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KWNOSELISKIY~ M. A. USSR/MathamtIce - Operatorsj Vector 21 Jul 51 "Problen Concerning the Points of Bifurcations" M, A. Krasnosellskiy,, Inst, of Mathj, Aced Sai USSR Mok Ak Nauk SSSR- Vol IXM~ No 3., PP 389-392 The nunber L (in eq F r- IAF., -where A is a con- tinnous operator operating in a real Banach space E and satisfying the condition A9 z Q-(Q is a zero of 9); F is an eigenvector of A) is called a point of bifurcation of operator A if for anv pos nonzero e there exist in the interval (L-e.,LQ eigenvalues of the operator A to which coxx spond eigeiltilactionz with norm as =all an desired. Submitted by Aced A. N. Kolwogorov 16 my 51., USSR/Matau=tics. sonlinear P=c- 1 Dec 51 tionals "Theory of Orlicz's Space," M. A. Krasmosellskiy, Ya. B. Putitskiy "DoX Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXXXI, No 4, pp 497-500 Application of general methods and of theorems on nonlinear functional analysis to study of concrete classes of nonlinear operators is effected with aid of '.rarious concrete Banach spaces. Study of many operAors with essentially nonpolynoviinal nonlinearities, cannot be condbcted with aid of spaces ordinarily appiied (C, Lp). Authors 2o2T67 USSRtNathematics - Nonlinear Func- 1 Dec 51 tionals (Contd) propose certain assumptions relating to the theory of L6 spaces (Orlicz spa6es) for the case where the function (D (u) does not satisfy the .6 2-cou- dition. (Cf. W. Orlicz, Bull international de 11- Acad Pol, ser A, Cracovie, 1932.) SubmItted by Acad A. N. KolmogoroV.25 Sep 51. n2r67 AS Wrisf--L-1 -SK I Y, M.A. USSR/Mathematics - Nonlinear Iteration Jan-Mar 52 "Iterative Process with Minimum Residual.," M. A. Krasnosellskiy and S. 0. Kreyn Ukraln Mat Zhur, Vol 4,, No 1. Pp 104-105 (Report given at 23 Oct 51 session of Sci Council of Inst of Math, Acad Sci Uk SSR'O) Problem of approx soln of system of eqs Bx-b (B positive definite square n-matrix, b known n-vector, x desired n-vector) can be solved by finding approx soln as close J, == as possible to exact soln or kojesidual-vector4N-b as sm-11 as possible. Authors propose method of max decrease of residual., namely nonlinear iteirativa process xn+l'xn- 6n-(-RAn,An)/(B4,,BAn), converging as rapidly as geometrical progression r-(M-m)/(M+m) Km greatest and least characteristics of B). Compare this process with ordinary iterative process and 'steepest descent' developed by L.Ve Kantorovioh, Also studied nonlinear operator Kf-f-(Bf f)Bf/(Bf Bf). R Aso O.S r, I Krasnosel'skil, M. A. On the e stimation ofthe number of critical points of, functionals. , Uspehi Matem. Nauk (N.S.) 7, no. 2(48), 157-164 (1952). -~ (Russian), 0 Let there be given on a connected manifold K a continu- ous involut,io,n A without invariant potints,'Le., a continuous operator on K to K for which AxOx and A*x-ax. A set of the first kind on K is a compact set 'none of whose com. ponents'con'tains both'x- and Ax. A semi of kind n on K is a set each of Whose compact parts may be divided into n sets of the first kind and for which some compact part may not be divided into (n - 1) sets of the first kind. This concept is closely related to that of category. The author illustrates its use to obtain a theorem of Lyusternik on the number of cog ' critical points of an~eveft nonmgatiViq wealft continuous functional on-the sphere S of Hilbert space, and related results, without reference to the'Piro0erties of projective space. He generalizes this concept'to manifolds on which there are given periodic transformations of period r. 6 a Monica, Calif.). J. 41[..DaYsskin,(SanL -4 4f MR/Mathemtics - Iteration Process, Jul/An 52 Approximation '*Note on the Distribution of Errors During the Solution of a System of Linear Equations by an Iteration Process," M. A. Krasnosellskiy, S. G. &eyn "Uspekh Matamat Nauk" Vol VII, No 4- (50), PP 157- 3-61 The purpose of the present note is to refute the bypothesis that the most probable errors are al- vays considerably leas then the max errors. As It turns out, the max errors.are the most probable ors. Considers the recurrent~formula Axm + b, where A is a matrix. C. 22 iA ri o Y ) iopile, A. U, An extromal theatein for a hypeiellipsoid and Its application to the solution of &,system of linear -A9 algebraic equations. T_i:WyLS6m. Velctor-Te4z". aa I lizu 9, 183-197 (1952). #kussjaii) Let A, be it symnictrk c positive definiteaffinor [-matrix) Lot - er values ard J1 a t whose lar est tnd least pro nd *ff Ut 0 . . p g de by the radius vector IF be thean o at the ini P of lc ma R M aticial oviews' th6 , g p theby rellipsoid rAr=;I.with the "principal normal plane" PC a m at P-Le., with the subspace spanned by thevPctors Ar, Vol. 14 No. 11 A2r,..-,Atr. Let Tj(x) be the bykv Polynomi , Deo here va TA (1) -1 - Theorvni,:.Mways Un -11 i w 'H=erio*1 and Gf1phic (41+nj) (H -m)-~ Ile proof, -which, is ex ressed in p Methods terms of multivectors, is long. If.K41--_.", The theorem is used to estimate.the convergeme OVA propos d class of gradient methods of solving a linear syfiteni ai~a.wLA:re~' let Ax-a: Let Xo=O. 4e-r- Given xi arid , -x, be so'choscri in the kpdimensional xj+j sfiace, 13, tPanned by a;, Act,. A'-'a, that jAx4j-a Js minimized. It Is shown that iaq, 19 jadsin oi. where Is j,i I the angle made by al with the plane A Hi. 41~ lk or kimt the pthor'ii method is jhe '_'I-process".de- ' scril -i also byWrasnosel skif andLKreln [Mat. Sbornik qq, N.-S. A(73), 31S these Re 14' vj -334 (1952); V. Iplica- The author states that the I-proces requiresonemult i ed a tion o A by a N tep, whereas the rel per s ' ' " 4, e reviewer s two. rocess of Kan torovi~ and others take [Th p -n And nn such difference.1 , The reviewer suspects the theogen coud be provW Af - briefly and clegantly following thc~Birman paper cited b Y ~tlie author LUspehi Alatem, Nauk (N,S.) 5, no..3(37), j152-155 (1950); these Hev. 12, 32, 14, 412 G. 1". FOrSY1h41 (Los Angeles. C s Ft All, ~4, ZY j tz Mjg L EL.SK itmeal skiltj1d JL, and "kreln, G- Att'Iteratia le9quo ess in ;'resi als. Mat. S=1 11-ttlia.-Intloal F"3T.VST, 3-IS-334 (1952). ' (RussianY Vol 14 I[q. I S Loet B he a real positive definite matri3r. The authors juli W A4"S~s 1963 Introduce the "a-proce2ses," a family of Rradient methodx Virn,viartl And G~%VlMfAal 1%thodss for solving a system of linear equations Dx-b, depending o.a a real parameter a. Let arbitrary. For each; k-O,-J. a sequence. jx&Gj converging to 0-3-'b is Aefined by letting *&+I -xe-cAo, vibere AA*-Bxe-k,: vul w1we e. - (BoAe.- A.G)l(BO41A.4, A.,e). (In to and A but Be is the nth power of D.) a Is a xupersc6pt, For real -(,let Is& the"y-length"of a, be (a, B Tx)1. Then the: zi dr-prtxess selects ee+l aptong all= a t w Mos Lt-, ski M. A. 21 Feb 53 USSIt/Mathematics Nonlinear Integral Equations. "New Theorems on Existence of Solutions of Nonlinear Integral Equations," M. A. Krasnoselskiyo Voronezh State U DAN SSSR,,Vo1 88, No 60 PP 949-952 Analyzes conditions discussed by A. Hamm tein (Act& Math. 54, 1929) for solvability of Hammer- stein's eqs. Considers functionals in a Hilbert space only. Presented by Acad A. N. Kolmogorov. 29 Oct 52. 2587102 KRASNOSELISKIY, M.A. USSR/ Mathematics - Nonlinear Integrals 1 April 1953 "Differentiability of Nonlinear Integral Operators in Orlicz Spaces", M.A. Krasnosellskiy and Ya. B. Rutitskiy DAN SSSR) Vol 89, No 4, pp 601-604 Investigate the operator Hf(x)=-fGK(x,y) F Cy.,f(y)3 dy., where G is a compact set of n-dimensional spaces, and show that this 6perator with extensive classes of kernels K(x,y) and nonlinear functions F(x,u) can be studied by nears of OrUC2 Spaces (see A. Zygmund, Trigonometric Series, 1939)- State that the general principles of func- tional analysis permit one to investigate the eq f =I Hf (H is a nonlinear operator) but finer theorems (namely, on bifurcation points, stability of solutions, eigen- functions, etc.) are successful in establishing when It is a differential operator. One author cites earlier work (Ya. B. Rutitskiy, Dopovidi Akad Nauk RSH, No 3, 1952). PreBented by Acad A.N. Kolmogorov, 2 Feb 53 256T99 MPS~70SELISKIYO M. A. Yiri; tional I'lethod I Jul 53 I'Varit-tional Methods in the Problem of Bifureat-;,)n Pol.,Ac, A. Kracnosellskiy Vnd A. I. Fovoloiskiy D.AJI SSSR, Vol 91, No 1, Tr p 19-22 Generalize resulte of itive at igat ions of nonlinear operatcra A that operate in -Ilanach e-one E and traxisform zero 0 of this space to zero 0; namely, operators A of' tlhe I*orm JG, where J ie a certain unitF-ry operation coincidin.-I -aith unit I in one iiar,~.riautl subspace :)f linear o-Derator B a!,d equal to -1 on the orthogoaal complement, G (0e--9) is a &radieat o-oerator of a weakly continuous functioaal defined la Hilbert space H and poeeess~.,s at Point 15 q Frpchet derivative of B (thia derivative a linear celf-adjoint positive- defiaite ooerator). Presented by Aced A. 11. Kol-,vioe;orov 2.2 A~pr 53. 266T79 U~81q/Vathematics Nonlinear Integrals 11 Sep 53 "The Structure of a Certain Operator," 14. Vaynberg DAN SSSR, Vol 92, No 2, pp 213-216 Considers the roblem of whether a given op;--rator h generated by a real function f(u,x~ depends upon the structural propef-ties of f(u,x), where f(u,x) is defined for all real u a-d for all x in the meavurable set B of Euclidean space s of dimensions by the equality hu f(u(x),x). Notes that h was studied earlier by V. V. Nemytskiy (Matem Sbor. 41, 438 (1934)), by the author in 1949, and by M. A. Krasnosellskiy (Ukrain Matem Zhurn. 2, No 3, 1951). Completes the investigation of the 'continuity of h for an ex- tensive class of functional spaces, and rhows. that the necessary and sufficient criterion of continuity. Presented by Acad S. L. Sobolev 13 Jul 53. 269T74 XUBHOMISKIY, N.A.; UDYZHUSKIT. L-A- ~ "~ -, . T;, ~. ~- Gonditions for total continuity of P.G.Urymohn's operator valid In the apace LP. Trudy 3:307-320 154. MAL 7:7) (Operators (Hathomtics)) (Spaces. Generalized) KUSIIOSZLISIaY, M.A.; IADYZHENSKIT, L.A. Structure of the spectrum of positive heterogeneous opsr~Ltors. Trudy Roek.zat.ob-va 3-.)21-346 154. (KLRL 7:7) (Operators (Mathematics) (Topology) KRhSNGSEL'SK%Y, Mj~. USSR/Mathematics - Nonlinear analysis FD_u62 Card 1/1 Pub. 118-3/30 Author Krasnosellskiy, M. A. Title problems of nonlinear analysis Periodical : Usp. mat. nauk, 9, No 3(61), 57-125, Jul-Sep 1954 Abstract : The author presents a survey article in which considers a number of problems In the theory of nonlinear equations, differential or integral, such as are found in mathematical physics and technology. He treats in particular the transition to operator equations (e.g. choice of space, operators of P. S. Uryson and Hammerstein, operator of Lyapunov, applica- tion of Orlicz spaces, differential operators, potential operators); the existence and uniqueness of solutions (e.g. choice of method of study, -method of successive approximations, principle of the fixed point, the lerey-Schauder method, index of solution, variational method of proving existence theorems, approximate solution by Galerkin method); eigen-func- tions of nonlinear operators (e.g. existence of eigen-vectors, problem of points of bifurcation, spectral studyieigenfunctions of positive oper- ators). The author thanks V. L Sobolev, Fifty-five references; e.g. P.S. Aleksandrov, M. M. Vaynberg, F. R. Gantmakher, M. G. Kreyn, L. A. Iadyzhenskiy, Ya. B. Rutitskiy, A. L Povolotskiy, A. I. Nekrasov, etc. InBtitution Submitted v:r ZRASHOSELI SKIY, M.A.; RUTITSKIY, Ta.13. ...... Linear functional@ in Orlicz spees. Dokl. AN sso-R 97 no.4:581-584 Ag '54. (MLRA 70) 1. Predstavleno akademikom F.A.Alakoandrovym, (Functional analysis) (Spaces, Generalized) KWKOSSLISKIY' N.A. Two remarks on the wthod of sequential approximations, Usp. mat,usuk. 10 uooltl23-127 155 WMA 8:6) (Approximate computation)(Topology) A~ con, mo Uat! P4,MdeocC 0-. lit c' IMASHOMISKIY, H,A., (Voronezh) Stability of critical values of even functionals on a share. Mat.abor.37 n0-2:301-322 S-0 155. (KIRA 9:1) (Functional analysis) (Topolog7) . . . . . . . . . . . -':T,P lla~l pace %V'1 V.U 7, 1 wgi, ~jk.'7. 70. 41 lz 17 P'g ~Xi Kr~ As No SF_t~' 5 K '~~ N) . R - SUBJECT U$SR/MATHEYATICS/IntograL equationn CARD 1/.5 P(; - I t' 6 AUTHOR 13ACI[TIS I.A., WUSNOSV'1,SKk;r M.A.. TITLE To the problem on the *Longitudinal fluxure of u bi'am of variabte flexural r1gidity. PERIODICLL Doklady Akod. Nauk. 621-624 0955) reviewed 7/1956 The author uses the method of the nQn-linear functional analy3i~~ for the in- -vestigation of the longitudinal flexure of a chin blam of vavia.Jb flexurai rigidity which is fastened by a hinge. Ot-Le catil of the beam cat, r'-C)v.: in the horizontal plane. The corresponding differartial eqaation 'be P Y T, dB2 with the boundary conditions (2) Y(O) - Y(1) - 0 (P is the charge, ?(a) the fleximil rigidity. o the lengtb of the Currod beam, y the corresponding deviation from the equilibrium pogit'Lon). By d2 -v- . -1(s) the solution of this equation can be reduced to tha letarm.Linati*or, de2 Doklady Akad. N44 105, 621-624 (1955) GARD 213 PC, of 49(s) of the integral eqi.tur-ivii ~,,Ker,-A 0(ort) T(t)dtl i- and the determingtion of Y(s) 0-~ y(s) f or G(s,t ) f --~r , The operator B la Cb;183Aered on the spricre Ty,~O (C the Spaca of the fuartiaca being continuous on [0,I] ) of tadlu5 ! '/29 It 19 ,complete op- T atd differeati4i,le according to Prechat, whore its FreOiotls derJvatlve in the 79ro Doint of the'space is the operator DT(e) Ef Oe--y(B)-,6-i/2, 1han B [ t til \F(a) (04t4,-I). if (0 X-, P2(s))? thozi there exists an Oe- 3uch thet B 'Pi (9) -B ~P2 (s) >L6~9) 8 (1 -8) The charge P 0 is called cri ti cal if tn~t7 arb.1trary El J:~, 0 there exists a Doklady Akad. Nauk j25X 621-624 (1955) CARD 3/3 PG - 166 solution of (1)-(2) being different from zero, which satisfies the inequation I Y (814 E if at the same timejP-P.je_S . The critical forces of the con- sidered problem agree with the eigenvalues P k of the boundary value problem ey ~ P S(S)y Y(O) 0. ds2 The investigation of the qiiqstion, when, (l)-(2) admits small solutions, yields the theorems For critical charges Pk (k-1-,2,...') the equation f(s) - FB ~(s) has no small solutions being different from zero. To every Pk there corrvaponds an interval A _(Pitp~+42) such that for P Cr A the equation f(8) - PB P(3) k k k has solutions being different from 2ero, which 'for P ----)-P,, tend to zero together with their second derivatives. The proofs of the theorems and lemmas are sketched. INSTITUTIM Public University Voronei. KIP s Xi o Er.:_ C!~A- Call Nr: AF 2208825 ~d All cal Congress up ~9~~r uol -union Mathemati (Cont. ) Moscow, ur Y 711, !p Sect. Rpts., Izdatel'stvo AN SSSH, Moscow, 1956, 237 pp. __Krasn On the Investigation 9ffa1.Lak,jZj'P M. A. (Voronezh). of Bifurcation 61-nl'S of Non-linear Equation. 204-205 Kreyn, S. G. (Voronezh). Mathematical Problems in the Theory of Motion of Solid Bodies With Fluid- filled Cavities. 205 Kupradze, V, D. (Tbilisi). On Some New Research at the University of Tbilisi in the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity. 205 Mikhaylov, G. K. (Moscow). Precise Solution of a Problem on Stabilized Motion of Ground Water in Vertical Plane With Free Surface and Feeding Zone. 205-206 Mention iB made of Polubarinova-Kochina, P. Ya. Movchan, A. A. (Moscow). Linear Oscillations of a Plate Moving In Gas at High Velocity. 2o6 Card 68/80 K P\ ns)\j or-C s r\ i y, m - n , SUBJECT USSR/MLTHEMLTICS/Functional analysis CARD 1/1 PG - 544 AUTHOR KRASNOSELISKIJ M.A. TITLE Topological methods in the theory of non-linear integral equations. (Modern problems of mathematics). PERIODICAL Moscow: State Publication for technioal-theoretical literature 392 p. (1956) reviewed 1/1957 In the present book the author c6mpiles moat of the researches on the non- linear analysis in the Banach spaces, researches combined essentially with the method of Leray-Schauder. The book contains six chapters. In the first chapter the author studies the integral operators to which the abstract methods in the following chapters are applied. The second chapter contains the notions and the fundamental theorems: The rotation of vector fields (in the sense of the author being equivalent to the topological degree of Leray- Schauder), the theorems of Brouwer, Hopf, Leray-Schauder, Kusternik-gnirell- man-Borsuk. The notions and theorems of tha combinatoric topology used in this theory are deduced partially. Then (Chapter III and IV) these methods are applied to more concrete problemss the existence of solutions and imper values, ramification points, non-linear 9 ectral analysis (the author defines a resolvent for non-linear operators5, asymptotically linear operators, Liapunov theorems. SOV/1 24- 57-4- 3911 T rans lation I rom: Ref e rativnyy zhurnal. Meklianika, 19 5 7, Nr 4, p I I (USSR) AUTHOR: Krasnoset'skiy, M. A. TITLE: On the Investigation of Points of Forking of Nonlinear EqUations (0b issledovanii tochek bifurkatsii nelineynykii uravneniy) PERIODICAL: Tr. 3-go Vses. matem. s"yezda. Vol 1. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1956, pp 204-205 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 -7' Elf, ;r't, It - N A ~ N 0 S K %Y' M - f) - SUBJECT. USSR/,MATHEMATICS/Theory of approximations CARD 1/1 PG - 429 AUTHOR KRASKOSELISKIJ M.A. TITLE On some approximative methods for the determination of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a positive definite matrix. PERIODICAL Uspechi mat. Nauk 11, 3, 151-158 (1956) reviewed 12/1956 The author proposes some methods for the approximative computation of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a positive definite, quadratic, symmetric matrix of n-th order. The matrix is considered as an operator in the En. The proposed methods are analytic analogues to the well-known methods for the construction of point sequences x k (k_O,1,2,...) on the ellipsoid (Ax,x) - 1 which converge to the endpoint of one of the semiaxes. Compare Kantorovitf (Uspechi mat~,Ilauk , 6, 69-185 (1948)), KostarYuk (Doklady Akad. Nauk 18-2- 531-534 (1954) Lanczoe (journ. of Research of the Nat.Bureau of Standards AL 200 (1950 etc.- KRASNOSICLI SKIT 013y, V. I. The Voronezh Seminar on functional analysis. Usp.mat.nauk 11 no.5: 249-250 S-0 156. (MM 10:2) (Voronezh--Functional analysis) SUBJECT USSR/MATHEMLTICS/Functional analysis CARD 1/1 PG - 410 AUTHOR KRASVOSEWSKIJ M.A. TITLE On a boundary value problem. PERIODICAL Izvestija Akad. Nauk 20, 241-252 (1956) reviewed 1211956 For the non-linear boundary value problem Y11 . f(XOYFYI) Y(O) - y0r) - 0 the author gives new conditions for the existence of the solution. If the boundary value problem possesses a trivial solution, the author gives conditions for the existenoe of a second, non-vanishing solution. Methods of the functional analysis are used. KRA ~ PIOZEI~.' Z,- K 1 1. f, M4A. SUBJECT USSR/ MATHRITATICS/Lategrai vqueLicns AUTHOR MBITOSELOSKIJ M.A. TITLE On the equations of A.I.Nekrasoy of of a heavy liquid. CARD 1/3 PG - 368 the theory of surface waves PERIODICAL Moklady Akad. Nauk 109, 456-459 (1956) reviewed 11/1956 Nekrasov has shown that the non-vamishing solutions of the integral equation 21r S K(x'y)s'n2(y) -dy 0 1 +Pfs in 4f (t) dt 0 sin nx sin ny n-1 /A n determine the form of the waves on the surface of a heavy liquid. Here the positive eigenvalues /A. are different in dependence of the fact if the depth is finite or infinite. The papameter is determined by the characteristics of the stream. The author.applies metl*hods of the functional analysis and topological considerations in order to investigate the solutions of this integral equation without constructing the solution. The initial point of the investigation is the statement that the operator Doklady Akad. Nauk 109, 456-459 (1956) CARD 2/3 PG - 368 Or A.( (f, P) - 14 K(X.Y) ysLn tW_ dy f siny (t)dt 0 is completely continuous on a sufficiently small sphere of functions being continuous on [0,2'X], and admits the representation A( f , ~A) - /AB f + C(I ./A ) + 1)(1 , IA),, Here B is a linear integral operator which is determined by the kernel K(X.-Y), 2qr y C( 1 K(xoy) f (Y) I f ~(t)dl dy 0 0 and X is of higher order than C( T,1A) in tf . Now from an earlier result of~he author follows that (1) possesses smanon-vanishing solutions for certain 1A , which lie in the neighborhood of each ~An . In order to find these ~\-Values the author applies very interesting topological considerations (see: Bachtin and Krasnoselslkij, Doklady Akad, Nauk 101. 4, (1955)) which llokladY Akad. Naii 1~ -12L, 456-45Q (19rj:, load 10 the theorems which red"ce CAR D 3113 PG 3,-r, appli cations' The capabi the --,omDu4ation to M1~14jr to `-111,0 7ery'u.,3ef., e applj,,,:,,j, of I t um at and 121imber assertions thIle 1110thods ,,, ' the Of the no On the distr ables the & * 3 1'allar ones. n-vanishing 301,1ti... ibutilon, e,i,,., 1.1tilor f nce, INSTITUTIONs Univercit., VOI-oney. SUBJECT USSR/31ATMUTICS/Functional analysis CARD 1/3 PG - 711 AUTHOR MWNOSEL#SKIJ M.A., nZJN S.G., SOBOLEVSKI P.R. TITLE On differential equations with bounded operators in Banach spaces. PERIODICAL Doklady Akad-Nauk 111 19-22 (1956) reviewed 4/1957 The authors consider the equation ax A(t)x + f(t,x), TF W where x(t) is the sought function with a range of values in the Banaoh space 9, A(t) and f(t,m) are operators in Z and besides A(t) is unbounded, closed and linear for every t. A solution is sought which satisfies the initial condition (2) X(0) - X02 where x0 belongs to the region of definition D(A) of the operator A(O). The authors use the theory of semigroups Pad therefore it is assumed that A(t) is the generating operator of a strongly continuous semigroup of bounded operators T( >0) for every t. At first the linear equation dx .Ax + f (t) rt is considered, where A is, independent of t. Let Q be the linear operator Doklady Akad.Nauk 111,- 19-22 (1956) CARD 2/3 PG - 711 t qx(t) -f T(t-x)x(C)dV. 0 Theorems a) Q acts and is continuous in the apace C L of functions which satisfy the Lipschitz condition. If for I >- 0 the semigroup T( ~) in con- tinuous with respect to the norm (condition Cn according to Hill , then Q acts from CL to C Iand is continuous. b) if A-1 is completely continuous, then Q as an operator from C L to 0 is completely continuous too. Theorem: Let T(I ) satisfy the condition Cn and let f(t) be continuous and have a strongly bounded variation. For x 04-'-.D(A) the formula x(t) - T(t)xo + qf(t) yields the solution of (1)-(2). dx Let be given a homogeneous linear equation - . A(t)z and let be satisfied dt the condition CK) C(t) - A(t) A- A-'(t) bounded and strongly continuous in t. dt Theorems If cK) is satisfied, then 1) the operators A(t) have a common region Doklady Akad.Nauk 111, 19-22 (1956) Cin 3/3 ?G - 711 a a of definition, 2) the operators B(t,s) - I(t A-I a are continuous with respect t s ~O~B to the norm in t and a and 3) the derivative t s is strongly continuous t at for every a in t. it 1) and 3) are satisfied, then K) is satisfied too. This theorem and a further one are int.'direct connection with the investigations of Kato (J.Math.Soc.Jap. .2,. no.2, (1953)). Then the non-linear equation (1) is treated. A generalized solution of (l)-(2) mesna a function x(t) which satisfies the operator equation (3) X(t) - Qf [tox(t)] + U(t'O)xo For the proof of the theorems of existence theorems of fixed points are used. For a sufficient smoothness of f(t,x) in some cases it can be shown that the generalized solutions the existence of which was proved, are ordinary solutions of (1). Some examples are considered. /V 0 5 1 SUBJECT USSR/MATHEMATICS/Funotional analysis CARD 1/2 PG - 612 AUTHOR KRASNOSELISKI N.A. TITLE On the application of the methods of non-linear functional analysis to some problems on periodic solutions of equations of non-linear mechanics. PERIODICAL Dolklady Akad.Nauk Ill. 283-286 (1956) reviewed 2/1957 With means of non-linear functional analysis the following questions of non- linear mechanics are treateds Existence of periodic solutions, uniqueness of thmm, dependence of these solutions on the parameters of the right side of an equation etce The starting point of the considerations is the statement that to every system of ordinary differential equations there can be associated an equation with a completely continuous operator such that the solutions of this equation only determine the periodic solutions of the system. By aid of theorems on fixed points the author obtains sufficient conditions for the existence of periodic solutions. E.g. let be given the system (1) x i + gi(ttxl, ... txnv:'lg ... 91n) - 0 where the g iare continuous and posseas the period 21T in t. If the condition (2) n n 2 n 2- X* Z Xigi(tPx10"'Xn'y1 .... Yd -.4s. xi + b E lyil +0 ino i-1 Doklady Akad.Hauk 111.L 283-286 (1956) CARD 2/2 PG - 612 with 0 < )r< 21 a,b,c numbers and a 0 For what maximal class of operators A the set of bifurcation points of A is identical with the set of characteristic values of B ? Two partial results are givens 1) If A is the gradient of a weakly continuous functional# then the sets are identicall 2) Every characteristic value -A0 of B with an odd multiplicity is a bifurcation point of A. Furthermore the estion is treated for which 'N the equation (1) has small solutions PO. KR.ASNOSELISKIT,.M.A.; KFXYN, B.G.; MYSHKIS, A.D. k The broadened sessions of the Voronezh Seminar on Functional Analysis in March 1957. Usp.mat.nauk 12 no.4:241-250 Jl-Ag 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Voronezh--Functional analysis) KRASNMLISKIT, N.A.; SOBOLEY, V.I. The decomposition of linear operators. Unp.mat.uauk 12 no.4:313-317 J1-Ag '57.!,.-. . (6perators (Mathematics)) '(KIRA 10:10): ~~RRSNOSC, C:SK\ ly, M- n - SUBJECT UJSR/MATHEMLTICS/Functional analysis CARD 113 PO - 874 AUTHOR KRASNOSELISKIJ N.A.p KR3JN S.G., SOBOLEVSKIJ P.E. TITLE On differential equations with unbounded operators in the Hilbert space. PERIODICAL Doklady Akad.Nauk jjjL 990-993 (1957) reviewed 6/1957 Joining a paper of Kato (J.,Math.Soo.Japan, ~, 2, (1953)) the authors investigate the equation (1) dx + A(t)x - f(t) dt in the Hilbert space H. Kato constructed the solution of (1) in the Banach space in the form (2) X(t) - U(t,o)x 0 + Qf(t), where the solution of the homogeneous equation has the form XM - u(tes)xo I with a continuous and bounded operator U(t,s) and with the initial condition Doklady Akad.11auk 112, 990-993 (1957) CARD 213 PG - 874 X(B) - X0 and t Qf(t) - j U(t,s)f(a)ds. 0 In the special case considered by the authors, about U and Q more exact assertions can be made. Here it is assumed that 1) A(t) is selfadjoint and (A(t)x,x)>.,(x,x), 2) for 0,6 1, A-c~(t) is differentiable, where V( d -0( Cv-(t) - A (t) Tt A (t) are uniformly bounded with respect to 0~ and t. 3) CI(t) is strongly continuous in t and bounded. It is shown that under certain conditions of 1) and 3) there follows the condition 2). Furthermores x(t) - U(t,s)x0 satisfies the homogeneous equation for all x 0 e H. For t> s and 0.4ry, 4 2 the operators A MU(t,s) are bounded, where AO'(t)U(t,s)1j 4M(t-s)-t(. This estimation also holds for 0(- 2 if IIC(t)-C(E;)II (- L)t-sj~ . The estimation holds for all Ot if A is constant. If f(t) satisfies the condition Lip t with F_ 0 a positive bounded function is obtained, for u -;Poo either a positive bounded function or zero is obtained. b Let Ake-f K[s,t, Y"t)]dt + f(s). Let the equation y- A%p, a where f(s) is a non-negative function, have a positive solution ,P* (S) - Then the sequence b Card 2/3 Yn+I (S) f K [a, t, T .(t) ] dt + f (s) a On the Theory of Equations With Concave Operators SOV/20-123-1-3/56 converges uniformly to f*(s) for every non-negative function qc(s), 'fc(s)*O- Two further theorems contain refinements of these assertions for some special cases (e.g. for special fK1,1101 -concave operators). There are 8 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONiVoronezhekiy gosudarstvennyy universilet (Voronezh State University) PRESENTED: June 9, 1958, by P.S.Aleksandrov, Academician SUBMITTEDs May 10, 1958 Card 3/3 AUTHORS: Krasnosellskiy,M.A. and Perov,A.T. SOV/20-123-2-6/50 TITLE: On a Principle of the Existence of Bounded, Periodic and Periodic Solutions of a System of Ordinary Differential Equations (0b odnom printsipe sushchestvovaniya ogranichennykh, periodicheskikh i pochti-periodicheskikh resheniy u. sistemy obyknovennykh differentsiallnykh uravneniy') PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1956, Vol -123,Nr 2,pp 235-238 (USSR.) ABSTRAM Given the system N A - f(t,x), dt where x - ) and f - (fi~'-Yf ), f f4(t,xlg-.";Xr (XII ... 'xn n and the fi are continuous in -ooct'x,,-...,X < +oD . Let further ~%(X))and r(x) be two continuously differentiable funciions, ,,(-x - NW, (f(t,x),grad-X(x)) f > 0 X for /Ix fl R >0. Let m - min -A (x), M max -A(x). On the set T n hxII-R llxft-R of those zC-E for which m :C--A(x)4M, jjrjj>H, let r(x) satisfy Card 1113 On a Principle of the Existence of Bounded, Periodic and SOV/20-123-2-6, 50 A !moot, Periodic SolutionEi of a Systam of Orliriry Diffl~rential Equations the 4=dition. n (f(t~x),grad~,(x)+grad~A ~X~ 0, L where lim Ir +f)3 xtT, ~ .11 _~* 4-C0 Theorem- Under the given ansumptions has at least one uniformly bounded solution an If the f are per 4,jdiC i I in t' then (1) has at loast nr,,j V;iriocLic solution of the same psriod~ If -the fi are almost--ppriodic (uniformly in every spiier,-) in t, then (1) bas at least one ajuost~-per.iodlc solut;.or.. The theorem holas in a strengtheri,~;d form if i,nstead rf A(-x* ."'~x) it is assumed that outside of a certain sphere grad-A(x) ~ 0 and that the field of grad -~,(x) has a nonvanishing rotation on spheres of a sufficiently large radius (see [Ref 1, 71). The proof of the theorems in based on the theoremz On the boundary rof a bounded domain G(En let the vector fields Card 2/3 f(t,x), -co-ct