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Fractional Powers of Selfadjoint Extensions of Operators SOV/20-123-6-4/50 and Some Boundary Value Problems Then there holds: mll u 11L M ~u 11 L (G) 2(G) v 11 W(l ) (G)4 2 2 The proof uses results of Lax J'Ref 81and Vishik [Ref 5]. The author thanks S.K.Kreyn for the assistance. There are 8 references, 7 of which are Soviet, and 1 American. ASSOCIATIONjVoronezhskiy lesotekhnicheskiy institut (Voronezh Forest- Technical Institute) PRESENTEDt August 4, 1958, by I.G.Petrovskiy, Academician SUBMITTED: August 2, 1956 Card 4/4 KCZLOV, C. M. Cor-,,d Phy-g-l'..i-th Ici - (diss) "Fractional di~-(.-ree- of self-con-juFate exuansions of o'nerntors and several boundary rrobleTrIS." .)eC 4 a 1 i ~'t (1,j C,)- 10~61 pp; (I-Iiiiistry of hirher and Secondary tion U',-S'SR, r,.',.oscow State Univ iu&ni V.-1o.,,.onos-.ov); 200 conic-s; urice not Civen ; bibliograp!~,.- on im 8-( 1 (KL, 5-61 suT), 17-~`,) 3/044/62/00o/oo6/024/127 B158/B112 -UTEOR: Kozlov, 0. M, TITLE: The expansion of operators and the second boundary problem PERIODICAL; Referativnyy zhurnal. Matematika, no. 6, 1962,. 68, abstract 6B2b8 (Sb. "Funktsionalln. analiz i ego primeneniyd: Baku, AN AzerbSSR, 1961, 146 - 151) T;-:iT: For the elliptic equation n Z - (a (x) -a--) + o (x)u - f (x) (1) ax ik ax 1, 'k - 1 1 k in a bounded domain G with a sufficiently smooth boundary r is sought a solution satisfying the boundary condition L-1 + (2') iic?re ej is a certain operator which is possibly non-linear. It is noted even in'the simplest caseTu _ 4T(x)u(x) condition (2) cannot be ful- card 1/2 3/044/62/000/006/02."1/127 The expansion of operators B158/13112 filled for functions u(x) smooth in G +I- if function ~'(x) is not smooth. ~he question of a generalized interpretation of condition (2) is discussea in this connection. The author introduces suitablo definitions derived from concepts of the theory of general boundary problems of M. I. Vishik (Tr. 1,:osk. matem. o-va, 1952 v. 1, 187-246). The existende of a general- ized solution to problem (1): (2) is established for certain cla3aes.of operators. Abstracter's note: Complete translation 2 //2) KOZUNt O.M. -(Klyeiv) Identity conditions of systems optimm bV different criteria. Avtom. i telem. 24 no.Utl454-1460 N 163. (KM 16t12) KOZLOV 1 0. 14. Solutions to certain boundary value problems with discontinuous coefficients of boundary conditions. Ukr.mat, zhur, 16 no.2:143- 156 t64, (MIRA 17:3) iACCESSION.NR: AP4026831 S/0041/64/016/002/0143/0156 IIAUMORi Kozlov, 0. M. (Kiev) TITL-6: Solutions of certain boundary value problems with discontinuous coorri- cients involved in the boundary conditions SOURU's Ukrainskiy matematichoskiy zhurnal, v. 16, no. 2, 19064, 143-156 TOPIC TAGS: boundary value problem, discontinuous coefficient, boundary condition,;, second boundary value problem, second order elliptic equation, smooth coefficient, conormal derivative, enclosure theoremi boundary operator, generalized solution ;;ABSTRACT*' As!is known, the "second boundary value problem" for a second order I on ;elliptic equa~i, C) L a,, W a; Xk av-lr + 0 (XV Ir in the case or suffioien~iiy .smooth coerficientsa ik(x)l G(x) of 4s(x) Z 0 has a ACCESSION NR: AP4026831 W(2) Isolution, for any g F. L, belonging . Hare in condition (2), the boundary 2 to 2 1 Ivalue of the conormal derivative is taken in the sense of an enclosure theorem. jFor non-smooth coefficients for the boundary conditions, J, the following assertioni seems to be valid: even d problems (1), (2), as examples show, M Wfg continuous not have a'solution in 0 Thus, in many papers the formulation of problem M, i) should be generalized. For examplep for constructing a generalized solution Ione can first extend the,boundary condition (2) with the help of the special boundary operators Y1, Y2 introduced by M. I. Vishik. With such an approach to the! i construction of a solution of (1), (2), as with the other approach, the existence of' and satisfaction of (2) is guaranteed only in a very conditional sense. The iautclor proposes a different generalized formulation of problem (1), (2) and con- !structs a solution satisfying the bounds, condition in a certain "strong" sense. jHe also extends the boundary condition (27 immediately, but in a different fashion, 1without using boundary operators. For existence of a generalized solution it is !required of the coefficient d in the boundary condition, that instead of being Ismooth, only that it be summable by some degree of 6. All constructions are made !-under weaker assumptions than those of'other authors, on smoothness of the coeffi- ;cients of the differential equation (1), and are also applicable for investigation ! iof problems with certain nonlinear boundary conditions. "This work was completed Lcard 2/3 ,AJ' CESSION AN'R3 AP4026831 :under the' direlation of S. G. Kreyn, to whom the author expreases his deep gratitude."* Orig. art. has: 41 formilas- ASSOCIATIOIT: none !MMITTED: 30Dec6O DATE ACQ: i6Apr64 ENCL: 00~ ISUB CODEs NO REF SOV: 009 OTHMj 001 Card .3/3 L -`8,0,6 ACC-Ml- -A1"6016077 A(Yr I VM Kc)zlov 0. M.; 'ferminanov, Yu. ORG: Pn1.rV-,avod.'11( ~';t.'Av Univorsitv 1w. V. ~miiiiien (1'-1ro-,mv,Askiy P0.9ijdarn-I.Venny) TITLF: F"xperimental invest Igntion of the inct-ru-1- or _K- -vT,;Pd by secotldal'y extinction 1. V1 J7, .Fizikri, i1o. 5, 1965, 181-181, T(*)PIG 'UA(,",: X 1'nlli-ation, electromagnetic wive intf~i-forpncf? 5inirle ~rystll "INIIIiII111111 (..:m(,Yjy pi,obIpm AR-,'r1?A("f: It Is demonatrated In the nrticle that when the Integral width of X-ray Interference in changed, It Is necessary to Intro- duce a correction for secondary extinction. The Integral width of reflection (200) of a single crystal of Al Increases by 23-29% because of secondary extinction. To correct the Integral Inten- sity In the case of blooks of a mosal~ of Pe Caughy type, It Is shown that one can use tile formula t (1+ t where ~t Oe and et are the experimental and theoretical widths respectively (in the absence of aeoondary extination p, Is the Inte6ral. Intensity calculated theoretioally, A table of the"experimentally obtainod d,041 i~-, PrCSOntr'd. Orlf7. .11-L. Nis: 3 forniub-is and L ",ible. M113 CODF': 2Q ,)Uaf DAV--l- Mar6ls / ORIG REF: 003 / 011i fVF: W21 Card 1/1 , !_ 3- ~1) IJ No) AT N-R: 10,16023667 Monograph UM ,Chernetskiy, Aleksandr Vasillyevich.; Zinovlyev,-Oleg Anatollyevich; Kozlov, Oleg 'Vasillyevich lApparatus and methods for plasma'. tudiee (Apparatura i metody plazmennykh issledovaniy), Moscow, Atomizdat, 65- 0363 P- illus., biblio. 3,190 copies printed. I TOPIC TAGS: plasma measurement, plasma radiation, plasma research, plasma diagnostics ,PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: jhe techniques and equipment for investigating the basic lparameters of a lasmal- e.g., charged particle density, particle temperature, degree _Z1 - of ionization, etc, are considered. After a brief discussion of the properties of a ~plasma, superhigh. frequency techniques and apparatus are described, including antenna, and oscillator systems. Measurements of plasma radiation in the radio and waver,rui submillimeter regions are discussed together with the instrumentation requirements. ~The final section of the book is devoted to corpuacular properties of a. plasma- ~neutral and charged particle flux, pressure, and composition of the plasma. The use lof tritium, atomic, and molecular beams for probing plasmas is discussed. The book concludes with two appendices; the first contaiiis tables describing equipment used for ~plasma measurements, the second contains discharge and stripping cross section and lenergy tables. TABLE OF CONTUiTS Zabridge~7: Card 1/3 UDC: 533-9-07 L 00099-67 ACC NR, 01 Foreword 3 ':Introduction - - 9 fSeotion, 1. General problems of ouperhigh frequency diagnostics of plasma 13 jCh. 1. Electromagnetic properties of plasma - - 13 iCh. 2. Basic superhigh frequency units of diagnostic apparatus 21 ;Bibliography for Section I - - 46 ISeotion II. Superhigh frequency apparatus for active diagnostics of plasma 54 !Ch. 3. Measurement of plasma parameters by the cutoff and "two-frequency" methods 54 Ch. 4- Measurement of plasma electron density by the resonator method 66 :Ch- 5- Phase-measuring devices for studying plasma parameters with carrie-r phase measurement - - 74 Ch. 6. Phase-measuring devices with frequency conversion 93 Ch. 7. Pla5ma locators - - 131 Bibliography for Section II - - 142 Supplementary bibliography for Section II'- - 146 Section III. Apparatus for measuring natural plasma radiation 149 Introduction - - 149 l Ch. 8. Measurements in the radio region - - 154 lCh. 9. Measurements in the submillimeter region 198 ;Bibliography for Section 111 210 Section IV. Apparatus and methods of corpuscular diagnostics of plasma 212 ~Ch. 10. Investigation of corpuBcular fluxes of plasma 213 Card L o1999-67 -it 87 ACC NRI 7 Ch. 11. Particle beam soundings of plasma - --253 Ch. 12. Apparatus for investigating pressure and gas composition - 316 Bibliography for Section IV 333 Appendix I - - 344 Appendix 2 - - 353 ! ISUB CODEt 20/ SUBM DATEs 25Nov65/ GRIG RUt 310/ OTH REF, 102 Card :; A ACCESSION NRs AT4025310' 8/0000/63/000/0V/0199/0211 AUTHORSt Kozlov, 0. V.1 Rodin, A. Me; Rusanov, V. D.# Skoblop Yu., A.j Cherne'tskij,. A. V. TITLEt Plasma diagnostics by atom and ion beams SOURCE: Diagnostika plazmy* (Plasma diagnootico)t ob. statey. Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1963, 199-211 TOPIC TAGS: plasma interaction, discharge plasma, gas discharge, magnetic analysis, charge exchange, plasma researcb, ion beam, atom beam ABSTRACT: Apparatus in described for the probing of a plasma of an oscillating discharge in gas by means of accelerated and focused iori beams or by means of charge-exchanged atom beams, Formulas are derived for the attenuation of ion beams in gazes and are fouid be in good agreement with experiments for the pairs Ar*-* Art He ACCESSION NRs AT4025310 -.6. He, le -o- H , He+--* Ar andothers. The discrepancy between the experimental and calculated data becomes appreciable at high pres- sures. The +limiting pressure amounted to (2--3) x 1015 cd-2 for the pair Ar --9-Ar with Ai+ energy 10 keV and about 1016 cm72 f 'or the H+ -o-H2 pair. Analogous results were obtained by measuring the broadening of the lines of the magnetic-analyzer spectrum. Mea- surements were also Made of the dependence of the ion density on the discharge current. Apparatus was developed for the study of magnetosonic resonance and used to measure the attenuation of atomic argon beams in a hydrogen plasma, atomic helium beams in a helium plasma, and atomic argon beams in helium plasma. It is concluded that in spite of certain difficulties, the method of determining plasma parameters by means of beams of fast particles is worthy of serious attention, since it has undisputed advantages (practical elimination~of contacts,- locality of probing, wide range of measured quantities, and possibility of quantitative determination of the plasma composition). It is also concluded that atomic beams are Cmd 9 /r. ACCESSION HRs AT4025310 move auLtable for the detarminatLon of characteristics of charged particles. The operating speed of measurements with particle be=$ can be made quite high# with a low resolution time* Origo ar~* bast 7 figures and 6 formulas@ ASSOCIATIONs None SUBMITTED: 190ct63 DATE ACQt .16Apr64 ENCLt 02 BUD 6DEs HE NR REP SOVe 004* OTIWRt '004 Cad.. 3/5_ ~dCESSION NR: 17!462~~iO ENCWSUREs 01 InetiMation with, magnetic analyzer k 0 IV M Y1 - I Doi source. II focusing electrode'system, III -~gao aiecharge chamber, IV - magnetic analyzer V - collector,, VI - vacuum pump unit lCurd 4/5 'A(;MSSI ON NR: AT4025310 ENOWSURBi 02 16 13. 14 Sounding of a plasma with a high-frequency pulsed installation: 1 - ion source, 2 charge exchange chamber, 3 - transition tube, 4 - bellows connection, 5 - gas discharge glass tube, 6 - plasma pinch, 7 - screen., 8 - magnetic core, 9 - bellows connection, 10 - deflecting platesj 21 - collector unit, 12 -cathode followerp 13 - to registration blook9 14 - to pump# 15 - to leak valve, 16 to supply.blook KOZLOV, P. Control over the utilization of working time. Sotq. trud 8 no.9; 76-80 S 163. (MIRA 16x10) 1. Inopeektor Komitnta partiyno-gosudarstvonnogo kontrolya Moskcrvskogo promyshlennogo oblastnogo komiteta Rommuntsticheskoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuza i Moskovskogo oblastnoc?o ispolnitellnogo C, 1, komiteta. KUSOV, Vl. (Krasnodar); BALANSKIY, V. (Leningrad); KOZLOV,-P...; KARPOV, V. (Magadan) From the editor's mail. Sov. profsoiuzy 19 no.12:19 Je 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Neshtatnyy korrespondent zhurnala "Sovetskiye profsoyuzy", Rovno (for Kozlov). (Technological innovations) (Bonus system) (Trade unions) KMILOV) P.A.; 'MKT!"R, Moderniz I n a T. '-,iC m a chl, ne. l5f,-~!: . -i ker. 3 i65. (mit"A is-11j) 1. Direktor Ylyevtihc,~~c, zavod!, khud,,)7,!ws,.vijnriogc sLi'!k1a (fcr 2. Glavtir ekhn(~;Io,~ Kiyevokw-c zavwa khtidozhestwennoge (for Spektor). K OZ- L 0 V I P, 1), GORBUNOV, M.S.; DfYAWVA, A.R.; EDZIOV, F.D.; EDCHUROY, N.I.; MYADMTS, O.T., TMTNIKOV, Vol.; CHAPSKIT, O.U., rodaktor; TODOLAGINA, S.D.. takhaichaskly rodaktor. [Tractors] Traktory. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo seilkhoz.llt-ry, 1956-307 P (Tractors) (mRA 9:6i m- 7MIr 04D :TAKOVLEVA, S.A.;C"KITO 0.1J., redaktor; MOLDDTSOVA, 4G., takhnichmakly rodaktor. [Operation of the "Bolarual" tractor] Ekspluatataiia traktora "Bela- rus'"o Moskva, Goo.izd-vo sallkhoz.lit-ry, 1957. 177 p. (MLRA 10:6) (Tractors) KOMOT, Pavel Dmitriyevich; FATHYRY, Anatoliy Kikhaylovich; TAKOYLWA, Serafima AlekBeyevna; CHAP6%jy, o.u., red.; BAUNOYA, L.G., [Operation and repair of the "Belarus" tractor] Ekspluatataiia i remont traktora "Belarus.0 Leningrad, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1960. 210 p. (MEU 14:1) (Tractors) SOVI 112-.58-2-1942, Transtat*.cnf-r3m: Referativr:T7 zIrin-rial. Elektrotekhnika, 1958, ~4r 2, 1 pp Z� -26 IiUSSR) AUTHOR: -Koziov. P. TITLE: Standardzed Prcjects of Locomcbile Electric Stations Usi-ng Waste Heat 17 - ye proyekty 1okomobil'r-yk-h e'ektrostaLtsfy s i3pc`zova!~iyem ipovT c,trabotavshego tepla) PER-,OD-,CAL: Y Bb. : Teplos~~abzhenlye i teploey~erg. 7-,ata:-:,:)vki a. kh,. Minsk, AN BSSR, 1956, pp 63-76 ABSTRACT: Giprosel'elektro Design 112Bfit-Ute I-As released standardized prejects cf electric stations with P-75, ST-125. SK-1Z5, and SK-250 locomobiles (self - pzopelled steam engines). Engineezing-econ---nic estimates show that a 1550 1-crease in initial investment, as compazed to the electric stations not usLng waste heat, cuts the cost of 1 kwh by 40% and increases the efficiency up to 45.-500/r,. of 674,000 kilocaic~-iep-1111-- entering the P-75 locam&E-LIe f7z.-nace, 3 4 8, 0 () 0 k i'l, -~ r- P. 1 or i e a I h c a-a b e a u p ~ ~ 4 plied to co.:~iiumers; for the ST--125 'ccoinobile, 1"3 SOY/ 112 58 -2-1942 Standa-r-d-ized Pzojects of Loccmobile Electric Stat-~:-_s Waste Heat lvamtity -'s 580,000 kil'--calark-s/h. V%e yr7jectoi are wn-r.'ked. OLt in IR,ich a way 01AII ca-,. -,e zFt_-illed with.0-1-.t expa-.e.4.7.g t:,,.e A ?tea-i-a ;7,i-l mevarF-tcr, s'eam distributor, beat excl- 'gers, -.elw-o::k p-,=pE, _-,i-.A tztter a e-,i!~i rnert must be in- ..P - stalled. Heal..,*.--.g~.---,n:l-.el.ectz-zc'-.,-,i be 4_es-47~_ecl o,!i the basis cf their heat-;-. g-1r;ad curve. Ove-~,a.~Y:a of s,,zch statione combia3tion with locall atatio-ne a--J ";-- pa:ral"Iel ~-V";_tlh tl~.e P~Jwe-~- particclarly ad- van.'age-c-ce. T!-~e 2taz,.da.rdized p_-:~Jlecta do :z.:~t p_,-~~v'de u tiliza of waste- gap ~~eat :c_o stzit._Ible ej-p-ment foz t-e tl~i.l end cf small plants. LPVA, 25-Irw as wel' as MOT&KTI 100--hp inetallations are -not economical becazse they lack a leaaa, 'Vork c:-% direct exhaust, an~! have J-JgI,_er V:~zn that of !~~csxnobl-ea. 1: is necessary: (1) to :rai~,e t~~e stea.m. preesure a _-J to czLt t~ie of metal ~_,~Fed foi locomobiles; t3 argarlze PrOJ~1!20oa c~~ STK wi-h s--rface coadensers; (3) to c,~_-qtr ~-.ct sTriZI-size -.!~.aces for b+_xLing peat and f4) to construct Card 2/3 SOVI 112-58-2-1942 St3,ndardllzed Projects of Locomobile Electric Stations Using Waste Heat sm-all-size furnace-tail arrangements. Oil separators must be constructed so VLat dead Aeam can be used for agricultural applications and for condensate boiler feeding. Steam-power plants shoiAd also operate economically during the periods of no-heating load. Z. M. M. Card 313 Action of oxy "Corbic add. glutathione, C=ftlaflon an and blood some Internal disivalive, II. An't K. S. k-J-4kov. F411.4. 'Aw. 34. :V4 it IIIIIAlatit"I .11 ( A Is." 1-1 (.,(At AII'l Xtutattli'llic. it. -01-1 f'WITI, All't 1.1 111,"] IN lit,,, vtpl'. 11,)* it dwilo chati1v [tun in niv. If 11n: ofginwn is uld. " it? allcwt& Acid. thc 0 ""tiou 6 I-sr-J. Is. ths, ai- disr: l aluuthillue aml cutalaw itic Alt,xlis I'lie I iIAtIKv.* qlbwfvvj Arr estscilv 41111"O'lic III tht"r (I'litill ill 0 dris. wovy. A milJ loiIiiiiiiji .( oiwi, M-,,j la-mv m.s% 4 Ilw -M 1'.. SI. M ACCESSION NR: AT4025307 5/0000/63/000/000/0173/0181 AUTHtORS:, Bogdanov, G. r.: Kozlov, P. I-i Ma%simenko, D. P. TITLE: Use of the field of the 'Ogra' itself for mass and energy analysis of fast ions emerging from a mirror SOURCE: Diagnostika plazmy* (Plasma diagnostics); sb. statey. Mos- cow, Goastomizdat, 1963, 173-181 TOPIC TAGS: plasma injection, plasma research, plasma instability, magnetic mirror, ionized plasma, mass spectrometer, ion mass'analyz- er, plasma density ABSTRACT: A simple ion mass analyzer was developed for the stream of fast ions emerging from a mirror. In addition, a spectrometer was developed for the measurement of the energy.spectrum of the Eons. The-two instruments were located in the region of maximum ot the mag- netic field of the "Ogra" apparatus. which was also used to separate Card 1/5 ACCESSION NR: AT4025307 the ions. The analyzer was used to measure the distributions of the fluxes of atomic and molecular ions ov r the radius of the chamber at azimuth angles 0 and 1800. The speltrometer was used to obtain analogous distributions for 70 and 250*. These data were used to determine the fluxes of the ions emerging from the "Ogra" throughs the mirrors. It was established that the fluxes of the H+ and'H + 1 2 ions are proportional to the current of.the injected ions, and that the density of the atomic ions is higher in*the unstabilized mode than would follow from data obtained with the aid of neutral-particle detector,after &urning off the,injected current. The spectrometer was also used to investicipte the spectra of atomic and molecular ions leaving the mirror. At plasma densities above 106 clr~-3 the ion spectra have an anomalously great width which has not yet been ex- plained. The construction and adjustment of the apparatus are de- scribed in detail. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 2 tables* Card 2/5 ;ACCESSION NR: AT4025307 ASSOCIATIONg None SUBMITTED: 190ot63 SUB CODE: ME DATE ACQ: 16Apr64' ENCL:- 02 NR REP SOVs , 001 OTHER:* 000 Card 3/5 ACCESSION NR: AT4025307 ENCLOSURE: 01 Diagram of ion mass analyzer I - entrance alit 2 - collector 3 - flange shaded areas - geometric loci of Larmor centers of the ions entering the collector. The magnetic field is per- pendicular to the plaAe of the figure. The length of the slot and of the collec- tor in the magnetic field direction is 120 mm Card 4/5 ACCESSION NR: AT4025307 ENC1,OSURE: 02 1 - engrance slits 2 - blades of Ht ion . collector 3 - blades of 2 ion collector Shaded areas - geometric loci of Larmor centers of molecular ions ~&h fixed Larmor radii and line shape for three values of the Larmor radius. 7~e 18 )>ladqs for the atom col- lectors and the 21 blades of the molecule collectors are arranged in two tiers. Cc 5/5 Diagram of spectrometer: KOZLOV, Petr Mikhaylovich; PSMIS, V., red.; KMYKOVA, L., tekhn-red. (Invasion of a myth] Vtorzhenie mifa. Moskva, Izd-vo TsK VUSM, *Holodaia gvardlia," 196o. 76 p. (MIRA 13:6) (Chemical engineering) t A a fm Q OV a dr -00 00 i.00 go 00, - ;-90 Device for InVepalisc febeks and popef with lacquerlt, 00 = c redits. rubber soludo",, etc. 11. M. Kutlov. Ru". 40AMI, ]an. 31. 19M. Constniction tictails. 04, z 00 00 j j:00 go .340 Zoo 00 0* 00 00 00 11 40 "71AAL saw I 10 141A1 a .11 ~p cl, Ad K A of 91 Kff It r, imi3 n 1 14 40 ~ 9 0 4* 40 0 0 0 0 9 0 09 00 00 of 90 0 9 0 0 40 0* IN 41 600 T *so 0*0 400f Do 60*4 qqoj *1*OO*&:9&oo 000 o0 o o 09 0 I its; is 11114111110111.- tin, Ma4vixp"All u u ma by spoil sJumocel I A4 A U 4 0 1 to 1.0 'll Lof N I It -~t K'Jyk)V. Ru's. 41'INS, ]an go -Phrital and C14,41 are condr-ttled in the 1-rmncr a mist - rd an &1k. salt and a umtral valt as (-xfalv%t. zoo c$ Ices; "I see ze# we U too )k S a - S L aNITALLUKKAL LITERATL41 CLASPOPKAMPI 41 too-, 4 it '1 4 AA I I I W 0 ff IP0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~916 6, 0.4 * 0 0 0 00 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0i oa'f ?list it Inlill 0 fee w I& ly At If n n 0A[.--I .L 1) 1! If is A 30 is J, U U AS a 14 1) a 0 d r 0 A I _j, A A _jj 4 do dftm of 1101Y11101111,111im W MOM "0" It. Kotlov. Russ. 47,818. July 31, 1101. UnlrratM "*0 0 *wWricil ilk,# sampin siv cimupwrd; jwLrt W the lidvi 00 a we bc-ated to 130~-Ab* btitmv etching tri det. the cTwrn I thet"tal IrmtMent. Age 00 0 re* so go v w 4 see we* 00 A I A I L A NITALLLOGICAL LIT14414.41 CLASSIMA1100 tio 0 of - - --------- L ...... Ilwamt -n ijx~l -T-V Od 0 9 9 1 x 111 5 a a U 55 AV .0 is t' I, it 00,69 KS Wit KUlt It :KLOn 1 114 4,14 OT44 00g, 0 0000 goo 0,00 0 *000 0 0@a0 90 of *IF 0000 0000 460 0 00 0 00 CIS 0 w 0 IS 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 a * 0 0 0 0 0;' 411 to 41 4 * 0 0 0 6 * 00000 4 A 00000000900041: 0 0 00.4-0- -- 6-410 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *::I ve 1I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00,00 X 11 is itm ' AIII C A AA-A-1-A 4 A M F V N 3 Yl .~-A I IAll W III# It A[ Urfa Ivoins N1 K-h" 00 %X 1111 It"11MIA, 110, -11.1. " kilvs, MlVd and aluma IV Ilv'I 'j%1 d"O'. v0 i rtc,). JW 1'.1 it zoo Ile I)f a few It "u-n 411 It ri 00 j goo 00 .Go 00 00 go % S L AblfAtttl~KAL LItINO"( (LASS11KAVICh 00 H u It it it 1, Al 0 0 0 0 o 4p Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 4 a ir"mr. mign, JU 32 D id a 31 V Al jp a 41 4) A; a age A Z-Ok-M " --- A J~.O'Qfaclrl Of ___.j 00 1F 00 The structure and stability of synthetic resins. p. 0q. C". Ind. i I *. S. S. R.) 4. 9S I 14 114.17.). A'd`i""wn, with Iluth. ir~.tnwni. t-1 n the ht,r- tutr aml wine prt-limin4ty0wp1%. Approx. 15 ivfrfenrr% .00 09 roe 00 ILA ARIALLUMMAL LITERAT"t CLA$JIFKA71C)1 a Z- too Alit- via., 11"111F. t I ; ; T' I S Od 0 a 440 U I AT 90 AS IT , I , it w it a It it Is w n i An L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0 0 q 0 * 04 0 0 0 o09 9 * 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 9 *1* * 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 *0 0 h-,f 7 2d V/ KOZLOV, 1'. N. Plasticheskie massy v samoletostrocnii. 6~ioskv,.,), u:-)or=-,iz, i93F. 132 p. Title tr.: Vlastic itiatuvials in airplane cons truc i,iori. .ieviewed by L-1. Piishkini~t in Tekhnika vozdushnogo "lota, lQhO, no. 4-5, p. 120. SO: Ae-onwitical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Librax~i of Congress., 1515r;* w v Ow 1 * jp 9 it 11 is 4 11 14 it n L 11i I11 : ",F Ii - _JL_A__4_L - , , , I_X_1 .I I I -A v_j M g , 1 i$t A -h us*$ at 6.0 .1. ~* fj !vp. ~ ~ .11"ILM .U(4 Pj 00 00 stion and use of molded Constructloo PlAtes S S d Ch I (U O :0 . . imi. n . . Kozlov. pl. u*e of nAded PhOH cmdm- -0: 0 saw~n products in the coostruction of ffiction arul anti- 0 friction .hind parts Is discuwed. Chas. Blitne - 0 *0 r v 0 A C 11. A A1?AtLVXGKAt tiffft4tUll CLA11111CATION U SAW so 4- w- -I W CIP(OR QP* 9111 its Ktreg Itog KLID n1 0 0 0 t ? 71 #A A S tw 0 41 a 1. ant 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 f no* 00 will 61*6 - - 00 00 0 60 go St air wfo 0 1 1 It Is it t 01 'k I 1 0 11 1 1 It It 9 a it 0 it a 4 411 O.P It 00 i! A~t~ P kil ' Igo m ' . go Po"[Sitt A ND OINC-10IMS .Of. -00 09 A Mothanim of polymerbstitim of phenol -formaldehyde .09 0 resins. 11. hl. Kollov. Opt. CAm. Ind. (U. S. S. R.) S. .00 2W-1)(11KIS) diwuss ion based on literatute and smite 00 preliminary rxl,t%. Twenty references. C. Iflatic -0 0 .00 -00 .00 of a!- =00 0 IS j: Cis 0 o 0 coo '00 r 0*6 00 Vote is 0 roe coo a! NJ r:. I I L PtIAI.LURWAL 1,11114OW1 CLASSIPKIMIi ti 0t %Nick, .1. --k. oil-III Go Q- is& Wu Pe or u to 0 u1 4 ' I s, to to Coto "or " , I a IN -j a a 3 1 Ka Otir Often it KKWn I!X4 4011114 o 0 0 0 0 0 6 o 0 0 6 * 0 0 0 * TOOe0 ooo 0 0 0 0 0 0 fie 0 0 0 6 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 G v 0 0 & & 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9! 0 0 :10 e 4 4 0 0 0 a a 0 0 a IL 0 9 0 0 C to It it It It Is N it U 11 W a 11 LA L-J AL-A L, A V .1 - 1-Y I.P1.1 D ft 1, N"6)114J 41 ad OVO .0 0 11M t4oldiell 0 Ille"llal i,.,, Wtw 00 pe, :j 1E I L A b(TALLURGICAL LITEWATLEE CLAWFKATIC" to It a qq a pf ti It at o 0 0 IN Is 00 N 0 fee 00 I m 00 =00 =00 zoo I hell ..96 t:o 0 we* III If : : a 0 0 sees $4h is It INP A, 11 :j 11 1.A Is 11 1. 11 U 46 .1 j! &A As U Mi It I 1 4 0: This PItpArStIOD ~Dd Use Of Molded Construction plam %I. XOAQV_ .-&f. ('qetq. /wJ. I V~ ,,. s. R.) 6, 9; -10)) licsisl, f. C. A 31, 106". Ilf, 11.11%.Sotl is (~,ll Z:00 zoo 00 00 =00 a 4 w 94 5 4 lid 0 x is 01 r# 0 0 0 0 dia 1-j & -A-j-A- 41 1 P-L, t--L AS 0 W 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 4 0 0 0 0 4 4 # 6 4 0 4 0 4 a a, t 0 Sol 0 04 OF" 00 SO a 0 0 0 9000 u u Id a Is )? Is 0 C. 61 erg 4 A I Nt Kosl,,v Rim of rhWdrnlns 4 SAY Imiriq thr rmil 00 "ith 5 7.1-1 Ad trilw lwf'%-~hllit 1XI* 04 111.1 1:.. A s it S , I - j- 11 U AV *3 At;; 44 It It It 0 K it It it 9 A A 0 So So 4 So 0 0 00060 ~66`1 ~6 W* 0 :10 a 040 so 00 a * Sol 0 0 0 0 4 *14 00 '40 410 tie& A 'w a- .'140 A o 0 So 0 0 0 SIS 0 0 0 00 es o 0 04 00046464 0 44L 1~ 11 v 13 N I CM AT U n 6 It a "t6 41. f-rist I It - : rz -z' - -Z a JOIL-filli 1131181111`11- I'li'Vil 04 04 son. got pull -1%4LU allismati-JIV IV tjxw-jlmjw v ul awjflff~v pansup- &pXqaprwpu*%dqjj^ palwa --q 00 so aliqui 2ujjwuXjjdtLq Aq pam*" an #1 00 'toll .919.sov 'Aa4"pM% ,V (I 00 'I N 'IP4"P POPIR-00 00 00 00 so 00- 00. 60 go. 00 00 1 13 en M N VV T-V T--TT A M1 -9 1 1 0 0 0 0 MAI- i. It U'l a db a 000 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 go 9 0 0 CID, 0 f 4 1 A I I I It ~1 11 ff It 14 It W It a It jj a bi 13 J11 17 16 it Is0 A I t.k L I li A A A L I 't I % : '.' , & I ji 4.( 0. ISO raysical structure of synthetic rVains. P. Nt. Koxim. 7"r&,Jy Sowst Afad. %'4&k INf. Kkim. 030. N 00 pby,A. structure of plimol-aldrhydc tr4ins is rrordmi 24 00 colloidal system with tht wlid high-mol. polymer &% th~ disperse phaw and a mutually VA. mi'tt. (A phCMA-alc 00 defivs. of thlaydroxydiphenyltncthane and vniver as t1w 0 PL356C. V4V21V Ph2W-. The catalyst 204 21 At stabilizer in 1hissystm. Hardening and oth" changes in mtvh. prop- *0 ~rtirs of the resins air explained by this hyrA)thk-%js. coo 00 7 rrf"me". Bruno C. Nfrimer Zee 00 ri 00 2 90 moo '60. ~i US 0 400 11 Cj* 40 SOS -an 8 ad,-O. I., I VI- IW, "'IV tv trip .061 190 A% K"ti It I., to a 0 0 0 0 * * 9 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 4 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 * 0 0 0 9 0 0 4 * 0 0 ere 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 goose " Is it AD it Al IJ M 4 11 1? X a a at 40 41 p 4 1 1 Q Y Y 4A 0 Q W Ct i 111 el go , - - , . - t it ,ji A 1 Strength, flAsticity, and P1491161Y Of 1111itts 1 M N 00 . .. rom, 1%4, . 1 -00 pvlt~~ftlc% fit rl'itcl lrt.m Or 1w4lit ill Tbrif II-e %P'W Ili, ll~ Ill Illuchillp "mAnictWil. .00 00 .................. at, 00 irI all, Alm 'h' I" .14WIltill.", 'I lo if if- i. t-li-A-1v timi't cotolill"ll, -if all :LItt-matititt-silpf 013d fit cithet 111911 "r 111w I-qu-1- J; Re'll" r-Want 1,, c,,Inpt" -11,v im. urr zoo Ill'. I~ ,It fit -"I 'Ll1w. h , coo so =00 0 00 A .6 g 0 0 00 0 0e, g .0 0 1 t:0 vie 0 T L A 64 ALLLV&I( IN 0 S; Aj o ' : 0 u If 00 At 1 91 if (I Il ? Vat sit fit p(titt it of 013 ft I KA An rw m a I a 14 j a a 3 9 so l r 0 , o :000*006000 000000*0 460000**906600 , 1 6 -0 0 0 0 0!0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 & , : * :'4 0 0 !a * 0 0 0 00000060 0 0 * 0 0 61 oaf I I i 1 0 It U 11 4 it 14 1) 11 x 11-17 11 )d 15 1* 1 IL- J IL-J L L A 0 v y 1 x V, I AA N CC W It 0 A 00 ail r, OZ. 00 J 0.3 :0 jj 00.! 00 ai 0 Y. It .3 'If 1111 1 0 Pw a I it a 5 a a 0 u 9, a sm nil xv of IT I 0 0 0 0 4 Wo 0 0 o o o 0 a 0 o o * 0 0 4111i 00 0 0 0 * 000 0 41 so 0 0 0 0 a 0i0 0 00 a 0 0 111 0 111 0 0 0 00 00 ;1,~-* 0 0 0 0 00-0 00 90 0 iso 0 -0000 OW it It 11 1& a 36 V X T a of a U k J k Presslue moming of thermoplAstic fesing U S S R. -I" A fill' I All' dU -00 *00 -00 -00 of *0 00 2 L cts and Their 1-23 USSR/Chemical 9Iech,LOIOP,-J. C,wioj cal "rodit Applicaiu-ion--S~ nthc tic 1,?olymers. i,lasticz. AI)s Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, i1o 1957, 9313 Author so Kozlov il M. Inst : 'Not r,iven r2j. t 1 e: The E;~pansiun an,.''. improvement of the Production of Kastics and the Iml5rovement of Their Mechanical Processing Orig Pub: Khim. prom-st-. 19511, No 7, 18-23 Abstract: The expansion of the production of thermoplastics inust be achieved by improved compression-molding and continuoms e;-triision-wolciing methods as well as by the introdw!tion of automatic assembly lines starting at the batchiiC of the components and on through the final ii:echa,iical processing of the finished articles. The thermoulastic materials currently bein-- 1)ro-,'Mced e;,hibit great variations Lj ' in their plastiz pi-operties, in the light of which CarC 1/2 9WJCZmi/stry Plastics FD-961 Card 1/1 Pub- 50 - 4/19 Author Kozlov, P. M. 1_1"__.-_.__-...%"~ Title Problems of improving efficiency and technological procedures in the working and mechanical treatment of plastics Periodical Xhim. prom., No 7, 402-407 (18-23), Oct-Nov 1954 Abstract Advocates automatically controlled continuous procedures in the pro- duction of objects from thermosetting resins, improvement in pressure- molding and continuous extrusion processes in the production of ob- jects from thermoplastic resins, use of plastometers and thermomechan- ical devices in production control, consideration of flow characteris- tics, and other measures designed to achieve higher efficiency and im- prove quality. Emphasizes the use of plastics in the construction of machines. Discusses in part properties of viniplast sheets, polysty- rene, and fluorine-containing plastics from,the standpoint of produc- tion procedures. Nine references, all USSR, '7 since 1940. One table, one graph. AUTHORS: Gorina, A. A., Karrin, V. A., Koz1ov, P. M., 64-8-2/19 Kotrelev, V. N. TITLE: Production of Goods Prom Fluoroplast-4 (Pererabotka ftoroplasta-4 v izdeliya). Investigation of the Preforming Process (Issledoyaniye proteessa tabletiroyaniya). PERIODICAL: Khimicheakaya Promyshlennont', 1957, Nr 6, Pp. 5-9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The investigations concerning the detection of processes for the production of goods from fluoroplast-4 were started in 1949. Foreign references (references 3-6) and the original variants of the laboratories of L. V. ChereshkeTich (NIIPP) and of L, F. Vereshohagin (IOXh AN) were at the disposal of the NIIPM where they were produced. The production method was divided into the following 4 stages: 1) preparation of the'pulverulent fluoroplast-4 for preforming: a) thermal treatment of the powder, b) aeration of the powder. 2~ Preforming 3 Caking together 4 Cooling of the finished product. In the investigation of Card 1/ 3 the production method the papers of P. P. Balandin Production of Goods From Fluoroplast-4. b4-8-2119 Investi~-.ation of the Preforming Process (reference 9) about the computation of the press process of dry refractory materials as well as the papers about the preforming process in press powders were taken into consideration (reference 10). The purpose of present paper was the detection of the optimum specific pressure in the prefr~rming from the pulverulent fluoroplast-4, as well as the detection of the optimum thermal retardation of the tablets at this pressure. As criteria for the optimum pressures and preforming times the variations of the linear dimensions and of the specific weight of the pressed samples were chosen. It is shown that the preforming from the pulverulent fluoroplast-4 at specific pressures of not below 300 kg/cm2 and not above 750 kg/cm2 is to be carried out. It is shown that a thermal retardation under pressure is necessary in the preforming. For the investigated dimensions of the unworked pieces a formula T = A H D Card 2/3 was found. This determined the dependence of the amount Production of Goods From Fluoroplast-4. L4-8-2119 Investigation of the Preforming Process of the thermal retardation of the height and diameter of the unworked pieces. T - optimum thermal retardation of the unworked pieces of fluoroplast-4 under the preforming pressure, in minutes. A - cone tant (in the polymers investiEated here it amounted to 7,7 - 9,1) H- the height of the unworked piece. D - diameter of the unworked piece. There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 11 references, 2 of which are Slavic. AVAILABLE: Library of Congre38 'A Card 31, -1, lo -,~, -- k1 A '" /I 'in GORINA, A.A.: KIMIN, V.A.: KOZLOV, P.M.; KOTRBUV. V.N. Processing polytetrafluoroothylene into Induatrial articles. Xhim. prom. no.8:453-457 D 157. (MIRA 11:2) (Sthyleng) (Pla a t ic ii-4foldi rig) AUTHORS: Lz~-rshin, V. V., Kozlov P 3()V16,,-,~8 - It-6/2 o TITLE: The Effect of the Conditions of Casting Under Pressure on Vic Internal Stress in Workpieces of Polystyrene (Vliyaniye usloviy litlya, pod davleniyein na napry=heniya v detaly-.':-.h iz polistirola) PERIODICAL: Xhiinicheskaja promyshlerinostl~ 1958, r"r 4, pp. 214 - 210 (USS11) ADSTRACT: The two main types of stresses occurrinU in casts and dleterminin:7 their physical and mechanical properties are :1.- 1-lechanical stresses developing by all unequal coolinj of the polyzier during the formation process and 2, The orientation stresses forming as a consequence of a ch--n.--e of tile molecular form and a fixation of certain molecular confi,~urations in the direction of flow. The for~ier are pr,~cticnlly of small imlort,-.nce while tile latter can be broii;-ht to a minimum by a rational con,,,,t--.ction of the mold, a correspon,.1iii,; thai of casting as %yell' as by a reduction of the residual pressure in tne mold durin, the odenin,~ and tile ,i~aper inve:;ti -:ites the influence taking out of the cast. This of tile basic para-leters, of tlhe c.~--,ing process and Card 1/4 the influence exerteil by tll - ol, til,-~ molil The Effect of the Conditions of Casting Under PressureSCV64-53-4-6/2o on the Internal Streso in Workpieces of Polystyrene on t~ie formation of stresae3, as well as the possibility of reducin- and distributing the EAresses. .1 specJal mold of 12 "section3"was used and the authors vorked at dif-ferent tempera- tures Pjid waited for the ternination of the shrinking procens. The dependence of the shrinking on the temperature is reprecented by an equation; the quantities to be investioated are the casting tenierature, the pressure, the effective time of pressure, the mold te:.,')eranture, the velocity of the motion of the Piston and the duration of the casting cycle. From the mentioned experimental results may, amonL-, others, be seen th.,It the orientation stress is reduced with a rise of t',.e formation temperature and a shortening of the period of prc:3sure, the influence of the duration of pre~;zure being increased. T',.e =-ie effect was also observed on an increase of the flow velocity of the poly.-ier. The size of the drain channel is of great influerco. In the experimental serico for the clarification of this influence conptrisons were ma,le with tile drain channels accordin.,', to Jones Olef 7); ex- pcri.,:1cnts of experimental shrinkin, in the direction of "lot-, Card 2/4 showed that those changes are not uniform %nd tiliat the curvet; The Effect of the Conditions of Castint; UnAer _P r e Vii'64- 56 - 4' - 6/2 0 on the Internal Stress in Workpieces of Polystyrene are similar to those by 11,.I.Basov (Ref 3). It was observed that with the increase of the molecular weight in block poly- styrene the shrinking increases and the resistance to heat decreases., In order to obtain an impact strength of the cast samples the casting must be carried out at low temperature, at high pressure and longer pressure duration and with big drain openings, as this way an increase of the orientation stresses is achieved, In order to determine the influence of some factors on the tensile stress experiments in solvents were carried out and the destruction was investi~--ated~ It was found that two types of stresses are present, the highly elastic and the ma- chanical ones., A temperature after.-treatment at the highest possible temperature (without deformation) was found to be an effective method for removini~ stresses,. There are 6 figures., 4 tables and 9 references, 5 of which are Soviet. Card 3/4 The Effect of the Conditions of Casting Under PressureSOV~4-55-4-6/2o on the Internal Stress in Workpieces of lloly~,-,tyrcmp 1 1. Styrene polymers.-Casting 2. Styrene polyme--rs-Stresses, "a"d 4/4 __ KOZLOT, Pat student IV kurea Roentgenographic an&-lysis of deformations in large-crystal alu- minum. Sbor.nauch.rab.stud. Nauch.stud.ob-va Kirun. no.2.,51-54 '59- (MIRA 13:7) 1. Fiziko-matematicheskiy fakulitet Kirgizakogo gosudarstyennogo universiteta. (X-ray crystallography) (Aluminum crystals) 50), 15(5) AUT11010, Gortna, A. A., Kargin, V. A., Kozlov, P. M. 30V164-59-2-9123 TITLE: Preparation of Phtoroplast-4 in Finished Products (Pererabotka ftoroplasta-4 v izdeliya) investigations an the Sintering Process of Semifinished Prodacts) (Issledovaniya protsessa spekaniya zagotovok) PERIODICAL. Khimicheskaya promyshlennost', 1959, 1,r 2, pp 134-139 (U33R) ABSTPACT: The process of pelleting was discussed in the preceding paper (Ref 1~ The investigations of the sintering of semifinished phtoroplast-4 (polyteirafluoroethylene) (PF)-productB was carried out in two stages; first, the optimum conditions for the sintering were examined, and second, the mechanism of the process was investigated. Volume- and linear shrinkage are regarded as oriteria for the evaluation of the summation processes in sintering. Since the proportion by volume between the crystalline and the amorphous component of the polymer is a furation of temperature, corresponding X-ray analyses were made, and it was found that at a temperature of UP to 3000 no considerable changes in the degree of crystallization are to be observed. Only at 340 0 the polymer loses its crystal Card 1/2 structure (Ref 2). The sintering of semifinished products should Preparation of Phtoroplast-4 in Finished Products SOV/64-59-2-9/23 (Investigations on the Sintering Process of Semifinished Products) therefore take place at.37~-+50. The experiments were made within a large range of pelleting pressure '(50-500 kg/cm2) and at sintering temperatures of 340, 360, 380, and 4000 at two different heating velocities of the tablets to the sintering temperatureand at three different cooling velocities of the semifinished products after the sintering. The change in the linear dimension and in the density of the sample was examined for the evaluation of the sintering process. The results obtained are graphically represented (Figs 1-6). Optimum pressure in pelleting was determined to be 350-500 kg/cm?. In the case of small -products of (PF) the heating velocity to the sintering temperature is of no importmince, the optimum temperature range for sinterinC- is 37~,�150 (lower limit for low thermostability, upper one for highly thermostable polyners). Sintoring takes place until the complete clarification of the polymer. There are 6 figures and 9 references, 4 of which are Soviet. Card 2/2 YAFHONTOV, A.G.; I'DZIOV, P.M. Distribution of tf7p 6-phnse ~Ln the fLtigue fracture of IYY,18!JgT stainless steel. Izv. vys. ucheh. zav.; chern. met. 4 no.12:li-4- 116 101~ (?,IfZA 1": 1) 1. Kirgizskiy go.-udarstvenny-j universitet. (Stpel , St-iinless--!~'etallorraphy) (Pl~.ssc rule and equilibrium) 36766 S/081/62/000/001/063/067 B119/B101 AUTHORS: Trifonova, N. A., TITLE: Glues and pastes for gluing magnetic heads PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhu~nal. Khimiya, no. 1, 1962, 514, abstract 1P92 (Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta zvukozapisi, no. 8, 1961, 87-94) TZXTt Glues based on epoxy resins .-;ere obtained as a result of the develo-xent of rlues, pastes, and the technolory for gluing plates and cores of mag-netic heads. 1~:aleic anhydride (for )k(-2 (EKS-2)) or phenol formaldehyde resin (for ~;KC-(L(EKS-F)) were used as hardeners. Quartz sand or niarshalite are recommended as fillers for preparing )T(-1 (EPS-1) paste Yhich hardeno in the cold with polyethylene polyamines. (EPS-2) paste containing marshalite hardens with maleic anhydride only when heated. The percent content of filler does not affect the strength' of paoteol tho fillgr can be added accorcling to the required consistency. EKS-2 and EKS-F glues harden at 140 0C after 1 hr at least, EPS-2 and -5-,IC -,,~(EPS-F) pastes after 6 hre. A prolonged hardening time increases the heat resistance of pastes. The glues can be stored for 30 days at Card 1/2 S/081/62/000/001/063/o67 Gluoo and pastes for ... 13119/13101 normal temperature without losing their adhesive powerl the adhesive power of' paotc)o drops by 25 - 5TA within 10 dayo. Colored pastev, can be obtained by admixing dyestuffs. They are suited for marking magnetic heads. Methods for testing the shearing and tensile strength of gluod 1 joints are described. Results of strength toots of the developed glues and pastes are given. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.) Card 2/2 lo lufoo 11,,~ 3 3 17 2 s/143/6i/ooo/ol2/oo6/ooq E193/E'70 8 AUTHORS Yalchontov, A.G,. and Koz1ov PJ1. TITLE: Distribution of the a-phase oli [Ithe surface Of'] fatigue-fracture of stainless steel 1-/18P,9T (n,~1113N9T) PERIODICALt Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnyMi zavedemy CAernaya nietallurgiya, no. in~, 1961, n4 - l.16 TEXT.-. Studies of the constiLuLion of_alloys iii the zone (if fatigue-fracture can provide valuable infor!nation on the meclianisia of fracture due to cyclic loading - heiice the present investigation carried out oil speciiica--i of steel. 1Khl3N9T (17.90' CH , chosen for this purpose because t7le austenite in this steel is particularly prone to change into a-phase durin.t- plastic deformation. Specit-,ions 17 mm iii diameter with a i1 tch 2 mm deep and having austenitic structure and a grain size OL -IPI)ro~cimately 5 x 10- cm ucre used in tests conducted on a L I rotating-cantilever-beam-type machine Each test was run to fracture, which in specimens tested under a stress of 26 28 and 30 kzAmil2 occurred after 2 030 000: 1 0~2_ 000 and 650 Coo Card 1/* F y '33172 S/143/6 1/000/01.2/OCKJOO~ Distribution of El ->IVE383 reversals ., respectively. The surface of tile fractured -,,-,Lc imells i,,ras t:ie-.i e:,,amined by X-ray diffraction, Tlie X-ray -)attcris showin- both K (211) lines of the (x-phase and K (5,11) and OL P KCL (220) lines of the y-phase were obtained for several points spaced radially at a distance of 1.3 mm from cacti other, Typical results are reproduced in Pi-. I w:iere t:ic intensity I , of the X-ray diffraction lilies is plotted aL;aiii6t tile distance (n x 1.3 -.u,-') of the 1)oilit c.,,ai,.liiicd fro;-.i the circu:.:- 'fer-ance of the specimen, circles , dots and crosses relatinf,~ to (211), (311) and (220) lines. respectively~ Vie pro-Ortion of a-phase was then Calculated froi:i the /1 9,0) and ~21,1 ) (LI- 'Ile illtC 1(211)/1(3,,) ratios, where I denotes L. ,nsitv of the respective lines~ The results of these calculations are reproduced in Fig. 2 -,rhere the pro)ortion of the cl-phase is plotted a-ainst tie distance fro:,i tile cLrCL1T:,._-rr,nce of the s p ec ir ien In discussing the results tlie authorz distinguish between the zolle of gradual (fati--ue) fracture arCI the zone of Card 2/$' 33i-t 2 S/ I 4W 1/0 co/o I -Vcc~ /cc,; Di.--1- t r t bu t i oil of E I ,' 7~ / E3 8 -) ri 11a 1 L"r ~"c t ur 0 C orr C!j poll(.! j 11 t!l e I 1:w! ed Ia t (' V -1,,- 1 0 L' i'o 1 7 of Flgs. I and '_', It will bo ticen tllialk (It(- ptu.wrtloll L" illcrea":ed gradually and r,3acho-11 it- t it,-. toi, t~z~ f L.) L I o -.,~ I n bo ulld,', -.-Y betweell the~30 two zones aild t7lie of effect. T'ie )Iastic dofort~:acEon t T, -4 U defori:iation can take place only Ln i-aut ' oriat Subje.-i d t c a stress or.- v!i i c It mu s t b e a t I c- a s t s I I -,-I y !., 7 t h M ! yiel-c' point of a ~;ivea St eel In tile :L111tia], Sta&t;~ 01, o - I "'; t~- test (conducted under a constant load), tLe ~tre:~s remains relatively low until the first fatigue cra(:ks are formcd wh i c h reduce the effective cross-ser-tion area of the specimen and consequently increase the magnitude of stress. The iilagnitude of the applied stress increases with increasinS deptli of the -rach and so does the degree of plastic deformation ahich IS ref!.Qcted in an increased proportion of the a-phase fori,,ied, The Sharp decrease in the intensity of the X-ray di-ffract Lan 11LLie~ in th.'? zone of final fracture and the correspondin~~ de:tcreasi~ ~1) r1le proportion of the cc-phase could be olil; after SUPI)Iell.jentar" StUrhe'S ill I-1111CIL thC' C~ffoct of [;,It(_to-:! Card D 1 !3 t r L bLL OTI Of L he ~;Llrj';~c e of t lie lines would have to TI-ierc are 2 fi-ureq S/ 148/6 1 /000/0 t "V(DOS/Ou') E, 1 5 J) '11 the 'Ll-It ow frac till- c- a X J be tal;eii 1131tO CICCOLII)t I table. and 3 Soviet blc-,c AS S OC TAT I ON, K i r g i z s R i y o s u da r -s t ,, F, i i n y ~ viini- ~-.i ~: i t (K i r Al I Z' tat e Urii w ci-I I t y SUBMTTTED. October .10 t 0 Card 21/1 (/ s/i26/62/oi4/oO3/oo6/022 9111/E335 AUTHORS.- Kozlov,_P.M. and Yakhontov, A.G. TITLE: Influence of the rupture temperature on the structure of fatigue fractures in the steel 1KAH9-i (lKhl8N9T) PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 14, no. 3, 1962, 387 - 390 TEXT: The kinetics of the y -)a transformation in fractures of lKhl8N9T steel produced by applying alternate strain at high temperatures and the influence of the deformation tempera- ture on the structure of the y- and a-phases in the fatigue- fracture zone were investigated on spec.imens in which stress- concentration notches, 0-3 mm deep, were prod 2ced by electrolytic polishing. Cycles with stresses of 28 kg/mm were applied bit 0 temperatures of 50, 16o, 190, 250, 36o, 450, 530 and 61o + 15 C. Since in the fatigue-fracture zone the phase transformations are localized within a very narrow layer, X-ray structural phase analysis was applied, which enabled the martensite transformation to be followed in the surface layer, 8 - 12 IL thick. The number of cycles to failure fell sharply with increasing temperature up Card 1/3 S/126/62/oi4/oO3/Oo6/022 Influence of .... EllJL/E335 to about 250 OC (about 0.8 x 10 5 cycles) and then stayed almost constant. 0The concentration of the a-phase decreased sharply up to 250 C in all the sections of t1he fracture, whilst there was no a-phase at all in the fracture at 450 OC. The temperature of 450 OC evidences that there is a general characteristic in the formation of all the fracture zones. To some extent, this is analogous to the temperature point M which characterizes d the stability of austenite during fatigue fracture. The great' (!jTf1_-nii;_-e between the points Mdfor torsion (60 .0C) and for fatigue fracture (450 OC) evidences that during fracture the y-lattice is distorted to a greater extent than during torsional deformation. The alpha-phase concentration at the fracture indicates the degree of plastic deformation; the concentration in the pre-fracture zone was the same as in a tensile-fracture zone. Fatigue-fracture was accompanied by refining of the microstructure. The distortion of the gamma-phase was not due to the Y--;~a transformation but to processes such as slip and fracture in austenite grains* There are 3 figures and 2 tables* Card 2/3 S/126/62/014/003/oo6/022 Influence of .... EIII/E335 ASSOCIATION: Kirgizakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Kirgiz State University) . .. SUBMITTED: . March 3, 1962 Card 3/3 L 42796-66 ~JT(m)/E,;P ACC NRa AR6014358 (A, A/) SOURCE CODE: AUTH(L111 -KQZIQV. P. M. TITLE: Strength 6f p9lymer materials SOURCE: Ref. zh. Haahinostroitellr7ye materialyp konetruktaii i raschat detaley mashin. Gidroprivodg Abe. 11-48-241 REF SOURCE: Mook. yZash. tekhn. uch-ghcha im. N. E. Baumana v- 49 1964# 40- 44 TOPIC TAGS: polymerp stress analysis, creep ABSTRACT: The possibility of utilizing polymer materials under a load in the region of creep is analyzed. It is shown that using polymer materials in the region of creep may be allowed in the case when the calculations of safe strength are based on the allowable deformations and when the length of service for a material in etrict4 determined- 5 illustrations, 1 table. Oranslation of abstraog SUB CODEt 11 ACC NR: PY7000654 SOURCE CODE: uit/0126/66/022/005/0693/0697 AUT11OR: Zherdev, A. M.; Kozlov, P. M.; Samoylenko, Z. A. ORG: Kirgiz State University (Kirgizskiy gosuniversitet) TITLE: Electron-microscope examination and x-ray spectral analysis of lKh18,149T steel fractures SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 22, no. 5, 1966, 693-697 I TOPIC TAGS: ratigue strength, material fracture, mechanical fracture, metal surface, electron microscop , chromium steel, nickel steel I -Y ,USTRACT: Impact and fatigue fractures of IKhIBN9T steel (AlSl-321) specimens were examined with an elect ron-microscope and subjected to x-ray spectral analysis in ord to determine if there is any chemical heterogenity on the fracture surface. Prior to testing, specimens were homogenized at 1250C for 3 hr and air cooled. It was found that the fracture surface (up to 0.1-0.2 11 thick) of impact tested steel had I respective titanium and manganese contents 330 and 170% higher than the average content of these elements in the steel. The fracture surface of fatigue specimens had three zones with different fracture types and chemical composition. Increased titanium content was observed in intermediate (crack-propagation) and the final. i fracture zones. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATE: O8Oct65/ ORIG REF: OlO/ OTH REF: 001/ :ard 1/1 UDC: 669.15-194:539.26 KOZWV P P Treatment of patients with destructive forms of pulmonEry tuberculosis by intratracheal administration of antibiotics. Probl.tub. no.6148-33 161. (MIRA 1419) (TUBERCUMSIS) (ANTIBIOTICS) USSR / Caneral Problems of Pathology. Immunity. U-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No. 10, 1958, No 4665q Author : Kozlov, P. S. Inst stav?6T cientific Research Institute of Vaccination dnd ScrolOgy.; .. : ;. Title Phagocytic Leukocyte Activity in the Blood of Work Horses at Hyperimmunization by Diphteria Anatoxin. Orig Pub Sb. nauch. tr. Stavropol'sk. n.-i. in-ta vaktsin i syvorotok, 1957, vyp. 4, 37-42. Abstract When work horses were immunized by (liphteria anatoxin, a weakening in the phagocytic leukocyte activity (PhLA) was observed, together with a growing ozatoxin titer. During the period of rest from immunization, PhLA grow. In horses who are subreactive to the toxin, leukocytes are highly active. Card 1/1 15 1"(-jzl,c,vl F. S. Mol ;ci ~, Ljjj,-,:,.-,jGj, J J, c,!Ilcr of ui,--~Eccyt- ctivitY 0" leucocyte--, -ri 'h!- c t o.-,, of r-cru:.-;." Stavropol, -IC5 (Lin of Acri- cul'.1ire T!Mi~- Stavropol' Acric Tj-j-IiI-_,,te)- 130 copi,~.c (,T,3~-,-59, 103) :..t11- t t [-. KOZIJOVI P T" - .., , t, -!- 11 Cost of geophysical prospecting. Geol. nofti 2 no.2:10-16 F 158. 1 (MIRA 11-2) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatel skiy instititt geofiziki. (Prospecting-Goophysical methods) KOZLOV, P.T. Basic equipment for geophysical research in the petroleum industry. Prikl. geofis. no-23:234-243 159. (MIR& 13:1) (Prospecting-Gaophysical methods) DUNAYEV, F.F.; KOZLOV. P.-T-; DOBROVOLISKIY, M.B. Indices of the economic effectiveness of oil prospecting and rAeans for improving them. Izv.vyo.ucheb. sav.;neft' i gaz 5 no.51 113-117 162, (MA 16:5) 1. Moskovskiy instiiut neftekhimicheAoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti imeni,4kademika I.M.Gubkina. (Petroleum geology) -M&LOL P. T. Producible oil and gas reserves in capitalist countries. Geol. nefti i gaza 7 no.5t5l-52 MY' '63. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Institut geologii i razrabotki gory-uchikh iskopayemykh AN SSSR. (Petroleum) (Gas, Natural) KOZLOVI P.T. Use uf geophysical methods in oil and gas prospecting in capitalist countries. Geol. nefti i gaza 17 no.7149-53 Jl 63. (MA 1637) 1. Institut geologii i razrabotki gory-uchikh iskopayemykh AN SSSR. (Prospecting--Geophysical methods) KOZLOV P.T., kancl. el'onDM. nauk - ~ - -1-1 - K,ver expendititres a-rid means for decreasing them in various branches of the petroleum and gas industries. Prom. energ. 20 no.2:6-10 165. (MIRA 18:4) YENIKEYEV., P.N.; KOZLOV, P.T.; YAVKIN, P.Ye. Oil and gas resources of Central Asis and prospects for their development. Geol.nefti i gaza 9 no.211-5 F 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Gosudarstvennyy geologicheskiy kemitet SSSR, Vsesoyuznyy zaochnyy politekhnicheskiy Institut i Vsesoy-uzn~y nauchno- issledovatellskiy geologorazvedochnyy neftyano.-7 institut. KOZLOV, P.V.; DUGINA, N.A., tekhnicheakI7 redaktor. [From the practice of innovator repairman V.P.Antropov] Iz opyta remontnika-ratsionalizatora V.P.Antropova. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. i sudoetroit. lit- ry. 1953. 18 P. (KLRA 7:8) (Machine tools--Maintenance and repair) Kona, P. V. Patsionalizatsiya i izobretatellstvo na zavode CInnovation and invention in factories VI PI V. Kozlov (and) K. Ya. Tikhonov. Moslcva, 1,:ashgiz, 1953. 86 p. parts., diagre. N/5 662 .K82 HAwaim,m-P., inzhener; LIPNITS]rrY,M.Ye., Inzhener; KOZLOY,P.V., inz.hener Reinforced concrete ribbed panels for beamless floors of Indus- trial buildings developed by the Leningrad State Planning Insti- tute of Construction. Rate. i Izobr. predl. v atroi. no.81:11- 12 '54. (MA 8: 6) (Floors. Concrete) F.A.; KOLTNMV, M.A.; FOZLOV, P.V. -1 J in, Creep (,f' cryotall -, polymers. Vest. un. ': Khim. ~-O no. 5:S?-92 S-0 t65 (NIRA 18:12) ~. Kafedra VlrlOkOM01ehllyamykh sayedinerily Mc,slrcov.~.kogo gosydar- st,vernogn univer.-Iliteia.Submitted D~-C. 22, 1,A4.