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AO Scatteriag of bending waves ... 3/046/62/006/002/004/016 B10II/B138 where F (It, zi,) = D, JIV4UO +2 (V~L-V3110) + VIILV"11,,-- (.1 1 43 ax" is obtained for the scattering field u 1 and the velocity potential 91 in the semi-spaoe of the system. The solution is 20,12 IKrdx,-iIx2-dYL-dy2- 25 allo . jD (0) ~j,)2 IV (r) -L,12 F)(9) is a trigonometric fourth-order polynomial which describes the scattering of bending waves -by.-. an inhomogeneity smaller than the wave- lengths (1) (0) (1)l (0) d- 0'1)2 (0) 02(1'3 (O)' (D, (0) 1 - 8 shO 0/2 + 211 81W 0/2 -32 sino 0/2 -P 16 AW 0/2 co-O 0, (0) 8 shi2 0/2. cos'0/2 -32 shil 0/2 ) cos' 0/2 + 32shill 0/2 -coO 0/2 j,12 11 (0) - 16 ShO 0/2-('0810/2 sin' 0. Card 2/3 * S10461621006100210041016 Scattering of bending waves ... B104/B138 9 is the scattering angle, N is the correlation factor. Owing to the triviality of N(r), (16) can be roducod for r~jL.~>a. The reduced integral is computed by passing over to polar coordinates. r is the distance between two scattering points, L is the side of a square inhoinogeneity,anda is the correlation radius. For the correlation coefficients the author obtainedt Va'(3+2i+3522), ka /1 1 (2) ot, a2 25 25 ka~,>1. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet (Leningrad State University) S UB2,,ITT IED sMarch 28, 1960 Card 3/3 b B104/B136 AUTHORS: Kovalevq Ao M., and Kraoillnikov, V. N. TITLE: Reflection of electromagnetic waves from moving planes PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v- 32, no- 1, 1962, 30-33 TEXT: The reflection of electromagnetic waves was studied from an ideally conductive mirror moving in vacuo. The motion of the mirror is described by z - z (t), and the electromagnetic waves are taken to be transversely s polarized (E. . E, 11X, H2). The waves are incident in the XZ-plane, and the Z-axis is perpendicular to the mirror. The reflection of erpendicu- t- then z larly incident plane waves is easy to solve. If E ine "q (c Ere f, . y(at+z). The equation (3) 00/62/032/001/004/018 describes the change in amplitude with reflection, caused by external Card 1/3 "119U S/057/62/032/001/004/018 Reflection of electromagnetic ... B104/B138 forces moving the mirror. Eq. (3) also describes the change in frequency; If the incident wave is monochromatic (00), then (j o(o-i 8(t, ))/(c+is(tl)). The reflection of obliquely incident plane waves is much more difficult to solve, since the reflected waves are not then plane ones. A mono- chromatic wave incident at the angle 9 is examined. zs(t) is taken to be periodic. The incident wave is given by Einc ' exp(iot - ik Xx - ikz Z). The field of reflected waves is sought in the form 2 E V exp(i(j t - ik x i~z(cj"'/c) k~, where (j -o- n2n/T. refl n n X n n--oD By substituting B Eino + E refl in the boundary condition t E.+ i d-r/dz 0 at z zs(t), one obtains f 'aF 2 1, W I SInt 0 V. 0 - 1, (t) Cos 0 i ks+ k2 Card 2/3 Y, e (V ~7nr_ 329" B/057/62/032/001/004/018 Reflection of electromagnetic ... B104/B138 This periodic function is expanded in a Fourier series' the Fourier coefficients of which are Bessel functions, It in shown that the reflec- tion of electromagnetic waves from a periodically vibrating mirror is very similar to the modulation of electromagnetic oscillations on the one hand, and to the reflection of waves from a periodically uneven surface on the other. Poynting)s theorem is formulated for the field in question in a study of the energy balance of the electromagnetic field. The resulting equation shows that an electromagnetic field can be excited parametrically. L. I. Mandel'shtam and U., D. Papaleski (Polnoya sobraniye trudov ` Y~ II, Izd. AN SSSR, 1947) are mentioned. There are 1 figure and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION. Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy fizicheskiy institut Leningradeko- go gosudarstvannogo universiteta (Scientific Research Institute of Physics of the Leningrad State University) SUBMITTED: February a9 1961 Card 3/3 1~ Sao 7V -1064. 66 ACC NR: AT6002646 longitud nal: difoimation 64iW Im ems concerned with -the "pMap~ ' V tion of. vace And aur d haf ce elast a-- ea b6tuided by--a-th I layer. Ori r"xgums i6ivi" g~ 0" -201 S SUB ODDE. : OTH IMF: 002 . 4 -carA 4.1- 7 14 .1 RZEEKHIN, V.P.; KRASILINIKOW, Y.N. Study of the relationships between lipids and protein substancei; Prikl. biokhim. i mikrobiol. 1 no.6t658-663 N-D 165. (KCRA 18:U) 1. Voesoyuzrqy muohno-iseledovatellskiy Institut zhirov. Sub- mitted June 12# 1965. -EWTMA WR L 2300~46 ACC, NRt: AT6902848, ::--SOURCE CODE!. UR127S4/6S/000/004/0166/0181-.':'-:--':.,;-4 AUTHOR: Lutchenkoq; L01401 "Krasillnikovi- V4 N& ORG: none TITLE: Transient processes in a thin circular loo p SOURCE: - Leningrad. Universitat. .-Probletny ditraktaii i rasprostraneniya'volxl~ no, 4, 196,5. Difraktalya I talucheniye voln (Wave diffraction and radiation)# no* 40--"~ 166-181 TOPIC TAGS: loop antenna, amenna theory ABSTRACT: Eighteen modern articles on.d1pole and loop-antenna theor written by.- Western and Soviet specialists'are-briefly reviewed. The present article studies transient phenomena in a.thin perfict-conduction loop'antanna with arbitrarily distributed ernf and (in the general c a-se),with several connected loads whose . geometrical size is small enough. to, permit describing their inside processes in a quasistationary approutimation, ' The. problem is formulated in terms of the electric scalar potential It and the A component of the magnetic vector potential4l A Card 1/2 ;P /W 117's "A 1114-- e k1 t/, /:IF RAGOTSKIT, Yu.3., Inshener; 1~ ~~Inzhener. 1~ 'Unit for filling filters with sand at the North Water-Supply Station. Gor.khoz.Kosk. 31 no.6:35 A '57. (14LRA 10:7) (Koscow--Water-Purification) NIXOT-ADZN,.G.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; XMSILINIXOT. V,P. Installing drainage pl-pes In Am filters. Gor. khoz. Moak. 32 no.2-. 29-31 7 158. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Starshiy inzhener teekha ochiatki vody.Severnoy vodoprovodnoy stanteii (for Kmaillnikov). (7iltars and filtration) 45713 F -(I) TPJ c)~ -R ni -66 T1,-n~lTlEaltV Tj,/ 'p EYJ (d I/a,' 1 / EWP 't ACC N R: UdAdE bdDE: UR10316 (5~5/662Z/6024' AUTHOR: Belov, P. S.; Krasillnikov, V. P `17 ORGt Moscow Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry in. I. M. Crubkin O'Soskovskiy institut noftekhimichoskoy I gazovoy promyshlonnosti); Yaros1av1_P_j_io_1i_~n Oil Plant im. D. I. 11andeleyev (Yaroslavskiy ne:rtemaslozavod) - TITLE1 Technology of industrial production of MNI-IP-22k additive SOURCEI Nefteperorabotka I neftekhimiya, no. 5, 1966, 22-24 TOPIC TAGS1 Nnl and lubricant additive, alkylphenol A23Ti-,UICT: Thq ?!K-IP-22k additive improves -the anticorrosion, antiwear antioxidatio and i,,att-inr, DroDorties of oils.11,"An attempt is made to indicate the causes of various difficidMes in -tho indust-rRial-s'ynthosis of this additive and to give certain recom- mondations aimed at facilitating Its production. It is pointed out that the produc- tion of MNI-IP-22k (as well as additives In general) requilres an autonomy excluding tho mixing of the intermediate products of syntlinsis and finished additivos. The KNI-IP-22k additive obtained corresponds to the technical spocifications If the requirements of the process (raw material of good quality, adequate stirring, adher- ence to batching norms) are met. The process of production of alkyl phenol additives is considerably simplified if the synthesis of alkyl phenols Is carried out on Ion- [Card 112 uDcs 665.637.6.022.31/-39-002-Z L 4571: NR: exchange resins. SUB CODEt ll/ SUER DATEI none/ ORIG REF: 002 0 Card 2/2 U G CO - Owbillow ""haw ad of 11010" omztw cow- V. J. 4fiNgIpApir PAY cht Rust.. 1984. Is. 174 - C27-Dirledik consts. of r(sylstems C H -NC% fln-NllhFt, fill. ![)If Ift and Ithymol-C If, have rielcit ;t;%. n,,r nim.; the t4. 1-6-.14111kril (fit)-C,It And sm f MOAc (lVt VAdl Owtv a IUA%,an-I the atiatirlit, N) I ma~ 1"111. W lit" Tuiltl. voltlj~isltiwll. The. Ah. It .4'. 11-ment, lit") Arv: (U) 63. thyn" 1-60, (111) 5-1. and im 7,3 9(2.3) AUTHORS: TITLE: A/1 /,',I IV SOV/142-2-3-24/27 Kalinin, V., Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Head of the Faculty of Radio Physical Krasil'nikov, V., Candidate of Techni- cal Sciences, Docent, Head oY -theFaculty of Electrical Radio En- ginecring; Dashenko, V., Assistant, Secretary of the joint Radio- Physical Seminary The Organization of the Third Ail-Union Conference on Radio Elec- tronics of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education (Letter to this rditor) PEHODICAL: Izvestiya vyfishilth uchelinykh zavedeniy Radioteldinika, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 8, p 381 (USSR) ABSTRACT: 0111yedinennyy nauchnyy seminar Katedra radiofiziki i elektroradio- telthniki Sa-~atovskogo gosudarsLvennogo universiteta (joint Scien- tific Seminary Of the Chairs of Radio Physics and Electrical Ra- dio Engineering of the Saratov State University) heard and dis- cussed the report of workers of the aforementioned chairs who participated in the Third All-Union Conference of the USSR 11in- istry of Higher Education on Radio Electronics, which was conduct- Card 1/2 ed in Kiyev, January 22-27, 1959. The conference participants com- 05216 SOV/142-2-3-24/27 The Organization of -the Third All-Union Conference oil Madio Electronics of the USSTI 111inistry of Higher Education plained about the low level of ortranization of the Kiyov confor- ence. Tito thoses of the piLpers i~,rero printc~d nit'i delay., Tile repor-ts were not carefully selected and consequently, a number of theri did not contain any new infor-m-ttion or they were very special- ized. This resulted in a considorable number of reports Which over- loaded the conference agenda. The )articipfuits -~)raised the fact that the conference discussions were recorded by stenographers. The renuest was made to eliminate the aforementioned deficiencies a+;"a 'futurp--l." conf crencr,,, ASSOCIATM,': Saratovskiy grosudarstvenny.T universitet -SGU- (Saratov State Uni- versity) SUBMJTTED: March 7, 1059., C,arcl 2/2 ,PTARUSHEVp V.L.l GERSHTEYNV GA;-Jq~~LINIJKOV V.Ya. 1. - Veneclikt Ivanovich Kalininj obituary. Radiotakh. i*elektron-6 no.4~679-680 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:3) (NalininjenedUt Ivanovioh, 1907-1960) AKHMEDBABAYZVO M.Kh.; ARIFDZIIANOV, K.A.; BELOUSOV, N.A.,j BELYAKOV, S.P.; ZOTOV, V.G.; ISAYEVA, ZA; MAKHMUDOV, I.A.; ISHCHENYO, F.S.; ARASIL-INIMO-1a.A.; HIKOLITKIY, I.P.; UETSETSUr, A.1,11.; - FERGATp ?.F.; PAVLOVSKAYAp M.D.; SAMSONOV, L.S.; PCLIZHAYEV, A,I.1 SMItMOV, F.Ye,; SABININ, M.N.; SRUTYAYEV, N.A.; CHIZHIK, V.I.; KARPENKOp P.M.1 IMEROV, A.I. Mikhail Aleksandrovich Nenetskii; obituary. Veterinariia 37 no.10:94 0 JbO. (MIRA 1514) (Nenstakii, Mikhail AlekBandrovich, 18W-1960) PUTNITSKIY, s.ya.; KON'KOT, A.S., Inzhener, reteenzent; ILIHIKOT K, Yaj., Whener, redaktor; DUGIIIA, N.A.$ tekbniche78TrI-rLeIINi9O *^*AV"' [Rxamples of metal economy) Primer7 ekonomii metalla-, is op7ta kuznechno-shtampovochn.vkh tsekhov Uralvagonzavoda i drugikh pred- pritatti. Mookya, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry. 1954. 76 P. - (KM 8:7) (Forging) KRUILINIKOV Yakov Ivanovich; GOMM, S.P., inzh.p retsenzent; OVALMM, A.V.p iiiiih., red.; DUGINAj II.A.y tekhn. red. [Efficient layout of raetals] Ratsionalirvi raskroi metalla. Pod red. A.V.Kovalenko. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1961. 44 p. (ITM 15:2) (Shoot-metal. work) KRASILINIKOVY Ye.N. Blood parauites of turtlas in southeastorn Goorgia. Zool.zhur. 44 no.10:11,54-11,60 165- (MIRA 18%11) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut eksperimentallnoy i klinicheskoy Wilirgii i gematologrii AN Gruzinskoy SSR, Tbilisi. KRASILINIKOV, Ye,N, Effect of cold on, the hemopoiesis. Soob. AN Gruz. SO 33 no. 2140-05 F 164. (MRA 17:9) 1. Institut eksperimentmllnoy i klinicheskoy khirurgii i gematologii, Tbilisi. Fredstavlano akademikom K.D.E-ristavi. M ty 'IV , T3 4-n be t New s-1.1 I ,t, '~.ev,,parazltes pera le pe, . I .. I Gruv.. SSR 4, Ge ar g,; SOOb- AT 197- .tenta_l t,,Ly j ki in lcherkoY kh! Tu- - 1. InLqtitut okspe logiaL All G-nminokoy SSRa ~Slllr,,jtt~d "ay 8~ 1963. 1,S.; KHM)IL'NIKOV, YC.N. DAREVSKIY, p - --- Some characteristics of the blood cells of triplold hybrids of Lacerta saxicola Eversmann. DokI. AN SSSR 164 no.3:709-711 S 165. (KMA 18j9) 1. Zoo logic' he skiy institul. AN SSSR I Inotit-at eksperimentallnoy I klinicheskoy Uhirergii 1- gematologii A~Ii Submitted Novomber 27, 1964. MV U5 FRA gs-gi5. sr~ &AIM: RAE qzy CNIM SWIN IWO 1 'jt Uw- le,2 4i,l $ aP~ REP -- rule- M!"N' 43, aCZIlll~ ik7 , 4w dub Tl AIIAAM,11- trl 0 - - g n AM kiwf~ ri-5 A-A - YJTXIV~Nr J, '10,10zA Z,~! -zX y AV-: gg(k Tj ]l 41- pq zr~ Xt.; gop - fl~ "'N'.7 IT ~7 ~V 32A X 12 r 7Z 77:==~' -731~~-::, XRA,'::TTIFTK('V, Ye.Tue F-ffect of eL trans-vapoe ragnetie field on conveativs heat tranafer in the flow of a conducting fluid In & chaznel. Mag. gidr. do*3237- 40 165. (FaRA IStIO) KRASIL'MIKOV, YV,j . SUBJECT USSR/MAMMATICS/Differential equations CARD 1/4 PG - 582 AUTHOR KRASILINIKOV Ju.Ir TITLE Nonstationary motion of a viscous plastic fluid in a circular tube. PERIODICAL PRIKLAD.Mat.Mech. 20, 655-660 (1956) revi.ewed 2/1957 The author considers a rectilinear, axialsymmetric motion of a viscous plastic fluid in a horizontal., ciroular cylindric tube of radius a. If the inertia forces are neglected, the x-axis is laid into the axis of the tube and if cylindric coordinates are introduced, then the equation of motion attains the form U 2 21c 1 1 M A U r #X ^2 u. u(r,t) P P(x,t), A u d U 1 ~u Dr2 r ~b r 2 JA Here m 9 q- derisity, coefficient of viscosity, 2k the limit value of the extension or compression streas for uniaxial state of stress. From (1) it follows the boundary value problem Priklad.Mat.filech. 2o, 65.5-66o (1956) CARD 214 PG - 582 DU + M2au. + 2k I 10 t IF3 r u - 0 for r . a, u - F(r) for t - 0 [F(r) - bounded, continuous, F(a)-01- T Putting (Ocit - m 2 W(t) - m 2y +1(t), where -W(t) satisfies the T f 0 t condition f(T) 0 (f(t) f -T(t)dt) and if u. is sought in the form: 0 S f(t) 4- ~ (a 2 2) 2k 4 -V-3 r, then S satisfies the boundary value problem (2) ~S - m2'AS (0 _< r ~~ a, 0 -!Lt !C-T) Zt Priklad.Mat.Mech. 20L 655-660 (1956) CARD 3/4 PG - 582 (3) S - -f(t) (r - at 0:5: t K T) S - F(r) (a2-r2) - 'k (a-r) (Oikr *a, t - 0). 4 15~ Particular solution of (2) and (3) is 00 An nIrt S, (tt 0( a) - Z 'U (of, a)j 2+ [V. a) ]2 coo T c< a)U0( ix r)-U0( o( a)VO (ot r4 n-1 L o 00 A n sin n1rt Ot a) U ( De r) +V a) vo (Okr n-I [Uo(ola)]2+[Vo( o(a)]2 T 1190 0 0 1 r- Here 0(- nT , A is obtained from f(t) - OOA sin n Ti t and T T MFT n n U (Z) - I z 4 - + z8 . . ..... 0 24(21)2 28(41) 2 Priklad.Mat.Mech. 2o, 655-66o (1956) CARD 4/4 F9 - 582 2 6 10 0 2 2(11)2 -26 (31 )2 + Putting S - 3 1 + S21 then for S2 we obtain: 2 2 S OD Z ) exp (- qiMt 2 - Oijo(qi a 2 a where ql,q2 ..... are roots ordered with re 8pect to the magnitude of the equation J 0(t) 0 and I CiM 22 S + (3 a)JO(qi d Ii (qj) 0 where O(Sa) F(~a) - S,(O, ~a) -21s,2 (1- Ir2 4 V35~k After the general solution the author considers the special case in which p is independent of the time. INSTITUTION: Saratov. KWILtNINOV" YUJI Ybreign body in the traohea penetratIng through the Boft timus of the neck,, Testootorin. 22 no*6s9O-91 160. (KmA i4a) 1. Iz kliniki bole2mey ukhap, gorla i nosa (dir, - prof. A.G. Fetioov) Tbmsko o meditainskogo inatituta. tTRACHEA--FOMIGN BODIES) 27854 S/508/60/029/000/012/012 0, It 0 3, 112 1 f !V07 D225/D303 AUTHOR: Krasillnikov, Yu. I. (Moscow) TITLE: Moment of inclination of plane wings with skew blowing by supersonic gas flow PERIODICAL:. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Inzhenernyy sbornik, v. 29, 1960, 124-135 TEXT : 'The aim of the paper is to find the coefficient of the inclination moment for triangular, rectangular pentagonal wings with skew blowing by supersonic gas flow. Fig. 1 shows the diffe- rent system of axes used to deal with the problem. xOy is the system connected with the wing. Oy - a stress system in the direction of the flow, which makes angle 8 with the wing axes, x, 0, y, are the characteristic coordinates given by X1 ky, y1 + ky (1-3) Card 1/11 27854 S/508/60/029/000/012/012 Moment of inclination ... D225/D303 then x Lxj(K cos 13 + sin B)+ yl(k cos 3 - sin 33 2k y [- xl(cos 3 - k sin B)+ y,(cos 2 + k sin 8)] (1.6) 2k By the lines of disturbance, from A and B, the wing is divided into three regions I, II, III, where the distribution of stresses have to be found. For regions I and II it could be done by for- mula (5-10).from Ye. A. Krasil'shchikov's work (Ref. 1: Krylo konechnogo razmakha v szhimayemom potoke (Wing of Finite Swing in a Compressed Stream) Gostekhizdat 1952). In this case it will have the form P = + B [F, X y j El cl'rl d (2-3) Tr L d r~. Card 2/11 27854 S/508/60/029/000/012/012 Moment of inclination ... D225/D303 where BEF U p tge ,pj; x lyl] and y =Iyl(xl) - the equation of front edge, L - contour of in- tegration along the front edge, density of gas in the tin- disturbed stream. For region II the similar formula is given by 4P .RU2c( tge (1+n) arc Cos 1 - 2 t-g- tgE (2.5) -71- Y-A and for region III by formula Card 3/11 Moment of inclination 27854 S/508/60/029/000/012/012 D225/D303 n p eu2atgF-(l+n) arc Cos 1-2 + 7r rn t g te Y+731 + 2 (2.6) where n k+tg 3 M 1 k t& a (2.2) k-tg 2 1 + Ir tg- a The inclination moment could be found from the obtained integrals by Card 4/ 27854 S/50 60/029/000/012/012 Moment of inclination ... D225%303 'Mx= n Pjydxdy + L\Fjydxdy + Pjjjydxdy + OA~H OBEH APD (2-7) + P I jydxdy BBC By performing all the prescribed calculations the general formula for Mx is given by M pU$3 tg e (I n h* y-,t IT (" -,I" tg(G+P) 1h (2.17) + Rg (S + P) - tg 0 - P)lt(tg (a + P) + tg (it - M 2 h Card 5/11 27654 S/508/60/029/000/012/012 Moment of inclination ... D225/D303 The final expression for the inclination moment is then given in the form tg(g+p)]+ 2jf-ctg'r-tg2A 2 h '(2.19) true for 3 + C,~-,,,~Y2. Por triangular wing. the coefficient of inclination moment is caloulated in a similar way and given in the form Card 6/ 11 27854 S/508/60/029/000/012/012 Moment of incl.ination ... D225/D303 ~-Igly, tgsp) 12 -Fey I/Cit-g-3- 't (I g2 tgp;) --L(tg(,. +P) + to -P))(tg (a +P) - tg (a - P) + tg P) arccosx 12n x(1 -2 (t R 7 - t g (g - P) Ig (C + P) tg3 y (3-14) 1g, P) - -I- tg (a + P) (Ig (a + P) + (g P) + N (,3 + P) + tg (a P))x 12 12n x(fg(z+P)-tg(,-P)+tg~~arccos 1-21tgy-tg(4+0)lftg(g-p)+tgPPJT. Itg (I + P) + tg (g - P)j Itg y Por the pentagonal wing the corresponding formula is Card 7/11 27854 S/508/60/029/000/012/012 Moment of inclination ... D225/D303 RIX 2(1 (tg. (I + -TT (I -FctgT) -v,-tg, tg, (7 + 0) - , tg, +-3- h (,g, 'y _ tgt (S + p)) 3 CtgS I _,_ (I Ctg 7) X x ctg Tit x tg(&+P))(,+-Lctgytg(.+P))+tg(,.+P)(I h x (I - -L ctg T)] + (L tg, tg, P+ 3 V 4 tg (, + p h 4 (4-12) + 1 tgptg(a - P)) + tgo), t9 y OR y + t9 (9 + P)) tg x T2 (tgy-i-tgp) -k, h Y) x [!-. - -, tg (a + Y) (I - -L Ctg T)] - I (tg (F + P) + tg (s - P)) x h a h 12r x(tg(,+P)-tg(e-p)+tgp)arccosx Card 8/ 11 Moment of inclination ... 27854 S/50Y60/629/000/012/012 D225 D303 X(I-2 --X V9 (z + A) + tg (t - 0)) IIg y + ti-0) )j - rctg*, - CtRI (y - 11) t I , I x ((g2 I - le (I - P)) ctg, y - -s- (1g, (a + P) tg, (a+ ~4-12) h Lh -4 x -P x[-L-L--Ltg(e-p)(I--Lcfgy)]+- , tg(e+p)+tg(B-P) 3 h 4 h 12 it X (t 9 (F P) - t 9 P) + t g P) a rc cos x ~4 C12 X(I-2 (t9y-t9(I+P))ItR(&-~)4-t9PI)1I . 4.12) ('g(C+p)+tg(-P)J(tgy-tgT, Card 9/11 27854 S/508/60/029/000/012/012 Moment of inclination ... D225/D303 There are 7 figures and 2 Soviet-bloc references. SUBMITTED: February 20, 19503. Card 10/11 SA241621000100810081030 1006/1242 AUTHOR: Krasil I nikov. Yu. I TITLE: Aerodynamic characteristics of wings in supersonic flow with slip P-ERIODICAL; fieferr~tivnyy 7hurnR], !''ekhanika, no.8f 1962, 279 abstract 8B162. (Inzh. -1h., v.1, no.4, 1961, 18-26) /P TEXT: The p,iprir is &-voted to the problem of ster~dy staper- sonic gaseous; flow around n thin wing.. Starting, with well-kn~wn res),ilts of the theory of a thin win:-, with a finite aspect ratio, the fiuthor considered slip flow pant rectengular, trirtngular, pentadonal ano hexa,,_;0n,i1 win, ,.q. VoIng customary inethod.9, formu- lae are obtained for the coefficient, coeJ-fj*cient3 of longi- tudinal and trnnsverse moments of the wing, and tor the center Card 112 S11 2 41/6 2/000/008/008/0 30 1006,1242 Aerodyn-~mic ch-,.,-.ctPristj.cs... of pressure coordinitfs, -iz; function of the groometrical p~immeterr. of the win nn(l oi the n 1,1 U - , e of sdip, [A~.Stracter's Card 212) 399h3 S/258/62/002/001/012/013 1028/1228 AUTHOR- Krasil'nikov, Yu. 1. (Moscow) TITLE: Aerodynamic characteristics of a triangular wing with deflocted aileron leading and trailing flaps in supersonic flow PERIODICAL: Inzhenernyy zhurnal, v. 2, no. 1, 1962, 175-181 TEXT- The aerodynamic coefficients of the wing are determined on the basis of the linear wing theory, The solution of this problem requires the determination of the potential of the disturbance velocities, and of the distribution of the pressure difference over the wing; this is done for the cases of wing with aileron and wing with flap. The forces and moments acting on the wing, and their cocificients, are determined by integration over the whole wing, for the different cases. Lastly, the non-dimensional coordinates of the center of pressure of the wing relative to the central chord and to the semi-span are determined. The obtained formulas are comparcd with experimental results, and it is found that the agreement is satisfactory within the range 2 !!~ Af !~ 4. 1. There are 3 figures. SUBMITTED: November 2, 1961 Card 1/1 's i - " " - - zat I 1~, ir, plethyarno- ."g (:`,19,~ J,, Frcu thi-I of InsLLtute c; c): T o :-, ~ 11 .~ . AUTHORSt !AA. Yfkpolenko, A. TITLE, fligh-Stredgth St 71F.11td Ca-truct'jon,11 FERIODICALt BYulleten' 190bretenty, 1959, Nr 15, P 29 WZSR) ABSTRAM Clans 18d, I . rr 1214C6'1(597636/22 of 18 April 1958). A hia-atie-ng-TS-&-te*1 containing micke" Tchr,o: . silicon. manganese, vanadium. and tungsten. 0 ;rove the strength of the steel, the silicon ;nd Chrome content to Increased to 1-5% alul the ercentage of components Is an folloss: carbon 016 to 0:32%. silicon - 0.80 to 1.50%, nickel 0:80 t,1 50%. vanadium - 0.10 to 0.254, mang"~.* 0.50 to 0. " , chrome - 0.00 to 1.50%. and tungsten 0;50 to 1.20%1 the sulfur aM phosphor content a t higher than 0,025%. Card 1/1 IrACCESSION NRI AP4040614 S/0286/64/000/011/0021/0011 IAUVIORi Perellman, Ye. G.; Lady*gina, A. A,; KrasnitskLy,,.,,Z*,.,J*,* Zhetvin, N. P.; Kantsevayal Ye, H*; Bru9ilovs'kTj','B'.-S.; Sorokog N.; Filonov, V. A.; Ksenzuk, F. A.; Barzfy, V. KO TXTLEj Iligh-strongth steel for stamped and weldable parts* Class 21, No. 162866 SOURCE: Byul. izobr. i tovar. znakov, no. 11, 1964, 21 TOPIC TAGS: multicomponent stool, high strength steel, alloy steel, heat resistant steel 1ABSTRAM This Author Certificate has been issued for a high-strength'; steel for stamped and welded parts. The.steel, which retains its istrength at temperatures up to 300C, contains (in %): 0,25-0.4.8 C,''i 10.5-1.0 Mn, 0.8-1.5 Sig 2.0-4.0 Cr, 0.8-1*5 Niq 0.3-0*6 Hog 10.7-1.5 W, 0.05-0.2 V. ASSOCIATION: none Card 114t SHMIDT, N,V.; DOVTSOVp P.M.1 KRASILINIKOV, Z.N.; SHVACH, Te.N.; OVSYAN)axovf I.I. Heat treated wwbon siteel tor a P * Sudostroenie 28 no.9-"-O S 162. (KIRA 3.5: 10) (Plateo, Iron and steel-Teotihg) (Shipbuilding) --,nASILINIKOVA, A. I&I" of marketing costs in needed. Fin.SUR 23 no.516~A5 My 162. (MM 15&5) 3. Nachallrd-k otdola finansirovaniya torgovli,, zzagotovok kooperat-sli M-nisterstva fi-n-gov Uzbekskoy SSR. (LyzbekistanF-.Marketing-.-w^vosts) KWILINIKOVA. A.; LRVEDWA, A.; ALIFAMOV, V.; RASIX, D.; PATYK, B. "Urgent problems In developing the shee industryn(A.Y.Beliaev "Legkaia promyshlennost" no.8, 1954). Leg.prom. 15 n0-9:53 S '55. (MLRA 9:1) l.Simferopollskiy kozhevenno-obuvnoy kombinat no.2 imeni Dzerzhinskogo (for Krazillnikova and Lebedeva).2.Leningrad- skiy filial tsentrallnykh tekhnicheakikh kursov (for Alifanov. Basin and Patyk). (Shoe industry) MASIVNIKOW, A. 1. FmA31LINIKOVA, A. 1. -- "ReflFax Disturbance of Sili-vation anrl 30,1,3 Mothods of Eliminating It.,, Min Higher Education IYM, Kharlkov Veter-inarv Institute, lvanovo. 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Bio'logical Sciences) Knizhnaya Letopis' No 42, October 1956, lioscow, USSR/Human and Animal Physklogy- Digestion. V Abs Jour: Ref - Zhur-Biol -, No 6, 1958, e6968. Author 1 ,Tasi"lp Inst : The Ivanovo Agricultural Institute. Title :Disturbances in Salivation in Experimental Proctitis. Orig Pub: Nauchn. tr. Ivanovsk. s-kh. in-ta, 1956, No 13, 116-122. Abstract: Proctitis produced in dogs by the injection of a 10% solution of AgNO led to continuous saliva- tion from the mixed s2ivary glands. When the intes- tine was subjected to repeated insult, salivation diminished considerably. Reflex salivation from the parotid glands when bread was eaten was seen to increase, while reflex secretion from the mixed Card 1/2 USSR/Human and Animal Fbysiology. Digestion. V Abs Jour: Bef. Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1958, 26968. glands changed variously. Proctitis led to an increase in the pilocarpine-induced secretion of the mixed glands and of the parotid, but not in all of the dogs. Card : 2/2 ,--KMILINIKOVA, A,I, Review of a microbiology textbook by P.N. Kashkin. Zhur. milkrob:Lols apid. i i-mline 31 no. 4;248-149 Ap 160. (HICROBIOLOGY) (MIRA 13:10) S1058A 1/000//007/b38A86 A001/A101 AtMIORS Krasillnikova, A.M., Preobrazhenskiy, N.G. TYXIEs Quantitative spectral analysis by the method of spectrogram scan- ning PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no. 7, 1961, 172-173,.abstract 7G120 ("Dokl. Mezhvuz. nauchn, konferents1i po spektros'kopii i spektr. analizu!'. Tomsk, Tomakiy un-t, 1960, J14 - 46) TUTL The authors propose to use the integrated value of blackening ob- tained by scanning the line along the -alit of the microphotometer instead of maxi- mum blackening oC the lines, when condnating spectrai analysis for quantitative measurements by the photographic method. Examples are presented confirming the possibility of a considerable reduction of analysis errors when using the method proposed as compared wilh the method of measuring the difference in blackening the lines or measuring the "photometric width!' of the lines. .Wow M. Britske [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 ACC Ws-~i60'298 SOURC'E-CODE:~ URioi~ik~i60010081005910063 AUTHOR; Krasillnikova, A.' M.; Mikhaylova, Yu. M.; From, A. A.; Sirotenko, A. V. ORG: MunicipA clinical infectious Hospital No. 7/Chief Physician N. 0. Zalesk e (Infektsionnaya gorodskaya klinicheskaya bollnitsa no. 7); Department of Infectious Diseases/headed by Prof. K.~V. Bunin/1 Moscow Order of enia.and 0 d ' %f the Red of Labor Medical Institute im. 1. M. Sechenov (~4'ko's"k;Vs`k~-F"T;a MY Banner institut); Central Order of Lenin Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion/ Director Docent A. Ye. Kiselov/(Tsentrallnyy institut gematologii i perelivaniya krovi) TITLE; treating food poisoning with Polosukhin fluid and polyvinylpyrrolidone agents SOURCE: Sovetskaya meditsina, no. 8, 1966, 59-63 TOPIC TAGS: food poisioning, disease treatment, drug a;~" effect, digestive drug, digestive system disease ABSTRACT: Vic~t:&s-of food poisoning buffering fiom collap*se were treated ::with Polosukhin fluid, administered intravenously in 300-500 =I! ,-doses (in fluid therapy with physiological salt GolutiOn and .q~rd UDC:-6l6.9!t02Z-38=039 - 616.3-008-1-1=085A91-1 AP6029868 glucose solution, Cordiamin, c6fteine, ephedrine, and sonetimes Imezaton or norepinephrine). Diagnosis was confirmed by labora- tory identification of SaInmella bacteria in 67 of the 100 patients,: Polasukhin fluid was generally effective against collapee caused by food poisoning except in 5% of cases, but produced side effects. Polyvinylpyrrolidone agents were given intravenously to 114 patients ,with acute food poisoning (not always in collapse) in a dose of 1300 ml (in one variant also with Cordiamin, Caffeine, ephedriney ~or mezaton). Polyvinylpyrrolidone agents proved to be rapid and leffective detoxicants with no side effects. Polyvinylpyrrelidone ;agents detoxify by binding toxins in the blood vessels and by' !diu.retic actions [WA-50; CBE No. 12) SUB OODEz, 06/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 003/ OnI REF: 003/ Card 2/2 Lqv ~'f cil, d r"!:,~~lnc, crank:3haft Oil, (MIRA 1818) OfIrl 11 3 .5 5 4 16" 0 BEWMSOV, I.S.; MSILINIKOVA, A,P. Thutomerism of comenamic acid. Soob.Prim.otd.VKBD no-3: 129-133 '57- (MIRL 13:6) 1. Kafedra organicheskoy i biologicheekoy khimii Khabarovskogo meditsinskogo instituta..- (Picolinic acid) (Tautomerism) MAKAREVICH, N.I.; KRASILINIKOVA, A.P. Electrophoretic, study of the protein composition of the blood serum in endemic goiter. Trudy no.20:141-146 160. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Iz kafedry biokhimii (zav. dotsent I.S.Belonosov) Khalxirovskogo meditisnskogo instituta. (GOITER) (BLOOD PROTEINS) (ELECTROPHORESIS) K" Na'a pout of porl"granatc, yctomyelriis c-aratnildlic, Z. 11,601JOPtOra, lzv~ AN Tvirk, ~;5fi, ~~er. blol, nauk no.i','*G--46 164. (MIRA 171.9) zoologli i pRrazitolog'.1 AN Ttirmennl(oy S'R~ KRASILINIKOVA, G.A. Food Specialization in caterpillars of L~e pyralid meths Ectc~.71cjols ceratoulae Z. and Duzophera purilcaella Moor. (Lepidoptera, Pyralididae). Izv. AN Turk.,S)SR.Ser.blolonauk no,l.*55-60 165. (MIRJI 18t5) 1. Institut zoologli 3. para,-,ittlogil AN Dirkmenskoy SER. VAYNIRAUB) I.M., inzh.; GOBZAj R.N.) inzh.; KATSNELISON~ G.A,j inzho; KRASILOV) G.I.0 inzh.; ORENTLIKHER, P.B., inzh.; ERLIMMly ~~zq 'VDIMAIISMY, A.K., glav. red.; SOKOLOV, D.V., zara.; TARAN, V.D., red.; SEREBRENNIKOV, S.N... red.; IIIKHAYLOV , K.A. I red.; STAROVEROV) , I.10. j~ red.; VOLODID, Me., red.; NIKOLAYEVSKIY, Ye.7a., red.i SMIRVCV, L.I.) inzh.) nauchxWy red.; SEVORTSOVA, I.P.p red. izd-va; SHERSTNEVA, N.V., tekhn. red. (Adjusting, control) and operation of industrial ventilation systems]Naladka) regulirovka i ekspluatatsiia sistom pro- myshlennoi ventiliatsii. Pod red. S.IA.Erlikhmana. Moskvaj, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 555 P- (MIRA 15:9) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.)Glavnoye upravleniye sanitarno- tekhnicheskogo montazha. (Factories-Heating and ventilation) KRASILINITKUA G.A. - .--I'.,- Charactaristica or the way of life and phf?nolop-,, or pyralid moths (Lepldoptera, Pyraildidat')a lzv. AN Turk. SSR. Ser. blol, nauk no.3t6l-68 165. WIRA 18-9) 1. Illstitut zoologii J parazitologii AN truzrkmcmsl~oy SSR. KRASILIIIIKOVA, G.K., Cand Chem Sci -- (diss) "Synthesis and properties of simple vinyl and ethpylvinyl ethers containing ,.~- ijV,A~ cyclic radicals". MOs, Ll"p-ublia-_-~ of Acad Sci USSRY, 1957. 12 pp (Acad Sci USSR, Inst of organic Chemistry im N.D.Zelin- skiy), 120 copies (KL, 1-58, 115) I-- - 12 - -~vr: I L KWn I ITIKOVAv G. K. BOGDANOVA, A.V.; SHOSTAKOVSKIT, M.P.; KRASILINIKOVA, G.K. Investigations in the field of vinylaryl others. Report No.6: Some properties and transformations of virqlcyclohexyl ether and its derivatives. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.3:345-352 Mr '57. (MLRA 10:5) 1.Institut organicheakoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR. (Vinyl compounds) ~Tr Nm N AUTHORS: Bogdanoya, A, V., Shoi,,takov5kly, 14. F., G. K. TITLE: Investigation in the Field of Vinylaryi. Ethers (Issled-,vaniYe v oblas' -1 -.-inilari lo-ukh efirn-T) Ncite 7: and Radical Fclymarizaz.iori of the Simple Viny'. Ether of Cycl-,~hexan, P-Decal-z! and P-Xaphth~~I' (Soobshchen-~Ye 7- Ionnaya i radikal'naya polimerizatsii i sspolimerizatai-4 prostykh vin.~Ic-,,rykh ~siklogeksaacla, P-dekalc-,la i P-naftola) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akadem,.i nauk SSSR; Otdelen-lye khJLzi,-hesk.-"Lkh na-.1k, 1958, Nr 8, pp. 9100-99~; (USSR) ABSTRACT: In. publications there haye hitherto been no notes concerning the polymerization of vinyl-p-naphthyl- and vinyl-o-dezalyi ether under the action of the nitryl of azoisobutyric acid. In the previous papers the authors dealt with the polymerization of vinyl-phenyl and vinyl paraternary butyl-phenyl ether (Refs 1-3) as well as with their copolymerization with vinyl ether and vinyl-butyl ether. The present paper deals with the in- vestigation of the conditions required for the polymerization Card 1/3 and cupolymerization of vinyl-p-naphthyl-, -tiny!-P-decalyl-