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IMM117, Z, *EffectB of the Victorious February on Czechoslovak electrical enuineer-nj~. p. 33 (Elaktrotecbnlk Vol. 47, no. 2, Feb. 1958, Fraha, Czechoa3ovakia) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (FEAT) LC,Vol. 7, No. 6, June 1958 Full'31I.Ing the ta-sks of h1f:1-i-voltago electrixti p. 337. (:,';inIsUjrst,,,o te,,,,kel-jo stro.iirenstvi) Praha, Czecholovakia. Vol. L/,, no. 11, NO-:. 1959. .":onthly list of Ea:,t European Accesz-,innq Lk;, vol. ~-, no. 1, Jrn. Ic,~60. Uncl. KFEICBERGS, Olgert3, kand. biol. nauk; Y1,AJERGA, red. [11%ovoments of plants) Augu ku,,;tiba-q. Riga, Latvijas PM Zinatnu akad. izd-ba, 1964. 60 p. [1n Latvian) (VIIIA 17:6) KPF.'IDT,, Ivan; rMOTIA, Jlrl Use of plastics In the shm industry. Kozqr:3t,,rl 15 no.2,45- 47 F '65. 1. Svit National Enterprise, Gottwnldov. KREIDL, IvIin; SYN-RA, fir! US 0 Of' Pl-",'Alca in thn qhn~ Mr 16 5. . inrfiri-ry, Fri7"r-tVi 115 no.~:S?-92 1. Svit Nntional Ent9rprlse, Clot KREIDL, Ivan, SYKORAv Jtri U:ia of plastics in the shoo industry. FoVirstvi 14 no.11;33-,- 340 N 164. 1. Svit National Enterprise, Gottwuldov. -4 'EML)E" KII, A. 'j.;"3 . A6 "Handlino GDods in Sacks. Tr. from the Russian." P. 162, (VECRANISACE, Vol. 2. No. 4, Apr. 1953, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Konthly List of East European Accessions, (L-EAL), LC, Vol. 4 No. 5, May 1955, Uncl. KRIGEL, E.; KREINDLER, A.; SOTIRESCU, N. -011--.1-1. - -- A Research on positive delayed potentials induced by direct cortical stimulation. Rev. sci. med. $ no. V2:19-24.,"-'0163. (CEREBRAL CORTEX) (RETICULAR FOPMATION) (BARBITURATES) (ZLECTROENCEP11ALOGRAPHY) KFW,INDL',,,Rl A.; STERIADE, M. Electric "Arousal" and "Sleep" systema within the amygdalold complex. Hev. sci. med- 8 no. I/Ij41-46 163. 1. Member of the Academy of the Roumanian Peoples Republic (for A. Kreindler). (AMYGDkLOID BODY) (SUIP) (ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPH%) KREINDLER, A., academician Intracorebr~I~reporcuasion of focal neuronal, lesions. Stud. cer- cet. endocr. 14 no.4/5/6:485-493 163. 4r YMINDUR, A. p acad. prof. dr. Electric activity avokad by the brain. St t:i Tali D-j-, 15 no.7s 26-28 11 163 MINDLER, A.A. Physiopathology of involuntary movements according to the Pavlo- vian theory on the motor analysor. Neurologia &c. polaka 3 no.4: 0 437-439 July-Aur, 1953. (OLML 25:4) 1. Bucharest, Roumnia. KREINDLER, ARTHUR. Viata si opera profesorului Cheorghe 14irlnescu. lhicureBti, Editura Medicala, 1954. 45 p. (Colectia. SocietatLi pentru Faspindirea Stiintei si Culturii, 81) (Life and works of Professor George 7-Inrinescu) So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 9 -.eptemter, 1956 MIMM-11-1m, 9 A.; HOR T, Th.; MARCOVICI, Grazialla Chorold plexus in syphilitic maningo-encephalitte; progressive paralysis; anatomo-clinical study of 20 cases. Dul. attint., seat. nod. 6 no.3:577-628 July-Sept 54. 1. Comunicare Prezentate, in sedinta din 15 iulis 1952. (CEREBRAL VENTRICLES choroid plexus in syphilitic meningo~sncephalitls, pathol.) (NEUROSYPHILIS, pathology choroid plexus) (MININGCONGEPHALITIS syphilitic, choroid plexus in) KMINDLER, A. academician ; DABIJA, Gh, POILICI, I; YWIS,A. Complex method of study of higher nervous activity in hunans. Bul.stlint., 6 no.4:937-967 Oct-Dec 054 (MLRA 8:6) (CINRAL MVOUS STSTM. pbysiology, higher nervous funct. investigation methods) (PIJ"ff SMOGRAPHT In Investigation of higher nervous funct.) (MIM, CONDITIOM motor. In investigation of higher hervous funct.) (THINKING varbo-varbal association. in tent of higher nervous funct.) KRV41NDIINJIO A* investigation of them achanism of convulsive seizure. Neur. &c.polska 5 no.2:113-132 Kr-Ap t55. 1. Czlonak tytularny Akademli Rumunskiej RaImbliki Ludowej i Dyrek- tor Instytutu Neurologicsnego Akademli Rumunakiej Republiki Ludowej. (EPIL]CPST, pbysiologr) KREINDLER, A.; UNGHER, L.; STOICA, 1. Studios on respiratory and motor components of the defense reflex and and the effect of convulsive paroxymns on these components. p. 761 COMUNICARILE.Buoureati. Vol. 5, no. 4, Apr. 1955 SOURM East European Accessions List (ZEAL), LC, Vol. 5, No. 2, February 1956 E EXCERPTA HMICA See.2 vol.9/8 Physiologyetc. Au66 3617. 111T1111E1 I... VOICULESCU V., BROSTEANU R.. VOINESCU 1. and at. de Neurol. 'I. P. Pavlov'. Acad. R. P.R.. Bucurepti. *Studiu electrofiziologic al madificgrilor renexului spinal nociceptiv sub influenta accesului elect roconvul a iv Is pisici. Elect rophysiological study of modifications of the spinal nociceptive reflex in electrically induced convulsions in the cat BUL.�TUN. AC. R. P. R. SECT. MED. 1955. 7/1 (21-35) Tables 2 Illus. 9 Cathodic oscillography was used to study the effect of electroconvulsions on the homo- and controlateral spinal nociceptive reflex. Prior to the convulsion the la. tent period of the reflex was proportional to the intensity of the stimulus and the latency of the controlaterat reflex was shorter (mean 10.37 maec.) than that of the homolateral reflex (11.87 msec.). Towards the end of the convulsion there was sometimes a transient stage of hype rexe itability shown by shortening of the latent period. After the convulsion thete was always a stage of hypoexcitability lasting 20-40 min., with Increase of the latent period. This hypoexcitability was not due to exhaustion of the peripheral reflex but to an inhibition consequent on cerebral activity during the seizure, as faradization of the afferent nerve for 30 see., re- nected by tetanization of, the respective muscles, did not alter the length of the la- tent period. The increase in length of the latent period and the raising of the exci. tation threshold are interpreted as a manifestation of control exerted by the brain over spinal activity. This is a phenomenon of protective inhibition which limits the duration or the seizure. CrJghei - Bucharest ------ ---- 0110M, A..acadamician,; ZUKERXLMi, I. Study of the functional structure of the motor analyser centers. Bal. atiint., seat. med- 7 no.2:367-393 Apr-June 55 (LIARNING conditioned motor reflexes In dogs. develop. & extinction processes) (~~. OONDITIMM motor: develop. & extinction processes, in dogs) MIUDLUR, A.,academiclaa. BROSTXM, R..; VOICULISCU. V. ~ , ~. '--. ..~. A- '~ -.- " The electroencephalogram In neurasthenia. Bul. ottint., sect. mad. 7 no-3:775-783 July-Sept 55. (NIURASTMWIA. diagnosis XRG) (WMTRCZNCXPHAIA)GRAPI[Y, In various clis. nouraothenia) USSR/Human and Animal Physiology - Nervous System. R-12 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Biolog;iya, No 16, 1957, 71155 Author : Kreindler, Dabizha, Poilich, Fradis Title : Complex Method of Study of Human Nervous Activity. Orig Pub : Zh. med. nauk. Akad. RNR, 1956, 1, No 1, 103-130 Abstract : A complete description of every component of the complex method (plehysmography, motor-verbal method, and associa- tion experiment are given), with a detailed description on indicators which can be used for the evaluation of the different aspects of higher nervous action. T11us- trations are given as well as physiological treatment of curves. In spite of some schematic treatment, the com- bination of these three methods permits a modicum of evaluation of subcortical differentiation of the first and second sigual systems of the cortex. Card 1/1 - 99 - I ; IONASESCU, V.; NESTIAl.X, V. Influence of the focus of te-nporal epilepsy on the bloelectric activity of the cerebral cortex. P. 717. Academia Republicii Populare Romine. CO-1,101CAPME. Bucuresti. Vol. 6, no. 5. %Y 1956. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (DEAL) Librar-j of Congress. V01. 5, no. 9, Sept. 1955 JU, NES R.; VOI CU. I. Acedemician; VOICULESCU, V.; BRONSTEA1 ,~ML flu, V. Eloctroencephalographic study of the role of the diencephalon In the mnchanism of development and coagation of convulsive sinzures. Bul. stitnt. sect. mod. 8 no.1:71-q9 Jan-Mar 56. OTILEPSY, experimental induced by diencephalic lesions & electrosbock, mechanism of develop. & cessation of convulsions (DIENCEPffALON, surgery exper. lesions inducing epilepsy, machanism of develop. & cessation of convulsion.) (CONVULSIONS, experimental indliced by olectrosbock & diencepbalic lesions, mechanism of develop. & cessation) (PJ,ECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY, in various die. exper. convulsions A epilepsy induced by AleCtroshock & dioncephalic lesions) f. Ti-IPTA Ml IDICA Soc 4 Vol.11 _EW /0 1'~.Ici-obiolo;~y S,--n 53 2176. THE PROTECTIVE ACTION OF AN INTRACEREDRAL INJECTION UL TELLURIUM ON THE COURSE OF RABIC ENCEPHALITIS IN RAB DITS Actlunea protectoare a unel injec;ii Intracerebrale cu telur asupra evolu;iel encefalitel rabice la iepure - K r C' Ind lc r A. , Ta ga M. , Olteanu 1. C o q o v e a n u - V o I n e a c u S.-afid_W`F-g1-e--n F? M. - BULL. *T1. SEC. STI. MED (Bucuregti) 1956, 8/4 (973-985) Graphs 10 Tables 2 Illus. 10 The effects of the intracerebral Injection of tellurium on experimental rabies In rabbits were studied. The experiments were carried out in 8 groups of animals, com rising 100 rabbits In total, which were divided into 2 groups, one receiving fixesvirus and the other street virus. 28.476 of the animals, in which at the same time a toxic encephalitis had been provoked by Intracerebral injection of tellurium, and a rabic encephalitis, resisted the Infection and, in 25.3% of them, the disease had a slower course than in the controls, The histological examination revealed specific, moderate, non-conclusive inflammatory and degenerative lesions. The hypothesis is advanced that the tellurium Injection exercises a protective action against rabic encephalitis due, on the one hand, to the fact that tellurium modifies the local reactivity of the brain and, on the other hand, to a neurohumoral mechan- Ism of defence of the entire organism. r(IA17- 2999. KREINDLER A VOICULESCO V., BROSTEANU R. and VOINES- CO I.-Inst. dc Ne~u-'r'off*Acad. Roumainc, Str. Povcrnci 42, Bucarcst. Activir~ C'Iectrique de Phippocampe du chat pendant I'acce's convulsif cxp~rirncntal Electrical activity of the bippocampus of the cat during the experimental sei- zure Rev. neurol. (Paris) 1956,194/6 (872-876) Illus. 4 The activity recorded by electrodes inserted into the hippocampus during a convulsing fit provoked by an clcctroshock is not synchronized in contrast to the cortical activity. After localized stimulation of the hippocampus a typical rhythm ap ears. 7%e electric fit may be restricted to the hippocampus or migrate towarTs other formations. Sometimes this electrical activity may be very intense without clinical manifestation. Legouix - Paris nZINDM , A.; IONESCU. L; MESTICS, D.; IONASESCU, V.; GOLDEN'BM, M. Considerations on periarteritis nodona (neurological aspects). Rumanian H. Rev. 1 no.1.052 Jan-May 57. (PIORIARTERITIS NODOSL, compl. polyneuritis) (POLYNEURITIS, case reports with perlarteritis nodona) OEINDLU. A.; HOIMT, Th.; IOIIIZCU, I.; VOIUISCU. Sorinella Intersegmental reflexes in mn. Rumnian M. Rev. 1 no.4; 46-51 Oct-Dec 57. (RMLU intersegmental, reflexes) MvUiNIA / Human and Animal Morphology. Nervous System, S-2 Peripheral Nervous System. Abs Jour: Hof Zhur-Biol., No 14, 1958, 64767. All.uthor :Kroindlor, JIL., Hornet, Th., Nissim, F. Inst : Instituto-of Neurology, 4.cadomy of 3cioncos. Title : Cerebral Vasoular Innorvation. On the Question of the Existence of Corebral" %ascular R-fiai~--eon- ous Zones. Communication I. Cerebral inneri-ction of the Arterios Located Outsido the Corobral Trunk. Oria Pub: Studii si corcotari neurol. ~*.cad. RPR. Inst. nourol., 1957, 2, No 1, 15-24. Abst-ract: By the argentation method, a study was made of the nerve apparatus in the walls of the artery of the Willis circle. It has boon discovered that it consists of four nerve plexusos located within the adventitia on the border botwoon tho outer and the Muscular coat, as well as in its thickness. Card 1/2 USSR / Human and Animl Mtorphology. Nervous Systl:-. S-2 Abj aour: Rof Zhur-Biol., No 14, 1958, 64764. Abstract: of the therapeutic doso over a poriod of 5 - 10 days there are no pathologic chaneos. After ad- Lainistration of the samo dose over a period of 18 days, the phenomena of protoin dystrophy in the parenchymatous organo arc obsorved, and a "turbid swolling~l of the colls of all sectors of brain which hava a rovorsible char-actor. On ad- ministration of toxic-tolerant doses, the dys- trophic changes in the cells of the cortex of the hemisphere, of tho subcortical area, of the trunk, as also of the internal organs arc irre- vorsiblo. -- A. S. Arutyunova. Card 2/2 M-WI.M/111urnuan an~- jViirial Fbysioloa- - Nervous System. T-10 Epilepsy. Abs Jour Bof Zhw - Biol., No 7, 1958, 32-182 Authcr KrUnUer, A., Voiculeacu, V., Brosteauu, R, VoincGcu, I. L-~c t '-': Title E~Iectri~cc ~ty of the Hippocc")41 Region During an E.,q-xitiontally-Induced Epileptic Attack. Orig Pub StL,-'Ai si cercetari neurol. Acad. RIT-1. Inst. neurol., 19572 21 No 1, 97-105. Abstract In cats, it is shown that electric activity with a rate of 10-14 ou/sec and nozwtirics a regular rhythm. of 20 usl qeC io characteristic for the hippocampal region. The latter rhythm as a rule is 10 times hi&ier in anplittvle and coin- cidea completely in rate with the "-1c!ctinata" thalanus rhythn. Card 1/1 - 122 - Phyt;ia-loij, Yay 60 .~PTA YrIICA See 2 Vo 24~8. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF EFFECTS OF BRAINSTEM LESION5 0-1 1111GH- ER NERVOUS ACTIVITY IN THE DOG - Cercet6ri experimentale privitoare I& Influenta leziunilor trunchiulut cerebral asupra activitiIii nervoase superloare I& clint. 1. Leziunt partials ale formallel reticulate ponto- metenceflaict -,&tAjnd1e'r A. . U nghe r J. and Volanscht D, - STUD.CERCET. NEVR6C-195r, 3/4 (387-401) Tables I Illus. & Conditioned reflexeo of defensive (withdrawal of the paw to avoid an electric shock) and situational (conditioned stimuli In response to which the animal had to proceed to different places In the cage) types were elaborated in dogs, after which circumscribed lesions of the ponto-mesencephalic reticular formation were made, the specific ascending systems and the pyramidal tracts being spared. After the operation the preoperatively-elaborated defensive and situational conditioned renexes were re-established in about 3 weeks, and &I this point the EEG returned to normal. The dose of chlorpromazine required to Inhibit the conditioned renexes was considerably smaller after the operation; this to sscribed to in impairment of functional capacity of the activator system as a result of the lesion. Volculescu - Bucharest (11, 8*) EXCERPTA MFLICA See 8 Vol 1218 Neurology Aug 59 3624. *rHE INFLUENCE OF CHLORPROMAZINE; UPON THE CEREBELI-0- CORTICAL AND CEREBELLO-SPINAL CIRCUITS - K re i n d I e r A. , Steriade M. , Zuckermann E. and Chimi~n S.-Tn'stot-iieurol., Ivan Petrovict Pavlov, Bucharest - EI.ECTROE'NCEPII. CIAN. NFtJR0- 11HYS10I.. 1958, 10/3 (515-520) Craphs 3 Desynchronization of the ECoG (arousal reaction) of cats wits produced by electric- al stimulation of the anterior lobe of the cerebellum. Simultaneous registration of the EMG of the flexors of (lie fore-limbs showed the characteristic increatird tonus after stimulation of the cerebellum. 1. p. injection of chlorpromazine (5 -1 mg. /kg. produced an alteration of the btoclectric background activity of the cortex which showed the paroxysmal appearance of spindle bursta (80-150 sAv., frequency I I c. p. a. ), followed by periods of greatly reduced activity. Electrical stimulation of the cerebellum on this background induced a much more striking jesynchronization than before chlorpromazine, but the increased tonus of the flexors was no longer observed, Higher doses of chlorpromazine up to 15 mg. /kg. inhibited the arousal reaction due to cerebellar stimulation. Only an the areas in the contralateral motor region was de synchronization still registered. It is concluded that chlorpromazine blocks the cerebello-reticulo-spinal circuits more than the ce rebel to- reticulo- cortical ones. In the case of Inhibition of both circuits by large chlorpromazine doses, the desynchronizing action in transmitted via the specific cerebello-rubro- thalamo-cortical pathways. Kramer - Milan (11, 8) FrIbi'v'A see 4 Vol 1-1/5 i-hYA)-,z;-Y ','.aY 2430, PHYSIOPATHOLMICAL ('IIAIGc'rvwi'ric'5 or 'nif: I'MINC *IWAL VOICNIS OF MvIENIC NEUROSIS AND THFIR PATHOGENFSIS - Carnctercle fiziulinkoluitice ate principalclor forme do arvrozlk autenicA Vt timainica evolVel lor patugenice - K r p t n d I v r A, and F r u d t , X. - s'rUL). A combined method using verbo-verbal associative tests atid verba-galvanic wid verbo-respiratory reflexes, in addition to a study of verho-motor conditionod . i reflexes by Ivanov and Sinolenski's technique, was used in an investigation of 8.1 cases of asthenk neurosis. Results are interpreted according to pavIuvian concepts. Conclusions are drawn as to the functional state of the cortex (INtai.d2ndgignalling systems) and (if the subcoli-tex, A correlation it; established between clinical manifestations and disturbed test results. Cases are divided into 3 categories according to the severity of the reflex disturbances: (1) test results nenrly normal. incipient neurosis with mild obsessive preoccupation; (2) moderately disturbed test results, neuroses with a depressive component, (3) severely %haturbed test results, anxiety neuroses. Voiculescu Bucharelit 13 ~!!Wq 'LXCERPTA Y-EDICA Sec 2 1-Tol 111/c 2453. ELECTROTONUS AND CORTICAL CONVULSIVE HFACTIViTY Cerce'l9ri asupra influen~ei electrotonujiului asupra reactivit."pi convulsive corticale Kreindjer A, , Grighel E. and Atev F. - STUD.CERCET. 4/1 (89-98) Illus. 5 Modifications ~f convulsion threshold were obtained by local polarization of the cortex In the non-anaeathelized rabbit. Anodic polarization did not affect the spontaneous electrocorticograLm, but cathodic polarization favoured the appearances of hype r synchronous slow waves. Convulsive reactivity, studied with sinusaidal current applied to thecortex, was increased byboth anodic andcathodic polar Wit Ion, but this effect was constant only with anodic polarization. Vutculeicu Bucharest .&LEINDL~;R$ A.; CRIGILI, B.; NzZTIVIU, V. -- 7-.-- -- Studies on the -mechanlam of tho appearai,.co of secondary words evoked by barbituratoo. Rev. scl. med. 5 no.3A:187-193 160. (BAIWITURATES pharmacol.) (CEREWUL CORTEX pharmacol.) KREINDL:,-H, A.; CILIGIE;L, E.; NESTIANU, V. The phenomenon of enhancement of the secondary elicited response during doep barbiturate sleep. Rumanian M Rev. no.1:179-180 Ja-Mr 161. 1. The "I.P. ?avlov" Institute of Neurology, R.P.R. Academy. (CEMEBRAL CORTEX physiology) (SLEEP physiology) (BRAIN STEM physiology) ~rJITDLBR, A., Acad Prof, Dr [affiliation not given] "kared Electrical Activity of the Brair," Bucharest, Stiinta si Tehnica, Vol 15, No 7, jul 63, pp 26-28. Abstract: Gives a general description of spontaneous and induced electrical activity of the brain, with emphasis on the receptiveness of the various primary and secondary zones. Includes 4 illustrations. 1/1 - - The vasoneural factor and th- c,ntrol -,f Cm:ik. notirol. 28 no.2ill,"L-11.5 KILEMMER, A. ; STERIADE, 1-1. Dosynchronizing and synchronizIng electrical reactions induced by stimulating dorsal and ventral levels of the smygdalold amplex. Acta physiol. acad. sci. Ring. 26 no.1:157 165 1. Pavlov Institute, Dicherest, 1himania. IAGIIOV, S-,; ZAHFMSCU-IIGN0RGHjU, H-.: UNDI)MR. V.,, POMCU, I.Qr.,; The hapato--clinical value of blood catalase; clinical and experimental study. Bul. stlint.. sect. med. 7 no.3:673-693 July.-Ront ,~ 1. Membru core -pcrvI,,!rt ro nt-wiwnioo R.P.R.(for lagnov) in liver die.) (BLOOD catalane, in liver die.) (LIV.Wi. d4,9. blood catalane activity) ZA!MYIRMCU-GMRGHIU, M.;. KMNDLER, F.; MCK, B.; MAXIMILIAN, St.; SAFIRESCU, E.-, CORNMIU, Hiron Serum peroxidase activity in acute and chronic liver diseases; clinical and experimental studies. Probl. ter., Buciir. 3: 181-212 1956. (LIVER DISEASES, blood in paroxidase, in acute & chronic die.) (OXIDASES, In blood -neroxidass activity in acute & chronic liver die.) RUMANIA/Human and Animal Ehysioloa - (Normal and Pathological). T-3 Bloods.Blood Diaeasese Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 16, 1958, 74689 Author : Ingnov, S,, Fischer, P,S., Kreindler, F., Micu, D. Inst : Title : Investigation of Hematolo6ical Impairments During Cyrrhosis of the Liver. Orig Pub : Proble terapop 1957., 5, 45-64 Abstract : In patients with cyrrhosic (C) of the liver - with compon- sating (DC; 16) and decomponsating (DC; 39) - quantitative and qualitative impairments wore found of the red blood cells. The first are connected with decreased hemopoiesis W) the second) with acute hemorrhagic symptoms. Decrca-. Bed H was observed with serious C. Siens of anemia with CC sometimes were absent, with DC they were always observed. In 50 patienta, macrocytosis was noted, in 5 the surface of the erythrocytes was normal or microcytotic. Due to Card 1/2 41 - RUMAM/Human and Animal Physiology (NorTiial and Pathological). T-3 Blood. Mood Diseases. Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Mole) No 16, 19581 74689 hemorrhagic C, microcytotic anamias developed. Hemorrha- Gic anemias were observed during DC as a result of aanGui- neous vomiting and sanguincous stool. In 75% of the cases of C) granulopenia were noted due to retention of the mye- lopoiesis. The quantity of cosinophil in a majority of cnaas was normal. Absolute lymphopenia was noted ill 70, monocytopenia in 63~ of the cases. With DC, impairrents in the content of granulocytes is mre expressed than with CC. In all cases, thrombopeliia was observed, more cxprca- sod with serious illnesses, which is explained by the re- tention of megakaryocytoric tlirombopoiesis. Impairments in the picture of formed elements of the blood are connec- tLe, usually, with serious disorders of metabolism in C of the liver and with an inhibiting influence of the spleen on H. In the case of CC with hypersplenization, splenectomy gave good results. -- A.D. Beloborodova. Card 2/2 ZUW=CU-GHEORGHIU, Marcela; RM111DUR, Filip; SAFIRZSCU, Rigenia; MAXIMILIAN, St. Study of nuoleic aci" in the blood daring vitamin B 12 therapy of various liver diseases. Probl. ter., Bucur. no.7:87-96 1957. (LIM DISM&SM, therapy vitamin B 12, eff. on serum nucleic acids) (VITAMIN B 12, ther. use liver die., eff. on serum riucleic acids) (ITUCLEIC ACIDS, in blood in liver dio., eff. of vitamin B 12 ther.) nna Abs Jour Author 111st Title OriG Pab and Animal Physioloc~y - Metabolism. T Ref Zhur Biol., No 3, 1959, 12436 Zamfirescv.-Gheorghi'a, M., Coamulescu, I., Kreindler, F., Safirescu, E,, Maximilian, St., Herck, E-.~ Succinic Dehydrogenase and Cytochrone 0xidnse Activity in the Liver, E,;porli',iental Investigation Probl. terap., 1957, 8, 13-23 Abstract In the liver of rablaits, whici had beer, poisoiied -with P or CC14, the aCtivity Of 51!Ccinic dehydroZer-ase (I) de- creased 16 - 63% and cytochrome oxida-se (11) 10 - 60% in compariseu with the standard. The relation bctweea the activity of I aiid II (according to 0,, consumption) diminished to 2.3 - 1.3 and even 0.68 with a norm of 2.6. A change iii the inteasity of liver respiration was explained by the infiltratio,i of mitochondria nnd by subsequent inactivation of respiratory enzymes, as Card 1/2 7 RUN'MIA/Huna and Aninal Pblysiolo-gy - MetaboliF,-m. Abn Jour : Rrlf /11u: Oi(il-,) lio 3, i(j50, L24)6 well as by the influence of some humoral factors& 0 T Card 2/2 GIOBANU., Ana (Bucuresti); KEMDiDLERJ Gertrude,, profesoara (Bucuresti) Zoological excuroions relating to the teaching of zoology in the 4th grade, Natura Blologie 14 no.3:67-72 My-Je 162. 1. Sof de lucrari. KIRSANOVA, M.K., kand. tekhn. nauk; MIKHANOVSKIY, D.S., inzh.; MONFRE-D, Yu.B., kand. tekhn. nauk; KREINDLE!, A.N.; SA*,:KOV,V. MUL, O.A., inzh.; ZffUCHKOV, N. (Means for increasing the capacity of planto prefabricating olomonto for 1-464A morlon hotworil Putl povyr0ionlIst proizvod- otvonnol mo.-thchnosti zavodov, vypuskaiushchikh doma seriia I-464A. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 26 p. (MIM 17:7) 1. kkademiya straitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR. I'Sentrallrqy nauclmo-issledovatellskiy i proyektno-eksperirentallrqy institut industriallnykh zhilykb i massovykh kullturno-bytovykh zdaniy. 2. TSentrallrjyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektno-eksperi- mentalinyy institut industriallnykh, zhilykh i rassorjkh kullturno- byto-;ykh zdaniy Akadeimii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Kirsanova, Mikhanovskiy, Monfred). 3. Nauchno-ii;sledovatellskiy institut organizatsiij makhanizatsii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi straitellstvu Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Beyul, Kreindlin, Savkov, Zhuchkov). Y'16"J"ll ' DIWT-OV, I Ya:; ZAGO."'KnIAt G.V., 11".11cill-red.; .!" 1;44,~i 'VA) I ~d. Oh Mkilh L.V. tc~lui re [Using fiberboard in buiLiing] Frim,:nenie dre-.e.,mo- volokniotykh plit v atrottollstvo. Foskva, in-t tekhn. informatoii i ekonom. is.,I. po let;noi, Im;-mzhnoi i cerevoo'brabat.,Naiushchei pron-~yshl., V-63. 67 p. (1-11!tA 16:10) (Fibcr~)o&rd) Syuwtry Thro4h Ratio to a Curve .. Xrelt~d~ter 0. La syra6trie par rapport A une,courbe- Bul.-r,,7,' hn. Bucuroti 18 (1956), no. 3-4 17,U. (Romanian. Russian and 17rench summaries) A point A on the curve M has. right and left on the normal of Af, two corresponding points B and B', re- spectively. equidistant from A; a curve E is called sym- metric, with respect to U, to a curve I through B if it is the locus of all points B', obtained by the same symmetric device from other points of I and a normal of M. This leads, e.g., for the circle M and its tangent 1, to the curve E, a conchoid. It M is an ellipse and I the x-axis, E is a, concentric ellipse.*This notion of symmetry is extendedl also to three surfaces in space. S. R. Struik (Cambridge, Mass.)-' KRX Affect of relative humidity on thermal preference of white mice. Fol. biol., Wares. 2 no.1:61-64 1954. 1. Zaklad PayehologiL i Rtologil Zvierzat UJ w Krakowle. Kierownik, prof. dr R.Wojtusiak. (HUKIDITYO off. of relative humidity on thermal preference of white mice) (TZKPIRATURE, off. of relative humidity on thermal preference of white mice) MINER, Jerzy Indolymphatic sac in Xenopue laevia Daud. Yol.blol., Warez. 2 no. 3-4:271-286 1954. 1. Zaklad Psychologli i Xtologii Zwierzet UJ. Kierownik: prof. dr R.VoJtustak. Zaklad Zoologli Dozeiadozalnej PAN. Kinrownik: prof, dr S.Sknrron. (LYMPHATIC STSTAK, Bacaus endolymphaticus in Xenopus laevis) (FROGS AND TOADS, Xenopux laevis, saccus endolymphaticus in) EICERPTA MEDICA See 2 Vol 12/7 Physiology Ju 1y 59 2747. THE QUANTITATIVE MYELINIZATION OF BRAINS AND SPINAL CORDS ON DOGS OF VARIOUS SIZE - K r e i n e r J. Dept. of Animal I'sy0pil. and Ethol., Jagellonlan Univ., Crr-a-ct7W"---ACTA-ANAT.(I)asel) 1958. 33/1-2 J50-84) Tables 4 Data on material from 14 dogs have been worked out to give formulae for: (1) the amount of Ilpids. solids and dry substance of the brain. the spinal cord and the 7V7 whole CNS of dogs of different size in relation to the size of the respective organs and to the total weight of the animals; (2) the increase of these elements depending on the increase of the mass of the brain. the spinal cord and the whole CNS. There in no correlation between the amount of lipids in the brain and in the at inal cord. In large dogs a higher percentage of lipids and a lower percentage of solids in found than in small dogs. The percentages of dry substance and of water practically do not change. Comparison with data submitted by other authors leads to the conclusion that the percentage of lipids related to dry substance is approx- Imately the same as the percentage of the white matter related to the mass of the brain or the spinal cord. (L 2. 9) KREINERj__J. Myeloarchitectonics of the orbital gyrus of cerebral cortex in the dog. Bul Ac Pal bial 8 no.4:159-162 160. (EEAI 9:10) 1. Department of Comparative Neuroanatomy, Jagellonian University, Krakow and Laboratory of Neuroanatomy, Henski Institute of Experi- mental Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences. Presented by J.Kanorski. (CEREBRAL CORTEX) BRUTKOWSKI, S.; FOITBERG, E.; KREINER, J.; MEMPEL, E.; SYCHOWA, B. Aphagia and adipala in a dog with bilateral complete lesion of the amygdaloid complex. Acta biol. exp. 22 no.1:43-50 162. 1. Department of Neurophysiology, the Nencki Institute of Fmperimental Biology, Warsaw. (GANGLIA BASAL physiol) (APPETITE physiol) THIRST physiol) KREINERP J.; MAKMOWICZ, K. A three-dimensional model of the otriatal nuclei in the doglo brain. Afta biol. exp. 22 no.1:69-79 162. 1. Department of Comparative Nouroanatomy, Jagellonian University, Krakow and Neuroanatomical Laboratory of -the Nencki Institute of Experi- mental Biology, Warsaw. (GANGLIA BASAL anat & histol) HORODYSKA, M.; KREINER, J. The brain ventricles of the dogs Acts. b1ol. exp. 22 no-4:2-43-250 162. 1. Departmentlof Comparative Neuromatomy, Jagellonian Univ~rsity, Cracow and Labors, 'tM of Neuroapatdmys The Nencki Institute of Experimental Biolbgy, Warsaw, Poland.- (CEREBRAL VENTRICLES) (DOGS) STEPIEN, I.; STEPIEN, L.; KREINER, J. The effects of total and partial ablations of the premotor cortex on the instrumental conditioned reflexes in dogs. Acts. biol. exp. 23 no.ls44-59 163. 1. Department of Neurophysiology, The Nencki Institute of "xperimental Biology. (REFLEX, CONDITIONED) (FRONTAL LOBEE) (PHYSIOLOGY) SZWEJKC)WSKA, Genowefa; IQJEIITER, J.; SYCHOWA, Barbara The effect of partial lesions of the prefrontal area on alimentary conditioned reflexes in dogs. Acta biol. exp. 23 noo:181-192 163. 1. Department of Neurophysiology, The Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Warsaw 22, Poland. (TEMPORAL LOBE) (RULEX CONDITIONED) (PHYSIOLOGY~ yo 6arcm tectonics of the pariet,' 0 x p a r , L, 4 v. KREINERP J.H. A comparison of the color indexes obtained with the Krakow photo- meter with those of the Wroclaw system. Acta astronom 14 no,3;219- 221 164. 1. Astronomical Observatory, Jagiellonian University, Krakow. EWT(1)/EPA(s)-2/FWT-W, Pt-'7-., -I dl-'( C JD/JW/C-G AT5009433 OZ/OOW/64/()00/ 'AUTHOR: Boroylk-Romanovt A, S. KslinkinapL Kreine!t, M, M,,- Rudashevskig N. (4, 1 TITIZ .Investigation-of'spin-vave speetrum In.antIferre c carbonatea ALagneti iSOURCE: Conference,on low-Te=erature 1963- _Tj Phy iq~s q~4 Technigues. d, Pr tPhysics end techniqUen oflow temperatureq, proceedings of the conference. ague ;Pjb~' House of the Czechasl~ Acadev7 of Sciences, 1964., 17-29 ;TOPIC TAGS: carbonatep spin vave spectrum temperature dependence., spontaneous magnetizattion,, antiferromagpetic resonancei sseci fic he&+, ;=TMCT: The authors survey the principal results obtaine at the Institut fizi- :Chez;kikJi problem (Institute of ftsics Problema) AN SSSR,on the ~pin-wave gpectrum jn rintiferromagnetic carbonates or transition elements. Three research methods shave bcen used: study of antiferromagnetic resonance, study of the tczyerature de- .pendence of the spontaneous magnetization., and study of the temperature dependence of the heat capacity* All three methods were used to determine the diGpersion I&W ;ac vall as to verify it quantitatively. References to the original reports of there ;investigationa are given. The results have confirmed experiweat&Uy that the anti- ferromagnetic spin-waveopeatrum.haslinear dispersion. ffx=erical values are given', Card 3/2 "ll.i.. 25997 Yreinin, V.I,:. Penlf~L~Jll - AYGII, c j: 7ZI! r :f-;, ~., '-, ',*C~:~..J. 11 . - - ~, ~', I. ~rt~ornik Naluch. I., Lot. Uchel.. U(hre7h,N-,niy Voy,~.jj. c,!-X. Gorlliy, 1948 y S. 276-80. SC: Letozdsl Zhiirnal. Statey, 'G. 30 Yb~;ccw 1948 IT, ~jC Vc !Cc,).~,Sion 'iol - A,7.i-!Ist 1956 Kreiplovaj I. ; Cedl, J, Kreiplova,, I. ; Cedl, J. Economic contract on deliveries and purchase of products in 1957. P. h5h. vol. 4. no. 12,, Dec. 1956 PDZEMI STAVBY TECHNOLOGY Czechoslovakia So. East European AccessLons, Vol* 6. No. 5. may 1957 ACCESSION NR: AR-M548 SOURCE: ItZh. j(himlys., Abe. 7MI84 ITHCIR: Tynissooj, A. )()'.I; AL U. I. TITLE: Waterproofing of exterior walls of foomed kukermit mad fowed silicalcite with organosilicon conVounds CITED somm sbe isslede po str-vu. 2. Tallin, 1961, 174-204 TOPIC TAG15: waterproofing Vith organosilicon compounds; kukermite; 1 silicalcite TRANSUTION: For the protection of exterior walls of buildingo, mde of foamed Kukermit and foomed silicalcite, against atmospheric humi- dity, it is proposed to waterproof them with organic silicon compounds. A 10~ solution of (;KZh-94 in kerosene was found to be the most effec- tive, because their first increments form.o. waterproof film on the :Card 113 ACCESSIal NR:,'AH300050 material, thus preventing further treatment. Xn the cane of a speci- men of material treated with a kerosene solution of GKZh-94., the vater absorption -_ during the different periods of hardening - was reduced 'by several times In comparison vith the controls (imersion depth of i the specimens,, in water,, vas 1,5 cm; the InmerBion depth of 9 cm, specified by the stwidardo yields distorted results due to the action of hydrostatic Pressure). The waterproofing properties of the GKZh-94 coatingwere retained for a period frcm more than or equal to 3.5 yearn to 4-5 years. A alight, absorption of water by the items Increases their frost resistance. HOWYer the determination of frost resistance according tothe standard gives greatly understated results, because the presexce of a vaterproof coating alters the nature of vater-saturm- ing tion of the specimens, V%*Troofing of the surface of honeycomb con- crete results In A considerable lowering of its cohesion with mortar, for which reason the vaterproofing of the exteriot- of buildings should be carried out after couplertion of all finishing work. Experimental -,ater- proofing of the walls of buildings has demonstrated the superior mte-r- proofing characteristics of aM-94. The rate of application of the.sol- utlon, with tvo coats, is 500 g/sq meter; prime cost of 1 square meter Card 2/3 MISBERG, J. "Fighting for tho Economy of Wood." P. 18 (PRZ-,NYSL DRZF,-dNY Vol. L~, no. 8, Auc. 1953 Warszawa, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East 2E-02ta-n ~Lc-ccssions, LC, Vol. 3. no. 5, May 1954/Unel. KREEISBMG, JOLEF. fl,echaniznizacja prac na skladnicach drewna. (Wyd. 1.) Warsznwa, Pansturowe Wydawn. Rolnicze i Lesne, 19'1-4. 157 .. (Mechanization of lumber storing. lst ed.) DA N6t in DLC SO: LONTHLY DIDEX OF EAST EUROPEAN ACESSIONS (EIA I) LC, VOL. 7., NO. 1, a" - 1958 314 th~! c ~I n c- c c s s Kreisberg, J. 4reisherg, J. Developmental prospects of the production of cases in Poland. P. 85 Vol. 7, no. 3. Mar. 1956 IIRZEML DRZEWNY TECHNOLOGY Warszawa, Poland So: East European Accession Vol. 6, no. 2, 1957 J. The shortage of vencer and capital investments in the vericer industi-y. p. 116. FR"EMY3L DRZEWTY. Gentralne Zarzady Przemyslow: Drzewnego, Meblar--!-Iego, i Lesnego i Stowarzyszenie Inzynierow i Technikow Lesnictwa i Drzewnietwa. Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 9, No. 4, Apr. 1958. Monthly List of Ea--:t European Accession (EFIAI), LC, Vol. 8, Uo. 9, Sept. 1959. Uncl. rMEISBEPG, J. Modern packing for Doultry. p. 22. PRZ--,,,FYSL rRZE-PNY. (Centralne Zarzady Przeqralow: Drzewmego, %Reblarskie~i-;o, i ,,mierow i Technilcow Losnict-.- i Drzewnictvra) Lesnego i Stowrzyszenie Inz, a Warszawa, Poland. Fo. 1, Jan. 1959, Monthly List of East amropean accession (IMU), LO. Vol. 8, No. 9, September, 1959- Uncl. v ,R.715BERG, J. Should we renow the ex-nort of sets of boxes? p. !61. PUD SL DRZENIPf. (CentraLlne Zarzady Przemulow: DrzewLO~-o, 1,10blarPkie , i O!Y go Lpsnego t Stowarzysenie Inzynierow .1 Lesnictura I DrzewnictwR) Warsza!,,-a, Poland. No. 5, May 1959. Kontlil,- Liqt of East Biropean accession LO. Vol. 60 2"o. ?, So .1 ptember, 1959. Uncl. -YMISBERG., Jozef Protection of different type of boards against rot and ter-mites. Frzem drzew 12 no.12tl2-13 161. (Wood) MUSML, JOzef Further development of the furniture manufacturing induatry in the German Federal Republic. Przem drzew 13 no-5:23 Yq 162. MEISELI C'. -., Non-uniqueness results for transfinite, progressions. Biil Ac Fol mat 8 no.5:287-290 160. 1. Presented by A. Moatowski. (Aggregates) GANDY., R. 0.1 KREISEL, .-G.; TAIT, W. W. Set existence. Bul Ac Pol mat 8 no.9,577-582 160, 1. University of Leeds, England; University of Reading, England, and Stanford University, California (USA). PreIsented by A. Mostowski. (Numbers, Theory of) 141,, dr.; GION.1111, T., dr. Con3iderations on a z-ane or mBlIgnant phecc~.rr-mocytoma Lri a child. Pediatria (-Rj-mr.) 13 no.5:t59--4t,3 1. Lucrare efecAtiata in Sactta d~) a Spitahfiul- din Suceava. 516. THE WFLUVICIC OF 11(04 ON THE UPPER La= Of TftF xATuaAL*rREQumcu:s up wainuics or-MTATING ..UACRIMOURIN.09URf3EP!iEt,'OUEIIA, V.KrCI3[FWer. Tha. iaye equzttw for Ifte s;srge vq1tA&c% In the windiU of roWIM atichines is givga firit. As a ne-cessity s tinpi ificat Lail, t&I Wtuesica cA the ircd css'ripr"i~a" by a reaisunct 13araltel to t1w -tried w tnwFtizate wtr4pga, TWmVitude of thfit re-OOarwc N 'j ttw lAllwive al vaMble Tt-;e limit 4 64~- r.2N.,A sh=t restaunce, irderwiltdiog czPacitant" cAj~;k( itued ta cwth and W[rAdtrg (WvcLelacq, ft If; crjr;cludAFd Wit lertl tos cQjV WIN 1r.1hamco da th* ltmItI4 froWeaelar. becauxe the W(erw1rdIw_ c;PacHy le aniall [lad the A~nt X.C11111faacq 12rge. E.Frd KREISINGER1 V. "Substitutional constants and wave resistance of the windings of rotary electric machines." p. 501 (Elektrotechnicky Obzor) Vol. 46, no. 10, Oct. 195? Prague, Czecboslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions Mr,AI) LG. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/44C9 Ceskoslu'ven,-jkLL akademie vt:,Id. Sckoe ',.'echn1eka Prace 6stavu pro elektrotechniku 6SAV z r. 1958, IX (P oce~_-dlngs of the Institute for Electrical. Engineering of the ~SAV (Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences) for 1958, No. 9) Praquc-., 1959, 193 P. 700 copies printed. Scientific Ed.: Miloslav Tayerle, Engineer, Doctor; Ed. of this Issue: Marie Moravcov6; Tech. Ed.: Frantl6ek Kon6icky'. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for specialists ln~ the field of high-voltage technique. COVERAGE: The collection contains 9 original papers devoted to high-voltage technique and to special problems of heavy- c=-rent engineering. The papers deal with the so-called superr;orona effect which has an important influence on the dimen8loning of the sparking distance for very high voltages at commercial frequency, and with the effects of periodic forces of short circuits on transformer windings. Also dis- cussed are impedance models containing active components, the measurements of electric quantities using a-c model technique, Proc.eedir%3 of' the Institute (Cont.) SOV/4 4 ()(~~ the effect of eddy currents in d-c motors fed from rectifiers, ti3 w,?Il a:.,, the oontemporary state and cotriparative stiv-1y :-f the tkv.~ory o1' purely d1electric breakdown of .9olid3 irld t~x- perlmental Investigations of Impact properties of Inzztrument transformers with layer windings. No personalities are men- !:ioned. References accompany each paper. TABLE OF CONTENTS: I. Veverka., Antonin,- and Viadimfr Krelsin er.Spark-ovi~r B-itween Wire and Sphere 9 There are 5 references: 1 French and 4 German. II. Kulda, JIr'l. Effect of Period.ic Short-Cir-lult Force on Transformer Winding 30 There are 2 referenoes: 1 Cze,~~h and 1. German. !TI. F?,anz! Milan. Single--Phase 1; Short Between Two Transformers 43 Card 2/4 Pror.eedings of the Institute (Cont.) SOV/4469 There are 2 references: 1 Czech and 1 German. IV. Cemus, JiM. Feasibility of Impedance Models With Active Components 66 There are 6 references: 3 Czech and 3 German. v. demua, JiM. Admittance Models 75 There are 5 references: 4 Czech and 1 German. VI. Hlad1k, JiM. Measurement of Electric Quantities in the Technique of A-C Models 87 There are 29 references: 11 Czech, 13 English, I French, and 4 German. Vii. 9t4p1na, Jaroslav, and JiM Bendl. Effect of Eddy Carrents on D-C Motors Fed From Rectifiers 123 There are 13 references: 5 Czech and 8 German. VIII. Batka, V114m. Present State of the Theory of PLtre Ele,~tric Breakdown of Solids 159 Card 3/4 4 . I proseedingB of the Institute (Cont.) SOV/4---;.9 There are 26 references: 1 Czech, 8 Soviet, 14 Englli.h, und 3 German. AIIA-LLABLE., Library of Congress - i P/r s m/p- c e L , .-d 4/4 -6o K' ' P"Te3I]MR, V.; VFV,-;-KA, A. "Flash-over between a thin wire and a sphere in the air." Elektrotnchnicky Obzor. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 48, no. 3, Mar. 1959. I-Ionthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Jun 59, Unclas VMRKA, Antonin, prof. Ing.Dr.,Dr. So.; KREISINGER, Vladimiro Ing., C. 3c. Theoretical considerations on measurements of corona in dielectric. Acts. tachn Cz 6 no.3:225-241 161. (EEAI 10:9) 1. V~eoka Bkola technicka, Praha (for Veverka) 2. Ceskoslovenaka Akademie ved v Praze (for Kreisinger). (Corona(Blectricity)) (Dielectrics) VEVERKA, Antonin, Ing.Dr., profesor; KREISINGER, Vladimir, C.Sc., Ing. Zxperimental part to theoretical considerations on measurements of corona in dielectrics. Acta techn Cz 6 no.5:508-510 '61. 1. Czech Technical University, Hasove 5, Praha I- 5tare Mesto(for Veverka). 2.Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Vaclavske nam. 55, Praha I -Novi Mesto(for Kreisinger) (Dielectrics) usisum, a) kandidat technickych. ved "Thchnical physics" by Zdenek Horaks Frantisok Krupka and Vaclav Sindelar. Reviewed by VI. Kreisinger. El tech obzor 51 no.3:139-140 Mr 162. MISLER, H., MUDR.A JUDR. Two aspects of the fight against absenteeism: medicolegal examination and industrial hygiene. Cask. zdravot. 5 no.l: 51-53 Jan 57. 1. Krajakv lakar ROH, Brno, (INDUSTRY AND OCCUPATIONS. absenteeism, role of expert mod. testimozW & Indust. hyg. in prev. (Cz)) (INDUSTRIAL HTGIM, role in Prev. of Indust, absenteeism (C%)) (10MICINNO LWALO I role of ejert testimony in prev. of Indust. absenteeism (Cz ) -ICUISIaR-,- Her ", , MUDr., JUDr. Bonus for work in health affecting environment viewed by.'a hygienist. Prace mzda 10 no.3:129-132 Mr '62 1. Svazovy lekar Ustredniho vyboru odborove skupiny spotrebn1ho prumyslu. I& IME1SLER."Hormam.-Mr.., JUDr. Industrial hygiene in pencil marm acturing. Drevo 17 no.6.186- 187 Je 162. KLHUFKOVA, Eva, RNDr.; KREISLERj Herman, MUDr., JUDr. Automatio varnish spreaders viewed by a higienist. Drevo 17 no.3t74-78 Mr 162. 1. Oddeleni hyqieny prace, Krajoka hygienicko-epidemiologicka atanioe, Brno (for Klhufkova). 2. Lakar-hygionik, Revolueni odborove hnuti, Ustredni vybor odborove skupiny zamestnancu spotrebniho prumyslu, Praha (for Kreisler). KREISLER Ale~rman MUDr.,, JUDr. Work envirommont in flow lacquering plants. Drevo 18 no.2:60-63 F 163. 1. Swazovy lekar-hygienik, Ustredni vybor odborove skupiny zamestnanovi spotrobniho prumyslu. IMEISLER, Herman, MUDr., aDr. Improvement of sanitary conditions on the worksites using urea-formaldehyde adhesives. Drevo 18 no.3:98-99 ~~ 163, 1. Svazovy lekar-hygienik Ustredni vybor Odboroveho svazu zamestnancu 3potrebniho prumyslu.