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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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L .1 ""." N01i" , I,'.rl . Wcj.-4--Vi ) ; FR A YEV'.'I't'. !Y, N. A. , J'!*(-jf , , !;%.; ,-- i, ". .., :." ~ "'; fi~ I I
, abo ty
Lu~j) chamt-,-3s ot' the horm syntem of cict-m In i(--
inchiced lesions. Arkh. ;,qt. 24 '(,'.
1. Deyntvitellnyy chIcin AMN (fr~,r Kriyev.,iMy).
n tt!~t t I till]. poly porl :3 In VIL t'n dwvo !oi i nj' cr
rali lf-~b~ t 1 ve cL'r -11-M.
chlen S:SP (for
J!unuarv 15, 1-062.
(Moi;kva) ; KRAYEIISKIY, N. A.
Chnnuoterintlem of liceptle pultpt~nttry inflFizmr-rition
rad 111 I'l oil nichneqn. Ark I i. F;A. :14 nc,. 11. 34-411
1. De-.-,gtvite2lnyy chlen AMIN :,."SP- (for
20, .1061,
I FR I K '~ 11' OVA, 1, . A .( !~U.S'v Vq ) ;~ j",j ~, f: 1 '~ ,~!. - " t ':'~ - -~. P. " -'-, -' , p 1 1
r a b o ty " A., I! . . I ; ~ ~' !,.'.'. : , ". .
Skin rop4ilr in acilte radiat,l(ai-indit-ed -!~t-
24 nO.11:42-46 162e (!.f,. ;~ ~."' ' I p - I " )
1- D)yntviteliny7 chlen AIMN SSIS)IJ (for
Jallua~y 4, 1962),
Work of the Moscow Societ7 of Pathoanatomista. Arkh. pat. 24
no.11:85-93 162. (MIRA 18:12)
1. Predmedatell Moakovmkogo obahchostva patologoanatomov;
deyntvUellnyy chlen AICI SSSR (for K.-ayevskly). 2. Sekretarl
Moskovskogo obahchostva patologoanatomov (for Sa;.ozhnikovti).
re A~F-c
Alekseyeva, 0. G., A. F. Bibikova, N. A. Vyalova, A. Ye. Ivanovp X. A.
Kra evskly, N._& Kurshakov, N. V. Paramonova, V. X. Petushkov., f
V. V. Snegireva, L. A. Studenikinas Yu. M. Shtukkenberg, and A. Ya,
Sluchay ostroy luchevoy bolezni u cheloveka (A Case of Acute Radia-
tion Sickness in Man). Poscowo Medgiz, 1562. 149 p. lO.,OOO cop-
ies printed.
Ed. (Title page): N. A# Kursh~kov, Corresponding Member Academy of
Medical Sciences SSSRf Proressor; Ed.: S, P. Landau-Tylkina; Tech.
Ed.:. N. A. Yakovley#,
PURPOSE: This monograph Is intended for physicians and biologists.
COVERAGE: This book describes an actual case of acute Vadiation sick-
ness in its severe form. It describes in detail clihical symptoms,
changes In biochemical Indexesp morphological changes in the nervous
system, and the distribution of depth doses and energy Lbsorption.
Card 1/1-
Pretumor6uis changes in bony tissue in experimental conditions
following the action of radioactive isotopes. Vop. onk. 9
no,1:2536 163. (MIRA 1615)
1e lz Akudemil maditainakich nauk SSS14
KRAYEVSKIY, N.A... red.; LEDEDINSKIY, A.V.p red.; S-IOLYAN, G.L., red.
(itestorative processes in radiation lesions; collection of
articles] Vosstanovitellrye protsessy pri radiatsionnykh po-
razheniiakh; sbornik statei. Moskva, Atomizdat, 1964. 243 p.
(MIRA 17- 5)
1. Deystvitellnyye chleny AIAN SSSR (for Krayevskiy, Lebedinskiy).
-KIMMKIY, N.A., prof.,i rVANOV, A.Ye., atarsh-17 naneboyy mot--udnjk
Inflamaticin and penetrating ionizing radiation. kvkh. pat.
25 no.813--14 1163 (M-IRA 17 x4)
Work of the Moncow 8-nJety of Pathoariatoml3ts from September
through December 1962. Arkh. pat. 25 no.10:71.-76 163.
(MIRA 17.7"
1. Prednedatall Mcskovskogo obshchestva patologoanatomov
(for Krayevskiy). 2. SeMetarl Motikcv~ikngr, obr-lichestva patc- (for
KUPSHAKIINA' N.N.; H."fl,"07A, A.S.; N.A., nau,--mn~ry rukovoditcill
Study by histochernicn] an(] cyto-lot,,iral methAj n! (!arly
in the bones following Sr9() Injury. BI)jl. ~~ksp. biol. i med. 54
no.8:104-107 Ag 'G~. 1,-!1FA 17:11)
1. beystvitellnyy chlen AMN !-ISM (r~ir Kra:iovskiy).
PONOW.RIKOV, V.I. (~losj-va); KRAYEVSKIY, N.A., prof., nauchny-y -Lkovoditel I
Morphology of breast tumors induced by radioacLive -tobium.
Arkh. pat. no.12:44-51 163. (M-RA 17:11)
1. Deystvitellnyy Chien A141 SSSR (for Krayevskly).
LFBEDEV, B.I. (Moskva);"?Ij~~SKIY, N.A., prof., nauchnyy ruko-oditell
State of sensory innervation of the nose and tongue in dogs
following injury with radioactive strontium and polonium.
Arkh. pat. no.12151-56 163. (MIRA 17:11.)
1. De3stvItsl'n3rI chlen AMII SSSR (for Krayevskiy').
irAAYEVSKri, filkolay. AlFikstirulruvich; 104MOVA,
ai~,~i- FFa--7Jt- ~vna.,, AVM4AKII, X.V., n.!i.
KIIOKIIWVA, Hla r 110 1 i 1. .
[Patholo ical anatoffW and problems of the pathogenesis of
leukerda~ Patologicheskaia aria-tomila i vaprosy pato-geneza
leikozov. Vosk-val MeditsIna,. 1.965. 417 p.
of tlic, pathrilogIcit' arjto.,,,y of cS stomach.
ldrest. AIV SSSR 20 nu.1.2:3-10 165. (Itum 19: 1)
1. Insti-tut eksperlmentallnoy I kllnichns~oy onkolo,-,*li All-TI SISSR,
vl';,'.Ov' 1'. "1 (K ~~'xva) ; N.A., prof 0 , n! uchnyy nl-kavodi tel I
State of the bone mr-ow during,- thi ' " ;'n
11 1 - I I I L
sarcoma indu-ed lrj Strontium 90. par.. 27 no.2:14-18 '65.
OMIRA 1815)
1. Deyot.vitelInyl chlen AMN (for Krayev3kiy).
MWfEVSKlY, N.A,, prof. (Moskva)
Tumoroun nature of laukemlaB.
1. Institut eksperimentallnoy
deyetvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR
Deystvitelinyy chlen AMN SSSR.
Arkh. pit. 27 no-50-8 165.
(MIRA 18:5)
i klinicheskoy onkologii (dir. -
prof. N.N.Blokhin) AMN SSSR.
hil.kyECJKJ'Yl N.A.,
~ro-i~ed Ing a~ ~,f "w, ty ?,~.O" og' ! :3 3 for th,~ FJ r
half '~f 19641. A.-r'iKb. pat. 165.
(m: RA 2 P,
J. Prvdsedutell Mos'kovr;'e.,v,,,, patologoanatomov (for
Kray4-v,3k! y) . 2.
'Inat 01-:r-
AFRIKANOVA, L.A. (Moskva); KRAYEVSKIY, N.A., prof., nauchnyy rukovoditell
Role of the panniculue adiposus in the reparative process following
severe radintion injuries of the akin. Pxkh. pat. 27 no.8,.18-24
165. (MTRA 18-10)
1. DeystvitelInyy chlen AMN SSSR (for KravevsAiy).
F F "'i ~ , '10 ~ .-'~ " Fik i I !.G.~ ~,~,.'.,()Vlyfv. Y,-I.D!. (YAcnAva)
!A , "
j3-, rwA. ~'/ no-M2-84 165.
,Fu% 18-,10)
1. !I~oyctvite'l1ryy --blen hMNF,,c:SR (for Krayevskiy).
jU~,Il ~ ~-; . 01 -..
I -L t , I j
lrrir.uUrjn-lL.',itov ~vr4virice.
t,!;i ].(I,! I-;L I' Cor tho -n in Pon I rriga Urm cann I. I L. true I. rul;. ('J, Il-. 7, .
1-:onthly of' Russian Accessions, Library of ConF-ress
~ctoter lc,.-;2. 1~ :.,D.
KRA'YEVSKIY, R. G.: "Methods of auditory work in the school for deaf
and dumb chi2dren.11 AcadevW of Pedagogical Sciences RSFSR. Sci
Res Inst of Defectology. Moscows 1956. (Dissertation for the
Degree of Candidate in Pedago.-ical Science.)
So: Knizhnaya letopis', No. 37, 1956. Moscow.
1. ERAY;,.,VSKIY, S.S.
Using metal fenders instead of rubble belts. Bozop.tnida v prom. 3
no.8:30-31 Ag 159. (MIRA 12:11)
1. Inspektor Resvetayevelcoy reyonnoy gornotakhnlihoskoy inspektaii.
(Coal mines and mining-EquipTent and supplies)
L,y nn u
c 1~ e tsd of it,:-
i r) r o
KIIA Y 17~ S K TY YA 1-1
MR/Medicine - Sleep, Prolonged Jan/Feb 50
'Vhe Problem of the Use of Prolonged Sleep in the
Clinical Treatment of Organic Nervous Diseases,"
Ya. M. Krayevskiy, Neuro-Org Clinic, Inst of Evolu-
tionary Physiol and Path of Higher Nervous Activity
imeni I. P. Pavlov
"Nevropatol i Psikhiat" No 1, PP 37-41
lil 1-10"'i73
History of subject therapy; results achieved in
clinic by this method.Tabulates data. Of 50 cases,
21 shovi4 gbod results, 15'showed Impr0eibent. Five
case histories vere used. Two tables. Submitted
by Read-, 6fI4lLnId,, tProf W. -A.',"hova, 31 Oct 49.
W* 17OTT.3~
KRAYF6VSKIY, Yu.14.; KRY5110VA, N.A., zaveduyimhchiqu.
Charw,eo in the activity of the cerebral cortex in connection with protective
sleep inhibition in patients with cortical and oubcortical injuries. Trudy
Inat-fiziol. 1:394-405 152. (Y7,RA 0:8)
1. Sektor organichenkikh iiervnykh rasstroystv.
(Brain--Wounds and injuries) (Sleep)
2. TissH 6oo
h, Ncrvous System - Diseases
7. Application of sleep therapy in the clinic for organic nervous disorders. Resulting
reactions in the visual analysor and some other data on corticcocerebral dynamics
in organic disorders of the ner- ouB syBte-qi in connection with sleep therapy, Zhur.
nerv. i psiRh) 53, No. 1, 1953.
9. MonthlX List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congi-,-ss, April - 1953, Unel.
6 stratat caus live of
J~qarpjd sle7 therapy, B. V, Adr.
I 'vrii in;, Kvvrkct-;~ 53, 1
k zhar. I W.OfW'(4, i,P.I;kh-
ELainal, LmNia-1, w,-~
an.4 ~~asl'mAy 1&'.-.tuvtaL WITe aill-nmUtcrLd to 113tirrtta
at With pyralaidt;'a
fa mau dases, Glo' atvi irl a
z. de~lci) (I~ivm daily. lriwxls oldni. ~erll Qf i
I" t were; atImIuMevni (~.4 cjte'~.m 1,12
o W. sit a t.
tr"-.E' ;;% tba da-~fi';u i IAA 1'Wo.1ty of tht 41.1tc(d 'a~ql
911 io.tht firmt jkt4zc -( the. r4twras -'Vt-c t%Itn (cl in-
of thit romt&md
tyr4 uf td"p lbtrapy~ ' No cltzr indkatlem of lwncUi~.l
valluedd-tep tlt6-apy prMmed hy thCdlMl'tAnt.0Wj Idinjo-
"s Wai foor'"'.
fee? ampy to tbectIZIC for Oirpm ne.-YOU3 ~Z;Mur
am, c-sIdura zc:d maomzlum in
H. J
the w0d - zierul~ (if ndlicnu wuler Orel[ thc-.Apy' 01- A,
Ye. 11. I?av!fjv 1-vit ~ III"(
!r. tic-, -cr-cfll' i
A im.
comcemtd wiEt Lhd d6n, cAtht,arut. 0 K, Ca, and. -M-, v-'cS-
ent-la We Woe of P.Wcats
ntundand urlde'
th, b' j
to treatinent were. mp,, IOS-17.-S, and 18.C-26.99 mg.
- 1. -L" was ~!.21-
the 1, /CA ratiq Iva CS~2-05; th -t
4-9-S All. sueb v~aiies mr,- r.-garde%i ~L; abKove tllow-
foaud iri Lhe iittcaw-c (4r itormzd h(m-uni. Utider the ia,
1111 dccp (Iwrkap'~ it tw~ I
o" ulio NIK ~Oflte-'!'t 6f Th- z~Aticnt--' btcitKi ~-Znlm Iva!;
ub-xrv--A~ but tlio- shift% it., t4e Lv~l -,truv% valixts iv'~rc nft
-f - -! Sy -rc!- I .
sharply d'. iaf~d' nor vfcm gny traxi, (Lpr -t'
wa-i some cvidei4xi'of cwrtiali--q bco;-Lcm the 1:(~M,41-
fi"U~4 ifldr~:e~l tmiRr F'tudy an", 01V jliychi-.~
-1,te The le'vot -?j tL- eme:-t (if vatUt;utii iii the,
b1c.A '~Zmyn ef.w"Ont 01 K' Ca, Mg R-'A i1-1 KIC;- clih) w"~'re
tic!ii 'th nu:;is,
lath in pa -% tqi - - au,,A 56-
Significance of sleep in connection with diseases of the nervous
system. Priroda 45 a*.7:24-30 Jl '56. (KIRA 9:9)
Nina Alekaandrovna Kryehova; on her 60th birthday and 35th year of
medical, scientific, and social activities. Zhur.nevr. i psikh.
56 no.6:518-519 156. (MIRA 9:8)
Gonditioned and unconditioned vascular reflexes in patients with
cerebral disorders treated by eleep. Zhur.nevr. i paikh. Supplement;
7 '57. (MIRA 11:1)
1. Saktor nervnykh bolezney (zav. - prof. N-A-Krylova) Instituta
fiziologii imeni I.F.Pavlova AN SSSR, Leningrad.
Invftntigating the higher norvoun nativity in Datients with brain
lenionn following cleep therapy. Trudy Inst. fiziol. 71l77-184
k58. (MIR& 12:3)
1. Sektor nevrozov i organicheskikh zabolevaniy nervnoy sistemy
(zav. - N.A. Kryahova) I, Iaboratoriya fiziologii I. patologii Vysshey
nervnoy deyatellnooti (zav. - 7. P. Mayorov) Institute fiziologii
im. I.P. Pavlova AN SSSR.
Treating organic diseases of the nervous system by prolonged aleep.
Trudy Inot. fiziol. 7:192-202 158. (MIR& 12:3)
1. Sektor nevrozov I organicheakikh zabolevaniy nervnoy sintemy
(zav. - NA. Kryahova) Institute fiziologil Im. I.P. Parlova AN SSSR
.EYCERPTA MICA SEC 8 Vol 12/2 Neurology Feb 59 .. .
1958, 58/4 (403-409)
Clinical and experimental findings in 15 patients with focal encephalitis in tile hypo.
thalamic region are reported. The patients presented loroxysmal ootbursts of
vegetative disturbances. In addition, moderate hemisyndromes were observed,
characteristic of lesions of the mesencephalon and diencephalon. All patients had
trophic metabolic disturbances, which manifested themselves in the skeleton: in
11 patients especially the cranial vault was charactoriatic. By determinng the
blood codehydrogenase level and the pantothenic acid activity, the degree of im-
balance among the vitamins of the B complex was established. The higher nervous
system of the patients was tested by examining conditioned conjunctival defence re-
flexes where disturbances were observed which diminished with regression of the
clinical symptoms. The phyalopathological analysis of the experimental data may
be used to explain the pathogenesis of a whole series of clinical symptoms (hyster-
ical reactions, insomnia, strong 'affective reactions' to visceral sensations). and
may guide the clinical treatment. (L. 8)
F T_
Characteristics of defensive (winking) conditioned and unconditioned
reflexes in infoctious diencephalitia. Vop. paikh. i novr. no.5:
72-91 159. (MIPA 14-5)
1. Sektor nervnykh bolezney (zav. - prof..,N.A.Kryahova) Instituta
fiziologii AN SSSR (direktor - a%ademik K.M.By'Aov (deceased]).
i. Ye. and IKURAY-c~"~,'Kjy, YA. M. (Leningra-1, tusz:-~)
"Disturbances of lipid metabolism in patients with
Report submitted to the 7th Intl. Congress of Neirology,
Rome, Italy, 10-15 Sep 61
GANELINA, I.Ye.; 19W-IMKI-Yj,--XAfi-MS. (Leningrad)
Lipid metabolism disorders in patients with diencephalitis. 39 no.506-41 My 161. (MIRA 14:5)
1. Iz terapevticheakogo sektora (zav. - prof* B*V. Illinakiy)
i soktora nervnykh bolezney Wir. - prof. N.A. Kryshova)
Institute. fiziolouii imeni I.P. Pavlova AN SSSR Wir. - akad.
V.V* Ghernigavakiy).
GANINA, 1.1s.1 KCKMVAp I.N.; )PAITTSKU,la.M. (laningrad)
Funotion of the thyroid gland in relation to the state of lipid
metabolism in the diencephalio syndrome* Klinemedo no*9:129-136
1,62, (KIRA 15&12)
lo Iz sektora. nervnykh bolezney (zav" - Tn-of N.A. KMhova)
Inatituta fiziologii imeni I.P. Pavlova 1-dir: - akad. V.D.
Chernigovskiy) AR SWR-i 3-y toraperticheakoy kliniki (zav. -
Prof. B.V. 111inakiy) Gosudarstrennogo instituta d1ya usover-
she);stvGTani7s, vrachey*
Clinicophysiologi4cal analysis of functional disorders in
the higher nervous activity in diencephalitis. Vop. psikh.
i nevr. no.9*227-239 162. (MRA 17:1)
1. Sektor nervnykh bolezney (zav. - prof. N.A. Kryshova)
Instituts. fiziologii AN SSSR (direktor - akaderik V.N.
Acetylation processes in patients with diencephalitis. Vop.
med. khim. 9 no.4062i-365 Jl-Ag'63 (MM 17 t4)
1. Gruppa biokhimii pitaniya i sektor nervnykh bolezney Insti-
tuta fiziologii imeni Pavlova AN SSSR, Leningrad.
SOMO vegeUttive components of aimech and motor condifJcmd
reflexes in diencephalic syndromes. Zhtir.nevr. i psikh. 66
no.1136-41 166. (mm". 19-1)
1. laboratoriyn kl;-iicheqkoy neyrofiziologii (zu,:eduy-u:~h chi y -
prof. N.A.Kryshova) Instituta fiziologli Im. Pavlova (dlrektor -
prof. V.N.Chernigovskiy) AN SS'SR, Leningrnd. Submitted 3,
K',l-'CL,"Y, A.- p
623 -33
Gonorf Gcoollelctrild (Fundanentalr, of ~~o-'.m'llcctriciity) COS.
I zd-vo -elclini~-ko--~'coretiictieril~oy
Literalullry., 195-1 -
Lib. llars- Pt. 1 W- 520079)
KRAYM, V.A. (Yaroqla-rl 1)
Distribution of chronic tonsillitis mong the workers of the
"N11maO Flax Combine. ldrav. Ms. Feder. 8 no.2aS-10 F163
i (MIRA 17:3)
-1 3 295
AUTHORS: Katskova, O.N., and_l~ray~,o-t----A.N..-(I.Iosoow)
TITLE: Computating an axisymmetric isentropic f1cw of a real
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal vychislitellnoy matematiki i matematicheskoy
fiziki, v. 2, no. 1, 1962, 125 - 132
TEXT: The design of axisymmetric supersonic nozzles is considered.
The experience gained in computating isentropic gas-flow by means
of electronic computersp is set forth, A few numerical examples are
given. It is assumed that the density p and the specific enthalpy h
are functions of pressure and temperature only, viz,:
p = p(p, T), h h(p, T)~ (1~2)
The isentropy condition is
dT h-1 h
dp T P P
Computating an axisymmtric ... D299/D30~
where h 8h hp = all
T = U-T rp
The problem is formulated as follows: Calculate the superscnic se,,
tion of an axisymmetric nozzle with inflection point A and uniform
flow at the exit (Pig. 1), at given temperature and pressure on the
flat transition (convergent-divergent) surface. The nozzle wiLh --n
flection point is called the principal nozzle. The problem i5 ai7ri-
ded as follows: Flow from the transition surface, determinatilon of
the cross-section in the (diverf,,ent) region OAB, and solution of
Goursat's problem for the contour AC and the entire flow in the ro~--
gion ABC from data on the characteristics AB and BC. For thie velc--
city of sound one obtains
2 PT
a- = Pp 4-h h where P 9, 1 P T
The first part of the problem is solved by expansion in serles,
whose coefficients are expreosed by the parameter
Card 21t ~~"
:, 7.-) 9 r
S120 62/002/001/009/016
Computating an axisymmetric D299YD303
n hT (hTPTT-PThTT) -PT 0 +hpp) +
+2 I_PP(hTp,,T-pThVT)-hT +hTppp
where PT I
~h ift
= ~p-OT PTT~
hTT hpp~ op, pT
O'P ;
PPP ~ aps,PpT On,
The solution in the regions OAB and ABC is carried out by the me-
thod of characteristics. In a form, suitable for computers, the
equations of characteristics are:
ra = r, - k-ri + k (xi - it)
i-km X3 = X1 + M (rS - r1)
P" jE (Alp. .+ F K (x3--:r_j)j + F jNpj L (r3-rj)j); (4-1)
ta = Cl [N (pa ps) + L (re. - rj));
T3 = T2 + 7" (P3 - P& YWa- - i; z, = V2 (h' + h)
Card 3 /""-
16F /_
-~ n' ") ') t "
Computating an axioymmetric ... D299 D303
where m, k, E, P, N, M, L, K and T' are Given by expressions. This
system of equations is solved by the method of oucccosive approxi-
mationsp whereby (as a rule) 3 approximations are sufficient. The
order of calculation is as follows: From the dimensional quantities
p* and T* one determines p*t h* and a* by formulas (1.2) and (2.1);.
these quantities are used to determine the corresponding dimension-
less quantities. Then n is determined by formula (3-1) and the cha-
racteriotic near the transition surface is fou-nd. Thereupon the me-
thod of characteristics is used. In many problems of interest in
practicep the analytical expressions for p and h in ternis of p and
T are very cumbersome, In such cases it is necessary to first eli-
minate the temperature from Eq. (1.2~ by integrating (1-3). For tile
required thermodynamic functions one obtains
o-- inp Inp
_P /j(2)(1 in ph 1dinp-l-W, a'=--LP'P)' (6.2)
P P P plp-h(2)
P Inp.
Hence it is expedient to approximate hk`~) by the polynomial 1n p.
Elimination of the temperature involves some changes in the formu-
las and in -the order of computation. Thus, Eq. (3-1) is replaced by
Card 4/1
3 32 9 ~
Computating an axisymmetric D299/D303
n :- Ih(') 7 .1 1
At present, the following programs were set up and nut into opera-
lion on the electronic computer 69CM-2 (BES1,11-2) for a perfect gas,
air, and dissociatin6 diatomic gases. The complete program is div,,
ded in two: The first part -- computating of AOB -- involves trans-
formation to a dimensionless formp series and calculation by the
method of characteristics. The results obtained are recorded on per-
forated cards or on magnetic tape which are thereupon used in the
second part of the program, for computing ABC. In -the case of per-
feet- or diatomic gases, it is not necessary to first
temperature. In the case of air, however, the
nated during the first part of the program. As "n
the polynomial of bfjst approximation has bec-n taken. The program.
for determining such polynomials, w~is set up by S,F, Pashkovskiy
(of the Polish Academy of Sciences), during his stay at the Compu-
tation Center of the AS SSSR~ A 65-point scheme was taker, ~n tiit~
Vransition surface; 100 points are taken on the M-ch%racteristic~
Card 5/0 11~1
Computating an axisymmetric ... D299/D303
With such a number of points, 1.15, 1.45 and 1~8 hotirs fire requirel
for the calculation of the CAB region to axis point3 with a pressu
re of 10-1p*9 10-2p* and 10-3 p*, respectively. The cal,_-ulat-ion c,.'L'
ABC takes 13 minutes; these calculations apply to a perfect gas.
Some of the results are shown in figures~ Nozzle contours are compa-
red for hydrogen- and perfect-gas flow. It was found that for air
p*/p = 1000, and for a perfect gas p*/p = 760. Thanks are extended
to Yu.D. Shmyglevskiy, N.S. Galynn and L-M, Shashkova., There are 9
figures and 4 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Sovies-bloc~ The
references to the English-language public%tions read as fo-llows;
L. Heller, Equilibrium statistical mechanics of dissociat-.?ig d-,a'~o
mic gases, Phya, Fluids, *1959, 2, no, 2, 147-152. R,-. Edse, Design
of supersonic expansion nozzles and calculation of isentrDpic exDr,-
nent for chemically reacting gases. Transo AST.'E~ 1957, 79, no, 7,
SUBMITTED: September 20, 1961
Card 6AV
h1,A'-YKO A. ; KATSKOVA, O.U., otv. red.; ORLOVA, I.A., red.;
KORKMA, A.I., toklm. red.
[Variational problems involving supersonic flows of a gas
with nrbitrai-i therrodynamic propertics] Vari:A.Aonnye za-
dachi overkhzvukovykh tochonii gaza s proizvollnymi teiro-
dinamicheokimi svoiAvami. Mlonh-vn, Vychislitcllnyi tsentr
Al, SSSR, 1963. 82 1,,. (YEIA 16:12)
(Calculus of variations) (Gas dynamics)
12312 __-Z A(b)/LrflT(2)/~W(a).~-2/BDS/L?S(v)..- AEDO/AFMASD/'
AMW/APGC P Wo%-Ij. -4/Pe-4 W
AUMOR: Katshms 0, It. (Moscow); ICrayko, A. N, (Moscow)
TITU: Calculation of plena and axisymmetrical supersonic flava in the
i presence of irreversible processes:
SOMC2- Zburnal prikladnoy mekhmiki I teMmichaskoy fiziki, no, 3.9631
TOPIC TAM: nozzle., contours, characteristic.. frozen flow.. equilibirmn flow.,
supersonic nozzle,, irreversible process.. supersonic flow.. plane flovp wdsyn-
metrical flov., inviscid flow
ARMACT.- A finite-difference method has been developed to simplify the nvmer- i
ical solution of the equations of the characteristics for one-d1mensional and I
exisymmetrical supersonic flov of an inviscid., non-heat-conducting gas in
presence.of irreversible physicochemical processes. The state of the gas Is
given by the pressure (p), temperature (T), and n rereme-ters (qj) characterit-
ing the irreversible processes je.g.., component concentrationy internal energy).
Card 11A 3
L 17312-63
ACCESS1011 VR-. AP3006137
The variation in these paxameters Is described by the* equation:
Fi(VI ey P.- T Pq) c~(v, 0, p, T, q) fi(pp T., cl),
Vhere x and y an rectangular coordinates; w is the absolute flow velocity;
0 Is the inclination angle of the velocity vector relative to the axis x;
q is the sum of qj; and Pi. 4A. and fi are knovn functiote of 0., pp T., and q.
91 determines the rate of the irreversible processes. Frozen and equilibrit=
flow occur at o and respectively. By series expansion of f12
using steps of (q,2 - Clilf, the folloving finite-difference equation vas ob-
L 17332-63
The subscript,3 denotes that argmients p,,., T q
2J' qjl are used
The subscripts 1 and 2 denote the, hiown and tuftn9w2n(qjU4=tj)t"yw.dThjj fo=MtU Va*S
used for calculating the flay of dissociating oxygen in the diverging section
of an axisy=t cal nozz initial pressure of 1 atm., initial temmerature
50WIC., and M a 1.001. The results (see Fig. 1 of the Enclosure) indicate that
the presence of irreversible reactions leads to quantitative as vell P-squali-
tative changes. The formula can be used for calculating nozzle contours for
arbitrary types of flow (subsonic,, uniform, unsteady., etc.) in the presence of
irreversible processes. "The authors are. grateful to Yu. D,__ShmY*glevski-y for
his interest in the vork and his useful evaluations., and also to 9, 1
for preparing the report." Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 3 formtLuts.
ASS=MON,. none
Al NO W S07: 001 003
Cc rd
"Some variatiohal problems of gas dynamics of nonequilibrium flows".
report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics, Moscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64.
, . 1-1 11 1 11 1 ( 1"o-COVI)
L )r~ k:6 '~ 9 C; - N - -9 "-~' U'l -A.. -N. ;"A Ui*,'.OV A I. ", -
1 9 , 4 ,
"Characteristics method for the analysis of equilitrium and
ncn-equilibrium gas flows"
rerort Dresented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on rheoretiesl
and Arplied Nechanicso Moscow, 2c) Jan- 5 Feb 64.
L 10399-63 EPA(b)1EWT(l)1BDS--AM1AFFTG/A fd
ACCESSIM RR: AP30032 8/000 r3 003/0484/0495
43 Cel/
AUMOR: Kreyko, A. N. (Mscow)
TITLE: On the determination of bodies of minimum P:~g_by use of the Newton and
Buseman pressure-coefficient law
SOURCE: PrikladntWa matematike i mekhanika., v. 27, no- 3, 1963, 484-495
TOPIC TAGS: bodies of minimum drag, Newton's pressure-coefficient lav, Buseman
preasixe-coefficient law, necessary extremum. conditions, necessary minim=
conditions, determination of extrerals, determination of optimum contours
ABSTRACT: After reviewing a series of studies on determining the shape of bodies
having Wnlimrm drag under certain types of restrictions, the author analyzes the
saw problem with various arbitrary restrictions. The variational problem of
deterndning functions (from the class of permissible functions) which under
certain isoperimetric conditions minimize the drag functional is defined. A
solution is first presen-ted for a case in wbich pressure on the surface of a
body is determined by Newton's presstwe-coefficient, law. The functional (1)
(see En-21osure), which has the same first variation as the drag functional, is
Card 1A
L 10&942-
[ d6 AP3003243
used in this solution. From the first variation of (1), an expression is
derived by which the required extr-- and minimum-drag conditions and the end
conditions for extremals are established. On the basis of these conditions the
contour of the body having adnimum drag can be constructed. For optimality of
the contour constructed., certaln conditions for extremal are established from the
second variation of (1)o An example, of the deterrdnation of optimal contour for a
body of given dimensions is presented. Some new results were obtained for plow
and symetric ducted bodies. An anallogous study vas made for the case in vhich
pressure on the body is determined by Buseman's pressure-coefficient law. "The
author is grateful to Yu. D. ShWglevaki for discussion of the vork." Orig.
art. has: 45 formaas.
SUBKTM-, 30Jan63 DATE ACQ: 23jul63 EMCL: 01
Card. 2/3
----------- ------
KAI : ~V A ,I-- , I.'. ; r,;,. ~ ',' ' It ! , A - .hYZHOV, O.S., otv. red.; Glilfi,()";A~
I.A.; red.
(Calculation ~-," aazl a~ijyrunctric!il supersonic flow3
in the presence of lrrevero~ble pro,usseq] Hasclipt ploskikh
i osesirrmetrichriykh sverkhz;-uRov-ykh techonii pri nallchli
neobratiuivkh prot~;ejsov. Moskva, VI's Mil SSSR, 1964. 1,2 p.
(mla.k 17;01
Krafto" As No
Variational problems of supersonic pe flows with arbitrary thermodynazic
properties (Varlatsionqy" sad&chi everkhavukmy*kh teohsniy gassi a prols-
volfny*ai termodimlohaskimi avoystyani) Uoscow,, We AN WSR,, 1963o 82 p.
illus,j biblioo 14M copies printedo (At head of titles Akad*GJYU nauk SSM)
Responsible editors Natskovaj Os He; Editors Orlovaj, Zo Aq Technical editors
Norkina, As LI Proofreaders Shvedowa,, To No
TCPM TAGS: variational problems, supersonic flow, gas flow,, thermodynamics,
extremals, minimaj, max1ma, shook solutions,# shookless solutions,, shook waves,
bottom preavure 1.
PURPCSZ AND COVEUMv The author expresses his gratitude to rue Do Shmy*glevskly
for his discussion of the problems arising In this presentation and to 0, 1, .
Suchkova and L. Pe Frolava for their assistance with the sianu&crlpt preparations,
Card 213
-Ch, Io Basic equations and statement of the problem 5
Ch. IL Certain properties of super.-ionic flowne Class of peraissible functions
M M~ 19
Cho IIL Contirucua solutions* Inveatigatioh of a flold of extremals - . 33
Cho No Necessary conditions for a mininium (wxiMM)o Field of application of
continuous aolutions - - 46 11
Cho V, Discontinuous "shookless" solutions - - 56
Ch. VI.' Field of application of vehockleseN solutions. wShockQ solutions 61
Cho VIL Determination of optimm contcur in the "awe of an attached shock
wave 66
Ch. VIM VOI&VIonal problem taking into consideration variable bottm pressure
Literature 02
Card 2/3
MM'7 D= AM 2.Wtia64
.Card 313
AC~MSION NR: AP4027587 s/oo4o/64/028/002/0285/0295
AUTHORi Krayko, A. N. (Moscow)
TrrLE: Variational problems in gas dynamics of cQuilibrium and ncacquil-ibri=
SOURCE: Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, v. 28,, no. 2, 1964, 285-295
TOPIC TAGS: variational problemo gas dynamics$ equilibrious flow, nonequilibrious
flow minimal resistance, plane body, axisymmetric body, maximal thrust, irreversi-
ble process, nonlinear partial differential equation, control contourp Lagrange
nultiplier, optimal contour
AESTRACT; The author studies the problem of determining the form of plane and
axcisymrietric bodies of minimal resistance and nozzles of maximal thrust in station-
ary supersonic flow of viscous and non-heat-conductive gas in the presence of ir-
,reversible processes (such as chemical reactions proceeding at finite rates) and in
the absence of such processes. He assumes that the region of influence of the
desired part of the contour is bounded by characteristics and does not contain
shock waves. Restrictions on the contour of the body are arbitrary: the
Card 1/2
d3z.ensions of the body., the surface area, volume, etc*, may be given. In this
problem, the paramatere on the surface of the body, determined by a system of non,"
linear partial differential equations, are functionals which are unknown in advance.
This difficulty can be overcome by passing to a control contour. However, such a
passage is applicable only when the dimensions of the body are given and in the ab--~
sance of irreversible processes. Using a method which does not admit such a pass-
age, the author obtains necessary conditions for an extremum, comprising the basis
for construction of optimal contours. He explains that in many cases it is neces-
-ary to allow discontinuities of the Lagrange multiplier for continuous flow
paramet ers. He shows that these discontinuities may occur along the characteristic'
and the flow 'line, and he obtains relations on the discontinuities* Orige art*
has: 5 figures and 51 formulase
SUBMITTED: 23Doc63 DATE AMt 28Apr64 CLs 00
Card 2/2
n a 1 pr ~~ n 2. trin r, 1 r,
nonecuillbrium flows. 'k]. mat. i Treih. ~R 2 5
I ri
2't IRA
ACCESSION NRt AP4013392 S/0040/64/028/001/0178/0182
AUTHOR5; o A.. N. (Mbecow)# Kaumovey'LNO (Moscow);
TITIEs Construction of bodies of-optimal shape In epereonic flow
SOURCEs Prikladnaya matemati ka izakhanikap v. 2Sp no. Is 1964t 178-182
TOPIC TAGS: optimal shape, supersonic flows minimal &-ag, maximal thrust, axisym-
metric jet, Lagrange problem
ABSTRAM Under certain siqplif~lng assumptions of a nature too detailed to be
covered here, the authors 'determine the regions of existence inthe plaza of flow of.
various solutions to the problem of determination of bodies with lainimal drag and
jets with maximal thrust when certain limitations are plae~ed on the dimensions
involved. Working basically with a Jett they also construct new solution schemes.
Their solutions contain the part or the bouadary extremm brought about by the
dimeneion restrictions which wao formerly lost due to the necessity# previouslyt of
using numerical methods 0 Orig. -arto h" t 3 figures -and 26- formulas.
6MMMD: 240ot63 ENGM W
Card 1/1
KRAYKO, A.N. (Moskva); NAUMOVA, I.N. (Moskva); SHMYGLINSKIY, Yu.D. (Moskva)
Construction of bodies of optimum shape in a supersonic flow.
Frikl. miit. i mokh. 28 no.1:17ft-182 Ta-F'64, (MIRA 17:2)
L 15h62-6 WP(m)/FWt(l)ACS(kY/,nlA(d)/EWA(l) Pd-1.
4C=SION M. '"5005112 S/W79/64/000/006/W40047
IDMORS: Galyunp* N. S. (Moscow) I Krayko A 14. (Koscow)
MWE; Calculation of nonequilibri~Z~.~
ISOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Mek 1ka :royeniye, no. 6, 1964, 41-47
,TOPIC TAGS: nonequilibrium gas flow, numerical procedure, finite differences method
!ABSTRACTt The finite'differences method proposed by 0, N. Katakova an4 A, If, Krayko!
I(Raschet ploakAh i oaeaimetrichnykh averkhzvukovykh techeniy pri nalichii
Ineobratimykh protsessov. PWFf 1963, No- 41 p. 116-118) for solving nonequilibrium;;
iflow problems is demonstrated. This method permits integration steps which are =6
larger than is the case with the Euler or Runge-Kutta meth.)ds. The method can be
applied to equations of the forin U~+i + 06., VI).
M) (80 > 0 constant parameter,, f (,r u) - given function) with the finite
difference equivalent 96n+'t an U"'
U; U. + + > 0). Yh" ki, Ulk
+ r which
instead of the algorithm, !UU41-luml-
~7 7-
'%NAM -iA 1~fro,N~,;P,_~.---,,_ ".
T, 35462-65
-yrdpos,6 -the ----- -
4 2, ~Wb V Us
U1+1 an+ ni~ which permits much larger integreition':stepo i
+ %for$
Me method in demonstrated on a set of 11 equations describing nonequilibrium
lexpanaion of air..with c .oupled chemIilea! reactions. Its application to two-dimen-
islonal or axisymmetrical flow is also demonstrated by simplifying the above examples
!to the two-dimensional case. It is found that the method requires a significaatly
iemller number of steps forconvergence than the Euler or Runge-Kutta methods (in
lone of the examples the integration steps were 101 times larger.and still produaed
the same accuracy). Orig,arte.hasi.11 formulas.
~~KOM SOV 1 003 OTMs 004
KRAYE0, A.N. (Moskva)
krialyf.i.,~ reprt~serj la ti rin ,~f - a i r fur. -, -,.: (j.,: ~, I rizr~. Zlnur. 4
nc.,.-'4e-550 '- ~, i, -'~EHA 17'-In'
" I -j
L 8487-66 EWT(l)/ErC/EPF(n)-2/W(m) UP c) GOIAT
ACC NRI )W5-621915 SOURCE CODE: UR/0207
9Y 5- 9q I
AUTHOR: Krayko, A. N. (Moscow); Moskvin, Yu. V. jmoscow)
ORG: none
TITLE: On determination of two-temperature plasma composition
SOUPCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy makhaniki I Vkhnicheskoy fiziki, no. 4, 1965, 154-156
TOPIC TAGS: plasma temperature, plasma diagnostics, theoretic phisics-
ABSTRACT: The problem of the separate temperatures of the distinct components of a
plasma is considered theoretically. The plasma consists of neutrals, Ions and elec-
trons and is quasineutral. Each specie forms a subsystem interacting with the two
others. The slowest interaction process is the energy transfer to higher states 9f
ionization (radiation processes are neglected) and the dominating effects are the elas
tic collisions. It is further assumed that electron gas and the energy levels of the
heavy components are in equilibrium so that electron and ion tempdratures are the same
An equation analogous to Saba's equation is derived, which with the usual constraint
of statistical mechanics and the pressure-temperature relationship leads to a deter-
mination of the plasma state as a function of the two ter"ratures. The effect of de-
parture from the stated assumptions Is briefly considered. Orig. art. has: 6 formu-
S UB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATEs 05ApM/ ORIG IMF: 000/ OTH REF: 005
Solution of variational problems In one-dironnional magneto-
hydrodyna.mices Prikl, mat. I makh. 29 no.2022-333 Mr.-Ap 165.
(?CPA 18s6)
L50221-65 WT (1) /Dl~ (At) /EW 1) Pd-1
AccEssim NR:. AP5014933 *0040/65/029/003^18/04291
AUTHORS: k~N ~Moacow); k"rninp _4 Ye. (Moscow) _Z21
TITLE: On the thsoEX of fl4ws 6fa two-speed continuous medium with solid or
14 quid- partidles-_
SOURCE: 'Prikladnaya matematika I mekhanika, v. 29, no* 3, 1965, 418-h29
TOPIC TAGS1 viscous gas"flow, particle motion, continuity,, contiraous flow
method, flow research
ABSTRACTz The problem of movement of a continuous nedium having extraneous
matter is described by means ofamodel of a two-speed co-,ititmous substance.
Several conditions are established for the purpose of clarifying the modelt
1) the particles are identical spheres and collisions among the spheres can be
ienorcd; 2", distances along which the flow:characteriaties are actually measured
are a great deal larger than interparticle distanceal 3) the Hach number of
relative particle motion is lose than critical's It is furthormore assumed that,
viscosity and thermal conduction an important only in processes of gas and
particle interaction, The equations of motion and particle energy are given aa.
L 59221-65
ACCMION Us W5014933
"+PVP-f Fd 0
VdV e4 + W q - Qd 0
o Y. Yd a,--. n > -7.
The notation used Includest. m- mase isP 0d constant density, Vid- velocity, Td-
part-4cla temperature, p- presmire,, T- gas temperature, V- gas velocity,, and t-
timg. An aggregate streian flow density is derived by considering mass transfer
i through an infinitesimal voluias element. The equations of mass conservation are
given in integral form for both gas.and particles as
YR&I 0,
k&4~~.w I M dr + P'j V'I ads -0.
where -ris an arbitrary volume,and n is the internal normal to S.
The equations of conservation and motion within the control surface 3 are
elaborated to include ho4t flow and work considerations. The mathematical mod"I
i..Cord 2/3
....... . .....
74'. 2 9 ~3 53 - 6 6 &4T(1- J'/E'YP(m) "I'll
AF6013194 SOURCE CODE: U13/01121/66/000/002/0027/0036
~A'UTHOP: Galyun, N. S. (Moscow); Krsykoj A. N. (Moscow)
IORG: none
:TITLE: A variational problem in one dimensional nonequilibrium
ISOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiyo.
Melchanike. zhidkosti i gaze, no. 2, 1966,
iTOPIC TAGS: gas dynamics, variational problem, beat conductivity, gas
[ABSTRACT: The article starts with a consideration of one dimensional
;nonequilibrium flow. In the equations, the x axis is directed along the
axis of the nozzle and the origin of-coordinates is located in some
;cross section. y is the ordinate of the nozzle wall. Neglecting the
:effects of viscosity and beat conductivity, the flow under considerationi
;is described by the equations:
+ P'-~ 0' (motion)
Pwyv+l = Pawnya"I continuity) (1 fl
'/,,0 + h - 11 energy) (1:3
,,-Card 1/2
L 29858-66
ACC NRs Ap6o13194
There p is the pressure; /v is the density; h is the specific enthelpy;
1:W is the Cas velocity;-V= 0 and 1, respectively, and the flat and
laxisymmetrical cose3; H is a constant. Solution of the system of
i i
'equations is followed in the article by a number of examples of
;calculatton,.; using the method. It is demonstrated that a T)revious
.~LP!j)t St V Similar solution (referred to in the bibliography) was In
terror. Orig. art. has: 25 formulas, 7 figures and 1 table.
!SUB CODE: 201 SUB1,1 DATE: 31may65/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF: 005
1: 27379-66 EWT(1) FWP(M)/EVA(d)/FTC(m'-6AWA(i) WN
-1P60--12549 8 Of M-r, ODE W/66;Fq/66/6 W002/0312TO32-0-'
AUTHOR: Krayko, A. N* (Moscow)
ORGt none
TITLE: Solution of variational problems in supersonic gas dynamics
SOURCE: Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanikat V. 30, no. 2, 1966, 312-320
TOPIC TAGS: aerodynamic characteristic, aerodynamic configuration, missile
Lerodynamice, gas dynamics
AMTRACT: A more general solution of a variational problem encountered in supersonic
gas dynamics is presented. The'eolution is an extension of K. G. Guderley and J. V,
Armitage (A general method for the determination of best supersonic rocket nozzles.
Paper presented at the Pymposium on extremal problems in aerodynamics. Boeing Soi. Res.
Laboratories, Flight Sci. Laboratoryp Seattle, Washington, Dec. 3-4, 1962). The
extension consists of the inclusion of the linear relationships which exist between
the coefficients of a closed flow characteristic in the calculation. Solutions for
two special cases are presented: a) the base pressure is independent of the sought-for
contour.shapep and b) the base pressure is determined by conditions of the Korst typet
H. H. Korat (A theory for base pressures in transonic and supersonic flow. J. Appl.
Mech.p 1956, vol. 2]
$i No- 4), The solution for case (a) is similar to the solution
derived by A. N. KraVko (Variatsionnyye zadachi gazovoy dinamild neraynoveaWkh i
ravnovesnykh techeniyq PUM, 1964t t- 28 vyp. 2). In the solution for case (b)q equa,-
tion a are derived which are important in the design of minim- friction nose con684
Orig.. art. hast 2 figures and 25 equationso
Card 1/i So CODE t 200 .01)bm DATE t 260ot65/ ORIG REFt 005/ OM RM 002:
L V,312-66 E'-rr (1)
ACC NR. AP6028320
AUTHOR: Krayko, A. N. (Moscow)
GRG: none
LI T Investigation of weakly disturbed supersonic flows in the presence of an
arbitraiy ;iumber of nonequilibrium processes
SOU" 4, 1966, 661-673
iCE: Prikladnaya rruitematika i r-4khanika, v. 30, no.
I "' T AGS -supersonic aerodynamics, supersonic flow, steady flow, nonequilibrium
fiow, inviscid flow, flow field, flow analysis
AESTRACT: This article presents an analytical stlidy of stead,.r F"OW fields of zT,
D-viscid, no-n-heat-conducting gas, a.-suming small disturbances and the presence of
,-ir arlbitrary number of nonequilibrium processes. Its purpose is to derive and
an-alyze linearized equations of a steady flow over a thin profile and a body of
revolution. Integral represent ations of flow parameters are obtained, using
,a,,)lac(! transformations, which are employed to deter-mine the velocity field. They
are- also used for studying the flow properties and attenuation of disturbances at
la-,Za distances from the body in the region between the initial frozen and
-~i-,uilibrium characteristics. Orig. art. hass: 3 figures and 50 formulas. [A;3
6v3 CGUZ: 20/ SUBM DATE: 12Jan66/ ORIG REF: 008/ 0111 E-,,F-. 009/ ATD PRESS:5
KHAYKO , K . , iw-Vt-r , pi-optigamlist,
An excellent beginning. Voen. vest. 1.1 no.4:70-71 Ap 162.
NIHA 1514)
1. Politicheskiy otdel Zhitomirskogc oblvoyerikomata.
(Retired militari persoraiel) (Journalim, Military)
ACCESSION NRs AP4043531 8/0258/64/004/003/0548/0550'
AUT11ORi _EFM~o! A. N. (Moscow)
TITLEt Analytic representation of the thermodynamic functions of air
SOURCEt Inzhenerny*y zhurnall v- 4g no- 31 1964o 548-550
TOPIC TAGS: thermodynamic function, air propertyp specific enthalpyt specific
density, pressure dependence, temperature dependQnce, computer BESM 2
ABSTRACT: Empirical equations are found for the density and specific enthalpy h
of air an functions of temperature T and pressure p valid for temperatures from 400
to 20000K and for pressures from 0.001 to 1000 atm. In deriving the expressions ft
is assumed that undiooooiated air contains 21~ oxygen and 79% nitrogen by volume$
that there are no oompounds of oiygen and nitrogen, and that reactions take place in
the following orders dissociation of oxygeng dissociation of nitrogeny single
ionizations, double ionization of nitrogen. The single ionizations of nitrogen and
oxygon are replaced by ionixations of some gas X whose properties are obtained bir
averaging over the number of particles# It is further assumed that each component
satisfies the iaeal gas law. The expr6asionsp neglecting the double ionization of
-Card 1/3 .......
ovgenp ba6ve the form Ull
+ e1 + Es + 2as + 2e4)
j(0.21 - el) Ito, + (0,70 - es) llN.+2(cj-0.2tcs)Ho+
+ 2 (% - 0,79Q Hri + 2e,Hm,, + 5 (F, + ej] T + 50000c, +
+ I f 3200 % + 333000 % + &37,,000 84.
1',88+ V8,3 + pr-l eip 4,02 +
[0,22 + f,090 + PT-1 exp 5,94)
166530 - top
li -,[I + P7- exp + 13,77)]
a,- -0 5 + T/ 0,25-1- f,58 I i + p7-011 oxp +
Hol- 3,070 + 1,19. 10- r - 9 - to-$ T1,1
- 3,415 + 2,J7-10- T - i,2-10-SP,
flo - 2,514 + I - 10-4T + 1,2. WWP,
Hly - 2,117 + I -10-4T - 1,97. io-o",
f~jt+ m2.40 + 2-10-67,
- 29,25 drie
Card 2/3
where /U is the molecular weight of undissociated air and R is the universal gas
constant. The 8 i's represent the fraction of molecules dissociated into atomic
oxygen, the fraction of molecules dissociated into atomic nitrogen, the fraction of
,singly ionized atoms, and the fraction of doubly ionized atomat reopectively.
Valuee computod from those equations agree with tabulated data within 3% for h and
1.5,14 for Corrections required to include the effect of doubly ionized oxygen
are also indicated. Computations were performed on the computer BESM-2 at the
Vy-*chislitellny*y tsentr AN SSSR (computer Center, AN SSSR). The author thank
N. S. Galyun and L. M. Shaahkovu for help in carrying out the work. Orige art. hast.
17 equations and I diagram,
SUBMITTEDt 020ot63 ENCL% 00
Card 3/3
KRAYKO, K.J. mayor
EnthuBiasts. Voen. vost. 41 no.1:67-69 Ja 162. (MIRA 16:11)
Ye . .74'.
Blosyntheals of vitamin C " a regulatory property of the
OrganiOn. B. 1. VAF14)Vsktya and H, A. Kralkot (Acall.
M"f. Sci., Moscloar). rilicillAimiya 17'.1 fill-WIP.W.-
The flynthesis of vilamin C (1) by white rais i* Jncrra~l be
I 111"fri line, a aut"tAnce which delwa-a-v the aMirtfir -4 the
I till# A`;If v Into Tstrus;
C.11111ra so. vollk Is 41, 111"OhIc I., vilth-i't 1. -fl. N . 1-
"I I if, t;IIrli"Itirs (liver, kfifney) after haville 1-ti glv~.l
Alfiraftolu'* The slimulatil-n of life bil-truth-4, -I I I-
flut the of fertfing girrcurvirsof 1, hill ritual be
at a frgullitory machanhain of the oagAniarit bailell fin tire
activity rill the nervous system. It. PfIrsti,,ir
VItamin C bi asynthe.;N i% chickg ia teladon to the pi ntw-jlc-,
in tile rali In of folic Ili i'l and Ifs derivar:vc~~. V~ A Kir.~
ikci%a, H. A. Ki-Au), 0. 1. P.-jr, A.%*. Trufailov, und It A
Yanov~.Laia (Nutrilicia hi,t:~ AcA. Si. U.S.S.R.,
pteroylglutamic aci,j rv,.uiti ;:I mi i!I tile (micil. Ill
Vitamin C ill the ill.- N- l, gwd,,!
al ~l C01111WHIMOrl, 41 1p:. ~1- l" th" J
activit% of tile vl-jl. The of pt~r,-,I
jvij ir -J littioyf aniiiwi/0.6 a~ id I ~,i r,-! wl 11) x it I-
will C i;I tile Of it :1 llmuwl ].:%,I It it -
pear-, p6iiblc tI) ;11,111M th"t .1 irill! Ili!v ! 'i !~ 11,
hi~jl. acti% ity of A 1! j1tc[,q1.;:Ii;!--
Jlt-ii]C !Widl. SUCII All .1, :1
dillical Val 1o'1- S.
Somwl-at~a on the vitRmin C supply of the child's body, [with
Ornnfflary In English). VOP.Pit, 17 no.4:24-28 Ja-1C '53 OURA 11:7)
1. Is laborstorli Lzucheniya vitaminov (zav. - prof. V.V. Tefremov)
Tnetituta pitantya AM SSS2, Moskva,
(VITANIN C. metabolism
requiremont in child. (Rua))
i0ATKO, Ye.A.
Some rmtorials on the significance of vitamin P for the orgaDlAm-
Vit. res. i ikh isp. no-4:108-114 159. (YJ-qA 14:12)
1. Institut pitaniya Akademii moditainskikh nauk SSSR, 14ockva.
Kily0p Ye.A.
Effect of additional vitamin P (a catechin complex) a&-iinistration
on capillary resistance in factory workers exposed to high temperatures.
Vit. roe. i ikh idp. no.4t265-271 159. (MIRA 14:12)
1. Institut pitaniya Akadomii meditsinakikh nauk SSSR, Moskva.
,WL~INIKOVA, Yo.Hl.; TIK11U)"llia)VA, A.N.; 4~~,AYKO Y,) AYEINAIR, 0.1.; GV0,ZD0VA,
.. - 3- __ _4 * 1- **
L.G.; SULOVYiNA, L.Ya.; KULIGiuiKo, Ye.V.; G'_'T A.S~;.
Study of the motabollan of vitamins in workorn In tho hot shop of
metallurgical factory. Vop. pit. 19 no.2:3-9 Mr-Ap t6O. (MIll 14:7)
1. Iz laboratorld. izucheniya vitaminov (zav. - prof. V.V.Yefromov)
Instituta pitaniya AM11 SSSR) Moskva.
Effect of food enriched by methionino on tho dovolopmont of
experimental ailicosis in white rats. Vop.pit. 20 no-3:41-46 My-
Je 161i (MIRA 14:6)
1. Iz Instituta pitaniya MI SSSR~ Moskva.
- YiRAYKO, Ye.A*
Method for determining the amount of vitamin P-active catechins in
the urine. Vop. pit. 20 no-4:57-59 JI-A." 161. (141RA 14:7)
1. Iz laboratorii izhcheniya vitaminov (zav. - prof. V.V.Yefre,-nov)
Instituta pitaniya AMN SSSR, Moskva.
UIUBINA, A.Yu.; YEZIJOVA, Ye.N. (deceased]4. K1,AYKO, Ye.A.;
Influence of riboflavin on the course of experimental silicosis
in white ret3. Vop. pit. 20 no.6:40-45 N-D 161. (MIRA .15:6)
1. Iz Izistituts. pitariiya AMN SSSR, Moskva.
(RI]30r-IAVII'.-FIIYSIOLOGIClil. *--'.7,I,','-'CT)
0 O'Z C.-N. aon 5, a --*,: On I a 3 O'=. 0~;, yzz...i,
0' a o", th ir"N1
c ion
from f,="es to vvcc C;vidz-~
which ,:c,:iv,:il iddi:iomilly (a)
vitl.,in We stu,!:,
0'. ~k!:tions on (1) the C'. 30,;Y and i.'s
V:ng- VC incrc.-C-~ -,* fastcr. (21 7.-..: o,- 5c,:dd pzr 7, o.
by the -,.6 reCc:vin.- VC W;is, On "ess. (3) Excc-,:Oa
and E*.Ici-. in C.- - t-. o:. :i-.-.
nins %V:zh Uinc
VC o-* all. :7~:s had -.*.icsc ind:,:Cs
'han Conz.-O., (4)
C--..)Z,ci'7 thc VC -----,s Several as a day as 0:'
~-.Gups. (5) Fcruil:-.7 and \Viz"-., of num.10cr 0-.,::ttcs VO
..... of you.-.~- rats
-zts. (6' T! c cc~.-,-zcm, o-7 i:. z: "-.a agz of I y_-.-
Conzrcli .
M all. -.-c,-.zs, IOU: =,Os, of :'l ki co.-.,-rol, -.-oup of r-l:s. t7) VC
L'S 'ad y 4 ea.~
-a., Co.-
::3, a:S Z~, VC
rL." h:d r-o arcz:zst duratlon of of i:-..I:v:dt;al
- ved ~,' zz", B, vi=las 0,114Y Was 11,S, :*..-.*a- -az; o. Co.-.z:ol Z:";) *-Zd &.z 1=.
6't",-. international CQng-.oss on Nutrition, Edinburg
9-15 August 1963
I. ~ i . I- ~ I . ! -
.. . I I -:, ~j. . . - , , " ~ 4 :,.: , )
. , I : . . . I I ;~ '' 1 7 j '' . ~: , , .
i :
~- m i . ! ! ~ '. '.', j - U : 11'. .; j ~', : ~.' ': - *-: ,..-. " , , ! ; " - . ~' ': ~: . ., ~
KRAYKOVA, T.G., kand.ekon.nauk
Determination and control of the actual time of a pro-
duction cycle. Mashinostroitell no.11:38 165.
(MIRA 18:11)
XHAZANOV, V.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; KRAYMAN, T.Ya., inzh.
A phot*bter for checking lighting engineering platics.
Svetatekhnika 9 no.lsl&21 A 163. (WRA 16:1)
1. Vaesoyuznyy svototekhnicheakly Institut.
(Photometers) (Plastica-Measurement)
KRAYUDLER, A. (Bukharest); UNGER, Tu. (Bukharest); VOLANIMIT, D. (Bukharest)
Effect of partial injury of the reticular formation of the brain stem
on the higher nervous activity in dogs. Fiziol.zhur. 45 no.3:261-
270 159. (MIRA 12:11)
(Rinn, con IT iomm.
off. of damage of brain
dogs (Rua))
(BRAIN STICH, physiol.
off. of reticular form.
reflex activity in dogs
stem reticular form. in
lesions on conditioned