 1953. (CUM 25:5 )
1, Of the Departumst of the Diseases of the 1kr,
Threat. Nose, and Speech (Head - Prof S.I. Shunskly.
Doctor Xedical Sciences ), Tashkent Kedica.1 Institute.
KRIVITSKIYO A.L TCRONCffTrmN, D.A., grardli podpolkovnik, red.; NMTIN, G.N.,
tokhn. red,
[The Rassian officer In foreign countries] Rueskii ofitser s& rubs-
shom. XoskTa, Toon. isd--yo lbxodnogo komisumiata obor. 8M 1946.
31 P. (min 1119)
(Ikea Ian-Arcq-Offt core)
KRIVITSICIY. A . poopg1kownul. *DWOTUIT, X., myor.
Let's xmltiply the rw&s of experts, Tosu,-Insh, shur, 101 noo4i
13-15 AV 157. (MM 1016)
(Noecov-4dIlUry art ad so Issas-Ocagre mime)
KRIVITSKIY# A.v polkovnik
Study of mineBe Voen., vest# 39 no. 101-54 A 160. (KM 14:2)'
(Mines# Military)
- - _K.41)f=KIYF All; polkovuik
A croes-country route in marked out* Stareh.-serzh. no.Itl7
;a 162. (MM 1514)
(Military engineering-Cold weather conditions)
Innovators' certificates and patents. Mashinostroenie no. 2t
103-109 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 170)
KnIVITSKIT, A.B., Inih.; BRMISKIT, S.A., Inzh.
Assuring a year-round supply of Inert building materials In
St'jeria. Stroi.prom. 35 no.9t22-24 S 157. (MIRA 10tlO)
USSR floadow Cultivation. L
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 7j 1958, 29605.
Author :J~L ~vs~ki 1 A. I.
Inst I-lot gi-v-en--.----
Title The Appropriation of the Frimorskaya Belt With
a Single Hay flowing Stock of Black Soil.
(Osvoyeniye Primorskoy polosy pod yedinyy sen-
okosnyy fond Chernykh Zemell).
Orig Pub: ovtsevodstvo, 1957, No 6, 39-40.
Abstract: In a ra on with charnozem earth (in Astrakhanskaya
Oblast1f consisting of 48,196 hectares of hay,
mowed hay with a predominance of reeds is the
most widespread form. Primorskaya belt will make
it possible to gather, In the case of its approp-
riation, up to 500-600 thousand contners of hay
annually, "Ifeasures are indicated which ara indis-
pensable to tho aoquiring of this zone.
Card 1/1
This department of hometherapy. Sdrav.Bel. 8 no.1100-75 K 162.
(MIRA 160)
1. 1z 5-7 ob*79dinennoy bollnitsy Minska (glavnyy vrach R.L.
~ w -- -5-15.1h NA.Isksandr Llvoyich
[on a procressive collective farm]
Kirgizekoe goo. Isd-vo, 1953. 24 p.
(collective farms)
T peredovom kolkhoss. Fr=sa,
(MIRA 9:12)
"Electron micros,_-opy studles of' RNA LY,2 an.I It!; rf*rcli.,~Aicri In
bacterial re-1-1s."
report submitted to 3rd European Rc-gional Cont', Electron Microscopy, Pr3gue,
26 Aug-3 Sep 64.
Zconomic effectiTeness of expanding lumber transportation In
the Volga-Znma Basin, Rech.transp. 18 no-10:7-10 0 '59-
(MMA 13:2)
(Volga Valley-Iumber transportation)
A. - -
"Mutagenic effects of radiation on bacteriophase"
paper presented at the Symposium on Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation.
at the Molecular Level (IAEA), 2-6 july 1962., -;
MR/Radio - h1se Tfthniques Aug 50
"POAe TeOniquep" B, KrLyltskiy, Yu. Shualkhin
"Radio" No 80 pp 20-23
Zxplaine basic elements of pulse transaitters
and receivers and'properties of video pulses and
ra"o pulses.' States MIL*y Soviet scientists are
Working on this subject,
Meteorology - MeamuVaente
"Professor P. A. Molchanov's Radiosonde System,N B. Xrivitaidy and M. Makeism
--V%ItRaaoph#*No 2$ pp 18-20
Claims radio sounding was invented by Molehanov and tested in 1930 for the first tljw
in the world in Pavlovsk. Describes Molchanov's sonde incbtail. Gives brief secount
of a radarsonde developed in the U&M in 1946 by V. 'Ve XoBtarev (original paper publisbad
In *MeteorolseW I gidrole0a,," No 2. 1946).
YXVDCKrMOV, P.I., redaktor; IRIVITSKIY, B.31h., redaktor; Sh=tkhin, Yu.A.,
rodkktor; TWXM. rl".J~Xnxnsnd Ikovnik. re&ktor; NTASVI-
IOVA' T,F,. takhMebeakly rodaktor
[Transmitting electric measurement data by radio; collection of
translation* on radlotelemetr.A Takhnilm peredachi resulitatoy Isme-
renii po, radio: sborrAk pareyodoy po redlotelemetrit. Kookys., Yocus
izd-vo Ministeretva oborony 888R, 1955. 148 p, [Microfilm](MLRL W)
OIVITSKIY, Boris Khntakelevich: POLSZHAYICV,I.I.. redAktor; DIKAREVA,A.I.
ibibZjsv,N.JJ., tekhnicheekly redaktor
[Impulse circuits and apparRtus) Impul'snye ekhemy i ustroistwn.
Hoskva, Izd-vo "Sovetskoe radio,n 1955. 247 P. (KIRA 9:2)
(RAdio--Apparatus and mVpliee)
AUTHOR: Krivitakiy, B.Kh. 108-13-4-9/12
TITIE: On ThePuls ~eZssage Through an ilunplif ier 71ith an Automat lo Rapid
Control of Amplification (0 prokhozhdenii impullsa cherez
usilitell s bystrodeystvuyushchey avtomaticheskoy regulir:)vkoy
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika, 1958, Vol 13, Nr 4, pp 68-76 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The peculiar featuren during the passage of a trapezoid Vilse
through an amplifier provided with a very simple automati:: de-
vice for the rapid control of amplification are investigated.
The shape and the magnitude of the impulse at the output of the
amplifier are determined by ar
,proximation. Taking account of the
nonlinearity of the dependence of the amplification factor upon
'the control voltaga u leads to no new basic results. It iz
shown that, because of domains with a lovi degree of slope on the
control characteristic KN the efficacy of operation of the system
of automatic rapid control of amplification is diminished (the
impulse front is distorted and, conditions otherwise bein,; equal,
Card 1/2 the voltage at the output of the impulse-front-end is increased).
On the Pulse Passage Through an Amplifier With an Automatic Rapid 108-13-4-9/12
Control of Amplifioation
It is shown that uslng tubes i-rith elongated characteristic3 in
this system is not to the purpose (if no additionnI demand3 are
made). Th-ire are 8 figures and 4Soviet, referencese
SUBIMTED: November 22, 1957
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
1. Amp3-ifiers-.Control-.,tpplications 2. Pulaeo-Transmissics
Card 2/2
- - 91K6t A.I., takhn. r*d.
[Elements and equipment for engineering] Elementy i ustroistve. Do.-
pul'suoi tekh"ik-4. Ild.2.p dop. i perer. Moskvat Izd-vo *Sovet,-
skoe radiopw 1961. 541 P. (KIRA 24 % 8)
(Pulse toohniques(Electronics))
KUBARKD;l Leontly VladirJrovich; LEVIT121p Toflm Alekee7evich;
KRIVITSKrY, B.M., red.; LARIONOV, G.Ye.,, tekhr.. red.
(Rocrentional radio ongineering']Zanimatellnaia radiotakh-
nika. lzd,2., perer. i dop. 14oakva,, Gosener oizdat. 1962.
263 p. (Massovaia radiobiblioteka, no.454) fm 1~ aw
KRIVITSKIT -J~a~~tskelsvich; SIUMHUR, 7.1., red.; BOR9NOV, ff. 1. p
, red.
(Automatic systems in radio apparatuslAytomaticheakie sistemy
radlotakhaicheakikh ustroisty. Moskva, Gosener isdat, 1962.
664 P. r)aRA 16:3)
(Radio) (Electronic control)
LEVIT, N.B.; PODGAYIJYY, V.K.; X~IVJTSJY,,.-B.Kb.0 lnzh.-polkovnik,
red.1 SHAROGORODSKIY, S.G.$ inzh.-podpo'lkovnikp red.
[Automatic control] Avtomatika. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1964.
400 P. (MIRA 1715)
Kr ivitskiy, Boris Khatskelevich
Automatic control systems in radio equipment (Avtomatichaskiya sistemy*
radiotekhnichookikh ustroystv). Moscow, Gosenergoizdat. 1962.
664 p. illus., biblio. 15,000 copies printed,
TOPIC TAGS: amplitude discriminatLon, phase discriminator, frequency
discriminator, automatic frequency control, automatic phase control,
direction finder, automatic tracking, radar
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book is intended for students in radio
engineering schools of higher education. It may also be useful
to engineers concerned with the automation of radio systems ard
equipment. Fundamentals of control systems are discussed on the
basis of the theory of automatic control. Descriptions are given
of the most frequently used measuring elements of these systaris
(amplitude, frequency, phase, and time discriminators.) The author
thanks S. F. Davarov, Z, So Karamov, and M. V. Maksimov for their
help In the preparation.of the book.
VAKIII, KRIVIrom''t B*10ia; HUM, L.N.
Direction finding chsraoiArl t tits of a'.r.,gle-pulse autcmatle
trucking systawe lzv&vvv*ucW)*,~aj~; rad~owkh. 8 nc~5050-
50 1.4.4 165a (MIFA 28.114
19 SubmitWd November 25, 1964,
3 9
F-A-c-c- _J9__P 66 0 0 0 5 z 0 SOURCE CODE- Ult/0142/(,',/00,91005/0550/()560
1AUTHOR: Vakin, S. A.; Krlvits~~, 11. Kh.; Shustov, L. N.
ORG: none
TITLE: Direction-finding characteristics of nionopalse autorna I ic-t racking systems
SOURCE: IVUZ. Radlotekhnika, v. 8. no. 5, 1965, 550-560
TOPIC TAGS: monopulse radar, automatic tracking
ABSTRACT: The well-known Hellgren's direction -finding characteristics are 'aafied
on ideal operation of the AGG system. Under real conditions, the phase-detec-:or
output voltage depends on the strength of the input signal. The present article
develops formulas describing the direction-finding characteristics with an allornance
for the real AGC-system operation. A generalized scheme (sce figure below in
considered: Both amplitude and phase dire ction -finding characteristice show that
the major-lobe width is independent of the AGC equivalent transfer factor /4 . This
factor, however, has an essential influence on the slope of the d i rection- finding
characteristics and on the spacing between the maxima.when ot < 10-20. With
Card I /Z 611.3 6.96
ACC N ~P6-0-0052-0---
> ZO-30, the shape of
volt) the di,-ection-finding
5 IF charatteristic depende only
Voee Un.V slightly on the input-s.--gnal
rV 6 7 amplitude and AGG
2d AGO parameters. Tito direction
to F(0040) Vpre finding system is linc;tr
5 IFA UcN jwith a variable F;Iope'j only
?a Ke for small angular displacc-
Functional diagram of direction-finding device ments of the target from
~04' the equisignal line. Orig.
of a mo oDulse rad'3!:1q11 -- delay system, 2 - difference, art. has: 11 figures and
3 - hybrid ring, ~ - sum, 5 - mixer, 6 - hoterodyno,
7 - phase detector; IFA - IF amplifier, AGG - 40 formulas.
automatic gain control
SUB CODE: 17 / SUBM DATE: Z40ct63 / O1UG REY: 003
212 kI 5
AKIMOV, Velep Prof. [deceased]; KRVITSKIY, D.I.
Surgical treatment of thyrotoxicosiss KIJn, k))Ir. no.3:50-53
165. (141W% 18-8)
1. Kafedra khirurgil I (vav. - prof. V.I.Akimov (deceatied])
Kiyovakogo institute. usovorshenatvovaniya vrachey,
. - .1 ~
Behavior of bank swanown during cold apells, Friroda 50 no.8:127
Ag 161. MAJ. 14 17)
1, l(urgalldthinakiy zapovednik (TSolinogradslraya obl.),
(Kurgalfdzhin region-Swallows) (Birdis-Behavior)
sakh. SSR 24:
An albino black lark. Trudy Inot. zool. AN Ka (MIRA 17:12)
217-218 64.
: V;
Matorials on birds of the Tengit-Rurgaildzin Depression. Ornitol.ogiia
no*7$146-152 165. OCRA ISM)
MTVITSY.'-rl, !.A.
Ornitbological conferarioe at ths Kba--k,:)v Univeraity. Ornitolo Ds
nG&7s5O&-507 165. NI 18t10)
KRIVIMSKIY, I.I., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk
-- - ---- . ..... . . .
Considering the economic roturn rate or food Aa a factor in brooding
work. Zhivotnoyodetvo 24 no.501-82 Vq 062. (KIRA 16tlO)
% wmlll~~j4L TRUBITSTN, 0-
Now trends In the dispatching of taxicabs* Ayto transp. 37
n0.517-9 MY '59. - (MIRA 12:8)
307TSOV, Alekeanctr'Yevgen yevich GXUBWOV, VlMimir losifovich;
KRITITSKIT, Koustantin AlsksandrovIch; PAZWO,I.P.1, bznd4d&t
-or; TUI)ZO!NsD.M.# tekhnichaskly redakor
[Ilsotrio supply for comaupication installations) Iletropitante
ustroistv sviazi. Xoakva, Gosotransp.shol-dor. Izd-vo, 1953. 319 p.
(11lectric engineering) (KMA 9:3)
PAEMO. I.P., kau&id&t tekbuicheskikh n&uk;-KRIVITSKIr. I.A., inzhensr.
Comunioatione on Canadian and AwrIcan railroads, AVON,, telov,
sviaz' no.2 7 157. MIRA 10.-4)
(United States-lailroads-Communication systems)
(Canada--ftilro&do--Comzunication systems)
".1 Vi 10:
PAMNO, I.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; KRIVITSKIT, K.A., insh.
Cominications on the rnited States and Canadian railroads in
19-96-1957. Artow., telex. I eviaz' 2 no.1:45 J& 058. (KIRA 11n)
(United States-Railroade-Communication systems)
(Ohnada-Rallroade-Communloat Ions systems)
Automatic recorders used in automobile parking lots, Blul,tekhs-
okon.infors, no,6t?2-73 158. (MIRA 11:8)
(Blectronto Instruments)
KRIVITUIT. Konstautin, -Aloksandroviah; PADIM, Iosif Pavlovich; POGODIN,
Alskenndr Mikhaylovich; MARMOTA, G.I., Insh..jed.; STROGAROT.
L.P., insh.; TIMINA, G.P., takhn.rad.
[High frequenoy telephone apparatus] Apparatura vy9okochnstotnogo
tolefouirovanlia. Izd.9q parer. I dop. Moskva, Gos.trasp.zhel-
dor.isd-vo. 1959. 301 P. (MIRA 13:2)
Determinatiou of traffic load by means of circuits independent
of the rails, Avton., telem-i evias' 3 n0,7:44-46 JI 159.
OGRh 12:12)
PADZM, I.P.# imnd.tekhnonauk
Intercammunication i7stes for railroad service areas.
Ayton-, telem,I sylas 3 no.9:18-20 5 159.
(MM 13:2)
GlavWy spatsialist takhnichaskogo otdola Giprotransaigml-
;bast (for Krivitskiy).
(Railroads-Communication systems)
aNAUNKOV, V.L, insho; 1~1LVITSKL14-XA,
Ifew pover supplying device for electric interlockInge Avtone,
talons i evissl 4 nool:8-13 J& 160* (N]:RA 13:4)
(Railroado--Sigmling-Interlookille 076tome)
(RA.Ilrosd&-Jfteatr*nic equipment)
. q
Heat-resistant air-entrained concrete. Stroitell 9 no.10i
5-8 0 t63, (MIRA 16:11.)
1. Nauchno-iosledovatellakly Institut betona I zhelezobetona
(for Nekraoov, KrivitsRiyp Liviyonko). 2. Ust'-Kamenogorskoye
stroitellno-montazhnoye upravlenlye tresta Soyuzteplostroy
(for Kritski ) 3 Temirtauakiy zavod yacheistogo betona
(for Royzman~-* 0
railviTsKly, M., atudent pystogo kuran
They aU work fine, or what Is micronavigation. Grazhd. av.
21 no. 12tl2-13 D 164. (MrRA 18:12)
1. Fakulltat zhurzalisttki Moskovakogo gosudarstvennoro univer-
USSR/Minlng - Physical chemistry
Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 23/44
Authors s Vaysman, B. A.; Krivitakiy, M. D.; and Krigman, F. F,
Title I Electron-microscopic investigation of the forms of transition
-pores of coal
Periodical I Dok. AN SSSR 97/6, 1031-1032, Aug 21, 1954
Abstract I Samples of coal strata of the Central Donbas coal region were
investigated with the aid of an EK-3 electron-microscope to
determine the form of their transient porosity. Electron-
microscopic photos (magnified x 20,000) of coal samples taken
from the Mazur coal stratum, are Included. Three USSR refer-
ences (1952 and 1953).
Institution t Kinistry of Coal Industry, USSR, State Scient.-Researeh Institute,;
'Presented lkyt Academician M. M, Dubinin, April 10, 1954
,1011KO. L.As; IMIVITSKIT. M.D.-,-.,
Effect of radioactive emanations on the Igniting properties of
electric disconnection sparks. Trudy, MakVII 9 no.2:116-126
159. OURA 12:8)
(Electricity In mining) (RatHolootopes-4ndustrial applications)
nRT LIMZTSTZR, U.N., kand. khim. nauk; KRIGMAN, F.Te., inzt.; vUB2_SxU-*
R.D,,; VAUKIN, A*.'X
Using gamm rays to measure the thickness of the settled layer of
coal dust. Ugoll 34 no.1:48-50 Ja '59. (MIRA 12: 1)
Kina dusts) (Coal mines and mining-Safaty measures)
mmx rays-Industrial applications)
Reflective beta-ray thickness gouge (IOTOF-3A) for precipitated
coal dust for use in mines. Atom. energ. 11 no-3:282-284 S '61.
(MM 14:9)
(Coal mines and mininp-Safety measures)
(Mine dusts)
KRIVIT3KIY, M. D.j KRIGHAN, F. Ye.j, axul 1. P.
"The Alethod of Analyzing Ternary 11,1ixtures in an Ionization Gas Anai;~zerll
paper presented at the All-Union jezdnar on the Application uf
Radio ctive Isotopes in Measurements and Instrument Buildirk;,
Frunze (Kirgiz June 1961)
So: Atomnaya Energlya, Vol 11, No 5, Nov 61, pp 468-470
- ---------
ACC_:-'.S'8ION MR: AP4015325 P/0032/64/030/001/00t')7/0069
ATWHOR3; Sklyarenko, Is Pei Krivitakiy, Us D,; Krigmang F. Ye.
TITTU:: Analysis of ternary mixtures in ionization gas,'analyzere
30~;100: Zavodskaya. laboratoriyaq Y. ~0, nos 1, 19649167-69
TOPIC TAGS: Cas analyzer# relative gensitivityg methanol carbon dioxide-gasp
radiation source, ternary mixture
ABST%%CTs Measuring the relative sensitivity of asihane and carbon dioxide gas in
air at various distances between the radiation source and the working volume shows
that a ternary mixture analyzer is feasible in a single ionization chamber. It is
also shown that one can define the riethane concentration and.the am of ooncentra-
tions of the two gases with equal sensitivity using of- or * -ionization radiation.*
Orig. art. has& 6 equations and 2 figures.
ASSOCIATIOX: Ilakeyevskiy nauchao-iseledovatellakAy institut po bezopasnosti rabot
v gornoy proaV*ohlennosti (Makeyovka Institute for Scientific Research for Safe
Operation of Mining Industries)
-0i'id 1/2
Analysis of ternary mixtures in ionizing gas analyzers. Zav. lab.
30 no.1:67-69 164. (MIFIA 17:9)
1. Makeyevskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut po bezopasnosti
rabot v gornoy promyshlennosti.
"Itent-Realstnnt Autoclava Cwt Concreto." Theals for
dogru,f) of Cand. ToOmical Sol. Sub 0' Dec 49, Central
Scl 1".0;3 Inst of Industrial Structures
Swrmy-f 82, 18 Doc 52, Piggertations Preso,3ted _Eor
Degrao In Sclengg !Md Engineerjag, In hjqscor,. In 194L
From VecherwinyalloshvA, Jan-Dec 1949.
- I
&OWL 0 g aim.. 6 bn. at lbb
I bm to IN-" WP I
pilmews. bm to d"Wom -0
*at cupwity. to
to$ +4 +Sbm-- imerwAk
WWAM was 00.111.
2. USSR (600)
4. Concrete, Reinforced
7. Reinforce foam concrete plant. Strol-Prom. 30 no. 12, 1952
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions Library of Congress, March 1953, Utclassified.
MYAKOV, K.N., inzhener (Glavaralprome troy), POGHAJM, F.K., inzhener (&Sevuraltyazh-
stroy); MAICABICHIV, V.V., kandidat tekhnicheakikh
kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk MNIPS).
OXAPO large panel reinforced gus concrete slabs for covering industrial
bitildings. Stroloprom, vol# 31 no,9;8-11 6 15), (MIRA 6:9)
(-'~-acast concrete construction)