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XDVACS, Gabor, Dr.; KOVACS, Bertolan, Dr.; KOVATS, Tibor, Dr.; KOVACS, Kalman, Dr. PM1, Gabor, Dr. 'Effect of neuroplegin on the surgical antidiuresis of dogs. Orv. hatil. 99 no.6:lR6-189 9 Feb 58. 1. A Szegedi Orvostudomnnyi Egyetem Sebeszeti Hatettani Intezetenek (igazgato: Petri Gabor dr. egyet. tanar) es L sz. Belgyogyaszati KlinikaJanak (igazgnto: Hetanyi Gaza dr. egyat. tanar) kozlemenye. (SURGERY, OPERATIVE, compl. -noston. oliguria in exper. surg. of dogs, prev. by artif. hibernation Obin)) (AIMIA, exper. same) (HIBMU-TATION. ARTIFICIAL, eff. prev. of postop. oliguria in exper. surg. of dogs (Run)) XDVATS, Tibor Gy5rgy; P36K, Andor;- IAZAI. Gy6rgy; TLUTS, Istvan Changes in the total fat. cholesterol. phosphatides and fat depot in Shwartzman phenomenon. Kiserletes Orvostudomany 11 no.6:615-620 D '5 9. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi %yetem Gyogyszertani Intezete. (ALLIRGY exper.) (FATS metab.) (CHOLISTIROL wetab.) (PHOSPROMPIDS metab.) KOVATS, Tibor Gvorgv; UZAA, Gvorgv;-MK, Andor; VJ*H. -Pal -.- --,. lr- ~ --"' . -. --.-..-I Glycoprotein chadges in Shwartzm,an phenomenon. Kiserletes Orvostudomany 12 no.1:30-34 160. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi I~pyetem Gyogyszertani Intezete. (ALLERGY e"r) - (OLYCOPROTAINS blood) KOVATS,T.G..; LLZAR,G.; RXCK,A.; VZGH,P. Glycoprotein changes in the course of Shwartzman phenomenon. Acta physiol.hung. 17 no.3:343-348 6o. 1. Institute of Pharmacology, Medical University, Szeged. (ALLIRGT exper) (GLTCOYAOTEINS blood) RECK,A.; I-AZAR.G.; KOVATS.T.G. The role of indogenoue heparin In the pathomechanism of Shwartzman phenomenon. Acts phystolshung. 17 no.3!349-354 160. 1. Institute of Pharmacology, Medical University, Szeged. (AT-LIRGY exper) (HEPARIN blood) KOVATS, Tibor Gyorgy,,- 1AUR, G.Vorgy; VEGHp Pal EndotQxin hypersensitivity and relation of this phenomenon to Shwartzman phenomenon. Kiserl. orvostud. 14 no.1:12-27 Mr 162. l.. Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Gyogyazertani Intezete, Szeged. (ALLERGY exper) (TOXINS PLND ANTITOXINS) hUNGARY KOVATS Tibor Gyorg~, Gyorgy, and VWH, IF(il, of 4 lie Institute atth- MdieiLl Univorsi-,y (Orvoetud.,- c e aenyi Egyetem Gyoa-Z:Iertaai Intezotu) in Szeged. "The Phenome;,on of Lndotoxin Hypersensitivity and Its R~,lat-Jon to the Sh-~,axt,zmzi Mheuc:.,ienon" Budapest Actzl~ Ph,.-iologica Academiae Scientiaru,..-, h1ungaricae, Vol 23, No 2, 19D3, pp. Absti,aet: article; authors' English summary, abbreviated] The authors zuc~.eeded in eliciting a generalized Schu-artzman phenane- zon-like kid-ricy lesion -in gainea-pigs by a single. intravenc-as endo- toxin dose under reticalloendothelical blockade. The reaction following the injection inmo the skin of rabbits displays the gross and micro- scopic -p4cture of ti_,e delayed type of hyparsensitivity re:~Lctlou. The phenomenon of ctndotoxin LypersenzitivIty is probably a nutuxul h~,,pcr- sen3itivity which exists in every manmal in sywbiosis urith endotoxi-c- producin- microorganisms. Thirty-four references iacluding 1 G,-.r- 1/1 man and Q3 Western. BA1AZS I A, I KOVATS t Z. j BUFO 0 M. ----------- Biochemical analysis of premortal involution processes on aphagus imagines. Aota biol. acad, eoi, hung. 13 no.2tl69-176 162. 1. Second Institute of Pathology, (Heads L. Haranghy). (AGING) (NUCLEIC ACIDS) (LIPIDS) Medical University, Budapest (ANINO ACIDS) (NITROGEN) (POLYSACCURIM ) HARANGHY, L.; KIDVATS, Z. Water-soluble melanin preparation. Acta biol. acad. soi. Hux.,g. 14 no.4:265-272 164. 1. Second institute of pathological anatomy, Medical Univer5ity, Budapest. (Head: L. Baranghy). 'XOVATS,~Z , - , te Wit SA of prote6v - h. Th nop~ar complox of cdestlj t-I d Z s iiii fl d 1l W ! K M N P a-~ as an e , i u , . . oy s ., y j Set- -80 est) Ad~ Chim Acad Mri 3 273 MXj)(in . . . . g. . p German); d. C.A. 47, 6469f.--Solus. of edei (concn, not given) In 1.0 and 0.1 N NaOll, in the presence and ab- sence of sufficient Cu for.tom, lex forination, were kept 3t p 25* for 357 firs. while the following, observations were made:: The rate of formation of ANIll and of arnino X in the absence of Cu was much greater than In the presence of Cu -mica! Abst. (data presented only graphically). Paper chroinatograms vqi- ~ 48 No 9 of the 0.1 N NaOH soln. of I showed the presence of1rep l . - . aspartic ac d (U) and glycine (III) after 104 hrs. and of f me ,44af 10, 1954 Chromatognu ns leucine (IV) and nlimine (V) after 330 firs. 101-ical. i ChemistrI., B NOR soln. of I showed the pre~wnce of traces of of the N free 11 and III after 17 tirs. mid of IV, V, strinc, threontite, proline, and valine after 130 firs. J. 11. Rilichy V,~) 7-5 W V The oxidizing effect ofthe pe riodatacom I I Of trIvAent * i 1k l l copper on a al no Solutions. , t n KovAto ne g yc t (Rqv69_.LorLnd , on ii . Pos VrXP * ad-)An nA -Ut6WR- K&6 9 e t Xi PW 6 U #7- i . ra xt. s u p , u nt; ., aLwr . y Initial phase-of the oxidative de- amination of glycine (1) isaccelcrated by the presence of Cu+++ To stud t the de- t e mechanis of this effe . h m c y amination ate f 1 i N KOH 100% i h f r o n n t e presence o , at , moving air, and In the presence of KI(Cu(ION) was detd.' As In the course of and following the Cu+++ --+ Cut+ trans- formation other oxidative. processts also talke place which' result In NH, formation; the. amt. of N evolved from NHm detd. asafunctiotioftitne.intlieCu++/I.IO,'-/I. alsow!! + and Cu + 2 IbF1I systems.: It was concluded that the, oxkh-). of I takes place in the form of a Cu... complex. There was no evidence of Intermediate formamide formation, which contradicted the theory of Beek (CA 4S, 5Mf,' 'Enly! --jg~~~~dapest) Dataon the oxidation of alkaline glycocoll sulutions carried out by periodate and catalyzed by copper. Acta chimica Hung 22 no-3:313-329 ,6o. (EEC 9:11) 1. Institute of"General and Inorganic Chemistry, Lorand Eotvos University, Budapest. (Solutions) (Glycine) (Glycocoll) (Periodates) (Catalysts) (copper) HAJOS, Erno; KOVATS, Esolt Conference of the building industry on the organization of production. Epites azemle 5 no.3t89-91 161. KOVAT5, Zoltan Pe-riodante oxidationof alkali glycocall catalyzed by copper. Magy kein folyoir 66 no-5-181-187 Mly '(SO, 1. Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetern Altalanos es Szervetlen Kemiai Intezetal, Budapest. KOVATS, Zoltan Correlation between the structure and catalytic activity of copper complexes. Magy kem folyoir b9 no.3:98-103 Mr 163. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Korbonctani Intezete. KOVATS, Zoltan Answer to Mihaly Beek for his remarks about my paper en- titled *Correlation between the structure and catalytic activity ot copper complexes."'Magy Icem folyoir 69 no.12: 562-563 W63, 1. Vegyipari RMtem Fizikai-Kemiai Tanazeke, Veszprem,. AWFILOGOVP A.D.; BELOSTOTSKIY, RiB.; KOVATSENKO Ye.G.; KOZYREV, Yu.M.; KURACHENKO, Yu.P.; MUITSEV, Measuring equipment in the, service of technoloacal development. Izm.tekh. no.12:48-50 D 162. (MIRA 15-.12) (Measuring inatruments) GALp Ernop chemical engineer;-KOVATSITS, Katalin, chemical engineer New methods for Investigating the mineral content of Hungary's coala. Izvestila, Bany KI no.3A:53-57 159/60. GYBRMo L.;UMR, X.-NDVATSITS H. Now adrenaline-blocking compounds. Acta physiol. hung. 3 no.1:175-182 1952. (CIAL 24:3) I.Of the Institute of Pharmacologyof Badape5t University, ZIMPLE, Bela, dr.,; RIDUS, Laszlo, dr.,; KOYATSITS, Mate. Studies on a testosterone preparait-i~n--~i h lae in~ effects Orv. hetil. 96 no.51;1409-1411 18 Doe 55. 1. A Kobanyai Gyogyszorarugyar Biologiai, Laboratoriumanak (vezeto: Zemplen Bela dr.) es a Budapesti Orvostudoamayi XUetem Tudogyogyaazati Klintakajanak (igazgato; Kovate Ferenc dr. egyet. tanar) kozlemenye. (THSTOSTEROHN, deriv. phenylpropionate, evaluation in castra.,id rate, long lasting eff. (Hun)) KOIAMP-1570, A. 34025 K07AE-i-O]MICO, A. 3orlin S Pyllyu Na lCrilopkonavodalih. Tvek~ stil Prom-st'; 1949, 110, 10. S. 10-11 SO: Letop-is' ZhurnallkirkliStatey, Vol. 42, Moskva, 1'?49 KOVAZMKO3 A. F. 3%47i& Kvoproev o sanitarnoy affentivnosti tsiklonov s vocbranoy ~lenko y pri.u2avlivanii khlopkovoy pyli-na khl6pkdochictitellrqh tavodakh Giglyena i sanitariy#, 1949., No. I1,, S. 29-33. S'oj lostopis' Zhumalinykh Statey, Vol. 48, Moskva, 1949 KO',!AZII-E,I-'KO, A.V. Deceased Mining Llee ILC B&GOTSKAYA, I.A.;-XOIBk. I.A.; OSHR. A-L Effect of diffusing atomic hydrogen on the kinetics of its electrochemical evolution, Part 1. Zhur.fiz,khim. ~4 no-7:1508-1516 J1 160. . (MMA 13:7) 1, Akademiya nauk 585H, Institut elektrokhimiis (*drogen) (Diffusion) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2216 rN Saveshchanlye po elektrckhID11. 4th, Moscow. 1956. Trudy... ; labornik) (Transactions of the Fourth Conference on Elect- rochemistry. Collection of' Articles) Moscow, lzd-vo AN SSSE,* 1959. 68 P. Errata Blip Inserted. 2,500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akadem--ya nauk SSSR. Otdolenlye khIm1cheakikh nauk. Iditori I Board: A.M. Frunkin (Reap. Ed.) Academician, O.A. Yesin. Frrasnors S.I. Zhdanov (Reap. Secretary), B.S. Kabanov, ?ro- fsesor, S I Zhdanov (Reap. Secretar7h B.M. Kabanov, Prortssor, Ya. M. Koio;3rrkln, Doctor of Cheml Cal 3 .1encos; V.V. Lcaev, F.D. Lukorts ey' Professor; Z.A. Soloylyeval V.V. Stender. Profeasor; Z) and O.M lorlanov1ch; Ed. of Publishing Xouset M.G. Yegorov; Tech. .~.l : T.A. Prulakova. PURPOSE: This book in Intended for chenical and electrical ingi- nacre, physicists, metallurgists and researchers Interested in various aspects Of elect rochs. Istry. :::POVERAGE: The book contains 127 of the 138 reports presented at the Fourth Conference an Elect roch~_IstrY sponsored by the Depart- ment of Chemical Sclenc,s and the Institute Or Physical Che=lstry Academy of Sciences, USSR. The collection Pertains to different branches of electrochemical kinetics. double layer theories and galvanic processes in notal eltetrodeP sitOn and IndustrIal elect- rolyals. Abridged discussions are g Ivon at the end of each divi- sion. The maJority of reports not Included he" have been published In periodical literature. Xo persc~nalttiea are mentioned. References are given at the end of most Of the articles. -AJL_ZhlaaTmGazlkiy--Polytechnic Institu-o I-cent A.A. Zhdanov . .fluence of ASIng Procesaaa on the Work of Alkallne-Zinc Elements 768 Lukovta!!]!__r_D. Theory or Processes Occurring at Oxide -nectrOwe, - voc-c- Sources or current r, 3 Jos entov A., Mechnn-*vp of the Active- it.. ron Electrode With Small Additions of Nickel Oxides 781 V A and !tute of Zlectro.h..Lst~ry 2:3 ~~-.,jevy of St t Tagged I Ell ~Ourcep Of,hr Atoms to Study Processes n Chem- Curren- -.88 V -2ye-VA, and as le~0 -Y Inatitut go. ~skoy 1 sel'!koy BVY&Zl Mxiste.3tvs svy"., SSzR - Sclentl:ic M~zist:-. Institu to Of Rural and Urtan Cocr,unlcatlorls. n ry of CO"unjcjtjon3, USSR). inveazIsstion or Fuel Card 31/34 a-11 R, Kh, B,4rsh-.e7nj Institute ror Elect- rochemistry, AS USZR. PG3~~4. Element 801 _Leyk1A,_D_Z_ (Institu-., of Electroc..jen!3try. Acad-y of Scivnteq, USSR). Effect Or Salt or Oxide Layer. Forced in V'scharr, or Chareing Processes On the Paostvation at Batterj, Elect- rodeo 607 _�.~kaY4~ _S. P. , And L.A. .2n;_!3e%i Influence of Cathodic a - 'ri _;~, an IrIzation at Low _Aperat,re, on -he A,,j, rotentlal of ran Electrode In an Alkaline Solution 611 Discussion IS.A. G&nt=An, N.S. LIdOrenko, F.P. Yuppeca, A.?. Knenorontov and contrbutlng authoraj 814 PART X. ELECTROLY-,;Z IN THE CHEMICAL lb-DUSTRY 821 Card 32/ 34 1 5W, 5(2) SOV/78-4-1-38/4e AUTHORS: Kovba, L. D,j Balashova, N. A. TITLE: The Determination of the Sol-ability of Silver Oxidej, in Alkaline Solutions by the Method of Radioactive indicat--;:rs (Opredeleniye rastvor-inost--' okislov serebra v rastvorakh metodom radioaktivnykli indikatorov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheakay khimii, '1959, Vol 4, Nr 1, pp 225-226 (USSR) ABSTRACT: 111h_ ~ -I.-jb4 I i IV t.-Zr- of 3 a vas -!rminod by radiu- '10 active indicators. The radioactive isotone of silver R.A3 was ustd as indicato--~. On determining the solubility a" 25c' it was found that saturattid solutions can be obtained only after 70-80 hours. At higher temperaturcs saturation is ob- tained after 10-15 hours. The solubility cf AE20 in alkalire solutions of various concentrations is in good agreement with the data by Johnston and Laue. The dependence of thc- solubility of A920 on the concentratlon of alkali lye at 250 Card 112 is shown in figure 1. The solubility of A[;,O 4-noreases SOV/7 B-4-1 -38/48 The Determination of the Solubility of Silver Oxides in Alkaline Solutions by the Method of Radioactive Indicators SUBMITTED: considerably with a rise of the concentration of lye of from 1 to 5.n.-.In 10 n KOR thesolubility of Ag 20 is equiv./iOOO g H2 0. With rising temperature the solubility of Ag 20 increases. At 78 0 the solubility is fouz 0 times highexthan,at 25 .,Theiincrease of solubility,is not proportional to the rise of temperature. The presence of zinc ions does not influence the solubility of AgO and A920' Experiments of the s-olubility of AgO in alkali solutions did not yield any quantitative results, The authors thank B. No Kabano-,r for his assistance. There are 2-figures and 5 references, I of which is Soviet. October 20, 1957 Card 2/2 S/076/60/034/007/020/042/XX B004/13068 AUTHORS: Bagotskaya, I. A., Kovb~_ and Oahe, A. I. TITLE: Study of the Effect of-Diffusing Ml-omic Hydrogen on the Kinetics of Its Electrochemical Evolution PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizioheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 34, No. 7, PP. 1508-1516 TEXT: The effect of hydrogen diffusion on the kinetics of its electro- chemical evolution was studied in Refs. 1-4 using an iron membrane fixed between two vessels and sealed with vacuum grease. Since a disturbing effect of the vacuum grease on the overvoltage I was suspected, the authors repeated their experiments with a new device shown in Fig. 1. A dish made of Armco iron (2 am in diameter; about 1 am high; wall thickness: 0.1 to 0.07 mm) was connected to a platinum contact by means of an iron clamp. The outside surface of the dish was polarized,and the inside surface was exposed to diffusion. Cell I contained hydrogen gas. The dish was filled from containers 2 and 3 with 1 N NaOH saturated with H2 to a height of 2 to 3 mm. The inside surface of the dish was cathodioally polarized with Card 1/4 Study of the Effect of Diffusing Atomic S/076/60/034/007/020/042/XX Hydrogen on the Kinetics of Its Electro- B004/BO68 chemical Evolution the platinum anode 4,'and the diffusion potential Td was measured with respect to the reference anode.5.As soon as Fd had reached a constant value, 2 N H2 so4 saturated with H2 and containing traces of Pb(NO 3)2 was pumped from container 8 into cell I such that it touched the bottom of the dish. The dish was temporarily polarized anodically. Hydrogen diffu- sion was discontinued by using hydrogen-saturated NaOH from container 11 instead of the acid solution. These experiments were performed with pure Armco iron, mercury-poisoned iron, and zinc-platea iron. The results were in agreement with the ones obtained previously. Overvoltage ~ was increased on mn-poisoned iron and lowered on Hg-poisoned iron by hydrogen diffusion. The increase in Ai of the rate of electrochemical hydrogen evolution in the presence of diffusing atomic hydrogen was determined on Hg-poisoned iron and zinc-plated iron with ?Z - const. For a given rate of diffusion il, the amperage i was measured. For Ai/il, the following values were found: Card 2/4 Study of the Effect of Diffusing Atomic S/076/60/034/007/020/042/XX J~ydrogen on the Kinetics of Its Electro- B000068 chemioal-Evolution Electrode Electrolyte Fe + Hg 3 N NaOH 0.800 1.72 Fe + Hg 0.5 N NaOH 0.790-0-675 1.37 Fe + Zn 4 N NaOH 0.610 0.24 Fe + Zn 0.5 N NaOH o. 69o 0.1 Moreover, the effect of ij., of the cathodic polarization of the electrode, and of the pH of the solution on A~ was examined on Armoo iron and nickel- plated iron. With constant cathodic polarization of the electrode A~ in- creased with il and approached a limit. Increase of ~ and decrease of pH 16d to a decrease of 6 A. N. Frumkin is thanked for a discussion. There are 7 figures, I table, and 6 3oviet refer-ences. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institut elektrokhimii (Academy of Sciences USSR, Institute of Electrochemistry) SUBMITTED: September 25, 1958 P, . . . - i. m I . . : . , I .A . . 5 q Card 4/4 ....... - I- -.-. -.- - -. I- - - - . .1. - .- . - t BAGOTSKAYA, I.A.; KOVBk, L.D. Rate of diffusion of electrolytic hydrogen, as affected by the condition of that side of an iron membrane where the diffusion begins. Dokl.AX SSSR 133 no.4:862-865 Ag 160. (HIRA 13:7) 1. Institut elektrokbimii Akademii nauk SSSR. Prodstavlano akademikom, A.N. Frumkinym. (Diffusion) (Yydrogen) 4095 S/076/63/037/001/016/029 B144/B186 ,AUTHORSs Kovba, L.-D,,, Bagotskaya, I. A. 'TITLE: Effect ofthe composition of the solution on the diffusion rate of electrolytic hydrogen through metal diaphragms. II.' Hydrogen diffusion through palladium diaphragms PERIODICAL; Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v-.37, no. 1, 19063, 161 - 168 TEXT: The separate and combined effect of the I- and (C 4 H9)4N+ ions on the hydrogen diffusion through Pd diaphragms was studied in 1 N H2304 (a), 1 N H so + 0.03 N KI (b), 1 N H so + 5*10- 3 IM [(C H ) N-1 (c), and 2 4 2 4 4 9 4 J2SO4 1, N H2so 4 + 0.03 N KI + saturated (C 4H9 )4NI (d) solutions with and-without 10-3 a/ i addition of Hg*. After :~pretreatment of the diaphragm in (a) with 2- CM current, the polarization.was stopped at the diffusion side and conzinued with 5-10 -3 a/cm2 current at the polarization side until a constant H 2 o diffusion rate was established. The potential at the diffusion side was 50 - 60 mv. About half of the!!H~ forming diffused through the diaphra gm-., Card 1/3 S/076/63/037/001/016/029 Effect of the composition B144/B186 The-effect of additions and Ng-poisoning of the diaphragm was studied in cathodic polarization, the respective current strengths being i pol 3 6/cm2 5-10 and i 0, ~f I- and Hg are irj~roduced at the pola'iza-- dif r tion side they increase the diffusion rate v whereas introduction at dif' the diffusion side has the contrary effect: On KI addition at the polari- zation side, the overvoltage Al increased to^AO mv,and 5/6 of the hydrogen formed diffused through the diaphragm. This is in agreement with the negative effect of I- and Hg on. the energy of the metal - H bond and on ads the hydrogen overvoltage retarding the discharge and removal of sorbed H. In further tests the . action of I-.on v dif and I was investigated after the electrode had been kept for some time in (b) without cathodic polarization. Here 41 increased steadily while decreased. This ob- vdif served inconsistency IMIplies the probable exis -tence of two types of Pd poisoning by I : a weak type with increasing v dif and IV in which only the active centers of the Pd surface take part in the hydrogen discharge Card 2/ 3' KOVBA, L.D.; BAGOTSKkYA, I.A. 1- -, Effect of the composition of the solution on the rate of diffusion of electrolytic hydrogen through metallic membr&nes. Part 2. Zhur. fiz.khim. 37 no.b161-168 A 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. KOVBA) L.D.; BAGOTSKAYA, I.A. Behavior of atomic hydrogen on a pure iron surface. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.1:217-219 Ja*64. (FJM 17:2) 1. Institut elektrokhimii AN SSSR. BAIASHOVA, N.A.; 1~413ANOV, B.N.; KOVIL-k, L.D. 7- Lead transfer in a positive electrode of a load accumulator. Zhurs prikI. khim. 37 no. 4:906-908 Ap 164. (1-11RA 17-5) 'Z o 1/ 51-11 411m, r SIMANOV, Yu.P.; BATSANOVA, L.Ra; KOVRA, LA. X-ray analysis of binqPr1f1,d*rd_ej -of Rvnlent mangnnese. Zhur. neorg. kh1m. 2 10:2410-2415 0 '57. (MIRA 11:1) (Manganese fluorides--Spectra) ~~M 2v- 'k L, TE ~,' r~ rpol i r an C; v p1 t,4,kflll Acad~_Inv C,~ Z_n ,4ay I r, vt! Z n i ,I *i c 1, .~.en ~~c u", fl!'. 9 tt 4. ~.s i IIv I L- c. a e 1 c~ c-, -;1, 1- f! 1 0 if! r-!, p 0 PA.: v P'-., ~o p 10 lz`.TR ACT J .4 u-, glv~m at the tuginning ''xFe I, A D I e t I t. fl -,,i ~c 2-uoture of tho di~.ranrt-_s an,- I a k t i Tl ,t. ut t r, cl rs cbtn.inea moncoryntals of tht-. normal of E t i C, i- ,*,.~,. - - :1 t Ile j nv gul t-4 t,14'eir df:n:~ ty ,tr)d other du-cu. Tll(,y we"v& rrk; ;mitt-nui imd detrrmined by T~f- -,L_toulalann ~,,f thn nn lcyevr; (170,)),C), I*Ojrid ir, th~ ~ore!3 Card 1/3 f, I IT (I L. U." -ib 110 and CS Ur, r " -hich . 2 ? 4 4 2 . 11 Art X- Rity Invee , k.;.uL !vn ce ,Jkall C4~-,al Ur-~nates ar,,E.) to th,)F;e or' T-lie PaUi~ - ii n u r 4 s, T',l o ri it of t It e alk-)Iine e,~ L ELTe Liel.---~en tiip Th,- norrval povasaJum-, rubiditum- n d Tni, valves ~i,,e rara- wh ii-, an alkallne element) ard are m - v r. in th-z i(Ateratomic o 4, t it r, c 0 ai, f~A 1. r e t~ vl' tru-, mon t U.,-ll ccm~cum---' a iris laeiiCrl bO t in dSlt _i I The ztrvotoreL4 of 1 i thilun-, sod-,u-m- , an d i CIT, WS f: In mo-n o--ir an a t e s arp iillr'l'erent fri.-jr, tl~vore described Z,wch?-r-iaF~t.,n. Z r! If;' :;Lr a Thv of di,)ranati~z oi, k. 7L I" La Th IE ii i:, ii: T, .61,8 3. Hexag-anal -r a CompC -I iu, on were Aoi m,-. in the stz-u,, tu res The oxygen a t oms, 7~ 115 i.,!,I,y part Iv e cubn 1; u t ed by fluorine .tncLc-.r forms-, 0 I 1 it c!r--, u ran P- t t~ , Th p nu t Ii rs ob ta i ned ur an a V f hc.Fe me, a by re. dtic r c V I d X-diui zat,~u 5!;0, , 'XhtF,v bwt-h belc.,i-Lg to th-~ -~4pc of t he p e ov --, 1. Thc-.V -PUI rl0llj7js--k,-j~r Soluble in nitric l-Inid, howev-,~r, onl-l acid. Th:Ys Oiui,~ re no nnnloc-,ues of' "tunp:,l Art X-R!.i,., Investigation ne .11kall Metal U-I-z.n4tvs /2,-,- 12 C: brcrz:7on". -re i and *11 r~,fervnoe,,z. ivoroi 'f-t IM. M. embnonw: ineni MI.. V. Torvono~-- ';UBWITT':"P: February 11, 11,58 1. Alkali metal uranatea--Structural analysis 2. X-ray diffraction analysis--Applicatiqns , 3.-Alkali metal uramates-Properties 4. Single arystals--Analysis. Cr-rd IPPOLITOVA, Ye.A.; SIMABOV, TU.P.; KOYBA, L.H.; POWNIM., G.P.; BEMNIKOVA, I.A. Chemistry of the uranates of some divalant eletaFints. Radio- khimita 1 no.6:660-664 059. (MMA 13:4) (Uranates) 21(0) 5(0) AMORt A~_t_ ' 21TM The Y'ri. An-=7nico Conference of Universities and College. _M_ R-7.1-7-U-5 ~ 0 ; 9- POZOVICALt Tostnik .1fzvkcvxkoe* univqrsit*4a. gerly, matevatiki, oakhsnIkI. ostronowil, fillki, khtall, 1959, Sr L pp 221-Z23 CC32) Aj3TRAC7 : -him far-.. ... Coo, ... d by the lulti.tlv4 of the laborotriya raftokb1all khInIch#.koc* fakulltota trvl fLabr.- tory of nadloch."Istry or the Dep"tmwnt of Ctte=ls-ry of Xo soow State University) end was halt in :o%~jp frou April 20 to April 25. 1959. Zt as. attended by pr-f-I..ra, and *0 tiflo c*llaboratoo of 32 un1vvL*it1#v &nd 0017~44. of !* tb ;ovI*t Colo.. in his openI.S .41 ... 0, zoator or cba,iio~mi soieno&.. stressed t!" rod by zwzbera or =-cow abon,latry. 30 lectr*s m.r. d.ll, : ty: "boreortya yed may fittkl (Labori_tory_FF~ Nuclear 3.P it.-I-k.. A ', ..1-W'-": prodoction of t- b, 1Z.~1406-~(-,Z-1: 3 ?.Rod; o: Production of linters. b ;U.. as -DIk.tonva.. C"d 1 /4 fsboratortyx radickhIcit (Laborat*r), of 3.~UocbwuI.tzy)! U.N. of Wit- A L e ; I i1 A.O.Ye".Yano" j 4 21.51rulcZ.: _~*c=dmry Isl.. or the Recall Atoms Ir .1 51~r to 11.thrl Brraid..; I X. I , Ra"U... of B.t. lollIz. ~MEZ-69.. b~, M14,12, " ...r, A.!F.Ist5ti; The State of ti t ; i I adlo.,ti.. Xxo s i l ... I ;~. j XL-r4lola, lan..~l Tl~-rj of .be C.Pre-17Lt.tion , a., iaEuawtt-~ =~~to 7tttt Mon-Loasor2hous Crystalline Prv*IPIt.t..$ A,V.1,.;I-sk1y, Chr~:- T.- Copr-alp1t.tic, of Protao-1.1- with, CpFe:.. d WN an T. 7 1 2; Appltoat on ci~ Mean 'a 4-tz 1 C I Zjbrr A-.% Eltil a of R-Otl Atlas no Xsl. of It. 3.22, Lad a.- K.B.Ztrok - - C"4 214 Ifet A;;tl*Atlo~ of the =3azut = hod for the Tr".f._.tio. of Solid.$ V.1.32ftsn, K Tran.for--4tion of X H;t.ropolj-m;~~d.j X.A.Zab -`ko' or nk Kqz.1ftnkgt Cevcheu%stry of PLI =1 Z.1.Zb:r, * V.1 ' . Xero%k~ t U1-vr~~wlytIo Dwt#mI-9tcn c9 ~r ~ w ;;eanj 9y 1 . or X-Arl. or T_1w_.Icn.. P-11al ;. I Vapor Preis=r, of r~ In Allors 71%h :511 7~,~-tZ!.2*Lkot, ILu A. or c: tto 3 ,-ect to the A;;.r.tu. of the Type I). JCLf.d,. k-LI&Il 4chs-r of me 4 Udt. tt'. --.rul M~!zvnft S-r;tlon cf Zr by 1~13 fZ!h2AR1r3j A 1_1~111 T.::. ~ .1 1k i 7, cr =f ".Pl.. PT.-a.aint.-tht~ t Byr . %*try. x f Ar. n.2rc_3Ih.,k-j khi.ii (ch'-'r or eh..istry): T..A. I olItty., Ljr-ro-b.. G.r. C-14 314 I-A p W11h A-1 4, of th. R.dleti.n of Solid. no Their Ew2t:_J. 1. the X2304 at x1ch W.1'. kI,..tM X. ~n ii ,u. Applic.1tion or for t!1. 1-jr.- of the 7.1,2tti C-tantz ~f tt.~ of Or~-- tVlrc,;-n l*ct-jr:,vn,thv of 3allozh-fca. =nstruatlc o tho ch I I mrt,-t of . ; 5 (2) AUTHORS: Novoselova, A. V., Correspon "dinC Member SOV20-126-1-25/62 AS USSR, Orlova) Yu. V., Simanov, Yu. P., YA~~, L ~-11 TITLE: A New Series of Polymorphous Transformations of Na,BeF f- 4 (0 novom ryade polimorfnykh prevrashcheniy Na 2 BeF4) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 1, PP 93 - 96 I (USSR) ABSTRACT: After a survey of publications (Refs 1-8) concerning sodium- -fluoro-beryllate the authors found that the needlelike Na 2BeF4 crystals obtained from an aqueous solution represent an inde- pendent modification of this compound. They call the latter 6-Na2 BeF 4' The authors,drew this conclusion on the strength of a thermographic and X-ray investigation. Figure 1 shows the ra- diogram at 20,360,410,470 and 510 0, figure 2 the heating-thermo- gram and figure 3 the thermogram of the mentioned modification. The diffraction class of the crystals could not be determined Card 1/2 sinc6 the latter is not complete. The comparison of all "cold" A New Series of Polymorphous Transformations of SOV/20-126-1-25/62 Na2BeF4 and "hot" radiograms confirms the phase transformations shown in figure 2, furthermore their irreversibility. The 6-phase can be considered as an initial phase of a series of polymorphous varieties formed by it. These latter do not agree with those of the series C-NYeF 4 (Table 1). The transformation series des- cribed here is not similar at all to the transformations of Ca 2sio 4* There are 3 figuTes, I table, and 12 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni 111. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: January 21, 1959 Card 2/2 KOVDA, L.H.; GOLUBENKO, A.N. ll-~- TAthium (V) uranate, I&U(~. Zhur. strukt. khim. I no-3:390-392 S-0 160, (MMA 14:1) 1. Moskovaldy gosudarstvenny7 univeraitet imeni M.V.Iomonosova. (Lithim urmate) I 010 fto S/153/60/003/02/01/034 B011JB003 AUTHOR: Kovbap L. M. -A TITLE-: Some Laws 66-Virning the Structure of Uranates and Their Relations to the Properties of Uranates PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchabnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimicheakaya tekhnologiya, 1960, Vol. 39 No. 2, pp. 219 - 222 TEXT: The author discusses the structure of monouranates of alkali- and some bivalent elements. The structure of the uranates is determined by the type of the uranyl-oxygen lattice groups. Three such types were found in monouranates: 1. Hexagonal or pseudohexagonal layers of (U02)02 consisting of (U02)06-cubes which are connected by common corners; II. tetragonal or paeudotetragonal (UO2)02 layers of (U02)02- octahedrons which are connected by means of common corners; III. infinite (UO2)O -chains of octahedrons having some edges in common (Fig. 1). In ociabedrons and cubes two,U-0-distances are shorter than CiLrd 1/4 Some Laws Governing the Structure of S/153/60/003/02/01/034 Uranates and Their Relations to the B011/BO03 Properties of Uranates the remaining U-0-distances. The symmetry of the uranate is determined by the symmetry of the uranyl-oxygen lattice group. A separate range of the shortest U-U-distances corresponds to each type (Table 1). The type of the uranyl-oxygen lattice group is rather regularly modified with the modification of the cation radius (Table 2). This phenomenon is distinctly exhibited by the uranates of bivalent metals. However, the modifications with tetragonal or pseudotetragonal layers are known in all uranates of alkali metals, but other modifications are known only in Na and Li. The cubic modification of the potassium uranate deviates from the general structural scheme of the monouranates. The influence of the cation size on the type of the uranyl-oxygen lattice group is related with the increase of the coordination number of the cation. The uranates with a cubic coordination of the oxygen around the uranium have a smaller molecular volume. The oxygen ions are here more strongly compressed. Therefore, the smallest distance is short between the oxygen ions (about 2-5 A in structures of type CaUO 4)' If, e.g. a part of the oxygen is lost in the reduction of uranates, the compression Card 2/4 Some Laws Governing the Structure of S/15 60/003/02/01/034 Uram.ates and Their IRelations to the B011Y,1003 Properties of Uranates mentioned is reduced, resulting in a defective structurd. The di- uranates of the alkali elements (Ref. 3) also fit into the indicated structural scheme of the uranates, since they also possess a defective structure. A positional order of the defects may also take place without a distortion of the hexagonal call, if a sequence of hexagonal layers-differing in their structure is assumed (Fig. 1). The uranyl- oxygen lattice group (U02)0 (Fig. 2) was not observed in any uranate since it is only found in hitherto poorly investigated polyuranates. The author proved that the water-oontaining uranates are closely related to anhydrous uranates with respect to their structure. The reason for the poor solubility and the difficult meltability of the uranates is to be found in the absence of distinct uranyl-oxygen ions. The thermal decomposition of the uranates occurs without destruction of the uranyl- oxygen lattice group. Therefore decomposition takes place much earlier than melting. The article under review was read at the 1. VezhvUzovskaya, konferentsiya po radiokhimii (Interuniversity Conference of Radio- chemistry) in Moscow on April 20 - 259 1959. There air-e--2-fi~gures, 3 Card 3/4 Slo8lV621000101010171085 B138/B101 AUTHORSt Vidavskiy; L. M.o Kovba, L, M.0 Ippolitova, Ye. A. TITLE: InLeraction botwoon uranoso-uranio oxidti and the sulfates of sodium and potauuium PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 10, 1962, 92 - 93, abstract 10V15 (3b. "Issled. v obl. khimii urana". M., Mosk. un-t, 1961, 63 - 64) TEXT. Using the methods of thermal and X-ray phase analysis, studies have been made of the reaction of U 308 with Na and K sulfates. The reac-~`_' tion between U 3 08and Ila2so4begins at 5000C. As a*result of this reactim sodium di-uranate and UO 2s04 are formed which enter into reaction at a higher temperature, resulting in the formation of the di-uranate. The re- action between K 2so4 and U 30., which begins ~t 5800C, is accompanied by the formation of the potassium tri-uranate and UO 2s0 4' When the tempera- ture-is raised both these products react'with K 2 so4to form the di-uranatev S/656/61/000/000/001/007 D244/D304 AUTHORS; Ippolitovaq Ye~A.~ Simanovq Yu~P-t_Koya*_JL~~ Muravlyeva, I.A.9 and Krasnoyarskayaq A.A. TITLE: Reduction of uranates of the alkali elements with hydrogen SOURCE: Spitsyng V.I., ed. Issledovaniya v oblasti khimi'L urana; sbornik statey (Moscow) lgbl,, 131 - 140 TEXT: The authors investigated the reduction of alkali metal ura- nates with hydrogen. The salts were prepared by baking U 308 with the corresponding alkali metal carbonates (ratio 1 s 3) and for Li, by the fusion Of U308 with LiCl,, Reduction was conducted in a tubu- lar oven. Dried uranates were heated in the current of purified and~'- dried hydrogen, flowing at the rate of 12 11h. The temperatures of reduction was increased in steps of 1000C, from 1000 to 12000C, the reduction process at each temperature continuing for 1 hour. The va- rious stages of reduction were characterized by changes in weight and color of the original uranates. The results indicate that the Card 1/3 S/65 61/000/000/001/007 Reduction of uranates of the ... D244%304 reduction of the uranates begins at 400 0 - 500 0C, with a rapid lose of weight at 600 - 80000 due to evaporation of metal hydroxides,~ The final product of reduction is U02o For 14thium, sodium and ce- sium uranates, U02 is the first product of reduotion. For potassium uranate KU03 is formed (having a structure of CaT103) as an inter- mediate phaseq followed by the formation of U02* Similar behaviour is shown by rubidium. uranate which gives an intermediate phase RbXU03(x---'l). The author postulate that the process of reduction proceede by (1) Na2UO4 + H2 = 2NaOH + U02,- Na2U04 + H2 = Na20 + U02 + H20; 2Na2 0 + H2 = 2NaOH + 2Na*, and (2) K 2 U04 + H2 = 2KUO, + 2KOH; 2K2UO4 + H2 = K 20 + 2KUO3 + H2 0. The reduction of Na, K and Rb di-- uranates was also investigated. The diuranates were prepared by pre- cipitation from solutions of uranyl nitrates with the corresponding alkali hydroxideag or by fusion of the alkali metal chlorides with U 30.. The latter were used for X-ray examinationo Reduction of Na2U207 begins at 30000. Between 3800 and 4400C various phases are formed which have similar composition to the original diuranate, Card 2/3 KOVBA, L.M.; CIIURBAKOVAp T.I. X-ray investigation of potassium polyuranates. Zhur.strukt. khim. 2 no-5:585-590 S-0 161. (MIITU 14;:Ll) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvenn3ri universitet imani Lomonosova. (Potassium uranate) 9/076/61/035/003/007/023 B121IB203 AUTHORS; Kovba, L. M., Ippolitova, Ye. A., Simanov, Yu. P., and Spits-yn-'-71k-t. I. TITLE; Study of the crystalline structure of uranates. 1. Uranates with tetragonal (UO 2)02 layers PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 35, no- 3, 1961, 563-56a TEXT: The authors produced single crystals of a-Li 2UO4 and P-Na 2UO 41 and determined the periods of their unit cells. It was not possible to produce K-, Rb-, and Ca monouranates in the form of single crystals; therefore, they were studied by the powder method only. The studies were made with Mrl (RY,OP) and PKA (RKD) X-ray cameras of the NIIF MOU (NIIF MGU (Scientific Research Institute of Physics of Moscow State University)). a-Li 2U04 single crystals were obtained by fusing U 306 together with anhydrous lithium chloride, and P-Na 2U04 single crystals by fusing U 308 with a mixture of sodium carbonate and sodium chloride. It was found that a-Li 2UO 4and Card 1/3 3/076/61/035/003/007/023 Study of the ... B121/B203 P-Na2UO 4 crystallized rhombically and had the following lattice parameters: a-Li2UO 4: a - 6.06; b - 5-13; a - 10-52; P-Na2UO 4: a - 5.971 b = 5.795; o - 11.68. Potassium-, rubidium-, and cesium monouranates belong to the structural type K2 NiF4 (tetragonally body- centered), P-Na 2UO4 may be regarded as a rhombically distorted K 2NiF4 struc- ture. The authors discussed the arrangement of alkali metals in monouranate single crystals. The uranyl oxide lattice of P-Na 2U04 is maintained in a-Li2IJO 4' but a different arrangement of alkali metal atoms is more likely in a-L12UO 4* The structures of lithium, sodium, and potassium monouranates determined are not identical with those indicated by W. H. Zachariasen (Ref. 4: Manch. Pr. Report CP-2611, p. W., The authors explain this dis- agreement with the polymorphous properties of uranates. There are 3 tables and 11 non-Soiriet-bloc references. The two references to English-language publications read as follows: W. H. Zachariasen, Manch. Pr. Report CP-2611, p. 14; W. Wait, J- Inorgan. and Nucl. Chem., 1, 309, 1955. Card 2/3 9/07 61/035/003/007/023 Study of the ... B121 YB203 ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow state University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: June 23, 1959 j Card 3/3 POLUMNAO G.P.; IPPOLITOVA, Ye.A.; SDIANOV, Yu,P.; SPITSY-N, Vikt.I. Study of the crystalline structure of uranates. Part 21 Uranates containing urpnyl oxygen chains. Zhur. fi2. khim. 35 no. 4:719- 722 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosovaj k~Lfedra neorganicheskoy khim#. (Uranates) IFIFOLITOVA, Ye.A.; KOVEA L M Structure of uranateso Dokl*AN SSSR 138 no.2077-380 Vq 161a (MUA 140) I.-Moskovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosavae Fred- stavleno akademikom V.I.Spitaynym. (Uranates) IPPOLITOVA, YO.A.1 -KOVEA, L.M. Composition and properties of uranates. Dokl.AN SSSR 138 no.3:605- 6V7 My 161. (KM 14 6) I.* Moskovskiy goeudaretvennyy wiversitat im. M.V.Lomonosovae- Predstavleno akademikom V.I,Spitaynyma (Uranatea) 21, 30030 S/020/61/141/001/014/021 B103/B147 AUTHORS: Trunov, V. K., Koyba_j_j~,._M!__j_ and Spitsyn, Vikt. I., Academician TITLE- Double oxides in the system uranium - tungsten - oxygen PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v,. 141, no. 1, 1961, 114-116 TEXT: The authors investigated oxides formed by interaction of uranium and tungsten oxides, as well as by thermal decomposition and reduction of uranyl tungstate by hydrogen. They used H 2WO 4 and (UO2 )NO3 (chemically pure, for analysis) as initial substances from which they produced WO 29 W9 DO 21 U3 0., and DO 3' An PKA-57(RKD-57) camera was used for the X-ray phase analysis. Samples in the system DO 3 - WO3were produced from aqueous suspensions of H 2W04 and DO 2( OH )2 by prolonged boiling, subsequent evaporat- ing, and 45 hr roasting at 900 00. It was found that only one compound, UO2WO 4# was formed in the system UO 3 - WO 3' Uranyl chromate and molybdate were synthesized for comparison. The X-ray patterns of the three compouncJs Card 1/4 17 I 300 S /0203~61 /14 1 /001/014 /021 Double oxides in the system ... B103/B147 very similar, which speaks in favor of their isostructure. Uranium and tungsten oxides of lower valencies were produced from UO 2Wo41 by thermal 0 decomposition in vacuo at 600 - goo C, by reduction of uranyl tungstate at 300 - BOOOC, and by sintering various uranium and tungsten oxides in evacuated ampuls at 1250 and 900 0C (Table 1). Two new phases appeared in these oxides. One was similar in structure to U 30a and corresponded to U-Wo 5+x* An analogous phase was obtained by thermal decomposition of UO 2Wo4 in vacuo at 800 0C (total formula UVIO 5.5) and at 9000C (UWO 5.01 )~ The other phase showed a Debye powder pattern with cubic syngony, parameter of the primitive elementary cell a = 3.805�0.001 kX~ This compound was synthesized by sintering UO 2 and WO3 at ratios 1:1 and 1:10. At ratios 1:25 and 1t50, the cubic cell was tetragonally distorted. When sintering WO 3 and WO 2 at ratios 15:1, 25:1, and 50.1, no cubic phase was formed, and the cell was rhombically distorted. Consequently, thecubic phase only forms in the presence of U. It is similar to WO 3 but probably contains less oxygen, ((W,U)03-x). The sample of UO 2 + lowo 3 contains a phase of the UO 2 type Card 2/4 30- -)0 S/020 611141100110141021 Double oxides in t-he system... B103 B147 which probably contains some W; a - 5.461+0.001 kX. The cubic phase is not yet formed in the sample of UO 2 + 25WO 3 *Conclusions: The ratio U:W, in the cubic phase lies close to 1:15-20, x A 1/15-1/20. At higher temperature (above 12500C), the phase UWO 5+x disproportionates. Up to 12500C, there is no interac.tion between UO 2 and WO 2' In sintering, the lattice parameters of the initial phases do not change, i. e., no solid solutions are.apparently formed. Yu. P. Simanov is thanked for advice. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 4.references- 1 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy goeudarstvenW universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni Al. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: June 12, 1961 Table 1. Results of X-ray phase analysis. Legend: (1) Initial preparation, (2) mode of treatment, (3) phases observed, (4) glow annealing, (5) decom- position in vacuo, (6) ditto. Card 3/4 3/189/62/000/005/005/006 D204/D307 AUTHORS: Wang Shih-hua, and Koyba, L. M. TITLE: The reduction of uranyl vanadates with hydrogen PERIODICAL: Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya II, Khimiya, no. 5, 1962, 63-65 TEX T U0 VO UO 'V 0 and 2UO *3V 0 (1, 11 and 3 2.5' 3 2 5 3 2 5 0 III) were reduced with H2 in the region 400 - 900 C. The re- duction products and specimens produced by a:heating treatment in sealed, evacuated tubes for 15 hrs at the rediiction tempera- ture were phase-anaiyzed by X-ray diffrac-'-Jion with a PKA (RKD) cam8ra using CuK radiation. The specimens were preheated at 260 C and were then held at each temperature in a current of H2 to constant weight. The iinal, products of the reduction (which was already appreciable at 400 C) were U02 and V20 3* The Card 1/2 S/189/62/000/005/005/006 The reduction of... D204/D307 absence of intermediate compounds between these two oxides was. confirmed. Intermediate phases UV 206.1 and UV 306.7 were found respe'ctively in the reduction of II and III. U02 formed by the reduction process from the vanadates exhibited 'considerably broader lines than that synthesized from U 308 under analogous conditions, but in the absence of vanadium. ASSOCIATION; Kafedra neorganichesko khimii (Department of Inorganic Che!nistry~ SUBMITTED: May 11, 1962 V Card 2/2 S/081/62/000/018/003/059 Bloi/B186 AUTHORS: Pechurova, N. I., Kovba, L. M., Ippolitov,&, Ye~ A. TITLE: Isotope and ion exchange between uranate preci pitates and the ions of alkali elements -PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal.. Xhimiya, no.'.18, 1962, 37 - 38, abstract 18B243 (In:collections Issled. v obl. khiniii urana. M. , Mosk. un-t, 1961 , 108' - 120.) TEXT: The isotope and ion exchange,between uranates precipitated from the solution at 22 - 85.60C and the ions of alkali metals reaches equi- librium within 30 min. The isotope exchange between uranates of Hh, K, Rb, and Cs with the equivalent quantity of the.corresponding chlorides from the solutions id 21-68 - 6 3-38 ~ and 28 ~, respectively. The degreelof isotope exchange increases with ificreasing temperature. The ion exchange of lithium uranate with Na+, Rb+, and Ce + drops in th-is order from 6 to 2~4' 'which, in the authors' opinion, is associated with the increasing difference of theion radii. The ion exchange of sodium uranate with K+, Rb+, and Cs~ it, 30, 20, a?1d 30 ~, respec,iively; that of potassium uranate with Na+ and Card 1/2 S/08,1/62/000/018/003/059 .isoiope and ion exchange ... BIOI/~186 -Cs is 40 and,30; and that bf cesium uranate with Na and Rb is 20 and 64 respectiVely. LAbstrao .-~erla.notet Complete tr'analation.j Card 2/2 9/o i9 36149 S/07o/62/007/002/016/022 E132/T.16o AUT11URS: Fashinkin, A.S., and TITLE: On the polytypic modifications of crystals of CdS and CdSe IILRI001CAL: Kristallo--r.,fiyal v.7, no.2, 1962, 516-318 TEXT: The aim of the work was to elucidate the existence of the polytypic forms of CdS and CdSe. For both CdS and CdSe 24-layer structures were found (241-1 type) with c = 60-8 t 0.7 1XII and 84.3 t 0.5 1, respectively The usual 2-layer structures have c, = 6.73 i 0.02 and 7.03 ~ 0.03 1., Crystals were prepared by the method of R. Frerichs (Ref-7: Phys.Rev., V-72, 1947, 594-602). There is I table. ASSOCIATION. Xoskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova (Moscow State UniversIty imeni M.V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: June 9, 1961 Card 1/1 S/020/62/147/003/023/027 B101//B186 AUTHORS: TITLEJ Yc)vba, L. -Trunov, V. K. Study of binary oxides contuining tungsten, tantalum, or niobium PERIODICAL; Akademiya nauk SSBR. Doklady, v. 147, no. 3, 1962, 622-624 TEXTs The phase composition of sintered mixtures of ThO 2' UO 2' or Ce02 with either Ta 205 or Nb 20,, and of Ta 2 05 wit"h WO,, was determined by x-ray- analyzis. The following data were obtaineds Initial mixture sintered at phases observed UO2 + 2Ta 205 U02 + 21.b205 U0 + Ta 0 2 2 5 COO2 + 2Njcb205 Card 1/4 15000 0 in V 2 12000 0 in vacuo 15000 C in 11 0 2 1100 C U(TaO 3 )4 U(NbO 3 )4 U0 + U(TaC-,,) 2 4 Cc (~NbO3)4 Study of binary oxidee Initial mixture ... sintered at E/020/62/147/0071/023/c)27 B1011BI86 phases observed ThO 2 + M 20 5 1750 0 C in N 2 Th(TaO 3)4 ThO -t 2Nb 0 2 2 5 1200 0 C Th(NbO 3 )4 UO 2 IN 04 + 3'.'!0 2 0 1200 C (U, W)Q 3 + 710 2 ~Uo 2 + 6',*io 3 + 2WO 2 120C C U 1/8 NO3 U 02 + 101,70 3 + 2 a"' 02 1200 C U1/12 WO3 3-N0 + Ta. 0 3 2 5 1100 - 0 1150 G 3WO Ta,)O 3 1-5 4'170 + "Ta 0 3 , 2 5 1100 - 1150 C 4W 0 ,3Ta 0 3 2 5 3"'0 + Nb 0 it 3 2 5 1100 - -115b*c -2 jjC) ,N b 0 3 2 5 Re' ultst (1) Compounis havinL the general-formula if-,(Lo ) with a structure .9 j 3 4 similar to perovskite are formed by the dioxides of U, Th, and Ce vith Ta and 1,b pentoxide,.-,. The lattice constants of these comnounds are: forU(Tao),4 a - 7.720 + 0.00.21 o 3.860 ~t 0.02 c/a - 1/2; for' Card 2/14 41, 0 ~) (91 V 'A 0 .0 No *0 191> 0j (9 .0 0 (97 ~? o OL,4& or 00 J 0 1-91 ~l 1-1 p 00 J, the 6e 7J.. A ~&,' 0,po 0 0~, 0 7_ 6'~ 4, h r 1> 1007 Fo t 6,("o j0 -'o 0.0, 41, 0 t 7 (94L) ~ft -40,~,2 0,~ OA 09 oj p OIL 4 0 -he 0000 oh 0~- it 0 11 1 Ir -7 olp t ~~ C7 0 or o .0, ~jq, 1, o 0 t r4w,, 0 P4 ot 'S. e e t 0 .0, 0 XL9 Pn, +t 07 0 3 07 00 0 4", -9 e4h "'e j 0 % 1> 0 01h 49 0 0- 4 76-. o 04 ~~ o,;. Z!.2 J40 .7 6- op vi - 0,,- '6' C~p 1 0 o j to 0, 0 4 0. 0,?j ,3,O o? 6 ot to -96, ri Ao 0 z 0~) eo 0 0 .0 -9 0 -P P6, 0% P 0 Ot 5 -0-~ t 0 L 005, 0 0 S/020/62/147/003/023/0"7 Study of binary oxides ... BlOl/B186 ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Mioscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: July 17, 1962, by V. 1. Spitsyn, Acad emician SUBMITTED: July 14, 1962 Card 4/4 ACCESSICN NR: AP3DO1609 S/0189/63/000/003/0060/0063 AUTHORS: Trunov, V. K.; Xovba, L. V. -TITLEt X-ray analysis of thorium tungstAe and thorium molybdate SOURCE: Moscow. Universitet. Vestrik. Seriya 2. M-dirdya, no- 3, 1963, 60-63 ,TOPIC TAGSt thorilun, thorium tungstate, thorium molybdate, thorium compound struc- ture, thoAvi compound -roentgen analysis, thorium lattice structure, tungstate phase :anal7sisp molybdate phase analysis PMTRACT* It was the purpose of this work to obtain and analyze the structures of tbori,tim tungstates and mo3ybdates. MIxtures of the stoichiometric quantities of the initial oxides were baked at 750-1000G. The x-ray photographs wore made by using ,(~j, radiation in the Guignot chamber witha.Ge crystal monochromator. The x-ray analysis showed only the presence of Th(Mo04)2 and Th(7704)2 . The transformation: 0-Th(MO04)2 a-Th(M0042- iwas irreversible, and a:Lpha-Th(Y*O was not produced when the amount of Vo 4 2 Card 1/2 ACCESSIM NRt AP3DO1609- trioxide was excessive. The x-ray pattern indications of beta-Th(MoO aro shown in a table which also presents the interplaner distances for alpha-Th~V' it '004~ 2- was deterndned that alpba-Th(ISDO 4)2 did rot belong to the structural type of sehoolite or to the molybdates of the rnre earth elements, The ThX1703 compounds were prepared by baking stoichionetric ouantities of Th02 WO 3 and W. The x-ray analysis of T'1/8703,1 Thl/.,;?03 and Thl/3.003 showed only the presence of the perovskite phase, while analysis of Tb:L/36W03 disclosed the tetragonal distortion of cubic cells, and analysis of M, WO showed the presence of three phasest Th(W04), Th % .1/8710j and V702- Orig. art. hast I table. ASSOCIATICN: Moskovskiy univoraitet, Kafedra neorganicheekoy khimii (Moscow Univorsity, Department of Inorganic Chemistry) SUBMITTEDs 14Sep62 DATE AGQ% 09Jul63 ENCLs 00 SUB CODEs CH WO TW SOVI 001 OTMRt 000 Card 2/2 TRUNOV, V.K.; SIMANOV, Yu.P. [deceased ~IN~- Double oxides of uranium, tantalum, and tin. Zhur.strukt.khim. 4 no.2:277-279 Mr-Ap t63. 0,M 160) 1. Hoskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V.Lomonosova. tUranium oxides) (Tantalum oxides) (Tin oxides) KOVBAj L.I.I.; VIDAVSKIY, L.M.; LIXUT, Z.G. Study of f -IJ03. Zhur.strulct.khim- 4 no.1f:627-629 Jl-A9 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Moskovskiy gogudarstvemyy uAivernitet inerd Lomenosova. (Uranium oxide crystals) M. 'IAN SRI-KHUA [Wang Shih-hual; KOVBA: SPITSY11, V.I. . _J X-ray study of Bome binary oxides of uranilm and vanadium. Zhur.strukt.khim. 4 no.5:714,718 S-0 163. (14IRA 16:3-1) 1. Wskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat imeni 14.V.Lomonosova. YM TITLE: Seminar on refractory metals, compoundsi and alloys (Xiev, April 1963). S OURC E AtOmAaYar. anerglya, v., _15, 3, 1963~, 266-267... ACCESSION PR: AP3008085 a metals and carbon utual'-Iolubili y of,transition metals. 5 M 8 t L. N. Komissarova and 'at hers Investigation-of the 'physi,cal prop-. erties of scandium and its compounds. d v b a , V. K. Trunov investigation of the composition an re-or t r an*a i't I a n-m structu etal.oxide compounds. A, P..Bpik. Law'',the change of the activation energy in' the Veaction diffusion of nonmetals in refractory transition metals$4 B. N. Oshcherin. New formulas' for calculating the.activation energy of self-diffusion. T-he special equipment used in' the Investigation of refractory ma- terials such as Nb, Mo,, Ta,.W, and monocarbides at temperatures bove 2000-2500C.was deicrib' .(me tals) A. a ed by A. Ye. Sheyndia t Novitskiy (hard materials), and D."L. Timrot (all.oys and compounds).' card 7/11 TRUNOV, V.K.; KOVBA L.M. --- Uranyl tungstates and molybdates. Vest.Mosk.un. Ser.2:Khim. '10 no.6:34-35 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Kafedra neorganicheskoy khimii Moskovskogo universiteta. S/020/63/148/001/023/o32 B106/B186 AUTHORS: Kovba, L. M., Wang Shih-hua, Sirotkinap Ye. I. TITLE: React Ion of uranium oxides with vanadium and niobium oxides PERIODICAL: Akade~iya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v: 148, no. 1, 1963, 113-11.5- TEXT: By means of thermal and x-ray phase analyses, the reactions of branyl hydroxide with V 0 and Nb 0 mere studied by boiling their aqueous I . 2 5 2 5 suspensions for 85-100 hrs. In the composition range of U:V between 1:1 and 2:3, uranyl pyrovansdate'M (M.P. 7900C) is the only phase; at U:V ratios between 1;2 and 1:3 uranyl hexavanadate (II) exists. Prepara-, tions with U:V = 3:2 have two phases (I and a-U02(OHY . Anhydrous 0 uranyl orthovanadate (m-P- 805-810 C, decomposing in I and U308).is obtained by heating I with uranyl hydroxide to 575 oc; P-(U02)2V207 is formed at 330 OC, and a-(U02)2V207 at >500 OC (the latter conversion is irreversible). In the dehydration of 11, 0-(U02)2V6017 is formed at Card 1/3 S/020/63/148/001/023/032 Reaction of uranium oxides B106/B186 2600C, which passes over inio the a-modif'ication at 550 0C (rhombiel a = 10,40; b - 11.90; c - 5669 kX; z - 2; mostogrobable space group p222). U 3 08 reacts conpletel y Aith V 2 05 at 550-65 C. Depending on the uantitative ratios, ortbovanadato is forud (at 700-800005 as is I a-modi fication), and II (both modifications). The new phases UV 3 010 ~nd ~ UVO5 are formed at 600-1000 0 C by heating V 205 in vacuo with a mixture of UO2 and U3 08 of the total.composition U 205* V204 is dissolved at about 0.5 mole% in UO 2 with formation of the compound UV20 6 (trigonal; type PbS~2 06; a = 4.986; c - 4.755 kX; space group P312, z - 1). V 203 does not react with UO 2 up to 2300 0C. Reduction of uranyl vanadates with hydrogen at 400-900 0C yields the new phases UV 20 6.1 and UV30 8.03* The end product of the reduction is a mixture of UO 2 and V203' P-00 2)2V6017' UV3010, TJVO 59 UV206.1 , and hydrous II are structurally closely related compounds with hexagonal subcells (a between 3.46 and 3.64 kX; c between Card 2/3 S/020 63/146/001/023/032 Reaction of uranium oxides B106 B186 4-05 and 4.27 kX; V bet%een 42-04 and 49 kX3). The periods a are doubled and c quadrupled in the rea'. cells of anhydrous II and of UV 010. 3 This superlattice i9 formed by alternation of uranium and vanadium atoms at the Bubcell interatices. The third-order'axes are lost by the alternation of layer6,.and the cell becomesrhombic (space group Fddd; a a/b 3). No structural element corresponding to an anion w s'found in the hydrous II. It i's, therefore, a double salt of uranyl hydroxide 'With vanadium hydroxide. Unlike V 2059 Nb205 forms no compounds with uranium oxides at temperatures up to >10000C. There Is 1 table. The English- language references are: B.W. King, L.I. Suber, J. Am. Ceram. Soo., 38, 3o6 (1955); S.M. Lang, F.P. Knudsen et al., Natl. Bur. Stand., Ciro- 566 (1956). ASSOCIATION: ',Toskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: August 7, 1962, by V.I. Spitsyn, Academician SUBIJITTED: July 3, 1962 Card 3/3 TRUNOV, V.K,j-KOVBA.,_L.1j.; SIROTKINA., Ye.l. X-ray.etudy of the double oxides of some D&L A.?T:SSSR no.5:3.085-1088 D 163. 1. Moskovokly goi3ndarBtvenrqy universitet P~redstaileno akademikom V.I. SpitsyiWm. transition metals. (WRA 17: 1) im. M.V. Lomonosova. KHARI DEV BKMGAVA; KOVBA, L.M.; MARrYNENKO,, L.I.; SPITSYN., Vikt. I., akademik Interaction between oxides of rare-earth and alkaline earth metals. DAL AN SSSR 153 no.6:1318-1320 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Moskovskly gosudarstvennyy universitat im. M.V. Lomonosova. KOV.7 Kh~rn, r i: kh Mr -Ite ta. VIDAVSKIY, L.M.; LAVUT, E.G.; KqVPA,-jA; IPPOLITOVA, Ye.A. Conditions of the formation of vnrious modifications of uranium trioxide. Dokl. AN SSSR 154 no.6:1371-1373 F 164. (IAIRA 17:2) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Loinonosova. Predstavleno akademikom V.I.Spitsynym. I :1557-- )WO/ (MVEY60~4AI ~,-6810N- UR AP5011267 Uk/0363/65/ODI/W7/1 546.831,4546 882 L 5181445 EWT(M) ES AGOWSION KRI AP=Bq UR/0189/65/000/002/0039/ODU AUTHDRSt Xualmicheya, 79, V, I 110"MOVS, 0. N.) t!2tLj~~ lpyo~jtanL_Ye. A.,4 TITLEil The investigation of U i 205 SOURCE i Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya 2. Khimiyaj noo 2, 1965P 39-43 TOPIC TAOSs uranium compound, lattice parameter, thermial stability/ RO 57 camera$ RKU 66 owwa ABSrRAGT: A phase of uranium oxiele obtained from sulfuric acid solution was studied for the purpose of determining composition mrs precisely, discovering the structure and thermal stability, and refining the conditions of syntho3is. the test material was obtained from amonium'dinydrate and hydrated uranium perox4de. The material wan dissolved at 1000, and 00 gas was passed through the solution for 244 houn. The total uranium conteub w" determined by the ammonia mathode Tetravalent mramilm was determined by the vanadate or iodate methods Phu* analysis* was carried out with M-57 and W-86 oamer" with 04 C.,d L 51616-65 ACCWSION NRS AP5011652 radiation (Hi filter). Results show that U205t the phase sought, crystallizes in the hexagonal system. The lattice parameters at 20p 100p and 175C are, respectively (givirg a(kX) first, c(kX) eocond)s 3.935 + 0.002 and h.118 + 0.001, 3.9375 10-002 and 4.117 + 0.002, and 3.938,+ 0.003 WA L121 + 0.003. The corresponding ratios (c/&T are 1.047, IA5,7and 1.0h?. It is-seen that rise in temperature causes some expansion of the lattice but no appreciable change in parameter ratios. At 2000, however, U205 disappears. It appears to be stable only below this temperature. The fact that U205 forms from a solution of U306 in sulfuric acid is not considered proor of any particular structure of the oxides or that the formula of U306 ought to be U03'U205. It is an intermediate phasee The cocide3 U3071 U409, or U02 are not, formed during solution of U308 because of the failure of crystallizing centers of the cubic and tatragonal phases to furs* There is no rAch difficulty for U20~ since the ocirrersion fron U308 to U205 is aocoupanied aerely by the sigration of some oggen Into the Uy% lattice. Orils art. has# 6 tables. C1 AS=UTIDNi Moskoraldy univeraitat, NeXedra worgamichaskoi kkindi ("oov -V;d it &rt=ULt2LPnM!i! a-mdatiz) JBMIMSD3 00 000 W No MW ODY 006 MMI 002 ~TtIA XOVBA9_L.M.1 TRITNOV, V.B. X-ray diffraction study of the binary niobiam and tantalum oxides. Zhur. atrukt. khim. 6 no.2t244-247 Mr-Ap 165. (MA 18:7) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. - -- .1 TRUNOV, V.K. X-ray diffraction study of binary oxides in the system TJO 11002 - M003- Radiokhimiia 7 no.3016-319 165. ~M-IRA 18:7)