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KRAVCIIUKf Ya.M. Registration of electric energy in outdoor- t,~-T)e substations. Prom. energ. 19 no.1:61 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:2) KRAVCITUK, Ta.T. Council of Construction and Architecture. Izv. ASiA no.1:112-114 160. (MIRI 13:9) 1. Uchenyy makretarl soveta Akidemil stroitel'atva I arkhitektury SSSR. (Kursk Province--City -planning) KRATqj!j~ Ta T.- Council of Construction and Architecture. Izv. ASiA no. 3:130- 131 160. (HIU 13:12) 1. Ucheqy ankretarl Sovata Amaemit etroltel'stva i arkhitelctury SSSRI (Construction industry) KRAVCHUK, Ya,T. uchenyy sekretar? The Building and Architecture Council. Izv. ASiA no.1:111- 3-13 161. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Stroitellno-arkhitekturnyy sovet Akademii stroitellf3tva i arkhitektury SSSR. (Construction industry) (Kryukobo--City planning) 4 KRAVCHUK, YEL.T. Construction and Architectrual Soviet. Izv. ASiA 4 no.2:126-127 '62. (MIRA 15.9) 1. Uchenyy sekrotarl Stroitellno-arkhitekturnogo soveta Akademii stroitelletva i arkhitektur-y SSSR. (Construction industry) XRAVOHUK Y 7,, kand.arkhitektury las Scme problems of the plAnning and building development of the center of U11yanovak. I2vISiA 4 no.4:128-130 162. (MIRA 16jI) (Ullynnovsk-City planning) KRAVOMM, Te.K, Using the method of plans host waves In determining thermal coefficients for loose and solid materials, Inzh,-fiz,zbur. no,10129-37 0 158, (MIRA 11:11) 1, Gosudaretvonnyy pedagogichnekly institutt Kiyev, (Reat--Radiation and absorption) 85435 S/'70/60/003/011/006/016 14 00 BO I9/BO56 AUTHOR: Kravchuk., Ye. M. TITLE: The Problem of Delermining the Thermal Diffusivit Ccef- ficient of a Substance on an Infinite Plate by Means cf Plane - Temperature Waves PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno,-fizich-iskiy zhurnal, ?960. Vol. 3, 11c. 11~ PP. 58-60 TEXT~ The author investigates an infinitely extended plate on whose sur- fa(:e sinusQidal temperature changes o~~^Iur, which differ in phase and amplitude. In this connection, he proceeds from the one-dimensional heat-conduction equation, and obtains a representation of the temperature field by means of a Laplace transform. Prom this representation he fur- ther obtains two independent transcendental equations for determining the Predvoditelev number Pd, from which the thermal diffusivity coefficient may be calculated by means of the formula a r C012/Pd. Here, (A) is the circular frequency of the temperature oscillaticna and 21 is the plate thickness, A. F. Chudnovskiy is mentioned. There are 1 figure and 3 Card 112 65435 The Problem of Determining the Thermal S/17 60/003/011/oo6/o,6 Diffusivity Coefficient cf a Substanc,.e on B019YB056 an Infinite Plate by Meane of Plane Tempera- ture Wa-fes Scvi.?t r.~fer.~n-_es. ASSOCIATION- Gosudaystvennyy pedagcgichaskiy in.9titut im. A. 11. Gerikogo, g,, Kiyev (state Pedagogical-InstItute imeni A. 11,1. Gorlkiy. Kiyev) SUBMITTED: April 8~ 1960 Card 212 5~1 P70162100-51001.1006/0 B 1 04/'B 102 AUTHOR- Kravchuk, Ye. M. TITLE: Determination of thermophysical coefficients by the methcd of the regular condition of the third kind PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 5, no. 1, 1962. 59-63 TEXT: The determination of thermophysical coefficients by means of temperature waves has hitherto been restricted to the determination of the coefficient of thermal diffusivity. Here, it method for the simultaneou8 determination of the coefficients of thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity is established theoretically, An unbounded plate described a3 standard body is in contact with a unilaterally bounded test body Tho temperature waves are produced by periodically changing the temperaturl'. -J the free Burface of the plate. The temperature is measured on both pla*e surfaces and at a point of the test body. The coefficient a2 f thermali diffusivity of the test body is determined 9 usual, while the heat conduc- tion coefficient is calculated from X x a, X. and a, 2 1 ~~1121 Card 11,4~- 31878 S/170/62/005/001/006/013 Determination of thermophysical- B100102 are the corresponding coefficients of the plate. This formula wag derived in previous papers of the author (IFZh, no, 10, 29, 1958; no 11, 58, 960), Here it is shown that even the unilaterally bounded body can be taken as a standard and the plate as a sample, The temperature measurements on both plate surfaces can be replaced by a measurement of temperaturr- at a knowr point inside the unilaterally bounded body. The amplitude aria ;A temperature oscillations in plane II (Fig. 1) are obtainr-d frcw~ data of plane I by mc-ans of an auxiliary pl,-te A ra-,ie is discus,,jvd the test body and the StWidard body have ~?oua] hert and where the specific heat ol' tht~ tunt body -is to b,- an absolute method is discussed, by which both coeffic,tlntE, !~an t~n determined in one test. For this purpose. a plane heat source it-, an unbounded medium is assumed from which temperature waves propagate to bot", sides. In this case, the coefficient of thermal diffusivity can be found from known formulas (Tadokoro Y., Sci. Rep, Tohoku Imp. Uni-v , I ser , Vol. IX, N 5, 1920; Sicard L, , et al. , Acad Sci , 248; N 21, 2970. .;959) For the heat conduction coefficient, thri approximate expression % = (qm/2rTm,) Qt-), and the amplitude ot' temperature ations is givet) Card 2/4,3 Determination of thermophysical... 3~18770 S /62/OG,'j/0O1/O06/Oi3 B104/B1O2 by T x . ~1(t _9 )2 + (6 /W)2 . T is the amplitude of temperature m 1 0 0 0 me oscillations of the heat source, Qm amplitude of the power oscillations of the source, c,~ the circular velocity of these oscillations, and F the area of one of the surfaces of the heat source, and 9 is the average temperature. There are 1 figure and 8 references: 4 Soviet and 4 non- Soviet. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: Sides P. H., Danielson G. C. J. Appl. Phys., 25, N 1, 58, 1954- ASSOCIATION: Tekhnologicheskiy institut legkoy promyshlennosti, g. Kiyev (Technological Institute of LightIndustry, Kiyev) SUBMITTED: May 10, 1961 Card 311e, x 17139-61- EPRAwp(j)AWT.(i)/EPF(C')/~W(m);t?F(n)-2/BDS ~FMAM/'.` -Ps,-.4/Pc-4/Pr-4/Pu,-4 -i~l~/jW CCESSION NRs AP3004290 5/0170/63/006/007/0003/0006 17 AUTHOR; Kravchuk, Ye. M. iini:- Measurement of thermophysical coefficients by the absolute method of the 6gul~r regime of the third kind Vith compensation for the irregular process J I ~bbRci. Inzhenerno-fiticheskiy thurnal, v. 6. no. 7. 1963, 3-6 %TOPI Piento temperature -wave diffu -ioni aperiodic ,9;TAGS: thermophysical coeffi 66mpdhont, "non-reach' criterion, plexiSlass sample AP$TRhCT: The article describes a device for compensating the aperiodic =ononts of temperature occurring in temperature-wavehothods. The .~antial advantages of methods of determining thermophysical coeffi6ients bAied on the idea of a regular thermal regime of the third kind (temperature 1,4avos) are set forth by E. M. Kravchuk in Inh, No. 1, 1960,which gives the theory of the absolute method of medsuring heat conductivity and temperature cohdizativity by temperature wavess by solving the problem of sproading;tempera- turellwaves from a.flat electric heater placed in *a homogeneous unlimited medium m 1/3. ..AC ESSION NR: AP3004290 IC With- a current varying as in i 1~1 sin (0.5 omega tau i boint, the' iipstantancoust 1. the peak current. That article derived for heat conductivity 2 -2 the relation lambda 0.25 F (2a) ame a-1/2 omega C + 20M t 9 MO .'(omega 021. After connecting the heater, the current of which varies periodically. the temperature-wave diffusion process is accompanied by a monotonous rise in the sample's temperature, which ends only after the aperiodic component of the heat flow acquires a constant value in space and time. The superposition of the monotonously growing temperature component on the recorded sinusoid has the result that before commencement oV,the moasurenents one has to wait ccmparative3,v long for the entablishment of a purely periodic tcmporaturo regime. The "non-reach" criterion may be adopted as a quantitative characUW4.LQ%- I tion of this unostablished (irregular; process. That article showed that A it is possible in principle .to introduce a correction in the "non-reach" in r cating the temperatur curve ad so dbtain results in the process of the monotonous variation of the mean temperature of the:'sample in time with different I value of this. The present study attempts to shorten considerably the times or, C OM2 - 13 zzz 117139-63 ~6=SION NR: e3004290 moasuroment and to obtain the temperature dependence of the determined megnitudesi trotIa one experiment through thermal compensation of the I'aon-reach." .This AsAute method of a,flat heater was tested on a setup provided with a'compen- sat.~ -ingj~dovico permitting melsurements immediatlay after turning on the apparatus and-froos the exporiment/Wfrom special treatment of the temperature curve. In tests with a plexiglassthample, with a temperature variation from 302 to 336K its temperature conductivity varied from 0.992 to 1.05 x 10-7=2/see and its heat conductivity from 0.13 to 0.175 vt/m-dogree, agreeing with Kravchuk's ~.Articlo in IFZh, Vo. 10# 1958. To measure higher temperatures, the heating clo'et is simply replaced by an oven and the thermocouples are changed. Orig., has 2 numbered quations and 2 diagrams of the regulator and arrangement of samples and thermocouples in the apparatus for Onon-reachl compensation. ASSOCIATIONs Tokhnologichaskiy institut legkoy pr=yshlennosti, Kiev ,(Technological Institute of Idght, Ldustry) SUMITTED: 23Sep62 DATE ACM OftuiO3 ENCL& 00 SUE COM PH NO REF SM 004 CM HM: 000 3/3 KRAVCHUK, To.M.; SALIVON, N.I. . ' L. Automatic device for temperature control. lazh.. fizz, zhur. 7 no.2t 4 3-44 F 64, (14IRA 17'2) 1. Tekhnologicheskiy inititut legkoy prom.yshlennosti, Kiyev. K"VCHUK) ra,m, Accuracy of determining the thermophynicO. coOfI*ioi(,,at:; by the mathad of plane heat waves. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. 7 no.8:85-qlj Ag t". (,'LIRA 17: 10) 1. Institut avtomatiki Gonplana UkrSSIL, Kiyav. I . i . .I KI)STOGRU'Ov I V.,,-,. [ Kuotolvy I, ov, 'if ~'* j ,I ~ 1 , - - ; ,I, - ~ , ! ~. m.~.i, TF.M.] (Kiyriv) .,- ~ ..., --- - ~ _ , , . 1, 1 . ~l i ; : , Aiitormtic control of a i r~ ' .. * ... I ~:~j : ir%~ 11 t.s. Avt~)utatyka 10 no-4,55-5") I (t, " a ja:lo) L 02426-67 EWT(I)/EWT(n,) JD ACC NRI AP6031527 SOURCE CODE: UR/0170/66/011/003/0349/0353 AUTHOR: Kravchuk. Ye.-M. 0 ORG:' Higher Aviation Engineering School, Kiev (Vyssheye inzhenerno_"&vt&&ionnoYe uchilishche) TITLE: Some possibilities of measuring the thermophysical characteristics by the method of temperaLure waves SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v.11, no. 3, 1966, 349-353 TOPIC TAGS: heat transfer measurement, thermal conduction, thermal diffusion ABSTRACT: Previo-.ts methods of determining thermal conductivity and diffusivity by means of temperature waves required the use of a temperature pick-up in the sample. In the present study, it is shown that these parameters can be determined by measuring the tem-erature oscillations at the free surface of'the semi;-infinite sample plate and st the contact surface between this plate and a plate of known thermal parametern. The ratio of the amplitudes and the phase shifts are then used to determine theparameters by nomograms and derived formulas. Orig. art has: 10 formulas and 2 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ lb!,BM DATE: 28Mar66/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 002 Card KIAV KOVA ), Y07.. V. Morphological picture of' t-he of Imman fetu;30.5 in prefmanc:es complicatod by licart illsonsc. Aki;sh. i gin. 38 no.~:49-5-' 13-0 162. 1. lz kafedry akusherstva i ginokolnglt (zlkv. - pro.1% nwichr.yy rukovoditell - prof. V.1. bodyazhllv~) I lcrihia medituinokor I ,o InaLitut-li lutril "Jechen DIYACHWKOO M.0 podpolkovnikp kand. pedagogicheakikh nauk; KOROBErNIKOV, M,, polkavnik,, kand. pedagogicheekikh nauk; kapitan 2-go ranga, kand. pedagogIcheskikh nauk Psychological and pedagogical principles in the training and education of soldiers and Bailors. Komme Vooruzh. Sil 4 no.22:6E~-75 N 163. (MIRA 17t1) KOTOV, N., polkovnik; KRAVCHUNp N., kapitan Z-go ranga "Pedagogy; studies on the theory of and practice In the education and training of Soviet soldiers" by A.G.Bazanov. Reviewed by n.Kotov, N. Kravchun. Komm.Vooruzh.Sil 1 no.16:89-92 Ag '61. (KIRA 14:7) (Military education) (Bazanop A.G.) BARABANSHCHIKOV, A.V., podpolkovnik, kan6. pedag. nauk; GALKIN, M.I., p~ilkovnik, kand. fil. nauk; D'YACHUIKO, 14.1., podpol- kovnik, kand.ped.nank,dots.; KOTOV, N.F., polkovnik,kand. ped.nauk; XORDBMIKOV, M.P., polkovnik, kand.ped.nauk; 0AVCHUN, N.S., kapitan 2 ranga, kand.ped.nauk, dots.; LTJTSKOV, V.N., kand. ped. nauk, podpolkovnik; FEDENKO, N.F., kapitan, kand. ped. nauk, dots.; SHMffAG, V.V., kapitan I ranga, kand. fil.nauk; VOSTOKOV, Ye.l., general-mayor, kand. ist. nauk; KUBASOV, A.F., general-leytenant zapasa, red.; BELCUL;QV, G.G., general-mayor, red.; TREFILOV, N.F., kapitan 2 ranga, red.; EURASHOVA, L.A.,- [Fundamentals of military pedagogy and pzychology; i. training aid] Osnovy voennoi pedagug1ki i psikhologii; uchobnuc posobie. [By] A.V.Barabanshchikov i dr. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1964. 383 p. (MIRA 17:2) V, CZECTTDSLOVAJ:IA ZUCIIIA, Ji MD; KRAVCOVA, V. Clinic of Child Surgery LFUK (Klinika- detakej chirurgie LFUK~j Brat-islava Bratislava, Lekarsky obzor, No 4, 1963, pp 243-249 "Experiences Gained in the Therapeutic Activity of the Clinic of Pediatric Surgery in Bratislava." PIRAR, 0.; MYCTNSKY, I. V - Effect of bensopyrgne on the enzymatic oxidation of the succinic-scid anion. Sbor.Chakh.khim.rab. 16 no.6:883 D '53. (MTAA 7:6) 1. I'Sentrallnyy ondArinologicheskly institut v Prago i Institut fisiologi- chaskoy khImii Haditsinakogo fakul'tata v Lyubline. (Banzopyrons) (Suceinic acid) E21DRYS,Jiri; KVASNICKA, Jirl; STEINHART, Leo; VORTEL, Vladimir; H=K, Vladimir; VYSLOUZIL, Jan; !~~TGO, ~roslav. Method of measuring the volume of flow through broncho- pulmonary anastomoses. Sbom.ved.prac.lek.fak.Karlov.Unir. (Hrad.Kral) 6 no.3t219-228 t63. I.Kardiochinirgicke strediako (prelnostasprof. WJDr,J.Prochazka); Linterni klinika (prednosta: prof. MUDr.J.Rehor); Radiclogicka klinika, (prednosta DrSc., prof, MUDr. J.BEwtecky); Patologicko- anatomicky ustar (prednosta DrSo., MUDr. A*Fingerland) a Chirur- gicka, klinika (prednostat prof.., MUDr, J.Prochaaka),, Univers-ILta. Karlova. MKOVSKIY, F.T.; TREGUB, A.P.; R'4y'ARSI A.D., kand. tekhri. nauk, dots., red.j ORLGVA, L.I., rojd.Izd-va; PRUSIYAN, L.F., red.lzd-va; SBCHETININA, L.V., tekhn. red. [General electrical engineering] Obshchaia elektrotekhnika. Moskva) Mashgiz$ 1963. 331 P. (MIRA 17:2) sov 84-58-11-34/58 AUTHOR: Kravets, A., Candidate of Technical Sciences ',Riga) TITLE: r-~Hel`ping 7he"Pilot; How to Determine the Length of the Take-Off Rurt of a Plane (V pomoshchl pilotu; Kak opredelitt dlinu razbega samoleta) PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, 1958, Nr 11, pp 28-29 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author discusses In detail the calculations for determining the length of the take-off run of a plane, since take-offs are frequently made from different types of runways. There is 1 nomographic chart. The experiments of S. P. Danilov- tsev are referred to. Card 1/1 K RA ~TS , it . EAKULD, V. and KRAIIETS, A. it i "A Moving Training Tank with Rocket Turret, Tankist., No 4, pp 56-58, 1954 Translation - M-294, 22 Yar 55 JMA'UTS. A.A. assistent Clinical observations of the results of an enlarged Ilet for infants. Pedistriis no,7:41-42 Jl 15?. (MIRA 10:10 1. Iz kafedry detsktkh bolezuey Chernovitzkogo meditsitinkc,'go institute no baze oblustnope. dome rebenka. ( 11[FhNTS--UUTRIT ION) APOLLOV. Boris Aleksondrovich; BOBROV, Semen Hikodimovich; IRAVETS, A.L., red.; KLIMOVA, Z.I., [The Caspian problem and its reshenie. Astrakhan', Izd-vo (Caspian Sea) solutiou3 Problems Kaspiia I. so gazoty wYolga," 1938. 23 p. (KIRA 1):12) NRt AP6028197 SOURGO CODE? AMOR: Kraveta, A. H. ORGt Scientific-Ronearch Institute of Nucloar Physical Moctronica and Automation at the Tomsk Polytoohnio Institute im. S. M. Kirov (Nauchno-inalodovatollakiy inatitut yadornoy fiziki, olektron:Llci i avtomatiki pri Tomakom politekhnichankom institute) TITLEt CryoBtat for optical measurements of radiation defects in glass and crystals SOURM Zavodskayn laboratoriya, v. 32, no. 6, 1966, 767-768 TOPIC TAGSS cryoutat, crystal, proton, absorption spectrum , ABSTRACTs A deoign of cryoutat shown in a crocs-3ectional view is described. It is designed for temperatures from -196 to +130 C. The liquid-nitrogen consumption does not' exceed 1.5 liter per day. The crystal holder is tightly pressed by a system of springs and screws to the bottom of the nitroeen veGael. It trd