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YU,TDA, Victor Abr~A-riovich 3 -!/5 63 13 Poc,.-,,%ry prikuspi~jsh,-,y nimmennosU (Soils of the trans Caspian lowlt~-nd) .)e%,ero-i~a,-adnc,, chasti. Voslcval .,',3mdc-mknIt,,aj 191510. 254' p. maps, tablps. At head of title: jUkadeiniya %uk '7SSR. Poc],vennyy institut. KOVDA, V. A. "Great Plan Of Desert Transformation" (pp.416-26) by V.A. Kovda SO: Journal of General Biolo (Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii) Vol. XI, 1950, E0. 6 (Nov.-Dec.) KOVIM V.A.; SLAVIN,P.S.; SOKOWV,V.A., professor, redaktor; MARKOV.V.Ya. I '~~~or; KISKMA,A.A., tekhnicheakiy redaktor [soil and geochemical characteristics of oil-bearing areas] Pochvenno- geokhimicheskie pokazateli neftenoonosti nedr. Hookya, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1951. 68 p. (MLRA 9:1) (Petroleum geology) KOVDAp VICTOR ABU-MICH. Yelikiye stroyki Korxrunizma I IKH marodnokhazyaystvennoye znacheniye. (Great constructions of co-mmunism and their national-economic significance) . . . Moskva (Pravda) 1951. 24 p- Author refoers In his leot-ore to USSR's achievements in the construction of large hydro-electric 1-,~ower stations, established on the rivers Volga, Amu-Dartye, Knieper and Don and the creation of new irrigation systems in the Volga region, The Caspian and Dom steppes in the Down-streams of Amu-Darlye, in Turlmenistan, etc. He praises Soviet agriculture and criticizes farming in capitalistic countries, especially in USA. I -/-, 5:, ~ 7, / / ~, 1 6'. 13, 141,01P uf like Mlk;n TIOAmen Calliki. I III 111-lawk \ A. k. 11.1 1,:41 1'. % . 1:1 off') Madf Ina 'I'mi ~ I ( :-vall,174 a S no. :1. 19711, 1). 1. 1-1. -1 hy. I-al,I.... I. f Om cmwL I,.I, '11IJumud 1'. PAO, I I,,, -I. I'lle 41m"1111 0 L410I um'-f Iffiv.411"" mid it, Trlfhwmv 4,1) 0... SmI.-I .1mimm mv .11. -A ~ MM/~lectricity - Hydroelectric Stations" Noir 51 Academy of Sciences "For the Great Construction Projects of Communism," Prof, V. A. Kovda., Vice-CbmCommittee for Coopera- tion With the Great Construction Projects of CoMaunism., Acad Sci USSR "Nauka i Zhizn" No 11, pp 5-9 The Committee has drawn up a composite plan for scientific research work to aid in the builaing of the Volga bvdroelacpower stations, the Main Turkmen Canal, a4 etr-Gives examples of such work conducted by Aca&my Justitutes, e.g., the Inst:10f 213T42 Oceapol has caled the changes in the level of the 'Caspian Sea up tq 196~,and has,de-Veloped a method for regulating the level. Discusses expediti6ns vb:Ech have-been conducted and gives some details on.prbgre6s ofkuybyshev and Tsimlyandkaya bydroelec'irojects.' 213T42~ 39 USSR/Geophysics Canal Feb 52 "Science Serves the People," Acad I. P. Bardin, vice- pres of Acad Sci USSR Priroda, No 2, pp 1-4 States that Prof V. A. Kovda headed the Complex Aralo Caspian Expedition, which haz been conducting opera- Itions on the Main Turkmen Canal_ This expedition In- 6luded 20 quads (otryad) beaded by 1. P. Gerasimov .(Corr Mem Acad Sci USSR), Prof:V.-A. Kubyanskiy, A. G. Eberzin, V. N. Kuni.n, etc. States also that the Laboratory of ILydrogeological Problems, Acad Sci USSR, has compiled a cap of hydrochemical zones ,in the*CaEpian,steppes and has been forecasting aIlides during operations. Remn ks that Acad S. A. Khristianovich and Acad V. S. Kulelzakin head the, Fuybyshev and Stalingrad hydroelectric construction brigades, respectively., that attack special problem. KOVDA I V. A. "The Great Flan for the Transformation of Nature," (Cowittee for Coordinating the Construction of Hydroelectric 6tations, Canals, and Irrigation 3.,,,atems), (Popular Scient;ific 3eries), yui,lished by the Publishing House, Academy of Sciences U3M, 109 pp, 1952. K.-W. Vic&!2r L-ramovich. Great Construction Works of Comn, unism and T~e Remaking of Nat,ire. "Oscow, Foreign Lang,i--ges Publishing House, 1953. 63 P. mus. SO 1,115 783.3 .K841 LUPINOTICH, I.S.; SKOROPANOT, S.G.; DICNISOV, Z.N.; KOYDA, V.A.,; MAMOT, T.U., red.izd-va; POLTAKOVA, T.T., (Transformation of nat'ure--ib:'the Polesyan lovlandal Preobrazo- vanie prirody Poleaskoi nismennoati. Moskva, lzd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1953. 77 P. (MIRA 13:7) (Polesye--Drainage) KOVDA, Viktor Abromovich, ed. Grassland system in the agriculture of the republic6 of Central Asia Moskva, AYad. nauk, 1953. 197p. (Trudy Aralo-Kaspiiskoi komplekanoi ekspeditsi,i, 1) MVDA, V.A., redaktor; BMYYBV, T.B., redaktor; DONCHWO, V.V., redaktor;,,_p ISTUNOV, P.A.. redairtor; NOVIKOV. G.S.. otvetstvahbj~j f6daktor; PWROY, M.P., rodaktor; RABOORRY, I.&, redaktor; URAMAT-XV, H.T., redaktor,, ZUBOYA, N,I., tekhnichashy redaktor [Transactions of the third session of thip Turkmen Academy of Sciencos; MhY 3-6* 19523 Trudy tretley sessii Akademii nauk Turkmenskoy SSR; 3-6 maya 1952 g. Po& obehehei red. T.B.Berdyeva. ishkhabad, 1953. 232 p. (HLRA 9:10) 1. Akademiya nauk Turkmenskoy SSR, Ashkhabad. 2. Daystvitelt W chlen AN TSSR (for Berdyyev) (Turlcmenistan--Sciance) VMMUYBV, V.R.; KOVDAP'J. essor, redaktor; LANMSHAN, P.A., -.1 redaktor; NUMB , N."te icheskiy redaktor [Salle and climate] Pochvy I klimat. Baku, Izd-vo Akademil nauk Azerbaidzhanskot SSR, 1953. 319 p. (Kicrofilm) (MLRA 7:10) (Climatology) (soils) XOVDAq V. A. Russia - Social Conditions Universal historical significance of the great construction projects of communism. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. biol. no. lp 1953. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified. 1. XOVDA, V. A. (Prof.) 2. USSR (600) 4. Russia - Public Works 7. Contribution of Soviet scientists to the great Stalin construction projects of communism. Priroda 42, No. 4, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Aoril -1953, Uncl. BERLIM, M.A.; DOLGOPOLOV, N.N.; KOYM, V.A., otvatetvennyy redaktor; TBGOROV, N.G., redaktor; Ad`TZP*TIWI60. I., tekhnicheskiv redaktor. Exlectrometric determination of the salt content of soils, subsoils, and ground vaterl Blaktrometrichookoe opradelanie solesoderzhaniia pochv, gruntov i gruntovykh vod. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1954. 81 p. [Microfilm] ARL 7:11) 1. Ghlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for KDvda) (Soils--Analysis) (Water, Underground) (Salinometer) KOVDA, Viktor Abramobich. Geochemistry of the deserts of the USSR; report at the 5th International C-ingress of Soil Scientists Mo3kvaj Izd-vo Akad. nauk SM, 1954. 1511 1 p. maps. (55-44365) s607.K6 - IOVDAO V.A., red. CImportance of drainage for increasing soil fertility) Znscbenie drenesba v pov7shenti plodorodiia pocbv. Moskva, 1956. 82 p. (HIRA 11:11) 1, Leningrad. PocbvenW institut imeni V.V.Dol-ucbayeva. (Drainage) 0 USSR/Soil Science - Physical and Chendcal PropertieEs of Soils. J-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.., No 3, 19A 10512 characteristics of the structure and mechanical composi- tion of this horizon.. Card 2/2 -- . -- - -- - - -- -.- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - --- - - - I I - . -- --*- I USSR/Soil Science - Cultivation, Amelioration, Erosion. j-4 Abs Jour' : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 2, 1958, 5813 Author : Kovda, V.A., Rodin, L.Ye., Bazilevich, W.I. Inst Title The Reasons for the Natitral TAtertility of the Takyry and the Principles of their Amelioration. Orig Pub Sb- Takyry Zap. Turlaaenii i puti i-kh s, kh. osvoyeniya, 140e"a, Akad Nauk S&SR, 1956, 71.1-717 Abstract The authors.consider the fundamental reasons for the natu- ral lack of tertility of the takM to be: the weak biolo- giwl activity.of the soils, th6ir insignificant content of organic and fundamental nutritive substances (humus is less than 1%; 17 -- 0-05-0.06%; P205 _- 04), the low (10%) content of.humic acids in the Irum, and their weak acidity Fth L_ __e text is confused here_7, general salinity of the soils, their high alkalinity up to 0.2% HM - 0 .04% C03; pH 9-10)~ the increased content of exclumge :L in the Card 1/2 Card 2/2 TYUHIN. I.T., akademik, redaktor. KOVDA, V.A.. redaktor; IAMNKO, TeX., redaktor-, RAMIRVICH. B.I.. reds Irt o_r_-,mEMNOV. ?.A., redaktor; RODIN, L.Ye., radaktor; SHUTALOV, S.A., redaktor; HARKOV, V.Ya., redaktor Izdatel'stva; SHEVCHBNKO, G.N., takhnicheekly redaktor (Takyre of Western Turkmenistan an& ways of reclaming them for agricultural Taiyry Zspadnoi Turkmenit i puti ikh'sallskokhoziai- stvannogo oevoentia. Hoskya, 1956. 735 P. (HLRA 9:11) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. PoohvanW institut. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kovda, Iavreako) (Turkmenistan--Reclamation of land) USSR/Soil Science. Physical and Chemical Properties of Soils. 1-3 Abe Jour: Referat Zh-Biol., No 6., 25 March) 1957, 22458 Author Kovda, V.A-. Inst Title Change of Chemico-Mineral Composition of Soil Cover as Affected by Migration of Salts and Gases of Deep Oil and Gas Deposits. Orig Pub: V sb.: Kora vivetrivaniya. No 2, M., All SSSR, 1956, 85-91. Abstract: A theoretical basis for the posaible relation between soil cover and the depth of oil-gas deposits was manifested by the fact of great mobility of components of oil-gas deposits and the unavoid- able fissuring and microfiesuring in structural arches. Results are given briefly of Investigations which were conducted in the Ansheron Peninsula, PrIkurin lowlands, within the limits of the Xhlebnov structure along the Volga and a number of structures in West Georgia. The following soil-geochemical indications of oil presence are noted; 1) the chemical composition of near-surface Card 1/2 -13- USSR / Soil Science. Genesis and Geography of Soils. J-1 Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Biol., No 81 1958, 34310. Author : hovda, V. J"L., Hsu Su-Hua; Klychnik'ov, V. M. Inst : Nd`t-U-iT-".n-.- Title : Or. Certain Poculiaritias of Soil For~iation in tho Tidnl Zo2e of tho Yellow Sea. Orig Pub: Poclivovodeniyo, 1956, No 8, 12 - 20. Ab3tract: .'Lecording to froquonoy and duration of floodinG, the littoral of the Yollow Soa in China is divided into throe sub-zonos: zone flooded duily, zono flooded periodically every year, and very rar~~ly floodad zone (once every 10 yours). The height of tho tides fluctu_~tas from 0.7 to 5 m. Stronc'-,- ly silted marine deposits are provalont in the first sub-zono, but mineralization of sub-soil wators corrosponds to that of tho marine (oq. to USSR Soil Scionco. Gonosis and GjoCra.phy of Soils. j-1 iLbs Jour: Rcf Mur-Biol., No 6, 1958, 34310. Abstract: 48 'ff/1). In tblo 2nd sub-zonc, as a result of an intonsivo proc._~3s of uvaporati3n, j-D-inoralization of 6round wators roachus IL50 g/l, and contont of salts in saline soils of thu chloride saltlng reaches 57~'o. In thu third sub-zono, du-a,?altint- of soil d:oDrossions undor the action of rain ~-%,ator is bodnc obsorvad. In this sub-zono, tho most froquont soils aro as follows: iaoaadowy cligLtly alkali, muddy- and in-uadow- swaiiii-py. AgriculturRl utilization of floodod aroas is possiblo only with construction of .-rotootivo da_nhs, doop drain- ago by moans of floodgates for prctoction from soa tidos and erosion by watc~r. -- S. i. Nikitin. Card 2//-j 2 3 KOVDA2 V. A. "Mineral Composition of Plants and Formation of Soils, " a papet presented at the 6th International Soil Science Congress., Paris, 28 Aug to 8 Sep 56, In Library Branch #5 XDVDA, V.A. Mastery in achieving high crop yields. Zmanoila 31 no-3:1-3 Mr '56. (M-RA 9:7) I.Chlow-korrespodent kkaflemii nauk SSSR. (Chiza-Crep yields) KOVDA, V.A. ~, Lanscapas of irrigated regions of the U.S.S.R. Priroda 45 no.11: 89-93 N 156. (MIRA 9:11) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akadamii nauk SM. 2. Pochvennyy inatitut imeni V.V.Dokuchayeva Akademii nauk SM, mosk7a. (Irrigation) KOVDA ) V. A. "The UBe of DrainagO to Prevent Salinisation of Irrigated Soils,," paper presented at the Third international Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, San Francisco, 29 Apr-4 MaY 1957 C-3,800,,020 KOVDA, V.A. Problems of the drainage and reclamation of Colchi5. Kul. VIIIICHiSK no.1:209,,2-U -57. (MM, 15:5) 1. Chlon-korreopondent. AN SSSR. (Colohio-Drainage) USSRISoil Science - Genesis nnd GeoLTaphy of Soils. i Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Diol., No 22, 1958, 99979 Authir : Kovda, V.A., Kondmskaya, N.I. Inst Title : A New Soil Map of China Orirl Pub : Pochvovedeniye, 1957, No 12, 45-51 Abstract : There is presented a schematic nap of China, drawn to the scale of 1 : 10,000,000, based an the results of the works by Ma Yun-chih, SunC; Ta-chlenU,, Li Ch'anG-K'uai, Hau Kluang-china, HsunG 1, Li Lian.-chlie, H,~u Usush-yu and investiCrations by the authors in China in 1954-1957. Foremost on the Chinese soil mp stand out meadow soils, br3vn soils of the arid forests, forest bur3zem CbrOwn- earth soils7 (in the Chinese mrth); outlines of the extension of chernDzem. are clearly defined. The chart reflects two parallel raws of the s3il cover's zonal sys- tem: one, to the east in the belt of the icean-i-.ionsoon Card 1/2 - 10 - USSR / Cultivated Plants. General Problens. M-1 Abs Jour RDf Zhur - Biologlya, No 13).19A No. 58496 Author lovda. V. Inst Mad. Sol.. Arm SSR Title The Prospects of Utilization of Iands Liberated by the Draining of Lako Sevan for Agricultural Needs Orig -%b Izv. AN ArmSSR, Biel. i a.-kh. n., 1957, 101 No 10 Abstract No abstract given Card 1/1 8 KOVDA, V.A.; LIMOVSKIT, ft.A.; SM DA-CHI,N (Sung Da-Tchenj A survey of soils of the Amur region. Izv. AN SBSR Ser.biol. 22 no.l: 91-io6 ja-F l57. (KLRA 10-3) 1. Pochvennyy institut, im. V.V.Dokuchayeva Akademii nauk SSSR. (AMM VALL&T-SOILS) KOVDA, V. A. Kovda, V.A. and P.S. Slavin "Geochemical soil data concerning the mineral oil and gas content" report pr--sented ct, a Conference in the rept. or C-_-, d Geogr~ph C I ,L )JOgital an _, j :q sp-i - , on Geochemical ev-,d RE~a-lomtrJeal iu,~ for Deposits, 2!--o6 jipril 1958. -hoaS a. Sz-arcb ruld Prosncctin~7 (Vest. Alk N&u&- SSSR,. 1Q58, -No. 7, P-D. 125-26) LOPOIN, -G.V.; DXff IGINA, R. S.; YEGOROV, V.V.; KOLI~~-.A otvetstvanW red.; TSVIMOV,,N.V.,,red. izd-va; SKbVO'V-i, Ae"C', tekhn. red'. EMBlta, of the Aim Mu7iLl Del Ita, Amu-Bur ti. Mosk7a, IcLz-*o AkELds' nauk ssaR, 195B,, 156 Pa.- (MM 1TS7) 1. Chlon-korregpondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Lovda), (Amu Darya Dalta) tvestvenny.v red.; YBGOROV. V.V..'kand. geol.-mineral. nauk,' MW-?-JV4AvO8tv8nn*y.v red.; ANTSSWVICH, X.Ye., red. izd-va; GUSBVA, A.P,, takhn. red. [Drainage in the utilization of saline ioile] Primenenie drenazha pri osvoenii zasolennykh zemll. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1958. 173 P. (MIRA llf8) 10 Akubmiya na,3k SSSR. Poohvenwy institut im, V.V,. Dokuohaeva,, 20 Chlen-korresponUnt Akademii--naak SSSR (for XDvda). (Drainage) (Reclemati-on of land) LEMOV. Petr Aleksayevich- 10~ ~A..; KHATSEEMIGH, L,M.. red.izd-va; [Conditions for land improvement along the lower reaches of the Ama Darya; processes of aqcumlation of salinity in soils and waters of the km Darya Delta] Pochvenno-meliorativnye usloviia v nizovOiakh Azia-Darli; protsessy solenakopleniia v pochvakh i vodakh delity Amu-Darli. Moskva, Izd-vo Aked.nauk SSSR, 1958. 202 P. (Trudy Aralo-Kaspiiskoi komplakanoi skepeditaii, no.10) (MIRA 12:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for lovda). Gkm Darya Valley-Soils) WPINOVICHP I.S.; GOLUB, T.7.0~" ~,,- BULAT, 0., red. izcl-va; VOLCKMOVICH I.* to recl. [Pbat-bog soils iu White Basela..and their fertility] Torfiano- boloti,Ve pochvy BSSR I M Pl6daridieo IsC26-, perer. i dop. Miziek, Izd-vo And. uwA SSE, 19580315 (Kin lltg) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademu iw* SSSR (for Kovda). (White Hassia-Peat soils) KOVL-,A, V. A. ; )RW.TOVA, V. S. Profesaor R.W. Hilgnrd, 1833-1916. Pochvovedenie no.3:76-82 Mr 158. (MMA 11;4) 1. Pochvennyy institut im. V.V. Dokuchnyevn AW SSSR. (Hilgard, Nu!~ene Woldemnr, 1813-1016) AMIRASUDOV, A.A.; KOVDA, V.A.; WRCRINK, M.F. "Lithologlftl-a-n=eo`A-i for weathering of the earth's geoc emical bases crust" by K.I. Lukashev. Reviewaq by A.A. Amiraslanov, V.A. Kovda, M.F.Mircbink. VestRi AN BSSR Ser.fiz.-tekh. nav. no-3: 1?6-128 '58. (MRA 11:10) 1. Chlany-korreepondenty AN SSSR. (WeatheriDg) (Inkashav, K.I.) KOVDA, V.A.; ZIMOVETS. B.A.; AMCHISLAVSKAYA, A.G. Hydrogenous accumulation of silica compounds and sesquioxides soils of the Amur region [with summary in English]. Pochvovedenie nD.5:1-11 My '58. (MIRA 11:6) l.Pochvennyy institut im. V.V. Dokuchayeva AN SSSR. (Amur Valley-Minerals in soil) KOVDA, V.A.; YAhlJST,-,7SYUYA, I.V.; TYURYUKANOV, A.H. Trace n1nnonts in enils of thn U.S.S.R. Izv. Idl SSSR. Ser. biol. no.5:562-570 S-0 158. (14IRA 11:10) 1. Mosknvakly gowidarstvennyy universitet imani M.V. Lomonosova, Binlogo-pochvenny.v fakulltet. (14IMMULS IN SOIL) AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/2 BOV/30-58-9-16/5i Kovda, V. A., Corresponding blember, Acadny of Sciences, USSR ----------- Deserts and Oases in Egypt (V pustynyakh i oazisakh Yegipta) Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Nr 9v PP. 72-79 (USSR) The National Scientific Center of Egypt asked the AS USSR for aBsJstanoe in the elaboration of the most important and urgent problems of soil science. For two months the author was guest and collaborator of this center. The director of the center is the chemist Professor A. R. Turki. The center consibts of a chemical,* a physical, a medical, and an agricultural depart- ment. The Institute of Deserts, director: Doctor 0. Drazj is a part of the center (Fig 1). Professor 0. Khamdi, President of the Egyptian Association of Soil Experts and Head of the Chair of Soil Science at the University of Zia $hauW.,is chief manager of the center. The Department of Soil Science of the Ministry of Agriculture under the direction of A. Kh. Mustafa al- so has a considerable number of experts at its disposal. Also the Chairs of Soil Science at the universities of klexandria, Cairo and Ein Shams . carry out research work. In Alexandria a national laboratory for the amelioration of salty soils has been - - KOVDA, V.A.; VASILIYEVSKAYA, V.D. Investigating the trace element content of Amur Valley aoils. Pocbvovedenie no.12:68-76 D '58. (MIRA 12:1) 1. 14oakovskiy osudarstvennyy universitet. ~Amiir Valley-Soils-Analysis) (Trace elements) KOVDA, V.A.; YAk-USMSKAYA, I.V.; TYURYUKANOV, A.M.; Pfam'MAN. A.I., doktor geologo-mineralog.nauk,; YERAKOV, H.S., [Trace elements in the soils of the Soviet 'Union] Hikroele- menty v pochvakh Sovetskogo Soiuza. Hookva, Izd-vo Hook.univ., 1959. 63 p. (MMA 13:3) (Trace elements) (soils) SMIN, Vasiliy Fedorovich;,XQVDA&.V.A.,; IYANOT, T.Y., red. izd-va; YHGCROVA, N.F., [Reclamation of Chestnut soils of the Volga Valley] 09voenie kashtanovykh pochv P-ovolzhlia. Moskva, Izd-vo &ad.nauk SSSR, 1959. 134 p. (MIRA 13:3) (Volga Valley-Agriculture) YEGOROV, Valentin Veeillyevich; KOVDA, V.A.,; ANTSELOVICH, M.Ye., red.izd - V-11 -va; POLTAKOVA, T [Soil form!ition nnd conditions for establishing irrigation systems for the improvement of deltas in the Aral-Caspian Lowland] Pochvo- obrazovnnie i usloviia provedeniia orositellnykh maliorataii v del'takh Aralo-KaBpiiskoi nizmannosti. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1959. 294 p. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kovda). (Caspian Sea region--Irrigation) (Caspian Sea region--Soils) PEYVE, Ya.V., glav. red.; ALIYEV, G.A., akademik, red.; ABUTALYBOV, M.G., prof., red.; BERZIN, YA.M. [Berzins,J.], akademik, red.; VINOGRJ4- DOV, A.P., akademik, red.; VLASYUK, P.A., akademik, red.; VOYNAR, A.O., prof., red.; DROBKOV, A.A., prof., red.; KATALTMOV, M.V., prof., red.; KOVALISNIY, V.V., red - KOVDA V.A., red.; KEDROV- ZIK&L414,O.K., akademik,, red.; akademik, red.; PETER- BURGSKIY, A.V., prof., red.; SINYAGIN, I.I., red.; CHERIIOV, V.A.p prof., red.; CWISHVIII, Sh.F., red.; SHKOLINIK, M.Ya., prof., red.; SHCHERBAKOV, A.P., kand. sel'Ithoz. nauk, redl; W14GRA14OVICH, A.p red.; DM,IARSKAYA0 0.., red.; KYAVINYA,A lKlavina, .], tekIni. red. [Use of trace elements in agriculture and medicine; transactions] Primenenie mikroelementov v sel'skom khoziaistve i meditsine; trudy Riga, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Latviliskoi SSR) 1959. 706 p. (MIRA 14:12~ 1. Vsesoyuznoye soveshcbaniye po mikroelementam. 3d, Baku, 1958. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Peyve, Kovda). 3. AN Azerbaydzbanskoy SSR (for Aliyev). 4. AN Lat-riysk-oy SSR (for Berzin). 5. Vsesoyuznaya akaderii-ya sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk Im, V.I.Lenina (for Vlasyuk, Kedrov-Zikhman). 6. AN Belorusakay SSR (for Leonov). 7. Chlen-korrespondent Vsesoyuznoy alcademii sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk im. V.I.Lenina (for Sinyagin, Kovallskiy). 8. Chlen-korrespondent AN Gruzinskoy SSR (for Cbanishvili). (Trace elements) (Biochemistry) (Agriculture) KOVDA, V.A.; LIVEROVSKIY, Yu.A., prof.,; RMOV, V.Ya., red. SHEVCHMO, G.N., [Studies of nature and soils of China] (~cherki prirody i pochv Kitaia. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1P59. 455 P~ (China--Soils) NM 12:10) KOVDA V.A.; ZAKRARIIIIA, G.V.; SHELYAKINA, O.A. Signifioance of irrigation sediments of the Amu Darya River in the fertility of Irrigated soils Lwith summary in Inglishj. Pochvovedenia no.4:25-35 Ap '59. (MIRA 12:7) l.Fochvenn" institut im. V.V. Dokuchayeva AN SSSR. (Amu Darya Valley--Soil fertility) (Irrigation farming) 11-k, KOVDA, V.A.; %AKHARIINA, G.V. Geochomical characteristics of and salt accumulation processes in soils of Sinkiang. PochvovedRnie no.9:1-4 S '59. (MIRA 113: 1) lJPochvonny7 institut im. Dokciicha7eva Akademii nauk SSSR. (Sinkiang Uigur Autonomous Xegion--Soils) LOBOVA,1 Ye.V. and KOVDA, V.A._ "Classif ication of Soils and Soil Map of Asia." (Soil Institute 1m.V.V.Dokuchayev, for Lobova) (Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences USSR, for Kovda) report to be presented at the 7th Intl Soil. Science Congress, Madison, Wisconsin, 15-23 Aug 10,600 XOVDA, V.A.; ZIMOVETS, B.A.; MIN, N.G.; XOMLYUM, F~A.; VASILOYEVSKAYA, V.D. Soilg and proceesea of aoil formation in the.floodlaad of the upper and central Amur. Pachvovedenie no.lltlO-23 N 160.' (MIRA 13:11) l.-Pochvennyy institut im. V.V.Dokuchayeva Akademii nauk SSSR. (Amur Vaney-Solle) KOVX, V.A.; YEGOROV, V.V.; MUATOVA, V.S.; STROGONOV, B.P. Classification of soils salinity with reference plants. Bot.xhur. 45 by the degree and type of to the salt resistance of rAo.8.-1123-1131 Ag 16o. (MIRA 1318) 1. PochvenW institut im. V.V.Dokuchayeva AN SSSR J Institut fiziologii rasteniy im. K.A.Timiryazova AN SSSR, Moskva. (Plants, Effect of salts on) (Soils-41assification) KOVDA, V.A. "The role of science in the d6VelODment of natural resources." I R eport subffdtted to ithe Confe on ths Application of Science and Technology for ths Bansfit, of the Leso Developed Arease Geneva., Suitzerlmid 4-20 Febru=7 1963 LO-VUL-V.K.-~ -')'f;V. red. LOBOVA, Ye.V.; doktor sellkhoz. nauk, ot-v. red, (Moskva),- ."IMBERG, N.11,., red. (Tashkent); MAKITCR, A,,I,-., red. (Frunze); UMAROV.~ M.U., red. [Geography and classification of the sails of Asia] Geografiia i klassifiXatsiia pochv Azli. Moskva, Nauka. 1965. 257 p. (MIRA 18. 8) 1. Akademlya nauk S&SR. Pocchvermyy iustitut im.. V.V. DoInichaveva. 2. Ch'Len-kcrrespondent All SSSR (for Kovda). XOVDA.7 V. A. Cenera2 and specAric features In the hl-tory of the z!oll- of continents; for a'world Pcchvoiredenie no.-1:3-17 Ja 165. (Jcnk '18-7) BAZILEVICH, Nataliya Ivanovna L.KOVD,~.~.'~ ...-prof., otv. red. [GeochemJstry of sodium carbonate-type saline soils) Geokhimiia pochv sodovogo zasoleniia. I.Ioskva. Nauka, 1965. 349 p. (MifL4 19:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSM (for Kovda). -Tor.- p'r--o-,Ad~- Ow- -t'-o-2"-- e -take the,--~ t 1, S. KOVDYSHEVA, L. V.- "Ecoloiical- Phytocoenotic PrOr~erties of the Self-seedi-n,-- of Certwin (relics) Forest Sreci,(,s of Azerbaijan." Min of A- cri:~~,,lture Azerlbaijai, 33R, Azerbaijan Sci %ls Inst of Forestry and Agrimiltural Forest I-lelioration, Baku, 1955 (Dissertations For the Degree of Candidate of Biolopical Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis' No. 26, June 1955, Moscow ;,,KOVDYSIWA. L.V. Guide to sprouts of main varieties of forest trees and shrubs of the Azerbaijan S.S.R. Trudy Azarb.M 19:139-171 155. (MLRA 9:8) (Azerbal,Jan--Trees) (Azerbaijan--Shrubs) HERCZEGI Bela, dr.; K ,~OVECS.* ~Grlla~dr.; BANHIDY, Attila, dr. Data on the clinical picture of suppurative mesenteric lymphadenitis (Masshof). Orv. hetil. 106 no.38: 1787-1789 19 S 165. 1. Baja ViT. Korhaz, Sebeszeti Osztaly (foorvos: NanayAndor, dr.) -.t Korbonctani Osztaly (foorvos: Cseh, Imre, dr.). Kovecs, Kalman; VAJDA, Bela, foeloado Certain questions relating to the material planning in the construction industry. Epites szemle 8 no. 2:33-37 164. 1. Epitesugyi Miniszterium Tervgazdasagi Foosztalyanak belyettes osztalyvezetoje (for Kovecs). 2. Epitesugyi Miniszterium Tervgazdasagi Foosztalya (for Vajda). AUTHORS: Ko!~ ~derman, L.Sh. SOV/U5-58-6_V43 TITLE: Maintenance of Measuring Equipment in Rural Regions (0 nadzore za sredstvami izmereniya v sellskikh rayonakh) PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhaika, 1958, Nr 6, pp 3-4 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the Chernovtsy oblast' a weights and measuring equipment repair shop has been transformed into a laboratory for checking the condi- tions of measuring equipment in the kolkhozes. For periodic checks the necessary equipaent was mounted on two trucks which serve as mobile laboratories. The measuring devices are not only checked, but also cleaned, painted, etc. The checks are made two times a year. After 2-3 years the number of devices which need repair de- creases sharply. Card 1/1 NOVEKH93V, A. S. Assistance of state testing laboratory to collective and state farma and industrial enterprisea. Izm. tekb. no.10.59-60 0 162. (MIRA 15910) (Chernovtay-Testing laboratories) BELINSKIY, 14I.L.; BUT, P.P.; FRITOROVIGH, Z.L.; KRYLOV, Yu.V.; VLADIMIROV., P.P.; ZAYTSEV, B.Z.; MTV, I.l.; LESHUASKIY, M.P.; KOTIK, V.G.- LEETEHIE) S.P.; RATS, P.G.; SERIKOV, S.S.; KRffTOVICHj M.S. deceased]; TSVM'KOV, N.Ya.; KULIKOV, A.A., red.; MATSKIN, L.A., red.; RYABSKIY, N.A., red. [Ilandbook on petroleuri-pipeline equipment,I Spravochnik; obo- I rudovanie ragistrallnykh truboprovodov. Mookva, Vedra, 1965, 610 p. (MIRA 18:6) VILINYANSKIT.. Ta.Ye.; BDROVSKIKHp L.A.; KOVELI, H.S. Preparation of chromium oxide bar reducing alkaline chromate vith sulfur dioxide, Zhur,VXHO 8 no.lsll&~117 163. (KMA 1644) 1. Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni SA%4ron. (Chromium oxides) (Sodium chrolaate) (SdIffur dioxide) KOVELENOV. V.I., inzh. Valve for control-ling the consumption of gas or air, Blek, eta, 32 no. 5:16-19 My 161. (MIU 14:5) (Electric power plants-Equipment and supplies) (Valves)! .HMELMOV, V.I.; MARTYNOV, I.M. Using the air cooler of the timbogenerator for condensate heating.- Piom.enorg. 16 no.?:8 J1 161. (MA 15: 1) (Turbogeneratore-Cooling) KOVELENCV, V.I., inzh. Use of the air coolers of turbogenerators for heating condensate* Energetik 9 no.6z8-9 Je 261. (MIRA 16:7) (Turbogenerators-Cooling) (Feed-water heaters) KOVEIZE NOV, V.I.. inzh. Uv~ of discharging circulation food water for drav~ng-off air from ste-am turbine condensers. 9 no.1-.17 Ja ~61. (MIRA 16.7) (Steam turbines) (Condensers (Steam)) KOT-313V, 0 -A F,f.'Lect of dry grindi-L-1 of substnnecs on the nnture of their debpyegrwis. Zsp.Vs.r.An.ob-vp 4, no.3-.401-403 1.5?. W--Lq 10:~) 1. VFesoyuznyy nauchria-issledovntellskiy geologicheskiy inatitut Ministerstva geologii I olluhmzy iledr SSSR, Laningrnd, - (MineralogY) BELYAYZV, V.P.; KOVEM, L.V Preparation of hydroperoxides of 1-isopro-pyl-l-eyelopentens and 1-prop,vl-l-cyclopentene. Uch.zap. BGU no.29:266-276 156. (Cyclopentens) (MIRA 11:11) is a so .8 a a It ai it s 0 w jo a x L a 0 a PQ a s T w '"Z 1, 464 6 4 # a & A II P. . JL. 2- 14 Vs III mw w &ITT911 "0 4rm Coates F. """ Aill"Ve bets VallSOLS MMIN son -a spiman ivamiwtv wis* IF: it 1. F1 oss -100 go, R *ox .00 0001 A'M lammm" pctv ama"ad '91 ItHt --Wm Poo VV0 & lp so go. 09- s0. 00 go, 0g roe dl A '0 A A A - J 006006 0009 fill- S I" I'm OU #3 qM11103111111,44 -I Q .1 a O'le 0 M-P-M ~1_1, . _ ~ A - &_ _i_rL 0 of A ,so --- ---- POPCO1111, AbO PSOP12111 I 4-t1t W C WSOM of varrillg gmuto- .A , MOt& COMPOIRIM* K.OV11011AN. VeknVaijw i . Keran, ftow, 1015, No:7~~ -A dilAtouictric A CP *lad v s m d ed Th bri f l i l I . ni a e s e n &v o an e ecinxm tn ca . y parvelak as a fumlion of grain a1w. The 6tteb rott%6ted so of 30 Icklov, 30 kaofin, 18 OAy, W quAttx taud, and 51,D l W -Go parreta ate. The acidity Index wut I.W; rAtio RO./- p KO~ - 11J. One batch p4v" a 1(1,(Kkl Mrhicul I %ie%-e I 00 c!othplettly, while a wond batch had % ",idur ol 12`~. HOW I t b d idi i 1 k -so n an ox eal e to s me ng o anop :rt=wnv I , that in a "twing 011no-111M.1r. VIC r1w in x0o I lCMprMtWCWrA3,pgg min. Duri"ItheiltitiAlpritiodo! zoo 0 1000) the fiornm of the nooday Coutstonenv4 10 P = : 0 I 1. therinidexpansionof the inau. Thrdiffr1ruct, 090 In expansion 6 purticidattly noiltvattle within thc range ' * hI (kK) rnw toOW nj3otoWr;. The prale-t expan4mi ) fil b in 0 ~;~ t M 42% h h fi d ~90 wait c e ir t a . e ne an 1 ," s , ' for the coam batches. Firing shfinkage was 10.31 ~, for the ' d d 7 3 h 0 0 ram an . e camve-gridn ed tuam. finely disperse % for t abrinka Firin of the fine man was st d t i th A grea e ur e g ng p 1006 to 1270* Inteml and that of the t f . cQ" ua%4 ront . II(Wto.1320'. Tbefludydi*pcrwdni.-L*%wi"ttitxvwtiti- tIvv to averealvination. 11 ZA 0 !zoo ties ASS.SLA DEI ALLURGKAL LITFIATURE CLASSWICATMO tsoo , U INS AT 10 1% b a v Wk a IM 0 it I I it it 404 val, ;v, 44 VU n t to 44 di a - 000*6160 .T *0000000000900000000000*0000 1 0 0; 000000 7 00000,000 . _00 0 0 0 0 0 1000000-0:06-00,60 &&*no_P_j 6 0 000 0661 On 1*00 *see *a 0 so 0000-6-4 10 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 9 x L a w 0 PU A I I w J!n- "!!a 000:000 0~* 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00-00 a* 0 0 0 0 000 a v a if 43 41 4 a a 4 It CW AV 0 VS "CIATMISIV13 3011001111 1,010411,11TIN V I I t V ex 01 : Seat 4 0 eon ooz '.eol ~04 " P go. 0 A Ift4-IaA"j jmj%ht4j0j Jill A :! llwair. 8111!nts a4li aqt AUJ) Itt UJIM10011 4~ dit'rl-ill tI% *6961 o 00. 10 pf'ols, -tiva limv'.4 ~v itjJ6404 10 041 ul i*001 twspill MMS03 OUT so Opt 00 - f-;,T It ft st It at 10,11'""141106 11 fit It Jf 00 coo So 00 00 06 so rw 00 4 lk the 09 -60 00 00 00 "so 90 00 G. A. Kovcl'=n. U.S.S.R. 67,393. Dec. '11, JW. To efillifilAtj tilt COCIAZITILWA601111 Of nl&ted&l$ 100 treAted in the Itirnacv by partic-l"rof C penetristilig thricoutch CrCVkVS In the VC111001' 111111" anti to rientow the 0 orgil. narily found wit hiss thefurn4CV, lItIMM 11 dtliVeted Win (Ile furil4re. The stram displ-stvit air train like fitrimc* anti 00 0' toy tvActins Wilh, M1,101 potticies forms water 945; thtl%a reducing atm. ta fn,i 11t.11110 11cooch '!zoo A 00 !at* *0 "TALLURGICAL LITIMIAUH CLASINFICATION Ire* too.) -it Q4V cat IF -I--_ to to FW 0 .0 0 - ------ It It Is MO Is T71-1-w- ,00 XOVBL ORO, G. A. 4 5 1 1 0 10 11 11 1) 111 IS 16 -17 13 19 3 A Ill r n r F C H I K L v I $!_A Nil fl 21 21 2) :4 25 26 27 28 29 3-1 -12 end JAZ 369 3live if 4204 PROCCSSE1 ANa FROPCOTIES IMVEV t Rffect of the nature of th raW t e- I ir w W.Mqoj.0 ceramic mass A "J. ~nl 6j, W W ;x W%P S6 INN 110 %0%0 %0 #W Ar 0 x w %p u t., _ T9-4 nayn I Ke-rn"lI;7P lit.. 0. , pp. ydra- ascooducteo III I Ii Whir- nace 150 mm. ill dialvicter alld equipped with %Talvi havilig a porcdain plate affinched to tile beatil. Material No. I cousisted of flegioatite 37. kaolin :10, qxiatttz saad 1:1, por- celain boIly 5. and Chasov-Yar May IA-F. Material No. 2 Consisted of feldspar 34, knolin 2-5.2. quartz 1:61higs 16,15. porcelain bixty .5.8, and l3alkid'sk Claj, 18.5"; .. Material nreclai I Was placed nit tile v I plate alu heated to tit n ulliFor"traten[M) /hr. The tetnivraturveorve wa%coin- trollcd by it thcrtooroliple. When heitted fill to 21XV, inaterial No. I lost 1"; of its weight while No. 2 lost about 3%, before it tearlivil 120'. Forther rise ill temperature up to Mkl' tv-atlvd ill prac- tirally tin loss in weight of both outivrials. Allove 3(111" there wa- inteosive. Nihriokagc of both materials 111) 1 o and during this intcrval ' No. I lost 3.51 j. and No. 2. Above (125* tile loss ill weight Avas Slo". ellivily ill ri'llove- tioll wi(l) the evollitioll of the rhuloicaliv 1-1111d watvr. hillicrial No.2, lost 0,:I";. withill the lo,4i"10" lilivrVal; total loss was X"; of (lie niv-dry inass. For mait-tial No. I the IDS.% was less illiensive, Iwing RIM), " al MW III )INN)": loss of water of livilratiou wivi %lot completv evvil al 1111011'. Tile total loss for &\it. I wa% tit tile air-do Differellevs In 41plandel; tit weight 141's an. vamvil by differeoceiA ill file iiatorv tit the clay,, Chzimw-Vav div cautalos is fargir. mootott tit itwooffirrioliv ix,tiow-tAY, -rS thc evolotion tit walcu of which Illodi whereas 11114111'sk Chly is of ~-aolillite iltigil% 11111 11beloll" A$$.-SLA A 1 kjv;Fptvmj tile maer of livilralioti vasily. 11 7-11. Q 41 U ad 4 e 13 to a it 2 n V m a V x w Q : IN11 01101111% 1 it. ellocesits Me PROPM818 mpt 9 0 -thit Arias of ceiramlit vllr~cd ISO G. A. KovitOdAN Sleillifira)o i Krrdm, Prom fulkiviins two fill;:;; were ts" to mudy the Vitrification of kklqw.~ Pegnialite 3j. quarts sund 1:1. llorctlain Noy .1., clay 111% iind kaolin,341'j.; (2) fridplaar 34, quarts Tailing, 111,5, llorectidn fall &8~ CLSY 1114.6, and kAOlill ritasses were VIled at temperatures nip to 1250' mith Ill' r6c ver r4in. Thrmiall expansion was tnra~ttred with a GIN dil d i X atonicirr. an c and niscrot-olp ray ~tudlm 1 :,00 were alls-o runde. At teimpersturm above 11AW the lWy undt-rigoes an imensive %oliJifivailon prorm,, a* -lumn by the %irrill%lotle of the dilatonictric curve. A.thrit,nipera. turr ofTht body rearrit" ]ON)* to I 11W, the rate of hrink. agedecreams; a1KmmlJ.`iO*(ol2l0*tht-ra I dirinkage again Art endOlherniil riffmi is rmirdt%l at Hi Thratmirplion ol lical at 1h"r1rolprra. j:1 ttitimincuu*"Ihythrvitti"titinalthrfrhi.lwr Thi, goo 1% confirmed by the partirJ fuskm of the Irld,pin graim a3 b l V seenundeft icrascope. The X-ra" indicate that the tin decrease In the rate olalvinkage ulxm reaching I he trielt Ing COO truipt-rature of The ftkhlmr IS connected with the tr4:1%- V :P (nnitation from crystalline grains Into SLL" which 1. ne. % lltw Favily. in compasird by a reduction ol the .600 : rapidly cooled sampk-A the procner littillitr ma% shaiviii r fly \rU ; it was ahoshown by samplim whichwere heated r gradis-Al y, up to l(Wand then rapidly cooled. Itlicon. cluded shut the vitrification of the firld.luir. which take% 1 - o jdacelorlowill4m, 10.011 It-to'. Is cau%4l fly thelorinallom 4-1 k, I i i t o ruit-Ai on w th thr 1"r,emr 0 ml,lr- %hich li connect The role F4 auk". i ti* 4110,11. 4~ WALL XGKAj. Llitaily%jittit CL&SUPKA114M "s. Odv as[ 11114111 C.C "I .. ..... . CA is ow a a a lor 04 S if 0 U as 0 .1 IT .1 VA 0 goo 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 * 0 0 0 a 41 0 0 41 0 ; ; * 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 * A. .00 A 00 - T - - - T s.- Vi 'R b Ts v ull v0 piiviss birpti o'i To-d-114 QrgokiL U.S.SX U.116. 3 dk4 1. . bish- 01, SeW bp AmUwAva0y~ncmded the t-P. the arm osww. aw cwvs of ti. C-M-ed 064) power, vid a curve of tm chs* bq~ wt. M. H. too,$" It O"t cat alatil Get Q%T Alt 0: 0,0 W 0 0. 0 0.0 0 9 0 0 0 -0 -0 .0o "00 00 .1 100 W ~q 1 A d oo .3, 0010 a U :LA Iviow it Gov of( . I - U 0 AT 10 is a I'll it IN 0 0. ?tie. 14tivo L L r a L-L-A-A-1 I Ts 1 -4; -4 -it ispo '~ - - a_%- it- SW=ING OF CEUKIG MkMIAW DAUNG THE COOLING FRUCM. ra. 4L.-Kovelumn. UAZOMILUM'EM., No. 1, pp. 10-11. - The presence of clay substances con- taining sulfate compounds on produce thermal expansion of the ceramic body w4thus decrease Its density. The evelling, moreover, can take place not only at the final temperature of firing but also at the start of coding. To I Improve the technical properties of such bodies, the sinter- process should be conducted in a reducing gas stedium and the initial cooling should be carried out with the utmost intensity that will insuro thermal stability of the product. Firing in a reducing nedimm causes the sulfate products to obange to evIfIte, which decompose at low temperatures, and the liberated gases escape eselly froa the porous S 8S L A&ITALLUACKAL LITFRATURI CLAIMPKAVON -00 - 2 req Mae !too &All Ga 0". tit * * I w A 0* A it w Aft4r I 4 A-A --L *its &NO --b"arstitin W itooloitwe from Motkkb' plotlo dannit Asti A, Kit. Ai.otwivirtixil K,. ~Proj.11.. 1947, Nu. 8. lilt. 6-41. -Topte- vent cracking d the Mett-Ah plain In the WWI pefi~kl 14 bmting. it 6 necesufy to olftcrvv the following cundition.: (1) Ptior to bring plwtd In the Wit the pLat" %hould tx- dried to a moisture content of not over 1.5 to if the r4at" are kept in the building fur an r3itriniol Iroph of time after dryuq6 that rate of beating during the twti,O of heeling up am ration of mechanically held watur -00 be reduced. T3) CnW gas rxchance shutild 1w pto. ago =.during the Initial 'K , I of firing to effect I iniely rr. waval of water " ' (4) The maximum teen1wr4ture 0 drop,along the.. oejt1z._q1~,t be (9,taincil, 11)" K Alf-its 61TAL&UR&KAL LIT12AIN11 CLAIWKAIM Ow 11V1#j,v; --- -- $3,1050 wit ow- oft coo goo a =0 0 goo I xo* aeo too ~too VIAS11 CK ow. all Evo~ It I ISLA, $A I 1 0 tw 0 1 w N 5 a 4 3 a v U AT A, to, ; " ; I 'a a, ; a, ; a, ; a, ~ 4n~ 0 9 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O#J z 9 T ZZ hq qu&Wy d MOUSCIs *1 Ps Moak= on IPA AkWftbkO. St". s r tdach 1"t", Zz 0, 13470947). u~-Ipm% d t I A) weve fiM4 W V g "as 0041 e . OM Namtsev gmir CMY ( on d The 4M o( tl* IMM l Mi W W 2 . * r " duS W "Dw &W 'llwied b Mmns of a d1latoin- b M fl N h d 3 o tt l s e ux O t Y y it d d ucv Wo", CHMun om tin, lwwkg pm pm bble d b d b s u o y, - eoia%tift an tbt swtsm xW within ft ago* 00. on duk body. The q5tct 91 the rediielftl atm. PrW to WAL 1 *0 ns to & dm out of the 14atcling was s"y WWI &W In mccb. wtuxtb wiW bka-. !nw NUumv day rducing Sam brasu" cd iu, Sri IMM Mcwtive to the n' bw hW.Wr Fe Content. put" &W in an addisins aun "W with 5 p for a rtclucing -0 1-2 . t ' to . . l SO . '. W y mint, a trauspoft i d ) b A ak as Ittai , . Coo n t a* tMv. of "M vtoduc% a Oft 'ble A tuhuel kft Is Pemba 5 CO + H not own 1 r . . . B. Z. K=kh e 0 utw4st uYINAIVOI CLAswociama IV" MSAV~ 119111% Go ati U S A' 'a 1~ 1A A. 1-1 64 0 '01 ['99 It a, a[ u ',W 6: 1 1VA: if, IN f0.- _3 0 ~6 0 AV 0 -0 XoVEL KAN, G. A. X; REPS - 9 THE FIRE ZONE OF k-n!L-- INVESTIGATIOR OF BEAT MULSES IN 15-20 Not 171 pp G X. made a complex investigation or the tai 47), gan medium in order tO aggers, and aratures of the warei 0 the material Of a large tudy -the dynamico-of beating tted as The results are PIO tumel kiln for firing porcelain curves. CA a r "5 as A AV U 0 -A k_9 AV. '.. ___ -1 ~ 714-7 ~ _. . - - 1-.-- .0 a I PROMS11 AND roortat'll .OtN 00 Intermadiate ~Frac~w of talc dufln C.. A, KO%*%L*KAN. A t ed in .5441o i Koam.. S 12J-19- -09 1119 (I94Kr7-Artrmpcraturrs up to IXWC. the thenzi.0 c% 00 8:1 lkinsiott of talc-clay materials incrrurx continuou%lv; W :tmvt 94W -hrinkalf begins. The rwitit of Ouinkam,, 0 A t any given temperature dependii on ffic routent W file anti clay matirtial in the man. A high content W CIVA-Aiv Yar clay in the mam favors greater ahriukasr; a high zoo c~mtevil ol talc reduce% the rate of shrinkage and will stop it within a definite temperature Interval. The rffmt. of W varkwo components of magnesia massep (m the sintering and final shrinkage W thew bodies were determined. It see 0 A was also established that tak expands when fired at I IN)' to 12W' and shows a shrinkage above this temperature. I me 75 J 0 1 0 gi. :Zi lot tre 0 tLA OtTALLURGICAL UTIMATtel CLAUNW-Alitni 'WN' NOW01 S110DO Nit 0,41, Got MIALL21004t U of AT to 4% 0 1,, 01 It 11 $1 U a U of A I AS A I a PW a of iF I W 61 '3 09, ~CO-69N 001'. ~90-0- 6116 00A` 'I's Ale PROP191114 14911# 600, 5319. IMATION WTHOD (W 11MNG CtMWC WM oft1nanj, 0. A. and *0 '~Drusllnskayx, P. M. '(Stak. loran., 1948, vol. 5 AwItW radiant heatingp the transmission of beat from the surfac ;:~il Alfte material to its inner part taken place In the same way as vhen LA by warm air, but differently from heating in a field of high-frequency gibe *!~~ 'currents, where the ware warms 00,3 .!;: ? up simultaneously through the vibole 'thickness. The radiant method of drying raw naterials shortens the pro- 000 lj~ 'c*os of moisture removal by 10 timemp yet the quality of the dried ware ~Is entirely satisfactory. Reflectors we reecumended for use In this oew !;! ~ itype of dryer. Metlach tiles can be rapidly dried on conveyors passing below a continuous radiator, giving constant radiation across the whole ~-width of the conveyor belt. Electric intra-rod dryers are considered :loss economical under industrial conditions than gas-fired radiators, &-ILA MIALLURSCAL L171RAYURS CLAW11FKATION I "it COOT cat ~qb U S ~1100 1~1; ;~i i i j i A i i i i It Ii 0 0-0 0 0 o 0 0 ro 0 0 IsIt :1&110 06 g:4 0 40-0.000 0 00, '00 411111 OK GNV All g AA I 1 0 A 0 0 0 0 0000.0 g '90 0 0 0 9 0 6 0 6 C.- 0 0 0 o 0 go* =00 COO -* coo Xoo wool i i i'i i i i i i i i 6,61-6164 RIM M I s I I oll Wit bir Ilva Poll IQ is 1: u If If 16 17 a to x 21 I' #1 4243 mast* A L- JLI- u v v I a %-s Plawe of boUW In ~Wtw" cwamk body. (1. A. M414 I N 0 t 1"441" Alur III slutlewatv. WWII%, Are r*m-n- - :0 ix~ it mutt tit the pruthature milklifitatimi III Ow 1%-Iy 0 prior to the filivoralmml of ch"llivally lotiond %airt; 12) 0 carboo bulobirs. which am formed m* a result (d the prema- =00 : ture -olklification of the boily, Ivior III the coinhuqk"i of 0 oi : III,! curbou tiarticirs which witleil therrill; inul (:I) p, 9 '11 - bubbles. which are formed a%n mutt of the dm~uj ithm r -00 of the ulfateI and oxiffe-i of turtals, p4tticularly it 11 allit r 0 0 filunium, in the sintered bod K. o ji zoo zd- Cl 1"Oo too A I o - I L ETALLIJPGKAL LITERAT"I CLASSIPICATtON c-r- too S, ;, - - - . - '-_- ~"* L- - -_' * -:, -_-- - -L- -- --,- ---. - ---- . ~ I L - I'll., 4,3.i,, Ov It An I s mi 14 1 V IN 1- 43 it I It 0 U U Af to ill If (Illfulit Nit nit FIR It of 1410 111 Ilk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 o 0 0 0 0 o o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 0. 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * AL 0 0 0. 0 411-0 0 0 * 0 6 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 KOVELIMAN, G. A. Kovellman; G. A. "Effect of a firing reducing agent on the composition and physicomechanical structure of tale-clay articles," TrU4 Keram. in-ta, sym- posium 21, 1948, p. 16-21 SO: U-2888, Letopis ZhurnalInykh Statey, No. 1. 1949 KOULLI liAN, G.A. 30331 Koefitsiyen~y tyeplovogo rasslliryeni.ya otycehyestityennogo farfora Ichozyaystvyerinogo 0 ."L tyekhnichyes - kogo naznachyeniya. Try# kyeram. in-ta vya '42, ],--,149~-. s. 44-51 SC: LEXPIS' Do. 34 KOVALIMAN, G.A.; SOKOLOVA. T.A, - . Rapid drying of hollovpmtelain articleo by infrared rays. Trmc,4r G7IK1 no,'1:10-23 1546 (MIRA 11:5) (;ottery) (i;drared rays-Industrial applicat one) YIJRCHkK, I-ya-, IMnd- takhn. nauk; TRYAPKINq Ye.G.; GORODOV, N.Ns; KOVIL'MA11, G.A.; 3NT3LIS, F.S. _- '', Wave of mechanizing the production of porcelain and faience tableware. Trudy GIKI no-3:3-30 156. (MM 11:5) (POttex7) (Ceramic industries-Fquipment and supplias) GORODDY, U.N.; KOWZI-MAN, G.A.; TTJRCHa, I.Ta.; T.AMAIC N, S.K., red.; GOLIDIFMID, I m d...~1~ ..-PCMSITSKATA, S., (Now techniques in the production of porcelain and faience] Novaia tekhaika v proizvodetva farfora i faiensa. Pod red. S.K.Lamakina. Hoskva, Iz-dvo 9)etskii mir,* 1958. 287 p. (MIRA 13:2) (Pottery) 15(2) AUTHORS: Yurchak, I. Ya., Kovellman, G. A. SOV/72-~a-12-2/23 TITLE: The Latest Achievements in the Field of the Minu- facturing Technolo,-y of Porcelain and Faience in the USSR (Noveyshiye dostizheniya v tol-hnoloGii pr~-.)izvodstva' farfora i fayansa v SSSR) - 7 PERIODICAL: Steklo i heramil:a, 11156, Nr 12, PI) 5 1 ABSTRACT: By the introdiietion of assembly-lines in the factories an increase in output from 15 to 25~6 was obtained. The adoption of mechanized radiation-con- vection dryinE;.plants for the combined preliminary and final drying processes is to be re~~arded as the most important technical innovation, by which a considerable saving in drying times is made possible. A centralized silt supply to the workinE places has been arran.-red in the factories Baranovskiy, imeni Lomonosova, Dovbyshskiy find others. Assembly-line operation for various mass products has locen intro- duced in the mola.-ing shops and glaze depL-rtments of Card 1/3 leading factories, partly retaining previous The Latest Achievements in the Field of the 11anu- SOV/72-r7P,12-2 '2- facturint- Technolojy of Porcelain and Fiaience in the USSR working methods. With the purpose of rntionalizing the burning process of porcelains products, a tunnel kiln of the GIKI type of a lenCta of 105 m and a width of 1#85 m w_~s built in the DiilevskiyPorcelain Factory. Small electric furnaces are employed in thePorcelainFactory imeni Lomonosov-" !or the first, burning process of porcelain, with a rosultinC remarkable saving of time. In the Faience Factory imeni Kalinin. the first "slit furnace" (shchelevaya pech')as desiGned by the GIKI Nvas built, allowinC to ho-,)e that an additional saving of time may be achieved.,Assembly-line operation was also intro- duced in the control and grinding departments for plane and concave products of the Baranovskiy Porcelain Factory. Decoration work in almost all factories has been changed to as2embly-lines. T1ie GIKI is ,-t present working on the project of a muffle fui,nacc- for annealing colors by assembly-line procedure. Preparatory work has been carried Out --or the mecha- Card 2/3 nization of other processes. Finally, the workers The Latest Achievements in the Field of the M--nu- SOV/72-1-0-12-2/21 facturing TechnoloCy of Porcelain and F---Jence in the USSR of tho Soviet Union are challeri~;ed to contribute tow:.rds the achievement of the one historical tasl:: to catch up and surjass the USA in the per head the prooUction of population. Card 3/3 15(2) SO'V/72-59-5-7/23 AUTHORS: Yurchak, I. Ya., Kovellman, G. A. TITLE: The Direction of Scientific and Construction Work in the Develop- ment of the Production of Household Porcelain and Faience in the Years 1959-1965 (Napravlaniye nauchnykh i konstruktorskikh rabot po razvitiyu proizvodstva bytovogo farfora i fayansa v 1959-1965 gg-) PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1959, Nr 5, pp IS - 22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-i!~sledovatellskiy keramiclieskiy in- Stitut (State Scientific Rer~earch Inctitute of Ceramics) made experiments with prepared bentonite and special additions, such as polyvinyl alcohol. Thus solid, unburnt, non-softening products shall be obtained which can be glazed by the dipping method. The moldingg casting, and drying of series products shall be mecha- ni,ed by assembly_lines~ The problems of dry pressing shall be oolved and thus the technical problems of the manufacture con- siderably simplified. On the basis of experiments of the GIKI radiation high-speed drying plants for the manufacture of cups were developed and introduced. On the basis of these plants the Card 112 work on the asnembly-lines wan arranlyed in ouch a way that the The Direction of Scientific and Construction Work in the SDV/72-59-5-7/23 Development of the Production of Household Porcelain and Faience in the Years 1959-1965 drying cycle of the cups could be reduced by 10 to 15 times. Porcelain'and faience products are at present being checked and polished by manual labor which will be replaced by the deve- lopment of corresponding semi-automatons and by introducing adequate assembly-line work. The next )task of the GIKI and the leading works is supposed to be the mechanization of the whole operation. Problems of automation are to be solved simultaneously. University departments, laboratories, heat engineering- and construction offices of the Councils of National Economy and factories,in addition to the State Scientific Research Institute of CeramicsIwill participate in the performance of this work. Card 2/2 KOVELIMAN, G.A.; SOKOLOVA, V.A. K-- - Heat flow and radiation dryinf kiln with an oiitput of 600 cups per hour. Trudy GIKI no.~0-17 160. (MM 16t1) (Kilns) (httery) KOIJELIMAN, G. M. Razvitie svarki v promyshlennom stroitellstve. Moskva, Cos. izd-vo stroit. lit-rY, 1948. 218 p. illus. Bibliographical footnotes. Development of welding in industrial engineering. VLC: TS227.K65 SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953.