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12 1".,xperi, uIit%_t1 Industrial Lot of Pip(.-~; i,'atle Pror.,. 7-cri-il. Steel turiper,~turo ul' Q5' 0~~cj.~ 3~;Ot~, 111~:.Wr durin(; I miriut-~ in i vertinal t,( !:iA_* proceso Canoisted irl the '1'jatir.e of to " temperature of 540 100C durint-, '2~~ ~3e:;uent coolin- byttair. In -11 teoted -:~r_--y ten- 8iie atrength -6G" yield 2 50 joint :lnfl rellitivo elon,- Y ,,htic,n over a~,ring, touiiineoL3 at a tempur-ture :-f m kg/'cm2'; anE;le ~i.u% 1800. 1.atic c:' t,,,e -iel I point to temtorary tenaile sLreu~:th J,_-._ t'l After thermal treatt:.ent the ohoutz; .,t:ro L.I. cold drezwing in --; 7-rcller mill durin~w 5-7 _nu bt~nt to in a 4-rollor mill, the ben.!jn_- frOL1 3-5 minutea for ouch oh~~et. .',.Utcrilitio --iol-lin- ~'Ione -.,iith ,~I-e*trode rods SvIOG.':, under flux !,Ltrrent of 56-44 v and 750-650 ~:- After the yj-;~azj ~-,ere subjected L u to cold rollinf-, during 3-'S minutes.. 7nd,t ,:f .-.pes ..ere cali- brated and chL%r~f~_-rc.-d. 1r. thin conditi-n rei,-!ption t_~sto were made on 2 pipes of the s=e tc 0.~,i,Lnical rrofertieo of the "elded joint ~Iwl of t:,c Cur71 on :,et-1; -tee3 '72 Carbon rL .;U.. of tou-~"'I- n'~ o ..ic tu Z.-~ 'o.. T ~b'i E~ II T,..c 10~er t':'- t""' 1c '-1r U-0 tOU.:'.~-.1:; r. '-rc:-ter t, e r,;o C) f t n n.; t---nuc the V' I" I U10 tOU;,~WLOJ3 ('11 !11-~L "-r~,, Prom basic '-C.:er Ul--dOT.' Is7":*t~,ren. z'. coo- otrenath bct.:(--c.-n b~,sic mct'-~! ~~v n, rut-I in L..,ormedi- ~,OOPCSitiO.'! Of L'Uzie(i o.-,, -In ohown Ac: i b 1 1; r t f i r.-,, i t 1) c~ a -1 1 i c u e I d, i I) t h e r - ;AcAl,., ~-.-i~.rdene3 ~;tcei :~'-culd out, sl-* --t- e-,,pensiv, t r i fr,,m lu:.-~ 1!oL? of 'IC I tic coc 1; of ro kl3p) steel, t ii c 1;,~s from CL,rd 3/4 ;C ouT .. . k' . - k Experinent,l c, r all,i- Lr C~.,rbon Steel --zr"e I.'-' I '-'o of Jj2 0 Z% r oe I n~i - VA C:, PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4923 Krasillshchikov Zal!_m_Naf1ajjyevichj, Nikolay V.1adimirovich Shmidt, _YFV-g~eny ~_laevich Shvach, Nikolay Timofeyevich Pavlenko, and Stepan Yefimovich Nechepurenko Termicheakoye uprochneniye nezakillivayushcheysya uglerodistoy stali (Thermal Strengthening of Nonharden4ble Carbon Steel) Leningradp Sudpromgiz, 1960. 146 p. 4,200 copies printed. Scientific Ed.: G. 1. Kapyrin; Ed.: R. D. Nikitina; Tech. Ed.: N. V. Erastova. PURPOSE: This book is intended for technical and scientific personnel of metallurgical plants, scientific research organizations, and lab- oratories. It may also be useful to students in metallurgical in- stitutes and departments. COVERAGE: The book reviews problems of attaining by thermal strengthen- ing significant improvement in the mechanical properties of that carbon steel which cannot be quench-hardened. The tem "thermal strengthening" is used to distinguish this process from xvgular C aM-1k-1t_ Thermal Strengthening (Cont.) SOV/4923 heat treatment of hardenable steels. Experience in developing and introducing the thermal strengthening of carbon steel is generalized. The authors state that thermal strengthening increases the ultimate strength and the yield point of carbon steel by 20-30%. As a result of the use of therma3ly-strengthened carbon steel, the consumption of steel in producing a given object is reduced 26% or more. The authors acknowledge the contributions of P. M. Dontsov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, A. S. Vladimirov and 0. T. Vnulkova, Engineers, and G. A. Pashenko, and A. P. Rud') Senior Technicians, and thank N. G. Gavrilenko, Engineer, for his help in organizing the experi- mental investigations at a number of plants under actual working conditions. There are 32 references- 26 Soviet and 6 German. TABLE OF CONTEMS: Foreword Ch. 1. Nonhardenable Carbon Steels C ard-14 4- 22724 S/995/60/000/006/001/001 A053/A129 AUTHORS: Krasillshchikov, Z.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Shvach, Ye. Nechepurenko, S.Ye., Engineers (Zhdanov city) TITLEi Welded Pipes of greater strength PERIODICAL: Stroitel'stvo trub~provodov, no. 6, 1960, 11 - 14 TEXT: Irl order to probe the effectiveness of the hardenAng thermic treat- ment, experimental pipes were produced from medium-carbon U (SU) steel, contain- ing 0.26% of carbon and 1.05% -of manganese, and from low-alloy steel of 14A R (14XhGS) grade containing 0.14~; carbon, 1.25% manganese,0.54% silicon and .0'.64% chrome.- Maximum hardening effect,was obtained after tempering in water with austenitic temperature of 920 + 100C~ The strength of hardened steel greatly do. creases ftom a tempering temperature of 5000C during 0.5 hours, while plasticity and toughness considerably increase. A good combination of mechanical properties in medium-carbon steel is obtained with a tempering temperature of 670OCg result- ing in a yield point of 59-61 kg/mm2, a tensile strength of 70 kg/nu~ , a relative elongation exceeding 20%, a relat ve contraction of cross section exceeding 55% and a toughness of 5.5-6.5 kgm/cm at temperatures between +200C and -4oOc. Low- Card 113 22724 3/095/60/000/006/001/001 Welded pipes of greater strength A053/A129 alloy steel 14KhGS in the tempered state at equal plasticity and toughness has a slightly lower tensile strength in comparison with medium-carbon steel. Supple- mentary tests were conducted at the Khartsyzskiy zavod (Khartsyz Plant) using 680- 720 mm pipes with a wall thickness of 10 mm. Steel was thermically treated in sheets prior to being proceased and after being processed as finished pipes. The micro-structure of the medium-carbon steel after tempering and annealing consisted of sorbite and a Avery small amount of ferrite, whereas in 14KhGS 'steel structural- free ferrite existed in-larger quantities. The article gives in detail the results of the supplementary tests. The yield point for both brands of steel exceeded 41 kg/Imm2, but the tensile strength was above 60kg/mm2. In both cases bending at 1800 was possible without showing cracks; toughness at +200C exceeded 6 kgm/cm ; at -700C toughness of 14KhGS st5el lies between 3-6.5 kgm/cm2 and of S~U steel within the limits of .3.5-7.5 k9m/cm - Crystalline sections appear in fractures of 14MIGS steel at -200C and in SU steel at _400C. Investigations of toughness of,thermical- ly treated and subsequently aged samples revealed that mechanical aging somewhat lowers thettoughnIes, but maintains it at a high level; even at-WOC toughness ex- ceeds 3.5 kgm/cm . Thermic aging does not interfere with the toughness, but the combination of mechanical and thermic aging is apt to lower toughness of steel most especially in the low-alloy steel of14XhGS grade. Tests revealed that the strength 22724 S/095/60/000/006/tol/001 Welded pipes of greater strength A053/A129 of welded pipe joints of medium-carbon steel after thermic treatment was no~ be- low 60 kg/mm~~ and in case of low-alloy 14KhGS steel between 56 and 60 kg/mm . Toughness of the metal of the welded seam is for both grades within the zone of thermic treatment within 9-13 kgm/cm2 at +200C and 7-10'1%RY~M? at -4Qcr,. on the basis of results of tests the authors draw the following conclusions; Medium-carbon and low-alloy steel (SU and 14Khos) can be used after thermic treatment to produce pipes with a yield point exceedins 40 kg/mm2 and with a tensile strength of 55- 6o kg/mm2. In view of mechanical properties of pipes and technological considera- tions preference should be given to production of pipes from-hot-rolled sheets with subsequent thermic treatment. The utilization of medium-carbon and low- alloy steels for the production of large-diameter welded pipes in a thermically hardened state will reduce steel consumption in pipelines working at high pres- sure. There are 3 tables, 2 graphs and 2 photographs. Card 3/3 VOWKWAYNSKAYA, E.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; GLADMWSKAYA, S.A., kand. tekhn.nauk,- KRASILISHCHIKOV, Z.H., inzh.; PAVLWO, N.T., kand.tekhn.nauk Investigating the thermal hardening of St. 3 steel. Trudy TSITII M no-195:162-175 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Steel alloys-Heat treatment) 1/21396 S/032/6 027/012/009/015 B100108 ku"NIORS; Krasil'shchikov, Z. N., and Shvach, Ye. N. TITLE: Investigation of the impact strength of steel by tensile testing PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 27, no. 12, 1961, 1505 - 1509 TEXT: Fracture tests were conducted with an Mo M-6 (MIM-6) microscope on Cr-Ni-Mo, Cr-,Mn-filo, and carbon steels. The minimum, maximum, and mean linear dimensions of the crystal facets, as well as the crystallinity coefficient of th.- fracture surface were determined. All facets within the visual field of the microscope were measured for the determination of their mean linear dimensions. The crystallinity coefficient was cal- l2 .11 culated from f mean *100, where 1 is the mean linear dimension S mean of the facets in a given field of view in g, and 3 is the surface area of 2 -the field of view,in Ii . The results of the fracture analysis depend on e Card 1/2 21396 9/032/61/0277012/009/015 Investigation of the impact strength ... B100108 the magnifying po,;ier of the microscope. At different strengths Df the specimens, an identical structure of the fr,ictures corresponds to different impact strengths. The estimation of the impact strength from the fracture must therefore be made bearing in mind the strength (hardness' The impact strength of specimens of equal strength decreases continuously with increasing dimension of the facets. The results show that for every steel brand nomograms can be drawn up for determining its impact strength from the hardness and structure of the fracture. There are 3 figures. 2 tables, and 4 Soviet references. Card 2/12 SIM51 62Y(X.)()/002/(X) I JW 1 1031/1231 AUTHOR: Krasil'shchikov, Z. N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Necliepurenko, S. E., Engineer, dria'Shvac'h_,_E.N., Engineer (Zlidanov) TITLE: Investigation of heat-treated carbon-steel pipes PERIODICAL: Stroitel'stvo truborovodov, No. 2. 1962, 12-14 TEXT: Heat-treated St,3(Sp) carbon steel pipes were studied to determine whether St. 3(Sp) carbon steel could replace low-alloyed steel in the manufacture of gas- and oil pipes. The physical properties of the base metal and the welds of an experimental batch of 41 pipes were investigated. The tensile properties. impact strength and ductility in both base metal and welding seams were satisfactory. The pipes were also subjected to hydrostatic tests. The macrostructure and hardness of the welds yielded satisfactory results. Application of heat-treated carbon steel in the manufacture of high-test line pipe is justified from both the technical and the economic standpoints, There arc 4 figures and 4 tables. Card 1/1 KUSILISHCHIKOVA, B., inzh.; KHEYFERTS, G., inzh, ---- Painting drinking water tanks with paints having an Kh-40 synthetic resin base. Mor.flot 19 no.9:33-34 S 159. (MIRA 12:11) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-jusledovatellrkiy institut morskogo flota. (Tanka) (Paint) BEMIMMY11. V.A.; KIIASIL'SHC,IIIIWVA, B.L.; MATLVEYIV, V.M.; RYT, R-Sh.; RIMMATS, O.H. Paints used for protecting the underwater portion of seagoing ships' hulle from corrosion and fouling. Trudy TSNIIMF no.25: 31-72 '59. (MICRA 12:8) (Paints) (Ships--Painting) BJa1HS1rL%YH, V.A.; OASILISHCHIKOVA, B.L. Nonmetallic coatings for corrosion protection of inner surfaces of oil tanker tanks. Trudy TSNIIMF no.25:73-86 '59- (MIRA 12:8) (Protective coatings) (Tank vessels--Painting) BERSHTETN, V.A., inzh.; KRASMISHGHIKOVA, B.L., inzh. Nonmetallic coatings used for protecting oil-tanker tanks from corrosion. Sudoetroenie 25 no-3:38-42 Mr '59. (MM 12:5) (Protective coatings) (Tank vessels) BERSHTEYN, V.A., inzh.; KASHAYEV, I.N., inzh.; RYT, E.Sh., inzh.; TSODIKOVA, S.T., inzh.; Prinimali uchastiye: inzh.; XONONOVA, N.I., inzh.; MATVEYEV, V.M., inzh. Results of testing synthetic antifouling paints for seagoing ships. Sudostroenie 28 no.4:41-44 Ap 162. . (KRA 15:4) (Fouling of ship bottoms) (Ships--Painting)' BERSHTEYN, V.A.; KRASIb'SlICHIKOVA, B.L.; NIKONOVA, S.N.; SHABADASH, A.N. Mechanism of the effect of the thermochemical, treatment of glass fibers on the strength of polyester glass plastics. Plast.massy no.10:30-35 163. (MIRA 16:10) BERSHTEY11, V.A., inzh.; Prinirrali nchastivc. ~ ~:~A~7T- ' - " ' -'( ' ' J (' i /it, 7. 7-T inzh. ; 1IOVIKOVA, Ye.V., inzh.; LAV V, L,V 6 inzh.; KITAYCIIIK, V,A., inzh.; GLIK!'VI.N, 1.3-, nauk; SUPRIM, L.A., kanl.tekhn,,lwii-.. naw,limyj kand.tekhn.nank,, [Stress-rupture strength and creep o~' for use as shipbuilding material. DIJ polzuchestl stekloplastikov kak zu~A,~,-tro' Leningrad, Izd-vo ll,',Iorskoi transrjoi-'!~,7' 1~,;63, 4~' TSentrallnyi nauchno-issle(lovate-L~...,'rc~.'. t'a. b, Trudy, no. 53) 1. Sotrudniki TSentrallnogo kotloturbinnogo instituta imcni Polviinova (Cor MEW 11 f4- A7 MAIN. IZ Al Tft- -i- I jkf T W-, rv]En C? M VII. w"lk-Ot" 4E own MIR U 115. 111-AM", - ROEA NE ar m `8 01 E;z, ~ - R -,,i v A-- VW MOM I KRASILISHCHI.K,DVA, D.I. 4 , Stability of original bonds In memory processes. Vop. paikhnl. 2 no.6:65-82 X-D 156. (WAA 10:2) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu pedagogichaskiy institut. (Memory) "Il'SHORIKOVA, D.I.; KHOIBLACHKV, Te.A. Memorization of words of a foreign language in relation to methods of er)lalning their meaning and to memorization time. Yop. psikhol. 6 no. 6;65-74 N-D 6o. (HMA 13:12) 1. Pedagogiaheskiy institut i Institut neovershenetvovaniya uchlieley, Ro.stov-n&-Donu, (Language and languages-Study and teaching) KRASILISHCHIKOVA, D.I. "Involuntary memory" by P.I.Zinchanko. Reviewed by D.I. Krasillahchikova. Vop. paikhol. 6 no-4s151-155 J1-Ag (162.. NIRA 16:1) 1. Pedagogicheskiy institut, Rostov-na-Donu. (Memory) (Zinchenko, P.I.) KRASILSOHIKOVA, E.A. [Krasilshchikova, --,e.A. " - ~ Unsteady motion of finite wing span in a compressible medium. Archiw mech 16 no.2:285-290 164. 1. Department of Aerodynamics. Institute of Mechanics, Moscow. X ~~;q ~ ! I ~~ i w /~I.t. ..// / ~,- t4 GALIPKRIN, To. I.; KRASILISHCHIXOTA, G.A.; MIRONOTA, V.I., YRUOTA. A.T. Techniques in using stereographic projections for solving three- dimensional problems ingeometriml seismology. Prikl. geofis. w.18., 3-29 '58. (MIRA 1195) (Soismometry) (Projection) KUSILISHCHIKOVA, 1, A now psychology textbook ("Paycholog7,1 edited by Smirnov and others. Reviewed by D.I. Krasillshchikova). Top. paikhol. 4 u9.2r143-149 Mr-Ap 158. (KIRA 13:15) 1. rafedra pedagogiki i paikhologii Hostovskogo-na-Dona pedagogi- chemkogo institutao (psychology) 1034. F_ A. Krz%iI%hchikwvs."Divturbt4 motion lifair cousell by moring at avitersocit apteir' ~ to %'Pi Unsh, 31"k. P'W. Mat. AfAh.'I' jaa.-VA'. 194", V'04. It. M, Iv The atAlhor roik-It-r- lh~ proWin -,f a vilwatsur thin uvv~ ,Amil is, 1hr r-a-,6 anil moving at tq%lwr%%nir ppml in thr x- ifirt~tivtm Tlw vri-s-itylvots-tilial * - It'*' (r.jr,z) + v0" Cry.2A wbff~ 't'" iA the truu~imt 1voirntimi, i4 M-UnWA to lawy %he kwarip,41 "Ination Of". - lIv., + 4-. + ir. - v. 4- Me. - 4. Pie flow i% imainw4l in Ise xymnwiric sith rntprct to the " piuw. 11chirwi thr wing an infinite ha%l(.otxip of d6cwIlitinuity X ,%t6,z-jj plane is smumt4l, Along whith tip, valtilltofe. 4r."'as"t ;A ") - An- t,pial (or s- 4- Onsvi r- - 0, on the inter. .,viion S of the wing with tiv x-v plane we ha" v.'" - A.t~.Y!, wherr A.U.0 ix the ecittatirm of tlw t~clsry of the wing. awl awl w are civm quantatirw. U.ox she Maelt mirfatr of the Iradinit r4gr wA finalLy in th~ &~msin v lolundeA toy 1hr Marli surfsr~ anel lite dsaropt~nsnlv .trip, sit- havp v(.ry,z,ft - 0. Thr withor woumt-v Ihr allution v-111 of tlw P-ril; v"I - UF. I ", whem, pastipfitis a liftear"Ituaion am ron"WWWl- talbottrolaityronditionp. She conxident At fints winrof infinite gan, in whieh, cam the equatiom for F avolumew lite form F~ - F. - VF - fl, whirl, ripsation iA polvtA by Itimann's nirtheA I%r ol-kainp for F an cxp""4~m which in thr rx~ 0 -twid,.% with Ilm- formula oliWwA pn-vi~mxl) loy ArkrrL Using it.*- rivatitm ohlAirbml for the plane, proWnt %Iw tolilaim t-v nw-nn-4 of Fourk-r xPT" the exprt-svion [X"6/(x' El It Jf 01 (..V) If OW 1,-ftliox rlv- "llh-mg Sawn L'W A W, ifir of finite Opan. z - t;(Y), live trailing #41;:m x - %(y), tiv- awminplicm t~ ittwip that on the rootour Ow valot-A 04, oij Awl a%,v'OV cin not rl,_V4 Am rotangt-nt ..f ifie, Mach allgle. 'IU- It.lution of a finite %.MJL %\ with arNtrary I,nuliogmtcr ix nnlu~l to an integralewr4ation J2 (v - v')2 1) 6 a known funvti~on. S 0 l'"i"nily th.. Author gill. the molutio" of the UMMA lWavir prok~ 1,ni in the 11"trly of vilstating ultm: Amlitaing tisp datribliiiua o,\ "f I"rWatre over M " ill& te; 4WA-rulint. Wwrintil "PrOINW-M& of ti~. M'. itv Awl to J--wrv"~ IN. fw in of o-iltation m,fan 11,-rxnk~. I. SA KRASILIS[ICHIKOVA, Ye. A. PA 5PT3 ~MlAwonautlan May 194T Flow, Turbulent "Turbulent Flow of Air Caueed by the Vibrations of a Fall Moving at Supereanic Speadel" Ye. A. Krasill- shchikova, 4 pp "Dok Akad Nauk SM, Novet Bar" Vol Lvi, No 6 Mmmines linearlsed problem of vibrations of a fine defamed foil moving at superaoulo speeds under normal conditims. Submitted by Academician L. S. Leybenzon, 1 Dec 1946. Noy' 29 Ao-4-1 Ttij?b'u, 14" velocity, Vitranomic "Mie Mf f eot.'ofITurbulent ~ Irlov during the Settled Uwe' meat of Wings itt Superacnia Speeds.." YO.A. &asLI1I-,., 3 pr "i)ok Ak nauk" vol Lv=, No 6 problem of the usual arrangement of the straight line forward miovement of a thin viAg cf: teminFtl spread moving at a constant* speed u> a, Is the speed of sound In a static gas. AISO disellaaes: a Ving, -whose, leading edge can be repre- ' isated by the equatioa y (x), and vhose trail-. 36T3 UM/Aeranautics, (Contd) Nor 194T Is edge can be represented by th a equati. an y z 4_Deter~~s -the siguif ican-ce of df /dz in the,, sme DLP vh I ch, c ouf orms t o D' L P 'Uses forzalag to Lt w the 444raine the. potential ~po l6ri:t flov. L ~ 1. Sedoy vas vorjy helpful vith~ ftbmItt6d`by. Academician U.' V. KRASTLI,91r,',I9FWIA, F. A. Disturhed notion of air caused by vibrations of a ving movin- at superEon'~c speed. Providence, R. 1., 1949. (Rrown University. Graduate Division of ~prllied Mathemat- ics. Translation no. Aq-T-2h) Trans. of Vozmushchennoe dvizhenie vozdukha pri vibratsiiakh kryla, dvizhushcheg.-osia so sverlr-hzvukovoi skorostliu, (Published in Prikladnaia matwatdVa i mekhanika, 1947, v. 11, no 1, P. 147-164.) DMACA R PIR SC: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congrecs, 1955. C/) t_4 t; 2591. Krasil'shchi~roval Oz the theory ofonsteadvaluriOn i A of Ix cotmpressible OW4 (in itt",inax), Dok"ii .1"I. Vai4 SSS It (N-S.) 72. 1. 23-28, May 19,U). Consider a thin vibruting wing t-muslated lwaild to tho I of dtL:wL. ~ai with Constant a ti*ed u mt-a arntdll anr. W ;:~f The vekwlty potential 0(.r, y. j-, i) is a-miuned to satisfy the lir.L- i arized equation (0 - W) + as (0., 4- 0 1 referTed to axe~i trans6.t-d vj.jxity u, C-, o.'p Psuiection Of the %ring on to x 0. On P the aormi-I coi-vonen t of velocity is preocribed to be 6451dr A (.r, 1/) (t + (z. C K t; djd iwhere K is the fuadarnentAl solut" of defined Uy Kr E'-,f(t + c-Q, j) -(um - ut k' (Y - 12)3 - klz*, 12 (u/a)l and -S Z) i-d the Wterifectian of z - a and the Nfach tomeon vr T., y, r. At pointm of P, C (z, V) -jrL (z, V). C)ut,&id,~ t1to muge od inducnce of the trailing vcjm!.ir sritAirn, C;d clij;Red fiv, tile intergrul equfkLinn K (r, Y. (), 9i E. 7) J77' F y', k1f, V' - x + ky, Y7' kY7: ' ' y its tmnywt tu the 1,4&ag edge y ' 1y ;r 1 1) is a known Fur r. - 01A, ;z, V) P Z , Y % ~2 mdueft to an ;ntegml equation prLvioLLJ-y ru-(,z :~Glvftl by hL autho for hannonic vihmth.a. Jmuw D~kladf 5n, 1 47; 1, ItAw. 16341. 571-674, v of MaLhe"twicat Re-.iews J. I L a i(Ime, US.A. 77 Z- ilf,* 12! a *1 J~ A S: 1.) U ZI J2 t I I r 1 3 K7, ~JT,10 Ye. A "J"Otion rZ L '-!'Il,.'n un Sir-,cv~;mic 1_0 "a-, 'l 7. .,cad Sci TUISHE u-1- ns -~rco, nted -'Or ~cic-:c- a-l cn,--,ic-.- l' f n "osc 55. %~ Mathematical Reviews Vol. 14 Ili,. 8 Sopt. 1953 Mechemias. A lk,rasil'ffikoya, E. A. Supersonic flow about thin bodies. ,41oskov, (;I)-,. Univ, Utunyv Zapiski 154, INIcImidU 4, 81-239 (1951). (10-4-4.m) i !rhis synthesizei or gives delailed ploofs of results previ- ously report I chs;vwherv [these Rev. 9, 392; 10, 77; 12 , 216, 707; 13, 507e' Part I determine-, Ilic vt-lovity 1H)lcutial fmir- doll for loti-xii"d supcisollic flow over a 11.11111ollically oscilhiiiil, aod ilt-fi.rining thin wilig, ctillsiderilit, (Ile illflu- ellre (if tile wilil"S edges and trailing voltvx slica-1 tivilure Huces-mi.y. As dc:;t ribcd ill pivvious leviews, ill(., potellfial is expl-v-im -d wi ~ I p I wer he I it's i I I xl;~(Oltl 1/ (10 IV iI II dollble integral ce'l-Ificivill", I% III-Ic tj is Ille flelplent-% I a IlIv :'p-cif s.-IIIIII, Ind tt fill- ~Ijccd of IIIv undi-AtillicAl 'It."ItIv llow. I'lle ;I11111ol outlinc., ill delail tile Steps requiled ill d(ml with vviiies of lov, -;pt-rl citio (or f(jr low supcn~ - ;I - onic qwcd) and with winv"; of 114111-1 onvcx plall-fol Ill, having, alva's cut (jilt It( Illvil. lvmhllt~ ',Ill- ;11!4) de!;4 libes a Ilit,thod fol taking Illit 11111) jc(mml. Pall 11 deals willk flow over 114111. com illatilig Xvings, fol which tile potclitial-, reduce 11) double ilitt""rals, I 114-1w 1141illiz oil whele Illv potentiA is evalliatell, div allillm t,11111,11fiv.; Ow 11,11laill (,f ilouglali'm 11111 ollier. ! wi,o 11.1114'a Ills the cSimciall I, fol vi-ing'; of low I 'I It, I is I wc 1 1.11 o. - I'l I I i~,t I* I ~l I I it I I oil (fit- 1\ im, Is ex- Itiv-4 'I ill It-1-11r, 14 mll Lit t. ilitt-41 A., Ind fill., init-1:1.4k kl,tnt fill, 44 1 Ill- I,ldim- cd~~t- ,I. I 11~11 wk-1 Ill ~lqnc - Ilicic 1- VIll 1,.~ . .1 /ri'l oil 1111, svilii~. Flw plalle 1%, i II.L:-, 1% 1111 ::[1111-1 .11 ic 1, it fil lt~ v- 1,~cs .11 It I sI I . I ii~ll I I it !i, %-, Ili( 11 iii-c-I olif I,(- limallt-1, Hit ;,,- i Ili vv:i art- similar Ili the lead- im! edt~c-. -,', H. (11.1vit. lit. INIAL). K 13 fA S I L,,;~ H I t, o Vii , 'A -(, - PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 399 - I BOOK Call No.: AF539690 Auth6r: KRASILISHCHIKOVA, YE. A. Full Title: WING OF FINITE SPAN IN A COMPRESSIBLE FLOW Transliterated Title: Krylo konechnogo razmakha v szhimayemom potoke Publishing Data Originating Agency: None Publishing House: State Publishing House of Technical and Theoretical Literature Date: 1952 No. pp.: 158 No. of copies: 5,000 Editorial Staff Editor: None Tech. Ed.: None Editor-in-Chief: Professors: Appraiser: None Lurlye, A. I. and Loytsyanskiy, L. G. Others: The author oxpresses thanks for valuable help to Sedov, L. I. Text Data Coverage: This is an account of the author's works on the theory of the thin wing published in 1947-1951. The book is concerned with the formation of the mathematical theory of the movement of a com- pressible medium disturbed by the presence of a thin wing. It contains also the calculation of boundary problems of the original equations of hydrodynamics. This book is not concerned with aero- 1/3 Krylo konechnogo razmakha v szhimayemom potoke AID 399 - I dynamic characteristics of the wing and other problems of appliod aerodynamics. Diagrams. The book is interesting as a theoretical aerodynamic study. In the Introduction the author gives a short history of the development of the theory of the supersonic wing. Names of prominent Russian and foreign authors and titles of their publications appear in the text and in footnotes. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Introduction Ch. I Unsteady Movement of a Wing in Supersonic Flow 1. Setting of the problem; 2. Velocity potential of the medium moving with changing Intensity; 3. Deduction of the basic formula for the velocity potential. Ch. II Steady Movement of a Wing in a Supersonic Flow 1. -!,zsic formula for the velocity potential at a steady motit.-M; 2. End effect at a steady movement of the wing; I-ling of a small span; 4. The Influence of the vortex system In the wake of the wing at a steady movement of the wing; 5, Distribution of pressure on the surface of th; wing; 6. Supersonic flow over a wing of a certain thickness; 7. Examples. 2/3 FACES 7-8 9-13 14-30 31--12 Krylo konechnogo razmakha v szhimayemom po:!i�~e AID 399 - I PAGES Ch~ III Harmonic Oscillations of the Wing in Supersonic Flow 1. Basic formula for the velocity potential at harmonic osoillations of the wing; 2. Harmonic oscillations of the wing of Inflnite span; 3. End effect. Formation and calcu- lation of the Integral. equation; 4. Oscillating wing of a sinail. span; 5. The influence of the.vOrtex system In the wake of the wing at harmonic oscillations of the wing; 6. General case of the supersonic flow around the wing; 7, Flow around an oscillating wing of a certain thickness. Purpose; Theoretical study for the advancement of science for special- ist in aerodynamics. Facilities: None ' No. of Russlan and Slavic References: Names of 18 Russian and Slavic authors a pear in footnotes. Most of the-publications dated after 1949. Available: A.I.D., Library of Congrezz. 3/3 --'-Cl" Y~~.A.., "" !T- - ~ v , C, . v . Ojl):'~ F-'~ SIL' ~~~ E-.-I ne;:~rs sc-icj-tist an-.1 en-,inr--7;r. Priroda 1,.l, no. 9., !~:'el'2. 1 1 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Unclassified. JT~ 1,1:' TT(I 1-2AP r],'_ _A, The C=Ittee an Stalin Prizes (of the Cwncil of Mulsters UBM) in the fields of science and inventions announces that the falloving scientific workep popular scien- tific books, and textbooks have been,-submItted for competition for Stalin Prizes for the years 1952 and 1953. (Savet!hn Katum Moscow, No. 22-40, 20 Fab - 3 Apr 1954) Nw3e Title of work 11 , of Finitc ~~PL Krasil I shchikovaj lq~. I- inC, -in in iL a Coripi,assible Plaull fe. - 4 mainated ~X Institute of Y'eChnnicS, Acac"Ic-,ly of 3CA-ences U61 ,JR so: w-30A# 7 July 1954 AUTHOR: Kra3il'shchikova Ye._A,__ -5-13/54 TITLE: Unsteady Yot16ns of a Wing ~, of Finitle Span iiL aCDnpresoible Medium (Neustanovivshiyesya dvi~geniya kryla koaechno~;o razmakha v szhimayemoy orede). PERIODICAL: Doklady A.N SSSR, 1957, Vol. 117, ~Tr 5, 777 - 780 W63R) ABSTRACT: The present paper investi.aati~s the spatial motions of an incom- pressible liquid, which is caused~, by the unsteady motion of a wing with finite span within an infinite liquid volume. The liquid is supposed to be at rest in the infinite. The author investigates the motion of the wing on such conditions limiting its action to sinall perturbations. The problem is linearized and the usual as- sumptions-of the theory of the thin wing are made. The solution is accomplished in the fixed coordinates xOyz, which deteruinate the spatial motion of the wing. The law of motion of the wing is given in the form x - F(t), F denoting an arbitrary continuouB.,, function of time. Then an expression for the normal component o .f the velocity is given and discussed. The velocity potential satis- fies the three-dimensional wave equation a2T7,x + a y y + a2yzz - Ttt - 0. The author here employs the four-dimensiona apace x,y, ~ Z, and then states the following boundary problem: The fanctipn Card 1/2 T(XIYIZtt) is to be found, which satisfies a wave e,,uation, the I 20-117-5-13~54 Unsteady I-loti ons of a Wing of Finite Span. in a Compres ible Lediua. ,,rivatives of which vanish in the infinite an*hich satisfies dd h, e following boundary conditions in the space of.the variable t ' ' strat- - A(z,y,t) holds in the volume V (which is illu (X9y9t): 9 ed by an a ached figure). 9t a 0 holds in the volume V1, y - 0 ,t holds in the-volume V2 * The author then deals with the solutions - a2 + y1tt + 2ulyltx- of the equation (u1 - a2)glxx - a2gl Ti zz yy 1 The solution of the wave equation is given explicitly and is applied to the boundary problem.In particular, it is possible to compute the velocity potential everywhere at the surface of the wing with the help of this formula. In the investigation of the ' n of the wing a family different variants of the unsteady poti 9 of cones at z . 0 play an important part.. The results ascertained here are valid even in the case, when the velocity of the wing changes suddenly. There are 3 f i,,Yures, ik, refbrences, all -of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Institute for "'echanics AS ossii (InstitUt Liek-haniki Akadeaii nauk SSSR). PRESENTED: June 13, 1957, bj L. I. Sedov, icadewician SUBIMITTED: June 11, 1957 Care 2/2 S 24-58-3-3/138 AUT.HrOi~: Krasil'shc1iihov a, Ye. A. (Moscow) TITLE: ady ~'Iotions of a WinG with Fini-17e Span i, I a Compressible 17.1edium (Neustancviv::;hJ_yesya dvizheniya kryla honechnozo razinakha v szhimayeirioy srede) D 4 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk 3SSR Otde-leniye Te1dinicheskikh Nauk, 1958, 1Tr 3, pp 25-32 (USSR ABSTPUCT: The disturbed motion is analysed of a compressible fluid, caused by a thin wing of finite span obeying a prescribed law of non-stationary motion, Tne undisturbed motion of the wing is given as a function of ti7mle. The normal component of the velocity on both sides of the win1:1- surface is r~,iven as the sum of two terms: (1) a terin expressinc, the und'isturbed motion which is a function of time and local incidence and (2) a term ,given at each point of the win- surface, which expresses the superimposed non-stationary motion. Assumin,_- the fluid flow to be irrotational and not subject to external forces, the velocity potential raust satisfy the wave equation (Equ.1.4) in fixed co-ordinates . The boundary conditions are stated, iTIC .1 Ildi TIE', tllC- condition tliat the fluid. is at -re5t at infinity and that the Zhukovskiy condition at the trailinG edge is D L) satisfied. Tide boundary value problem requirebs finding a Card 1/2function of space and time to satisfy the wave equation and 24-58-3-3/38 Unsteady llotions of a T.Vin'rr, with Finite Span in a Compressible Mediwn. its boundary conditions. Its solution is found by a method develo-oOd earlier by the swac author ("Nion-Stationary Motions of an Tnfinitp. Span Wing", Izv.A'iz.Nauic,Otd.Te!L~i.--~ia-,Ik-,1954, Nr 'le :3olutio-ri is giveri in the 2) for two-dimensional flGws. TL form of integrals suitable for all types of nor.-stationary wing motion, provided the undisturbed motion cf the Nving is supersonic and -orovided the tiD e'Lfe(,t or the effectu of the tra-ilin- vortex system is ne--ligible at tlae win-, There are 7 fiurcs and 7 references, 6 of theim Soviet and 1 French. SUBMITTED: Juno 13, 1957. 1 1. Whigs--Botmdary layar-Mathematical analysis 2. Compressible Card 2/2 flow--Analysis 3, Wings--Supersonic characteristics--41athematical analysis AUTHOR: LKr'asillshchikova Ye. A. SOV /2o-12o-1-12/63 TITLE: A Finite Span Wing With Symmetric IYofile in a Compressible Flow (Icrylo konechnogo razmakha v oihimayemom potoke a simmetrichn,ym profilem) PERIODICAL; Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 12o, Nr 1, PP. 51-54 (USSR)' ABSTRACT: The author investigates the motion of a finite span wing with the angle of incidence zero. The principal motion of the wing is assumed to be a straight forward motion with, gene- rally speaking, a varkble velocity. This motion may be real- 'Azed within an infinite volume of a comDressible liquid which is at rest at an infinite distance. The shape of the aeroplane's wing is be arbitrary, and the.wingle surface is symmetrical with respect to the plane of the wing's motion. On the main motion of the wing small additional vibrational motions may be superimposed by which the wing's surface is deformed. In these additional motions the wing maintains at any moment the symmetry with respect to the Card 1/3 plane of the wing's motion. The author uses a Cartesian co- soy/20-120-1-12/63 A Finite Span Wing With Symmetric Profile in a Compressible Flow ordinate system which is rigidly joined to the space in which the wing moves. The law of the principal motion of the wing is given as x - F(t), where F is an arbitreLry con- tinuous function of time; x denotes the coordinate of an arbitrary fixed point at the front edge. Then formulae are given for the normal component of the velocity on the upper side and lower aide of the wing surface. The velocity po- tential T of the disturbed motion of the liquid and its derivatives are assumed to be small quantitieecf first order, and the small quantities of second order are neglected. The problem is treated in a linear manner. The velocity potential 0 satisfie-a the wave equation TXX + TYY + i zz 0.2 where a denotes the velocity of the sound in a non-disturbed medium. Then the boundary condition on the wing's surface is given. It is sufficient to solve the problem for the upper half-space* The author derives a formula which gives an ef- fective solution of the problem for the case that there is a symmetric flow round the wing. In this case the motion of the wing may satisfy any law of motion (with undersonic and supersonic velocity). The formula for T is then specializ- Card 2/3 ed for the following problem: The wing moves with the con- 7 . 1 1 *6.11 "'i th ~Ymmetric 'rofile In a Con-renzible A Finite .; ng , i stant velocity u. in this case the Is-, of the -.-:in7 notion has the form x ~ i(t) :. ut. The ming has cylindrical tur- face, the indicatrices of which are incl-'ned to. the =is at an angle, the tangent of which in equal To it. The last uz-,rt of this pi:per deals with the solving of till'S T-!.,oblera in a moving coordinate nystem. 'I'here are 3 fik-ure.- z~nd 5 refer- enoes, 3 of ,,,rhich are 3oviet. 4S,",OCIAT.~ON: Institut mekhaniki Al%kademii nauk 39SR (Institute of .1.140chanics, AS US-JR) P','EIJ_'-.'NT:ED: JanuarY 3, 1958, by L. T. ~3edov, L!ember, cademy of Sciences, US SR OURY iITT,-,D Deoember 1, 1957 1. Wings--Motior. 2. Compressible flow--Applications 3. Wings--Mathematical analysis Card 3/3 [A 16(l) run I BWK EXPLOTrKrION SM12660 Voesoyuznyy matematichookiy royezd. 3rd, Moscow. 1956 Tg%tdy. t. 4t Kratkoye soderzhaniy* sokcsionnykh dokladow. Dokl&dy inostrmnaykh uchenM (Transactions of the 3rd All-Unlon PUthems- tical Conference in Moscow. vOL. 4- Summary or Stcti,~nal Reports. Reports or Poreign scientiacs) Moscow, 1zd-vO AS SSSR, 1959. 247 p. 2,200 copies printed. Sponsoring Agenc7z Akademlya nauk 35SE. Matematichookly InstItut. Tedh. 9d.:. G.W. Shovettonko, Editorial Board: A.A. Abrusav, Y.G. Boltyanxkly~ A.M. Vasilly*v, B.V. Nedwodev, A.D. Myshkis, S.M. Nl.kol'skly (Romp. Rd.)# A.0. Pontnikov, Yu. V, Prokhorov. X.A. JkyWkov, P. L. Ullyanav, V.A. Uspeaskly, X.O. Chotayev, 0. Ye. 3hilov, and A.I. 3hirshov. mRmat This bo6k to intended for mathematicians and, ph"tclsts. COVERA(Mi The book to Volume IV of the T. as sections of the Third All- Va Ion Mathematical Conference, held In June and July 1956. The 1;cioV _Isdl7vfd-Q(1_1_ne-i_ _two_~In GUM- marl6s or the papers presented by Soviet scientists at the Con- rerenct that were not Included In the first two volunos. The second part Contains the teXt of reparts submitted to tne editor by non-Sollet scl*ntlato. Zn those case* when the non-3oviet act- entlet did not submit a copy of his paper to the *dItor, the title or the paper In cited and, If the paper was prlnt*d %n a previous volume, rererence is iude to the appropriate volume. The Papers, both Soviet and non-Soviet. cover various topics in number theory, algebra, differential and integral eqmationso function -hoory, functional analysis, probability theory, topologyv matha"tical problems or mechanics end physics, computational mathematics, "thOustleal logic and the foundatL~a of math*~Aticsp and the history or mathematics. rushchon-1 and Z~?. NjzhnIk (91760- The programing or one now oundary value probI*m_ror'a: drf7~ forenco sq"tIon of parabolic type 101 Section on the Mathematical Probld" of Mechanics (Yerevan). on the plans problem Of the theory or elasticity ?or a rectangular region 202 Vl&!qj,_y_Z_(Xo~cow). Method or Initial ftnations In the -XW~-cry of thick multLlayor plates and shells 102 *oI1d*nv,~j%er. A.L. IMOSCOW). Formal SAYMPtOtIC represents- 111..~Als Of Partial differential equation* with "all par"st*r 102 .'"oooow). Nonlinear vibrations of cylLndri- pereanio flow 104 jl!mbchIknmx jg."xoscow). The method or Integral pa"L~ .. WMnWTI-fflems of the theory of a thin wtng in cw~ q"0 ible -ow 106 pro$ rl Card 20/34 zz I OASIISHCRUWA) Ye. A. "Unsteady Motions of Flnite-Span Wings In Compressible Flow." repoit to be su4itted for the Intl. Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, Second International Congress, Zurich, Switzerland, 12-16 Sep 6o. /-/j "~- 0 K 19 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sorv/4000 sov/12-m-27 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut mekhaniki Inzhenernyy abornik, t. 27 (Ragineering Collecti=2 V034 27) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1960. 210 p. 2,,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye tekhnicheakikh nauk. Resp. Ed.: A. A. T-11yushin; Ed.: V. M. AlThundov; Ed. of Publishing House: V.M. Akhtmdov; Tech. Ed.: A.P. Guseva. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers, applied physicists, and ap- plied mathemticians. COVEMM. The book consists of 24 articles on such problems as wing theory, supersonic flow, theory of shells, stability., plasticity and elasticity, the bending of thin plates and shells, and various aspects of applied mathematics. No personalities are mentioned. References accompany most of the articles. Card 116,1_ Engineering Collection TABLE OF CONTENTS: SOV4000 RBkhmatulin., Xha3il Akhmd0vich- (On His 50th Birthday and 25th Year of Scientific and Educational Activities) 3 Fakhmatulin, Kh. A. On the Theory of Making a Fabric 5 -.Carafo4, E. The Theory of Delta and Cruciform Wings in Supersonic Flow 17 Kmaillshchikova, Ye.A. Wing of Finite Span and Symmetrical Profile id'-SuVsdU&--&6d--96j~iii-onic Flows 29 Yurlyev, I. M. On the Calculation of Bodies of Revolution in Supersonic Flow 33 Card 21,61 KRASILISHCHIKOVA, Ye.A. (Moskva) ~. I - ---, 7 . -~ ~-, . Airfoii`~t` finite span and with a symmetric profile in sub- sonic and supersonic flow. Iuzh.sbor. 27:29-37 16o. WRA 13:6) (Airfoils) (Aerodyn"ice, Supersonic) NEKRASOV) Aleksandr Ivanavich (deceased]; FAVLIKHINA, M.A.; SEKERZE6 ZERIKOVICHY YanIep otv. red. toma; Ye red.; SLEZKIN, N.A., red.; WOO, L.P., red,; RYVKIN, A#Zoj, red. izd-va; ASTAFIYEVA, G.A... tekhn. red. [Collected works] Sobwanie sochinenil. Moskvay Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR. Vol.l. 1961. 442 p. (MIRA 15-1) (Aerodynamics) (Hydrodynamics) /~KRASILISHGHDIOVAg Ye.A. (Moskva) In the Valle7 of Ge7sers. Priroda 50 no. 2:17 F 161. (KM 14--2) (Kamchatka-Geysers) NEKRASOV, Aleksandr Ivanovich, ckaderik,- PAVLlxll]21A) M.A.; TUFOLEV) A.11.., akademik,, otv. red. tona '- j- _jjlf. I L!-j-EGl2KQVA, ___ - SEKERZE-M.'IKOVICII, Ya.I., red.; SLEMIN, N.A.; red.; S,,:La4OV, L,P,f red.; GORSHKOV, G.B.., red,izd-va; NOVICHKOVA, N.D., tekhn. red. (Collected workslSobranie nochinenii. Moskva Izd-vc Al.-ad. nauk SSSR. Vol.2. 1962. 706 p. 64IRA 15:12) (plornics) (1-lechanics) (Mathoiratic-0 - KRASILSHCHIKOVA, Ye. A. "Three-Dimensional Problems for Wings with Variable Boundary Conditions". Report submitted for the 6th Symposium on Advanced Problems in Fluid Mochanics, Zakopane, Poland, 2-6 sept. 1963. ALL PAPERS WILL BE: PUBLISHED IN A 1964 ISSUE OF THE POLISH JOURNAL OF APPLIED MEGMICS, ARCHRUM WHOM STOSOWANW. rgg--, V F-~ 41211 IV, Rauig- FM~ It "N PRIA"M v lie -#L MW MW~ Nlf.,-~,-- tol"ll I L 21716~;66 EW'T'Ld)/FIS( M)/EV[r( IMEWO(~!/W(6~ MOW (W) All . SOURCE CODE: UR/0421/66/000/001/0061/OM ACC N16 - AP6010842 'A(I) AUTH09: Krasil"ahchikova, Ye.,A. ~(Moscow) ORG*- .none TITLE: Thin win ina compressionl(ave of.finite length 9 ..SOURCE. AN SSSR. IzvestiYa.,: Mekhinika':zhidkosti i gaza, no. 1, 1966 61-a TOPIC TAGS; supersonic aerodynamicsi~superoonic flow, shock wave, thin win 9. ABSTRACT: The motion'of a thin wing of.finite.span at supersom 'c speed in =ed pressible medium is considereT unle-r the &k incoming shock.V"e whos action of.s. we front is at an angle w to the plane of motion. It is assumed that the motion xs,~- uniform and taking place. insidei-an: infinite space. Simplified assumptions usual.An4rr ~thin-wing theory are made. The problem is considered in linearized form, acc6rding,- to approaches of Nekrasov- -and Sedov and solved by the method suggested: previously a problem of superposing two waves of-infinite by the author, being reduced to length on a disturbed_~,compressible medium. The velocity field is analyzed and ex,-,: i!_~_ pressions for: the velocity potential are.. established, in particular in:,the -case 'when the simultaneous effects of- forward_~-and rear shock fronts are present.f'on the _T.- wing surface atacertain wavelength. If.the shock wave moves in the.direction of wing motion, it is necessary to aWge the'aign in certain exxpreBSIons. Orig. art.,.- has:: 10 f igures. and 22 formulas i. SUB CODE: 2Q/ , SUBM DATE: 18jan65/ ORIG_ REF: 005/ ATD PREss.-,q,-1-2. 7 L d 1/1 UAL- L---.-44123---b.6 ---FWPU)/EdP(W)/-Im2/EWE-(k ACC NRI A SOURCE CODE: PO 003 3/651017/005/072710738 P6018064 AUTHOR: Krasilschikova, E. A. (Moscow) ,ORG.- Institute of Problems in Mechanics, AEaqem o~Sciences SSSR (Institut khaniki Akademii nauk SSSR) iproblem me ITITLE: Finite-span win in the presence of a moving shock wave I -,), e 'SOURCE: Archiwum mechaniki stosowanej, v. 17, no. 5, 1965, 727-738 7OPIC TAGS: shock wave motion, wave equation, thin wing, supersonic flow, weak shock wave ABSTRACT: A method of solution of miscellaneous problems has been proposed for .,a three-dimensional wave equation when conditions change with time. The spacial problem of stir) ~i( r fqF , tqiy for it wing in the presence or a moving shock w e _ _2Dic L _!_I _ .. --Z~Y___ has been examined by this m(Ahod. Soltiti(-)nsil~IVCL)(-ICTIOI)t.Llitle(lof~i.tlii-ec-dimensionaI pr4)bjern on d',terinining Llie field of velacities which is excited by the motion of a c.,d 1/ 2 ACC NR: AP6018064 thin wing and by it wea), shock Wave attaclking, it, With cwmgeab!~,, pariinelters behind tile shock-wave, front. The velocity potunfial ha~; been found it) the forin of binar y quadratures under a sign of which tile 'fiven fullrHon of t%,vo V;Jriables is inclLldud. The r(!SUIting SOlUtiOn perrnitn calculation of th(~. velocity Potential as follows: a) everywhere on the wing surface and above the wing when the wing edges are supersonic profiles, b) when the wing is moving at a constant speed is a solid or as an elastic solid, and c) when the shock-wave front moves at"the speed of sound and represents the plane inclined to the surface of the moving wing at an arbitrary angle. The resulting solutions can be simultaneously examined as three- dimensional problems of the diffraction of a plane acoustic wave moving on a thin, plane, or bent plate at a supersonic speed, Orig. art, has: 7 figures and 27 formulas. [Based on author' s abstract] [NT) SUB CODE: 01 SUBM DATE: 05Apr65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 002/ 2/2 Card 44" KRASILISHCKIKO VGZ. Unit for operation,with,a hollow oathode. Zav, lab. 31 no*2t251 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Vassoyusnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut khimicheskikh reaktivoy i osobo chigtykh khizaicheakikh veahchestv. !MASII,SIK,, I. L. "Precision 111yr1rcphonea for Callbratiun Dirposes." paper presonted a" the 4th All-Union Coaf . on Acoustics I Moscow, 26 %lay - J2 Jun 58. At, -repris enti%-- Ole range -.op q'.Mio-4 t OUSITA, L.K.; SOKOLOT, B.K.; KWIR, A.G.; LYSUKO, A.14.; XOROZOT, G.A., red. [For high corn yield@] Za vysokie uro3hai kukuruzy. Novgorod, Knizhnaia red.gazety Olovgorodskaia prayda,* 1960. 59 P. I (MIRA 14:12) (corn (Maize)) KRASIX, A. K. TARTAKOVSKIY,, P. S.; - VMDMOVICHp, A.- M. and PANOVp A. P. "Problem.of Meesuring_thelemperature in a Martin Furnace," Zavod. Lob., 4, 1935 so so 00 So so -00 Igo -00 Whys" 4kchwW. :;so victumnim, ON, ot -ILA TAL~VOCIC.L UTEIRATWE Rio", U i1 Al 10 111; a It 0 0 00*0 0,01000 OTISS 0 0 * 0 0000 0 0 0 * 0 coo !-go 11- -n DO* LI-1 I --l 0 1 v " 0 a a 3 0 dmd 5" 0 0 0 0 0 0 so 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 * AW i 10 0 0 0 0 a 0 a * 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 UCON11 "old $Isus 10411#1 411 4 CP AT a n A L__Q Ion 4.0 41k vollfal, .. 4*ours ..111',t$ .*Dix IT3110411ftlIVARIP I'li-NIT so- * Ir so, so, Soo go 'aflPA UA%PpnWJlq so OSP ;IMI*3 31, anji"S go 34) -M" =fm cm-m4nnimm m 09 cqnl 3mmom imp a vpq )a JJAMTM N 'm IRV I's lifults f"ll rml rf Inj 'Pap 11.1 Irly i.' so* MIJ PI P41,410ft; qI Pit rref&p m pasno m alp 1 00 ;IPA 11441"PAN #U 0114111 VVIA Pat ipp" pal SM46spets 4)" 01 VAIA144A -111 IMIA mrid UM- P- 'SMPq* $In 113W 10 *WIPA so! so- f-PI-M "I - ommap No in '-aftn" p- ?I31will Nip In pAp so !I(IM0d_Iwt I (In I -19w so oo.i; "M" ev P lowmmm "P 16 I~av du OD it of so ow m a w -f 11 r_w_ I st Im g.? 9 11 -is a f 0 0 41 00 000 0a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *4 & , a 0 0 : 0 0 0 0so **so ; 0 0 0 0 0 w . I $$jis to 1 0 111111iots4 Otte V H Id a 10 10 a to 0 41 a it a ails 414-C1,16. It f -11- Jk.,A- I It 0 Al - A-A A a C.-A-IL-1-A 111H -7,** Ar J~O I i-1, A*D $I- ."!A) 00 - loi A! 't. 0* B"Mkdow of Will Dilowdir" Tke Ewdr" 0 0 It fil.-n it it j..Id I,, I R .00 loth-wrt-l" , '.PP "it ("' 114 1-1-11 f"t Iq Illi, it. 1,14WIO llw 1-1 .1 I'llize 11,111IN't A lill,tiswn in Ilse Ift,illAbIf ISHIC" lwt%rrn ttw 11,4141 jmrtole- -.1 Ow billie. ft.4,1 pf,.411h Ing froti, Intent rit Ili, 'all fifill1v drtwy the ~MXPM 1.4., Ali 1I.S, AwAft 1-11 J.-Ad-4, lwhl I~ the rimil"JIS Abqw "Ailij nul, J_Iwy the Wtuv Krazin - Ident VAligh-Tellsion Lab, Siberian PhYsico-Tech-l nological Inatitute, Tomsk State u.,Iiv. i too .00 ;,~.* 0 V- V- KuYbYshev. (Swae source as above.) -00 A i I k A *IIAl.kLFt.KAL L11111AUNC CkWIFICAtic. --ao, r 'All I a 14 ii 4 f I or St 4 vt if it it to it it 64 61 14 it 14 K It No A 0 * 6 0 0 0 0 0 # 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 silo, 0 * 000 0 0 000 00 0 * 0 # IN 0 0 00 so a ;4 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 04 0 0 0 KRASIIII, A. 6771. Krasin, A. Znacheniye mastnykh udobreniy v povyshenii M urozhaynosti. (Novgor. obl ) ovrorod, 1954. 24 s. 20 sm. (Iz opyta raboty peredovykh kolkhozov). 3.000 ekz. 40 k. - (55-2794)'~ -- 631.8 (47.24) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis' No. 61 1955 ERAS 1 MOROZOVv I.G.; GERASEVA, L.A.; KAMAYEV, A.V. [Study of beryllium as a neutron moderator3 Ruchenis berilUla kak zamedlitella neitronov. Moskvat 1955. 3.7 P. (MIU 14:7) (Beryllium) (Neutrons.-Capture) OsTROUmoy, Georgiy Nikolayevich; jSAIN A. . doktor fiziko-natematichemkift C1 a. IN nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; a(GAUPS M~redaktor; YAXOVIXVA. Te., . tekhnicheaki7 red,,ktor (Virst in the world) Pervaia v mire. Nauchnerede A.X.Kftsin. (Moskva] Moskovskii rabochii, 1956o 35 P. (HLRA 10:2) (Atomic power industr7) -4 KRASIN, A. Dr. Physico-Mathematical Sciences "Trends in the Development of Atomic Power Engineering.," Pravda, page 3. 20 january 1956,, moscow. Translation M-lOV7,, 2 May 56 K 1~ R'~ I N' o - K. SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 16oo AUTHOR KRASINjAoK., DUBOVSKY,B.G., IIATALIN,E.Y., INYUTINtE.1tv XAMAZVvA.V- LANTSOV,M.N. TITLE An Investigation of Physically Characteristic Quantities in a Nuclear Power Station. PERIODICAL Atomnuju Inergijal 1, faeo,2# 2-10 (1956) Issued: 6 / 1956 Experiments carried out on the reactor of the Nuclear power Station of the Academy of Science in the ITSSR are described. The data for the characteristic quantities obtained on this occasion can be used for the operation of similar reactors as well as for the further develop- ment of heterogeneous reactors and reactors with water cooling which work with thermal neutrons. Experiments and measurements were carried out with respect to the critical mass of the fuel with and without water in the channels, as well as concerning size and arrangement of the boron control rods, maximum activity and its con- trol, the influence exercised by water on activity, the probability of escaping resonance capture, and the velocity distribution of neutrons and their density in the reactor. The important values found as a result of these experiments agree well with computed values. Atommaje Energija, 1, fasc.2, 2-10 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 A - 1608 Results; experimental theoretical Radius of critical mass with water in the channels 60 (cm) 59 dto. without water in the channels 101 99 The maximum activity at the beginning of a working period (10"linear om") corre onds to an activity A K of (4,5+012)10-1~ 0,11+0,005 0,1222 Activity control: a) with 1 manual control rod in the interior ring 0,013+0,001 0,12 b) with 1 manual control rod in the exterior ring 0,007+0,001 0,007 c) with 2 locking rods 0,018;0,002 0,02 The probabil'-ty of escaping resonance capture (I - 0 The fission ratio of U 235 .0 906+01015 - in the epicadmium. region 8:3% - INSTITUTION: Category : USER/Nuclotir Physics .. Fuclevr Engineering end Power C-8 Abs Jour t Rof Zhur - Fizika, No 3, 1957, No 61ch ~~uthor t Blokhintsov, D.I., Dollukhall, N.A., Krrain Titlo Raactor of tK. Atoric Elcctric Stati44~9#11` ry of Sciences of the USO. Orim Pub Aton. criorpiya, 1",';6, No 1, 10-23 ~'-.bstract The therzal power of the reactor is 30,000 kvi, cnd the elec- tric power is 5,000 kiii. The rmotuit of uraniuiz charge is 550 Icg, reprc-entirg 27.155 kg U235 at a 5//0 onricivent. TM moderator r.nd reflector rrc rrido of rraphito, end the coolant 6is ordinp distilled water. The therual flux reaches 1.8 x 10 kcal-m -hr iho, shield comprises a layer of water 100 or thick and 3 rietorr of' concrotj. Tho graphito core of the ro~_,ctor is three maters in di~n.ictor and 4.6 rioters high. The central aection contains 157 vertical holes at a sprcing of 120 w.. 128 holes are occupied by the working elements, and the remainder Pro intended for the control rods and for auxilinry Furposcs. The diaticter of the rctive zone is 1500 Lni, the height is 1700 m. Titbular urrnitai fuel elements Pro used in the reactor. The Card 1/2 Catagory t USSR/Nucloar ftsics - Nucloar Enginooring and Power C-8 Abs Jour t Rof Zhur - Fizilca, No 3, 1957, No 61o4 water pressure is 100 atmospheres end the temperature at the reactor output is 2600. The wrter of the coolent forms the primary loop, which conteins a stow goneretor. The necondcry loop comprises a turbine gonorctor, operating on stoam with a pressure of 4.5 atmospheres and a temperature of 2700. The atomic electric station of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR has been operating without intorruption since 27 Juno 1954. Its operating experience hamiicdo it possiblo to proceed to- ward a design of more powerful strtions with ureniun-grephito reactors and water coolingi Card - 2/2 KROSIN, A.K. Atomnaja Energija, 1, fasc-4, 147-148 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1461 - 6 neutron source with ;- 10 neutrons per second was fitted in the interior of the reactor. A waterless variety of the uranium-beryllium. reactor was realized by the charging of 6 elements. Graphite was introduced into the central channels of the cells, into the interior tubes of the elements, and into the horizontal channels. 235) After 366 uranium elements were charged (6,66 kg U the system became critical. On the occasion of transition to the reactor without reflector the upper layers of the beryllium blocks were removed, The critical mass in this case was 11,73 kg U235. For the same case the variety of a roactor with thermocolumn in the center was realized.. The data corresponding to the various varieties are shown in a table. If there is a thermocolumn in the center of the reactor the density of the thermal neutrons is 4 times as great as the average density of the neutrons in the active zone. However, in the case of the variety without thermocolumn with reflector the maximum density of the neutrons exceeds the average density by IX~o- INSTITUTION: . /Nucle' Physics Nuclear engineering and power Category : USSR ar M Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957 No 711 Author : Krasinj U., Dubovskiy B.G., DoilPnitsyn, Ye.Ya., Matalin, L.A., Iii-yGY6.1., Yameyev, A.V., Lantgot, M.N., Title : Study of the'2P)xyiicAl, Atomic Plectric Station Reactor. . 1 -7 Orig Pub : Atom. energiya, 1956, No 2, 3-10 Abstract : A graphite-waterreBearch reactor, in which the cell construction was nearly eq~tal to the cell of the reactbr of an atomic electric station, was built to check the calculation results for the latter reactor. The research reactor was a cylinder 190 cm, high and 260 cm in diameter. The fi~sfon material used was uranium protoxide aM oxide with 10% U235 enrichment. The' critical mass (M cr was 6 .3 k1la U235, which was in good agreement with the calcUlated value (M~r 5.35 -- 7.4 kg u235) c4lculated with a procedure previously checked I experimentally only with a uranium-graphitd lattice with a small.Content of steel and water. The critical mass was calculated for the reactor of the atomic electric station for two cases: with and without water in the working channels. The results obtained are in good agreement with the calculations. Experiments were made on the calibration of boron rods and on the determina- tion of the excess reactivity. The dependence of the effectiveness of the Card 1/2 Category USSR/Nuclear Physics - Nuclear engineering and powor C-8 An Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957 110 711 absorbing boron rod on the depth of its innertion in the reactor waa in- vestigated. Experiments on the determination of the controlling ability of the rod have established that the surrounding rods affect st;vnlgy the absorbing ability of the rod. A study of the character of the curve for the decrease in power with time under scram conditions was made to determine the operating time of the scram rods. A mechanical-nautron selector was used to study the neutron spectrum, and the Atstribution of the therml neutrons was found to be in good agreement with the theoretical curve when the effective temperature of the neutron gas was assumed to be approximately 1000 higher than the temperature of the core. The temperature of the neutron gas was then determined with the aid of boron rods, and good agreement was obtained here with the results of the measurements made with the selector. The curves of the W?ium ratios versus the reactor radius showed that 8.30 of the fissions in Uoccur in the region above the cadmium. [,Card 2/2 USSR/Nuclear Physics C-8 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, 11299 Author : Krasin, A.K., Dubovskiyj B.G. Inst : Not given Title : Beryllium Research Reactor. Orig Pub : Atom. energiya, 1956, No 4, 147-148 Abstract : Description of a research reactor, started in August 1954 in the building of the atomic electric station of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, with a moderator made of metal- lic beryllium, operating with enriched uranium fuel. The core of the reactor, made of beryllium blocks, comprises a cylinder with a diameter and height of approximately 1 meter. Control is by means of two cadmium rods, and scram protection is insured by eight more cadmium rods. A study was made of three versions of dry reactors: with lateral Card 1/2 USSR/Nuclear Physics C-8 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, 11299 beryllium reflector 15-5 cm thick, without reflector, with thermal column in the center, and a reactor with fuel elements filled with water. The critical masses in this case turned out to be 6.66, 11-73, 12.66 and 3.42 kg of U235 respectively. The density of the ther- mal neutrons in the thermal column is four times grea- ter than the density of the neutrons in the active zone. Card 2/2 dcktor fisiko-matematichookikh nauk; FAMOTX. - ' "- Ir.B., redaktor; , . K.1., tekhaichaskly redaktor. (Nuclear power reactors] Inargatichookia, iadranye reaktor7. Kooky*. Izd-vo 02.nauie." 1957 36 P. (Yesodusoce obehchestvo po rasprostre- naniiu politichookikh i nauchnykh snanii. Ser. 8. no.4) (KM 10:3) (Nuclear reactors) Diatri 400 cyn/4S2ti(v) The *ph Ical characteristics of it a c Laid= Dubnv V. rsj'~xvjw3,33 I 7.--Toassistiathe' -Lag phy&. p"anieters of a large power reactor, tests were out on Asmater prototype, Itwasavaphite. aWarated MO-cooled reactor with fuel elements consisting -of 2 concentric staintaio4teel pipes with pbwd. UO; (1017v- enrkW) fuel In the annular space and HiO In the center. Bundles of 7 of then elements were placed I at a time In the spaces in the graphite lattice, starting at the center, and criticalit, was reached for 58 bundles. In the absence of HIO, lOtbutidles wen needed. The excess reactivity with 85 bundles In place was compensated with 6 Inner B control rods, 4 outer ones, and I for automatic control. Theexcess reWivity was measured by the time required for doubling 4 tW was W1 IhOrawn I cm. The likhtf WN I-Allit KMA Wfit 1AUW114 *P! TO Wow- t% lVattivity Vf hkh VM14 tW Vviu*0A hv ix~ltipkbk &k1hit WO Hit). aii Aulithk hop "n lit Im AmWelit WO dod.4 and I w" lutivul that lie avallikhlo Milp-A tl%iii (mvithot III In O"I'ln, III those mesitioned)coult) compensuic 1-ir this. Thaprot*hil. I% at rtimm ab"tion of neutrons by U114 was O.DW I tile ttilip, of thil amtron x4s. ns 40d, by In, Au. Co, Mil WIcalors, IUMI by 1) Mers, Wal WK, In III* CoOr and 70*C. above the swroundIngs at tilt Wilts. KRASINA-A.K.; DUBOVAKIJ, B.O.1 BOHALj, Lo., inz. (translator] Physical beryllium reactor. Jaderna energie 3 no.2:62-63 F 157. ERASIN.0 Ax., GRIGCIRYARS, A. N.11 NIXOIAYEV) N. A. and MEAROV, G. N. - __-_v --- --- n ! -~E- ~- "Operating the First USSR Power Station with the Fuel Channels Working in Boiling Conditions." paper to be presented at 2nd UN Intl. Conf.'on tho poavo-tv.11, vlaeo C~X Atws-,IQ A -- ~,;q AUTHDRS: Krasin, A. K. s Minashin, M. To. , SOV/89-5-2-2/36 TITLE: The Influence of the Temperature of & Neutron "a on the Duration of the Runs of the Fuel and Its Regeneration in a Power Reaotor (Vliyaniye temperatury neytrunnogo gaza na prodolzhitel'nost' kampanii i vosproizvodstvo goryuchego v energeticheakom reaktore) PMODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 19581 VOL 59 Nr 2o pps 111-118 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The calculation of the influence exercised by the temperature of the neutron gin on the duration of the run of the reactor, on the production of Fu239, and on the amount of the electrio energy generated is dealt with. Calculations relate especially to the following two variants of reaotorst Variant I Variant II a) Heat output of the reactor 140 MW UO MW b) Quantity of uranium 24,5 t, 24,5 t o) Initial enrichment of urwnium, 1 1,5% d) Material of tubes for Zr of a thick- steel of a Card 1/4 coolant ness of 0,5 mm thickness of 0,2 = The Influence of the Temperature of a Neutron Gas on the Duration of the Runs of the Fuel and Its Regeneration in a Power Reaotor e) Caming material of fuel elements f) Moderator material in core and reflector g) coolant h) Diameter of core i) Height of oore J) Thic)mess of lateral and . buic reflectors k) Number of cells Oard Z/ 4 1) Number of chamels for regulating-and safety rods BOV/89-5-2-2/36 Variant I Variant II Zr of a thick- steel of a ness of 0,3 mm thickness of 092 = aTanhite ,67 9/=3) Na 500 om 4W CM 80 an 400 50 graphite (1 67 9/=3) N& 500 cm 400 am 80 CM 400 50