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AU~-VOR. Krayzinger, F. V. ------------- Using Substitute5 of Scarce Nonferrous '-!,~:tals ~nd A' 1,~ys fcr. tt, Repair of Equipment FEFIODICAL: Mashinostroitel', 1960, No. 12, pp. 25-26 , su. The Uralmashzavod is using a number of substitutes cf scarce nonferz-=-~ L r containing zinc- metals and alloys. The antifriction I~AM 10-5 (TsAM 10-5) alloy, and aluminum, has been in use for more than 8 years. A TsAM 10-5 lining of the table slides of vertical boring and turning machines not only prevents th,-~ galling of friction couples but makes it possible tc increase the load capacity and effi :1.,~~ncy of the machine. Prior to casting the lining, a jacket is mounted on the slides leaving a clearance between table and Jack-t depending cn the desired tht~k- nqzs of the lining. The machine table and the jacket are placed In a f',rnas-e a:--,d neated up to 400 - 420 0C. The alloy is prepared in a graphite., or cast-ir-:-. on a coke fire. The prcpared alloy should t-.ave a 'emperatur(. in the 7-nulse, (-'f -.90 - 5200C. During the pouring the alloy ternperature sho-.ild be maintained in tha ---Ingn c-' 440 - 470 0C, while the tempsrature of the machine table sh~~ald nDt L- Ic,.v=r Card '/3 8/2 17/60/0-00/012/008/C22 A004/AGOI 1Js'__-ig Substitutes of Scarce Nonferrous Metals and Alloys for the Repair Equipment thar, 3000. After mechanical tooling the TsAM 10-5 lay---r has a of 6 m,m. Uralmashzavod is the first plant in the Soviet Union lising. no~;er plates of 11skM 10-5 alloy on vertical turning and boring machines, and, malnly, on parallel- cli-ning -and milling machines. The fit~tlng of wA,2h cover plates on tr.-~ bedways; of a vertical turning and boring machine witE a table dlamoter of 5 m made It pcssivle t.-, increase the load capacity of the machine by 30%, while the load capacity of a -aniq)je parallel-planer was increased -from 60 to 100 'cons. The use of the TsAIM 10-5 -Icy resulted in great saving s of tirmf-d bronze. Until r,~c-t~ril.'y the :ov(.r piji'.,?~ wars fastencd to the bedways by brass sorews. Now a glue on the base of epc)r,-f --:sirs is used'with success. This new method ref-uces bras,~ -:,onsamptlon and c-,ts dcwn th-~ volume of fitting work. The ti-Ackre5s of trie _cvi~.r plates IF. only half of those fa3tened by screws. Aft,~r a reverberatc77v wa-z- p..~t intc, s,-~rvlceo the use of the TsAM 10-5 alloy has consIdprably Pxt~-nded_ Antifricticn b-?nrings cast by the centriftgal casting method ar,6 refl.-.-Ing brcr,7~, '.--.ish41ng!F, ~~Izis Inoreasing the life of' friction ass-embIlles consIderably, Th-~ %is;? )f plastics, particularly of textolite, is rather It-nited, whic-h is explained '~)y -,h'? enxpen:3_1-.,P- ness c.4' tPxtolite and Its lcwer artifriction, pro;~,r-._;n3 in W_17.n z-'n,- .1 ard 2/3 2/:D22 AOOIJ/AOO I ~Jsirg Substitutes of Scarce Nonferrous Metals and Alloys for the Repair c-f Equipment a! alloys. Metallurgical 6'(B)-grade textolite and getinax, w1-.!:7h are '_-7 14 -.,Imes cheaper than special and commercial textolite, are U_~---?d for cover With the aid of epoxy resin glues textollte cover plates 1.5 - 2 mm in thickness can be glued onto the friction surfaces of wedges of metal-working machine tools. Considerable savings of nonferrous metals can be obtained by -.isq'irg. In friction assemblies of machines sulfurized cast-iron bushings, nuts, worns, keys, rings and other parts, manufactured previously of bronze. The authcr cited Ecm~ expmp-1-5 of s,.ilf*arized cast-iron parts having been In oprlrice for several yc--ars. A st~rctlc- for the sulfurization of parts has been establi.,hed in tf,e mechanica' rApair of the Plant. The section is composed oil two r-lec-tric flurn,.,~e~_, - one W_"h a C11,11-lible of 600 min in diameter and 1,200 n-im high, foil lalrge-_~j7n- other with a crucible of 250 mm in diameter and 300 m!n 'nigh, - a Jrit:r, -a va'. the washing of the components, and an oil twik. The c=ponp-nt:7, !-'-,at~ld in the f~irnac.r, are cooled In the air down to 100 - ',~O C, _en th.~y are wa hed In hct water. To increase the resistance of the ccmpon~~nts against. gailirg and --orrosion, they are held after the washing for 15 - 20 minut-~~-, in light oil -at 60 - 70 0 C. Card 3/3 YZMAN, A.N.; ANDRYCHDI, T.V. Report on the work of the Volyn'Provincial Scientific Society 9f Otolaryagologists for 196Z. Zhur.ush. nos. i gorl. bol. 23 W.2: 94-95 Mr-AP163. OffAk 16:8) 1. Predsadatell Volynskogo oblastnogo nauchnogo obshcheStVL otolaringologov (for KrayzmaLn). 2. Sekretarl Volynskogo ob- lastnogo nauchnogo obshchestva otolsLringologov (for Andreychin). (VOLYN' PROVINCE MORHMOLARYNGOLOGY) CHEKAREV, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; VIKHOREVA, M.K.; KRAYZMAN, G.K.; KILEY TS, L.G.; GRIBIN, G.F., otv.reds; KHAVIN, B.N., red. izd-va; ELIKINA, R.M., (Uniform work standards for operations in developing coal mines and open-pit mines] Edinye normy vyrabotki na gornopro- khodcheskie raboty pri stroitel'stve ugolinykh shakht i karlerov. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i strolt.materialams 1960o 133 p. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Goeudaretvannyy komitat po delam stroitel'stva. (Mining engineering) KRAYZMAM, I., inzh. Pneumatic clamps for sector forms. Avt.transp. 39 no.12:50 b ,61. (MIFA 15:1) (Pneumatic machinery) FMPI (imbornyr) Toolfil (FrOF~ nl. '-t,-.nki i ln~:trum~rjt, IV, 3, -,945 DR-52659(19 KRATZMAN. K.L. (LIvov) Development of creative thinking in students while teaching geometry. Hat. v shkole no.6:61-67 N-D 155. (KLRA 9:2) (Geometry--Study and teaching) KRAYZRAN, M.L. (LIvov) "w L,; It The knowledge level of students. Hat.-v shkole no.2:7-12 Mr-Ap '57. (HLRA 10-5) (Kathemattem--Study and teaching) KRAYZMLN, M.L. (Llvov) One way of solving equations containing parameters. Hat. v shkole no.6:64-65 B-D '59. (MIU 13:3) (Aquations) I.I.L.; h;lAbd~Llip I.L. (L',;cv) Work of tho continiovo , r for ci-ers u m city of' Lvcv. .,ht. v .'..kole no. (Lvov--' Latiejqat-~-cz--Stl dy Lx.E teachir-,-) cf nathezi;,-, ' cL, * n 77-D I(-t!. , , j KRAYZMAN, M.L.-(Llvov) Problems offered to grade 7-10 students at the 1961 province-wide Mathematical Olympiad in Lvov. Mat. v s~kole no.3:95 My-Je 162. (HIRA 15:7) (Mathematics-Problems, exerciseep etc*) MAMEDOVp I.M.; KRAYZMAN, M.M. Tuberculosis of the stomach simulating cancer. Khirurgiia 36 no.9sl24-125 S 160* (14IRA 13 811) 1. Iz onkologichookogo dispanocra (glavnyy vrach I.Me Mamedov) Tdrovabada. (STCRACH-TUBERCMMIS) (STGUCH-CANCER) S) -- "Tliv~ 'llml t.- L4'rcr-, c, -0 r IC 130 P. M~Lutor the wanlu-,.3 watjra ficom augrar-beet. factcricii, con-11-tions of rcloaat;e, anal aLiumar, poinlosiblo comoll-t.L-It'loll of "ll K --vll N', 16 p-p (jCiaitkov State Med innt), POIC) coi,-Ten (.u, r4c, C!-, -Y L L 63100-65 E; di ~:ACCESSIONIMv AP5014998 M/0240/65/00o/006/005VO059 j0 WTHOR: Iftovskayal Ye, Kraymang P. 8*;,Che1ftov V. ITITLEP: Investigation of WatGP Waston in acrylonitriletprod-action;: Methods of identifying specific contaminants -59 'BOURCB: Gigiyona I eanitariya no. 6p 1965, 57 iTOPIC TAGS: industrial wastes water, chemical identification, toxicology 1ABSTRACT; Water wastes of aerylonitrile synthetic fiber produotion iwere studied to deternine, quantitative methods of identifying the 1following highly toxic contaminants.- cyanides# lactonitrila,*_and iacrylonitrilo. For identification of.cyanides and lactonitriles Imodified colorimetrie methods were found most effective, For -~determinlng the preaGnoo of acrylonitriloo a mercaptane method I ;proved satisfactory;'and#,for moro exact dotermination in smaller' iquantities of water wastess a'sulrito method with alkaline isaponification of the aerylonitrile is recommended. Analysis of isariples taken at different times shows that water wastes of rd L 63ioo-65 _7 '1ACCESSION NR: AP5014, , :acrylonitrile production belong in the category of industrial water- Vastes with highly concentrated organic substances. The biochemical oxygen requirement valuos-Andioate that a considorablo part-of tho ~organie nubutances can be oxidized biochomieftlly, The presenco, of a ;cyanidesq lactonitrilep and aorylonitrile in large quantities ~produco a strong specific odors, and more. Important are highly toxic* i Nater wastes of this type require dilution by many thousands ortimeal -pu 'to comply with.sanitation'regulationso-and in this case -rification. bef;re disposal appears unavoidable# Orig, art, has: 1 table* :ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut vodoonabzhaniya, ~kanalizatsiiv gidrotokhnichaskikh sooruzhonly I inzheneraoy gidrogoologii UlwVODGEO' Khai4kov (4pj2ntifiq-Research Institute of -Vater Supply# Sewers and Hydrotechnical Construction u Hydrogeology, UkrVODGEO SUBICTTED: l9Feb64 MCLI. 00 SUB CODE. 0 G GC ,NR REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 003 Card 2/2 'A'ays of ll;r-, rcoltill:- Sy3tClq of accuunting. Eukhr. uchet 11, i.'o. 7, Y," lionVIK-, List of Russian Accessions, Library cf Con; res-, D e c e ~- t e r 1 ~-" 5 2 . IJ ~'. C U, IS S -', F-I "~" 1) . VOLIFSON, T.I.; KRiYZMER K F gA,a ACtiVOtion of fibrinogenase in the blood of patients in the dental surgery clinic. Stomatologiia no-1:31-33 Ja-F 054. (MLRA 7:1) 1. Iz kafedry biologicheekoy khinii (zaveduyushchiy - professor V.S.111in) i kafedry khirurgichaskoy stonatologii (zaveduyushchiy chlen-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR professor A.,t.Limberg) Leningradskogo meditsinskogo stomatologicheakogo instituta (direktor - professor R.I.Gavrilov). (Hemorrhage) (Blood--Coagulation) (Enzymes) ILI IN, V.S.; VOL17SON, T.I.; CHAPLYGINA, Z.A.; KRAYZMO, K.F. Effect of the nervous system on the activity of blood fibrinogenase. Trudy Voes. ob-va fizi.ol., biokhim. i farm. 3:117-118 '56 (MIRA 10:4) 1. Kafedra biologicheskoy khimli Leningradskogo meditsinskogo stomatologicheskogo instituta; zaveduvusbchiy kafedroy profeBsor V.S. Win. Leningrad. (FIBRINOGERASN) (HRRVOUS SYSTRU) KRATZHER, L.P., doteent,kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk.;TANSTURA. A.A., --'UdVrde'a'T' St aline koy premii. . I Determining parameters of multi-line phantom circuits. Sbor.nauch.trud, LETIIZHT no*6:131-139 154 (KM 9:1) (Electric lines) BYdZIJ, M.A.. inxhener; LHAYMR, L.P., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; SOKOLOV, Y.Y., in"Me-3-sK"' Prospective application of television to railroad transport. Zhel. dor.transp. 37 no.12:71-74 D 155. (KWU 9:5) (Railroads--Commujiication systems) (Television) r\ -/~ ~-) y -7 )--1 F-:'k) I , /~ ROGINSKIY, Vladimir Yurlyevich; KRAYZMZR, L.P., red.; SBITWEV, V.S., red.; ZABRODINA, A.A., [Electric power for radio installations] Slektricheskoe pitanle radiotekhnicheskikh ustroistv. Moskva, Gos.energAzd-vo, 1957. 516 p. (MIRA 11:1) (Radio) (Electric engineering) KRAI ZIER, L. P. L. i~. Y~ZAJZI- M.P., 11,4,1+aratas to -,:.ore discre*..e JLn.-'c-r,,u_',2'on." Scientific Ses;iions DcvoLfci to "Radio Daytt, May, Tr1Ijuren.-r%,iz(.at, N(~scow, 9 Sel'. 58 Analyzed in the report are the regions of application of apparatus to store discrete information (memories, information accumulators, registers, etc.) in telegraphy, local and long-distance telephony, radio communications, automatics, radar, scientific investigations and computer engineering. The apparatus to store information are classified according to functional criteria. Basic parameters characterizing the apparatus are established. A survey is made of ~.he presently- used and proposed phyLical principles to create memories, the block diaj-,rams of the latter and their comparative characteristics. The prospects of the futher development of memories are discu:jsed. KRAYZM11R, leouid Paylovich; MAKSM, V.I., red.; KMNXW, L.Ta., tekhn. r64 [Technical cybernetice] Tokhnicheekaia kibernetika. Moskva, Goa. energ. izd-vo, 1958. 77 p. (Massovaia radiobiblioteka, no.293): (Cybernetics) (MIU UO SOV/120-58-6-1/32 AUTHOR: Krayzmer, L, P, TITLE:-- De-vic'e's- f -or S_t`or-i__ng Discrete Information (Memory Devices). A Review (Ustroystva khraneniya diskretnoy informatsii (Zapominayushchiye ustroystva). Obzor) PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1958, Nr 69 pp 3-14 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A description is given of the main properties of devices for storing discrete information, their classification, structural details and physical principles of their action, Some typical data on these devices are also given, The re- view is based mainly on Western work and very little atten- tion indeed is paid to Soviet developments, Among the de- vices developed in the Soviet Up-ion which are briefly men- tioned are matrix-type memory devices developed by the Laboratory for Electrical Modelling of the Academy of 8ciences, USSR, which have been dezeribod in Refs.21 and 22 by Guten- makher, These ronsist of thin paper tapes with metallised coating5 on either side of the tape which form small con- densers with capacities of the order of 3 pF. These can be used "n memory de-ices with specific capacity of the order of 10~ bits per m . The speed at which the information can Card 1/2 be read off is 'then 128 bits per 10 4s. Another Soviet SOV/120-c8-6-1/32 Devices for Storing Discrete Information (Memory Devices). A Review. device mentioned in this review is an electrostatic memory device using a cathode ray oscilloscope, This is mass pro- duced. in the USSR at the present time, has a capacity of 2048 bits and a reading speed of 8 to 10 us. This has been described in Ref.42. There are 7 figures and 69 referencep.-, 30 of the referenoes arp English, 2 are German, 4 ar,~~ Soviet translations from English, and 33 are Sov-;, SUBMITTED: July C26, 1958,, Card 212 28(2) Krayzmer, Laonid- Pavlovich PHASE I BOOK FlOWITATION SOV/2183 ZapomineVushchiye ustroystva (Memory Devices) Moscow., Gosenergoizdat, 1959. 110 p. (Seriesi Maosovaya radiabiblioteka, vyP. 337) 60,000 copies printed, Ed,: V. V. Yenyutin; Tech, Edsz G. Ye. Larionovj Editorial Board of Series: A. 1. Berg., F. 1. Bwdeynyy, V. A. Burlyand, V. I. Vaneyev, Ye. N, Qepishta, 1. S. Dzhigit, A, M. Knnayeva, E. T, Krankellj, A. A. Kulikovskiy, A, D, Smirnov, F, 1, Tarasov.. and V. 1. Sheonshur. PMUIIOSE: This book is intended for trained radio amateurs and for persons with a secondary school edheation who are working in radio electronics, cq=maiastions, axxtomation,and eomputer teahniques, COMMUt This book contans information on the significance and application of memory devices in wire and wipeleas co=mnicetions, automation,, computing technique and scientific studies'. The fundamental parameters and classification of memory'davices are discussed, The physical processes which form the basis of the devices exe preanutted in a popular manner. The more widely Vsed and interesting circu-Its, and the construction of VIL-LiOUS memory devices Card 1A Memory Devices (Cant,) SW/a83 and their comparative charmteristice are described. No personn~Atles are pentioned. There we 19 Soviet rafaranaea, TABU OF C077"M3 introduction 5 Ch. 1. General Information on Mmaory Dcmice3 10 1. Nimmber system 10 2. Basic indices of memory doview 13 3, Classification of memory devices !4 Chqo 2* Honerasable Memory De"elaes 18 4, Punched cards andpunched tapas 18 5. Matrix memory devicea for the storage of permanent infor-&z'on 23 6, Photoscopic memory devices 25 Ch. 3. RelaW-type Memory Deltces 27 T. Structure qf releq memory devices 27 8. Electromagnetic relay 31 9. Electron tube relwjs (triners) 32 Card 2/ 4 Memory Devices (Contj SOV/2183 10. Transistor triggers 37 11. Gas-discharge triggers 39 12. Cryogenic devices as elements of memory devices 43 Ch. 4. memory Devices with Magnetic Recording 49 13. Physical bases for magnetic recording 49 14. Construction of memory devices vith magnetic recording 53 15. Recording and reading bircuits 61 Ch. 5. Ferrite Core Memory Devices 64 16, Properties of ferrites with rectangular hysteresis loop 64 17. Ferrite core hintrix memory aevicas 66 18. Direct access ferrite manory devices 72 19. Transfluxor storage tyvices 75 Ch. 6. Electrostatic Cathode-ray Tube Memory Devices 78 20. Physical principlan of storing information in cathode-rwj tubes 78 21., Memory tube vith barrier grid 81 22. Memory devices using tubes with surface redistribution of charges 85 23, "Selectron" type memory tube 89 Card 3/4 Memory Devices (Cont.) SCFV/2183 Ch. 7. Electrostatic Condcmser-t7pe Memory Devices 24. Memory devices -tviing or(Unary condensers 91 25. Memory devices using bintabla condensers with ferraelectric materials Ch. 8. Dynamic Delay Line INIr-raory Devices 9b 26. Principle of constructing dZnimaic delay line memory de-7icns 98 27. Ultrasonic delay line -acraory devices luri 28, Electromagnetic clp.JxT line memory devices ICS Conclusion Bibliography AVAILAIU: Library of Congress LK/wg Card 4/4 11-29-59 ANFILOV, Gleb; ASRATTAY. N.A.; GULTAM, P.I., doktor biol.nauk; LIVANOV, M.N., prof.; KWZXIM,-L.P,, kand.tokhn.nauk; VASILIYW, L.L.; KLTATSKIN, I.', kand.tekbn.nauk Is'thought transference possible? Opinions of Soviet scientists. Enan. sila 35 no. 12:18-23 D 160. (MMA 13:12) (Thought transference) Yj"AYWIE11, Leonid Pavlovich; LYUSTIEERG, V,F., red.; SHIROKOVA, P.M., - - - - --------- elk n. r6 [Ifew elements of electronic digital corputors] Novye eleEenty elektronrWkh tsif-.ov-ykh mashin. Moskva, Gos. energ. izd-vo, 1961. 94 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Electronic digital computers) PEME I BOOK EXFLOITATION WV/5921 Krayzmerl.Leonid Paylovich Ustroystva khraneAiya diskretnoy informataii (Discrete Information Storage Devices) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1961, 359 P. 8000 copies pri"d. Ed.: G. K. Ullyanov; Tech. Ed.: Ye. M. Soboleva. PURPOSE: The book is Intended for engineering and technical personnel concerned with automation, computer engineering, and related fields. It may also be useful to electrical engineering students in schools of higher education. COMAGE: The book deals with an important branch of cAmputer engineering., i.e., devices for storage of discrete information. T~e operating principles and simplest design forms of the various memory elements are discussed, and basic diagram and characteristics of storage devices are given. The application of storage devices to computer engineering., automationj, coymminication, and scientific research is briefly discusded. At the author's request', M. M. Chervinskiy contributed Ch. VI (except for' Card 1/0,,, 41. Discrete Information Storage Devices SOV/5921 Section 6.3); A. Ye. Oborenko wrote Sections 6.1, 8.6Y and 8.7, and R. I. Shileyko wrote Sections 8.2. 8.32 8.4. and 8.5,of Ch. VIII. The author thanks B. t. Vaysman, M. P, Lurlye, D. A. Novik, N. P. Polyakov, V. V. Krayzmer, and Z. G. Chervinskays. for their assistance. There are 465 references: 253 Soviet (including 12 translations), 200 Englishr 10 German, 1 French, and 1 Czech. References are listed in the bibliography by chapters. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Abridge-d]: Ch. I. General Remarks on Discrete Information Storage Devices 7 Ch. II. Non-erasable Storage Devices Ch. III. Registers Ch. IV. Magnetic Recording Storage Devices 31 54 102 Ch. V, Magnetic Storage Devices Using Materials With Rectangular Hysteresis Curve 133 Card 2/1 ~" LEVIN, rikhail kAnd. tekhr,. nauk, data.., nAuchn. red..; KJOldfS, Tu.L., red.. [Cybernetics in our lives] Kipernetika vkhodit v zhiznl; besedn a knigakh, Nauchn. red, L.P.Kraizmer. Leningrad, Publichnaia biblicteka, 1962, 15 p, (Na temy qMah (B*)liogr&phy--Gybernetics) (Bibliography--Automatic control) IaM2FIER, Loonid-Pavlovich; PLE21KIII, Yu.N., red.; UULIDY!,Y:EV, N.A.3 teldul . red. [bionics]Blonika. I!o!;kvn, Gooenorgoizdat) 1962. 70 p. (Massovala rp-diobibliotoka, no.453 p. (MIRA .15:11) (Cybernetics) KRAYZEER, Leonid Pavlovich [Bionics) [Bionika. Tbilisi, Gos.lzd-vo 11 'abehota &Lka--t-velolll 1963. 87 P. (In Georgian) 17:5) SCCHIVKOI V.P.; GALICH, Ye.V., inzh., retsenzent; TREVCGI.11, P.A., kand. tekhn. nnuk, ret5enzent; KRAYZI-%R.,,L.P., nauchn. red.; SAGHUK , N.A. , red. ; KRYAKOVA, 9 tekhn-.'--i~C (Pattern recognizing devices; survey of foreing and Russian literaturel Opoznaiushchie ustroistva; obzor otechestvennoi i zarubezhnoi literatury. Leningrnd, Siidpromgiz, 1963. 78 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Optical pattern recognition) S/144j63/000/001/004/004 Y D440/D307 AU Ti I OR None given T M Z- Conference on neurocybernetics PZRIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchabnykh zavedeniy. Elektromekh- anika, no. 1. 1963j 136 TEXT: The first voesoyuznaya konferentsiya po neyrolciber- netike (All-Union Conference on Neurocybernetics) was held from 11ov- ember 26-28, 1962 at the Rostovskiy gosudarst!,.rennyy universitet (Ros- tov State University). ITi the course of 4 seGsions, 27 lectures were delivered. I.P. Lukashevich discussed the programmed modeling on a digital computer of processes designed to stimulate the heart tissue. Ivanov Muromskiy~ Kiy and Antomonov of the Institut kibernetild g. Kieva ZKiev Institute of Cybertuatics) endeavored to establish in a series of lectures the fundMental principles underlying the proces- . ,r of information mechanisms in biological systems. Professor A.V. S3.W, t Napalkqv aild N.A. Chivar'na of MGU outlined he methods of creating cohditioned reflexes, Socl-dvl,.o and Zhezhell from Leningrad discussed the feasibility of applying identification*of shapen. C ard 1/2 S/144,/63/000/001/004/004 Conference on neurocybernetics D440/D307 Other lectures included; Professor A.B. Kogan, "Some principal fen- tures of arrangement and characteristics of the information - gather- ing apparatus of the~brain".' L. a on 'Van's memory mechan-. isms and the'possibilities of reproducing memory artificially in cybernetic syntemn". It waa decided to hold the next conference in Kiev in 196A. AN. Napalkov, Professor it I-IOU was elected chairman, and A.B. Kogan, Professor at RGU Vioe-Chairman of the Information council qet up to coordinate the work of the various research'groups concerned with neurocybernatics. j.' 17819- )3 ACCESSION NR: AP30049S3 S/0108163/018/008/0074/0080 140: AUTHOR: none Ac? TITLE: Nineteenth All-Unlo~$asslon of NT2RIE Im. A. S. Popov (sac Association") Celebrating the Day of Radio, closed on 11 May 1963 SOURCE: Radlotekhnika, v. 180 no. 8, 1963j 74-80. TOPIC TAGS:. conference, session, electronics conference. electronics session, ABSTRACT: The Session includod 2 plenary meetings and 18 section meetings. There were 27Z reports delivered by Soviet and 12 reports delivered'by foreign scientists and engineers.- 1. The total number of specialists participating in the Session was 1,800, including 25 foreign representatives. Four reports before't ~'e" I first plenary meeting wer#'made by: V. L-Sif2r2y Corresponding Member of AN SSR and Chairman of.the NTORiE Central Board, on the laws of development: of natural sciences and e _,qctronics; Academician A. L. Mints on toroidal Cord A W-M! L 17819-63 ACCESSION 1\'%*.--'AP3004953; 29. electron accelerators; Profee'sor Gg'Y# 11rauft on the 25th anniversary of,Soviet r TV; and a French engineer, A. Aysberg, on international publications in adio, and electronics. Two reports before the closing p1 ,enary meetings were mad e by: L. By~khoynkjy Doctor of technical sciences, on the use of cybernetics in medical diagnoses, and Ll P.Arayame , Candidate of technical sciences,.vn the problems of storing information in cybernatical systems. The Section of Th 'eory of information, under B. & Levin, heard and discussed 22 reports on coding theory, Bignal synthesis, increasing the reliability of information, detecting' and isolating signals from noise background. noise immunity of reception, correlation! tanalysis, statistics in electronic channels, and accuracy of reliability prognoses. Those participating in the Section work were: L. M. Fink, yu. _Lezinj M. Marty*no Kislvuk, 0. A. Znrqjcho-vk Yu L; M- Mashbits, L. D, Goryainoy, V. 1. Tikhongy, P.. Y. MazUria, N. P.~ D. Klovskiy Yu. L Samoylen A. Zygzin-Zinche -_,~~qrosterxko A nko N, :[eterev, A. A. Pirogov, M. A. Sapozhkov, 12~. T. Turbovich G. Y- L 1 Tsernmell. 0. A. Petrov, 'Xu. Q. Pollygic, Q. V. Maly*shev, G. A. Ball, A. S.- 'Card 2 /4 L 17819-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3004953JI: ShvY*R , S. F. Simovakaya I Sukharevskly,'A. 1. Velichkin V. S. Borodin, Dr. D. A.~ H !,(Lincoln Laboratory, MIT)# A. 1. Alekseyevp B i Gurf inkel's As Fe Terpugov, ~A# F. Fominp and Y. S. Bleykhman. The Se~tion of Cybernetics. under B. S. ileyshmm. dealt with reports on the theory of systems. investigation of operations, and recognition of patterns. Par'tic were: V. M. Berezhnov, B.N. Gnedenko, G. P. Basharin,'V. V. Ry*ko :A.! A. 0. Kravitakly Ao Ye, Basharinov, bl, 1. Ananov, K. P. Kirdvashe-;'1~11 IA. Jaunt L. BrailbvWdy. V. A. Kondrattyeva, N._S. Misyuk, N. A.;~ Leneshinskava, 0. "kin. The Section of SHF - A. Liskovets, and A. S. Masty i Ferrite Devices, under A. L. Mikaelyan. had a report on new waveguide-fer'rit' devices by A. L. Mikaelyan and M. M. Koblova; a report on a circular e g uii a with a longitudinally-magnetized bar by G. 1. Veselov; a report on cross a ped circulators by rov. 1. P. T kov, and V. M. OrAnzherevev and a A. K. ~tolva i report on (0. 9 -10) x 10'3 -cps coaxial valve by K. G. Gudko . The Section of Semiconductor Devices, under XG 1, GAI!R~ carried reports. on tunnel diodes and transistors in pulsed and,rf circuits. Participating were: Kochish Miklosh Card L 17819-63 ACCESSION NR-. AP3004953.;'' (Hungary),'T, Agakha-Avaii Ladigl&W Gaylik (Praha). N. KonetantinovskW S. A. 9. avd!y& 0.-,&.. Cheluoko ,L M. FNsty-*MMx--V# A. shalim-ov, V, Y, Mirp-Q Netevetaylov,, Yu. L Vorontsov, 1._v. Polvakov, '~L. V. shkin, N. A, Khokhlachav. K. F. Barkovskayap V. 4._jSEcjtscr. V. A. Wint Xu. V. KovallqWk-ly-A a, ekn&wich. Vt-L-J-Lom~o, Savitakava, D. A. Ta min. L. A. ZubrLtakiy., G. P. Chursin, Bagro Ye. G. Belenlko3c, and Y. 3[. MargLanka. Orig'* art. has: no figure, formula, or table. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-tekhaicheakoye obshchestvo radiotekhniki i pocietZ of R elektroovyazi (Scientific and-TA-0haiRELL ~~diq..gnZjaeeZjnjz and 1 Electrocommunicatio!3) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ; 06Sep63 ENCL: 00 I SUB CODE: GE NO REF SOV:. 000 OTHER: 000 /4 Card .4 FJ4AYZMEll, L.P.0 kand. tekhn. nauk (Leningract) Human memory and machine rrjomor7. Priroda 52' 163. 1,1: 1) s 3 c GITIS, Ernanuil Isaakovich. Prinimali uchasti-ye: S&OYLENKU, V.I., kand. tekhn, nauk; 13ALTRUSIIEVICH, A.V.p kand. tekhn. nauk; ZID)ANOVp G.M.p prof., retsenzent; &IYZM, L*P.j kand, tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; FLID, Ya.I., kand. tekhn. naukp red. (Automatic control of radio systems; electric and automatic control of radio systems] Av-tomatika radioustanovot; elektro- radioavtomatika. Moskva# Energila, 1964. 631 p. (Ml-RA 17:11) :, 1., ~ :~ ,~ , C, I., .. , TI; ~ .- i ~, ", ~ L, ~ ;Kl , I I I, . W, . " , I ~ , . ~ - 4-L . - _ ': 1 , , . . j - '. I [:"-I :!.,;L'y 1 7 a: ~ -, 3~!- '-: ~ e uj t. I -.~ , E: ! , I _ I i ~V~~. i 1.0." ~cl, er. -1 OcIp. Energi ia, ]Gi,c,# !J! r0 z;tivaiii ritdiob-ibliote-kn, n0.5-11) . (,.,. d S : '_', ) 0AYZmR) L.P.,, nauc~n. red.; ZARIT-SKIY, Ya.11., [Operational and constant memory drivices) 0~~orativi~,,e 1 posto.'annye zaponinniuslichie uutroistvu; Bbornik statei, Moskva, Energiia, 1965. 186 p. (VURA 18-6) jUMS'Al, Konrad Intermational conference of scientific institutes and centers .in Warsaw. llrzegl gorn 18 no.10:577 0 162. no. ,,or- C,, al. S F,~' Si,.T, The Cretaceo.--s,P--sits in t,r ..c t! i1 - 1,1 -,it, f L2 t; ropc', i ~-cc r- !7 C VO I. P c a s S' . KRAZEWSKI, Stanislaw R . - - (-R-Om-U-aLL--- Meadow ores of the Torun region. Kwartainik gool 6 no.1%157-169 162. KRAUWSKI, Staniskaw-Bicalald I -~ Pyrite mineralization of the limestone in the Zalesie Structure. Przegl geol 10 no.11:590w%92 N 162. 1. Urdveraytet im. M. Kopernika,, Torun. KMIZEWSKI) Stanislaw Romuald Cal-phosiderAo from Koroncrwo near the Brda River. Kwartalnik gool 7 rLo.1:17-25 163. 1. Za-klad Mineralogii, Uniwersy-tet M. Kopernika, Torun. .40 T- and I'amirju 7. Yiachine for Lhe przpavat.!-on of organic-irdmral gr nul-:3. Se1'kI1OL:-,a3hIna no. 11, 19522- Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February 1953. Unclassified. I- fQA2-H3vs K '~, M,V- n. 1,31j, CIVIll -0 'WillM, P I "'T P, W I-. -I ,~CIji. - Ull . VA-alOviv-P. 11, H. V, (,'.A 1. 1. m. T I; I I Y.1 (I I" I I c It. ), ah Jul., 1)51, 9-10). lillf..; 11; Z, jtj, -ritl 'r ty V, Ifirlifit'! at 10.1,1 L, thQ li,rivtiUll. %:Itlk altorM, mclir cAll'.. III " :wAtv , i 'I rt~ct I irm, I mL:ill,! uWur a L- I I ur o It It a ji,im, I I. t I I,., ;f i t ~if 1,,r li,tjr. Clutut If this tyle :Irv , mv , I 'j, ( I.I. ~kRAZHOV5,Klyj I pnTIC P .f,tirmice 0- PqR zie'N'll, wwft 10- 11(in Ittli J'J~fl~ , * to ojwr4te j,"'bed desix-, 't ...... ~;, it with %~jjjiniit , '11" ~,j 1"WAIIJAi1v vw~ - Andoc I KRAZHOVSKINIm. V, Industrial endurance heating applied to the fire-tube boiler for a quick ccmbustion rate of pres3ed-layer peat. p. 129 (Voprosy Energetiki) Vol. 4, 1956 Riga, Latvia SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EM) LC, VOL. 7, NO. 1, JAN. 1958 P!j T~ _Tj F." W7EK; iS-;" r Cl D IIA NU-c! "a'A cmi r-i t ie I vz,f rs tt,~d t r, na c I Au~ Acal:; 0,4 KRBEG, Jiri; WEEK, Vladimirl Apropos of the therapy of varicose complm Sbom. ved. prac-. lek. fak. Karlov. univ. (Hrad. Kral.) 6 no.5 suppl.z667-670 163 1. Chirurgicke oddeleni CUNZ Plzen-sever (prednosta: MuDr. Jiri Xrbec) a Chirurgicka klinika v Hradei Kralove (pred- nostat prof. MUDr. J.Prochazka),, Karlova univeraita v Hradci Kralove. 107-57-7-15/56 AUTHOR: Krbec, Karel, Jr., Master of Radio Amateurism (Prague) TITLE: I Have Friends in the Whole World (U menya yeBtl druzlya vo vsem mire) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr7, p 12 col. 2 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Among my freinds are E. Krenkell, F. Roslyakov, N. Tartakovskiy, N. Kazanskly, USSR. I made new friends during the Second International Contest nf High-speed Radio operators in Mrlovy Vary, 1956. Among them: Veselin Borisov and Kh. Stanchev from Bulgaria Ingeborg Helmund, a young girl from East Germany Adam Sukheta from Poland Sun Suo-Tse and Khuey She--Sen (presumably from Red China). The author desires "peace" and "a better life for the people of the whole worldw. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 KRBEI, Jaroslav, Mr. f-" Unusual content of the hernial pouch in left-aided strangulated femoral hernia (chicken bone). Roshl. chir. 36 nc-3:189-191 Yar 57-- 1. Chirurgicke oddeleni nemocnica ve Valticich, prednosta prim. Dr Jan Kralik. (HIOIA, FEMOR&L, compl. strangulation in left hernia caused by chicken bona (Oz)) KRBEK, Jaroalnv ~.q I ~~ ' ' ~ ~ Contribution to the problem of duodewil injuarion. Rozhl. (.hir. 38 no.8:568-572 Aug 59 1, Chirurgicke oddeleni nemocnice ve Vn1ticich, prednosta Drim. dr. J. Krnlik. (DTJOD3NM. wds. & inj. ) 9/3.71/62/01 5/006/oc)3/oo6 E071/E492 .-Krbekyan, G.Ye., Sinanyan, E.G., 1kopyan, A.N. 7JIU',: Inventigationa in the fi,.-Id of divinylacetylene an& its ha'lido rJerivatJ.vr.-.,4. Comi,ainication .12. .4 StU(IY of ronolynterisation of ti-art.4-2,3,11,5-tetraeblaronexiLtrione- L,'3,5 with isoprene, chloroprer)e an(I -me thylv iayl ketone PI-'*I!UI'1)JC'J,: Akademiya nauk Armyanskoy SSR. rzvestiya. Kbi.-micheskiye nauki, v-15, no.6, 196,!, 527-5'~3 j- t e t ra c:i I oro- Reactions of copolymerisation of h1.-x;ttrjenc-1,3,5 (TCHT) wJth isopr-9ne (1), chlor-cyprrna (CP) and me t hylviny 1. ke tone (IIVK) were inve.4tigated. Th;~ copolys.icrisation was carried out in the presence of 0.1','~' of benzcjyl 1-eroxide at 706C by a previously described Inethod (,%.N.-NRopyan, V.!~.Aslainazyan, Izv. AN ArmSSIZ, 'MiN, v.13, 1960, 155). The coprOymers obtained were separatod by double precipitntion with methanol from solutions in benzene, except for copolymers obtained at molar ratioiq of Btax-ting mixtures of monomers . !I-I-W 0:10, 1:9 and 2:8 which were precipitated with TCI petralcuin ether, as well as coprilymer of TCIIT with CP (2:8) and Card 1/2 S/1. 71 /6 21/01 5/Cr,6/cr),3/oo6 Investigations in the fiold ... E071/E492 polychloroprene which was precipitated with methanol from a mixture of benzene with toluene. All polymers were dried at 50 to 600C in vacuo to a constant weight. The composition was determined from analysis for chlorine. The dependence of the velocity of copolymerisation and composition of copolymers on the starting ratio of monomers was determined and from this the relative activities of monomers were calculated by the Mayo-Lewis and Fineman-Ross methods. TCHT was found to be a more active monomer than I and YVK but less active than CP. There are 3 figures and 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut organicheakoy khimii AN ArmSSR I) (Institute of Organic Chemistry AS ArmSSR) SUBMITTED: November 3, 1.962 Card 2/2 L-5326 s/190/63/095/002/007/024. ~-p B101/B102 AUTHORS: Akopyant A, N.9 Krbekyanj 0. Ye. TITLE: Studies in the chemistry of divinyl acetylene and its. halogen derivatives. VIII. Copolymerization of tranp-2,*. 3,4,5-tetrachloro-hexa-I '3,5-trione with styreng, acrylonitrile and vinyl acetate PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, ve 5, no* 2, 1963t* 201-205 TEXT: It has boon shown in a previous paper (Izv. All ArmSSR1 13, 155P 1960) that 20P46-tetraohloro-hexa-l 395-triene (TC11T) polymerizes easily. Neither crosslinking nor formation of a steric structure takes place, since the double bonds are shielded by the Cl atoms. This study concerns the copolymerization of TC11T with styrene (St), acrylonitrile (AN) or vinyl' acetate (VA) in the presence of 0.1-,~4 benzoyl peroxide at 700C. The relative activity constants r 1 and r2 were determined according to F. M. Lewis, F. R. Mayo (J. Amer* Chem. Soo.# 66, 1594, 1944) as well as the Card 1/3 S/190/63/005/0021/0071/024 Studies in the chemistry of ... B101/B102 composition and properties of the copolymers. The relative activity constants were; Mi M2 r1 r2 r1 -r2 TCHT St 0-64�0-13 0.21+0.08 0-176 TCHT A5 4-05�0-45 0.2CTO-05' 0-810 TCHT VA 32+2 0- 017�0-013 0.416 The relative activity related to the TCITr radical was: monomer TCHT radical No azeotrope polymer formed in the systems TCHT - AN and TCHT - VA. With all component TCHT I ratios, the copolymers were enriched with' S~, 1.2 TCHT. In the TCHT - St system, too, AN 0.25 enrichment with TCET.was observed over a wide VA 0-03 range of component ratios, but with 83~ TCHT an azeotrope polymer formed and with still higher MIT contents enrfohmont with St took place. The polymerization rate increased with increasing molar part of St. In the TCHT - AN system and particularly in the TCHT - VA system, TCHT had an inhibitive effect on the' polymerization rate. The copolymers were soluble in organic solvents with Card 2/3 8/190/63/005/002/007/04 Studies in the chemistry of ... B101/B102 the exception of alcohol, acetone and petroleum ether, which confirms their linear structure. There are 2 figures and 4 table5. ASSOCIATION: Inetitut organicheskoy khimii AN ArmSSR (Institute of Organio Chemistry AS ArSSR) SUBMITTED: July 28, 1961 Card 3/3 KMYAN2 G, Ye.; SINANYAN, B~Ga; ANOPYAN, A,fia Chemistry of divinylacety1we Und its Yailo derivatives. Report No.15tr-opolymerization of trim a-2, 3P 4., 5-tetrachloro-1, 3. 5-hexatriene with Vijayl chloride and vinylidene chloride. Izv. AN Arm.SSR. Khim. nauki'16 no.20.45-150 2163 (MA 17 z8) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN AmSER. T. 1 UIA-6j FPgjEwP(j)1Fw 7 ACCMION M AP~~9'4 8/0196/ 3160166~IC6W6686. !AUTHOPt Ak2knes A. Nq "kpw, 0. To j OteWq, E. 0. T=: The chapistx7 of divinyluetylene Its halides,, 9. 'ftolymerlwtlod iXanij -2, 3, 4, 5!-UtMhlorohex&-l. 3, 5-triens vith nothyl acrylate and m*tFW1 :methacrylate ;'SOURCEt Vy*sokamolokulymy*"'ooyedineaiyt%, V. 5, no. 5o 1963, 681-686 10PIC TAGS: diwinylacetylene,, copolymerization, methyl acrylate, methyl mathaery- i late., styrene ABSTRACT: The synthesis of &'new moacmer, trans-2,-3, 4, 5-tetrachlorohem-1, 3, 1 15-triene (TCLU) vas reported in an earlier paper by the senior author, and the :present vork vas undertaken to study further its properties and to find its proper 11place among the monomers. fte copolymierization of TCRT vith methyl, acr7late and Methyl mathacrylate vas conducted in pyrex glass ampules at 70C, In the presence of 0.1 M1% benzoyl parmdde. The resultant product vas isolated by extraction vit~,- ;:benzene and precipitation vith ethanol. Mm investigation of tbase copolymers, as Nell an of the ones studied In the earlier paper, provided data for the determina- ition of their reactivity ratios and permitted the calculation of the specific re- !activity (Q 1.52) and pqaAty (e - 40.6) values of TM by means of Alfrey- tard 1/2 --- - - - -------- OU L 13549-63 [ACMkOff MR1 R iPricelo equation. On Us basis of %bass figures,, the bebAvlor of TCW In cop Oly- .merization reactions with varlommonomers Is being predicted. Orig. art. has 1 iformula charts,, and T flg=6- 1ASSOCUTION: Inatitut oreimacheekoy kbimli AN ArmSSR (Institute of Organic iChemistry, Academy of Sciences ArmSSR) ,summm: i6oct6l DATz Am .17&n63 Elm: 00 ~lmm CME: CH NO MW SOVI 002 004. me-W E VIA Fr, T_F,0-4/Pf -4/Pr-4/Ps-4 JD/*/f ?#~W ~UR/0286/651000/007/0086/ ACCESSION HR: AP500898 'Itn. 14. S.; AUTHOR: Akopyan, A.. 1. Glagolev, V. A,-, K Sinan)ran, E. G. mbe_~~ (; ~.Ye~- TITLE: A method of camentin :rubber to metal~Class 220 No t69728 SOURCEI Uyulleten' izobreteniy f-.~tovarnykh znakov, no. 7,~ 1965, 86.. TOPI C--TAGS-.* -----rub be r__ t a-me t,A_.1._,bgnd. chlorinated polymer, cemented rubber------- t d' T- A 66.14tion, ': "' 1 e .-copo ym#-- ro ABS.TRAC f. tetrac orw~ '' f - I * ' i* _Sol: q hex at r c v-e-n -t---- ca n. -ten be- use-4 in - c- a me, n t i- n grubber -to- metal In-the-course of vulcanl an This extends the assortment of-:bondable rubber types and may serve to improve bond. 9trength.- (VS) ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 2IDec62 ENCLi 00 SUU CODE: HTs OC NWREi SOVt 000 OTHERt 000 ATD PRESS: 3M iCard 1/1 QL,~ KRBLIM Jill. Survey of Czechoslovak agriculture. Prague, Institute for International Collaboration in Agriculture and Forestry, 1947. 35 P. (Bibliotheca of intImational collabor tion in agriculture and forestry, v.4) LIn &iglish. tabl-is SOUFJ',E: East European Accessions List, (EEAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1957 ;., t7 "(1 1T .,, - - U- ,I ,U . It_,;(,ono.rlir :!ff'er~ts 0,f field work in cooper2~ive larj7e-scaj,~ pro~iuct-ion." :, 1"'~ Vul 2~, ;~"A, Ort 1951, Czechoslova;,.Ja 4 " -~ SO: Monthly List of Zast i~La,oj?(3;jjj Accl,,ss.;-onF, v'ol 2 i1,, Librjrv of Com.-ress, I Au,c,,ust -P,153, unel. E: L'. L "Principles of d,,o orf-anization of work in a vriculLural coopemLivej ,)r(xia,-,ing on a scalo. 11- (fo be con-'.d.) p. 2(6. (ZA Z-'. lol. 2, no. -1), :-~ar. Pralia, 3u: i,"urudaa- ~-o- 7, July i"63, Uncl. XRBLIGH, JAN. Ekonomicky rozbor vyrobnich a financnich vysledku zemedelske druzstevni velkovy- roby. L Vyd. 1._7 Praha, Statni zemdelske nakl., 1953. 90 p. Z Economic analysis of production and financial results of collective faming conducted on a large scale. 1st ed.-7 DA Not in DLC X: Monthly List of East European AcceS51on3 (EEAL) LC, vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl. MARAN, Bohuslav, akademik; KRBLICH, Jan Evaluation of the results of scientific research in 1j.59 and the main tasks of the research in the third Five-Year Plan; alsop remarks by Jan Krblich. Vestnik Csa%v 7 no.6/7:332-360, 369-370 ,6o. (EEAI 9:10) 1. Vedecky sekretar Ceskoslovenske akademle temedelskych ved (for Maran). 2. Dopisujici clen Ceskoslovenske akademie zemedelskych ved, reditel Vyzkumneho ustavu zemedelske ekonomiky, Praha (for Krblich) (Czechoslovakia--Agriculture) STEJSKAL, Jan; PLESNIK, Jan; HRUSKAt Ladislav; SVOBODA, Jaroulav; NAJMR, Stanislav; PREININGER, Miroslav; HAUNER, Frantisek; BENDA, Josef, inz.; KRAJGOVIG, Vladimir; VLCEK, Kvetoslav; KRBLICH, !Lap; GEM, Iadislav,Dr.; DVORACEK, Miroslav, Inz. dr.; CHYTRA,_-F?Fn--tTs_e_F, ins.; FOLTYN, Jiri; VYSKOT) Miroolav; STAMBERA, Jaroslav, C.Sc. Doc.Inz.; KOSIL, Vladimir; STUGHLIY, Jaroslav, Ins.; NAKLADAL, Jaroslav, Inz.; RIGHTER, Lev, Mr. of directors of Institutes, and of managers of workplaces of the Czechoslovak Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Vestnik CSAZV 8 no.8/9:496-53l 161. 1. Dopiaujici clen Ceskoslovenske akademie zemedelskych ved (for Stejakal, Plesnik, Hruska, Svoboda, Najmr, Preininger, Hauner, Benda, Krajcovic, Krblich, Dvoracek, Foltyn, Vyskot, Kosil) 2. Clen redakeni rady Vestniku Ceskoslovenske akademie zemedelskych ved (for Plesnik, Preininger, Foltyn, Vyakot) 3-Reditel Vyzkumneho ustavu zivocisne vyroby Ceskoolovenake akademie zemedelskych ved v Uhrinevoi (for Dworacek) 4. Reditel Ustavu pro vedeckou soustavu hospodareni Cesko- slovenske akademie zemedelskych ved v Praze (for Benda) (Czechoslovakia-Agriculture) )/%, - J KOKECNIKOVA, J.;IOMSF.K, J, Septic condition in parasitic diseases in children. Prakt. lek., Praha 31 no. 21:471 5 Nov. 1951, (CLML 21:3) HYMSEK, Ivan; KRC, Cyril: HUBACM. Jiri Remote x-ray data on antrectomized subjects. Ceek.otola-r.9 no.5: 277-282 0160. 1. ORL klinika FU v Olomoucl, prednosta prof.dr. F.Ledl. Ustr. rtg ustav fak. nomi-FU v.Olomouoi, predn. Drim.dr. Jar.Doubravsty. (MAXILLART SINUS surgery) KRC, C.; FA.TTA, F. Contribution to roentgenological diagnosis of septic osteomyelitio. Cesk.rentg. 15 no.1:53-58 Y 161. 1. RentgenologIcky ustav I'd v Olomoucl, pov. prodnostn MUDr. J. Doubravalcy; Chirargicka klinika FU v Olomoucl, prednosta Drof. KMr, VI. Rapant. (OSTF-CHYF.LITIS radiog) ROCEK, Vlai3timil; KRC, Cyril ... Pulmonary thromboemboliam. Ceisk.rentg,.15 ric,.2:71) 78 AD 161. 1. Rentgenologicky ustav fakultni nenocnice PU v Olomouci Prednosta Drim. MUDr. Jaroqlav Doubravsky. ZFULMONARY EMBOLISM) BARBORIKp M.; ~UBSLIAN, L.; NAVRATIL, J.; KRC, C.-; Tecbn. spoluprace, PLEICHINGEROVAP 0. Survey of health conditions among workers employed in the production of vaperphosphates. Prac..Iek. 14 no.2:75-81 Mr 162. 1. 1 interni klinUm UP v Olomouci, prednosta prof. MUDr. P. Lukl - ordinariat pro choroby z povolani Krajaka bygienicko-epidemiologicka atanice Ostravap pracoviste Olomouc, odbor bygieny prace, vedouci MUDr. P. Pachner Otorinolaryngologicka klinika UP v Olomouci, prednosta doo. MUDr. J. Ch7ojka Ustredni rtg ustav FN v Olomouci, prednoata MUDr. J. Doubravsky. (PHOSPHATES toxicol) (OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES etiol) (DUST) ROCLK, V.;,~KRC, C.,- FAJTA, F. Hyperplasia of the thymus in spontaneous pnemomedJaztinum. Cesk. rentgen. 17 no.1:27-29 Ja 163. 1. Rontgenologicky ustav lekarske fakulty PU v Olomouci, precInosta, doc. dr. J. Doubravsky, GSc. (TH)MUS HYPERPLASIA) (MEDIASTINAL EMPHISEMA) KRC, C. Chondrodystrophia calcificans congenita. Cesk. rentgen. 18 no.3:208-211 MY'64. 1. Rentgenologicky ustav lekarske fakulty PU v Olomouci; prednostaidoc. KJDr. J.Doubravsky, We. .1, . I - :, . -- imbiwiiim" e - -:, ~ I - - - - KRCP C.; KORIION, M. Roentgen picture of reflux esophagitis. Cesk. radiol. 18 no.6080-386 N 164. 1. Rentgenologicky ustav (prednosta doc. dr. J. Doubravsky, CSC.), I. chirurgicka klinika (prednosta prof. dr. V. Hapant, Dr.Sc.), lekarske fakulty Palackeho University v Olomouci. KMHOI"',14. KRC.,C. Apropos of cardial insufficiency after stomach resection. Rozh. chir. 43 no.1:6-11 Ja'64. 1. Chirurgicka klinika lekarske fal-ulty PU v. Olomouci (pred- nosta: prof.dr. Vl.Rapant, DrSc) a Unstredni rentgenologicky ustav fakultni nemocnice v Olomoucl (vedouci: dre.dr. J.Dou- bravsky). 4- KRCAL.,J,, gen. IIAUDr. On undergraduate and postgraduate medical oducf,,tion in Czechoslovakia. Cesk. zdrav. 12 no-0203-205 ApI64 1. ITacelnik Vojenskeho lekarakeho v-yzkumneho a doskolovaciho ustavu, Praha. KROAL, Vaclav Rolling of evolute and fine groovingse Stroj v7r 10 no.10:516-517 o 162. 1. Technometra, nbp.t JihlaVae 0 "T 5~C)47 i ra r. (i c- IT I P-.) rn ri, N o 2. e :r -k i i r red -& c A~ ACC N2. AP6017896 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0078/65/000/012/0011/0011 INVEYrOR: Krcal, Zdene"Cottwaldov); Kostak, Jiri (Engineer; Prague); Kucera, Ludvik (Ky3e-Tu"Pta"y -;--Re-rhart, Jaroslav (Bechovice) ORG: none P TITLE: (Sorting and metering equipment for semiconductor rectifier components) CZ Patent No. PV 5661-64, Class 21 SOURCE: Vynalezy, no. 12, 1965, 11 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor rectifier, measuring apparatus, semiconductor research, circuit design ABSTRACT: Sorting and metering equipment for semiconductor rectifier components and othor chemical nonsymmetric and nonlinear components are guaged dynamically under 'conditions similar to industrial operation. The component being tested is connected it in series with a transformer secondary coil and two distributors with oppositely polarized valves. After the semiconductor and first distributor valve, a first polarization relay circuit coil leads through the contacts of the second and third polarization relay circuits to an operating resistor. Two coils of the third polarization relay with an armature and switching contacts between them are con- nected by means of a contact awitch to the first and third polarization relays and Card 1/2 ACC NI.- AP6017896 parallel to the resistor. The parallel contact switches of the first and third polarizing relays are connected to a through-put metering circuit, composed of a rectifier and meter, whereas the parallel contact switches of the first and second polarizing relays are connected to a reverse-current metering circuit, also composed of a rectifier and meter, the loop of both metering circuits being closed through the secondary coil of a current transformer. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: .-130ct64 Llq.,d 2/2 T nAlnn 4-7 Cipint.L N /r!-r-r T TDI - NTn -r,- ACC NR, AP6009345 (A SOURCE CODE: CZ/0078/6570WOU/0013/001T--', !NVIZTOR: Kreal, (Engineer); Kostakp Jiri (Prague)l Kucera, Ludvik (Kyje u Prague); VqWa-rl, Ja,roslav (Bechovice) OFG: noner TITLEi A circuit'for the grading of selenium plates. CZ Pat. No. PV 5514-64p Olass Zle SOURCEi Vynalezyj no. 11, 1965# 13 TOPIC TAGS: selenium, selenium rectifier, relayamplifier design, control circuit ABSTRACT: A circuit is described for grading selenium plates for amplitude limiters positioned in an installation in any position with respecr. to polarity and simulating operating conditions where the disc or plate to be measured is fed from an ac source.. In the ac source circuit the selenium plate to be measured is in series with the primary winding of the current transformer, and in parallel to the secondary winding of the transformer a rectifier is connected in a bridge circuit. The measurement A device is in the dd arm.of the bridge connected in parallel with a condenser and one winding of a relay-from the middle position of the armature. The other winding of the relay is connected through a voltage divider to the compensating voltage source con- stituted by a tube and a condenser where the relay contacts are connected to the cir- cuit of the grading mechanism coil. SO CODE: 991, SUBM DATE 1 0500 cclrr~ t64 - , - 1W ~ L 20V7-66 C-IqTr, --AP601035) "-"0Ufwj'; cow-'.- AUTHOR: Kosta~, J. (Engineer); Krcal, Z nrl .41 ORG: Bechovice Research Station,_ Electrical Instrument n.p., Modrany (FlektroprAl-~troj, n.p., vjzkum Bechovice) I TITIF,: High- acuum apparatus, witholit tho prf!-vncwvn pump tiibr!, o1wr-itett by a oingle Valve SOURCE: Jemna mechanika a optika, no. 2, 1965, 50-54 TORIC TAGS: high vacuum, vacuum technology, valve, physics laboratory instrument ABSTRACT: An experimental high-vacuum apparatus for evaporating thin metallic layers is described. The construction -)f the apparatus is presented in detail, and a theoretical analysis of its oper-it,ion in given. In conclusion, a brief economical evaluation is added. Orig. trt. hao; 16 figures. LJFRSJJ SUB CODE: 14t 20 / SUEM DATE: 1M-,;-,4 / OTH 0F: 003 Card 1 621.-52 . . I - -I , , i - .)!. !, P, : . . 11 1 ~, . . ! ~ q :I: I i, :" ;-.- -, ra t ~~ r v n 7~ ~ ", I r., ~, -. :* -,-a I I r - n.i -,:- -. - *, '. ~;r , i,';3 :- '7 - - : - --. ~, ' 4~- - ~7 . I. -I S- - . , - .. .. - i - , ~ -L, , i r - , '. e c !, ! e. ~(~ , t, " -- ~ A - , , "'I ; C -,, -~ ~ A , - Mm r-~. ; I: i ~ .3!; T,: ;:: ; : -,r ; ~ r-J.: T.: , .-- . . . . 1 7 : f: ., . A n tri *~ I i aturo s e1 e,-) ium amp ~L 4 ~, I:j e '1 1 m. , *, - . ,~ j ~~ 1. t,! n'~ I " ... 1- J1 164. KOSTAK, J., Inz.; KRCAL, Z.; MARECEK, E. Apparatus for measuring dynamic characteristics ol" the selenium rectifying valves. Elektrotechnik 17 no.12t348-350 D 162. I 1. Elektropristroj Modrany, n.p., Vyzkim usmernovacu, Becho- vice. KOSTAY. ,T., IrIz.j Z. MFh vr,~uurn apparaf-us wit,hoiit a pump, pIld!ig, by a I- 1. '1, singla valve. Jf?rrna mcch op' 10 no.,--: F 165. 1. Elnktropristroj National Enterprise 1-1-idirany, Re3earch Dc-.partment Rachovice. SuLnItted Docemtmr 10, 1')64.