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Focal presence of 11corticalO epileptic potentials in the EEG
of children (preschool and school age). Cesk. neurol. 27 no.3:
154-162 MyI64
1. Neurologicka katedra UDL v Praze; vedoucitprof. dr. Z.Maceke
L,",") i7y. , TPA~,.05 , J.
2nd intornal Clinic, ,Oac. of Gon. Clod. , Univ. (II. In-
Uerni Klini'v:a .;allc. Vscob. Lek- KU), Prar-ue, '..'oad (PrF.,dno.,3ta)
Prof Dr F. IHERLES; 2nd Internal Clinic, Faculty of Ped-iatrics
C 'L I ,-, ~, ". 1. 0 s111livor.-'Ity (TI. Inuo.-ni i't1injAca Fa,c. I)o'U-p,',(,iio Lek. KU~;
?I-w-'U0, ;Ioad (Pro6no.".ta) ;'rof Dr 11. .!,'C)I';!; iic)IIr,-)!oj-.1caj C;Iinic
P,,,IoUlty of TTyF-
..odical ,jene, Charles UnAversity
Kl i n ika Le!r.. Fak. Hyf-ienicke KU), Pr~:ir:ue, ','tead (Pre6nosLa) Prol'
Dr Z. I eurolorical Clinic Fac. of Gen. 1:odicine, Charles
-L,'Iin';,,-a Pak. Vroob. Lelk. Pra.7,ue,
Head (Preanostua) ":onflbor of t,',cadony K.
"L"~ectrof,,neop~-alo-7ra,-,is in .1cquirad t3ard~opa iiie:3."
Pra~-ue, Casoi)is Lolr,iru Cor,,- 'Tov 66, p 1290
ych, Vol 10-, ):.7, 25 ,
Utj-jor_- jr, o d i.L* ic~ d7: --'EG e- a-minations
of pationts suf:'i,-,,i.n,r, fro,,-.] ac C3 virod ca.rdiTc defectus were made;
19 pat-ionto -.'rom ische-orde heart di,,.(,,ase, 37 from valvular
disep2c. 12 o_' tli- f*4_-,:~'. epter-ory and 20 of tile L;ccond had nor-
nal E23G tracings. 5 In tiic ist and 17 in tla-o 2nd ~7rOUP sitio'-ried a
I~Ijjd ornality. 2 nationts i.,ith isc'cie,.-As heart d1o-
g,eneralizod abn I
L 02041-67 EW11(c) FDN/WW/JWD
_r~' j SOURCE_C_0-6`E-:__________
ACC NRi AP6032038 CZ/0078/66/000/007/0022/0022
rakb .(Docent* Engineer", Doctor; Pardubice); Lebri
u~ v --F,-
cL ' Pantoficek,
(Engineer; Par ub c6~'; it lProfessor; Engineer; Candidate
of sciences; Pardubice)
ORG: none
TITLE: S.oli.d propellant'rocket engine. CZ Pat-. No. PV 4387-64
SOURCE: Vynalezy, no. 7, 1966, 22
TOPIC TAGS: rocket engine, solid propellant rocket engine,-504/0
k00ke7- PoeoP-,4xqv7- %S~rlrrrm
ABSTRACT: The proposed solid-provellantArocket motor with a layer~ed.
laminated casing consists of a central cylindrical section and two:..
closing sectionn. The motor is distinguished by the conical shape.of
the closing sections and by their attachment to the cylindrical central
section of the rocket motor by their larger base; the upper closln~-'
section is solid, and a nozzle is located the lower closing section,
[WA No.'*881.
SUB CODE: 21/ SUBM DATE: 31ju164
Card 1/1 not
ogo42-67 EWP (c ) IEWP (y) /EWP j )/EWP (t)/ET I/LWP WIJP(c) FDN1JJ)1WR1111d1JWD1RM
ACC NR, AP6032837 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0078/66/000/007/0022/0022
INVENTOR: KreJci., F, (Docent; Doctor'. Engineerj Pardubice); Leb_r,,i*
(Engineer;-- Pardubice); Pantoficek, J, (Candidate of sciences; Pro- "-
fessor; Engineerj Pardubice)
ORG: none 76
TITLE: Roe-ket engine. CZ Pat. No. PV 5594-64
SOURCE: Vynalezy, no. 79 19662 22
TOPIC TAGS: solid rocket, "I combustion chamber.9".
;P0C.4t'-r7- eAJG,4)F I &Igoo Pe0PejZqW7- I.
ABSTRACT: A solid-vrovellafl_t\~or smokeless'-po~,der rocket engine con-
sisting of a layered-glass-reinforcejd plasLt_i_cP comb us tion chamber is'..
proposed. It is distinguished by the separation of the laminated-glass
combugtion chamber from the solid-propellant grain by a metallic foil
_gj34r,dvto the surface of the insulation or to the surface of the solid-
propellant grain. [WA No.. 88.*
SUB CODE: 21/ SUBM DATE: 090ot64
1/1 net
L 3 C46-66
ACCESSION NR: AP5017202 CZ/0034/65/OW/005/0305/0309
1P Cf
of the metallurgical industry an
AwrHOR, KreJci, Josef (Engineer, Minister --J 61
;ore y< Z5
TITLE: Czechoslovakia's metallurgy in the 20th jubilee year since liberation
SOURCE: Ifutnicke listy, no. 5, 1965, 305-309
TOPIC TAGS: metal industry, steel industry, industrial production, rolling mill,
!metallurgic furnace, metallurgic research facility
ABSTRACT., The Czech metaHurgical industry has grown substantially in the last
20 years, according to Josef Krejci, Minister of the Metallurgical Industry
and Ore Mines. Although 90% of the iron ore used had to be imported from
the USSR (Krivoy Rog), the production of raw Iron reached 5, 716, 000 tons.
i i in 1964 as compared to 1, 675, 000 in 1937 (the year of highest prewar pro-
duction). Since 1945, eight new blaot furnaces with an average capacity of
995 rn 3 and one with a capacity of 1719 n-0 have been put Into. operation.
Card 1,13
L 3046-66
The 1964 steel production reached 8, 377, 000 tons, compared to
2, 2910 000. tons in 1937. The largest portion, 83%, was melted in open-hearth
furnaces, 14. A in electric furnaces, and 2. 7~6 in Thomas convertors. The
corresponding figures for 1937 were 83. 8, 6. 2, and 10%. Presently there
i are 74 open-hearth furnaces in operation: 44 of them have a crpacity of less
Ithan 100 t, 18 between 100 and 200 t, and 12 over 200 t. The largest have a
Icapacity of 400 t. Over 60% of the total volume of steel was melted with oxy-
gen. Tpe share of alloy steels reached 16. 8% in 1964. A number of new alLoy
steelsf~hmong them a special , steel for the reactor vessel of a Czech atomic
!.power plant, have been developed.
Krejci states that Wire are now in operation 62 hot rolling mills, 54 cold rolling'
mills, 13 seamless-tube rolling mills, 17 tube welding mills, and 8 roll bending
mills, most of which were built after 1945. (There is however, another article
written by Krejci and published in Hutnik, V. 15, no. 5, 1965, 209-212 which gives'.
differentst more realistio.figurcoo. a total of 76 hot and cold roll~m mills without
tub rolling mills, 24 of which were built af ter 1945 This jr-owth of the it 11
i Card 2/3
ACCF,5510N NR: AP5017202
;metallurgical industry required a considerable amount of scientific research.worke
!Research is presently concentrated in five state institutes, five independent
.institutes located at,plants, and sixteen plant institutes. Almost 5000 people,
including 132 scientists and 2680 gmduate engineers and tecbniciwws art
working at these, institutes* Orig, art6 haal 3 tables.
SUBMr2m: 00 ENCL 1 00 SUB COM. KM
NR RU SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 ATD Press: 4"8-F
lCard 313,
L 1,359-5-66
ACC NRt AP6006073 SOURCE COVE: CZ/0053/65/014/004/0306/0309
AUTHOR., Polacak, I.; ~~j
ORG: Research Institute for Natural M~diainal fliubetancesp Prague (Vy-A Va1v
pr1rodnich' Y us
TITLE: Role of the structure and effect of oxytocin an.-ilogs in isolated mammry
gland of the rat LThis papor was prooented during tho 'rweirth Rri-nnacologic Daynt
Smolenice, 28 Jan 65-1
SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska tysiolopie, v* 14, no. 4. 1965p 30.8-309
TOPIC TAGS: rat, hormone# endocrinology, calcium, gland drug, drug effecto
ABSTRACTS The ef fect of oxytocin an Isolated breast or lactating rat was
directly dependent on the calcium concentration; the effect or 9 ojQtocin arAlogs
was weaker but decreased activity was less than 'decreased uterotonic
.effect. Some'qualltative differences were found, especialLX with leu I
some protracted hdrmon' enic pro rtie Cjjj
cystein-_~~tocin, which had og
SUB CODE: o6 /. SUBM DATE: none OTH REFS 001
L 13210-66
ACC NR, AP6006098
SOURCE CODE: CZ/0053/65/OV#/004/031
AUTHOR: Vavra, I ; Krejci,, I ; 1,~ova,~B.
ORG: IngetALuLe-12r R KatyrAl ci a
&eeALcb on _-.!k0L_na1 Substanc~!p_,jr gue (Vyzkumny ustav
prirodnich leciv)
TITLE: Vascular effect of some analogs or vasopressin and oxypressin [This paper
was presented during.the Twelfth Pharmacologic Dayst Smolenice, 28 Jan 65-1
SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska fysiologie, v. 14, no. 4, 1965, 319
TOPIC TAGS: hormone, endocrinology, experiment, animal, eirdlovascular system,
ABSTRACT: 0-methyltyrosin2ogytocin .(THO), 0-mothyltyrosin2lysina8V&3opressin,
.(T14V), 0-othylt osiWlysine vasopre3sin (TEV) and blycylcysteinlo-mothyl-
Ityrosin2lysineCasopressin (GTMV) had little or no vasopressin activity and
,antagonized the vasepressor effect more in rats than in cats or rabbits; the
effect differed In decerebrated or despinalized animals. Increasing the dose
of vasoprQ35in could overcome the Inhibitory effect-ol
* these 4 analogs* (JPRS1
CZECHOSLOVAIMV/Cultivated Planto '- Medicinal. Essential Oils. M-7
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 20, 1958, 91858
Author : Krejci, Ivan
Title Native Plants with Laxative Effect.
Orig Pub Zivn, 1957, 5, 113 5y 172-173.
Abstract On the m3re widespread medicinal plants in Czechoslovakia
used for the preparation of laxati-te remaies.
Card 1/1
Choleretic effect of certain carbinols. Geak. fyoiol. 8 no.3t2l2-214
Apr 59.
1. Fnrinakolol,,icke odd. Vyzkumneho ustavu lecivych rostlin, Praha.
Predneseno na III. ,'Ysiologickyeh dnech v Brne dne 14. 1. 1959.
(AMOHOIis, eff.
benzyl alcohol deriv., choleretic eff. (Cz))
(PEM4NOIS, eff.
choleretic (Cz))
choleretic eff. of benzyl alcohol & phenol deriv. (Oz))
KRWG 1, 1.
On the problem of hypotensive effects of vincamin. Ceak. fysiol.
8 no-5:452-453 S '59
L Farmakologicke odd. Vyzknmnsho ustavu lecivych rostlin, Praha.
(AIKAWIM, pharmacol. )
Influence of the affect of certain ganglion-blocking agents by
-methyl amide of camphoric acid, Cesk.fysiol. 9 no-3:286-287
x7 16o.
I* Vyzkumay ustav leciv7ch rostlin, Praha.
(CAMPHOR rel cpda)
mma, J.
1,Linimum consistent twist. P. 85.
TEXTIL. (Ministerstvo lehkeho prumyslu) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 111,
no. 3, March 1959.
Monthly List of FAFt European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 11,
Noverber 1959-
The new system "Directional Data for Train Formation" on Czechoslovak railroads.
P. 310.
7-ELEZNICNI DOPRAVA A AT9CHNIKA. (Ministerstvo dopravy)
Praha, Eatonia. Vol. 7. No. 10. 1959-
Monthly list of East E4ropean Accessions (EEAI), Vol. 9, No. 1., Jan. 1960.
KREJCI J. inz.
75 years since the foundation of Jiblava water supply station.
Vodni hosp 13 no.1:13 163.
BEGVAR, J1. inz.1 PUWOCHAR, Zd., inz.; MOTLOCH, Z., inz.;
inz.; TEINDL.,~"J*, profo, dr, j5m~~
Informations on metallurgy, Hut listy 18 no.2:139-11+6 F 163.
KREJCI, Jan- -
Rounding off molds and core boxes. Slevarepstvi 11 no.102-33
Ja 163.
1. Zdarske atrojirny a slevarny.
Use of chipwood boards in making models, Slavarenstvi U
no-5:20"05 My 163.
1. Zdarake strojirny a slevarnyq Zdar nad Sazavou.
Production of nurfaco dried molds from rixturei with ~entonite
and dextroner. Slevarenstvi 12 nt 11-481-483 11 164.
1. Liberecke antonobilove zavody, Liberec-Octasov.
KhEJGI J. Vnitrni Oddeleni Okreani Verejne Nemocnice ve Vy5kove. Virove encefalitidy
a Jak-js-ou dany podminsky pro-jejich sireni v r-SR Virus encephalitis and the conditions
for its spread in Czechoslovakia Lekarske Listy, Prigue 1949, 4/20 (501-505)
A short survey of encephalitis of virus origin observed in various parts of the world.
Many of them can spread in Czechoslovakia, because there exist many known vectors and
the conditions are quite similar to those in other territories.
Teyschl - Brno (XX, 4,8)
So: Medical Y&crobiology and Hygiene, Section IV, Vol 3, No 1-6
Pm)cr'u,,.,q of Lhi viruc inolated frw blood and carebro-epinal fluid
during the opide-Ac oJ'' Jm Vyskove in 1948 Lek,
listy 5:11, 1 June 50, P~, 373-3,--,l
1., Or ',~ha Internal 1,c(Lictne De!mrtmcnt of the State Diatrict floti-.1-Lal
in Vy3k-ove (fluidl-Htiad-Physictan Jan Kr(.,Jcl),,
M'1 19~ 5, 'NOV., 1950
Isolation of tho virus of hirian m-LAngoencephalltis from a tick-
Lekn Uxty 5114,, 15 JUIY 50, P, 06-9
1, Of tho Internal Yedicino Department of the Stato Dirtrict Hoagital
in Vyskove (Hep-d-Phys-ician Jan Yrejci),
C-rI'L 19t 5, lluT,,, 1950
Tick borne meningoence-phalitis In Vyskov region in 1949. Cas.lek.
cask. 91 no.12:358-363 21 Kar 52.
1. Z vnitrniho oddeleni Statni okresni nemocnice ve Vyskove.
Primar MUDr Jan Krejci.
in Czech., 11yakov region)
MWGI, Jan. KUDr (Vyokoy)
.-I `- ~--
Virus maningooncephalitis in Yyskov, 1950. Lek. listy, Brno 9
no.15-16:358-361 1 Aug. 54.
viral, statist. in Czech.)
KR19JC 1. Jan.. MUDr.
Now wave of maningoencephalitis and encephalonyalitis in
Vyskov region,
Vnitr. lak.. Brno I no.2:113-124 Feb 55.
1. Vyskov. Paskinova 1.
In Cteoh.)
(UCIMLONYAUTIS, epidemiology
in Ckech.)
EKCL-RPTA I &DICA Sce.11 Vol.3.0/5 0to_Rhina_LarXgo 1-:aY5?
934. KREJN J. and kMEC-EK C. U'stav Pathol. Anat. Palackt-ho Univ., Olomouc.
-W-IC-oTlzc-ebronchiLnichpitttll. The problem of bronchial fis-
tulas ROZ11L. TUBERK. 1956, 16/6 (293-297) Illus. 6
Thorough anatomical and histological observations of 169 bronchial trees showed
that the sharply bordered round orifices the size of a pin head, which are frequen
ly observed in bronchoscopy between 2 cartilages, are never symptoms of a recent
or old perforation of lymphatic nodes. Black anthracotic pigmentation of the
mucosa is always connected with underlying scarified lymphatic nodes, showing
most frequently tb processes. Pigmentations which are not so conspicuous and
rather greyish In colour are not typical for tb. An increased number of longitudinal
folds of the mucosa of the main or lobar bronchi is not per se a direct prove of an
inflammatory process. Boehm - Isny (XV, 11)
."11CERPTA ISMICA Sec.8 Vol.11/4 Neuro. -Psychiatry Apr 58
Kfl,&- YC
DIAGNOSIS - Virusovd meningoencefalitidy v zrcadle topickd diagnostiky -
K r e j C I J. - dAS. LEK. CES. 1957, 96/8 (22.5-230)
The AuTh-o-r-liad the occasiontobe the first toexamine int ieyears 1948-1951 the until
then unknown tick-borne virus meningo-encephalitis. He treated on the whole 112
cases of which one died. The clinical manifestations )f these cases are analysed
in order to determine with the help of topical diagnosi i the places where the noxa
prevail. Examinations of infected mice have proved I iat the lesions are not only
in the grey but also in the white matter. Not only the j ieninges were involved, but
also the cerebral cortex, the subcortical grey matter the mesencephalus, the
medulla oblongata, the cerebellum and the spinal corc especially in the anterior
horns. Most frequent was the meningo-encephalitic ft-rm. occasionally in about
5% of cases also the myelitic form. A latent developL ig muscular atrophy Is char-
acteristic of these forms of meningo-encephalitin. Kluska - Brno (L. 8)
.E~-CFRPTA MEDICA Sec 16 Vol 7/5 Cancer ]KAY 59
1714). Primitive pulmonary adenocarcinoma (pulmonary adenocarcinoma
of alveolar type) A(Wo-warcominr imIttiotiairr primitif -afl6isk4ar(iomiie 1julmo-
imire de I% I ir ii I vt~tdairv). Si%iF(-f-K K It C. 1 CI j .;I I It II %I ExKOVA IS. Aptiritoll 10511- 171' 1
(.151 Tallicit. I IlItk%. I--, --
All itoilksis is 111.1dr of I I Cases Stien is laid
on lilt, p'lolowgrd dillical latellcv, on lilt:( iagno"lic valite ol'the radi(ological cxaiiii-
IlatiIIIIN aild v%pecialtv oil Illat 411, the (A t%,Iimlical witliv%. Aiwittioti is di-AW11 11) the
close I-C lilt iniollip ljct~veril thr developnicot of the existen-
ce of))rcI.-ious, nwinly ricatricial )tilinonavv ahrratiom. Froili the point of virw of
like histogellesk, it Wcoitsidered t1tat there ~xki all foriiii of 11F.iiiiitiott bctwceo al-
vrolill. alkil bl-ollelliolar adr lit wart. itlo toa, atid that, cilotvary tit the clwical, nilitt.
iolls,Ilie poitil of dt-parwre ii inticentral. The inticiis forniation is variable, in accor-
danix with the niatur;ty of the winour. Rrferences iji. Grrnez-Rieux - Lille
KREJCI, Jan. inz.; BURIANEK, Vladislav
Designing plants for production of welded steel pipes of
small and medium diameters. Hut listy 16 no.10:730-738
0 161.
1. Hutni projekt, Praha.
7-irlljntrl~', safo,./ in pr"c(3nainx 71:)irc'l :7,a~.,~rg
pattern.3. Sluvarcn3tvi 13 nn,.1~27-28 j& (-,,.
1. ZdarAj qtro.,firny a slovarny, Zdtr nad ')ilzavou.
L 45421-66 TAwP(t)/ETi.-- - wip)- - wlii)
ACC NRs AP6026376 &) SOURCE CODE: GE/0030/66/015/001/0071/0082
AUTHOR: Lukas, P.; Klesnil, M. ; Krejci,- J.
ORG: Institute of Metallurgy, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Brno
TITLE: Substructure of persistent slip bands in cyclically deformed copper
SOURCE: Physica status solidi, v. 15, no. 1, 1966, 71-82
TOPIC TAGS: deformed copper, polycrystalline copper, dislocation distribution,
dislocation density, surface extrusion, slip, slip band
ABSTRACT: The disl(kation distribution on the surface layer of cyclically
deformed specimens of polycrystalline copper is studied by measn of transmission
electron microscopy of thin foils, both parallel and nonparallel to the surface. Th&!
distribution within the surface layer and near the persistent slip bands is found to
differ considerably from that inside the specimens. The persistent slip bands
consist of zones of alternately high and low dislocation density. The zones of high
density are linked together at a particular depth below the surface. The zones of
Card 1 / 2
L 45421-66
__ ACC NRz AP6026376
low density are assumed to serve as "channels" in which the motion of dislocatigns
emitted from Frank-Read sources is relatively free. The escape of these disloca-
tions from the free surface results in surface extrusions. Orig. art. has:
10 figures. [Authors' abstract] [KS]
SUB CODE: 20, 11/ SUBM DATE: 22Jan66/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF- 013/'
C-.,d 2/2
'nary 'Nedicine,
:':~~t-,JCI, J.; arch Inotituto of Voterl
Ustav Ve-to-vinarniho Lo1vt-s-tvi), i3rno,
and Invo.;f,L,7Ation of Po3tormbryonic
U of Biirsa Pabricli in Chicicense
L)C~ V 0j_) L
ysiolo,~ie, Vol 15, '--o 5,
Pr.--,ue, Ce.,3'~onlovons~ca F, Son 66) P 390
A'-_-~;tract- were conducted on 1:3 New Hampohirc chickens aged
7T_i:j_'eS days. In I -lay old chickens the follicles of B-arsa Fabricii
foi-nd by -,-.;1u*'1ar cells of eplithelial origin. In 5-9 day old
C,,ickens charzcL,~ri~,tic changes in the follicular medulla occurred. The
Medu'lar ''lo ware transformed into colls of the lymphatic ser-es.
y ce,
'~-no ...,eight of the Bursa in 25 day old chickens was 30 times that of 1
day old, while the total body weight increased only 5 tinias. No references.
Siibnitted at 3 Days of PhysioloMr of Dormostic Animals at Liblice, 10 Dec
92 -
C;v_r %9;;;,L, r* AV 1A O?q~ 3(xrostAV
Laftiko "ro-r. Arvl X*M'Sg dK"# dim* hY.Or. CZ141 Klb.j~.J' da"414vt )IV'L*
... ........
nMO (for oil)
vraot vOjvTL8!!EWt" 90 12P ~Qc~nki*r I'Wil, pp 333-435
"p"OPOWLIV* goals I& n1crablel"a for IWZIOM Of roaftwfe.04
SPICKA, J.; KRfi-IDVA,B.; technicka spoluprace, FISER,,C,,YhMr.;- KR C1,J._
Experiences in the determination of transumI-nases in myocardial
infarct. Cas.lek.cesk.102 no.50:1361-1367 13 D163.
1. Intermi oddeleni nemocnice v Poskovicich, OUNS Mansko;
vedouci MUDr. J.Spicka.
KRFJCI, Jan, prof. dr.
The seventy-fifth birthday of Pro-i'assor Frantisek Vitaselk.
Sbor zem 70 no.1:1-2 165.
1. Faculty of Natural Sciences of the J.E.Purkyne University,
Brno, Kotlarska 2.
"Sicip Jan
Cemented carbide tools in modeling. Slevarenitvi 11 no.119
481-485 W63-
1, Zdarske strojirny a ijlevarnyp-Zdar nad Sazavou.
Distri 4E2c(j)AE2o
dmMh" of selonfiam triazide*
. ZV Div., lirno,
O, -ZW~M)--CAN and St6"10711;
-90* form white, hy - t k-0
wii, CHN4
elf mnd-
m. IIS3* (decomp.), whi In coldI7Z*91M'r5',q
and HiSe0s. I and Nits gas give (Nlf,).%O,. (NHJ,ScOs,
t -70* 1
and St
With Ii
uid Nil
N11 4L-
s a
ppts. (
SeO4 and a little (NH
ives 60-51;1
- the filtrate
yields of cryst, Nff4Se4D,NHI (11), also prepd. from K&301
andliquidNI-13. U slowly hydrolyzes in njoist air, decomp.
to 100*
on slow heatin
es on
, an
ng to
120*. U can be recrystd. front MeOll; its re2ctious are
characteristic of the Nlij group. It hydrolyzes more readily
than N'11.SO,Nll,. The powder patterns of I and 11 are
. 13quitb.--
VIRFIT171 , 'JI-4--bSI"o
P.-ItAP-11 OqUipment for chemically hardlene-i mixtures. p. 291.
SLEVARENSTVI. (Ministerstvo tezkeho strojirenstvi a Ceskoslovenska vedecka
technicka spolecnost pro hunictvi a slevarenstvi) Praha, Czechoslovakia.
Vol. 7, no. 7, June, 1959
Monthly list of Fast European Accessions (EFAI) LC Vol. 9, No. 12,
Dec., 1959 Uncl.
Mikroskopie potravin a surovin zivocisneho puvodu. (Vyd. 1.) Praha, Statni peda-
gogicke nakl., 1953. 84 p. (Ucebni texty vysokych skol) (Microscopy of food and
of raw materials of animal orgin; a university textbook. 1st ed) DA Not in DLC
SO: Monthly lndex of East European Acessions (EFAI) Vol. 6, No. 11 November 1957
Their Appl Ic at Ions . Fnod Indtistry,
Abs Jour- .?cf Zhur-',!hlmlya, 1959, 1'o ~-, 1356,1.
Author ll~rcjci, Jarorlav.
I list
T i t I st*nn -'lk for BruccIlosis Infection.
Crig Pub- A/Ct"'rinarstvi, 1958, ey 7) 26U-17-62.
Abs t rac L : :-~c,,, i c,,,y . 7 titics.
.ard 1/1
BURIAN, J., Doe.. MUDr.; KAKSKICXK. 0.. MUDr.; KR&TCI., Jaroslav. HUDr.
Muscular h7perplasia of the p7loric antrum (hypertrophic pyloric
stenosis of adults). Cask. roentg. 10 no-3:97-103 Aug 56.
1. Z chirurgicke kliniky PU v Olomouci - Predn. prof. Dr. VI. Rapant
Z cantralnigo rtg ustavii KUNZ v Olomouci - Predn.doc. Dr. I. Stratil
Z pathologickoanatomickeho untavu PU v Olomoucl - Pradmosta doc.
C. D7oracek.
(PYWRUS, stanosis
PAVLICEK, Zdenek; KREJCI, Jaroslav
Diastatic perforaM"%of the colon. Rozhl. chir. 40 no.8.*569-574
Ag 161.
1. Chirurg. oddeleni OUNZ Prostejov, prednosta dr. MJA. Hel Patologicko-
anatomicke oddeleni, prednosta dr. Jar. Krejci.
(COLON die)
CZECHOSLOVAKIA/OrgarLic Chemistry - Synthetic Organic Chemistry. G-0
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Khimiya, No 5, 1958,14429.
Author Dobras Jaroslav, Marhan Jiri, Krejci Jiri, Pirkl Jaromir
T1 le Arylation by Means of Diazonium Salts. 11. Study of the Effacrts
of Catalysts,, Temperature and Structlure of Diazonium, Salt
on the Course of Its Interaction with 4-aalfocinnamic Acid.
Or's Pab: chem- "sty, 1957, 51, No 3, 463-469; Sb. chekhosl. khim.
rabot, 1957, P-2, No 5, 1473-1481.
Abstract: On interaction of y-WO2P6W2Cl(T),with 4-sulfocinmmic
acid (II), in aqueous medium, there is formed the 4-nitro-
stilbene-4'-sulfonate of sodium (crystals from water) which
on reduction with Fe in a neutral medium gives 4-aminostil-
bene-41 -sulfonic acid (cx-ysta3-3 fr= aqu8ous C5H5N) - Ana-'tO-
gously from inner salt of 2-sulfo-4-nitiophenyl diazonium.
Card 1/4
CZECjj0SLoVAjaA/0rganic Chemistry - Synthetic Oz-93nic Chemistrf' G-2
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Khimilai 'No 5, 1958, 14429-
(III) and ii, there io formed 4-nitroztilbenc-2~4'-disul-
fonic acid which was rPduceely without isolation, in the re-
action mixture with Fe to 4-aminostilbe-ae-2#41-disulfoni('
acid. From the latter, after diazotation and coupling
with beta-naphthol, was prepared the tetrahydrate of the
disodium salt of stilbene-4-azo- k -naphthol-2,41-dioulfonic
acid. In addition to the normal products of arylation there
are formed on interaction of I or III with II unidentified
products of further conversions which have been detected by
paper chromatography. A sWdy was madam of the effects of
temperature, catalysts and substituents in the molecule of
the diazonium. salt, on the course of ita reaction with II.
The experiments were carried Out in aqueous medium, in the
presence of excess CILC0011a, in sealed apparatus. Yields
of individual reactiolis were evaluated on the basis of the
Card 2/4
CUCHOSLOVAKIA/organic Chemistz7 - Synthetic organic Chemist-
AbB JOu:t: Referat Zhur-Khimiya" NO 5) 1958, lktt~.x). y G-2
amount Of liberated Co 2* &-perizents were conducted with I
C6H H2C1 and hydrochloric d-iazn:Lm
Or salts Prepared from
6X-, meta- and Para-i0omers Of Chl0raniline, Oxalllamino-
aniline, aniline 5UlfOnic acid, anisidine,
traniline and am:LnObezLzoic acid. toluidine, ni-
It was found that I
More active than 1. Effect of elevated _I, is
Parent Only in thi~case Of diazonium sa3 temperature is ap-
_ta of low reactiv,_
ty* Among the catalysts that were used (Cuo, CuC,,.> and Cu.
C1 2) the beat was found to be
Of reaction of Il with CuC12- YieldJ3 of the- products
-subst-it'ited hydrocb.1oric diazoni
salts are the highest and t um
hoae with t,,~e m
.,vat, es &
the lowest de IV
- A beneficial effect on the formtjon of Bt,,
bene derivatives, in the case Of P'substituted hydrochloric
diazonium salts,
is Produced by elect:-OPOsitive as wel an
by BOMe electronegative substitue& 1
Card 3/4 B. N02- and the C001r_
. d~ECHOSLOVAKIA/Organic Chemistry - Synthetic Organic Chemistry. G-2
Abs Jour: Referat, Zhur-Khimlya, No 5., 1958., 14429.
group in the para position of the diazonium salt produce
a detrimental effect. Previous commmication see Chem.
listY, 1952y 46, 277.
Card : 4/4
KR'EJCI. Karel
I --I-W-- I
Scientific conforence on the worka of Maria Dabrowska in Poland.
Veot-nik CSAV 71 noo5:593-595 162.
1, Clan korespondent Ceakoalovenoke akademle ved.
'TO--18* Jan. ed., Engineerp Doctor, Corresponding Member of the Czeoho.
810vak Academy or Sciences
zAkladni PrOb'lemy ve otavbtl Byalovaofoh turbin (Basic Problems In the
Con1truation of Gas Turbines (collection of articles)). Prague,
Nak . Ui, 3.962. 627 p. 1600 copies printed.
-Sponsoring AgInoys 6eskoslovenskj akademia vk.
Ed. Of.Pub;lGhIng Houses Varle Moravoovii Tech. Rd.i Yrantigsk
Konoicky. I I
PURPOSEl The book in intended to familiarize turbine designers with
recent developments in the design of gas turbines and to present
some research results which may be helprul In designing more ef-
ficient turbines.
COVMCMs The book comprises articles by leading Czechoslovak turbine
experts on'thermodynamlo cycles, flow research in turbine components,
Card 1/8
Basic Problems'in the Construction (Cont.) Z/16284
L. Michali'cka (State Research Institute for Heat Engineerings
Prague). The Use of Gas Turbines in Industrial Proceades 77
J. Jerle (State Research institute for Heat Engineering..
Prague). Combustion Turbines of Highest Efficiency 95
V. Kmonicek ~Institute for Machine Research, Czeahosilova~c
Academy of Sciencesp Prague). Some Ileat Recovery Problems
In Gas Turbine Cycles 119
L. KreJoi/ (Institute for Machine Research, Czechoslovak Acad-
-giii ~6_ ~cences, Prague). Problems Related to a Temperature
Increa'se in Gas Turbines 141
Z. Bayer (Institute for Machine Research, Czechoslovak Academy,
of Sciences, Prague). The Effects of Interstage Cooling, Re- i
heating, and Preoooling In Oas Turbine Cycles 161
Card 3/8
Our experiences with the choice of anesthesia in eye surgery*
Cesk. oftal. 20 no.1t"-51 Ta'64-
1. Il. ocni klinika fakulty vaeobeeneho lekarstvi KU v Prazej
prednosta: akademik J.Kurz.
Ekperiences with the new neutralization mgmtance IETA in acid
bums of the eye. I* Experimental part. Cook* oftal. 20 no.41314-
320 J1164.
1.'II. ocni klinika fatm1ty vaeobeeneho 1"rstvi KU [Karlovy
university] v Praze (prednosta: akademik J.Kurz); Laborator
fyziologie a patofyziologie zrakoveho analyzatoru CSAV (Cesko-
slovenske akademie ved] v Praze,(Yedoucit akademik J.Kurz)
G Zavodni zdravotnicke otredisko Spol]m pro chemickou a hutni
vyrobu, n.p. v Usti n.L, (vedouci lakart MUDr. B.Iehky).
Cochleovestibular findings in primary glauccma. Gesk. oftal. 20
no.4tZ68-279 J1164
1. 11. ocni klinika (prednosta akad. J.K=~), neurologicka kli-
nika, (prednostat akad. X.Henner) a foniatricka laborator (ve-
doucit prof. dr. M. Seeman, DrSc.) fakulty vveob. lekarstvi
KU [Karlovy university] v Praze.
flew aspects of antibiotic therapy of acute Intraocular in-
flammations. Cesk. oftal. 21 no.2tl38-140 FIr 165.
1. 11. ocni klinika fakulty vseobeeneho lekarstvi Karlovy
University v Praze, (prednostai akademik J. Kurz).
KP.E J C T P 11.
Onset of an acute glaucomat.ou:j attank followlng a frfliecological
operation with thA uso of novopon-ritropine premedication. Cesk,
oftal. 21 rio.5:424-1,27 S 165.
1. 11. ocni klinika fakulty vseobncneh(, okurst-;l Kar-love
University v Fraze (prednosta akademik .1. Kurz).
Tonometry during general anesthesia with endo'raLheal Intuba-
tion. Cas. lek. cask. 104 no.25t676-682 25 Je---5-
1. 11. ocni klinika fakulty vseobacneho lekarstvi Karlovy
University v Praze )prednosta: akademik J. Kurz) a Oddeleni pro
anestezii Krajskeho ustavu. narodniho zdravi, Stredoceskeho kraje
(vedoucit KUDr. J. Hoder).
V Y1.1,-, ZA 1, f".
KS~ C 1 , 1 n;. j C tli".. i I
Cerebro~31)inal fliild fififling.,j In
neuritis with rcq~ard to tht-! globulin levi-A.
Cas. lek. cesk. 104 no.27/28:762-766 9 J! 165.
1. Il. ocni- klinika fakulty vs,~(A;ocnelho lekarnt-,.-I Kar-,'Ovy
Un,'versi'y v Fraza (predn,).,i,---. 0
gicka klinika fakulty voeobecneho lelr:a:-stvi Karlovy Unl-
versity v Praze (prednosta akademik K. llenner) a lle-,,.rolo-
gicke oddeleni Obvodnlhcj ustav,-it narodrilho v
(vadmici WDr. L. llolacek).
WM, rvan;
Our experiencea in the treatment of sympathetic ophthalmia. Cesk. ofth.
14 no.6:4~4721 Doc 58.
1, 11 ocni kliniki KU v Praze, prednosta akademik Jaromir Kurz.
thar. aspects (Cs))
KARIT, Ivan;KREJCI, lubomir
Safety measures in complicated surgical procedures by the lens by
means of potentiated anestbesia. Geek. ofth. 16 no.2:103-110 Mr 16o
1. 11. ocni klinika KU, predaosta akademik Jaromir Kurz.
(CATARACT AXTRACTION aneeth.& analg.)
KREJCI, Lubomir
Unusual case of nodose hyperplasia of the anterior layer of
the iris. Geek.ofth.17 no.1:19-23 Ja 161.
1. 11. ocni klinika XU,v Praze, prednosta akademik J.Kurz.
(IRIS pathol)
MJCI, Lubomir ,
Use of hyaluronidaos in the treatment of herpes corneas. Cesk,
ofth. 17 no.2:148-152 Mr 161.
1. 11. ocni klinita KU v Praze, prednoota akademik T.lurz.
(HEMS ther)
(CCRKEA die)
I KREJCI, Lubomir; KRAUS, Hanus
Our clinical experiences with the miotic syntostigmin of Czechoslo-
vakian origin. Ceok, ofth. 17 no.6:468-472 S 161.
1. 11 ocni.klinika KU, prednosta akademik J. Kurz.
(MIOTICS ther) (GLAUCOMA ther)
- KREJCL, --Luboi-ftir --
Urea in the treatment of a glaucoma attack. Cook. oftal. 18 no.l:
47-53 Ja 162.
1. 11. ocni, klinika Karlovy univerBity v Fraze, prednosta akademik
J. Kurz. (GLAUCOMA therapy) (UIUA therapy)
OTIIAD0VECj Jiri; KREJCI, Lubomir; WUSp Jaroslav
Ocular motility changes in patients wit4 early cerebral palsy.
Cesk. oftal. 18 no-3:217-222 My 162.
l.'II ocni klinika vaeobeeneho lekarstvi Xt v Praze, prednosta
akademik Jaromir Kurz Jedlickuv ustav pro telesne vadne deti v
(CEIMRAL PALSY compl) (EYE dis)
-- -.... ..-
Electroencophalographic changes in patients with glaucoma. Cesk.
oftal. 18 no.50833,391 S 162.
1. 11 ocni k]Anika fak. vseob. lek. Univ-~rsity Karlovy v Fraze, predn.
akademik J. Kurz Neurologicke oddoloni nemocnice Na Frantisku, prednosta
dr. L. Polacek.
Blectroencephalographic findings in glaucoma patients in relation
to intraocular pressure and visual field changes. Cesk. oftal. 18
no.6s/+53-462 N 162.
1. 11. ocni klinika fak. vaeob. lekarstyi University Karlovy v Praze,
prednosta, akademik J. Kura - Neurologicke oddeleni OUTIZ v Praze 1,
prednosta MUDr. L. Polacek.
Effect of pathological fluctuations of Intraocular pressure
on electroencephalog-raphic findings in patients with glaucoma.
Ces~. oftal. 19 -no.3.*171-178 W 163.
1. 11 ocni klinika fakultv vaeobecneho lekarstvi KU v Praze,
pred.nosta akademik J,, Furz Nervove oddeleni OUN'Z v Prazd, 1,
vedowi MUDr. L. Politcek.
Scintillatic albescenB - asteroid hyaloid bodies. Conk. oftal.
19 no.4:262-266 JI 163.
1. 11 ocni klinika fakulty vsoobecneho lekarstvi KU v Praze,
prednosta, akademik J. Kurz.
Roe roencephalographic findings in primary glaucoma in children
and ~dolesconts. 1. EEG findings in patients with inflantile glau-
coma. Cesk. oftal. 21 no.1:9-17 Ja 165
Electroencephalographic findings in primany glaucoma ir, chillren
and adolesoonts, 11, EEG fIndings In patients with juvenile glau-
coma. Ibld.t18-23
1. 11. ocni klinika fakulty vseobeeneho lekarstvi Karlovy Uni-
versity v Praze (prednosta: akademik J. Kurz); Nervova oddelani,
Obvodniho ustavu narodniho zdravi v Praze 1 (vedouci: MIJDr.
L. Polacek); a Nervova klinika fakulty vseobeeneho 2ekarstvi
Karlovy University v Praze (prednosta: akademik K. Henner).
MEJ1:1, L.; KPd-,JCOVI, If.; TICHY, J.
Optokinetic nyvtagmus in patiertv with primiary glatco'-:La,
Gesk. oftal. 21 no.4:324-333 J1 165.
1. 11 ocni klinika (prednosta akademik J. Kurz) a neurolcogicka
kliniku (prodnosta akademik K. Homier) rakiilty vseobecneho le-
karstvl Karlovy University v Praze.
13~g 0 3
Z/04 17000/006/001/002
g'V/j.'-0 E016/E935
AUTHOR: _Krej~l, Lud Engineer
TITLE. A method for direct computation of the equilibrium
running conditions of a two-shaft gas turbine unit
PERIODICkL: Strojnl"eky c%asopis, no.6. 1961, 340-347
TEXT- In the introductory part of the paper, information
regarding the running characteristics,, which must be available at
the outset of a new design of a gas turbine unit, is listed. it
also gives the conditions to be fulfilled for its safe running.
The method for direct computation of the equilibrium running
conditions, advocated by the author,is basically a reverse process
of that normally used. The cycle chosen to illustrate the
suggested method is a two-shaft gas turbine unit with a heat
exchangerg having the normal arrangement, i.e. the high pressure
turbine driving the compressor with the low pressure turbine
providing the not output. Before describing the new method
itself and discussing its advantages, the author sets out the
problems involved in such a calculation.. The working line is
normally obtained from the calculation of equilibrium running
Card 1/5
A method for direct, E016/E935
which is determined by a number of requirements: continuity of
mass flow, equality of turbine and compressor pressure ratios,
matching of compressor power and load requirements by the
corresponding turbine outputs, matching of rotational speeds.. These
conditions themselves depend on the cycle chosen, type of load, etc.
The performance of a gas turbine unit is given by a number of
variablesi interrelation of which is determined by the character-
istics of turbines, compressor, combustion chamber, heat exchanger
and connecting duct work. The usual calculation of the equilibrium
running makes use of one of the iterative methods. The process
begins by choosing a working point on the compressor characteristic
and by succesnive approximations all the above conditIons of
equilibrium running are satisfied. This process is inevitably
long and tedious. Simplification could be achieved by reversing
the process, i.e. for given equilibrium running conditions the
corresponding working points of turbines and compressor can be
found. Expressions of compressor power requirement, the h.p.
turbine power output as well as other relations determining the
continuity of mass flow through the unit and matching of
pressure ratios are then given. The author introduces two
Card 2/5 VY
for diror't ....
Lcu fu:-m m llrj~:. 'In hl:3
a Of tiv" -.)r, %nd
having, 6~~ avid turbinc: u o -,,.L L J. i:: I.) ~e zo
mu lc;! aqao-iz ana direct evaluati...n of X, 1 -
ditions by lu"he following procedUre: Ll ) i,.ro o 0 arc! ra t ij of
Uurbine is chosen; b) correspondim, maso .,'.'iow function _:..;
f_-ozi t'rie %`,urbine cliaracteristic; c) u.;e m-vdc oC uri- of :;',io
abova- complex functiom,*~ Lo Gil("
of the outout Uurbinc; d) knowi:i(-,
function, tLe, cor_le~,,.,onding pressure of
found from its ch.,racteristic; e) the 1~a'Ulo and the
compresL;or word: can now be*calculated, L, c~~rtain.
iencj; f," tlic. valuc ol' the second
expansion radio of ii.p. turbine is
graph; g) the equa-uion of the second
the necessary in ion to locate th,.-
on zhe zomDre3cor characteristic. if Ll:~3
i:,vAliod for direct ...
fc,und on the cjiapro,;sor chuv%,eUeristic is noL; L'-0 a~
zl~;7)umed earlier, a difforent value is as.3um,md auo "roco';,;
L~ c i,. e a t e uI'Le advocated in the pap_tr 1I.:_;
design caicuiati,jn3 as well a3 for the J
ol' 7ukic bdilt uni.-,. -';omu of tho results and
-ra, C
c,m bc foun(i iti a separate paper. The met4od L; L - __
giviag I.-v;z; .,I-..,x
uart-numerical. i7owever
if ~he graphs
f unctionfi
are ava _11able
the number of calou
-preciably reduoQd. it is claimed that by u3
?m~Ahodl time requived for calculation is cut L,) tent"i of
chat reouired viiien u5ing established raethods
t'rle same accuracy of results. There are 4 f :~nd,
d references: 2 Sovict-bloc and 6 non-Soviet-blo- Tlie -.`our
e references read as folio-i.,!3:
latest English-_Iangaa,-
R George ~,O_d~)11
I as turbInG' DrI111CIples and practicel :1 - 1
1"-5; ReA%3: ~Morlo,/, 14A., Equilibrium runnim; u'-' u--~i Ic- jet
ar.bine engine, J.R.,ke.Soc. 1948, 52,449; 11'Lef.5: Ga'-,-~
Ga.,3 tur~,,.*,.ne theory, Longmans Grecii
Ro,frt,rs, G.F.C.
191.A; Rt,.f.?: Hodge J., Cycles and performaric,.-!
ard 4/5
A method for direct
Butterworths scientific
Academy of
publications, London 1955.
4zkum stroj~ Ceskoslovenske" akademievM,
for Machinery Research, Czechoslovak
Sciences, Prague)
.,UBMITT,-,,'): Ipril 161, 1961
Card 5/5
A device for measurement of rotor swinCinC in
a set of machines. ANtomatizace 5 no.6sl72-
Je 162.
v BUNATA, Oldrich,, inz.; KREJCI, Ludek, inz., We.
P - ..' , -j-
Discussion of blade production. Zpravodaj VZLU no.1:48 763.
L oollo-66 E*,IT(1)/E~IP(M)/ZPI'(C)/r~TC/,--,Pl,' (n) -2/M,G(m)/-_-JA (d)/Em,1P(J)/FC0`(k)/
'~'T G -A( 1 RPL J wifliwInn4
ACCESSION NR: AP5013186 ~f9 CZ/0041/651000/002/0191/0198 j-//
Krejci, ludelt (Kroychi L. (EngineeTp Candidate of sciences)
a flow of dlesoclated gan nnd a wall
Heat e
Strojnicky casopin, no. 2, 1965, 191-198
TOPIC TAGS: convective heat transfer, gAs flow, radiative heat trinsfer,
enttluLta, supsonic flow
ABSTRACT' The study reviews the possibility of a theoretical solution for
convective heat exchange between a subsonic gas flow and a wall in the case
where the gas is in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, The mechanialn of the
phenomenon and the calculation are described. In a practical application, the
initial relationships require the knowledge of the dependence of the Stnnton
number on the ratio of flow core enthalpy to gas enthalpy at the wall. This
relation can be determined experimentally, but in this case the radlatioll COM-
ponent of the total beat flow must be separated, The role of convection, re-
combination, and radiation in the total energy transfer ia illustrated with the
example of hoat exchange during the flow of air in a cooled tube, In the 4000-
i, oniic-66
800OR range considered, the values of air radiation intensity published by
various authors differ consideiably, and for this reason it is recommended
attention be,focussed first of all on the study of the effect of radiation. Orig.!
art. has: 7 figures and 9 formulas.
ASSOCIATION: Ustav termomechaniky CSAV (Institute of Thermomachanics, CSAV)
NO REP SOV: 009 MUM. 003
L 00107-66 1"'IfTa b!" PF ~,c ) /E T C /E FF ( n2 1-5 r, (Crj- Mf
CESSION NR: AP50131 1 )/0041/65/000/002/0198/0205
AUMOR., Dvorak, Rudo (Dvarahak, R.) (Enginearp Candiftto of seie~cea);,
ludek ~Kjreyvhlj, L-)(Engimerp canjidate or actencej)
TITLC: Experimental methods in the study of h"jjxanaEor at high temporattirld
SOURCE: Strojnicky caaopic, no. 2, 1965, 198-205
TOPIC TAGS: aerodynamic heat transfer, gas flow, subsonic flow
ABSTRACT: A discussion of heat transfer from a dissociated subsonic gas toa
wall is given. The requirements, such ns, the test section and instruments,
which the heat source and the experimental assembly Itself must meet are described;
The most advantageous heat source is a plasmatron; the flow of gas.emerging from
the plasmatron is free of pulsations, and contamination of this flow with metal
vapors from the electrodes is acceptable. in a high-temperature assembly including
a plasmatron, the duration of the experiment Is limited primarily by the service
life of the sensing elements nf the measuring instruments. The parameters of the
flow can be determined by contactless methods; only the calorimetric probes 'AtIch
measure the enthalpy of the stream and the heat flow to the wall are subjected
to the direct action of the flow. An anJrtlysis of the temperature dintributton
Card 1/2
1, ooio?-66
t, selectioni
with time in the calorimetric probe is presented which pet-mite a correc
of the probe material for any given experiment. Orig. art. has- 6 figuress
AHOCIATIONt Ustav taimmechaniky CSAV, Prague (~nstltuto of Thermottiechanics
SUMMED: O5Oct64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: 11), ME
NO REF SOV: 001 OTHERt 003
Card 2/2.
D-ORAY, , lbilclf, I riv . Cl)c. ; KHFJC I, I idek, in z., G *,C,,
Experimental inathods of the study rjf' wint tran.M.Ission at
hIgh temparatures. Stroj cas 16 rc.2:198-20.5 16,5.
1. Institute of Thermomechanics of wie (:zechoslovak Arademy
of ')cloncos, Prague. I)ubmiltted Octobor 5, 1964~
KRE inz*p G*Sc.; CUTA, Frantlsekg prof,, inz,, dr.; JELINEK,
Taroolavj, 14., dr.
Report.ox the transactions of the Central Co=ittee of the
Czechoolavak Chemical Society at its meeting of July 2p 1962*
Chem lisly 57 no.1:104,106 A 163.
Chromatographic determination of carbon monoxide trace concentrations.
Faliva 43 no.4:106-108 Ap 163.
1. Laborator pro analyzu plynu, Ceskoslovekska akademie ved, Brno.
CZF,ClioSLUI,',KV,./C~ic~y.licaI Techm)l-.~,-j - Chcu'icr-l PrDclucts and Thoir
,',pplicatim - Synthetic Fibc-rs.
ILbs J-)ur Ref Zhur - Khimiya, N-~ 9, 19513, 31Cel
luth~,ir Dlolia~ K. ana Krejci, M.
Title The Applicaticm of Factorie.1 DesiT,,, MethDOs tD tho
Quality Control )f Processes 14hich are NA ',nenablu t--
L'irect MeaGurement.
OriL; Pub : Chei.i PrunYsl, 7, No 6, 46o-463, 1957, (ill Czerln With stm-
mrios In Germn, EnC;lish, French, Lin'. Russian)
Ab s t r r, c t: The OArect application of standard quality c~~ntrol tech-
nicracs tD the individual stups of cocirlex pricesscs is
not feasible. The nuth:)rs thercf-)re lmjp~,se the utili-
viti('n )f facturiul Oosirn proccclures in the contril --f
such processes. Usint, the prDduction .,f poirjAdc fibers
as in example, thc authors have ihown that the methrO.
Ixoposed by then requires n-) lonithy -~r::ccdures anc! bOt
a small nmber jf measuremlonfts.
Card 1/1
CZECHOSLMUM/Analyti cal. Cau;.detiry. Gcaerral Tol)5.cs. E Jour: IL-f Zhur-Iaiiri., No 9, 1959? 30952.
'~ut%or Jai-wJz, Jaroclav, Krulici, Rilou, Vubsl:y, IL-m-dcl E.
L. I s -'U- -----------------
Title of Zeolites in Gas Chrom-toGraphy. I.
Disassociation and Analysis of mi Hychm,2en, Cxy,,,.-Cn,
NitroC,;cn, Carbon Monox-'de --id Methane Mxturc.
OriC PTo-. ClIcyi. listy, 1958, 52, Ito. 6, 1099-110'7.
Abstract: IIIA3 nxticle describes the disassociation of 11~j O~p
N I CO ard Clf,tby the mthod of [;as acbor~A-J.011
c&nzt17)(;r_-plq with the tvpplication of aitificial
Ca alui-.iosilicate (C-- zeolite). On t-he basis of
the results of differeatial thcrn-,ic, :-.-ray, cl-.cnical
and r
orption am-Lalysis of the abavc-rion,ioned adsorbent
ccar,! 1/2
.,,bs Jour: lief Zhur-KId-.-i., 1~0 9, 1959, 30952.
VIC prospects of Ils-L.'l- it ill tile v.:i--Iyscs of L-""Gos
11cro discussed. It- was established tha`C, irlica
constant tcr~,.)craturo in the colur.m. identical. voIlL.-Ic
of tile rv.'A lluifon.l In'te of (!,[Ls
throuCji the ;~ivcn coltvi:l are ::nintainccl, the i-,.ost
)recioo nothod of dctcn.d-.Al:,,, the f ctiol-t. is tile
r,v-,-nsuro,;ciit of tile of the, irc:t.-ni ou thc
UUUOI,~ Curvo. -- KftrA SQUnck.
Card 2/9
so of zedites In (is thtorristounsh.L 1. soprdflon
1knd analysis of mum a rr, ftfOgOU, VAf-
bon I rogen? oxyg*nl n
ntouoxldd, iwd tutthano. bmt-M, Kfcj~[, utsd
Ceffection Cttth~MIW ~ klfiss 24J
C-4. 52, IWIN". AC. lfijdl;~N-j
"Selg.yns, the elements for automation" by E.Charvat and B.
Pospiail. Reviewed by M.Krejai. Jaderna energie 6 no.10t
360 0 160.
Use of zeolite in gas chromatography. III. Separation and determination
of heliump neon, and hydrogen at normal temperature. Coll Ct chem 25
no-3:691-694 Kr 160. (EEAI 9:12)
1. Laboratorium far Gasanalyse, Tesche-2hoslowakische kkademle der
Wissenschaften, Brno.
(Zeolites) (Chromatography) (Helium)
(Neon) (Hydroeen)
11-111.013 ; I f I: I GIN , J0,-Cf;
Pol'yes ter! Cleatj oil (,!' polyethyleno tf~-epiahall"Itf;. ~-L. I. Glie'r.
prum 14 no.'1:370-372 JI 164.
1. "1 !on lllt.i onall ilepartmer".
I-,Iwia nad Lumirl.
i ~;i jr R p
i ; K y 11,
rr~ i~ V-ft on of thermui .9,. a b-' 1 ty of mc j2 t-j I-ri
or, adaorbcw. and cnrr4(~r bur!'ace ~n ;,ti.9
Cilom f'~ :'hem; 29 nU.11;27~3-2?:7 N 64.
dlyfl firiftJ1711 g!uZC1, he'KhC)'3lC.VA -:kEiy 1~ 'K. 5d,
&P:- JQ~~
1; 46950-65 L1iT(d5/E1dP(k)/t~P z c
1 ACCESMON. M: AP5065401 Z/0065/65/000/001/()052/0059
ATJMOR: Hrazd1l. F. (Mir~zdil,:1N); .-Nmyol, k0
Tri-M, Effect of, loadinp~ conditions on tb-- rate of-propagation of-elastic
deformation In ateel
80MGM: Kavave materialy, no...1j.,1905, 52-59
TOPIC TAGS: elastic defoZIU&MIOU steel, steel deformation, loading condition.
)I-:- modulim of-elastic
ABSTWT: Thin to a tiontiumtJon dOh an earlier *tLAy in qhich the rate of
propagation and them- modulus. of elastleit~y wre mcasured In t1wee ma-terla
type C'm -320 1--
10 t type CSN -19
~4 -~Oeel, md type qH1 12 'COPM
ixi6e-,-st71iiE 0of the eftect of various' ve
tj,.J~~e loc-
ities and of the applied energy on the measured velo ity of propagatJoa of the
disturbance. The measurement result does not show any effect of the incident
1-i-iipulse mmitude and of its Incident -velocity on the change in the rate of-prop-
agatlm of an elastic 'deformation in oftype CSN 12 020 qteel. The result
shws that in CSN 12 020 st"I at a room temperature of lW*C-.,-dhd in the Impact
velocity range 4-5 to, 8) 200 viva*o"ljandwithin the energy input range of OA2 to
66 T_
L 3120
cz/ooo8 /66/000/001/0093/0094
AUTHOR: Ktejci, Milo"J Janicek Milos C)
ORG: Laboratory for Gas Analysis, CSAV, Brno (Laborator pro analysu plynu CSAV)
TITLE: Apparatus for the measurements of surfaces by thermal dimtion method
SOURCE: Chemicke listy, no. 1, 1966, 93-94
TOPIC TAGS: adsorption, nitrogen, chemical laboratory apparatus
ABSTRACT: The authors describe an apparatus which they designed
and offer'instructions for its production. It is based on the
principle of measuring the amount of nitrogen adsorbed on the
surface of an object of an unknown surface nrea and an object
with a known-surfaco area under tho same conditions. The nitrogen
is introduced as a mixture with hydrogen or' helium. CV-1g. art. has: 2 figures.
SUB CODE: 07 SUBM DATE: 17Nov64 / OTH REF : 002
POIAGNK, L. I XWC 1. 0.; ONG, Zd.
Third-degree vertical downward nystagmus due to basilar impression.
Roshl.chir. 34 no.4:246-253 Apr 155.
1. Neurologicka klinika JW v Praze. prednosta akademik prof. Dr.
Ramil Henner I. chirargicke oddeleni UVN v Praze
downward. vertical caused by basilar impression, surg.)
(OCCIPITAL BONI, abnormalities
basilar impression causing downward vertical nystagmus of
third degree, surg.)
KREJCI 0 ---_YYSOKA. B.; HUMAL, Fr.; REHANEK, L.; MANYCH, J., technicka
ffpoluprace POLESTIA, D.
Generalized cryptococcosis (torulosis). Cas.lek.cesk 100 no.16:484-492
21 Ap 161.
1. Ustav epidemlologie a mikrobiologie v Praze, prednosta. prof. dr.
K. Raska. Neurologicka klin1ka KU v Praze, prednosta akademik K. Henner.
Ustav soudniho lekarstvi KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. Fr. Hajek.
(CRYPTOGOCGOSIS case reports)
KREJCI, 0. (14D)
Neurological Clinic of the Faculty of General Medicine of
KU (Neurologicka klinika fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi
KU), Prague
Prague, Prakticky lekar, 110 13-111, 1963~ PP 524-527
"Injury and the Brain Tumor."
y an
-.n(- -,c- Z
a jt~~ j
Slov:-~Ic IIcad my of' cionces,
.3n, c '
-ics of Ani,,~,,~ is (C"V, Labora-
u lilft
vocichu), Uhrincvas.
a 0 , c v c, pp
Vol 15, N 5, Sep
col, a n (i - a u
c o o~t were inves'ir-a'ed; 7~he r:41k
0.003 in'. units of o-:,rtocin per r.11,
--o,-;'- con-ined 0.,.0" 'o 0.008. Alco'iol exzrac~s
r otc;nl: V~ nr, 3x', it an:)cars, ':,-refore) that
c t
v ac-.,-i,7-L.Y 1~ to ou--,.,er qulstoancos than oxytocin. 5 Wes,-
','_"cch r-fr.~,..-co. "`ubm_i;c-jd at 3 Dayo of ?ny:3iolo,-,y of Dom-
1'. --1:, ic3, 3 Doe fj5.
106 -
KREJCIY Petr, promovany ekonom
Application of new rulea In granting bonuses. Prace mzdi
11 no.10:466-470 0 163.
1. AutomobJlove zavody, n.p., zavod Klementa Gottwalda, Praha.
KRWCI, it,, inz.
DaterminJ-ng the degree of mechanization in machinery i-ndustry.
Strojireristvi 12 no.1:65---(,? Ja 162.
1. Statni vyzkvmny ustav matorialu a teclinologie, Praha.