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~3cj C) 0 ~c 18 f vielded ... -,)205/:)3 03 -'1.0~7uctiolll O.-~' Vi-orping o u '101iill"' 0 1*11 t-jS 'S slro- ioint. Cj ,-nduce fuolduul ~ic4ty % l:-,Casu--cd 'or ie"ded c,:,!d non-vr .10 '2--v uhu ~/Qldcd 0. fat4 f,,4- CyCl jC'.", -welded - L u 2 6~ as non -~he 7 c-S) o - - .,,.r c rsuperior Li the 3Y 0 U.:l J. o,.., _ _ ~ - - as cc,--.-n-=ed witIl " c vielaed 2c 'oil S7-~S- ses and -)reventu articles Of talc :)20 o,-,r sI.I.-ou-c- s t - cts; t ho f :7,111u,nciled in a'.,catcd 'r.,,ediu.,-,~* Do. order to increase -!~e c o n s t ru c I i o n s . -a--dened o r ',,,ar, or- .,i e I d ed i;hey should be welded in arld a--ea s-uatle. There are I fit-uxe and 5 -cc~blles- Card 3/3 DOBATKIN, V.I.; KOZIDVSKAYA, V.P.; GOLOKHMATOVA, T.N. Slaty structure of the fracture of extruded D16 aluminum alloy- products. Metalloved. i term. obr. met. no.12i7-12 D163. (MIRA 17:2) ACCESSION NR: AT4037665 S/2981/64/000/003/0237/0250 AUTHOR: Shilova, Ye. L; Nikitayeva, 0. G.; Kozlovskaya, V. P., Vasillyeva, Ye. N.;~ TITLE: Heat resistant alloy D 19 SOURCE: Alyuminiyevy*ye splavy*, no. 3, 1964. Deformiruyemy*ye splavy* (Malleable alloys), 237-250 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum, aluminum alloy, alloy D 19, heat resistant aluminum alloy, copper admixture, manganese admixture, magnesium admixture, duraluminum, duraluminum mechanical property, duraluminum corrosion resistance ABSTRACT: According to, its composition, the heat-resistant aluminum alloy D 19 of the Al-Cu-Mg-Mn system is an intermediate alloy between D 16 and D17, and is intended for sheets, pressed semifinished products, and rivet wire. The alloy contains 3.2-4.3% Cu, 1.8-2.6% Mn, 0.03-0.15% Ti, 0.0005-0.005% Be and no.more than 0.3-0.5% Fe or Si,and. 0. 19o' Zn. In the present paper, the authors report the results of a general investigation of the mechanical properties of D 19 alloy semifinished products. Initial studies concerned the influence of natural aging time (0-30 days) on the mechanical properties of quenched sheet specimens having various compositions, Le.: Cu and Mg at the lower Hinit; Cu and Mg at the higher limit; Cu at the higher limit and Mg at the lower limit; Cu. at *thd lower 1/3 Card A CESSION NR: AT4037665 limit and Mg at the higher limit. Before quenching, the speolments were In the annealed or cold rolled condition. Other tests were made to determine the effect of heating to 200 and 250 C on the mechanical properties at room temperature of sheet specimens with different histories of heat-treatment and strain hardening. The mechanical properties of sheet and w1ro speciments were also determined at elevated temperatures (up to 300 C). 1' Furthermore, creep rupture tests were performed on sheet specimens at 175-300 C, and zero-to-tension fatigue tests on specimens previously subjected to various heat treatments or strain hardening operations. Rivets of D 19 P and V 95 were tested at repeated zero- I to-mxdmum shear loads at room temperature and at 175 C. Finally, specimens of D 19 and D 16 alloys under various conditions were tested for corrosion resistance in.3% NaCl or On the basis of the results obtained, it was concluded that: th or 3% NaCl + 0. 1% H20 t8 Guraluminum. type alloy's ~19 is a heat-resistant alloy; at temperatures of 20 - 150 C I strength is equal to the strength of D 16 alloy, while at 170-250 C its strength Is higher than that of D 16 alloy by approximately 8- 10%. Under a repeated static load, the strength of D 19 alloy is similar to that of D 16. Alloy D 19 has a reduced rate of strengthening ..during natural aging; therefore, cold working operations can be performed with this alloy during a longer period of time (6-8 hours) than with alloy D'16; this property is particularly desirable for riveting material. Products made:'of alloy D 19, In contrast to D 16, do not I exhibit a inte.rgranular corrosion during heating in the temperature range -.2/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4037665 150-250 C because of a ji-iore favorable phase composition. In this connection, semifinished products of D 19 alloy can be used in the naturally aged condition in structures working at 20-250 C. "The corrosion resistance was determined by Eng. S. M. Ambartsum~an, the tests with repeated shear loads were carried out by Mig. B. F. Bogdanov under the direction.j of Doct. Tech. Sci. N. 1. Marin, and M. P. Akinfiyeva, V. N. Zhuravleva and T. N. Goloidunatova also took part in the experimental work." Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 8 tables. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 DATEACQ: 04Jun64 ENCL-. 00 SUB CODE: MM NO REV SOV: 004 OTHER: 000 Card 3/3 - - - - - - - - - - - 77, ACCESS'"ON NR: AT4037666 S/2981/64/000/003/0251/0262 AUTHOR: KOZIOVBkaya, V. P., Vasillyeva, N., I.; Nepomnyashchaya, E. Z. I TITLE: Methods for eliminating the coarse-grained rim on pressed parts made of 1 aluminum a110YB !SOURCE: Alyuminiyevy*ye splavy*, no. 3, 1964. Deformiruyemy*ye splavy* (Malleable alloys), 251-262 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum, alumlanum alloy, pressed aluminum, coar6e grained rim, manganese admi~xture, aluminum recrystallization, magnesium admixture, copper admixture, zirconium admixture, titanium admixture, iron admixture, aluminum a-Uoy strength, aluminum alloy resistivity ABSTRACT: Recrystallization. occurring during the heating of pressed aluminum alloys may result in a coarse-grained structure in the peripheral zone leading to a marked. variation in the mechanical properties across the section. Previous experiments have -":'W shown that the formatlon of a coarse-grained rim can be combatted by the creation of uniform deformation during pressing and by slowing down the recrystallization. Further-1 11 more, the depth of the coarse-grained rim depends significantly on the manganese content j Iin the alloy'. The present authors have carriedout a systemaUc study on the effect of 6 4 ACCESSION NR: AT4037666 alloying clo-.nents and admixtures tending to increase the recrystallization temperature of: aluminum mi the degree of formation of a coarse-grained rim In pressed aluminum alloys. Tests were performed on specimens of the Al-Cu-Mg-Mn type alloys D16, D19, Dl and VD17 and alloys AK8, AX6, and AD33. In addition to the formation' of a coarse-grained rim the electrical resistivity and mechanical properties were investigated (see Figures 1 to 3 of the Enclosure). Finally, the effect of Zr, Fe, and Ti on the formation of a coarse- grained rim was studied in alloys D1, D16, and V95. On the basis of the results obtained, the authors conclude that the following factors slow down recrystallization and grain growth in the peripheral zone of pressed aluminum alloys: introduction of Mn, Zr or Cr as alloying elements-, use of non-homogenized ingots for pressing; increasing the ingot and container temperatures during pressing; decreasing the quenching temperature and re-- ducing the soaking time. Pressed products can be obtained from alloys D16, Dl, AX8 and p AK6 with a shal.low-coarse-grained rim or no rim at all by pressing by the straight method without lubrication of the container; for this purpose, the minimal content of manganese 1 is 0. 6%, non-homogenized ingots should be used, the container temperature is 400-450C, and the ingot 420-450C. If'the minimal content of manganese is set 'at 0.0, h-owever, then homogenized ing9ts can be used and pressing can be conducted at a ,lower ingot temperature (340-380C), resulting in shorter pressing cycles and, consequently, in lugher productivity. With alloy ~X 33, pressed parts without a coarse-grained rim 2/6 A ACCESSION NR: AT4037666 i or with only a shallow rim can be obtained at an Ingot temperature of 500C and a container 1 temperature of 400-450C. In bars of pressed aluminum alloys with a shallow 1*11m, the ultimate strength is higher, and the relative elongation is lower. This is caused by the fact that measured leading to a reduction of the coarse-grained rim (increasing the Ma content and the pressing temperature) lead to preservation of the preseing effect. 11L. I. Leonova, 1. 1. Molostova and M. X. Rubleva. took part in the experimental work." Orig. art. has. 6 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: None X SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 04Jun64 ENCL: 03 SUB CODE: ITAM NO REF SOV: 006 OTHER: 000 3/6 ~Cord ACCESSION NR: AP4040685 S/0129/64/000/006/0005/0008 j, TITM The effect of iron on the, formation of a coarse crystalline ferrule in Al-alloys -SOURCE: Metallovedeniye.i termicheskaya obrabotka metallovt no. 6s, 1964P 5-8 AUTHOR: Gorelik 9 S. S. ; Kozlovskaya, V. - P. ; Tomilova, L. A. TOPIC TAGS: ferrulej crIstalline ferrule, saturated solid solutions ~,.grain coarseneass, Fet.A alloyp recrystallizition ABSTRACT: The authors verify earlier investigations c'oncerned with:,' the formation of a coarse crystalline ferrule in saturated solid solutions* They also study the effect of individual alloyink 1 Ments in different, concentrations on the formation of feirrule. i is nath connection, the effect of Fe was observed in hot-pi4ssed- '~-specimenss The authors account for the coarsening of the structure under the effect of Fe'additions in excess of 0.4 to Al-Cul Al-Mnj Al-Sij Al-Gu-Mn and "D16" alloys by the formation of finely dispersed, and unevenly distributed'particles of the ferrous necond.phase- ACCESSION NR: AP4040683 during the decomposition of the saturated solid solutioh of Fe in Al in the process of pressing as well as by the local dissolution of the excess phases dviing hardening. The structure with a varia- ble grain size that forms onthe periphery of-pressed 40!diam, 90 MM-long rods as a result of primary recrystallization tends to coarsen drastically during secondary re6rystallization under the ac..ii'. tion of hardening. The higher the iron contents, the co'arser the grains during secondary recrystallization. in theizonei.,arouna the I core the grain size reaches,a maximum after the addition of 0.16% Fe and decreases gradually upon further Fe additions., A zone of 1 potentially coarse grained ferrule in hot-pressed Al alloys appears in the form of a dull ferrule with an etchability that differs, from that of the core. The orige art.has'. 3 figures and 1 tablee ASSOCIATIO'N: Moskovskiy institut-stali i splavov,(Moscow Institute of Steel'and Alloys) SUBMITTS 00 ENCL: 00. 6B COD3:*M( SOV: 004 OTHER: 001 NR REF ,-2/2 AMOM.- .1 -~ard~*--.1/2 - .V06),M 5028' ( 6 *00 J :~ AC c NR# AP! AtnSORi`-.'K&i sk- v _,p:_,l k TITM, ._Mechanim%i:,ti*'0b6rti -and' SOURCE tsv.tinyy_ c-imnot TOPIC TAGSf-. - allminuiv .4110yj a 0y e xtl7~q , ei f6asil f,-.Oold ` invos tigated-c- Api) At, D-1-1, 3 ective,V~al:,.tblckm 6f 8p rusion:: ratiou-"d 4`2 s.. e. a,-. 306-AW mm Aong que (hot - extrusion- ~airi &Arq, o 4 : heat- tredtinim ad.-aUnsild~~'.ii tir er 38.. kg/=2, tand:,aA'.,e ongbt dii e 'rude of ain coars~ep c gr,- j., c 112 - 7 7 777:, ~UDC- -669.715-i26.621M 5 A CC -T9'-, t9!~ -V.5W trudeA D1 -,a3 -an e! ru ed piiti~ prp. bul -pt6portiea-ma Ine. e- r6 o 1-d'. ix It a t et erti -i6 ~6~ thfki~ tl~of 40 kS/ii 13UB --CODE DM 1500"2000 min, long tested LwIthe -d oun to ha*e1ecb pod'-'-~ ''d A es 9 ,,o udlafto1hose-6 p ng 2 A V9 4116r, t4ii., xtrud6V 6' 1 ahdI',-.Dl .-al 6y baral"30-, 25 i -1 ~-or. 1 AV .10- 19 or 24,had b ei ip Iiw,chaft 1,061,. .7 dr eia.' mithade an Celt r go';& 4!,.hms,~73:,4ioir islasid"4'',tibles" 7:,4O9M-REFi*i; ma HE 000/-i-; TD-PRWSI ~.A - Y V 0:7 -7- L 36117-66 -ZWT(m)/TZEW~(t)/gT1, 1JP(0 JH/,!D/GD" ACC NRs AT6016423 0) SOURCE CODE: ~UIRIOCW16510001=10158101()5 AUTHORS: Goroljic, S. S.; Kozlovskaya, V. P.; Tomilova, L. A. none T11'LE% The mnchanism of formation of large crystalline grain rims in pressed objects manufactured from aluminum alloys SOUF?CE: AN SS5R. InstituAetallurgii. Motallovedeniye logkikh splavov (MetallograpiV of 1ighr_a=oys)e Moscowp 1zd-vo Nauka, 1965., 156-165 TOPIC TAGS: Metal grain structuref aluminum alloy/ D16 aluminum alloy 14 MSIMACT: The mechanism of formation and the proper'vios of the so-called large crys;,allina grain rim (which forms in aluminum alloy objocLu as a result of compres- sion) wRre studied. Thelstudy wqs carriWI outu on the following binary systoms. vlAl--W, Al--!21j1Al--Fo '' -y systems Al-4u-41n, Al--Gu--Fej _,'and turnat arick Al --S* __Fe., as well as the quatornary sysLem Al--Cu-41n-4e., the iro;i free alloy D16, d the alloy D16 containing 0-3?j~ Fe. The macro- and micro- structure and lattice parameters of the alloys were invostigated as a function of ax-.calinr, temperature and composition. The electrical resistance of the centralj, i.itler.,.iediate., and rim, sections of rod specimens was determined. The effect of awle-i'Ling tekoeraLure on the alloy Crain size was also determined. The experimental rcuul.Ls are presented in graphs and tables (see Fig. 1). These results corroborate Car 2 grd 1Z Pon L 36117-66 ACC NRt AT6016423 ohm*~M2/ja A CU a'a FI, mo- 4-*) 5rj Fig. i. Dependence of the -loctrical ro3istance and lattice paramebor of the :;olid solution formed by allo 6 (JU + 1.38~ NO Y on Uo annealing tamper- ature in the central (a) and peripheral section (b) i of the rod specimene the viaw that the large crystallino grain rim forms as a result of formation of supersaturated.solid soluti rn tho alloy. It was found that both iron and manganese aid in the formaffi5n r large crystallirie grainse The authors give.thanks to V- .42~atki f, r JUL$ -'rri t i cal assessment of tho experimental results. Orig. arl 0 006,/. OTHAY s~ 60iw'- M65-66 EWT(TA)1M(W)/T'1N_W_PMA_-H MEW PJUD -ACC W AT6016424 SOURCE GODEt M/0000/65/000/000/0166/0172 AUTHORS: - Dobatkinq V, I, I Kozlovskayb_V. P.; BaVLcina, I. M. ORG: none TITLE: Influence of structure on the mechanical properties of pressed products .61 manufactured from alloy D3 jor different types of applied loads 1-0 -SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut metallurgii. 14atallovedeniye legkikh splavov (Metallog- Taphy of light alloys3.- Moscow, Iza--vo Nauka, 1965, 166-172 TOPIC TAGS: solid mechanical property, tensile strength, aluminum alloy D16 aluminum alloy 41 ABSTRACT! The effect of recrystallizationtio~n the mechanical properties of parts manufactured from alloy D16 was in-W-MgMaed. Th6-in"vestigation supplements the results of V. I. Dobatkin (0 presseffekte v alyuminiyevykh splavakh Sb. Issledovaniye splavov tsvetnykh metallov, vyp. 3 Izd-vo AN SSSR, 19k). The mechan- ical properties and microstructure of nonrecrystallized and recrystallized specimens were determined as a function of the type and magnitude of applied load. The ex- perimental results are6presented in graphs and tables (see Fig. 1). It was found that a7rtificial agjM Bf the alloy at elevated temperatures tended to smooth out any differences in the mechanical properties of non- and recrystallized specimens. Card 1/2 L 37165-66 ACC NRs AT6016424 Fig. 1. Change in the tensile strength at room temperature of 20-!.flq diameter rods manu- factured from alloy D16 having a recrys- tallized (1) and non- recrystallized (2) structure as a func- tion of annealing time at temperatures ,of 150C (a), 17.50 (b) 200C 9c),, and 2500 (di* ..fz 410 #4 Orig. art. hams 2 tables and 5 figueso SUB GOIEt Il/ SUBM DMt l6SeP65/ MM PxFt 2/2 af 112 J8 so tab? lm So 01~ Annealing time'O'hour~ 11b oo7/ oTH Pjw om 0 KOZLOVSKAYAp V.P.1 BAVYKINA, ;.M.; RADIKOVA, R.N. Mechanical properties and structure of cold extruded aluminum alloy tubes and bars. TSvet. met. 38 no*9:67-71 S "5- 0 (MIRA 18112) F 12 3~5 7' F N T ( m EW ACC NR: AP6028 590 SOURCE CODE: UR/0129/66/000/008/0062/0064 ;AUTHOR: R~ytbarg, L. Kh.; Kozlovskaya, V. F.; Babykina, I. ;.; Petrov, Ye. A. IORG: none !TITLE: The dependence of the properties of cold-extruded semifinished products made i :fron, aluminum alloys on the billet condition ,$OURCE: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, no. 8, 1966, 62-64 JOPIC TAGS: aluminum alloy, extrusion, extruded aluminum, mechanical property, heat Itreatment, cast structure, annealing, homogenization heat treatment, grain structure, imetallographic examination / AD1 aluminum alloy, AV aluminum alloy, AMg aluminum al- iloy, Dl-aluminum alloy ABSTRACT: Optimal heat trea ments weredeve~opej,for alu~.inum alloy billets used in . I Imaking cold-extruded Alloys AD11'- AVI and Dl ,were extruded on a mechanical 1pre6s into tubes having_dfa~eters of-frx 12, 16 x 14, and 16 x 15. The original Itemperature of 15-200C increased -to 250-3500C after extrusion. Mechanical proper-ties are given for cast, annealed, and homogenized billets and tubes made from each. Cast a-ad previously extruded billets of AD1 and AMg alloys performed identically in tube jextrusion; extruded AV alloy billets had better yield strength and reduction in area; and annealed Dl billets had the highest plasticity. Microstructures of cast and ex- Card 1/2 UDC: 620.17.:G69.716:621.78 ACC NR: AP6028590 C) truded DI billets and the semifinished tubes made from these were shown. The grain atructure of tubes made from cast billets was smaller and more uniform, while those made from extruded D1 billets--large grained and elongated. Optimum quenching temper tures for cold extruded AV tubes were 515-5200C. By heating in a circulating-air pit lur -C nace after quenching, the maximum properties were obtained after holding for 10 min; the properties did not improve if the holding time was increased to 30 min. An increase in quenching temperature from 480 to 5000C for alloy D1 resulted in raising the yield strength by 2 kg/mm2. Orig. art. has: 1 figure, 2 tables. SUB CODE: 11,1-~,-40/SUBM DATE: none Card-212 KOZLOVSKATA, Ta. 1. Relationship between the principles of didactics dmring the process of studying foreign languiages. bbor. matod. rab. Eel. politekh. inatz no. 1:157-161 159. (MIRA 14:1) (Language and langusges-Study and teaching) YAMPOLISKIY, Leonid Semenovich; KOZjDMaKAYL,-Xad3dga KazWroyna; KULICHITSKAYA, O.j. red.; IZUSHCHENNO, N.t tekha. red. (Civil engineering; an English language textbook] Civil engineering; uchebnoe posobie po angliiskomu iazyku. Kiev, Gosetrolizdat, 1962. 338 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Civil engineering) KDZLOVSKAYA, Ye. First attempts to work under now conditions; letter frsm Leningrad. Okhr. truds, i sets. strakh. no-1:39-41 J1 158. (YaRk 11:12) 1.Deverenny7 vrach Leningradakege oblastnogo professionallnego ooveta p9 Smollninskoma rayoun. (INNINGRO PROVIRM-MICAL CARS), KOZLOVSYAYA, Ye.,doverenn" vrach Great deeds of a sma3-l group. Okhr.truda i sote.strakh. no-3:71-72 Mr 159. (MM 12:4) 1. Leningradakiy aovprof. (IMINGRU-MMDICM, INDUSTRT&T) KOZLOVSKAYA. Y9. (g.Loningrad) Out of touch with practical work.. Okhr.truda I sota.strakh. no.5:54-56 14Y 159. (AIRA 12:9) 1. Doverennyy vrach soveta profsoyuzov. (Medicinn, Industrial-Research) Chrondum pitting of Mal articlat without on under. coal, R. 1. K,,ol tv,kava aml is'. A Will. .11,J. - N -4. -The utrii- IV t, IN-lished %s ith lit IV el"er Y. or baffe4l. degirrased o4LItt-hrally is% a sin .1 N4011 111; N'.J'CO~ 25. N4,110. 25; Saisik). :1 K.;I.:1 1-2 miti. at tW-70". 5 allip'. din. (lotiger decreasing %lujuld be artAdmi), rittscd; tilled %-III we. in 5% IlCI; rirlu'l; autl pUrvI in a w,ln. of CrO, WO-70, 11,SO, 3- 3.5, trivalcut Cr 2--~t tit 24-41 amp-isil. dul.. :W Jim%. rise er c.-Ating i. it P tbh.k- sto Isrtivro w Ise le.s jx1rou-1 OUR 1% 15 " Ni dulwAit CHI thc %Ague twists 'urfave. Thc Cr tivix'sit is, milky and c-An be txAmlieti. N. Th-ni K b I L 0 V G 1< A Y /I I yell -I J USSR/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and. n, eir 1-9 Application Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders* Abs Jour Referat Zhur Khimiya, No 4, 1957, 12577 Author Keler E.K., Kozlovskaya Ye.I., Nosikov O.V. Title Determination of Resilient Properties of Glass and Fine Ceramics by the Ultrasonic Impalse Method Orig Pub Steklo I keramika, 1956, 110 5, 7-13 Abstract Investigations of the resilient properties of glass and fine ceramics have been carried out by the ultrasonic method developed by S.Ya. Sokolov, which Is based on periodic emission of short ultrasonic impulses and their subsequent reception after passage over a given distan- ce within -the specimen. in tile determinations is regis- tered the time t during which the ultrasound covers the distance S, and propagation velocity of the ultrasound is determined. By means of suitable fonnulas a determi- nation is made of the displacement modulus G,elasticity Card 1/3 - '15 - USSR/Chemical Technology. Chemical Producto and Their 1_9 Application Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders. Abs Jour Referat Zhur Ehimiya, No 4, 1957, 12577 modulus E and Poisson coefficient -AA-, The work was car- ried out with the use of S. 'La. Sokolov's flaw-detector UZD-12. The specimens used were bars 30x3Ox2OO = and 30x3Oxl.OO mm and circular rods d z 20-0.0 nm a-lid 1 - 500 rim made from IJ-10 steel (standards), glass (window pane and optical) and (technical and insulator pcr- celain, radio ceramics). it was found that the resili- elice constants of tile investigated rraterials, determined by the ultrasonic impulce method, have values which are sufficiently close to those known from literature sour- ces. Di.screpnney in values of the moduli G and E of -the same specimen are within 1-2-5% for G and up to 4% for E. Different specimens made from the same raterial show a scattering in values of 1.2-13.5% for G and 3.o-14.5 for E. Study of the effects of temperature on the resilient properties of ceramics and glass did not reveal any Card 2/3 - T6 - USSR/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their 1-9 Application - Silicate3. Glass, CerarUcs. Binders. Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya, iio 4, 1957, 125-17 changes therein up to the temperature of occurence of plastic deformation. Card 3/3 - 77 - A) V/_~ 2 Z 0-2-16/5o AUTHORS: Keler, E. K. , Kozlowkaya, Ye. I. TITLE: The Elastic Properties of Glaao (Ob uprul,,ikh e3voystvukh atokla) PERIODICAL: Doklady A111 SSSR, 1957, Vol. 116, 11r 2., pp. 1221 - 224 (USSR) ABSTRACTz The present paper contains experiment2l datu concerninL, the modi- fication of the elastic properties of glass in the case of a tor- sion in dependence on teinperature. It is kno,.,in that glass, below the temperature at which softening bu~~in3, is a brittle solid body, and at room temperature it obeys 'foolzolfi laa tip to the point of fracture. A diagram shovi3 the Curve deformation tomperature of glass in the case of constant stress as well as the experimental curves of momentary elastic, delayed e1etic, and re-nanent deforma- tion. In the interval between 200 and the temperature T ff of begin- ning softening there is only a momentaneous. elastic deformation. In the interval between T and the temperature of the beginning of the delay of the deformation a delayed-elastic and a remanent de- formation were observed. As aoon as 720 0 iLi attained, the elastic deformations vanish nearly entirely, and instead remanent defor- mation develops. A second diagram illustrates the curve stress de- formation of glass, i.e. the hystere3is loops for diCferent sta.-es card 112 of a truly elastic behavior of glass in the interval of temperatures The Elastic Properties of Glass 20-2-16/50 of between 20 0 and T9 . The third dia,-ram illustrato3 the depen- dence of deformation on time. '."he domains -of these curves corres- pond to the following processes: momentflry 0.1,totic deformation at the moment oil stress, dclaired elastic deformution. plastic flow, momentary-elastic restoration after remo7al of stresa, delayed-ela- stic restoration. The experimental data found served as a basis of the determination of the shearing; modulus of -lasti when heated. The dependence of the properties of r,iass on temperuture studied here was observed by several authors in the case of different types of glass such as window -las.9, variouo types of optical t-lass, and in sodium-boron silicate glass. Also pure quartz -,lass was investi.-ated. In conclusion something was said about the physical-chemical =ces- ses upon which the here discussed phenomena are based. There are 4 figures and I Slavic reference. PRESENITED: IMay 28, 1957, by A. A. Lebedev. Academician SUBMITTED: July 6, 1957 AVAILABLE: Librilry of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Koreloya, A. I., Candidate of Technical JUV/30-53-6-17/45 Sciences, Shmidt, Yu. A., Candidate of Chemicaj. Sciences, Kozlovskaya, Ye. 1. TITLE: Works Carried out by Hungarian Scientists in the Field of Chemistry and Silicate-Technology (Raboty vengerskikh uchenykh v oblasti khimii i tekhnologii silikatov) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Nr 6, pp. 92 - 94 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A group of collaborators of the Institute of Silicate-Chemistry of the AS USSR, together with the authorsof this articleg was sent to the Hungarian People's Democracy in December 1957 in order to become acquainted with the scientific works on the che- mistry and technology of silicates(mainly glass and ceramics). These works were collected at the Institute of Chemical Research of the Hungarian AS, at the Central Research Laboratory for Building Materials, the Research Institute of the Chemical Heavy Industry, the professorial chairs of a number of universities, as well as at the laboratories of industrial plants. In Budapest Card 1/3 and Venprem they had the opportunity of becoming acquainted with Works Carried out by Hungarian Scientists in the Field 30%o-58-6-17/45 of Chemistry and Silicate-Technology the works by leading specialists in the field of the chemistry and technology of silicates: I)I.Narai-Sabol Institute of Chemical InvestiCationag investigates the relations between the structure and the properties of glass. 2)B.Lend'yelt Professorial Chair for General and Inorganic Che- mistry, investigates the electric conductivity as well as the dielectric properties of glass in dependence on both durability and structure. 3)E.Beretskiy, Professorial Chair of the Chemical-Technical College at Vesprem, investigates the composition and properties of various kinds of clay and kaolin occurAng in Hungary for the purpose of replacing imported materials. 4)Ya*Grofohikp Institute of the Investigations of the Chemical Heavy Industry (Vesprem), investigates the process of the for- mation of mullite. 5)M.Korakh, Central Institute for the Investigation of Building Materials, investigates Hungarian minerals for the purpose of replacing imported raw-materials. 6)R.Moldvai, Technical College, produced and investigated ceramic Card 2/3 masses in the Li 2O-Al 20 3- Sio 2- system which have a negative thermal Works Carried out by Hungarian Scientists in the FieldSOY,3o-58-6-17/45 of Chemistry and Silicate-Technology coefficient of expansion. 7~L.Erdei proposed new methods of chemical analysis. 8 I.Shayo, Institute of Metallurgy, proposed rapid methods of the analysis of ore, mineralop silicatesp slagat refractory materials and alloyaq this method is based on the determination of components without separating the same. 1. Chemistry--Hungary 2. Scientific research--Hungary Card 3/3 1'.1AZE I VD~1~ 17~~'VITA!710N '94505 c-tay-1y.. 3d, 1-1-zmd, 1959. Stckl~bra=oyc so-tc,;uniye; trx!y Tret$ye-~:o V-&Oyu'T-T0 r--!~Chaniya t~_nln,;r 16-20 nc~(&bryn 1959 (Utr*~s StAte; Tr-Bactlecic ~t V:~ 17!lrll All-UN-40a Con- fe-ce On the Vitreous St-4te, Held in Icninj;-Ao.tZmui,t-rIr-20, 195)) M~zcou, I14-vo kl S5511, 19~0. 534 p. rrrnta slip inserted. 3,%)0 copies printed. (Car, --: Its: Trudy) Spon-r1-1; kze"lea: In.titat k:-.1.1i alltimt- Ak.1,mit raut 51-SR. Vcn.oy_Tn Cue khI.Ich,.!:qyc obahcheatlo i.c.i D.I. Me.dcl-y-L and Coc,46zratvennyy orde.14 TA-1cs, oVU.haskly In.titut S.I. V.vilova. Editorial board.- A.I. Av6,ust-im1k, V.P. Barxn)Kovakly, M.A. P~-_borcdov, O.K. Botvlnk_-~, V.V.Vmrk;iu, &.0. VIft-, K.S. levitmy-yev, A.A. M.A. Mattvr"v, V.S. Molchc~ov, R.L. Xyaller, Te.h. Poray-Koahlta, Clmimsa, %.A. Tcro;ov, V.A. rIorl"tr,ys, A.r. rakhktzd; Ed. of rublishing Uou~c, I.V. S,iyorav; Techt. Ed.: V.T. kecb~*.r. FURP(ZE: This book Is lateelea for researchers In the Be-ence and technoloa or glasses. COVERAGE: TLe book contains t4c mp3rtu and distusslons Of tj~e --rd All-, 'tit On Coafrrezm on the VItrco,.x0 State, held In 1,Oninarad on gc~-bar 16-19, 199. Thc7 deal with the methods and results of studying the &t~ture of el"acso ths relation between the structure and properties Of glaas~.. the r.%~ of the ctossIcAl t`od and glana stature, aid the crysta-Ilochezletry or eb"s. Faned #1111c.a. A.&.anItm of vitrificatlon, optlefta FrQTcrtles and 913,-3 Structure, Auld the electrical properties of glanaca am daze discussed. A nuaber of the m. port. deal vi th tbo depes-Aence of gla2a prcl4rtlra On toft2ooltiOne the tlnttn& of Clan"* and raa*tl- effects, and ..chanical, t4chnicl., and ch-Ical pnoper- ties of &Laaae.. Other Inper. treat gleas senjecoduct- and nods, bOrOAIIIc.t* classes. The Conference was attended by more tl~cn 3W 4gltzsteft fr= Soviet and East rnra,an scientific or&astzattons. &soog the pdrttclpc~ntc In the discuzalons were N.V. Soloolo, Ye. V. rarshin4kly, Yu.A. Cant", Y.r. Tu. Is. Gotlib, O.P. O.P. Mikhylm, S.M. fttrw, &.11. Lacamv, D.J. I,evla. A.V. Shatilov, W.T. TlbahChin3kiyo A.U. X~et-, Z.V. Dc6-ty4mm, G.V. A.A. KLU.ol. H.K. Slcor,%~&kov, P.Im. I.Xllo, EX. r~Ller, Ye.A. xuxft.-.~, V.P. Potdnev, R.S. Shavelevich, Z.C. Ptn~k*r, and O.S. MOIC4MOV4. The fin&I session of the C=femnec was LIA"4&.4 by I-r-feazor I.I. r1tanore'lak-.1, Zonorel Scientist and EoV.=crr, Doctor of Technical 6-~me. Tht foUavin4 Ins,tItutts were cited tor tttlr.ccrtrltuti"~ to t~e davelvincent of el"s 4ciento "trcf~logy: GGnu4ArAtv~Lryy on..1chTskly Inattt"t (StAte Optical Institute), I-:tjt~t k."All silikitcv AT, Snr,,.q (I"tltjte of C._..I.try, AS urz.9), Pi L-e.kly Inititut ki 5,F? (I'lly.tcz Institute &S u3 It), 1.-tlt~t A?t SSSR Wuy&tcv~ecrinicaj Insti-Lutc AS LfSSR). I~AtAtut flzlkl At: J~;njl XInxk (I-3tit.t, Of Fhy.!~., Acaic~y of fielo~,ag~.Y. SSR, Minsk),,.Wry Of F.1y'lleal Cl,--,ztry or SIlLectea of t.1c IaAlltut cbsbOhe'y I ceor,;r_-.j_ cLe-k-7 khLaiIAN ISSH. Minsk (I-tItAt. or ac-l J-rganlc Cr.-I.try, Ac&d1-aY of- ScIrA-- St.9, KI-k). Institut v)aok=oIekalyarnykh * " 5!;.:RjInntltjte 'of frigh Molecular Co~p-!A, 1-1 USSR), a"udr.t~". byy 2t.tit.t stekla, (SLAtt Institute tor Clan.), CocuI.%r&tvcnnyy lwtitut tek- (State 1--tit-4tt for GI-1 PlIcer.), oos,damt~,nuyy ioatit~t IettrQt.L-,. nt.f.~,ko,Lo st.kJA (Sw- Inrtltate for EVectrical Gl-), Bibirskly firiko-,r,:~L-Lly 'o`_ - is, Icrl&.i F1&yzlcotcc:inic&1 Institute, Tcaak),louImgr%e. ,.niugraA State Univvnity), Nozkovtkly 300*1ko- lnstlt,t, (H- Institute of Cheatcal T-rnolo3y)~IarlnzraIskIy tw~)-IQ;lehetkly Instlt,zt In. lAnt-tA (LvnIr.Frc.I T-;r. ololl c al InstituL il.l Wlt~"nj-ebUy In.tjt,t yt,_-L polyt.chol, Mien), l1o,C-kn..kIy i-tltat POYL*clmic Itintitutc). z~d Sverdl-kly politek%ntch"my institut (flvcr1l.,.k PoIyt4c%r.!c InntituLe). TNe COftf"TCnC" %`nR aron4ored t: t*.* Inctitite. of Billcat. Cn,.I.%ry X.'I WIVA (Attin, D'tcctor - A.S. Oetlib), the Vsttcyutnoye kIdmichn4koje It. V.I. x~ .4-1~y-a C~-Jc.j S-lety I-cl D.I. ' -kiy inatit-4t 1-0 Y., 4^)rye.), .14 t..,ennyy rden. 1A.1- -,ttr- 5.1. Vavllc.. (lit%tt ~Orler of 1-41n' CVti,,l iment to.l. Vavll~v). M. 15 of t.,, C.nrer-cV to Qrj;-IZ. . Ctntqr for tho pur--O- Or coordinatl" the roxcach m flana, to publish A new p.rI.11-1 ..!~r t46 titl.e "Filik. I Ft,1,10 (11,y.1to and.;, or Class), -.4 W Join the Ut.r~-tlon-l C-ltt~'. ou 01-z,. Th. Conte-n.o thanks A.A. Lt~.A,v, rrof~%nor, and Cn.ire.n Of t!, Or&-nIt-tlon of Cm. - sItt.c; Te.A. PIT.Y.Ewbit., Doctor or Phy-sce aci vx4t- Or v.. OrC~lc%tt*nal Cct=Attee; and H.L. ~ty-jller, Doetur of CL-Icnl Sclencvs, P-I,cr of t4s On3al'tat1-1 C~.I%tte. The editorial board ti.exk. 0.M. P.rLen,v. E.T. a-kIn%, D.P. Dobychln, M.K. DA-r-., V.A. left.. -1 ccor;I-V 1.4111,11.1. rrr..%u, vitre- tt,t. (c-t.) Say/50,5 Kotlovat~~i,, Ye.j. Dcj~ndcnce of El-tic I~CWrLics Of Gl~Dt3 cc, Color of Glnzsca "I Effect of Ra~!Wicz,Z ftzei.' V.V. Color of Cl"G aal- Effect of 345 Orloy, N.Y. Role or v-4 Cryataillaty of Netvcrt 11 Qua--ts 01=6 TlmtinZ Uzetr the Acl&ec, Of C--a HAYO 346 D-11ov, V.P., ~nl N.V. Der.-h. Vtxlmtl= 1. the Ab..~,t'cu of GLmses Of Si=;-X* CMPo31U=. U=ltr the tetloo or Gc~ R.Y. 551 PmXhoyrklUl , Sji. &a the Resix-ance or Ccv~ercima Clures to the rl-fl~-~s of R".11aacti" Rr4l.tims 555 Xwraptym,~, G.O. Effect of Gl"s Struct~re On the Cj~rct.OZ =4 Ch-2cmi. Prte rti.3 of C..-i- I=z 56o card 15/~2 y1trecus state (Comt.) SCY15035 kz4l*v, X-P., V-V. B-lmetlrA. 3-2. Grech-z-, ~142 V.A. Lyutst1-r.k1r. Str=t-e "I Prc?artled of lrom-Cvatz4nj~L: 565 Vl"~`ao R.I.o T4.1. G01nats -1 A.A. Ktfell. Kbuorptlom Sr*tt~ or t!~w Ca JOa " the -Core-lmatlca 7=.111~tor Of ad Al-..!r.= 1. -121ch GL"ges V&rgin, V.V., and T.I. Ve:pibtrz. Color car olazccs in Cm=ctlm Wl-h structmre - 37Z DI.c-slon 377 T.Ctatcl pro>erti.. of GI-s.. berte-, C.M. Structure Methaniml Propert4eA of' 02~ss Lad- Clma Ylber N90 Kvzlcmml~ya, Ye.l. CIA4tic ProZ~rtl- of GL~s Ln Pt2AUm to Tm,"rat-~~ YY7 C~4 161-12 vitroo,. state (C~t.) swbO35 Axlen-, K.S. Xz-%-,tc~a of Gl- Fit- V.A., ar.1 V.V. 0., r~,-IXccriz.ticn of 1.ere-~t- Gl-g3 C.d Mte.r, th. Detcmimira the D-nsity aaa Visewlty in Tja,e for XOm.%I J-cA OL"- 16 111 In the P--.40 5" Ponomarev, I.?. of Ve G1"x-7c=Ang Phe.. in the rzmatioa of the Waaic I.--* mA C-- 405 Ttmolr4e", Te.Y. rhystcoc-h-1cal SUVy of Ynximm of T1r*-P..:zt&at Oxides yTt..", V.A. Structure of Cl"m And the Utwra of Sold.-I~z It WW, m.t.1j blmc~mlon Card 17122 C. 24 (D AU TH OR Kozlovsk~ya, Xj,~- J,,016 3/058/61/000/008/025/044 AO;1,8/ATOI U t Elastia proper-tioa of glass as a of tsmparat-,kre PERIODNIALg Referativnyy zhurnal, Flzlkft, no. 8, 1961, -'99, abs-'k-.V&3+, BD74 (V ob. "Stekloobrazn. sostoyanips". M.-T., AS 2156F, !960, 387-391, Diso, 415-417) TMr4 The -author studled the distinctive feat:jr6s of "the deformation of T a -te glasses and materials.of~a mixed glaaa-crystallint t pe,as & L~bion 12.1aa Cy f= of temperature, 'the oharaoter of the load and ths time of its aotion. Me&sure- mants were oarried out by statio'mathods *f Yoraion Wit. !i rr-*J-mIC,,AI MW aptioal I indloator systams. -7ne results~ara pzpsented graphion', -.4 In the form of deforma- tion,vers-as tempdratuns ourves for-optical eand 4-ndustria-I glas-sesr- fused-qu and glazes. Incident, to heating of glass abo-ve T9 Ite maoha.-Aaal- prope2rizes undergo pronounced charges conreated with stjruc'~ural i:0%snZes. The ,Nndothermic effects detected in the thermograms of the glaszqa in the tsmperature range T 9 Td (Td is the point of beginning of deformation dslk~r) lzdl-nate that the etrua- tural ohargas are effected with absorption of heat, in the softenbla range Card 1/2 Elastlo propertles'-ol" glass ... V/48/61/000/008/025/044 AO 5 8 /A 10 1 together with insta:"rIzanecus-elastlo- deformatton dslayed-eigus-.11n; and plastic deformation become characteristic. Experiments wit-h mly.~-.-Arvs of wLridow pane and 1W - 20% Eleatrooorundum showed that the ch_k:racter of the dA-fcnmat-Ion of the investigated materials is dater-mined by the propiArl,tf~s ot thi N-1-trzo.5 phase. I Y A. Yakhkind [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 ;43 A z j'a R-I I J."I. j i! -*I 3 CA Le ls~ 'a sit! -V a Al , . .I 2-4 0 0 Z.,9 ZI U. 'a it "31 H Z" V?:r.-Pulaft A 4A S.'s 3, -4 .1 HE . . . . . . . . . . . - t ftow k is JI,1 9 d:A "me voila its I UJI AFFEN, A.A.; KOZLOVSKAYA, Yaj.; GAN' FU-SU (Nan FU-hsi] Investigation of the elastic 4nd acoustic properties of silica glasses. Zhur. prikl. khim. 34 no.5:975-981 Vq 161. (MIRA 16s8) (Glass) i;tA964-63 LVP(q)/ErTW/BDS AFFTCIASD Pq-4 WHIJD4jo ACCESSION NR: AP3006599 S/0020/63/151/006/136811370 AUTHORS: Keler, E. K.; Kozlovskaya, Ye. I., i TITLE: Elasticity and crystal formation in glasses. SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, 151, no. 6, 1963, 1368-1370. TOPIC TAGS: glags, heat treatment, glass crystallization igh temperature microscope, strength of glas's, endothermic effect) exothermic effect, Al, K, Li, Si, Mg, Ti. Li and ABSTRACT n Mechanical properties o f Al. -:.&7 1 Al:-MR-Tirm6i glasses were investigated. In tim-perature range fromWC to vitrification temperature (T.), the glass defor- mation is uniforA. From T, to temperature of effective- I crystallizationPTk,, a sudden increase of deformation occurs, An exothermic Affect accompanies this step. After that, deformation rate declines slightly Then, with a further increase in temperature,, a second increase of deformation takes place. After that, the deformation curve is parallel Card 113 L~ 18964-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3006599 'to the abscissa up to temperature at which the glass completely liquefies. Decline and rise ih deformation rate ;.coincides with endo- or exothermic effects. Extent and nature of deformations was investigated by heat treatment and observation in high temperature microscope. These observations show that, up to temperature T., no crystal formation can be observed, but, between temperatures T,-Tkl the formation of crystalline inclusions can be observed, which, with increase of temperature, grow in size until all I glass -is converted inre6 one.fine crystalline structure. Modulus of elaseicity%Pof this structure at room temperature' is higher than tha.t of corresponding original. glass. Orig, art. has: 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimii silikatov im. 1. V. -- -~~ns~titu W --Qrebenshchikova Akademii na te of sMc-att chgm Stry, ca emv of scences, SSSR). Z/3 Card KOZLOVSKAYA, Z.A. Hantokite from the zone of oxidation of the Dzhezkazgan deposit. !zv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. geol. no.1345-50 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Dzhezkaisgan District-Nantokite) KOZIDVSKAYA, Z.A.; MITRYAYEVA, N.M. Rhenium in some copper-porphyritic deposits of central Kazakhstan. Izv. AN SSR. Ser. geol. no.lt95-99 161. (MIRA 14-6) (Kazakhstan-Rhenium) AUBAKIPDVA, R.B.; KqZ1DVSKAYAj Z.A. L _j POTOK, S.I.; SHISHALOV, V.A. Antofognstite nnd botallackite from the oxidntion zone of the Dzhezkazgen deposit. Izv. AN Kazakh. SM. Ser. geol. 21 no.5: 90-95 S-0 164. (MJRA 18:5) 1. Institut geologichoskikh nauk im. K.I.Satpayeve AN Kaz&9R, Alma-Ata. ZHELIAZKOV, D.K.; K0ZI,0VSK1*,,Q,~;,AMDIOVA, M*P.; IGHATOVA, I.P. Experimental and clinical studies on hair growth stimulating effect of trichlorotriethylamine (TS-160). Suvrem. mad., Sofia 8 no.10: 72-83 1957. 1, Iz Fatedrata po farmakologiia pri VMI--Sofiia (zav. katedrata: prof. P. Nikolov) i Yatedrata po dermatologiia pri, VMI-Sofiia (cav. katedrata: prof. L* Popov)q (NITROGEN KUSTAYM, effects, trichloroethylamine on hair growth (Bul)) (ITHYTAMINES, effects, same) (U&1R, effect of drugs on, trichloroethylamines on growth (BuM GEORGIEV, G.; MUSTAKOV, G.; MOZLUVSKII, G. Pyoderma and miorotrnum in workers of the Georgi Dimitrov railroad chop. Suvrem. mod., Sofia 9 no.ls6o-68 1958. 1, 12 Katedrata po kDshni i venericheaki boleati pri VHI - Sofiia (sav. katedrata: prof. L. Popov). (PYOMM4k, epidemiology, in railroad workers (13ul)) (ACCIMTS' INDUSTRIAL, microtrauma in railroad workers (Bul)) (OCCUPATIOMAL DISFASES, epidemiology. .yoderma in railroad workers (Bul)) p ORAKHOVATS, D.1 GOTSEV, T.1 KOZLOVSKI, G. On the effect of adrenalin an blood vessels of the lower extremities in man. Nauch. tr. vissb. med. inst. Sofia 39 no.2:1-14 16o. 1. Predstavena ot akad. D. Orakhovats, zav. Katedrata po fiziologiia, i ot prof. d-r L. Popov, zav. Katedrata po kozhno-venericheski bolesti. (EPINEPHRINE pharmacol) (VASOMOTOR SYSTEM pharmacol) GOTSEV, T.; KOZLOVSKI, G. Effect of acetylcholine on blood vessels of the lower extremities in man. Nauch. tr. vissh. mad. inst, Sofia 39 no.2:15-22 160, 1. Predstavena ot akad. D. Orakhovats, zav. Katedrata po fiziologiia, i ot prof. d-r L. Popov, zav. Katedrata po kozhno-venerichaski bolesti. (ACETYLCHOLINE pharmacol) (VASCHOTOR SYSTEM pbarmacol) KOZLOVSKI, G. [Academic Degrees) BULGARIA (Affiliation) Senior Assistant with the Skin Clinic of the Higher Medical Insitute -- Sofia (Kozlma klinika na VO -- Sofia). (Source) Sofia, Sreden Maditsinaki Rabotnik, No 5, 1962, pp 40-47. [Dat&3 "Care for the Skin." KOZLOVSKI, G. Gorrelation beUisen the neurovegetative and allergic reactivity in some dermatoseso Dermato vener ~-,fla 2 no.1:14-16 163. 2. From the Chair of Skin and Venoreal Diseaves at the Higher Medicel Tnstitute, Sofia (Head of the Chairt Prof. L. Popov). -,r,Zi :',V'IKT, G. T r i.-re r. e s 3 o f th(l U I., Cl U I I ',r (-.-L 7rle, 7; t, .:caf la 3 From the Physiothera eut-i,,- Depirta % enL it th .4ighe. qedical -.nstitute, Scfia ~Tlsidt Nikolova, L.7",(k&aid. r%- -Ad. ii !IeAl) all-J f!-,-m ths Chai- of :Ain and Venerea*i L.-. tlr~ Ifea J - 7--,- Medi,;al lnsf.~~tute KOZLOVSKIS, V., red.; EGIBIA.p red.; ERE24STEINE,A.,, telhn. red. [For high corn yield] Par augetu kukurazas razu. Rife, Latvijas Valets izdevniecibao 1959- 125 pe MIRA 141.12) (Latvia-Corn (maize)) XOZLOVSM A.A. Effect of elk on the2egeneration of pine and aspen in the central part of the European 'U.S.S.R. Soob*Inst.lesa no.11: 97-101 159- (MIRA 13:2) 1. Vaesoyusnyy nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy institut lesovodetva i mokhanizatoii lesnogo khoVaystva. (Elk) (Pine) (Aspen) OZLOVSKIY, A.A. [Proteotion of forests from damage caused by moose] Okhrana lesa ot povrezhdenii losiami. Moskva, 1960, 62 p. (MLIA 14:9) (moose) (Forests and forestry) KOZLOVSKIY, A. A. Cand Agr Sci, Diss -- "Control of the elk population in forestry". Yelgava, 1961. 17 Ppo 20 am (Min of Agr LatvSSR. Latv Agr Aead), 300 copies, Not for sale (KLI No 99 1961, p 186, No 24391). Z61-511327 KOZLOVSKIT. A.A., inzheaer. Reconstructing the burner unit of OIDEAL-MKO gyps boilers. Gor.khoz.Mook. 24 no-2:36-37 7 150. (ULRA 7:11) (Boilers) KOZLOVSKIT, A.A.; IVANOV, V.A. Building concrete bunkers In winter.- Biul.stroi.takh. 10 no.16:19 N 153. WaA 6:11) (Goncrete construction--Gold weather conditions) (Ooal--Storage) KOZLOVSKIY,A.A.; KORZHOTSKIY.V.P.. laureat Stalinskoy premii: POLYAKOV, NOGAY,I.Y.; BAZANOV,A.F., laureat Stalin- sko;lpremii. The BTK-30 crane. Rate. i izobr. predl. v stroi. no.110:3-5 '55. (Cranes, derricks, ate.) (MLRA 8:10) - EDZWVSKIY rs "Concrete-press" machine. Makh.stroi.13 no.6:34-36 Je 156. (Reinforced concrete) (MA 919) h~ 4 1 0 as 't/ ), /)/~ .5 KOZ10 4jLZTT-AvA-., KOGAN, I.Ya.; SMIRNOV. G.Ya.; POLYALOV, V.G.; KORZHETSKIT, V.P.; KFMOMOV, P.P. Equipment for a four-legged tower crane assuring efficient movement and 0'P'eration within a small working range. Rats. i izobr. predle v strol. noo2i46-0 157. (MIRA 11a) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) KOZLOVSKIT, A., inzb. '--I-- The MBTK-80 mobile tower crane. Ma stroi,Mosk. 2 no.2:9-11 7 139o WIRL 1213) (Cranes# derricks, etc.) StU.Ji, V.I.; SEYTMURATOVA, E,Yu.; KOZLOVSK70 A.A. Determining the relative age of nepheline syenites by the method of thermoluminescence. Trudy Inst. geol. nauk AN Kazakh. SSR 12: 129-132 165. (MIRA 18:9) KUZLOVSXIY, A.A$,j podpolkovnik mettitainakoy alimhby (L'vov) Syndrone of Kojevnikoff's epilepsy of psychoganic are. 7iral etiologr. Vrach.delo no.lPt"1255-V57 D 156. (MIRA 12:10) (EPILEPSY) KOZWVSKIT, A.A., podt)olkornik meditsinskoy slu7hbr (L'vov) ' .,:-- -C -' 11-- - - 1 -0 inicAl aspects of universal cysticercosis. Vrnch.dolo no.1:8q,-91 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Knuchnyy rukovoditell-saal. deyAtell nauki, prof. Ye.V.HAGlOV. (GYSTIC'IRGOSIS) ROZLOVSXIY, A.A., podpolkov ik med.eluzhby (Llvov) Somnambulism as a syndrome in certain brain diseases; Tra 'dolo no*'7t751-753 JI'58 = 11:9) (SOMNAMMISM) (BRArm-Disusms) xozwvsrrr Diagnostic value of intracutaneous administration of Margulia-Shubladse specific vaccine in certain neurotropic virus infections Lwith sum- mary in French]. Zhur.nevr. i paikh. 58 noo6,.681-685 158 (MIRA 112-7) 1. (Konsulttant - prof. Ys.V* Naalov). (U.CMNAWKYELITIS, dingnocts. aerol. with Knrgulia-shublad7ce vaccine (Rua)) KOZLOVSKIY, A.A. (Livov) Viral encephalitis with the clinical aspects of somnam- buliam. Vrach. delo, no. 8:138-139 Ag'63. (MIRA 16:9) (MICEPHALIT3S) (SOMMULISM) KCZLOVSKIYO A.A.; SVETINSKIYx Ye.V.; STBCHKINA, N.A. Ramming unit on a MRSK-100 erecting crane bass. Oan.p fund. i mekh, grun, 5 no.4:18-20 t63, (MIRA 16:11) YAKOVLEV, A. I., kand. tekbn. nauk; SVIRIDWO, 1. S., kand. tekhn. nauk; KOZLOVSKIY, A. B. Characteristics of the performance of power transmissions in case of a joint and separate electric drive. Avt. prom. 29 no.5:31-33 My '63* ~ (MMA 16:4) I-Gosudaretvennyy soyuzrqy-ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni nauchno-isaledovatell'okiy avtomobilinyy i avtomotornyy institut i Akademiya kommunallnogo khozyaystva. (Motor vehicles-Power transmissions) (Electric driving) KOZLOVSKIY, A.D., inzh.; IBRAGIMOV, P.A., inzh. Instrument for deternining the tension of wire reinfarcwwnt. Trudy BashNIIStroi no.L216-227 162. (MIRA 170) KOZWVSXIY, A.D. --- Sowing cunflower in latt nutum%. Zemlodelio 5 no.~4:35--`46 6 15?. ''-'r ~--;'A 10:9) , . D~rektor novk-hooN "Trubetcldnskiy." Lipetskoy ohl-uti. (Su!iflowers) DIMICHEV, A.D.; KISRIZVO V.P. ptarobiy dorosbnyy master (stantsiya. Ira-Ioll Pechorakoy dorogi)$bA*fflftn. ~~KWIN,A.Ai starshiy dorozhnyv meter (Stantsiya Polotsk Belorusskoy dorogi);KURS, V.G., brigadir puti(stant- slys, Cheremkhovo Vostochno-Sibirskoy dorogi); PAVWV, Y.N., brigadir puti.(stantstya. Cheremkhovo Tostoebuo-Sibirskoy dorogi); SWWAUM, A.M.. dorozbnyy master (stantslys, Zenzeli Ordshonikidzevsko7 dorogi); TAR&SENM , V.Ye., doroshrqy master (8tantstya Irkutsk II) Letters to the editor..Put' i.put.kboz. no.11:43-45 N 158. (KIRA 11:12) 1. Haeballnik normativnoy stantaii tresta "Hekput'.P (for Damicbev). 2. Zamestitell nachallnika dist4htsit, stantelya Kizel Sverdlovskoy dorogi (for Kozlovskly). (Railroad engineering) KOZLOV&KIY, A.D. (stantsiya Kizel, Sverdlovskoy dorogi) Prerequirdte for an economic spending of allocations. Put' i put.khozo no*11:19 11 '59. (MM& 13:4) (Kizel-Railroads-Snow protection and removal) KOZLOVSKIY.. A.D. Increase the responsibility of the track forces foremene' Pat' I put. khoz. 5 no-4j2O AP 161. (MA 14M le Zamestitell nachallnika distantaii puti, at. Kizel, Sverdlovskoy dorogi. (Railroads-Employees) (R&ilroads-Track) KOZZLOVSKU-1 A. 1. 35390 Meropriyatiya Po Uluchsheniyu Kormovoy -',~azyzhi-trotnovalr,.-Iva V S-111biri. V SB: llichurinpkuyu Illaullai-V Prakti'!--u Zhivotnovod.,.;tva. Ilovosiloirsk-, -'-'/--'49, S. 147-59 SO: Lo-topis' Zlmrnalln..,I:h Statcy Vol. 34, Ilbolm, 1,)49 XOZLO73-'r'%IY, A. 1. IfThe ."nsilag-3 ol' Fodders in Siberia, Novosibirsk, 195'J, 80 pp. KOZLIVSKri, A. I. "The Snailage of Podders in Siberia" Novosibirsk, 1950 Mikrobiologiya, VolXX, No 5, 1951 4WW-24635 KOZLOVSPY~ A. I. Agriculture Forage root crops, Novosibirsk, Novosibgiz, 1951. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. K.OZWVSKIY, Anton Ignatlyevich. Siberian Sci-Res Inst of Livestock Breeding, Academic degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sci-, based on his defense, 2 June 1954, in the Council of the All-Union Sci-Res In 'st of 'orage imeni Villyams, of his dissertatiqn entitled: "-'he Bio'logi- cal Foundations of Agrotechnics and Seed Sci of ?or�ge Tubers in the torest-Steppe Zone of Western tiberia A cademic degree and/or title: Doctor of Sciences SO: Decisions of VAK, List no 7, 26 Mar 55, ~yulletenl 14V0 SSSR, No. 14, July 11,bscow pp 4-22, Uncl. JFX3/NY-429 KOZLOVW oktor sell skokhosyaystvannykh nauk; KOVAIJIT, _kT 'A $w4 Vag ~Gadiat s"ellskokhozysystvennykh nauk; ILVCIYINXO, Y.K., nauchnY7 sotruddic; UYUN. redaktor; PAVLOVA, N.M.. takhalcheakly redaktor; BALTM, A.I.,' tekhaicheakiy recU(ktor [Corn in 1955] Kukuruza v 1955 godu. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry. no.5- [Siberian regions] Raiony Sibiri. 1956. 198 p. (Siberia--Corn (Haize)) (HLRA 10:2) KATTRET, A.Ye.,- XAURTSEY. N.V.:KDZWVBKIY. A.L. doktor sell skokhosysystven- nykh nauk; KRABjxov,, z,Ds, acteent, kandidat Gellskokhozvayotyenufth nauk,, SCBOIMVBXiYA, K.A.: LYXOV, H.S., redaktor; LISIMA, VA., tekhnicheokiy redaktor [Axperience in cultivating corn; based on papers at a province conference] yt volsdelyvanita kukuruzy-, po materialam oblastuoi konferentelIINovosibirok) Novosibirokos )m-vo, 1956, 226 p, (MLRA 9:12) 1. Novos ibirskiy seliskokhotyaystvannyv institut (for Xrasikov) (Corn New)) Lo usm/cultiva-2-0 11auts - F~xl.clcrs. Abs Jnur Z"Aur - Uf-)).., If-, 44169 Author A., Kr.-)t(.)va, 21~diltsovv., A. 1~71jCr~Tajj SCJO- ..-C j, ~-i4 Ut It or 1 Inst f a0. 'Oowin,(;s C,)i7-.. L,~Lmiiivlus OriC, Pub ,3. lrl-.. Siluiri) 1956, fl'- 3; 2-,-29. Abstract -1955 c- cru-,~n~o L'::,-, Sibcrian Sc-' atific one,.. 1954 it,s,-arc.. nobituto )-i" Lu-3ban'ry show.-C tim" wi~". ~i-L;':. 1(~Cmdnous a cr,,p (c-;rn in piurc pr)~'.~Jcc~ .An,.iro i - 1. - .31.3 c,! /11a 0~' Ccr), idun v,~i*.C- 3,43 =c C.)VIII T-duo licas 3W The, )r p1mits In 'V-'~, cr-~-. increased '11-c: 13r- -~iz c~n- '~:IIG G,:, 22-49~. L-I C-ry Y'-n----: it is Card 1/2 j-.os J)ur 4169 ~f )r -)~-Vvs ill-to th'-; C,)r:i li'lLI-q- uts all' harrowill'; )z F.-I.) betucc'.1 CO.r,.' 2/2 19,7, U .S,'~'-R ,/Cultivated Plants - Grains M-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhux - Biol.., No 1., 1958., No 1502 Author : A.I. Kozlovskiy:, AoGe KaUrIna Iast N 7-7 -Grv-e n- - - - --- - Title Siele,---Unn of Varieties of Cam for Seed and Ensilags fo:? Culti-;mtior- in Siberia. Orig Pub KukiLnza, 1956., No 6, 28-30 Abstract Results of experiments on corn varieties by the food pr---b.%a- tIon, department of the Siberian Ifttional Research lus,Ut;,,:~13 for liveatock raising (co-ndwted 1954-1955). in all the myons of the steppe and forested steppe zone of Siberia) by c=1id-irating medium early corn varieties (VoronezhskAYa 76, Pennfamayskaya, Perlovskaya) a good yield of cobs ir. the stage of ripeness and green stuff for the silo aqa~ be obtained. For the purpose of dry seed cv2-r-4vation the lo~ial ea--ly varieties and populations (local whita: whits mc,s5:1.::) ara useful. Iate varieties yield very low crops of cd~-ja having laotic and laetic-waV ripeness (54 ceatnirs Per Card 1/p 4 4krfSSTFC.,-,!t4-va-r,3d Plants - Grains M-I+ I AVs Jour : It3f Zhur - Biol.; No 1) 1958) No 1502 per hectarze)and are cultivated espe--iauv for the suo a&- for green feed (the yield of green stuff is 500 cantmers pa-- hea-bare and more). Card : 2/p- CATIR GfNIF T I + Lea er ot, -I - .1c- C, f Z) ;, -j r, , W KOZLOVSKIY, A.K*__;., The ease-manufacturing plant *Proletarii" is meeting its 50th anniversary with labor.achievements. Stek. i ker. 20 no.12% 30-33 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Direktor stekollnogo zavoda. "Proletariy." 1) IS Is 11 flu wn me NU mosi 41 us) ids L I x I I A rainting under water. A. L. Koitta-kil. hlym,4. - - - - 4 -m fl kA 119 i 1 r k 19 N Zh - v,14"(0 a . . o, 4 1W f ; u,, ,; K I 'remit. , f 1030, N.. 10, 1 lit. Phentil-alldehyde fritims which can he -00 so obtained In the liquid state and which posses, lyoph,4, 0.4,wilie, are luidirtic,l without hvetins by the mw of Cdo at of their nlixts. (tf. C. J. JI, 6441). Thr avit Im-o6k "Colulsum" ttsilt'i voiltoill 13 I"'t '", "f ve phenol. Optimum Tievilts wvtr tilitiliurd with er lit, 6 !mving a or of tram 1.25 to 1.30 in a 10 ;e mic. lioln. I'mitit. i armind with ale. splits. of resin fortned a turbidity In wat,.r 400 And were, theftfore, replaced by Paints Prtpd. with Of ;:fiquid" or "enm6ion" resins. Irtmi oxide. red lead. ' 0 00 v 1,CtO.,Cr*O,,tak-iiiadZitOwcrc uwdaspignienis n, to Ctmipletv ItAftlening prtivess takes 'M days. bul after 24 atilo 00 is lim the'.'iitlcoutullAiaitcittibeitpplirit. AvxAprotm. 0 0 00 ti,m fr(lot c,nrc"in was obtained with 21 coats; the tilill 6 Liovol approis. 8 11) ininiths. Paint cmig. CrO, It" 4 00 61 '111CM t lit 16-411 Corit"iml frsio Once, 1121111 ills 1111(le I wjt tr P ; %V. R. 11. goo - - 'Go 1.00 ate-ILA m(1&L&VWGKAL LITISAT1,111 CLASSWKAIICII to Is If!' 4-0~- Too *0 ti I'll, ast C.. It. Ali a 4 0 '4 Is 111 5 a a o *1* 0 0:0 9 0 C 900 0 00 0 0 0 a 0 0 3 4 0 o 090 0 O"o 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 a a 4 0 a a 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 w ,b 0 Id is is )I A if x It a IS IS A Q u 61 a f!* is If 0 Is a it 6 1. '1 L I it it J to v I I A M fit* k to 00 e! . likitultissute of Otis pit value III Phenol tollitaid h it ci)~dvnssllou A~ I.- Kwl,nkii. tiq ch,"t, YZ . / '~- it I 1 .4, IN, It. 1 6, 1019, -it 110,110-Ftf"ll And N -Irw studits of The pit vAlurso ul noxis. of I twol. t:qqo1 l: Ill t)I Ild 2 Infols.44 Cilro Willi Alk. catalyul.. iN30111 and 00 N11.011 I ond their licoilucts,it tmdrn%a6,mt it IIIA Illixt.. "I I'll(lif Slid Cll'0 %jilt Ili, "m'.41VNII Gifill 00 ,,Ilfkf Y.1clus. file vowim %4 imAkalv%l. I'littil Allit A.1 0111, allow 11.0 tIlt"t too the lilt %,title 0 lilt klii%t' It, %,title is chall4cil oilly Willi tilt choillpol III tilt I.Ral all't to 0 catalyst In the mixt. The pli valur itimsim comt. Ili Ow prorcsi L4 slid dlying W the mil), a. I well cm the Addit. (it Ito to fill- foW. ut PhOll And as ~J k I-" Ii.-Alli, too -11" 1 ,,1 th" ...... if I 1. to lit filaft"ll Ito file OvillfAble Pholl. fill this. tilt it'll fc-s' [urn 11,111. the vqrl'~.Sly Id lit. it A~,,, but life me;in mill. jwt~ if tllv lt-~Itp rVillillh I dilt 0 Otis 111JIll. :1 goo zoo zoo 4111o '4 00 if w:oo go 77 0 0 Sit 11 0 Ill 0 0 0 -047; 'ram 6 stj I % 0 w 0 vi it I, it if of a It q K a it u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 m a 00 A 0 00 go o 0 00 oo 49 Oil - 00 0 00 9644066:60A mmommmmom~ Dots "irs 04incil I~ddd, Ta~fakovkif and A - L. Kuzh?v- ~Uf- , U.S.S.R. KIM. An.31. W17, At Imstidthigij tit 611W.41'adryiniguilaild"I W4111ht.'lf powd. pigtitclit ~Cllql 611rf. The Itth I* Allut-4 4411 nalvir, itioliftJ, aild 1111.41. 11a% fillvir 6uhvi kt,aillur t.iklllil, ju the wit,of filivir, twig. nictit, atut drybig tAl 6 mi'J"I ,It n".U111. "( M. rch or trapeAnth. 1-'(w mnalkkalli. t"O.. of "AgAriffib k Uftif a tc.ill, 0 0 0 Ole 0 its 0 A--j-T .00 -0 e *00 -00 100 "o 0 .00 too A =00 Gas Cos goo woo vo 0 co 0 Me 0 goo 70: bete it" 40-k"T 0 -A. ativ gat 10 ""10A& %Irma 161111061 'a a : AV 00 41 .1 it n 0 of 0 Of 0 0 & :0 000000000000000004104loole-ooo*ooooooo*oooooo OT U a ~:' 6 000000 0 0 0.0 0 OA 0000000 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to KOZLOVSKIY, A. L. Cand. Tech. Sci. Dissertation: "Investicration of the TechnologIcal Processes of Producinf and Utiliz!rZ the I~ydrophilic Phenolaldehyde Resins." Yoscow Order of Lenln Chemicotechnological Inst imeni D. I. Mendeleyev, 26 Sep 47. SO: VechernMaya Yoskva, Sep, 1947 (Project k17836) KO=VSldj, A. L. Koalovskii, A. L. The manufacture and reprocessing of synthetic tam Moskva, Goa. izd-vo mestnoi promyshl. RSFSR, 1949. 199 p. (49-28429) TP86.A2K68 Dj BRuyNE, N.A.; HOUVINK, R.; KOZLOVSKIT. A.L. [translator]; ARNOLIDOV, V.T., redaktor; redaktor [Adhesion of glue, cqment. and solder. (P61ished In Rnglish as "Adbmsion and Adhesives.*)j Adgeziia klei, teementy, pripoi. Pers- vod s angliiskogo A.A.Kazlovskogo. Moskva, Izd-vo inostrannot lit- ry. L954. 584 p. (mm 8: 5) (Adhesives) (Adhesion) 1 ~ "! -~ I iLi V ~ k ,, p - I-, K - .v KOZLOVSKIY;" A.L. -- Polyethylene coating of heat insulation materials. TrUdv VNIIAvtogen no.4:125-136 '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Insulation (Heat)) (Polyethylene) (Gas torches) SOV/1 3 7- 59- 3 - 7227 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 3, p 325 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kozlovskiy, A. L. TITLEi MGP- 1-57 Apparatus for Applying Refractory Coatings (Apparat MGP- 1- 57 dlya naneseniya tugoplavkikh pokrytiy) PERIODICAL: Byul. tekhn.-ekon. inform. Vses. in-t nauchn. i tekhn. inform., 1958, Nr 5, pp 5-7 ABSTRACT: A description is given of the design of an MGP- 1- 57 gas injector apparatus, developed by VNITAVTOGEN (All-Union Scientific Re- search Institute for Welding), with which coatings with a melting point of 20000C and higher can be applied not only on refractory materials but also on Al and Mg alloy and on plastics. N. L. Card 1/1 3/137/60/00()/01/05/009 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1960, No 1, p 184, J.231 S .-ILtoo AUTHORs Kozlovskiy, A.L. TITLEi New Materials for the Application of Coatings by the Method of Metal Pulverization PERIODICALs Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta avtogen. obrabotki metallov, 1959, No 5, pp 260 - 262 TM-14 The use of a plastic vein ["zhilka"] is recommended for spraying hard antifriction 61loys (e.g. ILiC-rB))-Jmet&ls with high melting point (such as T coatings of multi-component alloys; the sprayed metal or alloy La) Aand powder is used as the vein filler. Information is given on the process of the vein production. The amount of metal powder in the vein is 80 - 85% by weight; equal amounts of polyehtylene and polyisobutane are used as binders. Spraying with the vein is performed on a wire device. The difference between spraying with a wire and a vein is pointed out. Coatings applied from a vein have a fine-grained structure and are denser than coatings applied in the form of powder or a wire. Card 1/1 A.K. S/788/6o/ooo/oo6/oo2/OO4 E202/E492 AUTHORS: Kozlovskiy, A,L,, Candidate of Technical Sciences, -ghlia-kova, K.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Interrelation between the various forms of aluminium oxide SOURCE: Moscow. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-ia3ledovatellskiy institut avtogennoy obrabotki metallov. Trudy. no.6. 1960. Kislorodnaya rezka, Inetalllzatsiya, payka. 136-139 TEXT:- The authors',found that gas flame deposited alumina passes. from the alpha intothe gamma form which contradicts the 9.pnerally accepted view about the irreversibility of the alpha f6rm. Compacted and sintered at 16000C,alumina rod was sprayed by! passing through the oxyacetylene spray gun. The original sintered and sprayed alumina was studied by means of X-ray powder photographs which showed three distinctly different 'fractive indices showed that the patterns. Calculation of re untreated material contained both a and y forms while the sprayed one contained only the y-form. However, the sprayed material was resistant to water, mineral and organic acids and alkalies and was considered a new modification of the y form. The authors---- Card 1/2, S/788/6o/ooo/oo6/002/004 Interrelation between ... E202/E492 suggest that the formation of the now y form at 2000*C is not due to depolymerization of the a form, but due to the destruction of trimeric polymers at high temperatures and the coating comprises the a form debris or the products of interaction of the latter. The cross-linking between linear molecules of A1203 is attributed to the hydrogen bridges, derived from OH groups cr to. the polyfunctional additives,-e.g. titanates., There are 2 figures._) Card 2/2