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MR-r.'JCIK, Zden,ek, Inz. Contribution to the problem of keeping recordi of foreign standards. Normalizace 12 no.11014-315 14 164. 1. Branch Standardization Center of the Resparrh lnw~'tute of Fucls, Prague. MIJGIR, Frantlook Modification of the Praga revolution regulator. Energetika Cz 13 no.6:337 -Te 163. 1. Ceskomoravaka-Kolberp-Damek Blaxwkog oddeleni generalaich o1rav, zavod 03. XUJCrR, Jan. MUDr, redItel ZUIIZ, Gottvaldov York asnignment in a big plant. Pracovnl lek. 6 no-5:318 15 Oct 54. (WCFM capacity & assignment in big plant) (INDUSTRIn HTGISHI med. determ. of work capacity) KMCrR, Jan., KUDr. Activities of an industrial polyclinic. Cook. %ciravot 4 no. 104-36 Fab 56. J.Reditel zavodniho ustavu narodniho zdravi v Gottvaldove. (INDUMIAL HYGINS, in Czech., Indust. polyclinics (Cz)) (HOSPITAIZ, polyclinics in Indust. In Gzech. (Gz)) MAM, Jan., MUDr. Nxperience with management of an industrial unified hospital. Ceskesdravot. 4 no,2:102-104 Nor. 1956. 1. Nedital sa'yodnilo 4stavu vAroddho zclravf v Gottwaldovl. (HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION, in Czech., of unified Indust. hoop. (Cs)) (INDUSTRIAL HYGIM Indust. unified hoop. in Czech. (Cs)) YPIEJCII~.. ja - To lower -ibsenteeism - the riain task of our medicine. Cask. zdrt%vot. 5 no.9:481-485 Sept 5?. 1. Vedouci odboru pace o pracujIci---iinisteri;tvo zdravotnietvi, (11VISTRUL HYGIIN3 absenteeism in Czech.. Prev. (Cz)) KREW0111 J ; DOLEZAL, J.; JAGIA, I.; W%NIM, B.; KLIMA, T.; MUBAL, J. ,=4444, S,necial health facilities for workers. Ceak. zdravot. 6 ao.9:511-327 Sept 58. (INDUSTRIAL HYGIM special health facilities for indust. workers (Gz)) KREJCIR J.; MONKA, A. Singlo purpone two-arbor milling machino. Stroj vyr 9 no.6015 161. 1. Sigma Olomouc, nop., Lutin KREJCIR, Jaroslav The 12th Congress of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. Automobil 6 no.12057 D 162. CHURT, J;MJCIRIKdVA, R;V=OVA, A. Effect of irradiation and cyanates on mitosis. Lek.liety 5 no. 17:503-507 1 Sept. 1950. (CLML 20:1) 1. Of the Biological Institute of the Medical Taculty, Masaryk 'University in Brno (Head of the Institute-Prof. Para. Harcik, M. D.) OBDRAI K.; SIROKY, A.; WCCfVAq H.; BEWIKGVA,M. Polyelectromyographic and electrony8tagmographic findings in patients with cervical disk lesions. Cesk. neurol. 27 no*4: 238-242 J1164 1. Neurologicka klinika fakulty vocobocnaho loknratvi KU [Karlovy univoriuity] v Prara; prednostat akademik K.Hennere KFC- ic I p L.; KREJCOVA, If. Electruencephalographic changeo in pationtn with glaucotma. Cook. oftal. 18 no.5:383,391 S 162. 1. 11 ocni klWka fak. vsoob. lek. Univ,~r31ty Karlovy v Fraze, predn. akademik J. Kurz Neurologicke oddeleni nemocnice Ila Frantiskii, prednosta dr. L. Polacek. (GLAUCOMA) (ELErTROENCEPILALOGRAPHY) KRWGI, L.; FOLACEK, L.; KRF.TCOVA,--H..- Blectroencephalographic findings in glaucoma patients in relation to intraccular pressure and visual field changes. Cesk. oftal. 18 no.61453-462 N 162. 1. 11. ocni klinika fak. vseob. lekarstvi University Karlovy v Praze, prednosts, akademik J. Kurz - Neurologicke oddeleni OUNZ v Fraze 1, prednosta MUDr. L. Polacek. (GLAUCOMA) (ELECTROENCEPHALOGWIIY) (VISUAL FIELDS) YMJGI, L,; POLAGEKI L.; KRWCOVA, H. Effect of patbological fluctuations of intraocular press on electroencephalographic findings in patients with glaucoma. Cesk. oftal. 19 no-3:171-178 Yq 163. 1. 11 ocni klinika fakulty vaeobecneho lekarstvi KU v Prate, prednosta akademik J. Kurz Nervove oddeleni OUNZ v Praz* 1, vedouci MUDr. L. Polacek. (INTRAOCULAR PRESSURE) (ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM) (GLAUCQ4A) KWCI,L.; SIROKY)A.; KREJCOVA,H.)- IIOVAK,A. Cochleovestibular findings in primary glaucoma. Gesk. oftal. 20 no.4t268-279 J1164 1. 11. ocni klinika (prednosta akad. J.Kurz), neurologicka kli- nika (prednostat akad. K.Henner) a foniatricka laborator (ve- doucit prof. dr. M. Seeman, DrSc.) fakulty vueob. lekarstv'i KU [Tarlovy university] v Praze. SIROKY) A.; Kld:J(,'(VA, fl. Analy3ls of electronystrgrmus in hralthy wil,,Jucts. Ce:31.. 13 no.4:337-342 J1 164. 1. Neurologicka klinika fak. vseob. lek. Tlnlv,~rsllty, Pra'.a. KREJC1,L.; 1,0LAGEF.,L.; YJt&JGOVA,11. Eloc roencephalographic findings .'in primnry glnucoma In childrcal fuld ~Idolesconta. T, EEG findings In patients with Infantile glau- coma. Cesk. oftal. 21 no.1:9-17 Ja 165 Electroancephalographic findings An pr1mary glnuc(_,ma in children and adolescents. Ile EEG findings in patients with juvenile glau- coma. lbid.tl8-23 1. 11. ocni klinika fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi Karlovy Uni- versity v Praze (prednosta: akademik J. Kurz); Nervova. oddeleni Obvodniho ustavu narodniho zdravi v Praze I (vedouci: MJDr. L. Polacek); a Nervova klinika fakulty vseobeeneho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Pra2re (prednosta: akademik K. Henner). KPEJ(:!, L.; FPE,JC0VA If.; TICHY , T - OptokinntLe nysUigmus in patierAs W10 PHNOLI-Y ~1111tl('Oma, Cask. oftal. "I tio.4:324-333 i'1 165. 1. 11 ocni, klinika (prednoota akademik J. Kurz) a neurologJcka klinika (prednosta akademik K. Henner) fakulLy vs-L-obcrieho le- karstvi Karlovy University v Prazo. lim-IONI E.; WILAZAL, J.; KREJCOVA, E. Purpura ncruritica. Cesk. dem. 4D no.102-35 Ja 165 1. 1. demato-veneralogicka kl'Lnika (pi-.dnosta: prof. dr. J. Konopik) a neurologicka klinika (predno.,j.": K. Henner) fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi Karlovy Univer- sity v Prawe. SIROKY, A.1 KRWCOVA,_,H.; SLAVICEK, J.; HAITUSOVA, V. The Irritability, threshold of the vestibilar apparatus in children and adults. Sborn. lek. 67 no.3tO,4-100 M065. 1. Neurologicka kliniks, fakulty, vseobecneho lekarstvi Univer- sity Kar1rivy v Praze (prednostai akademik K. Henner); Fyzio.- logicky ustav fakulty vaeobcon4sho lakarstvi University Karlov7 v Praze (prednostat prof. dr. F. Karneek, DrSc.) a Ustav bygieny, prace a chorob z volani v FTa2e (prednostat prof. dr. J. Telaninger, DrScer- KREJCI, L.; VYIVi.'~AL, j.; ?,i,�,-TCOVA), H.; POLAC"EK, L. Cerebrospinal fluid findings in patient3 with retrobul-bar neuritis with sj;eclal vcj?tLrd to tho I!Umva glolmlin lf-'-wll. Cas. lek. cesk. 101, no.27/28:7(-~')-766 9 JI '65. 1. 11. ocni klin1kri falailty vooolicy(nieho lelcarotv.l Karlovy Un 1vors I Ly v Prazo (prednos t.,n akadumlk .1. Kurz) , Naurolo- gicka klinika fakulty vseobacneho lekarstvi Karlovy Uni- verol'ty v Praze (prednosta akader.1k Y. flenner) a Neurolo- gickc, oddeleni Obvodniho tiquivu narodniho zdca-ii v Pricv.0 (vedoucl 1,%JDz-. L. Polacuk). KRFJ(,'OVA, H.; POLACEK, L.; STEIN, J. Jacksonian paroxysms of non-tumorous origin. Cesk. neurol. 28 no.5:350-361 S 165. 1. Neurologicka klinika fakulty veeobecneho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Praze (prednosta akademik K. Renner), Neurologicke oddeleni nemocnice v Praze 1 - Na Frantisku (vedoucl HJDr. L. Polacek) a Laborator pro patofyziologii nervoveho systemu v Praze (vedouci akademik K. Renner). L 11434-66 ACC NR, AF6023189 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0082/6 AUTHOR: Polacek, L.; Stoin, J. ORG: Neurological Clinic/headed by Academician R. Henner/. Faculty of General Medicine, KU, Prague (Neurologicka klinika fakulty vaeobecne-hio lekarstvi KU); Neurological Section, Hospitall Prague (Neurologicke oddeleni nemocnice); Laboratory for Pathophysiology of the Nervous System/headed by Academician K. Henner/, Prague (Laborator pro patofyziologii nervovebo systemu) TITLE: Jacksonian paroxysm of non-tumorous origin SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska neurologie, v. 28, no- 5, 1965, 350-361 TOPIC TAGS: EEG, nervous system disease, tumor, man t- ABSTRACT: Review of 136 cases of Jacksonian non-tumorous 75 motor, 32 sensory, 29 mixed. EEG was negative in 28 or the 108 recorded variously atypical in the rest. Orig. art. has., 5 figures and 4 tables. (Based on Eng. abst.] [JPR31 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG P17: 001 / SOV REF: 001 OTH REF: 034 '0361 ~2 Card 1A Q~ I- 110LAC;:,L~, L.; L:~borrtf;ory for Pathophysiol- of~y of th- NeXIVOUS and Neuro.1-or7ical Clinic, Faculty of Gen- eral, il-iielno, Charlo.3 University (Labo,,-attor pro Patofyziologii 11m.l.,0111-no ~yotomu a Nouroio~-Jckui Klinika Pak. Vooob. ),,Oc. KU), Prag,uo, ilead (Prodnosta) Momber ol' Academy K. HENNER; Neurological Dep~,,Lrti-lant Hospital (lieurologicke Oddeloni Ifemocnico) Na Frantisk-U, Praciv.,, Head (~edouci) Dr L. POLACEK. "EpilerO-Iic Fito in Patients with Intracranial Expanding Lesions." pragno" ,Cos1.,,)f3',ovcn.-,1ca Nourolo!7io, Vr)l 29, I'lo 3, Nay (,6, pp l qi~ Ab,9',;i-.I.r;',. z9jutt-)rs1 Enplish summary i,,,odified-7: 170 patient3 -,'ith 1(_-,i!,nj acr~or:ipanind by secfmdary epil('.psy wc!j-o invo-t-1- a t e ~;U_:"r:re,! frmri i-oneralized convulsions, 79 from jacknon- ian Cil~ts. j.n ryoup grand rial epLlopsy (5(,) and psychoy-.otor seizi_ir(,_,3 (26) mo-3t frequent. 'Oho majority of the jack3onian Viclilo motol. -cit's. In 74 pationt3 a combim.tion of soizur;-.~, U !111r, (IN11:;O -of tho opi.leptic fUs in 121 crises was intr~l- c.,-,,robral lesions. In 67 tl,.oro were inaligrnam,, anrl in ,bonign ti im rS In 8 cases there was no turior. All ca:~(-.,, ("~ -'!". -". .. -1 . 'I I . 110 3, 1,-',Y (16j PP Pri.L1,,ito, o.,ilovew;lc.~,. llwirn I fwio, Vol 09' V& 20-1 /cont~niwid-/ Ol" W, 1"! thl- ~-' ~-l ji:1-Inyl i,j I,rand i,i:LJ. L3 y p o L,, l; o rr a n, r) r Di mon "A V lll',~racerebral I,sion of I-Ii-ic r 1 0 1 i., uLk"O 'art o L),; tricle t0 t I If' tion ot' t-.h(: f-~- i.1 :3 towltrd.'j ppriAl')Ily. o I I so 1, tion not u-sually occur iri thi.:-, loc-ilioat c, f -;w-l -D.,-tracer,jbr~)l d 'L t i s j ',':I ral r en ja 1101-ACUP L.; W-!,';jI)II'~.,KYI J.; NOVAK, S.; To,.-hnickt spoluprace: IM.E.KOVA, J. i~~,;15 in normal 6 and 6 and a half-ytar-old children. Cesk. pediat. 20 no-11:946-956 N 165. 1. Neurologicke oddeleni Obvodniho ustavu narodniho zdravi v ?raze 1 (vedouci KJDr. L. Polacek) a Katedra preventimi pediatrie fakulty detskeho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Praze (vedouci prof. dr. K. Kubat). f LA 'I ii I A E. 11~3p OC TTC a te2t for det-mainille, Lil,. ~-,jjrij-`jcfqlce o b ctueriiiria iji 1;retnaricy. Cas. lf,~k. c 104 no.18:221 (1, 1 26 F165. t,~x If; i !-ijr.-,i e 1-- Fraze (reiiil,el: 1-1,~-,tcv -.-bt~hu p-rof. dr. J. ri i vj (X-,' li v l-: - -12: 4, ( rcl I : Li:Z rULr--. Z. Vaclevik). PRAT, V,,(Praha-Krc, Budejovicka 800; HATALA, M.; BEER, C.; SRAWK, L.; VAGNEROVA, E.; Laboratorni spoluprace: KREJCOVA, K.; CHRFOVA, V. Bacteriuria in pregnancy and its relation to the maturity of infants. Cas. lek. Cesk. 104 no.48:1327-1328 3 D t65. 1. Ustiv pro choroby obehu krevniho v Praze (reditel prof. dr. J. Brod, DrSc), Ustav klinicke a experimentalni chirurgie v Praze (reditel prof. dr. B. Spacek, DrSc) a Zenske oddeleni Ustavu narodniho zdravi Okreeniho narodniho vyboru v Praze 4, (reditel KJDr. Z. Vaclavik). MXGJJj, M. Jftjj)r.; SVXJCAJIOVA, H.; MWOVA, M.; DIA111011A, V. Food requirements in children from one to three years of age. Geak. padiat. 12 no.11:991-996 5 Nov 57. I.. Uatav pro peci o matku. a dite, reditel prof. Dr J. Trapl; pr6dnosta pediatrickeho vyzkumu prof. 11r K. Kubat. (INFANT NWRITIOR food requirements in child. from I to 3 years of age (Cz)) MECIR, M.; SOBOVA, A.; HRUBCOVA. M.; KRFJCOVA, M. - MEMO,"_ ammul, Physical condition & nutritional status of 0-3 year-old children in the Pardubice region. Cas. lek. cook. 96 no. 24-25:791-800 21 Juno 57. 1. Ustav pro peci o matku a ditm Praha-Podolt, reditel prof@ dr. J. Trapl. vedouci podiatrickeho v7zkumu prof. &r. X. Kubat Ustav organisaca sdravotnict7i KU v Praze, prodnosts prof. dr. V. Proook. M. M.. Fraba-Podoli, Nabr. K. Marxe 157. (INFANT NUTRITION, statist. in Czech. (Cz)) (CHILD phys. cond. of Czech. child. (Cz)) W - NO the ot teruln t,6 tm 'al. CkrmtA4 1. 273-8(1052XPub. 10, a.amtropie lowMags aV of the b.p. were Md. for Th blftat'Y tailto. of 11&0 with A %tries of hydrotathms (2- ~ WAftyllAttane, pentatte. 2-methylpentant, 3-methyipcti- )Me, hexgme. licame, heptane, 2,23-tilmethylpentane, toluene, A-xylme. a-pinme, limonene, naplithaJcne, and 9 0cne), a1cs. (MOU. ila-FrO14, PrOH, terl-Buoll, .014. JD.Olf, inentanol. pentanol hexanol, hepta- = o fin hol iso tta ol t n l lobt) hens eth " (m li -o o c a a e n e. t , ; , , p Pro But tUtth lpropcn/l. methlinaph t~ ~1, and diplenyl = am IV tstm (h e, Et. u, Am), When eb~ f il r h L f d l l c mo oi. 2 coonp son a smew3th atted st.,d . eac p v tam.. Theckwtbe pe of cohesive form of the mol. l O yl h Ar Th h f l h b . e mn r o e c ow t to that o e . t .p. Isr fj to that of HsO, the largei is a r (within a given class)., r to, aics. decream in the order tert:ny, ftcondtry, pri. mry, but the branching of bytitocarbons has no effect. Tte artotropk lowering can be used in quaL. atoalyab to cbm-teterite a compd. In it mort q)ecific way than by the to.p. BURIMI,L.; KUBIKOVA,A.; MJCOVA, 0. Human antiglobulins In the aerum of schizophrenin patients. Cesk. psychiat. 60 no.lt26-29 F164. 1. Psychiatricka lecebna, Brno a Fakultni transfuzni starAce, Brno. w -)4- PETLICKA, Jaroolav, Inz.; KREJCOVA, Vera, Irz. Outline of hydrometallurgic methods of manganese rav material processing. Hut listy 18 no.9:660-663 S163. 1. Ilyzk-,wmy ustav uslechtilych ocelis Praha. KRF,JGOVA, Vera, inz. Niobium isolation from lean raw materials. Hut list7 17 no.10:724-727 0 162. 1. Mitnicky ustavj Cookoolovenska akademie ved, Praha. Halina; SOKOWWSKA, Maria 141FITIOSIAWSKI, Witold; Congenital irhtbyosis In 2 suceeBsive progntinciee. Prze,-,I. dorm. Waroz. 8 no.6:621-625 1956. 1. Z Oddzialu Nowordkow I Kliniki Chorob Koliieeych I Poloznictwa A. R. w "insku Kierownik: doe. dr S. Metler Zlurator Oddzialu: -nrof. dr K. Hrecinaki Z Zakladu Anatomit. Patologicznej A. M. w Gdawku Klerownik: prof. dr W. Czarnecki. Adren: Gdanaki, I Kliniku Chorob Dzieciecych Aka- demii Modycznej, u1. Debinki 7a. (IGHTHYOSIS, c4tse reports congen. in brother & (INFANT, 1OWBOAN, dis. ichtbyosis in brother sister (Pol)) & sister, case reports (Pol)) MAIECKA,DYNNICKA, S.; BIENIEK, B.; KREJCZY, H. TricuBpId atrevia diagnosed intra vitam. Kardiol. pol. 6 no.l: 51-55 '0, 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Dzieci Kierownik: prof. dr K. Erecinaki i z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej AM w Gdansku Kierownik: prof. dr W. Czarnock-i. (TRICUSPID STENOSIS) A ~ I n 1 -1,. "n f 1 1.4. LT Z 7, r c r KREJ!""'Y, p ~ -;, -1 ~ , . ; -e:- . : I - . r : -, f:z- . . ~'Jl' 1'. Ferf'r,r it t. i on ", .-' I : ~ . L, & I , . , i ,,- . Yl I,,!;, ~! :. 1. Z 11 i.", Irilki Ch I r-ur-j;,i --i" I -j A II -I ;-;~l 1 -1. a." .!11.' - -,, .: '! ( Ij olv~~; I! F, : iXOt, . ar. 1'. . 1 -, t, I k.~, i ) . Gillila;R, Jiir7y; YT-',EY;ZY, Ka7.lmiem; HIIYC~Y.CW,,~','I, .!f4r7y Compirative reaults of extended and normal maitfictzimy. Pol. przegl. chir. 37 no.8:773-777 Ag 165. 1. Z Il Kliniki Chirureic2nej AM w Gdansh, (Xiorownik: prof. dr. K. Debicki). xWzI, Y. Pathologico-anatomic investigations of'otogenaus meningitis treated with sulfonamides. Xachr.Ohrenh. 84 nc-.4-5-6:95-99 AP-Je '50. (GIRL 19:3) 1. Of the lirot Clinic for lar-Throat-and-Nose Diseases of Vienna University (Head -- Prof. Imil Schlanier, M.D.). -% I- V PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION "'ZECH/5373 Fremunt, Marcel, Vladimfr Krej4, and Miroslav Zdar"il V Konstrukce prfpravA. Dfl 2: Pr"1pravky upfnacf (construction of Jigs and Fixtures. pt. 2: Work-Holding Jigs and Fixtures) Prague, SNTL, 196o. 319 p. 2,000 copies printed. Reviewer: Vaclav Kr%cmArv; Chief Ed.: Ota Kraus; Resp. Ed.: Bohuslav Johan. PURPOSE: This book is intended for fixture designers and process engineers. It may also be useful to students at mechanical-engineering high schools and schools of higher education. COVERAGE: The book, Volume 2 of a three-volume edition, contain3 many example.-s of the constructions of manual, mechanizedand automatic fixtures for a vari- ety of machine tools. Constructions with various work-holding elements and means, including pneumatic, hydraulic, hydroplastic (doughy plastics), and automatic devices, are presented. Attention is given to constructions of positioning units and to machining methods when using these devices in lot and mass production. Six books are recommended for those who wish to make a more intensive study of fixture design. Part I was written by Miroslaw Zd&Ytl; Vladimlr Krajnf, wrote Part II. The remainder of the book was written by Marcel Fremunt. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. Card-lyqg- KREJNY, Vladimir "Screw p=ps" by Jaromir Noskievic. Reviewed by Vladimir Krejny. Stroj vyr 10 no.21105 162. 7 P DI 4Z20(J.) /4E3b/4E3d . i/The Phadomencal of "Inverslhn" In thermal diffuXIOU of (Cxecho solutions. L XgLq1c andl. " -4 L P Pviy*fr-Jrr.-79, 60-73 .- . sci."Plague). J. ' J1958),-In the study of thermal diffusion of high polymers hich have a l d l t t I o2 w ven n a so nstruiven s are common y use . lower and upper chamber. lie thermal diffusion *ffect causes an Increase of camn. In the low" chamber and, can- versely,adecrewsein the upper one. Simultaneous changes - ree- nd In a h t h b t I b I t I trs, a e av. . w s. occur o s c arn n t mo n , g ment with theory, the av. wol. wt. In the lower chamber Increases. The av, mol. wt, Ist Incrases In the upper chamber, reaches a max., and then deem2ses to values even below the Initial value. The op"Ite occurs in the lower chamber. This phenomenon of "Inversion" must be taken Info actount In studying the applicability of thermal dif- fusion relations for obtaining distribution curres -., LMJSA,_ J I Determination of viscoBity factorB from Bingle measureire.-nt. Coll Cz Chem 25 no.5:150?-1510 14Y 160. 2. Institut fur phyBikalische Chemie, TBchechoslowakische Akademie der Wissenschaftens Prag. KRFJSA, V. Production of rolled screw taps. p. 204. STROJIRENSKA VYHO-PA. (Minist~qr3tvo tozkeho strojirnnstvi, 1,1nisterstvo presneho strojironstvi a I'linister3tvo automobiloveho pnirVslu a zernedelnk-jrch stroju) Praha, 'nzechoslovakla. Vol. 7, no. 5, may i959. -onthly list of Eant European AcceSSionS 1,C, Vol. 8, !, .,0. 10, Oct. 1959. TIrcl. KRZJZA, Frantisek Using the labor output standards for spreading advanced working methods. Prace mzda 10 no./+:1?6-178 Ap 162. 1. Ustav normovani ve stavebnietvi. - KUJZA, tahtisek p On the requir*A of a complete technical standardization. 'Ao. Prace mzda 1-1 '2:91-95 F '63. 1. Urad normovani ve stavebnictvi. -, nrj,,jlli,,-qton of wro rk. f 13, - STRAKOVA, M.; XIGJZA, M.; IaBARSIM, J. Codeine poisoning in newborn. Cesk. pediRt. 14 no.4:313-319 5 Apr 59. 1. IL detaka klinika v Praze, prednouta prof. MUDr. J. Hountak, detake oddeleni OUNZ Pribram, prim. KUDr. M. Krojza. (CODED3, pois. in newborn (Cz)) (I)TYANT, NEWBORN, die. codeine -Doia. - (Cz)) .,:" )KMREJZA Miroslav; XUBICKOVA, Irena; STANGL, Jiri Gastric ulcer in an 8-mantho-old child. Cesk. pediat. 16 no.12:1110- 1113 D 161. 1. Detake oddeloni OUNZ Pribram, prednosta MUDr. H. Frejza Ustredni rentgenologicke oddeleni OUNZ Pribram, prednosta MUDr. F. Trefny. (PEPTIC ULCER in inf & child) KBLIL, Frantisek; PROCHAZKA, Jaroslav; KREJZEK, Kiroslav; PATOCKOVA, Ve-ra Recurrences after lung resection for tuberculosis, 5 to 12 years following the operation, in 440 patients. Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. univ.: Suppl. 8 no-5:513-523 165. 1. Plicni lecebna v Zamberku (prednosta WDr. F. ~trdlii) a Chirur- gicka klinika (prednosta prof. WDr. J. Prochazka, DrSc.). '1~1_ / - I I --- ~~ C 'Ir "k .N 11 PIVV-,C, R.-.UFfZXOVA,'V. 011- 1 1-:. ... . Experiences with PAS in the treatment of tuberculosis. Prakt. lek., Praha 31 no. 12:280-287 20 June 1951. (CLKL 22:3) 1. Of Albartinum Sanatorium (Director--Fr. Hydlil. M. D.) Cowitry : CZECHOSLOV,'.IM'. CatcGory: Forestry. Forest Cultures. Abs Jour: MhDiol., Ito 11, 1956, 11o 48790 Author Lrejzlik, Josef Inst Title Afforestatic)~-. of the Krivolantshe Glades Created by the ,ct.-;*.on of the Elez:e2its. Orj.[; 1,ub: Lesn. pra-ce, 1~1'5Sj 35, 1-10 7, 297-301 Abstract: This arti-c).c ch,--mcterizes briefly thc- so:.! condi- tiGIIS Of VIC 1.r*~VQJ:1atS1'W rLIt,'JO11 (Czecloslovalda). The follov.. lan is recOLIMCnded in thc afforesta- ~ iL; P tion of Vic i'-- "Healthy" (usually overC;rcnm Cmxscs and nitrophyllic which are deriand-inE, rerard to soil). 1-J. "S-cl:` soils (Gleyed, col:jlzacted, with poor structure). The article K Card 1/2 Country : CZECHOSLOV.'J,.T,'.. Category: Forestry. Forest Cultures. :~bs Jour: RZhDiol-, No 11, 10/5,6, No 48790 gives the cr-i.tcria- for the selection of s",(--cies for each tyjic of Glade, and indicates the sequence of their introduct--'1oa and association. 1-irch is ac1mowledGed to be the most suitable spec.(-,s. It is recomr.-onded that it be introduced lill simnl! croups toGether with the so-il-irr.)roving s- .,,)ocies - P'lack alder produced Good results as the picnecr species, and can be usea as the principal species ii: moist localities. Birch is exceptionally effect,-vc as a preparatory species. -- M.K. Bush Card 2/2 DRY For-entry. Forest Biology and lYpolc Po, 3 19'9, No. 1074.5 UTU, R, I G IP C~ It Is Uripant to Save the Fir-Tree ForoatH in the Region A of thit MAdle Czaahosloyaid&n Hills in Krzhivoklatakly Kray. Lanr. pr&-.~s,, 1958, 37, No. 3, 117-123- P1(--. C itTba sia~VUutss and loao of fir-tree forests in Kr7-Uvok- latskiy .bray am -txplaLnod chiefly by the imsuorneafui praotioo of growing pure and mIxed even-aged a-ud one-story! fir-trao forests (back from the beginning of XIX oentury).1 mu.Nb3r of reoo=endations are given for gmwing firt it I boing emphasiud that this speolau finds the optimum oon- d'it-lona in trouRh-ahap-ed Rnd metlectIve orzttings. 1ho oth,jr cause of the lowring in the vitality of fir tree plantatiors Is the activity of pests (Droyfusla ptasae, elatinum and others) vhich propagate chiefly in iro,,?ded plantations in wet j-ears. Fomition of & stop- Me, ounopy in urgent. - S. I!. Stoyka CZECHOSLOVAKIA Analytical Ohemistry. Analysis of E-2 Inorganic Substances. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 1958, No 17, 57214. z Author : Kre z Z,, Simon V., Zyka J. Inst : 95`~'gei ~ve rn . Title : Titration with Hydroquinon and Similar Reducing Agents. IV. Determination of Azide3 of the Ex- change Precipitation Reaction. Orig Pub: Chem. listY, 1957, 51, No 9, 1764-1766. Abstract: A method of determining small quantities of azide (A) based on the exchange between A and Ag2CrOjj is described. Since AgNA is less soluble than A92 Cr04, when a su3pensi n of A92 Cr04 is added to an Card 1/4 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of E-2 Inorganic Substances. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Kh1miya, 1958, No 17, 57214. Abstract: A solution, the following reaction takes place: 2 NaN3 + A92CrO4 = 2AgN3 + Na2CrO4, An equivalent A quantity in the filtrate is determined from Cr04_, by titration with the solution of hydro- quinon (I). Due to a lower NaN equivalent (lee of 0.1 n I corresponding to 4.31 mg NaM this me- thod is more sensitive than that involv ng the direct titration of A with AgN03 solution (lea of 0.1 n AgN03 corresponds to 6.50 mg NaN~). In de- terminin A, the analyzed samples, con aining ap- prox. 3-90 mg NaN3 are dissolved in a small volui-iie of water followed Ly the addition of approx. 12 gr of pure A92CrO4, and of 1 drop of 2% KN03 solution, by the dilution with water to 50cc volume and by the filtration. 25cc of the obtained filtrate is Card 2/4 28 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of E-2 Inorganic Substances. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 1958, No 17, 57214. Abotract: then.acidified with 20% H2SO4 (20cc) and t1trated (with the use of either potentiometric or visual methods) with 0.1 n I solution and using diphenyl- amine as indicator. The above method is also suit- able for the determining of Cl-, Br-, and I-. Pri ciple of this method is also applicable to the S04 determination. In this instance suspension of BaCr04 is being employed (Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 1957, 8534). In order to obtain quantitative exchan6e involved in the latter reaction, the reactants are acidified with hydrochloric acid up to approx. 0.1 M concentration, heated for about 10 minutes on a steam bath, neutralized with NH 3 while hot, kept Card 3/4 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of -7-2 Inorganic Substances. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiva, 1958, No 17, 57214. Abstract: for 8-10 hours and then subjected to the analysis steps similar to those used in the determination of A. For Part III refer to Ref Zhur.-Khimiya, 1957, 196oo. Card 4/4 29 CZECHOSLOVAKIA Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of E-2 Inorganic Substances. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 1958, No 17, 57163. Author : V. Kre4~9.1 . 4 , Simon V., Zyka J. VI '*-- __ ,,'41mon Ve, Zyka J. Inst : Not given. Title : Titration with Hydroquinon and Similar Reducing Agents* Vo - Determination of Cerium in Pharma- ceutical Preparations. VIe - Utilization oil the Exchange Reaction of Tetravalent Cerilam with the Salts of Divalent Manganese. Orig Pub: V -Ceskosl. farmac., 1957, 6, No 8t 438-44o. VI-Cheme listy, 1957, 51, No 10p M20-1831. Abstract: V. - A new method for determining Ce in the Card 1/6 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of E-2 Inorganic Substances. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiyal 19589 110 171 57163- Abstract: "Vomitin SPOFAII tablets, that contain cerium oxalato, and the "Khomotser ~OTIKAII solution, that contains cerium nitrate in the mixturo of sodium eacodylate and nikethamide, has been developed* The method consists in the oxidation of Ce(3+) to Ce(4+) with persulfate in an acidic medium and with the aid of Ag+ catalyst. Ce(4+) formed is titrated with a solution of hydroquinon (1) using ferroin as indicator. In the determina- tion of Ce, presdnt in the "Khomotser" preparation, it is essential either to destroy beforehand an organic complex (by combustion) and to remove As, or to mineralize the preparationp or to isolate Ce(3+) as an oxalate. The latter method, probably, is the most convenient one. Titration determines Card 2/6 11 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Analytical Chemistry* Analysis of E-2 Inorganic Substances. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiyaj 1958p No 17, 57163- Abstract: the true Ce content of a sample, whereas the weight determines content of other lanthanides. Presence of La and Y in certain "Khemotser" preparations is established by means of spectographic analyses. The described methods are considered suitable for control purposes. VI. - A method for the selective determination of Ce4+ in the presence of strong oxidizing agents (Cr207 2- , in particu ar), has been developed. It is based on the 2 Ce4+ + Mn2+ + 2H20 = 2 Ce3+ + + Mn02 + 4H+. An analysed solution that contains, Card 3/6 CZECHOSLOVAKIA Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of E-2 Inorganic Substances. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiyao 1958j No 17, 57163. Abstract: along with free H2SO4, 50-200 mg Ce (S04)2, is neutralized to 0.2-04 n acidity* 20 cc of con- centrated K2SO' solution is then added (the total 4 vblume of the solution at this point should be -40 cc)p heated up to boiling point, 20 cc of 30 0*1 n MnSO4 is added, boiled for a short time, followed by the precipitation of Mn(OH)2 and fil- tration* jJnder described conditions the reaction-. between ce4+ and 14n2+ proceeds quantiatatively, is selective with respect to Ce4+, and MWOH) 2 formed precipitates in a form readily separated by filtra- tion. The determination of Mn(4+ (the quantity of which is equivalent to that of Ce~+ present) in the Card 4/6 12 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Analytidal Chemistry. Analysis of E-2 Inorganic Substandes, Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 1958, No 17s 57163- Abstract: residue is conducted either by an indirect or by a direct reductometrical titration with I solution, or by the complexometrioal titration method. In the former cases the residue is dissolved in 4 n H2S04 that contains an excess of 0,1 n solution of I. The H2SOJ, concentration is increased to a level of approx, 2rnp and the excess of I is backtitrated with 0.1 n Ce (S04)2 solutions while resorting to either potontiometrical visual observation of an end point obtained with forrion indicator, The direct potentiometrical titration of Mn(4+) with I card 5/6 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of E-2 Inorganic Substances. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 1958# No 17t 57163- Abstract: solution in 2 n H2SO4 is not considered as,;suitable. Tn the second case, f1b(4+) is first reduced to Mn(2+) by means of adding (NH20H)2H2SO4 solution. An excess of 0.1 M solution of oomplexon III is then added to the solution together with the buffer solution (ammonical solution of pH 10) and an ex- cess of oomplexon III. The resulting solution is then titrated with 0*1 M MgS0 solution In the pre- u4 - sence of "eriochrome" black T indicator. Cer- tain cationas adsorbed on the MOM) 2 residue, In- terfere with the titration. 2- The strong hydrolizing ions also interfere* Cr207 I vo 3-f and NO 3- do ot. For Part IV refer to Ref Zhur-Khimiya) 1958, 7214. 9 card 6/6 13 CZECHOSL(YVAKIA/Che.-Acal Technolool. Pharmcauticals. H Vitamins. faitibiotics. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khir.., No 24, 1958, 82711- Author :I~va ~E., Simon V., Zyka J. Inst Title The Oxidimetric Determination of Tartaric Acid and its Salts. Orig Pub: Ceskosl. farmc., 1958, 7, No 2, 82-83. Abstract: The indirect oxidirietric determination of tartaric acid and sor of its salts with K2CrL-)D7 and with salts of Ce + was investigated. Tile Dest results were obtained with KP20-7. The conditions were found under which the r~ethod can be used for rolu- netric determination. The excess of the reagent Card 1/2 CZEChOSLOWMA/Chemical Technoloa. Phamaceuticals. Vit=ins, Antibiotics. tabs jour: 1~-,f Zhur-KhiLl., No 24, 1958, 82711. is titrated potent iome tri cally with the st-midard solution of hydroquinone. Card : 2/2 21 C:)u"-J' ry : Czechoslovakia E-2 Gatogury : Azialytical Chemistry - Aaalyaie of Inorgunle Subotancer, Ab3. J:,,ir. : Ra zbur-Khimiya, No 6, 1T)9 19105 AuLhur : Krejzova, E.; Simon7 V.; Zykaj J. Institut. Titlc : Tltratlun with Hydroqiiinone and jititilar Re- AillCing Agents. VIII. Potentioneti-te Dotermi- nation of .3-Valent Thaj.llum Salt. CrIg rl~ub. ; Chem. listy, 1953, 52, No 3, 936-938 Abstrz:~ct : 11ydroquinone is u!;ed P,;, a r(.;ducii-ig agent in poter-tiomotric determination of T13". Oxidation of T!+ prior to analysis can be effected witl-. (m02S?Op In acid medium; Br-water usually utilizea for this PUrPOSLI Is not 4vitable. The solution to be titrated Must contain 5-20~b by moight of I H2SOI.. and 3-30 mg TI, and it3 maximum vo"ur-e 3hc~uld be 3U ml~ On del-ermination of T1, approximately 2Nj solution of H2804 is add'ed to the solution bping arialy7ed, in a 50 tril beaker, diluted to about 20 ml, added about 0.5 g solid Oii,02S208~ heated gently for 15-20 minutes (final Qf the solution should be about 15 ml), and after coolinr, it is potentio- metrically titrated with 0.01 N solution of hydroquinone. Card- 1/3 C -~)U rIL T"; Czechoslovakia E-2 Catogjily= Anajvtical Chemistry - Analysis of LbB, Jour. Inorganic Sastancea 191 10 5 Ptef 2bur-nimiyaj No 6, 1959 Institut, Tit Lcl j0ri~;. Pub. Ab3trC-C t The inflection point Is at about 500 mv (relative to saturated calomal electrode); charige in poteritial at e~uivalerice point Is well defined (angle coefficient about 1 00). Determination of Tl is rist interfered with by the presence of_Cu2,, Pb2+, Ag+t Bi +, Cc)2+, Zn2+, A13+, Mg2+ As5+, M001,2 and W042-, even wher, they are present in 10-fold eXCOss; also no interference results from the presence of considerable amount.,i of POj,3-, N03-i So,,2-, and Cl- (up to a concentration of about 0.01 N). The presence of Fe3-4, 6n4+, Sb(5+), Hg2+, Cel++, Cr2072-, Mn04-1 Interferes as does the presence of even small amounts of Br- and 1-. Por reasons Cird: 2/-', E-21 r _~ I . I L Analytical Cftemt;Ar~., !,i.uly~;iF rf ~,l L r I).-, T, i c h t hc -i,.. t i-. o r.,-: r,- t e i,!:,, i r. tin.-ation In tjic- of* Cd2~ arc- too low. Cen.4riz, Icat i,.;r, V il s~_e hDirhiv: c ()i-1, 3/3 "I~ a,, ous reduc litratims with ing n . VU. Detertnination higher oxides of MSOKA- sgen I I- -sind i VII&(TMtIt-r'T7m TE 7 irIIVA e L . t;g$ f4aguc) CA --Wl 52 "* ' r ; * I ~ ISSW P tire detd. by reducing the ,ixidri with an excesi of bol Is quinol soln., and back-titrating vilth Ce(50j~ with lerroin Used i A t TI e tot it Conttnt. of metal is detd. I I Lo tion with NifjOii. To 40 lifter T coulp==11Y eLc 1 mg. WA or 45 mg. MnOs, or 80 mg. PbO~ add 10-20 ail. 0. 1 N quinol, 10 m). 2N HjWt (in the cast of Mt, 10 all. 5% r AcOff), &-10 glam &!Zds, st~liper the tLak, siwke 10 MO., Add 4 few drops of ferroin, and Illrate with 0,lN C00A until the red color changes to blue or green. To Att. the total amt. of Mn or Pb, resp., treat the above umts. Of MthOs or PbCh with it soln. of N11,011, add an exem of Clicl4jon 3 (10 nil.). 3-5 nil. N11,011-NII.Cl (pit 10), a nd titrItt. with 0-IM MKSO, with Frimbroine T ,p indicator, VIU. Potantiotnetric detennination of gWU&dt- lud. can be detd. bY Polenti-metric titration Witb quinol, Fc+++, sr)4+t. $I)6+' jig", CrA-- * M-10i-, Anti even Wall allit-4. of fir wid l(mlide ions interfere To det. TI + ++. tTC-41t a sample contg. 3-30 ing. TI with 5 1111. 20% 1140.. am', dil. the soln. to 20 nil. Then ruld 0.5 g. Ir (NH4)lSA, boil gtntly 16-20 min. to a final vol. of 15 jul coot to room temp., and titrate will' GAIN quinul. Ad~ h e last Portions of the reagent dropwise with 3-min. iracr- t ' Val$ between readip The InfIrclion ;xYtential is artyujill Kib,JZUVA; 6.; J.; ;~ LI)III-141 IL. A further contribution to the analysis of aluminum oxide. p. 2" . SYLAft A KERAMI:1- (Ministerstvo IeWkeho prumyslu) Praha, CzechoslovaKia, Vol. 9, no. 8, Aug. 1959. Monthly Ust of East European Accessions (EU-I) LC, Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960. Uncl. Distri hE,2c v - agents. Vil. Ddterminalionornigherox)(Iftsofnianganese. 11. K.01,1va, V, ~ilm,ll and C'Pii(rFf-l" ' 1 c T 2 J~ , 2 LC CA. 52, 3074i. rl. liudl;,64 4 - ------ --- with' hydroquinone and an'slogous r-~duclfii agents. VUL PotentlometrIc determination of (M) Galt. CO, 11c: 6..Kr-e zovl, )L Sl1ron and .1. Zfkit lion c"Char mu-suss. 24., ZbILIW i)(i. r,~,-- mau).--See C.A. 33.,19741. L. JA~nrtk "q.!r4 '~,, If F< f - I V.-~ L. F- %roe IIAP Machining of Alusninum, -CMAO, I P~ VrAtI, Almonirtfum (Budarmd), V. C ( 3. may 19% P. of tool and tool Ma- pocgibes the beld machine 10CAS. I*Im 5 and teiriab. and the best cutling fpcCjs and fee&. tubtL--t 06,tt, Tb6, graph. diggrikim 2 tef. MELIRARD, S.11., inzh. .; KRMTOV, V.B., iazh. Mechanized manufacture of welded pipes with a spiral seam. Svar. proizv. no.6:28-29 Je 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-iouledovatellskiy inetitut tekhnologii mashinostroyeniya (for Mallbard). 2. Vseeoyu:nyV nauchno- issledovatelIski;r institut metallobrabotki i mashinostroyeniya (for Krekhnov). (Pipe, SteelWelding) (Electric welding--Equipment and supplies) cari-Liate or Arri.- IK RE A. _M_ Xffect of carnouine on the Ana robic carbohydrate metaboliam reactions in muscle tissue. Biokhimiya. 18, 124-8 '53. NLRA 6:1) (CA 47 no.15t7625 153) 1. Moscow Med. Inst. , - . 1-,2-, - - ;' , 1. z ~- , ri. I - ~- 4 Krc.*.:'- ova, -:-ffl3ct Carnosine or, Ijola-.~-,d --,eaction-s of . : .- t a b ol i cn. in s u e . I I Cand -3-;cl Scii Avid ".4-d ~jci '-sSR' ~ -Q~Cow 1.' 3.' .-' .-jl No 13 Jan :~4) . I % 04 -- - I . -. -. 1, Source: ')"M V~d, 22 Ally 1954 AFIGRNOVA, S,A.; DIjUZHININA,K.T.;VYX3IOVA, M.A.. PARKOV, Yu.A., RODMA, A.I. TUDAIT,V, N.A* (Moskva) Biosynthenis of corticooteroide by adrenal sections of various animals. (with summary in English]. Probl.etdok., i gorm. 4 no-3:3-11 My-JI, 158 (MIRA 11:8) 1. 1z laboratorit nervnoy t gormonAllnoy regulyntsit btokhImicheskikh protsessor (zav. - prof. N.A. Tudayev) Instituta biologicheakoy i meditainskoy khimii AMR SSSR (dir. prof. Y.N. Orekhovich). (ADRENAI CORTEX HORMOIMS, metabolism synthesis in adrenal slices Of various animals (Rua)) KEDROVA, Ye.M.; KHEKHOVA, M.A. Absence of the summary protective effects of cysteine and ACTH in rate irradiated by roentgen rays [with summary In English]. Med.rad. 4 no.1:60-63 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Iz Instituta biologicheskoy I meditsinakoy khimii AMN SSSR. (RADIATION PROTECTION, by ACTH & cysteine, absence & summation of protective off. in rate (Run)) (ACTH, effects, radiatIion protection in rats (Rug)) (CYSTEINF, effects, same~ "Study of the 11istochemiatrj arid 'Diosyntheols of Steruic, lJoiTion.-O by Suprarenal Cortical Tumors." Theses of the Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions 23-26 March 1959 (All-Union Institute of Experimental EndocrinoloGrj) From the Department of Morphology (Head==Professor Ye. I. Tarakanov) of the All-Union Institute of Experimental Endocrinology (Director--Professor Ye. A. Vasyukova) and from tile Institute of Biological aml Medical Chemistry (Director-- Professor V. N. Oreldiovich) of tile Academy of Medical Sciences UISSR AFINOGMTOVA, S.A.; DRUMMINA, K.Y.; PANKOV, Yu.A,; RAZINA. L.G.; IRUCHOVA. H,A, Conference on the biochomiatry of corticosteroids and their use in clinical practice. 5 no.52393-397 S-0 159. (MIRA 13t2) (STEROIDS) YUDAYEV, N.A.; KREKHOVA, M.A. Zmparative data on the biosynthesia of corticosteroids in vitro, -in hormal states, and under pathological conditions of the adrenalo. Probl. endok. i gorm. 6 no. 2:43-51 Mr-Ap 160. (MIRA 14:1) (ADREHOCORTICAL 11ORMOIES) KREKIIOVA, M.A. Method for the preparation of /.f-glucuronidase preparation and ita une in the determination of 1'7-hydroxycorticoateroids in urine, Probl. endok. i gorm. 6 no. 2:55-63 Hr-Ap 160. (MIRA 14: 1) (COBOHYDRASE) (ADREVOCORTICAL HORMOVES) - "'Fe tiir~F I.n ,,3 1. t r,) f I f In :,e r t,! I ri I L t L -wn ~i Renort ire- JR 1;1~,~v..,.'~,it.!..', 'n"", l9("1 ,KREKHOVA, 1!,k. Prinimali urhaatiye: MALKOVA, M.G.; KOSAREVA, Ye.A.; SISAKYAN, N.M., akademik, glav. red.; BAYEV, A.A., zam. glav. red.; YUDAYEV, N.A., red. toma; VETROVA, I.B., red.izd-va; DOROKHINA, I.N., tekhn. red. (Biosynthesis of lipids; symposium VIIJBiosintez lipidov; simpozium VIL Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 44 p. (Its: Trudy) (MIRA 16:4) 1. International Congress of Biochemistry. 5th, Moscow, 1961. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akadermii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Yudayev). (Lipids) KREKHOVA M.A. Y Method of isolation and determination of the actJvIty of -glueuronidase. Sovr. metod. v biokhim. 1:316-321 164. Determining the quantity of 17-oxycorticosteroids of urine. Ibid.:334-341 (MIRA 18:5) KREKIIOVA, M.A. Method of fractional determination of 174etrnt43rrIdt3 by means of thin-layer chromtography. Vop. med. khIm. 11 rw.2160-67 Mr-Ap 065- (MTRA 18ilQ) 1. Laboratorlya blokhLmll tj1,,3roIdnykh gormonov TnotAhjUl Wolo- gichoskoy i meditsinokoy khImil A?'!,q ISS):'R, IMuskva. 1 ;'MIN USSR/Farm Animals. General Problems. Q-1 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - Biol., No. 22, 1958, 101143 Author Kolesnikov, V.V. , Krekhova, M.M. Inst Odessa Aaricultural Instit67te 0 Title Gland Distribution it, the Pronchi-al Tr~.-cts of Horses and Cows. Orig Pub: Tr. Odessk. s.-kh. in-ta, 10,557, 12, 5'1-62 Abstract: On two 8-year-old cows and two 10- arl 18-year- ated thiit epithelial old horses, it was demorstr, glands of bronchial tracts gre developed to a markedly lower extent (about 3 times) in horses thar in COWS. AS the -.,.@in bronchial trees branch out, the degree of saturation of mucosa by glands decreases; glands are b-,~tter developed in the carinal area. The 19tter phenomenon is explained by the characteristic interrelation- Card 1/1 ships between bronchial mucosa and inhaled air. 16(l) SOV/21-59-1-3/26 AUTHOR: -.-Krekhovskiyt V.V. TITLE.: Partial Differential Equations with a Principal Term (Differentsiallnyye uravneniya v chastnykh proizvod- n,ykh s glavnym chlenom) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrains1koi 1?3R, Nr 1, 19591 pp 10-13 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author presents the solution of the formula of Cauchy and some characteristic problems of an equation of type: A M a D " U (r) + ID -' U (r) It examines exampleslqf application of the formula of Cauchy, a problem with characteristic data, a bilinear formula, a fundamental function and an inte-ral re- presentation of the solution of Cauchy's problem. De- signations employed in the text are standardmathema- tical. Among them U(x) is derivative function, En is Euclidian space, T is pyramid, A is operator, s are Card 1/2 indices of next members dependent upon index k : SOV/21-59-1-3/26 Partial Differential Equations vrith a Principal Term (k11- 'k ), where 0-%S I :!~-: 0,