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Investigations by Belorussian Scientists in the Field SOV/30-59-1-9/57
of Spectroscopy and Luminescence
A. N. Sevchenko, G. P. Gurinovich, A. M. Sarzhevskiy examined
the luminescence polarization of many combined molecules. At
the same time they designed an improved apparatus.
A. N. Sevchenko, V. V. Kuznetsova work in the field of lumi-
nescenoe of rare-earths complexes.
V. A. Pilipovich examined the phenomenon of phosphorescence.
The examinations of optical properties of chlorophyll and
related compounds are being carried out in close cooperation
with the Institut biologii Akademii nauk BSSR (Institute of
Biology, Academy of Sciences, Belorusskaya SSR).
T. N. Godnev, L. A. Kravtsov, R. V. Yefremova examined the
absorption and luminescence spectra of a live leaf.
A. N. Sevchenko, G. P. Gurinovich, K. N. Solov'yev, L. A.
Kravtsov examined polarization spectra and the aepender-ce
of polarization on the wave length of fluorescence.
A. N. Sevchenko, t. V. Volodlko obtained valuable data of the
composition of complex compounds and the nature of inter-
molecular forces of interaction.
I. P. Shapiro examined the optical and electrical properties
Card 3/8 of some crystal phosphors.
Investigations by Belorussian Scientists in the Field SOV/30-59-1-9/57
of Spectroscopy and Luminescence
A. No Sevchenko, B. I. Stepanov examined cellulose and its
products of transformation.
R. G. Zhbankov, I. N. Yermolenko worked at high pressure in
order to study the composition of celluloses by means of
spectroscopical methods.
I. No Yermolenko, R. G. Zhbankov examined the oxidizing
kinetics of cellulose by means of nitrogen dioxide, iodic
acid and chloride.
R. Go Zhbankbv, B. 1. Stepanov, A. Ya. Rozenberg, A. 1.
Skrygan, A. W. Shishko examined the mercerizing process-of
M. M. Pavlyuchenko, I. No Yermolenko examined the oxidation
of celluloses with the use of absorption spectrobcopy in the
ultraviolet range. .4
M. M. Pavlyuchenko and collaboratore spectrophotometrically
examined the adsorption of coloring substances~on c6llulbse.
I. X. Te=olenko, M. Z. Gavrilov examined the luminescence
of cellulose products.
B. 1. Stepanov, Yu. I. Chekalinskaye, determined the depend-
Card 4/6 ence of the spectra of dlsp~arsed objects on the reduction
Investigations by Belorusainn Scientisto in the Pin1d 7307/1~%--59-1-5/57
of Spectroscopy and Luminescence
ratio, the character of the binding arent,and the layer
A. P. Prishivalko, B. I. Stepanov developed a theory of
dispersion light filters.
V. A. Borisevich, Ya. S. Khvashchevskaya, I. F. Laptnevich
examined, by experiment, dispersion light filters for the
infrared range.
A. P. Pr18hivalko analyzed the accuracy and the field of
application of existing determination methods of optical
constants of dispersed and not dispersed materials.
I. G. Nakrashevioh, A. A. Labuda, Ye. G. Martynkov obtained
important results concerning the kinetics of one single
spark discharge (spectral intensity and discharge temperature).
A. A. YankovBkiy, V. S. Burakov examined the mutual influences
of elements in spectrum analysis, and explained the methods
for their elimination.
G. V. Ovechkin suggested a series of methods to eliminate
the influences of third elements.
G. V. Ovechkin, N. P. Krivosheyev succeeded in working out a
Card 5/13 oonttol method of benzyl penicillin in ordinary penicillin.
Investigations by Belorussian Scientists in the Fijild 30'!1/30-59-1-91/57
of Spectroscopy and Luminescenoe
N. A. Borisevioht N. I. Makarevich, A. T. Skryran examinnd thq
infrared spectra of rosinous products.
N. A. Borioevich,.V. I. Pansevich, I- F. Gurinovich examined
& series of structural peculiarities of alcohol oxides.
N. A. Borisevich worked out a luminescence method for the deteT~
mination of the germinating power of the seed of some kinds
of trees.
A. Ya. Prokopchuk obtained good results by the use of lumings-
oence analysis in.dermatology.
S. S. Kharamonenko examined the nbsorption spectra of the
albuminoua polyeacoharide complexes.
D, A. Markov used spectral methods for analyzing albiiminous
fractions in the blood.
M. M. Pavlyuchanko, G. A. Lazerko, carried out an extensive
spoot'rophotometrical examination of the formation of molecular
and complex compounds in solutions.
N. A. Sevohenko spectroscopically examined the structure of
various silicas.
B. I. Stepanov, A. M. Prim'earried out theoretical investigat-
card 618 ions of the vibrational ep~otra of varioua silicate crystalg
Investigations by Belorussian Scientists in the Field 30V/30-59-1-9/57
of Spectroscopy and Luminescence
and silicate glasses.
Some branches of research are only at the beginning of their
development such as radiospectroscopy (M. A. Yellyashevich),
and nuclear spectroscopy (A. A. Bashilov). Especially men-
tioned are al,3o the investigations by F. I. Fedorov on new
invariant methods.of solution of basic equations in classical
electrodynamics. The author stated th-at the research work is
being carried out in close cooperation with scientists in
Moscow, Leningrad, Kiyer, Tartu, Saratov, and other towns in
the Soviet Union. The coordination of work is done by the
Komissiya po spektroskopii' Akademii nauk SSSR (Comission of
Spectroscopyp Academy of Sciences, USSR) (S. L., Mandellshtam)
and the nauchnyy sovet po probleme"Lyuminestsentaiya i yeya
primeneniygll (Scientific Council for the Problem of "Luminas-
eence and Its Use") (V. L. Levahin). The 8th Conference on
Luminescence will take place in Minsk in 1959. A zone con-
ference on spectroscopy is to take place in the Belorueskaya
SSR in 1960, with scientists Yrom Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia,
and Esthonia participating. All work on spectroscopy in the
Card 7/8 republic is coordinated by tha'Inatituta of Physics and
Investigations by Beloruaaian Scientists In the Field SOV/30-59-1-9/57
of Spectroscopy and Luminescence
Mathematics, the Belorueskiy universitat (Belorussian Univer-
13 ity) and the Komissiya po spektroskopii pri Akademii nauk BSSR
(Commission of Spectroscopy at the 4cademy of Sciences BSSR).
G6noection with induatry'is maintained directly and by the
respublikanskiy Dom nguehno -takhnicheekoy propagandy (Republic-
an HousefOr Scientific -Technical Propdganda). In recent years,
2 Republic-%ddeconferences~-, on radiatLon -spectrum analysis, and
one on molecular spectrum amalysis, wereheld. The Cdamission
of Spectroscopy maintains a connect-An,with the Economic Coun-
cil of the Republic.
Card 8/8
24(7) 3- 1-16 ",
AUTHOR: Krnvtn ,--L. A.
TITLE: Some Typical Featuren of tl,r,, Lunine.-conre, of C!ilnrophyll
and Pheophytin (Nekotoryye onobennosti lyur;-4n-rts,,n11si-i
I.hlorofilla i fcofitina)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. 'jeriya fizicheskaya, 1~-59,
Vol 23, Ur 1, PP 78 - 81 (Ussn)
A7STRACT: The spectra of chlorophyll and coml)ouri's -tre
lar :oly dependant on the n-iture of th., tiolvQnt arl tl'~e
inflividual'impuritier.. In the prenent paper k~~Te author
studies the contourz of the luminescence bafln of chlr)ro-
phyll and pheophytin, the po1,,tri,,!ation_of Y, mineacence
and luminescence spectra at low temo,r-tuqs. In order to
take into account the reabsorptior; tho pr :~ozice of
is to be kinsumed from tho I ~r -o nu-,-r1,,,1jjrAei t ion or ab-
aorption and luminescence b,-tn!.,3, t1i., withorn photo,.-raph~?d
the absorption and luimin,~sccnce -,joctr~- of pheoph. tin
in benzene (concentration 10.0 m,-/l) :it vr~riouo thickne,,;ne3
of the lu.-ninescp:ice-"-I~:i-)rl-,-3nt 1:1yer 1).-T-c author
Card 1/3 deterimines th,! thicknes-t -)f th,.~ mini-,um layer.
Sone Typical Features of the Lumine!~cence of 16 /-
and Pheophytin
In addition to that, Levohin's m,--thod (Ref was -iprAi~A
to the cn1culation of realrorption. 2oth mothods yit-!;-!ed
identical resJts. Step--inov's eqli,,Ltion .,.,as used for a more
accur---.te investilation of the ab-
sorption nnd lumin,,-,~ence bantln (Refo 5-9):
W1 um hq
d (T) 1~ 3e - (1), "'ahere W111M denote3 the
intcnsity of luminescence, K,, the ub---orption --oefficient
and d(T) the temperatvre-denondr~nt conjtrirt. The ab3or;,,tion
spectra and luminescence of pheophytin i in various solvents
and those of chlorophyll a and b in c-thanol -ire given in
diagrams which show the loZarithmic form of expregsion
(1) au deperidant on the frequency (.,,.tr%i,7ht line). Further-
more, the polarization of the second luminc-scence band was
ctudied. The resultB obtained are ir. ar-cordince with
those given by Vavilov, Levshin (R,~f 11) and Feofilov
(Ref 12). From the fict thrit the decr7ree of polarization
Card 2/3 within the inaivi-1,tial raric-es of one nnd thLe :-~--e band
Some Typical Features of the Lumitt(,,nconce of "Worophyll IOVI,18-21~-1-16 '3'
and 11heophjtin
(Refs 1103) never varies the author asr,,umed that this is
not an oscillation structure of the second b-ind but
corresponds to a certain tranjition of electron3. Additional
investig-itions at lower te!nporaturos dealt with .1 -.'.lore
accktrate determirintion of the nature of the second band
(Fig). Therefrom it followed that the intonsity of the first
band decreaaen as related to tho second one, whilo the in-
tensity of the second band increaves an rol~LtCd to tho first
one. According to thene data -tne tl;,~ rentilts obtLzined by
studying the polariz~ttion it is an.-umed that the two b-onds
represent transitions of two ener.-y levels of el,.,c'.ron,-.
The author thanks B. I. Stepanov for supervising the work
and 11. F. Ivanov and V. V. Gruzino~iy for ass.-sting in t','.e
invest igationn and calculationt;. Th---rc- are 41 fi.,-,urcs -nd
14 referencen, 13 of which are ~jovlet.
Card 3/3
00 B006/BO17
AUTHORz Kravtsov,
TITLE-. Optical Properties of Chlorophyll and Pheophytin at Low
Temperatures IV
PERIODICAL. Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960,
Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 610-612
TEXT% The present article is a reproduction of a lecture delivered at
the Eighth Conference on Luminescence (Minsk, October 19-24, 1959). The
author reports on his investigations of the effect of temperature
(+20 + -1000C) upon luminescence spectra and the red absorption band of
solutions of chlorophyll a and pheophytin a, as well a3 on their relative
luminescence yield. Isobutanol and petroleum ether were used a3 solvents.
Temperature was- measured by means of thermocouples. The luminescence
spectra were measured with a YM-2 (UM-2) monochromator., A photomultiplier
of the type ~3 Y-22 (FEU-22) with a direct-current amplifier, and an
electrometer tube of the type 232N (U2P)Owere used as radiation receivers.
Card 1/3
Optical Properties of Chlorophyll and S/04 60/024/05/09/009
Pheophytin at Low Temperatures B006YB017
Luminescence was excited by means of lamps of the types CbLI.W-250
(SVDSh-250) and CEA-120 (SVD-120) whose light flux was controlled by a
photocell of the type C(~B-6 (MV-6)IlThe concentrations for the spectro-
scopic measurements of the solutions investigated were chosen in such a
way that with 1~ a 365 mjA.3-IC)% Of the light energy of the exciting flux
was absorbed. To investigate the temperature dependence of the yield,
the concentrations were raised 5-10 times. The absorption spectra at low
temperatures were measured by means of a (_~-4 (SF-4) spectrophotometer.
The diagrams of Fig. I show the red absorption bands and the main
luminescence bands of the solutions investigated. When the temperature
is lowered, the absorption and luminescence bands become narrower and
are shifted towards each other. The absorption and luminescence maxima
are shifted more strongly for chlorophyll a and pheophytin a, respective-
ly. Some further details are given. The results are compared with those
published by Freed and Sancier. Fig. 2 shows the temperature dependence
of the yields With decreasing temperature, the yield in the case of
chlorophyll a increases in isobutanol, with pheophytin it remains
constant. In petroleum ether both substances firs'. slightly increase up
to -50 to -600C, whereas the yield is strongly reduced by a further
Card 2/3
5 123 2
Optical Properties of Chlorophyll and
Pheophytin at Low Temperatures
S/04 60/024/05/09/009
temperature drop. In conclusion, the author thanks B. I. Stepanov and
L. G. Pikulik for their advice. There are 2 figures and 11 reforoncess
4 Soviet and 6 American.
ASSOCIATIONt Institut fiziki Akademii nauk BSSR
the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR)
Card 3/3
Occondary fluorescence of rhoda-mino C. Dokl. All BSSR 5 no.e:
331-335 Ag 161. (1,111RA 14:8)
1. inotitut fiziki AN DSSR. Prodstavleno akad. iN ljSSR 13.1.
(Rhodamines) (Fluoroscence)
Sensitivity of the universal relationshID between absorption and
luminescence spectra of complex molecules to the presence of ad-
mixtures. DAL AN Bser 6 no.1;14-18 Ja 162. (YIRA 15s2)
1. Institut fitiki AN BSSR.
(Molecular spectra)
A[JTH(jRS: Kravtsov, L.A. , and Ilubinov, A. N.
TITLL: The influence of admixtures on the realisation of a
uni.versal relation between absorption and
Diminescent spectra of complex molecules
P-', 1,1 u 01 CAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, v.12, no-5, 1962, 636-639
PEXT: The difference between experimontal values of
temperature and villites calculated from 13.1. Stepanov's theoretical
relation between lurninescent and absorption spectra was thought to
be due to tile presence of admixtures. In this paper are described
the results of all investigation of the effect of ii(Imixtures on the
above relation. A theoretical treatment of the relation between
lui.-iine.9cent all(, absorption spectra for a mixture of two substances,.'~
one of which is luminescent, gives a value L\ T for the
(liffel-ei)ce between the temperature T' calctilated from the
univer~jal relation and tile experimental value T. The
sensitivity of this universal relation to changes in concentration
of admixture is also derived. The theoretical expres5ion5 are
fully confirmed by experiments on solutions of pure
Card 1/2
The influence of admixtures on -S/051/62/012/005/016/021
3-aminoplithalimide and erythrosine 11 with suitable admixtures.
Graphs of the function wlum
Fl(v) = 3 In v - In V
are plotted for different relativo concentrations of admixture
(/V meas is the measured value of the absorption coefficient for
solutions of 3-aminoplithalimide with admixtures of chlorophyll a;
wVlull) is luminescent power). Linear relationships are obtained
at aj',1 concentrations. The minimum detectable concentration of
chlorophyll 11 if! U.1 for a value of 1NT = 9'. As the
conc(~atrafion is increased a break occurs in the FIM relation,
the position of which remains practically unchanged for further
increase in concentration of adinixture. Analogous results are
presented for erythrosine B with an admixture of blue dye.
There are 2 figures.
SUW;ITTED: August 1-2, 1.961
Card 2/2
ACCESSIOIT I-TH: AP3001347 S/oo,18/63/027/006/0724/0728
AUMHOR: !C-wrtsov, L. A.
TITLE: Variation of the intensity wid polarization of ;3~~,:!ondrlxy Jlmrallmac~ew
a f.,victic)n of the 1-Ver iopth w-A dye conct~-:itration (Repoxt o! the Elewmth
nn Dminescence held in Minsk fzom 10 to 15 Septa!ii)er 1
SOURCE: X-1 SSSR. Izv. S!"~riya fizichaskaya, v. 2,1, no. 6, 1063, 724-7213
TOPIC TAGS: -huri.".scence, polarizatio!i of
rho4iazm~;t C, pheophytin, chlorophyll
ABSTRACT: In viLw of the fact that in the cas~i- ~,f nost l=int!L;cini~ nubutan~:~-s
the lorZ wavelezlgth absorption band overlaps the b.a.-TA, tkere occurs
n,-absorptuion of luminescence and, conseq7jently, excitation of secozzl~-A'ry
lumirne,~;c~,,nce, 'flip. lutemaity of riecandary IuminescenCe shoiild depl:rA on tha degrep.
of ove_rla.uptn~; of the absorption wd emission bark1s w-A o-', the quar;"'um efficLency.
T"'-. prootnt work was devoted -to i-yrrestigatioxi of the. ef'ect of seco-,,,J~Lry
on the meaa,=ed luminescF_ncel Luttem;Atuy arA the dejL-ee of it-a
L 9836-63
polarization under the usual experimental conditions (normal light incidence on
the surface). The data were used to.calculate Intensity and degree of
polarization of the secondary luminescence as a function of the optical depth of
the layer and the luminescent dye concentration. The measurements were carried
out in rectangular quartz vindow cells with excitation by the 36s, 407, 436 ELrA
546 mmu Hg lines. The investigated substances included rhodamine C and
-fluorescei (in glycerol, pheopbytin and chlorophyll in cyclohexanol and lucigenin
in glycerol (the overlapping of the banda of lucigenin is negligible). Curves
characterizing the variation of the intensity and polarization of secondary
luminescence for some of the investigated dyes are presented. The experimental
results show that the secondary luminescence intensity may be appreciable in the
range of low dye concentrations and, therefore, should be taken into account
particularly in polarization measurements. The experimental data are in
agreement with theoretical predictions. "In conclusion the author thanks B. I.
__aU_a_nov and A. M. Samson for valuable discussion." Orig. art. has: 3 figures.
ASSOCIATION., Institut fiziki Akademii nauk BSSR (Fliysics Institute, Acadgw of
Card 2/3
ACCM10H URI- APS020601 Uk 60/1373.
AVMOR,. AqtKT a ~ki E.-K. qrLbkovxkLXFY.P.
TITM Density distribution of diffuse oxaLtin -light In A
ZRenrt Thirteenth Conference'on Luminescence held at Khar'kov# 25 Juno to I July:
S OU WE IAN SSSR, IzvestLy&4 Geriya fixicheskaya, vo 29p.noo 8, 1965, 1369-1373
TOPIC TAGSt laser,light absorpticm, light diffusion, ruby,/bby laser
ABSTRA.M. The authors have.-calculated the intensity of the radiation at the
distance r from the axis of an infinitely long circular cylinder of radius M, with
refractive Index a, and absorptL6ncoefficlent k# located In a field of diffuse
radiation.and havc checked their resultsby experiments with plastic cylInders of
different sizes containing different amounts of absorbent dye. The Investigatt
was undertaken Imcause of its technical interest In connection with laser design?
Calculations were-performed numerically -for-- se4eral -values -of -a -and kR -both- for-.-
...oyliuders with polished walls and,with diffusing walls I and the results are pre-
sented graphically* For cylinders wLth,polished walls the Intensity Is almost
Independent of.r. for a certain value of kR (depending an n); for smaller values of
.card .1/2
4-p j 117,1t
L 63959-65
..... .. .... --- --- ------
kR the intensity.increases with decreasing r because of refraction at the side wax
For cylinders with diffusing waW.the intensity alvays decreases with decreasing
Calculations were also performed In whIch the variation of k and a with frequency
was taken Into account* Riiiults are presentad for a material with a single
radiation field of which the intensity is Inde-
Lorentiian tkbaor~tion -1ineAft
pendent of frequetv:y,, ahd for a ruby cylinder In 8006K black-body radiation. The
experiments were performed on cylind Ira with radii from 0.75 to.1.25 cm and absorp-1
tion, coof f icienta from 0#02 to 3 ce, , using monochromatic Light from a mercury -am
The means used for measuring the lunduous late'nsity within the cylinders are
described. The experimeatal, results agreed with the calculations for r/R less than
O.G. For'larger values of r/R the measured Intensities were up to 25% higher than
the calculated. This to ascribed to total reflection from tho wall of the cylinders~
Orig. art. has-. 8 formulas ad figures* (151i
ASSOCIArTONt Inatitut fIz1ki Akadamit nduk BSSR (Instttuto of Physics, Academy of.
KALININ. B.A.. insh.; KRAVTSOV, M.A., kapitan
Recent developments ~n the labor organization of inland water
transportation workers. Rech.transp. 17 no-11:5-7 N '58.
(MIRA 11:12)
1. Teplokhod "Liski" (for Kravtzov).
(Inland water transportation-Employees)
KRAVTSOV, M.A.; kapitan-makhanik
Work of the couvbined professions crew on the motorboat "Liski".
11'roizv.-tekh. abor. no.101-42 159. (MM 13:9)
1. Severo-Zapadnoye parokhodstvo.
Unland water transportation~-Zmpl6yeea)
A L j1_ A X I A I It T V I I Of Ik ~L f I.. . .
A . .
Ith tArd alloys. NI, M Lrawtiov. At---
*~ It .00
e. .1.1 Ilitit III flit MwIl.ft h'ild 311"Y a
LIS n413410
P 00
6 .00
of I so
40 00
00 09
IL. -.'-k L"t"- #0
00 8
u Is A- -0 1
0 IV w P.a if ij
;66 1 0 O"W
: : : : : : : : V: : 0 0 0 'A
10 ILI 101 &14
00 ail
' Jj
1 ft
n 1
. a
n 41
1 0
D I 1
l I
&9 of bud:jUys for drOlLng through hard formation&.
1JAW M. M. Kl~qffqy- Relkle MmIl. S.
14;~ 11clo).- Drills tipt-1 "it I a
r. didkiJ throuch I#,,fn1Jcnd, I tim. ~ j, t-t a, ~t,, 1
I./RcAhalpening "AS m1tvt '11111mg N1 (I'l .00
to f,,t
go t
An A p W 0 1. is 4 3 WX
U Is AV 03
0 0 0 0 0 6 9
:: - I --- -'- - , 14, 11
I .-- I ~ , - . . , . I . . .L ---, . ,F I . ~ 9
" Th -~ R, --, i i I " -- "' ~ - ~ n; L, tr rhp 11 r7 -lor 1-rf- ',, [ t~; f'cr : r vf- "rf t !(- Dr-,." 11 1 tlf-" T.3v~~ t.
. I r. u .1 14, ':o. 4-', 1 r7,,3 9 .
'i~.'.Cat 17-1~7U
I , 4 Oct. 1c,51.
Kravtsov, 1-6. 1%, jt,. -1u.
1 11. H.
I nim tool for boring,, blast holes. Kharl-kov, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry no
chernoi i tavetnoi metallurgii, 1952. 282 p. (54-18396)
T142'79. B26
EXC~RPTA MEDICA Sec 12 Vol 13/8 Ophthalrollogy AuLp -59
PATIENTS (Russian text) - Kravtsov M. P. - ZDRA70r)rlffl,BELOR.
1957, G, (47-50)
380 trachoma patients were treated with synthomyrin. 48.216 of the pa!ients re-
covered within 3 months and 4V6 within 6 months. A IV, or 1~6 emulsion ofthe
drug is most effective. Synthomycin was administered internally ana as subuon-
junctival injections of 0.331~* aqueous solution In severe cases of trachoma. (S)
I - - -
Morphological changes in the skin " nerve apparatus of a rabbit
caused by the action of rays from radioactive arsenic. Sbor.nauch.
i-ab.Bel.nauch.-isal.kozhno-ven.!Lnst. 6:lo6-lli l59. (MIRA 13:11)
_,._K4VTSOV, 11.
We will carry out the party's assignment. Hast.ugl.9 no.10,,
7 0160. (MIRA 13:10)
1. Predsedatell komiteta profsoyuza shakhty No.12 tresta
(Kuznetsk Basin--Coal mines and mining--Labor productivity)
KRAVTSOV, N.A.J. starsidy prepodavaiLcl I
Jnvestigating the effee 1. of' tho lateral fur4 on the limiting
moment in caae of a moVing load on continuous beams. Izv.v-ys
ucheb.zav.; maohiu:,)jtr. no.8:9,1-100 163. (AIRA 11.1)
1. bashkirskiy jall8kokho~,.yayatvannyy liniLitut.
KRAVTSOV, N.A., starshiy prepodavatell
Investigating the least safe position of moving loads on a con-
tinuous multispan beam. IZV.VY5.ucheb.zav.; mashinostr. no-7:
78-82 161. (MIRA 14:9)
1. Bashkirskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut.
(Beams and girders, Continuous)
Approxitwite solution of the problem of temperature distribution
along the shaft of a gas well with constant rate of production.
Gaz.prom. 10 no.11:13-15 165.
(mim 19ti)
KPJ,%fTS(j%') rI.A.
Determining pressures on the bottom of gas, gas conde.-isate, and
oil wells with the DGM-4 manometer. Gaz. prom. 8 no.S:?-10 163.
(I'MOt 17i21)
V r e 4.
3(5) )
.Akademiya nauk SSSR.
Opisaniye ekspeditsli
(Description of the
1955-1956) Moscow,
Kompleksnaya antarkticheBkaya ekspeditsiya.
na dizell-elektrokhode "Obl, "1955-1956 99.
Expedition Aboard the Diesel-electric Ship "Ob'"
Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1958. 237 p. 2,000 copies
Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sovet po antarkticheskim
issledovantyam. Chief Ed.: I. F. Bardinx Academician; Resp. Ed.
for this vol.: V.G. Kort, Professor, Chief, lat trip of the
Marine Antarctic Expedition, USSR Academy of Sciences; Editorial
Board: A.A. Afanaslyev (Chief, Main Administration of the Northern
Sea Route' Sea Route, W),V.G. Bak-ayev (Minister of Sea Transport),
V. F. Burkhanov (Deputy Chief', Main Administration of the Northern
Sea Route), A.A. Zolotukhin (Chief, Main Administration of the
Card 1/9
Description of the Expedition sov/1637
Hydrometeorological Service), V.G. Kort (Professor, Chief)
k" trip of the Marine Antarctic Expedition, USSR Academy of
Scie.nces', M.14. Somov (Chief, Combined Antarctic Expedition,
lj3SR Academy of Sciences)p V. V. Frolov (Director, Arctic
."oc:LetiGific Research Institute,, Main Administration of the
i,i,:jvk;~,ern Bea Route), D. I. Shcherbakov (Chairmano Council for
Aii-i-Larct,ic Research, USSR Academy of Sciences; Eds. of Publishing
L.I. Sprygina, and B. S. Shold,.et; Tech. Ed.: P. S. Kashina.
:~;PZPOSE: This volume Is Intended for the general reader.
..'.1';1RA'E: The Report of the Combined Antarctic Expedition of the
AN SSSR, headed by N. N. Somov, contaIns an account of the work on
t.'-Le first trip of the Diesel-electric ship "0b'" to the Antarctic
and the alms and problems Involved, including the establishment of
,in ob~iervatory at Mirnyy. A major part of the book is devoted to
",.-Aectifin research In aerology, meteorology and actinametr-j,
Description of the Expedition (Cont.) sov/1637
conducted in cooperation with the IGY program. A large Part Of
the observations and preliminary findings cited are in the field
of hydrology and hydrochemistry., marine geology, geophysics,
hydrography, and hydrobiology. A roster of the members of the
expedition together with their specialities is included. There
are 72 figures, including maps. Bibliographic references
accompany separate chapters.
I. Purpose of the Expedition and Its Preparation (V.0. Kort) 7
Purpose and problems of the expedition
Preparation of the expedition 4
Expedition personnel 13
Card 3/9
Description of the Expedition (Cont.) sov/1637
II. Expedition's Voyage, Organizing Mirnyy Observatory, and
the CharacLeristics of Weather Conditions 17
T'.&,~ voycgep and organizing the observatory at Mirnyy
(I.A. Man)
.~l 17
of weather condi-tibns during the voyage
of U-;ie Diesel-electric ship "Oblr',, and its anchorage in
D--,pr, (Farr) Bay and Mirnyy (R. F. Usmanov) 27
III. Planning the Expedition's Research Work (V.G. Kort) 33
117. Aerometerological Studies (L. G. Sobolev and
R. F. Usmanov)
Volume of Work co leted (L.G. Sobolev) 35
Methods of study MP 35
(L.G. Sobolev) 36
Preliminary results (R.F. Usmanov) 39
C ard 4/ 9
Description of the Expedition (Cont.) sov/1637
V. Hydrological Studies (K.V. Moro8hkin) N. D. Kravtsov
V.S. Nazarov, G. V. Rzheplinskly, and-Yu-.-~F. Hynicovi 48
Volume of work completed (K. V. Moroshkin) 48
Organization equipment and methods of research
(K.V. Moroshkin) 49
Preliminary results 52
Hydrological observations (K.V. Moroshkin) 2
Hydrooptical observations (N.D. Kraytou.) 99
Glaciological observations TV.S. Nazarov) 76
Wave observations and stereophotogrammetry of waves, ice
and icebergs (G.V. Rzheplinskiy) 79
Registration of wave elements with a strip photo-wavegraphy
and the measurement of wave height and period with the
V.V. Shuleykin microbar level (YU. 0. Ryzhkov) 89
VI. Hydrochemical Studies (A.N. Bogoyavfenskiy) 91
'Volume of work completed 91
Methods and equipment 92
Preliminary results 93
Card 5/ 9
Description of the Expedition (Cont.) SOV/1637
VII. Marine aeol ical Studies (A. P. Lesitsyn and
A.V. Zhivago
~ 103
Volume of work completed 103
Laboratory equipment 106
System of research 108
?rellminary results 117
VIIi. Study of the Material Composition of Present-day
Sediments of the Submerged Shelf of Antarctica
(M.V. Klenova) 145
IX. Geophysical Studies (Yu. G. Ryzhkov) 155
Measurement of electric currents in the ocean 155
Problems and organization of work 162
Review of hydrographic studies conducted on the shores
of Antarctica and in the Antarctic region during the first
~f the Combined Antarctic Expedition 163
Rc3ults of studies 169
rqrd 6/9
Description of the Expedition (Cont.) SOV/1637
XI.. Biological Studies (V0 A. ArBenlyev, K. A. Brodskly,
'-P.V. Ushakov,, G. M Bely"ayev, A. P. Andi~'-ashev, and
A.K. Tokarov (deceased) 172
Research roblems and organization of studies 172
Plankton N.A. Br6d8kiy and M. Ye. Vinoiradov) 173
Problems of plankton studies during the first trip of the
Combined Antarctic Expedition and the extent to which the
plankton of the zones traveled was studied 173
Methods of study and the volume of the material collected 175
Preliminary considerations on the distribution'of plankton
in the investigated area 176
Benthos (G.M. Belyay'ev, and P.V. Ushakov) 181
Extent to which the benthos has been studied and the
problems involved 182
Methods Of study 182
Volume of research 183
General characteristics of materials 186
Card 7/9
Description of the Expedition (Cont.)
Quantitative studies of bottom fauna in Antarctic waters 189
Study of abybal fauna i- 193
.1-J,.thy0faurlF. (A.P. AndriyaWhev, and A.K. Tokarev
!deceased) 195
r--ftr-rit of kn-swledge and the problems involved in
atudies 195
ri,:th~,d3 of study 195
'?asic scientific results 197
14shing with electro-illumination 203
B.?holation by means of fish-echolot NEL-5r 203
Observations on marine mammals and birds(V.A. Arsenlyev) 207
Contacts With Soientists and Other Leading L,-
Representatives of Foreign Countries(Ye. M. Suzyumov) 213
Near the shoreB of Antartica 213
On Macquarie Island 215
in New Zealand 217
Car-d 8/9
Description of the Expedition SOV/1637
In Southern Australia 222
On Kerguelen Island 228
In Hamburg 229
Conclusion 233
AVAILABLE: Library of Congres8 M4/bmd
Card 9/9
,DQPMMTOVI A.A., inzh.j PANCWIKO, A.G., inzh.; SAVEL'YEV, D.N.., inzh.;
I10MBKOP YesA*0 inzh.j BRYUNETKIN, M.G., inzh.; -UAVTSOV,_yjL, in";
TIMFLYEVA, R.G., inzhe
Tmproving the pi)rformance of opeD-huarth furnaces. Stall 23 no.4-.
304-308 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:4)
(Open-hearth furnaces)
).IL",V,l ')"if NX0
~ I ~ 131 1
Fij.~ t rf~i"Ult_ tio', . U .
t I , Df the )f jj~j,j:;t,,j&j I 1~ i twkho
111form. Gov. llallch~-ISSL illst~ I'Itl'~Icl
inform. 17 zio.4.73-74 Ap 17:f-)
ALIFIONOVA, O.A., in7,h.; KOLIYANOV) V.V., inzh,;- KRAVTSOV,--N.S-. , izlzh.
Modernizing construction windlasses. Mekh. stroi. 18 no.6:15-16
je 161, .:,(MIRA 14-.7)
1. Saratovskly zavod Btroitel Inykh mashin.
42 IA ?12 0 0
AUTHORS: Strakhovskiyj G. M., Kravtsov, N. V. 3/05Y60/070/04/005/011
TITLE: Strong Magnetic ieldS B006 Boll
PERIODICAL: Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk, 1960, Vol 70, Nr 4, pp 693-714 (USSR)
TEXT: The present article offers a survey of the possibilities of producing strong
magnetic fields. P. L, Kapitsa is said to be a pioneer in this fields in 1924 he
already attained 5-10-' oersteds by means of an accumulator discharge over a low-
resistance solenoid, and 3.2-105 oe with an electromechanical method in 1927.
1.6-lo6oe are attainable today under laboratory conditions, which is by no means
to be considered the upper limit. Table 1 offers a chronological picture of the
magnetic field strengths attained by various authors, among whom V. 3, Komellkov,
N. F. Aretov, and G. I. Budker are mentioned. The latter theoretically investigated
the problem of the'production strong magnetic fields by the use of relativistic-
ally stabilized electron beams'.rL. N. Rozentsveyg p inted out the possibility of
polarizing ele%f-ron beams Tn-Tected into accelerators by means of strong magnetic
fields. A number of other fields of application of strong magnetic fields is briefly
dealt with. Part II contains a discussion of electromagnets with iron cores, which
are used up to 50 koel Since such laboratory magnets must meet with a number of
requirements (large Hy easily accessible range of operation and a homogeneous
Card 1/3 L~
Strong Magnetic Fields
field in the latter, good cooling, et al.), they constitute a compromise., Figure 1
illustrates such a typical magnet. When using common iron it is possible to attain
17,000 - 20,000 gauss, and up to 26,000 gauss if special alloys are employed. With
a special shape of the pole pieces it is possible to attain 70 koe; figure 2 shows
such a case. The requisite of field homoganeity in the range of operation opposes
a limit to an increase in the field strength by a special shape of the pole pieces.
Figure 4 shows a photograph of a laboratory electromagnet, the characteristics of
which are given@ Figure 5 illustrates the dependence of the H on the gap width.
Part III deals with the iron-free electromagnets with constant field, i. e. con-
struction and theory of solenoids. First, the theory of solenoids with constant
current density is briefly dealt with and next, solenoids with optimal radial
distribution of the current are discussed. Figure 7 shows a schematic representation
of such a solenoid which makes it possible to attain as much as 105oe. Figure 8
illustrates the field distribution along the solenoid axis, figure 9 the dependence
of the H on the solenoid diameter with different powers (20-3000 kw). Part IV is
devoted to the pulsed magnetic fields, Field strengths exceeding 105oe can be
attained in solenoids fed by pulsed currents. Such currents are attained by con-
denser discharge, discharge of chemical batteries~ and on the electromechanical
way. Figure 10 shows a basic scheme of such a system, the theory of which is
Card 2/3
Strong Magnetic Fields
briefly dealt with. Both methods are frequently used (pulse duration 0.01 see).
In this case, cooling opposes considerable technical difficulties which are re-
lated in the first place with the strength of the solenoid. When cooling with
nitrogen or heliumg 2.5-10 5oe can be attained during 0.1 sea, but in the theory
it is then necessary to consider the change in conductivity of the solenoid. Next,
such theories are dealt with: that of a solenoid with trapezoidal cross seotion
and homogeneous current density distribution, suoh a solenoid in which the current
density is inversely proportional to the radius, and a solenoid with rectangular
Cross section in which the current density is inversely proportional to the radius.
Graphs, diagrams, and tables complete the representation. Part V briefly deals
with form and duration of the pulses with special regard to the square pulses. The
last part is devoted to the measurement of pulsed magnetic fields by the ballistic
method (accuracy � 1/4), the Faraday effect, magnooptical and galvanomagnetic
effects. Rogovskiy is mentioned. There are 27 figures, 5 tables, and 124 ref-
erences, 48 of which are Soviet.
Card 3/3
Microwave spectroscope with a high-frequency modulated magnetic field
for investigations in a wide range of tompersititres. VIest. Moak. un.
Sar. 31 Fiz... astron. 18 no.6tl8-22 N-D 163. (MIRA 17s2)
1. Nauchno-iBsledovat4l'skiy institut y~dernoy fiziki Moskovskogo
gosud,irstvennogo univorsitsta.
L 20764-63 SMOVIRTM/M/ 4
ACCESSION NR: AP3003222 S/0020/63/150/006/1267/12-69
AUTFORt Kravtsov, N. .V.; jazu)cin, V. No: Chokalin. 14. V.
TITLE: Observation of spin induction in electron paramametic resonance
SOUPLEs AN SSSR. Dokladyj v. 150, no. 6, 1963p 1267-1269
TOPIC TAOSi electron paramagnetic resonance, spin induction method
ABSTRAM The nuclear induction method developed by F. Bloch et al.
LPhys. Rev., 69, 127, (1946)] for observation of nuclear nagnetic resonance has
b~Den applied to observation of electron paramagn~etic resonance. The method con-
sirts of placing the sample in a constant raCnetic field perpandicular to a
variable magnetic field and observing the variable component of ".-he electron
spin magnetic moment through an emr induced in the direction perpendicular to
the two crossed fields. Z~cperiments were conducted with a setup employing a
kly--tron oscillating at 9500 111c and feeding a hybrid rinr through a ferrite
valve and variable attenuator. Part of the powe.- passes irto a bimodal cy-
linc~rical cavity positioned'in the field of a 50-cps electromagnet. Input and
out"put waveguides are perpendicular to one another. T*,-Ie s-,-,;ple in placed at the
Card 1/2
L 20764-63 ---- --
end of the cavity, where the microwave power i's at a maximum, and the hybrid
ring permits observation of the EM signal by the usual method of reflection
frcm the cavity. The system war tested with diphenylpicrylhydrazyl and yttrium
ferrite i'irgle crystals. The results indicate high sensitivity of the device
and high stability of the microwave circuit balance as particular advantages.
It is suggested that observation of EPR by spin inductancocan be accompli!;hed
in P_ rvdio spectrrkcCEe with superheterodyne detection. The use of such a spec-
troscope woUd obviato the necessity of using a hybrid ring or circulator, per-
mit the use. of bigh-pcx-rer microwaves (whichincreases sensitivity), and provide
very stable operation. Pulsed methods can also be used to observe electron spin
induction and make relaxation time measurements. The &rticle wa3 presented by
Academician L. A. Artsimovich, 229 January 1963. Orig. art. has; 3 fiLruros.
ASSOCIATION: Mosltovsk* gosudavstvenny4y universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova
(Moscow State University
SUBMITTSDI 16Jan63 DATE ACQ: P_4Jul63 =Li 00
SUM GODZ: 00 NO MF SVI: 000 OTHER: , 002
Card ~ e21A
n'lo742-63 EWP(J)/X.PlP(C)/EWT(1)/ZWT(M)/BDS~--A?FTC/ASD~-po-4/
ACCESSION NR: AP3003509 S/0020/63/15.1/001/0087/OCZ"
AMOR- Krayteov.-N. V.; Lazukin.-V, N.; Shanditsov, V. A.
Tr1W: Many-quantum transitions in EPR
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady. v. 131, no. 1g 1963P 8T-89
TOPIC TAGS,' EPRj, electron paremagnetic resonance, free
radical, M satellites
ABS MICT- The effect of week modulating radio frqquency magno ~tc field H2
on the EPR spectrum of the diVjeUX1Dig=1hxdzaaYAfree radical as investigated.
Absorption at ricrowave, field'frequency W., antl absorption- midenission at w,
and w2 (frequency of H2) were recorded in the experiments. As the amplitude of
H2 was increased, an increase was observed In the number of satellite lines lo-
cated symmetrically on ~both sides of the principeA line. it vas determined
that the line Intensity decreased vith increasing order number of the satellite.
The -first satellite corresponds to absorption of quantum Awl and emission of*
quantum liw,. The next satellite (1% a weaker field) Is due to absorption of
quant "J)2. An analogous effeal,occurs on the
GUMUI and emission of quentum W
Card I/P
L 10745-63
other side of the principall line. The authors note that this effect makes it
possible to measure high-frequency radlation, by recording lover-frequency
radiation. The emission at W2 and at multiples Of W2 can also be utilized in,
designing quantum mechanical amplifiers, The article was presenteil by
Academician L. A. Artsimovich, 29 Jan 1953, Orig art. has: 4 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvenny*y universitet (moscow state university)
SLMMMTED: 16,Tan63 DATE ACQ: 30JU163 ENCL: 00
SUB CODE: PH NO 1W S07: 002 arm.: oo6
rd 2;
1071d~-6 b -2--AFFX/ASD/AFNL--IJP(C)
ACCESSION NR: AP3003551 S/0020/62/151/002/0314/0314
AUTHOR: KravtsQv, N. V.
idiation a
TITLE: On the possibility of.detecting high-frequen2Lrz
lower frequencies
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 151, no, 2, 19630 314
TOPIC TAGS: quanitum devices, high-frequency radiation detection
ABSTRACT: A device is proposed for detecting high-frequency radia--
tion at lower frequencies by using a. system of quantum energy levels
(such -.s paramagnetic ions in crystals) with level degeneracy fully
or partially removed by a static magnetic field. Two variable ma, etic
fields are imposed on the system, one parallel to the static field and
the other perpendicular t6 it. The frequency of the parallel variable.
,ield is much lower than that of the perpendicular field. The,transition
probabilities of this system are such that it can detect radiation with
Card 1/2
'L-107W-43 _7
the high frequency of the parallel field by using the'low frequency of the
perpendicular field. The maximum. possible ratio of these frequencies
depends on the line width of the transition and is shown by experiments to
reach values on the order of 10 5. The method will permit application of r-f
and microwave techniqueE( to detection of radiation in bands for which there
presently are no reliable detectors or for which the present detectors possess
poor sensitivity, large time constants, etc, With a two-level quantum
system, very large magnetic fields may be required, which can be supplied
by pulsed methods. Weaker-fields can be used with a multilevel quantum
system having a considerable initial splitting of the worldng levels. The
time constant of the device determined by the relaxation properties of the
quantum system, will be on the order of 10-7 to 10-4 sec. An analogous
effect can be obtained through utilization of electric fields with particles
possessing electric moments. The article was presented by L. A.
Artsimovich, 29 January 1963. Orig. art. has: 2 formulas.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiv gosudarstvannyy universitet Ln. M. V. Lomonosova
(MI-geow State Universit, )
S~B~IITTED: 29Dec62 DATE AGQ; 30ju163 ENCL; 00
SUP CCDEr 00 NO REF SOVi 000 OTHER: -001
Card 2/2
__PEA_2/DTA(m)-2 'WA(h)
AccEssroN NR; AP4042994 FSD(dp) W 8/0051/64/017/dOl/0143/014
AUTH'011- Kravtsov, N. V,~ iShevchenko,, A. K.
TITLE: Possibility of conversion of phase and, frequency modula-
tion of light into amplitude modulation
-SOURCE., optika i spektroskopiya, v. 17, no. 1, 1964,1143-144
TIO.PIC TAGS: laser radiation sp6ctrum, laser modulation, frequency
modulation, pulse modulation, azvlitude modulationt laser communi-
cation laser
'ABSTRACT: The investigation is,of.interest since phase and frequency
modulation of laser radiation is more,economical-than amplitude modu-.
lation, but reception. of the latter is simpler., Tuto schemes are
described for this purpose. The system for pm to am conversion is
similar to a somewhat modified Jamin interferometer with a phase
modulator in each arm. Such a oyatem is not sensitive to variation
Card 1/3
L 1067-66 EWT(d)IrSS-~2
ACC NR: AP6002406 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0103/65/026/012/2260/2264
AUTHOR: Kravtsov N. V. (Moscow); Polyachenk2, V.
ORG: None
TITLE: Error dispersion in measuring frequency and phase of a sinosoidal signal in
the presence of narrow-band noise
SOURCE: Avtomattka I telemekhanika, v. 26, no. 12, 1965, 2260-2264
TOPIC TAGS: signal to noise ratio, signal noise separation, signal frequency, phase
measurement, error prediction
ABSTRACT: In the solution of some practical problems, there to sometimes a need for
the precise determination of the frequency of a sinosoidat signal In the presence of
narrow-band noise. it Is, therefore, interesting to perform a theoretical evaluation
of the dependence of the dispersion of the error of measurement on the value of the
signal-noise ratio and the measurement time interval. This note presents a method
for the construction of the appropriate formulas based on the simple physical analogy
with unidimensional Brownian motion. An analysis is also made of the physical inter-
pretation of the results. obtained with different limiting cases. Only the more well-
Card 1/2 UDC:-621,317,36:621.391. 82
L 1067-66
ACC NR: AP6002406
known formulas in random function theory are used. It Is noted in conclusion that an
analogous problem was solved (by means of a very complicated procedure) by V. P.
Zhukov (Dispersiya chisla nuley summy garmonicheskogo signala I uzkopolosnogo
shuma. Radiotekhnika I, elektronika, vol. 9, no. 3, 1964). Orig. art. has: 3 figures
and 22 formulas.
SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DAM., 15Jul64/ ORIG REF-. 002
Card 2/2
ACC NR: AP6027242 SOURCE CODE: UR/010c)/66/011100811516/1518
AUTHOR: Kravtsov, N. V.; Chirkov, L. Ye.
ORG: none
TITLE. Optical modulator based on the Michelson interferometer
SOURCE; Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 11, no. 8, 1966, 1516-1518
TOPIC TAGS: interferometer, optic modulator
ABSTItACT: Experiments with a Michel son -inte rl'e romete r -type optical modulator
are briefly reported. ADP-crystal (40x-.xZ-rnrn) cuts were used. The half-wavc
displacement was 820 v with one, and 410 v with two crystals. A control-voltage
amplitude of 410 v produced a 100cl'a modulation in the single-crystal scheme. The
modulator passband, limited by the capacitance of electro-optical cells (28 py,),
was about 100 Nic. The above intcrferention modulator has these advantages: it
Card I /Z UDC: 535. 241. 13
AGG NR: AP6OZ72,12
requires a much lower control voltage than other types; it doc.,j not require rigid
I-riono chro mati city of light, (a radiation band of 100 is acceptable); its operation
depends only slightly on the ambient-ternperature variations. Disadvantages;
high sensitivity to mcchanical vibration; no utic of TW line is posBil-te. Orig. art.
has: 2 figures and 8 ~`ormulas.
Card ?
ACC NRI AP7005621 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/67/000/002/0066/0066
INVENTOR: Kravtsov, N. V.; Chirkov, L. Ye.
ORG: none
TITLE: Electro.optical element. Class 21, No. 190488
SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarny-ye znaki, no. 2, 1967, 66
TOPIC TAGS: phase modulation, optic modul-itor, optic element ) cLr-C7KooPr1C- EFF
ABSTRACT: An electrooptical element for a phase modulator is introduced (see Fig. 1)
which is based on the quadratic electrooptic effect. To reduce the amplitude of the
podulating voltage, the modulator capacitance, and the required power, it is made in
'the form of a rectangular prism. This form assures complete multiple reflection of
the light beam within the element. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. (JR)
Card 1/2 UUC: 621.383.6:621.376.4.08
ACC NR, AP 7 0 0 5- 67i1-
Fig. 1. Electrooptical element
I - Single crystal cut; 2 - incoming window; 3 electrodes;
4 - incoming beam; 5 outgoing beam.
SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 07Sep65/
VINOGRANNO A.A.0 kmnd.toWm.rAkukj TRAVT"CVP N.Ya., in-zh.
Argayole of a balAwed otoadv mode of oporation of a Conerator
with oxoitation from a mochwUma roctifior. Trudy :zEi
no.25s87-IM 164e (ITMU l8el2)
111kolay YakovInvich, ngpirnnt
Remarks on I.A.Riabinin's article "Fimiivalent circuits of the
excitation syBtem of self-exciting synchronous generators.*
vys. uchob. zAv.; elektromekh. 6 no.12.1274-1276 '-'3.
1. Urallskly politek-hnicheskiy institut.
LEVINT07.0 S.D., kand,tekhn,uauk,, dotbent; KRAVTS(IV$ N.Ya., inzho
Rating the power of the motor of a piercing mi.U. Vest.maeh.
42 no.4:50-51 Ap 162. (Fipe mills) (KM 15:4)
KRAVTSOV, Nikolay Yakovlevlcb, starshiy prepodavatell
Equivalent magnitudes of the excitation circuit of a Self-
exciting synchronous generator. IZV. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektro-
mekh. 5 no.11:1240-1246 162. (MIRA 16:1)
1. Kafedra. elektrifikataii promyahlennykh predpriyatiy
Chelyabinskogo politekhnicbeskogo instituta.
(Electric generators)
KMVTSGVI Hikolay YakovIev1ch,, aspirant; 311TOV, Mkolay Sergeyevich,
doktor toklin. nauk, prof.
Equivalent networks and differential equations of synchronous
generators with self-excitation. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.;
elektromokli. 6 no.4:--451-461 163. (MIRA 16:7)
1. Kafedra clektricheakikli mashin Ural'skogo politekhnicheakogo
instituta (for Kravtoov). 2. Zaveduyushchly kafedroy elektricheskikh
mashin Urallakogo politekhniCheskogo instituta (for Siunov).
(alectric generators) (Differential equations)
(Equivalent circuite)
LEVOTOV, S.D., kand. tekhn. naukp dotsent; KRAVTSOV, N.Ya., inzh.
14ads of the electric drives of the auxillary mechanisms of
a blooming mill. Izv. vyao ucheb, zav.1 energ, 7 no.640-46
Je 164 (MIRA 170)
1. Chelyabinakiy politelchnicheskiy institut. PredBtavlema
kafedroy elektroprivoda i artomatinataii promyshlennykh
VASIL'YEVY Yu.K., kand. tekhn. nauk; KARPENKO, B.K., kand. tekhn. nauk;
KRAVTSOV, O.K.Y inzh.; MURASHKO, V.A., inzh.; IVANOVA, I.G., inzh.
Direct current motor with printed armature winding.
Energ. i elektrotekh. prom. no.1:25-28 Ja-Mr'64.
(MIRA 17:5)
KRAVTSOV, 0,K..,. inzh.
Analysis and comparison of the characteristics of motors with
printed win~Unga an diac rotors and ordinary d.c. motors. Enorg.
i elektrotekh. prom. no.2:27-30 Ap--Ja '64. Oulu 1,/:1o)
KRAVTSOV P chitell.
Work of young naturalists on a school experimental plot. Biol. v
A~kole.n.o.);~8-89.Vly-Je. '57. (KLRA 10:6)
1. Shkola No.41 g. Kraenodara.
(ICrasnodar--Agriculture--Stiidy and teaching)
1~ r -- -.--- ------ 1. 1
BOTKO, V.I., inzh.; XMYT�OV, P.N., in%h.; USACHKV, K.V., inzh.
Ifechanical.alpaning and painting of metal poles for electric
transmie.aJon, lines. Xnergetik*5 no.9:1-4 S '57. (MIRA 10ilO)
(Zl~ctric lines--Poles)
Formation of hydrogen sulfide as a process following the re-
duction of sulfates In Kuybyshev Reservoir. Trudy Inet.biol.
vodokhran. no.2:191-196 '59. 04Mh 13:5)
(Kuybyshev Reoervolr--Hydrogen sulfide)
Effect of additional electricity on the intensification of micro-
biological processes in the rhizosphere of plants and in fallowed
soil. Agrobiologiia no*2:253-257 Mr-Ap 162. (IOU 15 W
1. Tsentrallnaya genetichukaya laboratorlya imeni I.V.Mchurina,
g. 14ichurinskl.
(Rhizosphere microbiology) (Electricity in agriculture)
Effect of electricity on the biological activity of soil. Trudy
TSGL 7:239-243 161. OAIM 15:10)
(Soil biology) (Electricity-PWiological effect)
Effect of wea4 electric currents on the development of free-living
nitrogen-fixing micro-organism Is, soil. Trudy TSGL 7:244-254 161.
(MIRA 15:10)
Micro-organiums., Nitrogen-fixing)
lectricity-Physiological effect)
Effect of micro-organisms on the increase of soil fertili-V
=der the influence of electricity. Trudy TSGL 7:255-265 161.
(MIRA 15;10)
(Soil micro-organisms) (Electricity-Physiological effect)
(Soil fertility)
IfFirst Experiende vitin, a C-,arre of 100 Tons and Azove in tre Open-learth Aggrerates
of the South" I Ugol I i -~helezo Zcoal and Iro-n7, 110 31, 122t .
"Increased Leirht of Flimaco Chargen nz One of the PrI,ncIpal Trendn of Technical
PmFresv In Open-Hearth Production of tht) ULSSR) I' ProblorV pp 291-294,
Translation M-286, 22 Mar 55
ZATKOV, S.T., ; MUVTSOV,__Fjya.,_ inzh.
Using ore-lime briquets in converter process. Izobr.v SSSR 2
no.9:16-17 S 157. (MIRA 10:10)
(Bessemer process)
AUTHORS: Goncharenko, N.J., Zaykov, S.T. Kravtsov, P.Ya.,
Utiinov, V.D. (Kharlkov).
TITLE: Use of ore-limestone briquettes in convertors.
(Primeneniye rudoizvestnyakovykh briketov v konverternom
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Teldmicheskikh
Pauk, 1957, No.12, pp.78-80 (USSR).
ABSTRACT: Use of oxygen in convertors with basic linin- permits
processino of open hearth pig containing up to 0.30% P
and up to 0.08% S. Therefore, acceleration of the process
of formation of liquid lime-iron sla.- during the blowing,
which lasts only 12 to 15 minutes, is of great importance.
On the suGgestion of the Ukrainian Institute of Metals
(Ukrainskiy Institut Metallov) several series of
experiments were made in. the shops of the imeni Petrovskiy
1,11orks and the Yenakiyevo Works substituting iron ore
and limestone by ore-limestone briquettes. The speeding
up of the process of slag formation if ,uch briquettes
are used is attributed to the larger specifte surface
and the good mixing of the limestone aiid ore which,before
briquetting, are crushed -to a size of 1 to 3 rua. For
Card 1/3 making the briquettes, rich powdery iron ore with a low
Use of ore-limestone briquettes in convertors. 24-12-1?/24
content of silica is used. In one of the 'Works two
series of experimental m8lts were made (60 melts,
meltinG temperature 1250 C) with ore-limestone briquettes
of the following composition: 27.12% Fe, 33.74% Fe 2 03'
2.55% S1021 21.44% CaO, 0.72% 1,190, 0.95% Al2031
0.12% ?AnO, 0.02% P~ 0.022% S. The slag formation is
so rapid that slag specimens taken from the convertor
three minutes after the beginning of the blowinG period
were perfectly homogeneous in spite of the fact that
they contained 32% CaO; the data given in Table 3 indicate
that the basicity of the slag after three minutes blowing
remained almost constant and this proves the full and
rapid dissolution of the limestone in the slag. Rapid
slag formation and a high reaction ability was also
proved in the experiments at the Yenakiyevo, Metallurgical
Works. Due to the higher fluidity of the slags obtained
with a briquette variant, the bauxite consumption is
reduced by 55 to 60% and the specific consumption of
liquid pig-iron is also lower, resulting in an increase
in output of 1 to 1.6% and a reduction of the specific
Card 2/3 oxygen conswaption. Thus, ore-lime briquettes substitutirLi;
Use of ore-liraestone briquettes in convertors. 24-12-17/24
all the admixtures used at preoent ro,)resent fundamentally
a slag forminLr jaixLure arid a coolin'-,- a(,-ent and such a
sub,"titution leads to simpler and easier operation of
convertor shops.
There are 3 fiGures and 4 tables.
SURMITTED: April 19, 1957.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress.
Card 3/3
oil 13
o Unnij : 1. 0 A . A -
f 2 1
91 1'~ hy
1,4 0 0:11
1 .
.. I
SOV/ 137-58-9-18585
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 19.58, Nr 9, 1) 59 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Derfel', A.G., Kravtsov, P.Ya.
TITLE: Scrap-process Smelting of Pipe Steel With Low-rnanganese
Cast Iron (Vyplavka trubnoy stali skrap-protsesson-i na malo-
margantsovistom chugune)
PERIODICAL: V sb.-. Staleplavil'n. proiz-vo. Moscow, Metallurgizdat,
1958, pp 19-26
ABSTRACT: Scrap-process smelting of pipe steel of types St. 4 and D
involving low-i-xianganese cast iron (L?vfCl) was investigated in
the 185-ton, fuel -oil -operated, upen-hearth furnaces with mag-
nesite-chromite crowns at the im. K. Libknekht (K.
plant. The smeltings were carried out with and without the
addition of Fe-Mn in the course of the working process. The
LMC1 contained 1.049,16 Mn, 0.81% Si, and 0.068% S; standard
cast iron contains Z.IZO/o Mn and 0.0701o S. It was found that
smelting operations employing LMCI as well as processes in-
volving standard cast iron required an identical arnount of tirne
for completion. Owing to a reduction in Mn content oc(urring
Card 1/2 after fusion and prior to deoxidation (0. 15 and 0.20%
SOV/ 137-58-9-18585
Scrap-process Smelting of Pipe Steel With Low-mangariese Cast Iron
respectively, instead of 0.25-0.27 and 0.29-0.3 Ila as in the case of standard
cast iron) during processing of LMCI for the manufacture of steel, the con-
sumption of the Fe-Mn increased to 5.7 kg/t, in processes not involving the
addition of this substance, and to 6.2 kg/t in procedures involving the addi-
tion of the Fe-Mn for finishing purposes; analogous operations involving the
processing of standard cast iron -~nuired 4.2 kg of Fe-NIn per ton. After
fusion and prior to deoxidation, the slag contained greater quantities of Fe
oxides and smaller amounts of Mn oxides than would be the case during pro-
cessing of standard cast iron. During processing of the LMCI the S content
is greater after the smelting of the metal; however, in the finished metal it
is identical to the S content of metals manufactured by smelting with stan-
dard cast iron. With regard to the amount of spoilage, the consumption of
metal during the manufacture of pipes, mechanical properties, macro- and
i-nicrostructure, as well as with regard to the amount of oxygen, nitrogen,
and nonmetallic inclusions, the steel smelted with LNICI does not differ from
the steel obtained through processing of standard cast iron.
1. 3-.eel--Processing 2. Cast iron--Perforiwince 3. Manganese L. K.
&A 11(.; t i oil 4. Pipes--Productlon
Card 2/2
ZAYKOV, S.T., kand. takhn. nauk; KOROBOY, I,I-, inzh.; KOSTEIMrSKIY,
O.N.,inzh.; KRAVTSOV P.Ym., insh.; LIFSHITS, S.I., kand. tekhn.
nauk; RUBDIS UMIOV, V.D., inzh.
Using limestone-oro briquettes during oxygen blast througb pig
iron in converters. Biul. TSIIIICHH no. 10:15-21 159. (MIRA 11:7)
(Bessemer process)
A05OR3 1: Zaykov,. �.. T,,.Kravtso7,.P,,.Xa,, llfablli, 5. 1.
11-MEt Aseimilation of malting new steel grades in converters with oxygen
Pa:ODICAI.I., Referativnyy zhurnal,, Metallurgiyet, no,. 10,, 1961, 36s. abstract 1OV240,-
("Mat,allurg J, goMoruO,.prqjn-st' , Nauc~no-telom. ab.", L%O, noi 4,
P5 - 27)
At the-plant Imeni Petrovskly and "Krivoroshatalg" the following rim-
ming steel grades are now being malted in converters with 02 blasti. T - for tels-
grach wirej CB-oB (sv-oB) and CB -08A (SV-08A) for eleatrode wire (S..up. to,
0.04-0, and up to 0.030%), K-2, K-3, K-O.for small Iron warej K-5 and RP-62
-62). fo'z orans rails) 25r.20 (2502S) low-alloy steel for reinforcement wire of
*,tDA p:fjf Ile. Further enlargement of the assortment was stndiedy na:qelr the
of high-quality-CB-08A.18V-08A), K-10 and K~20.pjps atselm I
T,"nat whan converting cast iron with S 40.05%, steel with S 4 0,030% qau be ob7
tai-_,ed, if the slag is removed twioe and fluorsp&r (2 kg/t of steel) is added.
--ne repeated slag removal exterds the malting timt by 15 - 20% and reduces the
Card I/;,
Assimilation of melting new steel grades in... A006/A101
Yield by 0.7 - 1.2%. Further investigations showed that SV-08A steel Oan be melted
ft,om cast iron with S 4- 0.05% and Mn > 1.5% if only fluorepar is used without re-
mov ing the primary slag. K-10 and K-20 pipe steel was melted. Teeming was per-
formed by the syphon method into molds with risArs. The inigot weight was 4.20 -
4.45 t. The steel contained 0.0091% [0], 0.006.5.f rNj and 4 69 ml/100 g [H]. All
the mecb-e-nical and technological tests of the pip^ spaoimer~ yielded satisfactory
P. Arsentlyev
LAtatracterge note: Complete translation]
C aT~d 2/2
-j" (-V
AT !-;4f)-,
Zaykcv, S.T... Kravtsov, P.Ya., Llf~hit.~, S.I.
Fllt*lrlg Tl-.,.,) Frcducti.~?n N,,~w itc-el Gradfs Wited In Oxygen Con,.,
A erters
FHFfr0D:,--AL-, M;-- t a 1"Irg
TKY Tl-,,~ f--'jIuv4!rg !Lteel. grades arr. nc,4 beln8 prvduced In Oxyger.
Plan' iiren' Fetrz-vEk~
y and 1,.e Krlv~~y Rcg Plant- rimr,-InE
.3 (K-St-3). 'T. (KSt.O) zt.e~,l and klll,:d 25f 2(,
GS VCT.7, Wt.5), VV6~ ( KP6 C6 0
BO 8 A 'Sv A), KI ELA Y~)
~ILI- ~QEI. 7n 5,,108A steel t--7. perrn!!--ftle sulfur and phocphoru-- contend i~ nc.'.
0.030%. of oxygen ccnverter stec-I wlt~.. a 11:~w F a,,,d 5
11, waz e,--l i,3r:,c-d by e-.Kper'rr.~-rj, a- lgatizns
ent-?n.'. belcw 0.0,3% may be obtalrE-J ~f
12 attained vy repeat-d remcval of ,v)c 41--g and the
-2aI"IQI ---I f,-pir -In an a.,rvz~* c~4' 21 ~a/t cf rr,tal. Arw~:v~r, rereat,~d
, r Ir
draw, )01, and- inns: yield
,ng-cff .n,:-,"A:ies '.'ne ty I-)--
7- w rr.n~ t,l In 'i-. e
S./l Y160/ooc1o08,1,oc-710c9
z I, NE"; .~ra&z Me. At ~j '- Oxygen Cc.nver*,,?!,B
n- standards -ind the a Ai -cnt-nt was 1 cw.
--f the anks Int pir~- W a ~F e as: iy p, ..:.t I e. 7n Te
r vc~,i I a! fa, . , ry.
:A' T N - r,~ k ,y inz- I.' tre- !u~e cf Me7al-_-)
Card 2,10
PoykiKovy Aleksey Mikhaylovich; KOTIN, A.G., otv. red.; KPAVTSOV
P.Ya. , otv. red. ; LIBEFI-M, S. S. , red . -4 zd-va; k. -DRME-Ell, T.T-. p
TAFM. red.
[SteelmFQcing]Proizvodstvo stali. lzd.2., ispr. i dop. Kharlkov,
Metallurgizdat, 1962. 520 P. (MIRA 15:10)
17f,iYFC11", S.I.; H7~AVTSOVi ~ J1. ~ ~, I .''PIGULINP V.I.;
I . P.Ya.; NIKIFOROV, D.V.; ECA" I.I.. "*.' __ . :
P.S.; LIFSHITS) S.I.; YEVSIA~-"T'*,~ ;,: ', . I ~.. ~.;
. I , I - .. .; '--,'~';~`;, 7.F.;
U.sing oxygen-blown converter steel in automob1l~- -1unt.1'a,3Lure.
;,,et. i gor-norud. prom. no.4:26-31 JI-Ag 2~4-
(!.'T-:.A IS: 7)
Problem concorning the choice of an a.c. bridge circuit.
Avtom. kont. i elek. izm. no.205-46 160. (MIRA 15:3)
(Bridge circuits) (Electric measurements)
94162/00011006 '004 /232
Balancing computer circuits with discrete adjustment
of the variables
PE"! 110 D I CA LReferativnyy zhurnal. Avtomz~tika i ra(IioeleIII.-tronika,
no. 6, 1962, abstract 6-1-25 g (Nauchn. zap. L'vovsk.
politekhn. in-t, 1961, no. 78, 61-135)
I-,-'XT: 'Balancing computer circuits are devices for the solution of
equations of the form f(x) = 0 relative to the unk-,,o,,,tn x usini; the
.method of implicit functions. The advantages of Gystems ;vith dis-
crete adjustment of the required variables are enumerated, amo'ng
others the improved accuracy, higher speed and a number of opera-
tional-advantages. On the example of a non-dimensional system are
shown the process of obtaining the solution, the selectior. of the
increment of the v.,.riable and the law of its change depending on
the expected character of chan.-e for the input variable, and also
an estimate is given for the sensitivity of the adjusting system in
connection with the required accuracy of the calculations and the
Card 1/4
S/19 62/00011/006/1504 12 3 2
Balancing computer circuits with ... D222YD309
insensitive zone of the executive element. Tho stability problems
of the one-dimensional system can be considered in two staLes: irr-
vestigation of the degenerate motion and investi,-;,-,tion o," mcti.orl
the vicinity of the solution point for a sy-tem with !Icr it,
tion. A 6eneral formulation is given for the problem Of '-O"C't!'UCL-
ing multi-dimensional systems for the solution of systems of equa-
tions of the form f i(x1I .... Xn) = 0 where i = 1, n. Tlie
cept of the resultant transformation matrix is intro--i-_
-0 ~
and it is remarked that the Problem of investigating tlie ccnv,!~,,-_n-
ce of multi-dimensional systems can be formulated _4 nt t: :,7, c 0 f
analysis and synthesis of systems. The purpose of the anailys-~'o
to establish the conditions imposed on the r-,c..t_4 - "'e -I%bJI_tY
b y 11 , ". ~ I
I , 4 V.~
requi~7cments, to determine the safety factor .,iith a
to establish the relationship betvieen the m;at.rix anj
o.`~ the balancing process and the inves~;ij.,,ation of t'no
t'he insensitivity of the executive ,.;echanJ.s,-_ '2he syn-,h~_-fC
sys'.em is reduced to finding 11TI!"a which satisfy t*,,c
d1tions of the system, ensure a ~,,uffftciently smala 3afety
satisfactory speed and-sufficiently small error due 4-0
Card 2/4
S/1 10001m; Inn"
-A,Jancing comaiter circuits with ... D2)2/D3
ty. The stability ..-)roble,7,s of two-dimensional systems are examined
,.-iith seve--al variants of motion near the solution point: monotonio,
aperiodic, and oscill,-:tory motion. RV,"s are t)rosented which 01"SU-
Ve the syntnesis of two-dimensional systems: permutations, Eradien-tl
RTE., autonomizing RTI', and o rthogonali zing I(T?.:. The synthesis me-
thod of tao-r!imensional systems with the utilization of each of the
HM's is illustrated by the example of the dynthesis of a syster.
of transformation for bipolar coordinates into rectangular ones.
;!.ach of tiie transformations is executed in three variants-. with ~X
variable ele.-ents, with parzametrically expressed elements, and '...'ith
cons'.,ant elements. It is pointed out 4k,
4-hat the results obtained for
the synthesis of two-dimensional systems can be used for the syn-
thesis and investigation.of multi-dimensional systems, but the main
task in the investigation of multi-dimensional systems is tile selcc-
tion of a system which has sufficiently high qualitative indices of
convergence, and the synthesis of only such systems. The circuitry
problems in the parallel and series modelling of the equations and
in transforming the error signals into control si,-,nals are briefly
examined. The general validity of -the conclusions, and the fact
that they can be extended to one-dimensional systems of discrete
Card 3/4
Balancin6 computer circuits with D222/D309
action, to positional control systems and to integrator computcr
units, is pointed out. 14 figures and 17 references. [Abst-ra"Cter's
note: Comi)lete translationol
r(1 4/4