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S/181/62/004/002/027/05'- Comparison Of structural changes in B101/B102 '955 ) was used to examine the X-ray structure of the specimens. The disorientation was calculated accor~J_rp- to P. B, Hirsch (see below), Resultsa The original specimens pr,3sessed large subgrains (80p), the lattice was not distorted, and the disorientation was less than lo, Disorientation reached a 0 at 4.20K, but was less at 300 0K. Specimens deformed at 4..20K underwent relaxation when heated to room temperature, The distortion of the lattice decreased as P_ result of polygonization of the subgrain fra;,,:-ents, Microdistortions dimirished further on heating to creep temperature. The specimen deformed at 4.2 0K and sul;sequently kept r at room temperature had a more unilorm and more disperse structure than the specimen heated directly from 41.20K to 7000C., The removal of microdistcrtions of the specimens, especially of that deformed at 4.20K, and the increase in disorientation during the creeping process, indicate that the substructure depends on the temperature at which deformation has taken place.. There are 2 figures and 9 referencest 8 Soviet and 1 rcn- Soviet, The reference to the English--language publication reads as followss P., B., Hirsch, J, 11. Kellar, Acts, Crystal,, 5, 162, Card 2/3 'Z/18 62/004/002/027/05', Comparison of structural changes in ..,. BIOIX13102 ASSOCIATIONj Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy Institut AN USSR, KharIkov (Physicotechnical Institute, AS UkrSSR, KharIkov) SUBMITTEDt September 22, 1961 -z x Card 3/1 GINDIN) I.A.; KOZINETS. V.V.; STAPODUBOV, Ya.D.; KHOTKEVICH, V.I. Structural changes in coppar depending on low-temperature deformation and subsequent annealing. Fiz.met.i metalloved, 11+ no.6s864-873 D 162. (KM 16Q) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheaki3r institut AN UkrSSR i Kharlkovskiy gooddarstvennyy universitet. (Copper--Metallography) (Metal, Effect of temperature on) L 24474-66 EWT W/1W T(k)/I'WP(t) IJP(c) GSIHWIJD ~TIEW ACC NR: AT6010579 (N) SOURCE CODE,. UR/0000/65/000/000/0137/1~ :AUTHOR: Kozinets, V. Vo.- Khotkevich, V. I. ORG: Kharkov:StpAe Univelaisz im. A. M. Gorky.(Khar1kovskiy gosuniversitet); ~Physi-cot6-chiii=ca '(Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR) ,TITLE: Investigation of the structural and mechanical characteristics of copper 'after thermomechanical treatment !SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Mekbanizm plasticbeskoy deformatsii metallov (Mechanism of the :plastic deformation of metals). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965, 137-142 ;TOkC TAGS: material deformation', copper, mechanical heat treatment, grain size iyield stress, metal grain structure :'ABSTRACT: The authors study changes in the structure and mechanical propertieg of i,specimens with identical. initial structure after thermomechanical treatment in a. :wide range of degrees of deformation, deformation temperatures and subsequent anneal-~ ing processes. Industrially pure copper specimens measuring 12x2xl.5 mm were stud-~ ~,Ied. The experimental procedure is briefly described. A.'curve for the average Card 112 L 24474-69 ACC NR*. AT6010579 .;volume of the subgrain as a function.of tempereture for specimens sub- Aected to preliminary deformation at 200C shows a reduction in grain size for low., ;annealing temperatures to about 3000C with a subsequent increase reaching 1.5-2 'times the initial subgrain size after 7001C. Specimens subjected to strong defor- mation (15 and 32%) show no minimum on these curves. The same relationship for specimens subjected to preliminary deformation at -1960C show practically no diffes .ence with respect to shape.. The maximum a *ngles for disorientation of the subgrain .and~theyield stress were also studied as functions of anneali n9 temperature. The curves for these relationships are strikingly similar. This indicates that the angles of disorientatioii-of:the subgrains have a predominant effect on'the yield stress. No relationshi the subgrain-or grain size and the. p was yield stress. The tensile strength of all specimens was approximately identical an- regardless of the degree of deformations deformation temperature or subsequent nealing processes. Orig-.,.art. has:' "Wfigures, tuB com 1l/. suBm DATEt~ nNOV641~ ORIG REF: 010/ OTHAmr: 0031: ,Card-2/2 ZARKSKIYI Ivan Ivanovich; KOZINEV, V.B., red.; CHULKOV, I.F., tekhn. red. - --, - ~ - -1 [Clinical physiology and the methodology of functional examination of the kidneys] Klinicheskaia fiziologiia i metody funktsionalluoi diagnostiki pochek. Moskvat Med- giz, 1963. 279 p. (MA 17:3) ZATOVIC, Tibor; KOZINKA, Anton Cutoff knuckle breaker. Blaktrotechnik 18 no.10:297-298 0 j 163. 1. Tovarny na obrabeci stroje, n.p., Trencin. KOZINA, A.M.; RUTKOVSKAYA, Ye.P, Investigating rock pressure control in auger mining by means of modeling. Fiz. mekh. avois., dav. i razr. gar. porod. no.2;163-A 174 163. (1-1IRA 17:1) KOZINKA, VladWr; KLASOVA, Albina; NIVINYANSKI, Augustin (Niznansky, Auguotin] Changes in the physiological regulation of transpiration caused by the action of industrial wastes. Biologia 18 no-8:565-578 163. 1. Otdeleniye fiziologii rasteniy Bo',anicheskogo instituta Slovats- koy akademii nauk, Bratislava. KOZI~KA, V. The physiology of plant acceleratioh. p. 6hl (BIOLOGIA) Vol. 11., no. 11, 1956, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 3, March 1958 KOZ E. Petru and R. Retovsky's Rostlinne explantaty (Plant Explantations); a book review. p. 697 (BIOLOGIA) Vol. 11, no. 11, 1956, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 3, March 1958 /I V. ----- -- Contribution to the physiology of plants cultivated fn packages to accelerate their growth. P- 481, (Biologie) Vol. 12, no. 7, 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Acessions (EEAI) Vol. 6, No. 1-1 November 1957 KOZTNKA, V. "An experimental contribution to the physioloMr of precultivation of rlants In earth cubes" Biologicke Prace. Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 5, no. 1, 10/59 Mnthly list of East European Accessions (EEAT), LC, Vol. 8, No. 7, July 59, Unclas KOZINKA, Vladimir; MICHkIKOVA, Viera A study of the effect of phytoncides of Allium sativum L. on the development of the root system of Cucumis sativus L.; necrotic phenomena on the radicle. In German. Biologla 15 no.2:103-109 160. (ERAI 9:5) 1. Institut fur Pflanzenphveiologie, InBtitut fur systematische Botanik und Geobotanik, Komensky Univers1tat, Bratislava. (ROOTS (BOTANY) (ANTIBIOTICS) (GARLIC) (CUCMERS) KOZINKA, Vladimir The extraction of sap for cryoscopic measuring of osmotic pressure in plants; an experimental contribution ot studies of the effect of killing by chlornfom vapors, on the lowering of the freezing point of the extracted sap. Biologiia 15 no.8:567-583 160. (EEAI 10:4) 1. Pobocka Ceskoslovenskej akademle polnohospodarstva, Oddelenie ochrany lesa, Banska Stiavnica. (PLANTS) (OSMOSIS) (CRYOSCOPY) (SAP) KOZINKAt Vladimir Instruction on methods of atudying the water regime of plantse Biclogia, 23 not9t723-717 160, (MW 100) (PLANTS) KOZIM, VlarlimJ ; NIZNANSKY, Augustin Biometric analysis of the relationship between the osmotic pressilro of the cell sap and its refractive index. Bioldgia plantarum 5 no.1:77--U 163. 1. Department of Plant Physiology, Institute of Biology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava IX, Dubravska cesta 26. KOZINKA, V. - Curve of the osmotic press&e of cell sap in falling leaves of tree species. Fiziol. rast. 10 no.1:48-54 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 160) 1. Department of Plant Physiology, Institute of Biology Slovak Academy of Sciences,'Fr'atislaVa, Czechoslovakia. (Plant cells and tissues) (Osmosis) (Abscission (Botarq)) d CZ ECHOS Plant Physiology of the !'.OrLnical of Thc Slov-11- .~'-.caduiy of Sciences (Odd e I eaie fyz io I o.- L~ r as t! in in Lt,,tu---u SAV, ) i-ira cis la va . 'Thanges in Physiologic Re3ulation of Trarspiratzion Z~.s~-ribable to industrial Pollutants." .Snatislava, 31olo-ia Vo 7- 1 18, No ',, B63; :)p ~65-576. [Russian article; Cerman su%-~.-,ary n--diHed! : Mstoic,-;Ic and mot-abo-I L L ic Stj;djeS 0~7 C)f7 :;C'_.'U IlUorine Co,'npoUn S C ,~,'o 1. - - ". J. LI C' --I Ly pr~:so;iL in POIlUtantS GIALO CUCU.MiS sativa L., applied as :;-,ray or in powder fo'_T"'. The cliangc,: -4n intensi-tv of* stomatal z-id cuticular Crans:)i_-~iLion twrere of greater -Laportance than actual total effect on transpirazion as :;uc-. T-C 5L,:,.;ata closed and cuticuL~r lcsions al'~:-,carcd. 111hen they are wet, tricix-mc5 losc their protective capacity. Five tabh--s, 5 ~;raphs; 8 Czech, 2 Soviet and 23 Western references. 1/1 az~ j~,00291-& CZ/0049 AUU& JIUN MKS AP5023862 AUT11ORt Nozinka# V2Ad1m1r.(Do*t*r of natural sciances)(Bratiolava) -caused-by 2-vethyl-4-ohlorophenoVacst 1 TITIZ: Changes oUtranspiration:Intensity I acid SOURCSt Biologiap no,11, 1964., 809-819~ TOPIC TAGSt transpiration;4cetic abido Plant chemistry Method of transpiration.ourves was used in ti iestudy ABSTRACTt lof changas in the total,,- _'itomatalp and outioular transpiration tintensity of plants-, provoked by 2-mothyl-4-chlorophenoxyaoetic Acid (HOPA). K salt of,HCPA:w&.j aprlied to ill,-16 da7 old bar- ley oeodllngs.grown-;~jd water-culture oondentrates;:the applies-.-' tion was made eithei',,by a' aying of the aerial organe, or infiu-a pr encing tho root syst;6~!~-All.oonoentratione caused lowering of the transpiration inten-_1 sto a tys The matal-tranapiration intensity' ;--;Vas-16weeod.while.' increased. This may be the oause ~for the,negative wa.tee.balanoe:of.tho*,pl&nts treated with highdz~,!*7 oncentrations of the arowth substanoe Ca rd L Oo2gi-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5023862 "On this place too I express, "r acknowlsdgwnt~ to Mrs. M, Takacova for her technical aasistance at the Moltion of, the experimentee" Orig. art.' IM I -graphs# 2 formula Slovak !ASSOCIATION1 Depsrtmojit:.of:Plant:Phyisiolop Botanical Institute of-the cademy of 6diincen# fUBMr=1 SUMS 00 SIB OOD&t 18 N R REF 90VI OOD THER -car L 6~47_66: SOURM CODE. 5100010011000510013' CZ/0q4q/6 ACC NR: AP60(M73 AUTHOR*. KLz"j.'. (Doctor) (Bratislx*sk), ORG#.. Department of Plant ftsiology, Botanical InsUtute of the SloVak- A6&dev~t b? Sciences, Bratislava (Botanisdh4s~-Institut der Slowakischon Akademie der Wissenochaft4ir 'Pflanpenphyei dlogiey~. Abteilung fur TITW: Contribution to the water metabolism of Prunus Armoniaca La:durin its 9 apO plectic dying SOURCE: B1010giat no* lp 1965 v5~131 10PICIAGS: plant ratabolism, plant physiology, pUat development ABSTRACT: An analysis of tte`negat ve water balance in the-lesives. during aooplectiG dying la..disousaeds 3 types of wat6r-deflciencyl are distinguished. Virst type'ia. thdt~ in, which the negativo water balance: proceeds quicklyand the leaVes:wilt in a few days. Study-or the osmotic pressure.shows . the:initial stages daily oyclI%0 are*.maintained, The ini~rovenient in the water content during the inight however, idea-reases progressively. Finallyan irra7ersible :.Istage takes placet 1he se0aAd.type ohows a slow worsening-of the water eyele-during a whole.vegatation period; in this typej in dividual leaves..when saturated with:water do not re-sume-a fall 6M 1/2 070/ 1760 t-. I, . KOZINOVA, S. Datstanding innovator V.Se Ijukasov, 14ashinostroitell no,1:6 Ja 163. NIRA 16z2) (Vilnius-Electric welding-Equipment and supplies) ILOZrJIDVA7 -,S : ~ Conveypr is in operation, MaBhinostroitell no.2:47 F 163. (MRA 1613) .(Vilniua.-Conveying machinery) LEDOCHOWSKI, Andrzej; IEDOCIIOWSKI, Zygmunt; RJTZIKOWSKI, Czeslaw; WYSOCKA-SKRZELA, Barbara; KQZIIISKA,.Barbara; CZECHLOWSKA, Teresa; IaCKILWICZ, 01cha; PAC-POMARNACKA, Elzbieta Research on tumor inhibiting compounds. XI. Rocz chemii 36 no.5:827-833 562. 1. Department of Technology of Medicaments, Technical University, Gdansk, Laboratory Vo.8. InBtitute of Organic Synthesis, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk, Department of Pathological Anatomy.. Medical Academy., Gdansk. LEDOCHOWSKI, Andrzej; KOZINSKA, Barbara; STEFANSKA, Barbara Searching for tumor inhibiting com-Founds. Some N9 -derivatives of methoxy methyl nitro and dimethylamino-9-aiiinoacridine. Rocz chemij 37 ro.12:1641--161,2 '63. 1. Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Drujs, Technical Univeraity, Gdansk. KOZINSKA, Danuta, mgr Problems of dwelling houses fr pensioners. Praca zabezp spol 4 no-9/100G-39 S-0 '62. P, - KOZINSKA, Danuta Evaluation of the developrent of housing noeis in connection with demographic changes; a method and examplo of using it. Inst bud miesz prace 15 no. 45:55-71 164. KOZINSKA, H. SCIE21CE Periodical: KOSMOS. SPRIA A: BIOLOGIA. Vol. U11 no. 11, 1957, In Fhglish. KOZINSKA, H. Some properties and miscibility of cx7stals GIX, BrX, IX where X=. P. 1. Yonthly List of Fast 1)aropean Acessions (EF-AI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 3, Yay 1959 Unclass. -, KOZII~:'~K%, a'niant!t S t1H ~ - on rubber aging msis tance 1-i mcAe,-,-Ilc c' I mate find 4n the humid tropicil. Pollmtqry t,.;,)rz -j!c-lk 9 I I 1"'y 16 4; a ',~ ot RabNor Wa-13;3-.~. WEISS. Marian; MILXOWSKA, Alicjz Conservative treatment of scollosie. in the light of electromVographic data. Chir. narz. ruchu 22 no.2:197-209 1957. 1. Z Kliniki Ortopedyaznej A. H. w Waresawie i ze Bzpitala Chirurgii Koatnej w Konatancinie Kierownik: prof. dr A. Gruca Z Zakladu leczniczego Usprawniania A. W. F. w Warazawie Kierownik: E-ca prof., kand. nauk M. Weiss Z Centralnej Poradni Miedzyszkolnej w Warazawie Kierownik: dr K. Sokal. Konstancin k/Warazawy, Szpital Chirurgii Kostnje. (SCOLIOSIS, ther. conservative, based on electromyographic data of muse. funct. (Pol)) (EIZMOMYOGRAPHY, ill var. die. scoliosis, value of data on masc. funct. in con- servative ther. (Pol)) L h6935~M' EWT(1) WIGG ACC NR, AP6015495 SOURCE: CODE: UR/0181/66/000/005/1621/1622 8 !AUTHOR: Uritskiy, Z. I.; Shuster. G.Y.; Kozinskaya, A. 1. ;ORG: Ural State University im. A. M. Gorlkiy, Sverdlovsk (Urallskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: On the theory of light absorption by carriers in a quantized magnetic field SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 5, 1966, 1621-1622 ~TOPIC TAGS: light absorption, carrier scattering, resonance scattering, cyclotron re- sonance iABSTRACT: An expression for the light absorption coefficient is developed for the icase where the principal scattering mechanism is the scattering of the current carrier ion an ionized admixture, which apparently takes place at low temperatures. It appears ithat the coefficient of radiation absorption in a quantized magnetic field has reso- ~nance peaks when wk = w n, where wk is the photon frequency. When n=l, the resonance i 0 ~coincides with the cyclotron resonance. It follows that the cyclotron resonance line :cannot be determined by this type of scattering. This confirms a previously derived ,conclusion for the case where the scattering takes place on phonons. Orig. art. bast 3 formulas. ,SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 29Hov65/ ORIG REN 002 L~ard 1/1 KOZINSKI, A.'W. *a M""*0"y .; -~ Now method of absorption of influenza antibodies. Had. dosw. mikrob. 3 no.1:77-82 1951. (CIJG 20:11) 1. Of tho National Instituto of Hygiene in Warsaw. i I .:.-Ii ,;11 /-Y- I .. KOZINSKII A. W., Effect of cellular fractions of Salmonella typhi on erythrocyte agglutination by influen2a virus. Mad. dosw. mikrob. 3 no.1:83- 94 1951. (CLML 20:11) 1. Of the National institute of Hygiene in Warsaw. KOZINSKI, A. W.; MIKULASZEK, E. Attempt of purification of influenza inhibitor in the egg white. Med. dosw. mikrob., Warez. 3 no- 3:242-254 1951. (CLML 21:3) 1. Of the National Institute of Hygiene in Warsaw and of the Institute of Medical Microbiology of the Medical Academy, Warsaw. 14 CA The hwbition of t pW4 bi aett Ic complexes from Salmone" 1_1knd M. his- clervwks (P&Astwowy Zeklikil fl.. Itsaw, Poland). Afed. Dohri4dad" i MikrobW. 3 VA-M 1981).--A study was made of the action on typhoid phases of polysac. charide-lipideprotein complex (1) and polriacchavides iso- lated from S. typk"4 (1), type phase and j type phase. resp.) (cf. Nlikulassek and RAtomski. Alrd. Dolu-Wcialma , Spol"s" 25, ON1946)), both in soln. and when adsorbed on the surface of erythrocytes. In %oln., I in- hibits most stro" y the specific phase for the type of bac- teria from whichf, Is iiolattd. Adsorption of I on chicken crytbrocrtes Increases the Inhibition, pmbably owing to its stweiading over larg" surface. L-Tryptophan has no effect. At 37'. tbae was reaction between adumbed I and phases in 5 min.; the reaction 6 much slower at 0'. The electron microscope shows phage particks adsorbed on the surface of the erythrocytes. Polysaccharides sepd. from I and from the rest of the bacteria. either in solo. or advzbed on erythrocytes. at 0'~-37% cause no inhibition, with and without added tmtophan. 1. Z. Roberts KOZINSKI, A.W.;WALKOWSKA, B. Modificati6A of Hisrt hemMlutination inhibition reaction, ex- cluding nonsp6cific inhibitors. Med. doew. mikrob., Wares. 1-95-104 Jan-Mar 1952; (CLML R2:4) 1. Of the National Institute of Hygiene in Warsaw. KOZINSKI, A.W.;KKULASM. 1. Adsorption of grau-negativa endotoxic symplexes on tha surface of yeaccharide fractions. Red. doev. mikrob.. erythrocites; rol of pol Wares. 4 no. 2tl7;_186 1952. (M ML 22: 4) 1. Of the National Institute of Hygiene in Warsaw and of the Insti- tute of Medical Microbiology of Warsaw Medical Academy. KOZINSKI, A.W.;MIKIffASZIK, R.;SLAVIK, K. Adeorptjon of gram-negative ondotoxic eymplexes on the sur- face of erythrocytes; utilization of erythrocytes-fixation in the im,estigation anA olution nf DrateAn frotctions of qndotoxle wa- plex. Mod. doaw.mikrob., Varsz'. 4 no. 2:137-a96 1952. Mhu Z2:4) 1. Of the National Institute.of Hygiene in Wosrsaw and of the Insti- tute of Medical Microbiology of Warsaw MeAlcal Academy and of the Central Laboratory of State Faculty Hospital in P-ague, Czechozlova- kia. KOZINSKI, A.W.;SLONIM, D. Xffect of Salmonella typhosa fractions on viral hemagglutination; gradient of inhibition..Med. dosw. mikrob., Wares. 4 no. 2:217-225 1952. (OLML 22:4) 1. Of the National Institute of Hygiene in Warsaw and of the Insti- tute nf Ificrobiology and Immunology of Charles University, Prague. KOZINSKI, A.I.MIKUIASZZK, E. Attempted isolation of influenzal inhibitor from egg white. Med. dosw. mikrob., Wares. 4 no. 3:382-383 1952. (CIAL 23:3) 1. Summary of work progress presented at llth Congress of Polish Hicorbiologists hold in Krakow May 1951. 2. Warsaw@ KOZINSKI, A.,,WALTOWSKA, 2. - ` XMIfUA'~M*thod of ithibition of Hirst's hemagglutination reaction (exclusion of-atypio Inhibitors). Red. doew. mikrob., Wares. 4 no. 3-2383-384 1952. (CUM 23:3) 1, gui=ary of work progress presented at llth Congress of Polish Microbiologists held in Krakow Kay 1951. 2. Warsaw. KOZINSKI, A. W. --- .1, 11 . . A method to isolate the influenza pathogen. Polski tygod. lek. 7 no. 11-12:324-325 24 Mar 1952. (CLML 22:4) 1. Of the Department of Virueology of the National Institute of Hygiene in Warsaw. nzINOM, A.W. Experime with virus substrates, Nature of jba "receptor gradient 11. t!l. W. Ko;OnskiW-.. Alikulasick, amIP9. Sitek (Buti. Acad. poloss. Set.;-It. ITY53 (munilm, Newcastle disease, inflornza PH8 au;l Lcc), on the basir. of their elation from chicken, guinea pig, awl human r.h.c. may lie arranged ill ;% series corresponding to the " receptor gradient ". ('I in "' of sheep the order of chation of the vintses N rrvcrsZgnd conform to the - receptor gradient This finding i~ disco~svd I KOZINSKI, A.W.;MIKULASZEK, A.;SITEK, K. studies on the receptor gradient. Med. dosw- mil-rob- 5 no.4:457-464 1953. (CUL 25:5) 1. Of the Institute of Medical Microbiology of Warsaw Madical AcadaA7 and of the Siate Institute of Hygiene in Warsaw. KOZINSKI. Andrzej; MACIIMWICZ, Maria; MIKULLSZEK, Edmund; OPARA, Zofia Isolation and purification of Solmonella typhosa antigen Vi. Ked. doew. mikrob. 6 no.2:161-168 1954. 1. Z Zakladu Mikrobiologil Lekarskiej Akademil Medvcznej w Warazawie i z Dzialu, Biochemii Panstwowego Z-Aladu Higieny w Warazawip. C,ALKOVJU TYPHOSA, *antigen Vi, isolation & purification) (ANTIGUS AND ANTIBODIES, *Salmonella typhosa antigen Vi, isolation & purification) KOZINSKI. Andrzej W.; OPARA9 Zofia Reacti~n of antigen V1 with the surface of the arythroc7te. Red. doew. mikrob. 6 no.2.0169-180 1954. 1. Z Dzialu Biochemii Phnstwowego Zakladu Higiony w Waresavie i Zakladu Mikrobiologil Lekarsklej Akademii "cxnej v Warseavie. (ANTIGYNS AND ANTIBODIES. *antigen Vi, reaction with surface of erythrocyte) (IRTTUROCYTBS, *reaction of surface with antigen V0 KOZINSKII Andrzej Vladyslaw; OFARA, Zofia, Studies on substrates for bacterial viruses. 1. Reversibility of reaction and decompoeition- of substrate. Had. doew. mikrob. 6 no. 3t253-263 1954. 1, Z Dzialu Biochemii Panstwovego Zakladu RigianY w Warstawie i z Zakladu Mikrobiologii LekarskieJ Akademii Medycznej w Waresswis. (BACTERIOPHAGE9 substrates) KOZINSKI, Andrzej Studies on virus substrates. Postepy hig. med. dosw. 8 no-3:323- 335 1954. 1. Panstwowy Zaklad Higlany, Dzial Btochemil. Warszawa, u1. Chocimska 24. (VIRUSES, substrates) 0 '1 , sy e r 1 m e n t -3 i t i b c t c r ai r i 13 r t e 2 V De Aruction of' L3u~otrate Ly -ctive Pnd ind "llcrobiol")LY) GRUZIWSKI, Aleknander,- KOZINSKI, Andrzej-, OFARA, Zofte, Investigations on substrates for bacterial virasee. II. Quantitative principles of reactions of phage with e".7throcytes sensitized with substrates. Mad. doew. mikrob. 7 no.1:97-103 1955. 1. Z Pracowni Immunochemil Zalcladu Biochemil FAII, Zakladu Mikro- biologii Lekarakiej A.K. w Iffarazawle i Instytutu MatematycEnago PAN. (BACTERIOPHAGE. reaction with erythrocytes sensitized with substrates) (XRYTHROCMS, reaction with baoterlophage of arythroctes sensitized with substrates) EDZINSKI, Andrzej W.; OPARA,Zofia Investigations on substrates for bacterial viruses. IV. Effect of temperature and of specific anti-phage serum on phaGo'hema- gglutination reaction. Had. doev.' mikrob. 7 no.3:305-309 1955. 1. Z Pracowni I=mnochemii Zak1sdu Biochaxii. PAN i Pr&cnwni Wirusologiesnej Zakladu Kikrnh. Lak. A.M. w WarssawiL, INKUNS slaw. &nti-ph specitic sermw,- *fr. on bacterfophage I (BA hemagg a react.j a"-. o?'anh-phage specif ic serum& Jamperature on bacteriephage hemagglut.reaction. (TD(M!M, leffectagemejaut. rose- t ion) (EMAGMUTINAT*18'N, bacteriophage herAgglut.reaction, eff. of tempera- ture & specific ahti-phags serum. KOZTNSKI, Andrzej W.; OPARA, Zofia w P n F, -_~ ~ -" ~ f --: -' %4: V -i 7 ~ v t. Investigations on substrates for bacterial viruses. V. Com- parative Investigation on substrates decomposed by living and ultraviolet-irradiated phages. Med.dow.m1krob.7 no.4:445-449 1955. 1. Z PrEtcowni Immunochomii Zakl.Biochomii PAN I Pracowni WirusologiczneJ Zakl.Mikrobiologli Lek. A.M. w Warazawie. OACTERIOPIUGE, effect of radiations on. ultraviolet rays, destruction of substrate by living & Irradiated phagms) (ULTRAVIOTAT RAYS, effects, on bacteriophage,clostruction of substrate by living & Irradiated phagee) KOZINSKI Andrzej .W.; OPARA, Zofia In7est1gations on substrates for caterial viruses. VI. Deter- mination of temperature imetivating enzymatic activity, of viability. and of sensitizing capacity for-passive phage hemagglutination. Keddow.mikrob. 7 no.4:451-455 1955. 1. Z Pracowni Immunochemii Zakladu Biochamii PAN I Pracowni Wirusologicinej Zakladu Mikrobiologii Lekarskiej A.K. w Wara2UWIB. (BACTMIOPHAGE, temperature Inactivating enzymatic funct., viability & sensitizing capacity for passive phage hemagglut) (T12-M."DATURS, effects, on phage enzymatic activity, viability & sensitizing capacity for passive phage hema&- glut.) (HEMAGGLUTINATION, passive phage hemagglut.,aff. of temperature) KOZINSKI. Andrzej, W.; OPARA, Zofia Studies on substrates of bacterial viruses. VII. Iffect of anti-phage serum on decomposition of Vi antigen by phage lyeates. gad. doww. mikrob. 8 no-1:73-77 1956. I. Z Pracowni Immunachamij Zakladu Biochemit P. A. N. i Pracowni WiruBOlogil Zakladu Mikrobiologii An H. w Wargz&wie. (IMMUNE SIRUMS, effects, anti-phage serum on decomposition of V1 antigen by phage lyeates. (Pol)) ('BACTZRIOPRAGE, eff. of anti-phage serum on decompostion of Vi antigen by phage lysates. (Pol)) (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES., Vi antigen decomposition by phage Irsates. eff. of anti-phage serum. (Pol)) KOZINSKT, Andrzej. V.-, MIKULASZXK, Zdaund; OPARA, Zofia Coprecipitation of bacterial antigens and lipids. Med. doew. eikrob. 8 no.1:103-108 1956. 1. Z Pracownt Imannocbemil Zakladu BiocbemH P. A. N. i x Pracowni Wirusologicznej Zakladu Mikrobiologii Lakarskiej A. M. w Warssawie. (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES, amtual precipitation with lipids. (Pol)) (LIPIDS, mutual precipitation with antigens. (Pol)) KOZINSKI, A.W.; KUBINSKI, ff.; OPARA, Z.; JASINSU, Z. Resear'ch on substrates for bacterial viruses; properties of phages grcy4n on bacteria containing or devoid of antigen Vi. Acts, virol. Engl. 3d., Praha I no.1:12-19 Jan-Mar 57. 1. Im7wanological Iaboratory, Institute of Biochemistry. Polish Academy of Sciences; virological laboratory, Department of Medical Microbiology, Warszawa. (BACTICRIOPHIGIM properties of phages grown on bact. containing devoid of VI antigen) (ANTIGM bact. containing & devoid of Vi antigen, off. on properties of phages) MZINSKI, Andrzej W. Studies on the nature of lysogenesis, bacteriocytogenesis, and imilar phenomena. Postepy big. med. doew. 11 no-1:3-26 1957. : . Zaklad Biochemii PAN-Pracownia Immunacbemii i Zaklad Mikrobiologii Lekarskiej AM Warszawa, Chalubinskiego 5. (MICROBIOIDGY, ' lysogengais. bacteriocytogenesis, & similar phenomena, review I-Pol)) r-l'.!gl geo(i r c v, 'lirneN n-, ter; L - inz. LIZIHISIP-19m1p Covering car roofs with asphalt jute. Przegl kolej mechan 13 no-51139-140.. 149450 MY t6le K'O-Z~ INS< 1) M I ~M- product for molding -AterW~-- dX MM75., 0m molten y Z. N prxmysi 00M.. I ld X.: and , * (0 a E-41 ~~3 - summary new plastic mold!D& 34, 103--K i er con of a reaction product of dicyandi-id with PhOH and HCHO was clabomted. One mole-1 Oil and I mole of I wen heated in a Witt's bak with 9 Al stirrer on an oil bath (200-20*# Le.. few degrees above the b. I th elt) The clear melt got cloudy at 1"" e , as obtained (WMV. ine Pa., till a thick melt was of"i i"UTUc.-loeited into mclaiiiine), which hardened upon cooling Into a thixutropic rn- cant r. 20-30% of niclamint. LO and dIWizcd Willi The melt was condensed with 11C. MICOg.101-110. The amt. of HCIIO was caled. as follows: for each mole of PhOH in the melt I mote of HCHO, and for each mole of 1, 2 molts of HCIDD were used. The con- deusation was performed at a tenip. ;Sb.p. of the mist. for 20 min., cooled rapidly, and then condensed under a pres- sure Z IM mm. Hg, temp. ;S85 9, till a brittle an4 non tacky product was obtained. This (100 pub) was mixed with 80 parts wood flour, 1.8 parts Zn stearate of stearic aid, and cclors and pigments. This mist. was calendered. with the first roller at 60-70* and the second at 120-130* till it stoppe4 sticking to the rollers. L. G. bfaz~z Jerzy; v rchi- 130 Lint )f "'a-st Vol. ,.,Ozrl;,,SK1, ':/. carts :r of the marlde t'rori D,J.-ni.k. p. P: L ~ D G-5, 0 LC):", IZl (W.rdavmicti.,cl Geolof~ Al,SZlTV,. Polar-l-A 1101 - 7, no. 4, Apr- !-:ont*!l--r, o-' "as' Curoi.~ean Accussic-I s I I ( LC. Vol. !;o. Julv 19 Uncl. ~'Toze Fellowsa (1-ellowls Cuttilig Tools); L book review. p.l~lj llECl,;ijl-IF. __Fllltowarz~rzenie Insynierow i Tachnikow lhechz~nikow Polskich) lflars,iawa, Po-tand. VbleN, no-3, March 11)59 Morfthl3~ List of iast Luropean Accessions Index, (EL~i) 1C, Vol.8, -ic.6 Jtme 195(9 Un c1. DZWONKOWSKI, Kazimierz (Warszawa); KOZIISKI -9julat, WISLICKI, Alfred (Warszawa) Mechanization of finishing works. 11'rzegl budowl i bud S 162o nueszk 34 no.9:544-548 7 A/ -Y POLAND/Virology - Bacterial Virus (Phages) D-1 Ab3 JDur Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 7, 10 April 1957, 26075 Author Kozinskiy, A.V., Opara, Z. Inst rcCde-nxk-6r-St-Iences, Poland Title Studies of Substrata for Bacterial Virus. VII. The Effect of Antiphage Serum on the Decomposition of Antigen W., Caused by Phage Lysates. Orig Pub Byul. Pol'skoy AN, 1956, otd. 2, 4, No 1, 21-24 Abst See Referat Zhur Biol.., 1957, 328 Card 1/1