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KRIPYAKEVI - PROTASOV,, V.S.; CHERKASHIN, Ye.Te. YLOI-i.l. Crystalk*9 structuree of the ZrFe 3 compound. Zhur. neorg. khim, 10 no.lt28&290 Ja 165. (MIRA 18ill) 1. L'yovskly goaudaretyannyy universitat imeni Franko. L 27,502-66 IJPW J11JD1W ACC NRI LT6012569 Wmcz =& UR/0000/65/000/000/W48/00"i _Ai_7zH_G&Q& ~- KarguloyX 1. 1. (D=tor of chemical sciences, Frof ev%or) L VolkorTaL K. A. t ::- _1 - . . ....................... ORGt none 6'A TITLE: InvestigRtion of equilibrium dlEgMm of titanium rich alloys of the systm Ti--Al SOURCE: Saveshchaniye po, metallokhinii, metallovedeniyu i primenenlyu titana, i y*90 splavov, 6th. NoWe icaledovaniya titanovyth spl&vory (New research an titanium alloys); trudy soveshchan.1ya. Moscow, Isd-vo Wauka, 1965, 48-55 TOPIC TAGS: titanium, aluminum, allay phase diagram, titanium alloyp binwT allay, lattice parameter kBSTRACTi The phase diagram of the binw7 system Ti-Al (containing up to 30% Al) was determined. The diagram was constructed on the basis of thermal, microstructurals dilatometrical, and x-ray analysis. In addition, the specific electrical resistance and nardness of the alloy specimens were determined. The investigation supplements earl:er work of N. V. Grua-Grahimaylo, 1. 1. Kornilov, Ye. N. Pylayeva, and X. A. Pok-1. AN SSSR, 1961, 137, No. 31X9). 7he exrerimental results are aumma,rized in graphs and tables (see Pig. and compared to earlier literature data. A rearrangement takes place in the alloys in the temperature region from 082 to 1250C These temperaturea correspond to a transition from a hexagonal close-packed structure Card 1/3 __j L 27502-66 ACC NIt, AT6012369 flit Fig. 1. Phase diWw of the system Ti--Al. W fW In -H+ 1-4 -f I I n to IV At wItI to X if to so U AL wtX to a body-centered structure. The curves for the pToperties of alloys va composition exhibit a minimm, the composition of which corresponds to the intermetallic oompound TiAI. 7he existence of the compound Ti3~1 was corroborated by x-ray mmlysim. The structure of TY1 was found to resemble the Xg 3Cd structure. The lattice parameter ~qr4 _ 213 rtAt L Of _net a .0 NOV or. 00 -L .27502-66 ACC NRI AT6012369 of tne system Ti-Al was determined as a function of the composition (see Fig. 2). b fill Ov fig anA off Ov e Il Alit Lim - if N 0 0 4 It t o AL wt% J1,Wt Fig. 2. Dependence of the lattice parameter of the alloy composition of the ffistem Ti--A1 annealed &t 950C (a), 700C (b), and 550C W- Orig. &rt. hass I table and 6 figures. SUB COM 11/ SUBM DAM 02D"5/ OIRIG REFt 006/ OTH REF: 004 (3 L L -4,4~109-00 rv~~, (MVEwp(WET1 - -1jRfr_) CODE: UJR/0370/66/000/001/01.53/0155 AUTH (L'vov); Frankavich, D. P. (L'vov); Kri&!~evichp F. I. (Llvov ORG; none Ce4 r TITLE: Radiographic investigation of the part of the Al-Be-Cesystem in the 0-25% egIon 'I-" SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Metally# no. 1, 1966, 153-165 TOPIC TAGS: phase analysis, x ray analysis, ternary alloy, aluminum base alloy, beryllium, cerium, intermetallic compound ABSTRACT: Specimens of 34 ternary AI-Be-Ce alloys melted In corundum crucibles (helium atmosphere) within electric resistance furnaces and quenched from 600*C were subjected to x-ray phase analysis in the region of Ce concentrations of from 0 to 25 at.%. Findings:* aside from Be Itself only two binary compounds, CeAl and CeBe13 exist in an equilibrium with the Al-base solid solution. In the presence of 20 at. t Ce the ternary compound of variable compo- sition CeBe, .2-1.4 Al 2.8-2.6 (D-phase) forms in the Al-Be-Ce system; this compound exists in an equilibrium with the binary compounds CeBO13, CeAl4 and CeA12 but it does not exist in an equilibrium with the Al-base solid solution. Those findings make it possible to compare the Al corner of the Al-Be-Co system with the corresponding parts of certain other Al-X-Ce sys- tems, namely, systems with Cu, Mn and Si. Thus, ternary intermetallic compounds exist in all these systems but, by contrast with the systems Al-Cu-Ce, Al-Mn-Co and Al-Si-Ce, the Card 1/2 UD - Mg-017-1a L 44309-66 ACC NRt AP6019836 ternary compound (CeBel. 2 --1. 4Al2, 8 -2. 6) forming in the Al-Be-Ce system does not existin an equilibrium with'the Al-base solid solution. On the other hand, the D-phase of the Al-Be-Ce system is isostructural with the T.-phase of the Al- Cu- Ce -system (Fig. 1). Orig. art. has: D i Fig. 1. Roentgenograms I of the D-phase of JU-Be-CeaUoys and T -phase of 2 Al-CU-Ce alloys 9 0.8 IS as Ilea 2 figures. SUB CODE: 4& 11, 13/ SUBM DATE: 13Mar65/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF: 002 C.rd 212 1 ) U K L 46111-56 WIAG J iWild -:7- - ------ -- ACC NR. - M02392.5 S~OURCE C0531V URJC3~37667662 AUTHORj 1-1irkivg V. Ya.; G~Iadyshevskiy,, Ye. L.; Krig:kovich, P. I.; Fedoruk. To 1* ORGI -L'vov State University im, Ive Franko (LIvovskiy gosudarstvenrWy universitet) TITLEt Titanium-nickel-silicon system J? l,'7 - 7 1710 46 SOUIM AN SSSR. Izv. Neorg materialyp v. 2p no. 79 19669 1317-1319 TOM TAGS$ metal phase systemp titanium, nickel,, Silicon, phase diagram ABSTRACT: The study of the Ti-Ni-Si system was carried out as a Part of a series of investigations concerned with phase equilibria and crystal structures of compounds In metal-metal-silicon systems. The binary systems comprising the ternary system were in vestigated in detail. The isothermal section of the Ti-Ni-Si system at 7500C was plot-tod (see Fig. 1), Six intermetallic comDounds are formed in this system; three of them, T12Ni3Si(%j), TiOil0i?(T) and TiNiSi(E)j, were conftxedp and three, TVIMS12# "I ~414 Si 7 and -Ti NipSijop were identified for the first time. The ternary oom- ~oand ~'?INM2 has a t5 Zragon struqture with lattice constanIf : :~-12 58 X a 4.?7 4 (possible s pace groups$ 1)4h"f= f4mmm; D2d9 - D4M2; D2d I42m, Q,,? - I41=; Z~,- = 1422). The number of atoms per unit Coll is 56. The compound Tij4Ni49Si37' Sim i-lar to the'r3 Phase of the Ti-Co-Si systemp crystallizes in the hexagonal skstem. In the cryztaUochemio&l sense, the Ti-Ni-Si system resembles the Ti-Co--SI system. Crig. i6C A, AP6023925 Fig. 1. Diagram of phase equilibria in the ternary b-fstom titanium-niakel- silicon: t - single-phase, 2 - two-phase, 3 three- phase alloys z 0 01' 2 L Wit :3 40. tst 0 0 a 4P N 443 t' 11 0 - 0 E Tiosts St X 0 UK$ TINI UgHt -- ---- L 46VI-66 - I ACC NR. AP6023925 1 ~ art. has t I figure. SUB CODE't 07/ SUBM DATEs 060ot65/ ORIG RZVt 0161 OTH RE?s 00-7 I 0 1 j i i Cord -,/I , i, ACC NR: 070075~2 SOURCE CODE: UR/0070/66/011/005/0818/0821 AUTHOR: _Kr4j,;)ZakcviaAj.&.;.0 Gladyshevskiy, Ye. I. ORG: Llvov State University imeni I. Franko (Ltvovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITIZ: Crystal structure of strontium disilicide SOUFCE: Kristallografiya, v. 11, no- 5, 19660 818-821 TOPIC TAGS: silicide, strontium compound, crystal structure SUR CODE: 20 ABSTRACT: The crystal structure of strontium disilicide belongs to a new structure type. In this structure the St atoms form a three-dimensional frame- work, being bonded with one another Into spiral chains which run parallel to the X, Y, Z axes along the screw nxes 41 . Each Si atom belongs at the same time to three chains, as a result of which the chains are joined into the framework, and the coordination number for Si relative to SI equals 3. Each Si atom is surround-: ed by four Sr atoms at distances Sl and 62,,phich either do not exceed or slight-~ 1y exceed the sum of the atomic radii 0.32 A) The coordination pol=dron of the St atom Is in the form of an.extended trig;nal pyramid. The coor ination number of the Sr atom equals-14, and the coordination polyhedron Is "normal": I. e., consists only of triangles, configurations with 14 apexes. The author concludes that "The structure of SrS12 is haterodesmic I while the composition corresponds to the valences of the components; the charge of Sr2+ ions Is ba- lanced by the charge of a polyanion, consisting of St atoms, each of which has .one unpaircd electron*". Orig. art, has: 5 figures and 2 tables. [JPRS: 39,6581 iI Card 1/1 UDC. 5!A.736.3 F;k oO8O/66/o';,,-/O1 1/2395/24 C--N--R-s--AP-?0-0O013 SOURCE CODES UR/ AUTHORS Makarordcos Go No; Kripyakovichl P. I.;'Kuzlmag Yu. B.; Kosolapova, To Y& e ORO: Institute of Materials Science Problemss All UkrSSR (Institut problem materia vedeniya AN UkrSSR); L"vov State University imoni I. Franko (Llvovskiy gqsudar-*- stvannyy universitet) TITLE: Proparation of rare earth soaquicarbide3. SOURCE., Zhurnal prikladnoy khimiis v* 39, no. lit 1966# 2395-2400 TOPIC TAGSs lanthanum compoundg cerium compound,, praseodymium compound, neodymiuza co.=ound, carbide ABSTRACT: A study of the possibility and conditions of preparation of lanthanump cerium, prasoodymium and neodymium sesquicarbides via reduction of the metal oxides with carbon in a vacuum and in argon and reaction of the dicarbid83 with the corre- sponding oxides showed that the preparation of sesquicarbides is impossible under .. theso conditions because their formation is superseded by the formation of the stab- ler dicarbides, It is shown that the four nosquiaarbides can be formed by reacting dicarbides with the corresponding metals in "gong and also by aro; molting of metal fragments with spectroscopically puro graphite. The existence of isostructural WW- carbides of lanthanum, and pransocbuium of the avproximate composition L&CO and PrCO is postulatod, Orig, art, has$ 9 tables, UDC1 -i A card 2/2 _. 1. 1 . 1-IT-LA K:;VICH, 1. "Productive Methods for the Control of the Shape of Cylindrical Objects." Cand Tech Sci, L'vov Polytechnic Inst, L'vov lq.~~. (stanki i Instrument, No 11, 19y") Suivey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended, at USSUR Hiehor Educational Institutions (11) SO'. Sun, . No. 52.1, 2 Jun 55 nikAWICHs- Re " .. . oft Ateting, In cylindrlcal workpleces and a few methods for its prevention, Ranch. sap. IML Ali UM. Ser. avton. I iso. tekh. 4.165-181 055. (KLBA 10-8) (Machins-shop practice) (Grinding and -nolishivg) ,I I r 'ir i- I / KARMWLT, K.B.; KRIPTAMICH, R.I. Problems in controlling the shapes of cylindrical objects. Jkuch.zap. IKA AN URSR. Ser.awtom. i ize. tekh. 5:83-97 155. (KLRA 9:10) (Machins-shop practice) (Neastiring instruments) MAKSIMVICH, Georgly GrIOr'ysvlc_h,,_ kaM. takhn. nauki KRUTAKE CH, Rown, Ivanoviohp kand. tokhn. nauk; TUCHKOVA,, L.K., inzh.,o va_._raW._;MMW_A, L,A.q lash.# red.; SOROKINA, TAO tekhn. red. [Automatic device for differs.ntlated checking of threads]ki- tomat dlia differentairovannogo kontrolia res1b. Moskyat Fi- lial Vass. In-ta nauchn, I takhn.informateiij 1958. 12 p. (Peredovol. nauchno-takhatchemkii I prolmdetvannyi opyt. Te- 21. Ye-58-20SAl) (MIRL 16t2) (Screw threads-Tootlug) 22-2-8126 T H Y311 Karpenko G. V. and XdWaevich (KM lptkeVch)., R. I* AU TITLEt On the Effect of Hydrogen on Strained Steel (0 deystvii vodo- rods, na deformiruyemuyu stall) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrainetkoi RSR, 1958, # li PP 37-40 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The authors carried out experiments for studying an effect of hydrogen in the deformation process of soft steel on its mechanic'al properties. -A special accessory to the IM-12 re- search tensile machine made it possible to place a steel sample being stretched at a constant rate into an electro- lyte and apply a cathode or anode potential to it. Observations have shown that the samples of steel 3 did not lose their plasticity and did not change other mechanical Propertiep on applying anode potential, although they became covered with thin films of oxides during the experiment. How- ever$ on applying cathode potential, the steel samples lost plasticity and broke along the planes of shift. Mechanical :properties of the cathode-polarized samples altered consider- ably, in particular# indices of plasticity and real breakdown stress. The limit of durability and yield point remained Card 1/2 practically unaltered independent of the type of electrolyte, On the Effect of Hydrogen on Strained Steel 21-1-8126 anode material and density of current. Experimentshave shown that the variation of mechanical properties of the cathode- polarized samples depended primarily upon the density of current and-only insignificantly upon the anode material. Results of experiments have been compiled into a table, and the dependence of some properties on the current density is shown by the graphs in Figure 2 of the article. It is con- cluded that in the process of steel deformation, its satur- ation with hydrogen occurs along the shift lines during gal- vanization. The article contains I photo, 1 graph, 1 table and 1 Russian refer6noe. ASSOCIATIONt Institute of Machine Study and Automation (Instvtut masIVno- znavetva i avtomatykyAN URSH) of the Ukr&Wan Academy of Sciences PRESENTED: By Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Yu.K. Delimarskiy (Delimaralkyy) SUBMITTEDs 24 June 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 .1. Steel-Deformation-Physioal feators 2. Steel-Test methods 3o Steel-Test results KARPINW, GOTO STICH, RO.I. (Krypotakevrah, Xffect of tho polarlhation of steel subjected to deforntione on Its sechantiml properties. Prykl. makh. 4 no.4.376-383 158. (MIR& U:12) le1natitut wa"ovodonlya I &vtemt1k:L AN USSR. (steel-Testing) !AUTHORS; Karpenkoj 0. V~q~~&~kevlchR. _I._SS~OY12o-120-4-36/67 TITLE: The Influence of the Polarization of Steel on Its Mechanical Properties (Vliyaniye polyarizateii stali na yeye mekhanicheskiye evoystva) PERIODICAL:, Doklady kkademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol- 12o, Nr 4, pp. 827 -829 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors in-variou a electrolytes investigated the influence of the polarization of steel on its mechanical properties. A spealal device In the tensile-testing machine IN - 12 made the disruption of steel samples in an electrolyte possible when these steel samples are anodically or cathodically polarized by external power suppliea.-Besides, the mechanical properties of steel can be determined in this manner during the process of polarization. The authore-examined soft annealed steel-*A th a porlite-ferrite structure In order to be able to observe the decrease in plasticity. Aqueous solutions of sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide, or K&C1 served as electrolytes. The culrent density in polarization varied from 0 to + 60 amp~res/dml. The Card 1/3 breaking test was carried out at a consta7nt velocity of ex- The Influence of the Polarization of Steel on Its SOY/2o-120-4-38/67 Mechanical Properties tension of V 2 mm/min, and the current was applied simultane-_-, ously with the starting up of the tensile-testing machine. The soft annealed steel-3 an the oecasion of its stret6hino in air had a distinct flow surface, a considerable elongation, a lateral constriction, and even flow,figures. The same phenomena were observed on the occasion of the stretching samples with the same velocity In an electrolyte without polarization by an external power supply and also In an electrolyte with anodic polarization of the stretched sample, A brittle destruction existed in cathodically polarized samples mainly along the planes of the maximum tangential tensions (along the flow fig- urea). On the occasion of the cathodic polarization of the samples the Indices of plasticity 610 and + andtimaotual breaking tension decreased in a particularly high degree. Anodic polarization has no influenoo-on-the meohanical:properties of steel. The phenomena in oathodio polarization are apparently due to bydrddan occlusion (navodorashivaniye) which makes the stretched steel samples brittle. There are 3 figures and I Card 2/3 table. 4 The Influence of the Polarisation of Steel on Its SOY/2o-12o-4-3s/67 Mechanical Properties ASSOCIATION: Institut mashinovedeniye i avtomat.~kh Akademii nauk U3SR (Institute of Mecibanical Rghieering/,Autdmation AS UkrSSR), PRESENTED; January 24# 19589 by P. A. Rebindert Memberp Academy of Sciences# USSR SUBMITTED: January 239 1958 1. Steel--Mechanical properties 2. Steel--Polarization 3. Polarization-Metallurgical effects Card 3/3 25(6) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3218 Kryplyakevych, Roman I.~anovych Kontroll forW, tsylindrychnykh-detaley.(Xnapection of Roundness of Cylindrical Machine Parts) Kyyiv, Vyd-vo AN URSH, 1959. 110 P. 2,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk Ukrainslkoyi RSR. Instytut mashynoznavstva I avtomatyky. Ed.: K. B. Ka!randyeyev, Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: I. V. Kisina; Tech. Ed.: M. I. Yefimova. PURPOSE: This book Is intended f or teohnical and scientific person- nel in machine and Instrument manufacturing. COVERAGE: Interchangeability and inspection of cylindrical machine parts, in particular, problems of checking deviations from correct geometric shape are discussed. NethodM and instruments for Card 1/4 Inspection of Roundness (Cont.) SOV/3218 manual and automatic checking of dimensions and shape of cylindri- cal arts are desoribed. No personalities are mentioned. There are 90 references: 57 Soviet, 10 English, 7 German, 4 Czech, 1 French, and 1 Polish. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 Conventional Symbols 5 Introduction 7 Ch. I. Basic Concepts and Definitions 9 Diameter dimensions of cylindrical parts 9 Generai characteristics of shape deviations 12 Differentiated characteristics (elements) of shape devi- ations 15 Card, 2/ 4 Inspection of Roundness (Cont.) SOV13218 Ch. II* Geometry of Shape Deviations 23 Geometry of out-of-roundness 23 Geometry of ovalness 33 Ch* III, Tolerances of Geometric Parcmters 35 Diameter tolerances 35 Shape tolerances 38 Ch. IV* Classification of Nethodb and Means for Checking Geometrio Famistors of Cylinarical Parts. 42 Purpose of measuring and inspection 42 Gages and single-point measuring ipstruments 44 Nat4"int instruments of measuring geometric parameters 48 Datum sur&4W lines and points 50 Methods oc converting measured quantities Methods of setting and displacement of measuring elements 52 Ch* Ve Methods of Checking Shape-at Separate Cross Sections 54 Checking by displacement of the measuring element along the generatrix (diagram A 1 54 Card 3/4 Inspection 6f Roundness (cont.) SOV/3218 Multipoint checking along the generatrix (diagram.A2) 57 Checking by moving the measuring element along the di- rectrix (diagram B ) 66 Multipoint checkQ along the directrix (diagram B2) 89 Ch..VI. Combined Methods of Checking Shape of Cylindrical Surfaces , ' 98 Checking by moving the measuring elements along the generatrix and direatrix (diagram A 1BI) 98 Multipoint checking along the'directrix and uniform displacement along the generatrix (diagram AlB2) 99 Multipoint checking along the generatrix with uniform displacement along the directrix (diagram A 2B1) 99 Multipoint checking along dirgetricos and generatrices (diagram A 2B2) 101 Conclusions 104 Appendix lo6 Bibliography 108 Available: Library of Congress (Till6o.K78) Card 4/4 4-18-6o 668W sov/i26-8-i-13/25 AUTHORSt Karpenko, G. V. and KripYAk1Y;Aqk,--R.I. TITLE: Effect of Hydrogen Diffusion~Occurring During Deformationo of Steel, on Ehe Mec5an1cal Fr*operties of the Latter PERIODICAL-t Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 8, Nr 1, pp 90-94 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A special attachment to the tensile testing machine IM-12 (Fig 1) enabled a steel specimen to be fractur .ed in an electrolyte during application of a cathodic or anodic potential from an external source of current., This attachment also enabled the mechanical properties of the steel and the kinetics of the hydrogen diffusion to be determined when the elongated specimen was made the cathode, and it was possible to change the anode material Aa well as the composition of the electrolyte and the current density. Finally this attachment enabled steel specimens to be studied during their anode polarization. In order to be able to observe the decrease in plasticity the experiments were carried out with the soft annealed steel St-3 having a pearlite-ferrite structure. Specimens of 10 mm diameter and a working portion length of 100 mm, Card 1/4 w ere washed with aviation benzene and desorbed with kK 66856' SOV/126-6-1-13/25 Effect of Hydrogen Diffusion, occurring During Deformation of Steel, on the Mechanical Properties of the Latter activated carbon prior to -testing. Soft steel St*3, lead, copper and graphite were used as anode material. An aqueous 26% sulphuric acid solution (s.g. 1.18) and an 18% aqueous solution of caustic soda were used as the electrolytes. The current deniity changed due to polarization from 0-60 amps/dm . Tests were carried out at a constant rate of v = 2 mm/min. The current was witched on and the tensile testing machine was started imultaneously. The electrolyte was poured in Immediately : before the beginning of the test (an average of 4 min passed between the beginning of the electrolyte pouring and the beginning of the test). The entire test lasted from 10-15 min. 2The aim of the test was to determiae the UTS (a UTS , kg/mm ), the yield stress (a yield'2 kg/mm the true stress during fracture (a kg/mm true' percentage elongation (610%) and the percentage reduction in rea (..A0 ,g Nr of the steel during the polarization process. In ; 2 he influence of polarization of steel St-3 on Card 2/4 the nature of the stress-strain curves is shown: a - in LK 668957 sov/lL6-8-1-13/25 Effect of Hydrogen Diffusion, Occurring During Deformation an Steel, on the Mechanical Properties of the Latter air, (3 - during anodic polarization, Y.,g-,d - during cathodic polarization. The anode material was iron. Fig 3 shows specimens of steel St.3 fractured under various conditions: a - in air, h - during anodic polarization and B - during cathodic polarization. In Fig 4 the dependence of (V on current density is shownt a - copper anode, acitt electrolyte; b - lead anode, acid electrolytel B - iron anode, acid electrolyte-, ?, - graphite anode, acid electrolyte and d - lead anode, alkaline electrolyte. The table on p 92 gives mechanical properties of steel St .31%9 determined by tests carried out in air and in an electrolyte at the optimum current density at which the greatest changes in mechanical properties of the steel were observed. The authors arrive at the following conclusions% 1) The influence of hydrogen on soft steel during its deformation by str,xining consists in decreasing the plasticity, and 6, and the true stress on fracturing Card 3/4 atrue* The 3TS and yield stress do not change. 6689f SOV/1-46-8-1-13/25 Effect of Hydrogen Diffusion, Occurring During Deformation on Steel, on the Mechanical Properties of the Latter 2) The effect of the influence of hydrogen on the above mechanical properties of steel depends on the current density, and it becomes evident at certain optimum current density values. 3) The fracture of cathodically polarized specimens during elongation in brittle in nature and occurs essentially along planes of maximum tangential. stresses (along slip lines). There are 4 figures, 1 table and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet and I French. ASSOCIATIONt Institut mashinovedeniya i avtomatiki AN UkrSSR (Institute of Machine Construction and Automation, Ac.Sc., UkrSSR) SUBMITTEDt June 13, 1957 Card 4/4 LAHPMOP Georgly Tladindrovich (Urpenko, If T 1: 11RIFITAIMVICH. 11.1.0 kand.tekhn.nauko; KISIKA, 1:1:. r~id-.Isd-va; KADASMICII. 0.0., [Nffect of hydrogen on t~p asohanloal properties of stsel] Tplyv vodnlu na makhoulahal viastyvanti stall. 41v, Tyd-vo, Akad,nauk UR.SR. 1960. 09 p. - (1" -14:3) (Stool-4dropu content) S/137/61/000/001/4031/043 AO06/AOO1 Translation from: Referativnyy zhumal, Metallurgiya, 1961, No. 1, p. 34, # ini256 AUTHORi Kripyakevich, R.I. TrME% About the Influence of Hydrogenization Tlme on the Effect of Em- brittlementin Deformed Steel PERIODICAL: "Nauchn. zap. In-ta mashinoved. I avtomat. AN USSR, 1960, No. 7, PP. 70 - 74 T W The author Investigated changes in the intensity of hydrogen am- brittlement depending on the hydrogenization time during expansion of annealed "20" grade steel specimens which were electrolytically hydrogenized during the deformation process. Deformation was carried out on aOM-12 (314-12) machine with an additional reductor producing the following speed series: 0.025; 0.1; 0.8; 2; 16 and 105 mm1min. The dependences of the mechanical properties of "20" grade steel on the deformation speed were recorded during tests in air and during hydro- genization. The hydrogen embrittlement was indicated by the value of a relative Card 1/2 3/137/61/000/001/031/()43 Aoo6/Aooi About the Influence of Hydrogenization Time on the Effect of Embrittlement In Do- formed Steel decrease in ductility. It was established that reduced electrolytical hydrogeni. zation time, by increasing the deformation speed, entailed a reduced effect of hydrogen embrittlement. The intensity of the hydrogen embrittlement process de- creases propdrtionally to the logarithm of hydrogenization time. Hydrogenization of the specimen without its deformation does not cause any noticeable hydrogen embrittlement. I. K. Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 KARPMIKO,, G.V.., otv. red.1 IECNOV, M.Ya.j, doktor fiz.-mat. nauk, zam. otv. red.;. XIIMAKEVICH~L R.I. j kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; MAKSIMOVICH9--G-.-G.-S kand. tokbn. nauks red.; PANASYUK,, V.V.p kand. fiz.-mat. nauk, red.; PODMIUCH, Ta,S.j kand, fix,- mat. rAuko red.; STEPURMKO, V.T.0 kand. tokbn. naukp red.; TYNNYYj A.A.#'kand. takhn. naukp red.; CHAYEVSKIYp M.Lp kwid. tekhn. naukp red,; YAPM, S.1a.p kand. tokbn. naukj, red.; REMMIIKj, T.K,,, red, isd-va; LISOVETSp A.M... tekbn. red. (Machines and devices for testing metals] Hashiny i pribory dlia ispytanii metallov. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad.nauk USSR, 1961, 132 p, (MIRI 15 -.2) 1. Akademiya nauk U&SR, Kiev. Instytut mashinoznavstva i avtoma- tyky. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akad. nauk USSR(for Karponko). (Testing machines) 146 S/7Z 3161/000/001/001/0" HORS: Karpenko, G.V.. !~~Vich. R.L TP LE-- Modern concepts on tba effect of H an the properties of steel. X. L S RCE: Vliyaniye rabochikh @red n& svoyetva staii. vyp. 1: Sredy vyzyvayushchiya navodoro"ivauiye stali. In-t mash. i &'Vtorn. AN UkrSSR. Kiyev, Ind-vo AN UkrSSR, 1961. S-Zl- 4 n orles o~,~e elle or . thce of press. of ~t of Pe 9n Clot s or. this problem. The existing theories of hydrogen-eTbrittlen-ient can be divided -4w 3 gro-,ips, each of which has a w4mber of ramifications; (1) The H-molecular4 D ssure theory, including (a) the theory of the &real pr*s re, (b) the diffusion 'I-re~ry. (c) --he energetic theory, (d) the theory of r*versibI and irreversible b rWirs. k2) the adsorption theories; (3) the theory of the maximal triaxial stress:iy4e Tbe first concepts are discussed in the light of the Zapffe-Sims theory. the Cott I- r Et re concepts, the Bastion-Asou concepts, the DeKazinczy theory, the Sovietf Voroz-,Mingin views, and others. The critique of the pressure theory follows Z 9: (~n the one hand, the position taken by the originators of that theory disregards effect of diffusion processes on the snechaniam, of H-*mbri"I----' it APA '"terammAn, .. r hand, it c" be , - - ~ 11 Nlode rn concepts on the sUact oi H an the . . .. S/723/61/000/001/001/00S reasoned that, according to the combined pressure and diffusion theories, the pres- su. e of the molecular H in the coUoctors must evoke, firstly. a decrease in tensile -rength and, secondly. a decrease in plasticity of the steel. By vector analysis it S/723/b:/000/301/002/005 AUT, 'I-i0R. Krippkev~ch IL I. T _E. On the effect of the state cf the crystalline lattice oi a stee, on h* QffeLt of H-embrittl,ement. SO',;RCE: VLiyaniye rabochikh ared n& evoystva stall. %,yp. 1: Sredy, vyzyvayush- chiye navodaroahivaniye stali. In-t mash. -. aitorn. A-N UkrS5R. Kiyev, Isd-vo AN Ukr$SR. 1961, 42-Z6. 'To'o x,r. The paper describes the results of an expelLrnental investigation Flich s 'nat the reduction in plasticity as a result of thef lectroytic hydrogena, n of a i'.eel depends on the state of the crystalline lattice d4iring the procebs A difcorrra- process intensifies the reduction of plasticity to a.P ? ore s,.gnificai 4han ~.ab'ic or plastic deformation on an immobile lattice. V7his effect is attributed to dfiusional permeability of the crystalline lattice ofithe steei in which el4stic- istic deformations appear and are developed. together with opening of rniciofis- S.. res etc. The objective of the investigation was to determine which of the three ;.u.".orneria exerts a decisive effect on the enhancement of H-ernbrittlernent+~,') strains; (2) elastic lattice deformation- (3) the process of plastic CWorma- 4 A a . I A - - i -- .4 1 - - I- . ,).-. -,'-Ie elfect of the state of the crystalline ... 5/723i6l/000/00L/002/005 ., --,tic -Ibed and depicted. together with the curves showing the dependence of the rela- " . on the degree of strain. C , during hydrogenation, including plastic - ve neck-mg, 0 and plastic and elastic strain. and the dependence of the elongation, &0. I . . I I - - - - I - - - - ---- - ... - ,r__ I- --e degree of strain, c during hydrogenation. The resulting curves justify the conclusions: (1) H-ombrittlement of steels upon electrolytic hydrogenation -o oe maximal when it occurs simultaneolisiy with a plastic tensile strain. U:; I' e Geformations of the lattice (elastic and plastic atra,.ns) exert some rein- effect on the diffusional permeability of the steel and 'he e"fect of F- ')r.--ement, but this reinforcement is small in comparison w:-; the effect ob- ,tI:,VCd during slip, even if the strain occurred at lower values Of E than the preced- established elastic and plastic strain-, (2) the effect indicated here increases w."_n a;~ increase of the degree of tensile strain, c. For steel 20 it attAins a maxi- .r.-rn a, E ft7.5% under the abov*-otated conditions. At higher values the effect is .e56 dppreciable because of the prevalence of a more significantly developed con- .., --4 --i- IAk tho toat rasulta e-mfirm tho author's concents on the mechanisa C a I,; ~, -, Y S/723/61/000/001/005/005 A T, HORS. Karperika, G.V., S&bey, Yu.I., Kripyakevich. R.I. L;:-' On hydrogen fatigue of steel under cathodic protection. 50~;RCE: Vliyaruye rabockikh sr*d na svoystva *tali. vyp. 1: Sredy, vyzyvalushch- iye navodaroshivaniye stali. In-t mash. i aytom.. AN UkrSSR, %YQV. lad-vo AN Ukr=Jt. 1961, S9-64. i A ,EXT. An experimental investigation has shown that under cathodic pa'ot ction oLf -yciically stressed steel parts their endurance is xred bec-ause of thotction if electrolytically penetrated M (the "H fatigue of stervic It is established ftt this ...- ~, a WUM& -217 M'MI, ~-f - A P,74 Air, Y M; N - . 1.~ , 1. .1 1. I . ~~- ~ 1. - ..I- - - .1 1..- - - - - - -7,-- -- On '-.yd rogen fatigue of steel under cathodic . . . . S/7Z3/61/000/001/OOS/005 D z 3. 0 3 176 N,, 0. 0 5% C r, ob a 70 kg/mm , HB a 207). The corrosive medium tested was a 3176 solution of N&CI in faucet water. which. to a degree, simulates sea water. The specimen servtd as the cathWe, and a Pt anode was employed. The electrolyte was Card 2/2 28704 Wo S/021/61/000/003/009/013 D274/D301 AUTHORS: Kryplyakevych, R.I., Babey, Y%Ie and Karpenko, G.V, TITLE: On the role of hydrogen in corrosion fatigue-failure of steel PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk UkrSSR. Dopovidi, no. 3, 1961, 325- 327 TEXT: An experimental study of corrosion fatigue is described. The experiments showed that the reduction in fatigue strength can be related exclusively to the cathode process and the absorption and diffusion of hydrogen involved. The specimens were made of steel 45 and had a diameter of 20 mm. The corrosive substance was a 3% NaCl-solution in water (similar to aea-water), which was in- troduced through tube 1, separator 2, and tube 3 of Fig. 1. The anode was platinum wire 4, the cathode - the specimen. The current density varied between 0.007 to 6.2 amp/dm2. It is noted that con- ditions of flow of the electrolyte have a considerable effect on -Card 1/0 3 $ 28704 S/021/61/000/003/009/013 On the role of hydrogen... D274/D301. the cathode process and on the hydrogenization. A figure sho the dependence of the conditional corrosion-endurance limit o-1 on the current density D ''Me experiment led to the following re conclusions: 1) Me inc c;se (within certain limits) of the current density with cathode polarization, leads to a decrease in the in- tensity of the anode process, as a result of which the endurance limit QF_N increases. 2) With optimum current-density (under the 1 2), -given conditi n D 00 ().15 amp/dM the anode process ceases altogether; W0_1*recaches its maximum value, which is by 10% lower than the endurance limit in air W_I. This can be explained by the presence of the cathode process, and by adsorption and diffusion effect. 3) An increase in the current density above the optimum value, leads to an intensification of the cathode process and to a decrease in 0,N. 4) Cathodic protection cannot, even with optimum 1 choice of current density, completely reestablish the fatigue-lim- its of the metal. The character of the fatigue-curves in the cathode process shows that this process develops with time, leading Card 2/4 /021J61/000/003/009/OL3 On the role of hydrogenos, D274/001 to a further decrease, in metal endurance. This has to be taken into account in calculating endurance of parts which are subject to sign-changing,loading and to corrosion. There are 3 figures and 5 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Instytut mashynoznavetva ta avtomatyky AN USSR (Institute of the Science of Machines and Auto- mation AS UkrSSR) PRESENTED: 'by Academician Yu.K. Delimars1kyy AS UkrSSR SUMITTED: July 190 1960 Chrd 3/4 M33 I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/UTo Karpenko., Georgiy Vladimirovioh., and Roman Ivanovich Kripyakovich Vliyaniye vodoroda na avoystva stall (The Effect of Hydrogen on Steel Properties). Moscow, Notallurgizdat,. 1962. 195 P. 4250 copies printed. Ed. of Publishing House: Ye.:.N. Berlin; Tech. IN.s L. V. Dobu- zhinskays. PURP039: This book In Intended for scientific and engineering per- sonnel in metallurgy and other branches of industryj engaged In the investigation of the strength and ductility of steel, and also of its electrical.and magnetic properties, In conneation-With possible penetration of hidrogen into stee14 COVEMCUR: The book reviews ahanges in steel Oroperties caused by hy- drogen absorbed during electrochemical processes or from gasems, media under conditions of high temperature and pressure. The fol- lowing topics are disoussed4 the place and form of opourrenco of Card 110,9- The Effect of Hydrogen on Steel Properties SOV/6170 le- - 1n --tho ~_hydrogen -in--stool i-idow an7 ho ro Wiltifir-ist and iong-time statio or repeated load, the effect of hydrogen on some electrical, magnetic, and electrochemical properties of steels the role of hydrogen in the process of steel fraoture, and modern theories of hydrogen embrittlement. No personalities are men- tioned. There are 282 referencess Soviet and noO-Soviet. TABLE OF CONT3NTSg Foreword Ch. 1. Absorption of Hydrogen by Steel 3 5 Ch, Il. Form and Place of Hydrogen Occurrence in Steel 11 Ch. III. Sources of Hydrogen ;23 1. Absorption during i cal proaesses 23 2.~ Absorption from hydrogen-containing media under oonditions of high temperature and pressure 26 Id Card Glop Ze Qf V761621009100010061010 A006IA101 AVMRS: Kripyakevich, R. I., Babey, Yu. I., Karpenko, 0. V. TITLE: On the possible appearance of hydrogen brittleness in steel during its deformation in neutral corrosion meckia SDUME: Akademiya nauk Ukrayinstkoyi RSR. Instytut mashynoznavstva i avto- matyky, Vviv. Nauchnyye zapiski. Seriya,mashinovedeniya.' V. go 1962, Voprosy mashinovedeniya i probhnost! v mashinostroyenil, no. 8, 47 - 50 TEM The decrease of mechanical properties of steel parts under the ef- f ect of neutral electrolytes, accompanied by polarization, might be caused by hydrogen. The singling out of hydrogen ions can take place at a sufficient cur- rent density of cathode polarization frGm an external voltage source, or at a sufficient difference of potentials between the micro-electrode sections of the metal surface. Both cases were studied and the nature of metal deformation in the process of hydrogenization was determined. The following 3 cases were in- veztigateds 1) cyclic bending below the yield limit; 2) uni-axial tension be- Card 1/3 3/676/62/009/000/006/010 On the possible appearance of....., A006/A101 yond the yield limit; 3) alternating bending beyond the yield limits., The oor- rosion medium was a 3%-solution.of sodium chloride; current density was 0.07 - 15 amp/dM2; the specimens were,made of pre-eutectoid steel. An analysis of the results obtained leads to the following conclusions. In all types of deforma- tion, polarization from the external power source causes a decrease in the mechanical properties. For case 2 and 3 the neutral corrosion medium reduces these indices even without polarization from the external source. The dependence curves of mechanical characteristics show, for all the cases, a maximim in the range of lower current densities. An increase in the current density toward both the anode and cathode reduces the Indices of mechanical characteristics, which is explained for the former case by intensified anodic processes and for the latter case by hydrogenization of the metal, entailing hydrogen fatigue and brittleness. The inclination of the curves Indicates the predominance of either the anodic or cathodic process, or their equilibrium. As the deformation in- tensity increases from the first to the third case, the maximum is shifted from the anode to the cathode. This indicates an increasing difference of potentials between the micro-anodic and micro-cathodic sections of the steel surface. As a result, In the third case conditions are developed for the hydrogeni-zation of Card 2/3 s/6,(6/62/ooq/ooo/oo6/o1o On the possible appearance of... A006IA101 the steel over the micro-c athodic sections, even without polarization. To eliminate the cathodic process it is necessary to produce anodic polarization of O.Vt a.,n,4dm2 current density$ which prevents hydrogenization. There is I figure. SUEMIT February 7, 1961 Card 3/3 S/020/62/145/001/017/016 AUTHORSs Karpenko# Go Ita0'Aw ye am chi 1-16 lie Aripyaksvi TITLE I --Hydrogercfati-gue-6f Q-1--- stv PERIODICA~: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 145, no. 1, 1962, 144 146 TSM The fatigue of cyclically stressed steel 45 in 3 0 Nan solutions, during cathodic polarization and anodio polarization and in air, was investigated in order to determine the optimum conditions for cathodic protection and the corrosion resistance of the mgtals The cyclic stress was applied by an WMA-30.(IMA-30) machine, ~0-10 cyqles in the corrosive 6 0 1 mAdium and 10*10 cycles in air), the electrolyte being well mixed. The density of the polarization current varied between 0-007 and 6.2 a/dM2. An endurance limit of cathodic protection (the stress at which destruction does not set in when either the time or the cyol:%of stress are Increased), was not observed. The conventional endurance li el#decreased with tine over the whole region of current density, The function f(D 0 Card 1/2 3/020/62/145/001/017/018 Hydrogen fatigue of steel B145/BlOl or 0!, - f(D a) (where Do 10 cathodic current densityq Da a anodid current density) showed thst the intensity of the anodic process leading to corrosion fatigue decreases as D inoreases, but the intensity of the cathodic process Increases steadily* This causes an increase of dN, to a naximum of 0.15 a/dm 2 which is .10 4 below the corresponding value from. the experiment in air. Further increase of Do (intensification of the cathodic process and of hydrogen fatigue)and application of an anodic potential causes a,lo There are 3 figures. ASSOCIiTIONs Inatitut mashinovedeniva i avtomat4ki kkademii nauk USSR (Institute of the Soishce of Machines and Automation of the Academy of Sciences UkrSSR) PRESENTED: SUB.14ITTED i Card 2/2 February 6, 1962, by,P. A. Rebinder, Academician July 8, 1961. An, .KARPENKO, Georgi:r Vladimirovick. Prinimal uchostlye AfgFfAKEVICH, R.I.1 IKHTMAH, V.I., doktor fiz.-miatsm.' nauk Prof. retsenzent; FURER, P.Ya., red.; GOERMTATPOLOWYA, h.s., tekhn. red. (Steel resin anos in a corrosive medium) Prochnoat, stall v korrosionnoperede. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 185 p. (MIRA 160) (Steel-Corrosion) KRIMMI'viciff It'll Hydrcgen brittlenesa of SUG3., VIJian. rab6 ared na evoloo Mato no~W52-158 163m (MI IRA 17 10) SLA13KOVSKIYO I.E.; KRIPYAKLOVICif, R.I. Form of the hydrogen state inal-iron. Vlilar. rab. Ered na Bvoin noo3sl9-22 164,: (MIRA M14 - hill PY MUCH ~.I.; BABLT, Yu.I.; LITVIN, A.F.; KACINIAR, II.F. Effect of cyclic elastic-plantic defomaLion of ateel on tts tendency toward brittle failure in neutral electrolytes. V111an. rab. Bred na I svols. mat. no-3223-27 164. MRA 3,7:10) XACHMAR B*F9; KRIPrAXEIV"C"'~ 11*1ol LITVIMs A~K* Equ'100nt for the ln"Stlg4tion hIgh te.mperaturea- Vl-ilan- rab. 8rel n4 avoig. of "'tal P-rIetrability by )Vdrogen ,t _39 164* (KRA l7slo) IMELIEKJ LU =USOM= njjryjjM4nfL "f;7~,- L 1.4437-66 EWT(M)/EWP(W)/LVA(d)/T/EWP(t)/E'dP(Z)/E'dP(b) NJW/~ P ACC NR: AP6002117 (IV) SOURCE CODE: U11/0369/65/001/006/008/0693 AUTHOR: Tkachev. V.I.; Kripy tkevich, R.I. ORG- Physicotechnical Institute, AN UkrSSR (F I ziko- tekh niche skly inBtitut AN UkrSSR) TITLE: On the In the processes of steel failure in neutral corrosive media A t SOURCE: Fiziko-khlmicheakaya mekhanika materialov, v. 1, no. 6, 1965, 688-693 TOPIC TAGS-, hydrogen embrittlement,-carbDn-steel,cathode,-P)O-IarLration;4t~e-th-a-nFea ==~=~Jgue-corr"I_ turnrchloride-- ABSTRACT: Low-cycle plastic fatigue (alternating deformation above the yield point) was studied on 08 KP steel (0.09% C. 0.37% Mn, 0.019% Si, traces of P and S) in order to determine low degrees of hydrogen absorption taking place in neutral electrolytes (3% NaCI solution). The specimens were subjected to bond tests beyond the elastic limits (plastic fatigue) at a frequency of 0. 8 cpq on an IMA IP- I machine. A platinum spiral served as the anode during polarization. From the test results, "polarization curves," i.e., graphs of plastic fatigue (number of cycles up to failure) versus density of the cathodic polarization current were plotted. The curves obtained for the action of Card 1/2 .-L 14437-66 ACC NR.- APOOOZI17 neutral and acid electrolytes In the presence of cathodic polarization were qualitatively similar, which constitutes an Indirect confirmation of the hydrogen embrittlernentf bf the metal in neutral electrolytes in the presence of plastic fatigue. The decrease in ptastte fatigue under the influence of hydrogen at relatively low cathodic current densities to reinforced by the presence of stress concentrators produced by selective corrosion. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE- 11 / SUBM DATE: It Jun65 / ORIG REF: 013 / OTH REF: 007 4 L 14415-66 EWP(z)/E'dT(m)/EWP(b)/T/EWA(d)/EWP(w)/Eiti(t) M.JW/I"D/WB ACC NR: AP6002126 SOMCE CODE: UR/0369/65/001/006/0732/0733 (/V) " f AUTHOR: Tkachev, V. L; Kripyakevich, R. L; Kuslitski , A. B.; Kreymerman, G. 1. ORG- Pbysicomechanical IngtLtute AN UkrSSR, L'vov (Eiziko-mekhanicheskiy ir-stitut AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Effect of the purity of steel and corrosion tedium on low-cycle fatigue i1q) 1-4 -qq-7 T I SOURCE: Fiziko-khimichaskaya mckhanika materialov, v. 1, no. 6, 1965, 732-733 TOPIC TAGS: steel, corrosion, durability, hydrogen embrittlement, sulfuric acid, sodium chloride, stress concentration OBSTRACT: rhe effect of the content of nonmetallic inclusiona on the iow.-cycle 1!~.L~ue of annealed SM15 steel produced by various processes was studied in air and in corrosive media (3% NACI solution; 0.1 N H2S04 solution; 0.1 N H2S04 901u- tion with cathodic polarization at current density Dc - 10 A/dm2 corresponding to hydrogen absorption). Tests in air showed a marked divergence in the values of the durability of the purest and most contaminated steel. In the neutral medium, the durability drops by 15-25% while the effect of purity diminishes. 7Ajthe acid medium, the durability drops even more (by 25-30%). Under kjK2&en/kb6orP- tion conditions, the durability is at its minimum (about 60% of the value in air). Card 1/2 L 14415-66 ACC NR: AP6002126 the purity is slight; this is because the formation of ,/and its depjjdp~ce on brittle cra auses a decrease in durability. Am the corrosiveness of the med- ium increases, the influence of steel purity of low-cycle fatigue levels off, probably because additional stress concentrators wbich are more effective than the nonmetallic inclusions are formed, During hydrogen absorption, the inclusions act as sources of cracks.~ Orig. art; has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 11 SUBH DATE: 17Jun65 t ORIG REF: 003 1 Card ACC -NR: AP6020916 SOURCE CODE: UR/0369/66/002/002/0192/0194 AUTHORSt Tkachev, V. 1. q&jj&S6jR, I,; Kuslitakiy, A, B, Kriff A3 ORGs Pbyeico-Mochanical Institute, AN Ukr6SR, L'vov (Fiziko-mokhanichookiy institut AN UkrSSR) TITLEs Influence of preliminary hydrogenation and corrosion on the low-cyols fatigue steel SOURM' Fiziko-lchimicheskaya mekhanika Matorialov, ve 2. no, 20 1966v 192-194 CoR*qosj,oAJ MAre "ci 04eso&A srrirA p O*Wod sy-frAip TOPIC TAGS: steel, alloy steel, hydrogen embrittlement., metal aging, / 06kp 1 V carbon steel, ShKhl5 carbon steel 6 , 1~ A TRACT: The low-cycle tic) fatigue of annealed low-carbon stool Oft and (pt. (-S! oATigh-carbon, slueel ShKhl5 was studied. The study extends the results -oT -an earlier investigation EF-9; 1. Tkachev and R. L Kripyakovich (Fiziko- k~imicheskaya makhanika materialovt 1965, No. 6). The experimental procedure followed in described by V. 1. Tkachev and Yu. I, Babey (Fiziko-khimichoskayn rdokhanika materialov, 1966,, No, 2). The hydrogenation and corrosion of 205 x 5 a" cimens was carried out in 3% VaCl at a current dennity of 3 amp/dm?. The oxperi- Re mental results are presented graphically (see Fige 1), It was found that the do- Qfease of plastic strength due to corrosion and hydrogenation bearea different characters corrosion leads to irreversible changes, whereas charges brought about ca,'~ 1/2 AR6020916 ..-Ffg, 1. Influence of the period, tp of preliminary corrosion and hydrogerAtion on the number of cycles N for complete destruction of steel specimens Oft (a) and ShKhl5 (b) respeotive3,y. I - preliminary hydrogens- tionj 2 - eamet but followed by tuo hours of aging at 1000; 3 - preliminary corrosion. N 12a la 10 q A72 lei by hydrogenation may be reversed by.hydrogen desorption. The rate and degree of strength recovery depend on the composition of the steel; carbon and alloying elements decrease the tendency towardo recovery. It is suggested that plastic fatigue experimenta constitute a more sensitive method for determining hydrogen than the rupture experiments. Orig. art. has: 2 graphs. SUB CODE: U/ SUM ~ DATE t 19,Tan66/ CRIO MW 1 004 Card 2/2 _I TJP(C) - FY.1 TE o Mr- (d) /EWT(m) lKi- P. W) IF 't)/L-rT J.;/ 4 n Wp k - AP6029487 SOURCE Co' U R A 13-6-9 7 -6 / 0-6 V6 6 4__/ 0 _fO '16 4 6 3 AC7C NR, 6 AUTHOR: Tkachev, V. L; Kripyakovicb, R. 1. Motes-Engineering Institutet AN UkrSSR, L'Yov (Fiziko-mekhanicheakiy ORG: F) Inatitut AN UkrSSR) 111P t~. TITLE: Mot of characteristize of cyclic load on the low-cycle fatigue in media SOURCE: Fiziko-khimicbeakaya mokhanika materialov# vo 2, no. 4, 1966, 457-463 TOPIC TAGS; chromium steel, cyclic load, cyclic strength, corrosive strength, hydro- genation ABSTRACT: Effects of amplitud ,~jfyequen d symmetry of cyclic deformation on the service life of steel in corrosive d bydr ;. naMgaenvironments was studied. High tem- pered 2.5 mm diam. specimen of 12 KhN3AN steel were exposed to 3% NaC1 aqueous solution's and in the same solution under cathodic polarization to 10 a/dm2 current densities, and tested at 1, 10p and 100 oycles/min and 0. 5-8% amplitude of total deformation, e. The amplitude of deformation was shown to be the dominating factor for service life. Stress characteristics 1/2 ACC NRt AP6029687 and alloy properties affected service life under experimental conditions much more than eleo- trochemical conditions. At 10-104 cycles to failure, cNm - C, N being the number of cycles and m and C constants. The effect of environment decreases with Increasing amplitude of deformation and no essential effect of corrosivity Is observed If the amplitude reaches a crit- teal value. Under uniform amplitudes of deformation and at low-cycle tests in air, service life to hardly affected by the asymmetry of cycles. Service life In a bydrogenating medium increased at the transition from asymmetry to symmetry of the cycle. Effects of environ- ment on service life decreased with lncrc~wlng frequencies of cyclic stress, particularly in bydrogenating and, to a lesser degree, in corrosive environments. The value of the critical amplitude decreases with Increasing frequency. Orig. art. has: 2 formulas, 2 tables, and 4 figures. SUB CODE: 11/ SUBM DATM 03Mar66/ ORIG REh 005/ OTH REFt 006 kh W(cl- FM[jD---- 6029688 Vft_ ACr_ R SOURCE; COU /0369766/OOZ/ 04/046470461 AUTHOR: Tkaohev, V. I.; Kripya1wvIch, R. L; Kuslitakly, A. B.; Kreymerman, 0. 1. ORG: Physics-Engineering Institute, AN 7jkrSSR, Vvov (Miko-mckhanicheekly institut -- AN UkrSSR) V TITLE: Effect of stress concentration on low-cycle fatigue In media SOURCE: Fiziko-khimicheiskaya mckhanika materialov, v. 2, no. 4, 1966, 464-467 TOPIC TAGS: stress concentration, material deformation, corrosive strength, cyclic strength, fatigue strength ABSTRACT: The effect f the amplitude of total deformation, c, and of stress frequency, v, on the low-cycle fatIguck specimens was studied with concentrators of stress, represented by 1 mm. holes In the flat samples. The latter were tested In air and in corrosive and in by- drogenating environments. Concentration of stress resulted In a marked decrease of service life under low-cycle fatigue as compared IV conditions of uniform stress diatribution. The value N(e), N being the number of cyclc 'lowed the same basic dependence upon conditions as under uniform stress. The value of critical deformation decreased at a concentration of Card --' - _:-- kj~hq -67-- - Al - ---* I ACC NRt AP6029688 stress. The dependence of the effective coefficient of stress concentration on deformaUon .-unplitude and stress frequency was determined by the ratio of the environment factors for uniform stress and concentrated stress, respectively. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE: 11/ SU13M DATE: 03Mar66/ ORIG.UF: 001/ OTH REFt, 011 kh Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR i AR3004170 S/0271~63/000/003/BO30/BO30 -SOURCEt' RZh. Avtomatika, telemokhanika I vy*chial. tekhnika, Abe. 5M37 AUTHORt Bk-iling, Y. K., p Lt 3%. ~!~~M~~Y~u Kh. T.Avinskiy -Design of a large capacity operational magnetic memo device CITED SOURCEt Sb; Vy*chisl. i inform. tekhrdkA, M..', '1962, 215-M TOPIC TAGS: mimory, magnetic memory, address $'elector TRANSLATION: A system for selecting addreSS83,from a large capacity,. intermediate speed, viagnetic operational methory of the Z type is discussed. When controlling the selection of the digital ruder by the coordinate network the author&uso the no over the chosen coordinates by thod of current of commutation of one shnper means of a-current switch. They analyzed commutators utilizing.magnatic diode keys or boundary transformers. It follows frovi this. analysis, that two-coordinate -ystems of magnetic control .-Ith direct'selection for large capacity magnetic operational memory devices have a basic shortcoming a large power consumptione Consequently, the authors use a saturated transistor as the oommutating elements ''Card 1/2 AdCESSION NRt' AR3004170 This triode can be.used either as a common base amplifler'or'as &.regenerative key. The second alternative redu6a3 considerably the start-up pdwer. The adopted solutions greatly simplify the-current 3hxpar,~' There-are 6 figures and 3 rofmnees, 0. B. ENCLs 00 ~'DATE ACQt .25j~n63 SUB CODEs SD Card Z/2 KRIS, A.. prof., jaureat rin Lenin-ikll pr(trr"14a; ~"'- ""i G:1:-"' " I I . I , . ~ , 5'... - --nanch. ~mtrndnik In tha depths of the living matter. PrlreAa i~~Ar' 13 --1;.-'.-9,)-10' J1--Ag 164. 1. Director, Laborat-ry of FlectroW.c, 1-licroicopy at, th-,~ Acacwm;r of Sciences of the U.3,3.R. (for Xris.'t. J KRISAN, 14.L.,[Kryoan, M,Lj, sievar$- KOVALEW, M.I., lnzh. 0 Repairing valve seats of fuel pumps. Hakh.sill.hoop. 10 n0.11:21 N 159. (MIR& 130) (YU91 Pumps) 1. AUTHOR: Kvisanov, A. F. (Deputy Chief of Equipment Shop) TITLE: Redesign of Shock Absorbers of Long-Stroke Cylindera of Piercing and Reeling MIlls PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1960, NT' 5, pp 52-33 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Productivity of piercing and reeling mills of automatic rolling mill installations depends to a considerable extent on the speed at which the rolls advance and with- draw. This speed Is limited by the ability of the shock absorber to absorb the energy of the mobile slider, thrust bearing, and rolls In extreme posltlon3 Pneu- matic shock absorbers with individual air 3upply were substituted for spring shock absorbers of 400 mm piercing and reeling mills at Nikopollsk So~.fthern Pipe Plant (Nikopollskly yuzhnotrubnyy zavod) (Fig. A). The shock absorber rod with piston Is rigidly attached in the bed by means of the wedge and wa3t,,er. Com- pressed air Is supplied Into the shock absorbec "rom Card 1/3 the main line through ball 1,alvo pro',.,Ided az ~',prlng, Redesign of Shock Absorbers of Long-Stroke 0 4 cj Cylinders of Piercing and Reellng M1116 ASSOCIATION: whose pressure is cont,!uiied by a oci-ew. A o 1; 1-1 L, s14-der hits the absoi,ber, the cyllInder along the stationary [ COMIP'esseq atv, arid ubsorbs the ej ne rgy -Gii1colations showed thait the maximLn. energyr ab-1orf--,-.d by pneui natic shocic absorbers exceeds that of ~,-pricg absorbers of the same 3.1ze b.Y 2.5 timeo. ..n addition,the repair, cost of' pieumatic shock ab- 3orbers is lower. The InLroduction of pneumatic 5hock absorbers on a 4oo rrin pipe rolling mill decreased ,he consumption of thrust bearing,,3 and Increased the productivity or the mill, There 13 1 t'lv, ,-it e , Nikopollsk Southern Pipe Rolling M11: (Nll~opol'*kly yuzhnotrubnyy zavod) Card 2/3 :Ili, j A I I I I It'l j:.,. I'A iL KRISANOT, A.P. Redesign of loWtunnal c7linders for p1ps-rolling mills@ KeWlurg 5 no.7:29-31 JI 160, O(IRA 13:7) 1, Pomoshchulk uachallnika trubopokatnogo teekha. No 2 Nikopoll- skogo zavodas (pipe mills) KRISANOV, A.?.; SIMMANSKArA, A.I. ................. Mechanized painting of the inside surface of PiPeso Hetallurg 5 w.8:26-27 Ag 160# (MM 1310 1. TruboprokatiVy teekh Yuzbwtrubnogo savadme (pipe mills) (Painting, Industrial-lquipment and mipplies) VkEff~ D.T. Attachment for external grinding of pipes, Stun.i Instr. 31 no.2:43 7 16o. (MIRA 13:5) (uthe4--Attacbments) KRISANOVj A.F. I .Davie. for the automatic lubrication of thrust bearings* Ifetallurg 7 no.6.*35 -To 162. (VIM 15:7) 1. Pomoshchnik naeballnika taekha No.12 po oborudovaniyu Nikopollskogo yuzhnotrubnogo, savoda. (Pipe mills-Lubrication) KELTS NOV A.F. =t-=:Zl Redesign of thruot bearing driffs, Metallurg 7 no.12:25--27 D 162~ (MRk lj;~21). 1. Pomoshchinik nachlainiks tsekha No.2 po oboradvani~m Nikopoll- okogo yuzhnotroubnogo savoda. (Pipe mills-Trammiaalon devices) KRISANOV, A. F.P inab. Shook absorbers of pneumatic pushirs of pipe rolling mills. Vast. ma'shinostr. 42 no.12t37-39 D 162, (MIRA 16:1) (pipe mills) KRISANC70 A.P. Phoumatto coqwnxating device for the spindles of pipe rolling mills, Metallurg 8 no~5t29-30 )V 163, (KMA 16:7) 1, Nikopoltakly ymbnotrabn" savod, (pipe mills) KOZREVNIKOV, S.N.; KRISANOV.-A.F., inzh. Pooolbility of increasing the output of pipe-rolling plants with automatic mills, Stall 23 no.5t447-450 W 163, (KMA 16s5) 1. Chlen-korreepondent AN UkrSSR (for Koahevnikov). (pipe mins) (Automatic control) KRISANOV, A.F.; KHAYKOV, L.L. Redesign of slactropneumatic distributers. Hstallurg 8 no.8s -., ~~ 32-33 Ag 163. (MM 160b) 1. Nikopollskiy yuzhnotrubnyy savod, r BURKATSKAYA, Yelena Nikandrovna kturkatalka, kjrt,i. rx!ej. nauk; KRI.SEENIKO, A.F.p .()u,1 chemicaln [Propll~lactjc meaourej for workilig with pf_)J:.,oy, in agrlcul-Lurol Profilaktychni zaki,ody prf rcLK-Al z otmto- k1drdkatamy v sills1komu hospodfirstvi. Kylv, Mor-ovIia, 1965. 37 p. (I"I'l(A. 28.9) - , " I r,[) "I , - ;. j!. , lt'-'*Tf,~AINW~ A.F. ,"rleal,otl,al 1. ' prou"Ittlo ".: llnjoA,.ij. Tsior, raml. .1 vr,,pk,htgRtlora ,f 1""', . n0.,10,1102. q)4. ~L'!: ~ ~ ) MachInf! f,)r ,"ttiflr fr 'Infinishp(I 10 no.6:43 'nos of shells, MOtallurg (MIRA 18:6) ---------- -- With "(J-7:39 KRISANOV) A.F. Transfer chains last longer, ~btallurg 10 no.8-30-31 Pg Ih5, (MIRA 280) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy filial InSt4tUta avtomatil.. X&LINP A.S., MWernisbg mW"l thmgkt bnKnp an plpo-rolllng mmkbeo at the RikoMll Southwn Plips )dU* Not. i gorrjoMd~ prooL U00640 " 165* (WMrii'el2) A.P cr "?2 prcqr,o o. 8 05. EXCEMA MMCA bec.~5 VoLU/5 Chest DiBoason M-7 1938 Yole, 44 KRI~ 4VTO CTION IN PNEUMOCONIOSIS (Russian text) 1139. RESPI U Krlsanovs A.D. - ZDRAVOOKH. KAZAKH. 1956, 7 (19-22) Pneu~i-oconffi-s =sn coal in- ners causes increase or fall of the vital capacity, in- crease of resIpiratory quotient, decrease of respiratory reserve and changes in the results of functional respiratory tests. In the first stages of pneumoconiosto respiratory reserve falls and hyperventilation diminishes. With the disease pro- gressing the vital capacity mcreases or diminishes, the respiratory quotient riots and the coefficient of oxygen utilization diminishes Bazal metabolic rate Increases In the later stages of pneumoconiosis. (S) SUIAOSINO, Iaozlo; IAZAR, lotvanj KRISARs, Coilla IwastigatIng the nibbing sensitivity of the throe-component -plyrotechnic duot inixtires. MuWuivedelem 8 no.7/9:16-19 162. HUNGARY jfi,_Z2j,UA,j)_Z, KOTSIS, lajos, Dr, DOBJANSCHL Sandor, Dr, MONOSI, IRU Mihaly, Dr; I. Hospital of Islagyvarad (Oradea), Department or Surgery (department head-chief physician: KRISAR, Zoltan, Dr) (Nagyvaradi (Oradeat) I. sz. Korhaz, Sebeazetl Oaztaly). "r,orrection of Esophageal Stricture, Caused by Alkali Burns, by Plastic Sureery Using Tissue From the Transverse Colon." Budapest, Magyar Sebestet, Vol XIX, No 4, Aug 66, Pages 236-243. Abstract; (Authors' Hungarian summary3 Retrosternal reconstruction of the esophagus with transverse colon tissue was performed in 17 cases of eso- phageal stricture caused by alkali burns. One patient was lost because of peritonitis subsequent to suppurative pleuritis, 14 patients had an un- eventful recovery. The late results were satisfactory both from the functional and esthetic aspect. The operation is performed In a single session and, in the presence of a good general condition, without previous stomach fistula. In one case, gastric resection was also performed simultaneously with the plastic operation. The technical and postoperative-nursing problems of esophageal plastic with transverse colon tissue, the sources of the eventual complications and the mode of their treatment are discussed. 1 Hungarian, 19 Western references. KRISCH, Pobert -- "'r- I . - R..-indling of sugar-induatry finishibd proaucts. Cukor 16 no-4102- 104 Ap 1639 1. Acsi Cukorgyaro