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December 31, 1967
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Radioactivation method of determining oxygen in semiconducting
mgterials and metals onihe basis of the photonuclear reaction
016 (Tn) o15. Trudy kom.anal.khtm. 10:137-141 '60.
(MIRA 13:8)
1. Fiziko-khimichaskly institut im. L.Ta.Karpova, Moskva.
(Semiconductors--Oxypen content)
Vlasov, V.G., Kozlov, V.A
The Interaction of Uranium Trioxide With 4olid CarboO
PERIODICALs Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 196o, Vol 33, Nr 4, pp 760 - 765
!Fr'"L~ The rate of the process of direct reduction of uranium trioxide was in-
vestigated, Uranium trioxide was obtained by heating uranium peroxide for 6 hours in
an oVgon flao at 4WOC. The reducing agents were birch charcoal and sugar charcoal
with a carbon content of The investigation was carried out in a high-vacuum
installaticn with continuous control of the weight loss of the sample by means of
spring scales. Reduction by birch charcoal was studied within the temperature range
350 -~ 4000C, and by.sugar charcoal within the range 450 - 5300C. Birch charcoal proved
to be the more a3tive reducing agent.. The activation energy of the reftation process
in the case of birch charcoal was 43 kcal/mole and in the case of sugar charcoal
65 kcal/mole. The gaseous phase forned during reduction consisted only of carbon dioxide.
The authors try to explain the mechanism of accelerating the reaction of carbon monoxide
regeneration, which is the slowest stage in the process of direct reduction of uranium
trioxide, Thera aret 4 graphs and 16 references, 10 of which are Soviet and 6. German.
SURM2=3 August 24, 1959
)- I
Card 1/1'
AUTHORS: Vlasov,
TITLE: Low-temperature
V. G. and Kozlov, V. A.
carbothermal reduction of U 308
prikladnoy khimii, v. 35, no. 3, 1962, 0'60-66'3
T-_XT: A study of the kinetics of the reduction of U3 08with solid
carbon. The authors carried out experiments in a temperature range
625 - 7250C on an installation and by a method described in a pre-
vious publication and studied the effect of Na2CO3 added to the
oxide or to the reducing agent. It was found that the additibn of
110L2CO3to the carbon slows down the reduction; the addition of the
latter to the oxide-accelerates -the process markedly. The rate of
reaction does not depend on the degree of oxygen elimination until
U 308is fully converted to U409, but afterwards diminichea propor-
tionally to the degree of reduction. This dependence may be ex-
Card 112
Low-temperature carbotliermal
ci/030/62/03 5/0035/0 18/024
pressed by log a k-r where ais the degree of reduction
a U
corresponding to UO 21 q - the actual degree of reduction k -
a temperature constant andl:- tine. Activation encr- for the re-
duction is 56 - 56 kcal/mol. There are 2 figures and 6 references:
5 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the En-lish-
language publication reads as follows: D. Vangrian and R. W. Mard-
son, Preprint Nucl. Eng. a. Sci. conf. s.a., 13, 15, 1958.
SUBMITTED: January 30, 1961
Card 2/2
Protective action of r) -mercaptopropylamine againet radiation
injury of the crystal .lJne lens exacerbated by trauma. Radio-
biologiia 4 no.4:587-592 164. (141RA 17:11)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univers[tet, imeni Lomonosova.
- - V
I,ro.qpp(,tq for pharmacoctiemical pro tecti on en
in,jiiry in space f light. Probi. kosm. b-fol -,I'-V,- 126 165.
0-21RA 18:9)
pMO-K,--v-.A--;- p
Summary of microbiological and cytochemical studies on "Vostok"
spaceships. Probl. kosm. biol. 4:261-269 1651. (MIRA 18:9)
New ways of studying chemicdl protection against genetic changes.
Probl. kosm. biol. 4:445-450 161). (MlRA 18:9)
Ir i ht, .9, a:!onal dyiiarai:~s of
-o0(."d fullcLiuni7.
Nak. v,:~. k-Vm. no.3--3- 0
(mTlm j8:10)
ya p
Of~ Lral anil :-,;.nimal
Dj a
ACC M AT6003978~ SOURCE COM: UR/2865/65/004/0OO/0445AX50.
AUTHOR: Mkov-Venz N.; Volkov 'K. Aj. Rybakov~ N. T Stikabnov P. Fl"
hnikov~- N.,
kqzloy. V. Konstant1nov, V. I ir. N. AM 5=.'~ Di
ORO: none
ainst genetic changes
TITLE: New ways of studying.ohemical protection aL
+1 i
S1)URCE: AN SSSR , Otdeleniye biologicheakikh nauk. Problemy kosmicheskoy
btiologii, v- 4, 1965t 445-450
TOPIC TAGS: -bacteria,,'x ray1iradiation, bacter-lal genetics, chemical agent
ABSTRACT: d a:nalogs We -ab
Ardnothiols an ot-ne pyrimidine re tcsted for their illty~:
to block development of Infectious phage from prophage after induction of
E. coli K-12 (A) with x-rays, Doses with a previously established non-
Aoxic effect (0. 05% concentration) were used. The desired chemical
'preparation was added to'a bacterial culture diluted in a physiological
medium. . Experimental and control samples ivere subjected to x-ray
Jr,radiation (dose, 15,,000 r) and then cultured on agar. The number of
i induced phage particles in irradiated, samples with and without each prepa--
ration was then comparied. 2-Merc~ptopropylamine hydrochloride was
Card 1/2
L 142(,)5-66
ACCO NR: AT6003878
most effective; cultures treated with It produced 119-times fewer phage
particles than control samples... Other good Inhibitors of induced phage
formation, were 2- (gamma- aminopropyl),disulf ide dihydrobromide, sodium
diethyldithiocarbamate and ammonium dithiocarbamate, which reduced
phage production 76. 3-70. 1 times. Less effective were Ifte salts of 0
mercaptoethylamine tested: 2-mereaptoethylaimine hydrobromide, 2-
disulfide.hydrochloride, 2-mercaptoethylamine
hvelrOodide, and 2-mercaptoeth amine hydrochloride.
The experimental data show the essential co~nnection betwe'en the
chemical structure of the tested preparations and-their ability to block the
development of infectious phage. The antigenetic effect of 0 -mercapt
ethylamine preparations is determined by their acid radicals as well as
by their base. It possible to'obtain even more effective preparatlons~
of this compound by forrhing salts with other acids. The failure of
3- a -arninoethyllsothiuronium hydro~romide to producean antigenette
effect is especially'intereating because In previous experiments this com-
pound decreased the death rate of animals subjected to a lethal radiation
doi3e by 70-100%6 Ori -art. has: 'I table. (ATD PRESS: 4091-P]
SUB CODE: 06 SUM DATE 3 ~none ORIG 1W s 013 GTH REF: 003
Card 2/2
L 23280-66 En (1) 164160* ~q M, nn
_A_Cttt:~~_AP011437 sop"CE CODE: UR/0020/66/167/004/0925/0927
AUTHOR: Kozlov, V, A.1 Saksonov, P. P.; D_~Ibrov N. N." A
Parshin, V'
ORG: none 14
TITLE: Altered-resistance of animals exposed to Vibration to the actiot
of some chemical preparations and physical load
SOURCE: AN SSSRs Doklady, v. 167, no. 40 1966# 925-927
TOPIC TAGS: vibration, cystamine, strychnine., radiation protection,
combined stress
ABSTRACT: Two series of experiments were conducted on 449 white mice
weighing 20-24 S. In the first series, 240 mice were'exposed to vi-
bration (70 cps, 0.4 mmi 10 G, 1 hr exposure), after which they were,
.given IP injections of cystamine chlorhydr4te (400 mg/kg) or strychnine,
(1.5 mg/kg) 20 min or 4'hr later. Thes'e preparations were se A acted
because they have a therapeutic effect for radiation__A_LcKne91 16r in-
juries and may be used on.prol -g-e-d -spaceflightso should severe radia-
tion conditions occur. It was established that the toxic action of
these drugs was elevated in vibrated animals. In the control group,
mortality was 45% for cystamine and 47% for strychnine, In the vibrated
.Card I / 4
L 2320n--66
ACC NRt AP6011437
group, these values Increased to 53.7% and 61,2% respectively, although
a statistical examination of the data revealed that the difference was
insignificant. This indicated that vibration affects the reactivity ofi
the organism to the ae drugs., In~the second series., the ability of
control and vibrated animals to adapt to hexanol (100 mg/kg) was tested
(65 mice). The pre-parat'Lon was IP injected after 15 min or 4 hr'of vi-~,
bratLon, as well as on a daily basis thereafter. Table 1 shows the. re-1
Table 1, Duratiov of the anesthetic effect of hexanol
on control and vibrated mice (mean duration by group in,
I Experimental NO- Days of.:-hexanol -tnjmction
. - of:
mice 1st I 2tid lied 4t
vllexanol alone I Ml Its .50 29 31 32
;15 min of vibr N 100 32 28 22 86
prior to t
he?c.anol adminis-
tration I
!4 hr of ' vibratWi 10 110 3Z- 27 .31 48
prior W lst hex-
awl administration
sults of this test. Three days after this test, the animals were given
a toxic dose of strychnine (1.5 mg/kg) which was fatal for control
mice in 50% of the cases. Hortality for animals which had been exposed
to vibration 15 min or 4 hr prior to hexanol Administration vas 52% and
75%, For mice' given hexanol alone, the mortality was 56%. The differ-
ence in mortality between these groups,was found not to be statistically
Table 2. Swimming duration of control and experi-
Mental mica
erit Ex -
11----.1 .1. N
swlmmh~3 Re a
Rel. to Rel. to
no. . .
action 0~
:. dur
testl test'3 .
test 4
i :Control 20 278�12,0
: 'Vibration, no cysta- 29 272.+ 9,5 0,4
3 Cyabridne, no vibraWn 28 145� 0,0 10,4
4 VfiztIM pkm cystmmnp 28
101 4 8
12,6 3,9
5 Cystamine plus 30 W 70
. i2,6 4,5 1,4
L 23220-66 UW-
.kc N-R, 1- AP -6. 01 37
reliable. To'test the effects of vibration and cystamine on the workiq
ability of the organism, mice were exercised by swimming. CystamLne
(225 mg/kg) was given either 15 min before or 15 min after vL.bration,*
whereupon the animals were placed in a tub of water (24�10 unti'l ex-
haustion occurred. Animals unable to swim for I hr were eliminated
from this test, The results of this test are given in Table 2. These
data show that vibration does not decrease working ability but that
cystamine given before or after vibration does& Cystamine decreasid
the tolerance of the organism to exercise bUt statistically lean so
than when adminis.terdd in combination with vibratious Orig. art. hass'
2 tables. JCD)
A/4 0~'
ACC NR, AT60)6563 'SOMCE CODEt Un/0000/66/000/000/0172/0173
AMOR: Zhukov-Vcrozhnikov, No No; Kayakiyo L N.; Tribulev, G. P.; Rybakov, No I.;
IPo opleloy-1. lei Dobrov, No No; Antipav, V. Vo;,jo~l~vj . Saksonov, P. P.;
ri fenov, G. P.;-Sharyyp N. Is
ORG: none
TITLE: Some results and trends in the study of the biological effect of cosmic
radiation and dynamic flight factors using microbiological and cyt*ological models
(Paper presented at the Conference on Problems of Space Medicine held in Moscow from
24 to 27 may 1966)
SCURCE: Konferentslya po problemam kosmicheskoy meditsiny, 1966. Problemy
kosmicheskoy meditsiny. (Problems of space medicine); materialy konferentail,
Moscow, 1966, 172-173
TOPIC TAGS: manned space flights space biologic experiment, tissue cultures lys0ganic
bacteria, cosmic radiation biologic effect, combined stress/Voskhod-I
ABSTRACT: Systems of lysogenic bacteria and single layer cultures of normal and
cancer cells of man have been used on all spaceflights since the second orbital
spaces 'hip. This report presents the results of investigattions performed on
spaceship's'a the-Vostok and'Voskhod types. Biological experiments'
carried out on Vostok-3, -4, -5, and -6 indicate that phage production
of lysogenic culuire of E. coli X-12 inqreases with the duration of the
'flight. However, a direct linear relationship between the biological
A66 R% AT6036563
,effect and the time of exposure in space was not established. The results
obtained make it possible to assume that the biological effect in the above
experiments depends on the combined effect of spaceflight factors, and
specifically vibration, weightlessness, and radiation.
Ground experiments have indicated that the sensitivity of a lysogenic
bacteria c-ystem to gamma irradiation (C06~ increases if the bacteria were
-previously exposed to'vibration. These results not only confirm this
;supposition but make a more differentiated approach to evaluation of
various spaceflight factors possible. However, in order to obtain a
more complete picture of the genetic and radiation hazard of such
flights, it is necessary to consider data obtained with more highly
organized biological objects. Consequently, the results of spaceflight
experiments performed with single-layer cultures of somatic human
cells are of definite interest. In the series of experiments carried out
on Vostok-1, -2, and -4,,it was found that viability, and such indices as
the coefficient of proliferation, the percentage of dead cells, and the
morphological, antigenic, and cultural properties of the tissues, did
not differ substantially from controls which were kept at the cosmodrome
or the laboratory.
IACC NRi AT6036563
However, when tissues were subjected to a second spaceflight
(on Vostok-4, Vostok-G, and Voskhod-1), the twicewflown tissues showed
a definite prolongation in the latent period of the ability to grow, as
well as certain other noticeable changes. -This makes it
surmise that spaceflight factors may have a cumulative effect on human
tissue cultures. Further investigations of the biological effects of
spaceflight utilizing lysogenic bacteria and tissues of various cultures
are contemplated. [W.A. No. 22; ATD Report 66-U63
- f . -L, , L - - .1-
1tU?1CV-VL;,-ZfR1I1",GV, N.N.; YA.ZDOVSKIY, V.I.; ',"YSXIY, I.!.; G.F.
PEK11,OV, A.P.; SAKS011011, P.P.; RYBAKOV, N.I.;
AIRT-R'Y~-,-V, N.S.; i=q ;F"INKC, B.A.; Ye.V.
V .. V. J, ; MIS HC 1 0
RYBAK01.111"L, K.D.; ANICKIN, Ye.D.
N'i crobi ologi cal. and cytological --tudies in conquering spnce.
Probl., ;room. b.'Lol. 3:184-192 164. ('-:IP-k 17:6)
P Ilypl C-IlPa,)-,21P 1-4 WVH/T7/tO/G-;
'CU-310311i Nil: AP50156*0
,JYMOR: Zhu',,,)v-Vt~rczhnIYov, N. II.; Mayski_jj! N ekh P.
r. . Koz11.ovtVA. A__ -, Aq_kipoy~,_V.
TITIL: lnventif~,~Lion or thc biological effect of opnce-flight factors u8ing
bneteria in expPrimenta on Yo -6
~Ltpk_:2_ amt I
-1 .Koomi check iye inoledovnni 1965, 492-494
SOURCK: YR, v. 3. no. 3 ,
TOPIC TAGS: apace flight, biological effect, F- colt, plinge activlty~ bacteridt
g,nictic:j, lysogenic bacteria, chemical antiradiation agfnt
itl~r;TFA(7r: The _gcnr.-tic effects of spnCe. fliE~~n lysogenic bacteria were studied,
Pnd a chcTAcel. r~rins of protection van investigrtted. The chenical agent was 6-
mercaptopropyl amino, a substan~o which blocks the formntion of inluced phnge par-
ticlfni during x-rcq iLnd gmma irradiation. An in eight earlier flighta (four
Gputnik n-nd four Vostok), a ounpenuton of E. coli X-12 (A) was used. The bacteria
were divided into three groups: experimcntml sampleat laboratory controlas and con-
trolo kept at launch site. Each &roup contained acme untreated riamples and same
with 0--mercaptopropylamine (0-05% concentration) addzid before flight. After each
Acf~~SSIGN 1117: AP50156TO
rlti-ht the nunbnr of vinblo bacteria was determined, and an analysis of phage
vxt-4.1clen wi~~ rin,]L. FxI,,!r1mrntn1 renultz; ahow,~d that the number of'Dhage particle@'
experimQntrLt nnnpln3 significantly exvceded tile number id the launch-
Ite roiiLrol,.i (3.68 titmen for Vontok-5), It waa n1tio entnblished that phage for-
rwtion in thrne experinvnita on Vontok-5 nnl Voatok-6 wrto about th
e same as durIDS
V,-,ntok-3 and Vortak-4. lliun. nynee-flight fnctcro have a stimulating effect on
Iyacgenic bnctcria, an dtmr)n3trtx1.e!4 by the ntatisticnIly reliable Increase in
pro,luction. flu-irver, no direct relationnhip between this stimulating effect
nn-1 the, 1-,-ngth of cxpanur,~ or the bnctoria In npnce hnn been detected. Under
opftce-fligbt conditionu, 6-nercaptopropylanine almost completely prevents
the for-, e
matLan of induced pha~,e particles. In addition, thin substance significantly I
lowers the level of spontaneous phage formation. The protective effect of "er-
captoprolvIln.-nine consists of Ito ability to block the genetic reaction of fomati
of induced phage. Since the number pf viable cello in control and experimental
sti-mplea was the oamet no conclusion can be made about the protective action of this 't
nubotanco agminat tho loth'al effects of space flight. Orig'. art. but 1 table.
k"j-66 ZWT(1)/EWT(M)/F6d;~i*A60 77'
..ACC NR' AT6003847 5 GE' CODE: UHM6~/65/004/000/6119/b126,
Kozlov. I. A-io- P06 dov. :tjzr~;'.R&zgovor va Ba, iLp;
Xorozov, 30;j:Ni
DRG:' hone.,
TITLE: Perspectives-of phormacoobemical protection from radioactive
damaize during cosmic flights
SOURC : AN SSSR. Otdeleniye-biologicheskikh nauk. Problemy
ko,smiabeskoy biologiip v. 4,*1965, 119-126
TOPIC TAGS: astronaut, space medicine, radiation biologic effects
antiradiation drug biologi6 eadeleration effect MWA&~
AAAcAl 4LA'4e-m j J-%Zl M*6071, ok"") Apea- jg~~ .0 1"
A'BSTRAC~: T a authors con'sIder gamic raoietiopvla real danger for
astrona.uts, particularly during lone fligbtse The work is a survey on
existing radioprotectors and a general discussion of biologic oonditions
in cosmic flights future research, and.requirements for redioprotectors*l
The present chemical compoundsj,Mercemine HCL, its salicylate and
disvlfide, and AET appear sufficiently effective for clinical uae.qgalns~-
_k 23976-66
ACC NR- AT6003847
X or garoia. rays. Labors.tory tests on mice showed that some compounds of
the aminotbiol series (cystemine# cysteamine, serotonin, AET) exerted
significant protective effect In proton irradiation of 600 end 120 Nevo
In the search for radioprotectors, other factors affecting the astronaut
must also be taken into account, such as weightlessness, vibration#
acceleration and changes in pressure. Tests on laboratory animals
subjected to such conditions prior to irradiation showed no effect on
radiation sickness, but vibration after irradiation was apt to prolong
the siolmess. Some of the radioprotectors tested innice and dogs had
an adverse effect on stability of the organism under vibration and
acceleration. The authors call for-studies to establish a stable
ecologic system in the cabin which can accompany the astronaut on long
trips, for models simulating cosmic fligbt.conditions particularly in
regard to radiation doses-and for radioprotective compounds to be
compatible with all these conditions* Orig, arts has: none,
SUB CODE: 060 SUBM DATE., none/ ORIG REN 040/ OTH Mu?-- 028
11. Cc-rd eld
L-14245-66 FSS-2/)DrL(1)/EWA(J)/I'8(7)-3/EEO(k)-2/EWA(d)/T/EM(b)-2 SCTB W/lID/a/W
Ace im: A%ow6o G1W SOME CODE: UR/2865/65/004/000/026170269.
L; Kozlgyo V. A t Saltsonoy P. P.
AUTHCR-.- Zhukov-Verezhnikov, N. N.; By L3akoyj,
Dobrov, N.
Antipoy, V..V.-, Podople
ORG: none 7
q q
T ITLE Results of miorAbological and o-vtological investigations conducted
during the flights `~F-Mo-stokll type.yohiclea
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Otdeleniye 81ologicheskikh nauk. Froblemy komnicheakoy biologii
V. 4p 1965., 261-269
TOPIC TAGS: bacteria, genetics, bacterial genetics, gamma'irradiation, cobaltp~
radioisoto microbiologyp cytolo&, space,biologic experiment. radiat on
i-biologia effect) biologie'vibiation effect
ABSTRACT: The bidl0gj6'A'6bJicts used for'. spice'i-6search are carefully seliifidl
genetic indicators.~ E. colt K-49 these eipeiri-',.
x ), frequently chosen for
ments, is a reliable biological dosimeter of the genetic effectiveness of
spaceflight factors. When normal and cancerous human cells were exposed
in the Vostok series, it was found that these experimental samples did not
differ essentially from'control. samples kept on earth However,'some
'tendency to intensification., of p4age production was observed in cultures,
Card 113
L lh245-66
ACC NR: AT6009860
ease by a fa
of E. coli in this series (an.incr ctor of 1. 2 on Vostok-2,
'4. 6 on Vostok-3,'~and 1. 96 on Vostok-4). epeated exposure
Data from r
of the same biological object Indicate accumulation of the spaceflight effect".
although the character ofthi accumulation Is not -clear. Inacomparison
,,of the results of Vostoks 3-6 it was not possible to establIsh a linear
dependence of biological effect on time,of exposure in space. However,
factors causing a genetic e*ffect'(an.indrease in the phage-producing activity
cultur eY definitely operated during these flights.
ot a lysoorenic
The following derived values of induced phage prod-uc'tion were calcu-
i lated- N 3 for Vostaks 3 and 5
_(corresponding to the inducing effect of 3.,2
d of gamma-ra
Yq), and 1 8 for Vostoks 4 and 6 (corresponding to 0. 8 rad
of gamma-rays). Since the doses,quoted are higher than those encountered
In spaceflight, the observed 'genetic effect st therefore be partially due
t factors (su
_,o other --94- a;!~*eightlessness, acceleration,: vibration, _ etc.
To study the 6~eration of -one_,6f_f
h-eseCabt6-- I
rs, E. cd! K~42'-*as--sixb
jected to vibrations of .18, S5, 75,~, 100, and 700 cps for 15-30 min. and'
.in, another se'r'ies of experiments, to vibration In combination with Co
Card 2/3
ACC NRt AT6036477 SOURCE CODES UR/0000/66/000/000/0030/0031
AUT'HORt Antipov, V. V.; ~2A12vj V* Davydov, B. 1. Dobrovq N. N.;
Razgovor0;-- '31
ORG: none
TITLE: New data on changes in the reactivity oE the organism under the effe.ct
several spaceflight factors~'Cpnper presented at the Conference on Problems of
-hold Iii ~ti-c-ol; from 24-27 Ztay 19663
SOURCE: Yonferentsiya po,problemam kosmichoskoy meditsiny, 1966. Problemy
kosmicheskoy meditsiny. (Problems of space modirino); materialy konferentsil,
tbacow, 1966, 30-31
TOPIC TAGS: space physiology, combined stress, biologic vibration effectq bi6logic
acceleration effect, ionizing radiation biologic effect, rat, cystamine, strychnine#
proton radiation biologic effect
Experiments were performed to test change*s in the reactivity of the
;organism which result from spaceflight factors (vibration, acceleration,
Jonizing radiation) and their combinations. The functional condition of the,
.organism was evaluated usinp_pharmacologl,~al and physical methods.
_L 08280-67
ACC NR: AT6o:36477
It was found that vibration (70 cps at 10 G, for I hr) did not affect the
stamina of the animal to physical exercise (swimming). The administra-
tion of cystamine (225 mg/kg) either before or after vibration caused a
marked decrease in the duration of the swimming by the animal. Cystamine,
alone decreased the stamina of the organism during exercise, but to a
significantly smaller degree than in combination with vibration. Vibration I
had the effect of moderately increasing the sensitivity of the organism to
cystamine (400 mg/kg) and strychnine (L 5 mg/kg).
Four hours after exposure to acceleration (8 G, chest-back, for 20
min), a statistically significant drop in the physical stability of the animals
was observed. On the seventh day after exposure stability increased.
Changes in the reactivity of centrifuged animals with respect to physical
exercise corresponde.d to shifts in the ceruloplasmin in the blood.
Forty days after exposure to protons (energy 120 Mev, duses from
700--1770 rad), the stability of animals to physical loads was lowered,
Preliminary centrifugation (Q G fo.r-..15 min.four hours prio.r. -to irradiat-ion
with doses of 400 and 700 rad) increased somewhat the resistance of inimals
to radiation. CW. A. No. '22; ATD Report 66-il6_7-
SUB CODF.: 06 / SUBM DAT-Es 001-lay66
L-q90-2,12 1-1.
ACC NRt AT6036632
. SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0335/0336
AUTIMR: Saksonov, Fs P,; Antipovp Y*!V*.; Dobrovj, No N.; Mzlov, Vo A.; Shashkov,
V, So
ORG: nono
TITLE: Problems of pharmacochemical protection ofdie organism against Ionizing.
radiation on spaceflights /Papor presented at the Conference on Problems of Space
Medicine held in Moscow from 24-27 May 196V
SOURCE: Nonferentsiya po problemam kosmichoskoy moditsiny, 1966. Problemy
kosmichasKoy maditsiny. (Problems of space modicine); materialy konferentaii,
1%;Dscow, 1966, 335-336
TOPIC TAGS: radiation protection, pharmacology, ionizing radiation biologic
effect, cosnic radiation biologic effect, life support system, radiation tolerance,
space nedicine
Although some pharmacochemical substances have a demonstrated
radio resie tance of both humans and animals, they
;ability to increase the
i:cannot be used unconditionall in spaceflight. Special features of the
!cosmic radiation effect which must be considered in the search for effective
ACC NRs AT6036632
radioprotective agents include: 1) the complex spectrum of cosmic radia-
,-tion and its variable dose power (Protons of varying energies and undeter-
:.mined RBE comprise 8076 of cosmic radiation); and 2) alteratioil of the or-
!ganis&s reactivity to chemical substances, and to the combined effectof
radiation and other spaceflight factors, such as acceleration, weightlessness,'
and altered pressure. Unfortunately, effective radioprotectors alter the
organism's reactivity in such a way that it becomes less resistant to the
effects of unfavorable flight factors, especially acceleration and vibration.
-Before the problem of human pharmacochernical protection in space-
flight can be solved, a number of important studies must be conducted.
;First the possibility of use of antiradiation agents during irradiation of
tbiological objects with low, variable dose powers must be determined. VM u ch.
more information about the effectiveness of such drugs under the combined
influence of radiation and other spaceflight factors is necessary. Then it
may be possible to eliminate the unfavorable effect of radioprotectors on the
organism's tolerance to other spaceflight factors.
Radioprotective substances intended for use in spaceflight must offer
good protection without altering the organism's resistance to other space-
flight factors, even after multiplp. administration. They rAust not hinder
Card 2/3
ACC NRi A-LG036632
work capacity even briefly, and also must be available in convenient
ii-,edicinal form. In addition, radioprotectors used in spaceflight must not
dai-nage the hereditary'structuces or disrupt the physiological functions of
links in the space craft. life--sum)ort systpm..
CW.A. No. 22; ATD Report 66-116)
Cord 3/3
V L 34975-66 EwT(l) SCTB DD/RD`
ACC NR- AP6019602 SOURCE CODE: UR/0293166/004/003/0482/0491
AUTHOR: Davydov, B. I.; Antipov, V. V.: Kozlov. V. A.; Saksonov, P. P.;
Shashkov, V. S.
ORG: none
TITLE: The problem of using radioprotective pharmacological agents under spaceflight
SOURCE: Kosmicheskiye issledovaniye, v. 4, no. 3, 1966, 482-491
TOPIC TAGS: manned spaceflight, radiation protection, cystamine,
methoxytryptamine, acceleration, animal physiology
ABSTRACT: In tests on mice (exposed three times to 44.4 C, 1.4 G/sec accelera-
tions, with 5 min per exposure and 5 min between exposures on a centrifuge with a
4.25 m arm length) and gulnen pigs (exposed twice to 22.0 G, 0.7 G/sec with 5 min
between exposures), lowered resistance to acceleration was noted after injections
of cystamine (80-150 mg/kg), AET.(15-150 mp/kg), 5-methoxytryptamine (75 mg/kg),
serotonin (50 mg/kg), and aminazine (1-10 mg/kg). A change in resistance after
injections of phenatine (2-10 mg/kg) and strychnine (0.05 mg/kg) was insignificant.
Thirty min after the combined Injection of phen"tine (5-10 mg), strychnine
(0.5-1.0 mg), and aminazine (2.5 mg), the EKG's and respiration of dogs exposed to
6-8 G (0.2-0.3 G/sec) did not differ from those of control centrifuged animals.
Card 1/2 UDC: 615.7.035.1:
L 34975-66
[-ACC NR- AP6019602
It was concluded that extreme caution should be exercised in recommending radio-
protectors, expecially AET, cystamine, and 5-methoxytryptamine, for use on space-
flights. The authors thank S. N. Komarov for his active participation in the study.
Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 3 tables. [CD1
SUB CODE: o6,22/ SUBM DATE: 28Feb661 ORIG REP: 017/ OTH REP: 013/ ATD PRESS:
Card 2/2 JS
L 7643-~6 F35_2/EWT1(1)/Z-EC(k)_2,'FCC/T SCTB TT/DD/JK/G7W
- --------------
ACC NR, AP6024-650 SOURCE CODE: UP/0216/66/000/00410592/0593
AUTHOR: Zhukov-Verezhnikov, N. N.; Mayokiy,_I. X.; Pekhov, A. P.;
Rybakov, He I.j Dobrov N. N.; -Antipov Kozloy.j.
Saksonov, "ov" . ..... ..
T~tp 0 ~0_e~_-
ORG: none
TITLE: Results of study of the effect ofLcOsmic radiation and other
spaceflight factor# on lynogenic bacteriavand hum-i-a-n--ce-ii cultures jerr
(Paper presented at the- Anniversar mposium of the Institute of Bio-
y SY.
_jRA ics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences held in Brno in May
s I
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya, biologicheakaya, no. 4, 1966,
TOPIC TAGS: spaceflight effect. radiation effect, Hela cell, lyeogenic!
bacteria / Vostok 4 spacecraft, Xostok 6~ spacecraft, 1~oakho~l 2. spacecraft
ABSTRACTs Single-layer cultures of normal human cells (fibroblasts and~-
amniotic calls) and human cancer cells (Hein strain), together with
cultures of lysogenic bacteriA (E. coli~K-12), have been consistently
used as radiation indicatorsoen-d-oviet spacecraft. Results of these
experiments have shown that je~ea~ed 11jure of Hela 'calls'
to spaceflight factors on t 0 k-%xp.0.6duU..0tf.k&-6c ghts produced
2 - SIDC 29-C19-b5_1 7 - 3 2 1
ACC NRt AP602465o
a WA with
changes in experlmental cello as coVared with laboratory control
calla exposed on one spaceflight only. A longer latent period of
recovery of growth capacity and other characteristics [not named] were
notod in tvice-flovn cultures. In addition, the coefficient of pro-
liferation for Hola calla exposed on both Vootok-4 and Vostok-o' was
one-half that for intact controls and for Hela cello exposed to space-
flight only.once. Theme data suggest that spaceflight factors have
a cumulative biological effect on human cell cultures. However, a
direct dependence of biological effect on length of spaceflight expo-
sure has not been established in experiments with the other radiation
indicator, the lysogenic bacteria E. coli K-12 (A). It is interesting
to note that when the same Hela cells used on Vostok-4 and Vostok-6
were also exposed on Vookhod-1, a well-defined drop in.the prolifera-
tion coefficient was obaeryed in comparison vith intact cultures.
Experimenial colonies were more compact, and there were more dead cells
Other reliable differences [not enumerated) were also found between
intact controls and thrice-exposed cultures. However, no reliable
differences could be detected between thrice-exposad Hela cellsanda control
strain used only on Vostok-6. It is'suggested that the biological
effect of spaceflight may be the result of the coubined influence of
radiation, Yibrationt and vstightlessnesss.~
2 vmb
03-177-467 FSS--2/E,'i]'( T i I
ACC NR- AP6028343 SOURCE CODE: UR/0293/66/004/004/0634/06401--'-I
AUTHOR: Zhukov-Verezhnikov, N. N.; Mayakiy, I.. N.. Delone. N. L.: Rvbakov, N. 1.1
Kozloy V A Davydov, - B. I - ; Amtip aksonov --P.; Ry4_qk_ov4_._K.
Tr.M- I--- -
u ev
ORG: none
TITLE: Biologic~al investigations on the Voskhod-1 and Voskliod-2'spaceships
Aiya, v. 4, no. 4, 1966, 634-640
SOURCE: Kosmicheskiye i~~e oXa
TOPIC TAGS: b1ol0~iV_;p_,c'_e f I -1TvwoFw:Xr_ ba c t e r I a,
-prate= ve dr -41 -ZEer_-W Fi=*=vaw4, wheat aelpd/
spaceflight fA*
Voskh6"a VUk iod 2 .0
ABSTRACT: Experiments were performed on the Voskhod-l and Vo9khod-2 spaceships to
test the effects of spaceflight on lysogenic cultures of E. coli'K-12 (X). The
cultures were carried in 1.5-ml ampules on board spaceships and-in-Leonovis spacesuit
pocket during his EVA. Some of the ampules contained the radloprotective drug 6-
mercaptopropylamine. Controls were kept at the cosmodrome and at the home laboratory.
Results showed that on the basis of viability there was no difference between samples
carried on Vaskhod-1 and the controls. Experiments on Voskhod-2 resulted In a
slightly higher viability on the part of experimental cultures as compared to con-
trols. Phagel he two flights alao did
,production of experimental cultures carried on t
Card 1/2 unc: 629.19A.621tS7A_A
L 037717-67
NR. AP6028343
not exceed phage production of controls. Thus, it was not possible to demonstrate
the protective properties of 0-mercaptopropylamine. An attempt was made to determine
whether spaceflight sensitized lysogenic cultures of E. coli K-12 (X) to consequent
exposure to small doses of x-rays. Results showed that phage production in space-
flown samples was almost identical to t1lat of the controls. In addition, air-dried
seeds of pine and winter wheat (PPG-186) were carried on Voskhod-2 and In Leonov's
pocket during his EVA for the purpose of determining the genetic effects of space-
flight factors. Results did not reveal any substanti, L differences between the two
spaceflight-exposed groups of ewds and the controls. It Is assumed that the absence
of the effects of spaceflight factors on lysogenic ba.teria and seeds of higher
,plants in these two flights is due to the particular -.onditions under which these
flights took place. Orig. art. has: 5 tables. [BMI
Card 2/2
- -------- --
AP6017501 SOURCE.CODE: UR/0219/66/061/005i(FO64/0')67
AUTHOR: Rybakov, N. Kq42YL-11-~~
ORG: Laboratory of'Hicrobiological Cenetics, Institute of Experimental Biology#
Moscow (Laboratbriya gentiki mikworganizmov Instituta eksperiwental'noy biologW
TITLE: The effect of.'Vibration as a spaceflight-related factor on lysogenic culture
of/E; coli K-12 M.
SOURCE; Byulleten' eksperimental'noy biologi:-~ i meditainy,-v. 61, no* 50 19660 64-67.
TOPIC TAGS: spaceflight, combined effect, vibration, radiation,,gamma ray, lysogenic,
ABSTRACT: Lysogenic cultures of E. coli K-12 (A) were subjected to vibration alone
and in combination with gamma irradiation from a CoGo source. Vibration frequencies
of 18, 35, 75, 100, or 7.00 cps were used for periods of.15, 30, or 60 min. It was
found that vibration alone did not increase phage production as compared to sponta-.
neous phage formation. The combined effect of vibration and gamma irradiation follow-
ed by a second exposure to vibration increased phage production by a factor of.1.4
compared to the effectof irradiation alone. A single exposure to vibration 1'1/2 hr
prior to irradiotion caused a slight increase-in phage production. The effect of
vibration after irradiation was negligible., Thus, the induced phage production on.-
the Vostok-3, -4, -5, and -6 flights (which was greater than could be expected from.~~
Card /2 UDC1 613,693:613,644li576.851,0-95i,57
oz W,