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PAAL, Margit, dr.;,K0 _Jozsgf dr.; CSOMOR., Sandor,, dr.; HUMAA, Rezso,dr. - Histochemical examination of the effect of ultrasound and X-ray irradiation in Ehrlich-ascites tumor, Magy. radiol. 16 no-1:52-55 V64* l.Budapeati Oryostudoplanyi Egyetem Noi Klinikajanak koz- lemenue. (Igazgatot Horn Nela. dr., egyet. tanar). XOVBRDA. P. Savety catches. Maat.ugl. 4 no-12:12-13 D '55. (xLRA 9:3) 1. Makhanik uchaetka ahakhty 'Bulanash-41 kombinata Sverdlovskugoll. (Hoisting machinery) KOVERDA.,~Pavel..Trofimov.ioh;;ZOLOTAREY. A.K., otvatetvennv7 red.; RATNIKOVA, MWV, A.P., [Conveyer movers; a textbook for courses in the coal industry] Ferenoschik konveiera; uchebnO8 Dosobie dlia karsovoi seti shakht ugollnoi promyshlennosti. Moskva, Ugletekbizdat, 1957, 83 Pe (Conveying machinery) (MIRA 11:4) MAKAROV, S.; KOTHWA, P.; KORCHAGIN, 1. I'.-,- I------ "I,.,. --, ~ Man witb an inquisitive mind. Mast.ugl. 8 no.12:11-12 1) '59. (MIJU 13:4) 1. Znatnyy izobrotatell Karagandinskogo baBseyna (for Makarov). (Coal mines and nining-Technological innovations) - KOVERDA, Pavel Trofimovich; HIRSKATA, V.V., red. izd-va; GAIANOVA, V.V., tRhi-,-rR-.j;-BD=ftHV-k-j Z.A. p tekhn. red. (ElootrohIcs in the coal industry) Radioalaktronika v ugollnoi pro- vWshlennosti. Moskifs,. Gos. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu dalu, 1960. 51 P. (MIRA 34: 10) (Mining engineering) (Electronics in mining) KOVERDA, P.T., inzh. Adjustment of hoisting machinery speed limiters. Ugoll 36 no.5: 55-56 My 161. (MIRk 14;5) 1. Shakhta "Bulanash-4" tresta Yegorshinugoll . (Hoisting machitery) NIKOLAYEV, Georgiy Aleksaybvich; PETRUNIN, Rudolf Valentinovich; YAREFMKO, Ya-kbv Danilovich,- LEBEDKINA, z6ja Stepanovna; KaVERDAp,.Pav,el,gr.ofimovich;.,,,SERGEYEV, Yu.D.; red.; KUDRYAVITSKAYA, A.A., tekhn. red. [Work of volunteer constructor offices in introducing inven- tions] Rabota obshchestYennykh konstruktorskikh biuro po vnedreniiu izobretenii. Moskva) TSentr. biuro tekhn. in- formatsii, 1962. '118 p. (MIRA 17: i'~) KOVIM, R. T. , insh. Automatic shaft gates. Bexop.truda v prom. 4 no-7:31 JI 160. (HIU 13; 8) (Coal mines and mining-lquipment and supplies) KOVE-!D-TX---V, It'. S., TEVS, N. G. and S. D. REKHTER Reduktorostroenie na Novo-Kramatorskom masi-dnostroitellnom zavode imeni !. V. Stalina. T-loskva, 1%shgiz, 19h6- 339 P- illus- Reduction gear construction at the flove-Kr,~~matorsk I. V. Stalin machine- building plant. DLC: TJ202.T4 SO- I-lanufacturing and 7-echanical Enginecri g -ng in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953- KOVBUYATIV, N.S.; POIASFAYV, S.V. ----------- --- (Meshing elements of cylindrical gear and worm drives; reference tables] Mementy zatespleniis. toilindricheakikh subohatykh i cherviachnykh pe- redach; spravochnye tablitsy. Moskva, Gos,nsuchno-tekhn,izd-vo mashino- stroit.lit-ry, 1953o 187 P. (HLRA 6:8) (Gearing-TIables. calculations,etc.) KOjKRDTAY_W,H,.L-~ POTASKAYSV,S.Y.; MINOV,V.A.. inzhener, redak-tor; 14ODMI 'B.I., takhnichookiy redaktor [Mashing elements of bevel gear transmission; reference tables] Elementy zatseplenlia konicheakikh zubchatykh peredach; spravochrqe tablitay. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. tad-vo mashinontroit. lit-ry, 1955. 263 P. (MLRA 9:3) (Gearing, Bevel) KOVF,RDYAYbT, N.S.; POTASNAYXV, S.V. Letter to the editor. Veat.maah- 36 no.2:87 Y 156. (MLRA 9:5) (Gearing-Tables, calculations, etc.) FRZHIYALKOVSIaY M.M., kand. tekhn. nauk* V.N., inzh. .9 UTTEIF9~vl Even distribution of shot along the profile of the gaL conduit of a boiler. Energomashinostroenie 10 no-4:6-9 Ap 164. (PaRA 17:6) SOURCE coDsi' 0 Ak;%. 114KI AP6036w) I N. uR/oo56/66/bob/o12/6O42/ &7 T .AUTHOR: Mazoll P R. Yo. (Candidate of Technical Scioncos); Przhiyalkovskiy, M. Ml. (Ca-didato of Technical Sciences); Kovordyayov, V. N. (Engineer); Potrova# I. N. (Engineer) ORG: All-Union Heat EnginoorinZ Institute (Vuesoy-uznyy toplotokhnichoukiy institut) TITLE: Study of the effect of shot peening on the properties of the metal of pipes of heating surfaces SOURCE8 Toploonorgotika, no. 12, 1966, 42-47 TOPIC TAGS: shot peening, pipe tOASTRACT: The effect of shot peening on tho chanp in corLnin properties of metal 0 pipes,of pearlitic and aus~enitic stools (20, IM119, EP-184 and EP-17) 'Was studied. -A special testing unit was built In order to determine the state of the motal of convective heating surfaces subjected to shot peening at room tOMDorature hl and at hig temperatures (uD to 5900C). The tests showed the necessity of designing units for shot blasting which permit one to decrease the work hardening of pipes by changing tho direction and decroasing the velocity of the stroam of shot while at the same i timd insuring its uniform distribution. 'Bacause, of the wear and decrease of plastic '.-properties observed in the pipe the region of peening, recommendations are /2 uDc: 621.772.4.001.45 .1 Card ACC NR, AP6036431 given for periodic testing of such pipes. Orig. art. has; 6 figures, 2 tables and I forku:La. - - SUB CODE: ill SUBM DAME; none/ ORIG REF: Oll Cord 212 NOV"MD-LUET, YE, F. 33321. Tsi'urusov:,-ye M-0 I Lury- V I'IOV-,-Yh Rayonaldi. Sad I O~;orod, lgl,,O, 11,10. lo, c. 44-46'. SO: -"ITurnal'ri,.-IJi S~atey Vol. 45, ."'fookira., 1916) 1~ -A OF 00 00 a 00 0 Ir '3' ooW CA 7- -131 1 -h -N-2 Wis. "Is 9 W. Mlero-motbW tot dosmiallAg the alkalolds of bells- 4on" and Own apple (Daturts aftanattalunt) with uhmvWd H&L H. L. Rovvrp and A. S. Kovctrp. Dokkdy Vseseyss. AW. Wjkv-Kh-z. 'Xiink-iWo.' V.1. Lexixa 14, No. 1. '210-20949).-The finely ground ut-k- tcrial(O.2-0.5g.)ismaislenedAithO-25oc.ofa 10%K011 solu. and covered with 10 cc. ether. After 24 hrs. the tit. Is filtered through cotton, the fiaA rinsed with ethet and the soln. filtered until 15 cc. is obtained. Thii I, passed through a funnel filled with MSO und with slight suction ended Into a flask. FurbelIad1ouna,2#.ofhIgO Is used. sivins a column 4 cm. deep and 1,5 cm. In dlam. For thorn :Fplc. I g. NUO Is %tifficlent, After filtratioti theflaikit nsed with lDcc.cthrr,3cc.O.()1 NlltSo,an-l I drop of a fluorearent indicator (water itutd. with quinine sulfitte) added.and titrited In ultraviolet light with 0.01 N KOII. At pH 6.5 the fluorescence of the Indicator dii- appears and the IftO layer tums colorlm. A blank of the ether Is titnated and a correction made. The lactm :H for converting to atropine is O.OD289. J. S. Joffe 13P, Irl 13P. 1 IWO W-1 We IVU -a A-- I-A -00 roe coo Roe Zee tie* A&*.$L 841ALLIJAGICAL 1.111RAILINE CLAI$WKAIICM tie a We OWE 'JI1111 CLUE OW, Ast I ; A T I I& I V 1W 0 0 1 1 V IN I a a 3 9 V U 0 AV WO x1l, It a 4"0 to it It X4 0 0 0 sip - - - - - --- - - Ah db'da~db a as a sees*-41114111 0 000 *a Illssee CA Micto datereala-ficla of the total belladoarts and Stra- asaclumalkajWdejaWtraviolethol. Ii.I,,Xuvrrgaand A. S- Kaywila, - Diatkimiyo 14, 436-14)(19 ILI), cf. C.A. .43, SK)bt.-The powd. material (0.2-40 S.) 6 ruoisUntil with 0.25 mi. of 10% Koll "n. and ttrAtcd with 10 Mi. ether. Aftet 24 Ism, the ext. is filtered through cotton. lutpuritits wt rtMOVO by passing tile rthcr est. through u cWumn(4XI.5ctn.)c9ot TothedittAte is added 3.00 mg. of 0.01 Wacid, the mixt. 13 shaken, and then tMted with cme drop of an eq. satd. soln. of quinine sulfate (flaorescentladicstor), The excru acid It IIIJAIrdl in Oravioks light with 0.01 X alkali. The sq. layer is af .first blue, and the ether layer red or lilac -colored. Atthe end of the titratka, the eq. layer Incomes colotle%%, Whereas the coW of the ether layer rcmains, the same. Alkaloid eats. from leaves coutAin chlorophyll. Its thi, cast, the ether layer appears green from belorw and red frowabove. At the end point, the green color disappear.,, and a red calw is visible everywhere. A proper correction must be made if the ether used In the Wn. has an alk. tc- action. If. llfifttlcy 1 . K 0 VL.' 1 n A,S A. 6 D 2. ussR (6oo) 4. Scienee . 7. Nikitskil Botanical Gardens, l'oslcva, -Krymizdat, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, - April $ .1953, Uncl. 1. KOVEIGA, A. S..and SERGEYEV, L. I. 2. USSR (600) 4. Botanical Gardens -# Nikita (Crimea) 7. Molotov State Botanical Garden at Nikita. no. 13, 1952 9. MontUy List of Russian Accessi Library of Congress, 'March 1953, Unclassified. KOVUGA. Anatol!U orronovich; CHONOVA, N.M. I Z"- , [Nikita Botanical Gardens] Nikitskit botanicheakii sad 11moni Y.M. Holotove putevoditell. Simferopol'. Krymi dot, 1956. 143 p. ~Nikita (Crimea)-Botanical gardensz)) (MLRA 10:9) A1,61, yea~o 14, 41. USSR/Cultivated Plants Subtropical. Tropical. M. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 4., 1958, 15817 Author A.S. Koverga, kiv& VasiliYOV In8t The All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Tea and Subtropical Cultures. Title The Citrus Cultures in the Chinese People's Republic. (Tsitrusovyye.kulltury Kitayskoy Narodnoy Respubliki)o Orig Pub Byul. Wes. no-it in-ta Qhaya i 8ubtrop, kulltur) 1956) No 4. 144--169. Abstract Information is presented vhich is the product of the personal experience of the buthors with the citrus raising of Chinas Tho'citrus crops are advantageously situated alongthe south of the Yangtse River between 20-30P North latitude (detailed facts on the regions of their cultivation are given). Card 1/3 KOVJMGA, A.S., kandidat b1ologicheskikh nauk;RYBDIN, N.Y., kandidat eel rskokho- "111~~-~--'aystvennykh nauk. Work results of the Nikita State Botanical Garden. Agrobiologlia no.l.o 1112-118 Ja-7 '57, (MLRA 10:4) 1.-do~udarstvennyy Nikitskly botanichookiy sad imeni V.X. Holotova, Yalta. (Talta--Botanical gardens) * ^ WILGORY 4x3m, t ~1. nt Phya~kolpgy. ~ezpiration and Metabo , AW. JOUR. I RzhDiol. ) "e- 5,19% No. 19961 .07, Y A.S.; Milov, G.X. -df 741%ical Gar 11 of 'Merariptopbcs _ Activity. rIj 51. 01UG. :Byu.1. nnuchn,inforia., Gas-Wlkitsk. b,,zIz,:nL. s,,.td, 1957, No- 3-6, 75-78 - orcaptophas inat.'scticid,) oil : The epre.ying of m aprizot, peach, plum, ssfee-t ajid sour I cherry, persimmon and box leavoij in coni-.ontra_ tiuns of 0.1 and 0.5% (in a preparatioTO ar acidition to crushad tis.-iuein a buffer zvclu-J tlon pr-~%vduced a strong Un proportion to ths- reduetion of' aficorbinoxydase activity, La3ting ovor 60 days (&et.~irmiixed by the amount of a_,corbic -*cid unoxidized by !_of homogalletva), The axcorbi,:~ neid content*war, ~ KOVERGAv A.S.; KOVERGA., Ye.L. Effect of gibberellic acid on growth of some arbox-Aceous park and forest plants. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. biol. 26 no.1;69-78 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1 1. Gosudarstvennyy I?ikitskiy botanicheskiy sad Vsesoyuznoy sellskokhozyaystvennoy akademii imeni Lenina. (GIBBERELLIC ACID) (TREES) I ZAKHARIYEVI 17-1., Prof.; KQVEt~QA,-L-V--; KOTYSIEVA, N.G.; O~3UKEOVA, Z.D.; YAKUShTNKO, Ye.S. [Feeds in the Kirghiz S.S.R.; value] Korina Kirgizskoi SSP N.I.Za-kharlev i dr. Frunzc- compsotion and fecd value and hayfiellds of Yergana-, stav i pitatellnost' travy Fergany, Alaia i SusarWra. their composition " -iostav Izd--i,o AN of grasses Alay, and gornykh pastbishch 1964. 341 and nutritive I pitatellnost'. [By] Kirg.-Ssq. Vol.l.[Cherdcal in the mountain pastures Sus.-on rJ Kllirdcheskii so- i renokosov 1). (IUlk 17-.0/) SULYATITSKIY., V.Ye,; KOVERGA. V.-P. Multiple machining on autmatic lathess MashinoBtroitell no.6:8 Je 164, (MUU 17:8) %A got 0 10 .00 00 *0 1 go it 00 000 00,3 I T~ a p'L u.-u-0-ju the milluslolds of belle dMik aiad 600 itank (Daum Ww"Mum) with 0#614" WIL tkI A. S. Koyrret. pokkay Nduk im. V.1. Lexima 14. No. 1. 200-20940).-The ftely ground ina. tt-rial ( (;d"=) is moistened with 0,25ce. of a 10% KOII "It. with 10 cc. ether. Aft" 24 his. the cit. is filtered through cotton, the O&A rinsed with etbei and the saln. filtirned until 16 tc. Is obtained. 111'1 14 pawd through a funW filled vrth bfrO and with slight suction carded Into a fiask. For belladonna, 2#.ofhlgt) Is used. giving a -Ourno 4 cm. deep and 1.5 cm. in diam. For thorn ;Tpte, I Lp. 361g') Is sufficient. After filtration r thellaskis need with lOcc-ciber, 3 cc, 0.01 NiltiOt anti iF I drop of a fluorrsirent indki,im (nater said. with quinifir mittlaW added. and t1trated in ultrAviolet light with 0.01 N KOH. At pil 6.6 the Aluoreftx%ce of the Indicator dis, appears and tbt 11.0 layer turns colorlm. A blank (4 the ether Is titrated and a correction nude. The factor it for. conveitinS to stropint is 0.002B.D, J..S. Joffe TALLURGICOL UTCHATUME IMASSWICAIMCK It WIP ORY off U 0 AV so is T I - b b p - q - b ;x, sta -we Offin tool 9 0 0 * 0 0 6000 so of 0 0 0 a . T.4 &a fit -a G S a mesa so 40 4D 0 0 0 a 6-0-411 AM A 1 9 ?'W 0 0 0 1 W IN It 43 a 3 1 1 0 * 0 o see 9 0.0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 6 00000 lot -00 ties =00 Co 0 X* 0 q** 1900 us* CA 1;7 Mae 4sterad"Um of the total balladanu and atm- Moulum allowds in ultraviolet USK - U~L'- 9XVP *ad A. S. Kaverp. ftioUipsiya 14, W-4 it * C.A. .43. HOV&g.-Tbc pa*4. material (0-2--OA a.) is mawtnC4 with 025 W. o~ 10% VOII win. and tmated with 10 ml, ether. After 24 hro., the tat. 6 filtered dmmgb cotton. Impurities ate rmovtd by PAW401 the ether tit. through a colutna(4XI.5cm.)contg,1-2i.NI%O, Totbefiltzatc Is added 3.W mg, of 0.01 N acid# the most. Is shaken, and then tmttd with aft drop a( an sq. saut. solo. of quinine afflate(loweavotindicator). The rU'M acid '13 t1trati In WLMVJQW IWht with 0.01 N alkali. Theaq.layrris a .Ant blue, said the etba layer red or Mac-colored. Atthe CA of the UtMOM, the a9. layer becomes calorien, wherco the coW of the ether layer remains thr same. AlWaid exts. Imn ksms, contain chlorophyll. In this cm, the ether layer apptars grtcn it= below and red ftornabove. At the eW point, the Umn color disappear*, audartdWarfsvIsib1ttvMwbtre~ Aproptreorrectiun must be made If the ether user! In the citn, has an alk. Tt- action. 11. Priestley - v ,)1.41 rA o Hineral Nutrition* ogy H-3 Abe Jour Referat Zhur Diolo No 3.6p 25 Aug 1957y 68950 Author IJ10VOPE&Y-E-1- Title 3 The-Causes of Ohlororls in CrImean Citrus Plants QrIg Pub I Wi Vesso n6oie in-ta. chaya i subtropq kulturp 1956# No 3.0 2%459 Abstraot i In vegetative experiments on.Novopmain lemones the effect of-addition of large quantities of Ca and 01 to the soil was studied for the appearance of signs of ohlorosise In a nmber of experiments it was shown that a weekly addition of 2 9 of Oa (CH) to 7 kg of soil J for 3 months oaueed an acute oblorosis the lemon leaves with symptoms of iron defioieneyo Discontinuance of lime addition and good irrigation aide comparatively rapid greening of plants. A single addi#on of 100 g of as (CH)2 to 7 kg of soil with good irrigation did' not cause any considarable ohlorogis of plant leaves, Comparing external symptoms of chloroeis caused by exoess Card 11/12 K(WERGAP A.S.; ~M-!nv -Ye-L- Effect of gibberellic acid on growth of some arboMaeous park and forest plants. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. biol. 26 no,l-.69-78 Ta-F 161. ,~~q - (KM 14:3) 2. Gosudarstvennyy Nikitskiy botanicheskiy sad Vsesoyuznby sel'skokhozyayatvennoy almdemii imeni Lenina. (GIBBEREUIG ACID) (TREM-) KOVERMA) H.I.- ZMILENKOt G,S. Storage of sugar beets in the Kuban. Bakh.prom. 35 no.7:62-&+ j2 16:L. (IMA 34:7) 1. Krasfiodarakiy.$4khoveklotrest. (Eubdih-Sugar beeto-Storage) :-C).,! --~ The or ~i JL-. c, K6VERJALG Ants; R-OU-11A, E. 9 red. -.. - -1 - -.3, i. - - [Laboratory manual on me,!hrvnical englrieerii.~g far j -1 Masinabpe- Fecondary sc-hools; a bandbook for students- tuse praWkwu keskkoolis; klirdraRmat '0* il stele. Tallin, Elesti RitkIlk Kirjastugf 1904. 207 1). ~Jn"F--,tordanl 18-1) PROKOSHKINP D.A.; BAN11Y-KH, O.A.; KOV-ERNIT.SX_X,. Xu.K.; WDIN, I.F. Investigating the phase constitution of chromium-inangapase-aluminum steel. IsAl..-pp zharoproch....aplav..--lQ.tl38-W !63. Chromium-mangansse-aluminum austenitic steel. Ibid.-.144-148 (MIRA 17:2) BRATOLYUBOVP A.I.; POKSHAYEV, R.G.; KOVERNYY I.N., uchitell I Editor's mail. Khim. v shkole 18 noJtM~-90 My-Je 163. - (MIRA 16:9) 1. Pedagogicheskiy institut,, Gomel' (for Bratolyubov). 2. Shkola rabochey molodezhi, g. Pokhvistnevo, Kuybyshevskoy oblasti (for Pokshayev). 3. Shkola rabochey molodezhi No.1, g. VasilIkov, Kiyevskaya oblast' (for K.overnyy). (Chemistry-Study and teaching) KOVES, Bela; REGOS, Bela Tasks and development of the meat industry. E-Le1r, 1par 18 no.10s297-302 0 164. 1. Meat Industry Trust, Budapest. KOVES, Bruno Use of a-large-sized shuttle in the silk industry. Magy textil 13 no.11: 481-485 N 161. "Paper-chromatographic investigation of the substances in hvsks of oats which are soluble in ether and Inhibit germination and rp-owth." In Geim=. P. ACTA UNIVITSITATTS SZ-'GF'DTE'NSIS. PAUS BIOLOGICA SCIDUL'tFUM NATOTALILPTI. ACTA DIOLOGICA. Szei7ed, Hungary, Vol. 3, No. 3/4, 1957. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EFAI), 1C, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959. Uncla. 9i; - - - - - - - - - - -;;;;;;; gal I I1 6 1 S f 1 9 to I 111 4)u 11 1. is 1, "It a U IT: Ill 11 1) 11 m 010 1. 4 1, 0 v A, 1 4--#( -r-C -It- .-A I- I AA W Ot M "it .11 so, A, ,%I - ~ ~ . - - -400 i4l -06 00 JI -00 0 5! IV-d, 1-16(1047); cf. C.A. 39, 576M.-I)ctai" Inwr- ji, dutv is docribed, Tbt impwWce o( a prvvWtn exact 0 V o( vramrs t4 vtttims mnpn. is emphuited. .0 Av yieblsarr' 777-?C'!~ in msciblw funu%c"of nx&U cast.\ all clAllto'. "Ahi'l, ill wKIIII 111flulki-N of 0: zi IsIvAll VIIIA)v re 0 :,roe 00 .so ;too Ij ;4i AtIALLLINOCAL LITEICAILIRI! CtAIWICATfOX .so jjv. - Ili 4.1111 un AT No It v. , 'X'. A 0 i; pr t' IP it OF id * it OF a PC cf n it 111 No It 1 )2! A 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SO 0 0 0 0 0 O's, o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 909900 09 0 0 0 * 0-9-0, 0 ojji_!Lo Aj * 0 go* 00 0 0 0 0 q e OA ~4-1? 7 7 r ' m 'a F .0 r 1 .11 w I I N 30 a v a n w 14-f-c- -.4-A.-A-e ij7 00 00 Vh[K 10i OW #60thilti -hMS POPF-1 ~ -- 0 0 -00 25.1n Aluminum lndfthtrY In llunsst.%, A Mmmy and V. Kovm, MUM Aft*1111.1 *00! Oex v 10. jilly 1047, 353-364. . Mid 1l t & 11, 0*1 ,3i , he groA w of A broad re mr3it statm of the Hunstartan silu- p ptnphw;lzlnK donlestIc dw%tr i l num n y. lil ' ti h ~-G 40 ca olll . app Coo jueo =go 1! V uoo =00 4 ASS.St.Ak NEIALLUPGOCAL LITER&TUR9 CLASSIFICATIOM U00 -09 r i-_ I--r---I F I 00 -AV -.~i cr (Ortif M64 Xtr 4191 "aft 'Calwa IL4 0 0 0 111 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *1* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,000 00 0 600000 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 000.0 0 000 a 0 .Dova.lomontis iti the-OhRgt- wil Arlojouin of Light -etals elemar (bWaPOSOO 1949i li(5),0109-213)*--K.,discurstif; tfi~ -dovelo-ment of but, cold, anj Continuoui rdUlng -of light metal sheet and stri vind the -,oaalbility of appi~vin?, these techniquee In Hungary. -B.B. imediate source- clipping E. TEC'g,,jrlC GY Pori cd--* c al: L A VO 1.7, no 1, 1~59 E. ',Ader]nF, wires. P- 3F. l.'onthly Lint of EaA European VC,.j. Q as,, KOVES, r-,lemor; ROMALTER, Alfred; M-TAI, Jozoef, rurnok; KADATI, Gyula Sandor Deniflee, iron metallurgical engineer. technical director of the Csepel Metal Works, 1890-1959; obituary. Koh lap 93 no.2s66-67 F 160. 1. Femkohaszati Szakoaztaly e1noke (for Ronualter). 2. Gsepali Femmu (for Kretai). 3. Nepali Fe=u szalaghengeresze (for Karpati). KOVES, Elemer Society news. Koh lap 95 no,10:450 0 162. 1. Orszagos Magyar Banyaszati es Kohaszati Egyesulet Femkohaszati Szakosztalyanak elnoks. KOVES,- Elemer,, okleveles kohcmerwk An account of the days of mining and metallurgy held in Freiburg, June 12-18, 1962. Yoh laP 95 no.10: ,479-4.80 o 62. KOVES Elomer okl.banyamernok Report on the 4th international congress on light metal:: hold in Looben. Koh lap 94 no.12:573-574 D 161. MAGSAY, Jozaef; KOVFSI--RIkmerLLATINAKp Istvan Society news. Koh lap 96 no.1:48 Ja 163. 1. Femkohaszati Szakosataly elnoke (for Koves). ~,--ezac-r Dr. BelLsi in delt;,. IRp 9e! n~,,-cl~408 S IL, KOVES, Emil - - ....I Modern dwelling houses. Pecai nrusz szeml 8 no,4:1-33 O-D'63, 1, Epiteaugyi Minismterium Peasi Termo VaUalat. VARGA, Magdolna; KOVES, Erzeebet Effect of phenolic compounds on the activity of indqleacetic acid oxidase. Acta biol. 13 no.3:273-281 162. 1. Department of Plant Physiology, U"'ozsef Attila University, Szeged (Head: I. Szalai). (OXIDASES) (PHENOIS) (INDOLACETIG ACID) COVES, Erzoebet; ACS, Ilona Quantitative changes in the growth and germination inhibitors of rice straw during the aerobic and anaerobic decomposition. Agrokem ta4jtan 12 no.1:129-134 Mr 163,, 1. Tudomanyogyatem Novenyelettani Intezete, Szeged. K OVI-I~ I F . UfArbility cT 11ower Plants ard FIveiric Tra,s~-*ssicr 'j. 14-, ~ .1 -1 - I. Z-, (VIjIA!-'C,-;S'AG, Vol.. 2, No. 5, Ma:1 1954, 1;1,,Iapcst, I!iirj[-,,ary) I I - SO: Vonthly List of East Exopean Acceasions W-111), IX, Vol - 4, 7:0. 3i March 1n55, 1 7: n cl. . KOVES, F. Formation of surface scale from the effect of flames containing hydro- carIgons in manufacturing steel pipe. P. 105. KOHASZATI IAPOK. (Magyar Banyaszatt es Kohaszati Egyesulet) Budapest. V01. 11, No- 3, Mar. 1956. SOURCE: EEAL, Vol. 5. No. 7, July 1956- KOVES, Ferene - - Society news. Koh lap 97 no.1133 J064. F'OVES, Furen--v I- Deterwdnation and applIcation of the optimal reed in pilger mills. Koh lap 97 no.6,272-274 je,04. KOWES, Ferenc Determination and application of the optimum feed in pilger mills. Koh lap 97 no.7:329-333 i1 164. -,. Fatir~ue testin'r, oil ca~-t Iron. ,),1P,2 (YohiF;zati IqT,k)k -,~Oi~-st ,,c-,!. 11, ~', 105(~ Ontode Vol- (1, no. '%) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC., Vol. 6, no. 7, July 10.r~7. Uncl. TENYI, Istvan.. dr.; BARNA, Kornel, dr.; NEMETH, Magdolna, dr.; KOVES, Gyula, dr. Elimination of 17-ketooteroids and 17-OH-corticoids in the urine and changes in the plasma cortisone level in epidemic hepatitis. Orv. hatil. 106 no.49t2308-2311 15 D 1 65. 1. Pecsi 'A-vostudomanyi Egyetem, 1. Balklinika, (igazgatot Barta, Imre, dr.). KOVIS, Istvan, dr.: VMBELY, Tibor, dr. A new surgical method for radical esolsion of sigmoid rectum car- cinoma with preservation of tha sphincter apparatus (Swenson's surger,y). %gy.sebenzet 8 no.145-208:145-159 June 55. 1. Az Orazagos Rama ea Furdougyl Intezet Saboazati oaztalyanak kozlamanya Foorvon, Vere~mly Tibor dr. (COLON, neoplasms Burg., Swenson,% method) kovlff~s/ V/k/v. BETMI, Istvanj KOVIS, Istvan Cortisone therapy of saute panoreatitis. Orv. hetil. 98 no-50-51t 1409-1410 15-22 Dea 57. 1. A Povaroal, Ussoki-utcal KDrhaz (igaagato: Szanto Bandor dr.) Sebesseti Oaztalyanak (f oorvos: Koves Istmn dr. ) kozlemenys, (PANOMUTITIS, ther. oortisone (Han)) (CORTISOM ther. use panoreatitis (Ehm)) KOVES, IstaBO'A New method in the therapy of pancreatic fistulae. Orv. hetil. 99 no.15: 505-507 13 Apr 58. 1. A Fovarosi Uzooki-utcai Korhaz (igazgato-foorvoo: Szanto Sandor dr.) I. oz. Sebeazeti Oaztalyanak (foorvos: Koves Istvan dr.) kozlemenys. (PANG RIMS, f is tula surg., partial pancreatectomy (min)) KQVM, Istvan, Dr.; STOJAITOV, Ivan, Ikr.; POSCH, Rek, Dr. Therapy of acute rpllbladder inflammation; clinical experiences of 118 casen. Orv. hatil. 99 no-36$1248-1252 7 Sept 58. 1. Az Uzsoki-utcai Korhaz (igazgato: Szanto Sandor dr.) I. sz. Sebeaz- eti Oaztalyanak (foorvos: KoveB Istvan dr) kozlemenye. (CHOIZCYSTITIS, ther. MOY KOVF,S. latvan, dr. RONAI. Pal. dr.; CMG0DT, Jozaef, dr. Treatment of diffuse purulent peritonitis with Intra-abdominal administration of antibiotics. Orv.hatil. 101 no.30:1060-lo62 31 J1 16o. 1. Budapeati Uzooki-utcai Korhaz, I. as. 8abeszati oaztaly, es II. ez Sebeezati. Klinika (MITOITITIS ther) (ANTIBIOTICS ther) FOLDVARI,, Gyula., dr.; KOVES, Istva , dr. A case of mesenterial vascular tumor. Magy. sebeezet 14 no.2:89-91 Ap 161. 1. A XIV. ker. Tanacs UzBoki utcai korhaza OL azgato-foorvos: Szanto, Sandbr dr.) I. sz. seboozeti osztalya Morvos-' Koves Istvan dr.) kozlemenye. (HEWGIC14A case reports) (MESENTERY neopl) BODOKY, Gyorgy, dr.;-W~ES, Istvan, dr.; ST06TANOV. Ivan. dr. Hydrocortisone therapy of thrombophlebitis migrans. Orv.hetil. 102 no.5:225-226 29 Jal6l. 1. A XIV. ker. Tanacs Ussoki utcai lorhaza, I. sz. Sebesseti oaztalya. (H M OCORTISONE ther) : (THROMBMMI&ITIS ther) BODOKY, Gyorgy, dr.; KOVES, Istvan, dr. Data on steroid therapy of hypotensive shook. Magy. sebesz. 15 no.4: 257-260 J1 162. (SHOCK ther) - (ADRENAL CORTEX HOI-01ONES ther) FOLDVARI, Gyula, dr.; SZECHY, Miklos., dr.; KOVES) Istvan, dr. Fatal outcome of hemobilia. Orv. hetil. 103 no.29:136/v-1366 22 Jl 162. 1. Bp. XIV. ker. Tanacs VB Uzsoki u. Korhaz, I. Seb--szoti Osztaly. (BILE blood) XOVES, Istvan, dr.; BODOKY, Gyorgy, dr.; FOLDVARI, Gyula, dr. "', On acute pneumo-cholecystitio, Orr. hetil. 104 no.44:2093- 2094 3 N 163. 1. XrV ker. Tanace Uzsoki utcai korhaa, I sebeateti Oaztaly. (CHOLBOYSTITIS) (CHOLECYSTOGRAPHY) (CHOLECYSTECTCHY) (NECMEIN) SUCHY, Miklos, dr., KOVES, Istvan, dr. Gastritis hypertrophica gigantea (Menetrier's disease). Orv. hetil. 105 no.19:897-900 10 My'64 1. U--soki utcai Korhaz, I. Sebeszeti Oaztaly. K()VES' J. Noua Zelanda Bucresti. Rumania, Editura StUntifica, 19Y?. 74 P. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC Vol. 8, no. 8, August 1959 Uncl. W w w ~ w a 0 lrlw peeves* w go fee go go w- , j *;c ~ n Gab cla- so "Details 401111 olo"#ffio WHO G* : 0 To what kind Of PM*kA 'I 'be "M 01 Swil" Pig" ? jit of dimeaved PIP bound in the blood 0 4RT 't; 1-fe A /~,hjn 11,frij and Win cp6tqy. (jjj4j I.--- The 29. 79,* ' f,,.,, vi,uk-nl pig MONO wruH% 1'% * 00 "u, in pit.. 411hmgh 1) vlttt% and Can exuIr 0"11 Fv l, i e fulf.tit 6,111,11. otiXina, v ~irjj* is lem than in the f' rp kNII.), =00 tin ftsetkm obtained hy ppin. with 4 O fit. 000 ugwpUhrI Unit P-11,111- Contained virus. floth 1300 ij ~ i h ed ru%. e v giobtalin mt*tnq to b" lible to conihine with t , 'j, I. inAv coo '00 Soo M** goo moo U00 ties .11 L A SCTALLUft$CAL LITINATIONI CLASIMPICATIN Me* wig a a glow 000901V woo ~ INJANO "it Oki ;,Aw Od 0 0 0 1 v it it ft i a- I I It 0 1 to ! - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 6 60000 666660 A sea 90-1 see A A_J. -2 A.-A .-L-LrL 00 Mlo*; zoo zoo Coo goo too zoo to 000 0 X00 wee me the lemma bwy 10 thO"' Zdtin lkpa and MU 91 Wad 0~11110 =Ij j~M. Kku. K.w-U C,)W. Kf=a~ j pi tf s obt&inrd 29. 113-=1941).-Awtiscrugh, g) , win. The (,.m bonges - tmltvd with 2-1.- me body. IM- pptd. I ~ I ' CORtsigs"d Ab"Cag "" lem m obtained Dwy . lf:~ binvIvaAlbt 4TIV1400% VOT-Tr with y) mad jMe Immune 1-dy. The S(), fmaiOMI't calsibleed LbW immune body t9- ft.1uns ob= f. pw - the 3017. 6pitahk by 25% MAD4 U"" vMe found in 'umune body of the frar0on. Most of 'he Ica. wing. pjWe obtained fFutn Pit% was Ppld' S. S. de Findv by L,.5 and .30% going. L a at I AWNRCKAL UTIA 41 URN CLAIWXATMN pd rivesil-wo in, ;a man gin a I 11=4 I Cleo 'too 100 IW 0 a a I w to 0 ro lr-cas > ')"'. IRPNGARY/Di s eases of Farm AnimlB - Diseases Caused by Viruses and Rickettsiae. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 4o632. Author Kadar, Tibor; Koves, Janos; Wanninger, Rezso; Osz, Gyula. Inst Title Experimental Study Establishing "mitntility of the Lapinized Swine Pest Vaccine for Purposes of Vacci- nation. I,& tj t~ rrLLqT.,- jfjpj.rAjzr.,1 ntrnlrx rX the ijwJra,~ V!ut. -iJrum whle% wau used fe,,r the preparation nf an anti-awine-peaztt vaccine, did not become virulent In subinneulationn through p1ga, mid my therefore be conniderea a stable Card 1/2 19 t ma.ARY/Diaeases of Farm Anizals. r--,- e es a q as CW r.: and Rickettsiae. Abs inur: Ref Mur-nioi., Yjc 97 3-958~ 4063:2- vinis. Healthy pigs, in6culated with this virus.. react with an insignifim-Puit tempel-atum rise; weakened Digs, though, are liable to. succum-lb to the inc-culat-ior. Tigs who fall sick with the pz-3t ill a natural %-ay, do not lAre8arm m"N., Y"Ithologiz and anatomic ch-anges because of the Elsease. Irc- culated pigs are liable V) secret the vix,-,s durir~ the period of three veeks followinS inacalatim, which is dangerous for the not i-noculated rAglets, especially the mes ~,f the age group ot --- tc -;v-- weeks. I=---unity begins to (levelop ^one veek after inoculation, and after three mont-ha the pigs still possess the same imunity as after inoculation which uses the si=ultaneous method. Card 2/2 KOVFS, Janos, dr. "Raising farm animals and veterinary M-04cine in Australia" by O.C. Straub. Reviewed by Janos KoveB. Magy allatory lap 19 no.4:163-164 Ap 164. "Training of veterinarians" tT F.G. White. Reviewed by Janos Koves. lbid.:164 "Veterinary problems on Formosa" by O.C. Straub. Review&-d by Janos Koves. Ibid.:164 "Report of the AVMA Panel on euthnnasia." ReviewtNI tw Janos Koves. lbid.:165 "Work of the Food and Agriculture Organization of tht? 1,Tnited Nations and its struggle against hunger in the world." Reviewed by Janos Koves. Ibid.t165-166 "Impressions on Indonesia" by O.C. Straub. Reviewed by Janos Koves. Ibid.:166 "Veterinary problems of raising pigs in the U.S.A." by 14. Plonait. Reviewed by Janos Koves. lbid.s166-167 KOVES, lnQM,-Cli- "Damages observed after feeding carbamide forage mixtures" by N. Nahring. Roviewed by'Janos Koves. Magy allatorv lap 17 no,.8:312 Ag 162. KOVES , Janos, dr. "Now type of fam baUdings in Norway" by Nordbo Halvor. Reviewed by Janos Koves. Magyallatorv lap 17 no.8:312 Ag f62. KOVES, Janos, dr. "Crossbreeding Hungarian meat sows with Swedish big white boars with special regard to the quality of bacon" by F. Kertesz, L. Csire. Reviewed by Janos Koves. Magy allatorv lap 17 no.8012-313 Ag 162. KOVES, Tanosp dr. . "Veterinarians and the control of raw materialalt by 0. Schwahn and . -1: L. Rutquist. Reviewed by Janos Novas. Magy allatorv lap 17 no.8s 1 313 Ag 162. KOVES, Janomp dr. "The situation dnd probVeOto of, the forage mixture induatry in Austria" by R..Ehm. Reviewed by Janos Koves. Magy allatorv lap 17 no.8:313 Ag 162. KOVES, Janosp dr. "The future of animals husbandry in overseas territories" by W.C. Miller. Reviewed by Janos Koves. Magy allatorv lap 17 no.8:313 Ag 162. KGVES Janos., dr nAn account of the milk production of F,7cows produced by cross- breeding with Jersey bulls" by A. Horn End others. Revieved by Janos Kovos. Magy allatorv lap 17 no.8:313 Ag 162. KOVES, Janos., dr. "The forage mixing industry of Belgium" by R, Vermandel. Reviewed by Janos Koves. Magy a3-latorv lap 17 no.8014 Ag 162. KOVES, Janos, dr. "The 1962 forage produotion in Holland" by MR.S. Leenstra. Reviewed by Janos Koves. Magy allatorv lap 17 no.8:314 Ag 162. KOVES, Janos.. dr. nDevelopment efforts in the forage mixing industry as weU as the improvement farming in Great Britain" by 1. WiLliams. Reviewed by Janos Koves. Magy allatorv lap 17 no.8:313-314 Ag 162. ,A~ ~an~ - "Spain is seeking its way to the forage industry of Europet' by F, Mendez. Reviewed bv Janos Koves. Magy allatorv lap 17 no.8t 314 Ag 162. KOVESP J-anoo -, Current problems relating to tho technical davelopwnt of the food industry. Elem ipar 17 no.9:265-2Y3 S 163. 1. Elelmazosugyi piniszterhalyattas. KOVESI JAXOOP al.. Contractual raw-material .94pply for the food industry and its expected developmen~,.Elelm Ipar 17 no.10:319-324'-O 163. AWES, Janu3 Proant achievements in the mechanization of material handling in the plants of the Ministry of Food and our long-range plans. Elelm ipar 18 no.7:199-20) ji 164. 1. Deputy Minister of Food, Budapest. ijor ~p ELTETO, Odon) foeloado: KOVES.*_Pal, dr., kandidatus, adjunktus A problem of index number computation pertinent to inter- national comparisons. Stat szemle 42 no-5:507-518 My 164. 1. Central qtatistical Office, Budapest (for Elteto). 2. Karl Marx 'Tniversity of Economic Sciences, Budapest (for Koves). KOVES, Pater, dr.; ZSOLDOS, Gyorgy, dr. syndrome in an adult (subsepsis allergica). Orv. hetil. 106 no.42:1982-1986 17 0 165. 1. Orvostovabbkepzo 1ntezet, I. Bolgyogyaszati Tanszek (tanszel-vezeto: Magyar.. Imxc, dr.). MZSZAROS, Lajoq. dr.; _~O~V- DI, ozsef,, dr,; MOMAR, Borbala, dr.; OSVATH, Siindor, dr. Experience with "Rheosolon't in patients with pulmonary tub--rculosis. Tuberkulozis 15 no.6.,187-189 Ja 162. 1. A Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyatem. Tbc lainikajanp-k (mb. igazggato: Pongor Ferene dr.) kozlemenye. (TUBERCULOSIS PULOMIARY ther) (PREDNISOLOO ther) (PIMNYLBUTAZOI.Fz' ther) MUM, Laszlo, dr.; GAT, Laszlo, dr.; KOVESDI, Jogsef, dr.; MOLNAR, Borbala, dr.; PINTER, Laszlo., dr. Ophthalmological aspects of sarcoidosis. Orv. hetil. 103 no.33!151,,2- 1547 19 Ag 162. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Eqyetem, The Klinika. (SARCOIDOSIS diag) ME dis) IMSZAROS, Lajos. dr.1 K0VES11,_Jozs,,f., dr. ; MOMAR, Borbala, dr.; OVAIVI, Sandor, dr. Experience with "Rheosolon." in Patiento with pulmonary tuberculosis. Tuborkalonis 15 no.6:187-189 Je 162. 1. A Debreconi Orvostudonjanyi Egyotum Tbc lUinikajanaic (mb. igazgato: Pongor Feranc dr.) kozlemenye. (TUBERCULOSIS PULOMMIRY flior) (PREEDNISOLONE t))er) (PIOMBUTAZOME ther) KOVF.SDIJ Jozsef, dr,; MIZZtROS., Dajct.-, dr~ Simultaneous occurmnw of pulmonary tuberculosis, hreast !)ancer and primary, pvlmonai7 sarc:oma, Tuberkulozis 16 no,7,; 216-2-18 11 163~ L. A Debreceni Orv-;~studomanyi Eg-yetem Tba Klinikajanak ~~mb. igaz- I ga4.o,,, Pongor Feranc dr.) kozlemenye,, (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONATICY) (BREAST NEOPLASMS) '(SURGERY, OPERATIVE) '.'UTNG NEOPLASMS)