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/&Tf )/BD64VP '/EWT(I)/EWY(m) AFFW /ASD/1: B-PF(n')-2 (r) 1331 1~_U+ .gCESSION NRt AP3002746 S 0120/6~/000/00 /0169/0171 ALUTHORt GWin. 1. A.t Krayche q nk , S,_Y.; Starodubov, Ya. D.; Godzhayev. TITLEs Outfit for studying metal.creep at low temperatures !Oar SOURM Pribory* i*tekhnika eke imieAaelno 3, 1963, 169-171 TOPIC rAGSi metal creep, low-t"peraturo creep ~BSTRA=s A now design of the oitfit for studying metal cree ~ithin_3_00,!- at a 100-kg maximum load is desciribed. The outfit comprises: 1) a. mechan! for program loading the specimen, (2) a high-sensitivity machano-optical prinury detec-:: tor of small deformations, (3) Wi.optical dev-1ce with a camora for recordJng the longation-time chart, (4) a liquid-level controller for the Dewar vessel, and 175)-clamps for fastening the spei3imen. A functional diagram illustrates p-teration of, 'the outfit. The following characteristics are given: rate of loading is V.5 k min deformiLtion-time scale factor 1.51,0.5 micron in 1 = of the elongation axi.4:. or 30, .60, 120 min in I mm of the time i xis; average daily variation of the liglt spot about the horizontal time axis Is! 0.5 micron; lever sensitivity is 0.1 M_4C:ron,j,.j specimen diameter is 1, 2, or 3 vim; specimen length Is 130 error in deTomition. PhYsico-Technical. Xn9t, AN,UkrSSR Card KRAVCHFIN-NO, S.F. Charactaristics of the accoiinting for glucose obtained via dc:jIble Compounding with salt. Sakh.prom. 36 no.11:69-71 N '62. f 1. ~'Ilial TScntr,:il'nc)go nnuchilo-issledovittel patochnoy promyshlerinostl. (MIRA; 17.2) skogo instituta ~rkraklmaln- 1-~01(026V, 111y"t ell; I. ; ., ; :- .- .. - 9 s. F., sp(,,I..;. red. ; MNAU'N, I A. 1. , I , . [C'orn oil] Kukuruznoe 1lA-VO IFi;;h17h,vIda Pr(jR!Y:-,I I lornio lit' " Ill)(4. 93 1). I'll: rl) -1 FYACT~i, A. S. A. A. "I LY17117; 11. P AN, 11. V . !"Y A. VEK.:~1~7F ; V. 1 . LUEC"Y'ANOV; 7D. T.-kbnolof,iya Krakhmalopatochnop FroizvoclEt-v. (TechnoloCi -f Starch- Syrup Production). "fosha2 Pisitchepromizdat, 191X'. )i'~' p. MuE.2 Tables, Diagrse. A~'Head of Title: A. S. Upyapin, etc. I'Literatura": P. he'O-Oi2l) So: N/5 722-31 _96 0004600*00000 rMA ~Qi fhm4L l 10 co* $100 too moo 400 1*00 ;;'oo L199 009 p tfA a 111 9ff toR 14 a III tan 0 4 0 0 0 0 *'1 or( IF !is it u Vs- 4--V 4--V4- -4- -6--t 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 it * o a I, a v Is a 4 0 Q a a of!* 00 top* V. A. umdamko awl S.. F, Kravchoulto Mw i0. 40-411 S*j. 1Q.,41hobf.. low, IL nd Ir761-40i COWY 44*40-004 P-P I- 04W OVIIIIII is 11--il" K'RAVCHENKO, S,F,; TRUKHACREVA, A.A.; SIPTAGIN, A.S., professor, retsenz?r1t,- V=r M.Te., inzhener, reteenzent; PRITYKINA, L.I., redaktor; )(2;)YE- DEVA, L.A., tekhnicheakiy redaktor. (Technochemical -control and calculation of the production of corn-- starch productsA Tekhno-'chimicneskii kontroll I uchet proizvodst7a kral-hmaloproduktov Iz ktilicuruzy. Moskva, Pishchepromizdat, 1954. 162 p. (mm 8:1) (Cornstarch) UUMER, Boris Aleksandrovich, kand.teklin.zwuk; HILTUNN, Aleksey Araanlys- vich, kand.tokhn.nauk; MARKER, Venda Edmundovne. inzh.; SIDORDTA, Telena Konstantinovna. kand.tokhn.nauk; M . j tQjMjKO. inzh.. retsenzent; SOLNTMA, N.V., inzh., spetared.; PRITTKINA. L.A., red.; KISINA, Te.I., (Control in industrial chemistry and accounting in potato starz:1 and airup production] Tekhnokhimichankii kontroll i uchet karto- felokrakhmalo-patochnogo proizvodotva. Moskva, Pishchapromiziat. 1960. 245 p. (MIRA 13:11) (Starch industry) (Production control) KRAVCHENKO,, S.F. Continuous saooharification of starch in the starch and sirup Industry. Sakh. prom. 35 no. 5:55-61 My 161. (KIRA 34:5) 1. Wentral'W nauchito-issladovatel'Bkiy institut krakhmalo-. patochnoy promyshlennasti Q.Beslan). (St4u-ch inlustry) (Sirupe) ZHUSMAN, Anatoliy Ivanovich; SINEELINIKOV, Ivan Dmitriyevich; SHTYRYOV I, Yevgeniya Aleksandrovna,4,MUGlMMQo S.F..- reteerzent; TREGUBC 1, 'T.N.p retsenzent; BURMAN, M.Ye., red.; VOYROVA, A.A., red.; I I SATAROVA, A.M., tekhn. red. (Manufacture of starch products from corn; cornstarch, sago frt';)m conrr.starch, pudding starch, and powder starch] Proizvodstvo krakhmaloproduktov iz kukuruzy; maisovyi 1-rakhmal, sago iz mai!so- vogo krakhmala, pudingovye krakhmal i poroshki. Moskva, Pishc~lle- promizdat, 1962. 187 p. (MI11A 15:6)1 (Cornstarch) It KRAVCHENKO sav-va.,Fedomy~9b;,TRUKHACHEVA, Aloksandra Aleksnndrovna; .1-1.1 -8MIR-NO"V', V.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; N.N, , inzh., retsenzent; BU04AN, M.Ye., inzh., retsenzent; PRITYKINA, L.A., red.; ZARSHCRIKOVA, L.N., tekhn. red. [Technical and chemical control and accounting of the produc- tion of starch products from corn] Tekhnokhimicheskii kontroll i uchet proizvodstva krakhmaloproduktov iz kukuruzy. Moskva., Pishepromizdat, 1963. 381 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Starch industry) TREC'uhr-N, 11 1 fll,ui(lyf,-Vleh; 13, lul, I Iylt I.! i 1-:1 ~N , bjrit3 I Jj: I' ~,; ~, I ~ nolont; 111i I V(~V 1 11 Y 1 n -.,, h.t o 1) e, t ,,, .red.; K0VAL!.,-',`SKv.YA, A.I.) red. [Delign and pInt-nAng, of' Ilie, of thij and i:ioi-.s.3eL3 inciii!;tryl PrOALI--ov"Illie vaia promy:-;hlonnostl, L961, 31,16 1). ACC NRI AP6022042 CA) SOURCE CODEt UR/0120/66/000/003/0225/0226 AUTHOR: Gindin, I. A.; Starodubov, Ya. D.; Kravchenko, S. F.; Lazareva, M. B. 1 ORG: Physico-Technical Institute# AN UkrSSR, Mar1kov (Fiziko-takhnichaskiy Iftnitut IAN UkrSSR) ITITLE: A device for rolling metals at temperatures of 4.2-3000K ISOURCE: Pribory i takhnika eksperimenta, no. 3, 1966, 225-226 TOPIC TAGS: low temperature physics, low temperature metal, low temperature revearch, Imetal.rolling ABSTRACT: The device is used to measure the electrical resistance of deformed i,amples and for carrying out heat treatment in the temperature range from 4.2 to 10000K. The basic characteristics of the setup are as follows: roller diameter--30 mm; operating length of the rollers--20 mm; rolling speed--l and 10 mm/min; initial cross section of samples--from 3 to 5 mm2 (depending on the material). The thickness of the foil ob- tained is on the order of ten microns. rcr example, for copper at 200K, the thickness is 20-30 microns. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. CODE: 11,20,13/ SUBM DATEs 24Apr65/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REFt 002 UDC: 621.59:621.771 KPAVCHENKO, S-1-! S -I - ,"Crowing chicks withotkt supplemeatary --iarming". ilarticov, 1?55. 14in Higher education t1crainlan SSR. Marl!.Iov "*,ootechniral Tnat. (Dissertations for the Degree of Candidate of Agricultural a8ciences.". So. Knizhnaya letopis'. No. 49, 3 December 1955- Moscow. t o cr o r Y : Q-4 r-j - Jour : T: 1 C, r-O 7 4,1 jo Dt T jIL:'r ',~:::JTIcratin~o on vr0r, 0. Ir r &'), -'7 Ab t r a-c t f~:7. -,usstblu t') rvO.cL 1.2-1'c, CCI, by -'eriodically x-tr- tjj-,, C-tjjr-':- ic -illy t- L n:: umbL, e 11 c, o v T e i-. ic) r, Lt fluc P_, Wlthl.,I limits: of 15-186 ECI Jljr~r,,, '11c. fix!:.4 Tao.r.,th of chickst wt!ave*,il~, ;/Oro Wst-I -i,~,i-ital In 1-rieflunin : tho chtcrs3 in 'Icc,31crat1q. " their ,roTiLh ztncl (I-Nelopment t1c tl,e xv 0 of 3 C a rd 1/3 Q-4 Coual, ry USSR (;ato ory Y,)rr-, rp t, . k:' I DoTn(" 17 " , - . - * ~ L LA-- JOUV Author Inst itut TitLo J~ub. C,h:Lckj %1pr'a lCop pril if . 1, 3 it ,hbatract I Out I - 2 tjji--, J.'a'Wt ~:)f "', Month5 thq coaditiol1r, h 11 r1' . _.tE)nl "r ()f sured th(AT m0- "t C)r c7) jaOnth5a The, 1, I in tAv L~s vlas ob3ervr)(I aturc Off O.W In % t r,-, Ja lo,~V-re or, ~-(n c I riantal. Lro-,,I,b Of I opr.;d liveTl More T&-Pil t,ajj be t E,.r U'- oli s .4. 1 5 .; .,Lng 1 card KRAVGRENKO, J. P. . _,_ Diagnosis of bone and joint changes in gout. Ortop.travm. i protez. 18 no.6:45-46 u-D 157- (MIRA 11:4) 1. rz kafedry ortopedii i travmatologit (nach. - prof. I.L.I:ruplco) Voyenno-meditainakoy ordens Lenina akademii im. S.M.Kirova. (GOUr, diag. x-ray changes of bones & joints) t I-r- -"t -i,7 KRAVCHNNKO, S.I. (leningrad, Botkinskaya ul., d.21, kv- 76) Alcohol-novocaine block as a method of accelerating fracture healing [with summary in English]. Vest.khir. 79 no.10:97-103 0 '57. (MLIA 10:12) 1. Iz kafedry ortopedii i travmatologii (nach. - prof. I.L.Krupko) i kafedry operativnoy khirurgii (nach. - prof. A.N.Makslmeckov) Voyenna-meditainakoy ordena Lenine akademii im. S.M.Kirova. (FRACTURES, ther. alcohol-novocaine block in animalo & humans (Ruj!)) (AILOROL, NTHYL, therapeutic use, fractures, alcohol-procaine nerve block in animail & humane (Rus)) (PROCAINI, therapeutic use, same) (ANESTHESIA, RNGIONAL, in vare dis, alcohol-procaine block in fractures in animals 4s humans (RUB)) MIAVCHENYO, S-I-9* Intrnooseoun novocalne and lOcAl Rloohol-novocnine block in thet treatment of neuritis of traumatic etiology [with summary in Szkoliah). Veot.khIr. 81 no-IOS85-68 0#58 (MIRA 11111) 1. ILz kliniki ortopedii i trp-vmAtologil (nach - prof. I.L. Krupko) Voyouno-meditisinakoy ordena Lenina akdademli imeni S.M. Kirova. Adres avtora: Leningrad, Botkinaknya ulk. d. 13, klinika ortopedii I travmatolol-,Ii Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina, akademii imeni S.M. Kirova. (NMITIS, ther. intraceseous precaine and local Ple.hol-procnino block (Rus)) (PROGAIIS , ther. use neuritis intracoseeous admin. & local aftiln., with alcohol Ws)) (ALWHOL, ETHYL, anesth & anele:esia local alchohol-procnine block in neuritis (Rue.)) - KRAVGUI-TKOt S.I, I kand.moditainskikh nauk Turner's syndrome in fractures of the radius at a typical site; clinical aBpects and therapy, Ortop, travm. i pi-otez, 21 no. 7:55-58 JI 160. (MIRA 13-10) I., Iz kafedry ortopedii i travmatologii (nachallnik - prof. I.L. Krupko) Voyonr ceditsinskoy ordens. Lenina akademii im. S.M. Kirova. (NERVOUS SYSTEX-DISEIZES) (RAD1V.S-FWCTURE) :3.1., cfofnorf, (LonmPrad K-18, Pegocimayn i i-AVG , I ill K 0 ]Kv 53 ) OnVosvnt,hesis with scro,4,i in obliqlio arrl .9pl-al fractures of the travm. 41 pro~.;ez. 126 n(;.2s','-? F 165. (MIRA l8s5) lz k~,Xc a -;dry travintologL". 1 cr"of: jti (n cra~lnik - nrof. I.L. -r-,jx~rn ~jjr,.Jr--. Irent ~Arwa, '-S, K USSR/Cultivated Plants Grains* Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 4, 1958, 15556 Author : S.K. Kravchenko Inst Title ortant Crop of the Donets Basin. "p (Kukuruza--vazhneyshaya kul.Itura Donbassa). Orig Pub : Nauchn. zap. Vor08hilovgradsk. s.-kh. in-ta, 1956, 4, No 1~ 30-35 Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 M. VELITASHEV, Lev Hikolayevich; KRAVCHINKO, Semen Kikhaylov-ich; 0, #--L- . re Te.P., red.; ZATTSUA .1-., -f-ekiiii 49 [Repairing calculating machines] Remont arifmometrov. Koskva, Vaes.koop.isd-vo, 1960. 77 P. (MIRA 13:11) (Calculating machines-Maintenance and repair) VELIYASIIEV, Lev Nikolayevich; Semen Mj);~Iovich; SHELY"JTTO, Ye.P., red.; OVCHINNIKOVA, G.I., red.; ZAYTSEVA, L.A.., tekha. red. [Maintenance and repair of typewriters) Ilemont pishushchikh mashin. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo meatnoi promyshl. i khudozh. promyslov RSFSI 1961. 169 p. WRA .14111 ~ (Typewriters-44aintenance and repair) VELOYASNOV, Lev NikoInyovich; KhAMENKO, Semon MlkhVlovich;-- KOMAJtOVA) V,V.,. red.; tol:lin. red. [Repair of typewriters]Remont portativnykh pishushchikh ma- shin. [n.p.) Goewtitpromizdat, 1962. 139 P. (MIRA 15:10) (Typowriters-Ropairing) KOROTKOVY Sergey Nikit4ch; KRAYCHENKO, Semqn Moisey9lich: SUBBOTIN, 'M VA. G.A., red.; MDSK Semen Semenovich; IY, M.P., tekhn. red. - - - 1. (Jr4anufacture of custom-made outerwear]Izgotovlenie verkhnel odezhdy po individual.inym zakazam. Moskva, Gostorgizdat, 1963. 301 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Tailoring) VEL'YASIIEV, Lev Nikolnyevich; X I~AY~HENKO, Semen, Mikhaylovich; BARINOVA, O.N., red.; TRUS&~,'N.S., tekhn. red. (Design and repair of office typewriters) Konstruktaiia i remont kantseliarsklkh pishushchikh mashin. Moskva, Cos- bytizdat, 1963. 198 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Typewriters) C" _UAYQ!9!q~~e ~MoipeevLh? VLASOVA, Yelena Vladimirovna; LEONTIYEV, L.N!, doktor geol.-ii-neiraa .nauk,; VLASOV, K.A.) glavnyy red., URSTAKI G.V., red.izd-va; PRUSAKOVA, T.A., 1, [4lkali rocks in the central Aldanj Sv--h lochnye porody TSentrallnd'jo Aldana. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSM, 2962. 188 p. (Akotdemiie. nauk SSSR. Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhinii redkft elementov. Trudy, ~fio.14). (KRA 16:5) 1 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Vlasov). (Aldan Plateau-Rocksp Igneous (Aldan Plateau--Trace elements) EUVCHERKO, S.M. (Tuzhno-SakJutlInnk). - . . - - ,., ~ . , .,,~ 11 -- ~, , -6- , -- Occurrence of Obiercus crispula Blume In Sakhalin. Bot.zhur. 41 no.8-1184-1186 Ag 056. (KM 9-12) (Sakhalitt--ftk) MAVC Mit TKOI 6. M. "Pew Data on the Petrography cf Intrusive Massif s in tile Southern Part 3f the Central Crimea," report delivered in the Petrographic Section, April to 7 June 1., 5" Chronicle of the Activity of the Petrography Mection, Byulleten' Iloskovukogo Obshchestva Ispytateley Prirody, del Geologicheskiy, 1957, No. 6, pp. 19571. AUTHORi Kravchenko, 3. M. 5-6-2-1/42 TITLEt Now Data on the Potrography of Intrusive Massifs in the Southern Part of Central Crimea (Novyye dannyye po petro- grafii intruzivnylch massivov yuzhnoy chasti teentrallnolio Kryma) PERIODICAL: Byulleten' Moskoviikogo Obshcheatva Iepytateley Prirody, Otdel Geologioheskiy, 1957, # 6, p 138 (USSR) ABSTRAM On the basis of his explorations from 1954 to 1955, ,-.he author establiahect,that there are two groups of intrusive massifa of differont age in the southern part of the Central Crimea. The first group contains mainly massifs which i:Lre basic in composition and possess a complex structure. ~:'he second group contEt'-ns acid porphyi-itico-homogenous masstfs which sometimes include xenoliths of the rocks of the first group. The author describes individual rocks which are contcined in these two groups and gives their characteristics. AVAILABLEs Library of Congreas Card 1/1 KPAVC'IIVNK,'), ,;.~!.,Cand Geol Min Sci -- (dii;:-,) "Oeolrpy c) f . . - - -- - -- . I the intrusive complex of the soAn central part or -.? , Yount,iin Crimea." Mos, lWi, 20 p,.~ ("in of Erlacatior, USSR. klo.,3 G(-ol Pro!3r)ecLing ln- t im S. Ordzilonikifize. Coiair of General Geology) 1150 conies (Kl,, 28-5i~., 10h) - 10 - A UTHOTI, Vrnvchenko, TIT L E. --l"etrographic FeAtures of the Tntrusive Blocks of the :7outhern Part of the f7entral Crimea in the Light of New Data (Pptro- graficheskiye osobenno:3ti iJn,r-.::ivnykh mRssivov yuzhnoy chasti L 13entrallnogo Eryma v 3vete novykh Jannykh) PT,'R I(-, b 1 CA L: 'Izvestiyn Aknd(!mii nauk ';eriva peologicheika.%,a i P Nr 12, pp 100-1.01: ~ I. ; ( US ~'~ P ) A PST- P A OT According to the author, the intrusive blocks of thp !3o-u'-hr..rn part of Central Crimea can be divided in two Froups of ferent age: a) blocks of mainly riD-nline composizion .9nd of a co-ipliented structure nnd b) younger blocks of ncid com- position homogenously porphyritic with xenoliths of ~-ocks of the first group. The primarily intruiing m,9;rrra wiio of ar, alkaline composition similar to the composition of b;13altic magma. In the first stage of the intrusion, prccess,!3 o.; fractional crystallization and of nssimilation of si'Acic acid by the ascending magma played an important p~.irt in t~ie fornintion of derivatives of th(.- first gro!ip. ater, in t".,,H Card 1/2 second stage, Fin intrusion of magma from the sari(- m'.q'~mptic - -) V '21 1 - 'r -A - L 2 - 01 ," 1 -7 Petrographic Fpatures of the Intrusive Flocks, of the -o7i`nern, F-,rt of trie Central Crimea in the Light of New Data hearth occurred, hut, as a result of evolution of thLs 'hearLI. towards the RS;3iMilfition of acid plutonic mqterinl, the fonvi- tion of derivatives of the sec '-,rd Frour occirred, follow- ing geologists are mentioned 1-y the author: %'.,V. Yurstov, F.Yu. Levinson-Lessing and V.A. Zavarnitskiy. There are 4 photos, 1 map, 1 graph and 7 references, 6 of which are Soviet and 1 American. ASSOCIATION: Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii reikikh elementov AN S3SR, Moskva (The Institute of Minernlogy, Geo- chemistry and CrystalGiemis-try of Rare Minersls of the AS US')P, Moscow) SUBMITTED: ..June 4, 1957 Card 212 K'RAVCU-NXO#--5&M.' Structural characteristics of intrusions in the southorn part o:' central Crimea. Trudy MGRI 32:68-75 '58. (MIRA 12:10) (Crimea--Geology, Structural) ARAYCHENKO, S.M.; VLASOVA, Ye.v. ..... , Characteristics of the distribution of accescoz-y minerals In alkali rocka of the Mesozoic magmatic complex in the central Aldan. Krat. soob. IMGRE no.1:26-29 160. (MIRA 17:3) K.RAYCIOMO, S.M.; VIASOVA. To.Y.; PINIVICH, N.O. The now mineral batisite. Dokl.AN SSSR 133 no.3:657-aO JI 160. (KIBA 13:7) 1. Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii redkikh elementov Akademli nauk SSSR~ Frodetavleno akado N,V*Beiorrmo (Aldan Plateau-Silicates) XHAVCHWO, S.M. Jurassic collapse calderas of the central Aldan. Dokl. AN BS&I 135 no.6:1465-1468 D 160~ (MIRA 131V) 1. Rredstavleno akademikom H.S.Shatskim. (Aldan plateau-Geolog3r, Structural) KRAVCHENKO, S.M. Using geological maps for drawing linear elements on axoncmeJic block diagrams. Trudy MGRI 37:152-158 161. (YIRA' 15 -, 1 ) (Geology--Maps) (Axonometric projection) I I f i I KRAVCHENKO, S.M.; VIASOVA, Ya.V.; KAZAKOVA, M.Yo.; ILYUKRIN, V.V.; TOOSTEV-, K.K. Innelite, a new bariun silicate. Dokl. AN SSSR 141 no. 5:1198-3 19c) D 161. (MIRA 14:12, 1. Institut mineralo,gii, gookhimii i kristallokhjmii redkM elementov AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom N.V. B~lovym. (Yakutia--Barium silicates) (Minerals) YEF11.10V, A.F.; KRAVCHETIKO, S.M.; VASILIYEVA, Z.V. Strontium apatito, a new mineral. Dokl. All SSSR 142 no.2:439- 442 Ja 162 -0 (MIRA 15:2) 1. Institut mineralogii., geokhinii i kristallokhimii redk:Lkh elementov AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom D.S.Korzhinakim. (Inagli region-Apatite) YEFIMOV, A.F.; KRAVCHENKO, E.H.; VLASOVA, Ye.V. Mineralogy of allcali pegmatites of the Inagli massif. Tru IMCRE no.16041-175 163. (MIRA 16:8) KHAVCHENKO. S.P.. dotsent, Icandidat takhaichaskikh nauk; SULEYMANOV, M.S., Inzhener. New method of upraise driftage. Gor.zhur. no.6:10-13 Je 056 (K6RAf; 9:8) 1. Dzhazkazganskoye rudoupmlentys (for Kravchanko); 2. Kas!%kh- skiy gorno-metallurgichaskly institut (for Suleymanov). (DzhezluLzgan--Mining engineering) DVOYRrff, M.S.; KRAVCM :I; )3EZNOSOVA, Zh. A.; ZAMDBORG. L.Y.; C!ULTK, M.A.; BURTACMKO. M.A. Problem of elimination of meningeal tuberculosis in children&. Soy. med. 2.2 ne.121l25-130 D 158. (UM ':12: 1) 1. Is organizataionno-metodicheekogo otdela (zav proff 3:5, Kapa) Ukrainskogo nauchno-ioaledovatellskogo instituta tuberkulezi'i imeni akad. P. G. Yanovskogo (dir. - dots. A.S. Mamolat) i -Ternopol' skoj~lro, Virmitsko- go, Chernigovskogo, Kiyevokogo, Chernovitakogo i Stanialaveit0go oblast- nykh protivotuberk-alezpykh dispanserov. (TUBZRGUIDSIS, HUINWRL, in inf. & child prey. (Has)) r-~'N / -',, T- /7 PHASE :1 BOOK M(PLOITATION sovI6181 Vrallokoye roveohchnnlye po opektrookopli, 30, Sverdlovsk, 1960, Material'y (Materia's of the Third Ural Conference on Spectros- copy) Sverdlovsk,' Motallurgizdat, 1962. 197 P. Errata slip inserted. 3000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencleat Inatitut f1z1kI metalloy Akademil nauk SSSR. Komissiya. po spektroskopiij and Urallskiy dom tekhn1kI VSNTO. Edo. (Title page)t 0. P. Skornyakov, A. B. Shayevich, and S. G. -Bogomolov; Ed.: Gennadly PavlovIch Skornyakovj Ed. of Publish- Ing Houset M. L. Kryzht)vaj Tech. Ed.t N. T. Mallkova. PURPOSE: The book, a collection of articles, in intended for staff members of spectral analysis laboratories In Industry and scien- tifio research organizationso as well an for students of related disciplines and for technologists utilizing analytical results. Cowd IA5 Materials or the Third Ural Conference (Cont.) sov/ftft COVERAGE: The collection presents theoretical and practical prob-I lems of~the application of atomic and molecular spectral analy- nis In controlling the chemical composition of` various materiali in ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, geology, chemical Indus- try, and medicine. The authors express their thanks to G. V. Chentaova for help in prepari.% the materials for the press. Rererenoes follow the individual articles. TABLE OF CONTENTSs Foreword PART I Sheratkov, Yu. A., and L. Y. Makelmovokly. Inveatliation of the dependence of the total intensity of spectral lines on the concentration of elements In an ara-dischArge plasma 4 Card 2A5 Materials of the Third Ural Conference (Cont.) S OV161 81 Preobrdzhenekiy, N. 0. New trersion of the reabsorption methodl, for meaburing absolute atom concentrations in plasma 8 Prilezhayeva, N. A. Some excitation features of gas mix- tures In low-pressure discharges 12 Shtutman, M. N.0 V. P. Avdeyg)nko,, V. M. Shullman,, and T. A, Yeremeyeva. Investigation of pulse-discharge features 15 Zykova, N. M., and G.* Ye. Zo)Lotukhin. Effect of the kind of substance and are curront on the size of cathode and anode spots 20 Zolotukhin, G. Ye., N. M. Zykova, and T. Atj~r4K!q~heiRko. Temperature measurement In the "white spotii regi6in- of- metallic electrodes in the current of an ac are 23 Card 3A 5 SIOG116210001023104911;20 B166/BlOi AUTHOM Kravchenko.. T. A. TITLE: Cot-ronion of alumin~wm and duralumin in the event of nonuniform hydrogen peroxide concentration PERIODICAL: Referativnjy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 23, 1962, 403, abstrE.ct 231257 (Sb. nauchn. rabot aspirantov Vcronezhsk. un-ta, r~o. 2, 1962, 56-65) TEXT: The article dLscribes a study of the work done by corrosion pails on Al (99.99 and 99-95~'-) and duralumin in chloride, sulfate and nitrate solutions in the event of nonuniform 11 20 2 concentration. Corrosion pairs of the aforesaid type are fully gomparable with the well-known differential aeration pairs and exist over the whole pH range. They are most effective in acid and alkaline solutions, because of the increase in the electro- chemically active surface of the metal. The sharp drop in the corrosion pair current in strongly alkaline media is connected with the fact that under these conditions the main cathodic process on both electrodes of the pair becomes the decomposition of water, and the difference in H 202 Card 1/2. Corroaion of aluminiur, and... B166/B101 concentration has almoot no effQct at all. Equations are derived defining the effectiveness of the wo,vk of corrosion pairs of non-uniform H 0 2 2 concentration on A! and duralumin. These equations agree well with the experimental data. It is si.own that the work of pairs having nonuniform H 0 concentration is considerably affected by the nature of the metal, the 2 2 electrolyte composition, H202 conaentration and the relative quantities of oxidant around the cathodic an] anodic sections of the macropair, [Abstracter's note- Comple-.e translation.] Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4010484 S/0080164/037/001/0103/Clo! AUTHOR: Shatalov, A. Ya.; Kravchenko T.... A. TITLE: Corrosion of aluminum and duralumin by nonitniform concentrati Dn of hydrogen peroxide SOURCE: Zhurnal prjkladnoy kh:imii, v. j7, no. 1, 1964, 103-109 TOPIC TAGS: alumi m, duralumin, corrosion, hydrogen peroxide ABSTRACT: 'In studying the corrosion behavior of 99. 9916 aluminum and ~::ec'h- nical duralumin in solutions containing chloride and nitrate mixtures, wit:i the general anion concentration maintained constant and H202 added, it was S:hown that the H202, depending on the purity of the aluminum, anionic composit','.on of the solution and PH, can promote as well as inhibit corrosion. Corrosive: vaporb develop when the H202 concentration is uneven in the solution in contact with aluminum or duralumin; their effectiveness in solutions of a given compoilittion is determined by the proportion of the oxidant concentration to the cathod(!! and Co'rd 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4010484 and anode surface. The largest current strengths, measured in the corj',.oded element on addition of 0. 1N H202 to the cathodic compartment, were reiluced to several microamps/sq. cm. in 'neutral KC1 and KN03 solutions. The 'Action of corrosive vapors with unevenly distributed H202 (due to the appearanqe of a negatively shielded aluminum cathode established in neutral and alkaline! solu- tions) may be the cause of localized corrosion developing not only on the; anode but also on the cathode of the corroded element when the relative surfacf!! areas of these electrodes are decreased and current density is correspondingky increased. Orig. art. has: 3 tables and 5 figures. ,~ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 04Jun62 DATE ACQ: 14Feb64 ENCL: 60 SUB CODE: CH, ML NO REF SOV: 008 OTHER: 0051 Card 2/2 ACC NRs AP6026303 UR/0288/66/000/001/0:D45/0052 AUTHOR: Turko, M. 'N. ;__E_r_aY!0gnko.. ORG: Institute of physics, Siberial Department, AN SSBRy Krasnoyarsk (Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN MR) TITLE: Effect of light absorption in an arc on spectral line intensity SOURCE: XN SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniya. Izvestiya. Seriya tekhnicheskikh nauk, no. 1, 1966, 45-52 TOPIC TAGS: spectral line intensity, light absorption, plasma arc ABSTRACT: The effect of light absorption in a plasma arc on the intensity of the e7nitted spectral lines is examined. It is shown that for an inhomogeneous light source, such as a plasma arc, the abnorption problem can be reduced to the deter- mination of the value of the relative absorption of a line It/I'O (where I is the observed integral intensity of the line and 10 is the line intensity in the absence of self-absroption). A method for determining relative absorption is proposed. whichp. instead of the Cowan-Dieke excitation function, makes use of a radial temperature distribution function, T(r), and of an absorbing-atom concentration function, na(r), each of which can be readily determined from experiments. The analysis leads to an Iexpression for the relative line absorption in a plasma are, in the form Card 1/3 UDC: 621.3-014.31:535.34 543.420. ACC NRt AP6026303 P. p) + P F, (a, p) y) + P + H (a. 0) F, (a. P) A + where a is the Voight parameter, p is the absorption parameter, $a and y are ct)effici- ents characterizing the radial distribution of absorbing and ocitting atoms, respectively, Fit F2, P3 are functiona in integral form; F, (a, p) H ~a. v) exp p dv, H (a, 0) F2 p) JH(a, v)js exp P dv,. If (a. 0) F, (a. p) JH (a, v)]' exp P H (a, v) dv H (a. 0) and fl(Ba,y) and f2(Oasy) are centain elementary functions of the coefficients f~a and Y. This equation makes it possible to calculate the relative absorption for an),* Card 2/1 0 ACZ~ NR: AP6026303 given case. It is easy then to decermine 10 for spectral linea emitted by an ''inhomogencous source. The values of the refative absorption obtained for spe(~tral lines of cadmium and zinc are tabulated. The radial distribution of the relative intensities of some of these lines are given in graphical form. Orig. art. his: 22 formulas, 2 tables,and 5 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 26Mar65/ ORIG REF: 011/ OTH REF: 005 4 Card 3/3 SHATALOV, A.Ya.;,KRAVCJIFNKO, T.A. Effect of the mAgnitude of the pH on the operation of c-orrolsion couples arising in allminum during uneven concentratIons of H2(12- Zhur. prikl. khim. 37 no.2s326-330 F 164. (M-7RA 17:91, VOW SHATALOV, A.Ya.; KRAVCHENKO, T.A.; MALLOVA, V.V. Part 2% Iron corrosion in an uneven concentratif'.n .~f JraAbIVrs and oxidizers in neutral solutiuns. Izv.vyq.u(--heb.ZIL',r.; khim. i khim.tekh. 7 no.2:227-231 164. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Voronazliskly gomidavitvomiyy universituL, kaf('.,Ir,,i I'l.zleheAoy khImii. KIIAVCV,NKO, T-A-; ,;i1j~'I'ALOV, . Ya.; YANCIIIIJK, Y(,.K. Corro3ion of' aluminum n al~.aljnc 30jutif.)ni; with adlitions of oxidizers. P111.1. I.~ vys.ucheb.zav.;khim. i khim.tekh. 7 no. 1:5b-60 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Vuronezh--,ki.; gostid i, . ? vennyy iiniversitet, kafedra fizichesko., khimii. .; ~ ~. HUM - ~ SHATALOV, A.Ya.;KRAVCHENKO, T.A. Corrosion of copper in the case of uneven dintribution of oxidizlng agents '~n solution. Zhur.prikl.khim. 37 no. 5s 1057-1063 Hy 164. (MIRA 17:7) l.' Voronazhskiy gosudaretvonnyy universitet. MIVCIIENKO: T.A.; SHATALOV, A.,Yn. Metal corrosion by nonuniform concentration-v of hydrogen peroxid) in solutions with a variable pH value. Zashch. mf,"-. I rlo-51158)-585 S-0 165. (MIRA L8:9) 1. Vororezhskiy gosudarstvennyy univeroltet i VoronezYskiy tekhn)logi- cheskiy institut. ACC NR: - AP6'03'6111'- -CA)----SOU-RC-E -CODE-:-UR/0-3-65./6.6-/002/006/0 5-7-11067.7-- AUTHOR: Kravchenko,_j._&j$; Zhuk N. P* Klodkin, V. I ; Belyf1y'q?aya._G._M.,,_ Khovanava-ya,11. L. ORG: Moscow Institute of Steel and idloys (Moskovskiy institut stali i oplavov). TITLE: Oxidation esistance of chromium and chromium-magnesium oxide alloys SOURCE; Zashchita metallov, v. 2, no. 6, 1966, 671-677 TOPIC TAGS: chromium alloy, magnesium -oq0*e containing alloy, ABSTRACT: Specimens of chromium and chromium-base alloys containing 5-9% magnesium oxide were prepared from VTU-1-54-grade chromium (99.9% pure) (md pure magnesium oxide powders by cold compacting andABintering at 1500C V n a hydrogen atmosphere for five hr. Nil-porosity specimendwere obtained by additional hot compacting at about 1300C with a reduction of 80%. The specimens were than subjected to oxidation tests in an air atmosphere at 1200-1500C for ten hr. It was found that the scale formed on chromium specimens at 1200-1500C consisted of two layers, a thin, dense, inner layer of Cr2N, and an outer layer of Cr2o which partially peeled off on cooling. Scale formed on chromium-magnesi ,.1m oxide alloy specimens also consisted of two layers. The outer layer, in addition to Cr 3030 contained spinel MgCr.0 . At 1200C and 1500C, the oxidation rates of chrouium and porous chromium-magnes~um Card 112 UDC: 669.26:620-193.5 -XCC-N-R-: AP60-36-111 oxide alloy were approximately equal. However, the oxidation rates of nil porosity specimens, containing 52 MgO tested at 1200C and 1300C were roughly 30 and 60% higher, respectively, than that of the nil-poroBity, pure chromium. At 1400C and 1500C, magnesium oxide increased tho oxidation rate in both porous and denae specimens. This can be explained by the fact that otherwise, the protective coating peels off easily in the case of chromium-magnesium oxide alloys. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 5 tables. SUB CODE: 111 SUBM DWLS.- MayO/ ORIG REP., 0041 OTR REF,. 004/ ATD PRESS: 5106 212 EWT(m)/EWP(j~ IJP(a) JD/HW/WB ACC NRs AP6015286 SOURCE CODE: UR/0365166/002/003/41312/0317 AUTHOR*. _,Kravchenko._.Yj Shqle nt'veva, Ye. A.: Zhuk. N. P.j_~arpman, G. M. ORG: -Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys_(Moskovskiy institut stali i spla,rov) TITLE: Oxidation resistance of dispersion-strengthened nickel-.,. SOURCE: Zashchita metallov, v. 2, -no. 3, 1966, 312-317 TOPIC TAGS: nickel, nickel alloy, dispersion strengthened alloy, alloy oxidation, aluminum oxide containing alloy, chromium oxide containing alloy, titanium oxide containing alloy, zirconium oxide containing alloy ABSTRACT: The oxidation behavior of dispersion-strengthened sintered nickel alloys containing up to 7% A1203, Cr203, T102, or 5% Zr02 oxides has been investigated at 800-1200C in air with a test duration of 2 hr. It was found that oxidatiori of all the alloys tested follows a parabolic rate with the formation of NiO scale consisting of a porous inner layer and a dense outer layer of almost the same thickness, Both layers have a cubic,lattice. The outer layer has equiaxial crystals and the inner has acicular crystals. The outer scale layer on alloys with A1203 and Cr203 peels off during cooling from 1000-1200C,, The scale on alloys with ZrO2 and TiO, Is less susceptible to cracking. All the oxides tested increase the oxidation rate'at all tested temperatures. However, 1102 and ZrOz accelerate the oxidation much less than do Al 20 :and Cr 0 - Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 4 tables. IND) q?_ SUBM2 SUB COIDEI I DAM 27SepOi 01111C REF:, 008/ OVI RZF: 007/ ATD PRESS.I-L64 ard ill L 4. "1 irnrt om-mi-ri S/081/62/000/001/035/,'067 B102/B101 AUTHORS: A.# Rakhovakayat F, 41, -)(ravchenkoA-Z. G.-, VedeneXavat M TITLE: Etching of 3 M811 (E1811) auetenite-ferrite steel PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 1, 1962, 309, abstract 11215 (Sb. "Korroziya i zashchita konstrukta. metallich. materialov". M., Mashgiz, 1961, 72-92) TEXT: In order to prevent the formation of a friable metallic film at the surface of steel E1811 it is recommended to etch the steel in a solu- tion of 1CF~ HNO3 + 4d,. HF at 20 and 4000- Etching in this solution reduced the number of operations by making it superfluous to process in an alkaline meli and to refine in JINO 3. Measures for the avoidance of motal rejects are proposed. [Abstraoter's note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 .T.N. (Moskva) ZHWV. M.M., inzhexar (Moskva , Using mutural gas for firing bricks. Stroi.pred.neft.prom.l mo.3: 22-23 J1 156. (KM 9:9) (Brickmaking) (Kilns) (Gas, Natural) GURVICHY A.S.; KRAVCHRIKO, TA Frequency spectrum of small-scale temperature fluctuations. Trudy Inst.fiz.atm. no.W44~-146 162. (WRA 15:12) (Atmospheric temperature) TSVAJIG, L.R.; ZUBKOVSKIY, S.L.; IVVIOV, V.N.; K1-TNO7, F.Ya.; KRAVCHRIKO T.K,, 4_~ 11 Measurement of some c*racteristics of turbulence in the lower 300 meters of the atmosphere. Izv. P14 SSSR Ser. geofiz. no.5'.769-,782 My 163. (MIRA 16t6) 1. Institut fiziki atmo.9fery AN SSSR., (Atiaospheric turbulence) IV usi~/Wdlclne - Amesia, Infect ious NOT 48 Medicine - Anemia, Diagnosis "Diagnostic Value of Sedimentation Tests in Equine Infectious Anemia," T. M. Kravchenko, Vet Sarg, 11 3/4 pp "Veterinariya" No 11 Discusses effectiveness of Prof Chernyak's method (21/49T93). Concludes that its application Is limited. lift 21/49T905 USSR/Medicine, Veterinary - Brucellosis Jun 52 "Experience in the Planned Fight Against Brucel- losis at Kolkhozes," T. M. Kravchenko, Chief, Novorosyisk Inter-Rayon Vat Bacteriol Lab "Veterinariya" No 6) py 24-27 Describes a health campaign stexted in 1946, fti- loving an order of the People's Commissariat of Agr to stamp out brucellosis in the USSR. The was to alimi- target of this particular program. nate brucellosis of the cattle of the numerous commercial dairy farms in this area. Author' 228T41 presents an organization chart of the procedures applied. Enforcement of strict sanitary measures, disposal of menure by burning, and airing and disinfection of all st%01 shoved excellent re- sults. Mature animals were kept in the open pas- ture 6-9 mos of the yr. Calves were kept on spe- cial farms, and fed on pasteurized milk. The only test used was the agglutination'test. Au- thor attributes the excellent results of his expt to fresh air, sunshine, and strict sanitary meas- ures, which prevented reinfection of the cattle. 228T41 -RA"'I"E", T. "Experience in usini: locol natur::1-cliratic conditions ir covibnttin~ cattle brucello3is." '-!in Hi:,her F(IucAion Novcchcrl;a~,~Zik Zooveterinary In:3t Lirieni First Cavalry jkr,.qy. Novoch---rka3sk, 1955- (Dissertation for the De.L-ree of Candidate in Veterinar~- Science.) Fnizi-maya letor~isl , 'No. 30, 1956. Moscow,. USSR / Microbiology. Mictobes Pathogenic for Mian F- 41 and Animals. Bdcteria. Bruceill. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Sioll, 1958, No 17, 76781. Author : Kravchenko, T, Me Inst : l-uFa-nAgriculturai institute. ?Itle : On the Problem of the Fatal Effect of Sunis Rays and Wind on the Causative Agents of Brucellnsis Brucella Bov13. OrIg Pub-. Tr. Kuban3k. s.-kh. In-ta., 1957, vyp. 3 (31), 18Z-187, Abstract: Oriented tzsts were conducted with two strains ol Brucella bovis, Isolated from aborted fetuses. The cultures of brucelli on agar slant on a white porcelain stand were exposed to the sunts rays from 10 o'clock In the morning on a clear cloud. less day. During a 6-hour exposure, 1Z cultivations Card 1/3 USSR / Microbiology* Microbes Pathogenic for Man F-1 and Animals, Bacteria. Brucelli. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol.,, 1958,, No 17, 76761. Abstract: were carried out In test tubes. All cultivatioris both of experimental tests and of the controls were sealed and aged I month at 370, In tht~ ct,.].. tivations from the thin layers of the agar cul- turet, the growth of the brucelli was weakened ly insolation In 1 1/2 hours, In Z 1/2 hours if expo-.ure, growth ceased completely. Cultivations from the thicker and more moist layers of aq-tr cultures In 2 1/2 hours of exposure gave a e-,Aayed growth of separate isolated and deformed columns. The resistance of the brucelli to the action of the sunts rays, and to the drying on leaves of living plants In natural conditions was determined, Tests of Innoculation of guinea pigs showed that the combined effect of the sun's rays and the wiid at the onset Inactivate the brucelli and later k1ll Card Z/3 35 - MNUENKO, T.S. Calculation of the resiatances of a return valve. Izv.vys,ucL,,z&V,; atroi, i arkhit, 5 110,4:149-154 16,2& (m1w. 15:9) 1. Voronezhakiy inzhenerno-stroitellx3~ry institut. '(Waves) )MUTYKH, A. j FFIUPONTOV, G.; WVCHF.NKO, V.,, otarshiy naucbnyy sotrudalk Improve the efficiency of the car exchange pool. Mor. flot. 2,'~ no.8: 6-8 Ag 164. (MDA 18%9). 1. Starshi.y inzh. otdola portov Gonudaretvennogo proyektno-koiatruktor- skogo i nEtuchno-isoledovatellskogo instituta morskogo transpoita (for Krutykh). 2. Starshiy konBulltant otdala organizatsii kom-nercleskoy raboty Glavnogo gruzovogo upravleni7a Ministerstva putey soobshcheniYa (for Ferapontov). 3s Institut kompleksnykh transportnykh problem Gosudar- stvannogo nauchno-ekonomichaskogo soveta Soveta Ministrov SSSI (for Kravchenko), DAMBURG, R. (Dambargs,R.J(Riga); KRAVCHENKO, V. (Riga) Evaluating effective cross sections of electron scattering In idkali elements, discounting strong bonds. Vestis Latv ak no.1:77-79 160. (EEAI 9:11) 1. Akademiya nauk Latviyskoy SSR, Institut fiziki. (Electrons) (Alkali metals) 25604 3/19V61/000/006/004/007 B104/B201 AUTHORSt Kravohenko, V., Todes, 0. TITLE: Circulation of irradiated materials in an atomit re,totc (in loops). II.- Analysis of steady and unsteady co,.1ditions. PE R IODICAL i Akademiya ~auk Latviyakoy 33R, Izvestiya, no. ~067', '1561, 32 - 41 TEXT: In'the first part of the present work, the Authors have studJed the principal schemes of the circulation of materials in atomic reactorip and they suiggested a "boiling bed" system (Izv. AN Latv. SSR, no. 6(167), 1961j~ 27 - 32). This first part also contains the equationsdescribing air- culation and activity of the irradiated materi&l. Analysis of the steady- state solutions of these equations proves the effect of the parameters of circulation lines upon the mayimu'm intensity of the activated material. A study of the unsteady conditions permits estimajing the time required for the setting of steady conditions. Transport lines c6neisting of band conveyors lines are examined first. The relation. Card 1/ 4 S/197/61/doo/oo6/o04/001. Circulation of irrailiated materials ... B104/B201, X-C X-C, e -e e .4' A 1(t + + 2'rk) (3-9) is obtained for the total notivity in the emission chamberl 19 ths.. number of neutrons penetrating into an irradiated element per unii'time, and being absorbed in itl V is the time spent ~n the irradiation zolev 'C'* that in the emis,sion zone. This formula allows analyiing A* as a function of the parametors of the circulation syst am. The activity of the- . emitting material was found to drop rapidly when the transport rate of tho material subjected to irradiation is low.' To increase the steady activity of the emission chamber, the circulation rate of the material must :)e augmented. When tho value WC K 0.2 is attained, a further riso of max i. the circulation rato becomes inexpedient, as the mechanical expendititre increases, without achieving any appreciable rise in activity. A max depends on the parameters t the apparatus; it increases with the,litngths of emission chamber and irradiatioh chamber, and decreases with a Card 214 V 25604 S/197/61/000/006/004/(107 Circulation of irradiated materials ... B104/B201 t0.02-e,4/A- --, 6T 1/2' is obtained for an apparatus with "boiling beds" when the time spent by the irradiated material in the transport lines Is nedlect,ed and continuous transport 13 assumed. T 1 2 - 0.693/Xis the half-lifo of the nuclei of irradiated material Thai haVe absorbed.neutrons. Fbr a loop with transport Pf portionated material., when the pipin;s are neglected, t0. 02 " 4/k Pzf 6T1is 'obtained as a condition ofattA:.ning an activity which differs by less than 27~ from that calculated vri-;h (3.9)1 the same condition, in other words, as applies to the loop with contnuous material transport. There are 2 figures and 3 referencess 1 Sovitt-bloc and 2 non-goviet-Iloc. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki AN Latv. SSR (Institute of Fhysics AS Latviyskaya' SSR) SUBMITTEDt December 24, 1960 Card 4/4 MVCIENKO, V.1, ixLzh. Gaa pipeltu) constmetion atficiamy pr=oters. Ha stroi.Rim. no.3-.19-20 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Gas, Natural-Pipelineo) KRAVCIIENKO, V. . serzhant, komandir twikca Water barrier faces an attacking force. Starsh.-serzh. no.6:!C~-Il Je 161. (MLRA 14:10) (Stream croiising, ~alitary) KRAVCIIEIIKO V. - ------------- mrid . UUn. nawk ; !,i' " ',`~.'.TY, A.$ ill;".. Not, develognents in renearch. Stall 25 Ag 16c: J~:!j) f; ;"f IlRco, v j"; it f) 11 e rn C t ov - /- , . I , - 1 'rilk Ckl ii: la ov Ic 3 V ek J y 2 -'V KRUCHENK0. V.:, WMARCHEUKO, V., Inzh. Using precast reinforced concrete construction elements in constructing farm buildings. Sell.strol. 9 no.6:5-9 S '54. (MM 13: 2) 1. Rukovaditall*arkhttekturna-plantravochnny mantersko7 Giprisell- stroya TISSR (for Kravchonko). 2. "Giproselletroy" USSR (for Zakharchign)co). (Farm buildings) (Precast concrete construction) KELAYCHNNED, V. - - - Building houses of the semlopen type for fattening hogs. Self.stroi. 11 no.2:21-23 7 '56. (MM L 9: 7) J.P,ukovoditell masterskoy tipovogo proyektirovaniya Ukrgiproatill- stroya. (Swine houses mid equipment) nAVCHIM, 7,,, arkhttekbor Designing and constructing aftinistretion, buildings for collective farma. Bill. bud. 7 no.5116-18 Mr 157. (MIRA 33:6) (Farm buildings) KOSHITS, Yu., inth.; KUVORINKO, V., arkhitektor. Standardized precast reinforced concrete components manufactured by collective farm organizations. Gor.i sel.stroi. no.8/9-.17-18 Ag-S 157. (MIRA 10:1-,) (Precast concrete) (Yarm buildings KRAVCHZNKO, V.,__A;:khitektor Transformation of Chernobayevka, Sil'.bud, 10 n0-3:7-9 MY- '60. (Ghernobayev~m--Ctty planning) (MLIU. 13:6) Prospects for tha developnent of rural conntruction. Sill. bud* U no,10%9-11 0 :r,'!,, (1,11RA 1/+~11) 1. Krjrirrtik aektoru Imit.4tutu arkhttakturi aporud Akadem.1.1 budivxdtstva i atkIdtakturl UR.SR. Wkraine- -Cone truction industry) KRAVCHENKO, V.J. arkhitektor; SAVINOVA, A., inzh. "Carrousel" D-dlking parlor on a collective farm. Sill. bud. 12 no-1:4-6 Ja 162. (MIRA 16;L2) KRAVCHENKO, V., arkh1tektor Buildinga-000pped with Sill. bud. irtio.11:9-11 stationary stalls for feeding cows. N 163. (MIRA 17:1) 8(6) SOV/ 112-5? -5-8843 Translation from: Ref crativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 5, p 61 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kravch(!nko, V. A. TITLE: Thie-Olt 'S"lligh-Voltage Network Station PERIODICAL: Naladochnyye i eksperim. raboty ORGRES, Nr 15, 195), pp 282-286 ABSTRACT: The purpose of the station as an experimental base for testing modern network equipment is stated. Distinct features of the station are roted, and its principal test outfits are described. The station includes a nun,Lber of laboratories and workshops. Ways for further developing the stati~-n and using it as a personnel -training base are indicated. F. F. V. Card 1/1 S/142/62/005/004/010/010 E192/E382 AUTHORS: Illnitskiy, L.Ya., Kravchenko, V.A. and Chervetsov, V.V. TITLE: A pulse-dividing device PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnyl-h zavedeniy, Radiotelchnika, v. 5, no. 4, 1962, 534 - 557 TEXT: The device is designed for.determining the ratio of the currents of two mass spectrometers employed in analyzing the composition of gases. The system is based on the use of rectangular pulses whose duration is varied directly proportionately to one of the input signals and inversely proportional to the other. This is done in the system illw- trated by the block diagrrxit of Fig. 1, where the first clemcat represents a circuit for the.linear charging of a condenser. The amplitude of the sawtooth volta&-e is thus given by: T3 U M 3 Card 1/3 s/142/62/005/004/010/010 A pulse-dividing device C-192/r,532 whore T_ is the charging time of the condaiiscr and 3 the tii;io constant of the circuit. Tile second clement is an av.r)litudo-lit,,iiter in iihich the 1ii,,UtinZ level is determined ~)Y tll~ input voltage U. The limiter cuts-off the tops of the sawtooth wavoform. Tito resulting waveforiti is differentiated in the circuit 5 (see Fig. 1). The output signal of the diffaren- tiator is then applied to the forming circuit 4 which prodaces pulses of equal amplitude. Since the operational portion of the sawtooth voltage is expressed by: U Un t (2) 3 the duration of the linearly increasing portion of the sawtooth, which is limited by the level U 0 is equal to U 2 3 (3) Card 2A S/142/62/005/oo4/olo/olo A Pulse-dividing device E192/082 It is seen, therefore, that the duration of the output pulsas is proportional to the liniting voltage U 0 and inversely, proportional to tho charging voltage of the condenser U. . A detailed diagrata of the circuit performin-r* these operations is niven. This employs six double triodes and, three semicoiRdu(:tor rectifiere. The circuit ran also be based on transistors. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut avtomatiki UhrSSR (Institute of Automatics of the UlcrSSR). SUBMITTED: May 17, 1961 (initially) Deoember 25, 1961 ( i-evision) Fig. 1: 2 U Uf f tard 3/3 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June -1953. Unclassified.