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KOZY1REV,O N. A. "An Uni lentified Molecule in the Atmosphere of Verias :Ind, the Farthil' q Tnp~.r !,ead at the Ith International Astrophysical Colloquium, Liege, 12-14 Jul 195~. A careful 3hotometric comparison of the siectra of Venus and the Sun reveal~-d the edist--nc3 in that of Venus of two weak absorption bands with sharp edges, shading off toward the red: V ( ;~ - 4382 t 1A) and V.; (2~ = 4109 S 1A). The abundanc;B of these molecaes in the Earth's atmosphere is six times less than inthe atmosphere of Venus. No traces of these bands were observed in the BDectra of Mars and Major Planets. 6vioi 568946 KOZYREV, IIA. - . ~ -.. 1- Limtnoscence of thn moon's surface and intonsity of the cor- r.iscular radiation of the Bun. Izv.Krym.astrofiz.obser. 16: D8-158 '56. (MIRIL 13:4) (moon--surfaco) (Solar radiatinn) XOZYREV, .- f-pectral investigations of terrestrial planets on the 50-incb 3eflector of the Crimean Observator7. Izv.Krym.astrofiz.obser. A:215-216 '56. (MIFA 13:4) (Planet s --Spec tra) c_~ ~,N, A. [GILusal or agymmetrical mechanica in a binear approximation] Fri- cb.4jinaia. ili neoimmetricbnaia mekbanika v lineinom priblizbenii. Pu:'Jarrop G:Lavnaia astronomichaskaia. observatoriiag 1958. 87 p. ~HDA 3J.:7) (AstropbVeics) (Mechanics, Analytic) (Meebanicst Celestial) KOZTREV, Y.A.I. ~', Some properties of the atmosphere of Hars according to ispectrophotometric observations in 1956. Izv.Krym.aatrofis. oboor. 18:61-65 '5 8. 04IM 13:4) (Kara (Planot)) Trans!-ation f-orn. Referb!A,,,r-,,,'Y 7hurmall, Kczy ev, N. A. On tT ~ri t..s 1 1 v Fran the 22nd to the lftI, pho-, --)graphed the spa.---'ra of !-C'eI ~ij gral 'I, will-, Arleal, di-~.Ipcnilfon c-, f 2 3 e c of '11he Astrot)KY7, i t-'al, 'rc, ri"m.t "N 0, to e. wa~,, noticed tnat the f i - on 'Fhe obtained spnctrogr,un a gz--at _3 "30n" -ve I.L-, nlf?, dis( overed. From 3h +, . I rl&e was exc,~!Ptional,y bri --i! ot" bands wa5- o Ib 1. .1 r Pd. posrd. of nimbef t i m, s b r ih t e r t h ar t h e r e eed Y iJ wei s ban d 7 37 0 f C' -Iwat n On the Volcanic Activity on the Moon 68575 S07/35-59-1 1-9137 was reminescent )f a typical comet's spectrum. Trne obtalred result cffa, be explained by the fact that there was volcanic process on the Moon, as a result of which there was first an erription of volcanic ash, lessenirZ the brightness a-f the ridge,~.,and It- was followed by a gas-cloud - 4" in diameter, displaced eastwards of !he center of the ridge by 2", whose luminescence produced the emission spectrum. At 3h 310m universal time, the emission stopped, and the crater assumed its natural appearance. To the imformation is attached a glued-in piece with a photographic reproduction of the obtained spectro- grams. V.*i, 01haronov Card 2/2 Kom-=, N. :k. "SpectrU Evidence Of Volcanic Processes On '1%e Moon." paper presenbed at 1AU Symposium on the Moon, Leningrad, USSR, 6-8 Dec. 6o. In analogy to mountain-buildii1g processes on the Earth, catastrophical changes on the Moon over az_ area exceeding one square second cannot be expected. Such fine effects can. hardly be d(Aected using existing cartographic data. However the presence of mountain- building prc.:cesses on the Moon can be established from corresponding physical phenomena. Convincing )-roof of such phenomena can be obtained from spectral analysis. The spectra of klphonsut, taken on Nov- 3, 1958,and Oct. 23, 1959 show that volcanic processes are taking placj- In this crater at the present time. From here it can be concluded that the history of formation of the lunar relief is the history of internal processes of the cosmic :~Jfe of the Moon. 20907 S/025/61/000/005/002/005 .3, / 7 2,o Oo V /j //,Z 4 j 112 D241/D302 AUTHOR: Kozvrev, N.A., Professor, Doctor of Physico-Mathemati- cal,--.Sc fen.ces TITEL: The Enigma of the "Morning Starn PERIODIFJAL: Nauka i zhiznl no. 5, 1961, 27-28 TEXT: T:1e author briefly presents the findings of his research on luminescence on the night side of Venue. Although the Italian astro- nomer, 3iccioli, first observed this phenomenon as early as 1643, it was considered an optical illusion, since Venus does not have a satellite that would illuminate its night side. In the fall of 1953 ai. the Krymskaya astrofizioheskaya observatoriya (Crimean Astrophysical Observatory), the author decided to attempt to ob- tain a spectrum of the night side luminescence of Venus. Evening observE?.tions in 1953 before the lower combination of 9 April were except'..onally favorable. In mid-March, during the crescentf Venus was viiiible for about one hour in a dark starless sky. On March 18, Card 1,/3 20907 S/025/61/OOC/005/002/005 The Enilrma of the "Morning Star" D241/D302 a spect-ogram was obtained with the aid of a spectrograph with a quartz )ptic, on which were clearly visible the traces of the night side lu:nineseence of Venus. Measurement of the spectrum showed that luminescence on Venus is 50 or 100 times brighter than that of Earth's night sky. It was possible to distinguish more than 40 bright belts and lines, part of which are caused by the luminescen- ce of ionized nitrogen molecules. This type of luminescence is to be observed in the spectrum of aurora polaris. The green and red lines cf atomic oxygen are not found in the Venus spectrum, but are brightEst in that of the aurora polaris. For this reason, it was concluted that there is no free oxygen in the ionosphere of Ve~ius. Howevei, in 1960, the English physicistp Zerner LIbetractor's notes Transl_~terated "Tserner" , studying the author's published spectrum, showed convincingly that most of the observed lines were of atomic oxygen ions. The absence of red and green lines in the spectrum can be exp.Lained by the great density of electrons in the ionoe~here of Venus. The brightness and special character of ionospheric lumines- 2 20907 S/025/61/000/005/002/005 The Enigma of the "Morning Star" D241/D302 cence o-a Venus permits the assumption that radiowave emission from Venus originates not at the surface but- from the innosphere. The measured radiowave emission of Venus corresponds to a temperature of more than 3000C. This temperature directly contradicts the ther- mal balance of Venus. A moderate temperature of 30 or 500C is more likely for the surface of Venus, because the temperature of the ionosphere is determined not only by the amount of energy received from the sun, but also by the distribution of that energy in the spectrum of solar radiation. Inasmuch as the distribution of ener- gy in tiie solar spectrum corresponds to 6,OOOOC, very high tempera- tures a're possible in the ionosphere. Therefore, it must be conclu- ded that, the ionosphere of Venus emits in those long waves,for which the Earth's ionosphere is transparent, a factor which can cause serious difficulty in radio communications between Earth and Venus. Card 3/1 !qZTW, _~.A. Nigbt luminescene of lower atmospherts layers of Venus. Astron. tair. no.225s4-6 S 161. (KW .16si) 1. Glavnaya astionomichaskays. observatoriya AN SSSR. (Venus (Planet)) 3, AUTHOR; TITLE: 8/035/62/WO/012/01WO61i AGOI/A101 Kozyrev, N. A. On the presence of volcanic activity on the Moon PERIODIC'AL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya I Geodeziya, no. 12, 1962, 66, abstract 12A'01 (In collection: "Vopr. vulkanizma", M, AN SSSR, 1962, 72 - 73) TEXT; The author describes the obse--vation of November 3, 1958, of an event in the Alphons crater (see RZhAstr. 1959, no. 11, 9137, 9138). He is of the opinion that the basic relief of the Moon originated by the endogenous way. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 volcanic processes applying to planets" Report to be submitted for the 13th General Assembly, Intl. Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Berkeley, Calif., 19-31 Aug 63 KOZYREV.. N.A. Spectral Indications of the Watence of Snow in the Atmosphere of Mars Report to be submitted for the 4th International Space Science Symposium (COSSPAR) Warsaw,, 2-12 June 63 h` Rl- "R. q~ Wa; p Vvl~ IRl~ WNIN t~ g raw Pz 'rp MQ-E W -.LS7 1~ M --k!P j- MORA- 'L '7': Up -:gt - 4o~ 4 15W.M- Rvim '.4~000 -e -71~,~-t%~'p~'~'.~' -E,:",4 F~Z~ rz- Yll IINIA~ j lu 5 av~ or irl ~qg LWIlm VIC Pq ~~Nv ~75 V, & 5, -,ZOF,, a, v- ~P?- Ai wt. -,: r~v It ar All Oz , zzt ji KOZY-M, N.A. Volcanic activity ar.tho,lunar crater Aristarchus, Astrone tRir. Z74tl,2. D-163* (mm 18,10) 1. Goeudarstvennaya astronomichaskaya observatoriya, Pulkovo. ACC NR% AI6020769 SOURCE CODE"j, UV,0269/66/000/003/0067/0067 Ab"LHORs Ko*-rev, 14. A, TITLEs tuninoscenco of tho Vanua night sky SOURCEi Rof. zh. Atronomiyap Abs. 3-51,564 REF SSOURCEi Sb. Vopr. aotrofizikie Kiyov, Nauk. dumka, 1965p 12-13 TOZIC TAGSt Venus planet, luminescence, formaldehyde AB,I;MkCT: 7ho luminescence of the night sky of Venus consists of tho luminescence of the lower la;--ers, the spectrum of which is similar to that of formaldehyde (ECHO), and the luminesconce of the Venus ionosphere. The spectrun of the latter, which containo bands of N2, N~, and possibly O+p was obtainod by the author on 18 March 1953p and again in Ma7 1964o The lumineacenco intennity of the ionospherop oven at its maximunp was 5-10r timt%s lower tl%an the luminesconoo of the lower layera which oreated an illuni nation of 2 erg/cm2.seo on the Venus ourfaoe (an on Earth from tho full Moou)e Ve B* /Tranalation of abatract/ SUB CODE: 03 Card 1/1 -T.Rr.V, N.A. KAMRFEL-D, KOZLOV, K.; VVIDAMMY, K.A.; SUSLOV, A.Y.; hin-i v, t'. -AA tuary. lr"v. '~-je ~;. geog. 9'1-*no.z&:388--390 JI.-Ag 165~ -.8-.8) M71-C11--l I KO?'YRET, N.A. Spectral indLcatirns of the preoerice of snow and ice in thr- atmosphere of Xara. Izv. GAO 23 no.1:72-71i 16, /, . KOZYMV N Aj, prof.; DZWMdDZE, G'jU', doktor fizlko-matem. nauk, lwMM&w';;4 pror,; DUBINSM, M,G.q doktor tekhn, muk Continuing the disaussion of Dean2s drive. Tekh. MOL 31 no.39, 26-28 063~ (MIRA 1626) lo Ieningradski politekhnicheskiy institut imeni M. Fa3laina (for DzhanelidO50 (Dean, Norman LO (Mechanics) KOZYUL NL Ferrite valve for waves with mutually perpendicular polarization# Elektrosviaz' 17 no.4s28-32 Ap t63. (MIRA 16:4) (Wave guides) (Microwaves) SIIOS1631018100110031011 D201/D308 AUTHOR: KozyLrev,-N.D. Member of the Society (see Associa 'Ron) TITLE: The structure of the field in a coaxial line, con- sisting of a metal tube with a hollow coaxial cylin+' der inside it PERIODIC4,: Radiotekhnika, v. 18, no. 1, 1963, 19-22 TEXT: The author derives a system of equations for the propagation constant of a coaxial line as above. TI-te boundary con- ditiors are that the tangential electric field components vanish at the waveguide walls and that the field is finite on the waveguide axis. The system of equations so obtained permits the finding of the propagation constant for the following particular cases of line struciure: solid cylinder inside a metal tube; metal tube wholly fillec. vrith.dielectric; circular waveguide with inner surface coated with 41 layer of dielectric. There is 1 figure. -Card--'-./2 S/108/63/018/001/003/011 The structure of the field ... D201/D308 radiotekhniki*i ASSOCIATION: SUMITTED: Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obahchestvo elektrosvyazi im. A.S. Popova (Saentific and Tech- nical Society of Radio Engineerin Electrical Communications imeni A.S. Popov) FAWacter's notez Name of Association taken from of journal_7 November'29, 1961 4414 ie.Ugirmering and Bled rocom~. flozyREV, N.Y. ~, Complete mechanization of lumbering operations at the Krasnovskiy lumber camp. Lee.prom.14 no.4:12-14 Ap 154. (MLRA 7:4) 1. GIavny7 inzhener trasnovskogo leepromkhose. kombinate, Arkhangellekles. (Lumbering) SOY/ 112-58-Z 2-3435 Tninslatizn from: Referativnyy zzlearnal, Elektrotekhaika-, 1958, Nr 2, p Z51 (USSR) AUTHOR: Knzyrev N. F. TI'ME: The Au'Mmatic Dryi---g of Telephone Cables ?A-%--v-,mat,.%atsiya sushki telefonnykh kabeley) PERIOMCAL: V ab. : Raboty M-va elektrotek.1-.n. prom-sti SSSR po mekhaniz. i aytoxnatiz. nar. kh-va, Z. M. , 1956, pp 105-109 ABI;TR.A('-',T- A scheme is described d an instru.ment to continuously monitor the dryi_rg ef telephone air-space cables at a factory during the final stage of cable zw_,!~.i_,facture in a vacuam appaTat-as. Cwnponerts of tY.,e scheme are giver. for neas --I Y ur!77,g the temperature f the cable be- g dried and for measuring the insu- resistar,,.ce of the cable control care -respect to otler groL~nded wires. A scheme is a'-so deEcribed fnr protecting the cable being dried against being c-verheated d-uring its heating by electric curreit. A. G. P. Ca.-d 1!1 KAUFMAN, L.M., prof., d-nktor tekhn. nauk; KQZYIM, N.N.p inzh., retsenzent; KUMETSOV, M.M.0 kand. tei6. nai,,kj, red. (Automatic control syl3tems without a coiylng mechanisms for machine tools] BaskopirrVe sistemy WvtopmitizatwEdi stankov. lzd.2., perer. i dap. Moskva, Mashinostroonle, 1965. 511 P. (MIRA 18:4) K" C -2~,/ R iz- &,. -7- TOSH. I.Ye.j inzhener; WZYUV, ener. Automatic coupling for mine dump cars. (For. zhur. no.7:73-75 JI 157. (MM 10te) 1, Institut Olprorudwah. (Mine railroade-Cars) AUTHOR- Kozyrev, N.T., Engineer SOV-127-58-8-12/27 T I T LZ Automatic Coupling for ',:ire Trolleys (Avtostsepka dlya gluk- hikh shakhtnykh vagonetok) PERICDICAL: Gornyy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 8, rp 56-53 (USSR) AEBTRI~CT: The author describes a new ty-:e of automatic coupling "SAVII for mine trolleys, designed by the Institut Giprorudrash (The Giprorudmash Institute). The advantage of the new coupling is that all operations are automatic. A description of their construction and functioning is given. There are 2 diagrams. A.~:,SOCIATION: Inatitut Giprorudmash (The Giprorudmash institute) 1. Mines--Equipment 2. Couplinga--Design Cerd 1/1 SOV-127-58-10-16/29 AUTHORS: Sorokin, Ye.A. and Kozyrev, N.T., Engineers TITLEt A Rotary Tipper With a Passage for an Electric Locomotive (Krugovoy oprokidyvatei a propuskom elektrovoza) PERIODICALt Gornyy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 10, pp 52-53 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Giprorudmash Institute devised it now OPE-2 tipper do- nignod for the unloading of mine-cars of VRG-4 typep which permits the passage of the electric locomotive 10Y.R-7504 A detailed description is given. There are 4 diagrams. ASSOCIATION: Giprorudmash 1. Mining induatry--USSR 2. Orer,--Handling 3. Railroads --Equipment Card 1/1 - KOZYREY,_~,T,-,-;Lnzh.; LITV1101yo., ~1. p. . inzh.; SOROKIN, Ye.A., inzh.; SHIF, G.S., inzh. Bottom-dump skip. Gor. zhur. no.7262-63 il 161. (MIFA 15:2) (Mine hoisting) BUGAYENKO, S.N., gornyy inzh.j KOZYBEY, H.T., gorn)7 Inzi-i.; V.I.# go=yy inzh. Now unified UN-4.0 and UVB--4.0 caris. Gor. zhur, no. 12:48 D 165. (MIRA 1802) 1. Inatitut Giprorudmuoh, Krivoy Rog. ire i:yt- "The praventive treltm-nt of verrml tick-borne encerbalitis in the KnIAnin obl, Is t. " poge 75 De!ry,qt,~,ye s-ve-bch-lve ro rt~rpzitolaviches~lm rroblemqm i !-rirr~in--)r)ch-s)p--Cvym ynhryp 1010 1,. (Tenth Cntifprenco on hnl-zr~vzq~n. 22-29 nkt Frnble,~s rind Disc-q-,O,; with Nwiturtil Fovi Oct-ibor IrI50), lerlinvrz)(1, 10 (), AcsndetV, of Medical ScInnepi USM )rw-i Picnde,7T .5, e~f SclenceF, u"3SR, No. I 254pn. Oh,last Sanftary-epidoimlojob7ical ritation - rzlinin FSARASI G,G,.g inzh,,;_KOZYPSV,,P.P,.., inzh. Reppir of alumin= patterns by ara velding. Svar. proizv. no.I.- 33434 Ja 161. ' (MIRAL 14t 1) (Fmmdries-Equipment and supplies) (Abadnium-We3ding) Z/ -// P KOZYMV. P.S. Causes for the oresence of tick-borne encephalitis In Inhibited districts of Kalinin Province and conditions Under which the people become infected. Med.paraz. I paraz.bol.supplement to no.1:52-53 '57. (Him 11:1) 1, 1z parssitologicheskogo otaelenlys X81ininskoy oblaatnoy saniterno- epidemialogicheakoy stantaii. (KALININ PROVINCE-NNGEPHALITIS) ui7 ab N . . . " I t .1 1. 1 . .. . .- . . w . . .I. . A I ~~'DZYRF-V, ('I - SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS C,3D 1 // 2 PA - '.547 'UTHOR 11 KOZYREV,P,Tc,, '~_SLEDOV,D,11, TITLE The Dependence of the Electric Condur;tivity cf P,.-,lycry5tft1line Selenium on Pressure of uP to 30,000 aTir PERIODICAL Dok1.Akad,Nauk, 110, fasc-2, 207-208 (19;ir") Issued: 11 / 1956 This dependence is here investigated at various tomperatureE by means of an apparatus for high pressures which is similar to BRIDGMWS device- Selenj~,m which was three times distilled in the vacuum at from 205 zo 2'01 served a3 initial material. The production of the samples (melting and crystallization) was carried out 0in the vacuum at 10-5 mm Torx, Crystallization tamperav-,re amounted to 214 , Micro- and macro-cavities were eliminalled by compression of the sample at 10~000 atm and 214 0 and by following heating of the zample tc thls temperature during a long period of time, Hereby density was increased by 06 to 70i'o' and electris conducti-ity by the 16 to 2-fold its pre-.riouB amount Th~_ pre5sure dependence of the electric oonductivity of these samples was 0 eated within the tomperature interval of from 20 to 125 . Resultq aro ahown in a diagrai.-. lkt high pressures electric.. conductivity deppends exponentially on preasure, In the case of one of the samples the specific resi2tance cf selenium at room temperature and atmospheric pressure is 216.1o 4Oh~-, -m ba'z ai 30~000 atm t '1~~ only 42,, Approximate3y the aainc' resx.1t-_- w~-.rc- ~btaincd for the other samples, Dc,kl.,Akad.,Nauk, 110, faBc.2-j 207-208 (1956) CARD 2 ? P'k I In the caset of all samples it Is approximately true ~he :orJ1ur_1~i--ity r- that cr = A, e (T - abs, "E/2kT, olute temperature), Tha acti:-,at',ou erirCy divLaishes with an increage of prQssurg. III tile case of ordinary --illy puv~ 13CA '~'r~lum (about 0,006~--O non-zolatile rest) the temperature depovdente rf 0 W&Z-- high However, at 30,000 a-M the spe,.ific resistance at room temperatur#7 -aE-, 50 ohni. J e. it ~a near the value ~,f the specific resistance for the apecially purified saleaiulol (42 ohrr cm)~. W I n 0 At presert similar in7estigations are being carried o-.t for sel~nlumY_:rysta.191 the first results obtained differ only little from the resulta leecribed her,~- for polycrystalline selenium. At room -',--Umperatu~e tile rPz-i2-can,:e of th;- moncr,rystal at atmospheric pressure is 2~10 Ohr:'~M~~ bUt at, NY-000 atm. it i6 56 A-,c!ordine to a comparison with BRIDGMAN'S results for tellurium; aelenium and beha-e in a similar way wbe-rz Jjbje';tPd to pressures. The authcre investigated an admixture semiconduci~,x with hoI14-conduc- tivity Selen.iunn of this k--'-nd probalcly has an adn"xcuro !,:_-nduct,-v_-*ty at 1,:%y pr,t~ssurea and an Independent condu--tivizy at h_4(.;h press~zre3. TLis is cenfirajed by the fact that the electric conductivities of 5pocially purifle-I and of -Aieraically pure selenium are nearly iientical. 114STITUTION: Leningrad Physictal -Technical lnstltut~ of rhe Academy c1" S~7ierce in the USSR- AUTHOR: KOZYREV,P.T. PA - 2043 TITLE: 'The-EN-6TH-c-Properties of Polyorystalline Selenium in the Case of Existing and of Lacking Equilibrium.(Russian). PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhnioheekoi Fiziki, 1957, Vol 27, Nr 1, PP 35-44 (U.S.S.R.) Received: 2 / 1957 Reviewed: 3 1957 ABSTRACT: The electric DrODOrtieS Of Dolyarystalline selenium in the case of equilibrium and darkness: As initial material for the investigations amorphous selenium with the following admix- tures was used: 09001~ To, OPOO063( 8, non-volatile remainder 00006%. This material was additionally purified by sublimation in the vacuum. All samples were produced from the same piece of amorphous selenium. Production of the various samples is discussed in short. Electric conductivity was in all oases measured by means of the probe method. Thermoelectromotorio force was determined by means of a high-voltage potentiometer. The dependence of electric conductivity (at equilibrium) and of the thermoeleotromotorio force on temperature: Measure- ments of these quantities in all cases began at about 400 C. Thermoolectromatorio force in lose sensitive to deviations from equilibrium near 400 C than electric conductivity. If, Card 1/3 therefore, electric conductivity is reduced to its equilibri- PA - 2043 The Electric Properties of Polyorystalline Selenium in the Case of Existing and of Lacking Equilibrium (Russian). um in the neighborhood of 400 C, thermoeleatromotoric force will probably correspond to equilibrium. Measuring results are shown in form of diagrams. The conductivity 600 , which oorreaponds to equilibrium, increases to a certain maxi value with rising temperature, after which it again diminishes. In the case of nearly all samples this maximum is near 1450 C- The thermoelectromotoric force goo which corresponds to equi- librium increases with a rise of temperature and the tempera- ture dependence of 900 is qualitatively equal in the case of all samples investigated. The sign of GOD in all cases corresponded to hole conductivity. Experiments carried out with a view of electric conductivity electric conductivity and tho mobility of selenium crystal- lized at 4000 atm are not only not greater but even lower than in the case of selenium crystallized under atmospheric Card 2/3 pressure and otherwise equal conditions. However, high PA - 2043 The Electric Properties of Polycrystalline Selenium in The case of Existing and of Lacking Equilibrium (Russian). pressures of about 4000 atm. exercise considerable influence on the kinetics of the crystallization of selenium, and therefore the part played by pressure is in this case reduced not merely to the approximation of the grain, but pressure also influences the process of crystallization as a whole. Further experiments carried out with a view of increasing mobility by pressure are discussed. At high temperatures a connection between nCD and u0, is noticed. The higher n03 becomes, the lower uOD will be. In conclusion, exRerimental results and the mechanism forming the basis of the above phenomena are discussed. ASSOCIATION: FTI Physioal-Technical Institute) Leningrad PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 rz.;-'A I?, t- KOZYIIEV, P.T. Cand Phys- 11 :-4 .9 Math Sci -- (diss) jft~j'w'iwy-4'Ato ItmBCable and,ull'stable TLecLrical Processes in,3elenium ujld~r varyingPi-es e nd'Tif6mperatures 11 Len 1958, 12pp (Acad Sci W USSR, Len Phys Tech Inst),)i5O co~les- M, 41-58, 119) , AUTHORi Kozyrev --- - -- 57-28-3-12/33 TITLE% The Growth of hionocrystaltj of Hexagonal Selenium (Vyrashchi.- vaniye Ynonokrietallov gekuagonal'nogo selena) U PERIODICAL3 Zhurnal Teklinicheakoy Fiziki, 1956. Vol. 28, lir 3~ PP-500-505 (USSR) ABSTRAM Two methods for growing of selenium-monocrystals from the vapor phase and from the melt are given here. It is shown that in both methods the fundamental difficulty in . grow- i n g monocrystala is the slowness vith which the insertion of the selenium,-molecules into the lattioetakes place. Mono- crystals with dimensions of about 15 x 7 x 6 mra were obtained. The analysis of the reaulte fror.~, growing x lenium.-mono,- crystals under pressure is -iven. It is shovin that tile rate of g7rowth of -the monocrystals under pressure is - 103 titnee higher than on ordinary conditiong. Ott this basis it is con.. eluded that it is possible to apply a zonal purification of Card 112 selenium under pressuri- Consideratiomon the crystalliza- The Growth of Monocrystals of HeYua_,gonal Selenium 57 -32-3 -11-133 tion process of aelenium are given. It in aa3umed that the fundamental cause for the slowness with which the 3elenium molecules are inserted into the lattice is the closed chain;- -structure of the moleculeq in amorphous selenium. In order that the respective molecule can be inuerted into the cr;fstal., it muot be trannformed to a linear one, i.e, the closed chain--molecule must be torn apart by the thermal motion. This process is connected with the activation work. "herefore the number of those molecules which are capable of being immediately inserted into the crystal is small in comparison to the number of molecules in the melt. On the action of the hydrostatic pressure upon the melt the activation ifork decreases and consequently the velocity of the formation of the crystalline phase increasea. Professor D. If. Nasledov helped with the works There are 2 figuresi and 5 references, I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Fiziko-.te khniche ski y inotitut AN SSS11 Leningrad (Leningrad Physical -- Chemical Institute..,AS USSR) SUBMITTEDi AT),,jl 23i 1957 Card 2/2 1. Single cry s ta2,~.- -Grow tt, 3. Crystals.--Lattices 'Selenium crystal!_--_'1Jajth XOZYFW, P,T, Bffect of pressures of LIP to 30,000 atm on the electric conduc- tivity of selenium. Part 1. Fla,tyer.tela 1 no.1:104-112 Ja 159, (MIRA 12:4) (Selenium--Electric properties) KOZYRXV, P.T. Removal of oxygen from selenium and the effect of high pressures on Ito electric oonductivitys Fixetyer.tela 1 no.1:113-12) JA '59. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Leningradskiy fiziko-takhnichookly institut AN SBL'JR. (Selenium--Electric properties) (03qgen) 32092 S/18 61/003/012/027/028 (/0 3 El 25Y,3108 AUTHOR3 Kozyrev, F. T. TITLE: The nature of the acceptor levels in hexagonal selenium PERIODICAL3 Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 12, 1961, 3746 - 3748 TEXT: The assumption that oxygen is the principal impurity in hexagonal selenium has been confirmed by experiments simpler than previous ones. The device used to purify selenium from oxygen is shown in Pig. 1. The initial selenium was placed on the bottom of a quartz flask (1) which was closed with a test tabe. The flask was filled with purified charcoali evaouated, and heated to 300 - 3500C after the charooal had been degassed at 8000C. The selenium vapor condensed in the enlarged apace (3) flowed into the bulb (4). Under these conditions, the oxides in the selenium vapor were reduced to pure selenium on contacting the coal. The resulting small amount of CS2 was sucked off. Fig. 2 shows the temperature depend- once of the electrical conductivity of vamploo crygtallized in vacuo at Card 1/4 312 S /1 1'~912 /003/012/027/028 ~7 The nature of the acceptor... B12.5 B108 2100Ce The resi8tivityg which did not exceed (1-2)-104 ohm-cm in the initial selenium, reached nearly 1-10 8 ohm-cm at the minimum of the a(lft) curve of oxygen-free selenium. This value agrees with the results of a previoug paper of the author (P. T. Kozyrev, FTT, .1, 113; 1959)- Contamination can only be brought about by a chemical reaction of seleniu;-.1 or of one of its oxides. It is still unknown whether electrical conduc- tivity is changed by deoxidation or by the infiltration of impurities from the coal; 'but it may be assumed that only few impurities infiltrite from the coal and that the impurities of the annealed coal were chiefly metals. It is improbable that impurities from the coal should increase the resistivity of selenium by,10 4 times. Accordingly, the results of this article demonstrate that the acceptor levels in selenium are caused by oxygen. There are 2 figures and 3 references: 2 Soviet and 1 non- Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Piziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. P. Ioffe AN SSSR Leningrad (Physicotechnical Institute imeni A, F Ioffe AS USSR, Leningrad) n Vhrd 2/s '2- KCIZYREV, S. A. Isolated subcutaneous trauratic rupture of the pancreas. Khirurgila. 38 no.5:137-118 My 162. (MM 15:6) 1. Iz khirurgiche8kogo otdaleniya Yurginskoy rayannoy bol'nitsy (glavrqy vrach I. A. 311kanit) Tymenskoy oblasti. (PANCREAS-MJPTURE) GOLYAKOV.Petr Antonovicb; GURSVICH,Ya.D.; KOZTFLEV,S.M. [Handbook for aetting up work norms in well drilling and petroleum production) Spravochnik normirovshchika v burenii Bkvazhin i doby- che nefti.[2. izd.] Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo neftianoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1955. 186 p. 04LRA 8:11) (Petroleum industry) (Wages) GRINGOLITS. L.A.; I ZYRRY SIROTTA. B.L.; FILINA, M.D.; YURKEVICH. V.S.; GUIMVIGH, a. ., redaktor; BKKW, Yu,X *, vedushchiv radaktor; FOLOSINA. A.B.. tekhnicheekiy radaktor [Manual of wages in the petroleum industry] Spravochnik po zarabotnoi plate v neftianoi promyshleanosti. Izd. 2-oe. perar. i dop. Moskva. Goo. nauchno-tekha. izd-vo neftianoi i gorno- toplivnoi lit-ry, 1956. 342 p. (MIRA 9:10) (Wages) (Petroleum industry) GORKIN, S.; KDZnW, S. Reorganize the work of la,bor and wage sections. Sots.trud. no.1:55-59 Ja 157. (MLRA 10:4) (Petroleum industry--Production standards) KOZTRET, S.P., linsynyy mekhanik Chemical control of the water regime in steam boilers. Rech transp. 17 no.8:21 Ag 158. (MIRA '1140) 1. Serpukhovakiy tokhuchRatok, (Boilers. Marine) (Feed-water regulation) KOZYREV, S.P., inzh., linsyny7 mekhanik Counterflow water softener. Rech.transp. 18 no.2:45-46 F '59. MRA 12:4) 1. Serpukhovskiy tekhuchastok. (Water--Softening) KOZTRF,V, S.P. Experience In purifyinP, water for steam guperboaters of KV-5 boilers. Rech.transp. 18 no.6:50-51 Je '59. (MIRL 12:9) 1. Lineyrqy mekhanik Serpukhovskogo takhnichnakogo uchastka. (Water--Purification) (Boilers. Marine) KOZYF-qjV, S.P. , inzh. Dredger bucket chutes with rubber rolleru. Rech.trannp. 18 no.12:44 D 159. WIRA 13:4) 1. Linoyn3r/ makhanik Sorpukhovokogo takhnichoalcogo uchttatka Upravloniya kanala imoni Hool-vy. (Dredging machinery) KOZYREV, S.F. (14oskva) Cavitation in a hydroabmaive flow and cavitation abrasive wear. Iz-,r.All SSSR.Otd.tekh.nauk.~bkhA manhinostr. no.2:65-.74 I/T-Ap 162. (MIM 1515) (Cavitation) (Fretting corrosion) KOZYREVP S.P. (Moskva); KHRUSHCHOV, M.M. (Moskva) Combined cavitation and abrasive woar of &etaln. Izy.AN &SSR.Otd. t~kh.nauk.Mekh.i mashinostr, no.6t78-82 N-D 162. MRA 15.-12) (Mechanical wear) KOZYREV, .9,v. - Apparatus for testing metals for hydroabrasive we&r. Zav.lab. 28 no~10:1254-1255 162. (MIRA 15-10) (Strength of materials) (Abrasion) S1020101143100110091030 B104/B108 UUTNOIRS., Kozyrev, S. P., and Shallnev, K. K. T i T L-',-' Abrasive wear and cavitation PZRIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 143, no. 1, 1962, 6o-63 T~`XT: The correlation between local abrasive wear and cavitation in the eddy zones of hydraulic machines were studied in the hydrodynamic tube no. 2 of the institute of Mechanics AS USSH under the direction of K. K. Shallnev, jointly with the Institute of the Science of Machines AS USSR. The cross section of the working chamber of the tube is 6 by 25 Mm, the diameter of the cylinder producing disruptive-type cavitations is 6 mm, the flow velocitY of v - 17 msec-1 was conatant in all tests. Rolled lead plates were used as standards, water with sand (grain size 0-05-0-4 mm) served as an abrasive medium. The following types of wear were observed: (1) local channel type wear surrounding the cylinder on the pressure side, produced by frontal eddies; (2) wavelike wear produced by the turbulent boundary layer. In the zone of the drag eddies, wavelike wear was observed. which does not reflect the turbulence of-the flow. If there is a cavita- Card 1/2 Abraoive w-.,ar and cavitation 3/020/62/143/001/009/030 B104/B108 tion zoae turbulence andconsequently, wear is increased by the combined action of abrasion and cavitation. Cavitation of the cylinder has no effect upon ubrasion. Both types of wear of a disruptive flow lie in the zone of cavitation behind the cylinder. Cavitation and cavitation erosion', do not occur on smooth, plane surfaces whereas abrasive wear does. Metals ' for hydraulic machines operating with water containing sedimentary material: are to be selected on -%e basis of tests in which both cavitation and abrasion occur. A. A. Milovidov took the motion pictures. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 15 references: 9 Soviet and 6 noh-Soviet. The three references to English-language publications read as follows: E. N. Pales, Visual Study of Flow, WashinGton, 1926; T. Bovet, EnG. Digest, no- 3~ (1958); Ll. Prandtl, J. Roy. Aeronaut. Soc., a, no. 200 (1927)- ASSOCIATION: Institut mashinovedeniya Akademii naak SSSR (Institute of the Science of Machines of the Academy of Sciences USSR) Institut mckhaniki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTIED. August 11, 1961, by A. A. Blagonravov, Loademician SUB:-JTTLD-. August 10, 1961 Card 2/2 S1032 23/028 /63/029/002/o B1011B186 AUIHOR z Kozyrev, S. ~P_ TITLEs Ultrasonic device for testing the cavitation - abrasive wear of material. PERIODICALs Zavodaknya laboratoriya, v. 29, no. 2, 1963, 229 - 232 TEXTs The ultrasonic device (Fig. 2a) is charact,.~rized by the following special features: (a) the vibrator instead of being a nickel tube is a pack of permendur lamellao, 0.2 mm thick, (this being an alloy of CopPep and V); (b) the_object to be tested does not vibrate; (c) the device operates at 10 22 ko/seo so that no apeoial insulation from sound ia needed; (d) the g~p Ah which is a multiple of the diameter of the abrasive, prevents direct impact of the abrasive on the sample. Thu cavitation- abrasive resistance was tested by determining the weight losses using armco iron namples as standarda. The intensity of wear was found to be a function of Sh. In an aluminum Gample maximum wear was -observed with a gap of. 0.2 - 0.3 iom. This maximum was caused by the vibration of the cavitation huhbles. Tents were made with carbon steels CT 3 (St3), 45, Ya 08)v'M (00) and V12 P12) where the test liquid contained 10~.quartz sand of a diameter ol Oard 1/2 S103 63/029/002/023/028 Ultrasonic device for testing... B101YD 186 0. 1 'ram. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATIONt Institut mashinovedeniya (Inutitute of the Sciences of Machines) Fig. 2a. Working chamber with magneto- striction vibrator. Legend, permendur pack; (2) con- centrator~,1()3) working chamber; (4) water-cooled '~aaket; (5 and (6) sample holder; (7) sample; ~8) oon- nection nut for fastenind the samplel (9) 8upply for the test liquid;(10) exchangeable concentrator tip; (11) liquid channel. Card 2/2 KMYREVO S.P., inzh. Cavitation and cavitation-ebraelon wear as a current of water containing abrasive particles flows around surface rolighnegaes, Gidr. stroi. 33 no.2t43-45 F '63. (MMA 16:4) (Cavitation) (Abrasion) KOZYREV. 8.P6 Ultrasonic apparatus for testing materials for cavitatio--,-abrasive wear. Zav.lab. 29 no.2.229-232 163. OURA 160) (bbchanical wear) (ntrasonic testing) .-.'. KOZYabTj S.P.., kand.~tekhn. nauk; BILIK, Sh.M., doktor tekbn. I,. 1~ - ~ - , 1 - retsenzent.-... , Vt' [f~ydroabrasive wear of inetala due to cavitation] Gidro- abrazi"yi iznos metallov pri kavitateii. Moskvao Izd-vo "Mashinostroenie," 1964. 137 p. (MIRA 17-4) K02.,I-wl, S.P. lwi'ear c-f materials caused i),,,, a iy(iroaLrasive str~&:T., (loridit'jons. Tmn. i lzri. v ma,-lh. no.P:231-35 ! - ,/. l.- ~ U1.111,411 1-,1: I I T.) I . - IITTPQV~ Kci,ZYRSIJI~ . . "r,rinumee .-.r rv~r#-. I ~ I~i a L 1 ". ~, it -I e-, rjr.~ranrl t.1, 1 : 4 ,, r. .,, t. i ~, -1 ~ 1. ir i t4 t I f -, I .. 1 4 1,j erc-gior, I i-tv lfn,,dr,;!~h.rar,, 6 ~~Ilrj'. .11" f 0.1 i F, ~ _-i 1? ,!.0) L 2 EV1T(m)/EV4P(t)/ETI IJP(r.) JD/18B ACC NRt AP6016306 CNI SOURCE CODE: UR/0380/66/000/001/0091/OC,95 (Moscow) AUTHOR: _.4qzyrqv,,_ 8,, P. ORG: none TITLE: Effect of water flow rate on cavitation erosion SOURCE: Mashinovedeni-ye, no. 1. 19660 91-95 TOPIC TAGS: cavitation, flow rate ABSTRACT: Up to now, the development of cavitation erosion with time at different flow rates has not been examined; the present article,, basing itself on existing literature data, attempts to fill this gap. The de andence of the rate of erosion W as a function of the flow rate (vY Is expressed by the relationship I = Avn' where A is a dimensional coefficient depending on the experimental conditions and n is a power exponent. A table lists a number of theoroetically end experimentally determined values of n, given by various authors in the literature. This data was supplemented by experimental data obtained bT testing lead samples in a specially constructed hydrodynamic tube diagram given). The cavitation results wore observed with flow around a round shape with a diameter of 6 mm, placed In a roctangular test chamber, -.Card-- 112 UDC: 620j~3_~_:L6 L 42302-66 ACC N" AP60:L63U6 The results of these tests are shown in a series of curves. A relationship is established which shows that the value of the exponent, n, Is not a oonstant, but that It vnrios with the transition from one stage of erosion cavitation to another. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 1 table. CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 12May65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 003 Card 2/2 L 45128-66 E,c7(,n)/F1,-~'p(W)_/T 'E,'~ t JZU ACC NR, AP6025648 SOURCE CODE I WOO UR/0413/66/000/013/00!1~1 INVENTOR: Kozy:Kev, S. P. ORG: none TITLE: A method of testing materials for cavitational wear., Class 42, No. 183460 SOURCE: Tzobretenlya, promyslilennyye obrazusy, tovartivyi, ziiaki, no. 13, 1966, 99 TOPIC TAGS: cavitation, cavity flow, fluid dynamics, -zast=m--tbn:rL !Toe, ~ 0 f0i r~qe- PRO P69 7- ~r ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate has been issued for a method of testing materials for cavitational wearlk The specimen is placed in a liquid flow and in front of it is put an obstruction. To speed up the testing procedure, the obstruction is covered with a layer of rubber. [SAI SUB CODE: 14, 20/ SUBM DATE: 17May65/ Card 1/1 f~'N' UDC: 620.193-16-001-3 T, 0611141-67 IJP(c) JD/V'1/'J'r~M3/JT ACC NR- SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/170/001/006i/oo63 031 AUTHOR: Kozyrev, S. P. ~ORG: None T,ITLE: Cumulativ, collapse of cavitation (vapor) pockets SOURCE: P11 SSSR. Doklady, v. 17o, no. 1, 1966, 61-63 TOPIC T'GS: cavitation, metal deformation, fluid dynamics, hydraulics i!ABSTRACT: The author discusses the formation of cumulative jets during collapse of .cavitation pockets with regard to the vilimarity between this phenomenon and the for- Imation of cumulative water jets with collapse of surface depressions. This analogy is ,used as a basis for explaining the mechanism responsible for the destructive action of icavitation pockets from the standpoint of cumulation laws. An expression is derived !for the velocity of the cumulative jet in terms of the pressure and density of the luid and the initial and final radius of the cavitation pocket. Use of this formula izr analysis Of high- peed motion picture photographs gives a et velocity of 120 m/sec' ,~Taking the mass of ~e jet into consideration, this velocity i~ enough for plastic de- l P !formation of metal.~ These cumulative effects may be ex per imen tally observed in__a-1T__1 forms of cavitation. The article was presented for publication by Academician A. A. ~ ,lagonravov, 24 December 1965. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 2 formulas. ~SUB CODE- 20/ SUBM DATE: 17Dec65/ ORIG REF- 002/ OTH REF- 003 1/1 'lit UDC: 532-528 ACC NR, AP7000149 (N) SOURCE CODEt UR/0413/66/000/022/01144//0114 INVENTOR: Koz*e-y, S. P. ORG: none TITLE: Method~for studying the cavitationalercsion. of material. Class 42, 188731 SOURCE: Izobreteniya:, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 22, 1966, 114 TOPIC TAGS: erosion, t=s:t--- metal test, test method 9 Ct)V1r497'1oA1 X-46111D PCF3_&,, ABSTRACT: An Apthor CO-rtificate has been issued for a method for studying the cavitational er on of materials by which the test specimen is placed in a liquid in which a prespere is created. To simplify the system used for conducting the study, the surfAce of the specimen, is steam-treated. SUB COIDE: ;W, 14/ SUBIJ DATE: 16Aug65/ Card 1/1 UDC: 620.193.1 KOZY1W, V.A., vrach-neyroldiirurg Care of patients followina surgery on the opine or spinal cord. Med.sestra 17 no*10:36-39 0 '58 (mw 11:11) 1. Is Vauchno-issledovAtellskogo ordenn Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni instituta neyrokhirurgii imeni a3cademika N.F. Burdenko AMU SSSR, Mbskvao (SPIRY-SURGERT) (SPINAL CORD--SURGIMY) (POSTOPMATIVE CARE) KOZYREV, Y.A.9 (Koskva) Curare and curarelike substnnces in medicine. Fel'd. i alcush, ; 23 no.9:54-57 S' 8 (Hilu~ 11:10) (CUILUMU KOZYREV, V.A. Anesthesia in children in neurosurgery. Akt. vop. obezbol. no.2: 69-79 159. (KIRA 14:5) L Iz otdeleniya Nauchno-isaledavatellskogo ordem Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Instituts, neyrokhirurgii im..'Akademika N.N.Bardenko Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (iaveduyushchiy otdelenip3m zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof, A.A.Arendt). - (PEDIATRIC ANESTHESIA) . (NERVOUS S)?TE34--SURGERY) KOZYRKV. V. --4u4QlcvR) -A Digital bnpr9eAonB of the cranim. Vop.noirokhir. 23 no-3: 2;!--27 Itr-Jo '59. ~MIRA 12:8) 1. Ilauchno-iasledov3--tellskiy ordena Trlxlovopo Krasnogo Zrmmeni inatitnt neyrokhirurgii tmoni alaid.N.N.Burdenko Alatdemii modl - tainakikli nank 36bR. (CRANIM4, dia. craniostenonis with (III-ital Impres-3iona (Hus)) . CT 'Vj V. A. Cand Mted Soi -- (diss) "Clinical and. surgical __~ 4~q,~_ _-oy - treatment craniostenosio." Moscow, 1960, 16 pp, (Acad 'Pled Sci, USSR), number of copies not given, (KL, 31 -6o, 143) KOZITEV, V.A. Certain features of the surgical treatment of craniostenosis. Vop. neirokbir 24 no- 214lv-47 Ur-14 160. WIRA 14:1) (SKULL-ABNOMITIES AND DEFOMITIES) KOZYRE.V 0 Y~tA,_ Craniostenosia and some other forms of deformation of the skuU in children. Pedlatriia 38 no. 3:63-67 Mr 160. (MIRA 14:1) (SKULL-ABNOW.IITIES AR DEFORMITIES) KOZYREVq V~Ao-,,,- Graniostenosis. Zhur.nevr.i paikh. 60 no.9;LU5-lU9 OAZI44) 1, Nauchno-isoledovatel'skly ordona Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni institut neyrokhirurgii imeni N.N.Burdenko (dir. - prof. B.Op Yegorav) AMN SSSR, Moskva. (SKULI~"OIIMITUS PJID DFY013MITIES) KCZYREV, V. A. (Moskv~a) Use of an apparatus for auxiliary respiration in neurosurgical patients. Vop. neirokhir. no.6:50-53 161. (MIRA IJ,: 12 ) 1. Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni institut neMkhirurgii imeni akad, N. N. Burdenko AMN SSSR. (NERVOUS SYSTEM.-SURGERY) (RESPIRATORS) XOZYRL-vl V.A. _(kloskva) Care of neurosurgieal patients with respiratory disorders. fled.sestra 20 no.12:36-39 b 161. (MIM 15:3) (NERVOUS SYSTDI-SURGERY) (RESPIMTORY OftGANS-DISMES) KOZYREV, V.A_. (14oskm) 1, Tracheotomy, Felld. i akuoh. 26 no. 1:56-58 A 161. (MIRA 1412) (TRACII&A-SURGERY) KOZYREV, V.A. (Moskva) Use of oxygen in various hypoxic states. Felld. i akush. 26 no.',Y: 26-29 JI 161. NIII 14: 7) (ANOX124IA) (OXYGI!4--THERAPEUTIC USE) KOZYREV, V,A, Contour of ths,cranial bones in craniostenosis before and after surgery, Vest# rent, i rad, 36 no. 2:64-65 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Iz Nauchno-iseledovatellskogo ordena Trudovogo Kragnogo Znameni instituta neyr6khirurgii imeni akademika N.N. Gurdenko (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMII SSSR zasluzhennyy deyatell ' nauki prof. B.G. Yegorov) AMN SSSR. (SKULL-ABNOFU41TIES AND DEFOINITIES) ZOTOV, Yu.V.; KOZYREV, V.A. (11,oskva) W-dification of a tracheotmy tube, making possible a change- over from tracheal respiration to orid-nasal respiration. VOP. neirolthir. no.2:34-35 162. (Miru 1.50) (TRACHEA--SURGERY) (RESPIRATIO11) ,_Valentin Ar ipovich; ABRAKOV, L.V.Y _~~Zy~t~V kh red.; LEREDEVA, Z.Y., khn. red. (Graniostenosis; clinical aspects and surgical treatment)Kra- niostencz; klinika i khirurgicheskoe lechenie. Leningrad, Med- giz,_1962. 174 p. (MIRA 16-2) . (SK-ULL--ABNORMITIES AND DEFORMITIES) KOZME~ V-)9~ KOZYERVP V.A. Ohanges in the electrical activity of the cerebral cortex in craniontenosis. Probloom.neiro-khir- 4s136-1J.6 t62. (SKULL-DISEASES) (ELECTROEZICEPHALOGRTHY) (MIRA 1612) KREYS11A, L.A.; KOZYREV; V.A. Meetjngs of the s7lentific Society of of Mo-,cow and Hcj-ov Province; a brief r6pr-. for 19611. Vop. nuirokhir. 26 io.508 9-0162 (tam .1~, LEYrazoN. N.D., dDktor med. nauk; KOZYREV, V.A., Rand, Ted. rauk Satiiratlon of artor-lal and voiioui4 blood wj th rixygiln In c,losed ar-utte. f crani o(wrobral traumas. Trady -,),it. Ivi. N. Sklif. )-k: 104-1-019 16-3. ("'ItTri, !8:6) 1. Institut noyrokHrurgil Jman! akRderv.lica Ri-cdcnko "-MN SSSIR, lHoskva. trf at