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4'q ~-i KWIIDPEMV, F.A., Inzhanar. Protecting the external surfaces of piping against sweating and corrosion. Rnergatik 5 no.1:18 A 157. (MLRA 1032) (Water pipes) (Corrosion and anticorrosives) AUTHOR: Kraenoperov, F.A.~ Engineer 91-58-5-4/35 TITLEs Devices for the Transporting of Air Heater Cubes (Prisposo- bleniye, dlya transportirovki kubov vozdukhopodogreva- teley) PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1958, Nr 5, P 8 (USSR) ABSTRACT: When assembling a tubular air heater at a Soviet thermal electric power station, some simple devices are used for transporting the air heater "cubes". The device shown in Figure 2 was attached to the upper plate of a 13-5 ton cube (Figure 1). The thin plate is protected against bending by a special device. For the transporting of Cubes, in the horizontal position, the device ahown in Figure 3 is used. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Heaters - Maintenance EMMOPEROV, F.T. Clinical aspects of rheumatic myocarditis with total atrioventricular block. Terap. arkh. 2? no.7:89-90 155. (MLRA 9:1) 1. Iz kafedr7 fakulltetakoy terspii (zav.--zasluzhpnW deyatell nauk-i Tatarskoy ASSR prof. Z.I. Malkin) t kWedry patologichaskoy anatomii (sav. dotsqnt U.S. Podol'skiy) Kazanskogo moditsinakogo inst. (EURT BIOCK, AV in rheum. heart dis,) (RHIMTIC HIM DISFIASI. q AV block) ,ggpl teat io.As. KRASNOPEROV, assiatent ,T~" L F Amount of prothrombin in the blood in some vascular lesions of the brain and their treatment with dicumarin. Kaz. med. zhur. no. 2:2&- 30 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Fakulltetskaya terapevticheskaya, klinika, (zav. - prof. Z.1. Malkin," i kiinika, nervnykh bolezney (zav. - prof. L.I. Omorokov) Kazanskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (PROTHROMBIN) (COUPIARIII) (BRAIN-DISEASE.5) KRASIIOPEROV# F.T.j LUSHNIKOVAI L.A. (Kazan') Problems in cardiovascular pathology at the First Interprovince Conference of Therapeutiots of the Ural Mountain Region. Kaz. med. zhur. no. 2%98-101 MrrAp, 161. (MIRA 14:4) (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM-DISEASES) KRASNOIEROV, F.T., assistent Anticoagulant treatment in thrombophlebitis of the extremities. Kaz. mad. zhur. no.5:34-35 8-0 161. (MIRA 150) 1. Fakulltetakaya terapevticheakaya klinika (zav. - prof. Z.I. Malkin) i klinika obshchey khirurgii (zav. - prof. V.N. Shubin) Kazen k go meditsinskogo instituta. (ANTIqOAGULU=-(MKDICINZ)) (HUDITIS) MITSEROV, I.Kh., kand.sed.nauk (Kazan'); KIIIASNOPMOV, F.T.- (Kazan') Problems of hypertension, aterosclerosis and coronary insufficiency at the Twelfth Scientific Session of the InBtitute of Therapy of the Academy of Medical Saiences of the U. S. S. R. Vanuary 28-30), 1961 in Mosvow). Xaz. med, zhur. no.5:94-95 S-0 161o (MIRA 15:3) (HYPERTENSION) (ARTI-FIRIOSC LMOS IS) (CORMRY MAN Man) ANISIMDV, V.Ye. (Kazan'); KRASNOPEROV, F.T. (Kazan') ...... .. - Microfocal myocardial infarcts and chronic hepatitis at the expanded plenum of the board of the All-Russian Society of Therapeutists; January 21-22, 1962 in Moscow. no.3:95-97 My-Je 162. (K-FRA 15:9) (HEART--INFARCTION) (IIVER--DISFASFS) GoifilArative data on some irdl-ce!j of the blood coagulation and anticoagulation oystwus In pitionti with athorosclorosis uni pulmonary heart disease. Nauch. trudy Kaz. goo. med. inrt. 14: 455-456 t64. Protkwovibin indox and hofarin time In diseavan of the .ivor. lbid,:457-45~' ~ z, V.-9) 1. Yafedra fakulltet3koy terapii (zav. - prof. Z.I.,M-alkin) Kazanskogo meditoirwkogo instituta. ~-4 (3 AUTHOR: Krasnoperovy G. V. SOV148-23-3-23134 TITLE: On the Magnetization of Ferromagnetic Powdersin Strong Magnetic Fields (0 namagnichivanii ferromagnitnykhporoshkov v sillnykh magnitnykh polyakh) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskayat 1959, Vol 23t Nr 39 pp 405-406 (USSR) A13STRACT: It is comparatively easy to calculate the curve of magnetiza- tion in strong magnetic fields where the reversible rotation processes play the most important part. The law of saturation . I approximation I + I (1) was ( 1 , s 2 d investigated in the present paper with ferromagnetic powders. It was found that the law of saturation approximation holds in the case of ferromagnetic powders in the range of the fields of 3,000 -? 9PGOO oe. This confirms the agreement of I and I'. 3 8 a th Fi 1 th d f th tit H i h d e n s e ence o ows gure open e quan y JH on ease of nickel powder (diameter of the particles S e-_ 0-25 mm). The table gives the values of saturation magnetization 1 Card 1/2 . as well as those of the coercive force H and of the in'Atial . On the Magnetization of Ferromagnetic Powders in SOV/48-23-3-23/34 Strong Magnetic Fields susceptibility ko for nickel powder. Similar investigations were made with Fe-, Co-, and Fermalloy powders, as well as with mixtures of these substances. Figure 2 indicatesthat the non-magnetio inclusions have an effect upon both coefficients of the law (1). The effect of the non-magnetic inclusions upon the variation of the coefficients A and B depends on the type of ferromagnetism and the size of the powder parti- cles. The author thanks V. V. Parfenov for his assistance. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya pretsizionnykh splavov Urallskogo instituta chernykh metallov (Laboratory of Precision Alloys of the Ural Institute of Ferrous Metals) Card 2/2 8596:L S/126/60/010/005/005/030 E073/E535 AUTHORS.- Krasnoperov, G. V. and Lapkin, N. 1. ~at V TITLE-. - ~nve`stiga~tion -ofHe Treatment ofe~ron-Aluminium Magnetically Soft W LI--OYs ~q 1~ - PERIODICAL% Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol.10, No.5, pp.668-671 TEXT. The aim of the investigations was to find methods of heat treatment which ensure high magnetic properties in hot rolled sheets of iron alloyed with 16% Al. The alloy~O 16 (Yu16),d corresponding to the American "alphenol", was produced in an open 100 kg capacity induction furnace using as charge materials pure iron and refined grades of Al. Prior to alloying with Al, the melt was treated with a vacuum of 10 to 15 mm Hg col,, for the purpose of decarburization and deoxidation. The metal was poured into metallic moulds and heated to 5000C. To eliminate thermal stresses and cracks, the ingots were cooled from 8000C with a speed of 80 to 90OC/hour. The specimens had the following composition in percent.- C 0.009, Si 0.38, Mn 0.03, S 0.002, P 0.004, Cr traces, Ni 0.04, Cu 0.02, Al 15.7. The hot rolling was by means of a 2-high mill in packets consisting of sheets of dynamo steel and of the Card 1/4 85961 5/126/60/010/005/005/030 E073/E535 Investigation of Heat Treatment of Iron-Aluminium Magnetically Soft Alloys alloy Yul6. Discs of 30 and 20 mm diameter were stamped from hot rolled 0.35 x 600 x 1200 mm pickled sheets. The specimens, consisting of 20 sheets, were air annealed in a silite furnace in the temperature range 800 to 1200*C, followed by cooling at a rate of 1000C to the quenching temperature, that temperature for 30 min and then quenched in a 20% NaOH solution, water or transformer oil. The magnetic properties were measured ballistically, the electric properties were measured by means of resistance bridges. For determining the influence of the annealing temperature on the magnetic properties, the specimens were cooled at the rate of 1000C/hr and then quenched in the alkali from 600*C. An increase in the annealing temperature from 850 to 1050*C brings about art improvement of the magnetic properties. On increasing this temperature further, the magnetic properties will become somewhat poorer. An increase in the annealing temperature leads to some burning off of the Al. The quenching medium and the quenching temperature have a consider- able influence on the permeability and on the coercive force; the highest ji0 values were obtained after oil quenching from 650*C Card 2/4 85961 S/126/60/010/005/005/030 E073/E535 Investigation of Heat Treatment of Iron-Aluminium Magnetically Soft Alloys (annealing at 9500C) and 7000C (annealing at 10500C). An increase in the annealing temperature shifts towards higher temperatures the optimum quenching temperature from the point of view of 40. The initial permeability is considerably lower for specimens quenched in alkali and water. For obtaining high maximum permeabili- ties it is necessary to quench the alloy from 6500C (after annealing at 9500C) and 6oo*c (after annealing at 10500C). An increase in the annealing temperature and the quenching speed leads to a decrease in the optimum quenching temperature. In the case of oil quenching, the coercive force decreases with temperature up to 650-700*C. It was found that an increase in the quenching temperature and the cooling speed leads to an increase in the electric resistance and, consequently, to a decrease in the degree of ordering. An increase in the soaking time from 15 min to 3 hours during annealing and also of the cooling rate from 50 to 200*C/hr does not affect greatly the magnetic properties. The results show that with this alloy magnetic properties can be obtained which compare favourably with those obtained for an iron alloy with a 50% Ni content. Acknowledgments Card 3/4 85963L S/126/60/010/005/005/030 E073/E535 Investigation of Heat Treatment of Iron-Aluminium Magnetically Soft Alloys are made to the personnel of the Precision Alloy Laboratory of the Ural Scientific Research Institute for Ferrous Metals (I. A. Gorlach, N. A. Krasillnikov and A. S. Matyugi ) and to the student, L. N. Polovnikova for producing the specimens and for assistance with the heat treatment and the magnetic tests. There are 2 figures, 1 table and 5 references: 1 Soviet and 4 English. ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut chernykh metallov (Ural Scientific Research Institute for Ferrous Metals) SUBMITTED: May 7, 1960 Card 4/4 MASNOPEROV, G.V.1 POIA)VKKOVAt L.A. Metics of the ordered iron-alumimm IM6 aUoys. Fiz. met. I metaUoved. 3.1 no. 1:149-150 Ja 161o OM 14:2) 1. Urallskiy nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut chernykh metaLlov. (Iron-aluminum alloys-Metallography) z,/.tat?/61/oiJ/005/oo6/o15 F07W V, ~ 3.) AUTHORS:; Lap-kln, N,,I,. and Kra-znop.,-~rov. G v,, TITLE-, Influence of ~teiitmcnt mi tfiv Toupf~rattirk, !I (Yulb) Stabil.itvfuid Ag-tzilig -,I tbr, A11,-v PM,IODICAL,: Fizilca metallov i mt--tallovederitye. 1961~ VoU, 11, No. 5, pp. 693 - 697 - Oxci Lnfluerce of h,,t TEXTF Vie authors inve-itigated I e t treatment on the temperature dependenee o' t1io coercive force and the niagnet-ic indliction of a ho[-ralled high-ordering alloy Yu.16 (161,1,0AL, rest Fel in tlio temperature range -80 to *200 C. They also investigated the influence of ageing on the. magnetac. and elee.~rical properties of this alloy,, According xo earlier renult-, of' the authorxi and thelr teatri (Ref., I - ByulAe~irl 1-3NUChl-1, lg6o, 34.. No. 23; Ref. 2 - Fiz I'ler" 1 n1(-tA1lo,,-~-dc-niye, l.96o, Vol. 1.0, No. 5~, p.6681 tbi-s allcty pos~!es-3e.---i vc-ry fa-ourable magnet.ic propertl!,--, at.ter quen,:hing from the temperature range 700 ~-, 500 "'CL and -3-~ a result. of th-is thc alloy may prove to be in an unstable $tats,, Th4~ ~-pc~c itnen-2, Card 1/4 S/.t26/6i/oii/oo5/oo6/o15 Influence of Heat-treatment E073/E335 were produc,ed from hot~rolled,. 11~-at created 0,,35 mm thick sheet ., Var.LOUS heat-t.reatments wcirc appli+;%l to Stabillss" their magnetic properties,, a-e. various t,~mperaturrs- ef anneal-ing and quenching arid varioxis too.lini ,; t3peed~. The magnetic hyst~lresla propertAcs ivei-e measur-zd ball Istaia.11y in the temperature range -.80 to ~200 CC u-,ing a thermostat. A mixture of I:i.quLd nit.rogen and -:o~ u-3e:d as a medium. Prior to the miigrictic ID ca.,3 ur em ent s ,/I indivIdual. specimens wareaeubjerted to artificial aguing (at 50, .100, 200 and 2,50 C for 214 hour,.0 ;1rid naiural agelng C15-20 OC for 2 880 and 5 o4o hoiir!~). For all theo investigated heat.-treatments (annealing at 1)50 and .1 050 0C for one hours quenching from ~00.. 650, 600 500 and 450 C in an alkall.,, water and ol.*I,) the magixottc proport_iei changed considerably on changing the test temperature Ths induction at H = 13 Oe is highest at Iow temperattires i...80 C) and this drops rapidly with 1ncrva,4.1ng 'toat, temperature, indicating a low Cur.te polnt,, The restdisal induction a4 will aa, the, permoability arid the cooroive force change with tho tstst Card 2/4 S/126/61/01 V1A5/oo6/ol5 Influence of fleat-treatment .... E073/E335 temperature and the appropriate curves show a pronounced maximum (or0minimum). The residual induction has a maximum at 20 - 40 C and shows little dependence on the heat- treatment conditions. At low quenching temperatures (400 - 500 OC) and high cooling speeds, the magnitude and the temperature stability of the magnetic properties are low. The highest initial and maximum permeabilities were obtained in tests at 100-120 and 40-60 0C after annealing followed by oil-quenching. Artificial ageing at 50 - 100 0C resulted in an improvement in the magnetic properties by 5-20%. The results have shown that heat-treatment, which leads to improved magnetic properties of the alloy, brings about a decrease in the temperature stability of these properties. An increase in the cooling speed during quenchin� narrows the range of operating teifipetatures; at 15&180 C an irreversible deterioration in th8 magnetic properties will occur., Artificial ageing at 50 And 100 C improves, and artificial ageing at 200-250 0C reduces the magnetic properties of the investigated alloy. Natural ageing for periods of four and Card 3/4 22961 S/126/6l/on/oo5/oo6/o15 Influence of Heat-treatment .... E073/E335 seven months also results in a deterioration of the magnetic properties. There are 3 figures, 1 table and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: SUBMIT'TED: Ural'skiy nauchno-isslodovatellskiy institut chernykh metallov (Ural Scientific-research Institutefor Ferrous Metals) August 6, 1960 Card 4/4 KUZIMIN, V.I., dotsent; . lnzh. Inveatigating the accuracy and conditions for using the standard specif-.oations method. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; gor.zhur. no.11: 52-58 158. (MM 12:8) 1. Khar'kovskiy gorny7 institut. (Donate Basin--Coal geology) (Prospecting) 'KRASHOPEROV, SIX, Device for adjustment of multiple-purpose and instruments micrc. scoPee * Izmv ttskh, no. 1-.15-16 ja 161. (MIRA 14t1) (Kicroscopa--Teatin.g) KWNOPEROV.o No P. Prof* Dr. Vet* Sci, "On the Affection of the Hoof Tissues of Horses with Onchocerelasia.," Veterinariya, 24t No,3, p, 221, 1947 Veterinary Faculty, Kirov Agric. Inst. 11. P. Onchocerciasis Present-day classification and characteristics of cnchceerclasIs prccesses in withers of horses. Trudy G--,18m. lab. no. 5, 1951. Mcnthl List of Russian AccessionE, Library of Ccnoress, September 19c2. Unclassified. Q - -I AUTHORS: Karpov, Yu., Engineer, Krasnoperoyt.,,,V., SOV/2,Q-58-9-26/30 Engineer, Okunevf Yu. , LP TITLE: An Unusual Motor (Neobychnyy dvigatelf) PERIODICAL: Tekhnika molodezhij 1958, Nr 9, PP 37 - 37 (USSR) A13STRACT: In the course of their studies at the Leningradakiy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut imeni V.I.Ullyaneva (Lenina) (Leningrad Institute of Electrical Engineering imeni V.I.Ullyanov (Lenin)) the authors of this paper invented an electrical motor which they called "dielectric motor". This is a description of its principle of operation. This motor has neither a conventional steel stator with a copper winding nor a massive rotor. It operates by using the principles of static electricity - the interaction of stationary electric charges. The disk does 6000 revs/min. Attempts were made to increase the speed of the motor by producing the rotor from different materials. The best results were obtained with plexiglass. The speed can also be increased by placing the rotor in a vacuum, thus Card 1/3 reducing air friction. The power of the motor can be increased by An, Unusual Motor SOV/29-58-9-26/3o placing it in a high-pressure chamber . In a fluid di- electric the nominal voltage is reduced almost by a factor of 10. As a compensation the speed is considerably reduced owing to the increased friction of the rotor in the fluid. The dieelartric motor is still anything but perfect. Never- theless it is capable of being used in practical work. If a vane is attached to it it may serve as a ventilator. If the shaft of the rotor is arrested by a spring this motor is transformed into an instrument measuring high d.c.tension. The angle of deflection of the rotor will be proportional to the potential applied to the electrodes. The high speed of such motors and the lackine of a commutator recommends such motors for use in gyroscopes. Although at present it may sound phantastically, there is no denying that in princ4ple such a motor could be used in connection with a radioactive electrostatic generator. There are 3 figures. Card 2/3 Wg.boy~,_,. fl.1k. dL,sI,k111koY. Zd, 1-5~ f1miks dislaktr1kil; trudy vtor~y v..&ojrjs.-j krufartatsti (Phys-- of Dlql-tr-, Trsmsa!tioas of the 24 C=f-* on the "YSIcs of jL*po-, 1.4- AS MISR, 1910, 532 P. Eff.t. lip ins.rhod. 5,000 o.pi.. printed. 3pmasoriAg ACencyt Ak&dmlj* cauk =ft- YisicbesIL17 Lastitat $,sensl ?.I. LbwU~a. Ia. of Publi.Llog Houses It.L. T-th. M., I.S. Dnr-,Ibl-; =- t.ri.1 B,,4rd, (R..P. Id.) 0.1. Sk-i, Doctor of Yhl.t- and Wh-tz~# (f-ma.41, azd I.T. c.rA,4.,. or ?h7,21-3 a.:.- yLath-ti:.. ?*-W0Sj. "L1. ~.lj-tl- of iqxts 1. i.tsud.l for the phy.1t. of dl.l.~tr-... COVIRAr-T, -1~. AII-Uni~, Cl.f-,, ~- the ft,111!s of D111-~-~11. held I- -. in. I-Itit-t 1,n-4 P-3. ltstlt,t. L-i P.X. Jvb~jvr) in N-ch- 171_4 was tte.-.J#d of the pri-4-r-, m,leattfic eviters of tbo V5-'M shd ~f *-vor.l :th- r c -ttr ---a. 7blo, -1- .-tel" ~.% of the r.prt. p' at the M of t6 -hich f.111.d. The -rt. 1. this -Ilactl.. deal with, pmpgrti.., &W P~Urlmtiom, ard vith j.j_tjv* of mrL~u-s crystals, ch-j-' c,ap-~, god _.=t2. MT t 0-tretc, ferr~lecotri-- -rys*el., mi -t," rsdistiou ~d 1rr,:!j,t-.7m fects - r. L-W-gste. Th. -1- a list f rm,~rv prozontei at the with polarl,,ation, 1-sq, _1 broak4r- of dleleitrl-s, v-t--Ih - rubliah.j in tts ,ouho~j --t-y. AS WS-R, air'j. f13t:b..k.j.,!-,s. I d2, X. R-ferem.a %%-h JZF T-P-re Mi of Carti. In 21 Ito: i!----2F-i-f1t C.;.-It.., and Dis.eotri- L-e. of Sc- U~~rz ;ri-I. 1. 31-ro.e Hilb-Froqu.ucy 1l,.trjc F1.1:1. at Fi,- cs-~t,Lra 1sik-tkh.L~h,,k:y 111, T1-- (Siberia. FbI.I.. .d ta, T- -tf,. Ra.,e&=.h Ime- It. kj 28 Di"masica 37 _J;hUzzkzz,J~t~ On the Problems of the Static 2;"jfjc I;w--=tivw Capo:jt=~* of R.Uroc-us Dielsotrics poll jkokhajyy.tTjh,myy !jwti%ut 39 Dleloztria Ps.rmst4rv of Double Llqcld Symte,ma in the -r,- L.-C.- --t-1 Ustit.%.3 49 D1":sL3* Orbaerrd in 3,-. D!.I_ W-ultural I.Stitut.) triz. at A,,sajo 57 U.M., and I.I. propor%jeg of 65 77 -)qMAY1QY- _C-P- - and A.M. Lb---. StWr of C' zd tg6 iz s,, P"ot-'- or Tah-Perstuyi - It h F-T.---eq [I-tit.t F-Mkh 117-dlne-ij AN S=, Lshi~hgrad it tttu%g of E19t PUla'hulat' C~Pc=ds, AS 91 P. gin' S-A-Dial"tr1o Cb`fa't%-'fit'cx (c sh~l t96 ) of Cable ,,,:.r im PtelstICA to the Prc;4r%ies or the c-m_t. (F- -d 01.,) kovaki: vuar&wt1;beskiy ina-,itut (!4ftm Fvwor 7nitc-InC j-tituta)) 917 Dijcu4x-.-. T--. Prubl~ of the Dyei. Tbs,., -f Th-rual Fb.-exams 1, Okun- .4 -, P.,Y~hs-. .b. , 1 ;i! Mii: -%-b.,, x,*-t.k2- L L 1 -- - W .1 1, in - Me Xr- M-t of D.. L I.astItut La. V.I. Ul'yam~a (L-im) (Louitgrad Zl-ct.~t~~.racni 1-tituts y isomat (Lhio)) 124 C--1alPs#.Ut1- For -f in , Retlatift to T-r r.turs Cloltit-t- of Hie, F~1--ular C-;-d., A!.d,.y of L-ingrei] 132 d T.M.- M=I. Pht*.I~tr.t. ",j the -IN 13S: L Xj- ,Institute of _,stol- logr.rhjr, A-d,xj of Sciences UEZR, Mo.,!-)) 139 G.bki.. A.3.- .d V.F. On Cher a St bilit 'f I'- :c- KI-tr.%. ' 1, uti"Giri P.N. Lot~,d.,, AS ZR, 150 ACC NRaI AP7004962 r4) SOURCE CODE: UR/0048/66/030/009/1430/1432 AUTHOR: KrasnoporovvV.A,; Mironov,I.A.; Khomenok,G.A. 1011G., State Institute of Applied Chemistry (Gosudarstvannyy inatitut prikladnoy ikhimii) ,TITLE: Investigation of the proportion of luminescont aluminum nitride /it'-port, Jourteenth All-Union Conference on. Luminescence (Crystal Mosphors) hold at Riga, IG-23 Sept. 19657 SOURCE: AN SSSH, Izvestiya. Serlya fizichoskaya, v. 30, no. 9, 1966, 1430-1432 iTOPIC TAGS: luminescence, aluminum nitride, photcluminesconco, cathodoluminescenco, ,electroluminesconce ABSTRACT: The authorn Inventignted tho photolumlnet;cenco, cathodolumlnei3ceDCO, and electroluinineseence of chromium, mangnnese, !iamnrlum, jilitj Puj-k)pDim doped nluminura nitride powders synthesized from the elements and cithor contitJ1111!f, or not conWining a donor (sulfur) or an acceptor (zinc). The presence of n"Ifur decreased the cloc- trical ratistanco of the specimens, while the pre.9oncn of zinc increased it. As reZardf; photoluminoucenco, the spocimons noparated into tvu groups, dept3nding on whether the activator was manganese or chromium (group a), or samarlum or europium (group b). Photoluminaseence was excited in the type "a" phosphorn by ultraviolet radiation with wavelengtho shorter than tho 280 qi absorption edgo and there was a Card 1/2 ACC NRj AP70049 prolonged afterglow, the luminescence intensity dropping to 3'e of its initial value only after several minutes. The presence of zinc or sulfur (lid riot a Iffect the lumi- _Lescenco. Photoluminescence was excited in the type "b" specImens by radiation with wavelengths ranging from 260 to 400 inp, and the duration of the, afterglow was less than 0,1 see, The presence of Zn did not affect the photoluminescence of AIV:Sm. and the presence of sulfur quenched it. The cathodoluminencence of all the specimens ex- hibited a characteristic band peaking at 380-400 r4A. Blectroluminescence was excited by fields of the order of 10 4 V/cm in a cell equipped with brass and conducting glass electrodes. No luminescence appeared when the field was first applied, but if the glass electrode was negative and the polarity was suddenly reversed there appeared a flash with a duration of no longer than 1 see. The flushes produced by subsequent field reversals decreased in intensity, and no electroluminescence was observed in alternating fields with frequencies of 20 liz or higher. The brightest electrolumi- nescence was obtained with an AIN:Eu:Zn:S specimen; its spectrum exhibited the two bands characteristic of the photoluminescence of AlN:Eu (narrow bands at 380 W and 357 qL) and a broad band in the 270-300 mp region. After a brief discussion of the possible mechanisms giving rise to the electrolumineseence it is concluded that further experimental work im required@ Orig, art, has: 3 figures. SUB CODRt 20 SUBM DATEt none ORIGO RhTj , 000 OM REPsi 005 Card 2/2 CHERNYY, V.S.; KRASNOPEROVA, A.P. Effect of temperature on the solubility of some silver salts In nonaqueous solvents. Zhur. fiz. khIm. 39 no.2t430-433 F 165. (MMA 1814) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. FRISMAN, N.V.: SIBITMA, M.A.; KRASWP3RO%&.v. ~,. Hydrodypimic and optical properties of polymer solutions in the range'of high concentrations. Vysokom.soed. I no.4:597-606 AP '59- (MIRA 12:9) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvenrqy univeraitot im. A.A.Zhdanova. (Polymers) 39638 S/l9lj62/000/008/908/013 B124/B100 AUTHORS: Tarakanov, 0. G., Kiasnoperovat A. V. TITLE: Foaming of polyvinyl chloride pastes. Study of factors affecting the foam structure 'OERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 6, 1962, 30-33 TEXT: investigation was made into the foaming of pastes based on Ir-elit-P PVC emulsion with dioctyl phthalate (DOP) plasticizer mixedat a ratio of 100:200, for 30 min at room temperature. At 400C viscosity was - 100 cP. The beat foam structure is achieved with a resin containing 0.51j'O' and DOP with 0.7~ H20, and viscosity between 250 and 400 cP- Slower heating produces better structures.. The resin in the plasticizer must swell to the maximum for PVC foam pastes. Dry C02 and dried paste components will retard the increase in viscosity and improve 0oaming; which starts at 130 instead of 250 oP. The following surfactants. were te 'sted; Ufapast 0 sodium sAfonate, sodium sulfonol HTr-1 (NP-1), emulsifier MK(114K), fluoroester (eater of glycerin and fluoric acid telomers), and a soy phosphatide. The surfactant was dissolved in the Card 1/2 '0 Foaming of polyvinyl B/191/62/000/008/008/013 B124/B100 Dlasticizer at a weight ratio of 3 : 100, and mixed with*the resin. When these surfactants v~ere added to a paste of unrefined dry resin and dry plasticizer, the structure of the foams was only altered at low viscositim Foamin.o with surfact ants was much improved when the resin was first washed several times in 1~o NaOH and distilled water and dried at 600C to constant weight. V. I. Llvova.and A. G.'Oshuyev are thankea for supplying the fluoroester. There are 6 figures. The English-language reference is: 211. F. Fuller, Ind. Eng. Chem., No- 4, 730 (1957)- -aLQd i, ti Nut, T. ;' L: ea .1'r. - o yo 1'., o I -I o p 6 r 0 v aA Ycj ~ariot Apple 09orOci, 1956, 110.8~ No ~ibqLract USSR / Pharmacology and Toxicology--14edicinal Plants V-5 a Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol, No 23, 1958~ 107-351 Author : Koroleva, K. I.. KrasnoDerova,,E., Volynchikova, M., Korchuganova, G. Inst ; Gorno-Altayskiy State Pedagogical Institute CJ Title : The Effect of Black Mountain Ash and Sea Buckthorn on the Rate of Regeneration of Injured Tissue Orig Pub: Uch. zap. Gorno-Altayskiy gos. ped. in-t, 1957, vyp. 2, 278-280 Abstract: Sxperimental wounds in rabbits were wetted with Juices of the black mountain ash and sea buckthorn. Observations showed that the wounds wetted with the juices, especially with the simultaneous introduc- tion of the juices per os, in a dose of 3 ml, Card 1/2 23 US3R / Pharmacology and Toxicology-411edicinal Plants V-5 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol, No 23, 1958, 107351 healed15 to 16 days in advance, with a rapidity of regeneration of 0.4 to 0.56 cubic centimeters. The wounds of the control rabbits healed after 18 to 23 days. Card 2/2 r re c.C,:2-) J u KRASNOPERMIA K.Ye, Iltunoral. madiatoro of naiTov,.i stimulaticn in exudative diathesi-a in children. Nauch. trudy Kaz. goo. med. inst. 14:459-460 1(4. (MIIF~A 18:9), 1. Kafedra goopitallnoy 1-.~odiatril (zav. - prof. A.Kh. Khamidullina) kazanskogo meditainsko.vo inatituta. KORITIl-BlIKO, V.P., doteent; SM~IKHOVA, M.N.; YRASNOPEROVA, Yu.L., studentka I Thermal decomposition of copper and zinc formates. Uch. M. KMU 82:59-68 157, - (M] (Formic acid) AP44AND, G.B.; VYAZIMIN, V.A.; GRIHSHTHYN, L.M.; GOLIDBORG, G.I.; GOLUBIT, B.S.-, KASIMAKOV, M.V.; KRASIIOPZVTSXV, M.P.; KUZUF-TSOV, S'I'-' KMYXV, A.V.; KATUKW,-*G,-r,'.' KASHATIN,'V~"I.; MOLOTILOV, V.I.; NERUSH, A.R.; PRALI, G.I.; RAGUSKAYA, L.F.; RUBINSHTM. S.M.; SZKNNKOV, P.L.; TARASOV, L.A.; FFWROVA. A.A.; ISEPKIN. M.?.; SHAYEVICH, A.G.; ZARUBIN, A.G.,; VASIWYEVA, I.A., red. izd-va; SOKOLOVA, T.F., [ZIL-157 motortruck; operation and service] Avtomobill ZIL-157; instruktaiia po eksplustataii. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashino- stroit.lit-ry, 1958. 235 P. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Mookovskiy avtomobillnyy zavod. (Motortrucks) KRASHOPAUTSEV, N.D. Proopecting for underground imters and -their appraisal. Mmt.GKZ n0.2: 1,16-25 161. (MM 1613) (Water, Undergroumd) USSR/Cul-Livated Plants. Grains. H Abs Jour : 11~~f Zhup-Biol,, No 15, 1956, 60U095 Author : Krasnopovtsov, N. G. Ins -LU, : Buryat Mongolian State Pedagogical Institute. Titl(-~ The Effect of T. S. 11rlttsc.,v Soil Treatmont ldothoC- on Grouth, Dc~volopment7 and Yield of Sprinrj Ryo. Orif-,, Pub:Uch. zap Buryat-11on,-,,. gos. -pod. in-t, 1956, No. 107 65-109 Abstract : Accopdim, to 1955 data, th~~ hi,,~hest yield was obtained when stubblo vias barrovied twice in tha spring at a dopth of 00-10 cm -.-jith ordinary sprin.t. soil treatmont (8.55 contners/hoctaro, 34.6 percent hit;hor than of control which was Card 1/2 14 GINZBURG. Abram Solomonovich,; KRASNOPEVTSEV,N.I., reteenzent,; KHMELINITSKAYA, A~Z.v red.; DOBUZHINSKJ[f -*-red. [Modern types of bnker3r,ovens] Sovremennye konstruktaii khlebo- pekarnykh pechei. Mockvo, Pishcheprovii3det, 1958. 154 p. - (MERA 11.11) (ovens) IRUBOFMSEV,, Bakery oven with a daily capacity of 25 tons. Trudy TSNIIKHF xio.8:69-74 160. (1,0A 15:8) (ovens) - S. Vzaim.od~--isvif! artillerii s aviatsi~--i pri Prorwe oboronitellnoi pols y. (Voennaia mysl', 1941, no. 1, 1,. 3".-14:5), charts. Titli rx. : Coordination of ?rtilleri operations :~nd Ar ac Livity during,, the breakthroun-h of the defonsn lineo uh. V,,~,2 19U P--ronautical Scipnees and Aviation in the Soviet TfTliC'I, Libmry of Congress, 1955. IUIASITOP=,jEV, V. V. F-rasnapevtSev, V.V.) G.I. Skanavi, and Ye. A. Konovovri. [FI z lches ? ly institut imeni P.N. Lcbedeva AN GSSR (Physical. Instituto Imeni P.111. Letedev, AS USSR)] Temper-ature Dependency of the Pulse. Ellecti-ical StabIlity or Several Polycrystalline DIelectrics (The Physics of DIelectrics; Transactions of tt.-- All-UnIon Cor~fareence on the ftaics of DielectrIcs) Moscow, lzd-vo AS WSR, 1958. 245 9~ 3,C'00 CoPieg Prlt;tea- This volure publishes repwts presented et the All-ftion Confererce on t4ft Physics of Di'~Iectrlcs, held in Dnepropetrovsk in August 1956 slatiaored by the *Pbf3ics of Diilectrics* IAbcwetory of the Vizicheakiy lustitut irent lebe-deve An SMR (FIV-sicz InatItute luemll lzbrodev of the AS IMR), and the Electropbyaics Departmeot of the Daepropetrovskly gost4aratvenrtyy universitat (tmepr opetx ova k State Unl-.;,~rslty). AUTHORS: Konorova, Ye. A, Krasnopevtsev-, V. V,, 48- 22-4 -11124 Skanavi, G. I, TITLE3 On the Temperature Dependence of the Pulsed Dielectric Strength of Some Folycrystalline Dielectrics (K temperaturnoy zavisimosti impul'snoy elek-tricheskoy prochnosti nekotorykh polikristallicheskikh dielektrikov) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR,Seriya Fizicheskaya., 1958, Vol. 22, Nr 4, Pp., 408-413 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In modern theories of electric breakdown of solid dielectrics it is supposed in accordance with experiments that the break- down is conditioned by the behaviour of the conduction electrons in the crystal lattice under the influence of a strong electric field,, New dielectrics were recently syn-- thesized by the authors in their labo:ratory (strontium- -biBMUth-titanates - SBT) with an high diele-otrio permeability (E ;2~800 at room temperatura)~ showing no piezoelectric: properties. The temperature dependence oft-in SBT is represented in figure 1, 4 is Independent from the electric. field strengths For this reasor. this lielectric possesses Card 1/ 4 properties, which are necessary for an inveBtigation of the On the Temperature Dependence of the Pulsed Dielectri-,, 48-22-4--i '/24 Strength of Some Polycrystalline Dielectri,~g influense of F_ on the breakdown strength (ref. 7). In this connection, the temperature dependence of Ebr was investigated in this paper in the field of electric breakdown in various dielectrics with different dielectric. permeability. This were dielectrics of different polarization character, different and a temperature dependence of 6 , being represented by titanates of zinc ZnO TiO (F -30), of calcium CaTiO, (EE -130), of barium BaTiO (r- .10005 and by SBT (E .8oo).(The V"alue of 8: is referred t9 room temperature at a frequency of I kc). The maximal errors in the determination did not exceed 12%. Mean and maximum values for Zn, Ca and Ba titanates and for SBT are given on a table. The dielectric strength of the investigated polycrystalline dielectrics does not change with the duration of voltage application at room temperature (figure 2). A certain correlation exists between the temperature dependence of C- and the breakdown voltage (figures 3 and 1). A higher breakdown voltage corresponds to smaller values of,E , although the temperature minimum of E, and the maximum of 6 do not coincide. R 0:C The dielectri-, strengt Card 2/ 4 CaTiO3 and BaTiO 3 is practically indepenaent from temperature On the Temperature Dependence of the Pulsed Dielectric 48-22-4-I#/24 Strength of Some Polycrystalline Dielectrics (figure 4). The examinations of the theory of electric breakdown in solid dielectrios proceed from the conception of impact ionization by electrons in a mediuin electric fi-ld. The disturbance of electron distribution is a consequence of the avalanche-like accumulation of conduction electrons in the crystal lattice. The interrelation between electric dis- ruption and the polarization effect (frequency, effective ionic charge) can be caused by energetical losses of the conduction electrons on lattice vibrations. The effects of polarization on the magnitude of dielectric strength of the dielectric must be caused by the energetical losses of the electrons on the vibrations of the basic lattice ions (atoms) as well as of the ions causing a polarization accompanied by an high dielectric, permeability., Moreover a strongly effective field is in a position to modify the frequency of the basia ions into either direction, which will show in the energy losses of the conduction electrons,, From this viewpoint it proves to be extremely difficult to obtain an analytical representation of the dependence of dielectric strength on Card 3/4 dielectric permeability and makes necessary special investigations. On the Temperature Dependence of the Pulsed Dialectri(., 48-22-4-11/24 Strength of Some Polycrystalline Dielectrics The representation of the interrelations between dielectrio strength and dielectric permeability must be examined and proved with pure monocrystals, The authors performed experiments with polycrystalline samples- For this reason the here investigated dependence is rendered more complicated by secondary effects, as caused by macroscopic heterogeneity of the substance (crystallites', vitreous layers, pores etc.)~ A final answer as to the nature of the temperature dependence of dielectrio strength on dielectric permeability can presumably be achieved by means of experiments with mono- crystals. There are 6 figures, 1 table, and 11 references, 7 of which are Soviet ASSOCIATIOU: Fizicheskiy institut im, P. N,, Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physics imeni P,. N.. LebedevIAS USSR) AVAILAKEt Library of Congress f ie2-ds---Ff f ective*:.pss Card 4/4 89291 . S/181/61/003/001/030/042 7 (IN X,~ B102/B204 A,UTHORt TITEL: The effect of a thermal neutron irradiation upon the dielectric properties of alkali halide crystals PERIODICkLi Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 1, 1961, 214-216 TEXTs Whereas, on the one hand, the effect of particle radiation upon mechanical properties, electrical conductivity, and absorption spectrum of alkali halides has been sufficiently studied, the effect upon dielectric losses and dielectric constants of such cry$ tali,,(from which important data concerning the lattice defects may be obta d) has hardly been studied at all. Now, the effect of irradiation by means of thermal neutrons upon the electrical conductivity 6 with constant voltage upon the loss angle tangent.,and upon a, an well as upon optical absorption in the visible range of Or single crystals and natural rook salt was studied, and a brief report in given on the results obtained. The crystals were irraSated in a research reactor with various total doses and fluxes at 60-70 0. Measurements of tan 6 and a were carried out at audio-frequen- Card 1/4 B/181/61/003/001/030/042 The effect of a thermal noutroness B102/B204 cies within the range of from room temperature up to 250 0C, and of within the same range. The specimens were in a metal cylinder tinder 10-2mm Hg. The absorption spectrum was recorded at room temperature within the range of 220-1100 mt& by means of an 0-4 (SP-4) apectrophoto- meter. Fig.1 shows log tan 6 - fO/T) at 1 ko/sea for non-irradiated and irradiated (1017 and 10 16 am-2, rasp. 1013 and 10 12 am-2sea-i) KBr (curve 2 and 1, respectively). The non-irradiated specimens gave the broken curves. From the latter, the activation energy was calculated as being 0.9 ev. The 6(T) curves of irradiated KBr showed no peculiaritiesi in segilogarithmic 2representation, they were straight 'lineal those for 101 neutroni/OM wore/oTiderably lower than the specimens irradiated with 101 neutr no am . The absorption spectra of the irradiated KBr single crystals showed F- and H-bands, whose intensities d reasek with decreasing total flux. When heating the e8 th crystal to 200 C, see bands vanished and there rema',ned a monotonically decreasing absorption curve which was higher than that of the non- irradiated crystal. An estimation of the F-center concentration of Card 2A Sll8lV611003100110301040 i The effect of.a thermal neutron... B102/B204 ~16 2 17 -3 KBr orystails irradiated with 10 n/cm gave 0.6-10 am and of the -3 om- M-centers, 0 15 3 (and 1..6- 0 16cm with 1017n/om2). tan 6 - f(T) f natural rock salt has,no maximuml its absorption spectrum has F- R 0 2 and M-bands, as well'as' a band at 910 mp. Heat treatment of the crystal: at 2050 C-(2 hours) weakens thbae bands and increases the R 2-bande a little. The maximum on the curve tan 6 f(T) of Or is explain d by the 3 0 11 i t fact that.the M-centers formed at 110-1 C during neutron irrad a ion -begin to decompose into F-centers and pairs of vacancies. As the pairs, make no contribution whatever to ionic conductivity, tan 6 may increase I steeply. This work was undertaken on the initiative of the late Professor G. 1. Skanavi; There are 2 figures and 3 referenoesi Ix 2'Soyiet-bloo and.l"non-Soviet-Sloo. ASSOCIATIONs Fizich6skiy institut im..P. N. Lebedeva AN SSSR Moskva.' (Institute of Physion imeni P. N. Lebedev, AS USSR, Moscow) ...SUBMITTEDi July 11, 1960 Card 3/4 S/i-61/6i/od3/oOi/0o/b4- The 4ffeot of a thermal neutron... B102/B204 f f P7 Aer Me zoo t, or IM M low 100 2.15 UP, W fo yr Fig. 1 Fig. 2 'Card 4/4,,L, 26916 S/170/61/004/011/019/020 .2 B108/B138 AUTHORS- Vodoplyanov, L. K., and Kra~sn_OD_eytsev,,_ V~.._V. TITLE: Methods of irradiating solid dielectrics in a nuclear reactor PERIODICALs Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 4, no. 11, 1961, 129-131 TEXT: The authors present some methods of irradiating solids by slow neutrons from a nuclear reactor with a view to studying the resulting dielectric properties. In earlier works (Vodoplyanov L. K. and Skanavi G. I. "Izv, AN SSSR", ser fiz., 24, 253-257, 1960) they had measured the past-irradiation di.electric properties of titanates of the second group in the periodic system, add of alkali halides. Platinum electrodes, applied to the specimens by evaporation coating, proved to be the most stable. The samples were sealed into aluminum containers and- placed in special cavities in a heavy-water test reactor. The specimens in the container must not be allowed to screen one another. The specimens were 8ubjec-ted chiefly to slow and fast neutrons and to gamma rays. Electrons, uranium fission fragments, alphas, etc., which usually have to Y Card 1/2 28916 S/170/61/004/011/019/020 Methods of irradiating solid... B108/B138 be considered as well, had almost no effect in the authors' experiments. In to irradiate the specimens with thermal neutrons with a low enough percentage of fast neutrons, teat channels in the reflector of the reactor were used. Cadmium filters were used to absorb the thermal neutrons, so that the effeat of the fast neutrons and of gamma-background alone could be'studied. All samples irradiated by thermal neutrons showed considerable beta and gamma activity. V. S. Vavilov and S. A. Gavrilov are thanked for discussions and collaboration. There are 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR, g. Moskva (Institute of Physics imeni P. N. Lebedev of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTEDs June 3, 1961 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NIR: AT4016318 S/0000/62/000/000/0350/0357 AUTHOR: Krasnopevtsev, V. V. TITLE: Dielectric properties of reactor-irradiated alkali ha1ide crystals SOURCE- Vses. sovoshch. po ft. shcholochnogaloidn. kristallov. 2d, Riga, 1961. TruG'y*. Fiz. shchelochnogaloidn. kristallov (Physics of alkali halide crystals). Riga, 1962. 350-357 TOPIC TAGS: dielectric, dielectric constant, alkali halide, alkali halide crystal, nuclear reactor, neutron bombardment, irradiated alkali halide crystal, potassium chloride, potassium bromide, sodium chloride ABSTRACT: Three to five days after irradiation with neutrons in a research reactor at 60-70C with integral flows of 1015 to 1018CM-2 and a neutron flow up to 1. 5. 1013 cm-2 see-1, the dielectric permeability C , the tangent of the angle of dielectric loss , the electrical conductivity a and the optical absorption wore studied in disc-shaped, plmo- parallel, 0. 5 mm thick and 20-25 mm in diameter, KCI-,KBr- and NaCl-crystals. The specimens were fastened between armeo iron electrodes, placed in a container and tested in an oven at room temperature to 260C in 10-2mm vacuum. 7be t, tgS and r were tord 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4016318 measured within the range of 100 - 20000 keps, and the absorption spectrum was photo- graphed at room temperature within the range of 220 - 1100 mju. Curves for the dependence of these quantities on temperature show patterns which Were rather complex and not uniform for different individual salts, irradiation intensities and frequencies of measurement. "Ile author expresses thanks to V. A. Mizonova for the monocrystals of KCI and KBr, and A. N. Gubkin and V. S. Vavilov for evaluating the results obtained. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy Inatitut im. P. N. Ikbedeva AN SSSR (ks#tuto of Physics, AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE AM 06Marr>4 ENCL:00 SUB CODE:N)>.r 1. NO REP SOV: 004 OTHER:00q2 2/2 Card 3 ("' 2), 0 S/181/62/004/007/012/03T B102/B104 ,03THOR: Krasnopevtsev,_V.-V-. TITLE: Dielectric relaxation in colored KBr crystals PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no- 7, 1962, 1607-1812 TEXT: KBr.crystals irradiated and colored in a reactor show a substantial- ly increased value of tan 6 (KrasnoDevtsev, PTT, 3, 214, 1961). The effect of an additive coloring on.the dielectric properties was now investigatei,.measuring a, tan 6,,and the electrical conductivity a at constant voltage in the ranee of 100-20,000 ape at temperatures of 20-2000C. Thd light absorption.speotrum was determined'fo'r X - 220-1100 mg at room temDerature. The additive coloring was effected at 450, 600,. and 6500C (bolding times, 9,& and 6 hryl. T concentration of the P centers ranged from 3-5-10 to 4.6-1011 cm- . tan 6 and ~_ were determined as functions of 1/T and Iv. In all pases, tan 6 showed a distinct maximum of 0.6-1.0. This maximum shifts to higher frequencies when the temperature is increasedi and to higher temperatures when the frequency is increased, which corresponds to the relaxation character of Card 1/3 S/181/62/004/007/012/037 Dielectric relaxation in colored B102/B104 the losses. This dielectric relaxation is of the Dlbye type. In the case of crystals with more than 3-1017 F-centera/cm , the parameter a nhich characterizes the distribution of -r increases with temperature; tan 6 decreases at the frequency maXimum. Z and F- (i.e., the respective OD 0 h-j' and d-c values of 6) varied respectively from 4.6 to 5.3 and from 13.0 to 34.2. The activation energies varied from 0.90 to 1.32 ev. The dielectric relaxation may be ast'ribed to the presence of F-centers containing doubly positive ions. These relaxation defects probably are electrically neutral Z 2 centers coni-pining P-centors. An admixture of Z3 centers is possible, but these make only an insignificant contribution to th6 ionic'conductivity. The cong ,e,ntration n of relaxation centers, and their dipole moment p, aro gove*nod by the relation 4nn~i2/27kT =' (Eo + 2) Y~'+ 2). The fact that the Co 0 Coll relaxation times appear as a complete*set indicates the existence of several types of relaxation centers in the lattice. This may be due to impurities of different kinds (Ba 2+ , Ca 2+ 0 Mg 2+ 9 etoo) or to various more Card 2/3 S/181/62/004/007/012/037 Dielectric relaxation in'colored ... B102/B104 complex compositions of Z2 and P centers. The value of g is. estimated at '8-16).10-17 CGSE units or 80-160 Debye units. As g - el, the dipole length 1 can be estimated at 5-7 lattice constants. There are 4 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva All SSSR Moskya (Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev AS USSR, Moscow) V SUBMITTED: February 5, 1962 Card 3/3 KRASNOPEVTSEV V V ,, , Dielectric properties of KBr single crystals irradiated by fast electrons. Fiz. tyer. tela 5 no.8:2261-2269 Ag 163. (MIRA 160) 1. Fizicheskiy institut im. P.N.Lebedeva AN SSSR, Moskva. (Potassium bromide-Electric properties) (Dielectrics, Effect of radiation on) ACC NRe AP6018580 SOURCE CODE: LIR/0161/66/008/06/1964/1965 I AUTHOR: Vavilov, V. S.; Guseva, M. I.; Konorova, Ye. A.; Krasnop.gyt.'4,AY,'_V,',_,Y Sergiyenko,_V, F.; Titov, V! __V.- ORG: Physics Institute im. P. N. Lebede% AN SSSR, Moscow (Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR, TITLE: Semiconductor diamondsVobtained by ion bombardment SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 6, 1966, 1964-1965 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor alloy, semiconductor crystal, semiconductor conductivity, diamond ABSTRACT: An investigation was made of the dependence of electric conductivity on the temperature and concentration of the impurities introduced into a layer of diamond doped with lithium and boron by ion bombardment. Diamond doping was carried out in a' ion-ray installation with a magnetic separation at a focusing angle of 180% Lithiuml and boron ions with an energy of 40 kev were introduced into the natural face of the crystal or into the cleavage plane perpendicularly to the crystallographic directionsi (111) and (100). The activation energy for lithitim was (0.29 1 0.01) ev and for borork I- (0.25 t 0.01) ev. Lithium-doped diamond has an electron-type conductivity, while ini boron-alloyed diamond the holes are the major charge carriers. Annealing of specimensi at 600C for three hours in an argon atmosphere had virtually no effect on the activa-; 1/2 ACC NRs AP6018580 tion energy of electric conductivity; the general resistance of the doped layer in- creased somewhat only in the case of boron. The acceptor and donor levels appearing in the forbidden band as the result of radiative defects are deep and have only a slight effect on the activation energy. With an increasing concentration of lithium, the activation energy decreases in the range of high temperatures as well as in the range of lower temperatures. These rules apply to the impurity band, in which the concentration of lithium is about 1020 cm-3. Ion bombardment makes it possible to obtain semiconducting layers of diamond whose electric conductivity can change by 5 to 10 orders, depending on the extentof doping. The energy level corresponding to the lithium admixture is separated by 0.29 ev from the bottom of the conductivity band, while the energy level of boron is 0.25 ev from the top of the valence band. The authors thank V. M. Gusey for collaboration in the work, V. A. Mizonova and N. A. Shuvalova for the preparation of specimens, Yu. Ye. Andreyev for participation in the measurements, and S. A. Shevchenko for suppf-ying a devicFeor determining the sign for the Hall coefficl-ent. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 table. (JAI SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE- 08Jan66/, OTH REP- 004/ ATD PRESS!')o _ACC 'NR,--AP6022222 __ CODI~'.-'UR/0362t66/UO2/UO6/0636iO646---I AUTHOR: Kraonopevtsev, Yu. V. ORG: Institute of Applied Geophysics (Institut prikladnoy geofiziki) TITLE: Measurements of atmospheric conductivity from the aeroplane SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Fizika atmosfery i okeana, v. 2, no. 6, 1966, 636-646 TOPIC TAGS: data analysis, polarimeter, air turbulence, lower atmosphere ABSTRACT: An airborne apparatus and a method for simultaneous measurements of polar conductivities of both signs under clear weather conditions arc described. The in- strument is based on Gerdien's principle, employing two identical cylindric capacitorf as measuring units. The change of the zero point current is analyzed and shown to be caused by the charge of the metal electrode by coarse aerosols. A procedure for eliminating this effect is presented. Deviations due to air turbulence are shown to lower the magnitude of ion concentrations in the capacitors by approximately 8% and to influence similarly conductivity. Analysis of data obtained over the Ukraine, Siberia, and the Far East region indicated that the ratio 1+/X- > 1 in the lower layer of the atmosphere, decreases with an increase in altitude ' and changes to values below unity at heights depending on conditions. In concLsion, the author expresses his gratitude to,A. G. Ovchinnikov for assistanes in the preparation of Co.rd-__ UDC: 551.594.13 ACC NR. AP6022222 the equipment and in conducting all the measurements, as well as to L. V. Kirichenko and-A. G. Laktionov who organized the summer expeditions. The author is also K7 indebted to N. V. zasnogorskaya, N. N. Komarov, and Yu. S. Sedunov for useful comments. Orig. art. has: 8 formulas, 2 tables, and 4 figures. SUB CODE; 04/ SUBM RnLM 30Nov65/ ORIG REF: 014/ OTH REF., 005 Card 212 I'-' ' ' _, zj~- 72 Fo' Y , .- -1 . - - p ;. 1; . " ~ 7 .1 'lea- rr~~ - I 1-n..-C. .11!1. LU, - -1 - , ,~ I--- __- ~? ~. C "Y " zv , 1'., -, - ,41 - I , ~.,, 0 , , .- - . n ~, I, . I I i 3. 7 3 _,3 - - 1 ~, ? 511 C: 4 . I ~, .,. ~ ~, % ,- ~,! ') L 02459-67 EWT(1)/EWT(m) GW _ACC__NRt -AT6028960 SOURCE CODE: UIR/2566/66/082/000/0056/oo7i AUTHOR: Kigol', I. L.; Krasnopevtoevj Yu. V.; Vilenskiy, V. D.; Malakhov, S. G. 4L3 ORG: TITLE: Comparative analysis of the world-wide fallout of nuclear-explosion products aver the continents and oceans SOURCE: AN MR. Institut okeanologii. Trudy, v. 82, 1966. Iaaledoviniya radioaktivnoy zaryazne-n-n-os-fr-v-oU-m-rrovo-go okeana. (Investigations of radioactive con- tamination of waters of the oceans)156-71 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear radiation, strontium 9R, ocean radioactivity, radioactive radioactivity., ABSTRACT: An attempt at a qualitative and quantitative comparison between the intensities of world-wide radioactive fallout over the oceans and continents was carried out through an estimation of accumulated Sr90 at the same latitudes In aunit area of the ocean surface snA a unit area of continental surface. The results of direct measurement of radioactive-fallout intensity on the continents and on the islands and the data on the cuncentration of radioactive fission products in the air above the sea surface and above the surface of dry land were also taken into consideration. On the basis of these data, it is supposed that the intensity of radioactive fallout over the sea surface is ater than over dry land. Orig. art. has: 5 tables and 4 figures. SUB CODE: 18, Or/ SUBM DATE- none/ ORIG REF: 018/ OTH REF: 010 F BRANDT, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich; _.,, . , I'll redaktor; OVA. D.F., takhnichaskiy redaktor (The technique of assembling and repairing radio circuits] Tekhnika montasha i nalashivanita radioakhem. (Hoskvaj Izd-vo Hookovskogo xwiv.. 1956,, 246 p. (HLRI 10:1) (Radio circuits) KRASNOPEVTSEV. Yu. V..-...- Transfer of radiactive aerosols in the troposphere from the Northern Hemisphere to the Southern Hemisphere, Meteori gidrol, no. lo 3-8 Ap 164, (MIRA 17:5) 1. Institut prikladnoy geofiziki. BRIMRIKOV, G.A.; KRASNUMIN, P.Te.; RZY]URTMO , Z.H.; POTAffIff, V.T.; MUSTEL', Ye.R.; RWMIN, K.S.; IVANOT, I.Y.; KHAHT-A OT, A.A.; TIMNOV. Tu.T.; STRMOVA. L.P.; XAPTSOV, L.N.; ORDANOVICH, A.Ye.; KHCKHLOV, R.V.: VORONIN, B.S.; BMSTOVSKIY. G.N.; KMSNCPSVTSET, Yu.V.; MINAKOVA. I.1.; TASTRMSEVA, T.N.; S36NOV,--". -.,YING- -NiW-iA, H.B.; KAR113M, G.A.; DRACHEV, L.A.; THOFIMOVA, N.B.; SIZOV, V.P.; RZHCMN, S.N.; VELIZHANINA, K.A.; NESTHROV, V.S.; SPIVAK, G.V., redo; NOSYMA, I.A., red.; GXORGITWA, G.I., takhn. red. (Special practical manual in physics] Spetsiallnyi fizichaskii praktikum. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk.univ. Vol.l. (Radiophysics and electronics] RBdiofizika i elektronika. 1960. 600 p. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Professorsko-prepodavatel'skiy sostav otdeleniya radiofiziki fizichaskogo fakullteta Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (for all, except Spivak, Nosyreva, Georgiyeva). (Radioactivity) (Electronics) EMS11OPETHE-VA, L. S. 26634 Gemodinamicheskie sdvigi pri serdechnolegochioy medostatochiosti. Trudy fak. Terapov,t. Kliniki (Ivan. Goa. Ied. In-T), VYP- 3, 1949, S. 315.4+ SO: IETOPISI 110. 35, 1949 TRATSEVITSKAYA, B.Ya.; RATNER, Yu.Ye. .~N- Interaction of nickel-bearing minerals with carnallite. Trudy Inst. met. no.12345-48 163. (MIRA 16:6) (Nickel ores) (Carnallite) --L'.,.-.'ACC..NRs AT6034504 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0043/0056 'iurlIOR: Davydova, N. I,; KK;Lq!LqpAvtpeyAj,q. V.; Manilov, S. A.; Levi, V. A.; :.~Lobastova, L. A.; Shekinskiy, E. M.; Tvaltvadze, G. K. ORG: none TITLE: Results of deep sdiamic. sounding in the Caucasus SOURCE: AN SSSR. Otdeleniye nauk o Zemle. Naucbnyy sovet po kompleksnym issledovaniyam zemnoy kory i verkhney mantii. Glubinnoye stroyeniye Kavkaza (Abyssal structure of the Caucasus). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 43-56 TOPIC TAGS: Mohorovicic discontinuity, earth crust,.deep seismic sounding, granitic layer, basaltic layer, seismic velocity , %5ZIalme- C//,3 UZ ABSTRACT: The results are summarized of deep seismic sounding conducted in 1960 to 1962 along a 300-km submeridional profile between Stepnoye and Bakuriani and a 700-km sublatitudinal profile extending along the axial part of the Transcaucasian intermountain region between the Black and Caspian Seas. Continuous, piece wise continuous and point profiling methods were used. The analysis of data shows that the Earth's crust, 32-km thick in the region of El'iehotovo, increases to 38-40 km in the area of Stepnoy-Nizhniy Kurp and to 42-46 km in the southern part of the profile. The boundary velocity along the Mohorovivic discontinuity determined in the area of Nabakhtevi is 8.4 km/sec. The depth to the top of the consolidated crust with a boundary velocity of varies from 7 km in the Zaterechnaya Cord 1/2 ACC NR: AT6034504 Plain to 300-400 m at Rokskiy Pass. Although the interfaces within the crust were not determined, seismic data appears to indicate a layered structure. The thickness of the Earth's crust along the sublatitudinal profile varies from 40-41 km at the western end of the profile and near the city of Kirovabad to 47-49 km under the Dzirul'skiy. massif and east of Lake Dzhandar. The boundary velocity is 8 km/sec. The boundary velocity along the top of the consolidated crust is 5.8-6.2 kmfsec. The depth to the top of the consolidated crust varies from 0 (Dzirul'skiy massif) to 12-15 km in the area of Barda-Agdzhabedi. Two interfaces with boundary velocities of 6.7-7 and 7.2-7.5 km/sec were established within the crust at a depth of 10-20 and 30 km, respectively. Sharp variations were established in the ratia of the thickness of granitic to basaltic layers along the sublatitudinal profile. A downwarping of the Mohorovicic. discontinuity under the mountains along both profiles is noted. The results obtained are in qualitative agreement with earlier geophysical investigations. However, deep seismic-sounding data indicate a downwarping of the Mohorovicic discontinuity under the Dzirul'skiy massif, while gravity data indicate upwarping. The article contains 7 figures including a map showing the locations of the profiles, a rough seismic cross section along the submerldional profile, a seismic cross section along the sublatitudinal profile and three other seismic- geologic cross sections' of the same general area compiled from seismic and gravity data by other investigators. Orig. art. hast 7 figures. (VA-7941 SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: 26Feb66/ ORIG REF: 013/ 4 ACt NR,_~T60345"0'8 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0097/0102 AUTHOR: Krasnopevtseva, G. V. ORG. none TITLE: Results of an investigation of the deep-seated structure of the Earth's crust in the western Caucasus along the Anaklia-Zestafoni profile SOURCE; AN SSSR. Otdeleniye nauk o Zemle. Nauchnyy sovet po kompleksnym issledo- vaniyam. zemnoy kory i verkhney mantii. Clubinnoye atroyeniye Kavkaza (Abyssal structure of the Caucasus). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 97-102 TOPIC TAGS: Mohorovicic discontinuity, earth crusts-seismic velocity, granitic layer, basaltic layer / r4UeQ_70-Zs ABSTRACT: The correlation method of refracted waves was used in the investigation of the structure-of the crystalline basement along a 60-km profile running between Anaklia and Zestafoni along the Rionskaya and Kolkhidskaya lowlands as far west as the Dzirul'skiy massif. A refracting seismic horizon with a boundary velocity of 5.7-6.3 km/sec was identified as the -surface of the crystalline 'basement. Several* blocks separated by subcrustal faults are found in the basement along the profile. Each block is characterized by a boundary velocity and probably by a slightly different petrographic composition. Although the scope of the investigation did not include a study of the structure of the subbauement, it was established that *the Earth's crust along the profile consists of 3 layers with layer velocities of LC~rd 1t2 -ACt - P4~- AT6034508 3-7.2 km/sec. The approximate depths to the interfaces are 3, 6, and 10 km. The gravity data were used in preparing a cross section showing the depth to the Mohorovicic discontinuity, which varies between 45 and 46 km along the seismic line. The article contains 4 more figures including a cross section of apparent velocities along the seismic profile down to a depth of 27 km. (WA-7941 SUB CODE; 08/ SUBM DATE: 26Feb66/ ORTG REF: 004/ Card MOUX., R.G.; KWNOPEMEVA.14i~ Comparative data on the nucleotide compooition of nuclei* acido on the cell nuclei of brain tiesuos. Yest.LGU 18 no.3:90-98 163. (KIRA 16 t2) (NUCLEOTIDES) (NUCLEIC ACIDS) KFAS NO FEV T3 EVA r cninri !3ctr-t-,dn--K N.V.y starshly na-i , ,a bbe Improvemon'., oZ t'hr- es" blf2hv~ent (;f techno',-:,~g~ nish,.ng ojje:-at.1c-ns. Te'-,Bt;. prom. 24 nc.F'S---l Ag i~ .-.ozr; s h! enno 5 4-11 stil -Shers KRASUOPEVTSEVA, N.V., nauchnyy sotrudnik; SEDOVA, L.A., nauchnyy sotrudn~k korms of amortization deductions for equipment in the woolen industry. Tbkst.prom. 22 no.1:13-16 Ja '62. (MIJU 15:2) 1. TSentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut sberstyanoy promysblennosti (TsNIISbersti). (Woolen and worsted manufacture--Accounting) EMNOPE-VTSEVA9 N.V., inzh.1 SEDOVA, L.A. , in zh. Development of the norms of amortization deductions for the technological equipment in the wool industry. Nauch.-issl. trudy TSNIIShersti no.17tll2-124 162. (MIRA 17s12) MUSHOPEWSYN -io"14----~&;.L,:"It-,!,,~~,.-'- Material for the evaluation of carbon and enrbon-blood media for growing Hemophilus pertussiss Zhur.miirrobiol.epid. i immun. 29 no-5:21-25 My '58 (MMA 11:6) 1. Iz Instituta eksperimentsllnoy meditsiny AMN SSSR. (HEMOPHILTJS PERTUSSIS. culture. carbon and carbon-blood culture media (Rus)) PASHININ, F. M.; KRASNOPEVTSEVA, 0. S. C-reactive protein In bo%roeaoe, Ekspera khir* no*3:58-61 162. (MIRA 15. 7) 1. Iz kafedi7 mikrobiologii (nach. - prof. A. A. Sinitskiv) I kafedry termicheskikh pomzheniy (nach. - prof. T. Ya. Ar'yev) Voyanno-seditainskoy ordena Lenina almdemil. imeni, S. M. Kirova. (BURNS AND SCALDS) (PROTEINS) YAKOVLEV, A.K.; PUTMWAN-LIPPERT, P.R.; FETROVA, Y6. K. Iketeremia as one of the pathogenetic factors in burn disease. Xhirurgiia 38 no.10*.34,-.40 0 162. (MIRA 15:32) 1. r27 Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina, akademii imeni S.M. Kirova. (BURVS AVD SCALDS) (BAcTEmaA) YAKOVLEV, A.M.; KRASTIOPUTSEVAt O.S.; KaILKVA, G.G. (Len3ngrad) Factors in autoi==ization of the body in bums, Pat. fiziol, i el-sp.-terap. 7 no-300-33 My~-Je'63 (MIRA 17 t4) 1. Kafedry mikrobiologii (nachallnik - prof. A.A. Sinitskiy) i kafedry termicheskikh porazheniy (nachallnik - prof. To Ya. Arlyev-) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Ianina akademii imeni S.M. Kirova. YAKOVLEV, A.M.; KRASNOPEVTS.E.V.A.- O.S.-- Methodology of !3tudying, nonspecific bacteremia. Lab. delo no. 11:682-684 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Kafedra termicheskikh porazhenly (nachallnik - prof. T.Ya. Arlyev) i kafedra ndkrobiologli rnachallnik - pro!'. A.A.Sin-'tskiy) Voyenno-maditsins',-.oy ordena Lenina akademii im. S.I.I.Kirova, Leningrad. MUS11GFEWSVA, T. V. "Investigating Phase Chan-cs In Imn-Cob--lt- Vanadilmn Alloys Having A Constant 51-Percent Cobalt Content and a Varying Vanadium Content of 0 to 12 Percent." Cand Tech Sci, Irbscow Inst of Steel, 'A~bsco-.,T, 1954. (RZhKhin, I No 21, Nov .54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (11) SO: Sw-1- 110. 521, 2 Jun 55 HUKI-ROTHnY, W.; CHRISTIAN, I.W.; PIARSON, W.B.; rADYKOTA, G.N. [translator]; n I .. ..[translator]; HAYDILI, M.P. [translator]; 1185 IY. Ya.P., redaktor; GOLIDAUBM, A.A.. redaktor; ARKHAU(ZLI- SKAYA, H.S., reclaktor Izdatel'stva: AVINS011, I.K., tekhnicheakiy radaktor [Metallurgical equilibrium diagrams. TranBlated from the English] Diagrammy ravnovestia metallicheakikh sisten. Perevod a anglitskogo B.N.Xadykovoi i dr. Pod red. IA.P.Selisokogo. Moskva. Goo. nauchno- takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tevetnoi metallurgit, 1956. 399 p. (Phase rule and equilibrium) (MLRA 10:4) (Alloys) (Solutious. solid) 137-1957-12-24904 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957. Nr L', p '~79 (USSR AUTHORS: Krasnopevtseva, T.V., Livshits, B.G, TITLE: The Effect. of Vanadium on the Q~l Tran-,,formation in Fe-Co-V Alloys (Vtiyaniye vanadiya na O~ prevrashcheniye v zhelezokobal'tvanadiyevykh splavakh) PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. Tsentr. ft. -j !jr--,t chernoy metallurgii, 1956, Nr 15. pp 68-85 ABSTRACT: The effect of V on the tran-iformoion (T) -x.s studied under continuous cooling of the gdmmd phase, as -,vell as under isothermal condition-S, The investigation ,k'a5 carried out or alloyt; with 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 percet V ccntert, A] alloys having a constant content of 51 pe"cent Co, All jneai,urement,~ were performed on Akulov's anisometer, Meisurements of coercive force were also performeu and ihe micrestructure of, the alloys was studied. Increasing the V content from 0 !o 12 percent causes the;'temperature. %Vhich corresponds t.o the begin- ning of the t-C~ transform ai ion, to vary trom 9~50 to 511-50 , In alloys with 2 percent V or le-;!i th(--- t-N, oLcur-i purely by Card 1/2 diffusion. An analogous process take3 p-1-ice also in -in d1loy 137-1957-12-Z490,1 The Effect of Vanadium on the Transformation ir, Fe-Co-V (cont. ) containing 12 percent V; in this process also no martensite T was detected. In super-cooling the ~ phase of alloys containing 4 - 10 percent V, as well as during isothermal exposure of these alloys, the decomposition process also occurs by diffusion; how- ever, when alloys containing 6 - 10 percent V are cooled at a rate of 5 - 6 deg/min the process of the T assumes a non-diffusive martensite character. At identical cooling rates the W T in a 4 percent V alloy is of intermediate nature, but ctnges to a martensite nature when the cooling rate is in- creased. From the results obtained it is concluded that both the kinetics and the mechanism of T in a super-cooled gamma phase of the' alloys investigated may be interpreted by means of the usual theory of decomposition and martensitic transformation. P. S, 1. Iron-cobalt-vanadium alloys - Transformations - Kffects of vanadium Card 2/2 137-1957-12-25255 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 12, p,330 (USSR) AUTHORS: Pshechenkova, G. V., Krasnopevtsev_a__T_V_,-- TITLE: An Investigation of Fe-Co Alloys With a High Degree of Magnetic Saturation (Issledovaniye zhelezokobal'tovykh splavov s vysokim magnitnym nasyshcheniyern) PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. Tsentr. n.-i. in-t chernoy metallurgii, 1956, Nr 15, pp 102-110 ABSTRACT: Hardness, microstructure, critical points, and magnetic properties were investigated in Alloys containing 50 percent Co and 2 percent V. V substantially affects the critical points of alloys of the Fe-Co system, by lowering the temperature of the oZ -'-C- t transformation. The microstructure of slowly cooled alloys exhibits a characteristic grain lattice, probably due to the phenomenon of orderly regulation of grains. The hardness of cold rolled specimens is considerably increased by heating to 400-6000; any further increase in temperature reduces the hard- ness due to incipient - ' r ecrys tall iza tion. Initial permeability is strongly affected by the degree of reduction in the process Of cold deformation. Optimal results are, apparently, obtained at a Card 1/1 60-70 percent reduction. P. N. 1. Iron-cobalt alloys-Properties-Analysis 2. Iroa-cobalt alloya-Magnetic properties KRA Affect of vanadium on the thermomagnatic properties of per- mendur, Sbor. trud. TSKI ICEN no-23t2l3-218 160. OlIU 13 s 7) (Vwiadium permendur) kThermomagnetism) .-Card 2/.Z Krasnopevtseva,, T,V. ---------- T.V. Krasnopevtseva., H.M. Baretskaya. Chromium-base precision alloys. Title: Seminar on refractory metals, compounds., and a1loys (Kiev, April 1963). Source: Atomnaya energiya, v. 15, no. 3. 1963, 266-267