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KOZHZVNIKOV, P.V. Hyperostosis of the clavicle as a sMtom of congenital syphilis; historical report. Test.vener. no.2:55 Mr-Ap '50. (GLML 19:3) i4et.4 ErvOijeo I ) P, V. KOZHL71;IKOV, P.V. P.V.ITiko--,'srdi to Soviet dermatolo,-j Find veraeroolcgy. Vent. voner. No-3:33-34 KaV-June 50. atmL 19:4) 1. Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR. KOZHEVNIKOV, P. V. Annual joint session of the USSR academies of aciencen and medicine. Vest. vener., Moskva no.4:3-8 July-Aug 1951.(CLML 21:1) 1. Prof. P. V. Kozhevnikov. Corresponding Hember of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR. KOZHEVNIKOV, P.V. - Need for the revision of nomenclatare of dermatoses. Vest. vener.. Moskva no. 5:13-20 Sept-Oat 1952. (GLML 23:3) nf 1)53 "Y J lyIp" \j LATYSHEV, NJ.; KOZHEYNIKOT, Pj.; POVALISHINA, T.P. [Borovokii's disease: cutaneous laishmaniasis. Pendinskil ulcer,. Ashkhabad ulcer] Bolezn' borovskogo; kozhnyl, Idishmanioz, pandin- rkaia iazva, ashkhabadekaia iazva. Moskva, Hedgis, 1953. 177 p. (MLRA 7:2) (Skin--Diseases) (ulcers) U65H/Medicine - Tissue Therapy Jul/Aug 51 "Survey of Articles Devoted to Tissue Therapy," P. V. Kozhevnikov Vest Veaer i Derm, No 4, PP 36-45 The author of this article states that, on the basis of reports from different parts of the USSR, none of the various methods used in tissue therapy possess those unlimited therapeutic properties,at- tributed to them by some authorities. He points out that even though extensive search for n6v m6d- ifications of tissue transplantation has bedn 271T31 conducted, this search has not been accomplished by a profound understanding of changes that take place within the organism. Although some authors report that tissue transplantation proved '~o be an effective method for the treatment of scleroderms, induratio penis plastica, and chronic ulcers, in- cluding those caused by X-rays, additional study of the subject is required. Results obtained in the treatment of skin diseases differ greatly; this pro-,cs that the cortex of the brain plays a great part in the course of such diseases. 271T31 KOZUVNIKOV, P.V. (author]; 2MTIII, A.S. [reviewer]. Remarks on professor P.V.KozhevnikovIo urticle on the "IleceBBity for revising the nomenclature of ikin diseases." Vest.ven.i derm. no.4:45-46 JI-Ag '53. (MLHA 6: 9 ) (Skin--Diseases) (Kozhevnikov, F.V.) KOZHEVSHIKOV P.V (author]; GLINIR. G.M., professor [reviewer] (Dza-Ltdzhikau). Reriarks on P.V.Kozhevnikov's article on the "Necessity for revising the nomenclature of skin diseases.* Vest.ven.i derm. no.4:47-48 Jl-Ag '53. OILU 6 -- 9 (Skin--DiseaseB) (Kozhevnikov, P.V.) KOZEEVNIKOV, P.V. Role of the skin in reflex reactions of the organism. V05t.TBX.i derm. no.2:38-43 Mr-Ap 154. (MLTIA 7:4) (Skin) (Reflexes) KCZHITNIKOV, F.V., profegeor I Answer to Samuel J.Zakon. M.D., Ghicago. Vest. ven. i darm. no-5: 52-53 S-0 154. (MLRA 7:11) (HAIR, diseases, trichorrhaxis areata. priority of d1scoveT7) (SKIN, diseases, outis rhomboidalis nuchae, priority of discovery) KOZEEVNIKOV, P.V. Review of the Vilna, Gorkiy, Kursk, and two Rostov collections of sclentif ic works on dermatology and venereology. Vast. van. I dorms no.1:51-54 Ja-F 155. (MLRA 6:4) (MM4ATOIA)GT) (VMMUOIDGT) KOZHEMKOV, P.V. Farther objectives in studying the history of Russian dermato- logy and venereology. Vest.ven. I dorm. no.3:8-12 My-Je '55. (HIaA 8:10) 1. Chlon-korreapondent Akademli meditainakikh nauk SSR (MMATOLOGY, history In Rassia, value of studying) (VICMMCAL DISEASES venereol.hist. in Russia, value of studying) KOZHMIKOV, P.V. Pathogenesis and dymamice of eczematous processes. Test. von. i derm. 30 no.1:12-19 Ja-IF 156 (MLRA 9:4) (FICZ24A pathogen. & clin. aspects) KOZHSVNIKOV, P.V-;.-PASHKOV, B.M.; SMMLOV, N.S. Impressions from a trip to the International Gonference on Venereal Diseases in Washington. Vest.ven. i dorm. 30 no-5:28-37 S-0 156. (VENERNOLOGT) (MIRA 9:12) EXCERPTA YEDICA See 13 V01 13/5 DermatOlOgy Yay 59 1292. DISPENSARY sys-rEM FOR CUTANEOUS DISEASES (Russian text) - K o z 1) r v n i k o v P. V. Leningrad - NAUCII. TRUD. LEN. INST. USOVERSH. A dispensary system has been organized in the U.S. S. It. for patients suffering from venereal diseases, leprosy, cutaneous tb and fungoid diseases of the scalp. At present the indications of the dispensary system are being extended and possible forms and methods for dealing with patients suffering from eczema and severe forms of pyoderma and epidermophytosis in the disppnsary system are being elaborated. Prophylactic measures for the prevention of seasonal exacerbation of psoriasis and erythernatodes are being carried out. Dobrotvorskaya - Leningrad (S) n".ru'llcov, ?.V. (ImnirwrAA) 1 Der,lPitolo.vi4ts mustt be murAind with modern ointm."n. bases. Apt. ,iq!m 6 no.4:33-36 JI-Ag 15'7. (M-,'RA 13:9) 1 . Dilen-korresponAtint Akatloml I inotittulaskikh nauk SSSR ( 0 I;nm 11T S ) EXCERPTA MEDICA See 13 Vol 13/5 Dermatology May 59 109 1. A NEW CONCEPT OF 'HIP; PATHOGENESIS OF ECZEMA HASED t),N RUSSIAN I)IIYSIOI,O(;Y (Russiark tf--Xt) - K u z It e v n I k q v 1'. V. - NAUCILTHUDY LEN. INST.11SOVERS11. VIIACII. 1957, 12 (3-1-7) The majority of Russian dermatologists consider, that the causation of eczema is intimately bound tip will% functional deviations of the nervous sYstem. Various in- vi-stigatorn have shown the presence in eezenin subjeetc of ittipmrment of therino- regnialory reflex action, and of changes In chronaxle, in vasomotor reflexes, In the skin-galvanic reflex, and In EEG patterns. The anatomical unit involved in the Initiation and transmission of pathological impulses is the dermal analysor which Is a roinplex nervous structure made up of three functional parts. viz. : (1) The skin receptors which accept stimuli and convert them into nerv6us impulses. (2) The afferent nerves and their ganglia which convey these impulses up to tbc*ccrebral cortex. (3) The central cortical analysor, located in the region of the postcentral cerebral gyri. The celebrated Pavlov was an ardent protagonist of the importance of the role of the dermal analysor. Among the newer methods of th-irapy are: hypnosis, alcep therapy, novocaine, and physiotherapeutic measures directed to the nervous system. An investigational series and discussional analysis are pre- sented; Summerfield Leeds (S) KOZHEYNIKOV, P.V. I "Transactions of the Dermatological and Venereological Research Institute" Lin Bulgarian]. Reviewed by P.V.Kozhevniko%,. Yest.derm. i ven. 31 no.1:53 Ja-Y 157. (MLRA 10:7) (BULGARU--DERHATOLOGY) (13ULGARIA--VERMOLOGY) KOZ"VNIKOV, P.V. '~- ~11 - - --6:r48'-n'iz: s-'t ion of prevention of epidemophvtosis. Vest.derm. i van. 31 no-3:22-24 My-Je '57- (MIRk 10:11) (RINGWORM, prevention and control, (Rue)) EXCERPTA r.EDICA Sec 13 Vol 13/6 Dermatology June 59 1480. CLASSIFICATION OF MANIFESTATIONS OF CUTANEOUS LEISHMANIASIS (BOROVSKY'S DISEASE) BASED UPON THE STATE OF REACTIVITY OF TKE PATIENT'S ORGANISM (Russian text) - Kozhevnikov P. V. - MED. PARASIT. I PARASIT. BOL. 1958, 27/4 Ilodiakin's classification, based on the reactivity of the organism, comprises-. (1) a primary form, (2) a subsequent form, (3) a diffuse, infiltrative form and (4) a tuberculoid form. This classification does not exhaust all possibilities. Therefore~ the following additional forms are proposed: (5) disseminated lymphogenic leish- maniasts, (6) prolonged cutaneous form, (7) infectiun with another type of leish- mania, (8) re-Infection with the same type, (9) late superinfection, (10) latent lelshmaniasis and (11) latent (non-manifest) leishmaniasts. Balabanoff - Sofia - -10mMIKOV, P.V. "Pathogenesia Of eczema in the lieht of the refley- theory" by L. Polak* Reviewed by P.V. Kozhevnikov. Vest.derm i ven. 32 no.4:79 J2,Ag ',',A (MIRA 1119) (ECMW~ (POLIAKV L.) KOZHNIMIKOV, P.V., prof.; OI03MMOVICH, V.I.; TRAVIN, G.Ye.; KOSEMEVA, L.H. Results of dispennary treatment of ikin dineanes In Loningrad. Vest. dorm. i ven. 32 no.6:41-10 K-D 158. kNIRA 12:1) 1. 1z Leningradskogo gorodskogo kozhno-venerologicheslzogo dispansera. (SKIN,DISRASES, ther. dispensary aerv., results (Rua)) "'- KOMM47-NIKOV, P.V. Crossed.imunity between rural andurban forms of cutaneous leishmariasis. Mad. paraz. i paraz.bol. 28 no.6:69,9-699 N-D '59. (MIRA 13:12) (DELHI BOIL), I KOZILI'VIIIKOV, P.V. 'Tnrr.%utolo(-,r and venereology incliuling occurg%tiowil diseases, dermatological cosmetics and androloMr" [in German]. Reviewed by P.V.KozhevnAkov. Veat.derm. i van. 33 no-3:811-85 HY-Je 159- (14TIL 12:9) (DRMTOLOGY) (VENE ME OLOGY) GORBOVITSKIY, S.Ye.; KOZHMIKOV, P.V.; TRAVIN, G.Ya. Now objoctivos of dermatoveneraological clinics. Vest.derm.i Von. 33 no.5:8-12 S-0 159. (MIRA 13.-2) (DEWfATOLOGT hoBp. & clin.) OWERFAL DISFASES hoap. & clin. ) ---IOZIEVIIIKOV, P.V. (Leningrad) Research work among practicing physicianv. Sov. zdrr-v. 19 no.7:3)- 35 160. UMIRA 13:8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent M-21 SSSH. (VEDICAL RESEARCH) 11 KOZH M IKOV, P.V., prof. (Leningrad) For the further development of Soviet dermatology., Zdrav. Turk. 4 no.5:8-12 B-0 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondant AMN SSSR. (DEFMATOLOGY) KOZHEVVLKOV-,-Fe-tr.-Yasillyevich5 prof., ARKMIGEWSKly, S.P,, prof., nauchnyy red.; VOROB"YEV, G.S., red.; PETROVA, M.P, tekhn. red. [Prevention and treatment of skin diseases] Profilaktika i lechenie kozhnykh boleznei. Leningrad, Ob-vo po rasprosti-azieniiu polit, i nauchr. znanii RSFSR, 1962~ 57 p. (MIRA 15;6) 1. Chlen.-korrespondent Akadeirii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Kozhevnikov), (SK121-, -DISEASES) KOZHF,VNIKOV, P.V. "The systematics of clinical forms of psoriasis and its importance for the treatment of patients." Report submitted for the C,eche Medical Congress, ""adicil Society for J.9. Purkyne, Prague, Czech 12-17 Nov 1962 KOZHEVNIKOV, P. V., prof. Account of a trip to the Rumanian People's Reviblic. Vest. derm. i ven. no.4:64-66 162. (MR4 15:4) RUMANIA--DEM-IATOLOGY) WTIA--VRIEREOLOGY) M ,KOZHEVN,IKOV, P.V,, prof* Supplement to (my] article "Account of a trip t) the Runanian People's Republic#" Vestedermoi vene, rio*8:75-715 162. MIA 15:9) 1. Oblon-korrespondent Akadomii meditsinakikh nauk SSSR. (RURBIA-VEZIEREOWGY) KOZIEVIIIKOV, P.V., prof. (Leningrad) - - - - - - Approbation of new methcdo of treatment. Sov. zdrav. 21 no.2:34-38 162. WIPU~ 15:3) 1. Chlen-karrespondent jUdl SSSR. (PUBLIC HULT11) (~EDICIKE) KOZHEVNIKOV, P.V. Problems in the systematization of kerritoses. Vest.derm.i von. 35 no.5:3-9 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Chlon-korrespondent MIN SSSR. (KERATOSIS) Kt,~,!-,;~XNJKOV, II.V. rri~l trairifrlg ot, - !.":, , !,~ ". , 11 13 ~. , M. i wn. '17 n-o-4.3-8 At-, 163. (%!!;-o 1. KOZIC--VNIKOV, P.V.., prof.; FROLOVA, '.T.A., kaeid. med. nauk The role of the V.14. Tarnovskil flospItal in the dovelopment of Russian vemmeology and on the 20CIth anniversary of the Kalinkino Hospital. Vest. derm. i wm. 37 rLo.5:62-68 my 163. (m~IFA 1'7-,5) YEGOROV, G.: SAIOIOVSKAYA, A.I.- KOZIIEVNIKOV, P.V. Abstracts. Med. p&T-az. i paraz. bol., 32 no.1289-90 Ja--F'63. (irin 16:10) SOOLYATTE, Valentina Ivanovna, kosmetolog; LIMBERG, Alla AlekSanOrjvna,, khirurg; MUKHIN, Mikhail Vladimirovi-ch, doktor rmd. nauk, prof.; BONDARCHUK, Anton Vasillyovich, rv!yvokid.-1irg, laureat Gosudarstvennoy premli, doktor med. nauk; KRIVUS'EYEV, Vasiliy Ivanovich,; KOZHEVNIKOV, Petr Vasillyevich; ZYKOV, N. A new type of plastic surf!ery. Nailka i zhizn' 30 no. 6:81-83 is 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Otdeleniye chelyustno-litsevoy khirurgii Lenin,~radskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instLt'uta travmatologii i ortoptidli (for Limberg). 2. Voyenno-meditsinskaya akademiya imeni S.H. Kirova (for Mukhin). 3. Zaveduyushchiy khirurgicheskim otdoleniyem Leningradakoy kosmatchasko*y polikliniki (for Krivosheyev). 4. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Kozhevnikov). KOZHEMIIKOV$ P. V. Problem of the causal cLissificat-ion *f de-m. i ven. 38 no#6:3-10 A 164- (?-,1TRA 18:6) 1. Chlen-horreaFondent 021 SSSP. KOZHE.VN'K0kr DOSYCHFA', YsI.A. " lr~q'k..n of derrw,kfAl-,,p * t - y Ln J~h C'. the national P,~onomy. VE~st-... da"-,-~I. 4. ven. D IN- !, M,~, ,~ -is z 3 " KOzlfF'VNIKw1, ['.V, , prcf.~ MALKIN, 1. 1.; bOWHANSPY1. S. 1 , . hr.l, witik Specialized derrnatolcgJc sanatoriun PS the t4allc "Orm of org~in'v L - I -, - -! J treatment of' skin diseases at a health resort., Vent, de-in. --' ;-m. no.1:73-79 165. i%R:ftA 18.10.1 1. Sanatoriy "Radugall (glavny-y vrach G.F. Gonsales Il kuror-,-,8- Sochi-Matsesta. MAKEYEV, V.D. (Lerlingrad); KASIKIN, pr-cf., raLw-ty; KOZIIEVNIKOV, P.V., prof., rukovoditall nabct.-, Antibactorial activity of the preparaLior THT. Vest- J-r,-.. ven. no.5:56--60 165. 1. Chleny-korrespondenty AMI SSSR (fc--, Submitted October 27, 1963. K07METNIKOV, DOSYCHEV, Ye.A. Un , state and a-!pects of further developmgrit of f clion tests in dermatology. Vest. denp. i ven. no.5:3-9 165. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Ghlen-korrespondent AI\91 SSSR (for Kozhevnikov). syrit.i'etic detergents on the okin. lies. d(3rrr., I ven. 5 5 4 0 18~,12) d1,-po,-,wv No.14 (glUviivy vrat-h LI!Ats.irvi), Leningrad. Submitted Nov. 5, KOZHEYNIKOV. Ra. Equipment for veneering pilasters. Der.prom. 8 no.2:22 F 159. (MM 12:2) 1. Moskovskaya mebelinaye, fabrika No.8. (veneers and veneering) i~, t, A- PIWIM., -KO2dMVNIXOT, -R.Z.-- Clamping holders for hydraulic gluing presses. Der.prom. 9 no.2:21-22 F 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Moskovskaya mebellnVa fabrikEL No.8. (4draulic presses) (veneers and veneering) KOZHICVNIKOV. S. io,r,id,,_grain*of wormweed heads in time. Muk.-elov.prom. 20 no.6: 30 Je 154. WaA 7:8) 1. Marlyanovskiy punkt Zagotzerno Omekoy oblasti. (Grain--Cleaning) IK-OZEMdOV, S., inzh. of the actual testing of automatic coupling arrangements developed by the Gorkiy Centrpl Design Office. Rech. tranop. 20 no. 2:18-19 F 161. (MIRA 11+:2) 4A (Towing) k(~ZHEVWMM4_ S , inzh. Result of trials of cargo motorships of the type "Shefitaia Piatiletkaff with modernized steering gear. Rech.transp. 20 noiV.:30-31, Ap 161. (MIRA 14:5) (Ship trials) (Steering gear) CRESNOKOV, A.A.; ZWMEVA) L.G.; Prinimali uchastiye -. -KOZffE?fMKGV,--S.A-,;. FYATILETCVA, II.I.; POPOVA, L.D.; LFIVIIIA, 1,,P, Effect of resins on the process of dewwting of rpsidual raffinates. Khim. i tekh. topl. i =~sel 0' no.7:~3-30 J-1 163. (I ,-'MA 16:7) 1. KIIII NP i Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issloodt~.,~-"--;I'...'i,-iy institut PO pererabotke nefti i gazov i polucheniyu iskusatvenrogo zhidkogo topliva. (Petroleum-Refining) (Paraffin wax) KOZBEVNIKOV. 3.G. Using poisoned baits for the extermination of ausliks In Krasno- yarsk Territory. Zashch.rast.ot vred. i bal. 4 no.l:-'10 Ja-F '59. (MM 12:2) 1. Zaved'uyushchiy sektorom sluzbby ucheta i prognozov. kolkhoz "40 let Oktyubrya," UstAbakanskogo rayona, Khakaoskoy avtonomnoy oblasti. (Krannoyarok Territory--Siialike--]Cxternination) vred.1 bol. 7 (MM 15:12) 1. Starshiy agronmi-entomolog Rostovskogo 6tryada po borlbe s vreclitel7ami i bole=yami rasteniyp g. Millerovo,, Rostovskoy bol. (for Stetsenko). 2. Nachallnik Krasnoyarokogo otryada po borlbe s sellskokhozyuystvenn~mi vreditelyaml (for Kozhevnikov). (Russia., Soixtherr---Sut3like-Estremination) - KOZHEVNgOV, S.G.__ Chemical veed control in the fields - of KmBnoyar TerrAory4 lashch.rast.ot vred.i bol. 5 no.2:31 F 160. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Zavedu-yushchiy oektorom sluzhby ucheta i prognozov Krasno- yarskogo kraya. (Kraonoyar Territory-Weed control) KOZIfEVNIKOV, S.G. . . . . . .............. Spraying herbibides by means of an aerosol generetor. ZaBhch. rast. ot vreds i bol. 8 no-4t23 Ap 163* (MA l6tlO) 1. Nachallnik Ygiellyanoskiy otryad po zashchite rasteidy, Krasnoyarskiy kray-. (Yemellyanovo Distriot) KOZHDfT,TIKDV, S.M. Model of oloctric equipment in an automobile. Politokh.obuch. no.6:67-69 Je '59. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Srodnyaya sh1cola No.139, L-ningrad. (witomobiles-Filectric equipToont) Ko-L-HEVNIKW, 1S.N. PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 575 - I BOOK Call No.: AF500201 Author: KOZHEVNIKOV, S. N., Prof. Doc. of Tech. Sci. Full Title: THEORY OF MECHANISMS AND MACHINES Transliterated Title: Teoriya mekhanizmov I mashin PUBLISHING DATA Originating Agency: None Publishing House: State Scientific and Technical Publishing House of Machine-Building Literature Date: 1949 No. pp.: 448 No. of copies: 10,000 Editorial Staff Editor: Samokhvalov, Ya. A., Eng. Editor-in-Chief: Bukhvalova, K. I., Eng. Appraisers: Baranov, G. G., Prof., Malyshev, A. P., Prof. and Kremenshteyn, L. I., Kand. of Tech. Sci. PURPOSE: This is a textbook approved by the Ministry of Higher Educa- tion for use in institutions of higher learning and is 1,.ompiled In conformity with the program of machine-building colleges. TEXT DATA Coverage: This textbook is divided into two parts; kinematics of mechanisms and statics and dynamics of machines. The course makes available to students in technical institutes what are presented as 1/2 TriL-:,, (Dnr~-rcT lervi.-IL-ry ut-~(-.,rrjfm for co"OUL' 11 Ol c) r c i z ixuly (DII.?( ronelx, rl-u~ Illir 1, -u 1: ,-I , 1 -3 u- 17, to Lsly,~ S. 7. n.n -'Z'-3*rni 1.0 J-,l--ie 5 3Metcmis "71virnal In"n "0-7'T Sj 17, Tjl- 7,, f7 (T.- Zhj-rnal K,~)ZjfF,V~,TJ~OV) "'. N. ed. I Elementy mekhanizmov. Moskva, Oborongiz, 19-50. 719 p. Mechanism elements. SO: ~Ifanufacturirig and Mechanical En-gineering in the Soviet Union, Lihrnry of Congress, 1953- 1. KCMEVNIKOVO S. N. 2. USSR (600) 4. Mechanics, Analytic 7. -Theory of mechanics. V. V. Dobrovollskiy. Reviewed by S. N. Kozhevnikov. Sov. kniga. No* 9p 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, january ..1953. Unclassified. KOZMVNIKOV, S.H. Determination of effective load on transmission lines of heavy mashinery. Trudy Sem.teor.mash. 13 no.51:5-26 '53. (nRA 7:1) (Power transmission) KOZEIEVNIKOV, S.N.; KOZTMKO. A.K.; KOSIKO, I.K.; MARTYNFSKO. V.V.; RASKIN. U.N.; 00,~Mlvwlun2 INGL Instruments for the testing of machinery. Trudy Sem.teor.miaah. 13 no.51: 86-111 153. (KLRA 7:1) (Ingineering instruments) (Xachinery-Testing) KOZEIEVNIKOV"$,,4 professor; SLMOKHVAWV. Ta.A., inzhener, redaktor; Ri '-'. "".1 RUDE'=- IY,%I.V., tekhnichaskiy redaktor. [Theory of mechanisms and machines] Teoriia mekhanizmov i mashin. Izd. 2-e, ispr. i dop. Kiev, Gos. nauchno-tekb- izd-vo mmhino- atroit. lit-ry, 1954. 639 P. (1412A 8:1) (Mechanical engineering) ot ii... ot, I"t Il l'oria I.I. oil of "L the Acti.; -'Ci. U, it: c I `11~ i;~!~ of Aut(~1:"' ic ..VtO.--zt- Za ",70 !82-1'-'2, 9015229 Translation frorn: Referativnyy zhurn-,..' Mvffiljt~rgiv'-~, 191"71. Nr 1'. p 5 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kczhevnikov, S. N. TITLE: Methods for the Automation of Machine~_ in Metallurgical Pro- duction (Put; avtomatizaisii machin -i meta II-arg iche skom proizvocistve) PERIODICAL: Sestsiya AN SSSR po n,-..Lichti. probl. ivtomatiz. proiz-va, 1956, Vol 6. Moscow, AN SSSR, 19571, pp 199-~l 1 ABSTRACT: It i~ proponed thitt, a detailed --tudy be ~;et tip of ieparate opera-tor mechanisms of metallurgical machines; that extensive studies be undertaken on the possibilities of employing automatic control sy-stems for pneumatic and hydraulic mechanisms; that a compar- ative investigation of the liydr~,ulic, pneumatic and electrical drives be carried out; that automatically operating machines be de,,igned for the finishing operi-.tion~; of the metallurgical industry; that riy,,tem-, of automatic control of niecliani-m~; of metallurgical machines be investigated with the incorporation of computer sys- tems; that the development of the dynamic design methods for metallurgical machines be fostered in view cf the fact that metal- lu-:~gical machines and mechanism-, operate under conditions of Card 1/1 dynamic. .~,tres,_ A. Sh. 1. Metallurgy-USSR 2. Machi-nes-Autorriaticn- ICOZIMMTIKOV. ~.N. Activity of the Dnepropetrovsk branch of the Seminar on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms. Ti-udy Inst, mash. Sem. po teor. mash. 17 no.65:20-24''57. (MIRA 10:12) l.Chlon-karrespondent AN USSR i nauchnyy rukovoditell Dnepropetrov- skogo filiala seminar po teorii mashin i mekhanizmov Instttuta mashinovedeniya AN SSSR. (Dnepropetrovsk--Mechanical engineering) KOZHETNIKOV, S.N., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; CHERWfSHEV, A.N., kand.takhn. nad Investigating nonuniform processes in blast furnace skip hoists. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern.met. no.5:89-101 MY '58. (MIRA 11:7) l.Clilen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Kozhevnikov), 2.Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheakiy institut. (Blast furnaces) (Hoisting machinery) KOZIEU'VIfIKOV, SOL; CID-41RUTSIDIV, A-N-, lauld.toWin.nalik; PRAZINTIKOV, A.V., inzh. Experinental investigation of cold pipe-rolling mills. Izv. vys.nchab.zav.; chern.met. no.6:9l-q8 Je '58. 04IRA 12:8) 1. Dnepropatrovalciv motallurgieliecil-ly inutitiit. 2. Chlen- korroupanderit JUI UkTI (for Kozhevntlcov). lInkomandovano Icafadroy avtomatizataii i teorii mekhanizmov i maiihin Dixopropetrov- skogo matallurgicheskogo instituta. (Rolling mills) (pipe. Steal) KOZHEVIIIKOV. S.11.;. PRAZDIIIYOV, A.V., Inzh.; CHERMS,7MV, A.U., kand.tekhn. n~tki GRIAERG, S.D., inzb. Possibilities of increasing the output of a pilgrim pipe rolling mill. Izv. vya. uchab. zav.: chern. met. no-7:91--107 Jl '58. 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheakiy institut. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Kozhevnikov). (Rolling mills) 250) SOV/*146-59-2-22/24 AUTHORS; Kozhevnikov, S.N. , Professor, Corresponding Member -)f AS UkrSSR and Kirilyuk, V.D., Engineer TITLE: Structural Analysig of Moving Shear Mechanisms :,Strukturnyy analiz mekhanizmo* letuchikh nozhnits) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Chernaya metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 2, pp 161-170 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The classification of moving shear mechanisms and their struc- tural investigation is a basis for selecting their most efficient kinematic system. The author undertook the classification of three basic mechanisms of moving shears, i.e. thii mechanism of cutting, balancing and of the cutting gap. This classification was based on structural characteristics as they helped to determine common computation methods for each type of mechanism. The kinematic systems of each mechanism are shown in diagrams. There are 6 diagrams and 14 references, 9 of whi,.-h are Soviet, Card 1/2 2 German and 3 English. Structural Analysis of Moving. Shear Mechanisms SOV/148-59-2-22/24 A:SSOCIATIONt Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy inatitut (Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute) , Kafedry avtomatizatsii metallurgicheskogo, oborudovaniya i teorii mekhanizmov i mesiin) mekhanictheskogo oborudovaniya metaUurgicheakikh zavodov,detaley i pod-yemno transportnykh mashin (Chairs of Automation of MetaULLrgical Equipment and of the Theory of Mechmisms and Machincs, Mechanical Equipment of Metallurgical Plants, Machine Parts and Lifting and Transporting Machines) SUBMITTED: January 6, 1959 Card 2/2 KOZFWNIKOV rof.; PM. A.P., inzh. Automtic control of strip thicknoss during rolling. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern.-mat. 2 no.4:123-135 Ap '59. (MIMA 12-.8) 1,I)nepropetroveldy, metallurgicheakly instItut I Inetitut chernoy metallurgii AN USSR. Hadkomandovano kafedro7 avtomatizataii metallurgichookogo oborudovaniya i teorii mekhanizmov Dnapro- petrovskogo metallurgicheskogo instituta. 2.Chlen-karrespolident AN USSR kfor Kozhevnikov). k1tolling (Metalwork)) kAutomatic control) KOZHNVIIIKUV. S.H.. prof. ....... Ways of automatizing metallurgical equipment. Izv. vys. ucheb. save; cherno mot, 2 no.4:137-144 Ap 159. (MIRA 12:8) l.Dnepropetrovskir metallurgicheakiy inatitut, chlen- korreopotident AN USSR. (Metallurgical plants-Squipment and suppliea) (Automatic control) KOZHEVNIKOV, S.N., prof.; PMH, A.P., inzh. Modeling the dynamics of thq strip rolling procoga an a continuous mill. Izv.vya.uchnb.zav.; chorn.met. 2 no.6: 133-144 Je '59. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheakiy institut i Institut chernoy metallargii Alf USSR. Rokomendovano krafedroy avtomutizatail motallurgichoskogo oborudovaniya i toorii mekhanizibov DrLepropetrov- skogo instituta. - (Rolling mills -Bloc tromochanical analogies) KOZHzVITIKOV~_A,.k.+ prof.; PUKH, A.P.. inzh. InvoRtigating systems of automatic control of strip thi:k- nose by neans of an electron modeling device. Izv.vys.u--hnb. 2aV.: chnrn.inot. 2 no-7:127-138 J1 '59. (MIU 13:0 1. Dnepropetrovskiy motallurgicheskiy inntitut i In8titut chornny motallurgii AN USSR. 2. Chlon-korroapondent AN USSR (for Knzhevnikov). Rolcomendavano kafedroy avtomfttizatsii motallurgicheskogo oborudovaniya i toorii mokhanizmov Dnepropetrovskogo inetallurgicheekogo inatituta. (Rolling (Metalwork)) (Automatic control) (Nloctronic itivilng computers) KOZHEVNIEV, S.N., prof.; SKICHKO, F.Ya., kandotekbn.nauk Device for measuring torque. Izv.vya.ucbeb.zav.: cbern.met. 2 no.7:153-156 Jl '59. (MIRk 1_~1:2) 1. Inatitut chernoy metallurgii AN USSR. 2. Chlon-korroopondont AN USSR (for Kozhevnikov). (Torque--Measurement) KOZHNVNIKOV, S.H., prof.; KIRILYUK. V.D., insh.; SILICH, ji.N., inzh. Invostigation of rotary flying shears. Izv.vys.uchob.ZFAV.; chern.met. 2 m.8:149-155 Ag 159. (HIlLk 13:4) 1. Dnepropetrovokly motallurgichaskly institut. Ilekomendovano kafedroy avtomatizataii metallurgicheskogo oborudovuldya Dnepropetrovskogo metallurgicheakogo instituta. 2. Chlon- korrospondent AN USSR (for Kozlievnikov). (Rolling mills-Equipment and supplies) (Shears (Madhine toola)) KOZHEVNIKOV, S,N., prof.; PXSIIAT,.T.F., inzh. Studying air distribution arrangements on metalworking machines. Izv.vYs,uchab.xav.; chern.mat. 2 no.10:161-168 0 159. (MIRk 130) 1. Dnepropetrovokiy institut i Institut chernoy motallurgii AN USSR. 21. Chl"n AN USSR (for Kozhevnikov). Rek-omandavano kafedroy avtomatizateii metallurgichmakogo oborudovaniya Nopropetrovokogo metallu!rklebookogo inRtituta. (Metalworking machinery) (CompreeBod air) I t.i_= I ZXPWITATrD% Yeasoquznoys sovochohanlye po osno-nya problem" tearil ~shin I za;Wwanlz~v. 2d, Mosco., 1958 01mawl" =&shin. sbornik statey (Dyn as or IU,ChlrA~. COlItC- ami tim or Articles) moscowo rAshgiz, 1960. 240 P. (Its Tra3r) Errata ellp inserted. 3,000 dapl*S printed. Sponsoring Agoncyl Inatitut washInovedwrlys. AvAdesil nauk S331t. Z41tarl Boardt 1.,X. Artobolovskly (Itemp. Ed.) Acad-Iclan, r';.' !lArtaboisvskly. Doctor C-f Tach-m-2tal Sciences. Pro- *or, 0. 0. BILranov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, ?M- -mor. A. ?a Candidate of Ttck=Ic.l Sti-.~e3. i. A. 0'r-M-29=0, D,-L;r of -144hnicall A. To. ZObr1n4kiy, Doctor of Technical 5clencee, N. EATIt5kly, Doctor of Technical Sciences, P~.fess~r, arl L. N. RdShatoy, Doctor or Technical Sciences, PMf.s-.r; ]Ld.t L. V. B*zmenova, Cand1date of Technical 5ciencva; Ka.aging Ed. for General Tecftnloal lAteratur* AM L!teca- tUre on TramSport Machine Building h4 A. P. Xzlov, Engln,eer; Tech..Ed.t B. 1. ?'~Jal-. PtMP05E: This collection of arti,:I" is Inte-ed fnr neers, designers, -or1cers at scientific -.-rc., in- :rttl,u,.,, and Instruators at schools of higner tocrintcll d'ducatIon. CCVZRXM: This collection consists of reports presentel at the Allfinion Conference on Problees In the -heGT7 of Machine and Pqechanlls~. held in Pq.scow In 1958. -,e parts discuss Several ;Mbl~~3 Of the d7racac !^Lijn of complex mechanical systc~s No per3o I are- tioned. References accacq;ny co, t 0 rr&t !t artici~e. ~?Ij; Correapandina 14ember of the ACWI~J~of r.s~ va Sn Iand YA. M. RasXln, C-ndi!At* 0- Tachtdc:.L Sciences. Zrilstigation of a Vibratory- T--P&ct 101 Machan.1 0 Doctor of Technic Professor. I t a fal ScIentes, britting Load In he Dynaml & a MAchInse With a Vl- 117 M1kt1tVrJM, _J,, Doctor or Technical Sciences, Professor. VTW.~ 'IN atIca.1 rathod of Des rIbLng the Process Tfc_~a -3tatl c of operation of Kachlnes 128 Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. of Rechanissis Which Contain Statically ZrAsterstmate' Units 140 Candidate or Technical Sclenes. -he FF6blm of Selecting a Rechanian With a Geneve. (Interidt- tent) Kovement 152 Nebasnor V 1. Doctor or Technical Scienes. Problexx In -RF~~Mrln. Engine. 15T _MjSX~JL.JLZn&Ine9r. Dynamles of the K&ln Drive, of a PLIllIng Kechims, Doctor or Technical Sciences, Professor. 9 MM-tion of Sow Types of Cam and PuSh-Rod Mechanis~ With oydraLulle and Elastic Comectlon3 186 candidate or Technical Sciences (Prague). F-frect Vt.."i.lnlinoar Characteristics of Spring$ on the VLb- ration of Machine Foundations. 203 2%_ye"kiy, It. ?_ Candidate of Technical Sciences. Ad- 'WF-MC-rri-eent State of the Experimental D7nacdcs or 215 Teelel-Idgh- T_ T-t Candidate of Technical 3clences. 5;i;e_zu.jar Processes in a Torsionally Oscillating Electra- meatmnical System and its Simulation 222 Candidate of Technical Sclen-5. Kotlon3 ~Itjul Randoet-lfpe Vibraticns 235 1~~ kVAXLJUUX: Library or CorgresS (TJIBI.V8 1958) AC/r5./ee Card 6/6 -3-61A Qj S/148/6.0/C1';0/006/0i6/oi0/Y,/ A1611030 AUTHORS: Kozhevnikov, S.N.; Peshat, V.F. TITLE: The Determination of the Air Temperature in the PneumatLe Systems of Metallurgical. Machines PERIODICAL: IzvesUya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Chernaya metall.urgiya, 1960, 1,11o. 6, pp. 193 - 195 TEXTI: The actual thermodynamic processes in the cylinders of high-speed pneumatic machines were investigated by measurements of rapid temperature changes with thermocouples and resistance thermometers. A small-size pickup for tempera- ture and pressure measurements (Fig. 1) and an amplifying system were developed at the institut chernoy metallurgii AN SSSR (Institute of Iron Metallurgy of the Academy of Sciences of the JJSSR). Instantaneous stresses in the differential thermocouple were recorded by a moving coil oscillograph after amplification. The oscillogram (Fig. ~) was-recorded in the chambers of an electri.-Pneumatic distributor 3/4" in diameter of thelOT3 (YuTZ) Plant.make. The lag of the ther- mocouple at rapid temperature changes was determined by experiments. The lag constaht was different in the air of the laboratory room and in the air distribu- Card 1/5 S/148/60/000/',DO6/016/016/XX A16l/AO30 The Determination of the Air Temperature in the Pneumatic Systems of Metallurgical Machines tot, chamber (3 times lower in the distributor chamber). There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut chernoy metallurgii AN SSSR (In- stitute of Iron Metallurgy of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR) SUBMITTED: May 27, 1959 Figure 1: Pickup for the measurement of temperature and pressure. Card 2/5 S/I48/60/OD)/006/016/016/XX A161/AO30 The Determination of the Air Temperautre in the Pneumatic Systems of Metallurgical Machines Figure 2: 1 Temperature recorded with the use of an amplifier and. a vibrocon- verter; 2 - same, with direct connec- MAU I . - pressure; tion; 3 -4 50 cycle 3 time marker. -4 Card 3/5 S/148/60/00C/006/016/016/XX A161/Ao3o The Determ, ination of the Air Temperature in the Pneumatic Systems of Metallurgical Machines Figure 3: The system used for determination of the thermocouple lag constant. 1 - thermocouple; 2 - switch; 3 - battery; 4 - rheostat; 5 - ammeter; 6 - amplifier; 7 - moving coil oscil- lograph; 8 - cathode oscillograph; 9 - pneumatic chamber. Card 4/5 :3111.- 3/rWooVoWo ! 6/0 1 61,rY, A 161/A030 The Determinatior. of the Air Temperature in the Pneumatic Systems of Metallurgi-PI Machines Figure 4: Dcpendvnc,-~ oil the thermocouple lag constant on the air pressure in tie chamber. 1 - the constant variations in see; 2 the pressure variations from zero to 6 k&/cm2.. 0'l 0, 0 6 0,04111 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 XadoeHae, 1r21CMZ Card 5/5 S/.148/6o/ooo/oWoo5/018 A161/AO29 AUTHORS: Kozhevnikov, S.N.; Tkachenko, A.S. TITLE: Detarmination of Efforts in Cold Rolling With Tension PERIODICAM Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. - Chernaya metallurgiya, 196o, No. 8, pp~. 88 - 95 TEXT: The article deals with the determination of forces acting on the rolls of a continuoue cold rolling mill rolling thin strips - In works published recently, the yield limit increase is presented in a straight line with a con- stant inclination angle to the rolling direction. In the experiments here with low-carbon steel the yield limit change was obtained as a function of deforma- tion. The process is mathematically analyzed. Formulas are derived for the cal- culation of the effect of front and rear tension, mean specific pressure, with tension and deformation strengthening (15). Formula (15) is reduced into the final simple form: pH = P,p (ri(, - ncr) = ppn,~d cp where p. is the specific pressure value taken without the effect of strengthen- ing and pension of metal, and the other designations (nq, ndand n4a are intro- Card 1/2 S/148/60/000/008/005/018 Determination of Efforts in Cold Rolling With Tension A161/AO2Q, duced from Korolevis work (Ref. 3) to simplify the formula. Experiments have been carried out with a continuous three-stand cold strip mill at the tin sheet shop of the "Zaporozhstall" works. The mill has a bobbin type uncoiler and a ioiler with a 500-mm diameter dr=. Tension is used between the stands by loop- ers as well as between stand and coller. Metal pressure on the rolls was meas- ured byresistance dynamometers with pickups. Comparison of the calculated and experimental results proves that the formulae have given sufficiently accurate data. Korolevis formulae gave too low values. The results of the work are re- commended for calculation and designing of rolling mills with minimum weight, as well as for calculating the optimum rolling process technology. There are 5flg- ures and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskly metallurgicheskiy institut (Dnepropetrovsk Met- allurgical Institute) SUBMITTED: June 26, 1959 Card 2,/2 -KOZIMMKPV, . ~_~Kxov, A-V- Dynamics of tho hydraulic drive of the feeding carriage travel mechanism on Pilgrim rolling mills. Izv- vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. no.8.-188-194 t60. (MIRA 13: 9) 1. Dnepropetrovskly metallurgicheekly institut. (Rolling mills--Hydraulic driving) KO~HDIVIIIKOV, S.M.', SKICINO, F-ya,; VISHNIISKIY, I.I. Investigating the propulsive resistance of weighing caro.lz-,t. vys. ucheb. zav.;chern. met. no.10:163-166 160. O-IIRA 13:11) 1. Dnapropotrovskiy metallurgicbeekiy institut. (Blast furnacea--Ijquipmont and supplies) s/148/(A/ooo/oio/o17/oi8 A161/Ao3o AUTHORS: Kozhevnikov, S.N.; Leenskiy, A.N. TITLE: An investigation of Processes in the Long-Run Pneumatic Cylinder of a Tube Piercing Mill PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Cher-naya m3tallurgiya, 1960, No. 10, pp. 172 - 178 TEXT: The work of the arbor thrust bearing displacement mechanism (Fig. 1) has been studied in a "140" piercing mill at the truboprokatnyy zavod im. Lenina (Tube Rolling Plant im. Lenin) to see if the manoeuverability of the thrust bear- ing may be improved and the arbor work travel control automated. The pneumatic cylinder piston speea was measured with a device (Fig. 2) transforming the piaton motion into rotation of a tachodynamo (1) rotor, and the bearing motion was re- corded with a circular rheochord (2) and a slider (4) on the pulley (3); the rheochord was connected into a bridge circuit, and the piston travel oscillo- graphed (in a sawtooth curve because of the path of piston exceeding the circum- ference length of tinpulley). The air pressure in the cylinder was measured by graphite and wire pickups and a pressure gauge, and the distributor valve positicn Card 1/6 S/148/60/000/010/017/018 A16l/Ao3o An Investigation of Processes in the Long-Run Pneumatic Cylinder of a Tube Pierc- ing Mill recorded with an air transformer the core of which was hinged to a rocking lever V connected to the valve rod. Current on the air transformer output corresponding to the transformer core position was oscillographed. A process oscillogram is included (Fig. 5). It was stated that the acceleration of the thrust bearing toward the lock was delayed comparing with the acceleration in travel away from the lock, which was due to the slow air flow out of the right piston chamber af-. ter the reverse, and in due time out of the left chamber during piercing. The maximum speed of the thrust bearing to the right was higher (v -- 2.5 m/sec) than to the left (v - 2.1 m/sec) due to gravitation forces from the weight of the lev- ers adding to the motive force in the right travel. The total friction force in tYemotion of the bearing on the guides, of the piston in the cylinder, and of the piston rod in the gland amounted to 160 kg, and it had a considerable effect on the maximum established speed of the thrust bearing motion, i.e., the bearing speed changed 10 - 12% when the friction force changed 20%. Thus it was obvious that the productivity of the piercing mill is affected very considerably by the tightness of -the gland as well as by jwm in the gland cover. The air pressure Card 2_/6 S/148/60/000/010/017/018 A16i/o3o An Investigation of Processes in the Long-Run Pneumatic Cylinder of a Tube Pierc- ing Mill variations which were mainly before the distributor also hAd an effect on the es- tnblished bearing speed - a pressure variation of 8 - 10% changed the established speed about 12%. The outrun of the thrust bearing varied between 0.250 and 0.500 m under the Joint effect of forces and resistances and other factors. This cau"Pd either blows at the approach to the front position (with 0.5 - 1.5 m1sec), or time losses (of 0.4 - 0.6 see). conclusions: 1) The work time variation of the arbor thrust bearing is high (7-1 -.9-5-see). 2) The time losses'between the ap- proach of the bearing to front position and the start of piercing occur at random. and are manually controlled. They vary between 0-5 and 1.6 see- 3) The time variation of the auxiliary operations affects the productivity about 20% in plero- ing short work, and about 18% in piercing long. 4) The productivity ought to be raised by cutting t*ie auxiliary time. 5) The present state of air lines causes about 15% speed variation ofthe thrust bearing. The maximum motion speed from the look is 2.15 m/sec, and toward the lock 2.5 v1sec at 3.2 atn pressure in the main. 6) Setting the distributors for closing both cylinder spaces considerably lowers the manoeuverability of the system. There are 6 figures and 2 Soviet r6f- eren~ces. - Card 3/6 S/148/60/000/010/017/018 A16i/Ao3o An Investigation of Processes in the Long-Run Pneumatic Cylinder of a Tube Pierc- ing Mill ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut.(Dnepropetrovsk Metal- lurgical Institute) SUBMr1TED: May 9, 1960 Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the thrust bearing drive system. ;~a r from the main into outer Card 4/6 S/148,/6o/ooo/o1o/o17/o18 A161/AO30 An Investigation of Processes in the Long-Run Pneumatic Cylinder of a Tube Pierc- ing Mill Figure 2: 1 Tachodynamo; 2 rheochord; 3 pulley; 4 slider. Card 5/6 i/148/60/000/019/017/d6_1 Wibiw An Investigation of Processes in the Long-Run Pneumatic Cylindor of a Tube Pierc- ing Mill Figure 5: A typical process oscillogram: 1 The displaeemen-t of the thrust bearing; 2 - the speed of MEN the thrist bearing; 3 V. 0 ---------- W, pressura in the right pis- ton spa,.e; 4 pressure in the left piston space; 5 - distributor'valve position. -KOUIVNIKOVI-S.N. [Kozhevnikov, S.M.] (Dixopropetrovsk); TKAC.EMiXO, A.S. (Dnopropetrovsk) Automatic regulation of the thickness of strips on continuous rolling mills. Prykl.mek:h. 6 no.3:33.5-337 160, (MBU 13:8) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. (Automatic control) (Rolling mills) KOMMIKOVj- 1 h; NEERASOV, Z.I., akademik., otv. red.; MEL NIK, A.F.p red.izd-va; HATVEYCffUK, A.A., tekhn. xvd. (Dynamics of machinery with flexible members] Dinamika mashin e uprugimi zventiami. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad.nauk USSR, 1961. 159 p. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Akademiya nauk USSSR (for Nekrasov) (Machineryy Kinematics of) -KQ7,T~ _Sergey Nikolayevich; KIRILLOVp B.S., kand. tekhn. nauko dotseiit-1---r-e*-t-o-e--'n'~'z'-e'-n-t-i-Y,,IOUNr-.TSp H.S.p kand. tekhn. naukp dotsentp red.; HAYEVSKIY, V.V.p inzh.9 red.; GOP1103TAYPOLISKAYA.9 M.S.9 tekhn. red. [Equipment and ja~hanisms of Irldraulic, pneumatic, and electric automatic control systems for metalworking machinery] Apparatura i mekhanizmy gidropnevmo- i elektroavtoratiki metallurgicheskikh mashin. Moskva, Gos. naucbno-tekbn. izd-vo mashinost-roit. lit~ry, 1961. 550 P.. (1.43RA 14:8 (MetalworkIng machinery) (Automatic control)