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SOB OLEVSK IY I A na t o I ty Go org iy ev i c h, : BFM, A. I . , r ed . ; J3URLYAN D, V. A. , red . ; VAIMM. V.I.. rod.; GEIIISHTA, YoX.. red.; DZHIGIT. I.S., red.; KANATEVA, A.M., red.; XMIXEL', E.T., red.; KULIKOVSKIT, A.A., red.; SMIRNOV, A.D., red.; TAFLASOV, F.I., red.; SHAHSHUIR. V.I., red.; KRIBITSKIY B.Kh.. red.-, LARIONOV, G.Tm.. tekhn. reA. [Pulse techniques] Impul'snain takhnika. Moskva. Gos4 energ. i7d-vo, 1958. 167. (Hassovaia radlobibliotaka, no. 308). (MIRA 11:11) (Pulse techniques(Electronics)) 94-13-7-11/25 AUTHORS: Xriboruchko_v_,_1__I. and GooLon, K, Ya. TITLE: A New Circuit for Arc Heating of Ini~,ot Heads (Vovaya skhe;aa dugovogo obo6reva pribyley slitkov) PERIODICAL: Promyshlennaya Energetika:, 19138, Vol 13, Nr 7, pp 29-30 ABSTRACT: Are heating of the um)er parts of in,:ots is often used in order to cut down the volwr,3 of' cooling pits. A carbon olectrode lo, lii~-Lfillc:d above the mould full of molLen mattd, AutomaUe control iG required to make -the arc burn evenly, Existin6 installations have a nwiiber of defects; they require a furnace transformer, air-cored chokes, a v(.,-riL;ilat(-,d ~machine rooia and constant operating staff, This article describes a reliable and econowic equipment that the authors have devised for this 1, , inst!~Tlatioil illustrated dia6ramaatic- -purpose. The ally in Fig.1, consis"Us of a transformer chamber and a nwaber of panels for autoTliatic equipment and contactors. Welding sets are used for tl,e arcs. Fig.1 illustrates an installation for sy-phon pouring of steel for ingots of up -to 500 kg,, However, the samie circuit can be used for larger ingots. In order to obtain high quality Card 1/2 in~~ots the are must be suitably controlled. The control A New Circuit for Are Heating of Ingot Ifeads 94-13-7-11/25 circuit of the motors used to drive the electrodes is Given in Fig.2. It employs two magnetic amplifiers operating in relay conditions., The construction of the equipment and the method of operation are described. If the arc current is too high the electrodes is moved in one direction, if it is too low in the other. The current sensitivity of the regulator Is of the order of 10-12% which is found to be adequate. During a heating cycle of ten minutes the electrodes are moved not more than fifty times. The circuit has been tested in production and is recommended for more extensive use. Its main advantages are that it can be applied to ingots of any size, the electrodes can be driven by a squirrel cage induction motor, d.c. not being required, and there is no need for special machine rooms for converters or other machinery. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Tyazhpromelektroproyekt Estate Design and Planning Institute (for heavy electrical industry)) 1. Electric area - Applications 2. Electric arco - Control systems Card 2/2 3. Carbon e3ectrodes - Applications 4. Industrial plants - Equipment 1, 21,692-66 LTP(c) TD ACC NR. "AF6ol5.829 SOME CODE1 UR/0286/65/OW/019/0072/00721, 1NVENTORaKriboSheYCaj_A# 'La.; Kotoshov. No P.: Parshln'#- At _Ru.~!itts!qyj L. S TLR-. h KnyazhLanslck- ff.', INdileve Oo No j , z at Go he- ORG: none TIME: Alloy~d cast iron. Claes 0 22c; IfGbl 37 sup oo B 21b; 7a,19) No. 1752~6 SOURCE; Byulletent izobreteniy I tovarnykh znnkovf no. 19, 1965, 72 TOPIC TAGS: casL Iron, hardness, wear resistance, chemical compo3ition, iron alloy ABSTRACT: An alloy cast Iron is proposed with high wear resistance d hardness which has the following chemical composition (in %): 3.8 C (ma7x-0.3-0-7 S1, 2.0-3-5 Mn, 0-05-0-3 Cr, 1.2-2.2 Nil 0-3 Ti (max) -aid 0-4 P Onax'). [JPR3j SUB CODE : 11, 200 07 / SUM4 DATE: none GGHANAY. V.I..;.,KRIBSKIT. 1.-T,a'.' ; RTZHKINA, W.V.; Sa'OD.-'--ULITANOV, V.A. P,12L"G, PA.A. Delineation of oil-bearingand uster-bearing strata by means of electron and photon beams. Atom.energ. 9 no.4:313-315 0 160. (MIRA 13-9) (Carbon--footopeo) (Oxygen-lootopne) (Petroleum) GERSEZIOVIC, Z.S.; KRICEVSKAJA, A.A.; KOLOUSEK, J. w -- Effect of increased oxygen pressure and methionine sulfaximine on glutamine a-ynthetase activity by rat In vitro. Acts, Univ,. Carol. (mod.] (Praha) 9 no.3:237-244 163 T 1. Katedra, biochimie Statni universit v Rostove na Donu.. 1~ a Biofyz3ikalni ustay USSSR (vedoucit prof. a.Se Germmovic fakid-Ly vs9obemeho lekaretvi University Karlovy v Prame (prednosta: doe. MURr. Z.Dienstbar). KRICH, B.V. Wficient petroleum ha-ulage. Zhel.dor.trnnsp. 37 no.10:49-55 0 155. (KLRA 9:1) (Petroleum--Transportation) L, v Irwh.: SIM"a"OvQ'I IY, 1.17 . 1, Av, z;,, vypusk; voBliov", Ye.N., kand.tekhri.nauk Brief instructions on orFani7Ation and plannirr methods for routinp normal freipht traffic flows. Inform.list.Glav.prux.upr. no.l';: 4-39 '59. OIIIRA 14:5) 1. Glavnoye prwovayp upravlentye MinU7ter~tva rutey s~olsl,cfeniya (for Krich). 2. VsesQyu7,nyv naucl-.~!,--isslc-dovatellskiy institut 7he]pvnpdorozhnovo transporta Ministerstva putey soob~,~,cheniya (for Simanovskiy). (Railroids-Traffic) Otail roads-Freight) KRICH.1 B.V., inzh. Basic taoks in the organization of a more efficient transportation, 43 no.2:23-27 F 161. (MIRA 142 4) (Railroads-Freight) LANGUROV, I.Z., kand. tekhn.nauk; ZAVADSKIY, K.I., inzh.; GALLE, A.G., inzh., retsenzent; KRICH, B_V., insh., retsenzent; PANKOV, A.M., inzh., retsenzeni; SHISHLYKOV, Ye.S., inzh., red.; USENKO, L.A., tekhn. red. (Organization of the transportation of bulk liquid cargo] Organizatsiia perevozok nalivnykh gruzov. Moskva, Transzhe--,.-, dorizdat, 1963. 269 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Tank cars) (Railroads--Freight) -KRICH, Boris Vladimiromich,, SHAFIRKIN, 0. 1., retsenzent; KARPOVA, DROZDOVA, N.D., tekhn. red. (Ways for a more efficient organization of freight transportation) Puti ratsionalizataii perevozok. Moskvap Transzheldorizdat, 1963. 74 P. (miRA 16:6) (Freight and freightage) KRICHAGIN, V.I. Remarks on IA.B.Noishtadtle article g7luoresoent sun laws.0 Gig.i #&n. no.1:54-56 Ja 154. W-RA 6 z 12 ) (Pluorescent lane) (Noishtadt, 1A.3. ) (Ultraviolet rays- Physiological affect) GAIAMIN, N.Y., polkovnik meditainskoy cluzhby, professor; POLTAX, B.L.. polkovaik meditainakoy sluzhby, professor; VOLKOV, Y.T., Icandidat kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; maditainakikh nauk;,jqtk KEDVMV, V.I., kan a kh na uk Working conditione of radar operators and possible means of preventing general and visual fatigue, Voens-medexhur. no.9:28-32 S 156. (KIRA 100) 19 Chlen-korrespondnat AMN SSSR (for Galanin) (BIACTRICITY--PHYSIOLOGICAL XMCT) (RADAR-UTGLUIC ASPSCTS) (=--CARE AND HYGIEHO KRIC;.IAGIIJ~ V.I.,; APANASIYLVA, R.F., nauchnyy sotrudnik Method for evaluating linen and dress materials by the speed of moisture penetration through the fabric. Gig. i san. 26 no.11: 50-55 N '61. (MIRA 14:13.) 1. Iz Instituts, aviatsionnoy i kosmicheskoy neditsiny. (TEXTILE FABRICS-PEIWMILITY) (INSULATION (HEAT)) L llt259-66 FSS-21F,',,JT(l)1FS(V')-31T r3CTB Df)/RD ACC tat: AT6003852 SOURCE CODE: UR/2865A5/0014/000/0180/0187' AUTHOR: Popov, No C.; Krichagin, V. I.: Borshchenko, V. V.; Savinich F. K. 15~ ORG: none TITLE : Hygienic investigation of cosmonaut clothing designed for wear ina small space cabin under shirtsleeve microclimate conditions SOURCE: 'AN SSSR. Otdeleniye biologicheskikh rauk. Problemy kosmicheskoy biologii, v. 4, 1965, 180-187 TOPIC TAGS: cosmonaut hygiene spacd suit, syxiceeraft capsule environment, space physiology, skin physiology hygiene 2de ABSTRACT: Cdhtemporary'spa Wits Worn dontinuousiy inflict considerable dis- '-con~fort afid-inddhvehience on the wearer, This has been one of the factors prompting development of shirtsleeve. cabin atmospheres permitting the wearing of light, porous clothing. The most importan Ify-gienic function of clothing is keeping the Win; free of dirt. In space, where the various kinds of dust ordinarily present, -in the environment are absent, the main contaminants of skin and clothing are the products of human vital activity (skin gland secretions, sloughed :epidermis, falling hair, and particles of urine and feces). Card 113 ACC TIR: AT6003852 Weight penalties make the carrying of changes of underwear or the cleaning of underwear in flight impracticable. Therefore, ways must be found to enhance the skin cleaning capability of underwear. Knitted fabric has a number of advanta&s: 1) better fit, 2) economy of space in packing, 3) convenience in placing physiological sensors. For shirtsleeve cabins, knitted sportswear was found best. Chamois sli~per3 were worn as footecar. Samples of the clothing were worn in thermochamber', cabin-mockup, and Vostok flight tests. In order to evaluate the skin-cleaning capabIlity of Oic clothing, mettiods were deviled to measure the degree of soiling by -analyzing bath and wash water. The clothing was worn in 30-day tests without washing., and the con- dition of the skin under the clothing was determined by clinical and labora- -tory methods. Skin condition is stated to have remained wholly satisfactory. Hyperkeratosis, scaling, some folliculitis simplex, isolated boils, derma- titis, and acne vulgarts were observed, but none of these conditions Inter- fered with thp work capacity of the subjects or prevented completion of the experimental program* Card 2/3 L i425o-66 ACC NR: AT6003852 The knitted underwear developed by such methods was worn by 4 Gagarin Titov N koliye ~~o_povich, Pyh2vski and Tere-ghkova on the first spaceflights. [ATD FRMS: 4091-F] SUB CODE- 06 SUBH DATE; nOnO CRIG REF: 004 VOIA11KI11, Yu.M.; A11.11TYUOY, G.A.; AM'IrOV, V.V.; ALTUKEOV, G.V.; 13AYEVSKIY, R.M.; BELAY, V.Ye.; WYA11OV, P.V.; BiCYA1XV, I.I.; VASILIYFV, P.V.; VOLOVICH, V.G.; GAGiLKI., Yu.A.; GE2111.1, A.M.; GOMjOV, F.D.; GORSHKOVp A.I.; GUROVSKIY,; YESHA141OV, N.M; YEGOHOV, A.D.; KAHPOVj Ye.A.; KOVALEV, V.V.; KOLOSOV- '.A.; K0111SHOVIV A.A.; KASIYAN, I.1.; KOTOVSKMA, A.t,,.; YkIII&RDIN, G.V.; KOPAITEV, V.I.; KUZIMMOV, A.F.; KAKURY, L.1 ; KUDROVA, H.V.; LEdEDEV, V.I.; LEBEDEV, A.A.; LOBZ11i, F.P.; KAKSIE.OV, D.G.; ffASNIKOV, V.I.; MAINSHKIII, Ye.G.; NEIR"YVAKIN, I.P.; 0111SHCHENKO, V.F.; POPOV, I.G.; FORUCHIKOV, Ye.P.; SILIVESTROV, M.M.; SWIAPIN, A.D.; SAKSONOV, P.P.; TERENTIM, V.G.; USHAKOVy A.S.; UDALOV, Yu.F.; FOMIN, V.S.; FOMR, A.G.; KHM~UKOV, G.F.; YUGAIIOV~ Ye.M.; YAZDOVSKIY, V.I.; KRICHAPjIl, M01ICHEV, J,.J.; AF I.T.; SAVIDICH, F.K..- STMPUR-k, S.F.; VOSK:T3'EVSKIY, O.G.; GAZEIKO, O.G., SIS=AN, N.M., akademik, red. [second group space flight and some results of the Soviet astronauts' flights on "Vostok" ships; scientific results of medical and biological research conducted durJng the second group space flight] Vtoroi gruppovoi kosmicheskii polet i neko- torye itogi poletov aovetskikh kosmonavtov na korabliakh I'Vostok"; nauchnye rezulltaty inedikobiologicheskikh issledovanii, provedennykh vo vremia vtorogo gruppovogo kosmicheskogo poleta. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 277 p. (MIRA 18:6) 1-,OPOv, ~1?'Gff N_-V,I,*j BOVSHCHENKO, V.V,; SAVINICH, F.K. _L61-i-i - Study of the hygienic aspects of space clothes used In small cabins tinder comfortable microolimatic conditions. Probl. kosm. biol. 4s180-167 165. (MIRA 180) KRICEMIN, V.I., kand. med. rviuk, polkov-,iik meditoin'skoy sluzilby Ways and methods for approAinate calculatiorm of tolerance of man to high and low temperatures of the external environment. Voon. mod. zhur. no.10:30-38 0 165. (IMTRA 18:11) DANTSIG, N.M.; VLODAVETS, V.V.; KRICHAGIRA. N.B. Ultraviolet rays in the prevention of air droplet infections. Vest.Al-IN SSSR 16 no.7:13-20 161. (MIPA 14:7) 1. Institut obshchey i kommunallnoy gigiyeny imeni A.N.Sysina AMN SSSR. (ULTRAVIOLET PAYS) (COM14UNICABLE DISEASIS-PREVENTION) (AIR-PURIFICATION) KRIGIUK, M.--). Objoeuvo analysis of the vInd field by means of optl=m Inter- polatIon. Trady !-SITS no.4~,U-49 064 (MIRA 18&2) 80786 ~J ~,5700 0 sov/169-59-6--5496 Tra.aSlation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 19,59, Nr 6, pp 6 - 7 (U-q&R) ALI 2" OF. Kric 4'.~ 0 .21. Z4 T-'n-v,, Preliminary Results of the Aerometeoro-logical Work in 1957/58 FMODI"AL; Inform, byul. Sov. antarktich. ekspedits 14, .1958, Nr 1, rP 57-59 AMTFLACT, Based on the ae ometeorological. observations 01;' sovi~-t ob- servatories and stations in the Antar-tio In 1957-58, the following conclusions have been drawnt An anticyclone ext4rdlng up to ~x. altitude of 5 - 9 km above sea level. is prevalent over the Ant- arctic continent. The former conceptions of +kv~ trarsformAticn of -this cyclone into a high-level cyclone at an altitude of 3 - 5 km are not true. The displacement of the larger part of the Antarctic continent in the direction of th;~ Atlant1,:,. and th-? .Indian Oceans leads also to a displacement In '.h.13 d1reT~t1.1:-n of the high-level Antarctic anticyclone and the cy~~Ione zon-~ around the Antarctic. The relative approach of th- -y-l~ns zon~~ to the subt-ropic high-pressure belt causes In this an ln~r.=~ase 11-and 1/~ of horizontal, baric gradients in the middle ard uprtor trqpospilzl(~ ,VV, 80786 sov/l69-59-6-5496 Preliminary Results of the Aerometeorological. Work in 1957/58 IV and the formation of jet st"ams. At the same tlme~ this h~r- a frontal zone with a greater tenden,,y to cyclone formatLon: the :!arried along by the jet streams, move here with great As a the nature of the "roa-ring" forties and fiffles .1aiA,,i.,1,!, of At.15n~'Ac-.rndlan sector are explained by the influor.-:'4 of th~ Ant-ir,--fdr, 11 was alzo detected that, the cyclones moving from wect to ea--,, ',:, kntar~-tic become frequently stationary at certain lorg1t1jrJ~-,,, In .51x ~'-,)a-al area's a p!~rlodic formation of baric extensions, caljz,~d by gecgrapni,:t and in agreement with this, six climatic cyclorie zones, lo;at~-d abcfitl ~-eaz.' are f'ound, In these zones, nearly immobile ~yclore_t rtLaning around the Antarctic. As a result, maridional pr,-)~~csz- and nct zonal Pr,c):!e_,1ces are of importance. In turn, this causes a deviation to of the mid-latitude jet streams and, sometimes, their pen,~tratlon *h.,- South Pole, The analysis of aerological data reveals the great. of '~h- jl,~t- Btr~-~~mz- on the air cirrAulation over the Antarotic, From atmoz_pheri~:. ~_rc_zq se-t~ons It was established that the atmospheric in tht- Ant_~r-_ qjently eztend up to the tropopause. It. waz, ot!:-:Iabllsbc-d -_-y tLn ot Card 2/3 80786 SOV/169-59-6-5496 FralkmLnary Results of the Aerometeorological Work In 1957/58 actinometric observations that the minimum temperatures in the Antar2tlc m-~,v a-'~tain values of -800C (t 20). The observation.9 in 1.958 -~ocnfirm these cal. :~~"latlons. Investigations in the area of the Banger oasis showed that 7,w,.-,off winds, reinforced by winds of the front parts of cy-lcne~,, blcw away completely the entire snow cover and a microclimate with a relatively high temperature is formed in summer in the sections of dry land, bared from 5now. In conclusion it is said that the altitudes above sea level. of +he Soviet intracontinental stations were determined according to radloaltimeter data obtained by aircraft flights over the sea level (resulting from aerolo- glt?al observations) and over the glaciers. It is stated 'tizat It i-:z possilh-1-- to create within a short time a hypsometric map of the entire Antar?*A.c c.).n- tinent with this method, provided It Is used by all countries psnforming re- zearch work in the Antarctic. M.V. Belyak-~V- Card 3/3 MKMAKOV, P.Ya.; KRICHALOV, X.F. Split rod for wiping Internal pipe surfaces. Biul. TSIICHM no-10; 45 16o. (MIRA 15t4) (Pipe mills--Equipment and supplies) 'I KRICHENKO, L.A. Geology of the Polmos aeries in the Kola Peninsula. Vop. geol. min. loll* poluoso no.2:245-254 l6o. NIRA 13:10) (Kola Peninsula-Geology) USSR/Electricity - Inverters Apr 52 "Extinguishing of the Excitation Arc in Tubes of Rect if ier -Inverter Instbllations," I. it. Krichenove, V. Ye. Polyakov.. Docent V. M. Sin1kov, Candidates Tech Sci '"F -45 lektrichestva" No 4, pp, 42 'Discusses the effect of circuit inductance and ca, pacitance and relationships of the control amZles P-P +'no 4-'6sn m the stabil-ttv of tJ3Le excitation are in ttte tubes if a rectifier-i.=erter installation having a rectified voltage of 12 kv. Submitted 10 Aug 51- 228T53 JN 942' Extinction of Arre o( Excitation Swittrilte- In R"O. firr-lairner IF4wipmeat. ( INVIAH. ) I-.&- &Fjjt~~J, N' E. Polmlitiv. Al"I V. M. I.1. 4-ir-n.-Wpr. IiAlp. 42-41. PFI-111% fl-1-111 A All lillf"ll fi'm (.f 16. 11,11114 mt- 44 Imbutim .Still laNt-11.1-kt. alld 'lligh fill 111', irguLating %% itt It mi %taklity tof the .111, ill 4,1111plill nt I'l.ptill, 1111t W( 111itli (urrist At 12 kv. f4ov )e Inverters "Characteristics of Converter Instal2ations," Cands Tech Sci A. V. Bayev, 1. A. Krichenova, V. Ye. Poly- akov, V. M. Sin'kov, and Engi-V. Yu. Srodnyki, Ural Polytech Inst imeni Kirov "Elektrichestvo" No 11, PP 51, 52 Cites procedure for constructing characteristic curves of converter (rectifier and inverter) in- stallations using regulation angles alpha and beta as coordinates. Most important relationships from point of view of operation are obtained for case of infinite inductance in rectified current circuit. Submitted 10 Apr 52. 24m,66 BAYIV, A.Y.; KRIGHNNOVA. I.A.; POLYAKOV, V.Ye.; SINIKOV, V.M.; SRODNYKH, V.Tu. Decennial of the operation of the experimental d.c. line in Sverdlovsk. Blaktrichostvo no*6:93 Je 158. WRA 11:6) (Sverdlovsk-Blectric lines) 14(6) 8(6) 4 --0- -1;~'/24 , AUTHORS: Bayev, I...V. , Candidate of Teclinicr'1 J Ce C. o' 5 D o c e n Polyah ov, V. Yf, Si'l 1- 0-,,- 1 V. Srodnykh, V.Yu., Engineer U TITLE: The Experimental D.C. Power Line from UPI to U.1,"A PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysuhihh uchobnylkh za%re(lei.~iy, 1958, Nr 10, pp 144-145 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On February 10, 1948, the coiistruction of the first experimental d.c. power line in the U361.1, vias coi;ipleted, connecting the UPI - Urallskiy politek,1zicheskiy in.- stitut imeni S.M. Kirova (Ural Polyte.-hnic ln3titu-II.-e Da-riit'I imeni S.M. Kirov) with UEA - "U-ra'-F?1,---ktioa-D : plant in Sverdlovsk. Tile preparat.-Lor-s for building this d.c. line began in 1947 by an order signed by the directors of UPI and UEA. Planning, constructing, operating and research were carried out jointly by UPI and UEA. This power line may serve as an example for the cooperation between an industrial installation and a vuz. All planning was done by the authors of Card 1/5 this article at Kafedra elektricheukikh stantsiy, setey SOV/143-58-10-18/24 The Experimental D.C. Power Line from UPI to UEA i sistem UPI (Chair of Electric Power Plants, Networks and Distribution Systems of UPI) with conjultation of loading employees of the mercury rectifier depariment of the UEA, L,M. Klyachkin, V.K. Krapivin., I.N. Paley- ev. The basic and auxiliary equipment -;,,as furnished by UEA, while UPI provided materials for the line. The construction of the line was performed by the or- ganization "Uralelektromontazil", L.M. Lipove'uskiy and S.V. Khlynov, with participation of the Institute. The d.c. power line was prepared for operation by UIP (Khlebnikov, I.Ya., Senior Laboratory Assistant, and others) with participation of UEA representatives. The rectifier substation was set up at the 6 kv sub- station supplying the Vtuzgorodok (Institute area). For inatalling the inveritorl,3, free char. 'ibers in a oub- station feeding one of the training buildings viere used, of which a part was occupied by UEA. The recti- fied voltage was 12 kv. The equipment of the recti- fier and inverter stations was designed foi transmit- Card 2/5 ting 180 kw. The length of the over6round line vias :3 0 VI! i f) - i 8/2 4 The Experimental D.C. Power Line -from UPI to UEA some,Nhat shorter than 500 m. In a special laboratory preliminary otudies were conducted wit-11 the rectifier and inverter equipment, emphasizing ~afet-y measures, since a nuiuber of students did not yet !,a-,;,2 the re- quired experience. The equipment upon completion of the construction -aork by a roup of 12- 15 senior students. The experimentaa operation was also performed by students, amorg th--m B.A. Astakhov, F.N. Zakharov and his brother, Koklin, Teploukhov and others. The Ekspluatatsionno-tel,.-nni~,heskoy~, upravle- niye UPI (Operational-Technological Administration of UPI), S.A. Yakimov, N.A. Morozoir, M.A. Bobich and others, furnished great assistance for this project. The first period of operation of the d.c. power line was characterized by short duration of stable power transmission. After two to four hours various mal- functions of the six-anode mercury rectifiers occur- red, etc. Some research work was conducted on a contract basis with the "Uralelektroapparat" plant Card 3/5 and the Institut postoyannogo toka TYIES SSSR (Institute SOV/143-58-10-18/24 The Experimental D.C. Power Line from UPI to UEA of Direct Current of USO) dealing; aith the in- fluence of irregular operatin, conditions in the inter- nal feed network on the functioning of the inverters. It -aas also neceacary to conduct an irivejt-i,;~ation of radio interference cau!;ed durin6 the Dr)er.'Itiori of the d.c. line. Purther failures of rectifiers an,,J in- verters were inveatiCated and ziea circuit for inverter subotationo were devoloped. of the students performed their diplomas or diisert;,tions on subjects connected with the operation of this line. The (i.e. power line was diui,,iantl(,,d in 1950 in connec- tion with the C0118trUCtiOn of new buildiiit-,_,; at UPI. The inve2tigations conducted on thio uxperii.lental line were compiled in reports delivered alt tIe first All-Union conf'crence of polytechnic institutes in Leningrad in 1948. Further, rcport~3 on the-se Subjecto were read at the conforencoo by the I-,nerge- ticheskiy institut Akademii nauk S'j',;R (In~;titute of Card 4/5 Power Eng-ineering of the USSR Academy of ~(_Jciences) .O'OV11.1 5 `24 The Experil,,iental D.C. Power Line from UPI to UEA and at the All-Union conference Gn m-rcury fectifiers held in Overdlovok. in 1949). Ther,_7, ~Ovlc' refer- ences. j-0r ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy politekhniche2kiy a (Ural Polytechnic Institute irtioni Kirov) Chelyab-knskiy politekhnichc-skiy im;titut (Ch~,Lyabinsk l1olytechnic Institute) 1notitut Gosplana USSR (Institute of Autori;:.,tioa ci_ 'k,,jpl,~.n 'JirJSR) Card 5/5 KRICH3MU,j!A.g kand. tekhn. nauk, dote.; TROFIMMO, D.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk, do te. Calculation ourves.of short circuit currents of the compound-wound generator. Trudy Ural. politekh. inste no.90;133-141 158. (MIRA 13:2) (Ilectric currents) Meotric generators) MICUNUVA, I.A., kand.tekJjn.nauk, dotsont; 'IROFI,!,LJ.THO, D.Ye., kand.tekhn. nauk, dotsent Expediency of using 900-1,000 kv. voltagoa in long-dist-Inae power transmis3ion linen. IzV. vya. ucheb. zav.; enorg. 6 no.8:8-14 Ag 163. (?IIRA 16:9) 1. Urallskiy polite),chnicheakiy inatitut imani Kirov&. Predstavlena. kafedroy alaktrichaskikh atantaly, satey i ai5tem. (Electric power distribution) KRIC11PA)VA) I.A., knnd. takhri. nauk, dotponh; KIIII(VUNE'll, Kh.P., kand. tekhn. 1--, nauk, dotment Review of A.I. Rutakii's book "Flectric power plants and substations." Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 6 no.11:107-110 N163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imni S.M. Kirova. !7 AR/,AVJ,3'f'3F'V, D,A., dotsent, kand. tekhn. nauki KRICHENOVA, 1.A., dotf5ent, kand. tekhn. nauk; RUDNITSKIY, M.P., -- Some problems In studying asynchronous connectlons and resynchroni- zation regimes in power systems. Sbor. nauch. trud. Ural. politekh. inst. no.122;216-225 161. 0411k 17:12) AUTHORS: 1.V. 1 105-58-6-30/33 Bayev, A. V., Yr"he=YA4 - Polyakoy, Vs Ye#, Sin1kovq V. M.,Srodnykh, V. Yu. TITLE: On the Occasion of the lo-th Anniversary of Futting Into Operation of the Test D.C. Line in the Town of Sverdlovsk (K lo-letiyu. so dnya puska eksperimentallnoy linii postoyan- nogo toka v g. Sverdlovske) FERIODICALt Blektrichastyo, 1958, Nr 6, pp. 93-93 (USjR) ABSTRkCT: On February lo, 1958 lo years had passed since the putting into operation of the first mwCU experimentalda line in the USSR. It was constructed by the Ural Polytechnicai Institute imeni S.M. Kirov and the "Uralelektroapparat" fptory. Its power was 18o kW at 12 M The a.o. voltage at the rectifier and inverter substations was 6 kV. A number of scientific research works were performed in this test linei in 1950 the line was demoun- ted in connection with the new construction of the institute. 1. Transmission lines--USSR 2, Transmission lines--Equipment 3. Transmission lines--Performance Card 1/1 On 49 Yachiues, Testing_ Machinery - Anal4sie "no IM-hR Testing Xachlue amd Its Defects," A 8 Krichamer, Odessa Inst of ftgIneers, Marl- t;m;*Fleet, U. A. Shapiro, 2 pp "tavoil Lab" No 1. IMAM Is A nev uni've-nal tew-Ung machIne developed by TsNjjTMash (Cen &i Res Inst of Technol and Mwh Bldg). A relatively light machine, it aamot be ~ used for testing large beav.T parts. Nachine is not flexible enough, even vitbla Its rated 11mits. M 60/49T MM/taginsering (Contd) Jan 49 Gmuduated scales an machine are not fine enough.tq carry out accurate readings'. - =ectric motor could be -Improved, and.linkage wtreagtbwwd. Some of.the parts are constructed of very poor-Wade metal, In man caass parts had rusted end. beccim unfit for:, vie e-ven before machino vas not up. 6DI49T35 KIRICTIEVE"Ip A. S. USSR/Metals - Testing, Corrosion Pec 50 "Installation for Multiple Stress Corrosion Tests," S. A. IvanovA A. S. Krichever, I. B. Ulanovskiy "Zavod Lab"~No 12, pp 1471-1473 Installation consists of holders for specimens, dynamometer, and devire which creates necessary stress in specimens. To eliminate electrochem. re- action between specimens and holder, all parts of holder and all specimens, except surfaces subjected to action of corrosive medium, are dipped in molten mixt of bJtumen and paraffin. Three types of holders for tensile, compression, and bending tests.. 1 182T92 IRICHLTM. A.Se, aesistent ~ !" . &t*r-l~ Lt~ Stationary photoolootric deflectometer used for continuous meaeurments of flexures in floating docks, bridges, girders , and other structures, Nauch.trudy OIDW no-13:186-188 157- (MIU 11: 11) (Heasuring instruments) 3. 02 -.4-90. OR": AV, 5 al H -P V111 pill woIII-hl M-1 :11 1: A III -I .V14 js"Skowu -0 -.0 0 A j J, i j 1 .1 al. il K 11: 1,1: 11 T'r' -I. y L.S. , VOJ,.~l V, 11.1, . ; i " P A., - .:ndlcating frr measurinr ions o' e.,I:!-i17 de-l"orm-Z, pirt,o. lzm. tekh . ne.1.7.,g VjtU 117:7) KRICHWMR, I.S.; KOROGIL&T. A.Te. The SPA automtIc netting mchine, Biul,tekba-ekon.1aform. no.1:39-40 160. (MHU 13 *. 5 ) (Yachina tools) RABINOVICIIp I.M.; KRIGHEVER .1_.S.; KALIIICUV, E.L. Now injection,molding machine model TP-65. Plast.maBsy no-4:43- 45 161. (HIRA 14W (Plastics-Molding) RABINOVICH, I.M.; KRICHVER, I.S.; KALINCHEV, E.L,; MARAM, Ye,I. Now "TP-32" model molding machine. Plast.massy no.8:50-51 '62. (KIRA 15:7) (Plastics machinery) TSFASt B.S., kand. tokhn. nauk. doteentl KRICHEVE-Ep M.F., istarn)-dy prepodavatell --- -- ----- - ---, Kinenatics of dif ferential mechaniams with several degrees of mobilIV. Jzv. vys. twheb. mv.; mashinostr. no.7t 27-30 165. (MA 18112) 1. Subudtted Aug"t ls 1963. CODE: UR/0286/65/000/017 AUTHOR: Kashkadamov, V. P.;-Kric S.. Lebenson. M. Yo.: Makarov. A. Svirldenkp A, .. Lh.; Fal'ba, N.L ORG: none TITLE: A co -miller for machinipg turbine vane2,~ Class 49, No. 174498 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 17, 1965, 110 TOPIC TAGS: milling machine, turbine blade6 ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a copy-miller for machining turbine vanes. The milling heads are mounted on both sides of the workpiece and move in the transverse direction with respect to the table which carries the workpiece. The forces which twist the vane during machining are reduced by equipping the miller wit] a hydraulic servosystem which has pickups based on slide valvcs. The valves direct the stream of working fluid to the activating mechanism which rotates the pieces being machined and the master copy in such a way that the surface of the master:copy in contact with the feelers will he normal to the line passing through the centers of curvature of the feelers for the copy pickups. The surface of the part being machined is turned so that it Is normal to the line connecting the centers of the milling cutters. UDC: 621.914.37-503.53 621-253.5 Card L 7(),'4o-66 ACC NR3 AP5026826 SUB CODEt IE/ R C) r' ,,,d 2/2 Fig. 1, 1-3--valves; 4 and 5--feeler rods SUBM DAM 07Nay62/ ORIG REIN 000/ OTH REF- 000 BLOKHY 0.1.; KRICHEVER, S.S.; LEBENSON, M.Ye.; RASHKOVICH, M.P. Noncontact safety device for deep drilling. Stan.i instr, 32 no.8:12-14 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Drilling and boring-Safety measures) KRICHEVER) SIS. The M-186 autocAtic'speclil-purpose surface-grinding machine. Biu.I.- takh.-okon.infom.Goo.nauch,-isal.inat.nauch. i tekh.inform. no.4"40- ,A.1 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Grinding machines) L 44690-66 EVWd)/FWT(m)LEEC(k)-2/T/FSS-2 DJ/WR AC--C-NRi AP6005365 SOURCE CODEt UR/0413/66/000/001/0111/0111 AUTHORS: Ulchevel. 8, S.1 Novikov, N. M ; Shafir, S. N. ORGi none 3 ~(3 TITLE: Hydraulic tracking device Class 42, No. 177695 SOURCEs Isobrateniya, prorWahlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyyo znaki, no. 1, 1966p Ill TOPIC TAGSi tracking equipmento hydraulic equipment ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a hydraulic tracking device made in the form of a caning with openings for allowing the working liqui to pass in and out. The casing contains an internal plunger with ports for passing the working liquid, To regulate the sensitivity and stability of the hydraulic tracking system by changing the amplification factor# the working head of the plunger is made in the form of two rectangular symetrical ducts interacting with the corresponding rectangular ducts in the sleeve (see Fig. 1). The perimeter of the working aperture is adjusted by turning the plunger in respect to the sleeve. 1/2 44690-66 ACC NRt Ap6o6365 Fig. 1. 1 - casing of the instrument; 2 - plunger; 3 - duct v Orig, art* hasi I figures SUB COIZI 131 SUBH DATES liHar63 /7/ ZHrKHMW, V.; KRrCHEVEROV. D. What we expect from the All-Rassian Society of Volunteer Firemou.-Pozh. delo,6 no. 11:5 N '61- (HMA 13:12) 1. Predsodatell moveta Moskovskogo oblastnogo dobrovollnogo pozharnogo obehahestva (for Zhikharev). 2. Predesdatell soveta Hoskovskogo gorodskogo dobrovollnogo pozharnogo obohehoetva (for Kriohaverov). (Fire extingtion-Sociaties) -Mtho-65 rin (t)/WP(~Y %Pad (m)/~*WTA (d )/FW ACCESSION NR: AP4043918 S/0279/64/000/0041007610079 AUTHOR: ~,richavets, M.11. (Chelyabinsk); Foyolotskiy, D.Ya. (Chelyabinsk) TIT LE: Calcium distribution.between metal and slag in melt-n heat=rggjLtAD_t allctys/on a nickel-chromium base I(k - 71 : I,'[- SOURCE: 'AIN SSSIR. Izv. Metallurgiya i gornoye delo, no. 4, 1964, 76-79 TOPIC ?,Gs: calciun-i distribution, hcat resistant allay, nickel, chromiump slag, Gy, chromiumi alloy equilibriumi, plastic property, nickel ahromium alloy, nickel all ABSTRACT.- The authors investigated the conditions of an equilibrium distribution of Ca during the melting of . Er437B. jVloy in a high-frequency furnace, under slags having the following corr~i A~sftio4z: 48% CaO, 527o A1203, 701j'o CaO and 30'7j'a A1203, Holding time was 4 to 5 minutes. In comput;ng the activity of, the differ- e nt Components, hot slag was considered an ionic solution with one common oxy- gen anion. The invariability of the equilibrium constant of the Ca reducticun react- ion within the 1673 to 2273K temperature range corroborates the Ca equilibrium achieved by the metal-~'Lag system under experimental and industrial conditions. 1/2 L 2170-65 ACCESSION NR; AP40439181. The activity coefficient of calcium and aluminum oxides depends to a certain. extent on the chernical composition of the slag. An increase of the A1203 content in the slag raises the A1203 activity coefficient while it decreases the CaO activity coefficient, a fact attributed to an increase in the cohesive energy of Ca2+. ions in the mclt and a, wcakening ofthat, energy in. the case of A13-1" jOA-1s.- Consequently.-L tile chernical composition of the slag and the Al contents in the metal are basic technological parameters that determine the.plaigtic properties of heat-resistant alloys on an Ni'Cr base. Orig. art. ha~: 3 figures and I table. ASSOCUkTION: None SUBMITTED: 23Dcc63 ZICL; O(T SUB CODE: MIM NO-REF SOV:002 OTHER: 000 'crd 212 L 130,66-66 __ EWT(M~/FWPWAWA(d) T EWP(t)AWP(z)/EWP(b) IJP(c) JDAW ~R SOURCE COOK: UR/0148/65/000/011/0039/0043 AUTHOR: Krichavets, M. 1,; Donato, 1. Co; Rgyskt Do B.; PovolotskLy, D. To ORC: Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute (Chelyabinskiy politekhnicheekly inatitut) 1~ TITLE: Effect of the slog regime of melting an the plasticity of NI-Cr_ Be alloys SOURCE: ZVUZ. Chernaya oetallurgiya, no. 11, 1965. 39-43 TOPIC TAM: slog, nickel base.allay, chromium bate alloy, plasticity, alumina, calcium ABSTRACT: The principal parameter Investigated was the Al 0 /CaO ratio of the slag, since t is technological factor largely determines the c;JRions of the reducti of Ca which, according to V. H. Prid tsev (Vliyaniya primesey I redkozemel'nykh,el 0. tov na svoystva splavov. Metallu zda t, 1962), adversely affects the plasticityEf Ni-Cr-base heat resistant alloy Kis the Al 203/CaO ratio increases, t-We-ca content of the melt decreaseso This was verified by carrying out a large series of experimental remeltings in an electric are furnace. The plasti ity of the metal was determined visually (by forging samples to a 20 om square h bending through 180*).and by de- termining the Ca content and the Impact strengtihif specimens at high temperatures. Basic and alumina slags were used_rn___tWe__m_eT_tingo During melting under basic slags, a slag mixture of lime and feldspar was added in the course of the meltiez procese.. Card 1/2 UDC: 669.15-194:669.24126.046.5 13066-66 ACC NR& APS028573 After complete melting of the burden, slogging was carried out. During melting under alumina slags, technical alumina was added in the course of melting; no slogging was performed. In all other respects the melting operations were conventional. It was found that the use of alumina slag with a high Al20 /C&O ratio assures a high plasticity of metal. Use of limy slag (low Al 03/CaO ra?io) markedly increases the Ca content of the Metal 30 that plasticity is 103t, at forging temperatures. This was verl fied by tests of the impact strength of the metal of the experimental matte. In the specimens withs low Ca content the maxima of impact strength are observed at tempe- ratures of 1000-1100'C. By contrast, for specimens from malts in which limy slag was employed, where the Ca content was high, the maximum impact strength is observed at 850-900*C and is only abGut half as low as for the specimens malted under alumina slag. An A120 /CaO ratio of 0.55-0.57 is the limit of plasticity under the conditions of these inveltigation. Essentially then the degrao of reduction of Ca from the slag during melting increases with increasing proportion of the Al used as the reducing agent. Orig.. art. has: 2 f Igures. SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SUBM DATE: 24Aug64/ ORIG RRY: 005/ OM REF: 000 2/2 L 3992-66 EPA (S')-2A4T (12)/E PF (n)_2/F_?JP (t)/EUP (b) IJF(C) ACC NR: AP5022354 UR/0133/65/000/009/0820/0823 b69.168:621'.365' e t AUTHOR: Bezomov' S. V.; Kadarmetov, Kh. Charusfuifk6d 'G. V.,' KrIchey k. Ponomarenko, Yu 'G Tulin N. Po zdeyev, N..P.; Ser TITLE: Vacuum treatment of liquid ferrochromium SOURCE: Stal', no, 9, 1965, 820-823 TOPIC TAGSs ferrochrome, low carbon ferrochrome, liquid ferrochrome, ferrochrome decarburization, vacuum decarburization ABSTRACT: To develop a technique for Industrial-scale production of low-carbon ferrochromium, the Chelydbinek Scientific Research Institute of Metallurft~'tovether with.the Chelyabinsk 'Hetallurgical.Plant,~~conducted (1960-1964) a series of laboratory and semi-industrial scale experiments on decarburization of liquid ferrochromium in a vacuum induction furnace. The experimental results showed that vacuum treat- inent of a 400-kg heat of liquid ferrochromium in an,induction furnace in a vacuuld of 0.6-2.0 mm Hg (80-270 n/m2) at 1670-1700C reduced the carbon content of the alloy from 0.05-0.07 to 0.01-0.022 in 1 hr, and even lower with further treatment. The chromium content of the alloy v&s practically unchangedand the lose of ferro- chromium did not exceed 3%. The power consumption for vacuum treatment was about 500 kwh per ton of liquid ferrochromium, and the carbon oxidation rate was 0.0006 to 0.0009% C/min. In industrial-scale production, liquid ferrochromium poured into a ladle from which, after slag removal. the metal Is poured into the crucible C.rd''i/2 L 3992-66 ACC NRt V5022354 an 'induction furnace. The air Is then evacuated from the.furn -ace and' a-f ter... treatment the degassed metA ist"cast in flat ingots in air or in vacuum. To speed up the treatment, the crucible preferably should be of large diameter but compara- tively shallow, and the content of carbon and phosphorus In the initial alloy should not exceed 0.07-0.09 and 0.03%, respectively. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 1 tablet. [MS1 ASSOCIATIOS: Chelyabinskiy' vi.-L. institut metallurgii (Chelyabinsk Scientific Research Institute of Metallurgy);' ChelyMnskiy metallurgicheakiy. zavod (Chelyabinsk I*tallurgical Plant) SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 HH'IE NO REF SOV: OIL OTHER: 000 ATD PRESS:4//~p ROZENFIEID, V.S., lnzh.; MUCHEVETS, V.I.,, in21.; LUTEV, B.G., inzh. Automativ level gage. ~bkh. stroi. 20 no.6:20-21 A 163. (MIRA 16:5) (Level indicators) Elfta"! 17 CIVIC'.' iS.: .'E~"Tl N. 9 GERS,101OVICH, -VSKAYA. A. A. Z.3.; KRICHTE Brain Resoiraticn of thp brain tissue at h;,gh oxygen .)ressure. Ukr. bloldlii;m, zhur., 22, No. 3) 1950. Monthly List 2f Russian Accessions, Library of Congr,!,,, Cctober 2 195 Uncl. GMUMIOVICH, Z.S - Glutamic acid and tissue respiration of the brain in the presence of increased oxygen pressure. Biokhimiia, Moskva 17 no.6:684-690 NOV- Dec 1952. (GLKL 25:1) 1. Department of Biochemistry of the Biological Scientific-Research Institute, Rostov State University. KRICHEVSKATA, A.A.; LTASHCHINKO, I.F. - Respiration of tissues in wheats of variable hereditary basis. Lykr.biokhim.shur. 26 no-3:330-342 154. (MI-RA 7:12) 1. N.-i biologichookiy institut Rostovskogo-na-Doau gosuniversi- teta. (wheat) 1~4 4-A H,9 011 Ammook ital glutsmint Ln tf~& brafa td Lrtmud d5y~CE- Z. S. C ovich azt-f A. A. Krichc Drb"Wo. 'ght'l (v, M!P&f(&tw FA;kl,: thiN., 05, Vtrv t~J- (1~ r'!CsvA(C-C Amber expts. un4cr 4 a%-t C. krz! ff 'Q~ the ..PtAm. 'a rU'% tmEil t' c ~:Ezttd ';-Iil 1;4- &Ittr Tkj%jCjj tT ZnLLfl% we;t c',rc-- . r-udni Immcdiatcfy fromi im liquid --it a7LI NIft. tfutamic acid, and glut-mitic. IncreX-4-1 0 firt-l-rc -Wrtves the IMS ctmtcltt of tht L431"i (5howrt gntpv~%Ay). evell i't tht, pTv6IIvt;W" AIV4-,, whi!e the cot-vul'-wo st~'vz docs mot tiecr-Utwify pl*rl;if Almost c~mp%:to disap.,t-armnce ef glutamin!t tr;~-; iar--in Wide N rvatcd ptevl,ws to the mmvu!!Ious~ Th.: =t. LA ft" ctutantic acid, or tho, othcr band, tWts, t the J. "T GNMRSIMOVICII, Z.S.; KRICHBVSKAYA, A.A.; AIMMITKO, L.P. Adrenergic aubstancon in the b rain and adronals in incrense-I oxygem pressure. Ukr.biokhtm.zhur. 27 no.1:3-11 '55. (KLRA 8:6) 1. Kafedra 'niokhi!iii gosuclaretvennogo univereiteta i otdo3l btokhimli Biologicheo'cogo instituta, Rostov-rz-Donu. (ATMOSPHMIC PRXSSUqH, effects. on adrenal & cerebral epinephrine, puro oxygen at 3-5 6.0 atmospherem) (BRAIII, Metabolism, epinephrine, off. of high pressure of pure oxygen) (ADMIMAL IMUIM. physiol(Ngy, off. of hiph pressure of purn oxygen on apineohrine metab.) (KPIIUwmIIE' brain & qdrenalsq off. of high pressure of pure o"gen) d tho b, . L mill r~nl r OrIF16H PrUFMI: ZAI Ria jantr~ 12,4, f T 6MRSEINNOVIO.' Z.S.; KRICHAVSKATA, A.A. 4~o- Activity of glutam synthe is -by the brain and liver following exposure of aninslo to high oxygen pressure (with Znglish summary in insortj. Biokhimila 21 no.6:715-~22 N-D 156. (MLRA 10:7) 1. Kafedra biokhimil Hostovskogo-na-Dodu universiteta I Otdol biokhtmii Sauchno-iBsladovatelisicogo biologichaskogo institute. (BRAIN. metabolism. glutaminesynthatsee. off. of high oxygen pressure in animals (Rua)) (LIVER. metabolism, one) (ANZT g4mminesynthetase tg b5lin & liver, off. of high oxygen prifture in animalb us UTAXATV_q (same),)'' The enzyme system which activated the synthesis of glutemine was easily affected by byperoxidation. Glutamine synthetase of the brain was more resistant to the deleterious action of 02 than glutamine synthetase of the liver. Prior to its inactivating the brain glutaminase, 02 enhanced its activity. GERSMOVICH, Z.S.; KRICHEVSKAYA, A.A. W"- Restauration of tissue 'proteins by, the action of incroased oxygen pressure an the organism. Dokl.AN SSSR 106 no-3:449-457 Ja 156. OCLRA 9:6) 1.Biologic~eskly institut pri Rostovskom-na-Donu gosudarstvennom universitate imeni VeMoMolotova, (TISSURS) (OMEN-PHYSIOLONICAL EFFECT) 101ICHEVSKAYA, 4LA.; GFJWHENOVICII, Z.S.,- SHCIRUMTM, V.P. Amionia formation from amides in brain and liver homogenates exposed to increased oxygen pressures. Biokhlmlia 24 no-3: 459-464 14)r-Je 159. (14IRA, 1?:g) 1. Chair of Biochemistry of the State University and the Biochemical Department of the Research Biological Institute, Rostov on Don. (LIM, metab. ammonia synthesis from amides In homo nates exposed to h1gh oxygen pressure (H (BRAIN, metab. same) (AH140NIA, metab brain eb liver homogenatee exposed to high oxygen pressure (Rug)) (AT140SPHVR C MSSURE, eff. on brain & liver homogenate ammonia synthesis (RUB)) GEl(Sll-%111OvI(;llJ* Z.S.; KRICIEVSKAYA,. A.A. Amide and carboxyl groups of brain proteins In oxygen intoxication. Blokhimiia 25 no.2010-317 Mr-Ap 160. WIRA 14: 5) 1. Kafedra biokhimii universiteta i otdel biokhimii Nauchno- issledavatellskogo instituta, Rostov-na-Donu. (RAII,l) (PROTEINS IN THE BODY) (OXYGM-TOXICOLOG1.) ETINGOFp R.Na; KRICHEVSKAYAq A.A. Effect of inaulin on glycolyois, in tissue culture cello, Biokhimlia 25 no. 3056-562 My-Je 160. (MIRA 14t4) 1. Biochemical Laboratory# Poliomyelitis Inatitutep Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. (INSULIN) (GLICOLYSIS) (TISSUE CULTURE) GFMHENOVICH, Z.S.; KRICIIEVSKAYAt A.A. Frq~ective.role of arginine in oxygen poisoning. Biokhimiia 25 no.5s791-795 S-0 160. (MIRA 14s.1) 1. Chair of Biochemistryp State Universityt and.Biochemical Depart- ment, Research'Biological Instituteq Rostav-on-Oon. (aXYGEN-TOXICOLOGY) (ARGININE) KP I` li FV3!'l~Y..', , A. . 1,. . , rinl IF" OV IC, I i , "1. 3 . (ITS SR ) `Functian-~il Groups of BrAn l1rcteins Ln Varivis St"tt-f, of the .~*. nim -11 . " Re!,ort pr(-.s(ntp-,i -!t the 5th lntevn~,itionaj B*,,-i!7tr.Y con-Ir ~s, 10-16 Aug 1961 ETINGOF, R.N.; GUHINA, I.I.; KRICHEVSKAYA A.A. -- ----- - - 3. Certain characteristics of mitochondria of tissue culture cells. Biokhimiia 26 no.2:354-360 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 24:5) 1. Biochemical Laboratoryo Institute of Polyomyclitis, Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. (TISSUE CULTURE) (MITOCHONDRIA) P --t th--bi--log Cally active-aminea- acetylcslio~-- ral prot -t w -is considerable biological significance-because it is the method by Iffie, etc. J. of which structural categarles-of1pr6tein take place and low-molecular highly active Icompounds are stared and, become temporarily inactivated. The authors,suggest that Ithe ability-of GAB& lathe presence of b~aln (but not liver) proteins to displace. .1 =-ide &roups shows that GARA is not only a regulator of the. glutamate concentrat ion. land of the speed of the tricarboxylic acid c'ycle but also a substance that partiai-t- I.Card 1/2 2/001 A 15 B145 /B147 Fedorov, A. A., Krichevsk4j~j, --A.. !1., and L;.,.~~Dva, F. V. ,;'.'I T 1,41': Letermination of sulfur in metallic chromium Z it v oci- V. ny it I it t, o ra t o ri y it, v . 2 7 , no - 1 1 c 6 1 , 1 A 14 T ~.X T Thp method "ugpested is ba~7ed on the for,-.~.Aion of methylere Ilue from POS with dimpthyl-p-phenylene diaminp F:ulfate and trivalent iror, in It ro- Y d c,.hloric ricid solution, It permits the determination of ,,-Ilfur ir. metallic -Eromium vathin al'out 1 .5 hr with nn ~~tccuracy or 1,10-4-1,'. The method can be u,led for the vnal~/s i n o f f errochrom! um, C r-3%b a] I oys . -, ome type- o f s tee I , iron, c~i-t iron, ~-,ilicon, niobium, nitric, hydrochloric, , 'nd phor-pEoric acid exalts of all-ali metals, as well as bases and acids, Turj~sten disturbs the ~-ralysis. Orthonk:oinhoric acid is used as !solvent. In the rre-ence of 7) 'ri G of ~-.ulfate rulfur, 0.1 tr of metallic chromium ii; Backe t ~inid a7, redkiciri~,, livent. Purified ritrofT(~-n i~; usf:d ;iz- carrier ga.-, . The ref!ctlon ve~-sel of qutrtz is cooled (-1 to -50C) 6 5 - I - of the -,zimnle i~-, dionolved in 50 milliliters of orthorho!ini,rric -eid in --in ~Ai:losrihi~rri C~,.rd S/052/61/027/012/001/015 Deter,mination of sulfur in metallic... B 145/B 147 6500 C and at a low rate of the N 2 flow the H 2S formed is collected in 10 milliliters of 5% NaGH. This solution ccnt~iinine H 2S is filled into a 50-milliliter me;~suring flask, and mixed with distilled HCI until a wonkly re 'icid -iction tnk(-f pli ico (Congo red ~tii inkli(~ator) To thj.F;, further div- ti Alod corrunj-~undinv to 5 milliliters of HC1 is added (specific pravity furthermore, 2 milliliters of a 0,,4~, solution of dimetKyl-p-phenvlene. dinmine sulfate, and 2 milliliters of a 1% Fecl 5' 6H20 oolutio in hydrochlo- ric acid (1:20). After shaking, filling up with H20, and 20 min standing, the mixture is photometrically measured with red fiiter in 20 mm bulbs, and tile sulfur conten-. of the sample determined from a calibration curve. There are I figure, 1 table, and 6 references: 4 Soviet ~,nd 2 non-Soviet The reference to the English-language pullic,!tion read,; as follows: A, "teii7,m,in, .11. "loc. Ci~(-,,m. Ind., 61, 1, 16 (1942)~ A,,'SC)(',TATIC,['.- Tsentrallnyy nauchno-isslodovatel'skiy institut Chernoy metallurgii im, I. P, Bardina (Centr~il Sci,~ritific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurly imeni 1. F ~ La r (I i r. ?/2 MKHAYLOV, K.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; KRICHEVSKAYAs E.A., inzh. Effect of high temperatures on stress relaxation in high-strength wire. Bet. i zhel.-bet. 9 no.2t64-68 F 163. OURA 16:5) (Concrete reinforcement-Testing) KRICHBVSKAYA, I.P. Effect of the vegetative nervoun system on osmotIc stability of erythrocytes. Trudy Vaes.ob-va finiol.blokhim.1 farm. 2:92-96 154. (MIRA 8-7) 1. Kafe4m normallnoy fixtologii KazAkhokogo gosudarstvnnnogo medi- toinskogo instituta im. V.M.Holotova. (ERMOLYSIS, resis., regulation by autonomic WS) ~AUTOHOKIC MVCUS SYSMP physiology, regulation of hemolysits resist.) lift. of tile 1,~fiplwralac I ioll (it the vaguL ju.-m- lowt r4 the oaawtl- - -bility of rryUirvcj1c% with or ,~Illjmlj e."ifille. 1,11c ~xtvllt of stimotilic"I is romLL(rd diricily ivi!it the extesit of lift- clumlge (jhqcrs!c(l. Irrita- tioll of the Ctlltrat pectiol. of ()w %qlgul 11rrVe hjw~rs Ole sti-ibility tit erythrocytes In C.c blood which leaves the Uaia- 8imilar tmitment of the gastric nerve rt%WA the itability of Il,C tlitmytcs. tile effect Ung sumilcr after ligatiots of ,I,c renal veins, Young pups sliow &Tcater stability of erythr~cytrs than do adult dogs. Introduction of KCI or CAC1, u' to the blood does not effect erythrocyte stability: adresia line rai5ts the usmot;c, iitability of trythrocy" hi freshly let blood. "hHe acetykholhie has little ciTca. G. M.. Konwlapoq- KRICHEVSUYA. I.P.; SKIPIKA, To.G. Relation of vonous pressure to the storage of blood in the spleen. fisioleshur. 42 no.10:861-867 0 156. (KM 9t12) 1. Kafedra normallnoy fixiologit Kazakhakogo Gosudarstvannogo moditainskogo institutal g*Alma-Ata. (SPLUN blood supply relation of storage of blood in spleen tovenous pressure in animals (Ras)) (BL4XM MSSM, phvsiolo&7,, off. of splonic blood storage on venous preasure in animals (Bus)) SKIPIRA. N.G.; KRICHEVSKATA, I.P. --.' ldl.,. I'll I Changes in venous pressure and the volume of the spleen during excitation of the vaguo nerve. Vest. AN Kazakh. SSR 14 no.7:108-112 JI 158. (MIRA 11:9) (VAGUS ICCRVI) (VZINS) (SPLKEN) KRI Glut VOOKkIL, I.P. Relation of splenic blood volume to reflexes from 11rinary receptors. Biul.eksp.biol. i ned. 47 no.6:6-10 Je '59. (HIRA 12:8) 1. Iz Icafadry normalinoy fiziologii (zav. - prof.A.P.Polosidchin) Kazalchalcogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo Instituta, Alma-Ata. PredstuvIena deystvitellnym chlenom MCI 880 V.V.Parin~rm. (URDURY TRACT, physiol. eff. of stimulation on oplenic blood voliune (Rua)) (ISTIM11. blood supply, eff. of urinary tract stimulation on blood volune (Rue)) KRICHEVSKAYA, I.P.; SKIPRU, je.G. Reflexes from the oinocarotid zone oft vanous pressure and blood deposition in the spleen. Izv. AR Kazakh. SSR. Ser. med. i fiziol. no.105-99 161. (I-MIA 15:4) (CAROTID SINUS) (BLOOD PRESSIM-E) (SPUMN) &,116IL,VS&JUA, 1,!,~ Reflexes from reca~torein- the -pericardium in filling the spleen with blood. Biul. okop, biol, i nicd,, 52 no.10:19-21 0 161 , (I'Ma 15:1) 1. 1z kaf-drr norml'noy flzioloj~,ii (zav, - akademik JLN Kazkhskoy SSA A.P.Polosukhin) Kazakhskogo meditsinsko-o inotituta, Aly,"a-Ata. I Frad3tavlona di~,yatvitoj. nym, chlonom AWi OJ3A V.V.Farinyn. (jPL-, A-) (PEsUGAI;w1u'.1) Od;yLa~s) I I.;-. I I "I" tc" " ~:'( r t ; i T' ~-" 1- ~~ " . i'l ~ - ! 1, c!C tl!e gastrointez- t i r., al f ril!" t (,!) I 1;~~ I'ji ~- ~-o. i ~l ' , ,' I -~j 1,xil. A.; Kand:11. SSR. St'- r. med. wiuk I I r. , .-A ~ I r'- - I '~Jl (,., I ati 18 :1 ) KRICHINSKAYA, 1. 1'. Ilyporwala 0l' tile liver an(t ollnon in tfl'~l pro'gonco of ~G-Ino ~..710ral actiono. Dlul.okvj,.blol.1 rod. V no.500-24 IAj 164. (M:RA 18:2) 1. F,,,Lfodra normailnoy fiziologii ~zav. - a~jidomik AIN Yazakhqkoy SSR A.P.Polo3ukhin) Abra-AtInakogo morlituint3kogo instttuta. Sub- mItLed May 1, 1963. _Q. It, I 1' 11 L 3 710 -66 iW-1 (-J_Li ~.T ) __ :~. "' j ACC NRr AP6014417 (N D71_W~7 __ '03/(56,07 j Wd' M IJ T SoUj? (Z (,ODI-;: 0/0~ /65/ '05/6n I I a oc'olr AUTH03S; Ruwantsev, A. P.; Fedorova, L. P.; 1~ra~vchenk 1. A.; Tararoyeval L. D.; Krichovskv-a, I. V, ORG - none TITLE: Ultrasonic control of macrodefocto and local structur~tl inhomcgeneitien in F turbine blades SOURCD; Defektookopiya, no- 5, 1965, 3-7 TOPIC TAGSt turbine blade, txii~motallurlgic tentbv: ri-t0tino, iiiatal t(,qt, ultrasonic inatallation for the rl,!Iection of structuxal -ABSTRACT: An immersion ty~p aefects in tarbing bl1jdes,j Ucveloped by the Kh.,ir'kov Aviation In3titute (Kharlkovskiy kviat3ionnyy institut),jind the Kharlkov Polytechnic InotitilteTn~11r1kovokii .politekhnicheskiy instkTut) for the Tar geiiTraEor Fa,;tory im. S. M. Kirov described. The do-ic (Kharlkovskiy turbogeneratornyy zavod e is Capab.L.9 -if detecting defects whose effective reflective area !o lar(,r:r Ui.,in 3 r.,j2. 7I)e install.- tion consists of a water bath, ultrqsonic gengrator of 2.~', me~,,tcyclej, rr2,1_-eiv.-_-r, anI asaociated electronics for converting the f3otin(I :11fmalli into c.-lectric impulseq and displaying the latter on an oscilloscope. The lntennil.y of the transmitted noun! wr~q determined by means of an optical installation. A acheiratic of the control rafli, associated electronics, and recording procedure for the determination of d;~fect.,'l Card 1/2 UDC: 620.179-16 L 37140-66 ACC NRI AP6014417 a turbine blade cross section in presented (ac-o Fi~". 1). Fig. 1. Schematic for the onoillo- graphic recording of defoote in the U cross section of turbine blades. A B C Imput iml) loe.~l K M 9 A photograph of the optical apparatus for the measurement of the intensity of the transmitted sonic beam in also presented. Ilk, is concluded that the device is capable of acanning a turbine vans cross section in about 3--5 minutod- Orig. art, hnal 4 figures. Nondestructime testing i'1 SUB CODE: /1/0 MMM BATEs 26.Tun65/ ORIG REF: 002 r-l '2 h 6f ~ KRICHEVSKAYA, I.Ye. Parasites of tadpoles and yearlings of the lake frog (Rana ridibunda) in the Volga Delta. Trudy Astr. zap. no.5:336-349 161. (MIRA 16t8) (Volga Delta-ParaBites-Frogs) 3/191/62/000/004/C)09/017 3r0 B110/BI,76 i~ U 2 1:, C)"! bron,~hteyn, Z. 1. , Kryuchkov, N. N. , Kric-hevskaya, N. TITL'-;': Chemical processin- of F_Iasa cloth with the organonilicon ezqter r'CIC-9 (GVS-q~ P-*,-.',IGDICAL.- Pit~stich--;skiye massy, no. 4, 1962, 27-~2 TEXT : 7he best finishinL, a_~ent for j.1ass textiles and opLimum. technical and ther~-..ochemical methods of proce.,;sinf, Class pla'StiCZ were determir.~!d. '2hQ bindinL agents polyester re-sin-iTH-1 (?N-1) and GVS-9 and FIU35 cloth -C2 (ASTT(b) -S2) (satin 8/3) reinforcement. -'ffi C4 L-ncy was dete=,ined irom the decrease in the tensile strenEth in bending of Ljasr, r)iastico after -,-hr boilinL-; in 'eiater. Lubrican 4 content was 0.1 The hardener was 5 7U isopropyl benzene h,!droperoxide, and the accelerator was 8 styrene soluticn o,'" 10 ~o Cc naphthenate. Hardening took two hours at 80oC. Treatment with the orianosi-licon product GVS-9 yielded best streneth vaiues before and after two hours of boiling. GVS-9 hydrolyzes as follows; RSiX 3 + 3H2 0 )-Rcli(OW 3 + 3HX. NH 40H addition accelerates -formation of Card 113 I q I /C2/000 '001/009/017 /U Che,mical orocc;!,ain,, oi ~ 1 /3 1 'A B 0 8 'la s . no 1 e s-ah4ch are capable of rol.,,condenoation siloxne bond forma- t -.* or .T h c., formin(_- 2iloxane cheil may bQ bound to t'he Si-CH ;,,rcups of th~, E;3 u:;s surf -Ict.~ or ~ d,3orb~,d cr. i t by water molecul,~; s. Th.. bond aith the resin i43 formed L~ 0 , ccordinj_- to the vinyl E;roup. T h of thf~- pH of the -c!dium, conci-,at.-Ltion o;' the GVS-9 qoIuto:,, aw: iul- ret, ot' -Whoolon betvie,-~n -K;u*,-,!;,-rxU and t'JU3.'I cloth, -LO. vizio ijx,timinvd, to fin(~ op*.i..-.u:-., proce--7sin~~. conditiono Cor t,he effiLcitn-icy oi th,~ finishinC agent. '2ht: solution,~- -ndered acid (ph' - 1-2) by HCI separation, vier, neutraIJ zed -with The th remained constant u- to jH tvS. At pli it U~,. S C~.1 ar, d Inc. :--n const-rit. ',`ter 2-hr boiline it increased up to ph and t r E: :::,a e d c on-, t an t of 'h,.: -th decreLce h a minimu," i-_ t p H Zor optimum pil, 10 , 'of t1i, 41~oount f G V of a 25 j", NE4OH solution must be added, The concen "ration ,j(,~punL;,~-nce of st.---n~:th has two maxima at 1 and 5 il-- Althcu,~h ~: I- conc~!ntration is the optimu::,, a I ~-. concentration can al:;O be used, to cos,.s. The de; ~.;;(--nd- on ~vee o' fIxinc of the finis'hin,-- a4, zit- d- tir-.e/t,L,::;pe.-ature condition:-,, i.e. those which prcvide for a che:-.ic,-il react-ion between silanol-,~s and jlass ftnd the formutior. of a poly-,r Card 2/3 '62/000ACA,'-~5/017 j i ", o x,~~ i ulayur on thu Lla.,js f ibQr. in both mioist and dry ~--rops ac -.,rocc-zsin:- tim.- increases. 20 min at 140-1600C, v.,hich mr--arz at ti-, L-lass cloth ,.-.ust move 1.2 r.,/min,,'-'a3 found to be the optimu::. tion is prol6nged dna intenbif ied e f f ci ency a I S 0 Ti s u S . L tud that impre,--n;.tion should be done in tvio tanks at 1.2-,',.,; m1min. The C. V, deve ';11~7'7 unit lopud by Gol'braj, is ua; d in the indu:;t.--.,. Class cloth travels from the top to 'he bottom of an electric furna~.' the temperature of which is reGulated to fit the structure of the fabric /Satin *-'-'eave: ist suction: 2000C, 2nd section: '200C, 3rd section: 320'C). From thf. electric furnace il, passes into the dippinL: machine, wh( 5 acueous solution of GVS-fl -sit -re it in impreenated vrith h 10 H4OF, thon dried for 20 min at 145�50C. Satin 8/3 2- C! (ASTT(b)-S - 0)] impregnated vith GV5-q satisfivs shipbuilding requirements. k 2 Com-oarative tests .,.ith AS-.T(b)-S 2- 0 impregnated with PN-1 and GVS-~i, and the EnClish fabric 181 impregnated with Haran showed that the 3oviut finishing agent GVS-9 was as efficient as the British. There are 5 fij;ure3 and 4 tables. The most important En,~lish-lanGuzi6e reference reads as follows: B. Vanderbilt, Mouern Plustics, 11, no. 1 (lc'59). Card 3/3 a W419r _:fo Z1039-65 SWA, (b 4K 1-0 ACOESsl H NRf AR4039960 S/ 0 P-99/6 4/0 0 0/0 0 9/B_0 aid, z S 61 ttf Alis 9B17 C? '10R: Kaml~s 'wv hkat 0. P.; Kirsanova, R. V* Mrichevskayaj, H* Zo TITLE: Aetinomloatoo and fungip producers of antibiotic subatane8s t Jr~hibltlng the.dejolopment of Varticillium aTBU& ran, olneka o 'Berthold and Rft1zoqtoniq..ao1anT_ME CITED SOURC&t Sb. Materi&17* 3-T Nauchn, aessiL Leningr, in-ta. antibiotikovp 1963*'-- L*$"_l963#___3Z7 'TOPIC-- TAGS., antib osia,, soil,. polyans :M"WiSLATION! ~Aetinomyoetea and rungi-antagoniata against 'Vertinilium alboatrum (causative agent of -atton wilt) and Tol-a-R-TEausative agen"..- of plant root rat) -were isolated fr:o--mtbLe :~i_oils of the Uzbek SSP., Among the actinomyceteal species of tho .Actinomyees. globisporua and A. eandidus groups (which. synthesize jy-__R _TJ'5j*tjCS of -the. h7ep o en a 7n tYR-5TYR) and species of group A, P isaus (which form various antibiotics) were found* Among tb:O_ Card