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K07,LOVSKIY, V. Kh. Kozlovskiy, V. frh. [Leningrad, Institut khimil. s~11_1,rjtov AN SSSR (Inf;titute Por S11.1ctite ChemJotry, AS LOSSR]"SLructural- Lr)~;seo Iri Amiorphous Dielectrics 0 (The Physics of Dielectrics; Transactions of the An-Union Conference on the Physics of Dielectrics) Moscow, lzd-vo AN SM, 1958. 245 P. 3,000 copies printed. This volmie pub2lehes reports presented at the All-Union Conference on the Physics of Dizlectrics, hold in Dnepropetrovsk In August 1956, sponsored by the OFbysics of Dielectrics* JAborstory of the Fiziebeakiy institut Imnl Lebedeve An Sm (Physics Institute ireni lAbedev of the AS USSR), and the Electrophysics Department of the Duepropetrovskiy gosudarat'venMy universitet (Dnepropetrovsk State University). AUTHOR: Kozlo -I, Kh. -22 V-)ZlovgkiY- . _ 48 -3-13/3r, TITLE: Structural Losses in Amorphous Dielectrics (Strukturnyye poteri v amorfnykh dielektrikakh) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR,SeriyEL Fizicheskaya, 1956 Vol. 22, Nr 3, pp. 279-282 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Dielectric losses in amorphous dielectrics (e.g. in glass) are divided into three types: 1) Conductivity loss, 2) elaxa- tion losses and 3) structural losses. The relatation losses are caused by the presence of certain additional ions, e.g. alkali. Their nature was investigated both experimentally and theoretically in the works by Skanavi (Ref 1). With respect to structural losses it is observed that they are caused by the nature of the class-forming oxide. For this reason, the author,when investigating the structural losses, neElects the two first-mentioned types as well as the ions causing them. In the case of lacking relaxating ions, the absorption of the electromagnetic energy by the amorphous dielectricum must be practically of the same nature as its absorption by the cry- stal. The losses in the glass must be of the resonance type; they then do not depend on temperature. The resonance absorpt- Card 1/3 ion exists in crystals, however, only with ceratin frequencies Structural Losses in Amorphous DielectricO 48-22-3-13/30 within the infrared range and with glass in a large interval of frequency. The cause of these fundamental differences must be found.-In an ideal crystal, absorption is connected with two kinds of resonance, viz. According to frequency and according to the wave vector. In the amorphous structure, the .Lorced oscillations are no plane waves and therefore the con- ception of the wave vector and the restrictions connected here with does no longer exist. Lifshits (Pef 3) investiga- ted the absorption of the electromagnetic energy by the cry- stal with slightly deranged periodicity. Complicated calculat- ions showed that the interruption of the periodicity leads to the absorption of energy within a range of frequency that would be inactive in an ideal crystal. Concluding, the author states that Frenkell (Ref 5) tried to explain the temperature- -dependant lose-components in glass. He suggested a mechanism for the transformation of the electromagnetic energy of the field into acoustic medium-oacillatibns at the expense of the metal-ions contained. The calculation of the energy which is lost by the acoustic vibrator (Ref 6) showed, however, that acoustic emission influences the losses only very slightly. Card 2/3 The losses are obviously mainly connected with dissipation Structural Losses in Amorphous DielectricS 48-22-3-13/30 processes. V. A. loffe (Ref 4) presumed that the losses in glass within the range of ultra-high frequencies are caused by the presence of a great number of renonators with fre- quenoies of their own. There are 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR (Leningrad Institutefor Semi-Conductors, AS USSR) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Dielectric properties--Theory Card 3/3 ?HASZ : WOK UFLOITA'IC6 V.eszyv=Aym kcnf,r,ntslya PO fll.lks diellAtrikov, 24, 1958 41.1.1.triloo; truly rto-y k-f--tsil. 'Phy.l- or -.0 Physics of Dlv'-trl;v' of th" 24 LLI-Ll~lcn C ncror~nco on tl 1U ~' lal-vo AS SSM, 19t0. 532 p. Fra-.& allp Insort.d. 5,0G0 co;.2- ,,W.d. Sp..",J.g Agv~y. AkAA-ly. took 35SR. Plzi~b-klj l.atitut I-Al P.M. Z4. of Publi,htng J-L. Star~."A-~aymj Toh. FA.t I.M. Dir4k--~ &I-- rtal 1~o&rdi (2-P. 94.) .1. axat'l, D~cto- of Ftbysics xr~l IAth-nc-l-s, to r (D~oazod', s=d X.7. Cacllisto or PA131.s sz4 P1.70XIi This colle,tlcm of top-ts is lUtgoibd for SCi*Ati2t$ tb. pbyslz. Of CCVV4zSl Th. S-~.,& ~a the Phyll- of Dll.lootrl~. to'-- F-.-- at tb. r2il-boakly lAstlt,4t 1-1 P.J. L4t~44v& nmt!t-zts t-ai P.3 Lbodev) I= vormbor 19'.6 -4 att-lod ry "prejentatives of tz' of tb. IN;a ~~l Of ev&r&l ~ t r c - n t r I - ~ :h-Lo -1; m"t er the ~portm prosaztas at tho, conforows sad Of th- dluuA-1,z, which f411-4. Th. r.ports in this doaa di"tr-c pmpertlta, lc3**,, and polsritation, and with sp*cllc ca;,aeltamcm Of vk:-ouj CrIstals. chasucal coapo-' And cormajej. ?hQ%~ 014,CtZats, ft"oolotrIz tryst&I,, and ~rj,~ 7.11.tsm aAd Irr.liat'.z. a:- f4ots CoL 41141~te_l a,ro lo'cat. I'td. Th. 'O'~ a list Ot at!:*- ;^P* rl P.9jonted at ttA ooemr.=* doglin, with ;,OIAr2,AtjcO, 1,2.s, =A br`oaldow" Of di-l-ct-Ics. a.- Nt'llj--.d !A tho jo~al -, lya a S=, #-.1y. flzl-b.Wc&f4, S,. , gdZ 1%0. No p.rx.oalltloo are Womenzaa qa~b m;.r-. Ry 1E.Y.. Linker, and -;.r.turs B.;.ndanx. Al.ksapd. c"&in 21 "iA W=t gjol Dial"tri- Los... of S-- -in Strong 111,04T.J.~-7 moct'le hold. at (S-.bLr,okijl fl.ik-tklol.h.Ujy 1-1, T-n. (31b..-l- PhIS14. and Sct=tlfi4 R.S..rch Instit.t., Tos~ak)) 23 Insoms,slo. 37 1 2- on %ho Problaso of th. Stott. lOd-ti.. of 11.9-ganoo- blolectrlo LY.I-skkif Agricultural I" 39 Arkhamollskly, %.V. Disloctric P~sz,tsra of Doubla Liquid Syst~ in "a ...... - I -a1z. tv.r.-h 49 -PL-=rt-A-1--LZ=&louJ DI-P-72!- Dl.l"tr- I I I U-So LToX=mAb Agricultural --S at AlJ-'o ad 1-1. L.b,1115, Of ?at-. viscusoxam LrA A." - L-t~-- zl,;jy or C, and tj6 A as or fZ-54mt ---i FS h AN Sr-'B. I.' ati"t vyxlk-Oltx~l- 0"A. Laald--01 of ss'91 (c -1 %'6 ) of Cabs. P.?4-' ~ FAIAtic. to tt.Prop rtlea or t~A C~-Atg !Pa;,r and C. 'I) Discuss.. of t!~e Dr_11c Tb*3rY of rto,v,al Phom-ana in T~A. Cn K--Mt or As' tltut l.. V.I. Ul'y"ll. (Lorl-) (L..Ls;r.d ll~t~e~tzlca-l Laatit,&. V.A. Us* of Cjaxja~l Mav~,atorm for ;;~YSpojrt. C.p.~jt- 1. Isolation to Tams;.mt- ll-atitut- or Est.. m.1-4- cz.;~..s., Atdsy or Sclaxwo. m4R' 13Z ZhOlud" I.S., And V~-f Zrl'!k-;Ajth4l4&laotr*tm at" %no A-itstsll-r~-aflt AM of So- -.# Djn- 45S5& Of crt.tal- ;.gr.pby, =,__AX_-,,ao4 ft ChArgo $tablll.%l or la~rgmt& nftcrt4 Lrbd-, A.9 L:.W~ M--,wj 1$a KOZLOVSKITI Y-M On the existence of entropy In dywmics systems. Piz. tver. tela no-5:922-928 Yq 060. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Institnt poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Zntropy) (Mechanics) 82989 S/181/60/002/008/008/045 B006/BO70 AUTHOR: Kozlovskiy~ V. Kh., TITLE; A Dynamic Theory of the Deformed Ion Lattices of Seignettoelectric Crystals Y\ PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 8, pp. 1733-1738 TEXT: The general method of the mathematical description of seignettoelectric phenomena in crystals is based on a development of the lattice energy potential in a power series of the ion displacements, taking into account terms of at least up to the fourth order. As Born has shown, in order to include deformation, terms of order higher than the second have to be considered. In the present work a further V\/ development of Born's theory is made for seignettoelectric crystals in which the direction of spontaneous polarization does not coincide with the crystal axes.. Since the consideration of ionic vibrations under non-linear forces requires extensive calculations, the author limits his consideration to linear vibrations (taking place in the x-direction). Card 1/2 82989 A Dynamic Theory of the Deformed Ion S/181/60/002/008/008/045 Lattices of Seignettoeleotric Crystals B006/BO70 The potential energy of the ion is developed in a power series of the displacements along the x-axis and terminated at the fourth order term. Expressions of free energy of seignettoeleotrics are obtained as functions of powers of polarization and deformation. The temperature dependence obtained for the coefficients p2 and P4 suggests the possibility of phase transitions of the first and the second kind. Finally it is shown that the seignettoeleotric properties of a crystal can be related to interaction forces in a crystal lattice (3-9) - (3-11). It is remarked, in conclusion, that a generalization of Born's theory by taking into account anharmonic forces may lead to a correct description of many seignettoelectric properties of crystals. There are 12 references: 10 Soviet and 2 British. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR Leningrad Institute of Semiconductors of the AS USSa) SUBMITTED: December 10, 1959 (initially) and January 3, 1960 (after revision) Card 2/2 -, KOZLOVSKIY, V.Kh. Quantum effects In phase transitions in ferroelectric crystals. Kristallograftia. 6 no.2:225-230 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut plyezoopticheskikh mineralov. (Ferroelectric substances) (Phase rule and equilibrium) (Quantum theory) S/058/62/000/010/064/0'ln3 A061/A101 AUMORS: Kiner, Yu. G., Kozlovskiy, V. Kh. T I T T Z~': On the structure of subrtances fixing polarization PFRIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 10, 1%,62, 27, abstract !0E204 ("Izv. Leningr. clektrotekhun. in-ta", 1961, no. 46, 303 -_ 307) TEXT: The electrostatic energy of a substance (crystalline or amorphous) conserving the polarized state after removal of the external field is calculated on*the assumption of the substance being comminuted into submacroscopic regions with different directions of polarization. The calculation is performed by tak- ing account of both the presence of a free charge if - -c(cr,, where 0 -' cQ 9 which partly compensates the polarization charge on the interfaces, and the dif- - th ference between the effective field in the boundary layer and the field in 1: e bulk. It is found that there is a minimum of energy for a given dimension of the region, and that there is an equilibrium dimension of the region depending on 01'. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] V. Kozlovskiy Card 1/1 PLINER, Yu. G., starshiy n4uchnyy sotrudnik; KOZLOVSKIY, V. Kb., naucbnyy satrudaik. Concerning the structure of polarisation fixing vubstancea. Izv. LETI 59 no.46,303-307 162. (MIRA 15:10) (F-lectrets) (Polarization(glectricity)) (Dipole maments) KOZLOVSKIY, V.Kh. Dynamic theory of rigid lattices of antiferroelectrics. Kristallograftia 8 no.6:819-827 N-D'63. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-40610atellskiy institut sinteza minerallnogo syrIya. J KOZL(j'IISKIY, V.Kh. Quantum effects in forroelectric substances with hydrogen bonds. Fiz. tver. tela 5 no.11:3294-3-1,00 N 163. (MIRA 16-.12) 1. Vsesoy-uznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteza n u-nerallnogo syrlya, * Moskva. j", i~l hp g~1?212 20 - lik (_, I ;'rl V/ ;//1-- 119, SHIN, N.M.9 i~zh.;KOZIMMIT, T.M., lnzh. i Basic economic problems of the construction organizations in designing and building their production bases. Stroi.prom. 35 no.10:32-34 0 157. (MIRA 10110) (Construction industry) BALKAMOV, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, kand.lotor.nauk-.-.,EOZLOVSKIT,,V..H..,; KIRIUOV, O.P.. red.; RAKOV, S.I., do (Soviet trade unions in the struggle for peaoel Sovetskie prof- soiuzy v bor'be za mir. Moskva, Izd-vo VTsSFS, 1939. 125 p. (Trade unions) (Mm 13:7) SHMOV, HIkolay Aleksandrovich; 13UMaKOV, H.S.. prof.. doktor tekhn. nauk, rotsenzent; KOZLOYSKIT, Y.H., inzh., nauchnyy red.; KAPW' H.Ta., re Te.A., LToohnolosy of buildingJ Takhnologiia stroitellnogo Prois- vodstva. Leningrad, Goe.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialame 1959o 376 p. (KMA 13:3) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii stroitalletva I arkhitektury SSSR (for Budnikov). (Construction industry) KARPOV, Fedor Fedorovich; KOZLCv -Yalor yan -Ilikglayevich; VORONITSOVp F.F., red.; BORUNO tekhn. red. [Designerts handbook on wires and cables]Spravochnik po ras- chetu provodov i kabelei. Moskvay Goseenergeizd-vo) 1962. 176 p. (MIRA 15:8) etc.) (Electric power dist-ibution--Handbooks, manuals, (Electric cables-Handbooks, manuals, etc. (Electric lines-Handbooks, manuals, etc.~ KOZLOVSK v ., Lipoid and protein metabolism in arteriosclerosis. Sov.mad. 26 no.10:10-14 0 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Iz Glavnogo voyennogo gospitalya imeni N.N.Burdenko (nachallnik L.I.Lyalint glavnyyterapevt M.I.Teodori). (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS) (PROTEIN METABOLISM)(LIPID METABOLISM) V.N.,, kand. med. nauk (~IosYya) Effect of corn oil on some indicators of lipoid and protein metabolism in atherosclerosis patients. KIAn. med. 40 no.3.1t 112-115 N162 (MIRA 16:12) 1. Iz glavnogo voyannogo gospitalya imeni N.N.Burdenko. KOZLOVSKIYj V. N. KOZLOVSNIY) V. N.: "Criteria for the completeness of recuperation from Botkin's disease as applied to the conditions of an infectious hospital". Moscow., 1955. Military Faculty of the Central Inst for Advanced Train- ing of Physicians. (Dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Medi- cal Science.) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis' No. 50 10 December 1955. Moscow. KOZLOVSM, V.N.; MERKINA, L.G. Comparative rating for determining prothrombin (~alck-Kudriashovls and Borovskaials methods. Lab.delo no.4:14-15 Jy-Ag 155,(MLRA 8:8) 1. Iz 2-y kafadry terapti ( B.Z. Votchal) i kafedry laboratornoy diagnostiki ( Te.A.Kost) Tsentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvoyauiya Ymchey, Moskva. (PROTHROMBIN TIMI. determination. Q,alck & Borovska-l'u's methods, comparison) KOZLOVSKIY, V.N. . - ;' Weltman a reaction on modified and simplified by Teufl and its importance for prognosis in Botkin's disease. Lab. delo 3 no.2:30-33 Mr-Ap 157 (ULRA 10:5) 1. Iz vtoro7 kafedry terapii (zav.-prof. B.Ys. Totchal) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenatvovaniya vrachey, Koskva. (MEDICAL TESTS) (HEPATITIS, INFRCTIOUS) KOSLOVSKIT, V.N., podpolkovnik med.9luzhby,,, MEUIRA, L*G* Borovskii's drip method for determinirg prothrombin in blood. Voen.medozhurg no*121"'D'57 (MMA 11:5) (PROTHROXBIN. determination. Borovskii's.drip method (Rua)) V.N., (Moskva) Liver prothrombin function test and its prognoo'tic significance in Botkin's disease. 35 no.8:100-104 A.g '57. (MBA 10:11) 1. Iz vtoroy kafedr7 terapii (zav. - prof. B.Ye.Votchal) TSentrall- nogo institute usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (HIPATITIS, IWICTIOUS progn. valw of prothrombin time) (PROTHROMBINS TIME progn. value of determ. in infect hepatitis) KOZLOVSKIY VI r 0 vich; SDIJUIAp V.F.., red.; PECHERSKMA, T.I.,, tekhn. red. [Towards our cherished goal] Navstrechu zavetnomu. Irkutskp Ir- kutskoe knizbnoe izd-vop 1960. 10 p. ; (MIRA 14:9) (Zalari District-Stock and stoolfteading) , JOZLOV, V.P., FEDOROVA, Ye.O. SpAtIal brightness distribution of clouds of the lower layer. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.7:971-973 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Opticheskiy Institut imuni S.I.TivilovR. (Clouds) KOZLOVSKIY, V.S. Vj=w4"M:wU"SFfT6 1. oDlenectomy on cutaneous and =ascular calcium and sodium. Fiziol. zh. SSSR 38 no.6:734-738 Nov-Dee 1952. (GIXL 23:4) 1. Biochemical Laboratory of Donets Institute of Work Physiology, Stalino. KOZLOVSKIY, V.S. "-.I, - ': f , k -. , 1, , ., . - ~ - , 1 - 1 ~ :~ ... '~ - - Simple method of quantitative determination of whole proteins and of protein fractions in blood serum. Sovat mad. 17 no-3:42- 43 Mar 1953. (CLKL 24:2) 1. Read of the Clinical Laboratory of Denets Institute of Work Phy- Biology. xozwvsxir, V.S. - .1 Determination of protein fractions in blood plasma following in- tensive xanthoprotein reaction. Ter. arkh.. Moskva 25 no.2:62-65 Mar-Apr 1953. (CLKL 24:3) 1. Candidate Medical Sciences. 2. Of the Biochemical laboratory of Donets Institute of Work Physiology. KOZLOVBXIYI V056 ." " ~e A 4,LL Remarks on Professor N.A.Vlgdorchikle article qlneumoconiosio and silicosis.1 Gig.1 oan. no.5:4" My '54. (MMA 7:5) 1. is *onetskogo instituta, fiziologii trada. (Lqmgs-Duat diseases) (Vigdorchik, Nikolai Abramovich, 1874- / Vo 7- 1- 0 V6 /~- i Vv V. S. ZHISLIN. L.B.: KOZLOTSKIT, T.S.: SINDXROVA, N-Ta. Anthracos a as an independent form of pneumoconloalm. Terap. arkh. 26 no-3:61-67 Kv-Je 154. (MIRA 7:9) 1. Is Donetskogo nauchno-ineledavatellskogo inatituts, fiziologii truAa (dir. L.A.Zhislin) (FNEUMOCONIOSES, anthracosts " independent clin. entity) XOZLOVSKIY, V.S. Decomposition of slate in aqueous solvents, in blood plasma and in the animal organism. Blul. eksp. biol. i mad. 38 no-7:41-45 J1 154. (MIRA 7:8) 1. Is biokhimicheskoy laboratoril (say. kandidat.biol, i mod, nauk V.S.Koslovokly 0 go n tit t---'' Donatskogo naachno-isiilia~iii 11 sko t I U a (SILICONg silicates, decomposition In aqueous solvents, blood plasma & organism In animals) (BLOWO decomposition of silicates) Iz KOZWVSKIY, V.S., Deneturing affect on proteins of finely diaDersed duet of phenolic PIAStiCB(phenolplast,-Ioarbolite). Vrach.delo supplement 157:101 (MIRA 11:3) 1. Stnlinakiy inatitut fiziologii truda.. (PLASTIGS--HYGIENIC ASPECTS) (P~OTBIBS) e,w Shut 1. V. svvv~hkny vxmtovr 411 ouvotaradto. Nutritilm Reseurch Imc., ~I:rltn;~ In'thol of fruit preselmation wav Imnd to he -atii- for -dry- sulfite treatment of the fruit. No ae- muUtion of X oxide* in the trmimrnt chjmlwv wa~ ttot"t. -fu-s Oft- folk-ing mixt. Vnin it-A-d aq the !4~, 0 ~ 0 "1 0 0 * 0 0 0 o 4,1111-64 0 0 0 010 0 R K x z x x ff A 0 000000000000*06) eal) I I I 1 6 JP 0 11 if It V 11 MR111 16 t) 10 At )i a 36 If m ir a . ji U 1) a m 9 a 30 AN 0 a ALI a 4 r. At I I L A it 0_1 v -00 ._00 ;A; A 1,, Illumaral Ood at (he IN Off 1113%1101012 Of CAIdIII.M. and w4lum (tam the sit rta muscular tiscue. "K. 4 00.4 11F - Kuxluv%kil. HysX. Eksyl. Pwi. AMI. 23, N.A. .1. 1 Id'13 lee so (I1TtTY.-T*-effcct tit lpleumtomy )it the CA, NA. 11. K. Mg, And Cl ctintral. 4 Ow 'Writtle wrrv 011,11M. ca ittid Nit Oumwol lit humt.- 21 lit,. divr pIriamt-omy. I.. a aller !I timli., iwl w.4, tifill ps.,jimsbir altes Ill stlirt %%hith t1wy Owl-l-A I,- m-ftis.61. A i'IsIllils) rtlil. %withollf IpIrsm-wilky 1141 lisit %IU)W .111V lee clianke in CA mul NA Ivv%I,. Alter -pictimmity 11. Mil, .1 ".11 L I millullit All IfIV!,1,111111,10 Ilot Am'"'Jumit. ChAngesi. .00 00 z 116"lioll oil 1111m1 wtl%. 0.1 Ilml,plaltlmimsol 'I'livis t1wic so b alivir plenvelimly Mkof IIIIII'vil 111t, 1111,111tity 4 WIIIIII 04P J~~; (%t atul Nit. Alwt Irlis"VA if Ow It.61I.I.I.Lilt ill, C4 0 Will Nit IVVO.14 aXAIII WOCA.-41 file Va mid Mi t-on. 400 00 a! AllertrAiii- p1mitation or Injection I)( ApIr,u cxf,., the N.& And CA coo 00 .1 1 j. tviartit%of Itivilitkin and IlItIWICAKAill ilicte-Mll 110111111IM1. ro 46 Tht-triAttv, h)Iwrv,tIIvmia tlul we- N.1 ill #he wrilill title Ill IlAvr their -lmv ill IIIJI(tallml if -00 00 z N., foln the 4111 will 11111".1v ilill. file '4111m. ago 04 2 R. 1.4,111"t ~:o 0 00 11 0 ago 00 :j i ill* 0 .00 0 0 A 11 it t I. AGITAtLUROKAL LITIMAIM CLA111110KAITION 1:200 40 441440 It 'I., at #'Alit ON, Ali 4 v 1 u 0 A, "3 p 11, 1, Opm ara wit 'Ittit ,;In' Vjj,.h1 L I v Pill 0 IS I I w of Ina a I It xx 0 du 1:::::Ieoooooeooooooo 00000000000000 0 0 0 00 * T1401 0*0000000000*0 000000000000000000&i 0 0 0 0 0 010 O's 01044 0:0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 Wo 04:6 .- -!- -100000*0000000000 a k a vw-* all U23 m a a 9 a a 0 a a d a d ff m IS w v Is 0 a A k d t A A A I L if I, A o0 4 ~ -- - . I ~ .- --W . S~_ 00 - --- ----- AND PROV111.1% 40 A .00 of t" splotm on inivation of Calcium and 00 vollium fmo akin add MUSdO. loo o W. R. Ifenn "of *0 0 loo no "Ve 00 CO 0 09 00 Coo zoo see too too 'A S A - S L AtTALLvP(.KAL LiTtROUnt CLAWFKATION iio~ It I _T .9_~ !o u s% (I lit CPU Kit ICU PCO Ill Ill X KID n .T..' 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 : : : : :10 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 0_0 0 0 0 * 6 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 vM/!=oIzIe, GYU0001087 JanAeb 49 cin a T61 IR OTU Utilizatica of Tbluylen6 Blue IhstiDiLd'bf Brilliant Gremi li~ Obskitricil aiid'Gynecolbaical Cania mea- so Chair of Phamacol, Belotearkov Vet Inst, "Almsher I Ginekol" No 1 Brilllaiit" &6enp 'substaince iridely, used in obaftt- zld*L-' and &hecolbgio&l'p~sotIei;' ii' di* the' ' critical* 116t. Itry6riments * bave ihown tbat toltqlerA bliii-is'a"sitio3ta~6toz7'subititut4- Dsxbribis-;',ju!i 42/49T47 WO/Kedlaine - G~msoolos7 (Coutd) Jaz/FebAg not osuss an =WimctloiL as brllllaatrgreem. It; 42/49T4T UM/Mediolne - Coriander and Bucalyptus Feb 49 01 Is )%aicine - Surgery *Me Problem of Treating Wounds With Essential Oil CC Coriander and Eucalyptus," V. S. Nozlovskly, Cand Jbd Sci, Lab of Path Phys, Ukrainian Gen Sci Res lust of Orthopedics and Traumtol, 5 pp "Ulrurgiya" No 2 rH T Zxperiments conducted on rabbits and guinea pIgB with %0 coriander and, eucalyptus oils showed that application of the oils to the wound surface speeds healing As process and prevents purulanoo in a Ennber of cases. case of =closed amputations on six rabbites vortnds of the group In which coriander oll vas use& healed in 14-19 days without any purulence, vhile 20-2B,days were required, in the control group. Dir, Iab of Path; Prof ff. P. Vashetko Dir, Ukrainian Cen Sci Res lust of Oi-thopedice and Tramatol: Prof N. Ye Dudko. Ai6 56/49T54 K0ZLOVOIlKly, V.'S. 20987 Kozlovskiy, V.S. Vilyaniye udaleniya selezenki 0~derz',,aniye Natriya i Kallsiya v Kozhe, myshtsakl i SSSR im Sechenova, 1949, No. 3, a. 349-54 posleduyushchey yr:ye rerosadki na sy-vorothe Knovi. Fiziol. Zhumal SO: LETOPIS ZHUPIIAL STATEYa-- Vol. 28,, Moskva, 1949 KOZLOVSKIYI V. S. i LATYSHI A.- P. 20092 KOZLMSKIY, V. S. i LAWS111 A. P. KolorimetrJeheskiy sposob opredeleniya obahchego belka v syvorotke kravi, osnovannyy na reaktsii )Aulldera. Vracheb. delo, 1949, Nlo. 6, stb. 491-94. SO: LSTOPIS ZHURNAL STATEY., Vol. 27, Moskva, 190. KuZLUVSKIY, V. S. 1,xapid Colorimetric Method for Determining the Proteolytic Action of the Gastric Juice Ferments," Sov. Mdd., ro. 8, 1949. Lab, Ukranian Inst. of Traumatology and Orthopedics, -1949-. KOZLOVSKII. V. S. "Effect of Cutting out Tissues and Subsequent Grafting on the Sodium and Calcium Content of the Skin, Muscles and Blood Serum," Fiziol. zhur. SSSR., 35, Vo. 3, 1949. Chair of Pathol. ~bysiol, Veterinary Inst. Kiev, -1949-. KO '7r 07:~' j' itr.,7. -lid A.". h A. P. Kim,- A -1 1V or T 0 0, oil :~Y_c,_~rcta 1'edica Section II Vol. III jT 1 1 40 KOZWVSKIY, V.S. Substitution of brilliant green with solutions of toluylene blue, no-5:27-28 May 1951. (CLML 20:9) 1. Candidate Medical Sciences. 2. Kiev. KOZLOVSKlyp 7. S. "The Dru- Siccoplacentin (Sikor.,latsentin) and Its Effect on the HeAlin, of Wounds"i I Vr:ic':ebnoye Delo, No. 7, pp 619-622, 1952. KOZLOVSKIY V. S. *A simple method for determination of the total protein and protein fractions in blood serum (Russian text) SOVETSK. MED. 1953, 3 (42,43) Tables I The determination of proteins using the turbidity produced by PJ%'O in a suitably diluted sample, as described by Shulzew (Sovjetsk. Yed. 1947, No.33 and 1949, No. 6) is used. Fibrinogen is estimated from the difference of the protein content in plasma before and after recalcification, globulilis are salted out with sodium sulDhate and calculated also from the difference between the original serum and globulin-free filtrate. fleyrovskf - Prague C. SO: E~WTA MEDIGA, Section II Vol. 7 No. 11 1. KOZLOIrSKIY V.S. 2. u6sR Ono) 4. Sodium ?. Effect of splenectomy an calclilm an4 solium content In the skin and mnscular tissue in aninals, Fiziol. zhur. 38 no.6, 1953. q. Monthly List -of ~Rgsjan Annesoinna, Library of CongTesq, April 1953, unclass. Mird I "'Institutibh" t '.'-Submitted '':'s jj'~y:-7,!',KTY - TFNVE~I-I:AYA, -1. "., - I ;TZILOVEHY, V. S.) I - , ~ . -.1 '> - L., 0. -1. ' ' ', 'T~,' T ! T ',C I I . 11. .- ~ I- .~ I . .-. i- 5 ECH -ERB~IY OVA yI E ',-AFOVA, 1. A., -l-,;~,-tr,,.':~.',~-.'-i~2-JI~.., -4'. T.)t. A. 'Tnaur..ioconiosis in workers engaged in unde-C-M-und wcrl~ in coal mines, and means of its fIIrc-p7yIr,7is." renort submitted at the 13th All-UnIon Congreas of 11.vcieni.ts, Epiden,.iolojists at,,~ I-afectionists, 1959. ~WWVSKTYw.:Te,-1. Using steel shot In air drilling of teat-, wells. Razved. I okh. nedr 25 no.12:36-39 D 159. (MIR& 13!6) 1. Iromeomollska7a ekspeditsiya. (Borizig) KOZLOVSKIY, Yeo As Cand Tech Soi -- "Study. of shriot" drilling with air cleansing e rexiqn of the "' _Q. (According to the example of Wao-Cho-nakiyor Mos, 1961 low (Min of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education RSFSR. Mos Geological Pros- pecting Inst im S. Ordphonikidze). (KL, 4-61, 197) Ida -4- KOzjq-M=,-Ta.-A.,, insh., red, [Sunmaries of reports at the Second Technical Conference of Innovators, RMcfency Experts, and Outstanding Workers held by the Komsomol'skaia Upedition (Tebruary 17-18, 1960)] Texisy dokladoy na II takhnichookoi konforenteii novatorov, ratsionalistoy L peredovikoy proizvodetva Komeomol'okol ekepoditaii (17-18 fevralia 1960 g.). Pod red. N.A. Koolovskogo, Moskva, 1960. 102 p. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Tekhnicheekaya konferentsiya novatorov, ratsioualistov 1. peredovikov proizvodstva lomoomollskoy ekepeditaii. 2d, 1960. (Prospeating-Congresses) KOZLOVSKIY,.Ye.A,-- -, ~ Development of wells in shot drilling with air circulation. Razved. i okh.nedr 31 no-4t20-23 Ap 165. (MRA 19ti) 1. Komsomol'skaya ekspeeitsiya, Komsomoltskiy rudnT y rayon. BOBOYIGH, Irina Kikhaylovna, dotsent; PAZHITNOTA, TatlyanB Konstanti- novna. dotsent;,SPZLOTSKIT,. YOOS.,,.prof., doktor ekon. nauk, otv. red.; TOSVRO&i~*-Ii..S-.", red. ; YMOLAGINA. S.D., tekhn. red. (Lectures on the history of the national economy of the UoS.S.R.; the era of capitalism] Lektaii po istorii norodnogo khosiaistva SSSR; epokha kapitalizme. Leningrad, I2d-vo Isningr. univ., 1961. 150 P. NmA 14:5) (Russia-19conomic conditions) - KOZLOVSKIY, Ye. V. "The Catalytic Activity of Brucellae," Sbornik Trudov nar'kovskogo VeterInarriogo Inat. (Collection of the Worko of the KbrArIkov Veterinary Institute), Kharkov, Vol 21, 1952, pp 202-210. KOZLOVSKIY. Ya.V., kandidat biologichaskikh nauk. KatarWs on the problem of Brucella migratIon. Sbor. trtuL Mar' vat. inat. 22:232-247 154. (MMA 9:12) (Bruoellosis) YO. i, h a uca I L-)ns for Di- -)r V 1," 5 /~-C) ~-, " -~, A~ / ~,) ,4,ov , / ALICHKIN, S.L.-, AGRIFSKIY, K.I.; ANDREYEV, G.F.; BAK%MNKO, G.D.; VORORTSOV, S.M.; VOYSTRIKOV, I.V.; GRADYUSHKO, G.M.; ZYKOV, A.T. IVANOVTSEV, P.V.; KINBURG, K*Y&.; KOVALEV, P.A.; KOZLOVSKIY, Ye.V. KORNIYXNKO, A.P.; KOLTAKOV, Ta.To.; LAKTIONOV, REDVEIRV, I.D.; ROVIKOV, N.V.; ORLOY, F.M.; OSTROVSKIY, A.A.; ORTSW, V.P.; FENIONZHKO, A.M.; POLOZ, D.D.; PRITULIN, P.I.; PETUKROVSKIY, A.A.; ROGALEV. G.T.; RYBAK, P.Ya.; SUTTAGIN. G.P. TUKOV, R.A.; DUVCE(ENKO. D.F.;-CHERNETSKIT, T.I.; SHPAYXR, N.M. SHUSTOVSKIY, P.A. Nikolai Vasillevich Spesivtoev. Veterinariia 35 no.2:96 F 158. (MIRA 11:2) (Spasivtaev, Nikolai Vasillevich, 1901-1957) KOZWVSKIT, Yn.V., prof..doktor; KOR719WEINO. G.R., kand.vot.nauk Commontm on A.M. Laktionov and B.M. Obukboviis article "Chon-chiu thnrapy (acupuncture)." Vatorinftrila 35 no.8:64-66 Ag 158. (Amipunctimm) (?41RA 11:9) KOZLOVSKIY, Ya.V. Attachment to the M-2 spreader for applying lime materials. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.1:6Z-63 160. (MM 13:5) (Fertilizer spreaders) DOGANOV5KIVY, M.Cr.; BARDOVSKIY, A.B.; KOZLOVSKIY, Ye.V. The DVSSh-16 fertilizer loader and spreader vith a self- ropelled chassis. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no-9:72-74 161. MRA 14:9) (Fertilizer spreaders) KOZLOVSKIY, Ye.V., inzh. Problems concerning the operation of a centrifugal disc. Mekh~ i elek, sots. sel'khoz. 20 no.1:41-42 '62. (MIRA 15-2) 1. Severo-Zapadnoye otdeleniye Vserossiyskogo nauchno-issledo- vatel'skogo instituta mekbanizatsii i elektrifikatsii sel'skogo khozyaystva. (Agricultural machinery) TRUBIN, B.G., prof.; LURIYE, A.B.; GRIGORIYEV, S.M.; IVANOVICH, E.M.; MELIMIKOV, S.V.1 ANTIPIN, V.G.,, kand. takhn- nauk,, retsenzent; VOLKOV, B.G.r-kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; MULLAYANOV, R.G., kand...tekhn.nauk, retsenzent;.GVSYUKOV, VA, kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; BELYAYEV, A.S., St. nauchnyy sotr., retsenzent; _KOZIAVSUY,,-.Ye.jj., inah., retsenzentl TRAK, E.E., insh., retsenzent; SlMONOVSKIY, N.Z., red.izd-va; SPERANSKAU,-O.V,., takhn. red. [Agricultural machineo;.theory, design, and calculations] Sallskokhoziaistvennye mashiny; teoriia, konstruktsiia i raschet. Pod red. B.G.Turbina.- Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 575 p. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Kauchno-issledovatellskiy institut mekhanizataii i elektro- fikataii sellskogo khozyaystva Severo-Zapada (for Antipin, Volkov., Mullayanov, Ovayukov, Belyayev, Kozlovskiy, Trak). (Agricultural machinery-Design and construction) KOZLOVSKIY, Yu.G. Calculous pyonephrosis connecting with the duodenm. Urologiia no-4:59-60 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Iz 1-y dorozhnoy bollnitsy Kazakhakoy zheleznoy dorogi Alma-Aty (nach. A.G. Sergazin). (CALCULI, URINARY) (DUODEMI) KOZLOVSKIY Yu G Three cases of urethro-venous reflux. Zdrav.Kazakh. 22 no.3:55- 5? 162. .(MIRA 15:12) 1. Iz urologicheskogo otdeleniya bollnitsy No.1 Kazakhskoy zheleznoy dorogip Alma-Ata. (URETHRA-RADIOGRAM) KOZLOVJ L.I.;,NPZJPVSKIY, Yu.G.; KAU.1KOV, A.S.; ROZIN, M.A., red.; PRGKOF'YEVA,'L:J!'.. tekhn. red. (Handbook on practical exercise in the mechanization of production processes in animal husbandry] Praktikum po mekhanizatsii proizvodstvennykh protsessov v zhivotnovod- stve. Moskvap Selikhozizdaty 1963. 271 p. (MIRA 17:1) (Stock and stockbreeding-Equipment, and supplies) (Fam mechanization-Study and teaching) ,KOZLOVSKIY, YU.G. - . A I - i .. - ~1-1--- I - ~,:. -., Case of xanthine calculi in the kidney. Urologiia no.6.-47 N-D 163. (14IRA 17:9) 1. Iz 2-y rayonnoy 1Y)IInitsy 3ovets~opo ray,,mi A Im!I-Aty (glnvnyv vrach B.Ye. Babitskiy). AtI.-7-, GMEENSHCHIKOV, V.S,; GOLIDSHTHYN, V.S.; KOZLOTSKIY, TU,J. Cold cutting of small-module gear wheels. Stroi. i dor. mashinostr, 3 no.1:35-38 AL 158. (MIRA 11:1) (Gear-cutting machines) C 3 Vd--XIA J.; II'CZT F.; IT 7.iD0*!SL, j.; `1 ~,,i - of "harriacodynan- Pharmaceut1cal -1-Faculty, Cw,.,'us ~jniversi Ly a Toxi*.cologio, `,'armaccutIelloj Fa*,culty -L-o ~-"r'f~ct of ATP S-)ofa on Exp mental Hypertrop y o" t, '1e Rat Cardiac I 'h i Z,'ascle. !V. Analysis o~' Nucleic Acids and Free Nucleotides." Cec::aslovenska Farrr-,cio Vol '15, No 8, Oct 66, pp 4,06-409 /:7u4--o:?s' sum-mary niodifird 7: --mc'-r"ro-!v of the c~--..,L,uiac :-1u3cle i.=, induc(-,,d in r,1. b y cl~; -~ 11 - Y for 52 day--; af iGer IS days ATP was admini,';torc d to -, --IrOlA--, Of C*' in desoxyribonucloic acid phoophcrus, ribonucloic acid phos--,orus, !7,uanosine triphos-phoric acid, uridine turiphosphoric ac-id) and adonocino trinhos-niioric acid are discus.-.od. 2 Fi~,,ures, I Table, '.-"e-~torn, 41 Ozech, I -Iussian, 2 Hungarian references. received 30 14ar 66). A UTHOR: ----.Xozlovtsev. SOV/25-59-1-27/51 TITLE: Atheistic Education in the Families (Ateisticheskoye vospitaniye v semlye) PERIODICAL: Nauka i zhizn', 1959, Nr 1, pp 55-60 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article deals with the importance of the education of young people to communism, and with the absolute necessi- ty of eliminating any religious concepts in this connec- tion. There are five drawings. Card 1/1 KOZLOVTSEV, S.0, Structure of measurable functions having no asymptotic derivative. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.31537-539 3 t63. (MRA 16:12) 1. Predstavleno akademikom A.N.Kolmogorovym. KOZLO%,T~,T,V. S.G. (Mc-sk-va) ScIn ''a spui.-tF;, of 'the StT,;I,, -a p q so Mat, sbor. p . _tla-a Cf r,,I~Eggirr Ml , fu. ctions Y U , (MI-RA 18-.6) 66 no. 14.n1+83-50l Ap t65. i.C., (M,%skva) KOZLOYT.q,~~,V.,j Differential proj*rLiou or masurable furintiopoo Mat, sbor. 67 no*2o.181-189 je 165. (MIRA !8:8) KOZLOVTSEV, S.G. -- (Moskva) I Structtr4s of measurable functions devoid of an asymptotic derivative. Mat.sbor. 63 no. 2:284-308 F 164. (MIRA 17:5) , KOZLOVTSEV. S.G. (Moskva) Structure of measurable functions. Hat. sbor. 64 no.2t 275-285 je 164. (MIRA 17t9) GOFMANj Ye.A.; VULIFOVICH, R.D.; LOGACMAf V.A.; POLOZOV, A.I.; BERZIN, B..O.t kand. tekhn. niukv inzhoner-polkovnik v otstavke, red.; KOZL4)VTRV V.A., red.; YAKIMOVICH, Yu.K., red.-leksikograf; --KU I.F6'j k wbn. red. [Germar,Rusiian'~J~ctiqnary of armored force terms] Nemetsko- rusakii avto~rlciietank6Wi slovarl. Pod red* B.O.Berzina. Mo- skva, Voen. izd~-;-yo N-va obor. SSSR, 1961. 487 p. (MBIA 3-4: 8) language-Dictionaries-Russlan) (71-Ts"Military science)-Dictionaries) KOZI,OVTS]ff, Ye. - U13iUg automotive transportation in building the Volga Hydrodlectric Power Station, Avt. tranep. 36 n0-1113-5 N '58. (MLOA 11;11) 1. AvtootAel Upravlaniya.4qybyehavgidrootroyi~._ (Volga Hydroelectric PowerStation-Transportation, Automotive) PLYASKOVA, L. M., kand. mod. nauk; SIDOROVA,, K. A.; KOZLOVTSEVA I. G. I P Hypervitaminosis D in infants. Pediatriia no-4:61-M '62. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Iz Wedry fakulltetakoy pediatrii (zav. - prof. M. S. Maslov) Leningradskogo pediatricheakogo meditsinskogo inatituta, Wir. Ye. P. Semenova) i detskcry ob"yedinennoy bbll.nitsy Moskovskogo rayona, (glavnyy vrach K. A.,Koshevaya) (VITAMINS-D); HYPERVITAHINOSIS) .1 K OZLOYTSEV &ZAL; MAXA.ROV, G.N. Effect of the conditions of coking on the mirroetracture, electric conductivity, aad reactivity of coke. Trudy KKETI no.28:89-95 (MLRA 13:11) 159. (Coke_'-'Carbonization) (Coke) 16.1 BAZRINTSEVA, K.T.; Z.1. -- !)etermAning Ue methatw jo:,ptiGn :~apaiity of reservotr racks. TnAy VflllG4Z no.20/23iq9~-97 164. (MIRA 17-8) BOBOVICH, Irina Kikhaylovna-,-X=QTSKIT, U.S.. doktor,; VOSTOKOVI. M.S., red.; SHMOVI, ~LV.. (Lectures on the history of the national economy of the U.B,B.R,; the feudal period] Lektail po istorli narodnogo khoziaistva SSSR; epokha foodalisma. Leningrad, Izd-vo Leningr.univ., 1959. 185 P.- (KIRA 12:7) (Russia--Bconomic conditions) ~d CITEGORY 't Chemical Tachn )gy. Chemical Products and Theix 1~1 Applic'Ati ~ns.-Oemical wood producte. Hydrolysis ABS. JOUR.- Mdao.4 Mo22 1959,N09 7ggLt6 Th~, Pentructive Distil.lntlart -,of flood ir Caart-7,- 1i e t o r t o GRIG. PU% Przemy6l Drzewny, No 3, 24-2'j (1959) ASTMACT t Tht~, wood in the retort is decomposed by the ccri- tinuouo actiop of a v-*~.~:ture cr)nt&-;nirv 3C"4" rLtarl ap-d 2101~ of other gaseuu3 products, anc,lr the production of a zvfficiently concant~zt;~d soiu- tion of calcivm, tAnd other u(,t6 from. the tar vvitr-r. Tl-;r! nnim ".aJ.ion, con-littons are as follows: sizes of thf- *;ood chips. 1'--,0-200 ,.iw; moisturc- 1 5,~o. The use of forced draft in circulatinE the hot gasea heal-inc, Ilia retort rerults ia unifcrm beatiog cf t1be Il!)tter, A ~ndurtrv. 4 Poland :ABS. j~71R,g RInimul 00,22 1959 F0v T1 I-..-, IF, 09 i 17, .PUB. A"~,T),:TA 'T*I a gr --A 6d compo ni t:)r. f t ;-w woc-0 v:c-lo rlcOra - '.jr(~ regulatJ~or) ,jnfl OF tile PRseF, and itcrecse8 tile yield of ar.--e, uct"hj1 alcohol tar, and ,harcoal without impai,ini,- thc quality o the I)rf7,du-.,t. The of the process and the e;4uipment gre de~,:ribed. Yo. -Gurvich 112 2 KOZLOWA, E.W.; RADICVOW,W.W. Pulmonary cancer morbidity. Yovotwory 13 no.32233-243 Jl-S'63, 1. Z Panstwowego, Instytutu Onkologii Im. P.A.Hercena; dyrektors prof. A-19.Nowikow, 4 KOZLOWA, O.W., prof.dr Faperiences of scientific division of labor in improving induotrial mana ement. Frzegl techn no,35:10,2.1 2 3 162. (- KOZLOWICZ, Jan Decrea.-e of Soda lye in the prcjuction of cut cellulose fibers in the Lodz Synthetic Ziber Plants. Frzem chem 41 no.5.-283. my 162. -