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RROC"NLO, Ivo, dipl. inz. (Ljubljana)
System which ensures high productivity, and efficiency.
Nova proizv 3A:217-218 164.
KRIVCENKO)Ivot dipl. inz. (Ljubljana)
High business profitp high personal income. Nova proizv
15 no.5045-347 0 164.
NEYYENHURG, V.,p kand.tekhn.nauk; KRIVCBEIaO, A., kwW.tekhn.nauk; PROGI[DUK,
D. inzh..
To R.A.BretoshIs response to the article "Determining parameters
of supplying hydraulic mines with waterpover"; "Ugoll,," 1962, No.
4. Ugoll 39 nools69-70 Ja '64- (MIRA 1713)
1. Donetskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy ugollnyy institut,
Subject : USSR/Aeronautics - maintenance AID P - 4983
Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 1i/26
Author Krivchenko, A. A., Technician-Lt.
__ftwf~_ ~ - ~_- 0~_.
Title Tuning in on the frequency of the radio altimeter
Periodical Vest. vozd. flota, 9, 66-68, S 1956
Abstract A method for tuning in on the frequency of the radio
altimeter transmitter is described in detail by the
author. Two diagrams. The article Is.of informative
Institution ; None
Submitted : No date
Determining the mechanical strength of coal taking cleavage into
consieeration for assessing its destruction by hydraulic giantle
jets. Sbor.DonUGI no.2206-68 161. (MIRA 15W
(Hydraulic mining) (Coal-Testing)
KRIVCHENKO. A.A.. inzh.; BAKA, A.V., inzh.
Effect of the'rate of the giant jet movement along the
face on the output capacity of hydraulic breakingo
Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.8tl7-18 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:11)
1. Donetskiy nauchno-lsaledcf~atellskjy ugol'nyy institut.
(Hydraulic mining)
KRIMIENKO., D.P.,, inzh.
Designing the pneumatic conveying of sawdust from log frame saws.
Dere prom. 13 no.2:16-17 F 164* (MIRA 1713)
1. Krasnodarskly filial Gosudarstvennogo instituta, po proyektiro-
vanlyu predpriyatiy derevoobrabatyvayushchey promyshlennosti.
Dissertation: "Unstab2e Opraratinr Condlfion.-, at Hydroplectrc Fower Stations with
Pressure Pipelines tind Reactive Turbines." floscow Order of fe I'albor Red Bqnner
Construction Engineering Inst imeni V. V. Kuybyshev, 8 May 47.
SO; Vechernyaya ),!oskvn_, May, 1947 (Project i/17836)
G=, F.T. - nIVGMMM, Gel., -kandidat teTd-,nIchea)dkb nauk, rodaktor-,
C~~V' or. ;I' 'I kly redaktors
[collection of designs of hydroelectric power stations] Atlas gidro-
elektricheskikh stanteii. Hoskva, Goo.energsizd-vo 1948. 60 plans
(in portfolio)s Supplement - Clxplawtorr note] PolaanitelInala
zapiska. 53 Ps (HIBA OW
(Hydroelectric power stations)
KRITCHEM, 0.1.; ORIDY, Y.A., redaktor: IARIONDY, takhalchaskly
[Hydraulic hair and an effective system for regulating turbines
at bydroolectric stations] Oldraylicheskii udar I ratsionallrVe
reshimy regultrovanfla turbin gidroolaktrostantail. Moskva, Goo.
anarget.isd-vo, 1951. 198 p. (Mm 8:11)
(Turbines) (Water hamer)
Krivchenkco Go Lj "Speed Regulator for ~Wivza-pawered 'Water-turbines,,"
MeRRE ~za siya trudoyankikh i tyazhalykh rabot Z7146chanization of
Heavy Tasks Requiring Mwh labo6, 1953, No 5. -Page 49, 1 Mustration.
KRIVCHISIO, G.I., kandld&t takhalchookikh nAuk, doteent.
WO, -9 ~ " It 4`7 0~0 W~ ' '
Determining the Area of a mirge reservoir uBdor eonditions of
continuous operation, Sbor.trud.NISI no,9:100-123 155,
(KM 10: 3)
(Erdreelectric power stations)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 8, p 15 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Krivchenko G. 1.
TITLE: Temporary Speed Fluctuations and the Flywheel Inertia of Hydro-
electric Power Aggregates (Vremennaya neravnomernost' khoda i
makhovyye massy agregatov gidroelektrostantsiy)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Mosk. inzh. -stroit. in-ta, 1956, Nr 16, pp 9-25
ABSTRACT: An examination of a number of factors on the temporary speed
fluctuation 6 and the influence of the inertia (flywheel) effects of an
aggregate on the stability of its feedback control system (FCS). The
FCS of an aggregate is a closed-loop system and requires examina-
tion of all interconnected links that react to an external disturbance.
However, under such a premise the solution of the problem becomes
complicated. In order to simplify the solution of the determination
of 6 the author considers the FCS of the aggregate as an open-loop
system, wherein the law governing the speed-response character-
istics of the turbine is given as one of the starting conditions. It
is shown that 6 may increase up to the respective run-away speed
Card 1/*~ of the aggregate. The author examines the subject of the rpm
Temporary Speed Fluctuations and the Flywheel Inertia (cont. )
(and, hence, the frequenco fluctuations when an aggregate is part of an electric
network. It is concluded that with reference to the frequency-deviation conditions
it is entirely permissible to assume a minimal value for the system inertia, which,
naturally, is obtained from the design conditions of the generator rotor and the
turbine runner. The influence of the promptness of the automatic regulator on the
control qualities of an aggregate is shown, and it is concluded that the time for a
full shut-down of the turbine gate may be increased without affecting the control
qualities adversely. The problem of the temporary fluctuations due to a partial
load rejection is examined. A formula is given for the determination of the mini-
mum time required to close the turbine gates following a partial load rejection
on the basis of a constant water hammer. A mathematical analysis of the influence
of the flywheel inertia on the stability of the FCS of the aggregate is performed
utilizing the Gurvits criterion. It is asserted that in moderately- sized power
aggregates (3,000 to 25,000 kw) working in a network there is no need for an arti-
ficial enlargement of the flywh-eel inertia and provisions for turbine relief outlets.
A new approach to the formulations of design specifications for aggregates in
conformity with the above-outlined conclusions is proposed, A numerical example
is given of the design calculation of an aggregate according to the prescribed
aggregate power, the mean water speed, the nominal turbine rpm, the turbine
Card 2/3
. . .Temporary Speed Fluctuations and the Flywheel Inertia (cont. )SOV/124-57-8-8684
type, the value of the flywheel inertia, and the static head of the hydroelectric
power station.
V. S. Volodin
Card 3/3
KRUCHE M , G.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.
Temporary nonuniformity of operation and moments of gyration
of units in hydroelectric power stations. Trudy HISI no.16;9-25
156o (KIRk 11: 8)
(Hydroelectric power stations) (Hydraulic machinery)
AUTHORS: Krivchenko, G. I. and Orlov, V. A. (Moscow).
TITLE: Investigation under natural conditions of the non-steady
state regimes in pressure 'water systems of hydraulic-
power stations. (Naturnye issledovaniya neustanovivshikhsya
rezhimov v napornykh vodoVodakh gidroelektroetantsiy),
PERIUDICAL:"Izvestiya Akademii Nauk,Otdelenive Tekhnicheskikh Nauk"
(Bulletin of the Ac.Sc., Technical SciencesSection),
1957,'No.6, pp. 110-118 (U.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT: The results are described of tests under natural
conditions of the non-steady state processes in the water
piping feeding the Mingechaur hydraulic power station during
switching on and switching off of load. The tests were
carried out in 1954 and 1955 in the Chair for utilisation,
of water power of the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute
imeni V. V. Kuybyshev (Moskovskiy Inzhenergo-Stroitellniy
Institut im. V. V. Kuybysheva). The arrangement of the
water feeding structures to aach unit of the Mingechaur
hydraulic power station andthe location of the metering
apparatus are shown in Fig.1, p.111. The water is fed to the
type PO-211 turbine of 65 000 kW at 125 r.p.m. through a
Ca2,d 1/34.4 m dia. pipe system; under normal operating conditions
the pressure at the turbine varies between 49 and 65 m head.
Investigation under natural conditions of the non-steady
state regimes in pressure water systems of hydraulic
power stations. (Coat.)
The tests were carried out before the water reservoirs were
filled to the scheduled capacity and the static head varied
between 45.1 and 46.0 m. The load relief during the tests
amounted to about 50% in the tests 1, 2, 3 and 100% in the
tests 4,596,7 and 8 in terms of the total load at 45 m head
and was effected by the following two.methods:
a) without disconnecting the generator from the power system
by closing fully the guide vanes of the turbine and running
the generator as a compensator (tests 1,2, 4 and 5); in
these tests the guide vanes were fully closed for 60 sees
and then they were opened to a position corresponding to
b) By disconnecting the loaded set from the power system
(tests 3, 6, 7 and 8).
In the first mentioned case the r.p.m. remained constant,
whilst in the second case it changed considerably. Switching
on of load of 60% from zero (tests 9 and 10) was effeeted
by shifting the guide vane limiter from a 15% opening to a
Card2/3 55% opening, whilst the generator remained connected to the
power system. On the basis of the obtained theoretical and
Investigation under natural conditions of the non-steady
state regimes in pressure water systems of hydraulic power
stations. (Cont.)
experimental results it is concluded that calculation of the
hydraulic impact (water hammer) in pressure piping of
hydraulic power stations fitted with equalisation reservoirs
yields resulta which are in good agreemeat-with obtained
test results if the characteristics of the turbine, the
real law governing the closing of the guide vane apparatus,
the elastic deformations of the water and the walls of the
piping and the inertia of the'stream, are taken into
consideration. The maximum rise in the level of the
reservoirs with additional resistance can be determined very
accurately if braking of the speed in the derivations and
the rise of the level in the respective reservoir during the
time of closing the turbine are taken into consideration.
Braking of the speed can also affect the rise in the level of
the reservoirs in the case of absence of an additional
resistance (e.g. in reservoirs of the differential type).
There are 7 figures and 6 references, 5 of which are Slavic.
SUBMITTED: July 10, 1956.
Card 3/3
3111s1 -MIR
CHAKRELASHVILI, Herab Kamlyevich; GOIICIIAROV. A.N,, retsensent; MTCHRM,
G I 0_ -1- 1, -
-ra~senzeut; ARSMINTSKIY, U.N.0 red.; BO=Ofp I# #t
[Wear reoistanoe of reaction hydraulic tarbines) Isnomostolkost'
reektivnykh gidroturbin. goskvno Goe.energeizd-vog 1960. 108 pe
(KIRA 14:2)
(Hydraullo turbinee)
77 7-777 7 7-
4 ! -,.
Milo awrl
-MII'w riy lzrailevich; ARSHEMSKIY. Nikolay Nikolayevichi
-TIf-o-R-y-Iffk-6--y-f-ovich; KARIYAMMIY. L.P., red.;
[Control of adjustable-blade hydraulic turbines] Rezhimy
regulirovaniia-povorotnolopastuykh gidrotarbin. Koekva, Go*.
energ.izd-vo.-1960. 123 p. (Km 14:3)
(Hydraulic turbines)
AUTHORS: I.. Ceindidate of Technical Sciences, Lecturer;
KrivehenklG . LJA
boloviyev,lu.'a., Engineer
TITLEt New Hydraulic Amplifier for Servo Systems and Automatic
PERIODICAL: Vestnik mashinostroyeniya, 1960, No.10, pp-36-38
TEXT: The subject amplifier is an invention of the authors (Author's
Certificate No.119490 of 10 Apr. 1958), designed as P servo device having
no lever transmission and purmitting an infinite variation of the travel
amplifioation factor between the control valve and the work element. The
system principle, with the input and output elements moving at an angle to
each other, is illustrated (Fig. 1). The amplifier joins the controlling
input element (a flat slide valve) and the output element (a differential
piston) into a single unit. The flat slide valve may be ccnnected to a mea-
suring device, or a transducer of speed, pressure, displacement, sha e and
dimensions, or temperature of work, etc. The flat valve (A in F. 1~ is a
ground steel plate with two windows separated by a partition (2)1~aving
Card 1/4
New Hydraulic Amplifier for Servo Systems and Automatic Control
parallel edges in this case). The partition edges aavu to be cl;ioved if
nonlinear di eplaoement is wanted. The two windows form ueparate cawl-
ties (I and II)t the first communicating with the pressure line of the hyd-
raulic system through ducts in the differential piston, and from the other
(II), oil is ejected into the drain. The pressure in the control cavity
can ba varied between maximum and zero by the position of the partition in
relation to the windows, with corresponding displacement of the piston. Do-
tailed operation information is given, The static and dynamic properties
of the system have been tested in an amplifier manufactured at Vaesoyuznyy
nau.:,.hno-issledovatel'akiy institut gidromashinostroyeniya, or VIGM, (All-
Union Scientific Research Institute of Hydraulic Machinery). The ampli -
fier had a 50 mm diameter differential piston, 25 mm travel, 6 mm diameter
distribution windows and 15-20 kg/cm2 work pressure; the work fluid was
%fl " ("L") grade turbine oil. The hystereois 1cop in the forward and back
st roke on the output did not exceed 0.01-0.02 mm. The variation of the
travel amplification factor K is determined by forrula
C ard 2/4
New Hydraulic Amplifier for Servo Systems and Automatic Control
K a - I
where,,~- is the angle of incline of the outoff edges of the flat slide valve
to the axis of the work piston (See Fig.1). The action speed of the ampli-
fier at large deviations meats the input conditions, and without any lag
even at high recording speed during oscillographing. There are 2 figures.'
Card 3/4
New Hydraulic Amplifier for Servo Systems and Automatic Control
Fig. 1: New hydraulio amplifier for servo systems and automatic control
Card V4
v.. i r.. . ......... ... ... . ........ . .. . ...... ............. -..
- ---- - KRIVC HF21 -kELnd.-tekhn.naizk- - - ---
Protective runawayspeed regulation in the generating units of
bydroelectric power stations. Gidr. stroi. 30 no.4:"-48 Ap 160.
(Hydroelectric power stations) (MIRA 14:4)
SHCHAPOVj Hikolay l4i~dWlovicho prof.., doktor tekhn. naukp laureat
Stalinakoy pr**ij BIVCHMKO_? .110. "d.1 BORUllov, N.I.t
tekhn. red.
[Turbine equipment of *drooleatfic p6smr P3Antsl Turbinnoe
oborudovanie gidrostanteii, Izdjo, dope lloakval Goseenorge
izd-vop 1961. 318 P, (MIRA 15t2)
(Hydraulic turbines) 0,ydroelectilic po%mr stations)
KISEIEV, Petr Grigorlyevicbp kand. t(jkbn. nauki PrirWal uchastiye
LUVCHENKOl G.I.9 dots., kand, tekbn. nauk; ZHURIN9 V.D.# prof.,
doictor texim, niiz , red.; VAITILICEENIO, N.V.# red.; ZHIVOTCVSP=p
LoS., red.1 WJ09 V*A*q red#; VOIIONlNp KsPop tekbn. red,
(Reference book for ca3mlations in bydraulic engineering] Spra-
vochnik po gidralicbsokim reachatsm. Izd.5., perer. i dop. Pod
red. V.D.Zhurim, Moskva, Goo, energ, izd-vo# 1961 352 p.
(Hydraulica-Tableag c4lculations, etc.]
ARSHENEVSh lY, inzh.-. nmxwl, V.M., in7~.'. F-RIVOLNYO, C-1-,
dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk --
Results of testing the load droppinF potential of turtine units at
the Irkutsk Hydroelectric Power Station. Sbor. trud. HISI no.15:
49-59 '61. (MIRA 14:9)
(Hydraulic turbines) (Irkutsk H-Mroelectric P)wpr Station)
KRIVICHENKO, G-I-8 dotsentp kand.tekhn.nauk; ARSHEINEVSHY, N.N.9 inth.
Distribution of pregsures in the runners of an ad~,ustable-blade
hydraulic turbine and axis] hydrodynamic stresses. Sbor. trud.
MISI no.35:59-66 '61. (Hydraulic turbines) (FJRA 14:9)
KRIVCHENKO, G.I.9 dotsent, knnd.tekhn.nauk
Erfect of the characteristics of a hydraulic turbine on the site of
the critical area of the turge tank. Sbor. trud. MISI no.35:78-88
'Al. (MIRA 14-9)
(Surre tanks) (Hydraulic turbines)
KRIVCHENKO G I kard.tekbn.nauk; KLCMOV, V.H., inzh.
Aotmal testing of the turbino sets of the Paylovsk F lectric
Pbver Statione Oldrootroie 33 no.10:38-43 0 062. (HnA 15t12)
(Favlovsk Hydroeleatric Power Station-Fldraulic turbines-**sting)
I KmCHBHKO, G. 1. Moskva)
Characteristics of a hydraulic turbine during transient processes.
Izir, AN SSSR. Otd. tekh, nauk. En6rge i transp. no.1:113-121 Ja-F 163.
(MIRA 16:5)
(Sydraulic turbines)
_~ lzrailevicL KIJCI-.XIN,B.1,. retsetizent; 1-URIYANSKIY.,
KRIVOrEA0 Grigork
(Automatic control of iWdraulic turbineB] Avtomatiche-
skoe regulirovanie gidroturbin. Moskva, Energila,
1964. 288 p. (NIRA 17:10)
GRIGORIYEVI A.M. (Hribarliev, A.M.1;-XWCMNKOs G.D. [Kryvchenko,, H.O.1, prof.
[doceaaodjj STAROVOYTERKOr I.F.1 USfIN6Vk,-'t.A. (Ust7zmap L.A.);
SKAYA, T.I. (Khokhanavalka: T*IT tekhn, red,
(Economic and geographical features of tho Ukrainian S.S.R.) Ukrainalka
RSR; okonomiko-geografichna kharaktorystyka. Kjiv, Vyd-vo Kyivslkobo
univep 1961o 208 p* (MIRA 14:10)
(Ukrain4--!-Ecor.omic geograpby)
KLIMANOVA, Ye.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; TSINOVSKAYAI N.Yu.0 lnzh.; KRAVCHENKOP
0.1., inzh,; MUDRAK# A.L. inzh.
Materials made from paper stock and water glass. Bum. prom.
37 no.7:15-16 J1162. (MIRA 17:2)
An interpretation of the probaom of the replacemut of the labor
force (OlAbor supply of the V.S.S.R* and its utilizationw; on the
problem,,of the 040noaia capacity of the country by A.D.Kusustsov.
Revievei by S.Krivobonko# D.Moskvin)o Vop.okon. no,51lO7-M RI
161, (IAbor supply) (KM 14: 5)
(Ku=etoov, A.Do)
Soil scioLce. Organic Fertiliters.
Siliente Boicturia
t4shchita rast. ot viredit. I boleaw, 1957. No, 5. 31-012
5,71i rq.CT -In production and plot experiments the pocitive effect of
9111cate bworla on whestt yield and on reductlon of funeus
ittection of wheat, corn and cucumbers was estsblished.--T.Ch.
ra 1-4
KRVCHENKO, V. I. Cand Aer Sei. -- (diss) "Raisin,;,o the resist!lnce of
winter wheat to brown mildew on the bnsis of Improv(,d nutrition with the use
of silloste bacteria.CApplicable to oo-iditions of Krasnodnrokiy Kruy')."
Len, 1058. 19 lip (All*Union Order of Lenin Aend Agr Sei ir. V. 1. Lenin.
All-Union Soi Res Inst of Protection of Plnnts), 100 coFios (KL, 1"t-1118, 115)
Using silicate bacteria for increasing the resistance of winter
wheat to loaf rusi. Trudy VIZR no-10:125-136 1 58. (MIRA 12:1)
(Bacteria, Silicate) Wheat-Diseaeae and pests)
(palate (Fullgi))
KRIVCHEMOP-V,I,j kand. eel I skc&hozyaystvennykh nauk
Rapid ]Aboratory method for determining wheat resistance to
loose SMUte Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 7 n0-1:48-49 162.
(MRA 25:6)
-1. Laboratoriya i=uniteta Voesoyusnogo Inatitut zashchity
(WhOat-Diseasea and pests)
FEDOTOVA, T.I., doktor vsl'Bkokhoz.nauk,- KRIVCHENKO, V.I., kand.seltakokhoz.
'Nature of the infestion of wheat with loose smut. Zashch. rast.
ot vred. i bol. 6 no.9:44-45 S 161. (miRA 16:5)
1. Laboratoriya immnitota Veavoyusnogo instituta sashcbity
(Wheat-Dioeases and posts) (SnUts)
KOHSHIKOVj O.A.(Korabykov, O.A.]. profo,- ROLL, Ya.V., otv, red.;
IKSHER0 A,Y,., doktor biol. nauk., red.; TOPACHEVSKIY, O.V..
LTopachevalkyi 0 V ] kand.biolonauk)
Vj~.LXM~Mbenkoj', i.i.j, red.; SIVACIIENKO, IE.K., tekbn. red.
[Classification key of the freshwater algae of the Ukrainian
S.S.R.3Vyzmachnyk,prisnovodnykh vodorostei Ukrainalkoi RSR.
Xyiv,, Vyd-vo Akad.nsuk URSR. Vol.5. (Subclass Frotococ-
cineaet Vacuolales and Protococcalee] Pidklas protokokovi
(Protococcineae): VWmollni (Vacuolales) ta Pkotokokovi
(Protococcalea). 1953. 436 p. (MA 15:7)
1. kkademiya muk MR, Kiev. Inetytut botaniky. 2. Chlen-
korrespondent Akademii nauk USSR (for Roll).
AFAMASIYEV S G kand.takhn.nauk; EFSHTEYM, Z. D., inzh.;
ri^ S inzh.; GURMCH, B. Yo., inzh,; KOZ321, G. N., inzho;
1 -_U.,
-fml%Kiyf P. S., inzh.; KUKURUZNYAK, 1. S., inzh.; GULIYEV, G. F.j
inzb.; CHIGRAY, I. D., inth.
Operation of the "Krivoroahstal" converter plant. Biul. TSIICHM
no.5112-16 061, (MIRA 34:10)
Krivoy Rox-Metallurgical plants)
I ---m
Making MA steel in converters with a top o.Vgen blow. Lit.
prottv. no.2t33-33 F 062. (UM 15:2)
(Steel--Netallurgy) (Brea3emer proceas)
Service conditions and wear characteristics of refractories in
oxygen-blown converters. Ogneupory 28 no.2-.71-78 163,
-(KM 3.6 .-2)
lo Krivoroahakiy metaIlurgicheiskiy zavod im. Y.I.Ianina.
(Converters) (Firebrick)
Use of quartz sands for the ranming of stool pouring la4es.
Metallurg 8 no,2:17-20 F 163. (MIRA 16:2)
1. Krivorozhskiy metallurgicheakly savod.
(Iron and steel plants.-Zquipment and supplies)
(Sand., Fourxtry)
KORKOSHKOP N.M., Inzh.; KOLGANOV, G.S., inzh.; KRIVCHENKO, Tu.S., inzh.;
Comparison of material balsnces in oxygen converters and large-
capacity opeb-12aarth furnaces with the use of oxygen. Stall 23
no.9s788-791 S 163. (KRA 16%10)
Effect of physicochamical indices of basic refractories on the
stability of acid converter linings. Ogneupory 28 no.9t4OO-408
163. (MIRA 16s10)
1, Krivorozhskiy wtallurgicheskiy savod ime V.I#Lenina,
KQ, yu.:,)., irlzh. ; :1-11PUEY, '1,7 ., '..nzi, , , i i ; ' '7~i !K 7, "' , A . , ~: ,
~'.Yo., lnzn.
Using 3teel scrrkp in the oxygmi-idown c.,)nvwvr pr~,ce;-is, S t a 1 '
no.2.-134-13t) F 164. (MIRI, 17:9)
1. Krlvurc~,haklly ;tn,,,n:j i T.-,entriiiInyy
issle-dowtto-illskly Institlit cli,.,.rt*oy molvitil-irril lmt~m
K,'JUIAIJKHOV) V.V.j SOBOUN, 3.K., k4nd.tekhn.nauk; GIJIJIYFV,
Automation of the determination of the stoppIng moment of
blowing in an oxygen-blown converta. Mot.1 gornorud. 2:
26-28 Hr-Ap '64. (MIRA 170)
Expanding the assortment of
Met. i gornorud. prom. no.
oxygen-blown converter steel.
2s63-a Mr-Ap '64. (KMA 1719)
Service of the lining in a 55 ton converter. Met. i gornorw.
prom. no.3j44-46 My-Js 164. DERA l7cIO)
KUDRIMA, A.P., inzh.; LEBEDEV, S.Yo,, Inzh.; CHIGRAY, I.D., Inzh.;
SERVETHIK, V.M., inzh.
Converter smelting with partial use of tap cinder. Stall 24
no.10081-884 0 164. (MIRA 17:12)
CHIGW , Ivan Dmitrlyevichj KRIVCIMIKO, Yurly Sergeyevich
[converter operator assistant] Podruchnyi konverter-
shchika. Moskva.. Metallurgliap 1965. 169 p.
(MIRA 18:4)
Production of Bessemer steel with the use of final slag from
the previous melt. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.lt6o-61 Ja-F 165.
(MIRA 18:3)
IIRI12 ~ kandIdat tokhatchaskikh nauk.
Hatual compensation of errors in the @crew thread elements of internal
&&up M. Standartliataiis uo,2:51-52 Kr-Ap 157. (mm io-.6)
J;:rew threads, Standard) (Gauges- 3tandards)
Instruments and devices for clinical radiology. Trudy NIIMIAI
no.5:307-310 161. (MIRA 15t8)
1. Hauchno-losledovatellskiy inetitut eksperimentalinoy khirurgi-
cheskoy arparatury i Instrumentov.
Tvdnt~ Iroarg of work at the Oeskarovka Hatchery. PtItserodstys
8 no.6125 Je 158. (RIRA 11:6)
1.Nachallnik upravlonira ptitsevodstva i inkubatorno-ptitsevedches-
kaya stantsip Karagandinskogs oblastnogo upravlenlys sellskop
(KRzakhatan-Foultry hAtcheries)
Achievements of poultr7 brooders on state farm. Ptitsevodst"
9 U0.2:17 7 159. (KIRA 12:3)
1.1achallnik laracandinskogo oblutnogo uprawleniya ptitsvodstvon
I inkubatomo-ptitsevadohookoy stantsiyar.
(Karaganda AroTince-Poultry)
BUKHOVTSEV, Boris BorivovichL-NgVC11p1KOVj V1adiD4rJ)mitx1yeyichj
MYAXISHEV, Gennadiy Yakovlevl'c~; SHALINOV, Vladimir
Petrovich; NOVODVORSKAYA, Ye.M., red.; RAYSKAYA, N.A.,red.
(Problems in elomentaty pbysics; textbook for fielf-
education] Obornik zadach po elementarnoi fizike; poaobie
dlia samoobrazovaniia. Moskva, 17d-vo "Nauka," 1964. 438 p.
(MIRA 17:7)
GOLIDMAN. iosir 11'tch- Dm rh; OTLIDIAM, B.T.,
profissaor, redaktorl, 4=.vvr I So a I Trom 8a. 9
-tor, GAVRILOT, ~.S.,
tOtnicheekly redektor
[Collection of problems in quantum mechanics] Sbornik zadsch po
kventovoi mekhanike. Pod red. B.T.tletlikmsna. ?4oakve, Gos.izd-vo
tekhniko-taorets lit-U, 1957, 275 P, (MLRA 10:10)
(quantum theor7--Problens, exercises, -qtc.)
2h 7lPj
.2 6-00 B109/B212
AUTHORS: Gershteyn, S. S., Krivchenkov, V. D.
TITLE: Terms of an'electron in a field of two different Coulomb
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretioheakoy fiziki, v- 401
no. 5, 19611 1491-1502
TEXT: It is demonstrated that the Ifeuman-Wigner theorem on the im-
possibility of intersection of I-erms of the same eymnetry is not valid
for electrons located in the fi;ld of two Coulomb centers with the
charges Z1 and Z2* The terms for large and small distances between
differently charged nuclei are analyzed. The Schr6dinger equation
describingthe problem of two Coulomb centers reads as follows:
+ 1 2 1 2 T - ET (1),
( r I r2 R
2' the dis*ance of the
Where R denotes the internuclear distance, r1, r
Card 1/7
S/05 61/040/005/018/019
Terms of an electron in a field of two... B109YS212
electron from the first and the second nucleus. After the elliptic
t- (r, +r2)/r' (r, - r2)/R" arctan (y/x), (2)
have been introduced, the f6llowing expression is set up for the wave
't - X Q) Y(71)e'ml (3)
The Hamiltonian of the system reads
ff -7- R" - 1) + +
Ra 1) (1
2Z, 24 ztzs
+ - (9)
JR (4 -,q) R (t + q
or-fi(R) -HA(R +V^, where ft(R abo the eigenvalues Eo and Bo and the
0 0 1 2
0 .0
eigenfunctions V and V2, and YR- 6R. From the orthogonality of the
functions 0 and Vo the following expression is obtained for functions of
Card 2/ 7
Terms of an electron in a field of two...
S/0 52kjP11O 4 0/00 5/018/019
the same symmetry:
(e -
xR4 I " KV>11 00it (Olf 11). (14)
r (Al
and also an analogoue expreasion for Henco,
V 00not. (.E 0- E*) 6R (15)t
12 1 2 0 0
and in this approximation V 12 van!ahee at the sametime as E 1 E2 9 1.001
interaction of terms havin the same symmetry is possible. The number of
roots of the functions XQI and Y(q) in the intervals 1< ~< ooand
-1< -q 3 and increases the
Card 5/7
I 1718
Terms of an electron in a field of two... B109/B212
probability for a charge exchange during a collision between a hydrogen
atom and the nucleus Z. The authorn thank L. D. Landau, L. I. Lapidus,
A. A. Logunov, and Ya. A. Smorodinakiy for discussions, and also
N. S. laayeva for preparing the manuscript. The paper refers to a book
of 0. Bete (Kvantovaya mekhanika prosteyehikh aiatem, ONTI, M.-L.t 1934).
There are 3 figures and 9 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 7 non-Soviet-bloo.
ASSOCIATION: Mc~skov kiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow state
Univer:ity). Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh i9sledovaniy
(Joint Institute of Nuclear Research)
SUBMITTED: December 26, 1960
Card 6/7
S/056/162/0".2/002/ozo /C)53
/% B104/B 408
V. D., pillshchikov,
AUTHORS: Krivahenkovi
4-,, urisO*rcpjc sphera
TITL---: The mL-EnGtOstatic procecsior, t.Ypos
cy J 'az)re".
h a~ ln
p7%:)TO-7CAT Z u b, e ~, 5 - - r - -- ~ Ce-, oy
no. 1162, 573-560
~e+O~'tatjc Src-cazzl
T-':XT: This Eeneral cal:culation of tl' -g'!
pressiOnS for the t:s Lnd MaE'Otr'
order to obtain ex Y-Des in an anisotrcl.)4c
-~,dc ir
1c potentials of tho precessiOll t
Stut r.
Al~joyjjn6 -oz different directinns a- MaCTC-t~-zzatioll L:-'
"ieldq the -wagnetostatic potOntib6l V Erad'~ insJ
given by (1)
d2 (1), a2V
+ 02-02-63
C a rd 1 01)3
The ma6netostatic procession types...
e) 0 outside the sphere. Boundary conditions-
'Pv) = AP(S), (3)
+1 + Y 2.) + X +
Or r Ox r dy -r -X
02,-02-62 (is -
+ a!-01-611 ( r Tx t 7v r
it is shown that an anisotropy exists in the di~ff~,,rance of -.he :oson~n--O
fields, and that the precession types are coupled by --ht~ anizot~ropy. 'Ah 0
resonance fields of the m~-&natostat'4 cprece::-sicn typ4L3 depend on. the
orientation of the permanent maenatizatior. relative to t.,(; cryotallocran"'.4-c
axes. "his dependence is different for diflerC:nt -I.ClCe, S4 G.,j 7:* a
sphere is magnetized in the direction of easy r.V;i -a*o 11 4 e
direction of difficult magnetizabilit,,, all prece--sion types will Le'ree
-i,ith those of an isotropic specimen. Th,~ ret-onanco field3 of
orientations diffor from those of an anisotro-Ac spuclmer, by the 3ame
a.nount for all precession types. The tomporLturo dep,,ndonce o: the
coupling of the precension types depends on that of the arisotropy co:,.z-..;L.-.t
and magnetization. There is 1 figure.
Card 2/3
C/%O~J6 /62/04 3/1~- 32/0' -1/3 -3
The magnatostatic procession types... B100106
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Lloscow State
SUB'AlITITED: March 2, 1962
Card 3/3
Change in the osmotic resistance and the diameter of ery-th-
ro"a in Botkin's disease. Trud7 Ilt
125-128 160, (MIRA 16:2)
Is Kafedra, propedertiobaskoy terapii Kishinevskogo gosudarst-
vennogo meditsinskogo instituta.
Lars.; KOSTIKOVA, Lida; EDSAWA, Lida;
Blooming gladioli in YAy. Wn. nat. no.5:11 Ky '58. (KIRA 11:5)
leShkola NO-538, Moskva.
YEFIMOVj I.A.; Prinivali uchastiye: KOBEIZV, V.V.; NAZAROVj, A.D.; KRIV-
of the remagnatization time of ferromagnetic film-type
elements] Issledovanie vremeni paremagnichivaniia ferromagnie..
zWkh planoebrgrkh elementov. Hoakra, In-t tocbroi mekhan4k4 i
vychislitelluoi tekbn4ki Akad,, nauk SSSR, 1961, 23 p,
(Ferratex) (Ferromagnetism) (MIU 14: 8)
ri V.V.; KORSUNSKIY p A.A. I PrInimala uchastiYe YMVCHENKOVA9 -R.N,,
(Domain structure of unisudal forromagnstic films] Domennaia,
otruktura odnooMkh ferromagnitrifth plenok. Moskva$ Ir~-t toch-
noi mokhaniki i yychiolitellnoi teklmiki Akad. nauk SSSRq 1961*
29 p, (Ferromagnetism) (Magnetic materWa) (MIRA 3.08)
Effect of oysteamine sAd
activity of sitoebondria.1
no.5s"2-"8 JI-Ag 164.
other mercaptoandno, compounds on the
monoamino oxidase. Biokhimlia 29
(HIRA 18jil)
1. Laboratoriya biokhimii amlnov i drugikh azotistykh oanovanly
Instituta biologichookoy i seditsinskoy khimii AMN WR, Moskva.
"Effect of Antituberculosis Che,-,othera!-,,,!itIc j,-;'t-tan-cez; -n
'Its,)Iratiori Of :~Ycf)'-),cterla." Cand 1731rd ~;cj, .*,11-,:,-,I"
on Z.)Cl les
Chendcoplia rimcout Ica 1 Inst, hOSCO14, 19%. .,:o 6, .--ar
30: Sua. No. 67C, `9 SeP 55--Survey tf SclentLflc a:v! Techr.*,cal
Dissertations ~~--ferjdel at US31 IHI jiar Educatiorial 1.1sti.ti~tIon3 (15)
-, 7
Studies on the effect of sodium diethyldithiocarbamate on polonlum
injury. Mod. rad. 5 no.lls53-56 N 160. (MIRA 3.3t12)
150fixillp V.Z.; Yql VCliPIKOVA, R.S. i FrLn'.raj -~ u i:.a:;?A.:, , 'r'-- N.A. ,
Mechanism or inhibition of tll#) b1cod &T.,Ine vxlluv.~ (3permine oxidase)
activity by leonlazid. Voponod.lrhLm. --0 no. 2 1~4 Mr-Ap 164.
(MTRA 38.-1)
1. laboratoriya biokhInitl winfw I dragilki, az,-tl!ity~.h t-,sr,~)vanly
InatItuta b1clogichoskoy I mtt.,!Itolnsk.~y MI ISSS11, K:wha.
--M-Tm -- ~ ~ -- -------
- , -- W:=-
- I it.
- I - .
", . . ...... 1", -
--,- t
- II w -,
. .~,*gt.O,~!~' i ra"Iffamasom 0
- I ~., -~~ WK
YASILITET, Leonid Goorglyevich; LITIN, Samull Kironovich; KRIYCMWCK,
I.Te., red.; PWnMIMATA, X.M.,
[Public Health Service in Karolial Zdravookhranenis Xarelil.
Petroxavodsk, Gos.izd-vo Xerellokoi ASM, 1960. 93 P.
(KIRA 14:4)
KALUZI!3KIY , Nikolay Andreyevichl KRIVCHENOK 1.Ye., red.
[Chemistry and the econotV of Xarelial KhImiia. i ekono-
mika Karelil. Petrozavodsk, Karellskoe knizhnoe izd-vo
1c)65. 103 P. (MIRA 19:1)
KRIVC je~qp_red.
(On the steel main line] Na stalinoi magistrali. Patro-
zavodakp Karellskoe knizhnoo izd-yop 1964, 51 P;
(Kud 18111
VALENTIK, Ivan Yakovlevich; KRIVCHENOK, I.Ye., red.; SHEVCHENKO,
L. V. I tekhn. red.
(The seven-year plan of Karelia In operationj facts and
figures] Semiletka Karelli v deistvii; taifry i fakty.
Petrozavodak, Knrallskoe knizhnoo Isd-yo, 1963. 174 pl'
(MIRA 16s7) "
1. Predsedatell Gosudars1tvs4mogo planovogo komiteta Soveta
Ministrov Karel'Bkoy ASSR (for Valentik).
(jarelia-Zoonomio polloy)
KRIVCHIK, A. A. Cand Led bci -- (disa) "BlOod transfusiona after acute
hemorrhages in onses of hypothermin (Rxperimentnl study)." Minsk, 1957.
21 pp (ItinO: Stntd Lied Inst), 200 copies (KL, %-b8, 115)
Making gypsum slag concrete slabs for Interior partitions. Rate.
I Isobr.predl.v stroi. no.131-19-23 159. (MIRA 13:6)
1. Po materialam tresta Pechorstroy Ministerstva transportnogo
stroltelletin SSSR, Komi ASSR, g..Pechoraj.
(Walls) (Concrete slabs)
A.S., red.; Atd~~V tekbn. red,
(The Dnieper Hydroelectrio Power Station a first stop in the
industrialization of the country; collection of documents on the
construction of V.I.Ioen:4.n Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Station, 1926-
19321 Pervenets industrialisateii strarq - Dneproges imeni Y.I.Leniual
obornik dolumontov o etroitelletvo Dneprogesa im, V.IoLenim 1926-1932gge
Zaporozble... Zaporozhakoe knisbnoe izd-vo, 1960. 286 p. (MIRA 14:11)
1. Kommunioticheskaya partiya UkrayM. Zaporozhakiy oblastnoy komitate
PartiyMy w-khive (Dnieper Hydroelectric Power StatioA)
Axperoustric deteralnetion of cMor &M nickel In stool alloys
by means of d1thlo-osomide brdride. Z&r.l&w.2l noA397-3" 153.
NLRA 8:6)
1,. Institut Mail Akadosill nw* SMUL
(Stool alloys--Analysis)
; I
TI. I-, ( - T-, , i-, ., ;,~ i T
T -V - - ~,- ~ - - - - --- -- ---- - ---- --
Termolenko, N.P.I_KRII~CHIK, Z.JL.
Structure and adsorption activitjr of peat charcoal. Sbor.naucho
rab.Inst.khim.AN BSSR no.5:204-212 156. (MIJU 10:5)
(]Peat) (charcoal)
Z. A. and H. Fi YEWjL-'-RKG
"Structure and Adsorbability of Peat Charcoals" Part Il ,;. /.2:5-
Sbornik nauchnyk-h rabot, Vyp- 6 (Collection of Scientific Works of the Institute
of chemistry, Belorussian SSR , kademy of Sciences, No. 6) Minsk, Izd-vo AN
Belorusskoy SSR, 1958, 271 Pp, A
Adsorption activity In relation to structure of charcoal from
buried resinous wood. Dokl.AN BSSR 3 no.2:47-51 1 159.
(Carbon, Activated) (MIRL 12:5)
17 --,C "11 k
"The Structure and The Adsorptional AcI;ivIty of These C~,als."
report prenented at the Section on Colloid Chemistry, VIII Mendeleyev Conference of
General and Applied Chemistry) Moscow, 16-23 March 1959.
(Koll. Zhur. v. 21, No. 4, PP- 509-511)
Structure and adsorption activity of carbons as related to conditions
of activation. DokI.AN MR 4 no.6:z44-247 JS 160. (HIPA 13:7)
1. Institut obahchey t nearganichaskoy khImil AN B85H.
(Carbon, Activated)
Certain features of cation exchange In an acid medium on cation
exchangers with carboxyl functional groups. Dokl. AN SSSR 151
no.5t1147-1149 Ag 163o - (MIRA 16%9)
1. Inatitut obahchey I neorganicheskoy khiaii AN B9M. 2. AN BSSR
(for Yermolanko).
(Ion exchange) (Carboxyl group)
Sorption and ion-exchange properties of sulfurized coals. Toll.zhur.
26 n0.1351-56 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 17W
1. Inatitut obahchey i noorganicheakoy khWI AN BSSR, Minsk.
AUTHOR: Gol'din, M.L., XrivchikoY_,-A-.;'., Mlnrinin, N.S., And 'Figotin,
L.T., Engineers
TITLF; Gamma-Relay for Ore-Mining Equipment (Gamma-rele dlya gorno-
rudnogo oborudovaniya)
PERIODICAL: Gornyy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 7, pp 60-61 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The Kharlkovskiy zavod kontrollno-izmeritellnykh priborov
(The Khar1kov Testing and Measuring Devices Plant) (KIP) has
built a gamma-relay for the mining industry. The laboratory
studied various operating relays and concluded that detectors
of gamma-relay radiation must be fed by direct current. Halo-
genous counters must be used as detectors. The intensity of
their feed is almost equal to the anode feed of the electronic
tubes used in the gamma-relAy, And a common rectifier could
be built. The authors give a detniled description of the
device. The use of several such relays at the crushing p1rnt
YUCOK showed that the flow on the transmittinp belt could be
efficiently controlled, thus avoiding clogging or breakage of
the belt. There are 2 photos, 1 schematic diagram and 2
Card 1/1 Soviet reference.
1. Xining eqaipment 2. Gamma re lay-'.pplicz. t ions
14(5) D,-V/127-59-3-Ic/22
AUTHORS: Golldin, V.L., G~,~rioralnv, Krivchik2y.,. _A.P.
Dolgallo, C.Ti. arl-I L.-.Ackovets T%F. . EnC,,ineers.
TITLE: The Industrial Trta]s of a Ra,11.oactive Meter for
Pulp Density "Promyshlennyye ispytaniya radioaktivnogo
izmeritelya plotriosti pu!"PY )
PERIODICAL: Gornyy zhurnal, 1959, '1;- 3, -t)p ',5-57 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors propose a method of measuring the pulp
density with the aid of radi_oael~ive isotopes, and
describe the apparatus used in the experiment. A
stream of gamma-rays fy-om a "iyed source RI (figure
1) passes through the lu-ub,~ T ar)d f,-.ompensatory taper
K simultaneously, exposing to rays two ionizing
chambers, working chamber RK and compensational cham-
ber KK which have a common collecting electrode. The
ion current, oricinatinc in the working chamber is
the function of the pulp density. Changes in pulp
density cause the change in importance of the gamma-
Card 1/2 ray stream penetrating into the working chamber, and
The Industrial Trials of a Radioactive Meter for Pulp Density,
a differential ionizing current originates in the
chambers. This current finally reaches a contact-
less ferro-dynamic DF indicator and a secondary VP
set with a similar indicator, The VF set marks the
oscillation of the current on a diagrammatic sheet
of paper. When compared with the results of la-
boratory tests, inscribed density indications dif-
fered by 0,4%, There is 1 diagram and 1 graph.
Card 212
KIIIVGPTKOV, J,.F.; CJIUGUNOV, L.F.; YASAFOV, A.F.; YjIlFf~1-:1Zj~f, !!.".
The Tyrnyauz CombJne is 25 years old* T.Svet, 38 rln-ci;t-12
s 165. (MIPA 18:12)