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OSTROUSHKO, I.A.; YEMEKEYEV,;V.I.; bOBVI, Ye.G.; KRIVCIiIYUVP F.F.; CHUGUNOVp L.F.; MASTRYUKOVO M.V. " -- -- .11.1 .- . Improving p4euma-do charging of blast holes. Gor. zhur. no.1103-37 N *63. (MIRA 17t6) 1. Severo-Kavkaaskiy gornometallurgiaheekiy inatitut (for Ostroushko, Yemekeyevp Bobin). 2. Tyrny-Auzekly koabinat (for Krivehikovp Chugunovp Maotryukov). KRIVCHIKU P.F. -- . Tyrnyauz Combino Is 25 years old. Gor. zhur. no.9:3-6 S f65- (MIRA 18:9) 1. Direktor Tyrnyauzekogo vollframo-molibdenovogo kombinata. YiUCKEYTI, V.r.; BOTH, Ye.G,; OSTROUSHKO, I.A.; BURNATSEV, M.V.; DEWIN, K.V.; PLIKHP V.A.; KRIVCHIKOVp P.F.; CHUGUNOV., L.F. The PZK pneumatic charging columns w!th automatic proportioning of the air, Gor.zhur. no.8:47-49 Ag 165. (.MIRA 18s1O) l.,Severo-K&vkazGkiy gornometallurgicheskiy institut (ror Yemekeyev, Bobin, Ostroushko). 2. Severo-Kavkazakiy filial konstruktorakego byuro TSvetmetavtomatika (for Burnatsev, Demin, Flikh). 3. Tyrnyauzakiy kombinat (for Krivahikov$ Chugunov), OSTROUSHKO, I.A.; YMKNYXV, V.I.; BIRYUKOV, I.A.; RIY-GjHXQV,_j1~.F.; CHUGUNOV, L.F.; BaBIN, Ye.G. Mechanized hole charging in powder blasting operations. Gor. zhur. no-10:36-38 0 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Severo-XavkazskLy gorno-metallurgichookiy institut, g. Ordzhonikidze (for Ostroushko. Temekeyev, Biryukov). 2. T~rmyauxskiy gorno-obogatitellny7 kombinat (for Krivchikov, Chugunov,.Bobin). (Mining engineering) aSTROUSHKOP 1. A., prof*; YEMEKEW, 7, -16, dotaentj BOBIN, Ye. G., insh.: MEDVEDEV, V. V., inzh.; KOBAKHIDZ3p V. N.9 insh.; KRIVCHI -inzh.1 CffUGUNOVq L. Y., Insh.1 OV, Mo V., inzhe Improving mechanized charging of blAstholes. Izv. vys. ucheb. Zav.t gor. zhur. no.9192-96 161. (MIRA 15210) 1. Severokavkazakiy gornometallurgichookiy institut. Reko- ndovana kafedroy gornogo dela. .A (Blasting) OSTROUSIIKO, I.A.; M4EKEYEV, V.1,; DORODNOV, V.S.; BORODIII, N.I.; .--PP-C-j!TYL0-VPF.; CIPJGUIIOV,, L.F, Optima conditions for BA-100 drill rig operations in hard rocks. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tovet. met. 4 no.3:12-18 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Sovorok4vkazakiy gornomotallurgichookiy institut i Tyrnyauzokiy kombinat. Rekomendovana kafedroy spetsialInykh kursov gornogo dela Severokavkazakogo gornometallurgicheskogo instituta. (Rook drills) OSTROUSHKO, Ivan Antonovichs prof.p doktor tekhn. nauk; bOBIN, Yevgeniy Geraoirovichp gorMy inzh,; TEVUEM, Vyacheolav Ivanovichs dots,j kand, tekhn, nauk; KRIVCHIKOV9 Petr TEYe-dorovich Ped2orETqc~j_pmyy inzh.; CHUGOOV, !Won gormyy inzb. DEMIDYUK., G.P.v kand. tekbn. nauk., retsenzent; GEYMANI L.M.9 red.izd-va; IAVRMITOYEVA, L.G., tekhn. red. lyleohanization of blasting; mechanization of loading and stemming blast holes and mine chambers]Vekhanizatsiia vzryvnykh rabotj mekhanizatsiia zariazhenia i zaboiki shpu- rov., vzryvnykh skvazhin i miraVkh kamer. Moskva, G)sgor- tekhizdat, 1962. 127 p. (MIRA 15:11) (Blasting-Wpment and supplies) OSTROUSHM, I.Ae, prof*: rB4JKXYBV, VoIs, doteenti-WYCHIJOY, F.V., insh.; DDRODNOT, V*So; inzho; CHUGUNOT, L.Y., inzh.; XLTACd57,-L-.f.-;71-nsh. Improvement of bore bits for c6mpressed-air percussion drills. IZT9 Ty8s uchebe savo; gor. zhur. no.10:93-98 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Severo-NaAasaidy gornovetallurgichaskiy Inatitut imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze. Hakomendovana. kafedroy spetsialinykh kursov gornogo dela Severo-lavkazakogo gornometallurgicheskogo Inatituta. (Boring machinery) KRIVCHIEDV, Tu.N. A now vaAcalar outure method [with summaz7 in llnglishl. Mrsper. khlr. 4 no-1:35-40 Jrr-y 159- (MMA 12:2) 1. Is kliniki khlrurgii dlya usovershonstvovanlya vracheq No.2 (nach. - Prof. I.D. Zhitrquk) Voyanno-meditaluskoy ordena Lentua akademli Iment SA, Kirova. (BIM VRSMM, surg. anantomosts. new method of suture (Rue)) KRIVCHIKOV, Yu.11. (Lenlwad) VasciLlar forceps with a ball lock. Zksp.khir. 4 no.3:33 H.v-Je '59. (MIRA 12:8) (blFAMIT. OP3RLTIVN. appar. & instruments blood vessel forceps with ball lock (Rue)) IKRIVCHIKOV Yu,N, Simple apparatus for intratracheal ether-oxygen anesthesia and artificial respiration. Mcapokhirei anest. 6 no.2251-53 161. (MIRA 14tlO) UNTRATRACHEAL ANESTHESIA--EQUIPMT MID SWTUES) (RESPIRATORS) KRIVCHIKOV, Yu. N. Suture and plastic surger7 of the aorta; experimental atudr. Grud. khir. 4 no.1:48-51 Ja-F '62. (MIRA 1512) 1. Iz pervogo legoahno-khirurgichookogo otdoleniya (zav. - kand1dat meditainskikh nauk G. 0. Gorovenko) Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledovateV- skogo institute, tubarkulaza (dir. - kandidat meditsinskikh nauk A. S. Mamolat) (AORTA-ZURGERY) AMOSOV, N.M.; GOLIDBERG, V.N.; KRIVA-71'"-: 31DAPFNKO, L.N.; CHEPKIY, L. P. e Mitral valv prosthesis. Vent. AMN SSSR 18 no.9:9-18 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Ukrainskly nalichno-isaledovatellakiy institut tubarkuleza i KR1VCHIKOV Yu N, (Klyev, ul. TuJuchlka, d. don 11, kv.79) A, _R_ Artificial tricuspid valve for replacement of the ndtral valve of the heart. Grud. khir. 6 no.l: 115-117 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 18tll) 1. Klinika serdschnoy khirurgii (sav. - prof. N.M. Amosov) Ukrainakogo Institute tuborkulaza i grudnoy khirurgii (dlr. - dotsent A.S. Mamolat) I otdal biokibernetikJL Inatituta kibernetiki (dir. - akadealk AN UkrSSR V.M. Glushkov) AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. KRIVDA. F., suer; ZATKOVAYff. M.. inshener. .-.WAWWWWNNAW Rapid assembling of tower cranes, Stroltoll no.3:9 Ur 157. (Cranes, derricks, etc.) (KLRA 10:4) KRIVDA, F..- - :-,, mv.T*, - I Tgning. i~, t o.wer crane, Stroltel' no,5;12 My '57, (MM lOt6) 1. - uekh&nlk trost&*Stroymekba'nizateiya Glavkiyovetroya. Lx!qu (Cranes. clorricks. ate.) KRIVDA, F., inzh. Mechanized feeding of gypsum. Stroitell no-3:11 Mr 159. (KIRA 12:6) (Gypsu*--Transportation) KANTUKA, Nikolay Sergeyevich; UIT,])A, Fedor Polikarp ovich; HIMIWY, G.G., red.; KOVALIGHUK, G.A.. (Over-all mechanization In assembling large brick-block apartment houseal practices of the Main Administration !or Housing and Public Construction in the City of Kiev] Kom- plekeneia makhanizataiia montaths. shilykh zdanii is krupnykh kir~ichnykh blokov; opyt Glavkievstrola. Kiev, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhit.USSR, 1960. 92 p. (Kiev-w-Building, Brick) (MIRA 13t7) KRIVDAv F. In the Ministry of Construction of the Ukrainian SAR. Prom, stroi. i inzh, soor. 2 no. ls6l-63 A 160. (KMA 14:2) 1. Nachallnik otdola novoy takhniki Tekhnicheskogo upravleniya Ministroya USSR. (Ukraine--Conatruction industry) BURGELEY T.0 pror.; KRIVDA, S.; DUVAN, S.; DUMIRIU, P. Reauscitation ward. Eksper. kblr. i aneBt. 9 no.5--85-86 S-0 164. (MIRA 18:11) 1. 1-ya Rhirurgicheakaya klinika Mediko-farmatsevticlieskogo instituta (direktor - prof. T.Burgele), Bukhareut. 7VP 7"? (1 E7 h L 5285-66 -OwT(d)/EWT(m)/L-fiP(Y)/L-WP(t)/affl(k)/- I (h)/Z,,'P(b)/, )/ dA( )JD ACC 11R: AP5022038 SOURCE CODEt UR/0286/65/000/014/M05/0105 AUTHORS: Chernikov,, F. V.; Zaytsev, L., S.- Krivdin, B. M..', ORG: none TITLEs A method for working with a hard alloy tool bit. Class 49p No. 173M SOURCE: Byul2eten' izobroteniT i tovarnykh znakov, no. 14, 1965, TOPIC TAGS- mechanical metal removal, metalworking, metal outtingreutting tool, metal cutting machine tool ABSTRACT: This hAertificate presents a method for cutting with a hard alloy tool bit. To increase the wear resistance of the tool bit, the work is cofiducted with a cyclically altered longitudinal feed changing from detail to detail or during working of the same detail. Thus, the first detail may be vorked at a feed 15-25%-below the optinal, the second detail at the optimal feed, and the tWd at a food 15-25% above optimal. After this, the cycle is repeated In the some or in some other-order. SUB CODEt IE/ SUBM DATEt 03IUy63/ ORM W t OW/ OTH RU i OW Ca:~d vi KRIVEC . Mrjan Some views on the problea of decentralization at the Kocavjs Post Office. PTT sbor 14 no.7/8sl8l Ag 162. KRIUC, 0. Slastogenesis of the prosteate and sex hormones. Acts, chlr. ivgool. 1 no.1-2:8i-lo4 1954. 1. Uroloski odJel Opoe bolnice nardonag heroja dr. X. Stojanovloa u Zacrebu (Sef Prof. dr. A.Dlaskovic) (PROSTAUg neopl"me *ther,, sox hormones) (FROSTATS HYPUISOM, ther. *sex hormones) (m Hawns, ther, use *Cawsr & hypertrophy of prostate) KE VEC, 0. Priapism, trial therapy with liquesin and hyaluronidase. Acta chir.lugoal.2 no.1:8&-92 1955. 1. Uroloski odjel Opce boluice narodnog beroja dr. K.Stojanovics. u Zagrebu ($of prim.dr. B. Barse) (PRIAPISH, ther. beparin with lWaluromidase, resulte(Ser)) WPARIN. ther.use prisplem, with byaluronidose, resulte(Ser)) (irfALURDMIDASB, ther.use prispism, with hoparin. resulte(Ser)) TOKIC-KARDVIC K.; KRITM, 0.; WVACMC, K. Thetreatment of Proteus Infectlons of the urInar7 tract with Lactobacillus scidolLpbuse Act& chirAugool. 2 no,2-3:212-219 1955. 1. Iz Zeyoda za mikroblologlju M*dojak Sysucillsta u Z"bu (Predstojn1k: prof. dr. D. Filipovic) Cantralsog higijeaskog z&vod& (Direktor: dr. I. Brod&rac) I Uriloalmg odjela Bolaice M. Stojanovic, Zogrob(Predstojulk: prim. dr. B, Barac) (LACTOBACILLUS scidolphus, In th*r* of Prote= infect. of urinary tract (Ser)) (URIKUM ?MT. infect. Frotaus Infect,, ther. Lactobacillus acidophilus Im- nae prep.(Ser)) (PRDTWS IMMMONS urinar7 tract, tebr*,Lactobacillus acidophilus Krunas prop.(Ser)) KRIVEC. Oto, Dr.; PXTRDVCIC, Ardo, dr. Oureirperionces with retropnoumoperitoneum, LijecovJess 77 no.3-4: 178-183 Mar-Apr 155. 1. Is Urolookog djela i Zavoda sa rantgenologiju Opce bolnice dr. H. Stojanovica u Zagrebu. (PWOPHRITONWH, ARTIFICIAL$ retropnemoperitoneum. technic & indic.(Ser)) :-'TV'qt Oto, Dr.; Ivan, Dr. ec-osis of the kidneys. LiJec. TJes- 79 an.!-4:11'13-129 Papillary n Nor-Apr 57. 1. Is Uroloii`o., odnjska Once boluice dr Joni-)a Knjfe-,ai Intcrw,- odjela once ~ojnjce dr WL^dena Stojinovica u Zagrebu. (XIIJ13T JIMS2S, ones reportj ,unillary neor0315 (Grr)) case reports na-MW7 of kidneys (Ser)) YUGO STal"Vill 75RIVEC, Dr 0. j!~~ffiiiation not. give2n. "A Contribution to the Diagnosis of Pye2onophritis." Zagreb, Lijocnicki Vjesn , Vol 85, 11o 6, 19639 pp 647-648. Abstract: %'he author lists tho most Important symptoms of the dis- ease and various testa which can be aDDlied in the event of diffi- culties that are likely to crop up in diagnosis, with particular reference to Dr Zvonimir HORVAT's artiole in the same periodical. Ten German and US references of recent date. t -------------------------------------------------------------- KRIVIE, 0- Senatorial treatment of urological patients. Lijecn. VJOOne 87 no.5055-562 My 1 65- KR SGO 1_ A. When no consideration is Siven to profooA* l9roups, Savabakht, 10 no,7:28 JI 1619 1438) (Trade unions) NIAMSARAY, TS.j PUREV, Zh.J-,!WYU-If A.; TKACIWY.Ot As; LUKOVETS, A., red. [youthfulness of ancient Mongolia] Molodost' drevnei Mongolii. Moskva$ Pravdaj, 196.4. 262 P. (MIRA 17:12) L 22524-66 1;WT(m)/?;PF(n)-Z/EWA(h) 1ACC NR: AP6007956 SOURCE CODE: UR/0089/66/020/002/0157/0159 ~AUTHORS! Mogiltner., A. I.1 Krivelev, 0. P. !ORG: none 'TITLE: Integral method of measuring the quantity 0 /1 eff ,SOURCE: Atormaya e,nergiya, v. 20, no. 2, 1966, 157-159 :TOPIC TAUS: neutron flux,, neutron energy distribution, nuclear reactor characterin.tic, multiplication factor, prompt neutron M L;,?QAIRACT: The article describes a metbod.for determining the quantity [1 - k (I eff eff) :where k is the effective neutron multiplication coefficient, 13 off eff and I The lifetime of the' ithe effective fraction of delayed neutrons, ~prompt neutrons.- The method (called integral) is based on measuring itbe dispersion of the fluctuations of the ionization-chamber-current Card U`DCs 621-039-512 ~L 22524-66 0! 'ACC NRi AP6007956 'Fig. 1. Block diagram of setup ror 2 manuring tho quantity a by the in-j' C, 3 Itegral method. 1) Neutron detector,' 2~ cathode follower, 3) amplifier, 4 integrator !by passing It through a broad-band filter with variable bandwidth ~;Tbe theory of the method is briefly described, and the results of imeasuremento made with a uranium-beryllium assembly reported. The 'experimental setup (Fig. 1) was designed for maximum sensitivity and ,minimum noise. The measurements were made at a subcriticality :(I - keff)/Peff , 0.2. The resultant value of a. referred to the ;critical reactor, was a - 150 + 9 see compared with the, value 1154 + 12 sec-1 obtained for the same system by the frequency method. lAdva7ntages claimed for tho Integral method are simplicity of the ap- ,paratus and possibility of assembling the experimental setup from standard commercially available elements, and higher sensitivity and Card ,L 22524-66 ACC NR: AP6007956 0! ~static accuracy of the measurements as aresult of broadening the band of the recorded frequencies. A ahort-coming of the method Is the' .requirewRnt that the main measuring channel have a uniform frequency characteristic in a range from fractions of a cycle to several kes. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and T formulas. SUB COM 20/ SUEM DAM 14ju165/ ORIG REP: 001/ OTH REF: 005 .-Card ___3/-3 KRIVagVICH, L.14. - - A hydrodynamic model of drift currents on -the equator. Meano- logiia 4 no.5&919-920 t64 (MIRA 18zl) Kll.~-VELPWICII, L.M. Ily4rodynamic model of drJrt, cur-m-nUi tit Lho o-quittor. Nean,~logiia 4 no.6062-967 164. (MIRA 1812) 1. Kali ningradskoye otdelonlye Inatituta o~eariologil AN SSE-R. OGARKOVp BJ., karidotekhn.nauk; KRIVELISKIYP V.I. Method of compressing round-shaped.wood dimensiona having high initial moiature content. Der.prom. n no.l2sl7-18 D 162 (MIRA-ib:l) 1. Voronesbakiy sallskokhosyaystyennyy institut. (woc4 CompresBed) KRIVENIP Pavel vaslllyevic~ -[J(ryven4-j P.V.3, prof.; ZMWAt S.I.t otv. red.-- 'SDM!Kt VOT. [Skr~Mkj V.T.]y red.1 HATVIICHUK, O.A., tekbn. red. [Lav on the increasing production of the means of production and the establiebment of tbe'sconomic and tecbnical foundation of co=wMism] Zakon perevashwho rozvytku vyrobnytetva zaadbiv Vmbzqtatva i stvoren- nia mater:lallno-tekbnicbnol bazy kom=izmu. Kyiv, 1961. 47 p. (To- varystvo dlia posbyrermia politycbmykh i naukovykh zDan' Ukrains1koi RSR. Ser.3., n0.7) (MIRA 24s9) (Econorice) PANASHCHENKO, I.P.0 dots.; CHUNTULOV, V.T., dots.; POGREBINSKIY, A.F.j prof.; SPATAR, N.G., dots.; LAUTA, S.P., dots.; USTINOVA, L.A., dots.; KRIM 1, P.V,, prof.; FILIPPOV, V.I., dots.; GOLUBEV,V.A. kand. ekon. nauki DZIUBKO, IX., dots.; GRIGORIYEV,A.N., dots.; ZATSEPILINO V.G.., dots.; TERESHCHENKO,V.F.j LOYBERG, M.Ya.', kand. iat. nark ; ORLIKO Te.L., red.; KHOEIIANOVSKAYA, T.I.0 tekhn. red. (Economic,history of foreign countries]Ekonomichaskaia istoriia sarubezhnykh stran; kurs lektsii Kiev, Izd-vo Kievskogo univ. Pt.2.[From the 1870's to the pre;ent timelOt 70-kh godov XIX v. do nastoiashchogo vremeni. 1961. 387 p. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Prepodavateli kafedr'politloheskoy ekonomii J istorii narodno- hozyaystva (for .,go khozyaystva Kiyevskogo instituta narodnogo k I~tll exceprt Orlik, KhokhanovekBy&). (Economic history) 1. KPIVENCRENY.0,, Vladimir 2, USSR (600) h. Hydroelectric Power Stations 7. On a Siberivn rivers Kreattianka, 31, no. 5, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, LJbrary of ConpresBj April 1953, Uncl. " , - -w , - _. - ~. - , - - - 7-, ! " r~~ C!rj,.r ) P. Yr,. -- "A Che-ical ~,ati ( , ~;f Nar,~ I o Ear. 11 ':i!; lipalt h U-SM. Ye--ocw Phar-3o,~utlcal In-,;t.. I(-,rt- I for the Pegrf,,~ of Candidate !:, Phn~maccutical FrAences) S G: Knizhnaya Letnpicl, ,No 1, lgt~( ZYrO'JA. JI.Ytt.j R-RTIVICHIT P.Y(j. [Kj--jv~-n(~~jjk, Phytochamical etudy of the soatiberry troj. RoPort No.3! r-tudy cf y tree. Farmatsev.zhur. saponina ln the seed vai-sal rif tho Eoar-b-rrr 20 no.1:66-70 165- (MIPA 18:10) 1. Kafedra tekhnoloril leMratv i galenzivykh rreparatov ilartkovskogo farmatsevticheEkvgo Instituta i Wedra 1,--rokognozil Zal-.orozhskogo farmatsevticbeskoga instituta. - - - - - - ---- ---- - 4 - Plvrlr-'riKo, G.P. [Pivnonkop H.P.]i KR~Y-EJIGV4 F,; L-Kryvenclulk P IE ); LITVINENKO, M.M. [Lrki;~enko, M.M.1; I I - I IICH I.F. t";;;~h, I.P.] Connoction of the higher achool with production. Farmatsev. zhur. 16 no.3t74-76 161. (KIRk 14:6) (PHLRMLCY--STUDY AND TFACHDIG) .'ILI Ili _*I !'Iul'~, P. 1e . L......... I' - " - U~~-,I , a , t 9 V A'- a -~ . L-1. , -. "'; .; I , , , -, L" I- ,i.,. -,- .'~ , ".. " - DotormJnlng tamitria An aomo Jrrj i'Inriti. 'V,urrmtjf!v~ zhaw. 17 no-3:3~"41 162. (-~I-A 1,/.1o) 1. Kharlkovoldy farmat:3evtiche:i.-.-ly lknstj.~ut. SALO$ D.P.,- TOPOHINA, 0*14.; WU--IAUVJII lLdTAJOJ.~, P.Yo. (Kryvenchuk, F.D..) PAVIZ11K.0, L.So Alkylolamines and their poosiblo use in Fharmacy. Report No.l. Farmatoev zhur. 16 no.5sl6-20 161. (I-EIRA 17; 10) 1. Ksfedra tokhnologii lekarst i galenovykh preparatov Khartkovskogo fanaaraovtichaskogo inatituta (zaveduyughciiiy kalf0droy dotsent G.F. Pivnenko (Pivnenko, ZYKOVA, N.YtL. ; XR I VENGH9K, P. Yo. [Kr.?vr~rjw~htlk, ;I. ii. 1, C,hemic.ql itiva., of the -sonlAsirry 3apl, ndlul Rjporor.,ti .Ya I ~ruA tf:-Ov. z1mr. 17 no.5i5l-rir) 162. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Kafedra teklinolog-11 lokrtrqtv .1 galenovykh pmplirat.civ Khqr1kovskogo gogudarnt.venriogo farmatrievtichonkogo InitIttita I k,irelrri famankognozil Zaporozt..9kogo goqiWar.,;tvcnrio~j,,o inatituta, SALO, D. P.; 141KMYUNKO, G. I. [M7kbailenko H. 1. j lom- ICHUK. P. U. [Kryvenchuk, P.IE.1; TOFORINAj 0,11, [Toporyna, 0.1-1.1; Pri:nima.13 uohastiyet SHADELINIK, V.0 otudent; OLMUCHO Ye. [Olanych, E.], atudentj SUDGALITZR, D. (Sudhalfter, D.), student Alkyloamidon and the possibility of using them in pharmacy. Hoport No.2: Study of the emulsifying properties of the monoalkyloamides of fatty acids for the.purpoaa of using them in pharmacy. Farmteev. zhur. 16 no,019-22 #61, (MIRA 1515) 1. Katedra tekhnoloj;ii sekaratvennykh form i galenovykh proparatov Kharlkovskogo farmateevticheakogo instituta, zav. kafedroy dotsent G.P.Plvnenko [FiVROWICO; H.P.J. (ANIMS) usmIEnginsering - Hardness swasuremstit Card Authors 1 Xalykhin, A, I.; Kriverilkays, T. M. Title Attachment to Rockw*11 Instrument for testing parts of large dimensions Periodical Vest. Kash., 34, Ed. 6x 95 - 96, June 1954 Ostract A device is described which is attached to the table of a Rookwvll hard- noes teeter to enable it to hold parts of large dimensions. InstitutAoni ... Submitted t KRI~RMOr-k[Kry-vanko, AJ, mekhanik A proper distribution of personnel Is the most important condi- tion for self-sustaining vork of an enterprise. Sill. bad. 22 no.10:17 0 162. (MIRA 15t10) 1, Kirpicbnyy savod No, 1 Andrushevskogo meshkolkhoznogo stroitelletva Zhitomirskoy oblasti. Building materials Industry) llective farna-Interfarm cooperation) M ongthen control r)v~-,j~ collection of national inc(:,,,,)e for the twla,A. rin. t kred. SSSR Str tic. 3, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessionst Library of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified. LARIMOV, K.. professor; GOXOTANOT, I.; TMANOT, P.; .1QMM&AA# otystotyennyy rodaktors, IXMMZ VA, G., redaktor; MIUVA, 0., tekWohookly redAktor. [National budget revenue from a soolalist soonomr] Dokhody gosudarst- vennogo biudshets, ot sotsialistichookogo khosixistva. KoskTa, Gosfiz- isdat, 2934. 216 p. OMU 812) (Internal revenue) IMrVKNKO. A. Improve work on state rRInnue. Fin.SSSR 17 n0-7:8-14 JI 156. (Rovenue) (min 9--q) I.- nIT=O# A. Basic task to to ensure ftlfillnent of the state revenue plan. Yin.SSSR 18 no.2:43-44 7 '57, (HLRA 10:5) I.Nachallnik Upravl (;nlya gondokhodov. nternal revenue) KRIMTKO, A. Improvement in ooonomlo work is an important means for carrying out the state revenue plan. Fin. SSSR 21 no-3-.3-11 Mr 160. (MIRA 1393) LChlen kollegii Kinisterstva finansov SSSR. (Finance) XRIVENKOt A. Ways to improve vork on state revenue. Fin. SM .23 no.4sS-16 Ap 162. (WRA 1514) 1. Ghlen Kolle ii Ministerstva finanaov SSSR, fIndustrial management) (Revenue) KRITEITCt A. A. "Interspecific crosses of onion plants." (allium L.)q L Chief of the Cytology lAboratoryt . Institute of Vegetable Cultivation, Moscow. by Krivenko, A. A. (p. 459) SO: Biological-Journal (Biologicheskii Zhurnal) Vol. V1, 1937,- No. 3 1-r. -: i". .... , -.1 1.: "A Cytological Stuc~y 0.0 Ga,.Iic (Allim Sativi it L.) Chief Of The Cytolo.7r intorator7, Scientific !'esnarch Institute Of Vegetubj, CultivEition, 'b-ccow." 3) 1~- Krivenko, A,. A. SO: M, OF ~UZI!AL (-F PICLO,,',Y. 'Fiolo~:," chaskii Zhurnal) Vol. VII, l?'E No. 1 - k . ZAMAIVIKOp I.P., laind. tokhn. ri;.,uk; FrI) (16 1," Y;.-"I I A - Fli IV '~ Y Is, 01 Hard-alloy cutters for hand surfacer and planes. Bum. i der. prom. no.3:25-28 J1-S 165. (MIBA 18:9) YSIVENKOR A.P.; PAVIDVI A#IJ# Igneous complex9s of the Devonian trough of Tuva. Trudy Inst. geol. i geotiz. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.33t5-43 163. (MIRA 17:11) BELOUSOVg A.F.; DOBRETSOV, H.A.; KOCHKIHV YU.N.; KRIVENKOP A.F.; KUTULINY V.A,; TFLESHEV, AeYe*j KELESTOVO V.V. Experience in the utilization of calculations on electronic computers for the solution of petrochemical and mineralogical problems. Geol. J geofiz. no.6sl63-164 164. (MIRA 18ill) 1. Institut geologii I geofiziki Sibirskogo otdelenlya AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. ALADYSHKIN, A.S.; VASILIKOVSKIY, N.P.; VINKMAN, M.K.; GINTSINGI!E, A.B.; GURARI, F.G.; KARPINSKIY, R.B.; KRASIL'NIKOV, B.N.; KRASNOV, V.I.; KRI-VENKO,_..A.P.; LUCHITSKIY, I.V.; PAN, F.Ya.; PETROV, P.A.; POSPE, , G.L.; SENNIKOV, V.M.; CHAIRKIN, V.M.; SHCHEGLGVY A.P. In memory of Andrei Aleksandrovich Predtachenskii, 1909- 1964. Gaol. i geofiz. no.4:197-199 165. (MIRA 18t8) T73610 80091 S/020/60/131/06/35/071 BO11/BOO5 1UTHORS! Ponomarsy, A. A., Maelennikova, N. P., ilakina, N. V.v Krivenko, 1J. TITLE: Synthesis and Some Catalytic Treneformationslof Primary Furan Amines PERIODICAL: Doklady kkademii nauk SSSR, ig6o, Vol. 131, No. 6., PP- 1355 - 1358 TEXT: The authors thoroughly studied one of the ways of synthesizing primary furan amines: the reductive amination of saturated and unsaturated aldehydes and ketones in the presence of Ammonia. They succeeded in establishing that the fol- lowing is achieved by hydrogenation under pressure in ammoniacal-alcoholio solu- tion in the presence of Raney nickel: not only a-p-mono-uneaturated furan ketones but also diene ketones can be easily transformed into corresponding primary furan amines (yields up 'to 86%, and 84%v respectively, of the theoretical yields). Also saturated furan ketones kaostyl furan) with a carbonyl group in position I on the furan ring are smoothly transformed into primary furan amines. No hydrogenation of the furan ring occurs. Thin showed the general character of this reaction lead- ing to primary amines with a 3, and 5 in the side Smosition of the amino group 1, ehLin in good yields (see me). Table I shown the most important properties and analyses of the amines produced. It also lists some physical constants of the Card 1/3 Synthesis and Some Catalytic Transformation# of Primary Paran 1mines 8CO91 8102016011311061351071 3010005 N-acetyl derivatives of these amines. These derivatives :r; easily formed from the amino@ wider action of acetic anhydride (yields up t 4%), Table 2 shows properties of totrahydroturan amines and their N-soetyl derivatives. They are formed from the N-acetyl derivatives of furan amines by hydrogenation In di- oxaneg and can be saponified. The presence of the furan-, or tetrahydrofuran ring, respectively, and of the amino group was confirmed by UV and IR spectra recorded by A. D. Peshekhonovas Furan- and tetrahydrofuran &mines were further used by the Tulthore for synthesizing pyrrolysidine- and dihydrodipyrrol deriva- tives. These nitrogen heterocycles are contained in many alkaloids. The follow- ing 'substances were used for these experiments of intramolocular eyolization: 1-(a-furyl)-3-aminopropane, 1-(a-furyl)-3-aminobutanop 2-furfurylaminooyolo- hexanel and 1-(a-tetrahydrofuryl)-2-aminobutane. Pure aluminum oxide, and an aluminum oxide activated with thorium dioxide (formula and preparation by Yu. K. Yurlyev), were used an catalysts. Cyclization proceeded according to the scheme indicated. The yields in dihydrodipyrrole attained 32~, those in pyrroly- sidine 50~ of the theoretical yields (Table 3). The investigations are being continued. There are 3 tables and 3 references* Card 2/3 80091 Synthesis and Some Catalytic Transformations of S/020/60/131/06/35/071 Primary Furan Amines BO11/BOO5 ASSOCIATION: Saratovskiy gosudarstvennyy univornitat im. No 0. Chernyshovskago (Saratov State University imeni No 0. Chernyehavokiy) _ PRLSENTED: December 299 19599 by A. A. Balandin, Academician SUBMITTED: December 251 1959 Card 3/3 PONOMAREVP A.A.; KUIMIWVA,, P.P.;'PIMIKOp A.P. fluran compounds. Part 15t Reductive amInation of' saturated and unBaturated furan ketoneB. Zhur. ob. khim. 31 no.3t958-964 Mr 161, 1 (MIRA 140) 1. Saratovskiy gonudarstvoAn7 vniversitet. (AmInation) (Ketonea) I PONOMAREV, A.A.; KRIYE~ ~4 NORITSINA, M.V. Furan compounds. Part 22: Hydrogenation of prizary furan amines in the presence of Raney nickel. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.611778-1783 Je 163. OGRA 16:7) 1. Saratovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet ineri N.G. Chernyshevskogo. (Furan) (Hydrogenation) PONORAREV , A. As; NORITSINA, M. Vo; Mjp',Lll 0 P~ Catalytic synthesis of g(-pyrrolidy ~ ando(-octahydroindolyl 3-alkanols. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no. 1:102-105 My 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Saratovskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitat im. N. G. Cherny- shavskogo. Predstavleno akademikm A, A. Balandinym. 39706 s/142/62/005/002/009/019 1/ 40 Zt) E192/E382 AUTEORS: Zhivotovskiy, A.I., 11rivenko, A.S_ and Polevoy, V.V. TITLE: Non-tuned high-frequency stalges in transmi~tters PERIODICAL: Izvostiya vysshilch uchobnylch zavedeniy, Radiotelchnllca, v. 5, no. 2, 1962. 224 - 233 TEXT: The two simple circuits Bhoern in ri-. I can be used 0 - for constructin- urideband high-froquency amplifying stages for 13 1~ radio transmitters. The impedances or those circuits can be described as Z A1,2 , whore J-1, C and the functionz A for the two circuits are given by: 2 2 6 + k 1i 1 + k 6 A 1) + 262 A 2 = k V (k2 + ic 262 R/P _E where , 6 It W/W and wo IIJ The f or-mula a 0 are analyzed and it is found that for the case of 6 = "LIZ the imped4AGO of-.tbe first circuit is practically constant at Card 41/;) S/1112/62/005/002/009/0.19 Non-tuned high-frequency .... E192/E382 .Lrequencies'from w = 0 to ci = wo while the impodance of the second circuit is constant up to frequencies of / '~ . The circuits are thus suitable for widaband 0 amplifiers and their impedance for the case of 6 is 1 2 . The first of the circuits is used in compensated ampli- .Liers while the second circuit is difficult to use at frequencie!, above several 1.,'cls. Wideband amplification for the transmitters can be produced by distributed amplifiers whoLe gain is expressed by; SQ a 2 and whose ma~ximum output voltage is given by: M max al max "a n 2 - where n is the nuiribar- of tubes employed in tho amplifier, Card 2/j I' 5/142/62/005/002/009/019 Non-tuned high-froquency E192/E382 ea m/-~f..C. is the wave impedance of the anode line, 1 rKI 'L C a a is the critical frequency of the anode line and C a and L a-e the capacitance and the inductance of a line cell. Analysis of the distributed amplifiers shosis that those should be based on tubes having a high slope, small and larZo currents at a. = 0 and ea ea min 0,rhore e9 is the grid volta--e and ca is the anode voltage). A method of dosi--ning a distrihuted amplifier is described, the dosif,ii bain- based on the followinZ parameters: upper and loller cut-orf frequencies; load capacitances, output-voltazo amplitude and the input- voltage amplifier. The problem of matching artificial lines Card 3/0q s/142/62/005/002/009/019 Non-tuned high-frequency E192/E382 by means of exponential transformer lines iL; considered alld j16 is shown that the number of sections in the. exponential trans- 'former increases with the ratio of impedances of the lines to be matched. An experimental distributed amplifier based on tube.,; type 6 __15 -- (6pi5p) and consistinZ of 10 tubes with 35 pF capacitances was built and tested experimnetally. It is thouzilt that distributed amplifiers are particularly suitable for wide- band transmitters and that their circuits can be considerably plifiod by employing special high-slopo ttibes. Thero are 8 figures. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra radioporadayushchiltli ustroystv Loningradskogo olektrotakhniclioslcogo instituta im. V.I. Ullyanova (Lenina) Department of Radio- transmitting Devices of Lenin_-rad Eleetrotechnical Institute im# V&I& Ullyanov Menin)) SUBIMITTED: June 2, 1961 Card i ~7. I P. rl 3 'K 1 1 - C, 0 J, ...... ....... oC thp uoe of ~.!Iiiilcai jlneuraor.~(-,(.iiastinom- --tphy. Grud. khir. N-D '(.4. A. institut "ro;'. 1.1". in'r~;Tloval Ime.11 nX. Novi' navar. 3 F. n - - 29077-Sposob P6dsasyvanlya Zhidkoati K Teentrobezhnmu Masoau Sakha Prom-at', 1949, No. 8. so 31-34 80t LetopiB, Zhurnallnykh Stateys vole 39, Movkvap 1949 ZABOLEV, MON.; MUVINK01, F.V. From work praotio*o of the lirov Sugar hctory,' Sikh, PrCE6 37 no.503-36 My 163. KM 6t6) 1. Rahavokiy sakharrqy savod Ix. Kirova. (Marino(lurgik Province)-4ugar manufacture) jWVhSK00,-(L.- [KMenkc), q.1o'napchnyy notrudnik Sea*of Azov, Hauka i zbyttia 12 nool:54 A 163. 1613) lo Donetakiy oblastnoy krayevedobeekiy =zey. (Azov'q Sea of) KRIVENKO, G.A.; SHUSTER, A.A., red. Odessa. Kievp Mystetstvop 1964. 46 p. ROGALIN, p.1).; plyEPKO, G.H.; ININITIVAp N.A.; KATELID, F.A.; TAKWAROV, M.Kh., red*j-O-CmffA- 9 1.1., red.; TIVOSMSMA, A.A., tekhn, red. [Innovators clear the vay] Dorogu prokladyvaiut novatory Stalino, Knizbnoe izd--vop 1960. 138 p. iKMA 14; 10) (Agricultural research) nil 00 1. "-w Was ing of automobiles under field conditions. Ayt.transp. 32 no.4:35 Ap 154. (PI-HA 7:6) 1. 2amestitell komandira Bortepoltzkoy avtoroty Boyuzzagottransa. (AutonobIles-Maintenance) MUVMO. I., inzhener. Transportable ramp for servicing automobiles. 34 no.4: 19 Ap 156. JXM 9:8) (Automobiles--Repairing) KRIVENKO, I. I Investigating interurban freight haulage on Kiev-Kharkov highway, Avt. transp. 41 no.504-36 My 163. (MIRA 16 110) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika. upravleniya gruzovykh perevozok Ministerstva avtomobillnogo transporta i shosseynykh dorog Ukz6SR. (Transportation, Automotive) KRIVENKO$ 1. 1. tent Case of ouboutanoous avulsion of the mooentery of the small Intestine without disorder of its integrity in a closed injury to the abdomen. Trudy Semipal, mad. inst, 2:353-354 1599 (MIRA 15W 1. Is kafedry gospitallnoy khirurgii (savoduyushchiy dotsent K.Ch. Chuvakov) Samipalatinskogo gosudarstvennogo, meditainskogo instituta. (ABDOHEN-WOUNDS AND INJURIM) (HEUMERY-WOUNDS AND INMYRIES) KRIVENKO, I.I. (Somipalatinak) Course of peptone shock in radiation sickness. Pat. fiziol. i okop. torap. 5 no.6&62-63 N-D 161. (MRA 15'4) 1. Is kafodry patofisiologii (zav. - prof. T.A.Nazarova) Somipalatin- skogo moditiinakogo instituta. (RADIATION SIGIMZ3) (SHOCK) (PEPTONES) MUVENKO-I.-I~-FCGORELOV - ? Pathological changes in the sex glands of dogs with -experimental chronic radiation sickness. Zdrav. Kazakh. 21 no,StO-49 161. (HIPA 14: 9) 1. 1z kafedr fakulltetakoy khirurgii i gistologii Somipalatinskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Nauchnyy rukavoditell temy. - professor T.A.Nazarava. OUDIATION SICKNESS) (GMIMTIVE ORGANS) KRIVENKOj I.N., inzb. Universal binding IFekx&nI and its use in precision casting. Washinostroonie n0-3:27 My4e 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Odesakiy zavod im. Yanva"kogo vonatanlya. (Binding materials) (Precision casting) I VOU111, Mikhail Savel'yovich; GOLITSIER, David Grigorlyevichl PAVLOV, B.I., dots., kand. "Akhn. nauk, retsenzent; KRIVENK9, nauchn. red.; SHAURAK, Ye.11., red. [Machine parts) Detali mashin. Leningradv Sudostroenie, 1964. 323 P. (MIRA 171l2) KRIVENKO, I.S., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) Study of worm gears bvwwM&*vton& witn a new mesh geometry. 11 Len 1956, 23 Pli with drawings (Len Shi-.j building Inst) 150 copies (KL, V-58, 1o6) - LO - Aig 5 78 jail NA IL lit 3 P-2.1 list A al Alf, I Al 11V'111 -ill, 1 oli.3effo s Ajj AVE V, 641mir Llvvvlch V&)3oj Yowdonly GrIgorlyovIch Olniburg, Aleksol Illarionavlaft f NOV ~h tubehatyle I zh*rvys0!--o porsdaeftli nekatar"t vapmay tooril, Machete protsV;iitv& tpur Coor oni war* Go&r bri-al Seoo Problwas In Theary, Designv" Manufacture) hoaccor, Mmohglv, jq~,9. 219 p~ Irrots, allp lnosrted. 9.000 eoploot print*4. Rd. (Title page)% 0, to Kajohin, Dolor of Technical Sciences, froteasorl PAwAawsrs A. P* Orubln# Doctor at Technical Solana@@# froressorl Id. (inside boak)a W. to Golovanav, Carvltdato of ToahnIast Sciences; Wo of tUbIlehing Ifouset 0. Z. Sloonovoklyl Toeh. Id.i No 0. Pol'oksm Managing M. for Llt4rot~re an the Design and operation at hlmr7 LanlngrW Divtolan, M4sMls)t P. 1. ratloov, Knginaer. ?URpM1 This book is Intondod for technical personnel and ootentIC14 workers Interested In the theorl of gears and gear drive*. COVIRAOSt This book deals with the 4olarolotton I d*slSn &n,3 practical %pplioation at &&are wA tear 4rtv.,. T7. ;1-t th-v Qh&v%*" a" do"ved to new types of gears And gear arlv#g and to the 0snof&4turs of Soars with advanced gooffi4try of . 4alcoent. The list four chapter$ describe theoretical r 'onatteal x0thools of gear daloulation. A dwoorlptlan to " r plonat:r7 $*at drives with various t"44 or engage z "with ampho Is an the design of planetary reducing soar drives for use In oloatrIo motors. Rodent achievements In the Soviet &*aT-outtlhS industry NA thoorettest work an gear design and calculations, of stresses In tear trains or* discussed. Rd personalities or* mentioned. There a" 97 rororoness, a2 Soviet, io ftmsno 4 slutush. And I F"rAh. C414 2/6 SLUTSKAYA, T.M.; KRIVENKO, L.F.; AVRAMENKO, V.A.; KOVALEV, Yu.Ya. Electrode wire for the mechanized welding of carbon steel without a protective atmosphere. Avtom. evar. 16 no.8:13-25 163. Ag (MM 16tg) 1. Inatitut slektrosvarki imeni Y*.O. Paton& AN UkrSSR. (Steel--Welding) (tiectrodes) I . . .:,.. . 7 ~l 'IV : ~ .~ ~ ~: 'r . . I . -4 ,, - ~-, V -~k !- 11 - I . . I - . : ~ -, , .~ . ~L J ,, :3 '. ." ~,. . j - -1 - C,1-4 ~12 ... .1 - NM~~ ~. ~ ~ - .111-1 T AA~ I-, , -511:~- I - t6 I I f. .- . KAIJROTSKIY,- I.V.; . KIqYT 0 #A. MK-1- L.V.-- Effect of banded structure in structural stools on the anisotropy of their mechanical properties and the limit of co.Ld brittleness, Stall 21 ho. 41350-354 AP 161. (MMA 14:4) 1. Ukrain5kiy nauchno-ioBledovaLteltakiy inatitut m6tallov. (Steel, Struct~ral--Metsllograpby) (Strength of materials) VOLODC~=G. Konstantin Gayrilorich; IMIYABUO. H.G..redaktor; SERGIYAVA, I.A.,radaktor izdaegTri MV,-OMWA. 0.A.. takhaichookiy redaktor [Core drilling] Xolonkovos buronie. Isd-3-e. isor. i dop. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekbn. izd-vo lit-ry po gaol. L okhrane nedr, 1957- 556 p. (KLIRA 10:4) (Boring) xRlyjmo. Kjkha4.j_qdfio ohL ATRUTMT, Abram Lazaravich: KULICHMIN, I--- - _r!.yejj - prof,, doktor takhnonsuk, saalushonM deyatsl' Mukit rateanxent. red.; ROMIXOT, I.S., doktor gool,-minar,nauk, retsen- out; TBZDOKOVA. M.16., red.isd-ye; IMAYIIYVA, P.G., takhn.rade ; Guidebook for drillers specializing in cable drilling) Spra- vochnik mastera udarno-kanatnogo bureniiae Mookvaq Gosenanchno- tekhn.isd-vo lit-rypo gornom dolu. 1959. 262 P. (MMA 13:3) (Boring) VOIDDCHRIIKO, K.; KRIVENKO, K.; HOSTINSKIT, T. Now method for calculating wages of workers of exp1pratory drilling crews. Biul. nauch. inform.; trud i zar. plats. no.4: 3-~ '59. (xm 12:6) (Miners) (Wages-Accounting) AYIIU.'LSKIY, Abram La2arevj~~h; YOMOT, S.A.; DEKITANOVA, Te.A.; KRITM M.G.; LYUBIMOT, N.I.; MOROZOT, T.I.; TOKARRY. I.Ao; TUAMVA7-11 Z&IT, B,1,, Prof., doktor takhn.nauk,; SINTAGINA, Z.A., red. izd-va; PROZCROYSOYA, T.L.,; SHOYAR, S.Ta., [Handbook for core drillers] Spravochnik masters kolonkovogo burenlia. Koskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornown delu, 1960. 528 p. (Min 14:4) (Core drilling) _Q:CjgQT_'yevjch;. ALZUEM, Dm p~y~4~ jj~Xbajj itriy Aleksandrovich; GELIFCAT, Aleksandr Mikhaylovich; VOZDVIZMSM , B.I., otv. red.; KOSTOIIIYAII, A.Ya.,, red. izd-va,- MAKSIYOVA., V.V., takhn. red. [Large-hole drilling] Prokhodka okvazhin bol'shogo diametra, Mo- skva, Cos.. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu,, 1961. 81 p. (MIRA 14: 1-1) (Boring) _, red.; SIROTTA, B.L., red.; LVHAKOVA, A.F., ved. red.; ~O~Qj A VORDNOVA, V.V., takhn. red. (Uniform time norms for drilling exploratory, structural, and geologloal wells) Edinye normy vremeni na burenie ms- vedochnykh, strukturno-poiskovykh i kartirovachnykh skvashin. Moskva, Gostoptekhisdat, 1963. 127 p. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnoye byuro promyshlennykh nor-mativo'-y P'o trudu. (Boring) KRIVENKOO M.G. Improvement of the organization of drilling operations is a most important potential for increasing labor produc- tivity in prospect drilling. Razved. i okh. nedr 29 no.6: 32-35 Je 163. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut minerallnogo eyrtya. S/117/61/000/003/001/011 A004/AlOl AU11iOR: --K,rivenko, M. N.- TITLE: Multiple electrode installation for electric rivet welding PERIODICAL: Mashinostroltel', no. 3, 1961, 6 - ", TEXT: The3k-19-1 (ZK-19-1) Installation, Intended for the electric rivet welding of cabin panels and housing jackets of gantry, bridge and other cranes, has been designed and put into production at the Leningradskiy zavod pod!'ye=o- transportnogo oborudovaniya (Leningrad Plant of Hoisting and Transportation Equip- ment). The installation (see illustration) consists of framework 1, flux dosing device 2, mobile cross piece 3, electric riveting hammers 4, front table 5, rear table 6, instrument and power supply panel. The flux dosing device consists of the cut-off slide, dosing measuring hopper and flux hoppers. The flux being placed in the hoppers gets into the measuring hoppers, each of which holds 35-40g flux, which, through the lower cut-off slides and flexible hoses passes into the electric riveting hammers onto the part being welded In order to eliminate any clearance between the welding elements. Each riveting hammer is connected to the cross p4ece by piston rod.7. The cross piece is hinged to pneumatlc cylinders 9 Card 1/ 2