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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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Multiple electrode installation for elactric rivet welding A004/A 10 1
by rod 8. The electric riveting hammers are preliminarily pressed onto the part
being welded by admitting compressed air at a pressure of 4 - 5 atm into the pneu-
matic cylinders. By filling hose 10, placed on the rod piston, with water, the
riveting hammers are tightly and uniformly pressed onto the workpiece. The electile
riveting hammers consist of the body, guides bushing detachable tips-and button.
The installation operates In the following way: the hoppers are filled with flux,
electrode bars are inserted into the clamps of the electric riveting hammers, the
panel being welded is placed on the front table, the pneumatic cylinders are actu-
ated and water is admitted Into the hose of the mobile cross piece. The cross piece
Is lowered, pressing the sheathing against the framework of the panel being welded.
Then flux is supplied, the contactor Is switched on and one of the electrodes is
brought in contact with the part being welded. At the contac *t spot of the e2J~ctrode
and the part a welding are is produced which continues to burn up to its natural
break. The second and all the following arcs are excited in the same way. The
power supply source is a TCA -1000 - 3 (TSD - 1000 - 3) transformer. Low-carbon
wire of the CS -08A (Sv-08A) grade and AN -348A (AN-348A) flux ar~ used as welding
materials. Compared with manual welding, the Installation increas es the labor
productivity 2 - 2.5 times. There Is 1 figure.
Card 2/2
TUSHCHRUM, Nikolay Romanortch-. XULATIT, lonstantin. Yladicirorich;
TVIP -111kits, Akimovich; PADDY, V.I., inzbener; rmlaktor;
61. M.-INUMEWYM redaktor.
(Over-all technology of shunting stations; practice of the
Nizhnedneprovsk Usel station on the Stalinoline] Kompleksmia,
takhnologita sortiravochnot stantsit; opyt stantsit Nishne-
dneprovsk Usel Stalinskot dorogi. Xoskva, Gos.transp.thel-dor
isd-vo, 1955. 45 p. (KLRA 8:11)
(Railroads-44aking up trains)
-erjj~jrali uchnstlye: ~:'Zl
[F~avjamcn*-riln of amAEaAa; rra-rual f,,r
narkoza; poso"o dIll,
ViAl Selter-anastezistov
1.1,o:;kva, Meditninap 1964. 16-1 P.
SUBJECT: USSR/Welding 135-5-5/14
AUTHORSt Tamarin, A.M., Engineer, Gitlevich, I.D~, Engineer, and
Krivenko, N.M., Engineer.
TITLEi Automatic Butt-Wolding of Seams for Overhead Traveling Cranes
(Aytomatichoskaya avarka stykov poyasov i stenok gla-n
.vkh balok
mostovykh kranov).
PERIODICALt "Svarochnoys Proizvodstvo", 1957, # 5, pp 16-18 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The article mentions that presently most crane-building plants
manufacture the main beam elements by manual welding which con-
siderably delays work. In order to speed up crane production
and to improve production uality, the All-Union Institute for
Projecting and Technology 766rh MTN), in co-operation with the
Leningrad Hoisting and Transport Equipment plant imoni Kirov,
developed a mechanized technology of produoing main beam elemelfe.
The now installation (shown in illustrations) for automatic
welding under flux consists of four major components% a bad,
a movable pneumatic flux pad, a carriage, and a welding tractor
of the "APC-1000-2" type. It accommodates beam elements for
Card 1/2 or&nse of 30 to 100 t capacity and a span of 10 to 32 a. The
TITLEt Automatic Butt-Welding of Beams for Overhead Traveling Cranes
(Aytomaticho kaya evarka stykoy poyasov i stenok glavnykh balok
mostovykh kr:nov).
The flux pad is placed under the butt joint to be welded, and
the flux thrust upward to the butt by feeding air into a hose
placed under the flux. The flux pad travels on a pair of raile
under the bad. A cross beam to used for moving the workpiece.
The now technology reduces to one half the amount of required
work as compared to the old technique.
The article contains 2 drawings, 2 photographs, and I table.
ISSOCIATIONt 3/ITMMTIJ(VPTI MTM) and Zavod podyemno-transportnogo
oborudovaniya Imeni Kirova (Leningrad Hoisting and Transport
Equipment Plant imeni Kirov).
AVAILABLEt At the Library of Congress.
Card 2/2
.,,Tge ....j
J'F' I
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d'aOe& &0.66 a seconds Viae into nev too a ralte,
and Pro .1 , 01 115 50 ctaa e
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el'jins 0.05j""" nd a -
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"ItI., 0 of differ 11 off ~iptiotv tested in
f or Tameo 0 tilt, 'site d.0601 via$
o or 181) *into" 0 atio" odge'r
a go jitches si Over The
1A.Mit 15 design use-
tailed pylotogtay"s,
I)e 8n& ceept"a for
d'rajpj~n STI& jgure6
tJO106 s re
Edger for Welding Large Overhead Traveling Crane rrolley Frames
ASSOClATIOU, VPTJ tyazhologo
Design Inatitute miftshinostroyeniya (All-Union Technological-
pod "ydmno- transporof 'feavy Machine Building), ztwod
tnogo oborudovaniya 1meni Kirova (Lifting
and Transportation EquiPment Plant Imeni Kirov)
AVAILABLE, Librarjy Of Congress
Card 212
AUTHORS: __~~r~~~_Tamarin, A31,. and Gitlevich, A.D.
TITLE: The Adoption of Standardised Production Procedures in the
Welding Shops for Small Batch and Single Unit Manufacture
(Vn~dreniye tipovoy tekhnologii v svarochrqkh tsekhakh
melkoseriynogo i ledinichnogo proizvodstva)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Mashinoatroyeniya, 1958, Rr 7~ PP 75-79 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A system of classification for typical manufacturing
sequences in making the fabricated components for bridge
cranes has been developed by the VPTI (All.-Union Design and
Production InstituteO in co-operation with the Leningrad-
skiy zavod podlyemno-tran8portnogo oborudovaniya
(Leningrad Works for Lifting and Convcying Equipment)
imeni Kirova. The planning department issues to the
shops rate-fixing information or operations cards compiled
on the basis Of Btandardised maniifacturing processes.
This information is stated on a classification card
accompanied by an operations card. The former 5tates
the class of components as "sheet-metal components" -
the group as "flat, rectangular-shaped" and the sub-group
as "without holes or cut-outs". Each component is listed
Cardl/2 with its drawing number, designation, material, weight
The Adoption of Btandardised Production Procedures in the Welding
Shops for Small Batc;h and Single Unit Manufacture
and overall size. The row for each component is continued
into the operations card where each operation occupies a
group of columns. The main column is the rated time
albtted to the operation. In et~-ch operation, reference
is made tlo a special table in the classification system.
The complete system consists of 3 classes, 17 groups,
1550 sub-groups, 124 species and 2 017 components and is
listed in 180 classification cards. The work on component
standazdisation succeeded in eliminating 433 separate
lomponents. The system covers 88 different types and
sizes of craneq. Each typical production procedure con-
tains the basic manufacturing scheme for sub-assemblies
(example shown in Table 2), a representative sketch, an
operations card without rates (Table 3). a rate-fixing
sarl (Table 4), a labour charge sheet by trades, a
materials schedule and a welded seam length schedule. It is
~%IaAmr?d that substantial 6avings In labour have been
whie,ied. There are 1 figure and 5 tables.
Card 2/2
Inventigating the cause of disturbance In basic geometrical
diwasione of welded gantry cranas and selectlug an efficient
technological process for their con3truction. Trudy LPI no.199:
98-122 158. (MIRA 12:9) '
(Cranes, derricks, ate.-Welding)
1-;,:Ilt to wold"
KRIVENW . N.M.,, inzh.
Automatic welding of chords and vertical walls on main bridge
crane stringers. Svar. proizv. no.9s22-25 S 161.
(HIM 14:8)
1. Leningradokiy zavod pod"yemno-tranaportnogo oborudovaniya
imeni S.M. Kirova.,
(Cranes, clirricks, ate.-Welding)
L 14280-66 VT WIVYIN01 LWA(d)/'r/F,-,JP(0 IJPW JD1117,41G5
ACC, NRt AT6oo8666 SOURCE COD1;-. UR/0000/65/000/000/0228/0235
AUTHORS1 MiMpy, L. Me (Kiev)j _E=nc ov K. (Kiov).;
(Kiev)j j_ v
N, (Kiev) 1 Lazar2) =5N. He (Kiev)
ORGt none
TITLE: Inveatigation of the effects of soveral factora on the-rakicuo-character-
istics of heat resistant allop used for turbing.111d
SOURCE: Vaosoyuarjoy "~Olskoy_.i.dinamichovkoy ......
-.-.-PKRCN1q?3ti matej~ialov I kqnst onn-vhh-
Termoprochno3tv materialoy i konstruktaionnykh olemontov (Thoree
mal strongth of materials and construction elemente)i materialy aoveshchwAyas
Kievq Naukova dumkaj 19650 228-235
TOPIC TAGSs heat resistant *allcyp metal property, metal fatigue/ EI437B allori
B1617 alloy, BI867 alloy
ABSrRACTi The effects of several factors on the fatigue characteristics of heat
resistant &Uoys EI 617 and 81 were investigated and compared with
Card 113...
L 1428o-66
AW NR, ATW0666' C)
im The specimen shown
results obtained with a normal cyludrical fatiguo Voc on.
in Fig, 1 was used to obtain fatigue curves ( 0
,ax 2 9Y2 -
,,I and every solution w(X,Y)F-N 2(T) of for O-Cc4l
for c > (2)
can be represented in T EB in the form
f[x+iy ( 1 -2 6 )] d 6-
2 ccr(l- g)]l-o/2 2 r2(
1 2
Here DO in a function of a complex variable anAlyt:lo in
TULUT, and on L there holds w(x,o) - tf(%).
ABSOCIATIONsPhysioal~Teahnioal-Inatitut*,Moscow (Nookovakiy fiziko-tekhnioh*skiy
SUBMITTEDs April 5, 1957
IVAILABLE*s Library of Congress
Card 2/2
1UTHORt IN IN OTP Yu. P. 20-4-6151
TITLEs ReprAsentation of the Solutions of the Suler-Poisson-Darboux
Zquation by Analytic- Funotions (PredstavlerJye reaheuiy. -r-vn niya
ZY1era--Pu"xwm,-X&xbu.- chexas ---I J tichaskiye funktaii)
PZRIODICILt Doklady Akademii Nauk SS8F41957',Vol.116,Nr.4,PP.545-548 (USSR)
IBSTRICT i The author gives an. -impra-wesient of an earlier result LRef . 1.7
With the not&tions:-of' Z'Rdf 1,7therA holds- the following
Theoreas If tbe-solution vix,y) of
M Vw , 9'w , s. 5 V . 0, c - const
~X 2 -oy2 Y n-Y
belongs to the olass C 2(T)0or 'Dw
(2) lin Y -Pj-
Y-+o Y
on L in x "muses analy-tio values, then there exists OL region 0'
joining-L suah that the solution in 6can be represented in the
form 1 1
q Q[x+iY(1-2G')1d 0
Card 1/2 w(x'y)-y ') + 0- V
J Lqr(,_ ar~jl- 012 1-c
0 0