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EMEVNII(Dy'lM~ A. L L'__ liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilikilel"% I obtaining gas 266-271 '56. turbine fuels from shale tar. Tru4 VNIIFS no.5: (MLRA 10:5) (Oil shales) (Gas turbines) USSR/Chemicai T~cLnology .- Chemical Products and TIteir E-7 Application. Treatment of Solid Mineral Flaels Abs -Jc),.j-r Ref Zhur - ILH-imiya, No 1, 1958, 2478 Author i Platonov, R.K., Kozhevnikov, A.V., Bituk, S.M. Inst All.-Un-ion Scientific Reseax-,-~, Institut,~~ of Shale Proces- sing Title Shale Distillation Mazut as Fuel gor S.~jip Boiler Units. Orig Pub Tr. Vstia. n.-i. in-ta po pere'rabotke slaritsev, 1956, No 5, 281-288 Abstract Results of laboratory studies of tl_~- propr-.rties of distLl- ial~ion zmazut constituting a fraction of' shaie tar, boiling above 3250, and distilled in vacuum until a bituwf,.r- of given sottening point is obtained in the r,~sidue. By its physico--chemical characteristic s this ri-vtzut is equivalent to ship boiler mazut. In comparison with pi-O-roleum mazut Card 1/2 TISSR101il-I U emical Technology -- Chemical Products and Their 1--T Application. Treatmpnt of Solid Minf~ral Abs Jour '. R~tf Z',i,,Y,- .. Khintiya, 11o 1, 19.58, 2L78 I the, !stale mazut is more readily spparat.~~d from water and ha5 a ccraiderably lower solidification point exd a more adArantageous viscosity as a function of' tpmperatur~e. Card 2/2 AUTHORS:' Kozhevnikov, A~ , and Bituk, S'.M. TITLE: Coking of heavy fractions uf'Qij shale tar with alkaline additions. (Koksovaniye tyazhelykh fraktsiy slantsevoy smoly so shchelochnymi prisadkami). 65-6-8/13 PERIODICAL: "Khimiya i Tekhnolo&lZa Topliva i Masel" (Chemistry and Tec _~_O&'__01' mels and Lubricants) 1957-,-No'.6, pp?,48-54 (USSR). ABSTRACT: Results of laboratory experiments on coking of Leavy fractions of oil shale tar with additions of NaOH, KOH, CaO, Na2CO3 and L12CO are given. The raw material consis- ted of a mL-Kture of m9dium and heavy fractions (75% and 25% respectively) of tars obtained from gas producers in the Kokhtra-Yarve works". The characteristic feature of the tar was a high oxygen content - 6' *5%pof which 33% was hydroxyl oxygen, the remainirg 3.2% of oxygen - neutral of unknown structure. Experimental results are given in tables 1-9 and figs 1-2. It was established that on distillation up to coke ~f higher fractions of oil shale tar in the presence of alkali additions, the decomposition of all compounds with acid function takes place and the distillate produced is practically free from phenols. This can be taken as an in- .direct confirmation that oxygen containiiig compounds of the Card 1/2 higher fractions of shale tar on thermal decomposition in Coking of heavy fractions of oil shale tar with alkaline additions. (Conti. ) 65-6--8/13 the presence of alkali behave like phenolsp as ttie decompo- sition with the formation of CO 2 which is typical for carbinol compounds was not detected. Alkali additions cause a decrease of the temperature (in liquid) of the beginnirir, of distillation on colfing by 80 - 100 C in comparison with similar distillation without alkali additions. The disti- llate produced in the presence of alkali is lighter in_ respect of-specific gravity and fractional composition'. Gas produced (7% on raw material) on coking with alkali addit- ions consist of 75-80% hydrogenv 15-20% methanev 2-3% olefins and practically does not contain H 2S~ CO2 and CO. There are 9 tables and 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: VNII PS. AVAILABLE: Card 2/2 KOZHEVNIKOV, Aleksandr Vasillyevich Tyazheloye zhidkoye toplivo d1ya gazovykh turbin geavy liquid fuel for gas turbine Ieningrad, Goatoptekhizdat, 1758. 136 P. Diagre.,"Zphs, Tablea. Includes bibliographies. 11(4) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/1416 Kozhevnikov, Aleksandr Vasillyevich Tyazheloye zhidkoye toplivo dlya gazovykh turbin (Heavy Liquid Fuel for Gas Turbines) Leningrad, Gostoptekhizdat, 1958. 156 p. 2,800 copies printed. Ed.: Kamen8kaya, I.N.; Tech. Ed.: Yashchurzhinskaya, A.B.; Exe.-). E4.: Dolmatov, P.S. PURPOSE: This book is intended for scientists and engineers engaged in the production and use of fuels for gas turbines. COVERAGE: The author gives an account of scientific principles governing the production and usa of heavy liquid fuels for gas turbines and deals with a problem which is discussed in the Soviet literature for the first time. Possibilities of producing and using heavy fuels for gas turbines are analyzed with a considera- tion of the "ico-chemical characteristics of petroleum produced in the Soviet Union, and of the experience gained in this field Card 1/4 Heavy Liquid Fuel (Cont.) SOV/1416 in foreign countries. This work may be helpful to constructors of gas turbines in.determining the basic data on fuels necessary for designing combustion chambers and selecting the proper con- struction material. The author daknowledges the help of I.N. Kamenskaya, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, R.K. Platonov, Candi- date of Chemical Sciences, B.A. Grebnev and G.V. Perlov, Candi- date of Technical Sciences, in compiling the book. Bibliographic references accompany each chapter, TABLE OF CONTENTS: From the Author 3 Introduction 5 Ch. I. General Information on Fuel for Gas Turbines 9 1. Gas turbines - 2. The el-'ect of some physico-chemical properties of heavy liquid fuels on the performance of of gas turbines 25 Card 2/ 4 Heavy Liquid Fuel (Cont.) SOV/1416 Ch. II. Crude Oil as a Source of Heavy Fuel for Gas Turbines 43 1. Specific chemical features of petroleum components, stemming from the presence of organic vanadium compounds - 2. Properties of vanadium and its compounds 57 3. Measures taken to reduce gas turbine conduit corrosion caused by the presence of vanadium compounds 63 4. Characteristics of USSR petroleum as crude stocks so Ch. III. Possibilities of Obtaining Gas Turbine Heavy Fuel From Crude Oil Products, Shale Tar, and Synthetic Liquid Fuel 87 1. Physico-chemical properties of types of gas turbine heavy fuels studied In foreign countries - 2. Physico-chemical properties of heavy fuels of Soviet domestic production 95 Low viscosity mazout obtained from crude oil with low sulfur content - Residual fuel from sulfurous crude oil 102 Card 3/4 Heavy Liquid Fuel (Cont.) sov/1416 Distilled I~Ml from sulfurous crude oil 116 Fuel olktained from shale tar products 120 Fuel for gas turbines obtained from synthetic products 129 Conclusion AVAILABLE: Library of Congress TM/atr 4-16-59 134 Card 4/4 KOZHEVNIKOV., A.V. Coking higher cuts of the shale tar of mmicoking. Wm. i tekh. gor. elan. i prod. ikh perer. no.8-3-17-3,38 160. ,(MIRA 15:2) (Coke industry) (Oil shales) KRYLOV, V.11,~ TROTS, A.A..- KOZHEVIJIKOV, A,V._; BITIM, S.M. Production of calcium carbide, electrical carbon and gr9phitized articles from the coke of shale tar. Kh" i tekh. gor. slan. i prod. ikh perer. no.83139-151 160. OURA 15 :2) (Calckum carbide) (Oil shales) KOZHEVNIKOV, A.V.; PERVUNINSKAYA, N.A. Bacteria in oil shales. Khim. i tekh. gor. slan. i prod. ikh parer. no.9:295 160. (KIA 15-6) (Oil shales-Microbiology) VOLIF) I.V.; KOZffEVNIKOV,__A~_Y.; KORYSTIN, P.V.; YAROSH, P.P. -"- - ----- ----I Simultaneous softening and deoxidation of water with a test filter under industrial conditions. Khim. i tekh. gor. slan. i prod. ikh perer. no.9t262-268 160. (MIRA l5t6) (Feed water*purification) KOZHEVNIKOV,-A.V. Methods for the calculation of the load of combined ionite and electron ion-exchange filters for the purification of steam condensate. Khim. i tekh. gor. slan. i prod. ikh perer. no.91 269-275 160. (KRA 15:6) (Ion exchange) (Filters and filtration) Kuolzoli, Ananiy Grigorlyevich~ doktor tekhn.naukq prof.; LITAVRIE, Oleg Grigorlyevich, inzh.; PET'OV, Yeweniy Valerianovich, inzh.; POTYAYEEV, 11yacheslav Andre-yevich, k~md. tokhr.nauk; KHOiZOZY!-IITS, Aloksandr Georgiyevich, kand. teklm nauk; CINGKOV, A.1(--.,I-sarxlr LIvovich, Laureat Leninskory prerrdi, YU-IKEVICII, Rostislav Mikhaylovich, inzh.; VOI.'M~E-V, A.A., dolctor tokhn.nauk, prof., retsenzent; MASLOV, A.A., kand. tekhn. muk, dots.) retsenzent; ZAYTSEV, Yu.I., kand, tekhr. nauk, retsenzant;-KOZIEVNIKOV, A.V., kand. tekhn.n--ulc) retsonzent; GITELIM, A.I., inzh., ret'sonzent; SITH11W, YU.I., red.; TSAL, H.K., tekhn. red. [shrine steer. and g,,s turbines]Sudovye parovye i gazovye tur- birV. Pod red. A.G.Kwmona. Leningrad, 2,Wproingiz. Vol.2. [S7stems and working principle of turbomachinei-y units] Siote~V i ustroistva turboagregatov. 1962. 419 p. ja:7Lj I r (Marino turbines) KOZHEVNIKOV, A.V.; BITUK, S.M. Repeated multiple coking of the higher fractions of shale tar. Khim. i tekh. gor. slan. i prod. ikh perer no.13:333-341 164. Coking of chamber oven shale tar and its high residual fractions obtained in vacuum distillation. Ibid.042-348 Omm 18:9) KOZEMVNIKOV, Aleksandr Vladimirovich; KUBRYASHEV, L.V., redaktor. kl.---:,~ .,-%-' ";%- -.-'::..".7..~. :'. :71.1. - [In tundras, forests, steppes and deserta; sketch-a from the world of plant life Po tiindram, lesam, stepiam i -Dustyniam; ocherki iz zhizni rastitellnogo mira. Izd. 2., pod red. i s dopolr-eniiami L. .V. Kudriasheva. Moskva. Izd. Moskovskogo ob-va Ispytatelei prirody, 1951. 200 p. (MLRA 6:9) (Botany-Geographical distribution) KOZ07NIX07 Aleksey Vasillyevich; IVANOVA, G.A., radaktor; FROZOROVSKATA, rodaktor. [Trough tundra, forasts, steppes and deserts] Po turdram, lesam, stapiam i pustyniam, Moskva, Goa. izd-vo detskoy lit-c-y Minis tersi,-m pronvashcheniia RSFSR, 1954. 181 p. (KM& 8:5) (Botany) KOZ-1iLV1-4%Y-\1DV, (\- V. USSR/Geophysics - Geology of Volga Region FD-126o Card 1/1 : Pub. 129-22/25 Author : Pryakhini, A., and Kozhevnikov, A. Title t Works of the Central Volga geological expedition Periodical Vest. Mosk. tin., Ser. fizikomat. i yest. nauk, 9, No 1, 147-148, Feb 1954 Abstract Geological problems attendant upon the construction of the Krybyshey reservoir were studied in 1951-1953 by students of the Chair of Dynamic Geology (assistant head, Prof. 0. K. Lange). This chair divided, after the removal to the new buildings on Lenin Hills, into two independent chairs; Chair of Dynamic Geology and Cha,.r of Hydro- geology and Engineering Geology. This year the Geological Faculty has organized an expedition headed by Docent G. S. Zolotarev, Stalin prize winner. Institution Submitted KOZEMIKOV, A. V. N115 722.5 Po turrdrrm, lesam. stepysm I pustynymii; oci~evki 1z zri,'1,,ni ra,5titellnogo E81 x1ra (Tf,rw;.rf; Tundz,a, Forest-.;, Sti?ppes, And Wa--3ta Land's) Yos~va' Geoc',rafgiz, 19.';5. 191 p. illus., di-;rrs., Plan. Moscow Order of Lenin and Order ol' Labor ,~ed -`anner ~Aate -inerii- L. V. Lomonosov. A.V.: "The stnicture of neof-enic and ~iiaternar~ dcyosits and the k,coloi-ical hisLorv of the central course of the river Vol:,-a.,' I,osco,,,; Urder of ',enin and Order of Labor iced Banner 6tate U imeni il:.V. Lomonosov. 1~.OSC01-17, i~56. (Jiz-~sertation for the Degree of Candidate in C-colot-icol,-,Inoi-alotic,--,I Scicmces) Knizhna~a Letol-is', No. 20, 1956 15-1957-,3-2971D Translatlon from: Referat:Lvnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 31 P 78 (USSR) AUTHOR: Ko zhevniko TITLE: Structure of the Neogene and Quaternary Rocks and the Geological History of the Region of the Central Course of the Volga River (Stroyeniye neogenovykh i ohetver- tichnykh otlozheniy i geologicheskaya istoriya oblasti arednego techeniya reki Volgi) ABSTRACT: BibLiographic entry on'the author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, presented to the MGU (Moscow State University), Moscow, 1956. ASSOCIATION: MGU.(Moscow State University), Moscow Card 1/1 VZLIKOVSKAYA, Ye.M.: KOZF.L?V.UIKov, A.Y. Origin of morainelike beds in valleys of the Terek, G12eltdon, and Urukh Rivers. Vest.Mosk.un.Ser. biol., pochv., goal., goeg. 14 no.4:125-134 '59. (MA 13:6) 1. Kafodra Istoricheakoy i. regionallnoy geoloCii Mosk-ovskogo universiteta. (Terek Valley-Alluvium) KOZILMIIKOV, A.V. Origin of surface loams in the Kuban Valley and adjacent watersheds. Biul.MOIF.Otd.9801. 34 no.4:172-173 JI-Ag 159. (MM 13:8) (Kuban-Clay) VELIKOVSKAYA, Ye.M.; KOZHEVNIXOV, A-V-; YOKIN, V- I- More about the "moraine" near TSebellda- Vest. Mosk. un- Sere 4: Geol. 15 no-4:14-20 Jl-Ag 1609 (MIRL 13:10) 1. Kafedra istoricaeskoy geologii Mookovskogo iiniversitetlk. (Teebelida *a gion-Noraines) --KOZHM j1L.OV, AN. _ Vew data on the geomorpholog7 and structure of the Kuban Valley. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 4: Geol. 16 no.1:65-73 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 34-3) I.,Xafedra Istoricheskoy i regionallnoy geologii Moskovskogo universiteta. (Kuban Valley-Geology, Structural) KOZHEVNIKOV A. V. Lower boundary of the Quaternary, baced on data obtained from the facies analysis of Akohagyl' and Apsheron. sediments. Trudy Kom. chetv. per. 20-0165-168 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Geology, Stratleraphic) KOZHEVNIKOV9 A.V, Upper Pleistocene of the Teberda and Kuban Valleys, Biul.Koz. chetv.per. no.2704-60 162. (MIRA 16s4) (Kuban Valley--Moraines) (Kuban Valley-Terraces (Geology)) n d R KOMONOV, A. IA. Additional remarkd on the misinterpretation of A. IA. Kozhevnikov's theory of partial constant cerebral epilepsy; reply to Proffsaor L. IA. Nemlikher. G. G. Sokollanskii, V. N. Kliuchikov. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 53 no. 9:7W - A9 S 153 KONSTANTINOV, M.Y.: KOZHEVNIKOVI,-B.A., redaktor; FRIDKIII, A.M., takhniche- ski7 - " [Manufacturing techniques for the production of cables with rubber insulation] Takhnologila proizvodstva kabellnykh izdelii a rezinovoi isollaisiai. Izd. 2-e. sovershenno perer. Moskva, Gos. energeticheskoe izd-vo, 1951. 384 p. (MLRA 8:2) (Electric cables) (Electric insulators and insulation) KOZHEVNIKOV B A.; RKIRTE, Y.T., redaktor; VOROUNTSKAYA, L.V., tekhnicheskiy 6&xwWm;x redaktor. [Braiding of C*ablaBI Opletka kabellnykh izdelii. Moskva, Gos. energ. Izd-vo. 1953. 109 P. (~MRA 8:10) (Electric cables) KOZHWNIKOV, B.A., kandidat tekhnichoskikh nauk. "Electric cable." S.M. Bragin. Reviewed by B.A. Kozhevnikov. Blaktrichestvo no-7:96-97 JI 156. (XLRA 9:10) 1. Laningradekly filial nauchno-lasledovatellskly inetItut kabellnoy promyshlennosti Ministerstva elektropromyshlonnosti. (Electric cables) KOZHEVNIKOV, B.A., kand. takhn. nauk; POTAPOV, M.A.. inzh. Fine wire in glas, insulation. Test. elektroprom. 27 no.8:59-61 Ag '56. (K[aA 10tg) 1. Lonfilial nauchno-iseledovatellekogo instituta kabollnoy promysh- lonnosti. (Electric wire) YOZMMUKOV, B. F. "Experixientally, produced karyotypical, isolation." Denartrent of Genetics (Chief: Prof. 11. P. Dubinin), Institute oil Experimental Diology (Dir: acaderician N. K. Koltsav), Mos=--,-. (p. 727) by Kozhevnikov, B. F. I Jgurn (Biologicheskii Zhurnal) Vol. V, 19,36, No. 5 SO: Diologica L KOZHEMIKOV.0 B. F. "Zo,perimental Inalysis of the Non-Random Disjunction of Non-liomologous Chromosome9l' Dokl. AN SSSRI 25., No.2, 1939 Cytogenetic Lab., Inst. Exptl. Biol., AS USSR V% a ,- UXWWAI ins - Chrwxwowx Nov 1947 spertnental Ana3,ysia of Preferable Separation Of Xchbomologous and Homologous Chromosomes in Cc=eo- tion with Question of Natural Force Which Effects. Separation of Chromosomes," B. F. Kozhevnikor) Moscow State University Imeni M. V. Lm=oBov, 4 pp 'Dok Ak Nauk" Vol LVI17p No 4 Author dLiscusses the raiults of experiments which he oaaftcte& to aboerve the selective separatim of two nodhomologous chramooomes of Drosophila, melanogaster. No* vaa also able to observe the selective division which goes m in the case of two homologous chromo- @CMOs. BriF--f3,v discusses his theories on the force Ift r - - 3BrT5. USM/mOdIcIne - Chromoaames (CmtdL) Nov 1947 vbl&bamses this selective divisim. Submittecl by Academician 1. 1. R)-jgl I gauzen, 18 4r 1947 IM U3M/UedIaIzk6 Heredity. Mechanism -Boy 1947, Medicine Plies *IWrOvOd CIIrCM0som Separation and Hypothesis of XLeatrical Cluirges," B. F.'Kozbevniko7, Mosem State UMIVersity Imeni M. V. Lamonoacv, .3 pp "Dak Ak Nane vol Lyna, ur, Author conducted a series of experiments to study chramos separation In Droso3phila malanogaster. In order to explain the factors which he obtained., authom bad to present hypotbesia that ooparation of ohrcmo- Malm is brought about by electrical charges, which M a result of Induction interchange in a circle. 81211ar2y, cbromooomes of one charge withdraw to one UMIKedielme - Heredity Meohanimn (Contd) Nor7 1.947 VCU . However, as yet, electrodynamic hypothesis ban zat~. been proven - Submitted by Academician 1. 1. :Rlmmllgauzen, 12 MV 1947. 3ST82 KOZHNVUIKOV, B.1r. (k,)skva). "Study of the effect produced on the segregation in the 7 hybrids of Antirrhinum by grafting r hybrids of parentalformall fin German] by Martin Zacharias. Reviewel by B.F. Kozhevnikov. Bot. zhur. 43 no.1:125 A 158. (MIRA litz) (B~rbridization, Tagotable) (Zacharias, Martin) GALINKIN, Me.., lkand.tehhn.nauk- BENDIN, A.'),, inzh.; KOUPITITKOV, B.T., f inzhe -- --- I- 1- - Studying the surface roughness in the machining of compressed wood. Dor.prom. 14 no.1l17-9 N 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Voronezhskiy lesotekhnicheskiy Institut. iC-~ 0 '~tllll Juilding Vuzes L ",I i) C 0 v a il nt~ -;vec of Pnd;-date in -~~chal ca January--)ece;~ber 11)52 KOZHEVNIKOV, B.T., Inzhener. - High-strength cast iron as a substitute for steel for cast parts of peat machines. Torf.prom. 32 no.8:21-22 '55. (MLRA 9:4) l.Moskovskiy terf7anoy institilt. (Cast iron) (Peat machinery) KOZHETHIKOV, B.T.. inzhener. t . .1 Using oxygen in the cupola furnace for producing wear-rasistant cast- iron. Torf.prom-34 no.1:26-27 157. (MLRL 10:2) 1. Moskovskly torfyanoy institut. (Caot-iron) (oxygen) KOZHEVNIKOV, B.T., inzh. Comparative wear of steel and cast iron in a peat medium. Torf. prom. 36 no.2:19-22 159. (MIRA 1-~:4) 1. Kiyevskiy torfyanoy institut. (Steel--Testing) (Cast iron--Tosting) KOZFEVNIKOV, D.A. of the space and energy distribution of neutrons in a medium having a high hydrogen content. Trudy 1-111,1131IG17- no.25: 360-379 '59. 0-1~"I:, 1,5: 5) (Oil well logging, Radiation) KOZHEVIJKOV, D,A. Space and energy distribution of neutrons in highly hydrogenous media. Trudy MI1M1iGP no.13'.-31-49 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Radioactive prospecting) KOZHEVNIKOV, D.A. Calculating the slowing-down length of neutrons in highly hydrogenous media. Trudy MIWMiGP no.)1:50-63 '60. (MIIIA 13:11) (Radioactive prospecting) ~,9 R. A., !Wrul, 12olc A., V. A.P ~J;I, 1. G., Orl DA-A, "Seno th:)OrotlcLl prOjlo:,%i ofl *~--1j-1,----,L,7:;." roi-irt to bo nubritt'MI Cor tl,.-) Cca:ciTnc.,) c-i G~%)IVLAC'J, Mmkow, rolmd, 24-30 copt QUEERHM, Sh.A.; KOZHEVNIKOV, D.A. Restoration of the true laws of field variatirn from integration characteristics. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.719O8-917 Jl ,62. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Institut neftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti imeni I.M.Gubkina. (Field theory) (Prospecting-Geophysical methcds) KOZHEVNIKOV, D.A. Temperature effects in neutron investigationn of deep and ultradeep wells. Im. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.12:1837-1841 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Moskovskiy institut neftakhimicheskoy i gazovoy promysh- lermosti. im. I.M. Gubkina. KOZHEYNIKOV, D.A. Calculation of the neutron charac teri sties of rocko, Trudy MINKHiGF no.4104-75 163, (MIRA 16:10) KOZHEVNIKOV, D.A.; KHAV-KIN, V.S.; SHTEYrIBRP-KHFR, D.P. Using the age approach to study regularities in the distribution of neutrons in rocks. Trudy MKHiGP no.41:76-83 163. (MIRA 16: 10) ;ACCESSION NR: AP4042258 S/0089/64/017/001/0034/0044 'AUTHOR: Kozhevnikov, D. A. !TITLE: Space-energy distribution of neutrons in a homogeneous imoderator !SOURCE: Atomnaya energiyaj v. 17, no. 1, 1964, 34-44 !TOPIC TAGS: neutron age, neutron attenuation, neutron moderator, !i Ineutron source, distribution function, neutron scattering ~!ABSTRACT: In view of the fact that the phase distribution of neu- itrons during the slowing down process (the Vick problem) was hitherto: compared with -~he experimental data on'ly by the method of moments, ithe author shows that a study of the slowing down of neutrons in a 1homogeneous medium of arbitrary isotopic composition by the method ;of spherical harmonics leads to an effective and relatively simple imethod of calculating the space-energy distribution of the neutrons. Card 1/5 i:ACCESSION NR: AP4042258 This method yields an analytic solution in many cases of practical .interests. The dependence of the mean free path of the neutrons on the lethargy is taken into account approximately. At small dis- 'tances from the source, the distribution function is found to be independent of the order of approximation of the spherical-harmonic ;method, and agrees with the result of the age approximation, the !limits of applicability of which is estimated more accurately than .in the past. At large distances, the spatial dependence of the dis- .tribution function is determined completely by the spatial distribu- tion of the primary neutrons, and the angular distribution and the energy spectrum of the slowed down neutrons do not depend on the co- -,ordinates. 'The connection of the method of spherical harmonics with !the method of 6ontinuous fractions is indicated. The problem is solved under the assumption that no capture or neutron multiplica- :tion takes place during the slowing down process, that the neutron .inelastic scattering cross section is negligibly small, and that the ;scattering of the neutrons from the target nuclei is spherically symmetrical in the c.m.s. The distribution of neutrons at small dis- Card 2/5 ACCESSION NR: AP4042?58 I tances and large distapces is separately calculated. Special atten- tion is paid to the slqwing down of neutrons in water. The spatial distribution of indium eutrons in water is calculated for mono- Ienerijetic and polyenergptic sources. "I am deeply grateful to Ye. S. Kuznetsov and M. V. Maslennikov for valuable remarks, L. N. Yurova I :and A. A. Polyakov for providing the experimental data, S. A. Denisik .and R. A. Rezvanov for providing the Monte-Carlo calculations, and to V. S. Khavkin for the numerical calculations and for help in the :analysis and presentation of the results." Orig. art..has: 8 figures :and 58 formVlas. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 2lNov63 ENCLz 02 CODE: NP NR REF SOV: 017 OTHER: 022 kar.d 3/5___-______..__.1 ------- ACCESSICU NRt AP4042258 4 Spatial ith le V in hydr 1 - age 10 - ated in k, by synt - - 4, 5, - 6 method d stanc i calcula foryw1a tharfW ven ietic 3s, ted , asvimto AV 48 18 41 M -4#. Card 4/5 ENCLOSME 1 01 distribution of neutrons u - 10, slowed down approximtion, 2 - calcul- present work, 3 - calcv-ated nucleus method, calculations by Vick's For small and very large respectively, 6 by Placek's asymptotic 7 - calculation by Wigner's tic formula ACGESSION NR: AN042258 Spatial distribution of neutrons with ene M. of the ground-state resonance of indium (1.46 eV) in water, for different neutron initial energies Abscissas -distance from neutron source, r, cm.1 Ordinates neutron flux density ~Card 5~5 ENGLOSUREt 02 "Weprinvowal P.M K.O.ZH,FV,N-IK,,O.V,,_P,A. - Age of neutrons from monoenergatic and po2yenergetic sources in a homogeneous moderator. Atom. energ. 18 no.6g630 Je 165. (MIRA 18s7) L128029-66, W(MvtTC(f W,-VF_WG(i%) WW/JD ACC NR1 AP5026445 SOURCE GODS UR/0089/65/019/004/0382/0362 AUTHOR., Kozh ovi 11'. -A. eynik ;z ~DRG: None TITMI Age -and area of neutron migration from polyergio sources in organic and metal-hydroge ipaderators SOURCE, : Atomnaya energiya. v. 19, no., 4, 1965t 382- TOPIC TAGS: nuclea r reactor,. nuclear reactor moderators, neutron energy distribution. ABSTRACT: The present article is an.abbreviated version of.the author's original paper dealing with the migration of noutrons in various moderators. In this paper, the problem of migrationage and area w6s solved by using 0 ,Vtjqnta1 data obtained f or sources of different spectra. The ageiAl(o :of neutrons having the energy'~,~ifrom. a -polyone ;ic source ~of speafi66'A was expressed by tbB f ormula: jMqr r-, -- - (,,2 ) K 0 �11 (e w4ere..rv;'(i4age of neutrons from polyenargetic j::.0 soiree or siF6otrum,B. _j_A(~)2_jh(e)j-m6fioenergetic ages for lower limits of spectra A and B;,,,yA6Lmodu1 6?_9~4ctrum A with respect to spectrum B9. pies~nted'as: Th Is modul was KA 8~(eo,A, A. D-~ where (COD Card 1/2 UDG: 621.039.532 -L 28029-66 ACC NR-- AP5026445 is the spectrum weighting~funqtion. The migration area of thermal neutrons was formulated as, Q A- B_ U + The original paper um, 6e_R_r-o_n&-fdF-id_f1ous mode rators'fLi- ,p4tains the ages of indi 70iDSO-q -H 1 12401-- a -ut35P 2 0C); nd different sources, Ile,' Ra- a 0,735, jC11 69, !1,P*d1='D`0,. The data on the average energy and the spectrum" tE4 above sources were given in a tables It was shown that the maximum error in calculating ages and-6reas did not exceed the h&lf of the error observed for monoergic,souroes'o The original paper contained also many graphs which were not included.- in the article. In-conclusion, itwas stated that the-areas and ages.'could,be calculated on the basis of - experimental data.obtained by., 'using pill aources and without conducting tests in reactors. Orig. art.,has.*-~.,l table. SUB CODE: SM,DATS: 23Feb65 R'EFB&., 000 OTH REF: 000 Card 77 77 25(1,5) AUTHOR Koshe ~-ii ikov, D. V~ T I T LE~, %namcrieters W-Ah lndi~ctance Pick-Up:-" for Measuring the Catt-intg Forces Dur'.ng Turning and Drilling PERIODICAL- NTmchnyytdok1ad.-,r ~;,ysshey ~7hkoly. 1,,1,q_shi1'.-O2-troyeniye i priborostroyeniye, 1-9158, Nr '~. PP 62*1-~,_~ IUSSR) ABSTRACT, The ai.it11cr Jescr:Lbes n-ew dyramometer di7.signe for meas- orinfr the. cuttln'- ~Inrceq o f +i.z-riing -::n operatJons and suggec I _, ts a riew des-ign of i.nductance measuring, gage which ma- find a wide-9pread applica- T t--Ior- in desigr~izitg su:h dynamometers Inductance pick-- ',).Ps haVe CORS-1 *derable advantages over other type-9 of electrica*_! !--ransducr~rs., Thoix manifacture and oDeration is s-_mpip and they ~_-ire mcre reliable and duriiig viork.. T_'riey have all 1-m- limited servicc- I _iLL . lhey do nf-.)t -ontn-in any movIng contacts cr brit`:-._1e parts, They provide a Dowerful electrical oj-,-na'A ai~ '~helr o-utlel~_q, whereby a coumplicated and expens-,.ve appara~.uq is no Card 2/7 longer r~ltvl- ~ord~nj' -~h ~'Iir;"G' r-,ron when re, ;_- forces 1-o be SOV/159-58-3 -.10/31 Dynamometers With Inductance Pick,-Ups for Measuring the Cutting Forces During Turning and Drilling measured on a loop oscillograph. When measuring aver- age value of cutting forces, these pick-ups will work on a.c. of industrial frequency. eliminating the neces- sity of having a special generator., Inductance pick.- ups are built either as a double reactance coil having one common core of thin transformer steel sheets, whereby the increase of the gaD of one coil is connect- ed with the reduction of the gap of the other one, or as two separate coils, whereby one is the working coil while the other one is a compensation coil, Although pick-ups manufactured according to the first method have a great sensitivity, they are less suitable for installation in dynamometers, since they are more complicated in. tuning and adjusting. Further, they have a too low self-oscillation frequency, Pick-ups manufactured according to the second method are free of these disadvantages, They have small dimensions and may be easily installed in any type of dynamo- Card 2/17 meter design. They may be reliable fastened to the SOV/159--r-8-3 -10,131 Dynamometers With Inductance Pick-Ups for Measuring the Cutting Porces During Turning and Drilling dynamometer providing thereby a constqnt spacing of the ,ap,. The adjustment and the tuning of the meas- uring circuit is performed at a separate panel., Figur(-:! I shows a diagram of the working pick-ups de- sicyn used for the manufacture of the author"s dynamo- meters. The body of the pick-up is a hollow cylinder in which the coil-is Placed on a core, made of thin transformer steel sheets, fastened by a nut to The housing, The --oil has 2'_oOO--2,2CjO windin-s,, The au- thor developed an electric three component dynamometer of very simple design for measuring the cutting forces of turning operations which is shown in figure 2. It will measure cutting forces of UP to 300 kg, The gag- ing was performed on a machine tool using electric dynamometers DSO-2 and DS-l, The author's dynamometers were also used for measuring the cutting forces on a shaping machine- The forces measured were recorded on a loop oscillograph 14PO-2. The advan-rages of this Card 3/~ _ynamometer design are simplicity in manufacture and SOV/1 51 9-- 51 8-3-1013 Dynamometers With Inductance Pick--Ups for Measuring the Cutting Forces During Turning and Drilling operation, absence of intermediate transmitting links or rotating parts, high rigidity and great reliability, 0 For measuring the torque and the axial forces when drilling, the author developed another-dynamometer type as shown in figure 3, The torque of the drill is transmitted by the work piece and the dynamometer table to two symmetrically arranged measuring gages which are shown in figure 4. In the author7s opinin the advantage of this dynamometer design is the high ri-- gidity which especially important when investigating a drilling process. The cutting forces at the drill transmitted to the measuring gages cause elastic de- formations of the bottom of the latter, These deform- ations are converted into electrical signals by the inductance pick-ups. The maximum load is 37000 kg; whereby the bottom of the measuring gages is bent by 0,,065 mm, The aforementioned dynamometer des_Jg_r~B were connected to a differential electrical. network shown Card 4/7 in figure 5. This network consists of two identical SO V/ _' 5 9 - 5 8 -3 - 10/31 Dynamometers With Induc-tance Pick-Ups for 1111easuring the Cut.ting Forces During Turning and Drilling closed circuit,?. to one of which the working pick-up is conrv~-:~ted, while the other is connected aith the ~-ompensation pick-up, Germanium dicdes DG-Ts'24 were used in the rectifier, but also selenium rectifiers may be used, A_n LM microammeter and a loop oscillo- graph TGO-2 were used as indicators. The network may be fed directly from the power mains using a voltage stabilizer, or from a special motor-generator produc- ing current of 500 cycles. The measuring ranges are changed by voltage variations of the feed current using an autotransformer and by chang-'~'ng the gaps of the pick-ups from 0.1 to 0.4 mm. The dynamometers were subjected to comparative tests. In this connec- tion the author mentions the works of NAT, Zorev, who stated that the best means of investigating dynamo- tD meters is to compare the readings of different designs under identical operating conditions, Both types of dynamometer developed by the author were subjected Card 5/7 to tests. Besides these tests in the laboraTory of SOV/159- 58-3 -10/Y Dynamometers With Inductance Pick.-Ups for Measuring the Cutting Forces During Turning and Drilling the Kafedra "Rezaniya metallov" (Chair "Metal Cutting) of TPI a great number of comparative tests were per-- formed with hydraulic, inductance and wire transducers, The detailed test results will be published in the near future. In this article the author mertions only those results which illustrate the performance of dy- namometers with inductance pick-ups. Figure 7 con- tains a comnilatien of measuring results using induc- tance and hydraulic pick-ups. These results were ob- ta-ined at different instances by workers of the Chair: A.A. Khvorostukhin, Yu.A. Rozenberg, V,B,, Liv- bn1ts and the author at different cutting speeds but otherwise identical test conditions. The graph in-,-. figure 7 shows that the readings of all dynamomete'rs do not deviate for more than R. Araloguous results were obtained by Docent M.F. Po2.e-,jaz, iorking with dynamomcters with wire transaucers, The author states Card 6/7 that the data presented show the reliability of both SOV/159-518-.3-10/31 Dynamometers With Inductance Pick-Ups for Measuring the Cutting Forces During Turning and Drilling designs developed by him. There are 4 diagrams, circui-t diagram, 2 graphs and 7 references, 6 of which are Soviet and 1 German. ASSOCIATION.,,, Kafedra "Stanki i 'rezanive metallov" Tomskogo poli- teklinicheskoge instituta (Chair "Machine Tools and Metal Ctit-ting" cf the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute.) SUBMITTED. April 2, 1958 Card 7/7 SOV/121-58-8-13/29 AUTHORS: Rozentaig, A.M., Rozenberg,, Yu,,A.. and Kozhevnikov-, D.,-V, TITLE: Methods of Shar ng of Twist Drills (311e~to penii ~-66hki spiral-'nykh svarl) PERIODICAL., Stanki.I Instx-ument, 1958., Nr 8, P 31 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Tests a-!e rep,'-rted, !~;:)nd-u.-:ted at the YL'ac:hine Tool and Metal Cuhting Depaitment Laboratory of the Tomsk Polytechnic Instltute -`meni S.M.Kirov , which are -oncerned with the behaviour of twist Grills -:-harpened along either the conical or the hel`tca" sur-fa~.,e or. the flats. R01 and R18 high speed steel (non.l.::yani-ded) twist drills of 1",7, 19 and ~'8 mm. diamet-or, Lravafa~;tared by the Tomsk Tcol Works (To!nskiy instrumental jnyy Zal~od) were tested,, Drills both with milled flutes and. twisted ftom flat stock were used with emulsion --;ooling ir. drilling type 4-0 5teel (Brinell hard- ness 180-2.10) and 4~ Kh steel (Brinell. hardness 250-260). Optimum (,ondl.d.t.-Ions f!~r long enduranoe,, as pre-viously deter- mined, were appliv~.. The in.,iterion of wear was a sc;ree,--hing noise and waviness of the hole bottom. The Card 112 cuttirkg forces were measured by a drill dynamometer with an inducti-~i-e ~-.-c,ansm-itter, The results of the type 4,0 Mettiodc of Shac-pe-ruinz ~" Tw!54.- Dvil*Ls SOV/121 -56-8- 13/29 steel tests ai,e ld,.-3tad in. a Table. Figs I and 2 show th8 axial foy,,q irill-Log torqu.---., -~,o spa (: tiicly,~ plotted against -the adian,,,-3 p,3r re,;olution. It is shown that sharpania~~ d::~.V-ils -along the Inelinal zz.TfaQ~a redu,.~,es the axial for.-,a ~,Y 300 pained with dT'il1S -)ip sharpaned along the :r-rfar,,~. Di,llls sharponed -a2ong the flats yield :-asuits sJou-1.1-ar those sharpened along th~ conlcal surfa--.,e.. Th.a d.-,.-illing torque is alm.)st irdependent, of tlrs ,j, g.*~iaj panj:tig. The effe,~-'k-, of sharpening along tJ-..e v e, Sr f) K - a~ plaln.9,2. by thi, p-Lnour.:,al reduc-- '--h e n(~,a angle at the --, eage from L CL a a ragat-i-a :,f 000 to a negative -,,alua of 170. S1jr.ij1,-,r ves,.A.~s ha.,e c~ttai,ned L-Oth oarbon and Th gvT 3.9 an,i I ta': I s. Card 2/2 1130 AUTHOR: TITLE: 3'/145/60,A)C)o'/C,06/006/007 A161/026 Assistant Some Aspects of the Pleohanlos of Skew-Angle St.!~el CuM.Ing Fr(1Qe3_5 PERIODICAL~ Izvestlya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenly: - Mashinos"royeniye, 19W, No. 6, pp. 139 - 148 TOM The"skew-angle cutting" consIdered is the conventional wethod of using a large inclined angle ot the tool cut,~Ing edge (lathe and milling cutters, drills, broaches, etc.). The article gives information on the results o,f an ex- perimental investigation of the process on an especially re-ecriipped univer;~ai ~/c I/ milling machine In cutting "20X" (20Kh) stpel. wJ1,h '?P18` (R18) high-speed sf.eel cutters with 15, 30 and 450, and CC = 80 _. without lubrictanf; ancl with CC1)4.. 0~ The ~~ut.tlng -e com The cutting edge angle U) was varied between 0 and 70 fo.,c - ponents were measured by an espenially designed devi~,e w.i-,h two ele-trical dvna.. mometers with inductive pickups (not rurther described), Tht: fo-,..,r force compcnntt.; Pn, P1, P and P were measired simultaneously. Errors riade by other authors in previous Lrks afre pointed out (Refs. I - q). 'naere are 9 fignire8 and 9 refer- encest 6 Sovief. and 3 English. ASSOCIATION: Tomskly politekl-Lnicheskiy lnsttf.~_it (Tom:-ik Polytt~-chnical. lnstl.tute) Card 1/1 SUBMITTED: JLLie 2L;, 1959 ZAKHARMO, I,F.; KOZMYNIKOV, D-y- Djrnamometer with induction transmitters for measuring torque. Priborostroenie no-7:29-30 Jl 160. (MIRL 13:7) (Itrnamometer) Mrque-Measurement) KOTHMIKOVI-A.V. __ Improved two-sided sharponing'of heavy-duty twist drills. Kashino- stroitell no.3:36 Mr 161. (MIRA 34:3) (Grinding and polishing) KOZHMIIKOV, D. V. Distribution of temperature along cuttinq edges of high-speed drills. Stan.i instr. 32 no.8:20-21 Ag 61. (MIRA 14:8) . (Twist drills) K0ZHEVNIKOV,. E.-- M. and BOBROV, A. A. (Veterinary Surgeons, Voronezh ob~ias-i~ A~cteriological Laboratory) t' Influenza in young uucks" Veterinariya, Vol. 38, no. 10, October 1961, pp. 48 KOZHF,VITIKOV, F., kandidat voyennykh rLLuk. Our country is the home of the sniper's art. Voen.znan. 29 no.8:6-7 Ag '53. (HISA 6:8) (Shooting. Military) IV KONDRATOYEVA, N.P.; PODLESSWA, Ye.M.; NOVIKOVA, V.P.; IASUKOV, A.K.; KJRAVOYEVA. M.M.; PRINTS, G.Yu.; MHEVIIIKOV, F.P.; PIROGOV, V.I., red.; POLYAKOVA. K.A., ',T - - [Econoav of Belgorod Province; a statistical manual] Narodnoe khoziaistvo Belgorodskoi oblasti; statisticheskii sbornik. Orel, Gosstatizdatt l'67- 165 P. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Belgorodsknya oblast'. Statistichaskoye uprqvleniye. 2. Statisti- cheBkoye upravleniye Belgorodskoy oblasti (for all,except Pirogov, Polyakova) 3. Nachallnik Statist icheekogo upravleniya Belgorodskoy oblasti (for Pirogov) (3elgorod Province--Economic conditions) KOZHIVNIKOV, G.A. -- . -- .. ------ ---- - Necessity for utilizing preserve areas for the preservation of Russian nature. Okhr.prir.i zapov.delo v SSSR no.4:90-97 160. (National parks and reserves) (MIRA 13:6) inzh.; KHIRIN, N.D. inzh.; BARYSHNIKOV, A.F.' inzh.; VOLKOVA, Ye.I., zh.; ~~ L.A-, inzh.; 9OXHRIN, K.G. , inzh.; BABKCII, V.A., 2 i P (IV j A.K.S. kand.,tekhn.nauk Starting clutch for draft and blowing mmchinery and pit mills. Teploenergetika 8 no.6:31-32 Je t6l. (14IRA 14, 10) 1. Yuzhnoye otdeleuiye GosudexstverLhogo tresta po organizatsii i ratsionalizataii elektrostantsiy. (Clutt'hes (Machinery)) (Electric power plants-Equipment and supplies) TUSEEVICH, V.A., inzh.; BARYSHNIKOV, A.P., inzh.; JWZHEVNIKQL G.A., inzh.; MYZNIKOV, N.F., inzh. Use of an axial flue gas pump with reversible blades in a boiler operating on natural gas. Elek. eta. 33 no.8113-16 Ag 162. (IAIRA 15: 8) (Boilers--Equipment and supplies) TU")E'j I Clf,, V. A , , i nzh, j hARY-'-'HN I FOV , A ~ ~ , , - '. ?:, -V G~" .. , - rzh,~ ; . . I ),- ~ ~, 1 .1 - IT(MIKOV.; II.F., inzki, -mproveiniont of it flue gas puril-I system.. () '36- 17. . .1 T) Mr'63. ( "-fl F, ,,, -5) BRTUKHATOV, IT.L.; KOZFMTIIIKOV, G.I. Use of a magnetic sonde in the analysis of magnetic anisotropy in rolled ferromagnetic materials. Zav.lab. no.11:1319-1322 '59. (MIRA 13:4) l.Moskovskiy Institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta. I%Iron --Magnetic properties) BRYUKHATOY, IT.L., prof., doktor fiz.-mat.nauk; KOZHhTlllKOV, G.L. inrh. New magnetic rod method for the analysis of the cryotal structure and strains in rolled forronagnatic materials, and electrical and other alloyed stools. Trudy MIIT no.122: 103-111 159. (MURM 13:5) Wagnotic testing) (Stool alloyo-Toatilig) ZARCCRENTSEV, G.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; KCZHEVN,IKOY, G.I., inzh. r. -, -, - - -- Ultrasonic and magnetic testing methods for determining the quality parameters of rail hard-facing. Trudy TSNII MPS no.243: 104-130 162, (MBU 16:6) (Rai2xoads-Rails-Testing) (Ultrasonic testing) (Magnetic testing) KOZHEVNIEDV. G.N.; MNITSOV, S.I. Uxtractipg alumina from slags containing helenite. Izv. vast. fil, AN SSSR no.11:63-71 157. (MIRA 11:1) Urallskly filial Akademli nank SSSR. (Alumina) (Sl,-g) (Bitumen) KOZHEVNIKOV, G.N.; KUSAKIN. P.S. Diagram representingthe equilibrium condition of the system helanite- sodium oxide. Izv. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.7:13-22 158. (MIRA 11:9) 1.Uraliskiy filial AN SSSR. (Systems (Chemistry)) (Ozocerite) (Sodium oxide) KOZHE:VNIKOV. G.N. Some characteristics of the interaction of gehlenite with soda and lime in the sintering process. Trudy Inst. met- UFAN SSSR no.4:65-70 '58. (MRA -2:10) (Sintering) (Gehlonite) KOZHEVMKOV, G.N.; KTJZIIBTSOV, S.I. ---- Most satinfactor7 conditions for the leaching of soda-gehlenite sinter. Trud7 Inst. met. TJFAN SSSR no.4:71-75 '58. (14IRA 12:10) (Gahlenite) (Leaching) MIKULINSKIY, A.S.; KDZHEVNIKOV, G.N. Preparation of metallic sodium by the reduction of its salfate or soda by carbon; research experiments. Trudy Inst. met. UFAN SSSR no.77-80 158. (MIRA 12:10) (Metallurgical research) (Sodium) KC7,F-EWTTKOV, G. TTI.: Master Tech SCI (diss) -- "on the Int".nnntion of wifAi soda tit IiiFjl teniperaturos". Sverdlovsk, 1~),-)O. L? pp (Tiral Affiliate of I the Acad Sci USSR, 1mqt of Mretallur.7) . 150 cmpie-s (MI ~No 19~0. I'-,) 14 S/06y' 2/000/C09/041/07 5 Bi 66 B144 AUTFORS:- 1,:ikulinskily, A. S. , Kozhevnikov, G. N. TITLE: Obtainini, metallic sodium by using carbon to reduce its sulfate or soda 361, abstract PERIODICAL: Refera t 4vnyy zhurnal. Khi.,;i.;ya, no. 9,5 1962 9K31 (Sb. "Fiz.-khim. osnovy proiz-va.-'Ziali". m,., tull SSSRI 1961, 2o6-216) TEXT: Na was obtained with a yield of 93-96cfa by using coke to reduce sodq at 1100 0C with a residual 0pressure in the retort of 1-2 mm Hg. lleduction~ of Na 2SO4'uy coke at 1100 C without the addition of lime, and leavinG a residual pressure in the retort of 1-2 mm 11G, cave metallic sodium with a yield of 55-56~- Addition of lime increased the yield to 92-94/';. The influence of pressure, temperature, nature and size of reducing agent on the deE;ree of Na extraction was determined. 'he posoibility of obtaining potassium oxide by dissociation of K 2CO3 at a pressure of 0-5-1-0 mm He and a temperature of 9000 C is demonstrated. ~Abstracterls note: Complete Card 1/2 S/061/62/000/009/041/075 Obtaining metallic sodium ... B166/B144 translation.-I j Card 212 KOZHEVNIKGV, MI.; OULTSOV, S.J. Kinetics of the interaction of helenite with soda. Izv.Sib.otd. AN SSSR no.8-.127..130 761. (MIRA 14 -~8) 1. Urallskiy filial AN S66R, Sverdlovsk. (Slag) (Sodium carLonates) O'V'tIIOZMNMM, ~.N. KUZNETSOV, S.I.; SEREIO MI~OV4!-. Effect of cation, on the stability of aluml Date. solutions. Zhur.prikl.khim. 34 no.10t2142-2345 0 161o (=A l4t-U) (AlumipAtas) (ion exchange) S1020V611140100310201020 B103/"101 AUTHORS: Kozhevnikov G. N., Mikulin8kiy, A. S., and Bakhireval L. D. TITLE: Recovery of metallic sodium by reducing its hydroxide by carbon in vacuo PERIODICAL: kkademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 140, no. 3, 1961, 652-654 TEXT: Methods were studied to obtain a complete reduction of NaOH by carbon in vacuo. The demand for sodium hydride to remove scale from steel product-s is expected to increase. The resulting NaOH by-products should be utilized. In East Siberia, inexpensive NaOH will be recovered in the production of aluminum hydroxide from nephelite and ayenite, owing to the low cost of electric power. Thus, the object of this study was the reduc- tion of NaOH by C in vacuo. NaOH, previously melted at 400 OCI was reacted with metallurgical coke (grain size 0.25 mm) in excess (20%) according to the equation NaOH + C - Na + CO + 1/2 H2 (3). Preliminary tests showed that stirring of the charge does not affect the yield in metal. A non- briquetted charge (weighed portion of 15-30 9) was heated in a crucible of cT-3 (st-3) steel. The residual pressure and the yield of Na were measured. Card 1/3 S/020/61/14()/003/020/020 Recovery of metallic sodiurn ... B103/B101 Tho authors found that the reduction of NaOff in vacuo proceeds in two stages: a) at 600-7000C, NaOH reacts with C as follows: 6NaOH + 2C - 2Na + 3H2 + 2Na2CO3 (1). The reduction of soda is insignificant; b) a further increase in teml;erature results in an intensive interaction between soda and C: Na2CO3 + 2C = 2Na +- 5CO (4). For tertipera- tures above 10000C, the summational equation (3) holds (see above). Above 8000C, the yield in Na increases with rising temperature and attains a maximum at 10000C. Duration of reaction 0-5-1.0 hr. A pressure increase from 1 to 5 mm Hg has merely a slight effect on the Na yield. On the other .and, the yield and quality of Na are considerably reduced at 10 mm Hg. This is attributed to oxidation of Na by CO. The purer the coke used, the lower the weight and alkali content of the residue. Therefore, the authors recommend very low-ash coke which, together with the determination of optimum quantities of initial substances, will facilitate the continuous production of Na. The yield in metallic Na was 97-9616 as compared to 35-50/~; mentioned in the literature. There are 3 figures, 4 Soviet references and 3 non-Soviet references. The two references to English-language publications read as follows: W. Kroll, A. W. Schlechten, Trans. Electrochem,, Soc., .2j, 217, (1948); USA-Patent, No. -21.~9047, April .16, 1957. Card 2/3 1,