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__~OVATS, Edit Chemical constitution of the Austrian condensate motor oils. Veszprem vegyipegy kozl 4 no.49347-348 160 i f 1. Magyar Asvzmyolaj es Foldgan Xiserleti Inteze* Wszprem. Ti ~ KOVATS) F. 1949 (Budapest Paz. Pet. Tud Tidogyogyaszati KlinikELjanak) "Tb as Social and Individual Disease." INag. Relorv. Arch. 1~49, 2/?(68-78) No abst. in Exc. I'led. KOVATS8 Fj;KOVAGS, M. The effect of streptomycin on the cyclic development of tuberculosis, Ory, hetil, 93 no- 13095-397 30 Mar 1952. (CLIG 231-3) 1. Doctors. 2. Clinic for POzonary Diseases (Director - Prof. Dr. Pereno Kovate). Budapest Medical University. kOVATS. 7.9' MM, M. Now autl-tuberonlotlas. ftber. kordesei 5 no.3t43~-,44 Gept 1953. (C- In 25 ' 5 ) 1. Professor for Kovats; Doctor Zor Ildme and lanyl. 2, Olinle for Palmonary Diseases (Director -- Prof. It% Verona lovats), Badapost MeOcal University. KOVATS, Y.;XIPM, Li.;L&NTI, M. -MONNAWMA". Demonstration of tubercle bacilli by a new pharyngeal slide procedure. Qrv. hatil. 93 no. 26 :761 29 June 1952. (CLML 23:3) I.' Doctors, 2. Pulmonary Diseases Clinic (Directoe -- Prof. Dr. Fereno Kovate), Badapest Kedical University. XOVATB,_Z=eno, dr. kandidatum; PAPP. Andras. dr.; UVIGNS. Jano. dr. Early results of pneumothorax. Tuberk. kardesei 6 no.3:55-56 Aug 53. 1. A; Allami Koranyi Tudobetagg!y-oyintezat (igazgato: Dessauer Pal. dr.) as az Allami Jossef Tudobstoggyonyintezat (igazgato: Risko Ribor dr.) kozlamanya (PNEM40THOUX, ARTIFICIAL early results) KOVATSI F. "Pulzonary Surgery" P. 195 (M-1 !a Twoman , Vol. 8 Vo. 71 Februaryp 1953, Budapest) East European Vol. 3., No. 3 195 SO: lion List ~Lf )WA#~ Accessions/ Library 'of Congress, varch M, Upci. KOVATS, F.;EIDUS. L.;IANYI, 9. Clinico-laboratory problems of nicotinic acid hydrazide therapy of tuberculosis. Orv. hetil. 94 no.9:225-229 1 Mar 1953. (CLKL 24:3) 1. Doctors. 2. Clinic for Pulmonary Diseases (Director -- Prof. Dr. Ferenc Kovats), Budapest Medical University. k KOVATS. F.;. BALOGH, G.; EMNYI, 1. Operative removal of primary peribronchial caseous lymph node. Acta med. hung. 6 no.1-2:223-227 1954, 1. 111nik fur Lungenkrankholten und III. Chirurgische Klinik der Medizinischen Universitat, Budapest. (TUEMCULOSIS, LYMPH Nom bronchial, surg., excis.) NOVATS Forenag NURIDSANY. Janos; EIDUS, Iaazlo Data onAspecific affect of Isoniazid. Kisorlotes oryostud. 6 no.6:49"99 Nov 54. 1. Budapesti Oryostudom&zWi Bgyetsm Tudogyogyaszati Klinikaja. (WIGOTINIG ACID ISOHERS, off. isoniazid on aosinophil count, ACTH-like off. in bypophysectomized rate) (ZOSINOPHIL COM, off. of drugs on isoniazid in hypophyosetomised rate, ACTH-like off.) (PITUITARY GlAND, eff. of excle. on aosinophil count response to isoniazid, ACTH-like off. in rate) KOVATS, Perenc, dr. candidatus; PAPP. Andras, dr. v Complications of pneumoperitoneum treatment. Ory hetil 95 no.171' 469-472 Ap '54. (XUL 318) 1. Az Allami Koranyi Tudobateggyogyintozat (1gazgato: Dessauer Pal dr.) an az Allami Fodor The. 07oSyintezet (igazgato: Risko Tibor dr.) koslemenve. (PNEUNDPERITOMM. ARTIFICIAL, compi.) KOVATS.Ferenc, dr.,; KISKOVITS. Gusztav, dr.; HMAS, Imrs, dr. Experimental studies on the formation of tugerculous abscesses, following intramuscular injections. Orv. hotil. 96 no.41:1126-1129 9 Oat 55. 1. A Budaposti Orvostudomanyl Ngyatem Tudogyogyassati Klftikajanak (igazgato: Kovats Ferene dr. egVet, tanar) (TUBERCULOSIS, experimental off. of vegetable oil* in intramuse. inject. on action of antituberculotic agents in tubere. infected guinea pigs & on form. of tuberc. abscesses.) (OILS vegetable oils in intramuse. inject., off. on action of antituberculotic agents In tuberc. infected guinea pigs & on form. of tuberc. abscesses) KOVATSj Ferenci drijr;ij MOYESHAZY. Janos' dr:;; -'VJOGH, -Paln6 dr: J','-9~Ykta,dr.- Morphology and roontgeuology of the round tuberculous shadows in the lung. Tuberk. kerdeset 9 no.1:1-5 Fob 56. 1. Az Orazagos Koranyi TBO Gyogyintezet (igazgato Deesauer Pal dr., tudomanyos vezeto:Sobok Lorand dr.) II. Beloaztalyanak (foorvos: Kovats Ferenc dr. jr.) kozlemenye (TUBXRCIJLOSIS, PUIMONARY, ;adiograpby round foci. classif. & pathol. corelatione (Run)) KZRWI, Imra, dr.; KOVATS, Ferenc. dr.. Jun.; MBGGYRSWI, Janos, dr. Surgery of mmdiastinal lymph node corglomArates in miliary pulmonary tuberculosis. Tuberk. kerdenat 9 no-2:71-74 Apr 56. (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY miliary, with madiastinal lymph node tuberc., surg. (Hun)) (TUBERCULOSIS, LYMPH NODE mediastinal, with miliary pulm. tuberc., surg. (Hun)) KOVATS, Ferenc, dr. Hungarian medical books in the XVIth century. Orv. hetil. 97 no. 35:977-979 26 Aug 56. (BOOKS Hungarian med. books in XVIth century (Hun)) KOVATS, Forenc, dr. -- .11 Bronchial tuberculosis and Its consequences. Tuberkulozia 10 no.1-2:1-5 Jan-Fob 57. . (TUBIMCULOSIS, PULMD&Uff bronchial tuberc., diag., histopathol. & compl. (Hun)) KOVATS, Ferenc. Prof.; INREM, Imre, Dr. foorvos 1. - ~._' ~: - -'_- - ~~ - ;_-7 . Axillary entry in resection operations. Taberkulozis 10 no.10-12:214- 215 Oct-Dee 57- 1. A budspesti Tadoklinika (I enzgato: Prof. Kovata Fereno) es 14AV TudogyoMrintezet (Igazgato: dr..Nyiro Jozaef) kozlemenye. (PNEUMONECTONT subaxillary vertical incision, technic & value (Hun)) KOVATS, Ferenc; SM05, Sandor; GAAL, Jozoef significance of x-ray pictures taken with fine focal x-ray tubes in the dia,~noeis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Magy. radiol. 10 no.3:133-139 Sept 58. 1. Budnpesti Orvostudomanvi 3aetem Tudorgyogyaszati Klinikajanak gato, Prof. KDvate Ferenc dr., egyatemi tanar). Kozlemenye (Ignzp (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONART, diag. x-ray, improved pictures taken with fine focal x-ray tubes (Hun)) KOVATS, Ferenc, Dr.; HYIMY, Geza, Dr. Sirmle method for obtaining sterile bronchial secretgby bronchoscope. Orv. hetil. 99 no.51:1804-1805 21 Dec 58. 1. A Biidapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem. Tudogyogyaszati ninikajanak (igazgato: Kovats Ferenc dr. egyet. tanar, az orvootudomanyok doktora) I-onlemenye. (BRONCHI, pathol. sterile bronchoscopic method for obtaining bronchial necreta (Hun)) KOVATS,Ferene,dr.; MIKOCZY,Ioazlo,dr.; HUTAS,Imra,dr. &alid therapy of cor palmonale. TuberkolU21S 13 no.5:130-132 Ap 1. A, Budapesti Orvos,tudomuyi J~yetem Tudogyogyaszati Klinika (Igazgato: Kovata,Ferenc,dr. egyetemi tenar, az orvostudomanyok doktora) koslamenye. (PUIMONARY RUIR IDISUO ther. (AUTONOMIC DRUGS ther.) KOVATS, Ferenc, az orvostudoamWok d6ktora Possibilities in the conservative treatment of tuberculosis of the lungs. Magy tud 67 no.1:27-33 Ja 160. (EEAI 9:7) (Tuberculosis) (Lungs) - KOVATS, FERENC. dr.; 1JUTAS, Imre, dr.; NYIREDT, Gaza, dr. Trypsin inhalation before bronchography. Orv.hetil. 101 no-31: 1096-1098 31 J1 160. ' 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyl Egyetem, Tudogyogyaozati Klinika (TRYPSINS ther.) (BRONCHI radlogr) KOVATS, Ferenc, dr.; NYMDYS Gaza, dr. late chronic pyothorax. Ory.betil. 101 no.46:1626-1628 13 N 160. 1. Budapeati Orrostudomnyi F4yetem, Tudogyogyas2ati Klinilm. (EMPYEKA case reports) KOVATt, Ferenc prof.; SZUCS, Sandor, dr.; ANTKAW, Istvan, dr. ~y Value of the fine-focus tube in the diagnosiB of tuberculoigis. Tuber- kalozis 14 no.10:289-291 0 161. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Tudogyogyaszati K3.inilmjanak (igazgato: Prof. Kovats Ferenc dr., eg7etemi tanar) kozlemenye. (TUBERCULOSIS PULMONARY radiog) Given Na:M3 Coimtry: Hunjary Acade.-dc Degrees: Dr , professor Affiliation: [not given] Source: Budapest, Orvoskepzes, Vol A, No 2., April 61, pp 150-160 Data: "Results in the Fight Against Tuberculosis Since the Death of Robert Koch.1t Gpo qe1643 Uven I Country: HunEary Academic Degrees: Lr. , professor. Director of the Clinic of ~~onar;E_Disease.�, at the Budapest Medical Uni- Affiliation: versity (Budape~~i Orvost tudomanyi Egyetem Todogyogyaszati Kilnika) Source: Budapest., Orvoskepzes., Vol 36, No 3, Jun 61, pp 230-238 Data: "Problemr,6f Fulmonaxy Cancer." vo 9BI643 "I KOVATSP F.,--Dudapest) -- - --- -- - --~~- A Causes of toxoWcoeis, a lung disease caused by mold spores. Cas.lek.cesk 100 no.32/33:1005-1007 18 Ag 161. (LUNG DUSEASES etiol) (MYCOSES atiol) KOVATS, Ferene, & .; Vyizv4y, Geza, dr.; SZUCS, Sandor, dr. The effect of bronchographic examination on respiratory function. Orr. hetil. 103 no,c):395-397 Mr '62. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyl Egyetem, Tudogyogyaszati Klinilm. (BRONCHI radiograpby) (RESPIRATION pharmacol) (CONTRAST MIA pharmacol) 1110, I * XOVATS. Fere temi tanar., az oryostuddimyok doktora Medicine; the past one and a balf decadear in retrospect, Elet tud 16 no*49:1561-1562 3 D t6l 16 KOVACH, F.[Kovats Ferenc]; ZHEBEK, Z.[Zoebok, Zoltan], dots.; KRAUZE, R.E.F'&E-s-Pe-j, R-X-.~translator)); TUKHAS, IjJuhaoz.,I.1,, red. izd- va; DONDOR, A.., tekbn. red. [X-ray anatomical bases for studying the lungs]Rentgenanatomicho- skie osnovy issledovaniia legkikh. 9.., perer. i dop. izd. Budapest, Akademiai.Kiado, 1962. 376 p. 04IRA 15:12) 1. Starshiy vrach nauchno-issledovatollskogo instituta tuborkulezap Budapesht (for Kovach). 2. Xhirurgicheskaya universitatskaya klinika, Budapesht (for Zhebek). (LUNGS-4WIOGRAPHY) KOTATS _Yqrepq,__!Ir. Beginning of the fight aPinst tuberculosis in Fhmgary. Elet tud 18 no.20t616-619 19 W!63 21 ftL, SUMIAMEj, Given Names Countrys Hungary Academic Dogreest not given Affiliations Research Institute of Tuberculosis foriginal version not givens, Budapest. Sowce i Fraguej Rozhle& y Tubarkulose a Nemocech Flicnichp Vol XXI, No 6, July 61., PP 429-437. Datat "Future and Possibilities or Three-Dimensional Diagnosis." EXCERPTA MEDICA 5ec 9 Vol 13/4 Surgery Apr 59 1852. PULMONARY RESECTION BY AXILLARY INCISION' - Lungenresektionen miItels Axillarschnitt - Kovdts Fr. and Kerdnyi 1. Lungenklin., Budapest - ZBI,. Clll1I.-T9-56-,-ffTjTT7477-1479) Illus. I In 267 suitable cases the authors' method of pulmonary resection by axillary incision was employed. rhe conditions are discussed under which this resection can be carried out without drawbacks. e* Olls. PAI Beactick and h 'fineral ()it t Kim. 36. 'S e illung"=1 oils the omit coll. sitituents wwo ftpd. according to b.p. and cbrin. cornpn. For this purpow 2 devices war constructed. a universal column and a refining column. The univerad column con- sims of a disig. tower 3-m. high of I fr. inner diam., filled wU 8-mm. glass Raschig rings, a condenser I in. long with water tooling. a rebulifer of 7-8 1. vol. This column is fed bourfY with 1 1. off and worim with a inas. reflux ratio of 14: 1. Tbg ratfisdag column of the Rossial system b 3 in. -202, long, with 9 min. inner diam., filled with a double ap" of Katithal-wirt put oil it steel rod *13 min. diam. Thereflux ratio 6 vatiAble. evvii 1:160 ratios can he obtained and houily 2-10 tit]. di~tillatr can be rralitcd. Both Columns are electrically heatell, Lvntrul devices sectuing elact temps. anti gradual heating. The raw distillates stirring as basic materials are obwtwd in oil-refining PUnts. where fractintis we produml, Witt luell have a b.p. within'.W. Such ga-44itic call tic divitLA into 2 fractions. a dWillate CAI'lls. chictly ItAtallill hVillIVAtt"011% And a b0thRO pVtXlUCt with a hish eimirit. t4 Ai4iiii.iii, 't-tiew irsohm% arv fur- tiler pItxN--d ill tile ulti--r-l alld frfilling C'Aumlls of the fall. Istvial Finaly Hyrv.mbon samploa derived from Hungadan mineral W. The detwodutive of the freez I by the dy"mk mefl". CAbor,- Ovkh ~IAWMI!t:nn Ketinyl ~Ntatyar AsAnyouj6"Milm"etl Intizel, Budspro. Ilung.). MaLwr K#"i. Foly&rct $7, 74-7(1951)~The 1 11 i% ra"tial in evaluating the purity and, combined with oI 11VT data, the mol. tvonpn. of bydrumthon samples. 71it, prinvildr, A the dynamic method of dtin. of Up. it to v- tahh-h thr cooling and heatinjeurvrsof the sampk-t, floili the tooling and the beating curves wrve equally well u% hams% of dem. When using the cooling turthod the opti- 11111111 cooling Velocity vras 0.4".W/mIn. for nonant-, octane, hcptane, hexane. C41fe, U.4-tritnethyllwntmue, and twentant and OAG-O.W/mifl. for 3.XdiruethyIPcntAne, rorthylcyclobexane, toluene, cyclohexane, and 2,:Wi. tnethylbutsar. 7be method of extablishing the graphs on the beak of repti. data Is dexribed. Krvt. detd. by the cooling and by the heating curves must vorrespood ta~ earb other within a bralt of error off).021. Thtprechdoncanhe inertamed by ming a Muelk-y-ty1w mistance bridle and a RX)VAnometer of corresponding Kn4th'ily. 0 relemcm T.tvin Pinkie KOVATS, G. KOVATS, G.; KEREVYI, E. "Problems of Iaboratory rectifimition in Soviet literature." p. 67. (Mapy Kemikusok Lapja, Vol. 8, no. 3, Mar. 1953, Budapest) SO: Montbly List of East Europea Ageessions, Vol. 3t No. 2. Library of Congress, Feb. 1951+, Unclassified KOVATS, G. "Problems of the laboratory technics of chemical industrial research. Ft. 2. Regulation and automatization of laboratory equipment." p. 81. (MaFTar Kemikusok Lapja., Vol. S., no. 3, Mar. 1953, Budapest) SO: Monthly List of East Europea Accessions, Vol. 3, No. 2, Library of Congress, Feb. 1954, Unclassified "T" 'Y' T-1WIr Vjocs. part --nocaosing of ~'Iatl-ir%'C- L AB~,% ju!.T,~ RZIGAM., 110. 7F': aarig-~'rian Research of Fotrclo,.rq and" 1nt).,,oL-71llction into Inclu!:t~-y of 0' t1na Rosoarcli Tm-ilt'llb-Litu-, 0.,, 'I- lrell- lr-IrY la, a,13, 7TC, 10-l"', 300- -M 95 .0 hi.-, i;ll(" VI-10 --iconc. Of Lit. lk" inclicabiw, the prcsorlt I C, d 11 c t0 n C.) f 1-11, C- i r I, a a ,I Izi i Ioris 73,e 4. -01 O*Ur!,. Gaoe.s and and Rocket 7uuls. 11-91 KOVATS, Gabor