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(Bee cultural Bitiv)Wste. Vilnius. Valetybine politines ir
mokolines literaturoo laidykla, 1961. 662 p, (MIRA 15:3)
(Bee culture)
KRIS2!EL'O', prof., dr. Ing,
Physical principles for the prelimina" calculation of the
drying time. Muezaki kozl MTA 32 no.1/4:61-73 t63.
1. D&rmstadtl Muezaki Egyatem Futes- -es Szaritaste&.nikai
TanS2eke es Intexete, Daxmatadt.
&RISCILUNASp V. 1~.. U.4mer Teen Sm -(uims) uT,,.,o ccon=ic utilization or juAver
for wooden roof componente," Kuunac, 1957) 24 pp., iW oopies
(KL., N~ 4Uj, 1957j, P-92)
LF."SHCHERO Patr Danilovich, kand. mod. nauk; KRIMIKO, A.F.
(Kry3ankop A.F.J., red.
(Ilyglene of nutrition] Higiiena kharchuvannia. Kyivp
Moroyliap 1965. 36 p. (~JRA 19sl)
-KRIS]= 9 - k____
, _r! 0 Lt.-,YNWnW-,_lV.A._-,RLPOfA_,_ K.
Photographio photometry of obromospheric formations* ?Sir. Astrou. obser.
KIWOUAV n0011403 7 1
- - 035~ . NLIA 942)
(Photometry, Avtronoulc&l)(bN&&--Inoocull)
I .10ti'l,
kv, ~, v ty of solar photosphere and chromosphere from July let to
Deoember 31, 1952, Sir. Astron. obser. Khar.un. no.14:19-40
155. (KLRA 9z12)
Activity of the solar photomphere and chromosphere from January I
to December 31, 1953, as observed at the Kharkov Observatory. T51r.
Astron,obseroMwoun. no.15:3340 156, (nu 10; 5 )
Activity of the solar photon',here, and chromosphere from
Janus. 1 t December 31, 1954. TSir.Aatron*obaere&nur*ui3o
no.167,7:3-90 '57. (14M 12 t 12 )
KaiSmIKO., L.I.; RLMTA, R.M.
Activity of the solar photosphoro and chromouphare from
January 1 to December 31, 1955. Mr.AstronenbcorsMreune
no.16/17:10-37 157. (14IRA 12:12)
AUTHORS: Krisenko, L. I., Chirkova, R. M.
TITLE: 3pectrophotometry of the K-line of Ca in the flare of August 30,
.PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya I Geodeziya, no. 10, 1962, 51-52,
abstract IOA363 ("Tairkulyar Astron. observ. Kharlkovsk.*un-t",
1961, no. 24, 25---30)
TEXT: A flare of class I in the region of a sunspot was observed on
August 30, 1960, with a spectrograph of the Kharlkov Observatory (diameter of
the solar Image on the slit was 311 mm, dispersion was 4 A/mm). The line K of V/
Ca II was studied photometrically. The authors.not; small displacements of
flare emissions close to the sunspot, and also the presence in some spectral
of an additional emission displaced to the wing and belonging, apparently, to
.a surge. The line wings are markedly raised. Central intensities and oquiva-
lent widths of emission reversal In the flare are presented.
E. 0.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
&ard 1/1
Changes In the intensity of chromospheric flocculi during
the development of active areas on the sun. TSir. Astron,
obser. Khar. un. no.26320-34 163. (MIRA 17:5)
Reduction through the reposition-arthrodeeis in pathological
extra-cotyloid oozo-fewral dislocation of the hip joint of
Wberculoue etiology. Khirargiia 15 no.2/3:271-274 '62~
(HIP die)
"Quantitative analytic chemistry. Volumetric analysis" by
C. Liteanu. Zhur. anal. khim. 21 no. 1:133-134 166
(MMA 19 tl)
RUMAKA/General Biology Cytology. B-2
Abe J:)vr : Ref Zhur Bioloeya, No 7, 10 April 1957, 25839
Author : Krishan, Mikhalka, Onya, Kristya
Title Testing the capacity for Division by Metosis of the
Accessory Cells of the Stomach Glands of the Dog by means
of Colchicine.
Orig '.%b Comun. Acad. R.P. R., 1955, 1, No 3, 599-609
Abstract To produce evidence of mitosis in the accessory cells
(AC) of the glands at the base of the stomach (Lozovskiy
mucoid-papsin cells), 2 anesthesize& and 8 unanesthesized
were given colchicine (I microgram per kilogram of weight),
and put to death 3 to 4 hours following the injection.
The investigation showed that the main cells of stomach
floor glands are practicaUy incapable of division, unli-
ke the AC's, which are quite active in mitosis. Signifi-
cant differences in tendency toward mitosis were found to
Card 1/2
RUMAITIA/General Biology Cytology. B-2
Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biologiya, No 71 10 April 1957, 25839
exist between integumentary and AC cells on the one hand,
and between cels from glands in the cardium, pyloris and
duodenum, on the other. Under the stirmilation of colchi-
cine, the number of divisions in anesthesized and unanes-
thesized &Mmals is rougbly the same . The authors belie-
ve that the 17tucoidization" of cells in glands of the
stomach floor is a defenee reaction, which takes place to
the detriment of mucous secretion in the AC's. The arti-
ficial increase in the nvaber of divisions wwng AC's
my leadp In the opinion of the author, to the mucoldita-
tion of the stomch, and vill make it possible to prevent
and cure stomach diseases.
Card 2/2
BALACHANU, M. [Balawanut M.1; BRIER, Zh.; PI.SHANO 0. [Kriaan, 0.)
Method of cultivating t1mors in a chick embr7o Arkh t. 10:
80-82 162., (WM; 17:.3.r
1. Iz Instltuta endokrinologii imeni K.I. Parkbona,
Abs. jour INot vmr-5101.0 go 16, 1950, 74015
PelfAsm, Te.1 *Aft, 0.1 Pttolt4hinj 4,10
1"41 0. 1
Lipliks. 0t YOU" CAttlo 4twk wtlh Ratims
Itch Ii Roughage and Juicy YaMtr.
mashavuAr. S.-kh. th., 1997, No Is 09-97
Iso Kbatilhol.
DW-s AL,
lag vg~
'I ; I'i,I Jb
AUTHORS t Kr1(jhspt_t~., "argaritora, U. F., Uedvaday, S., So
TITLE: Regulmrities or enu1ston, polyme rization. 1. Polymerization
of mathyl met-hacrylate
'.D~:aIODICALs Vyaokomolekul:rarnyye aoyetineniya, v. 5, no. 4, 1963, 535-541
1EXTs The study reforo to the polymer:1zation of methyl mothaer)-late at
40 - 550c, emulsified with ht((MKI emulsifier (oodi= salt of the oulfGaia
acido of paraffin hydrocarbons) or aodj.u= laurate?, initiated with bentoyl
peroxide or potassium persulfato. Resultas (1) in the pres~nco of INK and
benzoyl peroxide the polymerization rate w to proportional to the concon-
tration of the emuloifier up to a am 4 k g/100 ml. 7ith higher aem , W
depends no longer on o ea- (2) In the presence of sodium laurato and 0.5
benzoyl peroxide w - kc am* (5) With LIP: and potaasium persulfato we ke em
71ith cFM > 2 g1100 ml, w becomes almost constant. (4) The reaction rate
v is p oportional to the square root of' the initiator concentration o in;
vii th a in > 0.1 g1loo 01, w becomes independent of oin Owing to termin-
Card 1/2
Re6nilarities of emulsion B101/B220
u 0-5 0-5 0*5 for
ation processes. (5) Th 8, w - ko am 0 in for MKI w a kc amcin
oodium laurato (6) According to E. Willson at al. (J. Phya. Colloid
Chem, , 53 357: 1949) and S. Maran at alo (J. Colloid Sci., 9, 89, 104,
347, 1954~ the average number and 'surface of the z)ol,,,mc.r particles were
determined at 50 Oct cem 0 2 - 7-50 9/100 irali 0 in " 0.0125 - 0.025 u/100 til
and it was found that: (a) with given o em and o in the total surface is
independent of the degree of polymerizatiou and the ratio water-to-organic
phase; (b) with increasing c em the diameter of the polymer particles de-
creases and their number increasen. Conclusion, Polymerization takes
place in the surface layer of the emulsifier adsorbed on the surface of
the polymer particles. There axe 8 figures tuid 2 tables.
ASSOCIATIONt Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheakoy tekhnologii im.
M. V. Lomonosava (Hoiscow Institute of Fine Chemical
Technology imeni H. 1r. Lamono3ov)
SUB11;ITTEDt September 22, 1961
Card 2/2
S/I 9C,,'6 5/'C)05/'OC4/C)10/020
AUTHORSt Kriahan, T.j Kargaritova, M. P., Hedvadev, S. S.
TITLEt of emultion polymerization. II. P~olymerization
of ohloropreas and vinyli4ene chloride
P1~310DICAU Vysokomolokulyarnyye soyediaeniya, v. 5, no. 4, 1963, 51T -546
TEXTj The study refers to the polymerization of chlaroprene and vinylidan
chloride, emulsified with t4t(UK) emulsifier (sodium malt of sulfonio acids
of paraffin hydrocarbons) or sodium laurats, after initiation with banzoyl
peroxide, potassium persulfate, hydrogen peroxide, sodium peAorate or
azoisobutric dinitrile. The polymerization rate w (g polymer per
100 ml*hr) was determined. Data found for chloroprenot (1) In the
presence of UK and potanalua persulfate w -ko am %I in,where oam ia the
concentration of the emulsifier and c in thn concentration of the initia-
tor; (2) in the presence tf benzoyl peroxide, however, w passes through
a ma-ximum with ainrt'0-05 9/100 Ml of the aqueous phase whatever the
emulsifier used# For Tinylidene chloride It wan round that, using water-
Gard 1/2
Recularitioe of emulsion
S/19 63/005/004/010/020
soiuble initiators, w - ko cn where 0-5 n > 0.25, and using oil-
em in
soluble initiators (benzoyl peroxide and azoisobutyric dinitrile)
ka CO-5. This different behavior of vinylidene chloride is caused
RM in
by Wea or adhesion of the emulsifier to the polymer particles. There
are 5 figures.
AS30CIATIONs gookovokiy inatitut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii im.
M. V. Lamonosova (Moscow Inatituto of Fine Chemical
Technology imeni U. V. Loaonosov)
SUBMITTEN September 22t 1961
Card 2/2
DALE, Voldemar; [Krisanp ZI(,urd); P;.FGLE, Omar;
SAVEL 'Ymr, Y;. '"'red.
[Optimization of electrJc&l networki With 10ILd Increase)
Optimizatiiia elektrichenkikh retei pri ruste rugruzok.
Riga, All Latv..-SR, 1964. 362 p. (' MIRA 17: 10)
KRISHAN, Z. Po Cond Tech Set -- "Selection of voltpge systnms for electric
networks (6-35 4) in regions with low density." Rign, 19tio (Kiev Order
of U-nin Folyteohnia That). (KL, 1-61, 19.5)
KRISHAN, Z.[Krioans, Z.1 (Riga)
Iffect of high voltage nets on soonomic indexes of low voltage
nets. Vestis Lettv ak no.10:71-77 160. (SUI 10:9:10)
1. Akademiya nauk Latviyokoy SSR, Institut energetiki i elektrotakhnikl.
(Zleotric networks)
KRISHAN, Z. [Krioanal Z.100
Collective farm network with two-otep Vanaformation. Vestla
Lutv ak no,,2;65-M 162.
1. Institut anorgetiki i alektrotakhniki AN latviyskoy SSR.
MISWy--Lk. (Krisans,, Z.1 kand.tokhn.nauk; SIIULOVj B.S., inzh, .
Choice of the voltage rating of electric power distribution
networks-with consideration of future loads, Mekh. i elek.
sots. sellkhoz. 20 no.3s34-36 162, (KM 15:7)
1. Institut energetiki. AN Latviyokoy SSR (for Krishan).
2. Latgiprosel'stroy (for Shulov).
(Rural electrification)
(Electric power distribution)
fl,71--e 3C-A'hern In-1-f-Is of ('a:,.,-] -cL,
Pelorimsian State Tj ii,mA V. 1. benln, "Ainsk, ..,o 11,
::at- ")5)
SO: Sum. lo. 670, 29 SeP 55-survey of ScIentIfIc ar.,-l Technical
OlssertatIons Defended at IJSj.I lli.-~er M~Acatl~.,jal Institutions W')
- KRISHMINOVICH, Viktor Yakovlevich; SKIRMOVA, K.K., red.; BEIMIKATA,
1 -.To-. _
ELaboratory work in cartography; methodological directions for
students of geographical faculties of universitias] Laborstoraye
zaniatiia po, kartografii; sadaniia i matodicheskie ukazeniia dlia
studentov geografichaskikh faltulltetov univeraitatov. Kinsk,
Izd-vo Belgosuniv. im. B.I.Lanina, 1960. 112 p. (KIU 13:9)
(Cartography-Problems, exercises, etc.)
Treasures of the forest. Nauka-i zhyttia 12 no.W6 Je 162.
(MIRA 15:7)
1, Obshchestvennyy korrespondent thurna.U *Nauka i 2hitt7a*.
(Mcraine-Foreat and forestry-Lxhibitions)
ALIKSMV, S., prof.: KRISHGEIK, V., inth.
Soundproofing of built-in boiler roozo. Zhil.-kom.khox. 10
n0,9,.19-20 160o (IURA 13:9),
1. Rachallnik Koskovskoy otantsil, po borfbe a shummi (for
(Hot-water beating) (Architectural acoustics)
Damping noise and vibrations by balancing rotating parts.
Nashinostroitell no.804 Ag 163. (MM 16tlO)
Simple laboratory method for determining drw*enness. Traclis delo
no.1:87-88 159. (MMA 12:4)
le Gorodenkovskaya. rayonnaya bollnitea Stanislavskoy oblastis
Carbohydrate metabolism In hypotension. Vrach.delo no.2:
193-194 Ir '51P. (MIRA 12:6)
1. Goroden)covskVa rayonnaya bollnitsa Stanislavskoy oblastle
'Influence of galascorbin and of vitamins B and ~2 on the reganeration
of a damaged nerve following severe blood lose, rach. delo no.2:
95-99 F 161. (MIRA 14:3)
1. Kafedra nervnvkh boleznav (zav. - taoluzhennyy deyatell naukit
prof. D.I.Panchenko) Kiyevskogo instituta usovershenettovaniye,
vrachey i kafedra biokKimii (zav. - prof. Ye.F.Shamray) Kiyevskogo
meditairwk go instituta.
Effect of galascorbin and vitamins BI and B12 on the carbohydrat-j-
phoophorus metabolism in denervated musclos aftor acuteloss of blood.
Vrach. delo no.10:105-108 0 161. (MIRA 14:12)
1. Kafedra nervny" bolezney (zav. - sasluzhemyy deyatell nauki, prof.
D.I.Panchenko) Kiyevskoeo institute, usovershenstvavaniya vrachey i
kafedra biokhimii (zav. - prof. Ye.F.Shamray) Kiyevskogo meditsinskogo
instituta imeni a demika A-A.Bobomolltsa.
Results of tmating lumbonacral radiculitio with humizoln. Viach.
delo no.3s135 Mr 164. (WRA 1'1-4'j
1. Ukrainskly nauchne-19aledovabel'skly Inatitut klinishaskoy
wditsiny Imeni akademika Strazi-esko.
KH13-ICHUNAS, Y. V., cd.
For increased productivity in bee culture. Yoskva, Gos. izd-vo selkhoz. lit-ry, 1952,
210 P.
~XRISRCHUUIS I.Y., akademiki rodaktorl GUPII, A.F.. doktor sel'sko-
lli~~snnykh nauk, riUktoi,-' GLUKHOT, N.M., redaktor;
TXSXOVA. Ys.-Is, takhnichookiy redaktor
[The pollination of agricaltural plants) Opylenie sel'sko-
khosialstysuafth rastanii. Pod obehchei red. I.V.Xrishchunasa i
A.F.Gabinao Koskva, Goo, Isd-vo selkhoz, lit-ry, 1936. 230 P-
(KLRA 9:10)
1. Teesoywnaya akademiya seltakokhozyaystvannykh nauk iment
(Yertilization of plants)
KRISHCHMS, I.Y. skademik. radaktor; BABKINA, N.G., rodaktor; OCRIXOTA. Z.D..
'CORRUTenahty redaktor
(Pollination of greenhouse and hotbid plants by bass] Pchaloopylents
toplichnykh i-parnlkovykh kulltur. Pod red.-I-V-Krishchunse. Moskva.
Goes izd-vo 661'khos.lit-ry, 1957. 62 p. (XLRA 10:9)
1. Vessoyusuays akadestys sel'skokhostaystyennykh nauk imeni I.T.
Ionins. 2, Daystvitel'My chlen Tsesc7usnoy'JksdemH sel'sko-
khosysystiduafth nank Iment T.Islentus (for Krishchunam)
(Firtillsation of plants) (Beat)
L ?3116-66 LW(M)/J%10(M)/T/EWP(t) - -IJP(a)
ACC NR AP6006860 SOURCE CODEt UiVO18116610081OW10"110".
AUTHOR Krishchunasp V,,- Yu.; Daukantayteo 0. K.
ORG: VIlYn`I'usG_t_&t'9'U2Yqe-r5s`fty Im. V. Kapsukas (Viltnyusakiy gosudarstvenwjy unt
ver4itet) IVI t
TITLE. Photoconducti-city of seleniun single crystalAnder NFdroaUtIc pressure
SOURCE: Mika -.,verdogo telaj ve 8p not 2p 1966p 591-593
TOPIC TWS: selenium, single crystal, pressure effect, phatoconductivityj, elec-
tric conductivityp cryftal.snisotropy, spectral distributionp absorption edgep
carrier density
ABSMCTs Xn vi,e,w of the lack of data on the dependence of the photoconductivity
on the preasure,--and in view of certain pecuLieritiea in the compressibility of
selenium, the authorn.investigated the dependence of the electric.conductivity an
the photoconductivity on the pressure of diffeient orientations of the electric
field relative to the 0 axis, Tho'chambar for the investigation of the pressure
dependence was the same as-described earlier (M. V, To M.Io 1,965)o except that
one.optical window va4'replaced by a stopW with electrodes, The single crystaL
of selenium were grown'f~mm tha'gan phase in the form of ribbons6 The electric
Card 1/2
6 23n6.66
ACC NE: - M60686o
field ihtanaity .did not exceed 10 V/cm. The changes of the clectric conductivity
and the photoconductivity were reprodnciblo In the.investigated'pressure Interval -1
(up to 4,ooo atm). The electric conductivity. ten3or componcnta were difA.,rent in
diffaront dlraction4 'Under wival ganditiond and varied in between liraits 1.1
X 10*'f -- 2.3 X 10-* and 1-5 X 3.0-* -- 1-T X 10"0 ohrd4 c44, The aninotropy for
indivIdual. crystals ranged from 4 to 12. The changes In the two types of conduc-
tivities were independent of the orieiitations and ranged from 6.2 x io-4 to
?.5 x io-4 atvi4. ate spectral distribution of the photoconductivit-f was Investi-
gated in natural light and the maximum of photoconductivity corresponding to the
Intrinsic absorption edge van observed only for samples with large conductivity
or at high preasure. The restilts are briefly interpreted from the point of view
of the concentration theory. 'For a complate explanation of the experimental data
it in necesemry to assume that- the pressure changen not only the mobility and the
densi-ty of the carriera,-but also their,effective mass# Orig, art. hast 2 figures,
SUB CODEt 20/ SUW DAT31 068ep65/ ORIG RV: ~003/ ..-0TH REF: 004
L 8591-66 EWT(I)/FWT(m)/EW(I(m)/T/Z'4A(c)/F,'-IP(b)/EtdA(m)-2/E"-,?P(t) IJP(c)
44(l / ~;_ , -
Q I ~' -1P e " 7
AUTHORt Kris V. Yu.; Hi%!a!keY1cbarus.-.M.-T.; ShilNrka,, A. YU,
TX=: Pressure dependence of the intrinsic absorption edge of a
SWROE: Mika tverdogo tela,, V. 7# no. 8.. 1965, 2571-2573
TO-PIC TAM: selenlv% single crystal,, pressure effect, absorption edgej, electron
interaction, gastal lattice X&Edion
AW TRMT: This to a continuation of earlier work (Liet. fiz. rinkinys v.
2964) dealing with the temperature dependence of the absorption edge. Since the
shift of the absorption edge can be brought about either by changes in the Inter-
atomic distances (which result from pressure changes)p or by changes In the Inter-
action between the electrons and the lattice vibrations., the present study Is de-
voted to a separate investigation of the two factors. Trigonal selenium was tested
in polarized light up to pressures of 4430 kdem2. single-crystal plates grown
from the gas phase were Investigated In a h1gh-pressure chamber with quartz win-
down, The absorption coefficient was calculated with allowance for multiple re-
flection of the light in the sampless but no allowance was made for the dependence
of the reflection coefficient on the pressure. Similar results were obtained for
Card 1/3
L 8591-66
perpendicular and parallel polarization, with the absorption spectrum shifting to-
ward the longer wavelengths with Increasing pressure, accompanied by noticeable
change in the slope of the curves. The absorption decreases exponentiaLly with
increasing energy of the light quantum, satisfying the relation
K - &[1 + exp % (LPg - hv) ]-I
where Kw is the maximum value of the absorption coefficient for the trigonal sele--
nium (F. - 2 x 105 cni':%. m Is the slope of the absorption edgep (4.1 � 0.3) x
10-3, and (3.0 i 0.3) x W-3 ev-'LWlcm2 for El C and E 11 C. respectivelyp "A
E - 1.92 and 2-03 ev for perpendicular and parallel polarization, respectively.
;�e values obtained for the compressibility of selenium agree well with those ob-
tained earlier by others. The rebults indicate that in trigonal selenium the prin-
cipal role in the temperature variation of the width or the forbidden band Is
played by the change In the interaction between the electrons and the lattice
vibrations* Origo art. has: 1 figure and 2 formulas. q q
ASSOCIATIONs Vilirlusakiy gosudarstvenrWy universitet im. V. YApsukasa. (VillniuB
State Univeniql; Institut fitiki I matemtiki AN LitSSRp Villmm (Instltuteof
-Plyalga and Hattie-matics AN LIt5BR)
L 8591-66
MMLt 00
OTMMt 005
w) SOURCE CODE: U.R/0 18116,61V- /o W34 Z-j/'34301
ACC NR: AP6037015 CAI
AUTHOR: Krishchunas, V. Yu.; Mikalkevichyus, M. P.
ORG: Vil'nius State University im. V. Kapsukas (Villniusskiy gosudarstvennyy univer-'
TITLE: Influence of directed deformation on the intrinsic-absorption edge of single
crystals of trigonal selenium
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 11, 1966, 3429-343o
TOPIC TAGS: selenium, crystal symmetry, absorption edge, crystal deformation, pres-
sure effect, absorption spectrum, line shift, forbidden band
ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work (M v. 7, 2571, 1965) dealing with,
the compressibility and with the absorption edge of Gingle-crystal selenium under
hydrostatic pressure. The present investigation is devoted to the contribution of
the change of each of the lattice constants (a and c) separately to the rate of dis-
placement of the intrinsic absorption edge of selenium. This is done by making mea-
i surements with unidirectional deformation, on single crystals grown from the gas
phase in the form of ribbons. The deformation was produced by stretching the crystal
parallel and perpendicular to the c axis. The measurements were made in polarized
light with E parallel and perpendicular to c. In the case of perpcndicu&l tension,
the absorption spectra shift toward shorter wavelengths without a noticeable change
in the slope of the curves. In the case of parallel tension, the shift is toward
longer wavelengths. The average values of the parallel and perpendicular shift rates
C-rd 1/2
ACC NR, AP6037 015
were 2.4 and 1.1 x 10-5 ev-kg-3, cm2. In the case of the longitudinal deformatior,
the rate of shift was the same for both polarizations, -(0.6 - 0-7) x 10-5 ev-kg-i
CM2. The'contributions of the variations of a and c to the width of the forbidden
band are then calculated in accordance with previously published formulas, and data
given in an area paper (Lit. Fiz. v. 6, 93, 1966). The results are 3E/c)c - o.6 and
'3E/oa = 1.0 ev/A for E I c, and 0.8 and 2.9 ev/A for E 11 c. The results show that
the change in the constant a plays an importrint role in the change of the width of
the forbidden band. They also indicate that in the case of a temperature shift of
the absorption edge, the predominant role is played by interaction between the elec-
trons and phonons. This agrees' with the earlier conclusions. Orig. art. has:
1 figure and 6 formulas.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUEM DATE: OlApr66/ ORIG REG; 002/ 07H REF: 001
Scattering of Asons in copper. Doki.AN Arm.SSR 28 no.3:
117-119 '59. (MIRA 1217)
1. Fislebaskiy institut AN ArmSSR. Predstavlano al-ademiko" AN
ArmSSR A.I.Allkhanyanom.
AOO-1/A 01
AUTHORSt Dolgoshein,.B.A., Wohkov,.B.I., Ushakov, Y.r., Asatiani, T.L.,
Krishchan, V., Matevonyan, Ye., Sharkhatunyan, R,
TITLEs On po2Arization of P_ -mesons of cosmic radiation
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurmal. Fizika, no. 10, 1961, 97-98, abstract 1OB516
("Tr. Mezhdunar, konterentaii pck.kosmich. lucham, 1959,,v..-l", Mos-
cow,.AN SSSR, 1960, 319 _321)
TEXT: Polarization'of 14 , lar
-mesons was determined from asymmetry of angu
distribution of posittons*at-stopa rand decays of A-mesons in copper. The P -
mesons with momenta- brf 0,351 1.051 1-6, and .2-.0 Bev/o. were measured. The, res.
pective values of polarization are as follownt.. 0.21_-80.08;-Q.35�0_0B7; 0.5gt,_
-+-0.08.3 and O.5W .09. The relation obtained between the polarization degree of
,pl-meaons and their momenta is briefly discussed.
L, Dorman
(Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
SIO 2 2J60/01 3/00 3/00 5/00 6
AUTHORSs Khrin-yan, G.V., Aeatiani, T.L.9 and P-1 _V.N.
TITLEt Spectra of the T - MosodGenerated by the Charged Component of
the aevala Radiation
MIODICAM Izventiya Akademii nauk Armyanskey SSR. Seriya fitiko-
matematichookikh nauko 1960, Val. 13, No. 3, 'PP. 117 - 122
TEXTs The authors detersitne-the limpulso spectrum of V_ - mesons
generated In lead generators by-the charged-component of the cosmic
radiation. The measurements were carried out with the magnetic mass spectro-
meter in a height of 3200 a (Aragats-hill). The devices and the methodology
of the measurements are described in (Ref. 1,2). The thickness of the lead
generator was varied between 10 - 25 on. Below the magnetic field there were
6 graphite absorbers and I copper absorber. The negative T - mesons were
idontified with respect to their nuclear Interaction in the absorbers.
Figure 2 shows the hystrograms of the T' - mesons. Further figures show
the impulse spectra under consideration of different marks for the choice
Card 113
Speotra-ef the Mesons Generated by the S/022J60/013/003/005/06
Charged Component of the Cosmic Radiation CIII/C222-
of T - mesons. It is pelm-ted out that the spectrum is described by a
power function &nd that the great differences in the data of the exponents
of these power functions given by several authors can be traced back to the
fact th'at the V - masons were asserted according to different marks.
The authors thank A.I. Alikhanyan and A,..V. Khrimlan-for discussions and
aid and V.Sh. Xamalyan for the participation in the measurements. There
are 6 figures and 10 referencesi 9 Soviet and I American.
ASSOCIATIONt Fizicheskiy institut AN Arzyanskoy SSR (Phzsical Institute
of the Academy of Sciences ArmyansK&ya SSH)
SUBMITTEDs December 28, 1959
Card 2/3
Spectra of the Ir- Mesorr, G-:~nr~.-atM b-,h
Charged Component of the Cor,,,.,dc Aarliation,
Card 3/3
Figure 2% Unbroken A,-., - _11~-mcaons not
remained standing in tho sonsf, ionization
(269 Particles). Part marked ..oken lines-
remain standing of Ir-mosons wh:*.,.', imro'geA-,
erated in stars with at least 3 rrys (93
particles)* Broken line'- IT-riesons generated
durin int tion3 with at least t6o, rays
(n),25 (268'rapearticles),
Polarization of lk."',menons of cosmic rays. Dokl.AN Arw.SSR
31 no.ltl5-17 166. (MIRA 13:9)
1. Yizioheakiy institut AN ArmSSR. Pradet. akad. AN ArmSSR
K11-1.3-HO111YAN, V. MT1-'T:3YAN#j YE. 14.0 SHANUIATUN"W!, R. 0.0 1,13HAKU, V. Lt
-1-1- - - -- _.:. - -
h3AT1A:-;1, T. L., BFr.27-ZETY, L. S., B. A., B. 1.
Alikhanyan, A. I., Asatard, T. L.,
"Polarization of Cosmic Ray Nuons."
report :3uUiittf--d for the Intl. Conf. on Q)smic Rsys -Incl 7.arth Storm (1UPAP)
Kyoto, Japan 4-15 Sept. 1961.
AUTHORSt Alikhanyan, A. I., Asatiani, T. L.,
Matevoeyan, S. U., Sharakhatunyan, R. 0.
TITLEs Cosmic muon polarization
PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izveatiya. Seriya fizicheakayat :V. 26,
no. 6t 19621-713 - 715
TEXTt The results hitherto obtained by the authors and G. W. Clark (see
reference) cannot be regarded as definite since data on polarization are
inadequate and no check measurements with depolarizing material have been
made. More reliable results were obtained at moment& of N2.1 BeV/o with
the aid of two identical improved apparatus (Fig. 2). Constant hodoscopic
counters were attached to the counter series I, II, III for determining
the muon direction. The anti-coincidence pulse I + III - IV separates
the muon stopping events in the copper absorber and produces a high,
voltage pulse. This pulse is transmitted to the counters I to 10 which
fix the decay electrons 1.2 to 4-7)Aseo after the stopping. The constant
hodoscope and the pulse hodosoope were recorded with anl~P-2 (FR-2) photo-
Card W
Cosmic muon polarization B125/B112
recorder. Each decay event was evaluated with a special stencil. I
possible asymmetry of the apparatus was eliminat4d by a magnetic field of
80 gauss automatically switohed on and off at intervals of 30 min.
F - R0/R 80 - 1.'20 t 0.03 holds for the polarization P. The present ex-
perimental data do not indicate any significant amount of muon impurities
produced in K,,,,, -meson deoay. There are 2 figures and 1 table. The most
important English-language reference ist G. W. Clark, J. Hersil, Phys.
Rev., 106, 1538 (1957)-
ASSOCIATIONs Fizicheskiy institut Akademii nauk ArmSSR (Ph;fsios Institute
of the Academy of Scienoos ArSSR)
Card 2/0
Polarization of cosmic ray PI-mesons. Zhur. eks i teor.
fiz. 45 no.6:1717-1719 D 163. ~M*IRA 17:2)
1. Inntitut fizikl Gonudarstvennogo komiteta po IspolIzovaniyu
atomoy energii SSSR, Yerevan.
ACCtSSION NR: AP4042549 S/0056/64/046/006/1�29/1936
AUTHORSt Asatiani, T. L.,.Krishchyan, V. M.; Sharkhatunyan, R. 0.
TITLE: Polarization of cosmic muona at- different energies
SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i t46r. fiz.', v. 46, no. 6, 1964, 1929-1936
TOPIC TAGS: muon, cbsmic radiation, X meson, meson reaction, decay
scheme, polarization, pigno'.positron
ABSTRACT: In order to obtain information on th~ contribution of kaons
to the mechanism of muon-generation in-the atmosphere, the aiithors
determined the absolute values'6f the polarization of cosmic,.muons
at inergies 0.14, 0.25, 0. 30, 1.45, and 2.0 BeV, from amongapproxi-
mately 90,000 cases of ti + - e+ decay. The polarization was determined
bylmeasuring the asymmetry and the angle distribution of positron a
from the decay of the stopped muoni. The measurements were made at
1000 meters above sea lavel..-The ratios of the numbers of kaons and
Card 1/3
+ + +1 +
pions K and K /W + 7t were calculhted for muon energies 1.0 BeV. 7lie experimental setup and the da ta reduction pro-
cedure are described in detail. The-offbctive energy of th*e nucleons
producing these kaons and pions is estimated at 2.5 BeV for-the muon
region 0.35 BeV, and at 1.88 BeV for the muon energy'region of 1.08
BeV. The values obtained foi the kaon to' pion ratios are
K+ / n+ - 0.30 :1: 0,09, K+ (K+. + n+) - 0,23::h 0,05
for the muon energy region >1.0 BeV. The corresponding ratios for
the region