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KOZHIN, S.A.; YAKIKOVIGH~ S.I.j PIGUIZVSKIY, G.V. Chemical ' ' nliquiAh Ikature of -P*gone oxide.m Zhur.ob.k&. 32 no.10:34%- .3456- 0 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Manthenons) KOZHIN, 3 -A.-;-KAYNOVA, G~C,~ Freparation of stereocher,-,icqlly un4frrm carvoznentlhen;~ oxide. Zhur,ob.khim. '114 rlr,, 5.1680-16S1 Itv 164~ .;KIRA l-,-,-7) I. Leningrads~iy i!o-sudar.~,tvonnyi iinlvov! KOZHIN, S.A.; FEDORGTA, L.N. Composition of the essential oil from Sium latifolium L. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.10:3493-3496 0 164. (M,IRA 17: 11) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. , . GFITOMOV, 3.rj.~ KOMII, S.A. Comparison of thf-- specificity of' ulti-aviolet and X-ray action on the mutability in yeast. Isal. po gen. no.207-li 164. (MIRA 18s4) KCVIHINAIP I.S.; KOZHIN, S.A. In memory of Georgii VasIllavich PigulovskiL (Wcemimr 11, 1888- September 19p 1964). Rant. res. 1 no.2:288-300 f65- (MIRA 18-~11) 1. Botanicheskiy institut Imeni Komarova AN SSSRI, Leningrad. KUHR, S.P. ,i(3-'lllt,3 of helminthiptsis control In 1-fo-~COW 1 j i.-4irnz. bol. 'R, w), 5:575-576 .1-0 to~, 1"):*.L) 1. Sulx:ij.ttecl October 21, 196/j. Kn7,14TI-1. Sergey_jaylovich- BALAKSHINA, M.S., red.; BALDIVA., N.F., tekhn. red. [Work experience of a school doctor)Iz opyta rab3ty shkoll- nogo vracha. Moskva, Medgiz, 1962. 122 p. (1,"IRA 15:11) (SCHOOL PHYSICIANS) KOZHII,,, S.P.- (14oskva) Remarkf3 on the article by R.B. Kogan, and V.P. Shishkova, "Rationalization of medical service for school children." Sov. zdravookhr. 22 no.3:37-42 163 (MIR-,~,. 17:1) KOZHIN,V.D.; IUITSKI-1, N.I.; TSUKHAROVA.Te.A. r --w Expansion of the theory of hydraulic mechanisms. Izv- Al SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk. no.a4l F 155. (MM 8:8) (Hydraulic machinery) AFONIN, A.P.; BABITSKIT, V.I.; BORISOV, D.So; KOBRINSKIY, A.Ye.; KOZHIN.. V.D.; SAKAYAN, A.Rs Experimental investigation of the dynamics of an electric step-by-step motor. Teor. mash. i mekh. no.94/95:127-141 163o (MIRA 16% 11) -7. U8011*11cina-Pabil cAt Iona Wdloinii-R-Mver Supply I'se-V Books' P "Gig i san" No 11 ldst~- n*v books, giring aLbhora, publishing datan and prices. Ine1"16-ea V. ir. Tbzh'&n'a Natep, Sari i-;.A wid A. G. Ginetsinekly and A. V. U-ba&inskiy1a 'ftn&=exitals .,)f 11intgn and Anirml Fhyelology.w KOZHIN, V.I., gornyy inzhener Choosing models of rotary bucket strippers for the Mikhaulovka deposit of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly. Nauch. trudy ICI no.36.- 5-13 161. (MIRA 17:3) KOMIN, V.M. [Kozbyn, V.M.] Freparation of rettedhemp by means of steaming the stalks in an autoclave. Leh.prom. no.1:28-30 Ja-Mr '62. (MIRA 150) (Retting) (Hemp) KOZHIN, V. M. "Investigation of the Structure of Aminoacetic Silver, it Zhur. Eksper. i Teoret Fiz., 9, No-9, 1939. Dept. Photobiology.. All-Unioh Inst. Experimental Medicine, ?-'oscow. KOXHIN, V.H. Goniometer and oscillation X-ray diagram indexin-v by means of a coordinate grid. Trudy Inst.krist. no.9:313-316 154.(MLRL 7:11) 1. Institut organicheakoy khimil Akademii nauk SSSR. (Crystallography) "(1-7 T" , - ' I._j " -, I.r. , . " Y-R~ny S f, ni c tur a l Irmo s t i-at ior o ff S' om n '. rorri;,-JA c n, ; : at L'i -,anl Imst Of .-, --I .'. c - I r, c 4 . ' .1 . , ~ .; I .. '. - . T:",:")", ' ossc~-T, 1()5-. (1U,, No 8, 19~-6) I S!I: Sun. "o. 6-)l, 26 Alle, 55 - Survey of ScirmtIllic an,l "'echnical 'AF:_,ertotions Jl,,:~Conrlcd at TISSP H7,lier Y'ducational Institutions (14) IV XF, A. 2. Ta: I -CAkl, Ifini WWI R* N CarAlttom of Yom in ikrA th* Stmtw* of 5" 5ahtiona of Orpale 94tstan"O 3YNPML#n at Us IntaMU-1 %&m of Otrotallop"tw tMMA9r%d. ZL-21 ftl9" sov/'7o._4-2-1.1/36 AUTITORS: Kitaygorodskiy, A.I. and Kozhin, V.11. TITLE- The Structure of ~Iixcd Crystals in the SysLem Anthracene- Phenanthrene (Stroyeniye sme~Aiannykh kristallov sisteilly antratsen-fenantren) PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr -0. pp 209-213 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Conditions for forming solid solutions have been formulated in accordance with the work of A.I. Kitaygorod- skiy (Ref 1) and state that for the formation of a con- tinuous solid solution isomorDhism of the molecules is a necessary,but not a sufficient, condition. Two cases were examined; mixdd symmetrical and asr.-mietrical molecules and mixed crystalsj- the molecules of which are syjmiietrical. This covers the phenanthrene-anthracene system where both molecules are symr,.ietrical but halre different symmetries. Theory would predict the impossibility of a continuous range of solid solutions aven in the case of great simi- larity in the forms of the molecules and their packing in the crystals. Bradley and Marsh (Ref 3) showed by thermal analysis a continuous range of mixed crystals. Cardl/4 Kofler (Rof 4) showed two phases microscopically with a SOV/70-4-2-11/36 The Structure of Mixed Crystals in the System Anthracene- Phenanthrene perite-zAic at 1480 (31%* anthracene). The present experiments showed the anthracene structure up to 20PO phenanthrene and the phenanthrene structure up to 101% anthx-a-.~ene but noun-I.form structure in bct,--;een. Liquidu!3 and solidus tomperattiros were i'lleasured for various mixtures of the purified components. Except for the range 20-800% anthracene single crystals were grown .. usually platy in form. The composition iii Hie mixod crystals was foun6 by U/V absorption spect.roscop Anthracene crystals have the space group C _1 - P2 211 C. according to the work of Mathieson et al (Rc-f 5) with Z = 2 . Tile parameters were found (using an RKU-86 camera) to be: a = 8.5206t b 6.0010:, c = 11,1377 +. � 0.0001 ICX-, P = 124"33- .~ 1.0 Tile coll of phenanthrene., transformed to correspond with that of anthracerie. has a = 8.431o1 b 6.14o6. f- -- 11-7584 + o.oooi kX and Card2/4 p = 1270221 + 11 The anthracene mol'e'cul(- has a centre SOV/70-4-2-11/T,~' The Structure of Mixed Crystals in the System Ant7hra"'c'ene- Phonanthrene of symmetry but the phenanthrene molecule has not. Examination of the hot reflexions in the mixed crystals with up to 101,'," anthracene showed the phenan-Chrene structure and correspondingly for up to 201,o' phenanthrene. Tho solid solutions were well ordered. ror mixad single crystals with 200,J' phenanthrene the dimensions were a = 8 5280; b = 6.o149; c = 11.1229 +-0.0005 kX; 0 = 1;4 00, +- 10, . This change in pa'~ameters of 0.01 IcX indicates that the phenanthrene molecules are well inserted into the space left by the neighbouring anthracene molecules. To show this, interatomic distances were cal- culated from the Imown structure of anthracene. The minimum intermolecular distances in the layers between 11 ... H atoms is 3.05 IcX and between H... C is 2.8o kx. The latter is less than the usually assumed distance of 2.97 IcX. Between layers the It.. .11 distancos are 2 .;.. 50 kX. As the pherianthrene structure has not been determined the analysis at the other end of the composition Card3/4 range cannot be made. SOV/70-4 -2 -11/36 Vic Structuro of Mixed Crystals in tho System Anthracene - Phenanthrene There are 3 figures, I table and 6 references. 2 of which are Soviet, 2 international, 1 German and I EnSlish. ASSOCIATIONZ~ Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedin.,--niy (Institute of Flemento-organii~ Coaiipounds) SUBMITTED -, September 12, 19.57 Card 4/4 ~- --AqPkPj--V--.M--- Polymorphism of 198-dinitronaphthalene. Zhur. stnikt. khim. 2 no.1:46-48 Ja-F 161. (MM 102) L.Inatitut alementoorganichookikh ooyedineniy AN SSSR. (Naphthalene) L 323-64 VP(q)/EWT(m)/FWPCB)/BDS AFFTC/ASD JD/kK(,,.) ACCESSION NR: AP3008372 S/0286/63/000/014/0021/0021- AUTHOR:. PLsarev, N. It.; Kozhin, V. M'. TITLEi Free cutting stainless steel. Class 18, ho. 155813 SOURCE: Byulleten' Lzobret. L tovarn. zaakov, noj 14, 1963, 21 TOPIC TAGS: free cutting stainless steel, free ma'chining stainless steel, corrosion resistant steel, free machining steel, molybdenum -sulfur phosphorus stainless steel. J 14 tSTRACT: A ~patent has been issued for a free machining stainless steel containing 0.35-0.452 C, 16-18% dr, 1.5-2-51=. 0 7 1.2% 9" " Fo Mn, and up to 0.5% Si. To improve mechanical and.corrosion' p- erties 0.7-0.9% Mo, 0.15-0.2% S, and 0.08-0.15; P are added. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: l8May62 DATE ACO: 29oct63 11CL: 00 JE, SUB CODE ; ML NO REF SOV: 000 ETHER: 000 Card -JOINTN' V,fli. r-~orature, morlification of -!-k klil-iT ro, 2~.324 ASADOV, Yu.G.; KORESHKOV, B.D.; PETROPAVLOV, N.N.; KO-,Hj~, V:M.; Yu.V. Measuring the density of th f and I phases of 1,dichlorobenzene in a gradient tube. Kristallografila 9 no.6:921-923 N-D 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedinenly AIN SSSR. Po ENSITG, G,ya. (Rozenberg, If. IA., ]; Ki T.~ Plj V,.'T, ( K~7,hyn, V,,"!,. I Complete mechanization of' conveying (-,perafi.,2n,7 in trod 9tearring sh,jps. Lah. prcm. no.l,-22-23 Ja-Mr 165. "MIPA 18t4) IVANOVA, N.M. - KOZHINA A D - PEREIYGINA, L.I.; TARASOVA, V.A.; FUR;~RA, Te_.r. S.; SHKOL tNIK, Ye. I. ; SFILEYnWI, Kh.I. [Economy of Voronezh Province in 1960; collection of statistics] Narodnoe khoziaistvo Voronezhskoi oblasti v 1960 godu; statisti- cheskii sbornik. Voronezh, Voronezhskoe otd-nie Gosstatizdata, 1961. 139 P. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Voronezh. Oblastnoye statisticheskoye upravleniye. (Voronezh Province--Economic conditions) KOZHINA, Inna_kqanovna; STROOOKOV, Tevgeniv Vasillyevich; TOLrACIMV. Sergey -Sergeyevich;-BROHNNINVA, Te.y., red.; VCDOUGIVA, S.D., takhaerede [Hanual for laboratory work in structural crystallography] Rukovodstvo k laboratornym rabotam po striakturnoi kristaliografti, [Leningred] Izd-vo leni r. univ. Vol.l. 1957. 105 p. (KIRA 110) (Orystallograp4l PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 1,179 Kozhina, Iana Ivanovna, Stroganov, Yevgeniy Vasillyevich, and Tolkachev, Sergey -- ------------- c Rukovodstvo k laboratornym rabotam po strukturnoy kristallografii, [ch.] II. (14anual for Laboratory Work in Structural Crystallography, pt. 2) (Leningrad] Izd-vo Laningr. univ4ta, 1958. 150 p. 2,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Leningrad. Universitet. Resp. Ed.: Thlkachev, S.S.; Ed.: Shchemeleva, Ye.V.; Teach. Ed.: Vodolagina, S.D. PURPOSE: This book is intended for students of vuzes whose programs include the study of X-ray analysis. COVERAGE: This second volume of the "Manuall for laboratory Work in Structural Crystallography" is devoted to problems concerning the use of X-rays in crystal- lographic an lysis and gives a theoretical basis for the interaction of X-rays with a substance. Card 1/5 Manual for Laboratory Work in Structural (cont.) 1179 TABLE OF CONTENTS: ch. 1. X-rays and Structural Crystallography 1. Diffraction and the structure of a diffraction lattice 3 2. Series of crystallographic faces (hkj and quadr;atic forms 4 3- Qaadratic forms of hexagonal and tetragonal syngony (equations) 6 4. Diffraction equations of Laue and Bragg 9 5. The powder method. Brief review of X-ray analysis methods 15 6. The origination of X-rays 18 7. The recognition of Ka - and M lines on roentgenograms 24 8. The weakening of X-rays in passing through a substance. The effect of selective absorption filters for X-rays 25 9. Choice of radiation 29 10. Preparation of polyci-Istalline substances for making powder roent- genograms 29 11. Correcting for the thickness of the sample vhen computing the angle of slide , (& in the pQwdor motbrd 31 12. Structure of X-ray powder camera RPK_2-LGU and rules for its use 32 Card 2/5 Manual for Laboratory Work in StructuMl (cont.) 1179 13- X-ray tubes 34 14. X-ray apparatus 35 15- Handling and processing X-ray films 4o Laboratory Experiment No. 1 - Making roentgenograms of powders and c cking them for substances of cubic sM;ony 41 Laboratory Experiment No. 2 - Phase analysis of single-component systems 51 Laboratory Experiment No, 3 - Phase analysis of two-component systems -I't- 55 Jaboratorv ExDeriment No. 4 - Interpreting roentgenograms of crystAIA~~"p'bwde-r's vl:th two unknowns in quadratic form 56 Ch. II. Calculating the Diffraction Fictuare of a Given Crystal Structure and Radiation 68 1. Review of main factors determining diffraction intensities 68 2. The function of atomic scattering 70 3. Structural amplitude 74 4. Thompson polarization factor 79 5. The Lorentz factor 82 Card 3/5 Manual for Laboratory Work in Structural (Cont.) U79 6. Derivation of intensity factor related to three-dimensional diffraction (Lorentz factor) 84 7. Derivation of interference function for a three-dimensional. lattice 87 8. Angular intensity factor for the powder method 90 9. The "repetition" factor 92 Laboratorv Em)eeriment No. 5 - Computing distribution anA inv_-iLsi~;y l3i tne powder diffraction diagram lines of cubic crystals 95 SU ?LEMENT 1. Table of Values ( 1+ cos 20. ) 2 2 2 98 2. Table of hkl [Miller Indices] and h + k + 1 99 3. Laboratory -Report No. 1 101 4. X-ray Data On Several Chemical Compounds 102 5. laboratory FIeport, No. 2 111 6. laboratory Report No. 3 112 7. BjurstrSm' Curves 112 Card 4/5 Manual for Laboratory Work in Structural (cont.) 1179 8. Laboratory Report No. 4 113 9. Table On Sine Values 114 10. Table of Tangent Values 13-7 U. Table of Squares 121 12. Tab 1e of Square Roots 124 13. 1 Table of Values 129 14. Table of values 133 n7 15. Rules for Calculating Numbers (according to Bradis) 136 16. Table of Scattering-Amplitude Functions 137 17. Table of Wave lengths for K-Series X-Rays 141 18. Table of Geometric Factors 141 19. Table of "Repetition" Factors for the Powder Method 143 20. Iaboratory Report 110. 5 1118 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 5/5 Tm/f~i 2-17-59 SOV/54-58-3-16/19 AUTHORS: Tolkachev, S. S., Stroganov, Ye. V., Kozhina, I. I. TITLE: The Structure of Lead Hydroxide (Preliminary Communication) (Struktura, gidrata okisi svintsa - (Predvaritellnoye soobshcheniye)) PERIODICAL: ,,o univeraiteta. Seriya fiziki i khimii; Vestnik Leningradskof, 1958, 11r 3, PP 134-139 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The crystal structure of metal hydroxides until now has only little been investigated because in general they are ob- tained in the form of amorphous precipitates. Lead hydroxide is able to dissolve in alkaline solutions and to crystallize from these solutions. In the present work the crystal struc- ture of lead mono-hydroxide was found. Because of data ob- tained fron radiographic investigations the formula Pb(OH) 2 must be ascribed to the crystal hydrate PbC.1-120. In figure 3 the structure of Pb (011)2 is presented. In the crystalline form of Pb(OH) 2 the chemical bond is determined mainly by Card 1/2 the interaction between the lead ion and the hydroxyl ions. The Structure of Lead Hydroxide SO'1/54-58-3-16/19 (Preliminary Communication) Nevertheless also the hydrogen and hydroxyl bonds play a con-, siderable role in the structure. On the base of some in- formation gathered and according to the approximation -usual- ly employed in crystallochemistry the hydroxyl ion may be represented by two spheres (Fig 4). This corresponds to the penetration of the proton into t;',.e2sphere iihich gives an approximation of the oxygen ion (0 -) withIn a distance of 1.13 R from its center as well as of the domain of in- creased electron density formed around the proton. There are 5 figures and 3 references, 3 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: March 24, 1958 Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Stroganov, Ye.V. , Kozhina., I.I. , Andreycv, 51,-10-2-j _1/I 6 TITLE: The Structure of the Ciystal CoCl 2 * 6H20 (Struktura kristalla C0012 - 6H20) ITRIODICAL: Vestnik Leningmaskogo Univer3iteta Serlya fi,-,Jki j T khimii 1958, Vol. 10 Nr 2 pp. 109-116 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Among the cobalt chlorides with different orj,:3 tall iz ation -;rater content the compound CoCl,) . 6H20 has not yet bcan investigratei vrith respect to its cr-jst~lline structure. The authors undertook to do this, hoping that knouled~-;e of a nev stiucture aould contri- bute toyrards generalizing these crystal hydrates. As a result of radio3tructuml investigation the structure of the crystal 00012 . 6H20 vias detenidned. The crystal is composed of ions Co Cl- and H20 molecules. The water molecules occur in the crystal ir t'ao states: 213 of all aater molecules are in the immediate vicin- ity of the ions Co2+. The distances betueen ~he centers of the xiter particles and the center of the ion Co- amount to 2.1 ]EX. 113 of all ,,water molecules is far a,.-;ay from the particles Cc + Card 1/2 (3.2D M). The Yratcr wlecules ~ihich are nearest to the cobalt The Structure of the Crystal CoC12 - 61120 54-10-2-32 1-0 form groups of 4 round each 05+the Cc 2+ ion and fori a rectangle in the center of vAiich the Cc is located. The uater molecules located at a greater distance nre grouped along a straight line from both sides of this rectangle. This line passes through the center of the rectangle and vrith its non-aal for-,,m an angle of 400. In the series of chlorine cobalt crjstals aith different content of crystallization vmter the anion particles in the octahedral vicinity of Co + ions are replaced by va ter molecules -,ath an in- creasing water content in the crystal. Chlorine cobalt hexahydmte can be considered to be a complex compound. It consists of an octahedral complex IC02+ . 4H 0 2CI j and 2 rater molecules which border immediately upon the CF a*niori3. It is rational to ascribe the chemical formula [Co(H20) 12] . 2H2 to this substance in solid condition. There are 3 figures, 5 tables, and 3 references, 911of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: November 19, 1957 AMIABLE: Library of Congress Card 212 1. Crystals-Structure 2. Crystal bydrates,"tructural analysis TOLEACON, S.S.; STROGANOV. Structure of lead hydroxide; a preilM~ty report (with summary in English]. Vest. LGU 11 'no-1-6:134-139 158. (MIRA 11:11) (Lee&I roxides) 5 (4) AUTHORSi Vollf, E., Tolkachev, S* S.P SOV/54-59-2-13/24 Kozhina, I. I. TITLE- X-Ray Investigation of Titanium (II)- and Vanadium (II) Oxides (Rentgenograficheskoye issledovaniye zakisey titans, i vanadiya) PERIODICALt Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta. Seriya fiziki i khimii, 1959, Hr 2, Pp 87-92 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The lower oxides TiO and V20 3 to be investigated were obtained by vacuum coagulation from powdery hydrated titanium + TiO 2 0 at 1300, and from hydrated vanadium + V 205 at 16oo . The V205 used was of the KhCh type. The analysis of the preparations was carried out by determining the increase in weight at the oxidation to T102 and V20 51 respectively. For the qualitative evaluation of the extension of the homogeneous ranges as a preliminary investigation, powder diagrams were prepared by means of RPK-2 cameras. The samples were turned during photographing. The diagrams are shown in figures 1 and 2. The Card 1/3 diagram of the vanadium (II) oxides shows that the vanadium (II) X-Ray Investigation of Titanium (11)- and S07154-59-2-13124 Vanadium (II) Oxides oxide has a wide homogeneous range, an& that only at VO 0 1.32 new lines appear which belong to the V20 3' There are no inter- mediate phases between vanadium (II) oxide and V20 3' The lower limit of the vanadium (II) oxide as a homogeneous phase could be determined at VOO.80 (upper limit at V01.28)' In the titanium-oxygen system, TiO 0.40 - Tio Mo proved to be an independent phase, in the range TiO 0.83-90 two phases existed (TiO and TiO 0.48) . The upper limit of the homogeneous range of the titanium (II) oxide was determined at TiO1.20 (lower limit at TiOO.89). The lattice parametern were determined by precision roentgenograms by means of the same camera RPK-2, taken according to the asymmetric method by Straumanis. The values of these parameters depe~nding on the composition. and production temperature of the preparations are compiled Card 2/3 in table 1 (for the vanndium (N) oxides) and table 2 (for X-Ray Investigation of Titanium (II)- and SOV/54-59-2-13/24 Vanadium (H) Oxides the titanium (II) oxides) (also in figures 3, 4). The figure3 clearly show that the lattice parameter of the vanadium (II) oxide increases with increasing oxygen content, whereas the parameter of the titanium (II) oxide decreases with increasing oxygen content. The value of the lattice parameter fotind for V01.0 (4-069 1) corizesponds to the values found by Mathewson (Ref 8) and Rostoker (Ref 10), for titanium (II) oxide it lies near the value found by Anderson (Ref 3) (4-182 1). There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 10 references, 4 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: July 1, 1958 Card 3/3 VOLIF, Z.; TOLKACHMV, Roentgenographic investigation of titanium and vanadium oxides, Test. Wu 14 no.10-87-92 '59 (MIR-k 12:6) (Titanium oxide;) (vanadium oxides) STROGANOV, Ye.V.; KOZHIHA, I.I.; ANDRE7n, S.R.; KOLYADIN, A.B. Crystal structure of crystal hydrate salts of transition metals. Part 2: Structure of tha crystal RiCI2.4H20. Vest. LGU 15 no.4: 130-137 160. (KRA 13:2) (Nickel chloride crystals) STROGANOV, Ye.V.; EDZHINA, I.I.; ANUMEV, S.N. Structure of cr7stals of HiC12 6~20. Vest WU 15 no.16:109-112 160. (MRA 13:8) (Rokal chloride) S/054/61/000/GO4/007/009 & 0 B102/BI38 AUTHORSt Goryunova, 11. A., Orlova, G. M, Danilov, A. V_ ),bramova, A. V.# P echko, R. L., Kozhina, 1. 1, TITLEi Some quaternary analogs of germanium PERIODICALs Leningrad. Univornitet. Ventnik. Seriya fiziki i kl,imll, no. 4, 1961, 97 - 101 TEXT: Of the possible quaternary analogs of germanium which form tutra- he"dral phases, only the system ZnGo-GaAa has so far beon invontieated. The authors chose the system Cu-Ge-As-Se which liar a tetrahedral pl.a,,;e of variable composition in the section Cu 2GeSe 3- CuGf2As 3* The presence of this phase was verified and the physical and chemical properties of the phases were studied. 17 alloys from the above section wera syntheoized by fusion of the cotiponents in evacuated quartz ampoules at 750 OC. Microstructure of the alloys was determinad by means of arMVIM-7 (YIV-7) microscope and microhardneas with anMT-3 (PI&T-3) tester. Thermographic analyses were carried out with normal as well as differential recording. X-ray structural analyses showed that the alloys ranging fr,= 2.0 Card 1/3 t-,t) Soma quaternary 4naloga of ... CU2 GeSe 3' GuGe2As3to 4.0 Cu 2Gass CuGe 2As3 were sini-Jo-phaje. -the composition 1.5 Cu 2OOSO 5' CUCO2As conts,ined two pLa,;oa and Cu2Gese 0-4 CuCe As 3 three. The inhom~gentity inci-t~anr- -kith thk, A,,; concentration of Ge composition. kll,rllloys contained a f;phalvrite-type 4t_ structure with lattice conotant a 5. 4 t 0.01 H. A componition min - 1.61l .0 - 4-00-0 gave single-phavo 111loy3; (m - Cu 2Gusty 5. n - CuGo 2So 3), min - 1.00.0; 3.0; 4.0 containod an ndditionul ph-iso with a - 5.20,� 0.01 kXj min - 5.011-01 4.5i1-01 1-50.0; 1-20-0; 1~0-1,0 contained, apart from the common one, another sphaleritic phase with a - 4.41 : 0.01 U. The second ZnS-type phase wits separated by zone molting of Cu2Goss 3' CuGs2 An5with an optimum rat-., of 0-5 - 1.5 cm/hr and 7 - 10 cycles.. In the transition from the ternary Cu 2~ese3 to the quaternary Ae-containing system, from 63.3 mole7~ m . 16.7 mole"4 n the distorted chalcopyrite lattice is rearranged into the ro&ular 'ZnS lattice. Lattice parameter and microhardnesa are not sensitive to compoaition. The homogeneous region of composition ranges from Cu 5Go4An3Se6 to Card 2/3 S/054/61/C)OO/004/007/009 Some qt4riternary analogs of... B102/B138 Cu9Ge6An3Se 12- Thene materialn might give a new cc;.binntion of aemicon- ductor parameters. There are 1 figure, 5 lable3. and 10 reforencec: Soviet ard 5 non-Soviot. The two refen.,nces to --;~i ll~sh-lan, ar ~ 7 1 ~u se ~Iblications read as followst C. H. L. Goodman. Natt4r'a E2, 626. 19571 J. Phys. and Chem. Solids, 6, 36, 1956. Card 3/5 STROGANOV, Ye.V.,- AHDREYEV, SA; KO7IIINA,--I.I.; S(')WVIYEV, V.Ye. Crystal structure of crystal hydrates of transition metal salts Part 3: CoBr2. 6H20 crystal structure. Vest LGU 16 no.16:114- 119 161. (MIRA .14:8) (Cobalt halides) (Crystal lattices) GORYUNOVA, N.A.; ORLDVA, G.M.; DANILOV, A.V.; ABIWDVA, A.V.; PLECRO, R.L.; KOZIMIA, I.I. Some quaternary analogs of germanium. Vest LGU 16 no.22:97-101 '61. (MIRA 14: 11) (Germanium alloys) (-Semiconductors) BORISOVA, Z.U.; SBKOLIHIKOV, Ye.V.;,EOZHIllA, I-I. Conductivity of crystallizing glassev GeSe,,k, 5 - xAsx(X.