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LHISHUL.-H.A.; GORYACHEV, B.A. FXfect of 4olding during the irduction tempering of low-carbon Oteel. Isv. vysI. ucheb. zav.; chern. not. 5 n0.9117&179 162. (KM 15:10) 1. Tullskly melthanicheskiy iutktut, (Stse:L-Heat treatment) S/126/62/014/002/oo6/ol8 EIII/E192 AUTIIORS: Krifihtal, M.A., and ~Jokrov, A.P. TITLE: Data processing in reaction diffusion PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v.14, no.2, 1962, 200-204 TEXT: A getieral method of determining diffusion coefficients is described and applied to molybdenum and tungsten solutions in a- and y-iron. The method is especially interesting for elements forming substitutional solid solutions in a- and y-iron, arid relates to the situation where an a-phase layer grows through diffusion on the y-phame specimen. The-diffusi~n specimens were prepared from electrolytic iron arid alloys of Fe + Mo if/w W, and Fe + 1.90,,j w1w Mo, respectively. The method of' melting and annealing was described in MI, v.12, no.3, J961, 389. For tungsten the diffusion coefficient in a-iron was 9.6 x 1.0- 11 cm/sec at 1090 aC and 3.2 x 10-9 at 1280 'C; ill y-iron 5.6 x 10- 11 at 1090 *C and 1.4 x 10- 9 at 1250 OC; for Card 1/2 S/l26/62/O14/0o2/oo6/o1(j Data procesming in reaction ... Elll/E192 molybdenum the values were 7.0 x 10- 12 at 800 and 3.3 x 10-9 at 1250 OC in alpha, the values in gamma being substantial3y the samc as for a-iron. The activation energy for diffusion of tung.4; -,n in a- and y-iron was 71.0 and 81.0 kcal/f atom, respec~iv(.j-,, .!%,a I'_.. the entropy change 17 and 23 cal/g atom. C. respectively. For Mo the diffusion activation energy is 57.0 kcal/g atom in both a- and y-iron, the entropy-changc values being 9 cal/g atum. ,C. There are 2 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Tullskiy mekhanicheskiy institut (Tula Mechanical Institute) SUBMITTED: October 20, 1961, initially, and ~jarch 20, 1962, after revision. Card 2/2 S/126/62/014/006/013/020 E193/E383 AUTHOILS: --Xr-taht a' bi.Ai- and Golovin, S. A. TITLE: Internal friction of hardened steel PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, ve 14, no, 6, 1962, 913 - 916 TEXT: A widely hold opinion is that the internal-friction peak observed at about 200 OC in heat-treated or work-hardened steel is associated ifith the diffusion of interstitials (mainly carbon and nitrogen) to the regions of dislocations formed during' or thermal treatment. Since the Increase in strength due to either treittment is determined mainly by the density and mobility of dislocations, there a direct relationship betwsen the characteristics of the internal-friction peak at 200 C and the mechanical properties of hardened steel. It was in order to check this hypothesis that the present investigation was undertaken. Using both published and original experimental data, the present authors have constructed curves showing the increase in the UTS of steels 5, 50 and '/7i-so(U7A) as a function of either the height or the area of the 200 C peak. Typical Card 1/3 S/126/62/014/oo6/ol3/020 Internal friction .... E193/E383 results, which confirmed the authors' hypothesis, are shown in 2 Figs. 4 and 5- In Fig. 4, the increase in thf UTS (,~Ao-, kg/mm of steel 5 is plotted against the height (Q_ o ) of the peak 202,Ccles, studied; the experimental points, denoted by r triangles. and dots, relate to specimens hardened, respectively, by a) quen- ching and furnace-tempering; b) stire-draving and c) quenchin 2d Xn Fis- 5, /_N0-(R mm tempering by passag6 of' electric current. g~ ) of the,same spaoimons of xteell 5 it plottod againat tho area . I/ (5, rtwi-) of tho internal-friction peak. The most interesting fact revealed by these graphs is that points obtained for specimens hardened by thermal and mechanical tr,,eatment lie on the same curves* This indicates that the nature of the hardening processes in both types of treatment are basically the same and throws new light on the mechanics of thermomechanical treatment. There are 5 figuross ASSOCIATION: Tullskiy mekhanicheskiy institut (TulA Mechanics Institute) SUBMITTED., May 25, 1962 Card 2/3 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6510 Krishtal, N. A. Diffuzionnyye proteessy v zheleznykh splavakh (Diffusion Processes in Iron Alloys) Moscow, Metallurgizdat* 1963. 277 p. Errata -ilip inserted, 2500 copies printed. Ed.: A. A. Zhulkhavitskiy; Ed, of Publishing House; L. M. Gordcn; Tc-~h. Ed.: 0. P. Obukhovskaya, F-t-IR-LOSE: This book Is Intended for scientific research workers and -:,n,31nners investigating diffusion and diffusion processes. It may also be aseful to engineerF specializing In heat treatment of metals, 'JOVERAGE: The book describes methods applied to determine diffusion ,I,oefficients and gives specific values for a number of _Jfon-lase alloys. Various mechanisms of diffusion are reviewed. The book 1-!~uludes data on diffusion mechimism; Kirkendall effect; formation ,,-.f porosity in body-centered J1.-.,a and its alloys; and the effect .,.-f -allcylng elements on parameters of diffusion of carbon,, G,117d DiJiiA.r_-,Isn Processes (Cont.) SOV/6510 va,;anoies, and elements which form substitutional solutions iki binary, ternary., and quaternary alloys. Methods of deter- mination of the concentration of vacancies are reviewed and peT'Anent data for a number of alloys are presented. The --rfeot of alloying elements on diffusion and self-diffusion ir. iron alloys is discussed. The calculation and sthtistical developed for establishing the llmltirg factors 1n ~..--'qple.x diffusion processes takIng place Ir. iron alloys during the-ir heat treatment and thermochemioal treatment are described. The author thanks Professors B, Ya. Fines., A. A. Zhukhovitakiy., and 1. L. Mirkin. Each chapter is accompanied by references, mG3tly Soviet. TABI-8 OP CONIENTS 5 Introduction 7 Gard 2/ 5 Diffu3ion Frocesses (Cont.) sov/6510 1. Theory of Diffusion in Metals and Interstitial or Substitutional Solid Solutions l; 1. Diffusion mechanism 1 2, Diffusion parameters 54 Ch. 11. Methods of Determining Dirfuolon Coefficients 78 Analytical method 2. Tagged-atom method j 3. Me tall ographic Methods 92 4. Meth3ds of detexmJz&g va=M carAntration An 13xn allcys 105 1"I. Diffusion of Carbon and Other Elements Forming Interstitial Solutions In Austenite and Ferrite 114 1. Diffusion of .-arbon In austenite 114 2. Diffusion of qarbon in ferrite 117 3. Diffusion of carbon In alloyed austenite 122 4. High and low temperature diffusion of carbon in austenite of annealed and quenched specimens 144 Card 3/5 Diffusion Processes (Cont.) 5. Diffusion of carbon in alloyed ferrite Q. Diffusion of nitrogen., boron., and hydrogen inlron 7. Vc-chanism of tb* effect of alloying elements on the di 1. carbon in Iron ffuaion C ~W. Self-diffusion in Austenite and Ferrite 1. Self-dlrfuBion in unalloyed iron 2. Effect. of alloying elements on the self'-diffusion ,if iron 3. Concentration of vacancies in iron and its alloys 4. Determination of coefficients of vacancy diffusion in alloys 5. Mechanism of the effect of alloying elements on vacancy diffusion In austenite Ch. V. DiMsion of elements Forming Substitutional Soltition In Iron Sov/65lo 14 M 157 167 167 172 176 194 202 212 Coard 4/5 Diffusion Proceseds (Cont.) SOV16510 1. Diffusion parameters of certain elements 212 2. Effect of alloying elements cn the diffusion of tungsten and molybdenum in iron and its alloys 220 3. Diffusion of several elements from the same source 2.'-01 Ch. V1. Kinetics and Mechanism of Certain Diffusion Processes in Iron Alloys 246 1. Determination of the limiting element of diffusion Involving processes with a known functional relation- ship between the process and the diffusion rates 246 2. Determination of the limiting element of diffusion involving prooesses with an unknown functional , relationship between the process and the diffusion ra.tes 272 AVA31AYJM: Library of Congress SUBJECT: Metals and Metallurgy ND/z /,eb C ard 5/5 2/4/V14 S/148/63/000/001/012/019 B071/E151 AUTHORs Kriahtal, M.A. TITLE: Microdefects of diffusion layers in iron alloys PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniyo Chernaya metallurgiyal4no.1, 1963, 111-116 j TEXT: The structure of the diffusion layers formed by the diffusion of molybdenum into iron and its binary alloys was studied In order to confirm the possible occurrence of diffusion porosity in body centred iron phases, and to determine conditions necessary to minimize this porosity. Electrolytic iron and its binary alloys containing 5% (atomic) of tungsten, chromium, vanadium and silicon, with less than 0-004' of carbon, were used. Tungsten wire,. 0.07 mm diameter, or molybdenum foil 0.04 mm thick, was spot- welded to specimens prepared by induction melting under argon, followed by forging and homogenizing at 1200 OC for 20 hours* L Diffusion was brought about by annealing for '0-58 hours in sealed quartz tubes under a vacuum of 10-4 mm Hg, followed by water quenching. The structure of the diffusion layers was almost identical at all temperatures, microscopical examination (X 2000) Card 1/2 hicrodefects of diffusion layers... s/148/63/000/001/011/019 E071/E151 showing the absence of ititermetallic compounds. In the diffusion zones of molybdenum and tungsten, diffusion porosity was observed (minimum microhardness). Tungsten sharply Increased the diffusion .of molybdenum and inhibited pore formation. The diffusion porosity in the a-solid solution of molybdenum in iron, and the l1near rate of advance of the porous zone with annealing time, provide direct experimental proof of the vacancy mechanism of diffusion in body centred iron. This was also confirmed by the diffusion of chromium into iron. There are 8 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Tullskiy mokhanicheakiy institut (Tula Mechanical Institute) SUBMITTED; April 1, 1961 KRISHTAL, M.A.; FIRSANOV, I.I.; VA2M, Tu.I.; GOIDVIN, S.A.; KAKS3MOVP S.K. Mechanical properties of statically and dynamically defozmd alloys. Pis, met. i metanoved. 15 No.2005-309 F 163. 1. Tullakiy makhanicheakiy inatitut. (MIRA 16:4) (Allo"-Testirw) KRISHTALV M.A.1 HDKRGVj A..?. Mechanism of diffusion in body-centered iron. Fiz.zet.i netalloved. 15 no.3s456-459 Mr 163. ( M A 16W 1. Tullskiy nekhanicheskiy instituto ' (Crystal lattices) (Diffusion) YMSETAL, M.A.; GORYAGHEV, B.A. Characteristics of changes in the properties of hardened steel during induction heating, Fiz. met. i met&Uoved. 15 no.6: 819-823 Je 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Tullakiy makhanichookiy inatitut. (Steel-Testine) (Induction heating) KRISHTAL, M.A.; BARANOVA, V.I. Temperature dependence of vacancy concentration in iron-chromium, iron-molybdenum alloy5. Fiz. met. i astalloved. 16 no-4:626-628 0 163, (KIRA l6tl2) 1. Tul'skiy mekhanicheskiy institut, 0/02 63/149/001/011/023 i B I Oil XB 186 A7jj';OPS I Zhukhovitsklyj A. A.# Krizib-tal, 14. A. "."ITME's On one case of a realization of the theoretical strength PE"410DICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 149, no. 1, 1963, 88 - 89 TIAT; Plantic deformation and 4estviction of metals and alloys occur' usuully at tensions less than that obtained in tho theory of interatomic bondi this divoreence is caused by the dislocationo. Here it is shown + h'- + + I" - ranGe P~L -++ 4' " "r-roLrt. --atiarl4l E; 4 6 deor"s-ed at N; v. decorm-ition rqtos. Whon the quency of deformation in within the r--~ctrum of solid body vibrations tha enerey is accumul2tcd on the gliding~ Plan03 and destruction ensuas. If the ratc of F-,Koar deformation is greater than the velo'nity of sound the OnerCy 1A dispersed along the gliding planem it in poasiblo that in the rant;o of 3ubionic deforrnmtion ratea the Newton !va io oatinfieds it in asnu.-,md that the energy r,~-,oval is proportional to- *i,,: 2(-,u-!ro of the shear deformation rrit,!. The expreaclon v) - k?c~ for t.-,Fj coefficient of viscosity may ba u9od for treating reoults obtained in Card 1/2 S/'020/65/149/001/011/023 On a cage of a realization ... B104/B186 ---%P~urirrv~nts using pulsation mothoda with great def ormition rates. Pere, tho dcncity, c is the oound -,ilocity, 13 the lattice period and k ic a factor. ;5(J,I;TIC.1N: Tullskiy mekhanicheskiy inatitut f"'ula 2echanical Inst itute) Tl--"D: OcII-obar 23, 10,621, by P. A. Rebinder, Academician T~TD 00-obar 18, 1962 ACCESSION NR: AR4041607 S/0137/64/000/005/1040/IO41 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurglya, Abs. 51242 AUTHOR: Krishtal, M. A.; Golovin, S. A.; Pudoveyeva, V. P. TITLE: Measurement of threshold of cold brittleness of metal by method Of internal friction CITED SOURCE: Sb. Relaksats. yavleniya v met. I splavakh. M., Metallurgizdat, 1963, 120-122 TOPIC TAGS: cold brittleness, inetal, internal friction TRANSLATION: Internal friction was Investigated at low temperatures (from -90 to +200) of steel 5 and low-carbon steel (0.09% C); In' parallel was studied a of given steels.Flat onmples (S) were attached contilever-wise and placed in chamber cooled with liquid N Free oscillations of sample gave fast removal of load applIed toward the enTof sample, Vibrograms of free osciliations of Card l/ 2 ACCESSION NR: AR4041607 sample were recorded by optical method and processed by usualinethod. Values of decrement were taken with maximal normal stressAr6 kg/mm . Temperature dependences of internal friction were removed during heating of cooled chamber. Sample of low-carbon steel before measurements was subjected to hardening and subsequent plastic now by extension of 1516. Tin Interval from -30 to -75* for this steel sharp lowering of Internal friction is observed, caused by man- ifestration of cdd brittleness in steel. Measurements Of ak show its drop in the same Interval of temperatures and confirm that the indicated temperatures are, for given steel, the upper and lower thresholds of cold brittleness. Analogous temperature dependence of internal friction is obtained for steel 5 preliminarily annealed in vacuum at 100" for 1 hour. Data on change of inteinal friction. show that upper threshold of brittleness for. steel 5 amounts to -750 and lower, to -900, Results of measurements will agree with data on a k of a sample without notches. The conclusion was made that by the method of Internal friction It is possible rapidly and sufficiently reliably to show the upper and lower thresholds of cold brittleness of ateel, SUB 'CODE: MM ENCL: 00 Card 2/2 & A I "In kf;; IT. a v n e r -,j 4 t- U; 7 1-4 -3 0-11 lij 1 .1. ll~ ACCESSION NR: AT4040403 B/0000/63/000/000/0353/0356 AUTHOIL Krishtal, M.A.; Golovin, S.A.; Pudoveyova, V. P. -TITLE: Energy dissipation in some alloys at low temperatures 'SOURCE: Nauchno-takhnicheakoyei3oveshchaniyopovoprosamkolebaniyauchotonrasseyanlya energii. 4th, 1962. Rasseyanlye energii pri kolebanlyakh upruglkh Blatem.(Energy dissipation during vibrations of elastic iystem); "dy* sovoshchantya. Kiev, 1zd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1963, -353-356 TOPIC TAGS: steel No. 5. steel 35 GS, low carbon steel, cold biAttleness threshold, low temperature energy dissipation, damping decrement, Impact toughness ABSTRACT: Damping decrements in flat samples of steel No. 5 (vacuum annealed I hr. 'at 1000C), steel 36GS (normalized) and a low carbon steel (0.09% C, hardened, deformed 15%) were measured in relatlon to temperatures ranging from -100 to 20C (methodology do- scribed). Analysis of the results obtained, placed the cold brittleness thresholds of thd three named alloys at -75 to -90, -68 to -86 and -30 to -75C, respectively. Parallel measure- ment of impact toughness produced closely corresponding results, especially for unnotchod Card 1/2 .... ... ACCESSION NR: AT4040403 'Bamples; the damping decrement method is therefore recommeilded for measurements of cold brittleness thresholds. Orig.'art. has: 4 figures. 'ASSOCIATION; none SUBMITTED: 23Nov63 DATE ACQ: 28May64 E N C L.-,' 00 ~SUB CODE- MM NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER. 000 Card 2/2 KRISE.IAL, Mikhail Aronovich; FIGUZOV, Yueiy Vasillyevich; GOLOVIN- Stanislav Aleks(ryovich; GARBER., A.I., prof., retsenzent (Internal friction in metals and alloys] Vnutrennee trenie v metallakh i splavakh. Moskva, Izd-vo Metallurgiia, 1964. 245 p. (MIRA 17:6) jmgt&.2~~. I f .. , . '. .I ~ I ; '~ - -. 7 ~. 7 1 , ~ I . T-,',N7( Tt---/ V,L~,c-A .~ ~' j , - , . - I - - - -~,NMJ j4 ~IRNMW MIFAM ff;,~ IMFW --''7.- j , , , . .. - UL "3 3 r ra no r: S 0 +3 Of' t; he ,.qD r1 t, IMA Vanant a i tn n I-it 1 4- 1. k ":, .) , I I c q -F ;.-:A j , . ~ -.1 . - . - I - - -A .. I i. - A g . I I ~ ! i ~ ~` - I - . _pj I am 'qu - IMM , w~ ;-~ i.I.A.0 '. I , ~II I I , i; ii i ~.. I . . l..7 , 1 11 ; , .~ : . ,1, al I I mm'~im 1. . W -,LnnL of the mectianism I h- 7111! MT-~ I . ~l ~l KRISHTAL, M.A.; BAROOVA, V.I. Peaks of Internal friotion in alloyed ferrite. Fiz, met, i metalloved, 18 no.3s464-467 5 164. (MIRA 171l1) 1. Tullskly politekbnicheakiy institut. JAISHTAL, M.A.; DAVYPOV, Yu.i.; FORVAGHKV, V.D. Local spectral method of the quantitative determination of carbon in steel. Zav. lab. 30 no.8:950-952 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Tullskiy mekhanicheakiy institut. "Zi-I -. - -, w t 12170-6 6 PWT (m)/EwP~ t)/EWPj TJP(c) JDIJ'OfIJG ACC NR- A:16000175 UR/0148/65/000/009/0133/0138 AUTHOR: Krishtilt M. A.; Da"dov, Yu, 1. ORG: Tula Polytechnic institute (Tullskty politakhnichaskiy institut) TITLE: Effect of chromi Ind tungsten on the thermodMatc activit of carbon in SOURCE: IVUZ. Chernays. metallurgiya, no* 9, 1965, 133-138 TOPIC TAGS: thermodynamic characteristic, carbon, iron base alloy, chromium containing alloy, tungsten containing alloy, oustanite, metal bonding ABSTMCT: Since the experimental determination of the activity of C in re alloys usually infolves a time-consuming study of the equilibrium concentration of C in a melt with a gaseous mixture (CO-CO 2 or CH -H2) of known composition, the authors of. fer a quicker method of determialng,the r9itive activity coefficient (imett) of C C in multicomponent systems compared with the binary system Fe-C for which the C acti- vities have been satisfactorily measured. Given the lama atomic concentrations ac of G In iron and in alloy, f"-"t may be determined as follows: C It Card 1/2 C it a COZ4 ) NC - coast, ___UDC: 669.112*3*66-971 L 12170-66 ACC NRi AP6000175 where Smelt and aTO are the C activLties in the alloy and In Iron, respectively. The C C effect of Cr and W an the thermodynamic activity of Cin Fe-base alloys was invest- igated in specimens containing up to 6.3% Cr and 11.6% W following their annealing at 950 and 1150*C.-It was found that the equistomic concentrations of Cr and V have a virtually identical effect on the activity of C but their effect on the diffusion of C differs greatly. For example, a 4% (at.) Cr concentration (3.7% by wt.) reduces the effective diffusion coefficient D. In the alloy by 50% as compared with 0ain iron and D of W (12% by wt.). by 90%. The corresponding changes in the true diffusion coeffL- clent Dt of C are 10 and 80%, respectively. Hence, the retardation of the diffusion of C in the presence of Cr is chiefly due to the effect of Cr on the thermodynamic diffusion factor. Like Cr, W reduces the activity of C, but It reduces even further the wbility of C atoms (kinetic factor), which to apparently attributable to the greater increase in the bonding f~irces in austenite on alloying with W as com9ared with Cr. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 8 formula** SUB CODE: 11, 20/ SM DATS: 23M&r65/ ORM an: 009/ OTH on: 004 t.. I*o_) ,4 2/2 FRTSHTALI, M,A,; DRAPKIN# B*Ft. unit for the simultaneous determination of the slAsticity moduli, aheart and vibration decrement within a wide temperature range. Zav. lab. 31 no.11:1391-1393 165. (MIRA 19al) 1. Tul'skiy politekhnicheekiy institut. ACC-rAtrI76-003307 SOURCE CODS: UR/0129/66/COO/001/0031/0042 AUTHOR: Titenskiy, S. G.; Sirenko. T. A. iORG: Tula Polytechnic Institute (Tul'skiy politekhnichaskiy institut) TITLE: Embrittlement of austenitic stee in weldedigintaZ q Y, 7771 ~ - "? i" , 11 1-1 SOURCE: Metallovedeniya i termicheakays obrabotka-metallov, no. 1, 1966, 37-42 TOPIC TAGS: austenitic steel, steam boiler, welded joint, brittleness, creep mechanism, metal grain structure, solid solution / I Khl4Nl4V2H (E1257) austenitic Cr-Ni steel ABSTRACT: The authors present the results of an 4 nvestigation of the c.~,anges in the structure and properties of lKhl4Nl4V2H((EI257)laustenitic Cr-Ni steell'in the welded- -joint zones of boiler steam lines foll9;fngprolonged operation at steam parameters of 580-585*C and pressure of 180 atm. The outside diameter of the steam line was 219t= and the tube wall thickness, 27 mm. When originally delivered the tubes of this steel 11 - - _1 had an austenite structure with isolated inclusions of excess phases and a pronounced- nonuniformity of grain sizes of austenite; this nonuniformity reduces the steel's ___ I opera tin&-qual i ties--and-eventual ly-leads- to--decompositidn-of _the__-y_-_s-ol1d so ution. As !-the time of operation of the steemlines grows longer, grain-boun(_ triges and leads to the formation of cracks and embrittlement in the near-oeld-zonet This con UDC: 669.15-194:669.24126:620.178.2 I Cad L 15704-66 ACC NR, AP6003307 be prevented by periodically repeating the heat treatmeni of the welded joints at intervals of 18,000, 24,000 and 50,000 hr of operation of the steam lines: 1-hr auste- nitizing at 1050-1100*C eliminates the internal stresses that had arisen during the work of the steamline and thus increases relative elongation by 15% and impact strength by 65%, thus roughly restoringthe original strength characteristics of the steel.. This also leads to the dissolution of the excess phases previously forming at the grain boundaries and within the grains, to a greater coherence between at~stenite grains and to a sharp deteriorntion in the etchabili ~y of the steel, which is a sign of increase in the bomogeneity of the solid solmtiontand of a restoration of the steel's original structure. Origi art. has: 6 figures, 2 tables. SUB CODE: 11, 13, 20/ SUBM DAM none/ ORIG REF: 004/ OM RIF: 000 r~,4 2/2 5yV--; L 07891-67 NTH/ ItWW ,ACC NI. AP6024817 SOURCE CODF~ UR/0096/66/000/008/0027/00' ~Uvioftl Uish!tIl Mt As INctor of technical aciances, Professor); Kry7,b&noYjkiy&--,*r0 iv, A, (M-gimor))-sir -no T As Candidate of technical sciences); Titenskiy$ S, of 0 a 0_ r. TI(6ndidate of too " c a ,ORG: Tula Polytechnic InstitutepTulaenergo (Tullskiy politekhnicheskiy institut Tulaoneilfol TITLEt Change in the struoture and nrtMffties of heat resistant steels in the IC Ijoints of steam, *1 4 1 .. MaIAIA -- -- - X -pipes ,SOURCEt Teploenergetikaj noo 8j 19669 27-31 austenitic steel,- TOPIC TAOSSA heat resistant mtAelp,rhase transitionImetal heat treatment pip@, elastic stress / IKhl8Nl2T Apstenitic steel, lKhl4Nl4V2M Aptenitic steel ABSTRAM The article reports on't'he effect of length of -servidg and of subsequent repeated heat treatment (pustenizing) on the structure, phase composition and parameters of the crystal lattices as well as the elastic and strength characteristics# of austanitic steels Types lKhl4n4V2M and IKhlBN12T. Steam pipes made of these stoels, with an outside diameter of 220 mm and a wall thickness of 27 mm) were worked up to the appearance of*failures in the zone around the joints, for different times (from 18,000 to 50,000 hours) at a temperature of 5800C and a pressure of 180 atmospheres* Results.of the metallurgical aM structural analyses are shown in tabulAr Card 1/2 uDat 62o.183,669.14.olO.45.621.791,053 L- 07891,-67. ACC NRt AP6024817 and graphic form. It was found that the nonhomogeneity of the initial structure of the austenite in the steels investigated lowers their use characteristics# Long ,service under extreme conditions brings about decomposition of the gamma s6lid solution, and the separating out of secondary phases (complex alloyed carbistuj-&-l intermetallic compounds;,and secondary ferrite); this is more intense in the zone ~-r-ouncf the joints. In the process of worki g the stoole) the elastic and strength properties are improved5 but the ductilit lie decreased; this is a sign of coarsening of the grain structure in the zone around the joints, and is one of the reasons for failure of the steels. In operation with those ateelo under extreme comditions., there are observed processes of shear and grain boundary diffusional creep*/-'In general, the data from the metallo aRhic analyses Ithe tests of the mechanical propertiesj, and tests of the io-ag term strength confirm the possibility of regenerating the structure.' and properties of austenitic steels to values close to the initial one 11 and of increasing their service life by periolic austenizing. Orige arts hast 8 figures and 2 tabless l SUB GOD31 U/. IBM DATE t none/, (RIt) RM 005 Card 2/2 ACC NRt AN6032638 (A) Nonograph UR/ Kx1sht;-,,,, Rll~hail Aronovich; PUrkin, Iosif Llvovich Cree, and fracture or alloys (Polzuchest' I razrusheniye splavov) i.bucow, Izd-vo "Hetallurgiya," 1966. 190 p. illus., biblio. .5,000 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: iron alloy, lattice defect, dislocation migration, creep mechanism,, alloy creep mechanism, metal heat treatment., alloy heat treatment, heat resistant material PRUPOSE AND CUVERAGE: This book is intended for scientific workers and engineers concerned with special alloys, and also for engineers specializin., in metal and alloy heat treatment. The book contains LO Information on the changes in the structures and properties of alloys, particularly of iron alloys, induced by prolon,~ed use at high temperatures and stresses. The problem discussed appears to be of considerable importance inasmuch as it Is connected with theo and practices adopted for the use of heat-resistant materials in power-machine buildingo aircraft and rocket production, and in some other branches of industry. Different creep mechanisma specific for prolonged use of various levels of temperature and stress are compared and respective quantitative kinetic principles are discussed. Publications dealing with the change in the struc- ture and properties of alloys under,the affect of prolonged use for rnrA ') A UDC! hbQ-011-7 ACC NR: AY,6032638 many thousand hours are summarized., and ways of selecting the proper alloying elements and structure of iron alloys suitable for work at high temperatures and;stresses are indicated. The authors thank Professor A. A. Zhukovitskiy for his valuable comments. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword -- 5 Introduction -- 7 Ch. I. Crystal Lattice Defects at Creep and Failure of Metals and Alloys -- 16 1. Spot defects in crystal lattice 16 Types of spot defects --'16 - Fonnation of spot defects -- 19 Methods of evaluating the concentration and mobility of vacancies -- 23 2. Dislocations -- 30 Geometrical features -- 30 Interaction and migration of dislocations -- 36 Interaction of dislocations between themselves and spot defects 41 AICC Nifi -14; ld,.ratlon of dislocations in the zone of stresses at low and high defon~iatlon rate -- 51 Ch, II. Diffusion Processes and A,,in(,, of ileat-Resistant Alloys 58 1. Principal lavis-governing diffusion processes at creep and failure -- 58 Phenomanolo6ic and statistic theories of diffusion 59 JUrkendall and Frenkel effects -- 72 2. kii)C; mechanism and properties of multicomponent beat- resistant alloys -- 84 Ch. III. Creep and R,ilure at Righ Temperature 106 1. Phenomenolo-ic theory of creep and delayed failure -- 106 2. 1.,echanism of the creep process -- 120 3. Idnetics in various mechanisms of the creep process -- 139 Mechanism of dislocation migration with Coltrell's atmospheres 139 E.echanism of diffusion creep -- 141 Specific features of creep in connection with plastic deformation events -- 152 Mechanism of creep along grain boundaries -- 156 Dislocation mechanism of creep -- 160 4. Structural changes and certain specific features of the mechanism of alloy failure at high temperature -- 170 ACC NRt 638 References -- 184 SUB CODE:11,W SUBM DATEt 2 lviay66/ ORIG REP: 141/ OTH REF: 105/ I Card 4/4 YR1.'-*,IITAI,lp -N.". inzh. Homograms for determIning the coefficlent of heat roleann dur!ng the lamanary flow of water In duuts. -'-iA(jutrotm1fi `0 no.53"2-33 Vq 164. (AURA 17A) KRISHTALI, R.D.v inzh. Nomogram for determining the coefficient of heat release by water during boiling. Sudostroania 29 no.10:40 0 163. (MIRA 16:12) KRISHTALI, V.D. Nomogram for the determination of the logarithmic mean temperature differencei Sudostroenie 28 no,7:37-38 JI 162, WIRA 1518) (Heat exchangers) (Nomography (Mathematics)) KRISRTALI, N,D,, Inah. A-1-JU, Graphic calculation of heat transmission coefficients. Sudostroenie 29 no.7t27-30 Jl 163. (MIRA 160) (Heat-Transmission) (Marine engineering-Graphic methods) KRISRTALI, O.P., dotmant 'l-, Myri&poda In the K&Uev Biogeogmpblcal Preserve. N&uk.%&pJiSv.un. 8 no.6:13-26 149. 0= 9: 10) (Kaney District--Kyriapoda) KRISHTALI,O.P.[Kryebtall, O.P.]p doktor biol.nauk, oty. red.; I---S NTKMVK, R.S., red, RIZM, V.P.[Pqzhko,, V.P.], red.; KHOKHANOVSKATA, T.I.lMkbanovalka, T.I.], tekhn. red. [Materials for studying the history and natural resources of the Kanev PreservelMaterialy do vyvehennia istorii ta pryrody raionu Kanivolkoho sapovidnyka. Kyiv, Vyd-vo Kyivalkoho univ., 1962. 151 P. (Kanev Preserve) (MIRA 16:1) KRISHTALI, V. I. Determining optimal Jules level in evaporating apparatuse Ss",prom, 27 no.9:23-24 '53. (VI-HA 6:11) 1. Gruppovaya laboratoriya Kurakogo sakhavoklotresta. (smar Inftstry) KRISHTALI, V.I. x . Improving the operation of boiler units. Sakh. ~prom, 32 no,5-.29-31 My 158. (MIRA 11:6) l.Kurskiy eakheyoklotreat. (Soilers) KRISHTALIO VVIO wInformation bulletin on optimum thermal &M operating conditions and therml control In best-st4g-ar factories." Reviewed by V.I. Krishtall. Sakh. prow. 33 no.1:76-77 A '59- (MIRA 12:1) (Sugar industry-lquipment and supplies) U- --- - K- RI S -H-TAL I -- V-. -I -,- - - - - - -- - - Nficient methods of burning liquid fuels. 5akhprom. no.4:45-49 Ap 16o. (MYRA 13:8) 1. Gruppovaya laboratoriya Kurskogo sovnarkhosa. (Idquid Iluels) (Heat engineering) KRISHTAV, V.1, Improvement of the condensate system. Sakh.prom. 34 no.6:58-59 Je '60, (MIRA 13:7) 1, Gruypovaya laboratoriya Karskogo noynarkhoza. (Karsk--sugar manufacture) ACC NRi' AT6030871 SOURCE CODE: LR/0000/66/000/000/0176/0180 IAUTHOR: Krishtall, V. Z.-, OstAanu, V. N. ORG: none NITLE: Synthesis of relay systems which we Insensitive to component defects and dis- !tortions of the input excitations 6: Moscow. Institut avtomatiki I telemakhanLki. Abstraktnaya I struktumaya teo- releynykh ustroystv (Abstract and structural theory of relay devices). Moscow, o Nauka, 1966, 176-188 TAGS: system reliability, statistic method, boolean algebra, boolean function, tatic analysis SiUCT: It is assumed tbat'the relay system is insensitive to d failures of a car- in type, if for r failures of the type (C ;S r ;S d) the system realizes a given algo- thm accurately and that there will be at least one (d + 1) th failure of the same pa which will cause the system to realize incorrectly the same algorithm. The fail- a of two state system elements may be defined as I - 0. or 0 - 1. The failuro of a system is defined as an incorrect realization of the value of the variables it is rther assumed that the distortion of the input signals and the failures of the am- nents are independent and that failures of a given type have identical probability Xed-N 8 71 of bccvrmnce. The failure is said to be symetrical. if the probability of 1 -* 0 in equal I-o the probability of 0 4 1, and nonsymmetrical, if the converse is true. The terms 4-stable system, and (do,dl)-stable system are defined as describing systems in- sensitive to d symmetrical failures, and -those insensitive to do and di nonsymmetrical failur---s respectively (do + dI a d). The following cases are consideredt. Synthesis of d-stable relay systems for reliable (distortion-free) input signals. Synthesis of* (do,dl)-stable relay systems for reliable input signals. Realization of redundant configurations in minimal disjunct normal form and minimal parenthetic form for the case of symmetrical failures. Relization of noncontact d-stable relay systems. Syn- thesis of d-stable relay systems-with distorted input signals. EAch case is analyzed and a mathematical wcpression defining the desix~ed synthesized. Boolean functions are used. Orig. art. has: 4 figureag 7 fomulas. CODE: 09,12/ BUSH DATE: O$Jun66/ ORIG REFs .007/ OTH REFt 001 _L_065j_7_b7 --- NT( ACC NRa AP6016137 AUTHOR: Krishtall, V. Z. (Moscow) IOR'G: none 4/ TITLE: Method of synthesizing relay mechanisms insensitive to asymmetric failures SOURCE: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, no. 5, 1966, 103-116 TOPIC TAGS: system reliability, circuit reliability, delay mechanism, circuit failure, logic element x ABSTRACT: To improve the reliability of relay systems and minimize failures, structur- al redundancy was introduced into the delay block and into the logical block simultane. ously. In this study, all distortions and possible damages to the element were reduc- ed to the element's output. Thus, a failure was defined as an erroneous translation of a variable at at least one output of the element. Failures are said to be symmetric- al when the failure probability of the type 1 - 0 equals the failure probability of tbi type 0 - 1; in the opposite case, the failures are said to be asymmetrical. With a certain set of conditions, a relay system B is insensitive to do failures of the 1 -o- 0 type, and to di failures of the 0 - 1 type; when the system is (dodl), it is failproof provided that certain additional conditions are satisfied. The synthesis of (dud,)- failproof relay aystems with reliable inputs wasmade. Boolean functions of & certain SOURCE CODE: UR/0103/66/000/005/0103/0116 Card .1/2 UDC: 62-507 L 06537-67 f-ACC-Nk,-AP66ii~i Itype in a minimal disjunctive normal form were obtained, defining the falproof state of the system. Algorithms for the minimization of the obtained Boolean functions were constructed. A method of intr-oducing redundant inputs and structural redundancy with unreliable inputs was also studied. Orig. art. has: 6 formulas, 3 figures, 1 table. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 25Apr65/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF: 003 Card 2/2 DANILOV,V.I.; KRISHTAL, 'ru.A,, kand.fiz.mat.nauk Spontansous crystallization of mannite and orthochloronitrobei3zol, Probl.metallove(hi fis, met* noo[l]:45-61 149* (MIRA 1114) 1,Laboratorlys, kristallizateii, TSantralinoge nauchno-iseladovateltakogo institute, chernoy metallurgit, 2,,Chlea-korrespoodent AN USSR (for Danilov). (Solidification) (Mannits) (Benzene) IRISHTAL, Tu.A., kand.fix,-mat,pauk ,,---~--'Irethod of calculating surface tension and activation energy by the rate of crystal nuclei formation curves. Probl.metalloved, i fix. met. no.[l)j62-69 149. (MIRA 11W l.Laboratoriya kristallizataii TSentrallnogo nauchno-issledovatel'skoco instituts. chernoy metallurgii. (Metal crystals) (Solifification) (Surface tension) IUMIftal .08 Apr 49 Liquids, Supercooled Crys-.n- '.zatim c" "The rormation of Crystallization Centers in Super- awled Liquids: VI, Spontpneous Crystallization of *=Ito and Ortho-Chloron: x6benzene," V. 1. Daullay! Tu. A. Krishtal, Inst YAt&llophys, Cant Sci Rea MM-C., of Perrous Metal, 9 pp "Zbur Ekaper i Teoret Fiz" vol XIX, No 4 Studied depend ency of speed of formation of crystallization centers upon super-cooling in numit a and ortho-chloronitrobenzone, Obtained curves for this dayandency. ftaluated energy of *Atlyatlon 38AW109 USM/Physics (Contd) Apr 49 and surface tension on the nucleus-liquid boundary. Subm1tted 23 Sep 48. USSR/ Physics - Crystallography Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 19/48 Authors : Krishtal, Yu. A. Title : The problem of experimental testing of the Metal growth theory Periodical i Dok. AN SSSR 98/3p 395497, Sep 21, 1954 Abstract The relation between the rate cd' growth of o-ohloronitrobenzene and the temperatw-e (surercooling), was investigated. The role of the rata of growt)'. factor, in deteimining the structure or polycrystalline substaaces, is dis- cussed. In the case of substances void of any foreign admixtures the growti factor depends largely upon the temperature at which crystallization takes place. Formmias expressing the rate of crystal growth are included. Seven references: 5-US3R and 2-German (1929-1951). Table; graphs. Institution * ... Presented by: Academician G. V. Kurdyumov, April 22, 1954 50) LUTHOR: --Xzishtal, Yu. A. ___I - TITLEi On the TeMPeTature Dependenne of the t-Nitrobenzaldehyde and Benzophenone zavisimosti skoroati rt7!3tr% kriotallov berzcfenona) SO V/'. 63-58-4- 54/47 Spebd of Growth of Crystals (0 temporaturnoy t-riltrobentalidegida i PERIODICAL: Nau,,,hiiyye doklady .,yashey shkoly. Metallurgiya# 1958, Nr 4, ,PP 197-202 (USSR) ABSTRAM The dependence of grcwth speed on subcool-ing in the range of the s mall hT was inlreqtigated h~,,ze for t-nitrobenzaidehyde and I len7,oplhenorR crystals by way (-,f experiment. The data obtained were oompared with the tha~?:retical formulae (1) and (2). On acciunt cf euch nompar-son, the t-onstants K 2 and K3 as well as the a,;tivation on-grgi Q were eatimated. K 2 is the aotivation energy of the transition of the molecules from the melt to the crystal facs, evaluated to I mole of material. K 3 is a quantity t-, the work reiuired for the formation of a two- dimensional nucleus. The g!,,)wth sperid of the crystals was Card 1/2 On the Temr-ipat~aro Dtipei.,dtn,;e :f ,he Speed .-.f SOV/I 611-58-4-144/47 Gtrrw~h ef 1; anJ Benz~phsn,)ne Crystals mpasured by the meth~,d fcrmerly described in the paper (Ref 3)- The!-e ay-e 4 fig,;res, 1 and 8 references, 4 of which are 3 ASSOCIATIONs Dneur,.petr, vski-f zh.-,J. transporta (Dr-.,,Di,jp9t7,-;-sk for Raf-lway Traffic Engineers) SUBMITTED: Jan-iazv 1i, 1959 Card 2/2 - 658M - ---- ---- - --- S-o 0 141'~J/ 3/148/60/000/0r)3/012/018 A161/A029 AUTHOR: Krishtal, Yu.A. TITLE: On Diffusion-Free Crystallization Pf Binary Metal Alloys PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenly. - Chernaya metallurgiya, 1960, No. 3, pp. 110 - 116 TE(T: The phenomenon of the so-Qalled diffusion-free crystallization which is possible along with crystallization corresponding to the equilibrium diagram (diffusion crystallization) at a high rate of cooling of liquid alloys Is d1s- cussed. The possibility of such a crystallization has been shown by Popov (Ref.1) Both crystallization mechanisms have been revealed also in some salid transfor- mations, e.g., austenite decomposition in steel (Ref. 2). The author suggests a theoretical calculation for the To(x) curve in the phase diagram determined by the equality of the thermodynamic potentials of t~e j~qlld and 1,iquid phases, and calculates the ToW cunres for the"Ag-!Cu,`Al_iS1;"Bi-~bb andVe-ftr (Fig. 2) sys- tems. The shape of the 0 (X) ourvei-SeTween- Ge'lliquid-us anT ti7e solidus lines (dotted lines in Figure P. diagrams) proves the reality of the overcooling values necessary for diffusion-free crystallization; in diagrams with eutectio point Card 1/4 85808 s/148/6o/ooo/bo3/o12/018 On Dif fusion-Free Crystallization of Binary Metal AlLcys A161/AO29 (Figs. 2, a and b) lesser overcooling values suit the Ag-Cu system with higher solubility and the T,(x) line is nearer to the liquidus line. Both crystalliza- tion mechanisms were revealed in experiments with the Bi-3b system (Fig. 2,b). The interdnndrite segregation in the solid solutions obtained in this system was Investigated by polarization of light reflected from the surface (method suggest- ed by M.A. Krishtal) and by microhardness (Ref. 9). DetailB of both methods are C,Iven. In both methods the proof was obtained that both mechanisms o-f'orystalli- zation were acting. There are 4 figures and 9 references: 7 Soviet, 2 English. ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskiy institut Inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta (Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Railroad Transport Engineering) SUBMITTED: December 26, 1958 Card 2/4 E'ff,~ct cf the temperature of hardening on thri Intornil frietion In Fe - Si alloys. Fiz. met. I metalloved. 11? no.l-.111-:16 Ja 165, (MIRA 1824) 1. rnniropetrovskly rw tall ijrgicheskiy institut. KRISHTALEV, V.V. - ,-- ~ Preparation of microsections of rayon fibers. Khim. volok. no.4t64-65 165. (KIRA 18:8) 1. Cherkasakiy zavod iskusstvennogo volokna. I IMISHTALICVICH A,X., Basic physical qualities of the nrtificial ear. Probl.fisiol. akust. 2:101-108 150 (MIRA 10:11) 1. Akustichaskaya laboratoriya Vaesoyuznogo Nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta metrologii. Leningrad. (HWING AIDS) nIgHTALLPTICII,A.B.; RIKSKIY-ICESAKOV,A.V. Remarks on the determination of microphone sensitivity by the reciprocity method. Trudy Kom. po akust. 8:46-50 155. (KUIA 8: 8) 1e Voesoyuznyy nauohno-iseledovatellskiy institut metrologil im. D.I.Mendeleyeva, (Microphone) KRISHTALNVICH,A.H. Testing *artificial earO instruments. Trudy Kom.~po akust. 8:82-92 155. (min 8:8) .1. Voesoyusnyy nauchno-looledovatel'okly Inotitut metrologii D.I.KendeleyeTa. (Microphono) 24(0), 50)l 6(2) PRASE I BOOK EXP1,01TAMN SOV,42215 Vaosayusnyy n&u41%no-Imsl*dov%t~l,skly Institut wotrologil Iment D.Z. mendslay*W& Reforaty nauchno-Leale4ovatollskikh robot; sbarnik Wo.2 (Scl-tLI'la a*,* Arab Abstra tal Collection of Articles. Wr 2) Moscow. * ; 3tanda"gis m - 139 P. LOW copies printed. . Additional Sponsoring Acencys U=. go"tot standartov, &or I ImmeritolInyM pribarov. 3d.9 3. V. RoanotInai Twet" Id.t M. A. londrat-yowa. PURPOSEs Those report* are intended for scientists. ramaLrchers, and engineers engaged In developing standards. measures. and Rages for the various Industries. COVPAO13 The volume contains 128 report* on standards or ft"aura- sent and 4ontral. The reports wam prepared by scientists of Institutes or the XmItaL atandartov. imer I lmorltel*nykh pribarov pri, 3ovets Ministrov SSSR (Commajosion on Standards~ Measures. and Measuring Instruments under the US= Council of M inisters). The participating Institutes &"A vwnm - Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-Losle,40vatel-skly, inotralogil Uwal D 1 04-ley*va (&II-Umion Scientific fteawarth Institute or ;1e;_ rologY Ifteal D.I._*mndmlw3w) In LAmIngradl Sverdlovsk bramcm, of this lnstltuteS VXIIX - Vaosoyuzhyy nauonno-loaltdowatel Lastitut Kcaltato, standamove mer I izm*rltellny= prIborov (All-Union Salent4ria Research Institute, or the Comodaml o c on Standards, Ressures. and Mdasurl"g Instruments), crea od t from MOINIF - Moakovskly Scaudarst"rmyy Institut aar I I=wrltol-nYkh priborov (Moscow state institute of Measures and Measuring Instrument&) October 1. 1955, WTIPTKI - T*eaoYuznyy mauchno-Iseadovatellakly rjzLko.t ch:skikh I r&dlot*kJ%nlcbosklkh Ismoronly (All-Unlon Re *arch Institute or rhystcotecnnical am Madlo-ongin*ering Measurements) in womms KhOlKIP - Kharl"vskly gasudaretwenn" lastLtut mar I lsaorltellnykh prLborov (Khar-kov State In or Measures and Meaw4ring Instruasatm). and ROXMIr - Novo lnst btrokly gosuderst ltut aor I lzmarltellftykh pribormv enyy . : , , (NOV021 irsk 3tat Ins I tut of Measures and Measuring Instru- go personalities are atntlon*d. There are no mrarorces. for, vezzay Developing "*%hod& (YNXIFTRI . -d 4 TS ; - - .. - businov, . Card 25A? In the 0.26 - 20 F149AcYc1* Apparatus for Chocking 59140 Motors Range or Asoustig Masurownts (Brodgkly, A.D.. WItor. Candidate T."misal Sciences) N.A. (VWIZM). ZAtot)dlng the Method of MatsurIng Kalum,11 0jo- . - j - - 0 Bars at High " Low Pre4lu"CION lijund treasures up to 2 by the Standing-W4VQ 14-thOd X. (VWZZM). Developing the Calibration of Micro- 1211 91l. A. , the-Fret FleW by the RoctPr"ItY Method 13~ Rusako. 1.0,, an4 A.M. KrIALL121,Tleft - (VKILM). Do-japIng Wality - ContivI Nelbods for 701-940008 KrIght (VNllpqj. Developing methods for Det-raInIng 4torlatics or Loud-sp*aksrs and for Tooting 23r klarapnones by Directivity L&jWgh1novs, N.A. (WHIIX). Developing the Method or Chocking Card Noise 1jeters Under Conditions of the Noisu and Speo Spectnm 1MISETALVICH, A. __R~ "on Improvement of Accuracy of Microphone Calibrations in the Field at X Low Frequencies." paper presented at the 4tb All-Union Conf . on Acousti.-r., Moscf--w, 26 Mlay - ~ Jun 58. KMETALEVIGHS A.N. Increase in the accuracy of calibrating microphones at low frequencies. Trudy inst. Kome stand., more i izm* prib. no.61t 29-36 162. (MIRA 16%/,) (Kicrophone) (Ilectroacousties) IRISHTAUVICII A N - PUSTOVALOVA, T.A. p Works to irmure the uniformity of audiametric measurements. Tnidy inst. Kom. stand., mer, I lzm, prlb. no.730-12 163. (MIRA 17t6) 1. Vseiioyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy inatitut metrologii im. D.I. Mendeleyeva. #T-. T TM lions In mixed solvents. 11~L. 1. M141.~. 1.1-%-2104,1011to Fis.-Kkim. Aji, . -- -- T . J., -A U 20. 370-MV969).-IfIlde nil's e(pintlen for ealer. the w.tivity CMIT . of emmmil "is -4 a true 10111. Is devrl%~ttl farther to Include multicomponent true solai, A Kvneral eq tation Is deflved for flit wly. of A substance In a mixt. of 2 solvents. UVm some simplificetion of this tillia(lon It btcomcs Identical with that Of%richevskjL(C.A. it, 41W).' In No - Ns' In JV#~ + iY;*-Fn No%-whrte No Is the saly. of the substance in Me raised solvent, No' and No' ore Ilia a-A!,bilitics of the substance In the fit and 2nif gnt- vents, r"P., by themselves, unit jVg* and Nj* are the mote fractions of solvent I and 2 In the mixt. The tipplicability of tbI5 equation "as tested on the soly, of S in btimcne + C111401, and tolue"t + CtI1401. IfgCIj In benten't + C1116- Ch. llgl;ri in benzene + CjII,CI,. and rinphthal-nt In bris- zcne + CZi- The expil. rtsults were In gorM nri"ment with the theory. Af. lfofch AUTHOR: Krishtalik, L.I. (Moscow) 76-11 -V35 TITLEs On the Theory of the Retarded Discharge (K teorii zamediennogo rasrYada) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Fisichaskoy KhWi, 1957, Vol- 31, Nr ii, pp. 2403-2413 (USSR) ABSTRACTs By means of the method of the activated complex, the dependence of the overvoltage of hydrogen on the nature of the metal and thaf of the solvent is investigated within the framework of the theory of the retarded discharge. A procedure similar to that suggested by M.1. Tavin [Ref..51 in used, and an equation. with the aid of which it is possible to calculate the absolute amount of overvoltage is obtained. The lacking of a direct relation between the overvoltage and the potential jump mlue at the limit of electrode dissolution as well as with the amoxmt of the chemical electron potential in the metal and the solvatation energy of the proton is shown. An im- mediate dependence of overvoltage on the energy of the specific adsorption of solvent molecules as well as of hydrogen ions in add or basic ions in alkaline solutions is found. It in shown that the Card 1/2 Morze function for the adsorbed hydrogen can be represented in form On the Theory of the Retarded Discharge 76-114/35 of an expression with only one parameten - the energy of the bond meta3/Wrogen. The computed amounts of overvoltage and of the activation energy agree with experimental data. There are 4 figures and 43 references, 25 of which are Slavic. SM3XrMD' April 5, 1956 AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Oara 2V2 5 (4) A 13TH OR: SOY/76 _ZZqhl~j -33-8-7/39 TITLEt The Rate of the Elementary Stages and the Mechanism of the Cathodic 59pay,ation of Hydrogen. I PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33, Nr 8, PP 1715-1725 (UMN ABSTRACT: Various possibilities of electrolytic separation of hydrogen are discussed. The author starts from a theoretical calculation of the stationary rate values of the elementary processes of the trruisformation of hydrogen ions into adsorbed atomic and molecular hydrogen and the reverse reactions by the method of an activated complex. The calculations wore carried out on the assumption of simple adnorption (without interaction of atoms on a homogeneous surface). The stationary values of the degree of filling of the surface, the density of the polarization current, and the current densities of the direct and back reactions of discharge, of electrochemical desorption, and catalytic recombination were calculated an functions of the potential. "rho results obtained for metals with different adsorptive energies pointed to the following mechanisms of electrolytic hydrogen separationt (I) A retarded non-activated electrochemical Card 1/2 desorption W. (II) a retarded discharge with electrolytic, The Rate of the Elementary Stages and thellechanism of -IOV/76-33-8-7/39 -the Cathodio Separation of Hydrogen. I or (III) catalytiG removal of hydrogen atoms from the metal surface. (IV) a retarded electrochemical (D) of hydrogen atoms adsorbed from the gasoous phase (adsorption-chemical mechanism). (V) a retarded electrochemical (D) taking place after discharge, and (VI) a retarded discharge with a very swall free surface determined by an electrochemical (D). In case of some cathodes, there are probably two branohes of the polarization ourvet either arallel to each other ( III~ and (IV) ), or intersecting (1) and (n), (VI) and M . The dependence of the over- ~ tension on the binding energy M - H has a minimum conditioned by the aimultaneous influence of EM-H on the activation energy as well as by the degTee of surface filling. It is assumed that marginal currents of the discharge (and of the electrochem:k*cal (D) ) of a high absolute value (order of magnitude 10 a/cm4 and up) are effective here. There are 11 figures and 11 referenceep 6 of which are SUBMITTEDj November 27t 19571 Card 2/2 5 (4) S/076/60/034/01/019/044 AUTHORs Krishtalik, L. I. (Moscow) B008/BO14 TITLEs The Rates of the Elementary Stages and the Mechanism of Cathodic Separation of Hydrogen. II PERIODICALt Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol 34, Ir 1, PP 117-126 (IJSSR) ABSTRACTs In continuation of an earlier paper (Ref 1) several possible mechanisms of cathodic hydrogen separation are investigated here. The fact is taken into account that also the activation energy of the inverse processp i.e., ionization is finite. Furthermore, it is assumed that the Ionizationrate is In- d;pendent of the potential. Thus, the ordinary discharge p 00998 (c4- 1/2) can take place only in a certain potential range. Activationless discharge and barrierless ionization must tako place in the negative range (a(. 0, A - i), and barrierless discharge and activationlese Ionization in the positive range (oc - 1, 0 - 0). Similar considerations also bold for electrochemical desorption and adsorption. The con- (;,~rd 1/2 clusions drawn in this paper are based on the ordinary scheme The Rates of the Elementary Stages and the S/076/60/034/01/019/044 Mechanism of Cathodic Separation of Hydrogen. II BOOS/BO14 SUBMITTEDt of potential curves (Fig i). The limIts of the various types of discharge and electrochemical desorption are illustrated in figure 2. Two ways of calculation are suggested. The limits of ranges with different mechanisms of hydrogen separation calculated in the first way are shown in figures 3 and 4, those obtained in the second way, In figures 5 and 6. Figure 7 illustrates the values of exchange currents. Current density and the degree of surface occupation are shown In figures 8 and 9. Figure 10 contains the calculated values of constant a for various mechanisms of hydrogen separation. A table lists the experimental values of constant a and b. The calculated values are in close agreement with experimental data. M. 1. Temkin is mentioned in this paper. There are 10 figures, I table, and 25 references, 13 of which are Soviet. April 16, 1958 Card 2/2 KM4TALIK,, L.I.1 MELIKOVA, G.L.; KAT.TNINA,, Te.Ge Effect of electrolysio.conditions on the stability of graphite anodes in a chlorine batht, Zbur.prikl.khim. 34 no.731537-151+2 Jl 161. (MIM 14M (Electrodes, Carbon) (Electrolysis) (Chlorine) I __- - -- - -- -- --- - --- KRISHTALIK,, L.Lj MELIKCYVA# G.L.; KALINIXAp TG*G* Kffect of electrolysis conditions on the stability of graphite anodes in a chlorine bath. Zhur*prikl.khim. 3,4 no.7sl543-1547 J1 161- (Electrodes, Carbon) (Electrolysis) (Chlorins) (MIU 2417) KRISHTAUK Effect of electrolysis conditions on the stability of grapbite anodes in a chlorino bath* Zhur.priklekbime 34 no.80807-181L " .161. (MIU 140) (Cblorinq) leactrolysio) (Electrodes, Carbon) KRISHTALIKp. L.I. Dependence of the porwability of an asbestos diaphragm on the pressure in the absence of an,electrie.ourrent. Zhur. prikl. khim. 36 no.8tl776-1782 Ag 163. (MIJU 16t1-1)