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_6~ ENTM/T 1JP(0) tvcissTu., ia Amho43734 BOOK F.XPWMTr0N Y*1 !!A Irrasnoselc Vilenkin 11 TA Ocrin YE AjK9 ski K A rum" TIA, B.1 Sebolevo Ve 10; 'sqnkcp V* Faddey-eyk L. Dot Tsitlandze E. analft)r Moscow,, Izd-To "Natlra",, 196h, 42h p, biblioot indeico Err&t& slip ixiaertedo 17,.~500 copies printed. Seri" no"Le.- 3pravochnay~a matemUcheskayu biblioteka. TOPIC TAGS: funotional analysis.. mathematicsip operator eqnation., quantun mechanics, Hilbert spaceo Banach space,, linear differential equatiou EMILFCOE AND CCUFAUGEt This issue in a series of Handbooks of the Mathematical Library contains much material grouped basically around the theory- of operatore and operator equations. . It presents the basic concepts and rzthode of Ametiontl analysis., theory of operators in Hilbert space and in conLml sT~az3p the theor)r of nonlinear'oper&tor "tiona., the thcor7 of standard rings, a-t;P1icd to equations in partial.derivativea, tointegral-oquationa, L separato operator of quant= mechanics* Citing of -the theory of generalized functions takes up a large part of the book, The boolk explains mathematical factaS theorums and formulass as a rtzle,' are given Card 1/2 L 45609-65 ACCFSS1Q.; uR o4o4373h Uithout proofs, Main attention is' given to concepts ~dthout excessive detaile The book Is intended for mathezaticiaw,, mechanical enducerat and phraicistaf, It contaim much of value for aWdents and graduate atudentso TABLE,0F CONMUS (abridgedlt Foreword - 13 Ch, I. Basic concepts of Ametional analftis - 17 Ch. II, Linear operators in Hilbert-space - 79 Cho III& Linear differential equations in Bana'ch apace 146 Ch. IV. flonlinear operator equations' 187 Ch, V, Operators itt apaca with a cone 229 r1b IVI. CoMutative standard ringa 256 Ch. VII, Qmntum machanion opemtarB - 2791 Ch. VIII. Generalized ftnetions* 323 ~Rihl lugraph7 babject Index SUHMM-Dt 06Feb64 SUB CMEt YA NO REF S07s 038 0TMt ... .. . . .. ... ..... .. MIMI, S.C. (Voronezh) "On the theory of oscillations of a viscous fluid". report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on 'Ibeoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow, 29 Jan - Feb 6h. KREYN, S.G.; PETUNIM, Yu.1. --- --.- - Notion of the minimal scale of spaces. UAL All SSSR 154 no.l: 30-33 Ja'64. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet. Predstavleno akademikom I.G. Petrovskim. ACCESSION NR: AP4025104 8/0020/64/155/003/0499/0502 AUTHORSt Askerov, N. 0.; Kreyn# S. G.; Laptevo G. 1. TITLE: One class of not self-adjoint boundary value problems SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 155, no- 3, 1964, 499-302 TOPIC TAGS: boundary value problem, differential equation, mathematical physical differential operator, Hilbert space, scalar product, linear operator, Riesz theorem ABSTRACT: A number of problems in mathematical physics can be reduced to homogeneous boundary value problems with one and the same parameter x in the differential equations and boundary condi- tions* In spite of the fact that with every fixed A, the differ- ential operator and boundary conditions are self-adjoint, the problem is very often not self-adjoint; the spectrum can be imag- inary. The article is a general examination of one class of these problems. Suppose a linear operator A with an eve 'here dense domain of definition D(A) is given in a separable 7-,Wlbert space H with a scalar product ( ). Also ouppoze that two linear opera- .La~s T Ind:r, mapping D(A) into some other separable Hilbert space 4 ..................... ACCESSION NR: AP4025104 H, with scalar product are defined on D(A). The operators ~Ay T andr have the following properties: totality of the elements of DIA) satisfying the conditionsTv - 0 and n - 0, dense in H; Ithe restriction Ao of the operator A to the set of all elements of )D(A), for which Tv - 01 is a self-adjoint, positively defined !operator having a completely continuols reciprocal; and the opera- Itor 2' maps D(A ) into a set, dense in H j and is thus as completely !continuous as the operator from the space HP/,into the space His The !Green formula (Au, v) - AN, v, (Tu, rv).1 ;where A(u,v) is a bilinedr function such that A(upu);PO, is valid* For each ye HI there exists a unique elementwto which satisfies the identity rz), for any z-6 D(Ao~). The equation I M XPI +Q11 vas examined generally in the Hilbert space H. Here, P is positive i .and Q are non-negative compl9tely continuous operators in H. It can -2/4 ACCESSION VRI AP4025104 be immediately verified that equation (3),is equivalent to the system of equations P"'B (V* P'I-BP"lg + - r-+r go 111,11 Q111 hgo Q"-BP"Ig + Y Q r+-r + All eigenvalues of equation (3) have a non-negative real part. It the condition 41PIl Qj< 1. is fulfilled, then all the eigenvalues are real. Starting with some number, all eigen values of the problem Ay - Xy, %Ty - 0"I are real. If the condition I ire 11 - 00, 1