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Investigations in the Field of the Polyamifles With SO'1/62-59-3-23/37
Heterogeneous Chains. Communication 9. Prodkiction or Pol'yal'AdE.." and
Polyamido Eutors From Dic-Oxazolonoo
Card 2/3
the action of bis-oxazolones on diamines, amino alcohols or
glycols in the solvent. Reaction temperature was not higher
than 600. The duration of reaction depends oil the nature of the
initial substances. Diamines react the most rapidly (5-14hours),
glycols and amino alcohols more slowly. E.,-. the reaction of
ethylene glycol or monoethanolamine takeo up to 146 hours.
Pyridine or chloroform were used as solvents. The polyamides
obtained are solid, powdery, white substances. They are well
soluble in cresol, insoluble in chloroform and benzene. The
polyam-ido ester obtained from ethylene glycol which is well
soluble in chloroform is an exception. The properties of the
products obtained are given in table 2. The polyamides which
were obtained fzom. the reaction of bis-oxazolones with diamines
and glycols and which have a re'-ular structure have higher
melting temperatures 'than the polyamides which were obtained
by means of direct poly3ondensation and in which the residues
of the initial products are irregularly d1istributed. In the
case of a polymer with re~~ular structure the substitution of
octamethylene by tile phenylene -roup leadf, to a greater
Investigations in the Pield of the _7 -23/37
Heterogeneous Chains. Com--unic~atlz*.,~n and,
Polyamido E3ters From Bls-Oxazolcnes
increase cf the melt4~:,, -,hun i.: the case with
polymers with a c t -tire. The
degree of 3 7~y Yu. S. St-rucl-1:0V
,he - -- (T
n + laboz-ator-ya 2:- kil-bo ra to ry
-por X-Ray 3tructura- ,, ~i c,
ni. al curvos
a t; o ry a
werc reoorded by
ssledovaniya Invosti~aation of
Po2ymlers). The alathors --17--~r the
invest-lZat-Lons carri~od oii~. tnbles, and
3 rcferen,~es, 2 of whi.:Y, ~~i-
ASSOCIATION: Institut rlauk SSSR
(Iriatitute of Elem-ent3l t:-,t- Academy of
Sciences,. USSR)
SUBMITTED: June 13, 1957
Card 3/3
f5.gjjLj "2205 S/190/60/002/0015/001,,1/011;
AUTHORS: Korshak, V. V., FML.,_ I _-Y Koz1ov, L. V.,
-Alybina, A. Yu.
TITLE: From the Field of Heterochain Polyamides~ XXIV. Prcd-'Ic~t:Cn
of Mixed Polyamides in the Interface
PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Val. 2, No,
pp. 673-678
TEXT. The authors of the present paper wanted to synthe3iZ9 mixed pcly-
amides by means of non-.equilibrium polycondensation in "he interface,
and to study the influence exerted by the reactivity of the ini t iaj
substances on the composition of the polyamides. A mixture of 0.*,-:, mole
solutions of adipyl chlorideland isophthalyl chloride in benzere was
mixed with a e solution of hexamethylene diamine in aqueou3
KOH with 1000 rpm. For comparison, the same polyamides were produc6d by
equilibrium pol~condensation,'\by heating the initial substfin't~es to
210 - 27000 in nitrogen current. Table I gives visecsity, sclubil,_-.y -in,
formic acid, flowing point, and, on the basis of the 4nfrared,,%trp
Card 1/3
From the Field of Heterochain Polyamides. S11901601002100~1,100.511011
XXIV. Production of Mixed Polyamides in the B004/BO67
shown in Fig. 2, the degree of crystallization. nile thE polymer of
hexarr,ethyleneisophthalimide is insoluble in formic acid, mixed pcllymero
with a content of 60% isophthalic acid were completely soluble ir. form.-
acid (Fig. 1). The formation of a single copolymer waa proven by the
infrared spectrum. The products obtained by equilibrium polycondensation
had a higher flowing point than the products synthesized in the interfa:--e
(Fig. 3), and had also a higher degree of crystallization. In the reacticn
of adipyl chloride and isoterephthalyl chloride with hexamethylene diamire
in the interface, with the polymer being extracted from the interface aLi
a film, the individual film samples taken during the reaction lhoviad -a
perfectly homogeneous structure (Table 2) inspite of different reaz~tivity,
The different reactivity of adipyl chloride, sebacyl chloride, and azelayl
chloride had no influence on the physical properties of the ccpclymer~i
with hexamethylene diamine (Table 3) obtained from tarying mixtnirej of'
these acid chlorides. The authors thank the labcratory h-jado cf fi,,eir
institute: I. V. Obreimov (Optical Laboratory), A. I. Kltaygcrodskly
(Laboratory for X-Ray Structural Analysis), and
(Laboratory for the Investigation of Polymers) fo"T-their investigations,
Card 2/3
From the Field of Heterochain Polyamides. S/1 90 '6010021'00~,/00r~1'01';
XXIV. Production of Mixed Polyamides in the B004/BU-)7
L. V. Zhirova took part in the experimental work. There- are 3 figureq.
5-tables, and-g-references: 6 Soviet, 2 US, and 1 British.
ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheakikh soyedineniy AN SSSR
(Institute of Elemental-organic Compounds of the AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: January 9, 1960
Card 3/3
s/ 4 qc/60/0C2/0r_,6/rjCI,2/0 ! 2
B 0 15 /B 0 6" 4
AUTHORS: Korshak, V~ V., Frunze,. T It, Kczlov_~ 1. V.
TITLE'S On the Heterochain PolyamidesT X~'XV. Synthc..,:iv of Polyamlde3
Containing Piperazine Radicals on the
PiRIODICAL; Vy3okomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya- 1960, Vol-, 2, No 6.
PP. 838-844
TEXT., Simple and mixed polyamides were producod from plpera-,Ine w-",h
adipyl-, azelayl.-, sebacyl-, phthalyl.-:. isophthalyl-, a,,-.d tero-lithaxyl
chloride, as well as from ethylene-, hexamethylene-, and nonam.~-~121pna
amine with sebacyl chloride by the method of interface polyc-_nd,~nsatt,an_
and their properties investigated. The chlorides were appl.",ed ar 0.2 1V
00112tions in benzene and ihe diamines as 0.2 M solutions in wa~sr
(prepared from 0.4 M solutions in KOH),. The polymer yie2d was 30-66W/~-
Tables I and 2 give the properties of the polyamides obtained and ghow
that a reduction in length of the methylene chain cf the dicarb)xyllr,
acids leads to an increase in the flow temperature., Polyamides -ortalrit-ng
piperazine (except for polypiperazine terephthalamide) arc, lle~t~~r s0111111~~'
Card '1/3
On the Heterochain Polyamides~ XXV. Synthesis S/190/60/002/0005/002/Qi2
of Polyamides Containing Piperazine Radicals on B015/BO64
the Interface
in organic solvents than polyamidos obtained from the sam,~- a,~~ids with
aliphatic diamines. Tables 3-5 list the properties of the mix9d polyawidc-5
and show that a change in the piperazine content exert& a ~~-,nstderatl-
influence upon flow temperature, solubility, and mechanisal propeztie5.
Flow temperature and solubility of the polyamides chtaine~t from pipi~,razir-e
and aromatic dicarboxylic acids depend5 on the position of the sarbnxyl
groups in the cycle. An introduction of 20 mc-leju of aliphatic diamiir.~-
radicals into polypiperazine sebacinamide 'Leads to a redu~,,tlcr of the fl-~w`x
temperature, A further increase in the radical contert cause-, an increase.
in flow temperature and a reduction of the solubility of the mixed
polyamides. Studies on the influence of the varying reactivity '.)'I the
initial diamines upon the structure and properties of the mixed po2ya.ML-AIP5
obtained, showed (Table 6,, composition, softening- and flOW TeMpcratU7,~,
viscosity 0-5% solutions in tricre8ol at 200C), that there are n~~ es,~Pn~lal
differences in the properties of the products obtained, L, V, Vh1r ' i-ok
par-t. in experimenting, There are I figure, 6 tal-)leo~. and 7 efeZen:,e%,
' Soviet, 4 US, I German, and 1 French.
Card 2/3
8360, 8
On the Heterochain Polyamidos, XXV. Synthe3is S/190/60/1002/006/002/012
of Polyamides Containing Piperazine Radicals an 13015/'BO6-4
the Interface
ASSOCIATION; Inatitut elementoorganicheskilkh soyedineniy All' SSSR
(Institute of Elemen-tval-organic Compounds of the AS USSR
SUBMITTED: February 1960
Card 3/3
kUTHORSa Korshak, V. V., Frunze, T. M., Kozlov, L,-V.
TITLEi From the Field of the Heterochains 1212amidqe~- XXVI. Mixqd
Polyamides of Piperazi e With Aliphatic and Aromatict
Dicarboxylic Acids I
PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol.. 2, No, 6
PP. 845-850
(Ref,, 1) mixed Do, yaT
TEM In continuation of an experimental series - mides
were produced by the method of the interfacial polycondensation from
piperazine and adipyl-, azelayl-, phthalyl-, inophthalyl-, and terephthaly!
chloride. The chlorides were used as 0.2 M solutions in benzene and
piperazine as 0.2 M solution in water (produced from 0.4 M soluticn in
KOH). For the copolymers obtained, the specific viscosity of a 0..5%
solution was determined in 95% H2 so 4 at 200C, as well as the flow tempera-
ture and solubility in organic solvents (results on Tab!ei i 3) The
introduction of the aliphatic dicarboxylic acid radicals into the poly-
amide reduced essentially the flow temperature of the polymer. The
Card 1/2
From the Field of the Heterochains Polyamides, S/190/60/002/006/003/012
XXVI. Mixed Polyamides of Piperazine Wvith BO-;5/BO64
Aliphatic and Aromatic Dicarboxylic Acids
p,,,3J-t1on of the carboxyl groups in the radical of the aromatic d'Lcarboxylic
acids in the mixed polyamides has the usual effect uDcn the fli-.w +empe--a-
ture; i-e. the mixed polyamides with a paraphenyl cycle have the highps~
,an i
flow temperature. The polyamides obtained from piperazine are in or6,
so!vents better soluble than those obtained from aliphat-ir- dlami-ne~. Th~a
phihalyl ~
mixed polyamides obtained from piperazine, and azi~llyi-. , I a!":-,
isophthalyl chloride dissolve best in polar organic solvents L.V,Zhi--0v3
tcok part in experimenting, There are 1 figure, 3 and
i Soviet and 2 US.
ASSOCIATIOM Institut elementoorganicheak'Lkh 2oyedln,~niy AN SSSR
institute of Elemental-oreanic CompounIn rf the AS USSR"
SUB1,1ITTED,, February 1, !960
lard 2/2
KonferCntBlya po khimit I primeneniyu fosfororganicheakikh soyedinenly. 2d,
Kazan', 1959.
Rhimiya i primeneniye fosfororganicheskikh soyedineniy; trudy (Chemistry
and Use of Organophosphorus Compounds; Conference Transactions) Moscow.
lzd-vo AN SSSR, 1062. 630 p. Errata slip inserted. 2800 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Akademlya. nauk SSSR. Kazanskiy filial.
Resp. Ed. : A. Ye. Arbuzov. Academician; Ed. of Publishing House: L- S.
Povarov; Tech. Ed. : S. G. Tikhornirava.
PURPOSE- This collection of conference transactions is intended for chemists,
process engineers, physiologists, pharmacists, physicians, veterinarians,
and agricultural scientists.
COVERAGE: The transactions include the full texts of most of the scientific
pa s.~resented at the Second Conference on the Chemistry and Use of
dk- Ati/0
Chemistry and the Use of Organophosphorus (Cont.) SOV/6034
Korshak, V. V. , T. M. Frunze, V. V. Kurashev, arid L_ V. KoZ1ov
[Institute of Organoelemental Compounds]. Synthesis of Some Phos-
phorus -Containing Dicarboxylic Acids and Derivation of Polyamides
Based on Such Acids 247
Phosphorus -containing dicarboxylic acids have been obtained by
synthesis and used for the preparation of polyamides. The effect
of the phosphorus and the structure of the acirls on the properties
"I I. I it, polyik I I If (I eti 1111:1 hovi-I ,At wh rd,
Holesnikov, G. S. , Ye. F. Rodionova, and L_ S. Fedorova [Institute
of Organoclemental Compounds), Synthesis, Polymerization, and Co-
polymerization of Esters of Vinylphosphonic Acid 255
T1 ie authors obtained esters of vinylphosphonic acid and demonstrated
that these esters are capable of entering tile polymerization and co-
polymeriza-ion reaction with other monomers. Polymers and co-
polyiners of the dichloride and esters of vinylphosphonic acid have
been synthesized and their properties determined.
Card &A4
Chemistry and the Use of Organophosphorus (font.) SOV/6034
Organapho6phorus Compounds held at Kazan' from 2 Nov through 1 Dec 1959.
The material to divided into three sections: Chemistry, containing 67 arti-
cles; Physiological Activity of Organophosphorus Compounds, containing 26
articles; and Plant Protection, containing 12 articles. The reports reflect
the strong interest of Soviet scientists in the chemistry and application of
organophosphoruo compounds, References accompany Individual reports.
Short summaries of some of the listed reports have been made and are given
Introduction (Acaderniclan.A. Ye. Arbuzov) 3
Getter, Ye. L INU plastmass (Scientific Research Institute of Plastics,
Moscow). Some Prospects for the Industrial Use of Organophosphorus
Comp ounda 46
Card 20*
AUTHORSs Korshak, V. V., Frunze, T. M., and Kozlov, L. V._.-,-
TITLE: Heterochain polyamides. Communication 32. Interfacial forma-
tion of mixed polyamides from mixtures of various diamines
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. 0 tdeleniye khimicheakikh-
nauk, no. 11, 1962, 2o62 - 2o69
TEXT. The rules governing the interfacial polycondensation of adipyl
chloride (AC) with a mixture of ethylene diamine (I) and m-phenylene
diamine (II), or I and hexamethylene diamine (III), were studied. Poly-
amides were also synthesized from sebacyl.chloiide (SC) and a mixture of
III and piperazine (IV). The polycondensation-was carried out at room
temperature; the chloride wan dissolved in'benzene, the diamines in aqueous
alkali. The molar ratio of the diamines was varied between 0:1 and ItO.
The relative reaction rate of I! and III was determined by acylating their
.mixture with benzoyl chloride. The nitrogen content of the reaction prod-
uct and its IR spectrum proved that mainly,dibenzoy~_hexamethylene amine
was formed and that the reaation rate of III was consequently much higher
Card 1/3
Heterochain polyamides ... B100144
than that of II. In the polyoondensation of AC with diamines the following
were determineds the initial ratio K 1 of the diamines, the ratio K 2 of
the diamines in the copolymer, and a - K2/K1 . The following values were
found: K 1 . I/Ii K2 . I/II K1 - I/III K2 . I/III a
4 0.54 0.14 4 2.03 0.51
1.50 0.41 0.27 1-50 o.613 0.41
1.00 0-15 0.15 1.00 0.32 0.48
o.67 0.18 0.27 0.67 0.32 0.46
0.25 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.075 0.30
amean ' 0,17 0,41
The polymers had a higher content of II or III, respectively, than would
correspond to the initial ratio. After prolonged polycondensation of AC
with I and II, the I content in the polymer increased owing to exhaustion
of the diamine mixture with respect to II, which had the principal share in
the early reaction stage. The system of SC behaved similarly with III and
IV. These results are explained by the different rates of diffusion of
Card 2/3
Heterochain polyamides... B101/B144
the diamines into the organic phase. It is (in m/cm 2. min) 3.9-10-7 for 1,
6.07-10- 5 for II, and 1.07-10-5 for III. The dissociation constants are
8-5-10- 5, 6.o.lo- 10 , and 5.1-10-4, respectively. In the polymt:-, the con-
tent of radicals of the diamine primarily depends on the rate of diffusion.
The reactivity is of secondary importance and has a compensating effect on
the polymer composition if the slowly diffusing diamine has a higher reac-
tion rate (dissociation constant). There are-3 figures and 5 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of
Sciences USSR)
SUBMITTEDs April 9, 1962
Card 3/3
Heterochain polyamides. Report No. 33: Formation of mixed
polyamides at the interface mixtures of various acid
chlorides. Izv. AN SSSR Otd. khim. nauk no.12:2226-2235 D 162.
(MIFLA 16-- 1)
1. institut elementoorganichaskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR.
(Polyamides) (Acids, Organic)
(Condensation products(Chemistry))
L'42-L, I -,
AUTHORS: Yorahak, V. V., Vinogradova, S. V., Frunze, T. M., Kozlov,
Lj~ ~V 'au Pan6-yUan
TITLE: Heterochain polymers. XL. Synthesis of polyamide esters by
interfacial polycdndensation
PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, V. 4, no. 10, 1962,
TMT; A comparison is made between the properties of polycondensateD
obtained by interfacial polycondensetion (iC)- and equilibrium poly-
condensation (eC) of sebacic chloride (1), diane(4,4f-dihydroxy-diphenyl
propane) (II), and hexamethylene diamine (III). Interfacial polycondensa-
tion was achieved by mixing 0.2 1''.1 alkaline solutions of II and III -With
I dissolved in hexane, and eC was brought about by heating the component
mixture first in N and then in vacuo, the ratio I II : III being varied
between 1 : I : 0 and 1 : 0 : 1. Homopolymers could be separated from
the reaction product since the homopolymer I + III is insoluble in
Card 1/3
S/19 02/004/010/001/GIO
Heteroc*hain -pblymer3 -XL.' BI 01 Y131' 66
p-xylene. , whe,reas homopolyk~r I + II ~o soluble i p-xylene. The nitro.-en
content of the reaction product solublo in p-xy12 confirmed the forma-
tion o-^ a ~.)olllllamide ester.' The differericesobserve~~ between the products
obtained by iC and eC are tfiat the product from ed,*containing less than
ilQ;j III, was better solublolin p-xylene than product from iC containing
the same amount of III, whipreas the eC products containing more than
4Q,'," III were riot as easily soluble as the comparable iC products.
Furthermore, the softening-points of iC products containing less than
0," 111 were-lower than those of the corresponding e-,' products. The
thermomechanical curves of the iC products were flatter.. At a component
ratio of 1 : 0-5 : 0-5, the,nitrogen contents in the insoluble part of
the polymer obtained by iC' 'and eC wore \.~ 8 .7c,'O and .2~', respectively,
that in the soluble part being - 1 .9,;4 in iC and in eC. Conclusion:
I diffuses from the organi*&-into the aqueous phase owing tohydrolysis
duri,ng iC; III diffuses into the organic phase more readily than II.
Hence, the polymer formed from the or~;anic phase should contain amide
units, and the product formed from the aqueous phase and should be
enriched with ester units. ~,This was confirmed by iC when the mixture was
stirred at varying speeds.~~At a ratio of 6 : 5 :.1 and at 1000 rpm, the
Card 2/3
Ileterochain polymers. XL.
5/19 62/004/010/001/010
polymer had a nitrogen contept of 7.021,,j and a softening -point of 194 0C,
at 60GG rpm, the nitrogen content was 2-07~'a and the softening point was
470C. At a ratio 1 : I : 1, a polymer containing 1%)8.9,;f0 nitrogen was
obtained in both cases. Hence, III has a greater reactivity than II.
There are 2 figures and 3 tables. The English-ianguage reference is:
V,'. hi. Eareckson, J. Polymer Sci-, 40, 3991 1959- - -
ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy A1N SS SR
(Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: May 19, 1961
Card 3/3
P SILAEV i A. B. [Silayev, A. B. ]; FEDOSEMrA N V. [Fedoseyem, 11. V. ] j 21
JUI-DRFMA, L.I. (Andreyeva,- L.1.1; ionov, L.V.
Ptoparation and properties of.some L-4)Y-diaminobutyric acid
peptides. Coll Cz Chem 27 no.9t2240 S"62.
1. Moscow State University, U.S.S.R. (for Silaev and Fedoseeva).
Study of the catalytic activity of pepsin with the aid of
018. Dokl. AN =R 146 no&4:945-946 0 162. (MIRA 15:11)
1. Institut khimii prirodnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR.
2. Deystvitelln7 Chien AMN SSSR (for Orekhovich).
(Pepsin (Catalysis)
K r - I "
-"nov, i,.v.; ) I.. ".%
Enerf,ry churact.erivtics of U, ,ci! jr,
c2terv. Biokhimiia 30 "..() 1",'5. (1.'IftA 18:10)
j I -t - . I llc,sk,la
1. iristitut khir.LLi prlrodnylli ~Jj I.
Thermal and th,ormo-oxidative dle~~rarlriticm oll
oligomers of -',,he novolak type. Plast. massy no.'-: 33-35 16"
-1 C~-
(M TRA i 9: ~ ~
(j NP(c) ROM
L 20801-
AP6005951 SOURCE SCOPE: UR/0191/66/000/002/003/0035
iAUTHORS., Korshak, V. VS; Bergeyevt V. A.f Kozlov, L. V.; Komarova, Le I*
10RG- none
,TITLE: Thermal and thermooxidative destruction+of phenolformaldehyde oligomers of
laoVolso tyDe
!SOURCE-\~Plasticheskiye massyp no. 2f 1966, 33-35
TOPIC TAGS: phenolformaldehydet oligomer, thermal decomposition oxidation
ABSTRACT: Chemical processes occurring in novolac phenolformaldehyde oligomers
upon heating at 150--900C have been investigated 'by elementary analysist titration
for CH groups, and ESR and IR spectral analysis. Oligomere were prepared according
to the method described by K.A. Axittrianov and D. A. Kardashev (Prakticheakiye
raboty po iskusstvennym Bmolam i r1patrnp-usam, ONTI, 1936, str. 198), washed
repeatedly with distilled water, and dried at 1500-2 mm for 15 hours. The'
!product, containing e's of free phenol, was subjected to thermal and thermoozidative
~,treatment for 3-4 hours. It waa estaMished that the primary act in themooxida,
tive destruction was oxidation of-methyl groups. Cross-linking during,thermal
Card 1/2 UDG: 676.632132121.01,536-45
, - 7 1 ~~
L 31922-66' EWT(M)/Ewp(j)/T lip(c) v"W/JWt)/pM
ACC NR, AP6007972 (A)
SOURCE CODE, UR/0191/66/000/003/0()57/0059
AUTHORt Sergeyevp V. A.; Korshak, V. Vo; Kozlov, L. V.
ORGs none
TITLE- ThArmal Aestruction of thermoactive resins containing nitrogen
SOUACEz Plasticheskiya massy, no. 3, 1966, 57-59
1OPIC TAGS: resin, nitrogen compoun-is thprrnal rlecomposition
AESTRACT: Thermal Aestructi'on of the thermornactive resinn obtninel by a polyconien-
sationof aniline, p-aminophenolt m-phonylenediamine, 216--diaminopyri line, fuchain,
nolamino, licyan4laml4o, or urea with formaldehyde was sturlied at 330 and 900C. At
3300, thn hiphe3t amount of NH3 was evolvel from the Aicyandlamirl,3phenol (4:6), di-
,yanrllarat,lo, and 2.,6-1 J aminopyr1l inn rosins. No N113
was evolved Crom ml-imina ,1n'1
willne resins. At 330C, the lowost loss of wilght was obsirveA in fuchsin, p-%m1no-
.jhnnol, W m-phenylenodi amino I and the hi_afi,~st In urea resins. H,3atina thn rosins
It 9000, a 19-65% yinlA of solll proAuct was obtnine4s Thq rnsins of p-:iminophinol and
a-phinylnnn,liamine prolucal 2-2 1/2 times more solil than the anilinn resin. Apparnnt-
ly.. thn anilineformal4ehyle resin is loss cross-linke.j anAl subsequently, thormally
loss stable. Even though m-phenylmneliamine and p-aminophanol resins have the same
9tructure and the same numbor of cross-links, their thormal bnhavior was not alike$
Card 1/2 UDCt 678.652.019.35
L 31922-66
ACC NRt AP60(Y79,72
Due to a larger number of G-C linirp anl participation of phenolic OR groups in crose-
linking the p-aminophenol resid4gave a hif;~er ylelfl or solP rosl4uj (se-coMary
polym,irl and of nitrogen. Me C:C links arc thermally more 3t,ible than the C-N anil,
Lhereforev thermoprocqssing of resins with a coMensed aromatic cyclo shoU14 give a
aigher yitI4 of sncon4ary polymars than that of the resins of aromatic nitrogen hatq~
-,Ycles. The hif#inst yinlA of gaseous pro-lucts was obtained from resins of p-aminopheni
Z,6-Aiaminopyriillney m-phenylenadiamine, anrl aniline. Orige art* has 1 2 tables.
3UB COT)Et 11,(Y71 SUBH rAM none/ ORIG REFt 002/ OTH 11M 002
KOZLOV, L.V. (Moskva)
Determining the coefficient of heat emission by the method of
regular conditions considering heat leakage inside the model. Izv.AN
SSSR.Otd.tekh.nauk.Mekh.i mashinostr. no.6:42-46 N-D '61.
(MIRA 14:11)
.q.-.A. ESSIM
: , , ",- ~~ I-, , ~', i '.- - , ~-. i-: ~ ~ ..- ,,
-, t- - " -'-
r;,:. . W636i-,61-:T,:~
L 20116-63
fL- - ~- k . .7
~kijc- I'IU-L/.rlr-4 L-'a'1JD1DJ
ACCESSIO Mi JL-'3004%IOV^4 3/0179/63/000 /Ot"'4/0108/01n
AUTHOR: Zozlov, L. V. (Moscow)
TITLE: The connection between aerodynamic heating and surface,friction
SOURICE: AN' SSSR. Izv. Otd. tekh. nauk. Mckhanika i mashinostroyeniye, no. 4.
1963, 108-13.1
TOKC TAGS: aerodynamic heating, surface friction, supersonic flow-, Prandtl
nunber, Reynolds number
ABSTRACT: The connection between the heat-exchange and friction is not solved
in the transsonic region yet, and even in the subsonic domain tho theoretical
solutions are oftrn in sharp disagreement. The generalization of the most
reliable data by A. Soiff (NACA TN 3248, 1954) confimed the modified Reynolds
However, due to insufficient amount of experimental data and poor accuracy
Card 1/2
L 20136-63
Seiff was unable to establish a realtion between Ch/Cfand the Reynolds number,
11-lach nuznber, and'the tenperature factor. The present paper#' on the basis of
ex-oeriments described by V. S. Avduyovskiy et al. (03novy* toploperedachi v avi-
atsionnoy i reketnoy tekhnike, Oborongiz, 1960). establishes the relationship
where G/. 2 pW (D, T, / T), (1.3)
01 (I?xw. T, / T) - 0.695 n' 0.00-0-01 19
and Chr - local value of the dimensionless heat emission coefficient, CfW - local
value of the surface friction coefficient, Pw - Prandtl number, FXw - Roynold6
number, To - equilibrium temperature, and T - temperature of the flow at the
limit of the layer close to the boundary. The second half of the article is
dovotcd to the comparison, of this equation -4th the experimental data obtainoA
'-!es'ern authors, Orig. art. has 5 figures and 5 formulas.
IATION; none
SUB14ITTED: 07 Sep 62 DATE ACQi 06 Sep 63 VIM: 00
Cord 2/2
KOZLOV, Lev Vasillyevich; ROMKOV, red.
(In fight for technical progresp] V borlbe za tekhniche-
skii progress. Alma-Ata, Kazgosizdat, 1960. 44 p.
(1-11 RA 17: 5)
All-Union Conference of party organization secretaries
for enterprises of nonferrous metallurgy. TSvet. met. 38
no.11:35-39 N 165. (MIRA 18-.11)
KOZLOVO M., nauchnyy sotrudnik; MINBURG, Ye., nauchnyy sotrudnik
Tiny enemies of big robbers. Nauka i zhizn' 30 no.9:86-88 S 163.
(M3RA 16.-10)
1. Zoologicheskiy institut AN SSSII.
KOZWV, M.A. inzh.
a- --
All-purpose diamountable and adjustable device for assembling
elevator parts. Mont.i spets.rab.v stroie 22 no.8:24-25
Ag 16o. OUBA 13: 6)
1. Liftostroitellryy zavod.
(Electric welding-Rquipment and supplAes)
KOZLOV, I(.A.,zasluzhenn:,7 agronom UzSSlt.
Ufllng methyl bromide for the fumlgation of cottonseed. Zashch.
ral3t.ot vred. i bol. 4 no.104-45 Ja-F '59. (14IU 1W)
(Cottonsead-Disinfection)~. (Hethnne)
KOZLOVI Mikhail Aleksandrovich
Proteleas, a new genus of Sce]Aonidae with three new species from
Soviet Union (Hym., Sce2lonidae). Cas entom 38 no.4:333-339 161.
1. Zoologicheskiy institut Akademii Nauk SSSR, entomologicheskoye
otdelaniye.Leningrad B-164, Universitetakaya naberezbnaya 1.
Nev synonyus for species of the genera Asolcus Nak.., Gryon Hal.., and
Telenomus 44, (Hymnoptera,, Beelionidae),-egg-parasites-of Eurygaster
integricep~s.P%t. Zools zhur. 42 no.2t2%r296 163. (WFA 16:3)
1. Zoological Institute of the AcaddW. ar'Sciences of the U.S.S.R.
ianugzvA. :j
-(Scelionidae) (Parasites-Burygasters)
Now parasitic hymenopters of the family Seelionidae (Hymenoptera,
Proctotrupoidea) in the U.S.S.R. Ent. oboz. 42 no.3:660-
668 163. (MA 17:1)
1. Kafedra entomologii Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo
universiteta i Zoologicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Leningrad.
K(TzLOVI m.,I.
Platerials on parasitic hymenopters of the subfamilies Teleasinae
and Telenominae (flymerioptera, Scolionidao) in the U.S.S.R. Ent.
oboz. 44 no.3:6-10'--623. 165. (MTRA 18:9)
1. Zoolog-icheskiy institut A.11 SSSR, LeninUad.
Treatment of trophic ulcers with free skin grafts. ith summary
in English]. Xhirurugiia 34 no 1o:114-119 0 158 WRA 11: 32)
1. Iz khirurgicheskogo otdoleniya Cherepovetskoy gorodskoy boll
nitay Vologodskoy oblasti (zav. O.N. Rubinova, glavnyy vrach
D.P. Vlatskiy).
(LEG, ulcer,
free skin frafta in trophic ulcer (Rus))
free skin frafts in trophic ulcer of leg (Rua))
Utilization of the greater mentum in treatment of phlepon of
the anterior wall of the stomach. Vest.khir. no-5:142-143 161.
(MIRA 15:1)
lo Iz 1-go khiruTgichaskogo otdeleniya (zav. - O.F. Rubinova)
Cherepovetakoy gorodskoy bollnitsy (Vologodskaya Oblast')*
Intestinal obstruction under conditions of an urban hos ital. Sov.
med. 25 no.9tl37-138 S 161. fAL 15.1)
1. Iz khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya Cherepovetskoy gorodskoy bollnitsy
(zav. O.N.Rubinova, lavnyy vrach N.A. Belyakova).
Extensive intestinal resection in a Patient with cavernous
pOmonary tuberculosis. Vest.khir. 86 no*2194 t6lo (MIRA 14t2)
1. Iz Cherepovetskoy gorodskoy bollnitsy (gle vTach - DeP*
KOZIIOV2 M. A. ( erepovets)
Undiagnosed submtaneous rupture of the retroperitoneal segment
of the duodenum. Klin. med. no.21137-138 162.
(MIRA 15 110
1. Iz I-go khirurgioheakogo otdoleniya (zav. 0. N. Rubinova)
Cherepovetakoy mezhrayonnoy bollnitsy Vologodskoy oblasti
(glavnyy vrach N. A. Belyakova)
- -- - - t~-
Perforation of a peptic ulcer of the esophagua into the pogterior
mediastinum with ulcerous stenosis of the jrjlorus. Khirurgiia
no.3:120-121 162. (MIRA 15:3)
1. Iz 1-go khinirgicheskogo otdcleniya (zav. O.E. Pubinova)
Cherepovetskoy mezhrayonnoy bollnitsy (glavn-~-,r -vracil F.A.
Bely-acova) Vologodskoy oblasti.
Cave of favorable outcome in the treatment of a traumatia
cyst of the pancreas using a pedicled omental temponade.
Khirurgiia no-3.,132-133 163. (MIRA 16:5)
1. Iz Pervogo khirurgicheskogo otdaeniya (zav. 0.11.Rubinova)
Cherepovetskoy mezhrayonnoy bollnitzy (glavnyy vrach N.A.
Belyakova), Cherepovets Vologodskoy oblaoti.
KOZLOV, M.A. (Cherepovets, Vologodskoy oblasti, u1. Makaima Gorlkogo, d.22,
Liver injuries complicated by i--iliftry plourloy. Vest. Khjr. 91
no.10:109-110 0 '63. (1-11tiA 17-7)
1. Iz kliirurgicheskogo otdeleniya medit.,31-ii.,.co-sanit.,ii-noy chasti
(glavnyy vrach D.F. Frogatov) Chorepovotskogo netaliurgstroya.
L 11549-66
SOURCE CODE: UR/0105/65/000/001/0090/0090
AUTHOR: Aleksandroy', B. K.; Derman, B. A.; Drozdov, N. G.; Dubinskiy, L. A.;
Zalesskiy, A. M.*; H. D.; Eq;~lov., M. D.; L16ovskiy, G. S.; Sinelobov, K. S.
Trebulev, P. V.; Uspenskiy, B. S.;-Kheyfito,-M. b.; Shveteovp M. A.
ORG: none
TITLE: Nikolay Nikolayevich Krachkovskiy
SOURCE: Elektrichestvo, no. 1, 1965, 90 "B
TOPIC TAGS: electric power engineering, electric engineering personnel
ABSTRACT: ~ Brief bio'graphy of suoject, a senior scientific associate of
-the In&titute of Power Enginnering AS USSR, on the occasion of his 75th
birthday on 16 Dee 64. He was graduated from the Leningrad Polytechnical
Institute in 1916. Worked for a number of years in the planning, survey-
Ing, construction and operation of -the first HV tranimission lines ind
substations. From 1922 to 1926, participated in the planning and construc-
tion of the first Soviet hydroelectric station (Volkov GES im. Lenin) and
110 kv transmission line. In 1927-1932 do igned transmission lines at
the GET (State Electrical Engineering Trust and the Leningr&d branch of
Dneprostroy. Chief of electric power and transmission section at Syerd-
lovak, Yolgostrgy and Leningrad Energopro7ekt (1932-1038); simultaneously
studied-100-cycle ourrqnt for AS.VSSR and.participated In planning the
Kuybyshev GES - Moi6o'witransmission line. Worked at Leninjrad'Gidropioye'kt'uniil
1947, and at Moscow Gidrenergoproyekt until 1955o Among the first to propose
Card 1/2 ------- im 2 621 .31
L 11549-66
ACC NR, AP6005027
converting the Kuybyshev - Moscow line from 400 to 500 kv. An ardent advocate of
d-c for HV and ERV transmission. Authcred over 75 scientific and technical articles,
and two Inventions@ Awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and other
decorationes Origo art, hast 1 figure# gm-7-
Card /2
Structural planning and design groups are active in mines.
Ugall Ulcr. 4 no.5:22-24 VT 160. (MIRA 13:8)
1. GlavW inshonor troot& *Wonnoyt%oll
(Mining engineering)
1. KOZLOVY 1-1. D.
2. USSR (600)
4. Sowing
7. Progressive practice in checkrowing mativated crops. Dost. sellkhoz. No. 5,
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, - Axi.1 1953. Unclassified.
Phyaicochemical properties of a new radiotherapeutic preparation
containing FR* Med. rad. 5 n0-4153-55 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:1-2)
tekhn. nali~ DR027ifTl 7 . L.j 77. -7,"
f C'U
Using pIn,. scrnpers In mining C.-I'li sermn ct,
-110dlon o-actioni of' coal ar.-i pas in the
Ugol 1 411) no.1:37 Ja 165. ',VA:A 18:4)
i.. Ponotskiy naurhno-i 9sledovatel 'ski,; y-'
(for Gonchamnko, Drozdov, Novikov, Brodskiy,, . 2. Glavnyy
inzh. tresta Proletarskugall (for Kozlov). 3. Glavnyy inzh.
olvik-lity "Vost --hnayal' trosta Prolet.arskitgoll lkcmbin~itfi
Done tskilgol I (f (,,r Glushakov) .
1; 1 1 y
on "I's
G.V., redaktor; BARABANOVA, L.. redaktor MOW-
VICH, JCh,# takhnicheakiy re"ktor
[Brief outline of the geology of White Russia] Kratkii ochark geologii
Belorusaii, Hinak, lzd-vo Akad.nauk Belorusakoi SSR, 1957. 214 p.
(MLRA 10:9)
19 Inatitut geologicheskikh nauk Akademii nauk Belorusekoy SSR (for
Makhaach, Stafananko, TSapenko Kozlov). 2. Chlen-korrespondent
A)mdemii nauk BelorusEkoy OR ~for Bogomolov)
(White Russia--Geology)
KO Z LO 7, M. F.
Geological structures of the Poleffyo In the Pripet Valle7.
Trudy Inst.geal.nav.AN BSSR na.1:90-101 1 58. (MTRA 12:1)
(Polesye--Goolog7, Structural)
KOZWV, kand. goologo-mineral. nauk
Mineral waters of White Russia. 7eptsi AN BSSR. Ser. Piz.-tekh.
nav. no.l-.82-86 159. (MIFrA 12:6)
(White Russia-Mineral waters)
Gnrreat state of, and problems in the study of mineral waters of
the Vhite Russian S.S.R. Trudy lust. geol. nav. An BUR no. 2:166-
173 160. (MI" 13:12)
(White Russia-Mineral waters)
KOZLOT, M. F.[Kazlou, M. F.]; SHILINSKAYA, Ya. MjSbylintlmia, IA. *j
Be,lance of-ground water in the basin of the middle reaches
of the Sluch River. TestBi AN BSSR. Ser. fiz.-takh. nav. no.l:
87-97 163. (MIRA 16'.4)
(Sluch Valley-Water, Underground)
M--%. INKS AR6029452 SOURCE CODE: UR/0169166/000/005/DO01/DOOI
AUTHOR: Kozlov, M. P.; ShApaya.IL. I.; F
TITLE: Principles of the disposition of a network of deep observation wells on
the territory of the Belorussian SSR
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 5D4
REP SOURCE: Sb. Materialy 1-y iauchn. konferentaii m2l2qy~~~
Belorus.9ii. Minsk, 1965 -148
TOPIC TAGS: geophysical explor:ation, Belorussian geostructure
ABSTRACT: In establishing a network of exploration wells within the territor ol
the Belorussian SSR the basic criteria used were geostructural elements which4
were at the same time large hydrogeological units. Such geostructural eleme
in the west are the Belorussian Massif and the adjacent Brest and sub-11altic
depressions, and in the east the Moscow and Pripyat' basins. In determining
location of wells within the individual hydrogeological regions, hydrodynamic,'W
hydrochemical, geothermal, and gas characteristics of the different abyssal
layers were taken into account. M. Konychev. [Transl2tion of abstract] [SPI
S! 08/
CardI UDC: 550. 9(476)
ACC NRt Air(000023 SOURCE COLL: UlVoo5llu'610211CO5105*";2105~7
AUIIH0113: Kozlov, M. G.; Nikonova, Ye. I.; Startsev, G. P.
ORG: none
TI'Ta: Absorp-Vion spectra in the 'vacuum region of aluminumgroup metal vapors. 1.
'--'alllium and alumdnum I
,SOURCE: i spektroskopiya, V. 21, no. 5, 1966, 532-537
TOPIC TAGS: aluminum, tlnctllium, metal vapor, absorption spectrum, absorption edge,
lonizatIon potential, 1-ine spectrum, continuous spectrum, oscillator strength
;ABSTF-ACT; The airthors investigate the absorption spectra of aluminum and thallium
va, V
por in tle spectral re-ion 210 - 150 ro, in which are located the ionization continua
j and the lines corresponding to electron transitions to levels lyin's above the first
ionization potential of the atom. The spectra were obtained with a continuous- spectrum
source (iwdrozeri discharGe in quartz capiilary), a vacuum over, with graphite heating
ele:rient (dazeribee, in Opt - 1 spel-tr. v. -16, 717, 1964), and a npecTro,-raph. '.111he thal-,
lilLn spcc-.;ruca, photo-raphed at 1030 - U-100K, consists of a series of lines converging
to a Limi-z; 203-0 rum, a stron;; line at 200.7 nm correspondin- to a transition from
p-I 4 1
Uhe rrround state to 6s6 ?3/
2, and a very broad line below 'fO.O am corresDonding
-o th'e transition 6S-'U"p 2p2/ D
6&6p2 2D3 2. The maximum absorption cross section of
t-e 'onized. cozatinuum is 4.0 megabarn (Mb~ at 203.0 nm at the edge of the series. The,
osci.~tor strength of the 200.7 nm line is 4 X 10-3. 7he lifetime of the correspond-;
Card - -1/2 UDC:__53~. 44n- 5A~~42q.&_)
ACC NR: AP70"23
ing 6s6 2 4 e is 4 x 10-14 sec. The aluminum spectra were photographed
P P3/2 Stat cz%,
temp-aratures 1400 - 1700K. 7he absorption spectrum consists of a series of lines con-
verging to a limit 207.0 nm, two lines at. 193.6 and 193.2 nm corresponding to the
3S23p 2-~,O _.3s3P~2 2S transition, ~which are of interest in view of the sharp "ap ob-
served in this vicinity in the solar spectrum, and a quax-Let of lines between l7j6.1
and Yj7.0 nn, corresponding- to the transition 3S2~p 2130 _ 3S3p2 2p. The obtained
oscillator strengths'for the 193.6 and 193.2 lincs, 0.21 and 0.25 respectively, do
not a-ree with other published data.. The oscillator strengths obtained for the quar-
tet range from 0.002 to 0.008. There are no published data to compare with them. 7he.
aluminum absorption cross sections range from 100 Mb for the continuum to 120 - 164 14b;
for the lines. The lifetimes range from 1.2 to 6.7. x 10-2.3 sec. Orig. art. has:
4 figures, 3 formulas, and 1 table. (021
SUB CODE: 20/ sm DATE: i2jui65/
Card 212
oBiG REF: oo5/ oTH RzF: ocP,/
- Nstonian swine growers are fulfilling their obligations
Svinovodetvo 1) no.11:6-8 X '59. (MIRA 13;2)
1. Zanentitall Ministra smIlskogo khozynyatva Hatonakoy SSR.
I (Hatonia-Swine)
VMiZM. T.G., doktor skon.nauk, nauchnyy notnidnik; KOZLOY, K.I., kand.
skon.nunk, nauchnyy notrudnik; SEMOT, S.L. kand.sellskokhoz.
nauk, nauchayy sotrudnik; SIDOROVA, M.I., kand.skon.nauke nBuchnyy
sotrudnik; BANNIKOV, N.A.. red.; GMMYICH, K.H.,,;
(Production expenditures and the cost of products on collective
farms] Izdershki proizvodetva i sebastoinost' produktaii v kol-
khozakh. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1960. 256 p.
(MIRA 13:5)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Inatitut ekonomiki. 2. Institut ekonomi
Akademil nauk SSSR.(for Venzher, Kozlov. Semenov. Sidorova).
(Collective farms--Costs)
KARNAUKHOVA, Ye.S., doktor ekoDom. nauk) redj__jWZjGLV,-ji_j_,- kand. ekon.
nauk, red.; GAVRILOV, V.I.p red.; OBOLUISKIY, K.F. . kand. ekon,
nauk; ZAVEfWAYEVA, L.V., red.; P0110MAREVA, A.A., tekhn. red.
(Possibilities and ways for increasing labor productivity in the
agriculture of the U.S.S.R.] Rezervy i puti povysheniia proiz-
voditellnosti truda v sel'skom khoziaistve SSSR; doklady i vy-
stupleniia. Red. kollegiia: E.S.Kamaukhova i dr. Moskva,
Ekonomizdat, 1962. 490 p. (MIRA 15:5)
1. Soveshchaniye po voprosam. vyyavleniya rezervov i putey povy-
sheniya proizvoditellnosti truda v sotsialisticheskom sel'skom
khozyaystve, 1960. 2. Institut ekonomiki Akademii nauk SSSR (for
Karnaukhova, Kozlov). 3. liauchno-issledovatellskiy ekonomicheskiy
institut Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-ekonomichoskogo soveta Soveta
Ifinistrov SSSR (for Obolenskiy).
Prospects of the development of the petroleum refining and
petrochemical industries In Turkmenistan. Izv.AN Turk.SSR.Ser.
fiz.-tekh., kbim.i geol.nauk no.3:3-12 163. (MIRA 37:3)
KkaIAUKHOVA) Ye.S., rod.; KQZLOV, M.I., red.
[Way3 to increase labor productivity Irk the ugrloultur-
of tho U.S.S.R.] Puti povyshenlia proizvorlii-,eltriost.1
truda v sellskom khoziaistva SSSR. Moslnraj Na-tO(FL, 19(,.',.
390 P. (MIU, 18. 2)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut. okonomikl.
Lowr-wave edge of the photoeffect and recombination emission in GaAs
p - n-junctions. Fiz. tvar. tala 5 no.120617-3620 D 163.
(MIRA 17:2)
1. ~'iziko-tekhnicheskiy institut imeni A.F.Iollfe AN SSSR, Leningrad.
Measurements of potential distribution In semiconductor
rectifiers by means of a probe. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; fiz. no. 3:
97-101 .164. (MIRA 17,9)
1. Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut ivieni Kalinina.
ACCk;SSIOU NHt AW13307 S/0032/64/030/002/020(f/0206
AUTHOH3-. Dori% V. A. t'A0gpYs'40"He~
TITLE: Silicon carbide probe for*testing semiconductor materi-"-
SOURCE: Zavodskaya laboratoriyap Ve 30, no, 2.. 1964,, 2o6
TOPIC TAGS: silicon carbide, silicon carbide.probe., semiconductor probe
ABSTRACT: A silicon carbide probe with a resistivity of 10 ohm-cm has been devised
for testing hard semiconductor materials. The probe (see Fig. 1 of Enclosure)
consists of a sharp point (1) which is fixed with tin in a copper holder (2), The
holder is attached to fluorine-bearing plates (3) with a screw W# The poAnt
scribes a line about 1-5ju wide. The contact resistance of the probe is 107 ohm,
This instrument can be used for testing selenium and titanium dioxide, Orig. art*
has: 1 figure.
ASSOCIATIUN; Leningradskiy politakhnichoskiy institut (Leningrad Polytechnical
1, QN A Up T r.1 -Tn /A fr-
SOURNII-COVE'..-UR 65/00 /01
_A_CC_1q9_tAP5025399. 0/3115/31
AMHOR: Imenkov, K6gan#-L6- Koiloys M. M.;, a n S. Nasledovs D.-
Tsarephov, Bj__V* INK r,
t-ciwid-d Institut~ ad (Fizik ekfini-~_-'
ORO:_ fly'sico 6 'im. A~ Vi loffe, AN SSSR, teningr 0~6t
iustitut,AN 8889)--
TITLE: The effect of impurities on the recombination.radiation of gallium arseni&,~_-_
SOURCE, Fizika tverdogo tela v..7,.no. 10, 1965, 3115-3118
.TOPIC TAGS. um arsenide, pn junction, impurity$
acceptor, donor
ABSTRACT: The effect of Znj Cd, Mn, and Feimpurities on the recombination radiation
of GaAs p-n junctiona~V xperimentally investigated.' The junctions were formed by
-direct diffusion of.the elementb eous diffusion of Mn and Cd and Fe an
Cd, or by diffusion of.Mn and then Cd or Fe and then-Cd into n-type GaAs with ati
10 18 ce 3 (crystals-w-Ith Nn > Y. X 101.7
electron concentration (NJ of %X1 1016-3 x 3',
ped.viih Te) The junation:a' .10-3 10-4 cmz. The recombination Spe
were doi rea was - C-;,
e measured 67~and'293K inithe photon 0-T:and 1s6 evi-
tra wer a enwgy range between
-The spectra were, direct, injection currents.. at which,tbe ene. gy of the
short wavelength band who ihdependent-of the currento The experimental data are give
in Fig. ~.,snd Tatle 1'.~'.Vhe ba' hd at I.Olev (,77K) and.h%bax 0.95_0.98~ ev
CaM 1/4
-ACC'NRi- AP5025399
Titbl Ia L', PhAon eifiargfin th Ie band peak .o (h I and hallfsoldthii
Impurity ix
i wildlod Dam
A -77 J,
5 - 104 < t I tost 1"022) (0.12)
;93 I A
(0=+O" (%14)
3 100 > iv
:~ t6is
1.47, lAd,
(0,022k-" , 1.30-IM - I=
2" I-M-M
IS) IM12)
293 .7
47 1.385 126 IAI
KO-10) jil 2)
2" 137- J2 0.98
;: - - 1.28 IDI
M 97
t 4- (0.045),
, 1: 136 1.21 0.97
Card 3/ 4
T. W9R-A6
CC NRt AP.5925399: 0-
(293K) andAhe band vith,hvmai,~u !,,25*,,evg clearly defined only, at 7TK- injunctions,
doped with Zn and. ad-and less , sharply. defined in those doped with Ma , and Fe -~ vere
~' recombfnation'iadiation,.o~ exceSi3Lcarriers via the deep levels
activation. 0i
enetgies~~of redpe6~ively,,, Orig. 'art, has gurivind
.1 table.
DE 86/- SM4 DAT19
~i-- '4,
W.'t 4
-4 -~-*;A,
ar 414
Defants In P - n-junctions affecting creep 1P eelv- -
12v. vyg. bobeb. zav,; fl?, 8 1 ~,5. ( I S: 14 1? !
I* Loningradgkiy poll tekhnicheakiy institut, SubmAll-n-i jor=.ry
8t 1964.
r. (1) aa VT43wl
WA a 0
ACCESSION NR: AP5020130 uR/olog/65/010/008/1518/1522!
AV,rHOR-.' Dorin, V. A.; Kozlov' M. M.
TITLE: Inveotigatibn-of the.pptential'distribution in the reverse direction In a,
P-Se 14er adj acent to n-CdSe
SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, V. 10, no. 6, 1965i 1518-1522
seleniuAadmium selenide~ electric potential, p. q,_Jun,ctAo.n. semicon-
ductor device,
ABSTRACT: Me potential was measured at. the polished end of a Sq,4ayer 80-100 p
.(under I v) f lm..of ti-CdSe obtained
thick," Se conductivity was .1-10 ohm.m. A thin
byA reactive-diffusion ptocess formed ajunction with Se.- A voltage ~)f 30-35 v
was, applied. to the specimen, :and a steel probe was set at 1; Is from the junction.
Potential-distribution,curves were measured. It was found that. 1) the, space-charge'o
at a distance of 4 11 from the junction 15 practically nil; 2) the reactive-diffusior'i-,-_
produced contact is, in fact,:a. defective-hetero-p-n Aunction (conducting channels
be found in the junction); and 3 t i-e nonuniformity of the D-n junction can be