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KRA OVITSKIY, B.K.; KOCHERGINA, L.A. Use of monoacyl derivatives of o-diamines as reagents for removal of nitrites in determination of nitrates in mixtures with nitrites. Doklady Akad. Nauk s.s.s.R. 86, n2i-4 152. (MLRA 5.11) (CA 47 no.22:12319 '33) 1. A.K.Gor'kiy State Univ., Kharkov. KRASOVITSKIY. B.M,.; LITVINIMO, L.M. Rvgenli Semenovich Khotinekii; on the occanion of hio 75th birthd UkT.khim.%hi%r. 19 no.2:115-118 153. (MLRA 7:41* (Khotinakii, ]Ovgenii Semenovich. 1877- TISSR/Chemistry Caxd 1/1 Flub. 116 9/20 Autbora Krasovitskiy, B. M., Glinov, V. A., Matakevich, R. M. and Slavina, 0. S. Title On the substantiveness of dyes benzanilide derivatives. Periodical t Ukr. khim. zhur. 2U~ Ed. 4o 392 395, 1954 Abstract : The effects of CO-IM grouping and amide grouping, having a ron-substitut- ad H on the substantiveness of dyes - benzanilide derivatives -, were investigated. The material, necessary for the synthesis of the dyest is described. The sharp drop in dye selectivity, due to the absence of the 8-atom at the N-amide grouping, was determined on the basis of graphs. Four references: 2-USA; 1-German and 1-1talian (1921-1949). Institution : The A. M. Gorkiy State University and K. E. Voroshilov Scient. Institute of Organ. Semi-Products and Dyes, Kharkov Submitted : December 21, 1953 TSUKERHAN. S.V.; KRASOVITSKIT, B.M. Condensation of phonanthrenediamine-9,10 with certain aromatic peri-di- and peri-tetracarboxylic acids. Ukr.khtm.2hur. 20 no.5: 543-548 154. (MLRA 8:1) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet im. A.M.Gorlkogo, kafedra organicheskoy khimli. (Phonauthrenediamins) (Acids, Organic) ca d aterta hli0rp'an"P'F"*' of dyel colucaln. icle biplitertyl dugs. L Fils-otro dyu (ratio 11CILWISIS &dd from ita Z-mlru-j- *Ad 2,2'- #A4 3,3-dlsubslituicd deriva. tivel. 11. M. KwovilLskill atid D. G. Percya-slova (A. N11. -Oor'kill Sute Unfir, Kh-akov). Uko,jix. Kiliirt. Zkur 20, 64lJ-W_t9S4Xha Ruwdan); Cf. U J`kVl ard WiPCOIld. ~.A. 43. %Air-)Ac=lts of this stud O1cthccrtcctOfVMr4r%S7uh- Altutooti an the dtpth of 27. and sub,%Vintivity of thcqe biwzo dyti (1) c-fobomte the prcvkxLJy stonde stateititnt reluting the oubstantivity of I with tile p14tutity of thnir xrwls. It is palttuhittivi that in u3. saIns, the mols. of dyrs pre-pd. froin EnctibUric and itio 3,3 -disub3titutcA deriva. art: tint coptiAnar, bet tesid to bccume so during 11iration In tile filter. -lcrp OVI. or Olkle. giv: . AwtIcs (M th'! Wier. tile filSt two Licit% 1-wite Substaninc than Upyw having 110MCC Sul-ti(ttents in 'biplictip'loolid. Dy" prepd. front 2-itiorin- bi tilt. zw1u. give ulmost as derp at s4wde ,is thuzzu frout ficrivs. Dyed (its "llu.111:111c, they marl,01%. tile u1jagle, thisa b-adholl too im,14musillitkiii Out tile) O~c pl, neithisoy-t p4juar whi,-to on he fiber. Max. alimit itvm siv_*- U;&, ullA, e%Owthin, unCiulmasitivity lare, ilivto. Ft-50-Vt 04T11' ARSOVITS I(I The oce of tomw a=-94 Its amino .,.d R. M! Itatskevu. Y. 6eWCxfm,.- 24. j 19M-9(19MXEugl. tFUMIGn).-Sce CA. 49, 14743d. --&M. R. 'rh* cgs cl tagmstiall V lpn.01111 IfD a 11"Iting 4,7 to, 1, W pit, FtOltiq W1,11, adding V5 Sill, ;1"0. Ownl T2 K. Va.- &0, tititet 4.5 hr., hcoing 2 hn., fiR t, it; 1" ond eg;. theppr.. IAICI hot 10% ANOICO, ClM Q fCS;,1w: 4 47, (by j,,I,jn. o' N11,011 to Its P Y1)*aj1PJ.~4Ufl?i4 I'll 'W3* (C4. m 187-,0* Yrnin Ac- OU). M111112r tCaCUOIN With 21tt?/ (pkilified by with Nij,011 imin fict and 13,0% Iml VlA, wwlq (11). in, 14761~ $Aklue in.tkedal, inscl. in 6%. HC1. velOch unalyzA as CPJfL*OtNj, wx% vot studiM Inrtbim Ile2ting 14 . IS-CAIJCOCI~ with 11 C. 2,4-~0'XhcAjTlNlf3 in C44 5 Jim oil a Stcam hath i~ave CO~,'* ycllow, tn. 1110", This q~) redticed with 20 g. Na.U). in 25 ml. HSO and (W nil. R101i on a stcam Nath (5brs.) Save 2.8% 1, m. 24rr-O', along with gn datittItPil Atnt. Of A Odik twiterial Thl-Ji vilth 1141 in NnOll yh:lded a N-(2.4-dWmh;aph,:lyj)- dUro- tize! Con QuItionaVy And cr-opird with 44,3,6-110(UxN~ nild The rc~uldng Jp-s wvre vnntmrably itable to )v.10tiog aim pcrspimfion, tilt IT rMors wcle ul-Al nilite qn'l t1tvir A-PASOVIT-SPOY, S.M. VSSRI Chemistry - Dyes Card 1/1 t Pub. 22 - 18/44 Authors Krasovitsklyp B. M,p and Pereyaslova, D. G. Title About the effect of spatial structure on the color of benzidine bisazodyes Pdriodical I Dok. AN SWR 98/1# 71-74, Sep 1 1954 Abstract I Various 3,31-, 2121.- and 2-substituted benzidine dyes, were investi,gated to determine the effect of spatial structure on the color of these bisazo-benzidine dyes.. The position of the biphenyl nucleus was replaced by different electro-donor and electro-acceptor substitutes for better estimation of the absorption maximum. Data on tho non-planar structure of dyes derived from non-substituted bonzidine and its 3,31-di-sub- stitutos with the biphenyl nucleus as a base are included. Thirteen references: 7-USSR; 3-USA; 2-Gorman and I-Scandi- navian (1930-1953), Tables. Illstitution s The A. M. Gorkly State University, Iqmrkov Presented by : Academician B. A. Kazanskiy, May 13# 1954 USSR/Organic Chemistry Synthetic Organic Chemistry, E-2 Abst Journal; Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 61502 Author: Krasovitski Pereyaslovay D. G. Institution: None Title: Influ*.e of Steric Factois on Proper-ties of Dyes Containing the Biphenyl Nucleus. 2. Investigation of B~s_Azc~dyes. Derivatives of Biphenyl, Fluorene, Fluorenone, Carbazole and Phenanthrene Quinone Original Periodical; Ukr. khim. zh.,.1955, 21, No 1, 71-75 Abstract: Inv6stigation of the influence of the-st-ructuare of the third ring formed on bridging bond formation between 2,21-po3itions of ben- zidine (I) or diphenylehe (II), as concerns the color and substan- tive dye properties of di-sazo dyestuffs produ.-ed from such con- dpnsed diaminos. There is presented a det!trmination and comparison of absorption spectra and substantiveness. of dy~~qtuffs from 1,2- -:~x e methylbenzidine (111), 2,7-diamino flu,,r 2,'f-dianino- Card 1/2 USSR/Organic Chemist * Synthetic Organic Chemistry, E-2 Abst Journall Referat Zhur - Khimiya) No 19, 1956) 61502 Abstract: fluorenone (V), 2,7-diamino.carbazole (VI), 2,7-diamino phenanthra- quinone (VII) and 2,5-diamino fluorene (VIII): the azo-component is naphthal-l-oulfanic acid-j (IX), or H-acid (X). For dyes de- rived from X the following results were obtained (listed are the diazocomponent, A4ftin water, 6, substantiveness in %o. .4, 580, 55470, 67; 111, 5Z5-,. 39000.. 57; IV, 590, 47760, 55; V~ 570, 40470, 55; vI, 595, 51220) 65; VII, 560) 37500, 42; 11, 515, _-, 12; VIII, 535, ---, 50. It was confirmed that substantiveness of dyestuffs containing a biphenyl nucleus in the condensed system, is associ- ated with coplanar disposition of the benzene rings. For dyes derived from IX (listing diazocomponent and Amax); 1, 540; 11, 505; IV, 550; v, 530; vI, 555; VIII, 520. Communication 1, see Referat Zhur - Khimiya, 1956, 4914. Card 2/2 USSR/Organic Chemistry Synthetic Organic Chemistry, E-2 Ab8t Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1957, 866 Author: Kra8QvjtFtki7r- M., Pereyai3lova, D. G., Kovalenko, 0. D., and Sherbakova, L. 1. Institution: None Title: Effect of Steric Factors on the Properties of Dyes ~-'ontaining tile Pi- phenyl Nucle-im. III. Investit;ation of Di3azo Dyej -- Derivative:4 Biphenol, PheDanthrene, Phenazone, and PbLenanthridone Original Periodical: Uk,-. khiij. th.) 1955, Vol 21, No 5, 6i4-618 Abstract: A comparative study has been made of the properties of disazo dyes (DAD) obtained frcm 2,7-diarninophenanthrene (I), 2,7-diaminopherazone (II), and 2,"-diaminoDhenantliridone (III) as the dioazo conatituent. The i)--odicts obta4ned were compared with previously investigated DAD produced Afrom benzidine (IV), 2,7-diaminofluorene (V), 2,7-diamino- phenan L lira quin one (VI), 2,'(-diamiinodiphcny1 ketone, and other 2,'(- diamine.f3 (see Crwainication II Referat Zhur - Khimiyn, 19~~6, 61502). Card 1/3 USSR/Organic Chemistry - Synthetic Organic Chemistry, E-2 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, 110 1, 1957, 866 Abstract: I was prepared in 61% yield by the heating (5 hours at 225-2300) of 2,7-dibromophenaDthreme with concentrated H1103 in the presence of Cu2C12 and powdered Cu in a sealed tube. II was prepared by the reduction of 2,2'-dinitrobenzidine with Na-lig, while III was pre- pared by the saponification of the diacetyl derivative with 0.5 14 KOH (ref:Luxing 4 hours). The DAD were obtained by coupling the disazotized I-III with H-acid (VII), 1-naphthol.-4-sulfonic acid (VIII), or 1-waino-8-riaphtliol-2,ii-disulfonic acid (IX) in aikailrie medium. DAD obtained from I or II with VII (1 -.4 VII, Ajax 565 MA directness 55%) are close in color to DAD obtci.ned from VI -* VIf and are considerably more intense than those from I~ or V with VII; this is apparently due to the electron-acceptor properties of the ethylenic bridge in I and of the azo-group in II. In directness the dyes fram I and II occupy an intermediate position between those from IV and VI with VII. The transition from the DAD from II to those from 3)3- diaminoazobenzene W is characterized by the absence of diphenyl bonds, a sharp decrease in directness, and an intensification in the color (the composition of the dye,.,Amax in m,") cmax, and direct- ness in percent are indicated in that order): TI -NVII, 56o, 4o,ooo, Card 2/3 USSR/Organic Chemistry - Synthetic ()rganic Chemistry, E-2 Ablot Journal: Referat Zhur - lrxjm~ya, No 1, 1957, 866 Abstract: 54j II -o. VII-r, Amax 525 R~a; X -* VII, 525: 45,000, 31; X -0 VIII, Amax 490 m/1. A comparison of DAD from III with the corresponding DAD from 3,3'-(XI) and 4,41-diaminobenzanilides (XII) and from IV shows that the introduction of the CONH-group has Do marked effect on the d1rectnessY whereas the appearance of the biphenyl boud sharply increases the directness (the composition of the dye, ?,Max in mv, and directness in percent are indicated im that ordcr): IV -:) IX, 575, 59; XI ---) VII, 52U, 13; XI --) X, ~?-O, 9; XI --* VII1, A ax 490 r94 XII -) VII, 550, 631 XII ---), IX, 5507 56; 11 -* VII, 570, ?1; 111 - IX, 575, 54; 111 --~ Vill 'AWLLX 540 mvu. Trisazo dyes derived from 214,4 1-trianinobiphenyl (Vill) 0-11C occupy an intermed-late posi- tion in color and directness between the DAD from IV and from biphenyl (as above): XIII -0 VII, 560, 39; XIII -1P Vill, 520, Card 3/3 il red and adtl ato-dyet, K 1. A I / ~ t t, lv 'I at D. ivt (;, 1956, 11, Vic 4 I o ) 'I. twidick-d by il,trLwlucU;,.l nf :jwiiv!tG4-,mctric; thrAticto witli N;%NO, (if 01-7~vvci-i lKnzidincl. Th to 6ample. of dy-6 Ni di,,bolved in 15--:i0 mL (if wzavr and -50' U U"ted -with twico tho tfic~K~Zival an the Sotutfou at 1A a. I thyAroclumWO (11 '[he pfitd. Sat - is 6,P 1c at a t attly!a, I It(, %1-1,Awd w tltm(cd with 0-01 t;-N:N0,,vSin9 10 1 aplifictibleF W &tCrnibuttitm (if Al that kvafcr~ ' N,;(YlI iii tl,;c- instil. lxtjxidhlcwtlts~ Tit fatifirt of cxur,% I wi'h Ot phendphthafeill, icunsat4factsiry twcau~~ fif tlv~c ~~Aokv the KRASOVITSKIY, B.M.; VAYLI, Te.I.; SAVCHEM, O.M. Interaction of butyl alcohol with certain aromatic amines. Ukrokhimeshur. 22 nos3:330-335 156. (MIM 9--q) l.Kharlkovskiy gosudaretvanny7 universitat imani A.M.Gorlkogo. (Butyl alcohol) (Amines) v T's K Y, /Avi ft 6( StOrIc ficloiff on the ptoptfti~ of dyer toncdia~ ring the-bipbtuyl aucItua-, V. . coicc 1L-.4 sebitartivily Ot disua dytat Ixom 2, azd mphWdiac, R, M KrcuuvItAIIn;id fkv~v-a fA- M. Gurkil State M6,.: Kharkc,). Uhrai'r.. KhinL 22, WS-72(I'M~) fin arc! rc-porl"I NYC' 4-14 'it ln~g it ITO (111): Ott c6opfimle (C)" atid the 6"IbAluntivity (S) ix P. 4141R. 60. GC45. _C7.1 ;MITI C4141cs 14141R. 5m. W..1% R-Rk,,CJf6h (111, 595, 625, V.4tues of Y are. dU14 to the P4uvt not being coplanar and io~uot fitting v1se mrbo. h;xImte omcturt wtIL The differcu~e hitweea Wand C Is. IcEerptted ks due to the rfngt btlcosirq, mare coplanar in ArAom. With, tht, filbric. di.171frelite-S FmOt f~~.m structum tImt; um so steric-ally h,.,rAd[T,:d that they c--t riot altermuch - rilum hiudertd,mm ilkll. Atowvaluefcr S Is IL rnor~ sowitive tilde X ,rf thim is the W-Cclifferenm John Houz &Ott 'MM E A-097M I ---- ----- - - 'j =baths Wphayl "dous. V1. DWAZO dy" from t darkadrev of dia=fan contalDfol the ' ' land R, M. Matskeyfch (A. M. Om kit St.2te L al"", Kh 1 k0y) -UkWa. ;ZANY. 22, 754 Itt 4(ION ' ' 's cf. C.A. 51, 721i.---Substit~tcd buixldi-m-t an 4_ P~OINC411 ( COCI form diacyl derlys. (1), uluced bt N1a.Z_-.x 111141SA it* the di-p41-j.NCaII= derivs. (U), wh -and coupliug fam b1saza dyes Th- R'licawirk Mft ireported (subgitutnu, ru,ps, of landlT. rtssp.. substwitivio,, - lotk cotton, and X irt tnw 0 111 gim)- if 70" t"'t, MCI-101, 748%, -532, (flcl VL6~' 230" lt 71% 532 sa . , , ~ 1784 2 Nf 2 29P 74 53 C - t,, . 6: 2. ig, , , %. ' " ' 640 2 2 F above SSG% at~w.C 3~01 8:14'." 438 7M The C=espondinj vaPic3 for the L 11, and III fuz.-a w~pft- idlue are W" . Above 360% LIS%,, aad Vie s ub stantWity and N fair RNICCILCON'llcill"NIR utc bv M11- betweta tht '21'2'j)C;SjtIoOS ofrthez Lenddirm rwdcus i has less clTect'pa the color. or th.a sub Stantivity, - Min -tt KRFiSOVITSKly, Set ofs C. fa=~-JlVh.. pS-V-,YdeS of dyes cantainiOR of mottoato dyes, D. M. rawvitskil and T. A. Scmva (A. ht. Gor'k it State Vnly,, Kharkov). Ukrain Ma. ZAar. 22, 70-b(19,'AXin Russian); c(. C.A. $0, OWId.-The effect of sulmituent X (X stands for NOs, Dr, Ms. CHA CIIA HO. lfN) on the dyeing properties in mob. of the type XCJIXJ".*NR was found to be ka protumnettl than in 'he - :I dyes of the XC411,N:NR structure. I.,.d='nJ I groups into 2.2positions markedly decTeased the :01hyal the substitment in the 4%)Wtiaa along the cm- jugated dnuble bonds. This pm-mts the plane adhcrtwm -at the dyeing mol. on the 6W resulting In an inctvased dye- ability, laA.'7XVITSUTY, B.F.; MOT11111-KAY.A. Ye.Ye. Condensation of naphthalic anhydride and its derivativen vith aromatic amines. Part 3: Aso dyes derived from phenyllrides of naphthalic acid. Uch.zap, KHGU 71:145-154 '56. (IMRA 10:8) (Azo dyes) 2MOTINAU. Yo.'-'.; I-Ii.%'KEVICH. KRASOVITSM Y. Condensation of naphthalic anhydride anJ ite derivati-ies with aromatic amines, Part 4: Azo dyea fror. p~er-j%;4dez of -hthalic, naphthalic, 4-nitronaphthalio, and 4 aninntir-1hthalle acids. Uch. zapt KHGU 71:1~5-163 156. F) (Azo dyes) K:U,SOVM',ICIY, B-V.;!MOTIIISKAYA. Ye.le.; ALRIIICH, Ye.Y. ""Mm, Yellov (if m~lnthalic licid. Ud.ze-p KIIGU 71:253-25, '56. (YiJu. lc: 9) (Fl,'7ent,j) acid) Y-R,~"SOVITSXIT, RVDNITL;XAL-., Ye,A.; ~~AT6KEVICH, H.V. "MMORW Vat dyeing method for mettk.-l methaer7late -polrlers. f,',-. IHGU r 71:25 5 '56. (MILILA 10:P) (Dyes and dxeirg) (Nothacrylic acid) I -- - Vi.TSKIEVICII, -:~.! .; Acid azo dyoG from meta-uminopherqliudde (if naphthlalic acid. Uch.zap, MIGU 71:257-2 '~9 156. (.k:LPA 10: 8) (Azo dyt,%r,) (Naphthlic acid) cv~-' C) ' ) , V N T V Chemistry - Dyes Y Card 1/2 Pub. 22 - 19A3 Authors Title I Kraeovitskiy, 0. M.; Ostrovskaya, B. L; and Pereyaslova, D. 0. I Relation between structureP color and subs~antiveness of benzanilide dyes Periodical I Dok. All SSSR 106/1,, 72-75, Jan 1, 1956 Abstract I The-relation between the structure, color and substantiveness of benzanilide dyes was investigated. The increage in the color and drop in substantiveness of these dyes due to the absence of conjugated double bond chains in their molecules, are discussed. The possibility that the structure of the dyes,is less favorable for the formation of hydrogen bonds between the auxochromes of the dyes and cellulose is analyzed. It I Institution Kharkov State University im. A. H. Gorkiy I Presented by: Academician b. A. Kazanskiy, July 15, 1955 Card 2/2 Pub. 22 - 19A3 Pericdical Dok. All SSM 106/1, 72-75, Jan 1, 1956 Abstract was found that the reaction between benzanilide dyes results in fornation of hydrogen bonds not only between cellulose and auxochrome but also between cellulose and the amide group of the dye. The effect of the axo-group on the aubstantiveness of the dye is explained. Mine references: 4 USSR, 3 Gem., 1 USA and 1 French (1914-1954). 'fables. i=# 0( stsdol U-tols ad *0 tin of t$ C=, J~ffu 4F-2o(j) taWng the b1pheall auclmw~ VVII %ndmeivfrom Ix. a5d duoUntayl: duftoll" Of SLO 'And 2,V. dLm lbeouddiho. ILI-QA=,kM. try! b. C.A. 51, 87m.-DyeA of th,* typtft R- W 1 "HiR Ual) saule rmtt (1y "d P-NRICOMR . (IM, R 1~ !~~, mid- subAtantivItY In % livers). I ! HI, ITM Mn 7nf -.426 1! & i_ . .i _'&es thAt ft6itnu to-TV-1i IYO-111-~Rheft~Ahe 164 "p-1111 dlrtcflyittaew,t6~ththiphenArtucitus. If tilt axia-voup is Owdy. bound -to -,HI the -mbwrpt(on Is st form wave Itogths Change't from III to IV hi tyk I Is batlwhtomk~ Ile mp. of the I fullowl" an rtportod it', R", anti mp, given): C~N- i p"R"N A M. 111. 287*. M-CX-4CONII H- am- Vt 111 357" Vi. IV, 22,23'. ff,N'R'R' - 5~i- ia, fli IW V, IV. - MCI Wt. sintm 147'), 161Mvii, 'm III, (Det gall, demflip. ace"); d- static sfr=twe on tho TIZOV SKAJ -iolor of mamom dyes dadvafirts of b1phenyl, flaortne. (1), 520nis, 11.1; 51durip. 4 C-biphenylerie, WO mp., 11 ut GIIIII, 4,4'-biplteu)+,me-, ' 2,2,g 498 mp, 46i 1"JI, H or j9, . lit C 1 T 4 , VI' T4; 404 I"PI 1 P-VI 4 4; Me. o-CO4. 4 M$l 0* 400 itw, ff,Cjtl,.. A p.I%N cmup is bathochromic hi de-! rivs. of PbN'lit, but thiseffect dots mtearvY thruuch2 rL-ixs. dtiim of I~ht aud flutrTne have greattr johu 11duT &-utt KIIASOVITSKII PEREYASIDVA, D.G.; SEROVA, T.A. --!91~~ Effect of steric factors on properties of dyes containing the biphenyl nucleus. Part 10: Absorption maxima of some azo dy-es. Uch. zap. KHGU 82:149-152 157. (WIRA 12:9) (Ato dyes)(Absorption of light) KRASOVITSKIT LITVINENKO, L.M.; SEROVA, T.A. Effect of space factors on the properties of dyes containing a biphenyl. nucleus. Part 9: Effect of spatial structure on the color of monoazodyes, derivatives of biphenyl, fluorene, and binapht.71. Ukr.khim.zhur. 23 no.4:501-504 157. (MIRA 10:10) l.Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet im. A.M. Gor1kogo. (Streochemistry) (Azo dyes) KRASOVITSKI B-M ?-*Aw-~ L Y, Investigation of the perylene di- and tetra carboxylic acid series. Uch. zap. KMU 95:231-248 '57. (MIRA 12:10) (Acids, Organic) (1~,es and d7eing) AUT11OR3,. Kj~ a8ovi t akiy B. M., Moryganov, P. V., 20-3-W46 3-tarenko, N. I., Mellnikov, B. If. TITLE.- A Comparative Study of the Affinity of Direct Azodyes - of the Diphenyl and p - Terphenyl Derivatives - to Cellulose Cotton Fibre (sravnitelonoye issledovaniye srodstva pryamykh azokrasiteley - proizvodnykll difenila i para-terfenila - k tsellyuloznomu khlopkovomu voloknu). PERIODICAL: Doklady AN 3SSR, 1957, Vol- 116, Nr 3; PP- 425-428 (USSR) ABSTRACTz The question of the relation between the structure of the azo dyes and their affinity to cellulose fibre, attracts since long the attention of many researchers. To enable a dye to express its substantive properties, the presence of a long chain of conjugated double bonds in its molecules is required. Then the molecules become unsaturated and can easily be fixed on the cellulose fibre. An essential condition of the dye is that the substantive properties are correlated to a large extent with the planear structure of their molecules, or respectively with the assumption of such a structure in the case of an interaction with the Card 1/4 cellulose fibre. An essential condition of the properties A CoMDarative Study of "lie Affinity of Direft Azorlyos 20-3-21/46 - of the Diphenyl and I) - Terphenyl Derivatives - to Cellulose Cotton Fibre. is. after all, the capacity of forming at least two hydrogen bonds between the molecules of the dye and the lqdroxil groups of the cellulose. In spite of antithetical assertions, Robinaon has proved that distances between the groups of molecules of dyes able to form hydrogen bonds, must not be approximated to the identity period of the -.ellulose (- 10.3 R). Hydrogen bonds may ocuur at almost every place of the cellulose chain. After quoting further references the authors state that the investigation of the p.-terphenyl derivatives allows to tra-,e a successive agglomeration of benzene-rings. In this way the influen,,e of the chain prolongation of the conjugated double bonds on the affinity of dyes to the cellulose fibre ~:an be traced too. Further it can be stated irt his context how far the mutual position of the groups able to form hydrogen bonds with cellulosep and the diBtance between them io of importance. Since this iiiethod was available to the authors, they compared some benzidine dyes with corresponding p-terphenyl derivatives. Card 2/4 The azo-component to which very littla. attention is paid, A Comparative Study of the Affinity of Direct Azodyes 20-3-21/46 - of the Diphenyl and p - Terphenyl Derivatives - to Cellulose Cotton Fibre. together with its influence on the activity of the dyes, should be investigated simultaneously. Properties of benzidine dyes with 8 various azo components and of p - terphenyl derivatives with 3 azo-components were investigated. The data in table 1 show that the introduction of an additional benzene-ring in the molecule of the dye increases in all cases the affinity of the dyes to cotton cellulose fibre. In the case of dyes with the azo components Chicago SS and E -acids the affinity grows more at 800 than at 1000. This difference can be well explained by a greater tendency to aggregation in the case of decline of temperature with these dyes. The affinity is thus correlated also with the great entropy changes at the transition of an individual dye molecule into aggregates since the fibre iB able to absorb also the later ones. In the coloring process this phenomenon is presented by the fact that the fibre is able to absorb a larger quantity of dyes than provided by the nature of the forces acting Card 3/4 between the dye and the fibre. Thus the prolongation of the A Comparative Study of the Affinity of Direct Azodyes 20-3-2L/46 - of the Diphenyl- and p - Terphenyl Derivatives - to Cellulose Cotton Fibre. ASSOCIATION % PRESENTED: SUBILITTED% AVAILABLE% Card 4/4 chain of the conjugated double bonds lead to an enlargement of the hydrophobic surface and t,) an intensification of polarization of the molecules of the dyea. By this, the affinity to the cellulose fibre increa:3es regardless of the fact that the dititance between tbe groups forming hydrogen compositions with cellulose, does not agree with the identity period of the cellulose. Concluding, further comparisons between the benzidine dyes with var~_ous azo components are quoted and conjectures about differences between them enounced. There are I table, and 21 referencei, IC of which are Slavic. Khar'kov State University, imeni A. M. Gor I kogo. Ivanovo Chemical Technological Institute (KharIk,)-Y-nkiy Vosud,!rstvennyy univer- aitet ita. A. M. Gor' kogo. lvanovnkly khi;_i'ko-tekhnologichoskiy inatitut). Academician may 15, 1957, by B. A. Kazan SI,4 May 14, 1957. Library of Congress KRASOVITSKIT, B.M.: TARAKHNO, Z.N.; LEVCHENKO, N.F. Structure of direct azo dyes, the derivatives of diphonylamine. Ukr. khim. zhur. 24 no*3:358-363 158. (MIRA 11:9) l.Kharlkovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitat im. A.M. Gorlkogo. (A2o dyes) (Diphenylamine) KIRASOVITSKIY,,~,tM.;, TITAIMIKO, 11.1. Effect of space factor on the properties of dyes containing a biphanyl ring. Part 11: Comparative invogtigation of azo dyes, th,4 derivatives of biphanyl. n-terphanyl and n-quatarphanyl. Ukr. khim. zhur. 24 no.4:481-486 158. (MIRk 11:10) 1. Khnrlkovski7 posudaretvannyy universitet Im. A.M. Gor'kogo. (Azo dyns) EMMOVITSKIT, B.M.; KATSKXVICH, R.N.; RADOCHINA, N.A.; RYAZANOVA, I.P. .. -.' --- - -------- Direct azo dyes, derivatives of 1,8-naphthoylene-11,21-bensimidazolei Zhur.ob.khim. 28 no.9:2485-2489 6 158. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Kharlkovskiy goaudaretvennyy universitet. (Bonsimidazole) (Azo dyes) 5( 73) SW1153 -4 - 2 -32/39 AIIIHORS: Krasovitskiy, B.M., Pirogova, I.N., Tsarenko, S.V. TITLE: Vat Dyes Made From Pyrenio Acid PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya nauka i promyshlennost', 1959, Vol 4, Nr 2, pp 282-283 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The vat dyes were prepared by the condensation of pyrenic acid with ortho-phenylene-diwnine and 1,8-naphthylene-diamine. The separation of the dyes into cis- and trans-isomers is not possible, which shows their homogeneity. One dye is an orange powder soluble in concentrated sulfuric acid, pyridine and aniline, the other a dark-green powder soluble in the same media. There are 2 non-Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Khartkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.M. Gortkogo (Khartkov State University imeni A.M. Gor'kiy) SUBMITTED: September 15, 1958 Card 1/1 50) -4 -2-36/39 AUTHORS: Blinov, V.A.,,IS~ajovitskiy, Khotinskaya, Ye.Ye. TITLE: On the Light Resistance of Some Monoazo-Dyes Which are Derivatives of Benzanilide and I-Acid PERIODICAL: Kh1micheskaya nauka i promyshlennost', 1959, Vol 11, Nr 2, PP 285-286 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The tested azo-dyes were used in dyeing cellophane. The azo-component of the dyes was I-acid. The resistance to light and light-weather was studied in the usual way employed by colorists. All dyes showed con- siderable resistance to light. In the light-weather test the dyes with- out substitutes in the benzanilide grouping had the lowest resistEMce. The dimethylamino-group and the carbethoxy-group increase the resistance. The introduction of a second benzene ring increases also the light re- sistance of the dye. Card 112 There is 1 table and 1 Soviet reference. SOV/63-4-2-36/39 On the Light Resistance of Some Monoazo-Dyes Which are Derivatives of Benzanilide and I-Acid ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.M. Gorlkogo (Kharlkov State University imeni A.M. Gorlkiy) suEvaTm: September 15, 1958 Card V2 '3) . SOV/79-29-8-62/61 P;:'-111s: Litvinenko, L. M., Levchenko, N. F., Krasovitakiy, B. Y., Titarenko, N.I. "LE: Spatial Structure and Reactivity. XIV. On the Interaction of the Atom Groups Separated by One, Two, or Three Benzene Nuclei According to the Investigation Data of the Reaction Kinetics of Aromatic Amines With Picrylchloride ''PIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1959, Vcl 29, Nr 8, pp 2724 -2729 (USSR) A'STRACT: Recently Litvinenko and collaborators succeeded in determining, during the investigation of the acylation kinetics of 4-amino- biphenyl (I) and 4-amino-4-nitrobiphenyl (II) as well as aniline and p-nitroaniline, that the effect of the nitro group upon the reactivity of the aromatic amino group in the molecular system of biphenyl is many hundreds Of times weaker than it is in the benzene system (Ref 1). C)-(D-N112(I) N02- NH2 Card 1/3 Spatial Structure and Reactivity. XIV. On the SOV/79-29-a-62/81 Interaction of the Atom Groups Separated by one, Two, or Three Benzene fluclei According to the 1nvestij;ation Data of the Reaction Kinetics of Aromatic Amines With Picrylchloride The ratio of the rate constants for the reactions of the amino and aminonitro derivatives may serve the quantitative evaluation of this effect, I (factor f)(Refs 2-5)- In the present -" K II paper the authors dealt with the problem of how the effect of the NO2 group upon the reactivity of the NH 2 group occurs when the same kinetic method is used in the case that these groups are separated from one another by a system of three benzene nuclei. The reaction of the aromatic amines with picryl chloride in a benzene solution was taken as an example, since it proved to be highly sensitive to structural changes in the amina,molocule (Ref 6) and can therefore be successfully used for the quantitative characterization of the influence of the zlightest differences in the structures of the named compounds upon the Card 2/3 reactivity of the aromatically bound amino group. On the basis S,atial Structure and Reactivity. XIV. On the SOV/79-29-8-62/81 7 .Ln'veraction of the Atom Groups Separated by One, Two, or Three Benzene Nuclei Ac-,ording to the Investigation Data of the Reaction Kinetics of Aromatic Amines With Picrylchloride of these considerations the kinetics of the reaction of compounds (III) and (IV) with picryl chloride in benzene was investigated and compared to the data of the kinetics previously obtained for the reaction of picryl chloride with aniline-4-amino-biphonyl and 4-amino-4-nitrobiphenyl (Ref 7). It was shown that the nitro group has a very strong effect upon the reactivity of the amino group which occupies the para-position in the same benzene nucleus. This effect is reduced in the binuclear molecular system of biphenyl and disappears almost completely in the system of n-triphonyl. These phenomena are due to a specific structural spatial arrangement. There are 4 tables and 16 references, 14 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Khar1kov State University) SUBMITTED: July 10, 1958 Card 3/3 :jC)V 'I.C. Kr v 4 711 i .1c T T ic- Di A-0 C,:. ;:i I-*,-;- e c1 i :,,! in o 1 F i" i 10131 C,, i r n a I A ii u.,,- k ~iivi 10, 5 5 'lal XXXII, "i .,,.r ;vrLJnjr,,.., `:!~t(,rocYclic ni:,-~Ie:i ccrnect.C2 :it!.. Ui, chain !)y vGri Jou'dc llco~:i arc, ;1k'-(-. Thp --tux0chruill".0 avc '1130 CONAUCted by con,ju,,ntc..(; :!(,itbl,, loc,,ds to t!:c chitin An cxa,!i-azol rank! rin, i~- intrc.4,a:~el' to dp~,,3 ;--rc,: phe ny i 'I"'c 10-c0 a-:--: to :i-J.~.r, C~Lvd l./-: !30" , !clutiGil! 17 referenevq C. o,' -ii Lch vi- 111.11L., 2, 1 It'll k SUT.-ITTED; j, 1 2 195 7 Card 2/2 XRAS0VITIIjK,[`, , B. Doe G1,t:m L;ci -- (diss) v nu~.-.b--r azo-~iyes, derivatives of' bis-djazotizuri wairius." nar'."Ov, lul6u. ;,e-; PI); (INI-inistr.-f of Hli~,.ner ,ind 6econdary 6w,::ciali!~,.t Educ~ition Ukr,-:ij'j ,j r: 6R K.qr,rI!.,ov Crd~er of' Lribor Red hanner --tate Univ i~a A. ,";. Gorlkly); 2U- copies; free; list of author's work on or, (FL, Ll-6-0, 115) I 1 .1 HELINIKOV, B.N.; HDRYGANOV. P.V. Relationship of the structure of the direct dye series, the size of their particles in solution, and the speed of diffusion in cellulose fibers. Izv.vys.uchob.zav.; tekh. tekst.prom. no.1:110-120 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Ivanovskiy khimiko-takhnologichaskiy inatitut Kharlkovskiy goaudaretvannyy universitet im. A.M.GorIkogo. (Dyes and dyeing--Cellulose) MILINILOV, 3.N.; MSITOVITSKIT, B.M.; MORTGANOV, P.V.; ZAKHAROVA, T.D. Relation between the structure of azo dyes (oxa- and thiodiazol derivatives) and the rate of their diffusion in copper rayon fibers. Izv.vyo.ucheb.zat.: takh.teket.prom. no.6:120-124 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Ivanovskly khimiko-tekhnologicheakiy inatitut i Miarikovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat imeni A.M. Gor1kogo. (Dyes anI dyeing--Rayon) (Azo dyes) 3/073/60/026/00!/01'1/021 B000054 AUTHORS: Krasovitskiy, B. M., Pereyaslova, D. G., and Titarenko, N.I. TITLE: Effect of Steric Factors on Properties of Dyes Containing a Biphenyl Ring. XIV. Comparative Study of Colcr and Affinity to Cotton of Some Azo Dyes Which Are Derivat-1ves of Biphrinyl, Dibenzyl, Trans-stilbene, Tolan, and Azobenzene PERIODICAL: Ukrainakiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 26, iio, 1, pp. 73-77 TEXT: The authors studied the effect of conjugated double bonds on the affinity of dyes to cotton. ALu(Ash) acid in alkaline medium was used as azo component [Abstracteris note: This acid is not defined in thq present paper] . The following were used as diazzo components: benzidine (1); 4,41-diamino-dibenzyl (V); 4,4'-diamine-trans-stilbene (VI); 4 4'-diamin- tolan (VII); 4,41-diamino-azobenzone (VIII); 4,4'-diamino-p-teriphEnyl (1x); and 3,31-diamlno-azobenzeno (X). The ubrorption -ipvctrit wor, '-Aen by ~in (-~-2tl(SF-M) spectrophotometer, The aff4nity to cotton was deterziln-~A 800 and 1000C by measuring the decrease in dye concentration of tM- 3olut-'-n Card 1/3 Effect of Steric Factors on Properties of Dyes S/073/60/026/001/01,1/021 Containing a Biphenyl Ring, XIV. Comparative BOOA/BO54 Study of Color and Affinity to Cotton of Some Azo Dyes Which Are Derivatives of Biph-nyl. Dibenzyl, Trans-stilbene, Tolan, and Azobenzorio by an �~K-M(FEK-M) photocolorimeter. The follow-,ig S,4-,-rn in Tables 1-3: Affinity kcal/mole In all comp~)--inds in C CI ' - Diazo Tompone nt A ,Mp 8O C 1 00 C ch th--~ wh ~ 1 max 595 4,45 3-73 of 1),uble, b-nidi .13 V 556 2.97 1.45 interrupted (V., X), VI 600 5,75 4.70 ".he affinity In, :~ott,)!i VII 580 4.83 3.97 dosrea5es. A VIII 609 5.12 4-19 mF~n' -f 'he ;~Ih, , ~!-~nri x 66 .00 h b h.- orldg,~ of V1 Y t x 540 3-18 74 Iri(Igo" of VII ahio ro,IVi-9-i th~- affin~t~. Z, V, Oloynikova In th,-.- c~xporim-.-rto. Th,~re are 3 tablez and ~'6 rcfprenc~~s: 12 Soviet, 6 Bril~i3h, * French, 4 1 lf.aliurl. -and I Swiss. Card 213 Effect k:f Steric Factors on Properties of Dyes S/073' 60/020''100-/0'.-,102; Containing a Biphenyl Ring. XIV. Comparative B004 B054 Study of Color and Affinity to Cotton of Some kzo Dye5 lihi~~h Are Derivatives of Biphenyl, Dibenz:~1, Trans-stilbenet Tolan, and Azcbenzene ASSOCIATION: Kharlko-~rskiy gosudarstvvnnyy univers.,tet im, A.M. Go:r~kcg~ (Kharlkov State University impni A. M. Gorfkiy); Kharfkovskiy inatitut Scvotskoy torgov".i (Kharlkzv Institut,~- of S,)viet Commerce) SUBMITTED: ju!Y 9, :958 Card 3/3 YAOUPOLISKIY, L.M.;.-JRA~~TITSKIY. B.M.; BLINOV, V.A.; SIMMA. 1.)L; PXWASWVA, D.G. -''- -. . Properties of some fluorine-containing azo cbres. Zhur.prikla khim. 33 no-7:389-392 J1 160. (MM 13--7) 1e Institut organicheskoy khimii AN USSR. Mrikovskiy gosudaretvemW univereitet. Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut organicheskikh poluproduktoy I krasiteleys (Aso dares) KRASOVITSKIY, B.M.; PATSKETICH, R.M.; DOMIKIIIN, H.S.; TRUBITSTRA, N.A. Direct disazo dyes derived from oxadiazole and thiodiazole. -Part 2: Comparative study of isomeric disazo dyes derived from thlodiazole. Zhur.ob.khim. 30 no.8:2608-2613 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. M= lkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat i llauchno-issledavatell- ekiy inatitut organicheskikh poluproduktov i krasitele7. (Dyes and d7eing) (Thiadiazole) KRASOVITSKIY, D.M.; PEREYASLOVA, D.G. Synthesis of 2. 21-aubstituted benzidine. Zhur.VKHO 6 no.4:466 161. (KMA 14 f ) 1. Kharikovskiy goaudarstvennyy universitat. (Benzidine) -- KRASOVIT5KIX-,,.-,B#M.; SICLYAKOVA, V.B. Partial reduction of 4. 41-dinitrobenzanilido. Zhur.VKHO 6 no.5:588 161. (MMU 14:10) 1. Khartkovskiy gosudarstvennyy univernitet imeni A.M.GorIkogo. (Benzanilide) Influence of oteric factora on the propcrtjur, of dyes ccnt-,-'r..'rJ; a biphenyl nuclei.,.-. Part 15: Gomr)Lrat.ive . ~'Vdy ol' the color of monoazo dyes#-biphenyl -erivi.t;vesj ar,6 --art, Cyes contz-ininrp varims groups Jn the di',azo constituent. I;kr. Ulm. --hur. 27 no. 1.-c,'.',-"7 161. 11:-'1 11 1. Khartkovskiy Cooudarst-vermyy universit,;L im. Goj-vko,7~?. (Dyes and dyeinC) KR-ASOVITSKIY, B.M.; OSTROVSKAYA, B.I.;, TITARKNEOp N.I. Effect of spatial factors on the properties of dyes containing a biphenyl nubleus. Part 16: Monoazo dyes# dirivatives of benzene biphenylp and p-terphenyl., containing amide groups. Ukr. khim. lur. 27 no.2:226-230 161. (MIRA, 34:3) 1. Kharlkcrvskiy gosudarstvennyy universitetim. A.M. Gcrlkogo. Wo dyes) KRASOVITSKIY. B.M.1 TITARENKOp N.I. Effect of spatial factors on the properties of dyes containing a biphen7l nucleus. Part 17i Monoazo dyes from some 411-substituted derivatives of 4-amino -,P -terphenyL Ukr. khim. zhur. 27 no.2:230- 234 !61, (MIRA 14:3) 1. Khartkovskiy gosudarstvaiityy wdversitet im. A. M. Gortkogo (Azc 'Oes' thw RUSOVITSKIY, B.M.; TITARENKO, N.I. Effect of steric factors on the properties of dyes containing biphenyl ring. Part 18: Asymmetric bioazo dyes from 4.,4 -diarino-p-terphenyle Ukrakhim,zhur. 27 no.3.390-395 '61- (MIRA 14:11) 2. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstyenyy universitet im. A.M.Gorlkoco. Azo dyes) rphenyl) M KRA50VITSKIY, B.M.; SMZLUKOVA, V.B. Relationship between the structure and properties of dyes, 4orivatives of benzanilide. Part 3: Disazo dyes from 4,41- diaxino derivatives of phenylacet anilide and of benzoic- bomiylamide. Zhur.ob.khim. 31 no.7:2256-2259 Jl '6f. (MIRA 140) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudaretvannyy iniversitet imeni A.M. GorIkogo. (Benzanilide) (Aw dyes) (Aoetanilide) MATSKEVICII, R.M.1 HALITSEVA, N.I. Direct disazo dyes, derivatives of oxadiazole and thiodiazorle. Part 3: X Comparative study of isomeric disazo dyes, derivatives of 2,5-diphenyl-1,3,4.:~oxadiazole. Zhur.ob.khim. 31 no.7:2259-2263 JI 161. (NIRA 14:7) 1. kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.M. Gorlkogo. (Azo dyes) (Oxadiazole) KRASOVITSKIY, B.M.; KRAVCHENKO, E.F. Benzoylene-, naphthoylonebenzimidazoles, and perinones and their use in bulk dyeing of capron. Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 il 162, (KRA 15:8) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.M.GorIkogo. (Nylon--Dyeing) I KRASOVITSKIYS B.M.; PLAKIDIN, V.L.; KHOTINSKAYA, Ye.Ye.; J~AVCHENKO, E.F.; -60LOMBP L.M.; ROMANOVA, M.G. Vat dyes, derivatives of 1,8-naphthoyleno-11,21-benzimidazole-4,5- dicarboxylic acid imide. Zhur.prikl.khim. 36 no.6:1330-1335 Je 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvenrqy universitet i Rubezhan5kiy filial Nauchno-isaledovatellskogo instituta organicheskikh poluproduktav i krasiteley. (Dyes and dyeing) (Benzimidazolecarboxylic acid) fi..14.; KRAVCHENKO EA~WLTSI.qL.- t E.F.; SHEVCHENKO, E.A. Aceperinones, dyes for capron dyeing in the mass. Zhur.prikl.khim. 36 no.6:137G-1372 Je 163. (WRA 16:8) (Dyes and dyeing--Nylon) KWOVSKIlt - B.M. Using the theory of probabilities in calculating the internal gas pipelines of reoidencese (kzo prom, 9 no.6s25-27 164, (MIRA 17s8) IT L 12228-65-- JM, ACCESSION NR: AP4047177 S/0051/64/011/004/0558/0564 AUTHORSt Krasovitski D.; Nurmukhametov, R. N. _a~ova, V TITLE: Absorption and* fluorescence. spectra of certain azomethine derivatives of benzidine and its'2,2' and 3,3' dLchlorosubstitutes SOURCE: Optika ispektroskopiya, v. 17, no. 4, 1964, 558--564 'Me 'fluorescence a ectrum:, benzidine TOPIC TAGS: absorption spactL P, !ABSTRACT: For comparis'on,with similartests on salicylal aniline and its derivatives (VAN GSSR v. 143 1145, 1962; ZhM v..37, 2432, 1963), the aithors investigated the absorption spectra of the icondensation products of aniline, ortho-, meta-cliloranilines, ben- Zi Wine, and its 2,21 aaid 2,2,1,,dichloroderivatives with salicylic and 2-oxy-l-naphthoic aldehydes-In dimethy1formamide. and the fluores- cence, spectra of *frozen solutions (77K) of these substances in the same solveni.' The doubling of the sal;~qylal aniline molecule causes Card- 1/3, L 12908-65 ACCESSION-URs AP4047177'. -of ~the abso tion and fluorescence bands, evi--; a bathochromic.shift-. rp dancing appreciable, conjuc0tion between the two. halves of the disalicylal benzidine molecule. Disalicylal benzidine and its 3,31 dichloroderivative differ,v.ery their absorption spectra; their fluorescence spettra-are also of -like character, but the flu- orescence intensity of the latter-is much larger than that of the former. At the same time*t the absorption and fluorescence bands of 1.2,21 dichloraderivative of-disalicylal benzidine are loss intense, owing to the spatial difficulties in the grouping of the biphenyl, and are shifted towards theihort-wave end of the spectrum compared with the disalicylal-benzidine and disalicylal-3,31-dichlorobenzi- dine. The rules characteristic of the derivative of salicylic aldehyde hold true also for the aboorption.and fluorescence spectra !:of the products of condensation of the foregoing amines with 2-oxy- 1-;-naphthaldeh~de. Plots of the various spectra and of the time :,variation of the fluorescence intensity are presented. The azo- methine derivatives of the diamines of the benzidine series are Card KRASOVITSKIY, B.M.; BOLOTIN, B.M. NURKUKHAMIETOV, RX. Azomethino bases. Part 1t Structure and absorption spectra of salicylalanilines. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.110786-3791 N 164 (MIRA 18i1) -777777-1- --7.. 62828-65 'WCESSION UR; APS019048 UR/0286/65/000/012/007SIP07S 621.039 678,746,02 ~AUTHOR-. Chernobay,~A. G~ ~der' ~G.A.; Dmitrivevskava, L. I.; Krasovitskiv, !B. 14. ;Millner, R. S.; Dovgosheyal, M, 1. :JITLE: A method for.producing.plastic scintillat ors! Class 39, No. 172040 ,SOURCE- Byulleten' izobreteniy,i tovar~rykh znakov, no. 12, 1965,75 !TOPIC TAGS: scintiLlator, block .polymerization, plastic !ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate intmduces a method for producing plas .tic iscintillators by thermal bl;;~ in the presence of scin- Itillating additives which are capable of copolymerization with styrene. The li&ht ioutput of the scintillators Is increased by using n-vinylterphenyl as the scintil- 1lating additive. f 1ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchn67-issledovatellskiy inatitut monak-ristallov (Ally-, 'Union Scientific Research Institute of-Single Crystals) lCard 1/2 DYKHANOVA, A.S,j MILINER, R.S.; KRASOVITSKIY, B.M. ". Syntheees in the tetralin earies. Zhur.VKHO 10 no.4.,464-465 165. (MIRA 16t11) 16 Vaescrfuznyy natichno-isaledovatellskiy institut mono- kristallov. L 1851-66 3-1T(m)1EPF(c)1D1P(J)1U1A(c) M-1 ACCESSION Nfl: AP5021556 UR/0286/65/000/013/0091/0091 50.652.148T.002.2 . dy~ AUrHOR: Krasovitskiy, B. M.;.Foduzhaylo V. F.; P n L. M. TITLE: Liquid a store. Class 12, No. 172331 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy I tovarnykh znakov, no. 13, 1965, 21 TOPIC TAGS: scintillator, cosmic radiation ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a preparative method for liquid scintillators for studying cqqqtc_U4jgkt_jon. .Thesg4nti1jator9 are based on vaseline oil vith"idded n~~tt!qene or 1-met4hiphthalene and 2.5-di enyyl- oxazole.f( (BOI ASSOCIATION: Voesoynznyy nauclAio-Issledovatellskiy inatitut monokrist&Uov (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Slyle eas) SUBMITTED: O4Feb63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: Of, AA NO REP SOV: 000 OTHERt 000 ATD PRESS I Card_ F777 L 5294-66 EWT(m)/'v-e(j)ffi6(v) . RM ACC NR: AP5024998 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/016/0061/0062 AUTHORS: Krasovitskiy. &_.M.; Pereyasl ova, ~D. G.; Fodiman, L V. Tatsiyo G. V W..*&Z4dWAW 'VRG: none 'LlTLE: A method for obtaining daylight fluorescent pigments.W Class.221 No, 173867 nnounced by All-Union Scientific Research Institute--o=rwle Crygtals ~Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut monokristallov)7 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 16, 1965, 61-62 TOPIC TAGS-. pigment.. dye,, resinp single crystal, n toluolaulfamide, melamine, formaldehyde ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for obtaining daylight fluorescent pigments based on a resin of n-toluoloulfamides melamine, and forinaldehyde, to which a dye is added. To increase the fastness of colors in day- light, cabion pigments are used as dyes. Their general forimla is: Card 1/2 uDcz 666.291.~:668.8iq.4~ L 5294-66 :ACG NR: AP5024998 e"3 CR=CH-R CI N, C HS ,where R is an aromatic ora heterocyal-ic radical, A luminophor may be added to the dye. .SUB CODE: MT-, GC/ SUBM DATM 07SeP64/ ORIG REP 1 000/ OTH REFt 000 Card. 2/2 L 63957-65 9`T(1)/FWT(6Y )/T/VWc) IJP(c) IRPL JW/RF ACCESSION ffKt APSOZO955 UR/0073t6s /Olt /008108U1063 414. 541.97 1/1 AUTHORt, K r& a ov L t a k L-H. Mailtseva, N. I.; Hurmukhametav, R TITLE: ~'tnvddtig tior(Ifo- of azomet f ,hine bases. 11,The effect jugation an colorKnd fluorescencleliDf bLoazomethine derivativeag of 1~~- some ar6aatic diamineal- SOURCE: Ukrainskly khimicheski.y zhurnal, v, 3L, no. go 1965, 828- $34 TOPtC TAGS: azomethineo -conjugaitiong fluorescence, spectroacopy. hydrogen bond, aromatiediaminal restricted rotation ABSTRACT: ... The, -purpose of this vork was to.LnvestLgate the optical properties-of a- number-of b 9-azomethines wLth-contLnuous.or Lntar- rupted cliains *of --co-nj ug-'atlo between the nitrogen atoms. The com-. 'pounds underAnvestigation.w.4re 06tained by condensation of benzidinl~-_- p-phenytenediamine, 4,4"_dLamino-p-terphenyl and similar dia 'net with bencaldehyde, aali.eytaldehydes a-naphthaldehy4e, and 3-hydroxy- a-naphthatdehyde in dimethylformamide** It was found that inter- Card J~ 63957-~5. ACCESSION UR z -.APS020955 ruption of the chaLn-of'icon-jugation, eag#j, by one ar more methylene j groups separating two beniina ringsi~ results ta a hypsochromic-shift in ebsorpeton and fluore aconce.spectra. Introduction of additional 1: bettzene rings between -the. nitrogen:atome praduced no n6ticeable changes, as compared to. the. parent compouads, except in the case of. 8-hydroxy-a-naphthaldehyde derivatives of dfamLnes, when it hypso- f chromic ahift is observed* ~Some spectrophotometric evidence was.-.. found that there extsts some.hydrogen bonding in salicytat derivativeg;-, their fluoroescence.spectra may-be diatermined by the restricted. rotation of the ben~zene ringsS The relatively high stability of A 0-hydroxy-at-na kthaldehyde darLvatives may ba explained hy theprev- &Ience'~ of the keto for Im', making proton. transfer less probable. COM- pounds prepared for the first time are tabulated together with their ytetda, metting pointa,~ and,nftrogen content, Orig, ort. hatt 5 Ttgures,aid_~ Vs I n Kirpova-Mysteat chemis try Inatitutt . A-L 1; 3 LA;.~i4t] ;-A It," lrj q.11cluvo-I ;,4 1, f. f I i -I UT -7,;fl A. L it-.. -1 '4 "'.!U U, j Vo0j.'-_0 '~%~ E f -_-I *~91 P'. I L, I 'Srjgeq kUTVjijWC,1-11 JQ ~Z4JAUIJ i L 52124-45 Pc-h/Peb RH ACCESSION NR t AP5015280 UT-;/0280/65/000/009/0064/0064 AL IT I IORS Grachev, No H; Dykhan6va, A. Sa Gunder A.; Be zvZ1yy*, V. D.; Krasov-A*.ts TITLE: A method for obtaining ;i1m seintillatorsp Clasa 39, No. ~17C ~50 SOU11CE BytLuoteal izobreteiiiy. i tovarrqkkzfiakov, no. 9, 1965j 64 TOPIC TAGS., scintillator thermal stabil ity, light tamission, polywr, poly~- ization, tetranathylstyrene+, 'TRACT: This Author Gert int11- BS - 4ficate.presents a method for obtaining film ac A lators based on polystyran .1,(To increaso-tha.heat rasiatance and the li&ht emission of a acintillator, a polymr.obtained durizk,- the polymerization bf 2,34,6-tetramothy1styrone is usedas thestyrone polymer, 11,9SOCIATION: Vaesoyuzi7y nauchno-issledovateltskiy institut monakristaUov (Al!-Union Scientific Research Institute of Si!gle Crystals) SUBMITTEM 22Apr63 EXCL: 00 SUB COMOCI, OF: NO REF SOVI 000 BOTHER(- 000 c,,d 1A-71 IL 6626-6-65 __Fr11+/Fr.i4 RPL jOJAJ~RK --,ACCESSION- HR. AP5018600 OR/Of 79 SN35 243/1246 .54 .553.1 543-0426 70 AUTHOR,. Pemasloval D, at; B dir%i4o,~ Vt Ye. t- KtasovkAs K. Zent TITLE: Influence optical prope--ies of alkaline'. solutions of H,H'-dV(2,3-oxynaphthoy.1) derivati4es of certain aromatic diamines SOURCE, Zhurnal obsh~h khimit ey #V6.35% not 7, 1965t 1243-1246 _ATOPIC TAGS:. coni4gatLon,.aroiratic,(Ldiamine, H,Kf-di-(2,3-oxynaphthoYl) derivatJe ~ABSTRACT: Optical roperties-of:KKt-~di-(2,3-oxynaphthayl).derivatives of vleta- p land para- phenylenediaminei benzidine, and 2,21- and 3,31-disubstituted benzidine iderivatives were'invie~.t.igated-*by.-U.V-' spectroscopy. For comparison UV- spectra of ap anilide.and-ortho-aniaide of 2,3-oxynaphthoie acid were taken. Absorption and fluorescence maxima (in mjA) were measure d in. a 5% HaOH nolution. Absorption and fluorescence spectra of anilide of 2 3-oxynaphthoic acid and of K,Ht-di-(2,3-oX-f- naphthoyl)-benzidine are ahown in fig. I of the Ertclosu~-e. Out of the three bands only the middle one 0420 Mv),1s; affected by cmjugation within the molecula. Doub- ling-of -the molecule-of -anilida'of;2j3~ hthole acid- results in a bathochro"l oxynap. 1P ------- 7_-7- 7W J L: 6o?-66;.;65 7.1 AMSSIM kR: .05018600. Intensification *Z the middle abiorption band. A decline In conjugation between, amide~groups of the di-ox~naphthoyldiamide derivatives always results in a shift of the middle absorDtion-band.toward'the,~short wave length region. Kaxima of fluo-, of the rescence of the doubled molecules occur in a shorter wave. re'gion. than those "Half-molecules", The effect of:conjugation on displacement of the fluorescence, maxima is ater for the single than for the doubled ivolecules. -14axima of fluores- gre cence of ortho-oxybentoyl-dirivativea~'of benzidiae~occur in a shorter wam length, region than those of the c oponding 2*3-oxyuaphthoy1-derLvatLvez of benzidine. lie The effect of conjugation an Aisplac4wnt of - fluorescence maxima is. greater in t former case. Orig, aft, -hast,.`.11.18UM andA tabU(, ASSOCrATIONt: 7-- V, SEEKITTEDi ts Coiet: No FXr GoTt 007:~ -00 :7 i~: C lima opt!,--a! propt~ries of E*,C,kl till So"SP 160 no. 1: i. Vsos,)yu2,nyY s Intl llyat.,;i onrykh witerialov I cSoi,c) chi:,tykh veshcho,it-i, "uhrijitLed July -3, Y, 9J.!.; 5:7-Ahales In the serips, Oc dflriv",Ufo-j of' fici 'i. :'Ilmr-org. kh1m. 3, no. 12:2~5--?159 4'-', 165 -1) 1, Tqe.-,oyu%nN-j matic, I inn -I tit, -'c, I ovatol I .-sle-ty I nr i t,i %! I ov, vashr:hwitv. Klharlkov. SepLembo-r !1,, 1164* ;J I 1;-%(,",Y AS I,) vrk method of rl mf~ VV M~t-oh 9, 106r,. L 1532-1-46 EWT(M)/E1V0(j)- PJA Am Nits AP6000944 SOURCF, 1d0bi1----0/6i66/65/bd0/02i/ AUTHORSt Krasovitokils, B. K.; Shevchenko, E. A.; Pereyaslovag D. G -M - VrAT ORG: none TITLE; A method for obtaining n. Class W, No. i7621"annoUnced by Al Ooe horo J Union Scientific Research Institute for Single Cr in (Vuesoyuznyy nauchno- y~taL . SOURCE: Byulleten' izobroteniy i tovarnvkh znakov, no. 22, 1965g 29 TOPIC TAGSt crystal phosphorp phosphorescent material, phosphorescence$ luminophor ABSTRACT- This Author Certificate presents a method for obtainw a phosphorogen derived Zrom ItO naphthoylenell't2l benzinidazol. To increase tho variety of phosphorogens with fluorescence in the yellow-green spectral region, naphthalene w-JWdride or its derivatives are condensed with corresponding phenylenediamine derivativea. SO COM 07/ SUM DATEt 02jan65 UDCt ACC NR, - AP~621_Q3 SOURCE CODE: uR/o4.i3/66/000/011/0022/0022 INVENTOR: Grigorlyeva, V. I.; Krasovitskiy, B. M.; Millner, R. 6, ORG:. None 1TITLE: A method for producing luminescent monomers, Class 12, No. 182162 (an- ,nounced by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Single Crystals (Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut monokristallov)) SOURCE: Izobreteniya, prowyahlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 11, 1966, 22 monomer, luminescent ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a method for producing luminescent onomers of the general formula CH-N R - CvH4 - CH - CHs, 0 where R is an aromatic radical. 2-(bromomethylphenyll-5-aryloxazole is interacted with triphenylphosphine, paraform and lithium methylate. ~UB CODE: OT, 1l/ SUBM DATEt l5Har65 Card 1/1 IMC* 547,787-1t ACC NR, SOURCE CODE: UR104IC3766liY66-l6-iflb-022'1-0'0'2'2' INVENTOR: Krasovitakiy, B. M.; Podzhaylo, V. F.; Derevyanko, L. N. ORG:. None TITU: A method for producing liquid scintillaiors. Class 12, No. 182164 (an- nounced by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Single Crystals (Voesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut monokristallov)) SOURCE: Izobreteniy a, promyshlennyye obraztey, tovarnyye znaki, no. 11, 1966, 22 TOPIC TAGS:. scintillator, luminescent material ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate,introduces a method for producing liquid scintil- .1d.tors by using a base and activators - diaryl derivatives of 1,3,4-oxadiazole and 1,3-oxazoie.- The luminescence yield is increased and a wider selection of liquid scintillators Is produced by using dicumylmeth~ne as the base. SUB CODE: 11, 07, 18/ PUBM DAM 32Apr65 Card 1/1 UDC; 547J8T..2,07 KRASOVITSKIY.._ Ivan Konstantinovicb; D'YACHENKOp I., red.; SYCHUGOV., V.p - 6 rid, '-- -- [Concise mining engineers' handbook] Kratkii spravochnik shakhto- stroitelia. Kiev., Gos. izd-vo tekhn. lit-ry USSR, 1961. 647 p. NIRA 14:32Y (Mining engineering) KqASOVITSKIY, Ivan Konstantinoviqh; LITV121EVKO, Mikhail Petrovich; EFMTTMF,-U.-P.-,-r--o-d.-,--Gd-RKAVEJKO, L. I. ~ tokhn. red. (Operator of an electric mine locomotive] Mashinist shakhtnogo eloktrovoza. Kiev, Gostakhizdat UM, 1962. 145 P. (MIRA 15:6) (Mine railroads) (Electric locomotives) XRASOVITSKIY, M., inzhener. . . 4,~iJv Link-gear tool for making hollow blocks. Stroitell no.l: 17 Ja '57. (MLRA 10:2) (Concrete blocks) SOV/84-56-11-50/58 AUTHORS: Arzhanov, Yu., Krasovitakiy, m. TITLE: Difficult Road (Trudnyy put') PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatalya, 1958, Nr 11, pp 36-37 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors describe the arrival of two Super Aero plan6s at Vnukovo airfield from Czechoslovakia on their way to the Mon- golian Peoples Republic. Of the two Soviet navigators on board serving as guides, one Rotislav Gatovskiy spoke Czech which ht had learned while confined in prison camps during World War Il. Vadim Margorin was the second navigator. There is one photograul.-i of Rotislav Gatovskly. Card 1/1 IMASGIVITSKIY, ILG.; JECiUM, L~I,, Pump for ymipirig out gromi water fillud with mud. Mckh. stroi. 19 no.1-1--27 11 161. y (MA 16:7) 1. Kudinovskly zowA kerimi,,hef-kikli I)lckc-:,. (C+.,ntriPuCal pumps) I MASMIITSKIY, V.B.; STEPANOV, K.N. ..... .- - - Mteitation of electromagnetic waves in a plasma by an ion beam. Izv. vya. uchob. zav.; radiofiz. 6 no.5:1056-1059 63. (MIRA 1602) 1. Khartkcrvskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. ACCESSION NR: AP4024470 S/0141/64/007/001/0083/0093 AUTHORS: Krasovitskiy, V. B.; Stepanov, K. N. TITLE: Passage of ion beams through a plasma SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiofizika, v. 7, no. 1, 1964, 83-93 TOPIC TAGS: plasma, electromagnetic waves in plasma, ion beam in plasma, electron gyrofrequency, ion gyrofrequency, thermal velocity, dielectric tensor, longitudinal propagation, quasilongitudinal pro- pagation, quasitransverse propagation, injection angle .ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work (Izv. VUZov, Radiofizika, v. 6, 1056, 1963) on the excitation of electromagnetic waves in a plasma by an ion beam of low density and large the rmal velocity scatter, in the range between the electron and ion gyrofre-, quencies, with the ions moving parallel to the magnetic field. In the present work the ions are assumed injected at a large angle to Card 1/3